Bak.Al^..^^ii..P/^.1^ · 2019. 11. 29. · -ï%ju5'3-î3jsua-33j'uwanCTCTiui1aultj^'Ll^'in(]T,...

Post on 27-Feb-2021

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Transcript of Bak.Al^..^^ii..P/^.1^ · 2019. 11. 29. · -ï%ju5'3-î3jsua-33j'uwanCTCTiui1aultj^'Ll^'in(]T,...


l<u^gî^i'3Fi'3najyu£ja3j Certificate of Consent ITH

Name of élément

: l'U'3'1


Le 20Î9

^........ ûz&3...

3u£j9uT'wu'i^i£jnn?u'5^nf]3{]njftjnvn^çiu'u5?'3UCT-iu?9^s'ul%^mluçTus;?n£jnn'5pi''3tm'u3j'3^nf]£i{lqj îyivn^-ï%jug??3j^nn'iJ-3î;Lvif3 ilvia \. ffUQWw^w}w^^wumw^wQ]r}v\^


<t/ l/

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible CulturaL Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

VQnwu^u/vii'o'um^ts'ïvw : ....^^. ^fw^^ ^; 'ï^ç'i

Name of community or group concerned :: --Bak.Al^.. ^^ii.. P/^.1^

fi^uwwu : .^^^^^^oO^^__\\fi'^\^:^\^^}^^^^^^n'Y^\'D^^^..... S^'^/^V SJ °frl^

Opinion : . ^'J. y.tor^.... ^....^..^. Y^[o^... _. ^A..?SO^. O^_... ^^^.û...^^----of... JWlo'^ howftpj^

^açj : --.lo?-J--5-------î1^tt^^.. -... rp. :n'î^rn^..... ®.:A^.o^.^/^..... fii. -rfn^i.


Address : -.. i?l/. 5. _. ^^^n<» V. Ju'wbon V-r^no' âa^on-------^&^---...1)^^&J.Un^.... B.^MÈL-+...fc.H^lu.^^i^^^

"-. -a'ïu^..... 2ç. _.. i,^au___/w;. u 11 ^fifciDate : Day.... ^S,Month_.. !^?v^. b-fr'r___ Year 2-^î

?\w e)MI,tVIU:a^"^

^'(... -^?^V*.'rl <:u'>....... '^y'.J"'*.'5.<v'^._)

Signature : ... W^^_^^^A-. ?ià^A------^>OS.^Ya:r^'î...)

lu^^i^Fnnîjyuyau Certificate of Consent

?a-aiÊ)n'T3UTOn(]2'Onjnnvn'3'ï%i<u5'3?u : \w~\Name of élément Nora

u LTUI^PI-U l'uçnuii'nym'ï^navi'u

3j?(?inf]îi'î3nj£ynvn^-ï%ju5-3?ijqiniJ?stvi?ilyi£j t. a-ua^a'uaLÏIu'inyn'Tï^tLviuu-a^nfiuiJqj njnvn^

'ïftius'i'îU'ija^îj'uyy'ijnpiCT'iuilaul'u^'d'înn^us'usfnjqj nu'a^nfluîlnjaj'ivin^T'çy'us^u'M^'upi'a-îlulpi'

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

VfSWîlfiU/VilVUWWîV^ : ^^^. f.^.^/^^^^^^^>^(.

Name of community or group concerned :: .. Je. ^erey^e'ir) £i^- /'/^v£>(î^r-r ec/. {?.. 2^?'?. . ^^ . /%;'/'/éf?ri/l

pnnsjfi^fwu : ... /. v^^jy^^. ?/^9z^^. ^^^::-/y?//^o_^_^_^^^. //^^xro?y-?-?.^-£^w 7<^~7^rs><^ /.<;3^s°«'s^>^//-^'/w^%Ts c/1<^7^^^^,%

^'y'^^^^^^y'^^^^~t"o^'^. ^^s/ rw^^~^/

Opinion : -..

/y.0r^9^... ^f^^^^^w'//e^.. ^^^^^^r^rr^^^^^^^o^---7^^^C. /^--.^^^.. ^...^... ï^^2^.... -'/^?^^Z. _^^^

^.e^^^?^--/^^^/'^^. c^^^/.. ^^/'\/^^... ^^_^^/7©^- c^ri'^/oc«^..

naij : .. -. ^. ^/s---^. '. . ^--. n.:. ^^^y^^^.. ^^... ^. '^^~Jî. ^^t.

Address : /^/'/.. L. ^CC-/^ ^n ^/^^ ^ ^//^^ Z^j-T^/^/-

^.....l4'. _. _... ^au,.Ï'.. _crf,, î, ^iDate : Day.. 1 . __, Month_. __. _.3c.^-L':. ^. ^, ar___^ ^

\-î<_u ... v

a'i'uammu:<^^tv ^\1&J ^^^


Signature : ...,.'â>©.l~!P<?'~

( -^5~:^SS7 %:ipïËâIE^

lu^^'îpmuSugjasj Certificate of Consent

^a-3'i&)m?y??innî{)ftjqj nvn^'si'%ju5'a-3y : luiii

Name of élément : Nora

5u£jaul'M'unc iiEjnT33j'3^nn5'î1njnjivin^'îf%iu5'3'îUî?nu^eîmî;'uH^n^^ul<ugnui;-înyn'T5OTi>t, vTU

u<3^n^ui]çyanvin^T'suu5^<33j^nn<U?ïLvipilviy laua^a'uaLÏIu^'iynTspi'iii. viuu'îpinnuîlftjqjivn^-ï%ju5'3-î3jsua-33j'uwanCTCTiui1aultj^'Ll^'in(]T, uau?iftjnj'iu'5^nnïi^njnjivn^%j'u5'3^u^^u?i'a^l3 jlÂ'

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardin§of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

e-^7 "_

..^^^. /~)r........ ^^^/}. [.Ï^rAjÎMro^cni

'juvimaTSa-i :

Name of community or group concerned ::



^o^--... ^\jk. /..... l?8tilMI._.

_PyQ VL^.ce..

Fmyfl^twu : ..,,^-6.<p^ % ~^^ ; s^^n.^Q^^SSïb^S^jï^ï

-. <2?..-^

, ^ _ _ ^_ ^.-^^CV).<l^-2-.. G^. '?..'><-<°^3x. î^c. '^^:?..


Opinion: ..^OT^..... _. ^.?...^.^.J^..^^lLj^....^^. ^--.--IL^>U^.^....Â^Yo^l..^v^. r©n$^^t.....&

.-^o.10ûfe^,.~/y^, . 1 A'tar^io. r)-

^^Q"-"ry-""/-: "T^asj :. -..... /.^....... ---.. ^/4.....^!^^^,....... ^.C^<^.^....,^^_Ç.^


Address : ........ /1.... ;L......?^1<^.^'L.^....... 'h^t<^. û^yY '.....^

-^^^z...................... _.................................... _.....,....... _..,. 7..

T'<u^... l...,...,, ^au.^^ îl ^Date: Day, ^:..., Month....... T.^D. e--......... Year..,. 5a'.^.

^ç^x^rTîo< Irs/Ajc'0-'


( VJCTLO< Irs/Ajc'03

Signature :^_......... .......... ^........ 4.C jc^fsJt^uJyT...


lui^^^pnnuS-UÊjaâj Certificate of Consent

?3'sn6jnT33j?CTnn2iJnj 6ynYn^'ï%i'u5'3'3ij : Tu?n

Name of élément : Nora

5uya3j'l^un?nEjmiiu'3(?infj50njnj'ivi^-îi'%iu5^^u?nij^amx'uH<ïn^?fu1^nus-3'i£jmï^ii, v]uu'3!?infIuîlqjsyivi-i^'y%Ju5'5?3jqintl'3Sivii3 ilviEj i. aua^a'uaLÏI-u'îiym^^aviuu^^nnuîlMqj ivn^

-î%jU5'3'sua ua^îJ'uwiinCTwn3ji, 1e)uT, 'u^iJ?nn(]1,uau?i£ynjiu<3^nj35{l?usynvn^%ju5'3^^UCTa^uT, ?i'

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

Wf)9Wti/°QWWWÎlW^ : _.....^9 .Ô''^4?. ........ /?.:®)KCTîT4n î^ïft'^à'^a%ï^'i"""4Tc^ow'r?'j/:

Name of community or group concerned :: ."........ :......

......... -. N.QX,. M.Uàj;C.... Lfc^MLM^.. C|.y^Nf_^i?wP^^

mwwwu: -w. ^/^rl... !^^?0_:/^^L^^?. ^?^^^2^.

S^. ^^^O!>^^'r^^Z^7^Ï<^^<^u/ e>'

Opinion : .7^±..... _^.^.^.... 1^.^.. 2^r..... reîà. 2tL^.-.

-^-^^^^^/^^Z.... 3&^5^^^^^P^^^^^Ç^, ^7^~^^^^. ^^^^^£^'?^^^^^Ê^^^^^c.^/^-v:(r. ---.^r^..^'ad:. _.. °>-/7£-^>v^ 3^ ^- f ^. /^J (9. ^^'^'. t-£. 5L^').9's'~T_..... 0. ]3J.. ^. V..

> : .... sl^.. ^ÀMri^^(ïç^ - ^v^^^l^Address

^w... f. l^... ^uÂ'^ îl ^Date : Day.. /?..., Month.....?^i?e,....... __..... _Year ®^

\^y^(. ^^^^IZi?^?'''')


Signature :

( ^sy ^.ç^^eïï^\

l'uuglfi'afmïiaUÊJSSj Certificate of Consent

^a?ian'i?u'5ann2iîeynjTyn4'ÏBi'u&'?'îaj : I-u-s-iName of élément : Nora

5uEjauHw^ani?u?i^nQS{l^cynyi^î%i'u5'î-ïu?i'iuTOms'uHï'iwuTw'i'us;-3'iyniiipnu, viuuii?innuÎQjîv'ivt-tnaius^-su^'in'd^stvifil. viy

lausïa%3lQw^yn^?n^tt. yluu^?lnfl5{]eysy^mn»lU5^. aîJ. aa~3u.ul^a. ï^Spt'^ut1e)l)^, 'uvilJ^^nQluawnJ

cy'iu'awnflu'îlqjqjivi'i^-yi fUTjg^uviwas-îluT, ^'

This is to certify free, prior ând informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§of thé Intangible Culturat Héritage.

vmwiipiu/'vîs'v'umwîvw : &i^ ?S/\%1°^&'\ I^Tkoi3"\^'t<^§^^s^°i\, W(A\nî) ^ Csu^^i '^^"in%^^oy, '?i

Name of community or group concerned :: J)U. D 5'^r^ ^00 TCL W K 56^ 5

Te^^oyi 4 5 Vio A ci Plu ci tf» if6\^

fmuflRt'M'u : >cW>(5i's^) iJue^^^i^

Opinion a \-&e w -A\A }V ^s 0. 5SOL e

wsy : ^ju ^-Lnp À Cou-S^} %% ET)(%. 5-u^^ ^^-UP r. ^w<i?>. i®s ^., <Ey<dR-^ i^^ooo

Address: Tsçlûvi ^ ScVlOo) <ig TY\ ^-^-t ^O^Jov\ S^e^ Aw V\oe F\aan C\Ao-'n Vf^ a^ °\^0oo


-ïuvi ^ t-^azi

Date : Day "\ Month ec e w ^er^ î! SÇLI

Year IOH

îîbi^ ^S

(W^IWî^ -n 5 4%YlS')Ïô'îl )

Signature : \^Wa-(\ f\

( . !\la. ron vit CVtavTnot)

lu^^^FmuS'u&JQâj Certificate of Consent

%a'3nym?y'3CTnf]îÎÊUEUTvn-3T'%i'u5°i'3U : \w~\Name of élément Nora

[iuEjaulM u°i^iynT3U'3t»infi5{]çynj'ivn^'ï%ju5'3'3Uî»inuwM<3i;uUîn-3yfuT, 'uçius^'iEjn'T3^i, mu

u'ï?inf]îi{]qj njnvin~3-;f%ju5'5^3js)in^?siviFiT, viy (, ?fua^a<U3tûu?iEjnn'î^ttVTuu^?inn5{]Eynjivi'i-3'ï%iu5'3?u'yeî^u<uv£j<8'iCTçi'tULlauls u^'d'5'in{)l'uaua^)qj 'iu-i^nfiu'Oqjqj'ivii^'ai'%ju5<3iiu'Mq''u?i'e]~3luU

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

^e)-3 : !^'N1' ' ~ ~1~~C^~\ -^-".^.----;-^. ^=.-. -<-.^----y--y,--^--.-^--..-...

îMiw^i w!iiv'^w^^'ri '^u)^nfi ^a^^yonynu"n~

Name of community or group concerned :: ........-.... "...-............... _............ __... _;",.. .. _:",-IVQM.. ûIaL-rf...Èl^^^-^A^Ma. {<ul.. ^c/kyd.


-6 _ c^ ^ -^---^--^-Fm^R<?iwu: ..ll


i^?.. JM^^.^f .^. ^jy^^J^<>'>^%^^^.

J . i .'"-""^"'/5=^''0~^''"''^'J. '""â^''-"^'"/-",^t-'<-~'""7^''1'""'"'"'''""""""''"-''"i. i^^-y... Â^:..^^^(DjsO<^-i^wî^b. -.^.y)^A^. !y/t'!!^/®!

Opinion: . ^.....^S. W... lA^. iy^.., C.oJfc.^aj.,,^Th^!^^.4-,. 9...... Af>}?.|f'o^.^J...... A..... cp.^5.e<hh.t.Q Ë.£-..


-p-'P.. |?°?. £(î....... ^)_<

^ay : .^/iy-..... 0<_.i?'uo<j.Sn.... li.. i.. f%:.. M^. S^^;

[{. ^^i2

Address: -^/2,l?. i-...... [Vo.^iq,...R^ $^^0UMq^^^^^^^^^

-ÎUV. !l........^aui.-.. ...... ?l.ilDate : Day., f.L-.Month... Z^..^, _..........,, YQar....ff(7^,

a-î'uammu:(.. ^P©^f?^.....3.^<5^^...)

Signature : ............,L-^.l. .(As.Ûn^J^i^Sï^^

lu^^'SFmsjSuÊjaâJ Certificate of Consent

?a'?nEjnT3U-3^nfj5îlnjEUTvn'3T'%jtu5-3-3U : TwnName of élément Nora

[^w is'aiÊjm's^ntiviu

3j-3^nf]u'Ll6yqj 'ivn^-ïftj-u5'3'i3j^nn<d'3î;i, vipilvi£j i, ?!ua?a6 ij3L(lu^nym^^'ii, ivtuu-3?in^î{]njîy'ivin^-ÏRuu5'3'îUS U3^uu'y£i!ianCTCTn3Ji1a<uls u'M'd'3'in{]luau?fnjnj'iu'3?inf]uîlsyqj nvn-3'ï$uu5'î'3îjm'UCT3~3l3 Jl?i'

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

^anayfiu/'uïj'îfu^ma'î^a^ : ......... ~*ar^_^af^lltï..,..... ^<?v^. T]^.^^^tJ^rprn^l^i %ï&^

Name of community or group concerned ::...........................


fcnnw^H^t. dîj_L^.. _y(À_t<?\. ____pr (?Yf'i/i^_

c;\"fmsjft^iLViU ; \t^7-S^ l ^» ^-ivo". S~tÇ 6^0 f?^ .»^<r^-T^-r>^^ og^o^'sî^i ^<o^

-y^. --.... ---------.-.^

>n.?. )^!'^-.<?. -'^-'^. l-^v\<f:k'-^1^ <i-?a-9J \ <-^ , ^1^0 «§o ^)>-»'<^i' >>C^t}^ .^flVj

Opinion : .. -. -. Q. rCT_. _. ^&.... A.^.... L'^^. ?r.v?.<5\. iy.^..... <^^L^IA-Y'otl- ^iCy^ -^o\^ é>0 f Tîh(M L^^. ot . ^^(?V®va{ (?.vn^ c'gn SÔVT) 4o '^e-

.--------(?^-pî-$<^.... /yv e^<^jlv>A+i'o^.. - . ^

WQÊJ :.....^...^. ®...<ïn-. yi.^^in^...... ^':^o^r<j^.......... ^:. 1^. <>r\^

Address: 10^/3 St^b Pîç^ViC Sct"^ l^e V . K&^ f(7

Qlc?. i>\^^^^y^^^ VfGr^\^ c^.

m<. _.. i2:.....,^au_^. ^_..... îl,.^Date : Day... ^.,Month.. _'.^. ?;.ô..._.. __.,..., Year....ê.<y!'^

Â_v.a-3?e)NUVlU:....,^^^. _. _. _<F^.Q59,


Signature : ........ ^. rMA. !pQ.V...... 5ovi.^o>.t^^.

( . FÛV--&W-\. po.r\. _... Û3'Y\^<oïi)

Name of élément

l'ui. kgl^'gfmsjy'uyau Certificate of Consent

: Tuc in


5<UEja3jl'M'un?nynn?3J'3?infl2'î]njnjivn-3'ï%ju5'i^îJi?i'iu?a'M'3S'uH^n-3CTul<us'Tus-3n&jn'T3pfii, i,vi'u

u^?inr]5{l£uaj'ivi'i^'?%ju5^iiu%nn'Ll'3SL'MPilvi£j laus^a'aQiil'u^'iEjn'Tî^ii. tvi'uuii^infiS'îJçyqj TMn'î

<^ », l/L'y vii

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nonnination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

^anaïjfiu/'uîj'au^maTys^ : ...^UP^^^^. ^\^. V'i^. r\'fi. (>il<n.1 <t ^ ~~~~~<


t'r''.^. ïj^. '.i.^'1-6]^ ?î5?. ?? .y-. fu l '?n.Qh4.^> ".. f!^(M -.

Name of community or group concerned :: ..^lo^..b(?</-----Ç'JC'^!.e/ryr'.. hy^-Cul^rûl CjLjrkw

^^îJfiplW'u : i^^t^^'î^T^^^o^^^?rnnf^<n^^îyi'ç-r77i-)(^ lî^ ^yiu^îri^z;^°t^.. ^)'i^.T^<P. ^^^. -1T^.^^i(^A^^^


^-^. ^....?.ut^w.t':Ç.r-J^. ^..I^^.'w^o-?0-!^M-^-l^^.1-i^O

Opinion : .S^^....<ô.... ^.. ^b..^.^.... oY:..--^rh^û.... ^&^for^l i. ..W^... ]ô.<^r!. WÀ^ <'?^\'?. f. .tb.ç/. <5 0<-:'.^?. &y.o. ^roY}. n <y-. '6... . > &... .p .d <'.<p^ ^n^ 5ou-yn. (lonjer't (?nci a^r&uA .fc'o nOmi-n^hs thé. be-nt^e 0-F^\&dorr) <o^ tyiiflnl^fpfft ^o lo-^ (5ippr«/c. i'o<^'t^ to^iî^t^<^-.

viay : .... i^......^^. ^......?^/. ?)flMAfYi.. -. --.o---^^<n^lT?-/^. -------^:^'ïP>n.

Address: ... 1^__.._.

^.o..4^_... _....................k|o"^^. ^..H^<d... y0j:......1?fê^

10T\C\ V-\^\\ (5t r-Câ \fîV~i(^

'ïu^..... A....... ^au.. _... ^l, îl...^Date : Day... ^....Month.. ^^.y?xr...... Year., l<5,Lb.

a. _-2'a'3'tiaMim'u: -vir^f^iuftifi


f y f

.WT//'ÏTJft Pt<'^l.f 'Ç'^'ut ?< j y.--..... -. -^--------^--...... Jt. ---.. ----.

Signature . ^^^^^^,^:y/t^. -Pa!Ai^^f.. e?t?... ^?'. (fr'^ty'w'^"

l'ui, l,g1^<3pm3jS'U£Je)âJ Certificate of Consent

^a^Ejmïîj^nnuîêyonvn-aT'aius'ï'au : l'u'siName of élément Nora

3uaau1,i^'u°T3iêjn'i<3U?^nfl3'îlnjajivin^'ï%j'u5^UCTnuîa'^ciïi'uH^n-3pi''uluiTUâ;?'iynT3r3t, wuu'5?inf)uÎRj6ynvn'3'sf%i'u5'3'53J^nniJ-3î;i, vipilviy t?iua%a'a8t, îu'3nym?^Li, viuu-3?infjSîlsvêyivn^

^u5^u'ye)'33J'uv£j<a'iCT?i'iîji1s'ul'îj'M'd'3'inf]1, ua'u?fqjîynu'3?)n^£iî]qj njnvin'3'ï%j'u5<3'5u^ 'upi'a-3l3 JT,pf

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé lntan§ible Guttural Héritage.

?3nayfiu/%sj<yu'vi!, ^a'3'îa-3 : ..^u.^.^yu^. ^^-y-^7^u--. -^^-^-^-1J-^. ^. !.^

Name of community or group concerned :: .Jnal...^À^... L fr^^.. (^^..C-Llllurûl 1-iou^J TNorZA"

pmsjfi^iwu : ii^ai l^î;^^;'^^fl^^u. <^?^A^^^U^U--J^a^-^^bi^^r^'^-iA^.. j.^..^? i^--^-CT^-id-7T^-^?^-9. ^-.ï1^^


r^. ^r1^^-^Y>A}^^i^^'?^^-?-^-^^-w. -îH. ?. f'îw^

yy»'^. .?i3-f). n^-^l'^(ç. lf'^.A;Li. r!^\'1n. y \\i?. ''^?/f0]^.... .!^^ <PÛ-^ -u<'?-'r^'yo»J-\ï

Opinion : .. Nû^,. jô...0n.. ^t 5^. ^.....^"^ 5°k-. -p^fo r-^n1^^

-t^^. lr^-.. 1A.. -Sp^.01^.... i.F.. fy?.^..^fî. ^. i^;.. Jph. ?r. i±&^-^

. -n. f I.. .?. :. -c<u'frfcn.^ F?o^.e'.l .... !£. - ^ &. - M }&^'ty<»l - - ^i&r ) .^. >... ç'f.. .h V.Vû.rï f Jit--^ou)<^.. _&T'«^^. o._h-^r-L-^---^-f^pJ<.. -^"4---^s'-^wad :...^.^a'^*)îfl^f^l/?^^^-. -.. -tt.^^n-^^--^^

^. ?î^ffrï ^°i. 0'4Â ^4j»

Address : ..P.^ç;e'... 0. f!...Sr^.. ^n^...Ç'^J-t'ur^-... ....§^^b^^JU^. ^. ^..... ^^'L[ck.. ^... à^W^^^^

y- aluvi. ..^..... ^au... ^_;i.. ;..îl^o

Date : Day... 2^. Month,.. JVOyx^X<'Year., ^<pj(l. _;_-/]^~

a-a'ïaMi. t'MU:^0 . }^\ ^ ^ !i hn-U^ i^

n-""-T"-"F-Signature : ^..^.ç^,»^^....1"^^.?.^

( l'. l'.-îx.. ô(-/^çw,ÎV^^J

l<U(, i,gî^t'3fm3j3<uyau Certificate of Consent


Namç of élément

: Tu-an


yu£i93jl'w'u'T5nynn'3U'3?inf]u'tlnjnjivn'3'ïw'u5'3'3U?n3j^e)'^'3ïulT În'3?i'u6 lu^nuî;?'iann-3OTi, m'u

sj-a^nnuîlajqj ivn^'ïsuusii^uqnniJ'ssLvipilviy lauaÇa'uaLÎI'u'inyn'TiÂ'iuvi'uu-i^nnu'ûsyqjivn^

'?%ju5?-3U'iu3^3JU'yy6a'i?ipi'iui,1au1, <y^iJ?nn{]lua'uaqjftj'iu'3(?infiuîlnjnj'ivin^-ï%i<u5'3'3îj'M^'u?i'a-3l3 JT,w

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible CulturaL Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible Culturat Héritage.


^^n]. ~N^^n^î-^w.'VîlVUmWWQ^ :

Name of community or group concerned :: .. _..y. t. 0'.b'^r1-.. -(?wrr>-iî'n^p^ ÛZP-lûr

pmuFi^wu : ---i^^^^^. ^^yo^^ou^(^pT ^.-^^^[^^^3^^^.. -.....

L^. J?^. r ^-?r?o^^çh°T^'^. f>toi^.. 3^yo^. ^^!l.y^l^.^^. '^.?. f1.^^^^'^2?^. --tll^u'^-^-

Opinion : ... ^^... ^.ç'^.. ^&^.... ^[^o\^.. ^^X. ^^... ^A^^.^.j^^-y^. ^.^l'L^.... of.... ^^... p.^.pJ^.. of.. --^û-.. ^OMlb... -^^--. th^A\l&.. ô'?-y.^^. --Ç'?P-'!t___on^____^j?rp^lpf^^^p..



^a^j :....... ^. '+re3A.^^..?. -.... ^;4-... ^:-?JPU^.. -a.t^çhi----^-^'^'tn-6 o^b 2qo A^~y3

Address : '^?J.... tJ..frlit... ^. -...^:..,.. ôoi-A-. -, - - ---.^^^-, -J^.W^.i?. -Ptô^!.ç.tî0^. ^ }£'n !??'.. -. .ï?TOV. 'l?'*.çJl'...... 0<'.C'0.


^....%.... --. ^u.. _. ^. :î;_. îl_^f9Date : Day.. 2:?-. __Month... ^^^. y:........ Year__. -&!?^_

WVQUVWM: ^.>^> ^^v

(. -^-\L'-CÏ^^. Çy<T/?^

, i~c". f^OSignature : ........Ô. P.OA/. Sce^F(. ^. ^^^... (^u^. 9^%.... -..)

l'ui^Pi'îfnnîjy'UÊjasj Certificate of Consent

ïa'ïi£in'T33J'ïPtnn2'Oa)qj'ivi'i-3'?%iu5?'3U : lu'aiName of élément : Nora


u'5?inn5'Oqj ?ynvn'3'ï%J'u5-3'3uqnniJ'îSiivis'ilviy Lêi'ua^a'uQLÎIu^iEjm^Â'iit. viuu's^nfjU'Oqj synvin-î


This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

MiAiJ'^H^'^^A'^Hl'^Î1-ÎJa a___x.

Name of community or §roup concerned :: .. MU n-.. fcrt;I..J^.L. iâTY?/?l'c/---Nor^-Oan^r

FmUfl(?IWU : ^^l^^^'W-rr^^f^u^W^l^nn J^Uf^^l.-P^ °4^. -Wî?}^''?T5AlfwO'l?h?''1. J^î-<l?^Q^M^^~?"?TI< . tJ. -^ fTn^-^"?rJ'*'(^'î. '~i'°(rh'1- P.'T'.'^. ?. .!n

l^^f^. %7f^. <^^. tiJ^^-h^T)-+^^?^. ''^A^. ^I?h^fSlwn-n r\ n^l-3-] fya^-^o'y^ w^-e-Tn^ ?hs^.tf»^ïU^ . t^.o MP^^U ll^-f^}pn1a1''^^.fm»w<»^^

Opinion : ^p^. -tâ---^. -o\^^^.. -^^w\. ey.y^:... ^&-^^(?pd (? YwV'ion <;o h^ye, <jo&, r~kv\6nw ;^hj ^e. r&^^ion^îp l»&,ivMe&n ^ne hitn^ ^r)ol . ^& Soûl

erf fVi& ïno^'c. ï<i;x. Gon-Sent ^n<^ ^ppro^ûî^ o-f 'Ïb-c ip+i?'n^jbl& ûul^ure. Vier/'fo^-6' of

^U^nL^.. ^-J^6.. ^-pl6 P-f---^^o"A-. on^-^.-

r^---hû^.. ^^^^^

V13ÎJ: -<?^^CT^'^^-------fn/-^^... l?:J-iï^--^;-?<~J°^---. -.^

Address : ..Ny.n... _kr?... ^L...''T®w^...-. -.. -. -.^-^>ÔT-^-J^h-W--. -provjv>at!.... ^oiî0

I<5»-v^^n<^ l'ive^n^ t^?,

^....... i?... _... ^au...^., A:.__îl^b^Date: Day__.. lr.... Month__.. _?.^l-/o^t^.. ___.. __,Year....2?l^,

V0^\^b ^^^

(S.ï?^uî^tMJ /^Signature ,.. _. P<?^^.^. i*<

( Br:.. i>®wâ^?'v- 1'1-LA- ^. 'î . t'. )


luuêf^'afmuauaaaj Certrificate of Consent

^a^iam^u'ïwnflS'Oajnj'ivn'a'Ïai'usnu : T'u°i^Name of élément Nora


'îlqj sy'ivi'i'i-ÏBJWs^^'iniJ^siviAyiEi

i.aus^a'usLÎI'u^yn'i'îriuviuîj'înnfjS'Osysy'i'yin-s'ïfôi'us'ï'su'ya'iîJU'ya'înRpnui. ls'ul'yw'd^'ing'l'uB'uâaj


This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

/WÎ 0° -, ^. s^lrs ^ <s\. ^~ ^

u'B'uviinti'îîa. a :

Name of community or croup concerned :: ( ^m- û^'T-ôr h^û^(U. ^ t WOl^ lot

fmufi^fMU :.^

^?H ^/*-<-n J'*-Q<) j- n ^

Y/^ |^yl i»l 0^ V^or|^

Opinion: '3 a</< 3 <®</)^' V/<^^(îî. / \)

-^. .r^aa: -3^ ^. 3 (hJf)/): -^^ 0, /oj-:///>57^s-q?, ^7^

Address :


,7 ( looa ^ ^' ^c/ib-^lj+r-rcTl' t\^S^S'tvi c)(S?M kU^

TO^ <^ ^au R , îl^5^/Date : Day ^ Month fP^ûln Year w^

aoOTwuviu: Sâ9^ F^ //^^(^9^ ^tfp^J ??/;//

h'cliâi Çuk^^\f\ û^ff»\ O0 tf*^

Signature :

l'uugiPi-afl'îiua'UEJQU Certificate of Consent

Çaînîim^u'sftnflSiÎEyE y'ivn'i'ïai'us'sw : Tu-si

Name of élément Nora

Buaaul'M'u't-î'iam^'î^nnCi'Oqiqj 'ivn^'yB J'us^iiiiJ^niJïavi'iîi'uHï'i'î^ul. wiUK'siynn^snuviuu'ïs'inçu


i.a'usTOïai. tlu^'iEjn'i'î^kt'MUîj^wnrjuîqi qj 'ivi'i'iT'su'us'î-ïu'îia'iîj'uyEjï'igiwnuila'ul'ufi'd'î'inQ'l'ua'uanj

Ey-iu^pin. QSîlêyty'i'M'iniaius's-iuwmwa^ulR

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardinç

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

^anaiifl'u/flu'Buvit. ^EiTua'î : c/^'^^/^'îjir/^o'^^^-A^oî&^J"1 ôiocfî^^sj^90Ç^> /^&7^L»/^ <3<S 7 ^- <â f^, r^^(ay

^?-(^;/Tyz ®,^Ç)^)'7 cfaf£^0

Name of community or group concerned ::

OT^/ SAI^'Y.. r(ror^ rovnotîw C^+w K?^V)

fmsjRgiim: ^^t^fo^^'f^h ï^/tTvf^^^y^^'^/^J?. ^W)Ji{ ^(^îTSdr^o/)^ ^ W>ç£&^^

^A-"» itC3y.

