Bitter Wa'rfare

Hiram Johnson LaudF^ .Roosevelt’s A ttitu d e upward Progressives L Appreciate Whatj Hfe^Said* States ' ; " : Senator SAN • JTRAvNOISCO '. lU I'l—CJovcr- mt. KrankHit l>. Honsi-relfM llJo- lOWHnU PrOKTCBulVOK ' -ilSJ Rl/JIX ni.. (iJPt-Tlii* liiim In' »TwTii*rr,T.^ r.itilM wuH_Mti- ilnrwny lier<-‘ imlny w llli nn nnsli! Hint liroiixlil polBtinni iiipniorlM 10 tlicntrrt-KoarB "f tin* of, Tom'* ,olil-T9tM jihowH wllli .wa Tom« nliil dniihlc InoiUiiiitmlR, lliu iievr Turn folr ;Bb,tter in Fight Agjainst Dr<ead Psittacosis Ca1.ln,'’ IJku Iiiu-k» or Imitlo liolnu, wiiKcii iiciwor filililarA nml-<i nlnKl<! 'tu ik u . (rivrc-conKclouH clll*on« wcr quick to pulill o u t llml tUu 1111:11 licr uf upWcrK In .ilic ElKln flcli BORAH 10 iSenator’s Wife Still | IWeak but Gaining ' Physician Says Bitter Wa'rfare EXCHANGE PUM Nmo Raging in DISCUSSEO H E R E :, South Americci Bolivia and Paraguay Continue JVIartial Ac- tivities; Colombia and Peru ^uabbling O ver Territory; Feeling Runs High 7{y United Press Wiir. tiiulcchired bin ucUui), is /l.-iHiinff through the sffOth* |iL‘mi.spiiot'e, iimloiiH Soiiili Anieridi.' a biittlcgrouD ^ ova- .^<nic .l.orc.will.;(iho-ot .... V-4-V7, • .whu Jm « benn I n ' J>uII(1Ii>k1T?WJ'oi iiri iiio • olccirlc ,|K)wor. Iniliistry IlCBarUicKfl ot-}ho,.election 0 <«me. •ilio. i|iic»llon 'la. expcctcd . ccmo-.uii next-,,Winter nnil-Uo .1. : Iialcil: In Cob'Brens' iiwll- federal • reBiiIntIon',of,:hcH<llng..,c9mpanlM - liecomos u'fact. Tho .ronl slrus- 'Kl«:‘.'appcarii'.llltclx';to.,bo one to , (Iclcrmlnc- how'.-BtrlcL.iiueh-. rcRii- '<]iiit''lliluUK Dnl^ - ......... 'nn<l tlint foiKolH rirmprn' Iioniex ti.olnp 'iiikou nwny from tboir .(JOTcrnor. Itooscv or pro'dueKoa' 'tlua.iwill.. uot_ riM dcit'Jrt .'.thttl rcgloaWor. ^flHi .-y«r»;' Othorti-lfloaiioJvlmd noih- -lnif« 'crlllClM; Ifi HOMc- ' •veifH - u tim y Bpeccli'.-.TliDiiBh Bonie ' Cl <liBin : personun/ 'pyefcr I’re#I- -..loriCHooTar.-.tliey/-'— • . W oman in Line for Roosevelt Cabinet] - Naw;-YOItlC Kmnklln n.' UooBov«kJii'«lccica »o,U»o pres: liloney.i.Anicrlc'i; In .Jikoly lo- tmrc n ProjcrcjBlre." HIJ..1J.1; . . 'F o r ' 22 y M M .rv o liccii limiklnK'tfie/rroBrcsstvc flKlit liero. IFor • •Vemurnricr -of. iiiy; year# 'r il • cQHtlniie to-malic,Umi riRlil-- lOOSffiW lffl TO SWEEP WESl !Hobvor;-L«adiiiff,'. However ;byj Small Marffin in Lttorory .' DJtestJoU : -.118 .flrB tiw o m a u ' cnWtiel.-.nicnilqr. -.::th(f.:jUnltc(l.-Proi!9jwirnc<l today, vln.Pomocmtlc clrolfe«-;nl9so.t0|tho, ■rrnflWlPog- 1 ' '■.rK~~'r -~ ~ T — -I V.:Tho ^■•'woWnn '■ W .' Mt«»' PriincMj PerklnB,.'.indiiiilrlar,^.comml«iiloaorl •• of tlie Woto.of.Nojv.Yorle. ,S1io-1b': NEW YOillC JU J»)-T«0 Biirvcy* IdealBnctl l«) b1>ow, . ilis 'polUlcal 'prf<iiac«-.H«)vor..n.iiH^U^cad In Inconcliiiilio (rtrnw,,.- vot^fl ; am Fronkllii'a-Roooevclt a,- prcdletoU -•cei) . , tlir<iuR»to«l-. Hio ..western irciftfy-.of.ltibnr.- If aih bo’ tbo UrHt ,wnm, a(il'es.; prexldent Bcorcii ot llRiircs iirnmti IcaKO liUHlnras an d flnnncli)! life. ' Tbo llBt, won bcllBVCil to .li u I111I ^nc.. or B>crl08 IncluctliiK n totnl^ for Jnmiiraook l)0-| ...oW tliat wlilcli. It •will' oCfcy^ — I. Tl'io l-gTOiii) ,-whB .offoroil 'insiillj :.'Utllllloi Rloelc h t n 2;«i Hl'nre, " ' Qd>tt pcnknnioiutlon.of ?H3. Tlie Bcncral boliet.lii low»lnient| circle* wan- lliiiL-.tlioiio on ttio f<i-| irMt lli^i toddy li0‘)' Hiilo but; MCR 'lo . KllbW-'. for • w.Hnl- ...jemeil a iirlvHogc. , - j- ,ThB'||26(\o6D^OOn ;li.anll mm Idaho Briefs M 3Gi01IE' Mr3T“ Harrlot—Pnoir^aiM hci Throats ond W rists of _: : :Hcr,Offspring slilimicni from U'anliliiBtoii. I). C'.. .wUr.comi,', ii Bccoml-, Hiiiit Ijy L'i)lt- vil.Staii'M HiirRMit Cfnortil C|ilii* uiliiRK Inii', tcHlny.-: •Mor^e Parrot Fever . Serum Made Ready , . , liyVUiiHcil'l'rcHK • ' . In tlielr UvoB'tock milo horc.Thiini- S i. .......................................... S -A.V0I-31.KS (XJP)' Folli Irhililrcu raced ilci'itli unfllnchlni,'- lylodny when llielr mottiur. In 11 moment nr nberrudon.' HlnHticdj tlic. (liroDiR and u-rlxiH^ of ilirc« ofi tlieiii iind Ibcn (iltciiiptc<l.'to end' her . • • 1 . TliD;iKoth«r. Mrs.Mlurrlet. Piiuv.' 3i;..n'as iK'Iil l!i 11 ' iM rm r <K)II all Uolltc-cccclvlJiKJiiwiiRal—svJillu-iti: II- .woro. tlio clillilrcn. Ill nnrrwoak. biit cxp.iclcd io,»nr,* vivo.; '■ •; . V ■ (•ASADKNA. If.. <LM') r Iinrrt •frci^ rhl :lic'r»"-^iijay- ■i\ Jiimcvn. tucklci. ror slilp-; tij lloiJJ. Ida.^ ln - ovcnt • 111 lalilpmcnl-now'cn tnutc fw rnm M i-. Iliiglou to llie licdnldii of WJl-i |llaHi:K. Ilornli, wito' of . IdaKs Ktinlor'«onolor. fall* io iirrtvo. nr. I,«cklo.prciiarcd Hieivcriiiu iil liio rcqubgt of Mt», lloran’H iiliynlclantf. IllnoU frmn ,<wo niirHcii, Clinrlotto Smlili and Daisy Tciitry.1)ot!i of xvliimi rci«vcrvd rroni ilio iiialaOy. UBcd In ihc prci'iiriittoii; • .............. ot th e mcellne, Incliido tluv follonini;: 'Cl'. K. Hiinl, obalr- ;niin, K B. iDrake. K.'Ho(lhiKii- woflll, U. B. McClBlii. D. J. KocniB. 1*. H. Taller;. IJ. W. JunkluH.-W.’ii. \Vt>nvor nM 'il- J«i> Ko»lil<jr. Tlii'Pi- w cro Miimcd, Wiieli Kald, wllli tli*‘ ■Uli-a of Ketllmt arommlllou u-hlcli ;v,’oiild rcpri'Hcnt tlio v'arlotts In- tcrcHlH, of llui coininiinllj-. fllicli ^urus«Ua.acMiJL.claimmuot-Uio- .On<* UhvIo nii[M iniiHiiimf I xcrtb’isl .11 nrflc!liils III I r.^Kiinlpd III i'IiiiIIk iliu' ixlpxmplilc ^'ft&d'.: . 1. ti ril'"““ ” »“ Mi>"N‘iiM ./ir«ltli thi;'oUlJ;' »■ li» i’lioriL|,,„_„„ri., 5,;,uu raiiloV.iiott-«rftii:- ‘•"I'“ '."‘‘nin<llii -iiHlrtiiMlally-THonaii.'oUvS'lii.- version .flC :tlw. «truB8la'.7 M.Jir'i I n'oni •;inri!iiliiii'M. PiUfliiurgli. ■- |44iniloij.-,-nj)!!‘.:Now...T:ork-.-cOfu^->. ' wnr-mntorlal8 havfiiieea..'- ............. ,ilnj-.vnrU»u»t lirniil Wfin- reportedlo'.r.hava'-• ' bonplil Mtimo 8u nlrpluhnn. ofwhlclt"' I’ll liavn Tiocn rioltVHrod..- •.> r- - ' 'oloiiiMu ‘Seirdii' Tn>op.«,', iif.trlCK i_,riiugn:| • flfniyrted tlinl HeiiPitoi iivt'd'. bvi'ry urilrlv Ihii rlniisl, . Till' ollii'i- d(- MiuuHiiK .or 111.- .Mn»-n. wlil.'li-DnvlK-Wfis-TPp- iililH-ovlnii tlic rliarlly iliird spot, of trouble , wiw In th>- ,n<mhw*-si: M-liord .CoJomblaV' I'crii were OQUobbllng oiti! t.'- Itrtry. -wUti fooUnK.; I n '•. bbih. V eoiintrlns Mslily inflatned. C^^U)■Dl-' ' lift ■wiiB rcpoheil" Bandits_Get?25.Q0p|. .-•(Cbiitlnncd On .I’oro Tlireo)- F E R iiiilN j M sbehaee ■nEDWOob.-KAl'j-S. M ln n .JU P ) —Plvo 'inacblno cun . Ijnmllls . rob-j liea.‘Uii).,>.tanr baiilt .of.. Redwoodj. ,o«iaUo«,-^.d, .:Pro5[«!rTo». ployecB.',- '. •'•. . '. -ic:- . llaiiseDlBiav, caslilcr, and Mona- ■ UUonii,•• Btcaogrui.bor,’ wuro furccil to .avconipany-'thU' bandllx illo oul of; town .wlicro^Uicy of (Iio“ ii(liI1fi7" ttie licgidiratcr.>< nf.tlm.Anininfi'.' •or Achicn . T'onirlwi . radical* ;• Ijfti ten - dwyw•ngo. '.LcUclaftmK- eonmiUlu. liyru .Lduiidorjr ■ f uojtniliiiwr'^Bcver.ili.-TMr*-:- K EEFER TRIAL NEARS CLOSE Heniirng tri ir WrJoT'r'J CHINA MAY GET Growers. of PaciJ^io. Hortliwert: ■Waiit to D ispatch Wfica't.-;;* I mejnt)er,?of.>thg,;;c(ibln6t.,. JdahpanvSuccumb^ III Auto Accidmti ,2R,lW '-votea'-.for! «oover.- against drcdwelKht.' !27,6M'«for..«onHev(fll. A. etnte .............. - • •••• ' of (bl* .count iHtAto' fivbiit'atlon-' of (bl*' .count IIpVun.JalieiiA/.In-Kcw-yorkr I'Vf lio irsa v (up)'^nft Oled^. Tliuradny/aii vj;- rtnult'cf.. ani aiiw:-r'acctdcHt-ln;,'«lilcUvhl8rBW^ •onnsylYJinia.- Clilo .'and -Went Wr- 1 iVftltOP'^DavdiiKJrt, pnlltlcal edliot jf:Col«or’«i 'Vn8.' contained -In, an irUcJoiciitltloil i',‘Hwver ..ilie - - ■ j.-'^lftl-wlIcliidiawooplnR'vlc- •IIIKS- Ot* JIIKXIN«ITIS nUXDUllO ^:.v;,MCHln({UlH. bellov- c^iJnUiaYfL-teaUltcii-fmil-^nn.ll.":. Jiiry.auffcrcd lir nn.auiomobllo ac- cident. Sentcmlior; IC^ i>fovod fitul WidneBday.’.n lR lil; .to ID ftvov t>cm^. .MrKrWp,'Vho:\wiB-,.n\Bff Injured In-tha'accWont.-vfaiiisliav.Invniior loim.-condltlon . Thumdny.. .;a«ord n« 'lo rtpprt ' ■ ............ - Till} Injured'chlldrcn woro Mnr. In; II, Ilartlei May. 7. and-not' ud, .B. Tkrcp yunr ’/ildV curly. jbemled"Coiiriiicy..wns ;iim -iitlnck- Icarnwl.- ^Ir*/ Pmip-anO ' .her . Jiui I«ind.-Dr; ,Otarvln K.- .V.t:P. I>ni ... . ilvctl..ln',';hn ..mitomob ntfclrtNlt.- .Mr»', ''Pauii • rccelvod ' 1 vor« head Injiirlea. roii .Inly the! f(iili6i-'‘-'le Il' .liomoU- i-TIierc'nflor. fi1eiidB,told;iiollJ5.-,Alr».;Pa»ii> c o n -. „„ mi:- k-. v k« m .i.-. •sriBLnV, 9Inni„;<Ul»)--Uft.iin^ Iiriaonmcnt •wail before -rrnnk^-.J.' Xevlllsi' tomicr Sweet .QrflBfl lovrii fMftaurcr^-lodayVolldwing'.lilB'con-. .................... .oC.^\. •V llbvd. Ui'iih,' (lIl>l-i:ii'ROifrn'fi- orul year* -a8o;.'woB described ’ In silver, tProducbrs.-.aiMiclatlon •anil on •• Indefatlimblo. worker' for llio, Yclmbllllatiou -'.qf^.the .whllft-nietAl. triilied' StotuK .ProHceiitor, II noon,' anil tlif defense wiw f ......... >lli‘d to '<;oniplct«-llB. nrRiiiiii' ^•Forry eurpd'BDd Id* aiidlH liomtnondlnK' VrcBldcai, Hoov«r for ( '■iiol'ailllnR-ua' Internatlonalcallvor.j Today’s tc.Oriont’: I’OitT-UANli.-JOrdS' ...^ >wcrK oC' )nu' Pnci(ia.,>jorUiWi jopefiiljy^ — fi-om-lliS .......... ........................ corporntloii ot tholr;m«a-ti>«' ChWft o n ; « P d I t -26.M of-Bleat ................... lovcrnor/JulhiHMc 1 that.tio'.liad'tolperap; 1 «r4-tile<E-R)>Drdrli>r< : ?12.000.000.-:t6',4t3.0WI 1 for'tiif, purchBAo 0C1 ' ■;Tho;*ov«rnor.iinW: 1

