Spartkin D4 y' SJS Becomes CenterCourt Releases Final Results 535this %trek. aecording to Pat Wail-...

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Transcript of Spartkin D4 y' SJS Becomes CenterCourt Releases Final Results 535this %trek. aecording to Pat Wail-...

California State labrar7 Secrasento 9,


Anil. 12 ’an Jose. 4 1955 N... ;g touns to be included in the Sen- ior Booklet t be completed Me go all,�

this %trek. aecording to Pat Wail- �Tv at

Court Releases Final Results Senior Booklet chairman. Blank cards he in the tutor- day as the Di

mignon Office until Frida.. and EthicaTi,

0%er half the graduating clas% to the Hui. a has not filled out the card% yet. elli-thnIZ to

To Fill Out Lards SJS Becomes Center or TV Experimenting-

sis..n..1 ha ii.seet an .-’. 11131 lor ,166.�

535 ;�,"." Fn.; ed-ciriaiit T in the held of � ..1 pa men? it ’,malice! lege education. Purpose. of ulo

to disci.% et’ 1, I

apponed and sem It! � . � . can ...� ..101 III 14’34 .1111g U or Purehasing. ac-: ,Ik�ili, %%WI 1%%tt 001111 � ,. . Dr Richard 1...�� is. in, ni chains. %% Inch includ. caiii. ;

ahe said. chairman ot th.- Col leg.. Radio and as monitors and misers the sehovi record balloting Thursday and Fri- lated from the three polls. Student

Miss Waddell urged those nho Telex 151140 Committee. , 4401 be able to telex ise the work taut- not filled out card% to di. "This means we should be reart4 twine done in one room into an� day were released yesterday for Court members now will evaluate Si. as soon a� possible so their for eye: ation hy tall seniester,- 1.1 ’other An important area for es. five more student government of-1 i voting at each of the polling plac- name% will be ine�hided in the L*’ Is S,I101

I fices and showed clear-cut victor-

es to determine the effectiveness booklet list of graduates. ; pciiiii.�111a/ ow will IN, in the livid

Under the plan. nil! hi- , iii teach. i - rime: With the cif - ies for all election winners. � of the three-polling place meth- � � - - A total of 2791 ballots were cast I 0(..

I . , cult it a .; . , ;.,... ; ’. ,.... � todk�iit

1 which was inaugurated this in the spirited election which land- �iii. i ed Don Hubbard, student body . Ryan, Rehr Resign Class Positions: ,,.�..,,.�,... ,. .. r,.. ,1, , t 166;6141611g Resign Class /111, , . 1.,I� e 11 0 ’ 6, �11 i


Closed Campus Television Gets Go-Ahead


y’ lune Grads I rgel

Car& for June graduate-% fill in their name% and horn,’-

In Spring Gorernment Voting Final results from the all-time These were twat results tahu-

president. and Ann Dutton, Women’s Student leader. in top campus positions. Juniors Sell Snow Cones to Pal Debi ,

Stan Croonquist, Student Court C’hief Justice, said last night, "I am 4ery satisfied with the vote. I feel sure that if the Music Festival and the second day of balloting hadn’t fallen together, the turn-out en:it have been even biter.’’

1’: :oils record of balloting in � � hons was made fast spring

ii students x’.1 the ballots 1. ;; esults tabulated by voters

Satiirday morning were: Ite.ording secretary : I; I’ 0 16%’ n.

� 7ry, 456: Brooks, 130. Fr. asurer: Morley. Itithe Faletti,

Representatise-at-Large: � T 110w. e91; Umlar.d. 199.

Itale Senior Juatice: Arreola.; 706: Bryan, Il

Female Senior dustier: G. he ! � .tNN DUTTON :21:Ts AWS President

’Williams To Present Speech On ’Color, The No. 1 Question’

"Color, the No. 1 Quest:’’.: %%III Itim. t Ility hae praised W’illiants for I... the topic of an address hy life program and his eloquenee We Franklin II. Williams. West Coast are certainly in for a stimulating representati4e of the National hour of speech and discussion," Dr. Assn, for the Advancement of vol- Wilson said.

next’s junior ’wont wits ids. iiii � ���� , i.i.i.1, in .1. knit:lit


Don Ran, Freshman llirsS1,14,.- in I is� ’I.,. in ordcr to s_ of 1 ’614111-!tient, announced fl Is resignation , raise hinds needed to cover the frwo, of F.diu.,0100.

%esterday in the Freshman Class class deficit meeting, Itecause. hi. said, "I wis Club Alniaden el""d’.11111’l lected Sophomore Iteoresentatixeas 11,,,silt’ 11, ;

o. is. ht�lii it .ti. acc,..ii � t P..-. :611i()(1/1.S

elian ’

iii)rot-til , .