Opinion: 1 ^ 'Sci^f ^ r)or^ Çrs^ haï lâ^iîy. ft>r }^. e ^s^W^c.. Ué o^ ^e. "b^iyi A^^ }-lf ^ Hur^OW}! S-Ïsij u]a ci /h tio^. V&bf'/fit^) fffV ^r)ë..

i^rM ep ' e. Th^i ^e Cc(. fu'raf ^e.r/f^ ^via^j : <3& 7 °fr- ô &9. s-^cÀo?. <(? .^G^-^

0. ^y^>, fto

Address: ^^ I^Q> ^^ n <&//'Çho o». ^^0.




^~ ww ^-S). 13J2^/.DaterDay ^" Month O^Cfc^?^. Year 5C?/ -


//^^flrxuV )

Signature: 'Thfl^/t? Psàrole-.( "U^h/h fèâîvfé. )


8l'ui, (,^^<3fnn3j3'uye)3J Certificate of Consent

^a'ïiamîîj^nnîilqj nj'ivn^'ï^usi'iy : Tuin

Name of élément Nora

liuEjauH'u'TsnEjm'sîJ's^nnu'ûnjnjnvn^'ï^'UB'î'sUCTiu^svi'aïuH^n^w'ulu^'Tusi-aiynnïmtmuu-3?in(iu'îj6yqj 'ivin'3T'%j'u5'5'îuqin'U'3i!i, vtPilvi£J taua?a'ijaiîl'u'3iyn'Tî^i, i, vi'u3J^?infju{lnjsynvin-3'ï%ju5'3-33j'ua^u<uwe B'i^?nuLlaul8 ij'M'iJ'3in{]T'ua'usftjEu'iu??inf]îiîlajnjnvi'i^'ï%iU5?'3U^ 'u?i'a-aM^

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

w^wM/vîivumwww. ...... ^P_^.u^. _.^jÏy^OT??rG^^1-

Name of community or group concerned :: ._^^}L^n^^'^an.. Jvmf)^..

i^^Y^. -. -Tf.<?|inb^----(-ie/7i /'.

fmuR^wu : t^^^i'^^^^0^ ^^o_^o^^^'H^jj^_^^uTii-ÎJ^


^'^ç^^. îl^4?4'1^'??2^-^. ^.ç. ^^'^^ÎL}^^^'1-1'°ry^pr^"y'

Opinion : .To.. o.p_^^.... ûn^...^r!i^.L. -to..Po^fn^^..-IW...^.^

-^i-4>^... l^^-Yl&H. --. ls...^6.. b-<'rÀ^4&----0--^--.-^-^^^^{{. ^^O. ^Q.W^. ^. ^^-. -. ^. ^... ^^^W. -. ot'. -. -^5... 1?-'''l'--


^3îj :.--^^^.u.^..^.f<3.^f^-I. --.. ?/..î?^. T<±----^. :F?^^...^

Address : ._î$0^i. ^_____(i^^loth. or?.....T^^^... S(^btfo^. ---.

--^+U-Vil^ v^v^n^u ^oîïff

TU<.... ê<-,-^3U... ^;i... :. ÏI.. 2^Date : Day_, -2-^.,Month ...... A^l......,....., Year...-?®l?-,__

9WWWU: .__^. 6'~{^ovllÀn?^^^ 0^^^-




Signature : ............ I^.l/u'±ifs'h.( -fvlTS--?- ^l/1^^-^l^i[^. ^.


Name of élément

l'ui. i.glPi'îfmuS'uysâJ Certificate of Consent

: T'u'sn


5u£ja3jl^<u'T3n£jnn'3U'5^nnu'tlajfljivn^'ï%JU5'3'3Sji?nu?a'^<as'uH^n'3i?fulu^n'ui;?nÊjn'i?^i, i,v)u

u'3?infl5înjqjnvn^'î%iu5'3'3U^in'U<3i!i, vi<ai1, vi£J i. eiuaïa'uaiîlu'înEjm's^it. viuu's^nfjîiîlsyE y'Tvn-î

'ï%j'u5-3'3U'aa-33J'u'yEj'ai^9;i'i3JLlQ<ul<ufî<U-3nn{]lue)'ua£yêyny3 ?infjSîlnjnjnvn'3'î%i'u5<5'3U'w<i''upia'3lul?i

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

wwiiw/vmumwîvw : ....f^^'?^w

Name of community or croup concerned :: .. ^_.. ^..... ^M. -Tr??-ln-^--. (~^''-tw:

pmufi^it'M'u : \^^^\ï^^u^^. . ]^^^hiÏ^^. ^^^

-"^^^ .k?----^^^ç^. tL6.??.^. ^^-^!^. 3MT?^u. ~^^1^ ?r^?D-.^?^ ll^.^CI^^^. '.?u'^~^^. 7?.t^.

Opinion : A^.... ?-..^OIJ-1h.^P-^v... t^-:?^... j!â----ûn.. (?Tt--Abo ^.-.



of. --^-. AO^.^-i--flp-pT o^l.. ^n^-. ^n5wt----^.-ib6. -J^^^

.-b^ii?l-^&. -f>?r<?^-m^---of-... b-yM^^i-b^----to---^b^-.. fs-^


^^---it1 &. -^?d^.... b. -&---^)?P'^.^-..-.

1b.&/r. ---^viaa :... i?Jj...... ^:.4..... w'-^-^. ^..... Q/.. ?AJ.^^L.^^.^r^...... ^0^

Address: .L^J. Î..... ri^. 4......._..

;.. ;......:... ^^"...SO..^...

|6huOQ.... N^p^^^P5^n^ \à] l à î>n? v ?wrc^


A...,... ^u.. <.^. :.. î. ^?Date : Day.... ^_.. Month. ^AW&r_Year^?ÏE

a^BNtiviu: ..âjf.^^^.L^^{^^^^2^........)

Stature :,,.^î;i..., wl btuç>( -?>rs-:<70^srl-^'-lafî â-)

^iJitel^^Fmïjyu&jaaj Certificate of Consent

Wîiym^sjii^nnSîtqj njTtn-aT'^ug^u : Tu-ai

Name of élément Nora

5u£j3ul'M''un'3nynn'33j-3(?infi5'Onja)'ivi'i^'ï%ju5?'33j?nuwM-3; i'uHin^^ul'usiUïi-iiEjnn'a^avi'u<U a/ a/ f) <u

u-:i^nn5'îlnjqj 'ivin^'ï%ju5'3'3uqiniJ^st'wfilvi£j iaua?a'uaLQ-u'?i£jm<3^LLViuu-5(?infj5îlnjsinvn^^u5^^u^a~3u'uyysî)"iCT?in3Ji1au1, <u'^<d'3nnf]1, 'uauanj^jnîj'apinflu'Onj£yivin'3'ï?u'u5^'îuvi^<UCTa-3luU

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thaitand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

^ana'sjFi'u/'Uâj'yumNEJT^a-î : ^^^ti^^.. ^^f7.. ^^. ^'3^<y^^.. ^/^?.^y^?^.

Name of community or group concerned :: ^'^/^/^e^.. Ç^.r^c2. ^^r

fi^îlfi^Wti : _S. HOA^CT^^n^^^^^Yff^^^M^^^ ^s>r~^7 ^^J^/^v^yri<jf^h ^^^o^^w: r^^^^t. ^-s^'^V^^ri^uei^'iJ^'J-fSTTi^ -St-7i/'^'7 n^'^w^srs-s-s^'

VO^Î JLft^ i}-Q

Opinion : .'^^.. ^^'^^ç.. /^.?^... ??^^/... ^^^^... ?:^. r/'^^.

?/^0^/.... ^-.. ^^^. :/^^. '......^^^/^2^<V... ?^Ç/^/^^n^^/ë...... '':r^^^/... ^f'r/^c?<:S£ <ff^ /^c//^^^y

^ay : . -^O.^?^-^^-. -.. :. -?^-^.... ^>.-,%?.^-L?£U.

Address : --Z?.^/^........ ^..^^^^.... -^^^^/^^... ^.... _^^^^/. ^^^^^^

^--^-..... -^au..^£<>,., î), ArJ^Date: Day... 4~...., Month.. _.. _.. t/^t^-. _........ Year.,.Lç'/^.



Signature :


( ^. )^e^ (7t<^^1.

^^^-^:. A^...... ^~h^^..)

l'ui. i.çi^^fmâjy'uyau Certificate of Consent

: Tu'31

NoraName of élément

5u&J3îjHun^nyn'~t'îU<3pinfiuîlainjnvin^'T%ju5'3'33j?i'~iuw^'3i;uH^i'3pi'u1, uiiUî;'3n£jn-Tîw'3tmu

u^?innuîlajnjnvn^T'%j'u5'3?u;<]'in'U^i;t'Mfilviy Leiua^s'yaiÏlu'î'iyni'ï^tivi'uu's^nfju'Onjnjnvn-î-ï%j'u5'î'3U'ua^3JUW'iBnwCT'iui1aul'u^iJ'3nnfjluE }u?iajftjnu??infiS'tlnjq, j'ivn^';T%j'us'3'3U^ uyiaAu'l^

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage./

VQf}^îlfïU/VîlVM^WtS'ÏVW : ^.^/^^^^V'~^h^. l^..... ^^QA/UftS. ?_r

Name of community or group concerned :: . /^.^. _... [t^'^'-<. ':?os'//..... /.. ir^('12n/'. r?. <.Cent. ^

y.e>v £?w^/<7<^i^ ^y. . //./c.y-

^. ^^^^S//y^. ^. !. ^r7^'s/n0. fQ^^ v?^. ."?'0 /^?~~"i ^)vfR^^/H. !). ^^~;r. ^-^/^^^o... . ^>.^/^. ?wy^s^us~:s. ^y. v'w'<^^-î-'w. ^.



Opinion : .. /yor^._.

Â..^^... ^^^..... ^À^.^.

7^^É.-^.... ^.^.. ^r/. ^ç... 0^.^y?^/--. --^o/...^y %.^.. .. Z^...^... ;. ^^^^. ^. _... {^/^^


Me)Ê) : ... _9?/^ . . ^. / ^ ^J<^;> 0-^i^ ^®/ro

Address : ...?^/.. ^e.. /'. ^^T^. ^^. ^.. ^^. 4À^..^Z^//ç/,...^o<7^^


". «a-3UV1_


f. --.. ^au. ^:..<y. :.., _?l,^?Date: Day....^....,Month.....(^^:.. _............ _..Year_,.^î?^,

-".. -. -. (rW»J-a-atiawuviu:

(...><1</^':>-?-^àJ."J^___. fîYY^. _... _J

^^.. ^.. ^....^,( ^.ft-'^r<;r.. n)..... ÀLl'^.^.....)

lui, t, eî^'3fm3jy'UÊJe)3J Certificate of Consent

ïa'a'iym'iy^çinnCidnj. njTMi-îT'iajus-s'îîy : \w^


'<U~ - - ~v~v

Name of élément

5u£jaul'M''uT3'iEjnn^îj<3(?inn5î]fljnnyi'-i'3^ftj'u5-3?u(?inii?aviiis'ul%^pfu'lu^iuî;-aiym^pf'3i, iviusj'3^nf]S'î]?ynjivn^'2i'%i<u5'3'ïUii'in'Ll<3SLvi?ilviEj taua^a'yai. î'u'îiym'i^uviuu'swnfiSîlsufu'ivn^

*ai 0-' l/

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

^ana'sjFiu/'yaj'u'umnyT^a^ : .. /4ï^a%. //^o...... c'?^^..^

Name of community or §roup concerned ::^^^!1''ry. (:^7.fc.. ^7^7^'.... ^s'^/'':î^/

^fmuR^wu : .. ^.JZ^9..^Z^.<^^^^. ^r(X. ^z'^SY^<^^^^^^^y'o^. ^^vv<p^_. _. ^^t'!^/^6'/tQ^ '^'^ ^ ^f^^^f ^ ^^L^^/î/s~s~-^/t^3^7^-//ëo oi~/7i/ï vV

Opinion : .. /^^. ^O. ^ .. ^.. ^^^^. ^. ^^/^^e<^.. ^..... ^... /^^^. ^^.C^/.. ^r^.... ^fff. ^^^.... e. ^... ^^^/i^.. :.. 7. ^. ('.-. ^. ^e... 0^... /^^^-7^^- - <;. 0 4^erî. -^°r/cfc - ./'/?. - .?^/:. .Ç"^/7^:Ce /t7®<<?.

/J ^/ {^ ^//WI/^TS- >. r^^)£> ^. (^OVQ^ '?o/wviaçj

Address: ---l/3----^^. /^.. ^^^^/3^^... ^^^/?^^... -^^^"SQY^^""f)rreyi^a.

T'u<. _.. ^....,., ^au... ^:.,, îl, 2^^Date : Day...,^:.,Month.. _......., Z.C/. tn^,..,, Year.,^o(.?:.

a^aMuviu: . ^.. J.-^^tr'ç _>1^yï ï^^1^''

^M 1^0^^


Signature . . ........ S-^/.^...^^'?;.l"%-( -^ .--C^)^1 'y.........)

l'uucî^'îfmâjy'uejasj Certificate of Consent

^s'ï'i&imiiîjTOn. nS'Oeuai.'Tvn-a'ïai'us'a^ : Tuiii


«y <y v

Name of élément


u'3?infl5{lqjnjnvn^'ï%j'u5'ï-5uq'in'Ll-5stvi<3ilviy laua^a'usLÏI'u'iiEjm'sOTiu'viuu'a^nnCi'Qqjanvn^

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of hlumanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible Guttural hleritaçe.

VQn^ufiu/'ViîVumnv'ïVQ-î : ^^o^x ^^0)^/^0^,, ^ i^^'ocfia)/'-f^ /

Name of community or group concerned :: t^/G3^^^6>. ^..^-_

.<°/7 /e>^-


fmys?it'wu : /^r>y^^^'!-^/s~<py)»/)^ (/'L'<^7rl'ïJ^>^)-tS~sî^ ^î^f?v/n^ /i^He-Qu/R

<^c6>^/7ot:7-ST^C%> l/'^/7^cX'.

Opinion : .. Ar^.... _^?. <^. /^./^7. ^^/<.... ^^^/.. ^^^^^^^^....... CV^.^ff. ^...... ^... 7^f.... ^. l7^0^e^...... re^^'^. ^[e'V...

d ,viaa : ... ^. ^oe3/f^.... ^. 4_... /. ^^}y. f^^^..... ^/-^^?. a?Z^^^^^^

Address : ^^^^^^c... /^<to<:ï..... ^o?.... ^^^^^^^. /^^^.. ^^ P/^rsoî®^7Y^-



^-.. -. -^au^y'....... ?l. _lj^.\

Date : Day..,. ^.. _.Month_............ ^_c/. û^(~oi'ear., ^&/?:L^,

a^?aMi,kviu: ..ç0>'k'?.h^'"'-{ ^f^caîlr>y^ ^S^s.

Signature :

°l;Ut>i,çi?t'3fmïj3t U£ja3J Certificate of Consent

?a'3nEjmii3j^nfjSîln)Rnvn^<;i'%j'u5?-3ïJ : \w-}Name of élément . Nora

[i'uyaîjl'M'u'Tînyn'T3U^^nf]5'[]nj?ynvn^T'%j'u5'3'35J?nu?afi<3î;'uHTfi^pi''u1, usnus'3'i£jn'T5?nLk'yiu

u'î^nfju'îlnjqj nv)i^'?%ju5'3-3Sjqnn'il'3i;tvi!3ilviy k?(ua?a8 yai, îl'u?nym^CTiuviu3j-3?infiu'tlqjsu'ivn^'sf%iU5'5?3j'ua~33juw6 ijn^?nuLl3'ul8u^^'?in{]luauâ'ajajiu?^nfj5{Jnjnjnvinn%ju5'3'33j^ u?i'a^uV

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

ÇanauFiu/'uii'iiumSy'i'îa^ : ....A^^^^^^, _, o^<?^ffl/^. /.

Name of community or group concerned :: .Q.^^^a'y..... ÇW^L^. ^'^3. cî/

fmufl^k'wu : .. ^. ^^^l>f^w. "^^.^3_/î7. y'^^^^^^_^. ^^<^ce>^ Yu~7ît^D^ ^n^r^cH H<Q

Opinion : ..Z^^..... ??_... ^. /'^^d^-^... <?^/^^/-. -..^^^^---. e^^^Z. - ^<7-<^. _<?. .î:^. ?'.... /°... .7^. _/?^. 0^?. ...... .r^ z'?.7^

^a^J : . --z^----.?-w/^-^^.. -..^^--^--^^^--. y. -o-.^.?. ^K(2r. /..^

Address : ^ ^-- ^^a'res 2., P?c, n^, {^ ,, ^97^?,, -^3/7ç'^/^.f_^t-

u_ a^U'M. -f.. -. -.. ^î)U.... ^-^, __îl, ^^

Date:Day.. _.. ^.,Month......... cTc/^(r:..... __... Year....-A:<9f.?:_

gi'a'uawu'vi'u:.. _.... ^-

(.... v<.')u<^J..... _^r_...^^)^tr^.,. _..)

s.^'Z'J^F^^( . ^c1. ^. c'r^!<'f'...... -^ .:f <1^1. )

l'u^^t'îpmïjS'UÉjasj Certîficate of Consent

?a'3ngjmiïu'3^n(j5{lftinjivn^-?%iu5-3-3U : TunName of élément Nora

5'u£jaul'wu'T3nEjnTau'3?inj'iîi'îJftjnjnvn'3'ï?uu5'3'3îj?nîJWM'3i!'ul'Ï^n^w'uluçnuî;'3i&jn'T5CTiti, vi'u3J.3(?lnfl5{JnJnJ^v1-^~3-î%J<u5. ^^uq^n°[t'3ït, vli^1lv1y i, aua%asuai0u-3içjnn'3^i, t, viuu'3?infi£îlajnjnvn^

'T%j<u5<3'5uaue)^3Ju'y£)<îjnCT^nui, 1aul'iy^il'5in{]5l<uauaMq)'iu'3^nnîi'tlnjEyivn'3'T%ju5<3i;u'^^u?i'a'3luM

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

?9naufiu/'yîj<aum^EJTffa^ : .. ^^^^fr^. ^. ^^.^.... ^. ^Q^^^G*/_

Name of community or group concerned :: .... /TC/-.. -. L-^^r--^/. ..^7C7. /-lf'?/I;'o-^7

fmajfi^k'w'u : _^^_{J^^n f^^\^-^^'-<^^-w<^^^^^^^^M-^^ff)^vf'//'o^y)>^>^C.VU!i^^5^ «U'V^TSt-tQs^ V'-/^l=-r^^/-a/ d^y/Pft^)ff^'^) ^->^-sffW^^Si/

' '0^<^ CQ /<//^1 l. 30, ^/^1 >)- ' e» C^

Opinion : ._.

&....^. ^... /s-.... ^C7...T^.... :^w^/Â--^^/^.....Ç<^.^^^. ^.... f^//. ^À-^.. ^^<^. ^.n^f^...... ^. ^.... c^r^<^......^f. ^. -t^^r-é^.. ^. ^. ^.^v:/^.. ^err. ^^("....... ç^^. ^^^^

viay é>2-/ f A/<?_ {^. ^f>r~>7~ b-^?wJe>^~/ ^. r^o-c^o^

Address: ./^. _. ^ï^-.... ^;.^....^^^... ^/?.^te6-----^-^-^ 1KX-«-

^m..... A^.. ^^È^.^A^Date : Day... ^...,Month_,.... o^('^... _.,. _... Year_.c^7^.

-^^_.. &v. >5!^-...... Z^O/^r....)

î\WQU\, WU:

Signature :

( ^ïS. ç^^iV^^V^

lu^^^Fnnsjyuyau Certificate of Consent

?a^ym'3U-3^n. QÎii3îynjTvn-3T'%i'u5^3j : lu?nName of élément . Nora

d dtë'iiynTîCT'iuviu

3j'3(?inf]U'î]^njivn-3'ÏKuu5'3<3U^nnil-?ïivi?il'viy La'ua^a'uakd'u'anym'affl'iuvi'uu'SCTnflu'îlqjnjivn^


This is to ortify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

im^yQ^s'3 : ..^^?^^L^^^^'(?^i^^^.. _.^.><:^^y^^sfllc^G ft^ W'^s c/t/-)

Name of community or group concerned :: ./^dsrz^-;Ç?.^i.v. ï:^. ^°. Çf'r^^c'. ^. <?ï. ^^^/. e^^i^ ^y. ^A. i?^. ^.. ^.. ^:

'^(LÂd.... Vn f V 01.t^. /-

-^->- ^--/-

fi^îî^WU : ^.d/<w^//?^^^^. ^^?/3?^:. ^^^?7</-^-^^^y)jys-57)-^-/l3-. S'A//1'0~t/(^"&. 3/îe^'l^t t/%->^/3V.^i^ u-e^tS rj


Opinion : ... ^^tc^^/....... ^n. c^.... <^^. y^. n. ^.. ^.. :^^e.. ^^oy^... ^^^.^.^^t?^e-.. --.?^6^^/... ^/r<:r^^.....^

^açj : . ------3-^---.^-^----^:^-G'^^----^-r... ^.s®^.TS.C^ ^. _<'P.-..<:?o. t<09... ^<?®^-5.®^

Address: ..3.^...^_3:... ^.^i^l^^.... v0^^^. ^....^..^^^^

_fi:ôvmo_,, ^2, 2^.'^ '<"?/-%




if-. _. _... i^u... ^:... îl,. è^Date : Day..... 4:__Month.,... ^.ci~t-:........... Year.., ^?i?,

^wm^: ll^J^:__( TAI^ ^^^

Signature :

( ..^^. S&>'Â~'^w^p^hï-)

^'u^^t^fmsjSuÊjaaj Certificate of Consent

^siîiym'iy-a^nny'îlnjEmvn^'ïîu'us'ï-iu : \w^Name of élément Nora

y'UÊjaîjHun'5nyn'i-3U'î(?inj']5{Jnja)/ivii^%ju5^-33jci i'iuTOms'ul%^pf'u1,ugi'us'3nl£jn'i<3CTiiwu

3j??infjS{lnjqj -ivn^T/%j-u5'5?îJ^)'iniJ^sivipilviy Laua^a'uatîluiiiym^w'îi. Lviuu-a^nçS'îJnjsmvn^

^u5??u^a^uuyy^imnui1aul'u^'d'3'in{]'lus'uaeynj'iu'3^nfi2'î]nj?y'ivin^l?u'u5-:i'33j^qijpi'a^uT, tli'

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

?ana'3jfi'u/!U3j^um^y'î^a'3 : ./î>^^^. ^^?'^.^^. ^..o^^^. ^.^^^©ç^

Name of community or group concerned :: . p^. ^^<_^/^...... /</^;!.//'.<%_.... ('^/7^='-t~

fmiifi?it'wu : /^/. ^Ms<!}^»? y^/w-otf5^/^~-s>y -T7&7^)^^7r//rrMoC?<'C^>A/. !3<:/. ^s^. 'y^is)-^'^ss^~t4^ c^~ -af Â^?ï?>7 cî? t^-^p'W^ 5^^-J^ja^^2^-i^-y-(^(^2y->

Opinion : . ^r^..... /'^f^ ?rL fe.^^c^^. r^/.... ^^^â. e^. /^. ^^rf ^rh

-^^^. -----(^.^^7^^.... A^C^..... ^^.<'.^<^......^.^^/^. ^^...^'re, / /l/Pn'7c'^eye <ff/' /^Q^./7/-';

vtay : ^/l }i-l? r/)-^a/Mo<v/y-o a-^e^lA^lfi) ^. /^yï-sj ^o^î,

Address : ^1 l l^se i. ^w?^(//éA^^ ^ ff^U^-/-:----d------^-

-Ï<U<_. _... _i_, _.,^3U^. Ç/,_, ___îl^rJ7Date : Day... ^... _, Month........ J-î/.h-c-.... ^....... Year_

a-îïSMitviu: w?

Signature :

^^. ^^^Z]J^LC^A ^uko dtv^

t^. lSm K^f^y^/

^U(, t,êj^'3fi'3iu8u£jau Certificate of Consent

Ça'îiam-ïu'înnflîi'tlEunjivn^'îwusnsj : T-u-ïi

Name of élément : Nora

Su£i8uH.u^?.^an'^^u^Rnfju{l6y£y'^vt^^. y%J.U8.31iU9nuîQms<uHï^^m'tw^us;. ^^ym. 3(?htl, vlUîJ. ^snnu.Oqjftnvn-3'ï%j'U5'5?sjqinzJ'iS;t'w?i1,viy

lauaîa'uai. îl-u^Ejn'iTO-îuvi'uîj-îwnçuîlftjEy'ivi'i-iT'guus^'ïu'îiswu'yEJwmiutisuT. TOiJ'îinglua'uanjEyim^nnîi^syÊyivn^'yi îijug^^uvi'vuwa-iluln

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§of thé Intangible Culturat Héritage.

^ ..^ ,'a/. _ . r^ ^ ^. v (^ -"

H^ ISOX7 tY\5'^)llr\ï<D K-nw

VQnmiwu/vuv'umwîvw. Wî/^!>^^<n "^wz Ç3// a/, y) '^-3^^,/?. <70^-37 <^Q CS

fl^.CMjit^il rS. H^ï

Seyj Uo[mïy\^ Uhh^ Wf^3 Sw^Name of community or group concemed :: lvlf- )5\'î\S'f~0 y\ th^n (r^

Ç^/1 l^. ï 7. Vûk Vin A ^^ Pr ^ li ^/^^

»,. rf <?..^pmuflftwu : o^^ ^A/^»i<-t /Mfa 9.^-(Tl'-t /J/fa oaj^&^-ii ^'=0 3^3 .


Opinion: T C ^ ^ 5 Vf & ^hî/wA^ 0^ Nff ^ov d

Vîsy : Çî>/ l ^/, Si 01, /TOVÎ//M? 6>-»£^'^-îî ^-^?yo 0

Address: ?^1 ^ ? T ^^^ A. ^fi, '^ Pr^ ^nfc^0 W

-ïuvi tiau û. i7), î 25é/

Date : Day ? Month De^^bev Year 2û> l ^

a'a^apïu. viu:

( M&- (^ .5^ '^< ^ )

Signature : o/^îM-K.w

{^r+ i<V-ffVL V )

lu^^^FmajSuÊjau Certificate of Consent

îei-ïnym'ïîj'a^nnS'îÎRjftnvn-î-ïai'us'î'îsj : Tu^iName of élément : Nora

2-u EjsuH'un-iiEjn-i w^^nnuî! njnj'ivin-3 . î%ju5-3^upinu%avi'3i;'uH8 ïn^^u'lusnuï^n&jn-i . 3^i,L viu

u^?infl5{lnjnjnvn^-ï%j<u5'3?uqnniJ?si, yipi1, vi£j Laua?a6 uai, îluiiiym^pi''îii, viu3j7?infiu{]îynjTMi^


This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thaitand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardinçof thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

^WQVfiU/VilVUmWÎVW : i^'J^r/^^^^'^i^î/ /2;^>-^-

Name of community or croup concerned :: .. /.7^t1^^^^^.... ^r't.... /'st>. y7. ':/7<y... ('^~~^

fmajfipii'w'u : /^/^ sc^wy ^v^y / -Tt-%' .Ek^) J-/^0?^> /^0^<^^^<?/7ï3-2Î^<T-Tr»t/

^0^^2^^^^^9^~^^'9^^^^^is^^ f9^^ -^^T/^tO^^"^

Opinion : . /?.... c?^^.<o.^.. ^^... ^^?.<?/....^o. ^^/^Z^^7S'. ^. /:y^ £^ ^z^'^'êr'W;'^-. --^.4i(f-fô'<°rt.. ^.. ^?... ^f/;^^....0^^^^^... /...^

/er.. -^. -.. ^^?^....^<.^f?:^..... ^^...(M/-r-....<3''C7^:

^^! : . --..?^^-.. -. -^-^-^:-.^^^ -?--~'^.^^..... <0;..^^7......^^VJ3D

Address : -^'5>///'-.... ?. ^. _./^/'^J<^e?î,. ^.,<^: '^^^^. ^^^/^.

^.^A.^^UÂ:±L^^Date : Day,. . _.Month....... ^..C':^^:..... ___,Year.... ^l'î-


'.)^?. v.y-<v:^é>. -.... ^y.^.^FWQSignature :^.... _.^^^.^^

( .'f..^.r'....12..UI^.l... ^. v/j^

luifcgî^^fmsja'uaaâj Certificate of Consent


Name of élément : Nora

§luyau'l'wu'i'5'tan'i'3^'a^nnS'tlqiftj^'i^'ïi?uu5'ï'3U9iiu?a'M'3î;<u1, %^^ulij?'iz!ï!^'iani-3OTi, (,vi'uu'3^nfl5


la'uaTO'uatî'u-î'iEjmïÂ'-îi. muij^^ngSiJeysyiyn^^'us^sj'us^uuwa'iNpnuila'ul'îiwiJ^inglua'uâ'Ey

flj'i3j'3?inn5'£lnjtyT vn-3'î%JU5'3^^mi?ia-3lîîl^

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

ÏWQWU/VîîWWnîfîVW : i-l^f^^ /^S-J >J^-1 W^T^^ ^^^^^vi<v [Y >7'^M;t7 ^ 'sff'^lf^i

^5-; >N^. 7 ^'%'^/^ '^^lU^-t^i^'

Name of community or group concerned :: IVSfffi n?tinir\ l ^i

JW W(\ V^Vi^iÏ-

Fmsjfi^iw-u : ^'^^o//7<^t?frît/^ï'^f^ti A/^T^ ^.Tf^/i-fyFJ'^//t45- Wi/

-//^ st- ? v-7"?^^ ^y" ^//^//Zï-/

Opinion fe^ .h hiy^i'h^C ^o\ ^ rc/^

msj: /4? -^o/ . /^<vÏ)'fl9. 1^0^ V- ff^W! £>0ct

Address: /^ 0^ ^^wi^fl</ /fc/

.t ^

^ ^K /^. JXT^



Date : Day ^ Month^ ^ â.su ?iW7

AA,VV<_ Year ^0

^^ ^

// ^/^pfîN t


( ^h^lwwî. kw^j/uw^


Certificate of Consent

^a'sism'iu'ifingîiiltysynvn-a'ïwus's'iîj : Tu^iName of élément Nora

§UE)Sîjl'Mm?isjnT!ij?CTnn2'Otvqj nvn^-ï%iu5??u?nufl8viîB'ul%. imlu^Tusînsjn'i';iînuviuu's^nçufliytyiviinaiusîîij^nniJ'SBtvinl'nti isusfls'uatîu'siEinTîCT-iu. yiuu'SRnfluflqjEyTin^

.ÏBi'UEîî'ïufls. auuwnnmuwsulflvîiJîiinfllua'uîftyE yiajîanflSîlqjni'iyn-i'ïaiugî'suïîmas-îlîjlCT

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé

above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Culturat Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardlnç of

thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

flanqsffl'u/^u'uuviinEnOa^ :..^a^. S3.^.^^^. y. ri<a^.. L-<?SS^^. ^.}Q^^. '>.. t.-r!3..<rt'^l!-ffr8?..

fl^^uftwtMu :_h*5. ?......^^l^J. ra.?.^^^^»^^. ^^^ _»i e-^ . _ < __ -~- . , . < <a^- -S, -^.