Transcript of Bitter Wa'rfare

Page 1: Bitter Wa'rfare

H ira m J o h n so n LaudF^ .R o o s e v e lt ’s A t t i t u d e

upward P r o g r e s s iv e sL A p p re c ia te W hatj

Hfe^Said* S tates ' ; " : S enato r

SAN • JTRAvNOISCO '. lU I'l—CJovcr- mt. KrankHit l>. Honsi-relfM llJo- lOWHnU PrOKTCBulVOK

' - ilS J

Rl/JIX n i.. (iJP t-T lii* liiim In' »TwTii*rr,T.^ r.itilM wuH_Mti- ilnrwny lier<-‘ imlny w llli nn nnsli! Hint liroiixlil polBtinni

iiipniorlM 10 tlicntrrt-KoarB " f tin* ■ of, Tom'*

,olil-T9tM jihowH wllli .wa Tom« nliil dniihlc InoiUiiiitmlR, lliu iievr

Turn folr ;Bb,tter in Fight Agjainst Dr<ead Psittacosis

Ca1.ln,'’IJkuIiiu-k» orImitlo liolnu, wiiKcii iiciwor filililarA nml-<i nlnKl<! 'tu iku.

(rivrc-conKclouH clll*on« wcr quick to pulill o u t llml tUu 1111:11 licr uf upWcrK In .ilic ElKln flcli BORAH 10

iSenator’s Wife Still | I W eak but G ain ing ' Physician S ays

Bitter Wa'rfare “ EXCHANGE PUM ■ Nmo Raging in

DISCUSSEO H E R E:, South AmericciB o l i v i a a n d P a r a g u a y C o n t i n u e J V I a r t i a l A c ­

t i v i t i e s ; C o l o m b i a a n d P e r u ^ u a b b l i n g

O v e r T e r r i t o r y ; F e e l i n g R u n s H i g h

7{y United Press Wiir. tiiulcchired bin ucUui), is /l.-iHiinff th ro u g h th e sffOth* |iL‘mi.spiiot'e, iimloiiH Soiiili Anieridi.' a b iittlc g ro u D ^ ova-

.^<nic .l.orc.w ill.;(iho-ot .... V-4-V7,• .whu Jm « benn In ' J>uII(1Ii>k1T?WJ'oi

iiri iiio • olccirlc ,|K)wor. Iniliistry IlCBarUicKfl ot-}ho,.election 0

<«me. •ilio. i|iic»llon 'la. expcctcd. ccmo-.uii next-,,Winter nnil-Uo .1.■: Iialcil: In Cob'Brens' iiwll- federal■ • reBiiIntIon',of,:hcH<llng..,c9mpanlM- liecomos u 'fac t. Tho .ronl slrus- 'Kl«:‘.'appcarii'.llltclx';to.,bo one to

, (Iclcrmlnc- how'.-BtrlcL.iiueh-. rcRii- '<]iiit''lliluUK Dnl^ - .........'nn<l tlint foiKolH rirmprn' Iioniex

• ti.olnp 'iiikou nwny from tboir

.(JOTcrnor. Itooscv

or pro'dueKoa' 'tlua.iwill.. uot_ riM dcit'Jrt .'.thttl rcgloaWor. ^flHi

. -y « r» ; ' Othorti-lfloaiioJvlmd noih- -lnif« 'crlllClM; Ifi HOMc- ' •veifH -u tim y Bpeccli'.-.TliDiiBh Bonie

