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Transcript of b TmM !' GEO. TARN BAINBRIBQE & SON J THOMAS...

T H E T E E S D A L E M E R O U R Y — W E D N E S D A Y , MARCH 20, 1918

B O W E 8 .

I3T DRtTB and DANCE w i l l k . . BASTSR TCBSDAT NIOHT, A p r i l « b«l

ol-room. Bowes, to commeooe A 0 ! ' I >n, 1/8 (including light refreihmV 7'«< Proceeds lo A M of Rod CrossT *»),

Sales tj gnttion. ruaH ARD OiJRUI * T m M " F ARMBR8'

AnonoM M A R T CO., L T D .

rd Castle Parliamentary n:w: . | Of the County of Durham, ' ,

B E T I N G O F L D J B R A T . (Men and Women)

w i l l be held in the JRAWOB HALL, BI8HOP A U O K T A * . In Saturday ntxt, March 23rd ^

AT 80 p.m. ' BUSINESS:-

• Liberal AiaoeiaUon tot' the D i * i M offiaers, end to take whatever, e eoneldered necessary for the «»i liberal Candidate. M

BERT E. HILLARY wi l l be D r« • name w i l l be rabmltted aa L i t

J S e d " 1 " ° " W M ° I m A ° * I

Iberals realdent wi th in the Di»(« • * * wt*a« o l preaant TO t e n aodotfe •Who w i l l beeome Totera under i h . * * * ' oordlslly invited to bo p rewo, ' 4 o * . 1 L U A M EMERSON, Barnard t u . . ,

Liberal Feder.tion,PUfjrlaHnaw

! B A R N A R D CASTLE DIVISION I representation ol the People Ac t now m . *JatrieU of Barnard Castle and W^Ul^S^ *

I district of Auckland which oon«i*ts nf »i? * V t I Hamster ley and Sooth Bedburn, the Ba«* l e t of Lanchester which i j not inc lud i? tt« B Spennymoor Divisions, and the urbsm d ^ L * * * 1 I Castle and Stanhope. '"•trieh, |

Barnard Castle Gas Company.

I C E I S B E R E B Y G I 9 E N that u. •TNUAL GENERAL MEETING of ^ '

w i l l be held i n the W i t h . , n la l . Barnard Castle, on THTTPJMTT*? UUJH, 1918, at 11-80 o'oloek l o r ™ • i for the traneaotion of gone

I this 9th day ot Marob, 1918. By order. 'ROBT. WOOD.

6oe, Plaits Lane, Senretarr card Q.eile.

G L E N D I N N I N G ' S

Z E M A C U R E ret and Dry Eczema, Barns, Wet or Drv ary, Ringworma, Ohapped Randa and Chilblains.

Price, 1/3 par box. ate and Drag Store, in Barnard C M He I ink i t , or from the Proprietor,


tTt. S C O T T ' S

rNEY AND L I V E R I s 1/3 Per Bottle.

cott's Double Strength Kidney Liver Cure is 3/- per bottle, ins three timea the number of dotes

of the Smaller Size, and CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED A T


Jhoice Selection ... O F ...


g» HOOK, Sonleby, K irk by Stephen; and

1110**- T a m B A n n m o j A Bon, Darlington, Auctioneers.


^BB Uanal FORTNIGHTLY SALE wi l l be I held, when there w i l l be forward the usual inUsS of DAIRY COWS and HEIFERS, FAT

ISTORE CATTLE and SHEEP. grading Cattle and Sheep at 10 0 gale of Dairy Cattle ... at 10 30 Store Cattle at 13 0

J f | ] i £1 SHARES i n the above Mazt wi l l LgOliD on WBDNBSDAY, M A R C H 301b, at one Vp, in the Cow Ring. .

a Second Spring SHOW and BALE of KS BULLS w i l l be held on TUESDAY,

I'jjt April' 1 9 1 8 - Prizes aa usual,

GEO. BELL, Seoretory. I jiiielcy i Staindrop.

Central Sale Rooms, Barnard Castle.

J . P A R K I N S O N & S O N S jtE arranging for an early date to Sell by

Auotion i n the above Rooms, a quantity 'Household FURNITURE, CARPETS,

hlNT.'S CYCLES, &o. Further Consignments Solioited.


vernment Sta7idard " War time "

hots and Shoes N O W O N S A L E .

C . M O O R E ,

L R N A R D C A S T L E .

W A L K E R ' S , irnard Castle Marine Stores,

48, lank. i given for Rags, Bones, Scrap I r t * .

