Cswip 3.2 Handouts

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  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    ' ... .,

    2) Supplementary & further weld symbols to BS 499:

    Square butt weld



    10VCompoundweld(Singlebeveland fillet)Intermittent plug and fillet welds are shown pitched to the start of each weld as

    shown below:


    3 No' s. ~omm length.

    ~3X 20 (50)


    50 mm gap toeach weld start.


    3) Convention of 15025531 as En 22553:(Has replaced BS 499 in UK & Europe)

    This standard uses a different method to represent arrow side and other sideof the weld joint.A broken line shall be shown above or below the reference line, except in thecase of welds that are totally symmetrical about the central axis of the plate

    Weld symbols are basically as per BS 499 however, fillet weld leg length must

    always be preceded by the letter Z and nominal throat thickness by the letter a.In deep penetration fillet welds and partial penetration butt welds, the effectivethroat thickness must always be indicated by the letter S.

    Removable backing strip Welding process

    /_ Reference information

    ------~~~----- 131 0----a. 8 s. 10 z, 10W~ Brokenlineindicating

    ( " other side.~ Weld toes to be

    ground smoothly


  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    4) Convention of AWS A2.4 (USA):

    This standard uses the same convention as BS499 to show this side and otherside of the reference line. Some special symbols are used in this standard. __A difference between the conventions is that in AWS A2.4 a change of direction in

    the arrow line is used to indicate single plate preparations.

    AVVS A2.4 may also use a number of reference lines from the arrow line to indicatethe sequence or procedure of welding.

    Staggered arrow showsSingle plate preparation


    , ~2~n_d~0.p_e~ra_ti~0_n~/4~~~~~

  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    BS 499 : Part 2 1980

    Table 10.:1

  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    .': .

  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts



    T:21VlP. PEN. 5-50 C [ABOVE 50 USE DRY PO\VDER]

    VIE\VING LIGHT PEN!lvlPI 500 Lux +



    ..... _ ._-_ ....._. _._--------..

  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts






    ------ _ ..._-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -

    ( . ,

  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    UL TRASO :l'liCS .


    LESS THAN 10NIMt-7010 - l S iYTh t I t-------60+7015MlVlt+------------4S+60OVER @ sorvfi\1t---~---45 ONLY





    --- ----.-.._ ~..--- -~-- -- -_ . . - - - -_ .

    . '

  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts






    ~--==X~10~O .. __. .. . --- ' >--- -

    . ,

  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts







    GAlYliVlA SFD TYPICAL@ 500MlV{ (BUTVAR IES GREATLY ]SOURSE stzs TYP. !.5X1 .5 ;-" 4\1

    IRI1J1vl192 NOR...'-l.Q . COBALT60 OVER @25~(};1UTERBImvI ONLY USED ON TH Dl' SECTION [ BEL OW10 ~c.1] TI~lE I COST

    SCREENS 0.1 ~t?v1FRONT A ." ."fDBACK GAM~l.\.. MUST HAVEX RAY OVER 12.0K.V


    DENSITY TYP. 2-~ [E.'

  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    \.;. \", ,

    " -: : .-'\


    RAD,lYIPI,PENETR4.J. ' IT,U rr

  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    OUALITY CHECK LIST: Radiography /

    BS 3683 Pt 3 : Terms used in NDT Radiological Flaw Detection

    BS 2600 Methods for radiographic e xam i.na t i.oriof fusion ',o/eldedbutt joints in steel

    ?t 1 2mm up to and including 50mm thick

    ?t 2 Over 50mm up to and including 200mm thick.

    as 2910 Rad i ogr-aph i c examination of f'us i on .... lded c i r-cumf'een t i a lbutt joints in steel pipes

    Image quality indicators for radiography andrecommendations for their use.

    8S 3971

    8S 2737 Radiology of Ln t er-na.Ldefects i n castings as revealedby radiography.

    Radiography in Modern Industry - Kodak ~-

    1) Focal spot or source size and streng~h should be displayedon the apparatus. Evidence of this to be available.

    2) Cali~ration of densitometers using a traceable film density strip

    3) Regular checks to be carried out on safelights.

    4) Records to be kept of processing solutions including replenisher.

    5) Lead and salt screens to be checked regularly

    6) Characteristic curves, exposure charts and 101 charts shouldbe available.

    7) Metal step wedges should be available.

    8) Radiation safety measures should be e~?loyed to the latestregulations. Evidence of radiation monitor calibration shouldbe available.

    9) Film storage

    10) Certificates of competency.

    11) Film test strips should be used for both manual and automatic



  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts



    QUALITY CHECK LIST: Magnetic Particle

    8S 6072

    8S 4069

    Magnetic particle flaw detection

    BS 4489

    Magnetic flaw detection inks and powders

    Measurement of UV.A radiation (black light) used in NDT

    as 3683 Pt 2 : Terms used in NDT Mag:1etic particle f'Lav detection

    as S044 Contrast aid paints used in magnetic particle fla~detection

    8S 89 Spec for direct acting indicating electrical measuringinstruments and their accessories.

