Wasrti 3rd ECG

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  • 8/16/2019 Wasrti 3rd ECG


    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

    World Association for ScienticResearch and Technical


    3rd International Conference on

    Envirotech, Cleantech and


  • 8/16/2019 Wasrti 3rd ECG


    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

    Conference Details

    Conference Name 3rd International Conference onEnvirotech, Cleantech andGreentech (ECG), 30 !ne " 0# !l$ %0#&, Sin'aore

    Conference R* htt+-asrti.or'3rd"international"conference"on"envirotech"cleantech"and"'reentech"ec'"30"/!ne"""0#"/!l$"%0#&"sin'aore"ao!t"3%

    Conference 1en!e 2an$an' Technolo'icalniversit$, 2an$an' Eec!tiveCentre, Sin'aore

    Deadline for Astract 4aerS!5ission

    %6 !ne %0#&

    Contact E5ail ID

    info7-asrti.or'Conference Convener Dr. 1ivian *

  • 8/16/2019 Wasrti 3rd ECG


    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

    8nline Alication 9or5

    4lease ll the online alication for5for al$in' to the conference.

    Alication *in:htt+-asrti.or'online"alication"for5.h;id

  • 8/16/2019 Wasrti 3rd ECG


    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

    Call for 4aers

    Dear Colleagues/rofessors/!tudents,International "cademic Conferences #romote international dissemination of $nowledge

    and develo#ment of  cross%national academic fraternit&. 'he #artici#ants come from dierent ac$grounds and

    countries. 'he& share their researches, e*#eriences and informall& create long%lasting onds.It has een commonl& oserved that #eo#le lac$ the motivation and con+dence of ta$ing

    #art ininternational events, asicall& due to self%made or cultural inhiitions.e recogni-e this factor, and we ma$e sure to su##ort and motivate +rst timers and also

    seasoned academicians & Generating &our academic and #rofessional relationshi#soosting &our morale and con+dence of #resenting &our research in an international

    #latformClearing &our inhiitions of ad0usting to the foreign environmentroviding a holistic e*#erience of academic tourism'he #artici#ation in the international conference ma& e under following categories 1riginal 2esearch "rticlesulished "rticles

    2esearch osterDissertation/ hD !&no#sis2esearch "stractistener/ Co%author"sentia

    "stract/ a#er/ !&no#sis !umissionros#ective authors are invited to sumit 4ull a#ers/ "stract of 1riginal 2esearch wor$

    or, !&no#sis ofhD/Dissertation, ulished wor$, 5iew%#oints or a& 4orward/ oster & +lling the online

    a##lication form.

  • 8/16/2019 Wasrti 3rd ECG


    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

    ECG Conference The5es

    • Green Ener'$• Green Transort• Green ?!ildin'• Waste Technolo'$ and @ana'e5ent• Clean Water Technolo'$ and @ana'e5ent• Rene-ale Ener'$ S$ste5 and So!rces (RESSs)• Ener'$ Savin's for 1ehic!lar Technolo'$, 4o-er Electronics, Electric @achiner$ and Control• 2e- Aroaches in *i'htin's• 4!lic A-areness and Ed!cation for Green Ener'$ and S$ste5s• S5art Cities• Green Ener'$ Trans5ission and Distri!tion, S5art'rid• ?io5ass, ?iof!el as Green Ener'$• Green Infor5ation Technolo'$• Green Co55!nication• Green Che5istr$ and En'ineerin'• Desi'nin' 5ore S!stainale 4rod!cts• Desi'n of net 'eneration Catal$sis• S!stainale @aterials• 4oll!tion Control• Science for S!stainale Develo5ent

    • Cli5ate Chan'e, Cli5ate Research, Geo'rahic and Earth 8servation S$ste5s• Environ5ental Science• Water Reso!rce @ana'e5ent• Social Safet$, 4rocess Safet$ and aBard @ana'e5ent• Waste tiliBation and Treat5ent• S!stainale ran Develo5ent

  • 8/16/2019 Wasrti 3rd ECG


    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

    ECG Conference The5es(contd.)