.ass, Lead, Copper, Pewter, Hair, •x, Hare and Rabbit Skins, Etc* • * • • I ESTABUSHBD o v n 40 YBAJtsu


Central Sale Rooms.

Batabliahed 1876.

- J O M A S A D D I S O N , r i O N B E R A N D V A L U E R . Bales of a l l Deeeriptlcms.

i Settlements. : : No Oanvaaaiof •

i at Riohmond Farmers' Auction Mar t .


•rtforth Haavy Hons Soaiaty.

S E A S O N 1918 .

I E GENERAL, the property °* ^ g t s " , Ipstriok, Esq., of Crslgie ok. haa been hired by the abo*-nd wi l l travel the Dis t r ic t .


J . P A R K I N S O N & S O N S , 'iVOURED with inatrnotiona from Miss

hlcCulloob, ot Heath House, Barningham, . w i l l Sell by Auction, on THURSDAY, 121st, 1918, on the above Premises, the

j portion of the Household FURNITURE jSfTBCTS, oontenta of Entrance Hall , Draw-Liod Dining Rooms, 5 Bedrooms, Kitchens, Liseluding:—Mahogany hall stand, plaster nMi, plaster Agues, 6 oases stuffed birds,

2 oak umbrella tabs, hanging lamp, IRH Axmlnstsr Bordarsd Turkey Carpet,

H by 8J yards; Aimlnster rug, walnnt coal box,

large Mahogany Settee, la Leather, hair otnffed ;

kit set oarved chessmen, 6 U. 6 in . Spaniah ny pedestal sideboard, gent.'s fine a j arm ehalr, i n crimson plush; ntny small ohalrs, in ha i r ; folding ohalr,

„ ny lamp table, geni 'a divan easy ohair, [mantel glass, ornaments, down onsbions,

1 Steal Engravings, Old 8porting Prints, snail mahogany leaf table, olaw feet;

tapestry onrtains, brass and wood i poles, lane curtains, chintz curtains,

•box, good brass kerb and brasses, tapestry oarpet, 6 by 4£ yards ;

|hwing-room Suite, Walnut, in Chintz Covering, 9 Piscss ;


Balded wall mirror, fire soreeo, LARGE* PIER GLASS, ormolu olook, under

glass shade; corner whatnot, OLD CHINA AND CURIOS,

i ip i tk guard, copper hot water Jsettle, 1 Brussels stair oarpet, new; haatihruge

luts, mahogany butler'a tray and stand, f!«t»ir, damask onrtains, plotures, oiroular-

bedatead, enrled-hair mattress, ag set, reversible oarpet, 3 by Z \ yards;

jLBin. Burr Walnut Wardrobe, Mirror Door; | - down quilts, 6 wool blankets, quilts,

ootton and linen sheets, Fine Oval Mahogany 8wlag Class,

ny dressing tables, 2 mahogany wash uowel rails, FINE 4 ft. 6 in . MAHOGANY IDROBE,bedroom fenders, bedroom ohairs,

|nte mahogany swing mirrors, bedroom , brass and black bedstead, wool i feather bed, pillows, ohair bed and

»», old oak box, 2 oi l stores, ohild'a ittalr, 2 zlno baths, Sheffield-plate salver, *>pl»te oruet stands, ' dozen eleotro-teassert knives and forks, table cutlery, thinner aervioe, OLD DESSERT SERVICE,

ood dessert aervioe, old jugs, out 1 pewter, quantity of erookery, plated

t»'ers, table lamps, waaher, laundry table, "bin, harness stand, wheelbarrow, and PsanWas.

tale at 12 o'clock.

Neymour, Egglastona.


"8UCTED by M r Christopher Iveson, L Jio Is leaving the neighbourhood, w i l l C? Aostlon, on SATURDAY, the 13th APRIL,

-hole ot his CATTLE and DAIRY »1L8, and Farm Tools, & c , consisting of Mpr iog-oalTio g Cows, Heifer St irks, etc. ']«• •olioiled to this Sale, wbioh w i l l be

•I u ,»Mised on receipt on the 1st Apr i l or Rg Bnnderthweite. Romaldkirk.

To Close a Trust.

Highly Important Sale, West High Woad, Laaglaydala.

