FDSeminar Meer doen met minder | 17 maart | BMW Group Belux

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Transcript of FDSeminar Meer doen met minder | 17 maart | BMW Group Belux

“More with Less”

Johan Bohyn – 17 Maart 2016ModernBiz


The tools we all need

Example Real Business Solution

Re-think Office




NWOW People1

People Drive Business

Develop customer relationships Build partner connections

Improve operations Drive innovation

What is the “New World Of Work”?The NWOW is a vision

That creates a win-win situation for employer & employee by enabling people to work in a more flexible

enjoyable way.That empowers people with the

solutions/tools they need

Why NWOW?Disruptions on the horizon

The war for talentThe knowledge gap

From old to new economy

Old Value ChainFirm infrastructure

Human Resource Management

Technology Development















g &




Gross salesSupporting activitiesPrimary activities

The world is flatThomas Friedman

The knowledge gap

Knowledge ManagementKennismanagement: de vierde golf (Steven Warmoes)

Korte inhoud:Onze bedrijven en organisaties hebben in twee eeuwen tijd in drie golven fundamentele competenties geleerd: kostprijs gedreven massaproductie, marketing en procesmanagement.

Maar kosteneffectieve, klantgerichte processen vereisen competente teams van kenniswerkers die steeds sneller hun kennis doorgeven en nieuwe kennis creëren. Dit is de vierde golf die onze volledige aandacht verdient voor de komende decennia: kennismanagement. Dit boek is voor kennismanagers en kenniswerkers, lijnmanagers en HR managers. Het geeft de lezers eye-openers en aandachtspunten die toelaten proactief de passende acties te ondernemen binnen hun actieradius.

De publicatie bevat eveneens veel concrete illustraties zodat de lezer zich goed kan inleven in de dagelijkse realiteit van kennismanagement.

War for talent

1984 Launch of the Macintosh and

Windows 1.0 The end of the C:\DOS\>_ The beginning of

Consumerization of the PC

Digital Natives People born >1984 have always

had computers and internet in their lives

They work differently – your kids and yourself

They communicate across the globe as seamless as across the table

When they type 3 words in Google they find more information then they can handle – on any topic!

Facts They are entering our

companies In 3-5 years they will be running

our companies Will they bring a mind set


Hard skills

High profiled candidates

Recruitment today

Emotional Intelligent

Multiple competences

Soft skillsGeneration (wh)Y traffic jams?

Home/Business Alignment?

New Definition of WORK = the brief period during the day

where I have to use old technology.

CCC decease

WTF is the “CCC disease”?Constant Continuous

ComplainingOnly focus on what is wrong

It creates cliques

It becomes a habitIt kills innovation

It kills your team motivation

Pessisme is bad for your health

Solution : Change ManagementTop 10 leading models1.  Kotters 8-step model2. Bridge’s Change model3. Kubler-Ross4. Beckhards Change Equation5. The Personal Power Grid6. Kurt Lewin Change Model7. Michael Beer8. The Prosci ADKAR model9. Malcom Gladwell’s 10. The Satir Change Model

Change = Start with yourself


= Formula

Credibility x Reliability x Proximity =

Common sense of InterestWhat’s in it for you? (employee)What’s in it for me? (as a manager)What’s in it for the company?


What can we do?

Re-think culture Re-think technology Re-think Offices




Tuesday SundaySaturdayFridayThursdayMonday Wednesday

Balancing the NWOWTraditional viewNWOW 1.0 view




Tuesday SundaySaturdayFridayThursdayMonday Wednesday

Balancing the NWOWNWOW 2.0 view


The tools we all need

Example Real Business Solution

Re-think Offices




NWOW People1

ModernBizBreaking down silos to drive business success

DepartmentsCabinet files File Shares Mailboxes

Do your best work, wherever you are. And make sure all data is available.Business Anywhere


Connect with your team and work together anywhere

Intelligent Document Capture (IDC)


Paper-free processes Document Management and Records Center


80% agree that paper is a huge obstruction to remote working1

53% find that the biggest driver for scanning and data capture is improved searchability and sharability2

Intelligent Document Capture (IDC)

Once all documents are equal, whether they came into the business on paper or electronically, they can all be accessed anywhere at anytime

Improved searchability/ sharability

1Reduced physical storage space and ability to work remote.

