Distance metrics for genome-scale metabolic models

Distance metrics for genome-scale metabolic models Andrea Cabbia ( [email protected] ) Technische Universiteit Eindhoven https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4275-1454 Peter A.J. Hilbers Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Natal A.W. van Riel Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Research article Keywords: Genome-scale metabolic models; Machine Learning; Distance metrics Posted Date: September 5th, 2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.2.10792/v1 License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Read Full License

Transcript of Distance metrics for genome-scale metabolic models

Page 1: Distance metrics for genome-scale metabolic models

Distance metrics for genome-scale metabolicmodelsAndrea Cabbia ( [email protected] )

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4275-1454Peter A.J. Hilbers

Technische Universiteit EindhovenNatal A.W. van Riel

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

Research article

Keywords: Genome-scale metabolic models; Machine Learning; Distance metrics

Posted Date: September 5th, 2019

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.2.10792/v1

License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Read Full License

Page 2: Distance metrics for genome-scale metabolic models

Cabbia et al.


Distance metrics for genome-scale metabolicmodelsAndrea Cabbia1*, Peter A.J. Hilbers1 and Natal A.W. van Riel1,2


Background: Due to algorithmic advancements and to the availability of experimental datasets, largecollections of genome-scale metabolic models (GSMM) can nowadays be generated automatically.Nevertheless, few tools are available to efficiently analyze such large sets of models, for example to study thelink between genetic and metabolic heterogeneity. Machine Learning (ML) algorithms use the distance betweendata points to find patterns in large datasets. A method to determine distance between genome-scalemetabolic models was thus necessary to apply ML to large model sets. We address this issue considering threelevels of model representation, and defining for each of them a different distance metric: Jaccard metric formetabolic reconstructions, graph kernels for network graph topology and cosine similarity between fluxdistributions for constraint-based models. We employed two benchmark datasets, each containing hundreds ofmetabolic models, to compare the different metrics: the first is composed of 100 human genome-scale modelsdeveloped from proteomics data of four different cancer tissues, while the second contains more than 800models of bacterial species inhabiting the human gut and was developed from metagenomic data.

Results: Metrics based on the overlap of reactions content (Jaccard) and on network similarity (graph kernels)achieve remarkably similar performances in clustering and classification tasks. Phylogenetic trees built on thesetwo metrics have the same distance from a reference taxonomy, even if the trees themselves are different fromeach other. Mantel test shows high correlation between distance matrices built with Jaccard and networksimilarity metrics.

Conclusions: We expand the concept of distance between metabolic models, highlighting new properties ofthe Jaccard metric such as its correlation with network similarity and function. We show how distance metricsenable the application of machine learning algorithms to genome-scale metabolic models, enabling efficientpattern recognition in large model sets.

Keywords: Genome-scale metabolic models; Machine Learning; Distance metrics

IntroductionPhenotypic variation in responses to the same stim-uli, such as pharmaceutical treatments and diet, arisesfrom genetic and epigenetic variation, different micro-biome composition and function, and from lifestylefactors such as physical activity [1]. Genome-scalemetabolic models represent the metabolic networkof an organism or tissue, and simulate the responseto particular environmental conditions such as nutri-ent availability. These models can be parametrizedwith multiple types of molecular data, such as tran-scriptomics and proteomic, to produce context-specificmodels. This feature makes them attractive platforms

*Correspondence: [email protected] Biology, Eindhoven University of Technology, Groene

Loper, Eindhoven, NL

Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

for the integration of multi-omics datasets, and forthe study of phenotypic heterogeneity, for example tostudy the complex genetics of metabolic diseases andconditions such as development of frailty with age. [2].Genome-scale metabolic models are knowledge-driven:knowledge of physico-chemical laws is employed tobuild mechanistic models that are able to explainor approximate experimental data. Automated modelgeneration algorithms [3], [4], [5] have made possi-ble the construction of large libraries of genome-scalemetabolic models, such as patient-derived models, [6],and human gut microbial communities [7], [8]. Despitethis increase in the number of GSMM developed andpublished, very few methods are available to describeand study heterogeneity across the large number ofdifferent models included in such libraries [9], [10].Machine Learning (ML) algorithms can automatically