    • Str!ct!ral S!stainailit$• S!stainale Che5ical 4rocesses•  Tools to lan, desi'n and oerate, inte'rated 'reen technolo'$• S5art and 9!nctional @aterials• Green o!se Gases• Adsortion and Gas Stora'e @aterials• S!stainale A'ric!lt!re and 8r'anic 9ar5in' Green A'ric!lt!ral Technolo'$• 9ood Safet$ and 8r'anic 9ood

    • 2anotechnolo'$ for S!stainailit$• ?iotech for S!stainailit$• *ife"C$cle Assess5ent• Co5!tation, @odellin' and Si5!lation• ealth$ A'ein' 4o!lation• Ecolo'ical S!stainailit$• @ana'e5ent, Green Econo5$ and S!stainale Econo5ic Develo5ent• S!stainailit$ Related 4!lic 4olic$, *e'islation, *a-s and Re'!lations and 4ractice• 4!lic"4rivate 4artnershis• Innovative Green Technolo'ies and 4rocesses• S!stainale Strate'ies and 4olicies• Deco55issionin' ?est 4ractices• Green Service Ind!str$+ ositalit$ and To!ris5 

    8ther iss!es of interest related to Green Technolo'$, Clean Technolo'$, Environ5ental Technolo'iesand S!stainale Develo5ent

  • 8/16/2019 Wasrti 3rd ECG


    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

    Re'istration 4a$5ent

    Categor& 2egistration 4ee

    4resenter SD 00

    4articiation in Asentia SD %00

    *istener Co"a!thor SD 3F0

    Additional 4aer S!5ission SD #F0 (er aer)9riend 9a5il$ of 4articiant SD #00

     7oung 2esearcher !cholarshi#(8nl$ for St!dents ResearchScholars)

    9REE (*i5ited to F Seats 8nl$)Details are availale onconference -esite

    Al$ for the conference !sin' the online re'istration for5. 8nce$o! receive an invoice and invitation letter, the re'istration rocesse'ins. 9ollo-in' a$5ent otions availale on conference -esite+•  Bank Transfer •  Paypal (Card Payment)

    •  On Spot Payment on conference day 

  • 8/16/2019 Wasrti 3rd ECG


    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

    Conference 1en!e

    • Nan&ang 'echnological8niversit&, Nan&ang E*ecutiveCentre, !inga#ore

  • 8/16/2019 Wasrti 3rd ECG


    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

    4!lication 8ort!nities21CEEDING! ("!'2"C'! 5189E)

     9"''E2 International o!rnal of Science and Technolo'$ ISS2 %F"F04roceedin's -ill also e s!5itted to C2HI (China 2ational Hno-led'e

    Infrastr!ct!re) for archivin' and indein'.

    !ECI" I!!8E IN :182N"A!thors of all ori'inal f!ll"len'th aers -ill e considered for !lication in the

    follo-in' /o!rnal. s!al eer revie- olicies al$.9"''E2 International o!rnal of Science and Technolo'$ is an oen access,do!le lind, eer revie-ed and refereed international /o!rnal.

     The /o!rnal !lishes research aers in the elds of h$sical sciences anden'ineerin' technolo'$ s!ch as Astrono5$ and astroh$sics, Che5istr$,Che5ical and 9ood Technolo'$, 2anotechnolo'$, Earth and at5oshericsciences, 4h$sics, Environ5ental Science, Co5!ter science and Infor5ation

     Technolo'$, En'ineerin', Rootics and A!to5ation, @aterials science,

    @athe5atics, @echanics, Statistics, 4har5ace!tical Sciences and?iotechnolo'$, and other !co5in' areas of h$sical science and en'ineerin'technolo'$.

    @atterJ !lishes ori'inal aers, revie- aers, concet!al fra5e-or:,anal$tical and si5!lation 5odels, case st!dies, e5irical research, technicalnotes, and oo: revie-s.

    CrossRef D8I assi'ned for all !lished articles

    Goo'le Scholar Indein'

  • 8/16/2019 Wasrti 3rd ECG


    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

    @ore 4!lication 8ort!nities2EG8"2 I!!8E IN :182N"

     The follo-in' artner /o!rnal do not allocate secial iss!es. Selected est aers fro5 the conference -ill econsidered for !lication in this /o!rnal and A4C -ill e orne $ the Conference Co55ittee. s!al

     /o!rnal olicies and eer"revie- olicies al$+

    Indian o!rnal of Science and Technolo'$ (I2DST) e"ISS2 0K6"F&F and "ISS2 0K6"&&Che5ical Astract Services (CAS)SC84S

     "Gate 4l!sResearch ?ileE?SC8D8AlrichLs 4eriodical Director$Indian Science Astracts

    Inde Coernic!s, 4oland Tho5son Re!ters, ISIIndian Science.in 912E 8IC"'I1N 112'8NI'IE!