Physical storage space 4

Improved process productivity Re-keying of data from forms and orders is time-consuming and error-prone.


The elapsed time of response in a paper process far exceeds the actual process time itself

Faster response to customers/staff 3

1,2: AIIM: Association for Information and Image Management

Stop letting paper slow down your business

Centralized captureJump to: Data SurveyOn-demand Capture

8 out of10Reported that the biggest benefits from paper-free processes are faster customer/staff response and higher productivity1

Paper-free processes

59% achieved a payback in less than 12 months from their paper-free projects3.

Return on investment1What is the status of a document in the workflow?Which approvals are overdue?Management reporting and workloads

Monitoring of status 4Improved productivity and remote working Reduced staff resource, faster customer/staff response and higher productivity.

Approve documents when on the road.


Who approved what, when and why?

Audit Trail and regulatory compliance


1 AIIM: Association for Information and Image Management

The Nr. 1 trigger starting with paper-free processes is a mandate from above.

Workflow SolutionJump to: Data Survey


The tools we all need

Example Real Business SolutionRe-think Offices




NWOW People1

Example Solution: Accounts Payable

29% is the overall average of cost reduction1

35% of the received electronic invoices get printed anyway2

Capture and paper-free processes in AP

If we take the average 29%3 saving and apply it to a business processing 12.000 per year at an average of € 11,6€ min. (max 75,3€) per invoice, we see a total saving of more than € 40.000 per year

Cost Savings1Better records for audit trail and fewer invoices “lost in the loop”

Audit Trial 4Faster turnaround timeIn addition to the pure cost savings there is a “faster turnaround time for payment” improved WC


Better monitoring of invoice status , accessible for everybody

Process Transparency 3

1,2,3,4: AIIM: Association for Information and Image Management

The average cost to process an invoice manually is €11,6

Centralized captureJump to: Data SurveyWorkflow

The three biggest benefits from your AP automation system (in addition to pure cost savings)

Other benefits

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The tools you need

The tools you need

Re-think Offices




NWOW People1

HOE HET OPEN KANTOOR MEE KAN LEIDEN TOT BURN-OUTWegbezuinigd: onze concentratie!De Standaard :12 MAART 2016 | Eva BerghmansHet open kantoor is ruim en licht. Het belichaamt de nieuwe stijl van werken, maar is eigenlijk vaak ingegeven door besparingen. En de kakofonie van lawaai en de overdaad aan prikkels putten ons uit.

‘Zal ik een tapkast installeren, collega’s?’ Het is een van de vaste mopjes op de redactievloer als een vergadering wat te geanimeerd dreigt te worden, zeker aan de sta-tafels met barkrukken. De redactie van deze krant is bijlange niet de enige werkvloer die geregeld de allures van een café aanneemt. ‘Moppen mag ik er nog over maken’, zegt Charlotte (*), ‘maar ik kan er niet meer mee lachen. Ik heb al huilend bij de dokter gezeten, omdat ik voelde dat ik ging instorten. Als ik een opmerking over het lawaai maak, noemen mijn collega’s mij een hysterica. Maar de kwaliteit van mijn dag is omgekeerd evenredig met de hoeveelheid lawaai. Als het hier een drukke dag is, als er veel consultants aan het werk zijn bijvoorbeeld, dan zit ik met vijfduizend vensters open op mijn laptop, zonder dat ik weet wat ik aan het doen ben.’Het open kantoor waarin Charlottes bureau staat, is er een van het ergste soort. Bij een fusie enkele jaren geleden werden er wat bureaus bijgeschoven in een toch al krappe ruimte. Daarin zitten nu tientallen mensen, dicht bij elkaar, zodat je van iedereen kan horen wat hij te vertellen heeft – in grotere open kantoren verworden gesprekken in het beste geval tot onverstaanbaar geroezemoes, wat minder storend is. Er zijn geen ontsnappingsroutes – geen stille ruimtes, geen aparte hokken. Thuiswerk mag niet.