Fri.!. �’66 ’ ,�s mai ;1. .

t It it.’ budget e. ts the

lin’ the full Assemer. ,:�

tit ,

to the Student Coon( il, and the! cia.,� pit.� , constitution does not :Wow iiittine! 174,1)1 1

ii �

If) hold two niajor offices ’ mm.). the Sante line." Fh(ll Stint /I, \u’(’- , projee, president, Will asstiMe he uille’� aro opell

Rs an announced the times fia.!m.nthe , the Frosh-Soph Mixer, Jim,’ 3 at ID,,� , Adobe t’reck baige. The go .�nds! will open :it 2.30 pm and .ese I

i�,�! 1411-.4.411.�s.

1-aer 1.4,1.111e. 1..041 We �V � 14 pic� �1�1�Iii ’.1st it

dent of the Sophomori� (lass, Its, over the presidenc of the chi-- ’I! ill " SJS’a enrollment in rill wi

I’ for the Siatior � ing set Silo time 1)1111. yesterday after the resignation ;�.1..; re; \ ..ek at the s.-11...1 Clive- students 44011 total ope Al Behr. Behr 44as recent1.4 ’ ���� .I�isterda). budget of $. ed to Student Council as Mal. I

I Sp...mei% class president. an- The Assembly ill begin del..,n presentati4e at Large. flounced that more than hall of the on its. bortgrit at hi k it Joe Clark was elisred ni.44 40 .

president of the class i graduating class still must pay monimg

! their $15 :_zrailuat oat fees. For the The $335.11111/ alidrli to ti. lotitigvt It was anniainced I It’.’. graduates t.t..1 their diploma., would eine:. instruction. ruainten. that the S’ophomore Class has I -"I’ their aliiiiint dOes paid and their once and other costs incuired by made arrangements with the Stu -

114 itI’s, I the additional 1 too students dent to have a joint seminar 1111 S’ ’’ " "

the cheating poll. � tlw 7101) pio4 Wed for in tlw

lively next fall to raise I lint!,. Iii.-

Group A jazz concert to be held tem..- (original biateet subnutted to the Owe in Janie:et.

Studies 193i Plans H. original budget request has ored People, at 930 a.m. tomorrow! In his 4vork with the NAACP, i�. n 157i974;ool, %armors slash-

JUNIHRs SELL SNOVI. CONE% in the Conetrt Hall of the Music; Williams has rejected the counsel. The C. ’,mai Committee 44111

What’ll you have’ Rootheer, 01- , 6, 3 t, I’ ’ lb’ *1/4’ ’ Wil3s and association or assistance of C’om- a4 64, �, � p ttl

� ’ tnd tin’ Vs illianis believes there arr-

tut) approaches to racial Koh,-terns: one-the International ap-proach; tno-that it is unreas-

onable to stotturre that all race prohlt�ms are south of the Ma-son-1)1%1in Line, according to Dr. ter:Omni C. Wilson, secretary of Iii.- College Lecture Committee.

Since the announcement ot Balm.’ appearance here, a number of faculty members have stoots d

rne on campus. and without ,seeii.

Public Relations Croup Anticipates

�n .� �Cntleate tom pus v getting 1,61’tb

’ 61’ spaper cobinm. "Strict-- ; ill be discussed at to.

Public Relations Committee

r � ;nig at 3:30 p.m. in Room 25. y little news front campus

� . �urzations, including fraterni-

t..- and sororities, has be,�n turned

re.. the Public Relations Of fief for

the Mereury-News column and Un-

less the problem is solved, the col-

1.111111 may have to be disbanded.

Fifteen posters will be put up

On campus and in the downtown

area today a the P R. committee

"latter-bug- campaign begins in

earnest. Benches and trash bins,

built by Alpha Phi Omeea. will be

installed on the drill field this

week. Se:n-ups also will be held for

person s to put up the week’s

events on a bulletin; hoard in the

Adnunistration Building main hall.

19.33-56 Bulletins The 195.3-58 college bulletin%

are now asailable in the Reek.-

Iran’s and Admission’s Office...

Stiiili�nts may reoeshe their co-

in.- h. filling out cards. � �

lir Ilermanns he Introduced 1r4 Dr John T Wahlqi list. presi-

dent of SJS 111 the old Little The.


professor of modern language. nill tell of his friendship nith

the late Dr. Albert Einstein from

the time th.�v first met in pre-

monists and Other hucksters of to. a"gP 106 10 TI Ii 11100611- ’6! Ill* , You can name your choice when

r nanee Conimittis-talitariiinism whose real ann is Centennial subcommittee, ,,,.