' Cl <liBin : personun/ 'pyefcr I’re#I--..loriCHooTar.-.tliey/-'— •

. W om an in Line for R oosevelt Cabinet]

■- Naw;-YOItlC Kmnkllnn.' UooBov«kJii'«lccica »o,U»o pres: liloney.i.Anicrlc'i; In .Jikoly lo- tmrc

n ProjcrcjBlre."HIJ..1J.1; . . 'F o r ' 22 y M M .rvo licciilim iklnK 'tfie/rroBrcsstvc flKlit liero.I For • • Vemurnricr -of. iiiy; year# 'r i l • cQHtlniie to -m alic,U m i riRlil--

l O O S f f i W l f f l TO SW EEP W ESl

!H obvor;-L «adiiiff,'. H ow ever ;by j

S m a ll M a rff in in L tto ro ry .' D J te s t J o U :

-.118 .flrB tiw om au ' cnWtiel.-.nicnilqr. -.::th(f.:jUnltc(l.-Proi!9jwirnc<l today, vln.Pom ocm tlc clrolfe«-;nl9so .t0 |tho,

■rrnflWlPog- 1’ ' '■.rK~~' r -~ ~ T —-IV.:Tho ^■•'woWnn '■ W .' Mt«»' PriincMj PerklnB,.'.indiiiilrlar,^.comml«iiloaorl

•• of tlie Woto.of.Nojv.Yorle. ,S1io-1b':

NEW YOillC JU J»)-T «0 Biirvcy* IdealBnctl l«) b1>ow, . ilis 'polUlcal

'p rf< iiac«-.H «)vor..n .iiH ^U ^cad In Inconcliiiilio (rtrnw,,.- vot^fl ; am F ronk llii'a -R oooevc lt a,- prcdletoU

-•cei) . , tlir<iuR»to«l-. Hio ..westernirciftfy-.of.ltibnr.- If aih

bo’ tbo UrHt ,wnm,a (il 'e s .;

prexldentBcorcii ot llRiircs iirnmti

IcaKO liUHlnras and flnnncli)! life.' Tbo llBt, won bcllBVCil to .liu I111I ^nc.. or B >crl08 IncluctliiK n totnl^

for Jnm iiraook l)0-|...oW tliat w lilcli. I t •will' oC fcy^ —

I. Tl'io l-gTOiii) ,-whB .offoroil 'insiillj :.'Utllllloi Rloelc h t n2 ;« i Hl'nre, "' Qd>tt pcnknnioiutlon.of ?H 3 .

Tlie Bcncral boliet.lii low»lnient| circle* wan- lliiiL-.tlioiio on ttio f<i-|

irMt lli i toddy li0‘) ' Hiilo but; MCR 'lo . KllbW-'. for • w.Hnl-

...jemeil a iirlvHogc. , - j- ,ThB'||26(\o6D^OOn ;li.anll

m m

Idaho Briefs

M 3 G i 0 1 I E 'Mr3T“ H arrlot— P n o i r ^ a i M h c i

Throats ond W r is t s o f _ :: :H c r,O ffsp r in g

slilimicni from U'anliliiBtoii. I). C'.. .wUr.comi,', ii Bccoml-, Hiiiit Ijy L'i)lt- vil.Staii'M HiirRMit Cfnortil C|ilii*uiliiRK Inii', tcHlny.-: •

•Mor^e Parrot F e v e r . Serum Made R eady

, . , liyVUiiHcil'l'rcHK • ' .

In tlielr UvoB'tock milo horc.Thiini-

S i . ..........................................

S -A.V0I-31.KS (XJP)' Folli Irhililrcu raced ilci'itli unfllnchlni,'- ly lodny when llielr mottiur. I n 11 moment nr nberrudon.' HlnHticdj tlic. (liroDiR and u-rlxiH o f ilirc« ofi tlieiii iind Ibcn (iltciiiptc<l.'to end' her . • • 1. TliD;iKoth«r. M rs.Mlurrlet. Piiuv.' 3i;..n'as iK'Iil l!i 11' iM rm r <K)II all Uolltc-cccclvlJiKJiiwiiRal—svJillu-iti: II- .woro. tlio clillilrcn. Ill nnrrwoak. biit cxp.iclcd io,»nr,* vivo.; '■ •; . V ■ ■

(•ASADKNA. If.. <LM') r Iin rrt

•frci^ rh l :lic'r»"-^iijay- ■i\ Jiimcvn. tucklci. ro r slilp-;

tij lloiJJ. Ida.^ ln - ovcnt • 111 lalilpmcnl-now'cn tnutc fw rn m M i-. Iliiglou to llie licdnldii of WJl-i |llaHi:K. Ilornli, wito' of . IdaK s Ktinlor'«onolor. fall* io iirrtvo. nr. I,«cklo.prciiarcd Hieivcriiiu iil liio rcqubgt of Mt», lloran’H iiliynlclantf. IllnoU frmn ,<wo niirHcii, Clinrlotto Smlili and Daisy Tciitry.1)ot!i of xvliimi rci«vcrvd rroni ilio iiialaOy.

UBcd In ihc prci'iiriittoii; •

.............. ot th e mcellne, Incliidotluv follonini;: 'Cl'. K. Hiinl, obalr- ;niin , K B. iDrake. K.'Ho(lhiKii- w oflll, U. B. McClBlii. D. J. KocniB. 1*. H. Taller;. IJ. W. JunkluH.-W.’ ii. \Vt>nvor nM'il- J«i> Ko»lil<jr. Tlii'Pi- w cro Miimcd, Wiieli Kald, wllli tli*‘

■Uli-a of Ketllmt arommlllou u-hlcli ;v,’oiild rcpri'Hcnt tlio v'arlotts In- tcrcHlH, of llui coininiinllj-. fllicli

^urus«U a.acM iJL.claim m uot-U io-

.On<* UhvIo nii[M iniiHiiimf I xcrtb’isl .11 nrflc!liils III

I r.^Kiinlpd III i'IiiiIIk iliu'

ixlpxmplilc 'ft&d'.:■ . 1. ti r i l '" ““ ” »“ Mi>"N‘iiM ./ir«ltli thi;'oUlJ;'»■ li» i’lioriL |,,„_„ „ r i., 5,;,uu raiiloV.iiott-«rftii:-

‘•"I'“ '."‘‘nin<llii -iiHlrtiiMlally-THonaii.'oUvS'lii.- version .flC :tlw . «truB8la'.7 M .Jir 'i I n'oni •;inri!iiliiii'M. PiUfliiurgli. ■- |44iniloij.-,-nj)!!‘.:Now...T:ork-.-cOfu^->.

' wnr-mntorlal8 havfiiieea..'-............. ,ilnj-.vnrU»u»t

lirniil W fin- r e p o r te d lo '.r .h a v a '- •' bonplil Mtimo 8u nlrpluhnn. ofwhlclt"' I’ll liavn Tiocn rioltVHrod..- ■ •.> r- - '

'oloiiiMu ‘Seirdii' Tn>op.«,',


• flfniyrted tlinl HeiiPitoi iivt'd'. bvi'ry urilrlv Ihii rlniisl, . Till' ollii'i- d(- MiuuHiiK .or 111.- .Mn»-n.wlil.'li-DnvlK-Wfis-TPp- iililH-ovlnii tlic rliarlly iliird spot, of trouble , wiw

In th>- ,n<mhw*-si: M-liord .CoJomblaV' I'c rii were OQUobbllng oiti!t.'-

Itrtry. -wUti fooUnK.; I n '•. bbih. V eoiintrlns Mslily inflatned. C U)■Dl-' ' lift ■wiiB rcp o h e il" ■

B a n d i t s _ G e t ? 2 5 .Q0p | .

.-•(Cbiitlnncd On .I’oro Tlireo)-

F E R i i i i l Nj M sbehaee

■nEDWOob.-KAl'j-S. M lnn .JU P )—Plvo 'inacblno cun . Ijnmllls . rob-j liea.‘Uii).,>.tanr baiilt .of.. Redwoodj.

,o « i a U o « , - ^ .d ,.:P r o 5 [ « ! r T o » .

ployecB.',- ' . •'•. .'. -ic:- . llaiiseDlBiav, caslilcr, and Mona- ■ UUonii,•• Btcaogrui.bor,’ wuro furccil to .avconipany-'thU' bandllx

illo oul of; town .wlicro^Uicy

of (Iio“ ii(liI1fi7"

ttie licgidiratcr.>< nf.tlm.Anininfi'.' •or Achicn . T'onirlwi . radical* ;• Ijfti ten - dwyw •ngo. '.LcUclaftmK-

eonmiUlu. liyru .Lduiidorjr ■ f ■ uojtniliiiwr'^Bcver.ili.-TMr*-:-


Heniirng tri ir WrJoT'r'J


G ro w e rs . o f PaciJ^io. H ortliw ert: ■Waiit to D isp a tc h Wfica't.-;;*


J d a h p a n v S u c c u m b ^

III A u to A ccidm ti

,2R,lW '-votea'-.for! «oover.- against drcdwelKht.'!27,6M'«for..«onHev(fll. A. etnte ..............