.S.i^riî". D.<R.n. ><.-^..fc. n^.?S'M.-tf. s't^.....<er;sr\o->. t.<?i».z^.fe<c(u,

.0'%^^A. %P'. fflA-^^. %a...<Cl^. <'r^^... -. ^. %»S..^^. ^. ?..^..^^

-A-?<D-Q. O. -^^-^^-Yl.^.dî??^. S.?. s^^\c^w^j^?o^C/ -' f

Name of community or group concerned :.....................

...^.. ;....... NQr^L:... &^ïA. y".^x^ALfc... 0.w'<>i.e.ï&l-ty. ---of.. _'Σ.. c.hri<As>. Qât.'S^^ZZ^ZZZ^ZZZ. ZZ^^ZIZIZZK

Opinion : ..j^.oy^..5. A.... 5.Q(^^^rn...... ^SÀ.....<?^.. -.<?^^..,.. î^.. >:<!'.?.dç^^. w. [À--.....y.&^^..d.s.......H&^b.)t w<^.^.o.u^^l. ^..ç: ...X^s^y^..... -^?... -lle<^o:cy.,. ol,,^.i. 'fe-.^3.LV.g.......h.<..xd(^&.... <3?i. -.. ^^nkW.. -..

^a^':......... 4.. -.-.^.-^.^..^.^.^-ç6. e?.ri........ t??..-..UQ.y.3.A.......Î2.... X^Q..^.... -.........(5-

Address: ...........,. _....... l.l...&^tcb?. f ^<a?.<^-....?^S^<3i-......... B.o....^y-^..&-npV^j&-..... !v?.<A&o:x'.^........... <>û^tehl^-.-.t-...... --.-..-..--.-....-...-. -. -..----....-.....

.ïun. _.... lî....... i,Sau...m.v.0.,.... îtî^

Date : Day.. '!i.... Month,. CfôY.Ô.8.^.... Year., 2,o]%..

awawum: ......... S^-°~J.......(°y?e:x~tW?>.(.__. -(.T^.?^.ro......j

Signature :............. '--^J, -..( îyY '..V.ffA/9^rn^. ^uM^°'^<!^-'

lui,l,gfi?l-3fm3jauEja3J Certificate of Consent

?a^n£jm'îU'3^nfiu'îlêyÊynvi'-i'3'î%iu5ii<a3J : lu'îi

Name of lelement : Nora


w'îLmu3j'î^nflu'î]^qnvnn%i'U5'3'?3J^'iniJ^iï;wpiT, <M£j i,a'ua^a'uaiîu'5nynn?Â''3i, m'uu-30infiu{l£vnj'ivn^

'ïeuu5^'33J'ua-33JUW<iii^(?i'iîji,1a'ul'îj^'Ll';i'in{]luauaêyE yn3j-3^nf]uîlcvêy'ivi'i^';f%jT<i5^'a3j'w 'UCTe)'3luT, pi'

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible Guttural Hé d

^anaufi'u/WB'ufiinyiTO^ : ^viy'iayu'i^ffaiJ'ufl'ï^s-î'îSj-î'Tîi

Name of community or group concerned : Nakhon Si Thammarat Col. lege of Dramatic Art

m'ww\mu : k'w'uaumiislmînu?^nfi5'Oeynjnvin^T%iu5':ïcisjTu'3iwvisi'0£j'uiîlu3J^nflu'Oqj njnvin'3

.ï%i'u5'i-33jfi%'upi'a4uT, mviaiJ?smpi1, 'wLfluu??inTe]nCT'aliJ

Opion'ion : This is to certify that Cultural Héritage, Nora should be presented as Intangible

Guttural hleritage in order to reçister as World héritage

via&j : wynsyun^ffls'iJ'ufl'smsiiiu^n'a 130 u. ll w.vinila a. iua-3 q. 'ufl^pils^'ïyï'Ta 80000

Address : Nakhon Si Thammarat Collège of Dramatic Art Muang, Nakhon Si Thammarat

1UV1 26 ^iqfflqmEJU 2561

Date : Day Monday Month November Year 2018

a^'iaawavi'u :.

Signature :. -f>,unymvi^pi mana)

/ ^r-^

Mr. Siwapong Kangsakul)

lui, i,gf^'3Fmuyu£jaîJ Certificate of Consent

^aci/iEjn'T3U?i?inf]î<îlqj njivn-a'2i'%'u5'3'3iJ : Tu'si

Name of élément Nora

yu£iauHu'i'3'i£jnn'53j'îCTnfi5'îlnjnj'ivi'i-3'2i'%J'u5?'33jCTnu?a'M'5î;'uH8 un'3?iul'u§nuî!'3nynn'3phLtvi<uu^nnSîl^qj nvin^suus'î^qnn'd'îSWf'ilvia i, 6!iua?a8 ygLÎIu?'iam'3?i''ii, i,viuu??inf]3'Onjqnvn^-ï%iu5^iiy8ua'3uu'yEj°a'i?i(?i'i3jdauT, suvi'd-3nn{]Bl'uauanjftjn3j^^nfju'îîqj njivn-3T'%iu5'3'33j'Mq'<upi'sA3JU

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé abovementioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural hferitage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding of

thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

: I^!.^yV!î!?1J. lYiy^s5. 5.........................................................

Name of community or group concerned :: ...P9J;Qn.§

Fmyfi?iL'wu :: Iv^kîuy. i0nm^%y.5353Jsa^flu.m^finf°ilCT!,3up^^unnflîiu^^



Opinion :. Nora.js. j:h.e.(;ulturaLh.erite.§ re§.i.o.n,.lt. h3.s.. besn

pIQud. sin(:e. 1:h.e. past,. Sh(3uld. a§ tfi.bring. NQra. int.ç..t.h.e..c.yltur9.lh.eritage. o.f


^açj :.. 45..Ryum(5m?. 3l. sonmï!ïB. q.. âikm^n0lYi^.. ^.m0m^sn-.... -90. iio..^j...Q7^


Address : ....... 45. Tad?a.ban. 31. RQa.d.. Soi. l.. P.3.ton.g. Sub-distriç.t. HadYaj.. QisJ;ric.t,.. Son^kh^^^^

SD110. JeA:.. +6.674556.-557. fax:. ±$67453. 6-547. E-m.9JL. Regi.5ter25.06â§

^..... 2.5......... ^9U. ;:^ft :.,.,^ ^25.60,^fA

Date : Day..... 25...... Month... J.uL . ^ ..^^^... O. Ï7»"* -K%fc

%^^ , ;t:

am'\'^p?^... y.^=3t | -. ^ ^ _ <. ,'

(.... y^: ..L'^^:.,)^. )'^'r~r^ ''


C^7Signature :

( Mr. Methee.. l<erdsen. §.surjyon.§,)


Tuii. çî^^pmuyugjau Certificate of Consent

Name of élément

: Tu°ii


5uaaulmTi^m?îj?i?inf]îiî]qj qj 'ivi'i^%u5^'3U(?i'i3J?amïuH'fi'n^'u1,us'iusï'3i£jn'T3pi''3Lmu

îj??tn^îi{]njqj Tyn^T'%j'u5?-au^nniJ?ïtvipilviy ieiua?s'yai, ÏI'uiinynn-3^ii, vi-uîj'5?inflîi{]ftjêynvin^

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

^ _^ ^ ^^ ^ v . c^ < ^'_ .. _''_ _ <-/ ^

>-.~l^^v'^'r<_v^ sc^yû) f(. P>3 (y)'-»^H, ^V)f^ï-^-à-)^ <s\' ^ . ^ /^. -'Q-fy-^... ?<f?.^ rl. (??.'r?. ÎJ. J.

Name of community or group concerned :: .......0. ?!^TÔ.r-.. lyor<7l___.. ':>CT'_tl/1i'iftil'lni'p S^h&^i'tp 4rc?y(

^ G) i^ =^pmîjl?ii, 'wu : ^o(î<î-tsj<-^^^ o^~- /^? s^o7*j'y^ <3><^

Opinion : .. -. &^C^M^5... i^:.. aw<:... câ/1SAt^'.i

a , . _i ^ ^--^"-"" - " -'^- ~ c>y^i1 ^àJ S <»/>. fi^nrïS-»^ f). sJ')>JO)-( (^). -A'Y~)(<^\5

Address: .. ^M ^6 > S' 1^^^^ htl^tew '; ^Ci So^ Vl^n'ct,

-P-h-^J/n.?. LLV'4...TY?Yli/">-û?r-;-11/1 -'

M... ^. _....... ^3U... ^:^_,.. _. ÎI^^Date : Day. Â7.._Month.. NO^Ï^........ Year'

a'î^awuviu: U^3^^wtT^çi&,L.rt')^Ay^'ry. e^... _. h<^3£lril^3....)

Signature :^... ->^Mf..( .i^. ;..?av^.^... SRWJLiour(3)

^(. igf^'îpniâjguyau Certificate of Consent

^a^EjnTïîj?^nf]îi{în)nj'ivn^%iug^îj : Iu?nName of élément Nora


.MI l°;nnn°i< i-i» i-ï'CTini^o, ^^^^«a*1_. _. --. --»'... du u

This is to ortify free, prior and informed consent ta thé nomination of thé abovementioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of théIntangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding ofthé Intangible Guttural Héritage.




Name of community or group concerned ::

-------------.. ----.. ----.. ---LâtaA(. £)'f^.... _(\I. 3rfr.,. Tc^):

fmufi^ii'Mu :


T>^^ i, ^HiJ^Q^^o^^r75^r<%?ffi^(Tîo^)^yn~

-J^--.w\>/-^^è'l^^l-. '.'^KV^^V/"^^.

^J("/). ^^. V^/C/')V~/)Û °^^^- f5J^JY'^^t-it7lV^,TOpinion : ... _.......... !^ÔYa-_ls_a- c^l'^cd. l^^-'l^^ ^fiï^^ffi^^y-h

4-^ ^ff^. de...^-(W.. ^^^... A^^^^, A. 5.^^W, ^y^..^.L^J^^.. ^_. ^..^^r^,. ^/^

^ay :. .... i^^. ^^^^ ^.^^c. ^^^ _^[^^. o^. b^âîk^. ^-----------------

Address : 4^ /^,ffQ-Ç ^ ff \ {s^\(. ^ Lffl;.(.


}is^^1' ^^^Mff,6/

T'UM ........ ^. __^|, ^3U..... 9:<y, î| ^Date : Day,.. ^,, Month..,,., 7^ , __ Year tc^

gt-3--y^--------^^\r-)v>-/lu> fty v

Signature : . __... K~OV^ ^>'(^Sc\( -^--:-^^^.. ^1/1<S?\""J

l;U!, t,ff^<3pm3j3uËJ33J Certificate of Consent

^a'anan'Tam^infjuiJqj qjTvn'a'ïiajus'ï-aîj : Tu'ii

Name of élément Nora

y<U£jauT'wun'înynn'33j-3^nfjî<îJajftjnvn^'T%i'u5°i?3J?n3j%a'w'îî!uH6 â'n-3?fulu?TUK'3nyn'T3^tmu

3j^?in^3{Jnjïy'ivn-3'ï%i'u5<3'3U^nn'd'5î;mi3 ilvi&j t?iua^a°uat?lu'3iEjn'Tayni>Lviuu?^nfi5{]qj^TM'i^-î%ju5ii?3j'ya^3j'uyÊj°an^?inu^a'uT, 'u^<d'nn{]lua'u?fnjsy'iu'3^nnu{]ïyêynvn-3-sf%ju5ii'5Uvi^uÂ'a-3laJU

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding ofthé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

-:"-. ". -.. ^. -... -. ^. -.-. r(w^ ^)^? ^^ ^ [^^/o.VWffVfiU/WVUWfÏSir îVî!-ï : .... /.. '_'. _'. Z..'...


__\ Y '"

?\<^tt- \^y)^i(3'5^C^^,

Name ofcommunity or group concerned :: .... JMr^.... ^^^h^.... J.^..... ^ÛL.r^îmî>^

».. _ /ln/J>?,^'^^^^/Mo//^l/77W^^^ /^^^<f)^i^im:_...... ^^^vt r/.. ''.^'. <. ''', '''^'.. 'u^. '_', ''. '^:. :7..7:------f--]--<---^--^A---. ^-^... ^---:

-?. Ï. ^^/L^. ^.^V^..Y^^?.^.^.^_^Y/'^/^^. ^^^^^% f%^^^^y^/y^^9%^^

Op^on^Zî^^^^^^l^^^vc/^^^^^,o^.. ^(/p7^, M^^ ^ ^


^..^^^... ^^^.. ^. ^.^^^^... ^.^^, ^....,'

w^ZS^Z^^3^K]^^Z^Û:Ï^:ZI^t JëS^..

Add^s = .. J^(L^^J^_... ^1^^Z/I<^.

'&^^^E^ë;:^^^^^'"~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^

^.., ^S......., ^au, ^^,,, îl. ^flDate: Qay.. ^.. Mor\^_^^r^___^^ew____^ô\^'

gf^amviu:..âi/ . ^,(. -. l/i. \{t/. ^. -.^.. 3'/?-310................ ___)

£^»v/ RJ^Ww-a-Signature .

( --i^... F^.... J^'<:ï?M'L'L....)

1,<ui>l,si^<3fsnnâJ§<U£ja3J Certificate of Consent

^ei'ïnam'asj'a^nflCiîJnjanvn'î'ïai'us'a'saj : l'u^nName of élément Nora

yuoQ^Wu'TsnÊjm^'s^n^Sîlqj nj'ivn^T'îu'uB'a'au^nu^a'M'asul-ï'în^^'ul'u^'Tus-anEjnn'sOTLmu

u^^nn5'Oftjqj nvn^T'%i'u5ii^3J%nn-d^sLV)pilviÊj ka'uQ^a'uaiîl'u'anEjn'iii^i. Lvi'uu's^nçuîlqj qj nvi'i-î

^us^iJ'îja^u'uyy'îin^^nuila'ul'u^'U'snnflluQTJ^qj'iîJ'î^nfjîîqj qj 'ivi'i-î^'us^^'Mq'u^a-sUU

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé abovementioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

?anaâJfiuAàJTO^ma'3<ia^ : . ^2^. ^^. ---....<Î9-^-^--. --C^-M-"-.^-^:-^.

^.^1.. ^^ .-c^')v^-^..... ^-l^.?^.a^--. l.

Name of community or group concerned ., (In.^ovô^ ^wm cl^wfai^ ^âu-p^

FmajFi^m'u :) ^ ^ ^ , r-^ ^ \ -^

l&sJ^Q^^O^ tt^ t^^orîi-i ^^f)St, ')=)tf>i0îJWV^

. inion : .... l^. ^. ^...^pTOb^..^^lh^.. ^..É^^^Opinion :

^e^!Ly"'(y"~o"""""î^~ai"""""^"~"o^"""""~_~"_Cv^a?i : V^A ^)>^>^/0^-?J-î;-3'r>9. 3:: <fio')ÎJGR<rinâ~/^^_'_^^®~s^^^^^;^'rv^( ^

Address : _^a. z.ZL---.A^^Lt?. 0n^uic.-.

^-:-. --th/^^^. ^.P-^pi^^7-Ï^SSZ^(iA^^,,......



^. ^L....... -.^au. ^, ^........ îl. ^fclDate : Day.. ?l.. Month. ^VW^^Year^it

QWQmwu: ....^:^A,.<^b^-'%') a-i u ?B yg> <^<?îJ'? %> û>^?

Signature :

îuuft^^ifmuyUÊjasj Certificate of Consent

?a<i'iÊin-Tîu-3i?infjîi]njftjnvn<aT'%iU5^u : TwnName of élément ; Nora

yuyauWun'5'iEjn'i'5u'3?infju'[]qj njnyi'i^'sf%j<u5'5^pinîJTa'M'3S'ul%-3CT'ulu^nui;-5nyn'i??ni, Lviu

u'a?infjS'tlnjnjnvi'i^'?%iu5^-3U^nn'J'5^ivipilvi£j LefUQ^a'yaiîu-i'iym'aCT'îLLvi'uyawnfjS'îJ^njnvn^.;i'?uu5^u'ua^uui't£)5anpipi'iui1aul<u'^'d-3'in{]lue)ua?ynjn3j'3CTnfl5{lnjnjnw-3-î%iu5'3'ïaj'w u?i'a43Jlw

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural hleritaçe of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

TUS^ : 1^, ^^ ^i. "/z_s'^_ jt^u»o ? v^on..^.. Y..............

<?if(A''iunlYKoy <ynvw'î

Name of community or §roup concerned ::


No.T?..... jdl ftj'^PJ^__Jb\WÇ^a^i'?[lR.,.. "fT?L'gÊ.

fmufl^kMU : --V^^. ^^. ^.^L<rv5^l^. ^. 7>...?... ^. ?).. f). ^.. Y^..^o?)/^^^^^oJ; i-^ . \Toi _) u<c;>'. ^-* t*) o <^t \ -s ^ t-^'ç-' *?l\-. VT tol-S IÎA-0 4>^\\-» »~» î (5^0 f) a^ ÛCT' cy7


-<vr!'?..(?. .f?ï-°. .'ç. .~1>-1. &i. .®.3. >~fl-°. ?^. ^_t

Opinion : . --. -.V^O.y'w---. -. L^...... ^^. --.. aY.^........^hp.^.......d^?^l...... i^.. ;_..^^^-p-Yl. <^.e-....... ®^....^.^. __...^o^^h. -\... ^. -|2.p..y^x^J...... ^^^.

^.... -t^. ff... -.L^.^^^. ç^L^l&.......^^..t^^i... herll^ff. e,. _. p^o-^-. -.b. c'S-.??'!-wr'--. L4.V... ^---.. --. --.................................................... _ ..

C\Q[\ W\ ^f\Fl^ g}. (AO^o &ÂCO ^ . ^7'J^T)viaêj:

Address : ^ o ? 1 Ra4'<K PO a -m KOLIV) v) e(X-^^ V à tr l'dS. Qy, . . l . ..... >y°. v. i^i _<?- e-. ...


T'u<... A......... i,liau.. &....... îl... ^.Date : Day.. 4:..... Month...T^^. -e/_. _....... ___.., Year_... ^c;_L^

^?a^viu: ..... ^f._. _.._i 0^--(..'>'?^^. A^^^... ^t'°07.. '^®12.---J

Signature : ..._.....^.... !)/?!^... h.0.^.( . -^ic'h^t.... f^.^. ^. ^....)


l'ui, l,gl^<3fi'3luIi'UÊjau Certificate of Consent

Name of élément

.su : Tu-31


[iu&jauH<u'T3'iyn'T3U'3?inn3'îJnjqj nvinn%j'u5-3-3Upnu?avi^si<uH^n-3pfuWius'3n£im?^i, iviu

îj-3?infiuî]sunjivn^T'%iU5'3-3U^nn'U^ïtviPilvi£J iaua?a°uai>îlu?ianT5^LLviuu-3^nf;2i. lqj fljnvin^

'T%iu5^?u<î)a'3u'uyysan^pinui. 1au1><y<MiJ'3'in^<uausnj.'3?inçû'OEU^vi'1-3'ï%I'u5'3'53j'vi^'u?ia-3l, ul^

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé abovementioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

^{}ffWii/Viivumwr îvw. .... ^z^±nTT?-^^.^-...---.

-y;.^.^--c^î>^-/. ^.t7.

t cr)<r^ yi^n^ ? .' *^ "3'a-^î <''s^v'^^^_l^^iyt~^'»_)_^?Ï^^'?^3^ç^E^^^^.. -...<£?.c

l/ lé^i-ft^?.îrïï

(^p-s^T^ l/^?i^^^Nan^e of community or group concerned ::

^-V ^

fmsjF)?ii, 'wu :-N'tt^

^®^^^^3^.w-o-?-^-î/^-^-s-k^^. ^-. -^-l-^-^--^-^. ^n..^n j^r^o^j té-^^-i j vc^> AYM^^ î?7®5

Opinion: ... COPP^t... ^^..^^^... w.^...^lL/t/v?^l/'l^-

-^^-çy-viad :......... ?. ^.^. y^...... ^^. 'OL ......^2^^.. ^7. 1. l^-----(@;.. t.^.®^^

"T-OS. V>i <&l S'<^^S 1

Address: ... !^4/l,.,. ^OO^...... T^^^-. ~I^^^^:-.... l. ..^pi^^tj ».. --

^y^i^. ^-^^^. û<--

luvi, ^? t^iau ^-^ îl^A;

Date : Day...Â...Month.... ^l5v. ^:r....... Year....-^^a^?a wuviu: . i.n^ '^3i_^_ _ .. ^fiX^oO

(.'<!^-y^MO®^-.. 'î?^i3. ÇSL.)

Signature : ... _.JVX<^3?<%'. /::.... f<c^'1?.mJyt( ^... ^... ... :. L. k^^^

lui,kgî^'3Fmuy!uya3j Certificate of Consent

lnjnjnvn-3'?euu5?'5îj : l'u-ai

Name of élément Nora

yuEjaulmo n?i£jm-33j'3^nfj3{Jnjnjnvin^%jU5?<33j(?n3j?amsuT, %^CTul'uçnusi-3'i£jm?CT/îu'Mu

ij??inf]uîlajnjnvn^'rwu5??îj^nnij?siivipil^y iëiua?a'yaiflu?-iynn?w'îuv)U3j?^nnuflsy?unvin^

This is ta certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

a a. _ l/ ^ <^ ^ ^^t-{ . ar&. 'rvy v;) v 'V yr^e)rî S)T^ o? Ci?)<rï^;/î-/-^?\v s-nv/a)^ ^

-..T~)2^y^... 2..Z"^Z'''''''~'r^^^^ ^p.Name of community or group concerned :: ..... _".. [. cry^:...... ??_p*' "Y&C/;û:..

^ ^ ^. ^_. ^, ^-... (3î. ^. ^^.... ~y^.. Y <^a:f\'î'}ii^WU : .... _^'^?(?<KilJ(rîl-<>^ tu- /?^^? y>^No: t^&>^ j^*J^a^^<!??7^5);

-^, i>^y0r»j 9<V 3-^

Opinion : .... l. ioY?:, *;s... $YO^,. ~^3, ^ ^^^W ^S +1(/\^V^(Î\V. I^'LA '5 c. oM~oY'o^i. v^lç^. d'i^i -

\AAy\\'M{' y iç^x^

-r-'S/"d 1 s^ -.,,f^\-< _ioV'~""~^"~"~^y"~(^y"'""Q^~'^-y-Ty--.?^°^-V)---?..... C^. ^^^J?. »A15?^ . <2>9/'^'â^À/as-str/y>(î^>^ ^?OK00)wV~)(7^ sj

y- . ------- -"^ ------------" y -------<. ---;.^. -.~[v0ï. 09 fc. â90 ^<^?^ /

Address: _.

AJ_. !.noo. r--1L-iAAbo ^ l^akx.. i 10^^>nq. UlS+nc'!'P^A l/1^!'i/^... I^?vl^^.. i_. _... _. ^. ^^^-------^

M__.. ^........ tliau.... yv:.%/-. îl ^^Date : Day.. l^__. Month...... /Ïff)^i_^r Year

QWQMwv\ïi:^. ^ rJw6_i/^>^^

(..^^.<^w. -^ffî?^Tn. ^. _)Signature : ... _.....T'^Î7. £>....Ç~^?^

( .. ^Jâî^^.. SfaÏ^

lu!, !,g:{^>3fnnuS<U£Je)3J Certificate of Consent

?a°i'iÊjnT3U'a^n(i5{]njnjTyn-3T'çuug-a?sj : luiinName of élément : Nora

§U£j83jH'un'3'iEjni'33j^?innuîlajaj'ivi-i^-si'%i'u5'3'î3JCT'isj?a^'3S'ul'ï'i3'n-3CTulugnuï-3iynT3CTiiLviuu^(?in^5îlnjnjivn^';f%jU5'3-3UinmJ'5SLviFi1, vi£j LauaÇa'uaktl'u'snyn'Tî^ii. viuu'î^nnu'Oeynnyn^'ïl%Jug'3^'ya^uuyya aipi^'iuLlaul6 yw'Ll?'in{]1>ua'u?fnjftjnu'3^nnS'î]qj njnvin~3^%j<u5'5'3Uvîq'usa'E)^T, 3JU

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardinçof thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

VQ^ÎifiM/VîîVM'VÏWtHV^^ :â^ <n-fc - ^v-, yi (ss 9 a~i 5!» t^i t/" i!a<'5i?s^-to <î^><«°^ '?^. ^-^ ? V'

Name of community or group concerned ::


(^. Qy. Q^.. y^. ^y?x^s\^l^........ ^..ç^^. ^Q. ^_\_^_i]]_^^_^_^_^_^^oJ



e y

fmyR ^i. 'w'u : .. ). ^.^to^^.. ^.^^'...(^ç... <^. i.^^.X^^-r^^-f. -vvj;r^7tt/'^'^' 1~/^-7

XÀï-?-?^-:^-''.. ^^'^ 'l~l1'^'7v'l 0's-<^n<-) ^7^ yT-. ^l «O '1 g~{ ^^i r-n{ ^uvny-ei^~i(^n r\ . )_lq. >^^.i T-JI^I^ (çi^<?:i°> cs-^, ->3. /o^\. $»- .E-]J-| \ ff'i^. u ^-nS "^>>^ ~^<^, ^. Q'->- o^.^.

5 en n ^ i^ *-^<rJ . r^'~l ^oi^^-^^^^ Oi<^lo--Y-n-vs»<y5<^iyI »~'r»-l^<S7^^~^'o''y

~-'t^<U \ <f' -l'--'^ b-A-^ î^^ f '..."F:![1- >' <h)t:/*3Opinion : ..C?.o-;G^. -i^-----?^...^.^1'..

t.5-]<-L^.. ?---?. vn^.. ^. cl-^-P^r-lF.r-^-ol-". e^.. ^FC l "^i^eQ^®



-lv^--^b-<;. $.ou-^. ^^\v'^'ev' V-^. o^ -Çvcm a^icç:%+er°>

^.w^^^^^^^y&^... 'r^A^A... \^.... ^^. j. ^.^ G^h^^q^J-l^^+. ^).. i.. ^o^L^.... ^ . ^. te... ^...^. &^^;t..... ^r....^^aij :.. -.. -. AAo/.,. ^ia'^. ^<?. ^.VC:-j-^. -^?. lî-^^?.. _-:.. :;l. :..'::._:. l.. ._.. ^ ' ' o^soq-H1<?v>

'®ï^^^s^,. i^^o&io ^i^^^^^^^^^T^^r^ ., 1^-1 t^) ^ /^i ^5ent

Address : -.. ---l-^u... _.^a.^..^.^^. ^.v^^. ^. Ll----. ---i^K:(^0--i. -iK®<^^---.S^I<:^J/''-?.

rQ^&^n^_P^5^^i^^èo^^^L^^^^T^^^La^^^7^<^^^.. _...l^. _. _... ^au...Ç. , _., îl.., >:^

Date : Day. l^..., Month.. Oe:ç<ç>nbe^Year. ~.


e v?^. '6.'?"a?l^.y^... ?. .<?. u^ .,., )

ture : ....TBM m.>?^ML.... (y. <' o/Yr>^-?"'

(~iL. u ?r?M'fl _%. i .L-^ °1-k<^.. -'1^-)

l<ui, l,çi^<3fi'3n3jytuyaâJ Certificate of Consent

^a'3i£jn'T3âJ'3^nn2îlnjRj'i<i/n-3T'%i'u&'3<3îJ : T'u'aiName of élément : Nora

§'uaa3jl'wun'3nynn'33J'3^nfi5't)njqj nvn^%JU5^'33J^niJ%a'w?s<ul%^^ulug-ius'3iym^^'3i, mu

u-;i^n^S'îJqj njivn^-ï%i'u5'3'33jqnn'd-3SLV)f2 illviy i.aua^Q'uQiÏI'u'îiyn'Tî^i. iYi'uu-s^nTjîi'Oqinnvn^^us^^'ya^ij'u'yu'a'i^'iui.laul'îi'M'U'înnfll'ua^aqj qj -iu's^nflu'tlqjCu'ivi'i^^us^'aâJ^q'u^a^u'l^

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé abovementioned eLement as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Culturat Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

OTnaîjFi-u/<usj<au^mÊ)'3<iao : ...... u/iyin.... RURÎ?.t11 '' ---------- ^ , ^ ^

-f8'iu.?lu. T.ii'u''3inii^.13 m 4 ?iniJ0S]Sîl) . c]. VfU3jfl_^_. lMin___82180.

lk5fl-im(Name of community or group oncerned :: .....?W^3^1t<. ^.m^.... lr^|jfse.



l -z v <^/ ^o,/ ^^^-^^.^.^^J^.ç^?^-l^-t?..^^-^-^^^^-UG^

^<?T4?T^Î^<i?~1 ^^.T?^\^ ^^ î^ M?^^^^^^^^^^. -al^<^).H/'^~ly>~'----------^-Û^;-^^-1-^--^'---"1---------""----------------------^---------------------------^"-----

<R' M-GA <ç'o Wvt <ri- *-

Opinion :...... ^.^.... p^jî|fc, ^^^1, _J^fr. ^r£ê/,^"6 r^o^n i vnô/F&/

^ad : ^. ^....... MP^Wîîîy'MM'^iw^..

..i"t'"iftanû^Mîî^t^-<~i(-MMi-n.z).. a-. -iJl'a'3.--^t^-^---------.-----.

Address : ^.

^\tM Y^AeAÂr)CÀl:^ .....&^r^. ^.A-.-.

-fl^<Ï.. faÂ.-.

Û;iy. (^

.me^A5-x5^cl:/-- --- !^^-yï^'^---J--^--^

Date : Day.

-ïu<.,. 26^____^auï. ^.__^__?i6^Month.................... _.........., Year.

WVeîW\, 'V^sy'^'-L^.l .sln-u^nn-'?'^î. T-î. .'^.'l;i.'I^.^

Signature :.......... jçi'liP^-. -l'4^i^.. -^^v). ^?^. -.)

lui^fi^fi'îlâjQ'uyaiJ Certlficate of Consent

5aî'iymTmffinnS'0£yftnw'i-3'5'BJu8TTy : lw)Name of élément . Nora


uiCTnf|3'Oty£yiv)'i^'îajU5??usnniJ?8i'wpilviy laiiQÎQ'yoiîv'î'itnTîCT'îuviuuî^nnuilryry'ivn^?wii5ï?u^a^uuw^iwwiîJtl8ul^niJ?nn{}lu3uarysynuiwnfl5î)cyîy^yiinwu5nu^ww8^

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thaîland for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardinçof thé Intangible Culturat Héritage.

îonaijflu/^wumNEnTO^ :^M/, 3'WW^

Name of community or sroup concerned ::

......... IbjiWj. faw^Q.,. lrcA}p. ê/....................,

ft'ÎIUftWH ^^^^s^?'Mîjî^^S^ffM/(^. ï)/^. yl^-Â^^^;âM@f!l!.iIwi^l^ïI?iîS@Së^îl^M/^S ffS'^'rnà?'Wff^':^àjH^vÏw^^^_I^t^?%/)<%ÏA/''%'^H^""""""""""7"

Opinion : ...&,.... <X. ^af^^r^. .... lc^J±..^î. ^... ^y^.... :~fi^.... î. Â..^e prSd-e of ^& SO-K-^ fiffftYQ^ai <^N cfen8ert^ ^ ^t*

y.^.... ^^t. ^^^^. lt ^............ .... ; îf.... hu^

. ^i. '«îwii


l^^^. bk.... ^L^^L^r.(^^. lt Sf.................. ;...î. ^... nu^^. dy...^<..^P^Î^,.... °^ .tl^i^^^,. '^^^^^

^. ^..^... -.^. ^^.^....^....^.......^..^^.^^^^^... ^. ^^. ^^^y)8£J

Address : . ? / 4. Ï?a- b 1 ç s" ) s- î ^ L U.<^A g^ .înQ-i^ D^ ( <?r' J^j' »'os^-. -....... -........................... ^... ^..................... +.