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find patterns in large amounts of data, without anyprevious knowledge about the system. These methodsscale well to large datasets, but it is difficult to intro-duce any a priori knowledge about biological systemsin this kind of algorithms [11]. ML algorithms can bebroadly divided in supervised and unsupervised: un-supervised algorithms, often referred to as clusteringalgorithms, automatically detect underlying patternsand similarities in large amounts of unlabelled data,while supervised methods, also known as classifica-tion algorithms, can learn known patterns from a setof annotated training data, and use this informationto create a predictive model able to match new un-seen data to a known profile. Many classification al-gorithms, such as K-Nearest Neighbor (kNN, SupportVector Machine (SVM), and clustering methods suchas Hierarchical clustering (HC) and K-means, rely onmeasures of distance to discover similarities betweendifferent data points. [12],[13],[14]. We see large po-tential in the combination of genome-scale metabolicmodels with ML to address the question of biologi-cal heterogeneity. The definition of methods to mea-sure distance between metabolic models is needed asa fundamental step towards the integration of thesetwo computational approaches, enabling the applica-tion of machine learning algorithms to find patternsin large sets of metabolic models. The Jaccard simi-larity metric, which is defined as the size of the in-tersection divided by the size of the union of two sets,has been used as measure metabolic similarity betweenGSMMs in several papers [15], [16], [7]. This similar-ity metric can be applied to metabolic reconstructionsto compute a similarity score between the sets of re-actions or metabolites of two different models, but itdoes not take into account higher level features of themodels such as the topology of the metabolic networkor the constraints of a constraint-based model. Forthis reason, we hypothesize that metrics based on dif-ferent properties of the model could identify differentpatterns. To test such hypothesis, we identified threedifferent representations of a genome-scale metabolicmodel, respectively as list of reactions, as graph topol-ogy and as flux constraints, and defined distance met-rics based on each of these features. The distance met-rics were then compared in a series of machine learningand phylogenetic analysis applications.

MethodsBenchmark DatasetsTo compare and evaluate different genome-scale modeldistance metrics, we employed two published collec-tions of genome-scale models as benchmark datasets.The first is a library of patient-derived genome scalemodels, developed from cancer patient proteomics

data [6], which is available at the Biomodels database[17]: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/biomodels-main/pdgsmm.For the remainder of the paper, we will identify thisdataset with the abbreviation PDGSMM. All the mod-els included in this dataset have been generated fromthe same reference human metabolic model, HMR2[18], using the same algorithm, tINIT [5], in orderto minimize the technical variability (also known asbatch effect) present inside each dataset [19]. To facil-itate our analysis, we chose to use only a subset of thislarge collection of thousands of models. We selected100 models, representing the metabolism of 4 differentcancer tissues: liver, lung, pancreas and skin. Figure1A and 1C show the content of the models in thisdataset, respectively in terms of number of reactionand metaboites, for each of the four tissues. The seconddataset is a collection of microbial models inhabitingthe human gut, AGORA, [7], which can be accessedat the Virtual Metabolic Human (VMH) databasehttps://www.vmh.life/#microbes/search. The lat-est version of the collection (1.03) includes 818 bacte-rial models. Figure 1B and 1D show the content of themodels in this dataset.

Figure 1 Summary of the reactions and metabolite contentof the models included in each benchmark dataset. (A)Reaction content of the models of the PDGSMM dataset,grouped by tissue type. (B) Reaction content of of the modelsin the AGORA dataset, grouped by Phylum, (C) Metabolitecontent of the models of the PDGSMM dataset, grouped bytissue type. (D) Metabolite content of of the models in theAGORA dataset, grouped by Phylum