G E O . T A R N B A I N B R I B Q E & S O N

T H O M A S ^ A D D I S O N ,

JOINTLY honoured wi th lnatruotioaajfrom the Exeoutors ot the late George B e l , w i l l

8ell by Auotion (without reserve), on THURSDAY, M A B O H 28th, 1918,

The whole ot the Valuable FARM STOCK, CROP. IMPLEMENTS, E t c , as follows :—

9 HORSES —Bay mare, 6 years old, 17 h.h. -, i bay mare, 7 yearn old, 10-1 h.b.; brown mare, 4 years old, 16 h.h.; blank mare, 17 h.h., aged, stinted to Raby h o n e ; brown draught oolt, 31

Sears o l d ; black draught oolt, 2 yeara old lack pony, 10 years old, 14-2 h .h . ; piebald

oolt, 4 yeara old, 14-2J kb. , grand aoxt; piebald yearling oolt.

69 HEAD OF CHOICE CATTLE.—6 cows, in ful l m i l k ; 4 A p r i l calving oows, 2 May oalving eows, 1 autumn oalving eow, 6 autumn oalving heifers, red now, geld ; 2 strong geld heifers, 10 bullocks, from 1 v to 2 years old ; 6 bullock stlrks, 4 bulling belters, 6 heifer stlrks, 11 calves, up to 6 months o l d ; stock bull , 2 yeara j old ; roan bull atirk, 12 months old.

292 SHEEP.—00 half-bred ewes, 1 to 4 shear, in lamb to Down tup ; 12 halt-bred simmer beggs, 8 twioe-eroaaed hogga, 105 black-faced ewes, from 1 to 6 shear, In lamb to Wensleydale t u p ; 20 blaok-faoed shearlings, i n lamb to black-faced t u p ; 10 blaok-faoed glmmer hoggs, 7 blsck-faced wether hogga, 2 Wentleydale tups, Down tup, black-taced tup.

IMPLEMENTS, E T C . - T u b trap, 2 long oarts, 3 ooup carta, double-horse grass cutter, by Harrison McQregor; double-horse grass cutter, by Bamford ; hay turner. 2 bay atrewers, 2 horse rakes, pike bogle, oake crusher, 4 sheep ranks, on wheels; chain harrows, 50 hurdles, 8 sheep troughs, sweep sledges, and usual sundry artioies ; 2 seta of harness, gears for | fonr horses; 2 lead bowls, barrel chum, e t c

Quantity of HAY, to be oonaumed on the I premises ; 50 aores ot EATAGE, t i l l May 13th, 1918.

Sale to commence at 11 a.m, Refreshments w i l l be provided.

REMARK8.-8peoial attention is celled to this highly important aale. The horaea are an all-round useful lot. The est tie are undoubtedly one of the best stocks In this great breeding district, the oows being excellent dairy oows, snd the young oat tie r ich in colour and quality, and the whole have been bred on the farm. The hall-bred ewes are a choice lot, and fit. The | blaok-f seed ewes axe ohiefly direct off Laogley dale Moor, and, being a sound heat, w i l l prove j good doers wherever rumored.

Brakes wi l l meet the 915 a.m. train from the West, and the 10'44 am. train from Bishop Auckland, at Barnard Castle.

Auctioneers' Addresses: Darlington & Bowes.





TO BE SOLD BY AUOTION, A t the WTTHAM H A L L , Bernard Castle, on

WEDNESDAY, M A R C H 27th, 1918, at 3 o'elook p.m. (subject to Conditions ot Ssle),

Iff V S S R S i

G E O . T A R N B A I N B R I D G E & SON, Auctioneers,


QALGATB, BARNARD CASTLE, now in the occupa­tion of Mr 8. A. Sweeten, Photographer (late Mr E. Yeoman), containing on Ground Floor Large Shop, w i th excellent Show Window; The Gallery, 30 feet by 11 feet; Stndio, 21 feet 11 Inches by 12 feet 8 ioohes; 2 Small Dressing Rooms and Conservatcry, Dining Rnom (with Bay Window), Large Kitchen, Scullery, and Pantry. On First Floor, Drawing Room, 5 Bedrooms, Box Room, Bath-room, and W.C

A t the rear Large Wood Shed, also Large Puotographio Workshop and Store Rcom (Ground and First Floor).

There is a Good Garden. Frontage of the Property 34 feet. Depth 233 feet more or less.

The Property which was rebuilt 20 years ago, is Stone-built and Blue Slated, ia situate io the MainThorooghf are, and has an atnraetive appearanoe, and Is s u i t a b l e for almost any business.

For further particulars, spply the AUCTIONEERS, Stanhope Road, Darlington; or

MESSRS W. J. & H. O. WATSON, Solicitors, Barnard Castle.