Ù.Wy'u^i. YS>A^--^v*C^I'''»Q:. e-.

lrii*^M5M............ -....&?jfllll.

'W<..Jt........ W8U.£.'È,.. î... fi.Date : Day. Jl... Mor^^k"^__^eaT. ty. îl..

a^sMuwu:,.. |^yl...,. ^^^r WU'r'H

Signature : .^fÈ^/B^....^.....(



lul^Tuimi suCertificate of Consent

âoïiatnîînttnçS^^cgimnwusntni: lîmlitame of élément : Nora

i.^uisoyHuiiiitîni'syîêîmt yusiiîunfumsAailffmsî^s'nïs^H'nwu lausîsrâu

nun^. !i.attt5uu<î^nîwl{5?^y^îy%e^!ll^1>84al^<ysI'o'!8CT'lu^9llWxJî^n3Îu8^âicyfy't'»'i^'^omîw'îuïmiîi^nçSîîîiiQrïtn^îaiusîw

This Is to certify free. prior and inîwrcwS cwisent to thé nomination of t^tbove mentioned élément as a cancEdate from Thaitand for thé Représentative Ust of thérttanstMe Cultural Herîtage <^ Human'rty stipulaîed în thé Convention for thé Safeçuardîng <^

he intangible Cultural Hérita^.

^tÇt^îip'3^ î 0 \npijr^^^n ihvy^^l^'1

-y"'terne of cpntrpunity or sroup


rmtiSftiîh :" > ^

VG<fô?^ ^ 110'^ . ^^<u^^ ©^"a""

Opinion .-

<^> Çji

Z<? U.âJ. ^ ^U^fM^I <©U<h®^(^\/ (9'la0^A^l ^0110 tw O^-^^l^O

^\^^L^O\\ ^ddress^

...^»... ^... ^...... «.^. ^-.. ».^... ^..... »»................ ^..

^ . ^ T<^vyJ^ K^t^r < fi^R'it^0 ,C^IA

^» ^*iwi~.z..-ift8u.

Date : Day..slj^thJ^Î^%ar^iPl^..^y^

a^8§umi:»..»..-..»...-,^.'^.»^~.^^..S(tçy^z ^ 0^ ^îp

Sgnature : _... "...(MAÂ.

Certificate of Consent

^a?'i8ni?u'5»n<]î'OEyqn<m-a'ïsuusïïîi^:Tz!î'iName of élément : Nora

wu'ss'uHwi'iumiu^wn'ïwus's'îu^uCTs-i'lulpfmâjlamîî'ijlW^CTyiîizig'agiî'u'3ns)m^w''3uvi<u3j?ftnî%iU5^iîj^ un9A3Jln'u3wuvE)Tn9i(?n3ji,1s<u1, Ti^^infllua'ulfeuey'n''i^Ejn'iîWîufn'bnuî^n^îiîlîysynvn^'ïwus^'îu

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé

above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Representative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeçuarding ofthé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

^sn^uFiw^sJwïîwe»^® ..^...... ?... ^. ^^^^..... Q.^^. ^^^7^. .......

Name of community or group concerned :

^^A:....^)^y^3^.LR'illllw^U :

.^..I^.^^Jl^J..^^^.. ^.^...

Opinion ^sïh.... &^\

.SJ ^f/^î~Z....

TO§ : / ^^-,..^,..^.J....A..^2^^.... <?.^.--l.. (l.. '...^/v<r..

^exaf.»j..... ûs-^. -.u^.-(l!.v^...^i^^-..<^e^ê^

'ÏU^3/.. ^3'U.. ... !.£s>......11.-e^^JDate : Day^. -.Month.. .. J^....,Yeaiè^/. 8'



Signature :.......... J. Vy1^^. :..

^^^^> ^CCfftVS^ <^tS?^


lui.^'gfnnajy'UÊjaîJ Certificate of Consent

?3'5'iam'3îj?^njn2il6ynj Twi-3T'%i'u5'5'33j : Tu'sn

Name of élément Nora

yuÊJa3Jl'M'u'T3'^£Jn'T3îJ'ii?1nflî'tlqJ qj^vl'^^'ï%J'u5-3'^îJ^'^3J%a^'3ïi<uHî'^. 3CTul'uç'^us.5'^£jn'Ta^^l, l,vlu

u?pinfj2<ûqj£ynvn^'ï%ju5'3-3uqnn'Ll'3smpilviy i. aua^a'uaLÎu^nEjnn-s^tLVi'uu-a^nnCi'îlqj qj nvin^

^us's'îu'ya^sj'u'yEj'iîn^^'iuilaul'îj^'Ll^'in^luauasyqj niJii^nfiS'Oqj nj'ivi'i^T'Kuus^sj^e'uÂ'a^luU

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thaitand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible CulturaL Héritage.

^^ y y ^^. ^.^^ i/!iu/wyuvii, naTua'3 : .__^______^.. _.. _6^aw^)i'^^rf~n^. ^v]ft^


Name of community or group concerned ::................. Ç?11<-/.V?^:.. ^^/1C.*.... <?.-^.Ç' i^ i?^"H/<-*^ L/' {^ Pro\y t i^c -^

^Pl 1>^! : . ÎI^AV ^^^y^l^. t7 ff^'^'. ^?7>4 i0^^^. ^^ . ^.^^. ^.^s'y> '~^. ^ .'*. .c^'l "^


^^^^^^. ''^<P^A?.V^^>A_['?^^1^'. £f\rf^yy}^jî^%^o^^e'T;){-^'f

.^. -^


^^ u»

'f^7,hi-sc^ voVgY^yi'T

Opinion . .. ^..., u,. ^, ^. îio.'^, ^Gt^»^.

^'w.. ^/^:. .P.^... ^7- . -:^-t'SÂA:. ^y(Î^. À:.^.4:.w^^e -_P-rï?^l/rf. f^o (^5^ï^l^ï^^?c^^^1^^

-y- ./

m jîfy^i ocy>ii^ If-? y^i u 'ïn yi^yï"~^"-'^:±""y""^""ï'^^""'/~

m^ fTt^^dif\ c?"i |j-i e-1 fc,j T>vvi^a .44-^r? .w-^^ 0^3000^" f""""" ""7 ' "ï" "^'""""""" ^'

(\ddress: àJ\\u^cJ^ ^^/tc> 0^ P^4t^L^ (V^y^c-t^ <S^t^a>. ft^ f^^^CT^ P^'îîH^lo^ D^rv-^t, fw'tl-wl^^ <îywo

"^"""-"""<î""""'"""""-""^"T"~-""""^'i71l"'"""""-"^''ïu^..... l5...... __^a' ^^ÎI. Z^bO

Date : Day. _. 15...Month... û^&_.....,. . ^ -^ r.'1^'":

a-3'uawtwu:i ' --5==-^v".

{. ïj^'^. î=^-"ï?- wyÏJS'-"''-

Signature :_;,( ^^iî t^ô^^

l'ui.^i'îpmuS'uasâJ Certificate of Consent

vsï'ieinTiUîpinrjîîftjsyT vn-a'ïsu'us'î'îy : Tu-si

Name of élément Nora

SuyauWw^nBn'i?u'îPtnnîiÎEyîyivii-3-5'%fU5?'3U?inu?avî?si<u1, %-3ffl<ulu^nusi?i&ini??nu>vi'uu-îwnfiiïîqjqj^vn-a'yçu'us^^u^nniJ'îstvifllviy lîiuawust. ^u^'iyn'i'ïwiavtuuî^nfiu'îÎEVfyT vn'î

T'%iu5'î?îj'îia-334<iJva'anCTCTn3ji>1azil^^'Ll?in^'tu9'uasysyiîJî?in^u<îl{yîyivin'3'y%iu5'3-ïuvi 'uffl3-3lul^

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

îan^îjfi'u/'uu'ïuvimy'îva'a : <-c-~y

Name of community or group concerned :: <^^.^7?~'??. eî-v?/ .. ^>r:?>.v/?'?. e-/. c?.C^j^Cr^L^Oe^^

MU : ....'»^^.'ç^s^.-6^T^..?.......^^-T^.......<.?^^.^?^m'}îimwM :

ff^'. G'?r^~t.. <r»'

Opinion: .... T cu;t. 2^&iS.... 7.o...... p. -y0. p. ^^<s. Î^. O'TG\ .. 'tç!.. -. îb. G-... ^. <y'rvj. ^îs7. ic>r)û l l

^ 7 ^

Address : ..^. <^.T^?^<%. ^ ... ^^:^. to<£/W..... ^^/. /^<^


<?^J^<2.. ï.. ^y^^. r'Z..^ç^.^><Ry>-..Z^<^....... -....... A<»^Â.<'.^. -... ^rt^^..... ^..vï?7^^

'î'uîi..... -2:>......, i,Sau.^»:<^'?"îy3. 2.-%r^Date : Day..^.., Month. ^9<oç:.ç<?-?^f^:.... Year. ^<?. /^.


C'flT5'3£) fUiïfl) .)iJîssiueifn&us? 'aM-wa?ivnfsiî!

Signature : .. >v.. fi'. 'n..,.... _. -===-. *

( fèî^Ât. e.Co^C/îSj^iyaeî^ C^^fé}-

^tui>i,?f^i'3Fm3jyuye)îj Certificate of Consent

%a?iyn'Ta3jsii?infjî'OÊiJsuivn'3-ïgu<u5-3-33j : \w]Name of élément Nora

^ae]3jHunc înam?u^nfj2{Jftjnjn^n^%ju5^?ii?nu^awsuH8 [n^uslupusïnann^^uviu3j-3(?in^uîlqj qj n^n^'ï%ju5^^3j^nmJ-3ïLvipiby Laua^a'uaLÎu^nann^^imuu^^n^Sîftjêynvn^^ug^-ay'sy3-33j'u'i')'£js[fn(?i(?inuL. 3auL'iyv1<LJ'3'inf]'l'ua'ua'çy^^u?(?inn5îlnjîi!nv)i^%ju5^'3U'^^''u?fa'3l3 jl?i'

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of théIntangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding ofthé Intangible Guttural Héritage. ^^ ^

wn^u/vîiwmw^w. V^^<h^^ 1/n^î9

Name of community or group concerned ::


Ir-S^^ N^k^wcnsk%<

-''T"'^"'rr7"^r;'-=+""-/""">-J"''""'""("'""^'-'^""-"""""-"""^"---7-^ -. y^u ^-^-i^n^ r> 9 in n^>i0^ Vï-6 57 fi<417)^ o ( ?1

--^--Q-^-^-;-:^--fÇ-,--^---SS--Bf/'--..-^---..^---.-......^^.Ç^H. . ^..L^<0^^^^0?01^U_^^^^^©^iA^4^Kn^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^

Opinion ... N^.,aS^-"^'|k"^ï^' ^f^^--"ac^^p^fô"'-"-f^I^^OC^_^B%^ÙP1^^^

^^. l^^^. _(?é^Ë--^S^£Ëïol:t^lË^^ l'Hry u

-^-.^ _^

^ay : ...__J^_^^^^^^^^^i^^^^--, --------------->-----:--. ^. --x,. :.. "....-^1-:

Address: .....^°4_Xç^-^^^?ï^l^_, ^^^l^^^

^o. 7 to/^ko ^ | ©^(^

4^.. -^........ ^au__î. A î ^i70

Date : Day...^,.,Month.. _.. J/. ^'.. _, v',, Year

a'a'îîayi. iviu:

(_ _^ ^v^^R^'Signature : ^a^L^^V'1^


lu^^^fnnâjyuyau Certificate of Consent

?3'3iym^^nn2'0 yanvn^T'%j'u5ciiiu : Tu"iiName of élément : Nora

5<uçja3jHun^'i£jnn'îîj-3?infi5'Oajçynvin^-ï%ju5^'îupn3JTO^'as'uH^n-3^ulwnuî;'3i£)n'TîCTii, LviuiJ'3?inf)5'Qqj aj'Tyin'3'ï%iU5'3?3j^nniJ'ïïtvipilvi£j i, 6;iuQ?a'!uai,îl'u'3iynT5^i, i, vi'U3j.'3?in^2'Oqj qj nvn^

T'%iu5?'33jsua^3J'u'y£jsan^?i-i3jLl8<ul'iu^'U?nn{]1, ua<uaqiqj -i3j^(?inç2'îJftjnj'ivin^'î%j'u5'3^u^^uCTQ-3l3 JU

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thaitand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cul-tural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

^Qn^îifi'u/'vîi'v'umw^v^ : .(^b_</ç^>. ^. _. ^A/^. ?/

Name of community or group concerned :: _. _.^^. ^i.dé^^.?^.^

^--^^î;. c1^W®^-^^^^^&?/^!^^^/^^f\^îif\?\WU

çy9^ (r?o

Opinion : ^r^... ^^^.. _^.^. ... ^^^... /l£^^. ;^,^^^^^^Z'&^^^K, ^^^IZ^^^^à,-^. ---^g;^^^.î^_^g^t^^_WSÏ^

.cym^4--e^. ^n^,.^asj :.......<3... ^;.. /_....^...^.^(^__. _^/;^ ç-. ^..'--. ^/.^........ ^.. ç.^^..119EJ

Address : n^i yw y^i^

a/ ci

-îuvi.T'U<. _. _4....., _, ^3'U.. â^.. _... _îl.. -î. g^Date: Day^__...., Month... 7.iArô.. _....... __......, Year.. 5(3..^.

» » ^-<J / ^ ../. a A^w^wmu: ^^^o'^^__^»jy^^^

(. v>.v. çê^<y. S'.. §»^5'. f-^)Signature : .4'/^.^. i..6À^.tn9^.W


1,<U^^<3Fmâjy'U£jau Certificate of Consent

^s^&im'au^nfiCi'tlnjftjivn^'ï^'us^u : Tu^n

Name of élément : Nora

[iu£j3uH'UTînyn'T5ij^i?in^îi'Onjqj ivn~3'ï%ju5^'îU?inii?a^'îS<uH^n'3?f'u'luçTUi;-3iEjn'T5^i>iviu

3j'3^nf]2îlqj anvn^-?%i'u5-3^3j^nniJ^si, vifîilviçj t, aua^asuaiÏl'u'înyn'T:iA''3i, i, viuîJ-3?in^2'îlnj^nvn~3'ï%ju5'3'î3jsua^3j'u'y£j6 iin^n3ji>l3'ulsu'w<d'îin{]l'uaupfajqj nu'3?inf)2{lqj Mnvn'3'ï%ju5'3'3U^u?i'a-îT, 3JU

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Heritaçe of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

iQn^ufiu/Vii'v'umnv'îvw : ... _)'^\i^w^...... _. ^i^^^l_

Name of community or group concerned :: .. _^p. r'<ll'. -.(î'!?. <?-LL/^-.... -.l-^c'b^'.

fmîjfigimu : ...^^^. ^uA\L^^^v^. ^::^v^, ^^^j. ^^l^^L7U^^A^OA?A^:LSn-l^}°^.. ^.. L^^^-^jtô^. ^^^^^

Opinion : . J. -b.?:.... ^^& ..... h..^5. ---!2e-t^... ^. ^0. >i^.Ç.!: ... ^s...^^^-C-U-Lt. !A.r'^_L.. /-^ .h^^.... <3f.k^.^^^r1)f-. ------^kÇjR.£ff^.^^.....fe----s-o^. ?. ^..... ^h;4^... -^. i^j-^...^

3-----^'--^-..... ^;. ?^3?. ^Al^. -.... _s-.wln^........ ?'.. ''. .?. l/'a_?_. _.. '?_.&L^..

\ddress : ---3--. --. kl. ®-^-^L-------.JV.^1^.^.<^..... J2-_-sî^i-^_. -... 3. 0.b^k^;..

T^L^-hA-.. -... ^û!.^/Address

wiDate : Day


l'..É....^3u^^....... îl2^^î.

Month... _J.u-^. ..... _. _......... Year. ^oié-.

<?. ?XA^.gl'aTONttVl'U: . _. _... ^. ck-sn^.

(. -^.<<.CI'?~{^....._.

ff_-</?f. 'vY!.®.J..............)

Signature : ... £L.^Ll?/?-. f......LP.Cb^if^C' .(<-.^-. l.w^..... .Lic.k^^^^^)

Itl^^^pmuS'uyaîJ Certificate of Consent

?e)^anT3U^nfl3'Onjnj'Tvn<3'ï%ju5î-33j : Imn

Name of élément : Nora

yu£iaîjH'u-T3nynT3U'3^nf]5îlqj qj nvi-i>3^%iu5'3^3j?nu%a'M'3S<uT, -ï^n^Â''ulugnuï-3n£jnTa^uviu

3j^?inf]S'Oqjqj nYn^'y%jU5'î'5îjq'iniJ'3ïi, vi?ilvi£j i, aua^asuaiîlu'3iym^^i, i, viuu'3?infiu'î]qj {unvn^

luaid a/ î/ VI i>4 î/

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

^^ \?ansijfiu/'y3j<u'u^ma'3<fa^ : ... }.<^.?.. ^n?...... _6èn©??®^----L-

Name of community or group concerned :: AÏOv^^_^L^^^O]>Y) _^a^.hî]hQfji.



_fr)S'n_], _'v's^^^^rnsjr%cnïbîî. ^!}hbîl^

''.i^fl^yïïin^. Mi1S'.JSlcf!ll.


..<?-r).Opinion : S.e'.. _...çfo.)ï£...... b&. S,,|?^n., Tê^sfe^-t^f^r>^Lyê.... û^!f. L---te^e... (^. ^..

Tii&.- --^Q^]e,, Qf.,.S]a^d a^J^^&-^^^^^


M-....C^lf^..... '^OY .,.

^.3........?^lL....Ô...... _^).. â^.....âf?-àd70.R°MO.

viay :-<=^- 5=^ °<r -<

Address: -- ^3__.... _. _Aç^À_.-. QîAY5^.... |l>^Ot. _.. _. P>si'Ï'ie,^Y^k)x^.... ^^aila.y_çl___QOî_60_

5^'ïuw.... ^~,...... _ i,^a<u... -&J-.^_... _îl. t^

Date: Day_4.,.._.Month.

_...jTM n.e-__.....


a-3^aMi, tviu: ._... _... _^.^ --...... ^D.'pïo^.)

Signature ; .....c).c^^<?ïD.. -....& 0^9( Rr. -S^.èm.


l'u^^i^fnnuS'U&jau Certificate of Consent

^a^nym'aij^nnS'Ocyftjivn^'Ï^yus's'ïu : \w\Name of élément : Nora

5uEja3j'l<M'ui^n£jn'T3U^(?infiîi'î]£ynj'ivi'i^'y%j<u5'3?3j('n3j%a^'3i;'uH^n'3^u1, <uçnu^ciiym^^'3i, tV)u

îj-3?inf]S'î]qj çyivn-3'ï%ju5'î^3j^nniJ^iïi, yipilvia i, aUt)?a8uai, îlu'3i£jm^^tLViuuii?infi2'tlnj?unvn^

^u5ci^u'iu3^3j'uw''a'i^?i'i3Juaul8 îjfi'il'3'in{]1>uauaqj njni]'3^nf)u{lnjqj nvin^T'%ju5'3<33j'^^ij^a<3liJl?i'

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Culturat Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

%e)na3jfiu/'uu<uuwi>ny'3^a'3 : ............. t»i.^.?^... _................ r!p?.a-n.

Name of community or group concerned :: .._.

H^.<?.ayN '. ^.fi6 &............ TC>Y>£lrl'»iî.

STIÎJfl^t'W'U : . __]'^'^_^'^^~^_'_rr'_!}'_'*s)}^^f"s>'^^9 t-03 <w d-no^w ! ^^isaij IKSï" 5t< t>c?^ji« 1». ^^ . î-i. yi ^ iÇSfciM i3^»<-i^0 .ri^'îtM^'^ yv)< <a<i*i'K wry vos ^i. Muy-^

Opinion : ..... ^°.>'^........ i.S..._.......



s-i). ?. .-..-.

-lk&'l---_^s_^^^& pt-:^£




-iouib-... ;..... fi^rov^j_____^^^a^^^^_^_^o;^é^f____^__lo-^.

iw. ^^. <\i^^... ^. ^.. ^cu'^ ^f^^ ^fit-i-l-ûqg pîinorfirva, ô'{ kt<w0ir>j4

a, _.^aa : i^b !>i. ^»*o%> ©. tw<^li?i<v ^., ^'3-»<<r»

Address :.......... l, l-.b_, . N aw f^o; Hft4 vt^ Oi'ç^ico-rtQK. lnia Dy'Gvlycâ

'ï-u^_.. _. 4........, ^au. _^:. _.. îl ^Date : Day.. ¥...., Month.... Jti. r. e........ _. "......., Year_. â.°. l. ('.

^^aM!, kV)U: ?'»-^-À vcs-an

(.vfiafFi'i ï'«t»r>»^ yi£ç>3^

Signature : ... l&H^?. '~la^e'£..... TO>'3woL.(^-. . &>^î ?- y'-l'.v"'^.4ec-. ....... _ î0. "1^.^". )

1,U!, l,?i^^fmîjyt uye)âJ Certificate of Consent

WananTiu^nfjCi'Onjsyi vn^T'^us^u : Twn

Name of élément Nora

yuy3u'l'w'UT3n£jnn'îU'3?in^5'tlqj qj nvn^'ï%ju5?'îiJpnuwM'3ï!<uH<3'n^CTuTue'TUï;<3i£)nTî^imu

u'3(?in^2îlajRjnvn^'ï%iu5'3'33j^nmJ^i;ivi?ilviEJ tei'ua^a'uaiîl'u^iyn'TiCTiimuaj'ï^n^u'Oajîynvin^'ï%i'u5'3'33jaua^u'uy£j^'i^'iîjilQ<ul8 u^'Ll?'in(]luauaqj ajnu'3^nnS<î]njft)'ivin^%iu5-3'i3j^^<u?i'Q-3l3jU

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardinç

of thé Intangible Cuttural Héritage.

.î : OT\!5r~<^ ^ir-t-î-Hât.r

Name of community or group concerned ::............ n'TÀJ..'ît-....... J. I.-T'n-u^'rn-

"î», ^, ^. ^ , / ^_. _^=ct .. __ Q_^.' .'H.??. t'?-lu <7'ra ?J. . i;v^bb?o'î'4. ~rl_.îrl<?_'s?. .33_. .t'^. .~Ï®A3 .}?T?. .fT. ??. _1.0^


l^-u'^®^..feb. f?.^^.&o'^. ^.. J. yn..^uT1.=_Ç^y1^_^


cs»~^su WJ^ y'-'D- <*î-?'i.

,fOpinion : .. l^or^.... J. S... O^.... O^t...... s^^.... 4ha ^..,.. !...^^

l&----/?0-^Ï. b---.:-. -------^^.D3rov^.._.... ?t-T'. ^....... <^^.'&vi^___^__^_^^

'^-11 -^^.--------...

h rî~. L. --ta^-&--------^-û-MQ-k'fct A^e^--.. o-i. ----^

wad : 1//2- fti? <?v9'»^"%- . ' D.?CT^?I^ ^i. Fo^ai

Address : ..._.


©M^ rlA-

l. > n '. i 'C\T^ hîov^ lyiS^l-iû

l l J ^^"~^^^..M. k.l/1-J-?-.. --V2 . v-'-l/1û£<,


y_ a <^T'u^. _.. _4__^_. _., i>^au. A,. ^-> îl ^

Date: Day... 4.. _, Month__. _.3~^-^fi:........ ___. _. Year.... 2:_®1.Ç.

a^^amiviu: ®T;ia-v^ ^nT-4^.4.<a^

. "ïl*^'?. ??- .;a'Y1. f^.. _... i^Td A

, : A^ Jr+u.Signature : ....û'+!.'+u........'J.. r.~ruu-:w'.nn^.Â-t!:^--Jî--h^^-Ti.

l'U!>Lg1^<3fnnyytuyaâj Certificate of Consent

^a-inam'asj'a^nfjS'îîsynjnvn^'ï^'us^'aâj : Tu^nName of élément : Nora

5uÊja3jT'MUTînEjn-T33j?(?in^2îlsu?u. ivn'3'î%iu5<3<3îJ?nîJTO^'3S<ul%'3?i'uluçnus<5'i£jn'T3^t, tviu

u?^n^îiiJnjnjivn^'ï%ju5'3<33j^nmJ-3i;Lvipilviy la'uswuatîj'uïnEjm's^i. tviuu'îwnfiSîlqj njivn^

'ï%i'u5ï^3j°ya'33Juvys an?iCTnuLlaul l'ufi'd'3nn{]T, uau?fqj njn3j<3^nfi2{Jajnjnv]-i'3-ï%iu5?'3U^ upi'a'3l3JU

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

OTnêiuflu/^ij'yu^maTÎa^ : ...... Ml^. i^(yïu^.. ^. ç^fr(j.?

Name of community or group concerned :: ......^o?î'îç'1^T*.... ^'lrl.^. e~

; T^7fl^c)H-. §j5(5YiJi'5]^^'T^C)^tîJ'u9'T5'^^c5r?W'5?nC;/^U^^v, ^, ^<î [^frsw^o^r} -. li'ou. ^u^


Opinion : ...ç^r?.... _^....... ^.... )r^^^6... c^l^ï?L-. ^..^^^^^^ ^ ow.^L^.û^l.....^. ^.......çoy'.$^l... i^.. t^^..... p^o.po$&4-.... T-^l^?T^^^^

viaa ul/) ?i. ^ A?I^Tua?i')3 <7^-W)Î-- ^. 'N»IÎTT|?

Address: ....J}. l. l......... ^,t..... J,A^MP>^_,,,, ^,,,,,^î't^^

Date : Day.

^..., ^,........ ^3u.. ê.^..... îi... ^?...Month.. ^:..<y.:..........,....., Year_, ^CT^,

a'3'ySMtfcVlU: ......... TM.'gvlv'^

(. -. ?<^?. ^. ^..... ^_'si. __.. _)

Signature : .............. ^°?JÎI;?.. ^y)..( W..M°Ï.V^^..... t>)M^.?î....)

luitÇi^^FnnsjyuyaîJ Certificate of Consent

TO^yn'T3âj^nn2îlEueuTtn<3-ï%j'u5'a?3j ; ImnV ~ ~v~v

Name of élément Nora

^ cà 11 l/ l/ S/


îj's^nfjSîsyçy'ivn^T'ajug^'su^nn'Ll'îKLvipil. viy la'uawua^'u^nEjm'ii^LLYiuu-s^nfiuÎÊDsuivn^'?%ju5<3<3Uau3-3îj'uwîjnCTt?n3ji, îe]u1, 'y^^^nn(]Tu3'uanjqj iu^^nf]î'î]njqj ivn^'ï%jus<3'33j^^u?i'a-3ll3 JU

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

v^îifiu/vwumwïvw : ..mMlîAsiè'rf.. -A^^fejd?ML

Name of community or croup concerned ::...... l . ). [M}. W^....... \^. DtiOl^. -..

Fmîjfi^im'u :. J.biiJ.i^.mT-îJ<QW. îruW-^^i^-^-^i7 j-^-M3Aài5-l. rf.ttiy. ri'5 ^wJ.

.^5!. Â^jiî)i. ffl.fl.^5^-^. ^-^^M/!$^yo. Uîi^L^M. îa%^b.. <3.A..ù.m. i^.. ^,

.. j.âu.^.mn.^A-^A-^-w-^l. ?^...

opinion: o^.. )^.... keh..... ^i^l. î... _.. r <îâJrA?. A-... ^--. -.. ^roM^^.^rêje. tiMïey) . ol..AZpD^...... y..S^...s;^^..d!-tt.i... ^oA.,... ûo^je}i)'.,. ^A,.. ^û.^Vâj.... ^^^



d!-tt.i... ^oA.,... ûo^je}i)'.,. ^r^. ^.^û.^Vâj.... o^.

i^tel^.. ^i(^1....... b^rl^ae.. --. 0^. --... ^M^. i^^aa :...... 1^.. 1....... ^.... _1..... 4. ,^..ÂL^O... ^...... _^

Address: .. î^. -L......M. l....... l.. _..^.^........ l,...&i.a.-. ---.... -.&i+^niT

T''u<.....4.......... ^au_^^_, _ D ^^Date : Day.. A.... Month..... <:î^^^........., Year.. 5P_l-6,

êi^^SM^U: .... A^X-..... Ô^1Û/0!. i{. M^. Â^Â^M&^....}

Signature :...... J. !Aliï1. ^...Tht pyc l^fr..b!.i.WiMt.. Ib). iQyAtôî. --)

luu?içi^pmâjy<U&Je)3J Certificate of Consent

?3-3/1£im-3y'3^nTlîi'ÎJSUCinvn'3'?%lU5'a<33J : Tu'al<U v w

Name of élément Nora

yuyauHu^?'^£jnT^3J?(?lnnS{J^j£y^v^^^%lU5<i^u?l'^u?afi. ^s.ul%~3yfu1, 'us^us<3^ynT3CT'3lLV1u

u'î?in^2îîyqj ivn-3Î%ju5'î^u^nnil'3si, vipilviy Lauaw^ai>Ïlu'3i£jn'T3CTitLvi'u3j'î(?infi5{]ftjqj nvn'3

'î%ju5'3^3j'ua^u'uw<an^CTn3jt1e)ula ufî'Ll'3in{]T, uau?fqj ftji3j'3^nnS<[]^çyivn^'ï?u'u5<3-5u^'UCTQ-3l3 jM

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

ci i . a?anaufiu/TO^u^i, Sa'î^a^ : ...^M ]9'-f?.iWîî?î'î. -..... ÎÏiW.

Name of community or group concerned.

^Ate....... Kî^<M.

f\^îimwM : ..... ^^^^. n^^^^t^. yîrîÂ/.. ^^^. ^M./'^_

Opinion : . fc..... i<1.4a U ........Au^l,... teAâÀ......J3._àrf:$... co.m&'ftU, . ^U... -..âqxe.âA.....<b,..... _a.npMî. yi<^-.e.

l»ten ii.bk-...... oaiJI:uW.-.




J5î/4. ^,... ^,.tîA^uu^.... _^^^x.,.. l, lÏÎ(^...,. l:3heïi<iviay :..

Address : ..... i^.</4^......... î1.. -.^.{l.T^. mVî_... _T

^....... ^........ ^3u.. ^^....... îi.. jr7,Date: Day.. ^...,Month.... 5~t<^, <..............,Year..y-°^.

?tww\, wti: ............ nM(IQl<^..

(. ^Mif%..&?^l........ &7<^..)

Signature : ...........,......^/ITf)}(i

.-!^v&^........ fâ^>M....J

clIUk!>?1^^fl'3n3J§IUÊJe)3J Certifjcate of Consent

?a'3ianT3ij-a^nnCi'îift)anvn^%iu5-3-3ij : ImnName of élément Nora

y'uyE]ul'w<un'5nyn'i^3j'3i?inf]îi{Jftjnjnvi'i-3'ï%iug'î'3}jCTnîj?a'^'îï'ul'ï^n-3(?'u1, uçius;'3'iymi^i, LV)u

3j'î?inf]S{]qj synvin>3';f%jug-3'33j^nn^l'5i;i, vipi1,viu t. a'uaîa'îjaiîu'înEjnTa^LLYiuîj-î^nnu'tlsynnvin^i%jU5'3'3Usua^3Juws oi?CTnuLlaulatiYÎTj'îin(]1, ua'usîynjn3j'3^nn2{Jqj synvn~3'ï%j<u5?'îu^myi'Q^3jM

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.t.

w^îifiu/vîiwmm^^ : .....^^l^^l..... ^%Q)^b..