    1) Vapour;degreaser for acidity

    2) Ammeter checks - difference bet'''''eenheck ammeter and r../ cammeter shall not exceed 10% of scale reading. Note checkammeter shall be calibrated to a traceable standard.

    3) Magnetic ink - composition.Non-fluorescent - not less than 1.2S% a~d not more than3.S% by volume.

    Fluorescent - not less th~~ 0.1% and not more tha~ 0.3% by volume

    Other solids if present not more than 10% by mass of ferro-magnetic content.

    Particle size - inks - in at least 99% of a representativesample no particle shall exceed 100~m.

    Powders - in at least 99% of a representative sample no particleshall exceed 200~m.

    4) Test for solid content and general condition of inks - agitateink, place sample of 100ml into a settlement flask, allo~ tosettle for 60 minutes. Read off result to nearest O.lml.Record as solid contents by volume.

    Special test for Tluorescent inks - check ink for evidence ofYello~ - green fluorescence in the supernatant liquid. Ifobserved, discard ink.

    S) Functioning test magnetic inks and powders - use ring type testpiece, Fig 2 BS 4069. UsiQg 750A (RMS) at least 2 holes shouldgive an indication.

    Residual magnetism technique for powders - use test piece Fig 3BS 4069. Mount test piece on insulated rod, apply SOOA DCthrough threading bar and apply dry po~der to each hole in turncommencing with the hole nearest to the surface. Powdershould be applied at a distance of 200-300mm.

    At least five holes should give an indication.

    Magnetic flow technique for inks and po~ders - use test pieceFig 4 BS 4069. Magnetise test piece parallel to coil axis or useelectro-magnets.

    The hole should give an indication.

    Aerosol containers should be date stamped.

  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts



    6) Corrosion test - use low carbon steel bar 150mm long, 12.5r.~ dia,surface texture 3.2um Ra

    oPartially immerse bar in ink sa~ple for minimum 12 hrs at 2S C

    There should be no evidence of corrosion.

    7) Black light - check minimum i~tensity depending upon type.2 2

    50 lux or O.BmW/cm or BOOuW/cm

    8) Check level of white light mini;;;um500 lux.

    9) Permanent magnetic & DC electro-magnets.

    Shall have maximum pole spaci~g of lSCmm.

    For pole spacing less than 7Smm the lifting capacity shall benot less than 0.24kg per mm of pole spacing. T r greater than75mm the lifting power shall be at least lBkg.

    AC electro-magnets - for pole spacing of 300mm or less thelifting capacity shall be 4.5kg.

  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts



    U/T BS 3923 . NOWPEN. BS 6443 '84 BS EN 571

    MPI BS 6072

    RAD. BS 2600 [GENERAL/PL Tl

    RAD .BS 2910 [ PIPE]NOW

    IQI BS 3971 BS EN 462-1

  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    las oo c i a r e dwithQA / Q C10.)0

    A Defect: A welding imperfection that falls outside of a levelof acceptance in an applied standard"

    Gas s e s . .of~~fects: jMinor: Unlikely to cause failure of the product"

    Major: Likely to cause failure, but small risk of loss of life"

    Cri tical: Extremely likely to cause fai lure, wi th high r isk ofloss oflife*

    COIJYI"Ighte 2002 T'M Ud J1

    "The really nice thing about not planning isthat failure comes as a complete surprise and isnot preceded by long periods of worry anddepression'>

    We make plans every day for the most trivial of things

    All delegates must have planned to come here today"

    Many tools are used for production planning including:

    Gant Charts. FOIWardand Reverse Scheduling. CriticalPath Analysis. etc"

    COpyright@2002T'M Ud


    Once an inspection plan has been made the organisationmust then begin"

    'Thismay involve the following elements:








    Any training & certification required

    Staffing the plan

    Procurement of equiprnents

    Transport to/from site, and at site

    Accommodation and messing

    Any special needs (Religious etc)

    Leave cycles etc"

    COpyrlght@2oo2T'M Ud

    1) Plan An agreed, pre-determined and structured

    pathway, that meets a specific aim

    2) Organise To make all necessary arrangementsrequired to carry out, or fulfil a planE ns ur in g a ll thiUg:!I ere: ill the COITC'Ct place a . I : (he cCI IT 'KCr ime

    3) Supervise To instruct, and control the work of staffin areas for which you are responsible

    4) Audit To carry out a periodic and systematic"check" ona system/process to ensure thatit has been carried out as specified"

    Copyright e 2002TWI Ud J2

    Using the following headings and the days on which they will becovered onthe course, make a reverse schedule plan to your examdate, utilising your available free time. Your plan needs to beflexible in case there are any changes to the course structure.