■ - • •••• ' of (bl* .countiHtAto' fivbiit'atlon-' of (bl*' .countIIpV un.JalieiiA /.In-K cw -yorkr

■ I'V f l io i rs a v ( u p ) '^ n f tOled . Tliuradny/aii vj;- rtnult'cf.. ani aiiw:-r'acctdcHt-ln;,'«lilcUvhl8rBW^

•onnsylYJinia.- C lilo .'and -Went Wr- 1

iVftltOP'^DavdiiKJrt, pnlltlcal edliot j f :C o l« o r’«i 'V n8.' contained -In, an irU cJoiciitltloil i',‘H w ver ..ilie- - ■ j.-'^ lftl-wlIcliidiawooplnR'vlc-

•IIIKS- Ot* JIIKXIN«ITIS nUXDUllO :.v;,MCHln({UlH. bellov-

c^iJnUiaYfL-teaUltcii-fmil-^nn.ll.":.Jiiry.auffcrcd lir nn.auiomobllo ac­cident. Sentcm lior; IC^ i>fovod fitulWidneBday.’.n lR lil; .to IDftvov t>cm^..MrKrWp,'Vho:\wiB-,.n\Bff InjuredIn-tha'accWont.-vfaiiisliav.Invniior loim.-condltlon . Thumdny.. .;a«ord n « 'lo rtpprt ' ■ ............— -

Till} Injured'chlldrcn woro Mnr. In; II, Ilartlei May. 7 . a n d -n o t ' ud, .B. Tkrcp yunr ’/ildV cu rly .

jbemled"Coiiriiicy..wns ;iim -iitlnck-

Icarnwl.- ^Ir*/ Pmip-anO ' .her . Jiui I«ind.-Dr; ,Otarvln K.- .V.t:P. I>ni

. . . . ilvctl..ln',';hn ..mitomob ntfclrtNlt.- .Mr»', ''Pauii • rccelvod ' 1 vor« head Injiirlea. roii .Inly the! f(iili6i-'‘- 'le Il ' .liomoU- i-TIierc'nflor.fi1eiidB,told;iiollJ5.-,Alr».;Pa»ii> c o n - . „ „

m i:-k-. v k « m .i.-.•sriBLnV, 9Inni„;<Ul»)--Uft.iin^

Iiriaonmcnt •wail before -rrnnk^-.J.' Xevlllsi' tomicr Sweet .QrflBfl lovriifMftaurcr^-lodayVolldwing'.lilB'con-.

• .................... .oC.^\. ’

•V llbvd. Ui'iih,' (lIl>l-i:ii'ROifrn'fi-

o ru l year* -a8o;.'woB described ’ In

silver, tProducbrs.-.aiMiclatlon •anil on •• Indefatlimblo. worker' for llio, Yclmbllllatiou -'.qf .the .whllft-nietAl.

triilied' StotuK .ProHceiitor, II

noon,' anil t l i f defense wiw f .........>lli‘d to '<;oniplct«-llB. nrRiiiiii'

^•Forry eurpd'BDd Id* aiidlH liomtnondlnK' VrcBldcai, Hoov«r for ( '■ iiol'ailllnR-ua' Internatlonalcallvor.j


tc.O riont’:

I’OitT-UANli.-JOrdS' ...^ >wcrK oC' )nu' Pnci(ia.,>jorUiWi

jopefiiljy^ —fi-om-lliS .......... ........................corporntloii ot tholr;m «a-ti>«' ChWft o n ; « P d It -26.Mo f -B le a t...................

lovcrnor/JulhiH M c 1 that.tio '.liad 'to lperap ; 1 «r4-tile<E-R)>Drdrli>r< : ?12.000.000.-:t6',4t3.0WI 1 for'tiif, purchBAo 0 C1 ' ■;Tho;*ov«rnor.iinW: 1

Page 2: Bitter Wa'rfare
Page 3: Bitter Wa'rfare

- -Farmor*LAlH>r-MCliani:o_lQ^;>oli'*i, J^ .. J«-.4Bcorporhtca.'-nH m’- nonTProflL :

orBuhrmtlonrnnd'imia It Is liolDiiiS , iiiatcriallj: fo 'iiiii relief la Umi c ity •

■' o a ft'-'self**iii)pbrllUR-ln«1«.' It «Uo provlUcs- fftrniCH wltll' on niiUct

I for tUclr' HUrplii'b iirwluctB, li« kuIcI. j Wcdfortf- timl Anturln. Ofetion.I 3invb.6l{ored''l6 cxcimnBT comma r' frulls.aBd fanncd*a1monJorbru»« ;: and otlicr,products riilBed In l<ln- ,. lio, .tlirouElV’llio .mwllum ot i ’-• rarnicr-liabor o x c ‘ ' ‘

. aljlllty tiiut fuVllitfr rti-vulopnieul o r r , Allion'A-iHinv.Twin ri.llHN.........,,tills Idea tould lie worktd oul to wlildi iimj.coHi tlm mIkIi i . .

' urovldo oxiffiiiDBCd wflh titlior <»«- of lifu Ion oyc. wlim (tii' slrfticfi, ir.lclB, formliiK n utlll wWor ouUet i.mko .-tviilU- lie wax «ew|iiK 1r.iiii‘

to r BurplHs fnrni produuta. E lforts „„k1ik , ,i „ ,vuru!iotini' litiro Tluir«-s ro iKln? tuade’to »ucuro tV«m tliu diiy. iniil Iliv iic.t-dlc liv ivuh ii.sIiik !liUerRtBju'.ConiUlBrCp wotHiIhhIoii jilomicl Ii Ih uyc. lie Is a p.illciil n

- ttlmosl'nj. ho .a id. ...

Q r<i)B(d In tliu I{r|iiilill(iiii Kiiily At Him.stiuKrJduy.

Yroni T w in * ' Cnpl. Kl M. S'v'eeiiT, Twin . ..J-Iiiw luiu ><uu.u 1.0 ^ lIugT T nn '^^clts—nttrm icn~t<“ Cl'rad—Slewarl i.l8h 'bUiisr '^rodublB In oxdiaiiKo, ’•rm.dl.I.iic f«r .•o-dccliuii .us counly lift sliited / iiiiKi‘«K(ir. iiml CIlarloH U. Honk.

s ; -and- he lp 'tllo unemploj-id luljurei-. ■ _____

' to: ficcuro tlio,ntccaHBr)c5 «f i.^sen llt.lB e»cJ)a,nHo<l,foi>'lalmr. or vur- t j ,rilling .llj.slery JousfY<irjn:ioipj«odUliu, or f u e l , Kaiu TticsplunH. iiinltf ilio

■ prci-onl u Ilirco-Kot iii>-»lcry ilirlll- a r .a n J ic UltPr.Day..8«lnU.f«f-

. . — . nnd-cacli tion U<Lli rrlduy ov-enlnK. Tlio . VoupOn'^nuBtr.lje niimUcrfd-.nlBiicO-bt IV .-Iios. Icen,-rolicaralnR' forj

l>y otricials' oC t|iQ-j)ri!nii1totlon,. wcokH.' and n rinlitlicd dranintlc and ondoiflCd. ' ' / prodiicllon 1« nKsnred ilio»e lUlend- .'Laborors 'on ' llio. wond.pllo o r lag » io pluy. • 'Tlio Kroiip.of lowll

................. • - • ----------------------- -- '■•Alllir ‘j 'i!--------_____ On llio Wurpatli" npd "Her-Stcii-j

th'an a Jolr-wuge, rfcDnoiigli polnl- llunVniiU" Ifore lusl ycnr. • ____ _cd-.qtit/sd.tliufbwlll-ljonolnduci!-'- ............’----------------

M rs.. Kfflo Lyons.' inolliur of] Klnyd LyuiiB. Twin. t;iil|». nml. fur,- m or :rc5ldont of n i c ^ T.wlii KnlK niKl Ilolaf. (Ucd.TIinrRday In Wlch- Itii. 'KiinH. Kiincrnl HorvlccH will lm| hold Halurdiiy iiflurnooii nl UlneVo.iir.i 'iiu

cu-.(\m. so.ttiuro wiii uo no inuuKc- - — j— r —t—iiic'nt for-tiium ro"i’ouiiiin woritiiiK Commission' Will

f. • • there ,when other fonin of,cniploy- — ' . . . •• w n lrn ro offered..'.iWo eiidPn«>r, . C - O n S l d e r . C f f o r g e s -

. F o r Bean Cleaning

:;.productB;;rccolved Itj-cw lian^^ ttom.'ilio piibllo.uliH tlo........•-tli«lr;.8c rliv aonio tlio wofkcrH l a mission- Htntlim Ibat o licnrlng will, , aolBO "livno ljeien-ailo- lo 'uccu ro 1,0.1,cld. ln 'ilto court-rooiiiB at tlio

ca8li\neW cd for payment ;oJ_. rentK ■ ^,,rt;1ipUHc.TiieBday.ot;'iioxt week,'

~ Slio In nui-vlvcii uy iiirco ciiii', ili'oii. .M rs.-CnrW T. Joliupon. Mrs.iKil TiitMd.- botll of WJclilli.........r io y d LyotJH. Twin nilli*.

Postppne 'Trial-riljK ■

Of .Prosecutor• Jlghi npd-walcr and'‘othoc''ltctn(!.

- MdDoboueli'<caniu: h«a. lu ,. ro . spoiiBO to invitation nnd'In.Vorkin;;. ;::tUroUEluUio local office of llm U.

S. 'EniploJrotnt Bcrvlcc, .which 1» : bpcrotc<l ot<ih6'Chamlior o/'Coiii- ~.^jucrcfl:6tflc'nJiy-t:.d}i-3mi]aimi.'

.He.Vctitnicd to KolBO.Prlday.