Alternative representations of a genome-scale metabolicmodelGSMMs are data structures that can be representedin alternative ways, depending on the type of applica-tion: as repositories of genes, metabolites and biochem-ical reactions experimentally found or predicted to bepresent in a certain tissues or organism (metabolicreconstruction); as bipartite graph structure, wherereactions and metabolites are two separate sets ofnodes, connected by edges, resulting in a specific topol-ogy, shown in Additional Figure 4 (network topologygraph), and as constraint-based model, describing howthe metabolism of a tissue or organism adapts to aspecific environment or condition, i.e. subject to con-straints on the metabolic fluxes through exchange andinternal reactions. Additional Figure 5 shows the struc-ture and attributes of a constraint-based metabolicmodel (SBML file). Such alternative representationsof the same object are often mistakenly conflated witheach other, leaving space for misunderstanding and in-teroperability issues [20]. Making this distinction ex-

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plicit may improve our definition of metabolic dis-tance, since each of these three different aspects ofa GSMM (metabolic reconstruction, network topol-ogy graph and constraint-based model) encapsulatesdifferent aspects of metabolic heterogeneity. We willtherefore define separate distance metrics for each ofthese features.

Distance and similarity metricsJaccard Metric

The Jaccard metric has been used extensively to mea-sure distance between genome-scale metabolic modelsin several studies: [15],[16],[4]. In [7], the authors usedmetagenomic data to build a collection of 773 genome-scale metabolic reconstructions of bacterial species in-habiting the human gut. The variability of these recon-structions has been quantified computing the Jaccarddistance between lists of reactions for each pair of re-constructions:

JD = 1−|Ri ∩Rj |

|Ri ∪Rj|

where Ri is the list of reactions from reconstructioni and Rj is the list of reactions present in reconstruc-tion j. JD = 1 implies that the two reconstructionsshare no reactions, while JD = 0 means that the tworeconstructions have identical reaction lists.

Graph Kernels

Kernel methods are a class of machine learning algo-rithms [21], owing their name to the use of kernel func-tions, i.e. nonlinear functions that map the data into adifferent dimensional space, such as the ReproducingKernel Hilbert Space (RKHS). In the RKHS, the dis-tance of samples represents their similarity. As long aswe can formulate everything in terms of kernel evalu-ations, we never explicitly need to compute the exactcoordinates in the RKHS, but rather their distance isfound by computing their inner products, an operationthat is often computationally cheaper than the explicitcomputation of the new coordinates.

K(X,Y ) =< X · Y >

Kernel methods have been applied to differnt typesof data: biological sequences [22], text [23], images [24],as well as graphs [25]. Graph kernels are kernel func-tions that compute an inner product on graphs, as acomputationally efficient way to measure their similar-ity, retaining information about their network topol-ogy. They were developed as a way to apply machine

learning algorithms to structured data, such as knowl-edge graphs, which are ways to describe relationshipsbetween entities (or ‘ontologies’) in a graph structure.This format can be read and processed by algorithms,which can then infer new non-trivial properties of theentities traversing the graph. Genome-scale metabolicmodels are examples of such structured objects, con-taining information about certain entities (i.e. metabo-lites, reactions, genes) and their relationships. A sim-ple example of these functions is the random walk ker-nel [26], which computes random walks on two graphssimultaneously, and then quantifies their similarity asthe number of common walks in the two graphs. This isequivalent to doing random walks on the direct prod-uct of the pair of graphs. Random walk kernels are effi-cient for small, simple graphs, but as the size and com-plexity of the networks increases, such as with genome-scale metabolic networks, more modern techniques areneeded. The Weisfeiler-Lehman Subtree (WLS) kernel,proposed in [27], is a kernel suited for computation ofsimilarity between large, complex graphs. This kernelcomputes the number of subtrees shared between twographs, using the Weisfeiler-Lehman [28] algorithm tofind an approximate solution to the problem of graphisomorphism, which is np-complete. The concept ofthis algorithm is to relabel the nodes with the sortedset of node labels of neighbouring nodes. This proce-dure is repeated for n iterations, or until the set of la-bels of two nodes are different. The node labels at thispoint will contain topological information about theneighborhood of each node. Finally, the kernel valueis computed by counting common labels between twographs. Since this procedure is performed simultane-ously on all input graphs, its runtime scales only lin-early with the number of edges of the graphs and thenumber of iterations.