_ you buy your snow cones 1(413 of art ion f � that of undermining the democralilatis

from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 pnr in the of tie 44 a4. of life piodia�tion student a � 1,.E. 144.. �lode On Thu rola vat :30 p.m., pr. ()tit" Quad- 11’ "":’’ ’’IN’llstramat academic, historic and hospitalit I I Iit III, :it.

!William tier a n assistant -- _ _ prcpai atom, according to titled 1111111res tt, ’6a:! . ’ , i

Aeo(Itimit. " "*Pst� ::iements liegan al last

Plans for a pla. eetme of the fierieral Edia..;�

Council of Academic Societe s duction, art exhibit and eitinuttee in Room 20. ileroid

will meet toilax ..1 3.341 p.m. 111 Ball are to ht.4 consul,,. ’1 I io Fred

!World AVar II Gernuene. during 11-23, according ,.� 411 Winterline. the collt�ge has � �sttiAtid t� \1114.11 the. editing is fine’

the rise to priner of Adolph !lit- president of II.. .alp. tii1itni Itlii for ..1:iy 2-9, PI. %%111 Is’ 111Rfir .4’ .6 ; �1�:,

All int.-tested � .., rot-anti conventions and is ii . � ’ V1.1.1.1��� 111 a 111 5111111 .� 1 �

tions are urged ii,i�i,.1 the. rt.4 41, �.1 ,, if ��14 ,

tension’s 711.�01 I:: o;!..1 :,t � .1;61 r.otal it. 6.61.

World VIA% Brief,

t npaid Pledges Big Four Meeting Seen Between Ike, Faure, Eden and Bulg-anin Delal Collection

The Campus Clut41 added Ss,.

to its total front the collections

taken during thu III 30 classes yes-

terday, according to Jtrall Uhlrich.

Cantons (’hi st chaii man. ’’Th.’ final total, which was to

ha ’e hei,n announced tocia. will Ile layed until all organitations which pledged money ha’. u- fiaid the pledges," Miss Uhlrich said.

All group; who owe money to the Campus Chest should pay the motii�y as soon as possible. The

deadline was last Friday, Miss Uhl -rich announced.

PARIS, NI:* 9 111’1 S61�11.1:11y!ettitittittlett in then 11.11114- 10. II

, 0111 - of State John Foster Dulles has’ and i.411 Ali/A..6 . 6


agrt‘ed "ill prille11/11." 10 a meeting said. "These sufferings ha,’ ti ans. is �I lot III :,(.l, 1. neutrons his’

of flu’ Big Foul heads of govern-; formed and piirified th: German retliii.ed (1111’ need for allies."

mint and has recommended this , nat am. . i Radford. eh:in roan of the

coursi. to President Eisi.nhow,�, .1iiefs of staff, said this er11116 \I ’URI" %TV

NtaN 9 e01111/111, its forvign mutt .1 an Arni-iican source said toila

.ii.t program An inswer was expected within 1�11.� ...stein Big Three foreign

24 hours The sources said that oth. � 44111 tie’’, "III1 50401

TO ministers supported ti.. el. �F’.m’i’igui M""stPl. V NI M^1"1.’s 11. (bather-Bright of holding the Big Four coin, San11’1.0 and i"" sIgn

enee the %%Oh

*1..I.IY b.� St:116 ;16 �.’ SlIn01:1".

Fasenhou er, isle I Pr. yt, t, ’ I Ant imi�

l Bldg:min British Pi c: I ’ 111111lee4111111� 1(r 1)11V

ai o V ivi �� � � ’ uRmi �

T Sir Anthny Eicti and .. �

A final decision is (Aims -fed � i.� Premier Edgar Yaisre meetimz ’ ’ .1’. !Ala n

made this afternoon on rules for to face to outline major polic "" y, i 11111 7"’

next fall’s Homecoming Parade. said tistaN le

Jan limier, Homecoming C iti,ERMANV ENTERS

omrnit- ’Chin.. 44111 the Ana �

1 All --le tee publicity chairman, announced! PARIS. May 9 (UPI Germany Men It is holding 00

yesterday. ’entered the North At ’neat’, ’charges hut sael has not herr,

The committee will meet at 1 30 OrgameatIon bets). in a Ill," askest by the Coded Stales to tale.

p.m. in the Student Union. Also’ and mn%ing � ent’in that : tip that problem with Peiping e

to he decided is whether or not 11,4h.’d the WPM in a Pc"4111"1, fl was to has,. begun talks a it)’

to put a limit of $254’! on cnst of streogth to negotiate with RIls�ri Reli Premier Chou Fit-Lai toda.4

parade floats :nit the ea�n: 1I of the Cniel W.,: ARMS AND .u.l.tss

Plate. for Homecoming Day will "The German people ha� paid WASIIINGT( IN May 9 �

be discussed at the meeting, j hal shl, for the horiort. whieh were Adrn Ai thin. V. Radford said to-

-the �a,),., that sent,

thing harloiN,ti lo Mt.