'comta'criclnV at; 10 'a.' ni.. al-whlcli tlmb^'tlic inBltcr, of-'chnrRcs for oltioiilnp^nnd-ljimdllHB bcaii! ■"


B U R L E y REFU TES . .. STO RY -RELATIVE Di>=...., ,T.,cl .. -p -T O -P O p T -O F F IC E

Over the Btrenuons obJoulTIin of Proaecullnjf 'AilonWy 0 . W. WItli-

III,"trial of KclniJi. IllovJiiM. Kllcr,oljcirseil- wU)I I'qminlHB.loti, of u fllatiitory. oftcnBo. CipnlnHf ii Rlrl, .'

; Dr. najcDRrri Tlie K»bl Spcctflfcjj l i f t s remaTioR cfirns n'pd tiil..,'; loiiaci. lloth fovt tor. ono'ilDllRr.- Room R. oTcr rcnnoy S tiiiu —Adr.'

j VSpeaai P rices foi^ Satui?d'aj^ and M onday• J ^ e i E r i n b ' c r W ^ Sizcti Onlcr F R E E

| | ^ K - R ^ E - N G - E - L r » - S t

HA BD W A Bl:*r& S H O P :

;--\v:rA:t-Da3icbck'iH!»at»tcdUhc'mut^ ^ m 6 n lB { -m « ii^n d ln i(^V iU [am i^

U6roL n d M m -B el# A I« v c tt . ivnU .hliuniirly.’;«ei-oreaH1ie’;«^Q(f<]tn?

....... .•:.'J '.-^lycr»,‘.',H««::.#««raBy.'-Jp.r- -);6Tb(t/«nd'-IohB'l^'':Ko•)lRrell^l:?»T. .■.■-T«aonl«li'.:-3dr*.Vt'VIJli!iniiK'o.v.-'-D'^« .

, judgw enji ■wore Bran oj on d e - I :-CrtauHi:nomibJ\'(.Wlllli»nisou;or.<Wre,' I'-v,10Tc|f‘PPPoarlne,-t(i;eoalert.‘.tb o |

- A . J . ______________ _

Y ou C an’t Beat This Show. A nyw here!! j : A nd Look!!

ONLY 25c A M Y ljim E '•TWO T H M L L IN O ,P E A T U E E S lf t;;“

Page 4: Bitter Wa'rfare

r . v r

IDAHO EVENma TIMES, TfflN FAU.3, JtDABO F riday/ Sei)terober 28,'1 9 8 2 ‘v

' B unauiL li^ lU iJ. JU 'lLsr B r Cafflfr, I’nyablB In^Advnnct



Uimont has re c e n tly i)een ox])ix*ssLHi over llic Tael th a t to date no W o rld w i r veteran lias l)oc*n ca lled upon to se rv e-a s-P resid en t of the U nited States. M any w ar veterans h a v e f i l le d im portant cabinet a n d lesser positions, but i t is ])o in ted out th a t since 1918 see no du |ilieation of th e rise of a Grant o r a Mc­Kinley or a T e d d y R oosevelt i)y viilue of th e ir scrv ice under the U n ite d S ta le s Flag.

, . Yet it is a cu rio u s a n d interestiiJ/j- f/icl llia t bot)i the present l)rincii)al_ ca n d id a te s fo r the P residency , M essrs.,H oover am i R o o sev elt are quite a s m uch

. honored “v e te ran s" o f 'tH e W orld, w if th e y had - ^ l i m U y j n l i s t e d ^ O t o t t e j t h o j t c n t J h O T B l L j I i i L J L e r J —iod-can foi^et- th G p a r t -Hoover-played- o r- the-fan iil- -ia r ity o f 'h isT ia m e 'in -c o n n e c tio n -^ ^ th th e -w a rf^ -A n d • Fm nklin D .'R o o sev e lt ' th roughout the w ar w a s .as­

sistan t secretary o f th e Navy u nder -Josephus D an- —iels,. He m ade tw o t r ip s to Europe, once d u rin g the

^yar and one ju s t a f te r ,‘both in official capacities.Some day, n o 'd o u b t , the U nited States w ill have

as president, o n e who was enh'sted in e i t h e r 'th e A nny or the N a v y or t h e Marine Corps, bu t i f th a t

Tncver-hailappeiis, th e re i s no' d t5C7)Tnntng~th~faetrilraT itn v a s the w a r-w h ic h was' resjionsible fo r p u tt in g H oover to tlie fo r e f r o n t as presidential a sp ira n t in

.1928, and it w a ^ th e w a r service o f Franklin R oose­velt which w as a lso h is stepping-stone to the gover- norship of N ew Y ork a n d thence to the io ad e rsh ii);

-o f^ th e D em ocratic p a ity 7 by virtue of his oandidacyi ...f o r jh c Iiiem lm c y . - . .----- A il-oi-w hich-eniphasizeB-theH m p<iJiant--pai't—t-liej-}H«i<o»fiioii.-»-t_jor>iatd_u>_iiu_uiu-

W a r played a n d still i s playing in our civil life . I t ' S C ; '. w ill contmue t h u s to g u id e the future of a peacefuIjTiio i.nmr.! oir imiipv ucntm

nation fo r a long: time to ctime, ju s t as for th e nextl","^ four-years the U nited '. S ta te s will be governed by a'-'a» f‘*r ‘••■'•'■'''i <P resident w hose d estin y was determined w h e n the: declaration of w a r w as issued back in 1917. |Horiiii,


I ' - 1 p n ^ ^ i p —yeasOns w hy it- is ' d iffieult-to in -dtt ' '-conipftent'm en td .n in f o r public office a n d .a c c e p t

Ih e rather, m e a g e r sa lar ies , is because of. th e self- respect they p o ssess a n d thoirim w illingness to jjlace '

- J h e i r nfii-snnal re in itjitio n s and those of their fam ilies j a t; the niercy o f b la ta n t criljcisin eilianating-for-the- niost part from b lin d ly jw rtisan news])aper organs.

Honest public o ff ic ia ls , elected, by th'e people, are en titled to the sy m p a th e tic consideration of a n .elec-, tb rate ,-w ithout c o n s ta h tlv being a t the in e rc v of:

' sell-seeking p a r tis a n s w ill in g to ridicule th e ir eVjeryi attem pt ift constm ctive- ac tion. Presidents a re en- titled to re^pectm l considCiZiLiuii ab-ljeceme&4ho-digt n ity of iheir o f f ic e ; govefhore of states are e n title d to it ; county a n d city officials, are entitled to it .• .In this state, ciistoin h a s so long, decreed t h a t ,a[ Eepublican .occupy th e gubernatorial chair, th a t when the people d e c id e -to place therein one o f op ­posite political p e rsu as io n , .th e Republican i)ress

, from Pocatello to Boise em barks in a scathing ca m - ,, ■r--^)aign-of-choaTrTiiiiailr~m Rl"inn^'cnial'T ibm ~to~tln) “ I 7 - uisgust 'of a 'th in k in g -e le c to ra tc T ' ‘ ' ' , "■ ';l

>. •' I t has come to th e .j io in t in m any instances w h e re ^ of t h e o p p o s ite ' |)olitical com plexion a t

crassifieu • ^ a sco u n d re l and enemy- o f g o o d ' .government, o u t to w re c k ou r state or county or o ther p b litic d rsu b -d lv is io n wherein he is ca n d id a te .

Petty, puny, p e rso n a l assaults .a re made bv c h a r- :7acte^Tiiteassms.io_clie.point_wJiere-Uie.onconnng-ffen^

, Teratiori of yo ters soni'etim es rebel w'ith the convil;- ' ■ t ipn t hat politics c a rr ie s w ith it too nuich'Diink: a n d , -~ d ls^s]T C C t;i5 :E n g en d erc .d :lb p ll^^ a n d : fo r I

th e persons who occuijy higli.govei;nmerital positions.- , anything is 'n e e d e d - in th is is a h e w

• d ea rip r-p o litics a n d ca n d id a te s who o rd inarily -are ;; p o s se te d of m o r e ■gehtiine::patrjotism, intelligence,~ ch^icacte'r and a b ility j t h a n j^re th e ir carjiing oppon-^

' niotivos. if analyzed, aro -a lw a y s so liish and ^g reed ^

4 r ^ A t i lv u r /7 H e n d e r s Q n ? 3 - tH ? n u n e 'a l :^ n £ ^ p r rT i im y * B ^ ^ y ’ ^ la n d ;for:m ilitary ;;-eciu^it.v , ^^yitb h e r form er fo e s\Sound5;;7in'y-fliirchtHke-gbod^d'oiiinioii-fierise.-.--

^^^^..,^ ' iffl9 ,!as, tI^eL:'presic^^t o f the W orld D isa rm s f;^^enti.C,onforerice/|>oiiT^'biit^'the:alhes'p^:'-?,'Belye^ tpVdiBarm iiow n t o Gerniariy’s level;-"It is ial-

^ ^ ^ ^ i n O ' ; w e l r ; ^ e V e I . ' i = r A ' 8~;v.:f;|t the~W orld W h i.i ^ j a n d ^ r c c S g n p ^ t h a t w h ar41§19-:raust:j3 'iiid:th-eim ?,if;m y:^

ii'^position of ih ter^q ^% .> ith \a li;p 6 ss^ an 'd to

W^APV^inqiBe,^ti^\‘T h e ,pw^ ist t m g ^ ov^ W ftfc i^ -Sd m c t l t j n g '-^


i g a s ^ c H y ^ ^ . r e p o r t 'd n 4

'lUiii Uiiiii'ii siua-!' .Ihi.vk nr li< yvari) cir uvvr Into tlic[ fi HuiriiitfK. ■•wlili (IiL- prlvllpsc. (>{• iil-1 lowlnK iliciii lo enter ilie imv'il; _

oC ttio year, iipcivldcil lliiK (1i..RHOHM-tlic'proper rdiinuioti'ftnil im«M tiui oflicr rflqiilrenu'nlK,

.cordliiB to ntlviccs rccclved S k*. II. WoCrackcu rltio ri'rrulliiiK »lalli lliiiiKli IniUilllltl.