Name of community or group concerned :: .........l^. ac'.V">».oy^.ûL<^.(:x'.^. aoVt oV^.ÛL^.O^...GW^J^Yû(A

^y rn-s^ ô^â'îio^ ]ç 0^1^ JQI -3^^'w ift ^.l^'n i^w.w^l^. ^i^.^. f>î^....... ?^.^5.^Y^^f?.SfmâJFl^ll'M'U :

-^ftM^^/^Ai^.^. ^^n4-^--Sr.^^:â?. ?^. o1y^^.

Opinion : ,.... ^o. t^... ^(^^..... ]ff. eey_.. ^^^....... ^^^^_-^r;^S^^I(^5i^Ï3^^^^3^^^?Y^.. î&... _o.^^^êZ^^^Z^ÏyiS^"^5teHg;ài^^ZSïS^ /^^0?^'''^U^yi^^aa :. -.... -^?(_^_ c^l/ y 9i(TW^ <ÙO<WG'& ^u<yiio ^-îe&^^nviaa:

Address :...... Z0/^.. _.. _. ^.. _... !_ .. 1 &0^0^^ ^. No^^CîVn^ t^'Hçini^............... _.... ^... ;.... _....... :....... "....

4T'<U<..... A.. :. _.... ^SU....|. ^..... îlJÎ.

Date: Day.. ^..., Month,.. _.-Jar)e_........., Year.. $.Ç.16,

s^aNtmu: <^/'^1 t5ï}-?r)-^s^'

(. -^-. ?-'.rl;??.?^C.... ?^^. ^??^°J-^

Signature : .^...^^^^^.^^ir. il':l&Uoc..^. ^.. AiviJ-aV^)

lu^^^Fnnâjyu&jau Certificate of Consent

W3nanT3Sj-3^nf]2'îJEysuTm^-ï%jU5'3-33j : lu'aiName of élément Nora

5uyau'l<wu'i<3'i£jn'i'î3j^^nnîi{)ftjqj 'ivi'i^T'%iU5<3'îU9inu%avi'5î;'uT, %-3?i''u1,u5nus<3i£jn'Tî?ni>m'u

u^(?inf]5{]sy£ynvin^T'%ju5'3'33j^nnil-3i!i>vif3 iT, vi£j ka'ua^a'usiÏlu'inymT^tiyiuuï^nfiu-Osyqj ivn^

LuaueV V il 1>1 t/

This is to cerfcify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

w^îîfi'u/wv'umwîv^ : ^UÏÏ TJ aviTiM

Name of community or group concerned :: .L^ ?'^??. t/)..... L.r.[^ P!

^u : .. J.^l^ï^i^M. ^.ç^i.^^. A.^-l?-^fmajfipiwu : .... I.^J.^^iÀ^;^Vd^lM.C/.. lr^^.?^..3.'/

Opinion^: . ^,,,. ^,.... ^ _ . -. -r.... :...... .. ....................... MâW<...^..... t^C..-^lA^^... ^co^i^^, ^^ fe^_^prjî6^^^

.. .À.... ..fe^^..... te. --. -.^o^- .... lvt^^je...^-.i^i:.....<^r. _. _. _.iA^.. -.o^im^,^ : ,... ^....... ^t.... l.,. c)v^^_^, S^^.. I3ftraî^^

Address :

T'<U<.... ^'....,., !,^U^,^.......,ÎI__^Date : Day.. 4. Month.... ^m............... ^Year.


a'î^awi. m'u: .. _. _.3^.tt, ivjï\^

(.. ^^Al, îî..... ?^.^........ _)Signature : ................t.te?^^.

r;.&.<s^t^^. fi^p^^, ^..,,.j

sl'ui, f,gfPl^Fmâjyt U£Je)3J Certificate of Consent

?3-3iam^^n^S<ORjnjivn^T'%iU5ci^ : lu^nName of élément : Nora

yuye]3j1<w<u'T5n£jnf3U'î^nn2î!qj qjTyin-3T'%ju5'3'ïu?in3JTOvS'3S<ul%n-3Â'uluçTUî;?nym'î^Liviu

u'5^nnîi{lqj qj ivn~3-ï%ju5^'3îj^intliii;i, vi?ilvi£j keiua^a'ijai. du'anym'îCT'iiiviuu^^nfjS'Oqj qj nvi'i^

'ï%jU5<3'33j5 ua'33j'u'y£jcan^i?i'i3ji1aul<u^'il^inf]'luQuanjîyn3j'3(?infi2<îJnjnjnvn'3'î%iu5'3'3U'wq'u?f9-3l3 jU

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

i-i^Tl ^3^ ^^«f?anauFi'u/'y3j'yunma'3^a^ : V^irJ t^a

Name of community or group concerned :: --... llo.Y''^....... \N>. u-^.c\T).. f''.....^//l"L.'^.YO\.,^

fmufliamu : __.

)l>^y__A-'i-^-'-?-. À^i-A'. rr^^w^1T^'' '^".^^ yN^î^y-i y^^ ^ .^OT'^^ \ ofc^vo'</i3<_ï \«c;>'. ^u-<(3 0^4 \ ^) ^ \-->'a-l*îi<--. «^>, (.û*</i--^ biÀt-»-i5<y\r><î^e?li»-^. t~o'>

W'T>'7. Ô- "y. '?-JS'?- A A.'^ ®?. ?~^7. ^. _ 'n

Opinion : ....^or.A ..... j. S>....^..... ^.vl.......... c>..h°. -^--. --. --. -^n^l. J S> 4^^-


'(:. ^À-ê.-.. ---. <?. f.... --t^-<5--.. _.. _. âi?t<-^°- I^PPYG'MOiL Onol ÛO^Sa^-1^-o.... ^-^-----^-^^. ç[iMe..... ^it^^L-.. hei^^Q^^

^aa :. --... _A--?-.... ^. '(> o^. m^-\, r\^ ® aSo'? \^ef '^. ^-^. ç-^^-e'^^ y-vvlaa

Address : ..... A.^_C^o\t<orv~iS')

r\ A.^-'^'to^^. ç^(^ -. .^h . V2. VM7nYno\r^ ^o \j )' v^û-e- ,

r.S ^i

'Ï'uw_..... ^..... _. _ i,^au..^........ îl .. __5~^_Date: Day.... ^..,Month.....Z";^.^.. ___. __. __.,Year. _...2..0. Lfe-

gt^OTWtlVIU: .._... ^y^_^_'_J

C-_.19-^"^v >-!&~' rf)^"~"C, """"f\"'»'

Signature :


'f5'^. l.f3



lu^el^'îpnnâjy'uçjay Certificate of Consent

^s'snam-aîj'a^in^S'îîsysynvn^'ÏRuus^u : Tu?iName of élément : Nora

5'u£jaijHuiiii?jnT3U'3^nn5'îJqj ajnvii^'ï%j<u5'3'33J?n3J?a'^'3S<uH^n~3pi''uT>uçn<Uî!'3nynn'3pni, mu

îj?t?infj5{Jqj ^'ivin^-ï%j'u5'3'5U^nn'L]<3ïLvii2 iT, vi£j laua^a'ijaiÏlu^n&jnn'a^i. Lviuij'i^n^îi'Oqj njnvn^

.ï%iU5'3^3j<uQ^3j'uy£j'yn^n3jLlaul<u<^'Ll^nn{]1, ua<u?ia)njn3j'î^nf]5'î'Jftjqj nvin^-T%j'u5'3'33J^^u^3A3JU

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

TOnaufi'u/'îjij'yu^mEjTya^ : ..... l(^^ls....... _. _.^^^.

Name of community or group concerned :: .__Iî. ^{jorl^... __^°!/1^ul5... ;..

m^wmM,: ^3'')^ ^ïCz^^n^^/^p^yw ^53) VMÏTït wtt|K^r)|^^K<^i

^<M.. -ç/«A.-^'..

Opinion : N^,^.,,^,, ink.^k^. CU^..^^L. -. -â^. _.. _c^. h§.^£... fe.... ^... -£^pïs4--. -^oilrf^


. -----/.f

: J^Â_._... _ê^^^______^^}x?^b,....,.., ^^^^Address

'ïu<_... 4-.. _. _...... ilau. i^,.,,, î, iç^Date : Day. A....., Month....... Tt4/».^. __..........., Year.

?\WWWM7Ï/^ ^f]^ .(. wt)A.^.. _^^ AAA?^ '


Signature : ÏWt)^. ^.. _... _^^MS"0"\

( ... lïlrl.-.


°lIUl, lg1^^Fm3jyt U£je)3J Certificate of Consent

W3n£)m-33jci^nd nCi'î)njsunvn^'ï%iu5cî<3îj : Tu'sn

Name of élément : Nora

yuEjaijHun?nynn'3U'3(?inf]5'tlnjqj 'iv)'i^%j'u5^3jpinu^e)vi^î;ijH8 [in^pfu1, uçnu»'3'i£)nn'3^i, Lviu

u^^nf|uîlnjqj nv)n^'si'%jU5'3<iijqin<U-îïi, vipilvi£j lei'ua^a'usiîlu'îiEjn'TîCT'îLtviuîj'î^n^Sîsynjivn^iua'U(

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

wnQïiW/Vîivwm^v^ : :^. O^L.. ^^W_

Name of community or group concerned :: -M^pB... KO^|ôy^..

: W^ ^^n^W^^î^^^^lyu^v^L^WWN

Opinion: .- .^...^.. i^ti^... L^WL^^. iAL^^C^S^î^§^ftï^iw^


^y':"--^'ti-N. 5---y1^^^^"âi. ^W--^'rli'Vfî1-

Address : 3^l'L.... n, ^, Ï;, ^. f.W ^^^

^.. _..!r.,..,, _^au. ^-. &, _, __îi_,^Date : Day...L -Month...... _.?A:.>''. <î.. _. __....... Year.. A6Ze-.

a-a'yamivi'u: 9nfHWf

( onMî S^ïfMSignature :

(.^u^(30r?)_.. H8Ïi5S^l

slui>l>^^'3Fnn3j3CU£Je)3J Certificate of Consent

^a'anan'Tîii'a^nnS'îlsueinvn^'ïgy'us'î-asj : Tu'siName of élément : Nora

3uyauT, 'M-ui^nEjn'T:iu?(?inf]îîlqjqj nvi'i^'ï%]u5'îii3J?n3j%a^?sul l%^CT<uluçnuï<3n£jmT^i, Lviu

u^?infju{Jqj çynvin^-ï%j-U5'î^3J^nniJTïi, vipilviy la'ua^a'uai.ÏJu-înyn'Ti^LLviuu^^nfiuîlsyîyivn^-Tftju5-3'3ij'ua^3j'uvy<an?i^'i3jt, 1auT,'u^tl-3'inQT, uauanjnj'iij^i?in^îîlsyîy'ivi'i^'ï%i'u5ii'îU'M^'uCTa-3T, uU

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

?e]naiJflu/îaîJ°a<umNa^%s. 3 : ........... 'w'.^.à^?J.-ç..... 4<n^. w^.. ). ^.

Name of community or group concerned ::............ v.. '?. l. GJn. ^l. vn. --... r^^J'. ~t<x. ln.^t)_cl010 v^°-

Fmijpi?ii,'wuFmiJP)?ll, 'WU : \-u, ^ Y^^t-»<-n'S'lîtf©9i ^^> ®<tJ)7j^cy:> ?<^ l? cy) » )-il

-o t^-^ i^5a-J .v^ »,

.y.l.?-o-iaY~'^Al. ©.'?.''^"l'~> 9~n^<1 sJiv->'/'cn-^U^Î<l. (5i^<u&&î\u^i>i^i-â ^'QQ^iL i.^\-»4Çî^o


^^.. ^^y.. ^?. é.e?^^^. ï^. ^. ^.^ç?_^^^^_'^^ ^9\\^'

Opinion : ........ V^om--. -.. . ï...... l?. ^^...... _W. ^. Âet'(--. Y'eco<^ Z -e . ^'S^-;Aa^.^...... re^. reSe^^^^.... ^^^^'0^^^^. ^^^


<-^. s.^^d..-..

'^&-.. y^.A.Y^lri^e.... l^. lA. ^^^^< - /


h^yrl.^. l.^.v...._^l^_LV ^M-s ^ /vv<? ^~ d'oy1 4t'^w-e .

^sa :..... ^-. ;--^-. £..... ^. --.»3^^..... ^. ^^^^.... %. ^6.«'&.^.

Address : -... -. -. -......

^/^.......... ^^A^i_jo^. <^.ç.^..^Z§fr. LC .......1^^^WG( '^

IvoNf^e-e ^ U tèû.

^...... 1«.,.., ^3U. ^_.

1«....... ^3U. ^........ Î1. ^,Date: Day... l.S..,Month... <7<^l/?.. -_...... Year__.. 2^1^


c^&...,. r%^.^...........)Signature :

(^%.^^^7... ^fc?4^a>?^

6lui, lg1^<3fm3J§tu&ja3J Certificate of Consent

?a^£jnT33j-3^nn5îlft)nj'TM'i'3'ï%iu5'a'3U : TmnName of élément : Nora

y'UEjauH'ui^'iyn'Tsu^^n^îiîlajqj nvin^-ï^us'j'îUiînu^a-M-îï-uH^n^^'ulu^nus'înEjm^^Ltvi'u

u'3^n^2îlqjqj nvin^'î%ju5'3'33j^nn<Ll'îîît, vipilviy laua^a'uatîl'u^'iym^pf'îii. viuîJiiwn^u'tlqj qj 'ivn^

'ï%j'U5^^u8 Ue)-3iJuyEjsBn^?inui, 1auT,su^tLl'3nn{]luauanjnjnu'3!»inf)S{]njîynvn-3'y%ju5'3'3U<M^u?i'a~3lîJl?i'

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage. ^^ ^' ^^^

^n^îsfiu/vwumwïv^ : ......... lul'!. Ti.iA.^L'f-i^^'.

Name of community or group concerned :: . _. __J}i51.Y^... I::^. ftW!.. __.ù'>'iî.^W5Li/î.

<^. < ^' Q f^ , ^fi'ï^iîfim'WM L ^Imi^U^Uîyll^W^^M yi'\lr\^^V^^<7\^^^y^'^\^^Vo^\^\'(hif)o^'w']^^^"'^.^~~''^~~~~~~~~^~''~'~~~~'''yf~~~~~~~~''~^/~":~^~~~~~:~~'~~~'~'~'~;~':^~'~~~''''~~~~~~~~'~~''~~~~:'

'î<t, (<^OTf'o ittn^Uri^^fi ui,-û*Uî4ÇSlT!^lî^^cirn'ti""Jtl. T-î'<iJ -l®.i wiAVvVW --r---/--

Opinion : ..... N?^... J^...^. iT^I^^I. -uf!'?^-^?-?^r. ^.^


à&. -JAffn^n^^.. ^ofA. 1&.. 8.(î!:yf... ^.. ï^?^^!A^^fc.. 1^^^

V19Ê) :.. ^.^-------... -. ------^---.. ".[..^--------. --.... -^-----------. -^-. -J-----^-^--^------------------------ÀS/5 3^, 5 T-ii^f»y^r-lnsi r/1 DI??^) vi/(^/uw 'û^^'»1 ^yï)-| ^P\\0.

Address : ^A ^'^ TW^^S^ ^ïai Sp^^^ctl ^ou0

v a ^Tu^-... jr...


__^aurfi m^ ?1 îs^

Date:,Month....... la'A^.. __^......, S<ear.. _^oll"7 J7'^'^

^Qmw^wrl y^(t^t^y u< diîN^U <

Signature : .,..J^5^..... Ba^m'.( t^ :?-. ^L^^5/îctNl Ui-CL^^ .

l'ui.^^^fnnâjy'uyau Certificate of Consent

^a^£jm'3îj-3?ind nCiîJnjqj nvn^T'%i'u5iî'33j : Tu'ïi

Name of élément : Nora

i/o 'aa^ a/ riici^a/ï/a/sï a/


u'3(?infiS'îJnjqjivn^-ï%j'u5'5^uîonn'J^î;i, vif3 ilviÊj laua^a'uaiÏlu-siEjn'Tî^tLvi'uij's^nnîiiJftjqj nvn^

'îaiUQ's^u'ua^îjuyy'anS^nutlsul'u'^'d'snn^T. ua'uaqjnjiu'a^nfiS'îJEynjivin^^us's'ssjfim^adulpi'

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

a aîianasjfi'u/'yu'yuvimEjTua-a :

. fo^i ^TflQûW'a

Name of community or group concerned :: ..nj,,y^^4, __^^^

fmîjfipiwu. îÊ-®i^M ^. tÏwm^im l}i^^^^^-fQ^TM ^ÏlÏ'"

inion : .. îvi^.... ^.w.. lii^i^... c^l^L--^Lt^Opinion

.^.^ n. ^ul^ o. ini/]^?^ ?, c^v^'viay :

Address : io[^.. M-.. rî.. <r:.. B T1n.o>d/ s^])Q. ({OL.. _^G>..T

^.... _. Ly.. _.... ^au_^_£/. -..... îl. ^..Date : Day..../s'.., Month. _. ^. r ........ _. _......, Year... ^of.C

a-a'yaNLi.ïi'u:.... _/..

(. -...îf. ^^..... !iulfl. (?o. ?unL.....)

Signature : . ^ok^^nî.. ^. ^i?^J<^( (T^.. ît^teM we ..... ^wn.fa%t^


l'uikSl^^fnnâjy'UÊjaâJ Certificate of Consent

^a-siam-aîj'a^nnS'îîsunjTvn-î'ïfâjus'a'aîJ : Tu'sn


V V <U

Name of élément

3uEjaîjH'u'~i'5'~iyn'i'3U'î^nn2iL ]njqj 'iy)n'3'î%j'u5<3'î3j^n3j?3fi'3S'uHe tJ'n^^'ulu?n'us;'în£jn'i'5^i, L'wu

3j'3^n^2iJçyqj nvn^^%j<u5^?îj^nniJ'3Si, vif3 llv)£j i. aua^atjai.îl'u'îiym'îCTiiiviuu'i^nfjîi'ÎJajanvn^.î%iU5ii'î3j'îJe]^3j'u<y£j°an^ç;i'-t3Juaul'!u^iJ'3'in{]1, T<iQu^qjqjn3J<ï(»inn5'tlEvqi'ivin^'y%j'u5ii°iuvi^''UCTa-3lul l?i'

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

VQnQUfi'u/'vîivumnîî'ïv^ : ..CV_^£/_.. __/.fê<^^

Name of community or group concerned :: .^^. ^.... ^^^ .^y.

pmsjfi^i. vtu : ..^°rîh^-4^w^^?. n?s^^^-^l^^. .Î3//(5^6^lfe .^/?^W_?/.Ao-P. -^----^-^-.... -C^^.^.^---.. ^Q-------1^---.û.^ç/3.ç. 5^

( l J

Opinion : ...A^. Kï. , ^?, ^ _ , /^^^/^/g Q :/J^ ,,, 3r, _/,^,-f ^?^

viaa : ï^......... ^..<^s^z--Z^i^S

Address: ... 3QZZ........ Ai............ &û^bî?..... _. Kb^fc...... -?Q®^

Date : Day..,.

m<-..... ;-{î.. ^au.. -^:y. ît^£f.

:^.Month...... _, ;.....-..J^/''6-. -. -.Year. _^./i-.

si^aNuviu: .. 'î^^. d'... -fe/..(...^'Z^feM^-...^Â?^_.._........)


Signature :( ^.J^.^^..... CteE ?.C<î

l'Ul^^^fmajy'UEJQâJ Certificate of Consent

^a'anym^mpinnî'Onj êinvn-a'Ï^uu&'a'sij : Iucin


<U tt/ <i/

Name of élément

ï^o c»(M a/ rilci^ï/1/l/s? a-'


u'3t?inf]2{lajqj'ivn'3'ï%j'u5'3'33J^nmJ'3SiviPilv)£j iaua?a8uakÏI'u'în£jm<3Â'iki, vi'uu^^nnî'îJn|anvn~3

-ï%iU5ï^3j<Ue)^3j'uy£j6 ai?CTnuLlQ'ul°y^ld'înn(]luauaaj£ynu^?inf]2{]qj njnvn-3'ï%Ju5'î-3U'M^<upia^luU

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

^snaîjfi'u/'îjîj'uuni. na'î^e}^ : .. _. ^n7?^..... _b^l?v?y.

Name of community or group concerned :: ._..



fi^nu^wu : [^^jl^^. r^5^îl4^. ^J^^JP^^^bb?^^^)^Mi7 fs.^.. ÏQ. 'V^^ ('^^è° JE

Opinion : .^h^^û^k^ ... C^S^.A.^^^i-a^cp^^^:JofT ^^^^ OV)^

..Ç-^/^.---. .. l...... -^:^. ;Jln^.. -. ^.foÏKI/I. --.Ç^^viau :

Address: .. _5^1... ^J........ toM....... iffio_,, _fal J

wiJ.L^. ^^A:U. ^^LDate: Day. _. ^..,Month. _. <Jk<1. <?-.,............., Year. _c?:<?.).6.

QWW\. WU: _Â^^.........WVà^v_.^_^^^'r)f^ \, ^\f-ù^

Signature : .^. J^W. ^.... j C^{( .... ïËÏoû^^cMwj

8lcui, l,?l^'3pnn3jyUÊJa3J Certificate of Consent

ïa'anEjn'Tîîj^nnî'Oîunnvn'îT'fôius-s'iîj : Tu'n

Name of élément Nora

§u£jauHu'T3nym^3j-3^nf)2{)q)ftjnvn^'y%jU5'3'3U9n3J^a^-îï<ul%'3CTulu^'Tus^'i£jm^^i, i, vi'uu??inn3îa)fynyin~3'?%ju5'3^uqnn'U'3î;Lvi?ilviy têiua^a'yaiîl'u'snyn'TSCTiiiviuîJ's^nfiîîqjEyivin^Ti%iU5cici3j°ua-33j'u'yy'u'ifflCTnut1a'uT, 'u'M'>J^in{]1,uau?fqj qj iîj'î?inn£'î]njqj ivn-3'ï%ju5<3<3îJ^q''upi'a'3T, uU

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

VîîflQîîfiu/'viîiîumw^vîî-î :

Name of community or group concerned ::

0?^^Tt. c?^........... _..C_h^. ^y(Mn,

fiv}iïmwu : ^^^l^J^^Î^^^^^^^^W.

&^^\^A^W^f. k>§^lSS^SS^

Opinion : .A<?M... --. -^5......... â w....... /..^.f A^.<). ;'^^?.......... ^. ^l^^. l...,Q. ^........ ^^. i! ^... '... û.ïîP^^^. ^......... ^r. ^...... ^^. f. e..^^^^^Â^^


is't^. _i. f0i^_


^aa : ^Ll^......^-.. ..... fâ. ^û ^^çQ^

Address :

^^^........ ___... ^^/M--. -...... -^)ff^.. '?..^u

^. ^t.. __.. ^au^.^_, îl. ^Date: Day..../. r_.Month... ':r^'e._............ _...,Year..-2f. /^

gi-3%ami, viu: ....1^.'^').



Signature : . _.. Û^^Q^°9..^


l'ui^^^fnnuS'U&jaâJ Certificate of Consent

^a-anymiîmçinnS'îJnjnj'TMi'a-ïgu'us'a'ay : T'u'sn

Name of élément : Nora

5u£ja3jl'w'u°n^n£jn'T?îj^wnfl2{]îU£u. nvn^?%ju5'3<33J?nif%a'M^s'ul%^?i'u1, uçnuï'3n£jn'T3yi'iLLV]'u

u'î^nflîiijsynjnvn^-ïwusi'ïu^inij'îsivipilyiy i. eiuaTa'uat. îl'u^'iynTs^Liviuu'î^nnSîlqj qj ivn^

î%ju5^<3Uaua~33Ju'yEj'anCTCTn3JilQul'u^iJ'3nn{]6lua'uaajftji3j<3p)nfj3'Onjsynvin^'ï%ju5'î'îîj^ -u^a-3l3JU

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.


VQnQîiRM/'vîi'vumwïv^ : ...... J.UTi-.^M°Hri...... wA.'\

Name of community or §roup concerned :: ......., i^iîf^_N0l_^. ktflT'^. , M, U4U

d ^.. ^^-l , °1 l . .. _^. cv c^osi f . 1 . ^ csm'}um^: __.., IWr..kU/}l|N. -'. -rP°Î. MNtl./H^Mî1iàti>. ll. î. t^0^. iJî. îy)i_0. fî

i^^AMçil_. nj.^.w^ raA ^MTOO)i. --!Ï&__ ^^^^


^ÏH IM Jâi.. ArîSlA-ffîM &._

Opinion : ----... FdÏ. -... -iincA. ----15.... AjÀ r1wTn-l))l.. --^-tii--... r. ?^. £M^I'.... ^... M'.--Qi:.... ^K^m^. _. A...nlÂ-..â{...... ANU--. -A^j. tc---p^c. ^jln --J-i'-çAA

. p-il i' . 1 J". '^ ^t. \ ^^7L-""'"---A---T~'-'---T"-ï"^"-T-L"":n""V;-;Tr';T""--"n'ai/ ^---^^.. îbi.. iLti6 pï?l--. -iAteL (i. MiY)L, JM---^ltr^. j£W.. -Cj?^Yi. i... _. to,., tk.,, i.n^M^iA.,. cu)J;..uwj

^ÊJ:.......MiJ. l... -. ^:i.... ^. Ml-tà. -^^lftffîri. --^;--. îwë^lAJ^. ... TA]kly. â.1013(5

Address :

(VîxkhoviMl±.^M---^^à. ^mâ

.jvl^. ^faan.

'ïuw.... il......... i>^au__. MW;rt. îl_. i%.Date: Day_. JI_.,Month. _. _.. 3Mï1t.... __............ Year.. i^lî.


S>3OTN(, kVl'U: ... î'^WllM..... li^.sp_.

(. -ffl<li 'fe-iw4yiw.r{..... ^jil_, _^^_)

Signature : ...Nd.te.Wn........ ly;iAS. ^.4.( .


tt.i.$5-NCT):^k(?. "(l.... iNI. ^Mà---..)

8l'Ul, l>ë1^^pnn3jyt U£Je)3J Certificate of Consent

TO'anÊjnTïU-aianfjSlînjajTWI^T'^US'i'aîJ : ÏU'3'1Name of élément : Nora

yuyQîJl. MUT^'^£JnT^u<3^nn5{]nJfynvn^-ïguu5<3'îîJ?l'^îJ?a^'3S'uHs u''^'3CT<ulug^us^^ym^i^l, lV1<u

u'afinçuîla)?ynvn^'ï%iu5ci^u^nnil^st<Mf3 il'Mu i. Eiua^a'uaiLlu'snym'SCT'îi. tviuîJ's^nnu'îlsynj'ivi'i-i

'ï%iu5<3<3îjaue)'3u'u'y£jsî<n^CTiULlaul'u^'d-3inf|T, uau?fqjnjn3j-3^nç2'Oqj njnvin^%j'u5'î<3îj^q'u?i'a^3Jl?i'

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible CulturaL Héritage.

ïanaufiu/ïu'ïuwmaTffa-a : .. _... 1>?A'si

Name of community or group concerned :: . Norci.

fm3Jfi?ti'MU : ..^^lvl^. ^^i^. w^^_MWÊ^W^^^r)MlK^^lm. W.:'.^u?. i®î}*îlife. Tl;A^u^. _Mî^i1. ?-^WJ. -^?1w_^^^^

i/ u ^

Opinion : --NQm... Ji... ap.... ^hut_ _ _|-^& ^J^^h..... ^. }3&j3j}i&.. _... h^vfc..... ^_A^

-, -a-qr. £inq. _...^... _... al|^M---^or^... ^0.... rMl^aL. -^-. ----A.. i'!&rjJat'J J

^aa :..J.3j^-...-...


_lB îiA9^.... ---®ijtflj. -^Mt%âala3....-.

iiOTfi. XAW. n---. -^

Address : _Jû^O...... _K^. AuA. nû. -. -----Mo^t. -. b?J.. -^A^î----. -. j-ori]<.))h.J

u dTun.... A'&-.... -. ^a<u. 5liw^..... îl.. smîi-

Date : Day..<!l...,Month.......Jwa...^Year._... 2oiL

a<3^ê)MI>tVlU: i^...... JAi'éi.

C°&^M..». ?. si_.. _M§.u's)__,...,..,,)

Signature : .. ^&^_5. ç^ia,.

( -rtjM. Ûani.iS&fô....1.ykrftïri-. -...........)

lu^^^Fnnuy'UÉjau Certificate of Consent

?e}^ymiî3j'3^nfl2'î]s]jsyn'vn^'Ï%j'us'3'33J : Tu^nName of élément Nora

S'uyauH'un^iÊjnn'îU'a^n^u'tl^eynvin^'ï^us^-îîjpnsj^afJ-ss'uH^'i^CTulu^n'uîî'siynTs^Lmu3j'5?infj2'îJqj qj 'TMn'3'ï%j'u5'3iuqnn'd'îi;ivipilviy iaua^3<îjaLÎI'u^'-i£jm'3^ii, viu3j'3^nfl2{]njqj ivn^

-ï%ju5<3^3J6 ue)~33J'uy£jsan^'iui1a<ul8u^'iJ'3inf]Tu3u?fnjnjnii'3(?)nf)S'îlqj qjnvn-3^%j<u5^'33j'M<f'upi'a-aluU

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nominatron of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate fronn Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible CulturaL Héritage.

^anasjFiu/^u'y'uwma'^'ya^ : ... _.. ^i'yi..... ^%^.

Name of community or group concerned :: ..... \M^-. --l)^^!rWr'yA/...... j\'3\WÇ\nQ'n

1B^ad r.. . ^ ^A d

pmupi^wu : .....^M^.gWa^^^.^gna^'0 - °\. <y / .sA QiJ _. ^'/ oj'7. -'^


^^<eé^. w.^^)^b_lc ^!^^Wobî"éj

K A.Opinion : . ^Gr(V-. -..l^.....c\Û--^tl-. -JMY--m^-.

.açLmxcA/ &i:,,,^.a^^_,. ^ao].r^,, iQ.,?.lio^-ix<... y^rjn:a, ^. -.

?^f)l-^-^iA-r\r^o-.. r®ai-sfcr....ç\s.

wçj : ..^.... ^.o..£... ol^A»e\-_. -?î-'?. ?yâ^3...... ®.o.<telG\^si........ ^A


Address: ^..... îlft.l,, ^0!,, _C^L^^...... KW^. L^^-..... ^^ÏQ^L... ;..^^. aV'))oi-^O.MQ..


T'UW, _,. |1__....., ^3U^^. __ÎI. À%5

Date : Day. Jt... _Month.... sJu<ng/.. ___..........., Year.., I&^,

S1-3^aNI,l,Vl';_. __._...

^>^^te')^n?... Ï5ÏV....... flTi:?>^n^. ___. _..)