    Remember that Radiographic Interpretation (Theory, practical, orsensitometry) is not covered on the course syllabus.

    Specific theory --. . . . . . Rad'Int.Weld symbols

    Success" ~NDT reports


    --OralCopyr ight e 2 00 2 T WI U d J4

    Once a plan has been organised it is essential that control is.exercised so that the plan is successfully implemented

    A supervisor is essentially a manager of men whichrequires certain specific management skills:

    Each student should give an attribute/skill that they th ink.isimportant for "effective supervision of welding inspectors"

    Student names to be placed next totheir choice on the whiteboard"

    Do not open next slide until this task has been carried out" *

    Copyr igh t > 2 002 T WI U d J.


  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    ___ =D -.-.;)(31_, .y,_ , l i - - . . 09.03

    \VeJcome to the course, Int roduct ions & Admin

    Discus~ion + Pre course assessment


    Sup en isi on . P la nn in g. O rg an Iz in g. Aud iti ng .


    i 'i lan Managemen t

    Course Oele~te E:terdse


    Auditing ofNDTReports Part I'

    Copyr ight e 2a02 T'NI Ud

    D< ID . y : 5------- .... ; :;:;:;.~~~t_ .... ' --------- 09.05

    Reviewof day 2 + Open question.

    ;\-ledlanic.1 Testing

    Welding Procedures

    Advanced Welding Processes

    Welding Conrumables

    Weld Symbols'

    Copyright@2002TW1 Ud

    _ _ _ ~D ~ (8 l~ y "" ,"" ,S 09.07

    For WIS 10 E CSWIP 3.2 Exam 9am - 5pm

    For WIS 10

    Revkw of days 1- 4 + Open question.

    End ofCourse Assessment

    Open Qnestions

    Cou rs e D Is pe rs e . ..

    Cop)T1grt C 2 00 2 TW IU d


    D~y2--------=--"'~.-.....-------- 09.Q.IRe"iew of day 1 + Open questions)

    Continue Audit of NDT reports.


    Health & Safety. *

    Copyrtgl'il e 2 001r ln l! d

    D~y4- - - - - - - -= - " "~ f . . - - . . : : . - - - -09.06Review of day J + Open questions

    Heat Treatments

    I nt ro du ct io n to l\ t[o de s o ri n S er vi ce F ail ur e

    Fatigue, Ductile & BriUle Fractures

    Fraemred Surface Re'Vlew

    Fractul"d Surface Reporting Praetlce


    WIS HIE End of Ceurse AssessmentEnd o f c ou rs e revtew*'

    Copyr igh t e 2 00 ll 'V ' JI U d

    Specilic Tbeory/Pracdcal:

    4 f rom 6

    Weld Symbols

    Fractured Surfac"" :aNDT Reports" 3


    T ime 1 hr 15 minutes:

    TImel hr


    Time 1 hr

    TIme 15min's

    Radiognphy: Holders of PCN or CSWIP Rad Inll""el2 exempt

    Radlognphlc interpretation" 6

    Multi ChoiceRadiography


    Time I hr )0 minutes

    Time 30 minutes


    Total exam time: 7 hou rs 30 mtnutes

    CoPYf'ghl{)20D2 TWI u l ; 1


  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    T1rm. &, Defumiti.oIDlS09.32

    A Weld:" A union between mater ials caused by heat,and or pressure

    A Joint:' A conliguration of members

    Copyr lghl e 2002 T'M Ud

    Butt joints:

    T joints:

    Lap joints:

    Corner joints:


    . :" ' : : ; r> ~UClosed ~:lW JomerC op yr lg ht < 5: 12 00 2 T WI U d

    For U & J preparations there are other measurements that needto be known and given when machining the preparation

    Root radius

    -+-II The land"

    Copyright 0 2002 TWllId 11

    Butt welds:

    Fillet welds:

    Spot/Seam welds:

    Plug/Slot welds:

    Edge welds:

    C o py ri gh t S I 2 00 21 '' 10 '' U d

    Sometime we need to prepare the joint to successfully carryout the process of welding. i.e, Full fusion through the facesand access for the process. The terms for V and bevel buttwelds are given below

    Copyr tg td e 2 00 2 T "M L id 10

    Single bevel

    I;:peSo f Smg]eBmtl P 1 q l a r a tDmn09.40

    Single V


    Single U"

    Copyr lg td e 2 00 2 T WI L Id 11


  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    Ty p e so fD o ub 1 e B u tt P r e p a ra tio n

    Double bevel

    Double V

    DoubleJ -" , - -_ , -"~ . IK;~ ,c , . J;:-c",-,," -_ ,A, . - . ,~ - -" , ,~" - , - - - - ,oubleU"

    Copyright e 2002 TV. r I ue


    A butt welded butt joint

    A.t!!kt welded butt joint

    A compound welded butt joint"

    Copyright e 2002 TWI Ltd


    A.t!!ktwelded Lap joint

    A~welded Lap joint

    A compound welded Lap joint"

    Copyrlghl6) 20021\\1 LId





    Remember, the purposes of a weld preparation is to allow accessfor the welding process, penetration and fusion through the areaofthe joint and its faces

    The basic rule is this:

    The more you take out, then the more you must put back in.