C ity D ads,TakeV oluntary Cuts

lf.M on ..n , , r m ^ taug lit - In lUo-Buhl «clioi,l«< on* prusriu 1 anian« yc„r..i,Hcl who noW lives nl 1....

l ^ s c h ^ A . ^ p c r cent reduc- ^un. cntcrlaliied Iier foniior Uncli.;‘'J c r Bt n dltinrr jw lyl®Vwo.lncK.lay cvcilHK. Tlio followluK

tlio Uireo coimcllmen, . K,icst« «-cro -present: Mlnse* HerA ,10 .por cent cut wm inndc In’ iim. Sk lllo rn , Kato Shlllern,'lYun- 10 HiiltirlfH of tlic,opi>oiiiilvo-offl- con aciUI}',- lllldroUi .Cimninsliatii,

iinti two of llio iiiiii wlio Imvo V crmi VokcI. CcruliJIno- • lorse. Ijocn cm|.lp);cd ns InlwrerH.wcre to x o j,i I’onil. , Luclllo- Zimiiicriimtr. lo (IIhiiiIkhciI uh.houbi dr iioxslblr.' 'X o riiia Suiil

20;Drle4 tuber , ot.oKhld. isiPalQii.' - 23To,«nnor. 23 A in trlo n

, raodttjr ct a ' ■_ iPl»C#.

^ S T o b rln tln it ..vrocMdloit. :

'« P ly e r . r ; -

; o n ly ui'id

M‘lneit*d.'rT ;T SJT o;T »lufc:----- :30 Decoraled: " ■■■■« Mtner*lJrrln¥. -3 r0 1 lil«a, ■ - B»Colnumyri>^ -:T t-H onrii.maTi.-..- -.4SniiliW-<.h.^;- |,-SS.Doctpr.-r.-''",--B<To«onJ«lurc.-.15Uncommon.l '

n r "

i p ’I 'd '

i =

n d-r:: :

TZ ■i87—

P.> IO .? B -o fa H x o flc e tro n fa lc £ o cc U ri tf th y ) riiftlang.Tliis-iswhy cofie<Jcxjperis’’«ay,' ■-

jt o m e o j j e t ' RTAL LCONOMy|:in n sc d e l ig o u s - u n i f o f tn 'f c ;

i M easure GoIdco-.-Wen-imov ; tH c n iak c r." P o iic ic ^

r, -.-I- T iie o :Ic tJ t;rbni.:nOrfus$. .;Yoi

- C jo ldca :W cjt; ;»nd il cconooiicahpH ^M .-'v

casurc G oidco ' W eit.'Injov - r -- -

- IOUT g tO R t fcMUct both * ,

Page 5: Bitter Wa'rfare

. . . . iisrcemcnl''vra»~Banouncrti;, aftcr-an-alliOar"mwst!nff.'-atcwiiIcn:'v all «llffcrcnccB:inrIaliiB‘'trom''‘lh«}i:- IntorBtnto' CominoKO fou't:-ay*tcm;.MDaq1I0ailon^,pl(in'of:;\

. , T ^ , AUJ - \ m n n e 135 H mjBli r«« 54 Ponan a n . ^ i I

V -^ll.,ono or.ali.v E f tr l .w t i . Twin- '::;ITl>11g/.Ph(HHl' 1104.-- - ..........


OfficM o fT w iiT F a lUfo r Q u ic k I

> t T O P : f J O D r r ^ O ^

i7 A O T O ,D O I)B 'a i;^ B a S ^

7 rort^BAUJr^Aim) -DOOR' o i j w a V if.w ina »Wcia*'.*;W lodow-'.aiiiu.

-v^to.*: cluir«o 'tof.vcHlBg... Mood' I to Jtu ril fltonv

' ^ D E K in aT s i


|-P p K E S ^ W JS L L 8 '.D B II4 J3 > ^;l7ELTi3-'DRlUJElD, - JiNTll

% m o K & n s o '

^BD.DINO-'ANNOOW CB}tef}Ta cM lng ..-canli ..p n g tn e i ^ o t

: .printed.' Man7.' c o rr« t‘*t7lo* •, toj^clioo!o./roni,.-.CBli-«t;llw.-BT6a:^nsLTtmu..<irUca.'.S55 lU lovA va.

• Baat.,Tolcphoi>o-88.'. '

- ■ icasorJicma.v. Diiuley outlit proiKlIr. '; ,-Y ou can’l lake any of Dona .wan poBUiv i.' •‘B u t my.fflciia ftert autlUtcrn recoinmcndcil m inimum nt equipment.

“licrinnn innuo you pay ircU'fgr .rouUnir'Iilm o u fo t lea Iasi All you ’ ncca ig tlio outlnE<

.-you'ro wcarlDS.aa<I n suit cat a clmneo o( necossary ibiDgs.- Vou

-cap £ e t.n ll Ih#-ouldoor- - • .....


rlriUo -BtoWc'd liie itu n away-and c*hw •hack on'llio^raa! •I^apinjr otci '

. d ao rto r tba-Toadsicr.-ho b1I<] I p W c e esida Ijona ^• ?.'i;Tlio car;8liolaway;fro[n the

;M(j^BpoJ,dofB'.tlio:ove!iuo.’0«aitiy Icanpa .'T)ai;ltito::(Jrlnl{-faaiiB. fruti

•smoi-Dlnsalf/:rBoy.-:lf«-Rreat iQ U L attd ilpp lara trostr

iii t i ira n o t...........................:: ibou'tcd:i-.;-"you>.havcn’ti8con-tli V oH-for,H BOoajn#Dy:aumnicr»." Uona ;.-8bo-ut6d'l)acli;‘- : i i¥ ......................

l-TirkUDLEY-srlnned-nnil-Mnk-decp '■';‘M ;tnto:iJjc'6oH ’emiiIolit' llifvraf

^eic llccT anJ winiEp la ~ ml \l •■.'^-Donn’Eavo.her^.ljKcutlan lo. thi .rrcad.-..aUowaB‘an;4)xcellsiitilfI»oi ■^Uho^Bb■:vihcry,=^lloilll6fy;'elloul(l^rL :7.«Mmca,-nlmo»rfrainj6MeiniiW 6

•alrlok M Bbo. W

■9jB 6 ^ o p tfa :,A H D ’.o o i i a g g i » ; '^ < » ; b b a i -b 8TAt z ^•:aodoDiNOr:coLu:QB;i'^WEsi:>OT- F f iH ^ s p S b i A i j^ D is c o u N T r ^

’t a i l Ilaho pr«paVts»for tirflalo- Tratkftfii Lot* Acreaijo. W rlto ■ " - p i b n 'W 'a i i t r u i i j ^ a r ' ' B o r JO' aoodfnir'Id*.-

JdJca'.rabo.irBB.iTbi^d’crlaclfSiap-;laj., Dlnck,-W|Uum'-«iair.-wlillb slie wa* p«,ay T ?*»Uo ^ d e t n c a I


J .;-3(tfl'niTcf.I------------

:~rlew<lv.-slrangett.....I l 'f ln r/tfkc /fon iitW anil Ins vatwji Muc cj)« Jmn^W.

it p u rp ta .u c o sbon'ei) natang Hi iutiuh’.'eru9:and. rar.lo:lbo-\Tcsi.i

|l)]uD:ransoor.mouniain» markoil tli lum ber .caUiitryv. -Dona.Bet’ to.wur ........................ - ......'D laclTroil

fortacrrcBcrrc— aoTcralToutniBTTanlcatllo-'nBar. tho-tlm bcr...................

T hcrc^aa Uiind R iver tiulllt.; Dudley

broke iDto liar'rorcrla'liy-dei Irin: Hint th ry -uw n 'oU lunch -------- “ tr a T ir? in i? -------------

iiRiicu. peacefullyHI lbo:euaUlant.^ : .0 w o.park licre.or -dQ.wo, r -..nudloyr.pul|c>L»ilniMU r anil iiurvcyc]l'tli« scoac.--:Aiid


rrTliIi-:na-Sdlli~I3o1iyi»T:piaTrBn «a’l f caaip...Ucrc-j»nlB»H;".L'.Uor

.■pretiwniiaMjoruraBabSGnfe-flUBilii Ihcnclfart' ' y

:Noon:.touna Lbcm tpccdlni; Into rootlilllrt 'vlllnBo‘:-..wbDro;.tliey.- bad Iunch.'’‘-T l» Btop. na i ■pnli’

Dudley-bad.rollod. dona.lilfglcevcK buLDOt-beforo :hlfl arniB bad tiuriie' to'ni'flory.-red. :.H o .RBB.-Btlllila- aplrllcd.'ino^s^vhlP.lIiflR-iJ-nalcbt or ncw'eansB-Isito.’llio'lecUiloCltb r nk n nd.