Grote kans dat Charlottes collega’s onbewust even goed last hebben van de kantoordrukte. ‘Zelfs mensen die denken dat ze geen last hebben van de afleiding in een open kantoor, hebben er last van’, zegt Frederik Anseel, professor organisatiepsychologie aan de UGent. ‘Je mag de impact van een storing op je concentratie niet onderschatten’, zegt Hendrik Delagrange van de Stichting Innovatie en Arbeid, de onderzoeksafdeling van de Sociaal-Economische Raad van Vlaanderen. ‘Na een storing kost het je 25 minuten om opnieuw ten volle geconcentreerd te zijn.’

Re-think Offices

Only when you need to work together and physical interaction is important you come to the office

Top 7 to-do’s for your location

Meeting rooms:small to large

Shared desks foreveryone

Visual & acoustic distraction

Room setup: everything available & locked

Involve your people

Laptops and wifi networks everywhere

Task Oriented Spaces : Concentration Room, Phone Booth, Interactive Room/Cafe, Focus Rooms, Break-Out/Relax space

The results @ Fod Soc. ZekerheidImpact on people ·        +/-50% of the FOD employees have adopted NWOW·        88% of staff is satisfied or very satisfied·        Turnover within the FOD is 25% lower than in other FODs·        Women occupy 37,5% of the highest hierarchical positions as NWOW allows them to combine both familial and professional challenges.

Impact on productivity ·        +20% work done with 9% staff decrease over the last 3 yearsCosts savings brought by NWOW: ·        Office renting: -9.000.000€ / year·        Power consumption (electricity, heating…): -40%·        Telephony costs: -78%·        Printing costs: -80%  

De Standaard Maandag 14/3/2016 (Wouter Van Driessche)

It is not about finding the right people......but will they select your organization to work for?

Thank YOU ALL for your Attention

johan.bohyn@recomatics.com +32 475 63 36 57

Founded in 1995

Grown out of document recognition and processing


Appendix: RecoMatics Capture Apps

CentralizedImaging and Document Capture Scan / PDF / E-mail Import

Image ImprovementRecognition header and line itemsAutomatic bundling and classificationSelf-Learning mechanismSharePoint Document StorageOutput LOB systemLOB Documentviewer

“Batch capture: central high volume scanning and processing. Mostly combined with document processing technology .”

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The tools you need to automatically process documents in high volumes

Learn more

Centralized Capture: Classification Back to solution slide

Document Bundling

Document classification:InvoiceAttachment I I I I A A

On-demandImaging and Document Capture Scan / Drag&Drop / E-mail

Personal and Group QueueScan (USB & MFP)Camera Drag & DropOutlook AppSharePoint Document StorageContext driven LOB metadata capture, classification and document viewing

“On-demand capture: decentralized capture and classification of documents. Integrated in your front-end business application .”

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The tools you need to add document capture and document management capabilities to your LOB systems

Learn more

On-demand Capture: AssignBack to solution slide

Three biggest drivers for scanning and data capture in your organization? (N=334)

Why capturing

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Appendix: RecoMatics Workflow Apps

WorkflowPaper-free processes Generate tasks or e-mails

Digital ApprovalCollect information (form, approval, …)Audit trail & Workflow MonitorNotifications and Time monitoringGenerate documents (e.g. PO)ReportingDigital Signatures (contracts)

“Digital worfklow: ability to work remote while having a complete audit trial and status monitoring”

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The tools you need to automate and streamline your processes

Learn more

WorkflowBack to solution slide

Three biggest benefits from your paper-free processes? (N=218)

Why Paper-free processes

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