Signature : ~^Q/^raYiyKL,( . i^.-'Yl'M'ïfW^A'-.... l\ftOîp]Ma - - - )

lu^^i^pmsjy'UEjaïJ Certificate of Consent

^a-ïnsjn'Tïm^n. nCi'Onjqj TMn^'ï^Jus'a'su : luiin

Name of élément Nora

§'u£jauH'un^n&jnn-3Ucii?in^îiîlnjftjnvn^-T%iu5'î?îj?nu?a^'3S'uT, %^Â'uluç-TUs'3i£jm^CTiLmu

u'3(i'infjîi{Jajqj ivin^-y%jU5<3<33j^nniJ-3»ivi?ilyi£) iaua^a6uai, îlu'5iym<3Â/'3i, i, viuîj<3?infi5<Oqj njivn^

^u5<3'33j'ua'3îJU'yy<îi'i^?i'~t3Jt1a'ula u'w'il'3'in{]lua'uaqj qj 'i3j^?infi5'tlftjqj 'iv)'i-3'ï%i'u5^'îU'^ 'u?i'a'3T,3jM

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thaitand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

V.Vîsn^fiM/'vïi'v'u^wîi'îvw :

Name of community or group concerned :: ÎTû-__^A*'^Mgi..... l'. tQâ n/

fsmufsi^t'wlu :



Opinion : .. JÎtoTû,.... ^^^ol»-

iç. ?; -. .ÎTO. Ç° -s&-^... .T- 0- Oi\ S^r.^.\0^

^ .1» . \ r ^ .

.W. tf0 1?. ?'. . 9'1....


-u ^ À^- -.-

F\î. Ç!r .QY. '^ :;>.v^ _^&^ s & fl '


V13EJ: i*?-. -l:. to.... _^;_^m^.. _.. i.wÀt^,i^w O\WQ

Address : î)b ^-b "i^aToiVwc, a,w HO^ \w ,^v o-\ W^o

<L/ dTun..... !rt.. _. __..., t^au. AWI-. -... îl.. l5?î.

Date : Day_, Jl.,Month__.... V<..... _............, Year. _î. î)iL

QWQWWV: . Jj>wt l._.....


(.. -_w5 ^i^wift...... _i^Mi.,. "___.)

Signature : ..... K*"aw. l.... _.'_u^l!.W3n

WÎÏ.. -

ï. ^. ^:ft''{ . _..

AUS^-ï<??. '('!'........)

luifc?î^<3Fl'3nuS'uye)iJ Certificate of Consent

^a'3iam^'3^nnî{J£ynjnvn'3-?%j'u5'3?3J : TwnName of élément Nora

5u£jaij'l'wu-T3nyn'T3U^^nnS'ÎJnjnj nvii'3'ï%i'u5-3'3UpnîJ?a^'3S'ul%^?i'uluç'TUïï^iEjm'3CT'îi, Lviu

uï?injn2'î]njqjivn^T'%ju5'î^3j^nniJ'3i;i, vifîiT, vi£j i?iua?acuai,îlu^iynn'3^iLt, viuu'5?inf]Ci'ûnjnjnvn'3

'ïsuus'î'îSj'UQ^uuyy'an^CT'isjtlaul'u'M'd'ïnngl'ua'uanjqj nu'aCTnnî'Oqjnjnvn'î'ï^uQ'a'sîj^mpi'a'îUpi'

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of h-lumanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

^einsiajfiu/^îj'yuvimsn'ffa^ :

Name of community or group concerned :: ._N?.TO'...'?a^w(^.... ^^ckoPC^

fi-î^îi^wu : .. W^.^^^^.. F^_^iy^^\^m^. ^?^^^.

^i^:. ^.^^?^^--3^Ï^n\îIïi^"&. 6AQ^^TiW-^^^r^TI^^:'^^^^^. l^^A». ^'\. ^.a5.y.^^r^. ^. i^^

^. ^.^^. ?^^Ai^S^^'»^'^UtyQî-l.-

Opinion : .^. ^... ^.. ^.^A^^h--. ^A-MV-.. Çel^^^^^--^e-ft^. k, -AvvWA£L-^^. -. ^"^-OY&. ^

VCTlW^-oi.. YA^^nÀ^^^.. ^\AA.... _CYeQ^.... Q... Vî&^^--£Q^W^P. TW^LLAeîYi^fc--^A-.


-coY \c)e^}mu :._^A... w^L-. -AM^^.......... ^Xl^.91u(^..... --^^^^^

Address: ..... Î/Î..... A...IO............. fak. Ço.....__.^^.^V\nOn,,,, _,, SQY^W

'Ïuw.... 'l...... __. _^au^^6vi.. !l).. îci5. (>1Date: Day.. i%.., Month. _. _^^_.......,......., Year.,. ^OU.

gi<3?awuviu: WI<^^TW^ ?nn-1î^n^ ----^-.-...............^.

C'W5-î?Y)^"*'M^. _. _... 'înf??. 'i?A........)

Signature : .... w^_.... _^^ch?o.çWî. l..

. .^.Ww °Li....... .ha^c^. oc^

luit. çi^^fmajy'UEjau Certificate of Consent

^a-3iam^^^n<n5'[iEusu'ivn^%iu5'3'33j : TmnName of élément Nora

yu£jauHuT5n£jm'33j<3^nfiu'îJnjqj 'ivn^%ju5-ï^3Jpnu?a^?ï'ul%n^^u°lu^nuï'3n£jm-5?ifit, tviu

u'3?inf). 5îlftjqjnvin^-ï%ju5'5'5îJ^nniJ?^ivif3 ilviy i, aua?a<tjat(l'u'3i£)m^CTit, iviuu'î^nfi5îJojftjnvn^'î%ju5'5'3U'ua^3Juy£j°Qn^nutl8 uT, 'u^'d'3nn{]T, 'ue)uanjqjn3j^(?inn2'îlqj qjnvin^%j'u5'3'3U^q\jCTa'3lul?i'

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Culturat Héritage.

f ^ "^ ,- i ^,wn^u/vïiwmw-îv^ : ...... J.W^Tr?!^^......... ^r^.^

Name of ommunity or group concerned :: ... _. ^T9... Jutel. __.. Jan^. ?..

FmïJfi^l. 'WU :^ ^_1-_- _ _a-. _ / _V _( ..'S - . _S>^. ^^

bnT}l^^^rr^îJ^î^?'t~ifiïih^rD^^~s'v>9riniîJuH'~}s~if3 f^iJ^f,.

r^ur^H yw<? <î%^^(/a?'3Q^^^(s:>^^^w/<g). j^'^w' ^n%iKîWi ; wuv^îj/^) . 1-. _/ o-f' ^ £s^' . . T' ff-w\ q-_ _ ., _ ^<toLwi^. rt^. ç'.ç.^. Çi'1.0^'^^-^l^^^^L^f?/^?. _7??*J-'^M^. £y. ^'^6r).

r/cOpinion : ...... ^'we.... ^8.ô.... ^e. ^......w'.^e;^..... ^S9^^_...^'.jeD^op of "^he p'°c'^ç of ibç Sou'ih <s^e -f-hs p//o^'

-ûf.. f---. ^ç^^. _. &^^p_^__a^____®^^va_^_^^^heî!^qf of hurfs^n / /' |

vlaçj : f n i-i JÎJ/---.^---------^.,. %.^iw'..... -. -A..?^.ç<^.. _.. __^.. ^.5|>D...... _<^:)^. 0..

Address : .... m[l........ ^^..... _... __^^y.^o?îo

yn -Sorx h^

-%-... -....^au.^HlsM... Î1.. ^53TUVI.

Date : Day.. t%.... Month... Û~tA,nç/Year.i -

si-î^aMtiviu: %^^7î?yrmoM ^Tnmîi -.". 'c?'

Cfc?^??î^?. ^7M.^.-ur?m^'3.... _.... _)

Signature : .... ^!. y.twQL-^sr). '^0rO.fftr-Ju. arQL-.<^sr}?<?^c?w... -..)

l'u^^^pmîjy'uçjaâj Certificate of Consent

^a'anym^^nnîi'OEynj'ivn^T'Bj'us'a'aîj : lu'iiName of élément Nora

y'uye]3jT,'M'UT3nym^u'5Pinfl2îlnjflj. nvn^'ï%iu5<3-î3Jpin3J?a^?î;'uH8 1)n^pi''u'l'usnus-3iEjm^^i, i, viu

u'5(?infjîi<tlqj syivn'3'ï%j'u5'3'3îj^nnil'îsi>vif3 ilv)y t. aua^a'ijat.îlu'anymii^uviusj'awn^S'îlnjqj nvn^

'ÏBju5'3'3U°tJe]-3U'u'y£jsa'~iCT(îin3Ji1auT, 8u^iJ'3in{]T,'ua'uanjqjniJ'3^nnSîlqj qj nvi'~]'3'îi'%JU5'3'îu^ 'upfa^1,iil?f

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural hleritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible CulturaL Héritage.^^ ^f^

VQnQîifiM/vïi'vuw^îîr}VQ^ : ...... l%tâ3/^S.... /Î^. V?\^àU_

Name of community or group

^<1^,Fm3jfi?1k'wu : ... %3.^-

..Ï^Q^CO. îl...... ^... ___...... _.......^ J. . ^ C J- i^ i=y

.. %f^XM?|Sî%Sfi^âL.. - -:-.


Opinion : .. Hâ<~çV.. hQ2..-.

b.ç?. '0..




îd :: ._. Mom

Kiisi^^fm^ïv ^



UitddU (

. .2®-<AVi.'.. B-p^rQ^a. . .?pl.. _ o^o^î .-at-. .hu^-^ A^t - -^\ç\i . . WUê^

^aej : .... riGi&à^^...^fêXû/ÏS^ffî

Address : . _. _.. _Uù.çA...fcmOQÎ










>Jy. î.^.

^ <?n^r3a^

-^-^S^J^1 '



îm<i.. r:




Su&sro. m.


^ ^

^r?o.. -re|)ry.y.p... cAml'<r

a^^o&îi. ^..


d-. -.Sonc










'ï<uw. _..3?.^... _..., i,^lau_i'iSfl®sM-?l. s553

Date : Day...l^...,Month.....:Jur\e. __.. _... _. _.. __Year.. Sox [A

çi-î^aMi. mu: ..ffîtj. fsfS

(.. -^'t-êJ;lit


Signature : ..... 'îâf^.. <^M9.^a. 'r?-(^... â!^,. _'-?AlCTm, _______")

luk^^^fnnâjy'UêJQâj Certificate of Consent

%a'3iynT3îj'3?)nn5{JftjnjTvn<3'2i'(%j'u5'3'3îj : \w}V V ~V

Name of élément Nora

yu£j3uHun^i£jnn^u-3?inf]S{Jïyqjnvn^%iU5'î^3J(?nu?a^'aï'ul%^CT'ul<uçnuï<î'i£jm'3^i, iviuu<3(?)nf]3îlajnjnv)n^'ï%iu5'î'3U^nn<U'5siviPilv)£j i, a'ua?a<uaLÎIu'3iyn-T3^i, iviuîj??inf)5îlnjnjivn^'ï%j'u5'i^aue)^3j<uws anCT?in3ji,1aul'ij^Tj'3'inf)T>'uauaqjaj'i3j'3(?inf)2{Jqj qjivin^%j'u5'3^u'^^'u?i'a-3T, 3jU

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

VQn^ïifiu/'vuvMm'^îs^^ :< ^ _ ^ / 1

jt^'s-» ^ tï>y, -^^ -î \-^

Name of community or group concerned :; .........9...'v. v^......l. AV<?.Yr?.y?.^...... ?;^TA.S<xvr'ov7^V<^ T|V(?Y^^^ ^U^+A;

c=< c\_fmui

V.fmîJfi(?ll, 'WU : ^ »-e^â"> <>-4k-«» 9^^i, 'S^-^-(^^i5^x(:î>>-\i<nn<?v\^<Ti-r<»iO?-tfn<-?$->-i^v\tO

^^V<6.. ^}-^. <7'ty.^^y^. ®. .?.^tE6?^?î. ?.. ----^^®^^ \ û'^a^. bA». ^. i g-, o y~> »^^ of7 «<09 ^'-i .^

Opinion : .. _. ^O^. ^..... Â^... ^.... ^^. ^. ^r....... o^... _.. ^l^^lc____^^..<?^. --^Q.... ^^h.. --... l.t.. -.. :l... b^eyï. ^l^S..^-'^.... tfL. f). PrO-\Al.... -... O.. f----_-"^-. ?-. _. P. rc? P.0^^^ ^«e-TH^oi e of ^')5<(&w'

^.^. f..^^.. ^.. :..........^^,.. :........ ;....._^... ^...... ç......^/......^aa : ..... 66/^. -. ^-^M:. mMl.. ^h^w^.. ^. :,visa

Address: Ç9^ D^ow . f^O^tf)^;^ D'iS'^v^C (4-t-l-^^i

PT ^VW CS . ^^IYÎ °

'2i''u^..... l^......... !>^au...^<L/.. _... __.îl_^.Date : Day....[.?.,Month.. 3'^v..e-:............ _..,Year... _^OV|?.



'^..... y^'Al. à/^)

Signature :

(/^ -0 /u.AM. MKnfî»K^'^-^^

sl'ui, l,g1^^fnnâj§cuye)3J Certificate of Consent

^eî^anTaîj^nnîîlninjivn-n'çuus-a-îU : lu-ïiName of élément Nora

y'UEjaîjH'uniinyn'TîU's^nfiîiîlajftj'ivn^'ÏBjus'î'iîJpnu^a'^^s'uHTfn-îCTulusnuï'snym'î^iiviu3j'î^nfiG{Jajqj 'ivn^'ï%iu5'3<33J^nn'L]<3SLyiPilviy i. auQ^a'uaLÎI'u'siEjnTî^LLVi'uu-î^nDÎiîlnjcynvi'i^'î%j<U5'3'33Jsua-3u'uy£j6 inCT(?i'iut1aul'iu^'d^nn{]1, ue]u?isyqj nu'3?injiu<Oqj qj nyn^'ï%ju5'3'3U^q'upi'aAuH

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Culturat Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Guttural Heritaçe.

w^wu/vîïwmwîv^ : .. Wl.. Wf^...,. i/^fY}. \},

Name of community or group concerned :: ^L

.^u :. lMû^l^t. ffîi. M^_A^ffîWî^^ûû$r^àw^w, iàÂwiwi)%^. vyiw^nAxîhi ^A^


Opinion: . ^n... fa..^.M\---ÀO. BibîL. 15..^W, jY1^.... 0. L.i^t.R_p:^.^l,. â^À..Cûn^FYlt. AQ,S£..^^Y}^^e_(^^WY 9l. h£li^Ï_'

oi. ïi_^. Vrf3.Y]).

^£j:Al-^AA^<ii^il ^ii.... n:.^i^4-. --A-^-^^m.. -^^^..

: . -2.1---lQ3àLMo^b.Y).ÇraoW,l.,, B3l^|, Ui^!:1.C....5l:

m<.... li.. __..... ^3U. %. ,. _... ?lJ.<].Date : Day_,B...,Month__,, _. _, _lv'Ï^,, Year.. îO. U.

_ _^_v__a'Î^SMtfcVlU: ...W

c.W3iïilîu^â-.... A^w\j......jSignature :................ î^iib3. l,A...^MW.

^-îl8. to.V.......^mb.'i...........)

l'u^çi^^nnâjy'ugjaâJ Certificate of Consent

^.anynTîiy^nflSîiajqj nvn^T'Ruus-a^ : Tu'ai<U v ~v

Name of élément Nora

yuyau'1,^iJn<3nun'T33j-3(?inf]S'[]qj qj nvn^%ju5?'33j^n3J?am^-uB^n<i?i'-u1, usn'us'3'iynT3^tiviu

u?^n^5{l[uqjTMn^%ju5^-3uq'in^J^^^y la-uaWija^u-anyn^^Lmuu-a^nfiB'îJnjqj n^'i^

<=i <t^ a/ 11 iii s^t(?)

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé abovementioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of théIntangible Cuttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§of thé .Intangible Cuttural Héritage.

TOn^fi'u/<yy<au^my'3<i3<i : ........ 5M^....^ î^........ Â^5

Name of community or group concerned :: ..... MO Ta.... S><,p^r^..._.

^\^^ Hu^rQ\J

fi^n^fl^mu. T^A^^^^^^^^^TQ^^^^'^^(^^^^^tf>Tn^te3 r^M^'!66^-A.^âO.Q^ . u v^y) s^


Opinion : Nor.^... W9. jp.e^,, ^^clô^ r&^^rJ.^±!^ ^^4^1&. --^.. -Ae^.. lo,. u^. ^^_^., ^^fc^^--Co. ni'.<s. ^4, ^... ^p. pK?v?J,, &^.^^o5^,, ^_^ci^^^.

®'ê....yY^.^^. n. _{_^'^_..^ay : . -lio..^.^.^^.^^7^A. ^. -..^b^.. ^ff?^^^1^0\\0

Address: Ma.... A... ^n.^^^yi,, t,A^,, ;.,.^nLy,,,,,^^Q ^-,---. --y. ^----. --^. -........ y. -... _. ^_

'ï'u^.....^.^a'u.. ^ev)....... ?J.5:^

Date : Day.. f^,, Month..,,.. ?^.ne-......,.. ^Year...îtô[k

a-aTOMiivi'u: .'^. ^.. s^s^î^^^^^

(.-^^. -|.?_^J_........ L......)Signature : ...^ç. oL.'r?. .

(iîf. -

-?. '^ . f3(?'.)r?).-h .^u. r"î.t

lu^^^fnnuS'uçjau Certificate of Consent

%a?'iym?m^n(jS<]qj £mvn<3T'%iu5??3J : lu'ii

Name of élément Nora


u'3?inr]5îlajnjnvin^-ï%iu5-3'3U^nnLl'asi, vi(3ilviEj i, a'ua?a8yaLÏIu?i£)nT3^i, i>viuu^^nf)2<ûajajiYn-3T%jU5'3<33j5u3^3Juyy68nCTCTn3JLlau1,'u^iJ'3in{]slua<u^ajiîj^^n^2{Jajsynvn-3'T%j<u5ii<33J^^u?i'QA3JT, ?)

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent ta thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate 'from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

'VQ^îifi'u/mivumntsr î'vQ^ :^.... ? . . _- r/JW^ ^y,vi5 .ffn ~u

Name of community or group concerned :: ..... ^.ors.... ^.1.TâPOTY1.... ^âÇ>sp^o!!

fmîJflfll. 'WU : __,

'î^'l. ^^à<lJ. '^TVtSft. 3^'njl'U-i'^-n^4 ij ff»^<J^8S', P'^3J', ^V ft.US'/îMrî3^. ^;-^Ï8^^'^?^^u^l^^nîu^îWîi5^n)wnw3^^^n^<^^9^snsi

Opinion : .... ^^^.. Sr1_... A^L----. 8t'..... J...._MC>aL--jA&r'l8 A.^Ah&^^s0^ ..^w. ^e:r^eÀ-... 3r^..... ^e&^.... to...... ^o;M.ift^e..., jï)Tôn^

\\t, m^^ai^. e-

^açl :. --. -.. AU/y..... ^-A1... ---^-. 'li?y-^...... s.. s5. -----.''î:. l?. ^ï........ l.&l?0.

Address : ....^^/.. u. ---^.. 1. 1...... . bJ ^a-T3-19-. -------^â^*----??. S^.TLÇ\--.... ^u^^Î&V30.

'ï<u^... __. 1i.... -.i>^au...l^- îl t:?(Date: Day... H.. _Month.... lw6.... ^. _^......., Year... âo}_6


a^^aM^viu: .... ___îr-^lt=\

( 3^i yT^r ^ o'îi

Signature : .._.. _.... _. J.L

j. -?. *.'(lppw...... 'I.bçsoy}^;..........)

^ui>!>?i^i'3mnàjyIU£jaâJ Certificate of Consent

^a'snam^'s^nnîiilsyqj nvn'îT'^'us'a'ïîj : lu'îi

Name of élément : Nora

5uyau^>'wu'^^'^yn^'^u'î^nf1ÎiîlnJnJnvn^^:'%J. u5<3?u!'1n3J^a'M.5suH^f-^-3?i'.uelugTus'5^yn'1'^pf^l, L'v1u

3j-3pin^îii]ftjnjnvi'i-3'ï%ju5'3'3U^nniJiiî;kviPilvi£j Laua^a'uai. Ïlu'a'iynTspf'îLLviuuii^nnCSÎlcynjnvn^


This is ta certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thaitand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

5anaîjpiu/<îJ3jtauwmE)'3^a'3 : r,un ^nvinm tôf^?

Name of community or group concerned :: I/o m r(x<' N^ m t^ J7w i f

r 09^i3jfi?ti, ^'u, : -,J-^J. N^U:. wî^;nH^. ^r^l^_3_4^. ^^^

'-. . ^^. ----^^^-Y-^-Y"-<i~vll/l 1>(<SWO<8/V^V1." 'rU'^UO^o l'U

Opinion : ^or^.-.

.Aw---A^^^. ^l}o^£^^. c^à'AÏ^A-... ^^H^t.. d-. --J.bA Ll3li/'l-^|?..^. r.oY^L-... ^MA-----Ç-^.Y'. ê.i.^. --.. A.. &.. -. t^-^.. --. p.T.Q.Ç5.<?^. i.... _^

J'0 '14


lad :}. /[......n^^A^... _ér]'^T^_^__cn'»nowûs ^v\i^. ff/\^ ^1000V13Ê)

Address : .... 1;11----. ^oo....4------T^now... ê^^a^-L-----^^. ^er-. ---^^ûoo ^ ' ^ ^----------

v_ »^'u^..... /lî^..... \. wu._^_^, ^ îl 5fl

Date: Day.. ^..., Month_. __.. __;7tA_w.. _. _. _....., Year... J. _?_|. fc'_

Sl'î^ami. Vl'U: <i4ninî/în3 ^TOW^*u

(.w^ yv. ^.... ^'5. ^!... __. __}

Signature : . -Paic.l?»w-.v'.a-n5...... J. ll/'JJ. i^(^:-??l^?:r^i... _.. -JilA/<î. _. ^^)


lu^^'s^^nsjy'uêjeîâj Certificate of Consent

W3n£)n'T33j^nnCi'Oft)ftjTvn'3'ïçîuu5??3J : ImnName of élément . Nora

5uyaîj1, 'wuT3nEjn'TîU^(»innî<)']qjsyivn^?%jU5'3'3îJ?i'i3J?a^-3S'uH^n^^u1, ug'TUï<3nynn^^i, iviu

îj-3^n^5{lqj ajivin^-ï%ju5-3'3uîi)nn<U'3^tviPîlvi£j kaua^a'uaLÎIu'î'iEjm'î^uviuîJ's^n^îîqj synvi'i^

'ï^usii^îj'ua-isj'uyy'BnCT^nuLla'ul'u^Tj'snnfiTuQuaftjnjnu's^nfiu'îlqj njnvn^'ïwus'ï-sufim^Q^lul^

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

^anaufiu/'uu'yu^msjTua'î : ......_...


W, 1%^

Name of community or group concerned ::........^. ^...... _^^A^.. --... ^^-T?.(5T-i

.<fsmijpipit'MU : _....?^^^^_^!^V^^^^. S'.


ï^^yW. -^ i^^lta. _

^^TOm^. nfe.%^_^A1)^0


^l?9- W*. i(?3?H î%?h.

Opinion : ..^ê.....Â^ÏICfi--^-h^c'- b&e^.... J.ê.|i.5î|T^ ^...^-Wï-^à^e------QÎ-----^^-WA^l'. ----^....Ç6.ç.ç.\<LO ^-.. ^Ll^^^.^I\^-. ".. A'Û_..AM.... ^SM^.. -. NX£. _.

^açj :. ---. \L^ll------^^. -.l}.. -......î^^-. --^^^-...o^M.:<^lV^Tà......_^^^^

Address : . __. llA.2-. ll.,.,, B-,-i-. ---... -^MY~Ïîi-|-... ft. ai.,. .


T'U<...... 1^...... ^3U. 1-. M_____Î..^Date : Day. _. \<)_.... Month........ J.\H\Ç, _.........., Year.... X(?.lk

gi^aNtkm: ,, _9. ^V1-.....M^.(.. -^Mn;l?OT__^_^. Dl'3^

Signature : ...... te\°o(7s'.... -.. ^SJ^M^..( ?)?:. -M(7ÏÏi'5^...


^^. oY l,l.......)

l'u^^^fmâjy'uyau Certificate of Consent

Win&ini<3îj^nn2{]Rjnnvn'3-?%iu5'3'3U : ImnName of élément Nora

§'UEjaïjlM UT3n£jn-T3U'3i»in^2tl?yîyivin-3'ï%j'u5'3'33jpn3J%e)'M'5ï'uH'în'îpi''ulu5nuî;<:inEjm^pnLi'wu3j'3CTnf]2{]£yM ivn^-î%ju5'3'îîJ^nn'd'3Si, vipilviçj taua^a'uai. îl'u'siynTa^iivi'uu-a^nnîiîlnjRnvin^

'ï%j<U5'3<3Sj6 ua^u'u'yy°t{nCT?in3JLle)'uT,<u'M'd'3'inf]luauaqj qj 'iij'3^nf]2'Oqj îy'ivin^%j'u5<3<33jfj^'UCTa~3llul^

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible CulturaL Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

vw^u/vîîvumw^w : ...... llP;_.... l^.Q_9l

Name of community or group concerned :: . __. _. 3. 10Là...... l<à-Ll"^-M

Fmîjpi^imu : -.. -1^3,,i^.llY.A^t. Ar^ï.. i\v.. ^i. i.y\i\. llàilii_..f, À...i..î^. L.iy^_. a^^i^^M3. y1:_.. i...^i. iiij. i_^i.. Alil('.... À.i.^., ii_3^^Ai.-. lllMi^;_.^.?tl^. ;i. lAiA^^.%.l^.. ^.. tô^.^làl...llA.T^. l'\A

Opinion: . ------lio^-..-.^]lStllL.. lû--.-^^J-itJl-.


Mi--V.e?c^ç^_(, __^^^-Al^AA ^. o^sA^_... ltt:. ÀlçA,.......^l. J5........ (BllnÀ^AA_£iZ_^.. 1)lZ. 4-tIul^tçc.-^fl^^. ^_..... à^X?. ^A-.....à^l...... COA5.^iL...J.Û-...---MS4.^al


J-t.c. ^A. 5--LlA.^^-A..... ^y. -TA-â.A-lly-:..... ---.. -......................................... _................ __. _.. _.. _..,..wa£J:..... _. A?-. ---. -ll.... i...... ftlM... ilS\--.. Al^t. ',, _<5S. il..... __Âl_l. lî\... lilillL

lAddress : ....... iî...... _H;....4.

-.-..---W^V^.... _...BAll-l...... J.L^.lT I-^.--.._.

_Ëàl3. ^-Î31MllLL_.. _... _ifeOafl... _.

W tSI ff^ ey

TUV1__. __1_0_____^., ^3U î. ^t. îi i5.nDate:,Month........ îa. T\.. t__. _......... Year......20U

gt'îÏaMLLVlU: ^, \i^^«'(

c-....... -i.i^%}....... \iiM;_.. _.)

Signature : .... ..... Flb..^?..( f1T:-..M!^Â......l.^so.K......)

lu^^^pmïjauEjaaj Certificate of Consent

wsnunTisj^n^S'Onjnjnvn^'ï^us^'aij : Tu-snName of élément Nora

5uÊjauHun^n£jnn-3U'î(?infjî{lajnjnvii^'ï%i'u5?'5U('nu^a'M'3ï'uH'!3'n^^uTu^nus'5'-i£inT3^itviu3j-3?inf]S'î]nj?ynm^'ï%ju5<3<3Sj^'inil'ïïii, vi(ailviEj i. a'ua^a'uaiÏI'u'î'iEjnn'a^Livi'uu'î^nfifiîlqj qj ivn^

-ï?uu5'3^3JtiQ^u'uyEjsai^i?in3Ji1aulsy^'U^nn{]1, uau?fqj qj nâj'3^nf]Ciîlqj qjnvn'3/ï%ju5'3'33j^m^a-3l3 JU

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

wn^u/viîvumwîv^ : ...... _.AÎy?. /l...... _^;t^yl^l.... __'é?^r&^.y-

Name of community or group concerned :: . _N-OJ_a,...... ^ifiLj.Ot^iX_. __ùpl/iqpOL

fl^iUfl^^u, :^. J.t^^A^U^ilï. i^^^^ON^^^^. TrN^. ^^^_^um^'î^^u>ycs~j i\^' , i^u^!d~fu<, w©^o^u^^ uiû^^^o

. .wSjî^ ^-"1-1^ .&Ï. y.^oi IM i.^

Opinion : .. ^OY^,, AC^.... _... ^$, _,. SOO^^___wWTiU,.. t^,., çou^^-^O........ WCWimi/t... j^i/ïiiy .., c:yl^r^i.... herl^at. ^ wMi- %! ^.

isa :. -...Si. --^;^.....^^<^^^. ^. __... 0:.^_^M^. ^^^- (?^sî^i ^O^toviaa

Address: -..^. _.....ISOA, ^,,.. :C0^:....^.^^^?.....^

te^..... 1%._., ___^au. ï:^..,.... îl_^5.9

Date : Day.. jê..,Month.. __... Ouyi. ^ Year....-êÇ..t4-<=- f

a^aMiwu: __..... ^^?.@n_^

(. -Mti^1<^._... ^Mïir_^.. __..........)

Signature :........... §k^Ç^ffîT( 5if. L^^... $o;0.çtf»kAê ___. _.....)


lui, !,gî^'3pmu3<u&J33J Certificate of Consent

^a'3i£jm'33Jci^nnCi{Σunj. nvn-3T'%j<us-3'33j : Tysn"U d/ v

Name of élément Nora

Su£ja3jl'wun'3'iEjn'i<3U<3(»iniiu'îJqjqj nvii'i'sf%iU5'3-îui?inu?a'^iis'ul%'3iyi''uT, u?ius'3nyn'T3CTii, tviu

3j'3^nfi5îlnjnjnvn-3-y%ju5'î<îU^in^^i;i, vipilviy t, aua?asuai>îlu-3nEjn'T3ynii, viuu-3?inf]Ciî!ft)n|nvn^^U5'3<3ij<ua^3J'u'y£j8 ûnCTCTnuLle)uT><îj^°d?'in{]T, ua'uaajqjnu<3?)nfjS'tlqj nj'ivi'i~3-î%iu5ii'5u^qTjpf3AiJl,^

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardin§

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.{^

ad a/ q- ^

^a-3 : ._.. ^'71. -...<^?.I??. b-..... fâ'ft?^1^?. <p1 1 . --. ^. -.. -... --... -....... -.. --........... -.. ^.

Name of community or group concerned :: ..A10r^..... ^. v.(;(/r£Çt on


's.^ ??!Î. S/. nl. _ -. o/'i?l ^i^u : ktrfn^.^.^t^^y?^a^6^6-<??^^^3o?^?^-

r^ îîê. &'M.. - -SV-@^^ îT»)9Ï. È^n/^ cn3wsi^wr7.


Opinion : .^.Ê>^...l?... ^n...^.. _te^... ^^L. 1l-..^..^6.... Q^... ^e.. ^3o^_. _^fiûtïQ^... ^À...^us^

^-lLur.çvl.. . ^ rb^?-- - ^cr^. ^L <?'?_ ; )')u_ma-r)l^'fî^.m

.-^. Lbh.