;:J}y_''four,.o-clock..UiW..wcre;dtcp lBto-lhO'brokeil--couatry.-ThQ'hllH lookcd-'-dry;ana:*he>l;Jjuflb6'YalieySj vore-ErccarvU^i'IrrlEatcd'Taacbca.- Uona:'khew'’'tire''roaQ. alid'.'ftia''bVl .......- - - y . of.:llio-

- w laoa '.th(;lr-\~vurMTfHL-eiep

GUNOOWN fouau 'tho-iluBty -jwd- M;i<FdRVil)illlaeniT>',t)eBrjaa'Bpncloiia

:h o 9 l: t ’AL'lliVi{<Ic!sliii -tiacKvnrBiSUljJifiVlllffli <corral»S MnBcUaT ^^^youae s tS slecplr

0 t , tjio. newcotnors.

0YcmiEiifwltl^;us.‘ ..• Dona stepped.forB'ard’Bnd apoke

nalllngly.'. -RuD.:aloag and : wosti. up;.0ud,'«Iille4)talk lo Mr.vOoby.*?

|-„8otb,n£iliyilo<!ktd:«IiarolJ-«tafia. .cirl. ■thcn .'teralchcd his sItaKcy. head. .‘-You kaow mo Bna-l sliould know .jeu,-but I don-L"--*.-: - --. , - I'Vl'm ' Dona • Dcio: • Pletall ■ U-’i_ Doua’* wbtlo tcelb Bhono. ‘

, ■.:-".Wclli "asgaab • 1U- .-Siiro ■ yoi| a ^ c r Doby lielii oul.a knotty baud.

■■"■•r8'Dsd'’reslly .on'ono ofr.hia bon ers’’ , , .

.UdlJijJioaWj)lB.be4d.:.:rilo:;a.oriiL; lota-lli«.eliLfaol;jB.'.|»W-:

A-,jaunl-mnn ot w eal .helsbt, . KSLMJ.a.Oi'UUoowK^.tl.c.Iu.piiwl. 2oitn:tho HTorn •Bicpi.on‘'lMdly'rutl- pm.'ridlDR.hoots.\<llla-‘Aray.:tbalr BtoOd up .ln: i>n .uoruly:..wblrl.:nnd Ills ;bei|rd > wps.''ioDB.vaud'''Ubkenipl irlih.BiiBpiclouB.'KlrealiB of,t)rowa:ln iL'"iI<uwQro.a^toute.or.'<lcnttD a«u fdilc orera Ib ' *’ *’:.;-"JloVrfly;:-.MtraBsert:-:::;-W«Bl—iB bl.tclt'~4Bd^6aJ0-lar.“ 'nQr.i(mllC(l

ilB watery'blue'eycB-tvrliihloit. . , orrrbTkWp(,lat-»lbTSi6Unb-:

.BlKtit,Tv;DQBa:.oa«wrcavwUbva'Tfr rnlne^MlIo'.

llJig=«d!li!iOilob«iltifa lrled-:to:l:no$k:SfiniB:Benncrlnto:iil(. head. '.Waroea-Mm'plcBty."-

‘•'You-tl.liilf>he?rfl8hl-bfr=-!n'|w r? .O on#« I m eoDccaIfon^

' Sclli>Doby;«iiTled:»hoJr-auUc8»C9 <1 lBl|do.'.aad^ doposlied'jthem '^jn !•

roa B ro r .,T1 o « l | o . . r k 7 \ j , l ” "ri »i hct I Bfkot r d 11 ' loti e and <»(iUancaM6 i,

>,-1'k a o «

CO up »'llb.UBT:vJ>0DB !caUe1it;tli«"old>iaaB’i arm. ,,t“Vou. :u$ed.';t0;l«;Bble'l0-baiidli»’;O ad.';:’.:;i : ,;Ooby, 8hbok.;hls '.lieiid.'^^-rd ldo’' ■anythla'rfdrryaiii'laiftttiSmljraaeo^ ot-tho days nhos you nat P.lgtall.' ibougb^lbilclty- bai^Bbororttklieo; ,Hi4;piosb,«crub'out.ot you,-.but l|il> ■

,,‘Whyr*;Uonif'.sloake'<!lho\-,olij;""'s-Mn"a ........ ................ .rancbcr,lB;tba-cy6;(tT^Bly."^wn'0•Vci'an

■VOoDajBodded' and;i)»y.-toBOjWi cooler.rtUiigh"ber!tBill» waB Wld.. !^Bur':roavWtn- f e ^ iu s " w i a ; tb■ .klcdVflCr..............

Ixeui'iriro'c.ln the.lx(fr'suppcr...........

fta irlab t 0 rooms Dbaa ene <6 oatilaln

,.yoid B»iii:ferinheij:^i;“.mebC'W eii:)iit'.'Brta'L%ip.:?;^HtWllhbiii:7fu?lbBt,!ipif3i'.|ie-,.r«oY or«4^U U fllby^irJ

k r f f <i ; ,v . . .m r « f e ’And;,!l’ll:.-UBa'.ii-.-;JjaBft; 100 I I I can Selb Dobya taoaesT facsViIli)H:^;(eB)larrB*tD)tnt..’ao(t'; id ia ’w'.b« tirata: to. tb'lllUIaldlaV / .......T a ' ............ ...

. .. •38-*iro,J8!. Trea*.'' ^148 .. 1103.22;,..Treaji., .48. ;ji0 4 .2 4 ;, Treax.-n^A :'5Q 410.1S; Treaa n%8 •47 »100.20:-.TrcBS.'.3«it '43 .March 1100.21: .^T^caa S?4«-'.'« ’*lOQ-SC; i^ re as . r 3\tg ^ 9

* t'ASH HllAni:.^ OmOAGO. ;So]il. -SJ • (i;P )-C n8li |,

l•A■fourray8l(>m.plan,arrrTed^«^•>y.-lio • cxccutlvc* today .dools'matiiJtf-U'iSJ-.fl cludo ^No,w/>:nfilBi)d;.llncH,^#x«it;t::('jEtJ tlio'- BoRion ’ t AUMiiiy, liiVBsrtn-ij-.'.'mH

N o .; i . yellow ,!tO«a:, No; 1 whllft

OslH! • No. . 2 wlillo IS .lo' ISiSc. H arloy :-25 'to '3«e .'.-

..Thnotby;-..»2.2S io--W.CO.(, / - •' CIO p t ?7 lo

kPl-nna\2«4>rof.ccht.; cxcIinnBc.'--.. -

iTlmo.Mpcsnoyv'woii-. I ..inrt:ouitiirltloa.>afi.l.‘

. NB\V YOnK,' ,Sci)t.-23 (in>)- :Occai[oaal. sales .aro.’lielntr- 01696)1' .jin jaodo ra lo JjnB n tlllw - — ■ ■woola-

,iu)stlyf to-: comKlnc. Btapla'.tbri«8a>

|«ra(lo<-.aro;belnK^rall)” niBlntAlnod: UllMouKb.ideaaindiJBiUWetiV


- E ,X3oa>.-.Trtiat'^lii_

Page 6: Bitter Wa'rfare

P a s s S ix

•: r.nlo. ; llQ>iimcH wiifo .Mth. “ '• ' ClinnOi'm.-MrB. B. Cl. lliiii-.toi

: J(M, I l-U Mtllrlclr.

t ," AT l.U.NHIK«.N ■»-'';:-Xlra..D(‘Wlll"U. yoMMi! Miii.

'.c'nTTTtamnii— iii r t fA lt i r - f i V:' AmiKoii niuii 111-im a<tnipnv.-iy itc- m i;i:tin<;

■ t H i i > r l i . . Q i i l-VMny IlIllTIlOOIl. .

TinmrTTira'frir-wnrirTispil'nir-iioiisc'-'iitnjrr-JTiPctiiirni-nfTnn-niTT^-iin^iisa- nnd liiIilR ilccnriillonK. Mtm. . Iilii J<Mii Rlici.iiono Kirc>ci 1JIliBo; Ahlorcliiln. Wnsti,. liniisi' riiHl. J1ls« |]liik<'l;.cli'r li.-lil lilKli

k'-liKjiotl-Ol.SlM. D-.H. Ulmrchlll. wiiHliiciiri!. uiiil Mis, ikOrii VVtilfr, sci'. 1 of, Oil! Clirli. ravlxiiul liluli. !

.V Ihvlii'wns In tluir^to nt Ili>' iiIkt- ' + + +j)<*nn'»i liroffpim. , TW.l-NTII-TII CKNTl'Ity

i-; ^ + f . ' + ■ KKCKn'IIIN 'iTKSIt.lV '' 1IVSHP11T 1 r \ r m - 'c » \ " ' npfrinidu of nn-|

• ,-,Tl.e;iV(Wn Sl«t«r« oiilorUilnc.l j So|,l..|;i.i, . . .j .liMiefit’ . iloMHcri

. niiinirtaj''-aflornooii n<‘ v ; 'Mrn. ‘AV.'.-rp. Tlioiii|iaiiii

loixrli tlic> :


Oil- lioiiie of Mrn. Ali'Xiiniler. I'liili pioxiili-ul Wclitli nvpiiiip iiiirm. from :l j::iO f/clock. finL !■

iro.: j ;no .c

E o o t e f l i t tWEDATJEROE

N u p tia ls W ill Mftrk piosingf D ay of N orthsidc F n i r

, T h is Ycnr

AUl'itCrdUMI Hc luKlI.In sc.HSions- fo r ; :oruiiiiizpi1 r»i' I (.■iirotliiinni of Ki'adm, .MIkh ICriiiii I

•HT. Ic;ic‘!ii'r. Ik 1 I.. Kiliikvl liniiir <

Tialit ICiitiWi ai'< : Him, Iiarii '

llinkul—4uiil—litU*u-u '

S h o u k k r s — B eef, V cnl, Pork or L im b, P o u n d ............Leg" o f P o r k o r V eal, Pound ...■.......... — ........................P r im e Rib R o a s t o r L og of Spring L n n ^^ y T p u n d .............S l^ inncd H ntn ii, F ine fo r Bilking, H n lf 'o r W hq le , P o u n d . H oiiii! Drnu.'ftid R im lin g Colored Hcnn, P o u n d .....................