    This has major effects on economics and distortion control etc

    The root face, root gap and angle ofbevel values, the choice ofsingle, or double sided preparations, are dictated only by the typeof welding process, the position and accessibility of the joint"

    Copyr lghl ~ 2002" 'J I LId

    A fillet welded T joint

    ' L b 'i

    ~L:_,-..-........._..-,.-,~. .. ,



    A buttwelded T joint

    A compound welded T joint"

    Copyright e 2002 T'M Ud

    A.t!!ktwelded Closed Corner joint ,



    _o- - , , _ ,~-

    \1 _



    A butt welded Closed Corner joint

    A comooulldwelded Closed Corner joint"

    copyright \0 2002 ' lV ' J I Ud

    , .



  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    An inside fillet welded Open Corner joint

    An outside [dletwelded Open Corner joint


    = -1..

    double tilletwelded Open Corner joint"

    Copyright e 2(]021'M Ud

    Horizontal Leg Length

    C o py ri gh t C l2 0 02 TW I L id

    JEffect of' P o o rT o eB l e n dAngle 10.02


    ....;,... 20 0 /" ......

    Impro~e,,~.~.!~ I;~.~~~P.Un.dl~~j~%;':~

    Copyr tght e 2 00 2 T WI U d





    Weld Face

    Design throatthiclat~.,,~" .

    / '" ~:~~~"'~Weld root Fusion Zone

    Copoyrigh t '? ; ) 2OO2.iYJ l.L td

    N om i n a l& ;Eff e c t i v eT h r o a tTh i c k n e s s10.00

    Same leg length --

    Effective throat

    Deep throat fi llet welds from FCAW & SAWetc*copyrlghte 2 00 2T W1 U d

    Effect @ raP o o rT o eB l e n dAngle 10.05

    High stress concentration

    Copyr lghl (5) 2 00 2 T WI U d




  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts



    Effect ofaP o o rT ooBl endAngle 10.D7It is also possible that the height of excess weld metal iswithinthe accepted l imit of an applied standard, but the toe blend isunacceptable, as shown below

    1 3mm

    Extremely poor toe blend, but excess weld metal is within limits"

    Copyright ~ 2002 TWI Lid

    ummazy of Basic 'f e J I 'm lS10.15Weld: A Union of materials

    Joint: A Configura tion of members

    Weld Preparation: Preparing ajoint to allow access and fusion.

    Types of Weld: Butt. Fillet. Spot Seam Plug. Slot. Edge.

    T ;_y.:.p_es_o_f_J_oIn_t: Butt T. Lap. Corner (Open & Closed)

    Types of PreparatIon: Bevel's. V's. J's. U's. Single & Double.

    Preparation Tenns: Bevel/included angle. Root face/gap. LandlRadius

    Weldment Terms: Weld face &. root Fusion zone & boundary, HAZ.

    Weld toes. Weld wid th-- r

    _W_e_l_d_S_iZl_n_;g::....;.(B_u_tts...:.,):_ D_TT_.A_TT_ . E_X_oos_._w_e_l_d_m_e_hl 1Weld Sizing (Fillets): OTT. ATT. Excess weld metal. Leg length= )

    Copyrighl e 2002 TWlltd 27


    TenpaAsooc i a r e dwithQNQC 10.22In process inspection: Inspection & surveillance carried out

    during production=

    Non - Compliance: A written report, that states that a clause orinstruction in the contract documents, codeor standard cannot be, or was not met"

    Concession: An agreed deviation (with the customer)from a pre-agreed path, or specification"

    Copyrlghl e 2002 TW1l1d






    ~ I l sOOhm! l I lm_~ t n l l P JU l l im f f im J "

    Copyrlg:hl~ 2002 TV"Ud

    Quality Assurance: All the planned and systematic actions andactivities, required to provide adequateconfidence in a product

    What is wantedl!=

    las s o o c i a f r e dwi thQNQC 10.18

    Quality Control: The operational techniques and activitiesused to fulfil quality.