10NIA%," Ito’ 111%0111. sand II’ a

spoke angril..

��,11. it has air. ad.Itillo II’

.6�1 Just 1111,1� Ar .-.It

111:411 said Ow., eenuld h.� e�at r 4.4 flo V1 11 � 1111. I

V11�111 11111 .ant Alight old ’sore.

I tiroa too ’

"Th, ncather kooks bright to

�%1111111thelic 5111 se�al ’.,id "When the high fog ,�lears

there a ill b. teniperattires fr fill to ;fi eleg % lighl �rees ilk nerth..,st %Numb,"

1 I ii Itiiiii0,1 l: Tanse... . an. professoi of at. inn, peak

,..t,, On -Art H ui History at Th,lity’s

Frogs in the News �:n the SI .1 i,,sian �,. px101

meeting of Phi Alpha Theta. na-Who,. R�INsialt Fiog who defended

1 tional honor society in histoly. ac -I. . rause to the last will pot in (-larding to the (lub’, president ..,. �, I. ��� ’ � "��� m’r"6"I’s their appearanees Sunday Ma!, 22. Miss Frances Via The rie , � ....d� , l’-’ ’’’ ’’ ’nd ’’’’’ll’a at Iii am Will the) hal.,� eompe-

ing %% ill he held at Miss Vitailie . � ei" Noting Does far the pun’.

,,� .., .. ,_ 110111, at 763 Fallon A%(.. Santa � � et- ,,i rio o r pposition I thltIK 4 lat ti

I )1’ Tatist�!. has spoken to heal .pe�li..iv I 11�Mallt eit. le ..41�Otips and (dubs as well as

Yours In student vi nips on campus. I’..,,�,ri.. , l’i aerording to Miss Vitanza. lar.

\ 1� ’ � Tansey’s class in art appreciation has bevn railed the darkest one

SI)\ r110 1161i:tit. in extstenee Student s are in the dar�k every el .- 1,riod kinking at

2 11:1 N’s 1;111 1 Triesda v Ma!, 10. 19f,5

\ eft’ Pre.A� 1 °tiny% Students ..1 .inil partici-

; ’. in the last ,,r,d wiped to, it the biggest and one of

,*�- tO�st bea� i�: the rolitis,,,,rn gen-

e AN l’tst v.e k .- � �I �., ��’ Ti’f� Wo�

ii Ir. fe.:,�� - I’ ’iris I u’i Iu,t.. 1., .� � ,st placed

P.. ii. b, tle t,,d hod:. 0.1 th it I will be able to pernikrn the +Ow,

," � .11 t :1 t0.‘’,411’

� I ,fiv 11(111 (,onlest , .

ednestlas is the last 11,1% 1.0 enter conte�tasits in the I k�Is Man contest. to 1.eor-gla lark, contest chairman.

The contest o ill start Ma 10, and through 51:1 ?O. when it will he (limit \ed Ii the Pushcart Helios.

\II ciintestant� nuist he mem-bers 01 the ASK, the hieulty or cAnipii� emplosees.

AMI if utitiard, �

A411 Pne,ident

Thrust and Parry

� .14 11111/ r ’sit

Nine \II% 11(11161-s f"it�17’’ Tt"

1.11/1.111.% )11)1aN

Honor. A Ilitmitti ii, Ii"iti t ,nation ’ � � Ill ,

, � ..111 Ill I MCI (.1 ri 01 iii., iii

SLATE Sponsor Feed

Lambda Chi Alpha Host ToCrescentGirlFinalists

The gills will be treated to mo-vies of previous Pushcart Relays at San Jose State, according to

� Jerry Gandy. chairman of the an-nual Land-alai Chi Alpha-sponsored

TM, SeV TO Tell °vent.

The girls were selected from a

Of Art. History ants. These were: Judy Rauben-semi-finalist field of 11 contest-

heimer. Lielta Upsilon; Gwen Wil-

finalists for the Lambda , pa Kappa Gamma; Jan Daue.htei - Chi Alpha Crescent Girl title will ty, Delta Sigma Phi.

be dinner guests of the fraternity Cris Griffetts, Kappa Alpha

tonelit at the Lambda Chi house. Theta; Barbara Dale, Phi Sigma Kappa; Jane Dickson, Alpha Tau Omega; Barbara Lacey. Sigma Al-pha Epsilon: Barbara Clement. Phi Kappa Alpha, Pat Kappen, Chi Omega; Judy COen, Alpha Chi Omega.

The 1935 C’rescent Girl will be

named at the Crescent Girl Dance

Friday night. The dance will be

hams, Sigma Kappa; Sandy king, held a L’Ornel..tte in Palo Alto

Delta Gamma; Althea Irvin, Kap- Johnny Vaughn will provide mu- sic from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.


