Presentatie Slow library movement 20080215

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Presentatie Slow library movement 20080215

Bibliotheek 2.0: hype of trend?

Een mogelijke toekomst van de bibliotheek in het web 2.0

Johan Mijs

Vlaams Centrum voor Openbare Bibliotheken

web 1.0a horseless carriage (Tim O’Reilly)

wat is web 2.0?

people can upload as well as download (Stephen Fry)


zoeken en vinden Aquabrowser

digitale content Google Books

sociale netwerken LibraryThing

bibliotheek 2.0-probeersels

the slow library movement

H a r v a r d ( VS )

M ü n c h e n ( G E R )

O x f o r d ( G B )

N e w Yo r k P u b lic ( VS )

S t a n f o rd ( VS )

G h e n t ( B E )

M ic h ig a n ( VS )

P r in c e t o n ( VS )

W is c o n s in ( VS )

C o r n e ll ( VS )

Vir g in ia ( VS )

B a r c e lo na ( E S P )

M id w e s t ( VS )

B e r k e ly ( VS )

To k y o ( J P )

M a d r id ( E S P )

La u s a n ne ( C H )

A u s t in ( VS )

bibliotheek 2.0 probeersels (Nationale Bibliotheek Australië) (Denver Public Library)

(University of Kentucky Libraries)

(Nashville Public Library)

Slow library movement

However, once you get to the point where most library patrons in most places have at least nominal access to the same materials,

what makes your library, the one in your town, yours?

(Jessamyn West)

De lokale gemeenschap en dienstverlening vormt het uitgangspunt van bibliotheekwerking.


the long tail



© Chris Anderson

We are busy creating a demand for the long tail, but we also need support for the distribution of it (Lori Bowen Ayre)

zoek makkelijkzorg voor een persoonlijke ervaringbezorg snel en efficiënt

- lenen / kopen- RFID, zelfuitleen- 24/7 beschikbaar- IBL (interbibliothecair leenverkeer)- afhaalpunten

third place (Allen County Public Library) (Yorba Linda Public Library) (Rochester Public Library)

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zoeken en vinden

digitale content

sociale netwerkenlong tailthird place

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