Visie scrum

Post on 08-May-2015

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Transcript of Visie scrum

Scrum visie

Heleen KlopperFriso Roolvink

Scrum cursus

Inhoud Manifesto for agile software development 12 principles of scrum

Scrum cursus

Manifesto for agile software development

Mensen en hun onderlinge interactie boven processen en tools

Werkende software boven allesomvattende documentatie

Samenwerking met de klant boven contractonderhandelingen

Inspelen op veranderingen boven werken volgens een plan

Hoewel wij waardering hebben voor wat aan de rechterkant vermeld staat, hechten wij meer waarde aan wat aan de linkerzijde wordt genoemd.

Scrum cursus

12 Principles of scrum

Scrum cursus

1: Satisfy the customer

12 Principles of scrum

Scrum cursus

2: Embrace change

12 Principles of scrum

Scrum cursus

3: Frequent delivery

12 Principles of scrum

Scrum cursus

4: Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project

12 Principles of scrum

Scrum cursus

5: Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.

12 Principles of scrum

Scrum cursus

6: Face to face conversation

12 Principles of scrum

Scrum cursus

7: Working software

12 Principles of scrum

Scrum cursus

8: sustainable pace

12 Principles of scrum

Scrum cursus

9: Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.

12 Principles of scrum

Scrum cursus

10: Simplicity

12 Principles of scrum

Scrum cursus

11: self-organization

12 Principles of scrum

Scrum cursus

12: Inspect and adapt