I m ok

I’M OK – YOU’RE OK BY THOMAS A HARRIS MD Dr K M Soni, Chief Engineer, WZ-I, CPWD, Mumbai

Transcript of I m ok



The Brain functions as a high fidelity tape recorder.The feelings which were associated with past experiences also are recorded and are inextricably locked to those experiences.Persons can exist in two states at the same time.These recorded experiences and feelings associated with them are available for replay today in as vivid a form as when they happened and provide much of data which determines the nature of todays transactions. These experiences not only can be recalled but also relieved i.e. I not only remember how I felt but I feel the same way now.

Transaction & Transaction analysisThe unit of social intercourse is called a transaction.If two or more people encounter each other.... Sooner or later one of them will speak or give some indication of acknowledging the presence of others, this is called transactional stimulus. Another person will then say or do something in some way related to the stimulus, that is called transactional response.Method of examining this transaction is called transactional analysis.

Parent, Adult & ChildThese states are not roles but psychological realities. The state is produced by the playback of recorded date of events in the past, involving real people, real times, real places, real decisions and real feelings.Since, persons can exist in two or more states at the same time thus one can be in parent, adult or child state at the same time.Changes from one state to another are apparent in manner, appearance, words, and gestures.These three states exist in all people.

The ParentThe parent is a huge collection of recordings in the brain of unquestioned or imposed external events in his early years, a period, which author has designated roughly as the first five years of life.Everything the child saw his parents do and everything he heard them is recorded in the Parent.The data in the Parent was taken in and recorded straight without editing.

Parent Adult Child The Personality

Parent Adult Child The ParentFather Child motherRecording of imposed, unquestioned, external events

Child When external events are being recorded as that body of the data, it is called parent.There is another recording being made simultaneously of internal events based on seeing and hearing and feeling and understanding of data, this is defined ad child.

Parent Adult Child The ChildFather Child motherFeelings Recordings of internal events

I am not o k feeling Predominant by product of the frustrating, civilizing process is negative feeling. On the basis of these feelings, the child conclude; Im not OK.

The AdultThis is other than the taught concept and felt conceptThe adult develops a thought concept of life based on data gathering and data processingIt looks for the difference between life as it was taught and demonstrated (parent), he felt it or wished it (child) and life as he figures it out by himself (Adult).

Parent Adult Child The adult gets data from three sources

Decisions Probability estimating

Parent Adult Child The updating function of the adult through reality testing

Reality testing

PACUpdated, validated parent dataUpdated, appropriate child dataUpdated adult dataComputing

Classifications of possible life positionsIM NOT OK YOURE OK IM NOT OK YOURE NOT OKIM OK YOURE NOT OKIM OK YOURE OK

We Can Change

What makes people to changeThey hurt sufficientlyBoredomSudden discovery that they can.

Adult is the place where the action is, where hope resides and where change is possible

Analysing the Transaction

Parent CluesVerbal: always, never, should, ought etc. which reveal the limitations of an archaic system closed to new data.I cant...I dont...Keep in mind....I told you....

Parent clues- physical Furrowed browPursed lipsPointing index fingerHead waggingHorrified lookSighingArms folded across chest

Child clues - physicalTearsHigh pitchedRolling eyesDowncast eyesTeasingDelightNail bitingLaughterHand raising for permission to speakQuivering lips

Child clues - verbalI wish...I want...I dont know...I dont care...Better...I guess..When I ....

Adult clues - PhysicalCuriousListening toContinual movement of the face, the eyes, the body

Adult clues -verbalWhyWhatWhereWhenWhoHowHow muchRequired for adult data processing



Parent Adult Child Parent Parent transactionParent Adult Child

Parent Adult Child Adult Adult transactionParent Adult Child

Parent Adult Child Child Child transactionsParent Adult Child

Parent Adult Child Parent Child transactionsParent Adult Child


Parent Adult Child Child Parent transactionParent Adult Child

Parent Adult Child Adult Parent transactionsParent Adult Child

Parent Adult Child Child Adult transactionParent Adult Child

Un-complementary or Crossed transactions


Parent Adult Child Crossed transactionParent Adult Child Sir, what should I do as I have made a mistake in accepting the tender ? Why did you do that? You should have read the manual first before accepting it.

Parent Adult Child Crossed transactionParent Adult Child I suppose, everybody has prepared presentation for todays meeting ? But, this was not written in the notice?

Parent Adult Child Crossed transactionParent Adult Child this project should be with me as my workload is too less ? You are not handling even existing one satisfactorily. First show progress on the existing project ?

Parent Adult Child Crossed transactionParent Adult Child Book a room in the guest house for me. Book yourself or request director of estate ?

Parent Adult Child Crossed transactionParent Adult Child Better to engage X for this work as he is M Tech No, he cannot be spared.

Parent Adult Child Crossed transactionParent Adult Child I will be on leave as I have to submit my thesis tomorrow ? Why did you not complete on last Sunday?

Parent Adult Child Cross transactionParent Adult Child You should book this TA bill expenditure to the work. Booking of TA bill to the work is not allowed

Parent Adult Child Many cross transactionParent Adult Child

How we differIn the content of Parent, Adult and Child which is unique to each person, being recording of those experiences unique to each and working arrangement, or the functioning, of Parent, Adult and Child.

Parent Adult Child ContaminationParent Adult Child prejudiceDelusionPrejudice: government officers do not work Delusion: Police will arrest you

Parent Adult Child Contaminated and Blocked out casesParent Adult Child

Parent Child Blocked out Adult (psychosis)

Thank you