    What must be done, in order achievewhat iswanted"

    Copyrlght e 20 02 TW I U d

    CopyrlghI02002T'MUd 30

    Te r m sAsooc i a t edwi thQNQC 10.25

    Inspection Specification: A document containing, or referringto all information required in thelevel of inspection for a product"

    Certificate ofConformance: A signed certificate, declaring that aproduct has been produced inaccordance with a specification=


  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    A tt ri b n te so r anE f fe c tiy e S lJ P Yiw r1125Attributes/Skills of an effective Senior Welding Inspector"


    Planning skills

    -Organisationa] skills


    -Delegation skills

    Motivation skills





    Leadership skills

    Communication skills

    -Record keeping skills

    -Irnpartial & fair

    -Problem solving skills

    Diplomatic etc. etc.>

    Copyr lg ht@ 2002, .,M L Id


    Re spon s i b i l i t i e sof, S e n i o r ~ r 1130For a supervisor the principles are:

    Find the facts! ~

    Assess the facts! -$Implement & monitor! t




    Copyr ight e 2002 TWJ lid


    First the worlemust be cleaned thoroughly, then apenetrant is applied for a specified time"

    Once the contact time has elapsed, the penetrant isremoved and a developer is then applied"

    Any penetrant that has been drawn into a crack bycapillary action will be drawn out into the developer"

    Two types of penetrants are:

    1) Colour contrast 2) Fluorescent Penetrant"

    Copyright IS) 2DD2 TWJ lid




    _ _ . i!I! lA ,_ _ ID l.. . ._dl!lll; l l...... t '*:m ._lIo :l ig fi ii l-1128Audit: To carry outa periodic and systematic "check" onasystem/process to ensure that it has been carried out as specified"




    Documentation (i.e.NDT reports)

    - Health & Safety

    Copyr lg ht ~ 2002 TWI Ud

    We use Non Destructive Testing (NDT) when we wish toassess the integrity of a structure without destroying it

    The 4 of the common types ofNDT used when assess ingIweldments are: I

    :p'elletra~i'~4 . le 1:esU l).'Z'm r '

    g. ~~g,l).etiCya~\Ci

    \""' ' ' ' \",:"m~II.~c Testing' ..,.... \\\C 1:esti ll-v ," /

    . . -"ltad.iog,ra\l

    Copyr ig ht e 2002 i'M lid

    'JIl'l C@ ID m CC ((i)J I il lbm $ t]P


    Apply Penetrant Clean tIlen apply Developer Result'

    Copyrtghl~2002"J"IMUd 41



  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts



    IAdvantages I Disadvantages I

    11) Low operator skill level

    12)All materials

    II) Highly clean metal

    12) Surface flaws only

    13) Extremely messy3)Low cost method

    14) No permanent record" I4) Simple equipment

    Copyright e 20021W1 Lid

    l : : t f u3 \p}e1b l c]P);awtjk;lleThibl[ffi~14.15

    Method .lContrast paint Magnet & Ink Result"

    Copyright 0 2002 "PM us

    Procedure JFirst the work must be cleaned thoroughly, then a couplant isapplied to increase sound transmission"

    A probe is then applied with the correct angle for the weldpreparation and sound waves are transmitted"

    Any imperfections will rebound the sound waves causing asignal to occur on the cathode ray tube"

    Copyr igh t (S) 2002 "PM Ud

    4 '



    Procedure JFirst the work must be cleaned and a whitener applied forcontrast. A magnetic flux is then applied by permanent magnet,electro magnet, or straight current"

    A magnetic ink is applied which will concentrate in areas offlux leakage, as those caused byflaws"

    The weld length must be crossed at90 0 by the magnetic field"

    The types ofmagnetic media used are:1) Wet ink 2) Dry powder 3) Fluorescent ink"

    C oPJ fl ght ~ 2 002 1 ' 1 ' . 4ue

    IAdvantages I Disadvantages

    11) Low operator skil l level

    12) Sub surface flaws

    11) Fe Magnetic metal only

    12) De-magnetize afier use

    13) Can cause arc strikes #

    14) No permanent record

    13) Relatively cheap

    14) Simple equipment

    # When using the straight current prod techniqueCopyright@l2002lW1 ue

    Apply Couplant Result"

    [email protected](Q)Jtj1JlQ1CftlbiIDl~ 14.22Ai

    Method .JSound wave

    &r. : : : r~",\.-

    Signal reboundedfrom Lack of fusion

    CopyrIghI@2002TW1Ucf -IS


  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    IAdvantages I Disadvantages

    11)High operator skill1)Can find lack of fusion

    12)Most materials 12) Difficult to interpret

    13) Requires calibration

    14 ) No permanent record"

    13) No safety requirements

    14 )Portablelinstant results



    Load film Exposure to Radiat ion Interpret Graph

    _ . . Q 9Developed~. 0 .' ( . .. .GraPh'lE:.lJ

    ""'I - ' 1 4 i $# J 'IT;:~, .. ::!~,.:r. iJ". ., .. . .. . .\~" ..""", ,)

    ~image on the film


    Part of your duties as a Senior Welding lnspector, and thereforealso part of your 3.2 final exam, is to audit (or scrutinize) reportsfor missing, or incorrect information.