     The follo-in' /o!rnals do not allocate secial iss!es. Selected est aers fro5 the conference -ill econsidered for !lication in this /o!rnal and A4C -ill e orne $ the Conference Co55ittee. s!al

     /o!rnal olicies and eer"revie- olicies al$+

    ealthcare+ The o!rnal of Deliver$ Science and Innovation, E*SE1IER, %%#3"06&

    *ife Sciences, E*SE1IER, I5act 9actor+ %.%K&3 ?iotech, Srin'erealth Infor5ation Science and S$ste5s, Srin'erEn'ineerin' Science and Technolo'$, an International o!rnal, E*SE1IER, ISS2+ %%#F"0K&Ener'$ and ?!ildin's, E*SE1IER, I5act 9actor+ %.&F

     o!rnal of Intelli'ent @an!fact!rin', Srin'erAdvances in @an!fact!rin', Srin'erAdvances in @aterials and 4rocessin' Technolo'ies, Ta$lor = 9rancisInternational o!rnal of Green Ener'$, Ta$lor = 9rancis

    Che5ical En'ineerin' o!rnal, E*SE1IER, I5act 9actor+ .0F

  • 8/16/2019 Wasrti 3rd ECG


    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

    4hoto Galler$

    WASRTI 9aceoo: 4a'e Al!5

  • 8/16/2019 Wasrti 3rd ECG


    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

    1ideo Galler$

    WASRTI Mo!t!e Channel

  • 8/16/2019 Wasrti 3rd ECG


    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

    Ao!t WASRTI

    World Association for Scientic Research and TechnicalInnovation (WASRTI) is a con'lo5eration of acade5ia androfessionals for ro5otion of research and innovation, creatin'a 'loal footrint. WASRTI is ro5oted $ Gloal Research =Develo5ent Sevices (GRDS). WASRTI ai5s to rin' to'ether-orld-ide researchers and rofessionals, enco!ra'e intellect!al

    develo5ent and rovidin' oort!nities for net-or:in' andcollaoration. These o/ectives are achieved thro!'h acade5icnet-or:in', 5eetin's, conferences, -or:shos, ro/ects,research !lications, acade5ic a-ards and scholarshis.WASRTI strives to enrich fro5 its diverse 'ro! of advisor$5e5ers. Scholars, Researchers, 4rofessionals are invited tofreel$ /oin WASRTI and eco5e a art of a diverse acade5ic

    co55!nit$, -or:in' for enet of acade5ia and societ$thro!'h research and innovation.

    ?eco5e WASRTI *ifeti5e @e5er (no 5e5ershi fee) $ llin'a si5le alication for5+ C*ICH ERE

  • 8/16/2019 Wasrti 3rd ECG


    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

    1ur Collaorations/ artner/ 5enueroviders

    • Gloal R and D Services 4vt. *td., India (4ro5oter)

    • 2an$an' Technolo'ical niversit$, Sin'aore (1en!e 4rovider)

    •  MildiB Technical niversit$, 33K ?eNi:taN, Istan!l, T!r:e$ (1en!e4rovider)

    • R!5ah niversit$, niversit$ of @ala$a, H!ala *!5!r, @ala$sia (1en!e4rovider)

    • I5erial Colle'e *ondon, So!th Hensin'ton Ca5!s, *ondon SW6 %AO, H(1en!e 4rovider)

    • ?!ein Oahra Technical niversit$, Iran (Collaoration)• Research and @ar:ets *i5ited, D!lin, Ireland (Collaoration)

    • C2HI (China 2ational Hno-led'e Infrastr!ct!re), China (Collaoration)

    • International o!rnal of Co5!ter Science and ?!siness Infor5atics(ICS?I), @a!riti!s (Collaoration)

    • *inton niversit$ Colle'e, HTG Gro!, @ala$sia (Collaoration)

    • Asian Instit!te of Technolo'$ (AIT), Conference Center, ?an':o:, Thailand(1en!e 4rovider)

