Fisdas3 - Bab 1, 2

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  • 8/3/2019 Fisdas3 - Bab 1, 2


    Fisika Dasar 3

  • 8/3/2019 Fisdas3 - Bab 1, 2



    12 Sep 2011 - 6 Jan 2012

    15 kali pertemuan + 2 kali ujian


    Tugas-tugas mandiri: 10%, Diskusi: 20%

    Kuis: 20%, UTS: 20%, UAS: 30%


    A : 80 - 100, B : 65 - 79, C : 55 - 64

    D : 41 - 54, E : 0 - 40

  • 8/3/2019 Fisdas3 - Bab 1, 2



    Materi Pembelajaran:1. Perhitungan Temperatur dan


    2. Perhitungan Kuantitas Panas

    3. Internal Energi dan Kapasitas


    4. Efek Panas Terhadap benda

    5. Perhitungan perpindahanpanas

    6. Sistem Periodik Mendeleyev

    7. Partikel inti

    8. Kulit dan Konfigurasi

    9. Isotop

    10. Radioaktif

    Materi Pembelajaran:Sinar X dan reaksinya terhadap materi dan inti

    atomReaksi intiDisintegrasi nuklirReaksi fisi dan fusi

    Buku Pegangan:Holliday & Resnick. Fisika. Jilid I

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    1. Temperatur

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    Definisi Temperature: the degree or intensity of heatpresent in a substance or object, as

    expressed according to a comparative scaleand shown by a thermometer or perceivedby touch. *

    Temperature: a physical property of matterthat quantitatively expresses the commonnotions of hot and cold. *

    Temperatur: Ukuran panas atau dinginnyabenda

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    Celcius dan keterbatasannya

    Mercury freezing point: -39C

    Alcohol boiling point: 85C

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    Temperatur mutlak

    Constant volume gas thermometer

    For any gases, at pressure zero, the temperature is 273.15C

    Basis for the absolute temperature scale as its zero point.

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    Fahrenheit, Rankine, Reamur

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    Definisi Thermal contact: two objects

    are in thermal contact witheach other if energy can beexchanged between them.

    Thermal equilibrium: a situationin which two objects in thermalcontact with each other cease

    to exchange energy by theprocess of heat.

    Zeroth law of thermodynamics:

    If objects A and B areseparately in thermalequilibrium with a third objectC, then objects A and B are inthermal equilibrium with eachother.

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    2. Panas (Heat)

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    Heat: the quality of being hot; the state

    of a body perceived as having orgenerating a relatively high degree ofwarmth. *

    Heat: energy transferred bytemperature difference. *

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    Satuan (unit)

    Calorie (cal): defined as the amount ofenergy transfer necessary to raise the

    temperature of 1 g of water from 14.5Cto 15.5C.

    British thermal unit (Btu): defined as the

    amount of energy transfer required toraise the temperature of 1 lb of waterfrom 63F to 64F.

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    Pengukuran panas

    Calorimeter bomb