Mr.-t.Ih <it llio Kimki'l , oliHciic'o of .Mr«- y

r a nliiinillrr. JproDi

iliirliiK IIIKiillkrI, ,•

aklniiRr, foriiliiK. Ci'Hf., «'|io lull n|i«nl Uio piim spvnriil wi'chx:Ml Twin KiiIIh ..... .. visltuil lii«|iiiipli!, W. 'iL Sldiiiiur nnil fninllyj

i_wick.Jciivli)k' Tlnir«iliiy iiuirii- « fur Ills Jiom ^ III CornlUR [ .\Hhs L’lljuUolh Kiiiikol liiiK Rntii' ■

Pocatdlo. ivlnTO mIu- viiUae') _ c Houiliei'n lirnmrli. llnlvprdlij- of y l iilKi (for In 'ollilr. OIuiiii Kiinkcl, H

' " STEW O R B O IL-L itm b-or-V eftlrS tcw -or-R ib-B oil-B ccfi-4 -P ouhdB ......."r----------------------------------------^ S : P o n n d B = ^ ^— Y o u n g -P o rk -S iH ire-R lb s.-S ^ I

•iii'ikH <I P o r k Bm Jc BonoH, 7-Poiinds - - P o r k HocIch, P len ty Meiil on, P o u n d s ...............

F R Y ■P o r k , Veal o r Lamb Slenks, 3 P o u n d 3 ..................- .

,T op S irlo in Steaifs, S tee r Beef, 3 Pounds ....'..............P r c : h G ro u n d H am burger, 100% Bcof, 3 P o u n d s .P u r e P o rk Sausage , 100% Pork, 3 P o u n d s ................

■ F ry in g O h ickeus .......■—. / ........................ ............ ........F i v i n r R a b b its . W alk e r 's “ Inspcotod’.' .............r......':


• s o p 2 s e

,, 3 0 f ...,22p , 2oe

KDix: flriil; nllil -. Bcooiicl |irl*o*• ■ iiriioclilo nnd Mph. ' Krc.l OJcth ■ i ■'.' tfii.-^llniii. 'lilKli • m il l Mcoiiil ...: .l.rmc6.; A .ulnillor jiffnir'nHII lie. ,' jiulil'.111, ;twn';wcujtii iH il .! Ilf Mrs. ('nrl Amlori'iin.

Kim berly S tu d e n t i /;• Body Hag E lection In i '

nrlki'H .ii[i ihi: itmc. "Here I's ilin IlrWf." Sniiirilny'uvi'-

:il till', fhiiil pcTfnrniimco of mfi'B i'o-o|ier'all<ro fiJr, ,«|n'cta- "

limy (tiliik for llip-iiiomriil, lli<-y nro stAiIng ilniililp.iifiiiliU-.l

o.'rncliii;.tiirtlcii k Tliej- - ■ . !))• MlsH

IXSMIlATmX (-I .I 'll IfAS.Ktj^SlOX

•vrTlio lH*i»lraHntj-clii!)-iiioi—TUiim- <lay'aftflri)(Hiii \y|lli Mm. <)ti» Ciild-

:wclI..Al llic'cinco o f .llift tift.oriioou .'Hie liaijlwii.w'UKlitleil hy Mrn. Doiiiiy

l|,''-ThOKc' iirrsont. Ill'.nildlllnn lo llio 'liOHtcim wero Mcmlamcii ltnli

KWHlKin.V, (.S|iiiplnlJ — lUm- liL-rJy lilcli Kclioiil HliiiliMit Iifldy<-l<>p|loii. rcstilli'tl 11 . foIlosvK:______

I’rcHlilPiil. Ktispiip llrow ii;

Piuitluo Urcm-n:

I' lour lirlilpS/tt'lll iiT>]ieiliroiialii liilo uoiir/ <m n 'Iny f<

iinlvtrsHy. Mioiir Ic'

r Otdulioiiia, knilpil (

,110 pliitfunii in fr»m .if lliV cra ii.l-i ximiillnr K«yoii ir. flv^.for' ocoi.rcil Suinrriay.Hlnnd. -Tliorf* will aIhh lio fnlirl.<’<'-'l'i“ 'i>l' •Niu'inl Ilillil ilN- Mont (.vcrylmily In llils-lnMlily

• lirldoKrooinK. Tlio four iimiiloH. ull'l'layK iKo liirllCT. . • n ttcn.tni |li« nolliipiil iiicptlnK lii-ldr.nm sniiiiipni. i j u iKi. who linv^ I — h i ’ .Vnt-.Sn».I»«li Sundny, wliii ,\ii-•1l^pn oiiKiiRPd fiiroioiiip lIHu-, Will 1 i-iicflntr.ulur lpa|i Krldiiy- cvpiilni;. T. K/iillli Hio ii^lncliml

;Tlin i'x)ilt(lt;f ilnlljviillna'i liiiii- BIicaldT. A liuHkol'-liinrli wan jer'--iiliii; Kliorlly iiflnr ,!■ o'clork. nt'r dri'il nf visllrfrs, JdNil.wcnlJiiT i>n- « l • hi Uio noon, luiur, wliji iim

“The Market» T h a t S erve Y ou Beat” *

. . . . 162.1C3- 311J 1 2 . :


- —ME-PENBE-NT----

Kimberly’Itliiin .Slirmnrp; Ki-rt:caiit-Dt> tir tlin f iim. WpRloy (!o\ikIi : ynll lenili'iH. I Jyrtiiii n 'ulrnim Idil i p y

JJrric?l Woollpy.'Jii'mca WnoJlicndij way. Kllcii.'Sroit. T>vo Blrl*. Kny ' :Clydo Worrlmm 'im .l Penny Sulll. Jtlll. ami KlrJiia nienn. llpd tni*

,: rail.. • ; U 'lr ls ' atlilPHr.;niiiinKt;r.

i: u t il it a r ia n tlAT£filALHA?ilJRHED .

1;<). n iiil’ ilil* weok liim cprlolnly tifun llio iniirrlnKi! renter of Hnnili- c n t Idnlm. ir llio public -iycililliiK' lliii oiiwilliK day. wllli oiiu lirlilti iiiiti Rroonip- ntirncicd livoaklnK flti*! dny croi Doar.l l» »'oiiilovliiK wtinl cfft-cl. iMiadniiilo .woilillnK trill Imvc

'tliu aimmrrapi! rprorii« of Sill 1 liny cvpiilirK. Tlic wcilclhi K To ] iiiiiny will >10 inurlK'd liy '

illcn lly ' ilini iirovalleit

[ F l s e . l a i l jT IM F.3 WANT J l l a i m r liR.I M E A T S


.■ / ; ' m e a j s -V '- ■

: . i P l , - f c -


Truin i-miniy J,iil lipro liiiliiy. hi- .- iT ;« r , . I'P-itllis'. 111.! iilKiil jnllpr,,0, iiiL >1111 iHicaiinK a .n r fnmi n mall iiiirior,

^lU'l rioiiln); .lou'ii [lie iiiiiln lilcli- . wii)'. lowurd-.S.':illll'. Tlifi |irlKCin>rn •wcrp nriiU'd wllli Iwo niK.imnlir Iii.ilolii.

, - A fi'iv ni^». - .V ATWATER KENT

: $ 2 a . s o ;a t /P A L k 's '

Here is where you get. tiiey -most in quality gas—

ire<(or^ iii4 by j| ■ fo r your money —c ^ k i n ^ sc h o o ltea ch e rsCooking ichoot teochers'reeoiiim andliidlaTea to yoilbaeouie 1hTffrm 676~tonrrM O f»-(faaroncorM oiirt»ronolK [-T^h#j«;■poputbj^ brondi'of-iea conlatri.|ndla;Tea^-Thay.qro.avciilabls.._L.'l ?n your neighborhood! M k youK grocer fo r,b n o .by brand.


,, How can'One a ff o rd to - p a y - u n f a ir pric^.ior.:ino'tbr;fuoi-;:

w hen -p roduco .'p rieo 's-n re :S'o/;l'6w?..Wc'tl35U6yft,iU;^^

to cxpoct you to p a y -s u o h ^ r ic c 9 ;? :v .i r i - i^ ^ ; : : -

W E ’VE B R O U G H T -T H E -P R IC E -O F -G A S -D O W N

A N D W ^ IN T E N D TO K E E P I T 'D O W N ^ S p

;buyfi j jo u a „ g a llo n o f 'th a l l jn c s t gns qn

l^ n .jm r lre tl^ i^ ta iiM u lx w i lI tx a n y ln c o sy o u ,- : '^ ^ ^

_________ % : . . i .........

L ij f t d A H t o m o b j l e