11(4 illtV wives sHow .-�teaks and beans will be ih,

menu faculty and their ss--.. enjoy tomorrow night at 5 3.i o’clock at the barbecue pits near: the Women’s Gym.

l’nder the sponsorship of the Factilt WI’. es Club. the feed will feature entertainment by a new campus novelty trio. Larry Comas on the washtub bass; Jim Hous ton. ukelele; and Al Palm. guitai

Eva Cazzaniga, student pianist and two student singers. Lonnie Manning, tenor. and Bonnie Bo-line, contralto, will be heard.

Benjamin W Spaulding. profes-sor of industrial arts. will Over-see the pool:mg of the steaks.

I le, oil ’.1I K.P. Pian() Tests ���,� .1, 1 , ..".."1 the Thl. initiation will be held at

1 Al tides for the exhibit. sx�hieli , continental ates the 100th anni-�� tool: ’V’s.Dort- Visit Fi to he 215 Mili ket St and the diniii.r .001 (.()iiiiiiffe: Si "ii I p r.

, A Fruti, at ,"’,11 (lift Risk progr am will follow it th. 1. :. 0., ’ 5" s"rY of %VII" nia"’S -IA."’" Of ,c11 lost sOlitl flt ,t".�lt, (*rot parut caf.�. 110 1..1,no

St . Sin Ca ass. ’ ��er.. obtained from the KP students who have not sign- -__

� -. .- � . , . .� ed up for the piano tests are urged i �_., ttttt hiset at 4 p � ’ Ti)-.’’. chapter %%ill present a skit ’ Jos,.. -1),.. F....the,. shet,hart,� asso. AI Bleb i’hairm in.1 3 $100 scholarship %4 -1- I I a �Tiele-t, 1 el It.. � � . , - ii....iuled at the eteut

I. . 1ciate professor ’it English. and i !from the collet:0. Library �

I’ ’’’ l’’’’’ 4 I." .) "1"� m 7 ‘ ti’’’ t;.

- iii 1 TI,,,��ttly one students front C., . Th,. "mint n ill b.. on disiiii, t it, 7.1.anagors ’ ’ffl’’’’ "a’ bet. it 1 lowai r hapter Charles V Kapp,’ I . .,-0.10, 1, IN I &noel 4, illepar- .1 1111(1,1 thc ,. Issiblill(’ professm of pull, it it., i’ I’un "1 I" It ’I" 1".311 "1. land I./r. William Gould. pi,, � tie .1,,,iritalistii :110 .�IIN 1411,1,1 -!. ur imi.iliiiiism, will mli.nii. 1 Islinitnient. will lie the nimii at - I: II 1.011

Ili,- 11411 fry ’pow...en! tr. the J.).110�lisin I, lite � i iii in I iii miii Is’ ii"ti

�1:111141414,1 I ts I All, at 4 m1%4.4161111

Iii II’S ill in

.���� tat ,Ii.s1.- , i

Fiania-a.9 professional ch.i... 1" ..1�)� aceurding 111 11 � 111 participate I I. *olvolaii. librarian

(’atbsige, managing editor of ti,, New York Times, will speak ot, ’ I ippoi tunities ill Mo-derti ii.. hisin

Arts .titudcnts .i I ststarets Ishii, tt i tt -1..

dent teach in II,, Lill -lir log, .1 1,, rcgostcr ,it the trt Depart merit soon rs possible.

hes 111.1% till II I I a III.

.11111 I.! 110..11 41.111%. .1,11 111.-

I I 11,�11.1% 1%11,11 Ia.._ ti item Iwg,:ins it 111 p ii, slid rod. If II am’ �

Spartan 1)aily SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE T41 (ri% 4. %tank

l’hutus l’(� Present -Turn of Century’

to do so immediately, according to Mrs. Ann Fabrizio of the. Educa-tam Department. The tests are twine given this week for the only time this quarter. ..Students de-siring to sign should see Mrs. Fabrizio in Room 139

Si Teii4.11 i II"

l’bMerriberS Of the Kappa Alpha ri" " 1.4� I )isellsst.ti will model -Turn ot the Gen- i

. Fashions- todaN at a I ashien I ’ ’1 ionS on student teacRing .is% and I,mele.on gee’, 1,, their for . thor fall or s-riag p semester

club th. Theta lions.. %%ill be discussed by Dr. William R Rogers professm. of education The L....vs us, origit...1. In 110d-

1.1 ’,An I ram I..., Sr.’ being at a meeting of all KP and GE j�.iii�j ft th�.�11,ii. ,, I students Thursday at 2 pm. in Mrs. Ralph Kr:inhale, %% hose the Little Theater.