Cosine Similarity

Metabolic models are particular instances of a metabolicreconstruction, subject to constraints on the value ofcertain fluxes. These constraints, usually derived fromexperimental data, restrict the space of possible fluxdistributions in the network. Flux Balance Analysis(FBA) [29] can be employed to find one of the possibleflux distributions that satisfies a given celular objec-tive, usually biomass or ATP production. To quantifythe similarity of metabolic models, we employed FBAto find the optimal flux distribution for each of themodels in the test dataset, using the biomass reactionas objective function. Cancer is in fact known to rewirecellular metabolism to maintain elevated rates of cel-lular growth and division. [30]. Therefore we deemedacceptable the utilization of the biomass reaction ascellular objective also in human models. We computed

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the similarity between pairs of models as the cosineof the angle spanned by the two flux vectors resultingfrom FBA. Since this metric does not take into accountthe length of the two vectors, but just their angle, thisprovides a normalized measure of the orientation ofthe flux vectors. It is defined as the dot product of twonumeric vectors, divided by the product of the vectorlengths:

cos(x, y) =x · y

||x|| · ||y||

Output values close to 1 indicate high similarity (i.e.the vectors point to the same direction).

Supervised ClassificationThe three metrics described in the previous sectionhave been evaluated and compared through a serie ofmachine learning and phylogenetic tests. For the classi-fication test, we used K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) andKernel-Support Vector Machine (Kernel-SVM) algo-rithms, two robust and well-studied algorithms, whichrely on distance metrics. K-NN is one of the simplestclassification algorithms: each test sample is classifiedby a majority vote of its K nearest neighbors, whereK is a positive integer, typically small. The way inwhich distance is computed is fundamental in this al-gorithm, to correctly identify the neighboring train-ing samples and achieve high accuracy. Linear-SVMmodels are representations of the training points in an-dimensional space, mapped in such way that datapoints belonging to separate classes are divided bya linear decision boundary that is as wide as possi-ble. Kernel-SVM is an extension of this method: thetraining data points are transformed to an higher-dimensional space (RKHS), allowing the classificationof samples even when a linear boundary that separatesthe classes cannot be found in the original space. Pair-wise distance matrices were used as inputs for boththe classifier algorithms. The reported results are theaverage test accuracies after 10-fold cross validation.

Unsupervised ClusteringWe evaluated the performance of the metrics in an un-supervised clustering task, measuring the agreementbetween the predicted label and the the ground-truthlabel. We used two clustering algorithms. The first isHierarchical clustering, where each observation startsas its own cluster, and pairs of clusters are recursivelymerged based on their proximity.The second is Spec-tral clustering, which first computes the eigenvalues ofthe similarity matrix to perform dimensionality reduc-tion, then clusters the samples in a lower dimensionalspace. Pairwise distance matrices were used as inputs

for the clustering algorithms. In both cases the numberof clusters was chosen to match the number of classespresent in the ground truth label.

Comparison of phylogenetic treesWe further evaluated the metrics in a different ap-plication setting, creating and comparing three differ-ent phylogenetic trees for the microbial models in theAGORA dataset, one for each metric. The trees werefirst compared to a reference tree, built from NCBItaxonomy database, then compared to each other. Wecomputed a similarity score between each pair of treesusing Robinson-Foulds (RF) metric [31]: given two un-rooted trees and a set of labels (e.g., taxa) for eachnode, the Robinson–Foulds metric finds the number ofdirect and inverse operations to convert one into theother. The number of operations defines their distance.

Correlation between distance matricesMantel test [32] was used to compute Pearson’s corre-lation coefficient between two pairwise distance matri-ces. Statistical significance was assessed via permuta-tion test.