T O M H A R R I S O N , Auctioneer and Valuer,




B} Order of the Mortgagees. -


'AY, 28th M A R O B , 1918, at 3 p.m to the Conditions of Sale of the

Md North Yorkshire Law Society), 3 J . P A R K I N S O N & S O N S ,


B A R N A R D C A S T L E , now in the 0 ' O f Mr I . G. WUley. The Shop and »ave a Frontage on the Market net 10 inches, wi th excellent Show

*od Large Cellar beneath. I n the tonse are 2 Sltting-rosm, Kitchen

At the rear are Wash-house and other Buildings, with

'm or Workshop (25 feet long by T h * Yard is joint w i th the adjoining

! > t t t * \ L M S e and Productive GARDEN, > 37, °'road into the Back Lane The rS««MROOT Property is 114 feet and • tZr

C « parUoulara apply tu the » t o t. INGRAM DAWSON,

Solicitor, Barnard Csatle,


E. H0LD8W0RTH, Masons' Pharmacy,

Barnard Cattle.




[ B Y OCR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT, j It-is our painful duty to record the death ot

Lady Barnard, which occurred at Raby Castle on Thursday night, the immediate cause being bronobial pneumonia. As would be gathered from the statements made in this journal from time to time her Ladyship's oondition had been crit ical for several days. Lady Barnard had in faot been in indifferent health for some time, and her constitution waa by no meana sufficiently robust to withstand the severity Of the last attack. She entered peacefully into real—" the jewel of the just"—In the presence of members of the family.

Lady Barnard, prior to her marriage, waa Lady Catherine Cecil, th i rd daughter ot the third Marquis ol Exeter, of Burghley House, Stamford, and aunt of the present bolder of the t i t l e . She waa born in 1861, and waa married to Lord Barnard when twenty years of age. There have been three sons of the u n i o n -Henry Cecil, born September 19>h, 1882 Christopher William, born October 28th, 1888;

L O C A L A N D O T H E R N O T E S .

i'he Rov. E. K. Wilkinson, Curate of Romald­kirk , has been preferred to a l iv ing and vicarage near Preston.

The Rev. William Robinson, late of (Jueen street Congregational Church, Sheffield, who has been in India for over eleven years, under the auspices of the London Missionary Society, cousin bf M r Robinson, of the Temperance Hotel, Harmire, says that during the sixteen years the late Rev. Arminlus Burgess was missionary in India, he laid the best foundation of secular and religious knowledge ever accomplished by any man in the Madras Presidency.

The Pierrot Company of the 52nd Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers, which appears i n the Witham Hall to-morrow night, w i l l be found eminently meritorious. The troupe was organised by Captain Young, Chaplain to the Forces, who takes two or three concerted numbers, while Corporal Sugden is an exceptionally good turn. Private Pearson is a capital comic, and a bumper house is anticipated.

Corporal b'rank lllsley, of the Royal Army Medical Corps, and dispenser i n a reception hospital, has been promoted to sergeant-dispenser. We believe this is the highest rank a dispenser can attain in the Royal Army Medical Corps.

Four unimportant plaints only were entered for hearing at the Barnard Castle County Court, on Monday, and the si t t ing was not held.

The Bishop of Durham held continuations at the County School and Parish Church, Barnard Castle, on Monday.

and Ralph Frederick, born June 8tb, 1891 The eldest son, Csptain the Hon. H. O. Vane,

died from illness contracted on active service In France last Ootober, and tbia bereavement, very greatly accentuated by her anxiety lor her second son, now also in France, told somewhat heavily upon her already deolining health.

Lady Barnard was not only a moat devoted wife and mother, and deeply attaohed to Raby, but she had the atrongeat tileoiion and prldo for her old home, Burgbley House, and for the Cecil family. *

The " Tlmea " (London) says : " She w i l l be sincerely mourned by many friends, and not lesat by the tenants and workpeople of her husband's R»by and Teesdale estates, In whose welfare she ever took the elosest Interest."

At one time Lady Barnard was pxesident of the Women's Liberal Unionist Association at Darlington ; and enly a day or two ago was re-aleoted senior vlee-president ot the Barnard Castie and Startforth Nursing Association. She took the moat l ively conoern in the auooesa of the Raby Castle Flower Show.

Of late years, however, Lady Barnard had taken a diminishing share In political and public affairs, though in a l l benevolent organizations and institutions she ever extended wi l l ing and generous support. The indigent bad In her a.most sympathetic friend, and her assistance waa always judiciously given. Her charming manners made her Ladyship engaging as a hostess, and oon-splouously fKantertalnlng at Raby Castle the late King Edward, Princess Beatrice and her daughter, new the Queen of Spain, aa well as many other distinguished guests.