All KP and GE students who plan to student teach either of those semesters are urged to at-tend .ircoohne le Dr Ro’.70i’s

.1.oughter. is ill he � of thi 1.1s for the . Pres-ent II.1i Lishions for coeds is ill

I..� . .1 ’ 1110 11�\ 1�11t �� ill be

� �� ttnanee � it ere set’-ut the NI. ’


cbos matter April 24 1934 at San Joe (1.’�1. under the acf 34 Ma�cls ). M�mber C�14000� ...vrip�t-,�� I Association Pub

� 1 I. "s, th� Associated Students � � . Cted� Coltoq� ’,scent So-., 4 i dUrIng tIse college

dieing �ach fin�I esemin,

Telephone CYpress 4 64t4 Ed,torlal Et 210 Acl.,ertis;nq Dept. 211

Subs.-.;pc,ms acc�pted only on � tom. 1�� of -school year basis:

Iii f�’ i.1����, $1: In winter quarter. $2 in win, quarto?. Si

Press of the Globe P�inting Co. 1445 S. lit St., San Jose. Calif

EDITOR-Gary Engel! BUSINESS MGR.-Dick Blaus1e;n DAY EDITOR -Wayne Harishcrn

Itadi41:11’ Co i 141

iII meet to-I’30 pin in Sli-117 to \ arils Night. vihieli Will ,

. \IA% 21; ay....riling to Nlikl ’ii bills reeoriline ,erretare


to MATT MATTINGLY A new winner each day!

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You will find

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be to


Dr. Col hn, Researcher. Talks ’High Speed Digital Computers.

Dr. Harvey Cohn, tonight’s been honored by a membership Mathematics Club speaker, has a in phi po, Kappa. background of intensified research " , In the summer of 1953 Dr. Cohn in the field of number theory and ’

!modular functions. He is currently was consultant for General Motors teaching at Stanford. He also has Corporation, and last summer dam

Iconsultant for AEC Computing

Craduates To Talk ’Facility at New York Uni�ersit Institute of Mathematical Scien-

leChaffey Wins Safety Award

� Tuesday May 10, 1931

Dr. John T. Maldquist. sits pre-ident. presented the safet. avant to its v. inner, Chaffes college, this iteekend at the Pa-cific( oast Intereollegeiate air meet at Reid’s llilhiev airport. according to Nils. t.. Daum, chairman of the Alpha Eta Rho international asiation tratrrnit sponsored meet.

Mary% schools didn’t nialie the To Tau (;anutla ees esent becall,e of inclement Lecturing tonight on "High � � . . MeinheiN of Tau G�iininia, local

.Speedr mit v..4� e

a Computers," sueeestol ineet considering the Cohn will explore the "thinking sseather." Miss Daum said. process" of the! san Jose state took second The meeting will be held in ! faculty members today in Room 2 . Room E118 of the Engineering

place in the nieet. Ntiiiint ".an of the Women’s Gym.

Joan Chambers and Mae Stall- the Building at 8 p.m.. and is open le r�iitnhteDirli° Ire’t’al�14;pitieti")°ksiefir�tsPatail;n..: ithe public. Refreshments will Iv

ler, SJS graduates, will be guests served at the close of the meet- (-bi�ttes- College. l�St 1. and the

ing. ,

honor society for women physical education majors, are holding an open meeting for all students and

and will speak on "Recreational Leadership Programs in High Schools."

Regular members are requested to come at 7 p.m. for a short meet-ing and others come at 7:30 o’-clock. Dress will be sport and re-freshments will be served

Students To Hear Counseling Talk

-How Does Your Program Go?" will be the topic of discussion for tonight’s second camp counseling program to he held in Room 22 of the Women’s Gym from 7 to 8-30 o’clock.

Discussion will center around typical camp day activities and what is expected of the counselor. Students will be informed about the duties and responsibilities of the camp counselor.

This program marks the second weekly camp session sponsored by Co-Rec with Connie Groppe. chairman.

Rusiness Ilajors To Hear Peacock

G �� � Peacock. manager in the San .1a��� :Merchants’ Assn.. will

speak at 12:30 p.m. today to the

senior business majors. lie will

describe the actisities and func-

tions of the Merchants’ Assn.

Scalia business lectlIrPS are held

Tuesdays and Thursdays in the old

La I.� Theater. Students and pith-

lat��rested in hearing these

� are welcome to attend.

eetin Alpha Delta sigma: Elect ll,11

officers for next .s ear tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in J-10ti.

[’snip Counseling: Meet tonight at 7 o’clock in Room 22. Women’s Gym.

(’hi sigma Epailon: Genetal meetina today at 4:30 p.m. in Room 127.

Council of Academic Societies: Meet at 3:30 p toda in 11-23

El Circulo Castellano: Meet in language lab toila at 4 p.m. Those pal tic:paling in play must attend.