ResultsThree distance metrics were evaluated in differenttasks: We used the SciKit-Learn [33] implementationof K-NN and Kernel-SVM classifiers and of Hierarchi-cal and Spectral clustering. We employed the GraKeL[34] implementation of Graph Kernel algorithms andthe ete3 package [35] to build and compare phyloge-netic trees. All the computations were performed ona Ubuntu 18.04 machine with Xeon CPU E5-1620 @3.50GHz and 16GB RAM.

ClassificationFor the PDGSM dataset, the task was to predict thecorrect tissue label (skin, lung, liver, pancreas), whilefor the AGORA dataset, the task was to predict fourdifferent labels: Gram staining (e.g. positive or neg-ative), the type of oxygen metabolism (e.g. aerobe,anaerobe), its taxonomy (Phylum) and type of inter-action with the host (e.g. commensal, pathogen, pro-biotic). This information has also been retrieved fromthe VMH database. Figure 2 shows the average predic-tion accuracy for each supervised learning algorithm,when tasked to predict the label of the samples in thetest set. The results shown are the averages of a 10-foldcross validation.

Figure 2 Classification results. (A) K-Nearest neighborclassification results. (B) Kernel-SVM classification results

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From the results of the classification test we can im-mediately notice how Jaccard and Graph Kernel met-rics have very similar performances in almost everytask. The classification accuracy in case of Cosine simi-larity between flux vectors is somewhat lower but com-parable to the other two metrics in the case of themicrobial AGORA dataset, though significantly worsein case of the larger human models included in thePDGSM dataset. This observation suggests that theefficacy of this metric could decrease with the increasein dimensionality of the solution space of the models.A classification accuracy score > 0.9 for the taxonomylabel (AGORA-Phylum) across both clustering algo-rithms indicates a possible correlation between model-based distance and evolutionary distance.

ClusteringIn the second test we compared how different clus-tering algorithms perform, when given different dis-tance matrices built from different metrics as inputs.Since the ground-truth was known, we could measurehow accurate the label predicted by the clustering al-gorithms matched the ground truth label. Additionalfigures 1-3 show the result of a PCA on the AGORAdataset.

Figure 3 Clustering results. (A) Hierarchical Clusteringresults. (B) Spectral Clustering results

In the hierarchical clustering results (Figure 3A),flux vector similarity performs better than networksimilarity in many cases, and is able to recover cor-rectly 64% of the labels in the AGORA-Gram case.Nevertheless, also in the this example, the performanceof this metric degrades for the human models dataset.In the spectral clustering results (Figure 3B), the per-formances are higher for reactions and network similar-ity metrics, except once again for the AGORA-Gramcase. The highest clustering accuracy is achieved withthe Jaccard metric, reaching 61% of correct predictionsfor the AGORA-Taxonomy case.

Comparison of phylogenetic treesWe built three different phylogenetic trees for theAGORA dataset, one for each of the metrics. The treeswere compared first with a reference, a tree built fromthe NCBI taxonomy database, and then with eachother. The degree of similarity between phylogenetictrees has been expressed with Robinson-Foulds metric(RF) and in % of shared branches. Table 1 summarizesthe results of the comparison. The results of the com-parison between the three phylogenetic trees with thereference taxonomy tree, presented in Table 1, show

Table 1 Phylogenetic Trees comparison

Source Tree Reference Tree RF %src-ref %ref-srcJaccard NCBI Taxonomy 0.82 0.56 0.82

Graph Kernel NCBI Taxonomy 0.83 0.56 0.83Cosine similarity NCBI Taxonomy 0.92 0.52 0.78

Jaccard Graph Kernel 0.34 0.83 0.83Cosine similarity Graph Kernel 0.78 0.60 0.60

Jaccard Cosine similarity 0.79 0.60 0.60nRF: Normalized Robinson-Foulds Distance, %src-ref frequencyof edges in source tree found in the reference (1.00 = 100% ofbranches are found), %ref-src frequency of edges in the referencetree found in target (1.00 = 100% of branches are found)

how the trees built on reaction similarity (Jaccard)and network similarity (Graph Kernel) have the samedistance from the reference (RF = 0.82-0.83). Their di-rect comparison nevertheless proves their differences:their normalized RF distance is 0.34, corresponding toan overlap of 83% in the branches of the two trees.By comparison, the tree built from flux vectors simi-larity (Cosine), is further away from the reference (RF= 0.92) and less similar to the other two trees (RF =0.78-0.79), and shows less overlap with their branches(60%).