Quiet, Simple, Impressive Funeral. Completely divested of a l l appearanoe of

ostentation, the funeral took place on Monday afternoon, the aervioe in the more than eight-centurles-old pariah church of Staiodrop, wi th i ts turret flag aalf-maat high, being memorable in Its simplicity. The coffin waa rested on a oatatalque at the weat end of the sacred edifice, and, ad the chief mourners entered the time-honoured lane, Mr T. G. Fraokton, the organist played that balm ol hurt minds, " O, rest in the Lord." The chancel alalia were draped In cloth ol ecolesiaatloal purple hue, and arum lilies and exotics arranged by Mr Tullet, the head gardener, lent softened and restful beauty to the aoene. The robed clergy present were the Lord Bishop of Durham (Dr Moule), the; Rev. E. H. Mais, the Bishop's ohaplain, and the Rev. I. E. Phillips, View of Staindrop and Private Chaplain to the Lord of Raby, who conducted. The hymns were most appropriate, tbst of Stephen the Sabalte, translated by Neale—"Art thou weary,art thou languid, art thou sore distrest ?" being sweetly rendered, while the beseeebiog, consolatory and confiding oblstion In verse by H. F. Ly te-" Abide wi th me, fast falls the eventide ! —was sung with eqsal tenderness.

The90 u Ps»:m was intoned, and the Bishop impressively read the 15th chapter; ot Corinthians, from verse 28, wbloh is incor­porated in the servioe appointed for the burial of the dead, and while the mourners left the church the skilful organist played Chopin's Funeral Marob. The aervice was brief but touohing,

Lest the statement that the drapery In the churoh was used at the funeral of the late Duke of Cleveland should descend Into mythical lore, perhaps this is a favourable opportunity to aay that i t waa provided by Lord Barnard for the funeral of His Grace's widow, Duehesa Wlihelmlac

The ohlef mourners were Lord Bsrnsrd, Lady Enid Vane, Captain the Hon. and Mrs R. F Vane, the Marquis of Exeter (nephew), and Lady Barnard's two brothers—Colonel Lord William Oeoll, C.V.O., and Colonel Lord John Joloey-Ceell, and Lady Louisa Cecil, >aer aister, and Lady Katherine Vane, H tughton Hall, wile of Colonel the Hon. W. L- Vane.

Amongst-those who were unable to be present were Lord Bsrnard'a sister (the Hon, Mrs Rennell); Lord and Lady Newlanda (Lady Barnard's sister); Lady Frances Cecil (sister) Mr Ban Cecil (nephew); M r R. Battle Wrightson (nephew) In France ; the Hon. l i r a Gilbert Vane (Lord Barnard's sister-in-law) ; Captain E. C. Sowerby (Lord Barnard's agent f i r the Raby Estates in Shropshire; ; and Mrs C T. Fogg-Elliot.

I t la regrettable that Captain the Hon. K i t Vane, who ia the eldeat surviving son, snd heir-at-law to the Raby Estates, who, aa a dutiful soldier ia again i n France, was unable to be present, but i t was very doubtful from the first that be would get news of his mother's death in time to allow blm to pay hia last tributesto the memory of hia affectionate parent. f

Othera preaent inoluded Mr H. L . Fife and Miss Fife, Mr C T. Pogg-EUiot, Mrs Millard housekeeper, and Miss BaUey, lady's maid.

Nurse Douglas, who haa been Lady Barnard's devoted attendant for some time, and waa wi th her Tin the final hour ot her earthly pilgrimage, was present at the last scene of a t .

The entire responsibility and oredlt tor the funeral arrangements rested wi th Captain the Hon. Ralph Vane, who waa assisted by Lord Barnard's private secretary, Mr Fogg-Elliot Mr H. L . Fife, the ohlef agent; M r T . W, Applegarta, of the estate office, and others,

Heads of departments were personified in Messrs i. Paweett, T. Bewiok, H. Buckle, I . Toward, E, Hodgson T. W. Applegartb and E. C. Borises.

The coffin was ot plain oak and unvarnished, with black Iron fittings. The following was the toaonpMon Catharine Sarah, wife of

the fi in Baron Barnard: born Apr i l 8 th, 1861: died 14th March, 1918." The coffin was placed in the private ehapel at Raby Castle, on Saturday night, where i t remained t i l l Monday afternoon. Mr C. T. Fogg-EIUot carried on a orimaon cushion the decesaed lady's coronet.