Freshman Camp Committee: Meet toda.s at 2.30 p.m. in SD. 12o.

II ’coining Eseenthe Commit-tee: Meet in Student Union totill at 1:30

Iota Delta Phi: Meet at Dr. Gri�goia’s tonight at 8 o’clock. Mo. vies and -Ivies will be shown. Meet at cm’ 7"30 p.m for transom.-tatioe

Kappa Delta Pi: Pled�lni: night in the St 1 hi �,!: 7 o’clock

Public Relations Committee: Meet in Room 25 IIN1II at 3:3o p.m

Radio-TV Guild: Discuss award-progt at 2:30 p.m in St >-117.

Spartan shields: Meet ill 5-216 tonight at 7 o’clock lint .1111

When a roommate gets you

a blind date with his younyer sister.

riMeis and pledges atti�nd


Eight .Nurses .11odel Fashions For ‘Portrait of

’.Portrait of Spring,- the s� a -A annual fashion show, will Is p�-esented tomorrow night at a o’elock in the Little Theater t)

Spring Shim-Th.� junior class of student nun., - :�din the San JoNe Hospital ai �sird:04 to 00 oublicit chin rrna

Fi.iht members of the class will

See Reo-istrar On I. nit Rule

All students infected the ,l’tion of the "89 unit rule" who tvoe not been notified of an

unitadjustment, should come to thete Registrar’s Office immedia’s, ac-

cordina to Leslie W Ross. Regis. trar

l�nder thi� le I. stu e dents whos cumulative grade average Was hi-

’71,idel the latest fashions in tot --

r." casaal and sports %sear. En-’ � � tertanurent for the event a

presided by Melt) flingharn and

%Vi!rnii Read in a \ OCa1 (1(1,1, eiilul

a vOefit solo by Carol Becker, who

will he accompanied la Beth Led-

better and Shirley’ t *sadiron

Admission to the affair dill be 51 cents, which will include me

freslimiatts deeeds will h,

10 d." � � eApt‘tTheS ut the 5,11401 lova "C" could not he aamitted to pan.; h � ttaditimmli, upper division. and total credit pon, , earned was limited to 59 quarter _ tains until an overall "C’-’ averai-was attained From the time 11, 59 quarter limit was lex mai to 1f. -time the oserall as era’:.’ 5, �

Spartan Spinners: Meet tonight attained a student received en’) in YWCA basement at S o’clock. fro � � ’11 quarter undertaken Folk Dancing,. if, � HIM I i 1 5 05e1age

student V: Retreat this We, k � ni1 Registration fee du,’ noa.

WAA Sports: Rifle Club malts

today. 1:30-3.30 p.m. at National Guard A rmory . Softball,I oday at 7th and San Fernando field. 4-5,314 p.m. Riding class rides today at Alum Rock Stables. 3:30 p.m.

Spartan (,raduate At I,erntan Post

San Jose State gradual Pvt

Donald E. (7udney. son of Mr arai

Mrs. Patrick Codney. 991 Walnut

St.. is now stationed in German) as a survey specialist in Head-quarters Battery, 593rd Field Ar-tillery Battalion.

While attending 5.15 Cudney was :iffiliated with Alpha Tau Omega raternit

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and she turns out to be a real doll ...

M -m -man,


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� � wo Ends Battle Nine Ends Season cards Due F rulaN-

zrizi..biran.....1..Ai.,ii n Blocking Race Friths) is the deadline tor en-’ trio-. in the ( co-Recreational

1 ainst USF Dons kg

4 .1’ %WI %.% 11%11.1 Ma) 1%5 7 �

Tournament Entry � ,

Merit Ma% 11 at the spartan stadium tenni. courts. Entry,

�,1,1 1,, P., � .� lalaiik� are a�ailalile in Room 7 ot the tIonnen’.. (/m.


elS E.V1)11 Hie, �I

Dick Brady,

I: rob lltortt1 Lettlitte


I, 1114* p/....�0�,,,,�

g gg 41, tat am. rani Phi Sig-

e:. � Kappa Ii.. .k 4,V,q undisputed

’1 11.� tourney is strietis tor rs. arid anyone WI!, ha. had

freshman tennis tram �Aperieloei. ineligible. �



I Don Phillips and Pete Galloni !Ryan. 96; Jack Adam- 71. I

1 are locked in a tight battle for the Mr. Downfield title as the Spar-tan griatters go into their third %teek ot sprin..; football drills.

In practice through Friday. the Wu ends each has collected

Phillips scored 31 points 11-rida3 to dra%% r% in the race that Nee-Sig ed back and forth last nerk.

Phillips took the lead from Joim Perkins Tuesday but gave it up to Galloni on Wednesday.