Correlation between distance matricesWe performed a Mantel test to check for correlationsbetween pairs of distance matrices built from differentdistance metrics. The results of the Mantel test arepresented in Table 2 (AGORA dataset) and Table 3(PDGSM dataset). In both cases, distance matricesbuilt from Jaccard and Graph Kernel metrics showvery high correlation (> 0.9). This result shows howreaction similarity is correlated with the similarity inthe topology of metabolic networks.

Table 2 Distance matrices correlation: AGORA dataset

Distance Matrix 1 Distance Matrix 2 Pearson’s r p-valueJaccard Distance Graph Kernel 0.985 0.001Jaccard Distance Cosine Similarity 0.371 0.001Graph Kernel Cosine Similarity 0.399 0.001

Table 3 Distance matrices correlation: PDGSM dataset

Distance Matrix 1 Distance Matrix 2 Pearson’s r p-valueJaccard Distance Graph Kernel 0.904 0.001Jaccard Distance Cosine Similarity 0.380 0.001Graph Kernel Cosine Similarity 0.386 0.001

DiscussionWe employed distance metrics and ML for patternrecognition in large sets of GSMM, as a strategy forthe integration of multiple omics datasets with a priori

knowledge of the structure of metabolic networks [36].Multiple ML algorithms, including K-Nearest Neigh-bor (K-NN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Hierar-chical Clustering (HC) and Spectral Clustering (SC),

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rely in fact on some measure of distance between datapoints, usually quantified with Euclidean metric, toidentify patterns between similar samples or to matchpreviously unseen samples to a known profile. Theproblem was to define how distance between metabolicmodels should be expressed: we addressed this issueconsidering three possible representations of a genome-scale metabolic model and defining for each of thema different metric: Jaccard metric for metabolic recon-structions, graph kernels for topology of metabolic net-work graph and cosine similarity between flux distri-butions for the constraint-based model. Reaction sim-ilarity can be measured easily with Jaccard or Ham-ming metrics [37], but measuring topology similaritybetween genome-scale metabolic networks graphs, con-taining up to thousands of nodes and edges, was an in-tractable problem until recently [38]. Algorithms suchas the Weisfeiler-Lehman Subtree Kernel (WLS) canbe applied to efficiently compute a similarity score inlarge sets of genome-scale metabolic networks. Cosinesimilarity between pairs of flux vectors, obtained fromFBA while maximizing biomass production, is admit-tedly suboptimal for several reasons: firstly, FBA re-sults are scarcely reproducible, mainly due to the de-generacy of stoichiometric networks (i.e. many flux dis-tributions satisfy the same objective function) and toits sensitivity to the particular software or algorithmused to solve the linear programming (LP) problem.Additionally, FBA imposes the use of an arbitraryoptimization objective, meaning that each flux distri-bution found with FBA is inherently biased, and notrepresentative of the whole solution space. Moreover,a single FBA solution cannot represent the complex-ity of the entire solution space of a constraint-basedmodel. Few alternative approaches are possible, suchas Geometric FBA [39], random sampling of the so-lution space [40], Expectation Propagation [41] or bycomparing sets of Elementary Flux Modes (EFM) [42].However, their application to large datasets containinghundreds of genome-scale models, which is the focusof this article, so far remains hampered by their exces-sive computational requirements. Our results revealedthat reaction and network similarity, measured respec-tively as Jaccard distance and Graph Kernel values,have comparable performances across the clusteringand classification tests. The comparison between phy-logenetic trees of the AGORA dataset revealed thattrees built with Jaccard distance and Graph Kernelmetric have the same degree of similarity with the ref-erence tree (their normalized RF distance from ref-erence is 0.82-0.83). Neverheless, the two metrics donot fully overlap, since the normalized RF distancebetween Jaccard and Graph Kernel trees is 0.34, with84% of the branches in common. The Mantel test re-