-^. -- -s^-

laçi :....^é.....iyjA--^/^^^... -.©^^^l...l^.<^^^^.. ??;:&viaa

Address: .. l^-_. -Môh^WD----... A.O/^T. ^-... --.. -.... -.... ^ôAor^&ovinQ^

T'u<__.. lt__...... au. ^__.,.... 5. ^.Date : Day.. i'g...., Month.. "3'yr?. ^^^Year.... 5?..

ei'a^aMkt'viu: A»??yné.... b.f<çîf['?6%^_

la&ï'. fln'>#?^v??.. - &'H°?9^'?6ch<>....... )

Signature : ^a^.. f^çMU -çtt>v/?.

^'iS3. ^a'/^^.... fw t^{AY^o_fï______)

1,U(, (, ?i^^n'3luStuye)3J Certificate of Consent

WïnEjm'asj^nçS'îJqj syTvn^Ruus'a^ : Tu's-i

Name of élément Nora

yuÊjauH'ui^i£jm'aîj'3^nfiîîlîU£u. nvn^'ï%j'u5?'33j?nu^av)-5sul%^?fuluçnus^'i£jnn<3^hLi, v)'u

ij'3(?inf)2{ln)synvn'3'ï%i<u5^'33jqin'd'5siYipilviEj La'ua^a'uat.îunym. z^ii.viuu's^nflî'îlftjqj ivn^

^%j'u5'3'3U<u3^uuyEjsa'i^n3jfc1auls u^'diinn(]1>ua'uanjajnu'3?infjS{]njanvn^'ï%ju5ci'33J^^Tj?i'a~3lul?i

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible Guttural hlerita§e.

ad ^wnQîifiïi/Viî'vumwîv^ : ... }. ^r>.. ?A.{Y]ï>'Tï^. _. M5(.w

Name of community or group concerned :: ..^.PM-.. !vl-I. P^^y?--f^ip. e:r'.<

-^r ^. . T_. ^ ^^, ^^....... ^^. A^c., ^... ^:.... ç\^\fmïjfipii'MU : ^^(iily>yl^>on^i\^^<i(iTj'U, lî^rnftn^^°<â-î^lyi(iUU<^U^"e<!tXW)J^l'Uîn


Opinion : .. NB r^. _^_(^. _^^_^a^^U^^J~h&^^4t^^e_^.

^s^!'^.. ^.. -^---jvi^^U^.... c^tA:r^. tol^^&----û^

VÎ3ÊJ : 1^ M, tîl^ fi. uw^n^, <). in^

Address : .. l?l... l^wÇ-t.....tiAis. o"yv1.t:AV)...... r(?i.J

u a'ïuw.... __Z....... _, i,Ie)u-OîMnAsJ^Î1^2J^

Date: Day... l...,Month..... ;-?. !Al^.. _...........,, Year.. ^!L

ei'a^aMuviu: ._....^{^v.5.î. ^. _.. ywf5N'î-

(.. ^.tî:>.S?'!?iiW--H.î. X^.-^'rrN3---._.


Signature : ... Kî. i.f^p. ?Wi..... J. I/1^..^'v1^..fff'.. -NiÇAj)<?l'Yl....-.fkl &i.^?/Ç9.-......)

lutlgl^^fmïjSuaay Certificate of Consent

wanym'ïu^nnCiîlnjnnvn^T'iaius'a-asj : Tu'5iName of élément Nora

§'uy3îjT, 'w'u'T3n£jm^3j'3^nn5'î]îDîu. nvn^'ï%j'u5'3^upnîj%a^-3sul%^?i'<uluçnuî;'3i&inn'3^LLviu

îj?(?inf]u{]a)qj 'iv)n^'ï%j'u5?^îjq'~iniJ^i;iviPilvi£j laua^a'uaiQu^nynTa^i.i. viuu's^nfiîiJqjqj nvn^

'ïi'%ju5<3<33jsua-33j<uy£j°a'iCTCTn3ji1auls u'^'U';inn{]l'uQ'ua£yqj nu'3^nfi£i'{]ajÊynvin'3^%j'u5'3'33jvi ij^a'3l3JU

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible CuLtural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

^snasjfi'u/'ysj'yumnEn'^a^ : ..... _...... _.....^lî/. ^.

Name of community or group concerned :: .................... IAÎ.?^wtt-...... J.(4l1?.;

pnnîjfîpiwu : .......... lv nH^ln^^\]^]13^3_^___^^^^^^W iu^jOD n^^^MâU iy''|, ss'ùo .io^u-A^^W v^n^i^N^w» u^P 0')v\\^] ^'\y\


Opinion : .. Jj5_{^..... ^. ]sh^ho^.... /)?..... i*^. ioM^;-_.. 1^... ^C.^.

llie---. -^o-^t&..... ^oA_.,, bi5....^V\<l_,. _Y^. e._,.

Ço.%t^ }o-w^?i£. -. --A^. te^oiAlf.. _..,. c^^a--. -----^Lib. te....... o}-... -..hM

wh T\. ?ir, y?^ s. ^^ ^. ^î^viay :

Address : 1^0 l-.. -..... k>&'k^. --...-^h^---3.

TUn....._L.... __. _l,^3<U.-^^-. _. ^.. îl l56a)

Date: Day... l_..., Month_... Jul^......... _.., _.,Year... °lLao^swuviu: ..... ^^..,.. __^lbi.

w)^^-^^ 'w^î'Sn^-t-----------------;t-

Signature : ...?(^i?. M?<!î?,Rv- -^'t'. ?.".0'1}^..... . !A^t.^ ...........)

Iti^^^fnnâjy'UÊjaâJ Certificate of Consent

?3'3nynT33j'3^nnî'tlEUEunvn^%jU5'a'33J : Tu-în

Name of élément : Nora

yuiiQu1, 'w<UT5nym^îj'5^nfl5'îl£ii£invin'3'ï%j'u5'3<3SJi?n3J?a'^'3i!uH'ffn~3?fuluçnus'3i£jm'3^i, Lviu

u'3^nf]Sîlnjnjiv)n^'ï%j<u5-î'3U^nn<LJ'îî!i, vipilviy La'ua^a'uaiÇlu-i'iynTa^LLviuu-î^nfi'uîlqjsunvi'i^.ï%iU5^^3j6 ua^3JU'yacyn^'i3JLle]ul5uvi'd'3nn{]1, Ue]<uanjftjnu'5?in^u'Onjqjnvn~3-;i/%ju5?'îîj^^u^a-îluT>^

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

ïanasjFiu/îiïj'uu^maTffa^ :^Ml.. wv.1^

Name of community or group concerned :: ... N.Q.f9-..-.



pmufi^Lm: .3^HAli. fâcÛ^IU^&3i.ln.A..S]l&i0^1. ffî. fil^Me^UâL9.u.

.50^. 1tf. l-u§l-A^. ;. ^i^M.^. î.^.Al^ni^a^a&'i-<M^X. lte.wi'v^. ^^_

v u ^ ' ^ ^^--^^

Opinion : . -Ny. r^... i.S..... _i^.., ^_^__3W. M.... -i^.. -. A^...A!A^.. _... _DziA.oi^... _.. 0^^...... /4^^__..... ;..........â|L(lAOV.a^......,. _,a^^,,,, c<3v\A^..... L.^..^.Âî^^A4-^-^-^------c^-^j>'<^-<--. -------k-^^. <... -^?.. iî . . 4 ' 0;W^AI,^,,,, J,

^açj :. -........--JU. IJi-----".-.

--î-. --^î3T^--.....-...

ûA.^.o. 3--------. ^.-. AàlPîiD ^cj^î) J. '..




Address: .. ^^l^L--.--.-..-..

--l. _?^pL âd<v-:.........._.


-^^khQ YVsx^^^-7K^A^-c'-i----. -i-û-î?-00-

T<<U<..... i_..... __^e)U. n., fl,..., î. i^Date : Day., ^-.,. _.Month.. 3u^<-i....... _.. _. _..,Year.. 2.01b_


^aMi>tVtu:_... _.. ^.^. îÏ, ___, /â65rts(_(. ^A... MMl?<_...... ê.». eC.........)

'h>,,Signature : ..... fcM &<W.M-.-.-

U4à^..tefcw.cwïyia4..,.. t^A^,..,.,..)

l'u^^i^mnîjS'uuaii Certificate of Consent

W3iÊinn-3U?^n(]2iÎ usuivn-3-ï%jU£î-3?sj : Tu-aiName of élément : Nora

5u£j3ul'w'UT3n£jn-T3U^^nfj2îlnj?yivn^'ï%i'u5<3?3j(?nu^a'M<3suH<3'n^CT<u1, wiu^-3nym^^'3t, Lviu3j-a(?infjîi'Llqjqj ivi'i^-ï%ju5'5'î3j^t'in'U^^LVifilyi£j i. eiua^a'îjaLÏI'u'iiynn's^aviuu'a^nfiî'ÎJnjqj ivn^

-ï%jU5^^3jsua^u'uws un^?in3ji,1aul<!uvi'd<3nn{]l'uauaqj qj 'iDii^nfjî'Onjçynvn^-si'%ju5^'5umu?i'a-3lîJU

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible CuLtural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé Intangible Culturat Héritage.

?ana'3jpiu/<uîj<y'u^ma'3^a<3 :if

Name of community or group concerned :: ........ îlW^_. _ . ^1^^^... ^ S^^^eê.

M WDo(l4tô^rtnA'Àfmufl^mu :

Opinion :,, T^.,,,, ^^ç,,, Ml...... hc-^--.. -..... ^llie-lÛ--------tô..._fl^ïQl. -.... A^rt^^....,.. tf';... _|iA^vt. li'^

Jh^..... ^o^le / ^ [tai t^j ^j J^o^^ ^

-ll.. -... xJ^^..... wr^



vlaa : \^

llîll. s-

Address: ... _.. __rii....... Ny..... N.&6.,,,..1^,,,^.^ cci

^...... î. _. _..... _^aul. __A.... __?l.. lSJi

Date : Day.... l__, Month,. _... Jj^._....,,......, Yeai ... ÎQ11.a-31tia@i,i,viu:

e. Q»

Signature : ....y.!ÎM....... _. MftÊÏ-M.^.( ....... n^..

ltui, i,?l^'3fmâjy;U£jaîJ Certificate of Consent

^a^ym'au^nnCiiJsunjnvn'îT'iaius'a'ïîJ : ImnName of élément . Nora

5'uya3jl<wun'3n£jnT:iîj-3?in^îi'tlqj fyivn-n'%ju5?^3jpnu?a^'5i;'uH^n^CTu1, usius'3n&jn-Ti^i, i, viu

u'SCTnçCiîlnjqjnvin^'ïgu'UQ^-îSjqiniJ'î^t'Mpil'My Laua^a'uatîl'u'snynTa^t. t. vi'uîj'î^nnu'Osuajnvi'i^.î%ju5?^<!ua~3sj'u'y£jtn^nui1aul°u^iJ<3in{]luauaajnjnu'a?inf)5îlnjcynvn^T<%iu5'5'33J^^'upfa^uU

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a. candidate from Thaitand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.=1 ^1

^Q^vfiu/vïivum^tî'îv^ : .__... _...W.ia-fiM(îB.S t

v.Name of community or group concerned :: ..... l.. HD. Ï^-..... ^bUÏ?lciSoi -l-Ll.


Sïldi eAn

.^ ^d ^ -^ ':~,. . \ . ».. ^ "^L .. . ^ . -_-1. 1/ <; ^. . . ".

FmîJFi^m'u : ...... :n.;A.fî^^:kffî^X^lT-WA^.. }356. &5^.îr^!î1.. _.. }V^[j, ^ Y \T «al ^ _ . _1:Ï L l-<. , ^-,. . - ... ^ '^A^A^n^.^;ï)il. ^QJWM^;a^;n...y^.<^n.fï. i^30-w^«;i^o^

Opinion : ...,NoYjl... Aô.... ^^..... axi... ^O_^__^(^_^iS^^n^^^n(ie_. ^nf. __ti\$_^^30u[hAçif)yû^al...... ^û^.......Conierïr.... J:o^^^+k&_^_in^n^y_e__^caHyï^l...^

T" "i ' "'^~

^-W;n oro M ci of ^un a n i "

viay :r^^JlZl. -... -ll.. 'i:--rL^^^l^_... _. @;IHjJ-bl^-.. -.... 5-:-^fl?-f!(l^IM^^

Address : .._.....

lq-A---K^........ -Q)^n^5al..^...._.


OI rlc^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^-^^--^^--^-.. -----^--^-. _----........ ^.-l^^ï%Xl. -.. ^l. --iHQnft^taj.... -..... Dï-c)^Jyl. Ce.. :.

iu^. _.... _î _. _....., i,piaunwy[OM. ÎI.. î5MDate : Day, J_,., Month....... :TU^......... _... _... Year.... Wb.


a^aMttviu: . _____.. W_P"1.. ^v^3'" .-.. ----. -^.

(. -%l^r). rî^p^________^_TOi_______,).

^-----^Signature : .. ^Wl"?3. '^!.. <î)ïi^:?âï1^.

^W-fvWnlû^ïîj:r:I..... Ânc^â8ûoi._)

l<ui>i6l^'3ftll3jScuye)3J Certificate of Consent

?3^£jmiim^nnCi'îJnjîinvn-3'2i%j'u5?<3SJ : Tmn

Name of élément Nora

y'u£jaîjH<u'T3i£jn'Tîîj'î?innS{Jru. ftnvn^'ï%ju5<3'3Ui?tnu?a^?ïul%-3^u1, usm<is'3nym^yfii, t'MU

3j-3i?inn5'î]njqjnvn-3-ï%ju5'3'33j^in'd-3ïtvipilviy Leiua^a^ai. îlu^iym'siiLtvi'uu-î^nflu'Qfusu'TM-i^T'%j'u5^^3j8 ue]~33Juyy6 anCTpniji1aul8u^'Ll^nn{iTua'u?iqj nj'i3J'3^nnu{]njqj nvn^'î%ju5-3^3j'wm?i'a>3T, ul?i'

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural h-leritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

^anauFiu/m^uwmîjTffa'î : ............... ^<&^..... ^. l>m............ V'^i'à'^^,

Name of community or group concerned :: .. _". _..... ^. Qï-3-- ûl

fmufl^mu : .... w\. ^^^^^/^^^^^\\^%^^^^. T\^^^. ^û^^~^^^^^^Aï. .^^A^ ^^^^. \^^^. . ^^^^^<%^ .^^ 5^^

-. -. <§^. ^^^^^. ^^^^\^vA^^^<^^5^Ç^^^^_^^^_^^^^^^- -a<?^-^ri^~'\A ^% .^?^ ^ .

Opinion : .... ^\... ÇXe^. .. ^. ^. Yo^&rt\tô\o. ^..... a^. A_\&lr\. \3. \lV. ^^^^. '-^--^ou^,, o^.... ^QSK^.., ^.e.Q^,...,,. QL... ^fi..... Souà^..^.nM^..... Yo... 5ee.,, ^^y,,, _^. Qw, ;^, ___\_^g^SÂ. ^. . ^Q^aï, ^ Q^^^^à.--..a^£Ê-^-----^-----^0-^i^^-£----Â. 1\. ^.^k...... CU. l+U^^^^ \S,

^3£J :. -..--..

J^..... ^--. A--....... ^.---^lT v....._.

A^...... ^:. ^3cl^...._._.

3Q\l. Q....._ ^g\ ^ a

Address: .... _. U... _.. __n..,. 3,,,, PT. :\V<...,,,. 5, a^sx.,, ^, ^o^^^\Q-_........ SO,VZO.

TU^,.... _.. l......, (,^3'u. ïHM^^-îl-î.. 550l

Date: Day.. _l..., Month,...... Jd^_.. _........ _.. Year...t. Ol^au - . \ -û_- , - ^.

gl^^SMktVlU: . V^.-. ^.^^.. ^l^(. -'*.-^A. ^. -..^t^.. t'>.'i^. _.......)

Signature : ... 'P.e^.^..... fv^'e.o'lnV^fl. ç..W:..?..çA\V. A....,^^^s, ^aÇ.,,,)

luLlel^i^fnnsjyu&jaaj Certificate of Consent

Wanyn'Tam^nnSîlgunjTMi-îT'îuus'î'asj : Tu^nName of élément : Nora

y'u£ja3jl'w'un'3iyn'T3U'3^nnîi'tlnjîii. nvi'i^'sf%iu5'î'3ij?fiu?a^'3î;'uH{i'n^^u1, 'uç'Tus'3i£jm^^iLviu

3j-3^nf]îiîlnjcynvn^-ï%j'u5'3'33jqnn<U'5î;i, viol viy Laua^a'îjaiîlu'snynTîCTiuviuu'î^nfiî'tlnjajnvin-i

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeçuarding

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage."^^

w^îifiu/vîiwww-îv^ : ._..


^.Q'3......^.QLQ.-----^-. ----^

Name of community or group concerned :: ..]N-Q_T. ......C).yCXSQ?t<Qy'.fi..... l. l<JslK.go

"^y " Q ^ï^y@_ .$^e^. _lo?.^^^-3i

^. fc^^-^Mei?- y^^Sa^^ -

fmufl^ifMU : _^^c^))f_^û/i?!^Q

Opinion: . Ora,, ^__, a/;n,.. ^^ ôU ^^1,.^-SQU^... :.... A.. p. p_ro_v_a/[^^Yî^...,., Oo.y). 5. e^n^. __^o__^ô_[^^UJi. Vhcvj.. _. hkhi-ô-^.-^--. --. p^ho-r-&'Bâ'. -.. o_F... h. u^.û/;n^


a , n _-r^^ -^^ -^- .^ e/ . . '>4 tviay :. -^--.-X.^Aê/7lM^l^^/TQ/ri^^^.... ^;/^âL^ô----.--â-,...^ t;^^... ^oj;oo

^ ----^---.^.......... _.. __................ "....._....... _.. _..... _.._....^

Address: .. l.... SoL., obu&n..... V^kt L... ^^6o...^v!l. l7.... fh.â/4;.4b^^.

L,.. J?. iJ. !:_hA^.. 5__5o.<3kLlA....--^.<3po..^-


'?-u<--i... _.... ^au.... ^^.. _. ÎI^S<?Date : Day... 2-..Month..... J.ul^.. ___. __. _.....,Year,


si^sMi. tviu: ,... /u^ni__.. ^o^n... -. -^... -. -... -...-^.^....


Signature : . ^^ÀScu^orri ^^3[^o( f:-B..uc(s%k<?-r:n. -...&u3i.!<^

lu^^^fmâjyuyay Certificate of Consent

^e)'3i£jm^u'3îrtnn2'tlnjnjnvn'3'ï%JU5'î'33J : \w\Name of élément Nora

SuÊJ3îj1,-w'UT3iym^u'5^nfiîiîl£Uîunvn^-ï%ju5i-33j(?inîj?a^<3ï'uH8 iïn^?i'uT, u?nus^n£]m?CT'3i,Lviu

3j??infj2{Jnjqj nvin-3T'%i<u5?'au^nn'U^î;i, vi?ilvi£j lauaTa'ijai. ÏJu-aiym^pf'îiiviusj^^nnu'ttajftnvn^

^%j'U5'3cï3j'ua^uu'y-Êj'!îjn^?in3jLlaul'!u'M'il'3nn{]T, 'u3'uanjq]n3j'3?)nf]3'î]£yajnvi'i~3T'%j'u5'3'33j^^'u?i'a'3l3 jM

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.\

^Qn^iifiu/vii'vumwîv^ : ._... .

Name of community or group concerned ::

fi^ijfl^i,m. _JinABAil fDM^<i^^^. rJllA^nfô wm ï î^ '^T ra oijted ïin

Opinion : ^^.. ^^_. ^à_c^.. ^.î^^^^^S^Bff[^k^ï^..


^SEJ : . _.. _... il...... liA........ î1;. ?hûi3J}_.... A. 'ï3iui<y . -"-"... --......... --^.

Address : f^oû 4 , T(7\fnbon T^<n c~)^^.. îrpvln^,



. 'h '

^ ^. s







r)C. t.



oî '^



50U^ ftppïO'M\(\^ p^. îi^wi^ of't

Il >, t.

ri^r"^ ^'! ^

SS ' ? iT^{/)\}

-ÏU<.. l........ ___. ^3V. _. r^t.?^l.^^.Date: Day, _â..., Month. _....-iu|^........ _. __...... Yeàr. _.,..... ^31é.

d f ..,.--''. "êi'3^aMi>tviu: ... M}3?iO'sïA.... l'i?

(..../S3ffî- . ^. ___. à1?.oL.... _.. _.)\

Signature : .... î>cw^i^....^

(®r'..?. f!ûw];:?.k-.. -.^r/lj(n?3.......)

luUsl^^RQnsjy'UEjaïJ Certificate of Consent

^a-snam^^nnî'tlnjnjnvn^'ï^us'a'isj : Tu-aiName of élément Nora

nvn-3'?%i'u5'3'5Ut?n3j%a^'3î;'uT, %'3?i'ulusnuîî^n£jm?^ii>mu

u^(?infiîîlnjqj ivn^-ï%]U5'5?îJ^nn<U'3î;i>viPilviy L?!ua^asyai(lu?nym'3pf'3i, iviuîJci(?in^2{Jftjqj 'ivn^


This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

?angjuRU/Iî}u<uum^y'3'îa'3 : _^n_... _^w __. T^_

Name of community or group concerned :: ..(})o:<:a.... ^.ûh.uti?r'. ?._.......sJjO.t.nçr>.a, i.

fmsjfl^im'u : . _^l}>.îvB^:ï_f^3!>i^;. 3^>u^tei^. ç.^. l^^ffe<,-n'/i> ejt-t. 'i> )'* 3-f n n§t ç) n iV-i î>'nô%fl&''i4> 6 y îy» °uwy<^

'^f"~' e/ ' W T'

Opinion : . iïora_.... Aâ..---^-A!i-.. A?'w-rW----l?---A£----.. -fr)A.... ^--^e.. _JWoJè.L^I----.^r!^-..,.. ^. h.$£tnJ-..... /i-.».. ^. £... »"^^n4iU6. ----^. J. ^y-r-AJ-. ----!1ê-r^


. ^.p^h-o^l----. ^r!^--.,. -Lff-h-$£tn-4-. --. /t-&-. ±h-£---Ln+^n4iU6. ----^.. ^y-r-AL---hê. r.^^M^Wa 0

l ' -'l <^.hu;m. cv. f!.).


Address : jl. _... ^?o. (i;', ^w^}__ kl^j^ g_ __j^^ _Ç^&:lrnpï1^.. ;'-. ^y-aïi^------'^yl(1--'-^-M00-

j'U_irn_^ôriL. ;... JMp--..LQ.i4-'n^

'ÏUW....... -2........, l, ^e)'U... /.7---^.-.... _îl... _^S^

Date : Day..^... _,Month... _... Ju!.y................ Year.. êo7Â,

awamtviu: ^_v^^^^^s^^<u -----^

(WJ5T:Î.. ^M_--. l?î<v... ___.........)

Signature : ... ç.b.u^i^^___Jor^ç.._h_^^

Çrt-.ciiyfcy^A........ >?orn^6, i...)

l'ui.^^'SFnnuy'UÊJeîâJ Certificate of Consent

?3?n£)m-33j-3(?)nf]2'3njnjnvn^u5^3j : Tu-îiName of élément . Nora

£iu£jau1,<Mun'3nynn'3U'îi?inf]î<Oqjqjivin'3'2i'%iu5'3'3U?in3j^a'^'3s'uHs u'n^Â''ul'u^n'ui;<3n£jnn'î^i, t'Mu

3j<3(?inf)2îlsy?ynvii^-ï%j'u5'î'33j^nniJ'îiîi, viffllvi£j i. aua^stiai. îlu'anyn-Ta^uviuu'î^nnS'tlqj njTMi^

^%jU5^'33jaue}^u'u<yysBnCT(?n3Ji1aul6u^iJ'5in{]lua'uaqjftjnîJ'3t?infi2'tlqjqj nvn^-ï%j'u5^'5u^ u^'a'3lîJM

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.^

-a a?anaupiu/^3J^u^(, Ssj'3ï3'î : .........Ltel. t?9......... ^2Xif?.?^

Name of communîty or group concerned :: .[l^ff:....... HOW ^_^J/a'nf^W^

: -.2^5l(&^^^_5^^^^A^%^/î7^^/?^^9 :^fmufl^iwu: ... ^.sl(}JX6y^A]^!/^^^/y^%^/î7^^/?^r?^/_û>/^

"^:-±-:--7T--^-^^f''ilrH/llll/ 1/T/On^l/i/^.ï/. ^. l^. l^/^À^^^^Aûl^A^Bj^t^



Opinion: ... C^M... Ù.........^...^...... ^^. _.. _i^^....... iW.. ^.. J..fc. _.. f^.^

^: 3?)2roy^^^^W, ^^M?rïî^i^3^^^^^/S^^^^/.l). £A^--. ^. ;-^^M-^........ ^.. _.. ii/^a)?. /.^..'. <7<

viay :-f--v

'. /. -... -^:. ^^J....... <?:. /^........ l, ^.n'2.

Address : ---JJî(-2j. L... S^A^^Lx.... I^9-----tvi----âitel_;.. __ ^)94-^

Si3^jo^^]^jmm^.-ÏW..... 2____...... ^3U..... /?-A__.. Î.... ^^

Date: Day... ^,, Month. _Jt//^...... _... _. _....... Year.... JÎ<?/.^J ^-y

a^awktviu: .. Z°S9'........ ^^_(. -I?M0:7.£^___.. ____^f^^. ;. ^)

Signature : ....fe^^.......... fW^.{^^. ina<I^...... ^3r?S^Zj'

l'U^^^Fnnuy'Li&jaâj Certificate of Consent

?a?nam-33j-3CTnnS'î3njMnvn'3'ï%j'u5'3-3U : lu^nName of élément : Nora

3u£jauHun^'iann^3j'3!?infi2{]çuaj. ivn>3-ï%iu5'3'3iJ?nu?a'^iii;'uT, %-3?i'u1, 'uçnus^nym<3^i, mu

3j??)n^S{!qj £ynv)i'3'ï%ju5'3?3JS)nniJ^i;i, vii2ilviy i?i'ua?atîjaLÎI'u?i£jm'3Â'iuviuu'3?infi3{]qj sunvn^


This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible Culturat Héritage.

VQn^îifiM/VîiV'Umflîi'ÎVW : ^y>à '»^^3 on î ^ ^? t?>^^ (^^«^ $'

Name of communîty or group concerned :: ...... L ...\>.. -.-..

..ak.Yia.T&v^.ct. Y1..-....

<<?.^>Y.'.J J

^-ÇTI^^I.M'U : .. ^. ^^.... ^^..^^. ^^_... ^;0:, ^e'^}... C?^.?.. )X^.

\<n-*l)-V-(n. ^. P.^''"*^'^''J^1 <2><t^? r<crÎ7\n^> ^>-^^o^ <i^', ^0^ ^ OT-S^-. O °^i^-v^'. <. î\^>\-t>i_^. »-i<, (5-^0 r»^. ^(Ti^ i^o-? »->^0 -\A.

Opinion : ......... i^. ora._.

'. ^.... ^..^^^. eY:.......Ç_r....A.vii_^t_^.... _P&^.

o.f-... ^.. ^.... ^o. ^.th-. :... î. ^-.. b^. 5... b..^^-^. -. -. WÎA^ly..... ^ff^^-?iL^.

ûoy^-^.. ç.n..^.... a^^. ^f. ^y:sy^l.. ^. ^^ o f WT 50(00 ^ hu-.yrx?!.

'. --.. -.....^.-^....^. ---. ---^-..................

^ay : "^^ â^-5. sn. ^ou^Ï ©J^/lTi^ ^^vnyviay

Address: 7"7' ^ S^bA;S^rî l<3ov, ffre . ko^P^o D;s^/^'e/'

0^ 4ovn^ t^o v \^C- / -

^<...., <^...., ^3U... ^^... Î.. ^Ç^

^Date : Day.... ^.,Month..... 3.ur.l>y... _...........,Year... 10 ?.. !>.

9^?6)MI,t'V1U: (/

()y-t/. l{^-3^^'-(.... ^. ^^. i. ^'l'{^. __)

Signature :^T:. av^. :t^c^. . ^JBI.Vi5 ??. i ^

°lui, l,g1^^fm3JU'U£ja3j Certificate of Consent

waiym'asj'a^in^S'Oaiftj'TW^T'ai'us-a-aiJ : ImnName of élément Nora

di c< il a/ a/ a/


3j'3^nf]S'tlajnj'ivn-î-î?u'u5'3':i3j^nnt U^sLVi?ilvi£j i. îiuawuaiîl'u'snEjnTs^fctviuu'î^nnu-îJqj çyivn^

.ÏBJu5'3'33j^a^ij'u<yEj<an?ip)n3ji1aul'u^'d'5'in{]T, 'ua'u^njnu?p)nfiu'Onjqjnvn-3-î%ju5<3'îU^^u?fa'3lul^

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thaitand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

-a^ ^

ao : ^^ />^y^5y

Name of community or group concerned :: ... ^..^^.^. <^.w<:?(.î........ <^lc^<^-^Q î~~

fmajflçit'w'u j'-.\'^JA^^:^i^.. ^2^^^^.. ^^.0.?. '?7_?lw^^^. ^^.%^^72^^:^^^^y^ï


Opinion : Aç^... i^.. ^^.. ^TT__... ^.^.... ^\^>... }^. ^^^_. ^^A^^y. ^L^^.c^.^r^tÂc^\^±^^^l\^... à^.^y-^ï^-'v^.. ^.

w : ...... _. A^.. _.. ^»..^^P^^Ï. Ïs^n^^ ^^6-^^



Address: ... ^. 4.. _.. kho^ ,UT^^e,, V^

a/ «=t


&-....... ^au,. ^_, ^î Â %(Date : Day_L'4:.., Month___:. p?. |3X^A--... -Year.

g1<3'île)MI, lVlU ^tey^ ^&y^T^

Signature : .. ^^.&V'.y^b/(?'h... 'v\'. Ï. çV''t^iyi T^|-^ w.^i.. .'w<ç/ .b-^^'b

lu^^^fmâjS'UÊJQâJ Certificate of Consent

TO^Êjmiîsjii^nnCi'Oguanvn^'Ï^'us'a-aîj : Twn

Name of élément Nora

y'u£jaîjHun'3nEjnnc iîj'î?inf]S't]qjnjnvn~3'yg u'u5'5-îUi?nu^a'^'3i;'ul%^pi'<uluç'iUî;'3n£jn'T3^'it, tviu

u'3(?in^3{]njnnvn^T/%j'u5'3'3U^nn'd'3stvipilviy keiua^a'îjaiÏlu'siEjn'Tî^Li. viuu^^n^u'Osun. nvn^'?%ju5<3^u'ua~33j<u'yÊj6an^'i3Ji1au1,su^<Ll'3nn{)l'uauanjnjnu'3^nr]S{]njaj'ivii~3'ï%i'u5<3'3îjvi^uCTa^luU

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Hunnanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeçuardingof thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

^Qn^îiffu/stîîivuw\, wîvw : ....... f50. ifvT^l-.. _^/<^

Name of community or group concerned :: ...... ^^piJAIV^..... -Jiyjl

'/v_ r ' ^. ' .c/ o. f '"7pmuR^^ : _. _3^2^^^^W^&^>}. ^.?I^1QW^1


^I^li^^^llVà^n^^W^U^^j_^_!^^fkô^fA n^U^v<7j?jHu"t/r^




Opinion : .... ^__, }^ ^^_^^N^^^^|<^^é'^_^__^.