Friends and neighbours attending Inoluded Lady Havelook Allan, Lieut. Armstrong, wi th Msjor MoBuUdook, representing Colonel the Hon. W. L. Vane ; Mr W. H. Ralston, repre-

tlng Lords Strathmore and Glares ; 8lr Alfred Palmer, Miss Nesham, Mrs G. Iiodgsoa, Revs. W. Apter, J. R Gardiner, R. W. Young, Messrs Herbert Straker, 1, t. Bell-Irving, I. Smith, J. H. Holmes, T. O. Nicholson (repre­senting W. J. and H. C Watson), John Robeon, " W. Hartley, E. D. Trotter, A. 8. and W. H. Summerson, P. Widdas. A. F. Garthwalte, G. G. Robson, Misses Raine, Mrs F. S, Beadoo, M r Arthur Copeland, M r W. Woodhead, and M r Riddell (representing Mr W. G. Morant, Chief Constable of Durham County, who was ebeant through illness), and a numerous body of tenantry, the castle staff end estate workmen, halt-holiday being observed by the latter.

The Vioar of Staindrop continued the service at the cemetery, and the Bishop reverently pronounced the committal sen­tences, and gave the benediction. The grave, which was lined wi th ivy, is shaded by I r i sh yews in the near distance.

A van load of wreatba snd floral souvenirs, the 8 J were and fruits of love, reaohed the graveyard, numbers being of exquisite white­ness and of refreshing odour.

Many were the sincere expressions of sympathy tor Lord Barnard, who bore the ordeal In al l the manliness o l silent grief, but waa visibly sffsoted at the close.

PULPIT REFERENCE AT FOREST. A feeling ot wldea oread sorrow haa been

occasioned in the Forest and Harwood dlstriot by the death of Lady Barnard. Far some years past her Ladyship had regularly apent a few weeks at Middleton House, and often drove or motored to High Faroe and Langdon Beck, so that ahe waa well-known i n the dale. Much regret waa felt when ahe was unable to come last year, but we al l hoped that we might have the pleasure of weloomlng her next summer. The news came aa e great shook,and very since sympathy la f e l l tor Lord Barnard and his family In their bereavement. Preaobing in Forest Pariah Obnroh last Sunday evening, the Vicar (Rev. A . T, Randle) referred to the aad event, and mentioned that on behalf of the parishioners of Forest and Harwood, as well as himself, he had already oonveyed to Lord Barnard the asauranee of their reapeotf ul sympathy.

LOCAL MILITARY MARRIAGE. A wedding whioh evoked much local Interest

was solemlsedIn the Roman Catholic Church, Barnard Castle, on Thursday, when Lieut. R Morton, D.L.I., elder aon of Mr and Mrs R Morton, of the Turk's Head Hotel, Barnard Castle, and Miss Theresa Marios Ooulthard, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs H. Ooulthard, of Montalbo House, Barnard Castle, were united In holy matrimony. Both partiea being well known a large number of frienda were )resent to witness the nuptial oeremony. Fhe Rev. Father Darley officiated. The bride,

who was given away by her father, was attired in a dress of Ivory white satin, wi th wreath and veil. She carried a handsome bouquet of lilies Miss Clare Coulthard, the bridesmaid, wore a dress of shell pink taffeta s i lk ,* wi th hat to match, and carried a bouquet of pink carnations, Lieut. R . Sayer, of the K.O.Y.LI . , was best man. A reception waa afterwards held at the home of the bride's parents.


A aoeial in eonneetlon wi th the Middleton Football Club waa held in the sale-room on Wednesday n ight M r W. Oultmin aotrd aa master of ceremonies for the dance, end t i t t . Watson's string band supplied the musls.

*** Mr O. G. Morton presided over the annual

meeting In eonneetlon wi th the MiddJeeoa Town Band. The accounts precanted by the Treesu'er showed a small balance in band. The following iffioers were elected: President, Dr I . O. Nell gar ; vice- president, Dr Beadle ; treasurer, M r 1. H. Allinson ; secretary, Mr G. A. Thompson ; auditors, Messrs 8 . G. Morton and W. Ell iot t .