The race for the Mr. Pass Pro-, , nil I.P: 1 Li It:

i � . it 1:1 %;..,. % Rifle Club will fire a tector is nearly as tight. Jerry � ’,/� 11, ’ ,,./arl .� Ind,. �� .:

r’’ I� ..111%; t� � P�Pl . � � 11. .l.� IP --. ,1 Ruse boasts _a perfect record with , , sear der I thr,-.� position match against the

..f..,,.- Chit. evtablii.befr PlaY,A I�� � - � .1, on 1 yarl s rifle teant of James lack

17 hits in 17 tries to hold a slim � Utile edge over Eli Gardiner who has

����.-�1$111 III I �Nt 1,11:1.1. in the IA I ,

. %PIO III,111 �41111� 1$f"p$tI�1P; $’. Ir. Ili

V $111111 I1 $P1

...� a It win. " � - � 1). - low gam... 1 ,.� team v.111 trio.el to flu- ronnected on 21 out of 22 tries.

Ruse took the lead Friday when I.i�tr a match with the Univer-

Ititt�-!�1, � ! � Kin;

Itill Rahman. h trk ftenolti

I... V. pit I.. f to! II Ai and ,��� o 1. P.. ---111Ar A likha Phi ittner:a I se% .1

Tuck !hi


Ctilifornia Wornen’s Rifle

/itt 111..,1���� frolp, mill pre- . . Ryan, 18-16; Bob Rarn.sey. 11-!

sent a IT � 7,� � .,� I.% of seven ( enter,-.Inlin Perkins, 184; �Ihn Al Sw.erino. 22-18

movies i the forme: Hague. 11:13; Roland Logan. o� _ _

!Olive. 69; Bob P.arnsey, A

Laramie. 55; Gene Sanger. 52;

Ken I )r2e11, 51.

Ends Don Phillip& 196: Poe

Galloni, 196: Clarence Wessmail

163: Mel Powell. 129; Russ Cam -

diem 104; Lelan Stahl, 1,-/. P.05

Dunivant, 81: Leon O’Ne.i.

Leaders in the Mr. Pass Pro-

tection competition by pcn.itinn

are: (’enters Jerry Ruse 17-17: Ro-

land Logan, 10-10; Jim Hague. 21-20; John Perkins, 17-15: Al Watts, 8-7; Carroll Perkins, 6-4.

Guards Eli Gardiner. 22-21: Dan Shaughnessy, 18-17: Jini Hughes, 17-16; Gene Krumm. 16-15: TOM Bass, 11-13; Tom Pow -Gardiner missed his first blocking

assigment after having a perfect el’, 1/4-13. record Tackles Jack Adams. 18-17:

Austin Laramie, 18-17; Gene San -Leaders in the Mr. Downfield 17-16; Ken Orzell, 12-11: Tom

$ ;$. tPo ;11,1 1.1.11.� viol, I Littli. ’rh. ,i ,,tii 7 to 930 p.m Jerry Ruse, xi; %I Watts. a:, Car-,. ,� � et in Ia., Sii,,’ , Bill INN os TKIUMPHI i The mut% e� to be presented are roll Perkins. 23.

, 0 ,0,1 \!j. .� .1,10 I Imo ;-�; � . ; \ 1; xftp,ARA Calif ill., ’ -Graduation Kill - "Rhythm 01 (; ..!.1,-, .7,0i litiglws. 1811: To::

i i.�. � � I. P.., 1,, 1-, It .

11. PIP I; 1,111 II.,

$ ,� � 1.� 111$11 It !. �

i � $1, 1uI..uui $, I.� �� $.$ �

/. 1$ $ 1

- 1

Ihmt-Dtt-lIttitt ;him:Sherif(


,ut. eaptiired its Iliad I Africa." "The Fable of the Pea- P,...,���rs 1 40 Clifford Nlaas, F17 � I .� A trark cum n "Tilt� Creat Ballerina." Don M iraald. 12(7; Gene Krunini

� la; fit points in a tie- i"l)anees 01 tb.� Kw;iki01." "Thi� !f". 1+.111 -:$11;+$1’4111, ’.s2.. 91; ’ron. held on a field made Earth Sings" and *Th.: Dt.4.�1..t.� 7; 71. Gardiner, 61.

I e, night rains if, art Tickle. Al :-...verino, 121: Tom

liassiffeds r . I ..1; - �1 1

I 111.1,$.11 colgigg�

� II sl$41 Cy 1

�$$ $1 lob r, 1,1$ IN% nit,.

’n Flu r

,111,., I I N111.1 s. 1 I mittiodro �

I� ,�,,�1, I i� � 01.11x1

’ $.,$$$ ogog$ ggasi.$1 it 7.$11

Ill I r %% %Nil/ II

I.,, I III".

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They’, c your most precious



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