^^- ^i^iion........ oI^-ih^.... p G^k...... of^^^-<^l-AC.. -_5. ^Û:..


û^.5^^_^W., ap.s^o^?Z^.

ï^<<l^?__, ic^S^^, ^^^2^^^^^

'/^ e

V13EJ : 5//.-.

cfî... 7.-.

--^'^;fi. Z^-^. /I^...^_.

^/1^.^^^0 ftJi/^cn ,7^

Address: ....-..

A......... _'.... B-.^.3J. ^O.Y^al-.-.

----X<?pia. ^w..... ---TCûikric}

1UVI. M. __. __.. ^au.. ;. n^...... îi__. iç^Date : Day.. JF?, Month.,. 1:A^ïM..


^L . ^a-3?aNl, l>VlU: W(si,T^i ^u^fi

"-- - -. -. --........... _.^

(. -.. tcl:l.Ç1?... fy}. ^''<1. _. _.. ^^. r!. "...... _)

Signature : ...... >f. ?.'':'n?.......^^n. ^on^.(Wy.. _^AN^n^^^NUN_SJN^___)

lu^^^fnnâjS'uyaïJ Certificate of Consent

%eî^Êjn'Taij<3^nn2îln|njTvii^-ï%i<u5-3'3îj : TwnName of élément : Nora

liu£ja3jHun'3n£jn-T5u'3^nfiu'Oqj njnvn'3'T%ju5'î'3iJPi'iu%a'M^i;ul%^(?ulu§nui;'ïiyn'T3CT'3uviu

u'3?infj3{Jn)qj nvin^'ï%iu5'3'5îjqiniJ'3^i, viffllvi£j laua^a'ijaLÎu-aiEjn'Ts^uvi'uu's^n^SîJnjnjnvin^'î%i<u5?ii3j'tja~33Ju'yys anCTCTn3j(>1aul8u^<il'5'in{]1, uau?fqj qj n3j^?inf]3'îlqj ftjnvi'i-3'T%j<u5'3<3U'^^'UCTa'3luU

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§of thé Intangible Culturat Héritage.

?e)na'îjfiu/<îjîj<au^i, ^Ej'î<fa^ : ........... 3. n^'3........... (l1?<ii^^?ï

Name of community or group concerned :: ..... _^:^ ^rî^P. ?. L._... _'ê.a!f)}<!7tn^. ^lyt. ..

FmUflÇIWU : ^U5"i ti)u^^? MSWaîi?). ? vf) y^ 5 ÎWJÀ^V Sîi h0S) y)^ ^ffsu ^i^/^

-fa^çl'?^^/. 1^.^. 5. Î^A?^:^.. ^4^/^^1^ .î^ffîï. 3,

Opinion: .--...

(Y?. ?~^..... LS...... --f>r'-.. -A.r.^.....J^.6'^.... ib^L. ^11 ^ f>î-ïcl e 9Î

.ih^----. -^Mft---. --__0^. r^. ydL........^--. -^.^.s^^...... t.0..._^Chfi'u^al hevit^^c Pc<n<iru^oi

WQV '. .--------l-^-?-... -. --.. 5J'..?--. ------f1/..n, ^^L)^-....... %..l^^M^L.. -^'. ^y.^.

Address : -------ii^....... _. î_0n2. t^^. ^^......... ^^i. y^/....... J>.<?^9_^..t

'ïu<-. -..<tt_..... ^au.... 0^..., îl_.^Date : Day., ît.. _Month...... FA^/r'(.........., Year.... l6 fâ.

a^affikviu:.. _. . <^"< <>/^ Mft-'^^jC-......... ^l<><.^.?_... _.. ____.... _... _. _.. ___)

Signature : ..... ^la. hfft_]3al... AWJA Wr^

(t^f: fc. fô?. /?.<?. Ô3>1 .4W z?. .^^

^ti^^^fnnuy'uyaâj Certificate of Consent

ïaiinyn'Tïîj^^nfjS^EunjTvn-î-ïçuus'a'iu : Tu^nName of élément : Nora

5'U£jE)ijH'u'i?nEjnn-3U-a^nfjî'îiqjq)nvi'i^-ï%ju5'3'3iJt?)'iîJwmï'ul%^yf'uTuçTUî;'3iÊjnn?^Ltviuu'3?inn2'Llqj ?ynv)'i~3-î%ju5'3'3U^nniJ-3î;ivif3 ilviy tsiua^a'uaiÏlu-ï'iyn'Tî^uviuu-s^n^Sîçuftjivi'i^'ï%iu5?^3jaua^3juw<an^9nui,lE]ul8u<MiJ'3nn{]'luau?fft)ft)iîj-3?inf]u'îJqj qnvin^-ï<?yu5'3-3ij'w<f'u^a^3JU

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

^an^fi'u/'uïj^um^En^a^ : '!;3^Tl.-çu^^?A^^

Name of community or group concerned :: ..ANOrâ-.... ^..av%:l?o'Vl.... Ll^JO(^ba'yi\J

fmu^çimu : .. --A^n^îh^^^l^A^^^Y^^i^'vvvîï^i^sJ^iJ''^^ AyiAJ^zj ^szl

. .5ï^<M.... S.uaMt/ift <.,(?^^ïd<<^?^?jufn^4>-dd .UÀ&. ?4j^n ^^0^-"/-:^"t^-7'

-^??-(^Î^AiA?. xitr/b2-y-ic?^

<=s. r'!^.^'^A-.7.

Opinion : .. ^^^. ^.... ^_..... ^(^.. A^^...... ?OÇ]^[... ï^^r^^ ^t S^Hl,--CûAA&MW--.


-AMd...... ^I^......te.... MOYvvinft."b,, !^iaM q. tj?j.e... Cviy-urA i.^e.ri^£..... k_.. ^vt?\^;l3 [e:-...........................

_.. ..^,


viSÊj:.. .?i/-3.... -?i<^?;yïl?m'ST.... O^^)....... ^_1


Address: ,, 1^1:1^ M< 3 I^T^pâ-°AOt1}Wt , P^a^>A^. D^^MC^.^---..y-.:. -. :-:..^. -...^^. ^. -:. :... :....:^^.

>cw^i<h\^ o^vi^o .

^<--l±. _.... _^au.n._?'!.... _. _î.Date : Day. l'l:..,Month..^'S?.iAty...... _____^Year

d 2/ -. fla^^a^iviu: __'N^i^

^^.... _-^0^^.^... _)Signature :^H^. ^O^

( Ylr.. ovt^^'l. _.. ?.'-{'-îom^ !'^'1-)--^------f-

lu^^^fl'înâjy'u&jaaj Certificate of Consent

^a'îiymiisj^n^Sîlsyftnvn^'ïfôjus^îj : ImnName of élément Nora


u'3?inf]îiîlajqj ivin-3'ï%j<u5'3^u;o'in'd^^ivifaiT, vi£j ka'ua^a'uaiÏlu-anann'îCT'îLivi'uu'î^n^uîlnjîy'TMn^

'ï%iu5^^y°ua-33JU'y£j<an^?nsji1a'ul<!u^'d?in{]T, uau?fqj qj n3J'3?infiu{lnjqj nvn^%ju5^-33j^qu?fa^luy

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.


^snaîjFiu/'yu'u'uwmEn^a-î : . _.... l^J3.. H^'^d'^J. °^..... ^fttno

Name of community or group concerned :: ....... l^ot?:.... _rArl. !twa/î...... l.<?.Tl^. ;<^^'6^'

fmufi^^'u : .... luTi^^^. ^i^. n^ft^. ^vTî. ^^1)^^^ fm'u i<î "4 i\-^-PlCT Lâu.^.^. M<9;:.?^.%.1@if.^îffûr^û^^n:'. ^^^


&].^.&. .îî-^- ^QV. Q^Â]^.

Opinion : ... ffMA. '^----^^L.. AÔ1j....aS---a-.-soc;<?L. :l\r'.. ^Mj'J^.... Hê.... s.0a^^^.§ . ^J.eç|.... ^(^....Çi. ^e.^.... io....^ow. ^û.^ ... /l^i:a


k-î--. (?!'. iû^e....LS->n^^i'ô|e.........

^3£) .. -.. ^l^--.. --^:lL..... ^. '^^v:fi. î.. ^..... 9:^^^^-\^^^^

Address : ----A^i-..... ^..^....... ^^^/^.<?n^..... ^A^. ^^/9/AM^-----.^

^...... ^_...., ^au... nM-. __îl.. ^.fDate: Day.... (.7. -_Month.... ?fc^^.. _. ___.., Year...<<?^..


a^aMaviu: ____'_^n>pasj'

L^lîl.. ?'rv0'^^_. _.. _vi

Signature :,

( ^. SM^I.^

lcui, l>?î^<3Fm3jS<UÊJaâJ Certificate of Consent

?e)-3n£jm<3ïj-a^n(iî<OajnjTvn-3';f%iU5^'33j : Tu'iiName of élément : Nora

5uÊjaul<w'iJT3nyn'TîU'5?inft, î{]qj qj nvn^'ï%iu5ci^uwnu?3^?î;'ul%-3pi'ulu^'TUï'5n£jnn'3^Lmu

u'5^nn3{Jqj njnvi'i^'ï%jU5'î^ut 3'in'J^ï;i, vipilviy ^ua^a'uaLQ'u^iym^^tiviuiJ's^nfjSîlnjajTvn^^u5^<33j'ua^u'uy&j'sîin^i?iiuilQul6 u^'Ll'3nn{]T, 'ua'uaaja)n3j'3CTnnfl'Oqj ajn'M'i'3-ï%j'u5'3'îij'Mmpi8^1uT>?i

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Culturat Héritage.

^snaufi'u/'îîaj'au^myi^a^ : ._. _. _.. i'U^''l... _Ï1îf'nfl<....... fc^5?. ?tf1.'

Name of community or group concerned :: .... i:l_.OI.CL.... ^il'Î. LÎCGl-..... i?.. L-L!. L?. ^J.Ï-A. J


H]3î!. i')rfrilâHiJrnl&^^k^^I^^^n.. liîî^. ^^^^pmufi^^'u :

. ^^1^. Ml?l^. ^û55.S-. A^TT^Bn-8JftKM4^^^

Opinion Th&_... ^^nC@, W;5^ÇgCV1....1&^lS.4A^.. ^S...^...

vn^. y-}ûle.,,. C. uiiM4.. -....h&I-^t ;, o_^u,, h^m. n. . -.... Ïo.. ô..^^. Plâ!...^£3k^iJ&. ^cL.. ;.^^cl., dy... -..Sc.C^[^. 6..Ç.n....,, ^(^, iû-.±^\'f

-L-i4^-^--^o. re-.. -, ---------...^sy:. --...... 3-4j. â--------Mâl..A.. _.. --. _. n. :.i^^. ^........ n.:^«.ll. r\. L...^..^y. ffl.

! !Address : ,ûi(.'î.... _..^.. 4.

. l^T?on^hK\_



T. :... 'p1.^nl^l^'n--... êL'nib^F<%k:$-n-

^., il. _...... ^u, n, M ... îi... :2^?:Date: Day,.. /|l,Month.... ^Lxwr^-. -... -....Year . 2.^.18.

' ^, /, ''Aa^apÏkfcviu:. __ ____nf/}n«^y

C__Hy. ir1.&I[r.,,, ^oi^. fWj

Signature : .. ^..^l^i^L.( :..M^M-...Q'1È^^

sluk!>çf^^fm^S<uyaaj Certificate of Consent

?e)-3n&im^m^nn3'îlîusmvn>3-?%j'u5'a'aîJ : lu^iName of élément Nora

Suya3jHu'T5nEjnn<3U'3^nfiîiîlsunj. ivn'3'ï%iU5<3<3Ui?nu?a'M'3î;'uHs u'n^pf<ul'uçnuï?'~i£jn'T3^i>i, viu

u'3CTn^Sîl£yajnvin^'ï%ju5ii?u^nn'd'5si>v)pilvi£j Laua?a6uaLÎI'u^n£jmc iÂ''îi, iviuij'3?infi2'îînjn)-TMn^

^%iU5'5';iu'ua-3u<u'y£jsan?(?in3ji,1aul8u^'d?nn{]slu9'uanjqj iîJ'3S?inn5{Jnjqnvin-3T'%iu5<3'53j^<fu^9-3l3 JU

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§of thé Intangible Culturat Héritage.

QTOn^'sjftu/'uîj'uuM^aT^D^ ........... Jïil?^7. '^w^^^^^nfa.^

Name of community or group concerned :: ._^ra:... u. 'rawclL.. J. C'l. ]. w01.. No T. it )^l)l

W}vmmu : .^^wl^]é^^. ï. ^il^i^wun^^ïju uff^tiQ: i^ïiîo^/i/i^î^^ f^ n: iî) vu iiju îjy^ns^^n^J^6f

Opinion: ..... ^.^5.. ^r^.. ^cA--^--A. ^^Z/n.^r/..^.^.Çp-^&nfeJ ^n^ a^r&&3...,^o ^^^^

-^.^r/. fe^.... /s..../^.A3 %/^/e. -.L/

^aa :. --. -----.?3./lt.... ^-lp.... ?/^M^n^... ^;.î^^... ?-.. %»^. 4.^Wff

ïïlz^ soi i's R, l°h^i^eiyj Wfw ^q^/AÂAddress :

TU^--17-... ___^3U.. ^.^___.... ÎI. ^^

Date : Day_. f.7.. _.Month,. / ;.W<^y... ___.. _..,Year,a^'uaMuviu:

(._ %1^^'}f... _ _.. y.^.f ..-T-

Signature : ..... _. L//^îfl/a'

( . ^. r^)/vtw^î...... a'!. yy'?}y_....... __)

ltll, ^^^mnïjyu£J33J Certificate of Consent

%e)iiiÊjn/T3ij'3^nflCi'îlsueunvn-3'ï%j<u5'3-3U : Iwi

Name of élément : Nora

Suya3jHui^n£jn'T3U<3s?)nnî'îlqj njnvin^-ÏRuu5':i'5Ui?inu?3^^î;'uH'i3'n'3?fu'lugnuï'3'i£jn-T3^i, mu

u^^nfjîi'î]qj ftjnvn'3'î%jU5'3-3iJi]imJ'?ï;i, vif3ilviy fcaua^a'uaLÏI'u'inyn-Tî^uviuu'iwn^uîlnjnj-TM'i^.Tftj'u5ii'3u'UQ~3uuw8îîn^'i3jLlauls u^iJ'3in{]T, uauaqj nji3j^?infi2{]qj njnvn^%j'u5'3'au^ <upi'a^luIM

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thaitand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé Intangible Cuttural Héritage.

%sn9'sJFi'u/<îîu<u'u^mEjT^a'3 : .^.^S'sSn r9 àru u Ty B"K)^J S-î (, SI^g-. ^. ---..-.-.. ^.... -..............^.

Name of community or group concerned :: ..j-noi'na. poir Uisq-c/Mp^rscs-c^

fmuRpimu : . -.. _. T^S^3.^^i^^. rT?. ?. ?'-b. ^x. fc.3^^^^i^^^Tf®:^^^^-^.çni^.^n3.^lF.?.9l. -y-k^^?---^^-?_^.^^. :^.?^^^^.^^^o<''^ .<'03<i-t U;t®->


Opinion : --. --.. Ib.&.... --4a.. .c. .....£&^..... rc^-'5--te^&^.^.CUJtyr-?-!. --... h£rji'. ^G...... o^...... hu. c5<^^i+y..... ; .. T.^. e f?e. opi&_^.. o^^^^J----^&... -. -30utl?.&;cy'. -.. -. p±j-\4- ------^---...i'^. j. ^-.... -C^H~-^^^

visa -M?..*'<.l-p:lv-'d.... fco._.._....


O^UR^ fc/<^/ o°'îl<"°toMo^ ^. i^-i'^bî ^1


Address : .......... ^o.......... <_.. i.^.^M_.. ^....... ^^^cl... _.,..... _...V^l^_. __... _. __i^

<»/ d


^......... ^a'uA^:__.... îl__. _MfcîDate : Day_. J<}-..,Month__...... Ï. fîMA. ï^..... Year.. _... j2-<?J

^^aMuwu:. _......... __f. ol'fcJV).e . ri°- . ?. -.. .-.;(.J. 1'1_<VÎ. _ _ _ ^'s^. ^'n^ î.. )

Signature . .oYterx^O^Y------.... -L-. -. ^l...... (.. -;--.. --. -------..-

fïy( ^L/r'^. piA:f?^.r.....^b. ty. ??^. at:?e.?.¥-(+

l<u^^<3Fmuy'u&Je)3J Certificate of Consent

^a-snanTsâj'î^nnCi'îJnjnjnvn-îT'^'us'î-iaj : Tu^n

Name of élément Nora

yuyauHu'Tsnynn-aîj'a^nfiuîlqj anvn^çuus'î'îUt'niJ^a^'îS'ul^n^^ul'uçius'snEjn'Tsmimu

u'3(?inn2îln)qj iyn'3'ï%j'u5'3'3U^nn<U'îsi, vif3illviy lauawuaiÏI'u'anEjm's^nii. Yiuu^CTnnS'Oftjnjnvi'i^T'%ju5'î';iîj°ua^u'uwaipi?insjLlauT, °u^'d'3nn(]luQ'uaqi qj n3J'3pinf]îi{)Euqjnvn-3'ï%j<u5'3'3U^qu^a'3l3 JU

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thaitand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

?3naijRu/'!yij;uu^my'3^ )-3 ^^w ]^^'}^ô

Name of community or group concerned :::: $^A L^

/fc '. ^r^^hy^^^^^u-VLÛ^l^^W/^-. ii^.^^^^^^^^^^^^^?ïv^Zi^^P^WDQiWV, :

Opinion: .......... ^a-J'r'.,.^...Êe:r^^%.. d'...^..^be^V) (,.^5 J p«§-/-^WIH


^7^. ^.. ^........ ^^2^.. -......^/<&..6...... ^;..^^

Address : . /^AL. ^M.... ^M^.

Tu^...'^ll. ----.^a<u...^au. ^.. fcv...... î), çoi.Date : Day, 4...., MQnth..... i^. oe. _.... _. _,..... ^ar.. 2^j,a..

w^^- fe^^gi-î^ayiL'w'u:

(. l..... /f97^.^?.. _........................)

Signature : .. ^È^^.... ^^. ^.(....... 5^.f. ^A......................)

l<Ul, l6:l^^mnâJ§CU£J93J Certificate of Consent

m^&inTam^nflSîltunjTvn'îT'ai'us-i'aâJ : Tu'ai<U <u a/

Name of élément Nora

y'uya3j'l'w'unijnyn'~t'33j-3^nnîJ'tlqj ?u'ivin^'ï%iU5'5'î3J?nuww<3ï'uH!'y'n'3Â''u°luçnus'3n£jnT3^i>Lviu

u's^nnCj'îJajqj nvin^'ï^'us's^sj^nn'Ll'îKL'Mpilviy i, ?)'ua^a'ye)LÏI'u'3nym^^nLi, vi'uu'3(?infj2î)R)qnv)n^

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of hlumanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

TOnaufl'u/'yaj'uuvlt. nïJTîja^ :

Name of community or group concerned :: NOTCL l\^ iexxva-vûLôo-i l

^Fnnw^iwu : _.. ^,.

^ y _^-<.. ------U""ri'OW9^,


Opinion :...... <A^__, ^3 ,,^0^^^ ^ ^ ewi t'r\ ^l'ôvn.

ww : fâ w^°n 2 fîiTu^k'ôîhsm g-t)'in'o^ww^mQlfî'i_. ^W^Wîï


Address : ...... Â2..,..._^;. 2ÇVila^,.KWp,..., Ch&,YO&m--. PVl.(A,k, !^t.. .^A^hpïi - ^-'-. -~IYi.oïïï>maYAA--..

-Ï<u^..... 1i.. __.... ^auwwçjl.. -. î). ^ç:î

Date : Day,15,..,Month,.... ^,e-.......,.,..,, Year,,^pU.

gi^^amiviu:, I^RI li^îi

(. --M^^. 1. ^... -VW.

Signature :........... ^ï'iào^Se-apW.(. - ^.'^s. ^.. -. s e^. pw..

luild^'g^nn^y'Uëjau Certificate of Consent

^s-înom^âj-a^nnCii'Jnj. ajnvn^'Ïfôj'us-a'ay : T'u'ai


<U v v

Name of élément

yuEjasjH'un^nym'au-a^nnî'îJnjqj ivn-î'ïajus's'iUPinsj^Qvî'aï'ul. 'ï'yn^^'ulu^n'UK'snym^^tmu

u'3^nn£'î]qj qj nvn'3'ï%iu5'3'33J^nniJ'3SiviPilviçj mua^a'uaiQ'u'înyn'Ta^i. iviuij^^nfjS'Llajnjnvn-î'ï%)<U5'5ci3J6 ua^3Juy£j'a'iCTpi'i3JLlaul<î)'M'd'3'in{]luQ'uanjnjn3j'3?infjî5'î]qi qj nvin^'î%JU5'î-33j'Mq''u?i'9-3l3 JlL^

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above.

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.^d

'îianaiJfiu/^aj'îiu'vimaTîja-î : ^Wr\'V^r\^ -^ /ÏU6V )1

Name of community or group conorned :: .....l^m..... l!Gnîrw^'...... I.V^... L^'f'[Vom ^or}ih\c}}^ N^ CUï

^> _1 t . <Tfmyfl^iiwj : P^îtl^W l PA^ in^y7?y/r)iri^!^ïT^ <n'?n-? Up . 34<.1^<TO^ U^


^^. -. --^^...... ^-. --. ^--. -. ^... --^-.^. --.. -..... ------^------^--^------^y. -.. ^.. ^.. ^.^<^v'^0^~. ^. . 'T1.?- l^v% l?iL^.. . ?-6în- Ç5)- ?-( r^T^..7 ''?7Î?'"1. ^)MÇ?7^- -'r> :u. -<y/l0?. l?- -/(îi.-yoj s^^TryTnyi

Opinion. : ... NCT^.. js. ^..w<::^. o^v^. fe^^^.. ^_.. ^,^Y^. ^.. r^^o.s o^ . f^'^J'ewt^Tive ôi .^ întfr^i?)M& CALt'h^yo^ . ti^'l-^c 4 H^wsw^v-

viaçj : À ^-^ r?. rban^c^)^ ^ pr. ^ y\'^(o£\-\ o. ^\6<r\. 1----T'

^^jy^ '7<?/^0.

Address = ^ 0. . , P^, !/:ol)fc:^^^^^^______^^^_J'^^_^__^^ /-â^- -<S(^. . . _ .^ 0?^. . . [<A,


Q/ C4

TU VI. ^ ^a-u^l^î) -2^.Date: Day,.^.., Month, J^^.,,,,,,,,. Year..... ^c'./;L,

^^mim:....... /w^,..... ^??..(.. /%w... /n'%}^!()...... io^b...........)

Signature : ,,.. ^C^...... H^W.( ^'lT:... iff[. YW6h. o{l.... v'l. ffrl.â^.^.. -)

ItK.^'îfnnsjy'UEjau Certificate of Consent

^a-i'iam^aj'ï^nfjS'îJftjEunvn'aT'siuus^-sâj : \w}Name of élément : Nora

S<UÊja3J'l'MiJ')^'iyn'i'33J-3?infiu{lsyqj'ivi'i^'ï%iu5ii?u?i'iu?a^'3S'uH'ii'i^(?ful'uçnus;-ï'i£jnT3^'îi, L'M'u

u<3?)nçuîl£y?yivin-3'ï%JU5ii<33j^nn<U'5ïi, v]pilviy i, ?)ua?a°uai, îlu<3nam^^'îi>i>viuu^pinf]3î!qj qjivii-3

.ï%ju5'5'33j6 ya^3J<u'yysa'i^?in3Jtl3uT>su^'d'3'in{]l'ua'uaqj £yn3JTOnf]2îlqjnj'ivin^%i'u5'a'33j'^qijÂ'a'3Ul^

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

a a.


Nam^ of community or group concerned ::tô44-/<^-

^W^^^ ^^c-i-^ C^Uf^l

" ^ ? /. Q. ^/ _-- ^l^^_^^:M^^^?^^AA?. ifa..^^%^^^

^^rn'^Kt'i^^i f^u^J fw- ^e^lw^ifi^fQlM^ (^^fff)Tf^î}{utîn-^ - -J-

'^c/i'^v1) _c%. i??7 y^ Qi^jy^^îïr/f. ^ ^!.O. IY!^. v^M. r.

fniîjfipimu :

Opinion, : ...,. ^r^... ^.. ^. -. f^^Ï^/-^-. -.flyIs... ^[.. f^ê.,^^J-nA^J'-W......&wy_t/ ^v'... ^êJA^v?S. _ . /ffwv^....<t^^^^^

l ..JL/ ^ _ /1 )//. . '. L^. .1 <// l' J l ''M. ^ -. '^rft---AS...^.... ^&T'Me---.^r.. -. ^f^.AL...^s^w..^^^^

.-af-âe:.. ^ffc.%... ^c?. c%^A.. ^eo^^.. -. -.... -. -----------. -. -----. -. ----.. -. -.. --. --..... -. -. --......... -...-

^a|j : ....... --.. --^23^J'?'u^. i^^. /y?^. ^7-A?-i..

mi/^^M^?^-----^?w<ç. ^?^. L.. lM^^^

Address: ._^._.



5{/.?]^^vv^, ^^^_fMS^Z^, _A^'7'-~"""--y""""""""-""""^--""-"""""^"""""""""-~"'7?'t^

T'UVi..... ^..-.-. -.

-!.^3'U.'ÏY90 ^A?-fe'l/îl-^

Date : Day... î..., Month.. ' . _No\£w ......... Yea


ti- . r"^ .-:'.'.s." . l

.... ..J

Signature: _,. A^..,.. ^^- ^ _.. lû;'c-{l1^. .4&; ^


lu^^<3fl'3l3J§U£jaïJ Certificate of Consent

^a'3i£)n'T3îj'3^nd Q2<OMsyi vn<3'ï%j'u5ï?îj : l'u'5-i

Name of élément Nora

5'u£jau1,'wu'Tanymci3j'3^nf]î'îîqj qj nvn-3'î%j'u5'3'33J(?ii3j%a'w'3î;'ul l%'3pi'ulu5ius^iyn'T3muviu3j-3?)nflSilqj ftjnvn^-ï%jug-3'33jqnn'Ll^sLV)?llvi£j teiUQ^a'îiai. îl'u^iEjnnii^uvi'uîJ'a^nnuîlnjnj'ivi'i^.ï%jU5ii?3j°î)a~33j'uy£j<an^?i'i3ji, 1auh^iJ^nn{]l'ua'uaftjqj 'i3j'3?inn3{lqj ?ynvn^-y%ju5^^3Jvi<f<upfad3 JM

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardingof thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

'tianasjFiu/'îiîj'yuvii. naTSa'i : .....^.WÎ^. -î^Wfp^^^^'^^^f^nj^T

Name of community or group concernée! ::


&kbon.. S\i.... T^^^. ma£^.... C^Aw©l.-..offLo.^_

^Y ^ ^fmufipii.'w'u : _^^1J'u^w'^^J^^t^^<mdflftwTmt4^,^^P^^^^(^rrwri()^W^^ffl^

%^(i^^^rT !^W^^(w^^u,^f^\ 0^ , -^ à/ ).



<^n' ^^^^^^^nM^^ï^'^i^^^.. _^rnj_6^^Tflf\V< ^i^^Tw^^ vi&i t, .. t^yini^i

Opinion : ^ï%. J5. a.ç^^fS.. ;Q^i>y^_.^^.. b?S.. |oew.. ^WA4^^^c^.âW... rd^wsh^S. iy)..Wi£. l<[risV>^.. Mw_rria^^-Çâm-ffl(Àn^.,.O^a;r^. oroli 4^&n^_gÏ^^owr^d .a^À.-co^sc-rA^. o r^b^^io^. .<^ h&n^^^

,w'fliQ<îï?.. Gi.^a.TnawW--pn-i^0M^.to^ii^e. wC6 or 8'lc' 8^tl f\^..pno


''- ']^A11sQ?t^%îtW4^^n. <n^^'^-u^ _ ^wpm^^yyw^yrî'rR'S^^TII^ C'PI W i ïT-n ) h iî\A"(^8w^s Q. ^M ^ . /Hfriftr^n'i-i^i. '^ i<QQQO°°=l':m(^Wi orfï^'-<^. <5oo<^

Address : M9^pr:_. ^i.. Th2rntoerÀ\u. mLO^:iÇe,.y. W^ ôl.IW^^eTA...Ç\^---y^^B^cinaAswno^ Ço^^^a??i^__Çt'â^Tç,l. o-rtèns-oo^ ^^ n « ^

Tun.... î..... _..., ^a'u. ^fi^mwîl_5s^Date : Day....?.... Month.. N.Q:<&v?W. ^... ^.. _Yea ., __2û1î


r-j(_w'w%?N. r»..R»WTO>-~-'. -. -.^^, _,.

Signature . __...,,....,......,...,.... ^.... ^_17'.^â



Certificate of Consent

^a^iEjn'T5u?^nn3i]Euanvn<3'ïfti'U5'3-3y : T'u'sn

Name of élément : Nora

3ua9uH<u'T3iym<3U'3^nn2'Oqj q)nvi^'ï%iu5'3-33j?inu%a^^âi'uH<f)'i'3pf'u1>'ugTUï;'3iyn'T3Wîuviu

aj'a^nfiîiîJqj qjnvnnsuus'a'su^nn'Ll'îii^Filvia igi'uaTO^QiÏlwnym'ïmLiviusj-a^nnSîsuqiivn^'ï^'us'a'su'îjQ-î

uuya%n^^nuLiaulfu^'d'3'in{)l'uQ'u0£uajnâJ'3^n^îi'îJq)ftjnvi'i'îT'%]cu5'5^3J'Mm^QAâjl^This is to certify Free} Prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above

mentioned élément as a candidate from Thaitand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible

Guttural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention For thé Safe§uardin§ of thé

intangible Guttural Herita§.

^einauR'u/'yïJ'yuviinyTîJa-a : en'un-îiu'î^'us's'îuq-ampigi^'îian

fl'înufl^iL'wu : yua9ïjWun3J-3^nn5<J£yqj nvn^-ï%i<U5-3-33j Tu-sn Laua'îiaiÏlu'sn&jm^CT'îuviuu-a^nnSîqj ftjn

yin^-?%j'U5'3-33j6 ua^u'uw'u'i^pnîJi, lQull%^iJ'3nn{)luQ<uaçunjn3J?p)nfiCiîlîysynyn^U5'5^u'wm^Q^1>^

Name of community or group comceuned : Culture Office of SongkhLa Province

Opinion : Thé Nora Cultural Héritage Consortium is proposing to list thé cultural héritage of

héritage of humanity in accordance with thé Provisions of thé Convention on thé Intangible

Guttural Héritage.

wad : ®o/® auuaîiâj m'uauaan'3 QnmQmQ^ei'î^ein ^.wwgi'î'îiai

Address : 10/1 Sukhum Road Diltrict Bo yan§ Amphoe Mueang Province Son§khla

-ïu^ b {.wu 'nqpi^mau î! tfti. fl. iséto®

Date : Day 6 Month Novennber Year 2018

..r(ui-îasjm fnua)

Signature :

(Mrs. Somsri RaknuT)