serious games in de klas

Post on 21-Dec-2014

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Voorjaarsconferentie Beta en Techniek: serious games in de klas.

Transcript of serious games in de klas

Serious games in de klas voorjaarsconferentie Bèta en Techniek Antoine van den Beemt Ruurd Taconis


•  Definities •  Kenmerken en opbrengsten •  Achtergronden •  Voorbeelden •  Gamification •  Meta-game


•  veel leerlingen gamen •  groot potentieel voor leren •  toegang tot informeel leerdomein

•  Gaming in PO en VO: Kennisnet

Spel en spelen

•  fantasy violence, •  samenwerken, •  tellen, •  organiseren, strategie, •  tegenslag, •  verhaallijn, •  identiteiten, rollen

Definitie 'game'

A game is an artificial system of rules that defines a conflict and that represents some sort of system, conflict or idea outside the game. Players participate in games and their play performance results in, or is evaluated as, a quantifiable outcome of the game

Definitie 'game'

A game is an artificial system of rules that defines a conflict and that represents some sort of system, conflict or idea outside the game. Players participate in games and their play performance results in, or is evaluated as, a quantifiable outcome of the game




Definitie 'serious game'

We are concerned with serious games in the sense that these games have an explicit and carefully thought-out educational purpose and are not intended to be played primarily for amusement. (Abt, 1974)

Definitie 'serious game'

“Serious games are designed with the intention of improving some specific aspect of learning, and players come to serious games with that expectation.”

(Derryberry, 2007)

Serious games

•  Tim Nixon (Straylight Studios): Play: “the experience provided in a fun, interactive, environment which the player can explore and experiment with.” !

Serious games

•  'Play' results from the player interacting with the game!

•  'Meaningful play' results from the context of play!

Serious games

Tim Nixon: Meaningful in that the experience has relevance to the player’s ‘real life’ by instilling a new skill, knowledge, or perspective

Playful in that the experience is provided in a fun, interactive, environment which the player can explore and experiment with !

Serious games

•  Instilling!


Serious games

•  Instilling!


Serious games

•  Instilling!


Serious games

•  Instilling!


(mogelijke) opbrengsten

•  motivatie/attitude •  kennis (uit het hoofd leren vs begrip) •  vaardigheden ('truukje', cognitieve strategieen,

probleemoplossen) •  motorisch •  sociale aspecten

Kenmerken serious games

•  Realistische belevenis/ervaring (meer dan film: je ‘doet mee’)

•  Doelgericht en beredeneerd handelen in rijke ‘virtuele omgeving’

•  Directe feedback & beloning (gevolgen van acties, beloning, ‘levels’)

•  Competitie en samenwerking (of solo) •  Doel en uitdaging (beloning, nieuw level, competitie)


Csikszentmihalyi: flow is completely focused motivation. It is a single-minded immersion and represents perhaps the ultimate in harnessing the emotions in the service of performing and learning

Flow occurs when certain conditions are met, four of which are: •  clear goals •  immediate feedback •  focused attention •  tasks that challenge (without frustrating)


Theory (Engine)

Regularities in game environment

Game experience

Reconstructie Theory (learner)

Skilled action

Operational rules (derived

from experience) transfer

Epistemic frames


•  Bouw de les zo om de game heen dat analyseren/theoretiseren er voor en er na gebeurd

•  Bouw de game zo, dat analyseren/-theoretiseren er een onlosmakelijk onderdeel van is.

Practicum Serious Game 1. Handleiding maken

2. Basistheorie behandelen 3. Klaar zetten

4a. Deel opdrachten

4b. Interpreteren resultaten ahv handleiding

4. (meestal) één grote opdracht met levels (deelopdrachten)

5. Uitwerken van het eindresultaat

5a. Bijstellen van de aanpak op basis van Feedback /spelverloop

5b. (tussentijds) Reflecteren over de aanpak

5c. Analyseren van het spel verloop m.b.t. theorie

6. Concluderen en verbinden van conclusies met theorie



•  'een spel maken van een niet-spel situatie' •  extrensieke motivatie -> operante conditionering •  fun: curiosity, connectedness to other people, feelings of

wonder, self-experience and excitement


•  leermiddel: •  Doel •  Drijfveer •  Uitdaging •  Feedback •  Plannen •  Belonen


Metagame: individueel, sociaal

acquisition, participation analyseren en theoretiseren

Serious games in de klas @avdbmt