    A knowledge ofNDT is of course essential to carry out this taskfor NDT reports.

    Make a list ofthe elements that you would consider would needchecking on an NDT report, prior to accepting it? (10 Min's)"


    R(g\(p1Jl(D?&S\~1blicfjsMI.. H.:2

    Procedure JA film is placed inside a cassette between lead screens.It isthen placed to the rear of the object to be radiographedA radiographic source, is exposed to the work and film for apre-calculated time"

    Any imperfections in line with the beam of radiation will beshown on the film after exposure and development"

    The 2 types of radiation used in industrial radiography:

    1) X rays (from Cathode Ray Tube)2) Gamma rays (from a Radioact ive Isotope

    C0py!1ght@2OO2T'M LId


    IAdvantages I Disadvantages11)A permanent record?

    \2) Most materials

    11)High operator skill

    12) Difficult interpretation

    13) Lack of sidewall fusion

    14 ) Safety requirements>

    13)Assess root pen ' in pipe

    14)Gamma ray is portable

    C Op yr tg hl. e 2 00 2 T VJ I Ud

    2 Chedc NDT method/and technique.

    3 Cbedc NDTprocess parameters,

    4 Cbedc All elements relevantto NDT process/materials.

    5 Chedc The NDT procedure &. a DBS nmnber s a re c or re ct

    6 Cbedc All uni ts a re c orr ec t f or a pp li ca ti on ie . rmn Icm

    7 Cbedc All imperfect ions identifiedlsi7ed and located.


    10 Check: EvelJlhlng again, "Carefu1I1 "1111"C op yr lg tt ~ 2002 TW I ue





  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts



    Steels are classified into groups as follows: *

    Plain Carbon Steels:*


  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    Martensite can be defined as:

    A supersaturated solution of carbon inBCT ir on (Body Centr ed Tetragonal)

    It is the hardest structure we can producein steels'

    :I' ompressed representation c ould appear like thisCopyrigtll~ 2002 TWI Ud

    This is a term used to describe the ability of a steel to hardenthrough a c ross section. We now understa nd the mechanism

    of hardening and its reliance on the rate of cooling fromabove the vcr of the steel"The Hardenability of a steel is affected by the influence ofthe a lloying e lement s in delay ing the t rans fo rma tiontemperatures of a steel '"

    Each alloying element has a different severity on this effect

    and from thus was borne the following formulae

    Ceq = %C + Mn + Cr + Mo + V + Ni + Cu6 5 15 '"

    Copyr tghl ) 2 0 0 2 TW ll td


    Time in seconds"11C op yrt gh l ~ 2 00 2 T WI U d

    Solubility of Carbon in BCC & FCC phases of steels'

    Ferrite: a Low carbon solubilitv. Maximum 0.02/.'

    Austeniterv High c arbon solubilitv. Maximum 2.1)6%'

    Martensite: The hardest phase in steels, which is producedby rapid cooling from the Austenite phaseIt onlv occurs below 300 C

    Copyright e 2002 T'M Ud

    The Fe/C equilibriwn diagram is of little use to the enginee rwhen it comes to practical heat treatments, as all phases areshown in equil ibriwn cooling"

    To unders tand the rela tive phases of a s teel under d iffe ringcooling conditions we need to produce a diagram that givesthis information"

    A Time Temperature Transformation diagram shows us this

    informa tion, a nd a differe nt diagram is produc ed for anyonetype of steel. The following diagrams show how the effect ofca rbon and a lloying elements ef fect the har de nability a ndhence the depth of hardening of steels"

    copyright e 2002l'M Ud 10

    1) Aus teni te to Pea rl ite iFer ri te tr ans fo rmat ion beg in.




    0.1 1 10Time in seconds


    Copyr1ght e 2 00 21 V' JI U d 12


  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts




    0.1 I 10Time in seconds


    Copyright@20021"/J1Ud 13

    3 5 0~V P fij~O O V PNA .' -; B

    ...........~-o Hardness readings . . ~ (>

    (> (>' - ' i

  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    Copyright~ 2002 TWI Lid

    Cellulosic electrodes producehydrogen as a shielding gas

    Hydrogen produced from \ Ioil, or paint on plate ~

    Hydrogen absorbed in along, or unstable arc

    / Hydrogen crack

    Copyrtght~ 2002 T'M Lid

    Increasing the carbon content will increase the strength, but willalso increase greatly the formation of martensite in the weld.This may now produce H, Cracks across weld"

    cOP'1righl 4) 2 00 2 TWI Ud



    Crack type:Location:

    Steel types:

