Media en ICT in kennissamenleving

Post on 21-Oct-2014

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mijn slides van een gastcollege op Hogeschool Rotterdam (12-12-2008)

Transcript of Media en ICT in kennissamenleving

Media & ICT in een kennissamenleving

Joeri van den Steenhoven

12 december, Hs Rotterdam

Kennisland wil Nederland slimmer maken,

omdat we geloven dat het nodig is

en we denken dat het kan


The basic economic resource – the means of production, to use economist’s term – is no longer capital, nor land, nor labor. It is and will be knowledge. (..)

Value is now created by productivity and innovation, both applications of knowledge to work.

Peter Drucker (1993)

1 | Open content

Veel, heel veel

De wereld telt• 100 miljoen iPods• 190 miljoen Gameboys• 820 miljoen computers• 1,5 miljard televisietoestellen• 2,5 miljard mobiele telefoons

En deze cijfers veranderen snel

Het web is ons externe brein

Groei van Wikipedia

Sociale netwerken

Wereldwijd populairste websites

Top 2008

1 yahoo.com2. youtube.com3. live.com4. google.com5. myspace.com6. facebook.com7. msn.com8. hi5.com9. wikipedia.org10.

every minute 10 hours of new content is uploaded

"Nobody is crying that people who used to go around selling ice to people do not have a job

anymore because of the fridge. It would be stupid but it is the same thing" - Brokep, the Pirate Bay

“What is important for the music industry to understand is that this really doesn’t hurt the artists.”

“A young fan may be just as devout and

dedicated no matter if he bought it or

stole it.”

Verandering in mediagebruik jongeren

• bron: Virtueel Platform, Jeugd 2.0

100 miljoen uur aan menselijk denkwerk

200 miljoen uur per jaar

2 | Wat betekent dit nu?

Find it, rip it, mix it, share it

4. MySociety: Civil Society Media

‘Conversation is King.

Content is just something to talk about.’

Krijgt pas waarde

als het in geplaatst wordt

en erover gepraat wordt

Wat kan doen wij hiermee?


Beeldend digitaal lesmateriaal voor het


maar ook liefhebbers...


3 | Uitdagingen voor onderwijs


Dominant functions and processes in the Information Age are increasingly organised around networks.

Networks are open structures, able to

expand without limits, integrating new nodes as long as they are able to communicate within the network, namely as long as they share the same communication codes.

Manuel Castells (1996)


Organisations are moving from closed to open innovation models. They have to because there are always more smart people outside your organisation than inside.

Charles Leadbeater


Joeri van den

Presentatie is binnenkort beschikbaar op

(tags: Kennisland, onderwijsdagen, SURF)

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