ported a very high correlation coefficient between dis-tance matrices built with these two metrics (0.985 forthe AGORA dataset, 0.904 for the PDGSM dataset,p-value = 0.001 ). This last result suggests that anunderliyng common structure may exist between thecomposition of the metabolic network, in terms of listsof reactions and metabolites and its topology, which isresponsible for its functionality. Taken together, theseresults highlight new properties of the Jaccard met-ric, which, being relatively simple and fast to com-pute, can also give to the researcher a remarkableamount of information also on the degree of similarityof the functionality of different metabolic networks.Despite its drawbacks, the third metric, cosine sim-ilarity between FBA flux vectors performances wereremarkably close to the other two metrics, especiallyin the case of hierarchical clustering tests, where itsometimes outperformed the network similarity met-ric. An interesting observation is the degradation of itsperformances in the PDGSM dataset, which containslarger human models. This observation suggests thatthe performance of this metric may decrease with theincrease in the dimensionality of the solution space ofthe models. Nevertheless, since model’s features suchas constraints are more closely related to the actualphenotype, we hypothesize that novel similarity met-rics based on these properties could have a higher cor-relation with phenotypic heterogeneity compared tometrics based only on reaction similarity such as Jac-card distance. Follow-up studies should investigate theextent to which model-inferred heterogeneity is corre-lated to phenotypic heterogeneity in different contextsand organisms.

ConclusionThe concept of distance between metabolic models wasexpanded by developing distance metrics for three lev-els of model representation. We highlighted new prop-erties of the Jaccard metric such as its correlation withnetwork similarity and function, and showed how MLcan be applied to large sets of genome-scale metabolicmodels, enabling efficient pattern recognition in largesets of models.

List of abbreviationsGSMM - Genome-scale metabolic modelPDGSM - Patient-derived genome-scale modelML - Machine LearningRKHS - Reproducing Kernel Hilbert SpaceKNN - K-Nearest NeighborsK-SVM - Kernelized Support Vector MachineHC - Hierarchical ClusteringSC - Spectral ClusteringWLS - Weisfeiler-Lehman Subtree

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FBA - Flux Balance AnalysisLP - Linear ProgrammingEFM - Elementary Flux Mode

Declarations:Ethics approval and consent to participateNot applicable

Consent for publicationNot applicable

Availability of data and materialsThe PDGSMM dataset is available at: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/biomodels-main/pdgsmm

The AGORA dataset is available at: https://www.vmh.life/#microbes/search

The code used to generate the results and fig-ures is available at: https://github.com/ACabbia/GSMM-distance

FundingThis project has received funding from the Euro-pean Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovationprogramme, under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grantagreement 675003.

Authors’ contributionsAC and NvR designed the study. PH and NvRsupervised the study. AC drafted the manuscript.All authors contributed to and approved the finalmanuscript.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing in-terests.

AcknowledgementsNot applicable

Author details1Computational Biology, Eindhoven University of Technology, Groene

Loper, Eindhoven, NL. 2Amsterdam University Medical Centers, University

of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL.


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Figure 1

Summary of the reactions and metabolite content of the models included in each benchmark dataset. (A)Reaction content of the models of the PDGSMM dataset, grouped by tissue type. (B) Reaction content ofof the models in the AGORA dataset, grouped by Phylum, (C) Metabolite content of the models of the

Page 11: Distance metrics for genome-scale metabolic models

PDGSMM dataset, grouped by tissue type. (D) Metabolite content of of the models in the AGORA dataset,grouped by Phylum.

Figure 2

Classi cation results. (A) K-Nearest neighbor classi cation results. (B) Kernel-SVM classi cation results.

Figure 3

Page 12: Distance metrics for genome-scale metabolic models

Clustering results. (A) Hierarchical Clustering results. (B) Spectral Clustering results.

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