    W HAZ & weld metal crackinga. HAZ (Longitudinal)

    b. Weld metal (Transverse)a. All harden able steels including:b. HSLA steelsc. Quench & Tempered steelsMartensite"icrostructure:

    Occurs when:


    is above 15 mUlOOgm weld metalisabove 350 VPNis greater than 0.5 of the yield st ressis below 300 DC'

    Copytigtd e 2002 TV ' J IUd

    HSLA or Micro-Alloyed Steels are high strength steels thatderive their high strength from finite alloying"

    Typically the level of alloying is inthe region of 0.05% andelements such asvanadium molybdenum and titanium. areused. It would be impossible to match this micro alloying inthe electrode due to the effect of losses across an electric arc"

    It ishowever important to match the strength of the weld to thestrength of the plate, and soa simple way of matching weldstrength must be found and utilised"

    To find a simple method we would need to look at the effect ofincreasing carbon content on the properties of iron"

    C o py rt g tr t C 2 0 02 T'NI Ud 02

    Longitudinal contractional strain

    Copyr lghl e 2002 TV ' J Ius


  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    Quench and tempered steels are highly alloyed steels to produce aMartensitic structure on cooling (> 90%) "

    A tvpical chemical composition of this tvpe of steel is:

    Carbon 0.4% Manganese 1.0%

    Molybdenum 0.3%hromium 0.8%

    + Aluminium (As a grain refiner) + Titaniwn. Ceq> 0.78 "

    The carbon equivalent will need to increase as the thickness ofthe steel increases, to allow for the slower cooling, or mass effect.

    This is to increase the "Ha rdenability" or ruling section"

    Copyr ight e 2 00 2 T Wl U d

    1) Maintain calculated preheats, and ~ allow the inter-pass temperature to go below the pre-heat value"

    2) Use Low Hydrogen processes with short arcs & ensureconsumables a re cor rect ly baked & stored as required"

    3) Ifusing a cellulosic E 6010 for the root run, inser t the I''Hot pass" as soon as possible. (Before HAZ < 300C)"

    14) Remove any paint, oil or moisture from the plate or pipe"

    15) Carry out any specified PWHT as soon as possible>

    16) Avoid any restraint, and use high ductility weld metal"

    17) For Qrr Steels minimize II, and Stress concentrations"

    Copyr ight (S) 2 00 2 T WI U d

    Crack type :Location:Steel types:


    Solidif icat ion cracking

    Weld centre (longitudinal)High sulphur & phosphorus s teel s.Columnar gra insin direction of solidification"

    Occurs when:

    Liquid iron sulphides are formed around solidifying

    grains. High contractional strains are presentHigh dilution processes are being used.

    There is a high carbon content in the weld metal"

    Copyr tgh l e 2002 11M Ud


    Quench & Tempered, or Qrr stee ls are ste els that are producedspec ifically with high harde nability to produc e a fme mar tensitic

    grain structure dur ing manuf actur e. These steels are the n f ullytempered to remove the Martensite and retain the fine grain

    structure , which is of high str ength and toughness"

    in order that the se steels can harden throughout their thickness,their chemical composition changes as the plate thicknessincreases. This is to maintain the ruling section of the plate, or inother words, to incre ase the har de nability of the ste el"

    The resultant weldabili ty is extremely low, and great care must betaken to avoid I c racks in We ld & HAZ. Careful considerationmust be given to keeping any str ess conc entra tion at weld toes

    and the tl;. content in the weld as low as possible"C~pyngh l ~ 20 02 1 1M U d

    Copyright e 2002 11M Ud

    Iron Sulphide films

    Solidif icat ion crack



  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    IAdd Manganese to weld metalSphericalivIn Sulphide balls

    1~~~E~rfonn between solidified grains

    Cohesion and strengthbetween grains remains

    Copyright E) 2Q02 TW'IUd

    Crack type:Location:Steel types:


    Occurs when:

    High contractional strains are present in welds having a d:w >2: 1 The solidifying weld metal cannot support this high levelof strain and a plastic tear results just below the weld surfaceon the centreline. This resultant tear has sharp edges and may

    cause failure of the weld during service, as it is a high stressconcentration. It may also progress to the surface during/afterthe solidification process to appear like a solidification crack"

    Shrinkage cavityWeld centre (Sub Surface)Ferritic Steels.