V A eonoert waa held In the Wesleyan school­

room, Middleton, on Saturday night, promoted by the Ladles' Red Cross Society, the proceeds of wbioh were for the Wesleyan trnatees for the free use of the room for Red Cross e forte. There was a good company present, and a capital programme waa rendered by the following artistes .--Miss Beadle end Miss Balebrldge, Eggleston ; Mrs F. Watson. Miss O. Watson, Miss Dobson, Miss Hunt, Mies A. Anderson, and Messrs W. Thompson end J. Morton. There was alao a humorous sketoh given by several girls. The Rev. W. Sumner (Baptiat) presided, end made le t ling reference So the psssicg ul the Rev. O. Pettier, and a vote of oympathy was adopted wi th the bereaved widow and family.

v A service, in memory of al l Teesdale men who

have fallen in the war, wUi take place next Wedeesday night l a St. Marys Church, Middleton.

V Death o« the Rsv. Charles Pettier.

I t le wi.h n i i e m a regret that we have to rec >rd the passing away ot the Rev. Charles Pettier, the superintendent minister of the Teeedale Circuit ot the Primitive Methodist oonntxloo, M r Pettier took charge ol the Teeedele Circuit In 1914 end hie ministry has been marked by a devotion to the religious Interests of the people whioh endeared hiss to all hearts. Although the circuit le e very scattered one, he waa a pastor i n the real sense of the word, and the dalespeople, cautions ar d undemonstrative as tbey are, displayed as

I action tor blm that was deep-rooted aad su epre. M r Pettier enffsred from heart flection, b n i the er d came very enddenly on

Friday e tur iooo . The less o l bis only BOO, who fa I In the war some eleven months ago, waa a great blow to him. The late reverend gentleman w.« b -rn at Gsilet, cear Richmond, on Jan" 18>, 1859 end has bad a moat success­ful mlotsuy. He leaves a widow (oho was the daughter < f the late Rev. C. Prieetley, who e l one time waa in the Barnard Castle circuit), and two daughters to monrn their loss, and tor whom much sympathy is f e l l The funeral look plaoe T - » ' - ' d » » .

Ou Wednesday evening last Mr R. W. Storey, of Lendings, received a telegram announcing the death of his son, Lieutenant Storey, of the Durham Light Infantry, and formerly of the 10th Hussars. The message said the promising young officer had been accidentally ki l led in the front line trench, and this was followed by a personal letter from the Colonel commanding, in which this passage occurs: " l a m very sorry to have to te l l you of the death of your son, who was an officer is my battalion. He died whilst doing his duty in the front line, He was an excellent officer, and we shall a l l miss him. Although I have only recently joined this battalion, and only knew your son a very short time, during that time his duty was excellently done. I wish to express my deepest sympathy wi th you in your great loss."

The Executive Committee of the North Riding, through their Commissioner, Mr Wright, have selected two fields at Startforth for allotment purposes: one at Low Startforth in the occupation of Mr F. Scot t ; and one at High Startforth, i n the occupation of Mr J, Whitehead.


NO Pills or Drugs used in this treatment. my never-falling remedy, and I guarantee

to oure al l female ailments. I Invite those oases that have failed elsewhere. Stamp, free advice.—Ross's "LABORATORY," NO. 8, Mitre-street, Cheltenham.

POULTRY KEEPERS 8HODLD WRITE to Joseph Thorley Ltd. , Klng'e Cross, London who are the manufacturers of OVUM, Thorley'a Poultry Sploe, for Thorley's Poultry Keepers' Account Book, also book giving useful Hint* to Poultry Keepers. Both sent tree.

E Y E R Y WOnUC^IN •Should send two etamps (or onr 32-page Illustrated Boot containing valuable information how a l l Irrefrularitie, and suppressions may be entirely avoided or removed by simp! means. Recommended by eminent Physicians as the onl; •ate, sure, and genuine remedy. Sever tails. Thousands o)

testimonials. Established 1862.


WORMS: Thorley's Worm Powders w i l l dear same. Sold i n Cartons containing 6 powders 5d. by Agents i n a l l parts, or by post paid 12 powders 1/1 from Joseph Thorley Ltd, King's Cross, London.

I N THE PINK OF CONDITION. Rather I give them OVUM Thorley's Poultry Sploe. You t ry i t then YOUR fowls w i l l be Healthy and PRODUCE AN ABUNDANCE OF E B O N You oan prooure OVUM at G. CLAKKSON HARKER, 24, Horse Market, Barnard Castle.

Zemoline Skin Ointment ia the Ointment wi th a 10 years'-non-fallure reputation, 1 / l t per

S, from Mason's Drug Stores, the Zemolins pot, Barnard Caatle.


Are unrivalled for a l l Irregularities, eto. They speedily aBord relief, and never ta i l to alleviate al l suffering.