    • 4eacf!l @ind 9o!ndation, India (4artner)

    •  Tresori *td. @a!riti!s (Collaoration)

    • International o!rnal of *earnin', Teachin' and Ed!cational Research,@a!riti!s (Collaoration)

  • 8/16/2019 Wasrti 3rd ECG


    Conference Calendar"#ril ; ? 7ildi- 'echnical 8niversit&, Istanul, 'ur$e&

    » International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST), 28-29 April 2!", Istan#$l

    » International Conference on %n&irotech, Cleantech and 'reentech (%C'), 28-29 April 2!", Istan#$l

    » International Conference on Social Science and $anities (ICSS), 2*-2" April 2!", Istan#$l

    » International Conference on +earning, %d$cation and edagogy (+%A), 2"-2 April 2!", Istan#$l

    » International Conference on sychology, +ang$age and Teaching (IC+T), 2-28 April 2!", Istan#$l

    » International Conference on ealtcare, .$rsing and /isease 0anageent (./0), 29-1 April 2!",


    » International Conference on iotechnology, io Inforatics, io 0edical Sciences and Ste Cell

    Applications (1SC), 29-1 April 2!", Istan#$l

  • 8/16/2019 Wasrti 3rd ECG


    Conference Calendar

    9a& ; ? 8niversit& of 9ala&a, @uala um#ur, 9ala&sia

    » 2nd International Conference on %n&irotech, Cleantech and 'reentech (%C'), 2"-2 0ay 2!", 3$ala


    » 2nd International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST), 2"-2 0ay 2!",

    3$ala +$p$r

    » 2nd International Conference on Social Science and $anities (ICSS), 21-2* 0ay 2!", 3$ala


    » 2nd International Conference on +earning %d$cation and edagogy (+%A), 24-2* 0ay 2!", 3$ala


    » 2nd International Conference on sychology, +ang$age and Teaching (IC+T), 2*-2" 0ay 2!", 3$ala


    » 2nd International Conference on ealthcare .$rsing and /isease 0anageent (./0), 2-28 0ay

    2!", 3$ala +$p$r

    » 2nd International Conference on iotechnology, io Inforatics, io 0edical Sciences and Ste Cell

    Applications (1SC), 2-28 0ay 2!", 3$ala +$p$r

  • 8/16/2019 Wasrti 3rd ECG


    Conference Calendar :une ; ? Nan&ang 'echnological 8niversit&, !inga#ore

    » 1rd International Conference on %n&irotech, Cleantech and 'reentech (%C'), 1 5$ne -

    ! 5$ly 2!", Singapore

     :ul& ; % 8niversit& of 9ala&a, @uala um#ur, 9ala&sia

    » 4th International Conference on %n&irotech, Cleantech and 'reentech (%C'), 2!-22

    5$ly 2!", 3$ala +$p$r

    "ugust ; % 7ildi- 'echnical 8niversit&, Istanul, 'ur$e&

    » *th International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST), !-2

    Sep 2!", Istan#$l

  • 8/16/2019 Wasrti 3rd ECG


    Conference Calendar!e#temer ; ? Im#erial College ondon, ondon, 8nited @ingdom

    P ##th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech

    (ECG), %0"%# Set %0#&, *ondon

    1ctoer ; ? 2egal 1riental Aotel, Aong @ong

    » "th International Conference on %n&irotech, Cleantech and 'reentech (%C'), 2-2! 6cto#er 2!",

    ong 3ong

    Novemer ; % Nan&ang 'echnological 8niversit&, !inga#ore

    » th International Conference on %n&irotech, Cleantech and 'reentech (%C'), !-!! .o& 2!",


  • 8/16/2019 Wasrti 3rd ECG


    Conference CalendarDecemer ; ? 4lora Grand Aotel, Duai, 8"E

    » 8th International Conference on %n&irotech, Cleantech and 'reentech (%C'), 2-2! /ec 2!", /$#ai

    Decemer ; ? "sian Institute of 'echnolog&, ang$o$, 'hailand

    » 9th International Conference on %n&irotech, Cleantech and 'reentech (%C'), 29-1

    /ec 2!", ang7o7, Thailand

    4eruar& ;

  • 8/16/2019 Wasrti 3rd ECG