They supersede Pennyroyal, P i l Cochia, Bi t ter Apple, etc, BLANCHARD'S are the best of a l l Pills for Women Sold i n boxes, Is . l i d . , by BOOTS' Branches, TAYLOR'S Drug Company Branches, and a l l Chemists, or post free,

same price, from LESLIE MARTYR. Limited, Chemists,

* DALSTON L A K E , LOSBO.. F ,» , sample and raiaabie Ssn'siat. van frsfr. la . staap

IS OVUH THORLEY'S POULTRY SPICE different to other P.nitry Spleea? Yea i t Is, beeanse i t contains all that is necessary or desirable for keeping Poultry healthy end obtaining an abundance of eggs. OVUM is i 'Id by Agents in all parts in Cases containing 72 paekets Seven Shilliogs (complete Caee); Cartons 1/3 and 8* each, also bags-Owl. 81 16s.. 56 be. 18/6 28 lbs) 9/6 Do not forget ao nae OVUM for yenr POULTRY.


MORTON : COULTHARD.—On the 14th in s t , a t St. Mary's Catholic Church, Barnard Castle, by the Rev. B. Darley, Robert, elder son of Mr and Mrs R. Morton, of the Turk's Head Hotel, to Theresa Marios, eldest daughter of M r and Mrs U . H. Coulthard, Montalbo House.

Deaths CALUS.—At 99, Galgate, Barnard Castle, on

March 19th, aged 6i years, May, dearly loved wife of the late Frank Callis, of Barnard Castle and Lisbon, and eldest daughter of the late Matthew Wood, of Homeside, Westoe. To be interred on Friday, March 2;nd, a t Barnard Castle.

COATES.-On March 17th, at Sbaw House. Barningham, Isaac Coates, aged 97. To be interred at Barningham, to-day (Wednesday. March 20tb), at 2 30 p m.

KIPLING. March 10th, aged 7 7 years, at Leeds, Charlotte, daughter of the late Dr. Thomas Kipling, of Barnard Castle.

RAINS .—At 49, West End-terrace, Barnard. Castle, on March 14th, Wee Maggie, dearly beloved daughter of J. W. and C. Raine, aged 8| years.,- Ever remembered by all .

Day by day we saw her f ado » And slowly pass away:

But often in our hearts we praysd That she might longer stay.

WEARMOCTH. A t 60, Galgate, Barnard Castle, on the 17th inst., Elizabeth Ann, beloved wife of George Tarn Wearmouth, in her 51st year. To be interred at Laithkirk, on Thurs­day. March 21st, at 2-30 p.m. Cortege to leave residence at 12-15 p.m.—Friends please accept this intimation.

WHITE. On the 17th inst., at 70, Galgate, John William, the dearly beloved husband of Margaret A. White. To be interred at thr> Dissenter* Burial Ground, on Thursday, 21st March. Cortege to leave residence at 2-30 pro. Service in the Primitive Methodist. Church.—Friends please accept this intima­tion.

In Memorism. BARRATT. - In loving memory of Sydney

Karratt, the beloved son of the late Sergeant H. T. and Minnie Barratt. born Angust 24th, 19,6; died March 11 t h , 1916.

Je*u- one day was gathering flower*, He plaoked H l i lv . and that was oars.

- Ever remembered by his loving mother. grandfather, grandmother, uncles and aunts.

HOPSON. In loving memory of Private James Frederick (Fred) Hopeon, only son of Mr and Mrs R. Hopson, Newgate, Barnard Castle, who died in Newcastle Hospital, on March 2?nd, I9<7.- Ever remembered by his loving dad, mother, and sisters.—"They miss him most who loved him best."

SAVER In loving memory of Robert Henry Sayer (late R.S.F.}, of Barningham, who dloa March 2<st, 1 9 7 .

1 h« fl..wer» we lay mxm bi t grave M M V wi bcr and dec y ,

Bnt the memory of the one beneatb Hh*11 never fade aw*y.

— Ever remembered by sister and brother-in-law (N. and J. Jaroieson).

SAYF.R,— In loving and affectionate remem­brance of Robert Henry Sayer, who died at Barningham, on 2'st March, 1917.—"Though death divides, fond memories cling."— Inserted by his loving friend, Bella Chillas

Pet urn Thanks LORD BARNARD is most grateful to the many

kind friends and neighbours of al l classes who have expn-ssetl their sympathy w i t h him in bis severe bireavement, and hopes in time think each oneuf toeaa individually-—Rabj, Marca. 19*8.