    Columnar grains"

    Copyright e 2QD2 TW'IUd

    Crack type:Location:Steel types:Microstructure:

    Liquation crackingHAZ (longitudinal)High sulphur & phosphorus steels.Areas containing high S content"

    Occurs when:

    When welding low quali ty, high sulphur content s teels, it i spossible that areas containing FefS in the HAZ will liquify.This low melting point l iquid FefS will form around thegrain boundaries in the HAZ. Opposing strains in the weldand HAZ may result in a crack in the HAZ, caused by thehigh contractional strain in these areas "

    CopyrlgtdC 2002 TW'Ilid

    14 .10




    ~ C~m1D l~fS~lIi~fi~OlIilCmdk i ID l l l 4 . 1211 ) The first step in eliminating this problem would be to

    Ichoose a low dilution process, and change the joint design"12) Grind and seal in any lamination and avoid further dilution" :\3) Add Manganese to the electrode to form spherical MnlS

    Ihich form between the grain and maintain grain cohesion"I4) A s carbon increases the MnlS ratio required increases Iexponentially and isa major factor. Carbon content % should ibe a minimised by careful control in electrode and dilution" I5) Limit the heat input, hence low contraction, & minimise

    Iestraint"C op yr ig ht ~ 2 00 2 -r M U d "

    Controlling occurrence of shrinkage cavities: Keep d:w < 2: 1"Copyright ~ 2002 TW'IUd J4


    Opposing contraction in HAZ & Weld metal

    Copyr ight e 2002 -rM U d as


  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    11) Use higher quality, refined steels"

    12)Minimise heat input"

    13) Use pre-heat to control contraction rate"

    14 )Minimise restraint"

    c o py rl g td . \ < ; 12 0 0 2T Vo I IUd

    Crack:type:Location:Steel types:Microstructure:

    Lamellar tearingBelow weld HAZHigh sulphur & phosphorous steelsLamination & Segregation"

    Occurs when:

    High contractional st rains are through the shorttransverse direction. There is a high sulfur content in thebase metal.There is low through thickness ducti li ty in the base metal .There is high restraint on the work"

    Copyrigtd. e 2002 T W J Ud


    Plate to be

    Full fusion compound

    cruciform joint"

    The test piece is machined from the cruciform joint andplaced under tension. If Lamellar tearing was present itwould fail at 'a low value"

    Cop)'rlshl e 2002 T Vo I IUd



    copyright (g) 2002 l'WI Ud

    r I -~~- , , J(Il. .


    High contractional strains

    Copyrlgtd. Q 2002 l'M ltd




  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    Assessment of susceptibility to Lamellar Tearing:

    Carry out through thickness tensile test

    Carry out Ultra-sonic testing

    Carry out penetrant tes ting of plate edges

    Carry out ful l chemical analysis (S < 0.05%)'

    Copyr lghl e 2 00 2 T WI U d

    Crack type:Location:Steel types:Microstructure:

    Solidification crackingWeld centre (longitudinal)Austenitic Stainless Steels.Columnar grainsIn direction of solidification"

    Occurs when:

    Low melting point impuri ties form around the largesolidifying austenitic grain structure on the weldcentreline.

    High contractional strains are presentHigh dilution processes are being used.There is a low, or no ferrite content in the weld metal"

    CoP '111gtd@: l2Q02T\VI Ud

    \1) Select a low dilution process, and modify the joint design'

    2) As delta ferrite has a mush smaller grain size it is often usedto increase the grain boundary area during the welding ofaustenitic stainless steel. in amounts of between 5 - 15%'

    3) Limit the heat input, hence low contraction, &. minimiserestraint=

    Copyr tghl e 2 00 2 T lN l U d 47

    Methods of avoiding Lamellar Tearing:"

    \1) Avoid restraint"

    Use controlled low sulfur plate'

    Grind out surface and butter '

    Change joint design'

    \ 5 ) Use a forged T piece (Critical Applications)'

    C op yr ig ht ~ 2 00 2 T WI L id

    Copyr igh t e 2002 T'M Ud

    Crack type:Location:Steel types:Microstructure:

    Occurs when:

    An area in the HAZ has been sensitised by the formationof chromium carbides. This area is in the form of a linerunning parallel to and on both sides of the weld.This depletion of chromium will leave the effected grainslow in chromium oxide which is what produces thecorrosion resisting effect of stainless steels.I flef t untreated corrosion and fai lure will be rapid'

    Inter-granular corrosionWeld HAZ. (longitudinal)Stainless steelsSensitised grain boundaries'

    copyrfgt t e 2 00 2 T WI U d



  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    During the welding of stainless steels, a small grain area in the

    HAZ, parallel to the weld will fonn chromium carbide at thegrain boundaries. This deple tes this grain of the c orr osion

    res ist ing chrome oxide

    We say that the steel has become "Sensitised" or has become

    sensitive to corrosion"

    copyrlgtd 6:) 2 00 2 T lN I L td

    Copyright e 2 002 T lN I L id

    Fabrication goe sforPWHT

    Re-heat CrackingduringPWHI

    Creep, Resisting Steel

    Copyright e 2002 ' f1 I . . I tUd


    . .


    1) Use Stabilised Stainless Steels'

    2) Use Low Carbon Stainless Steels ( Below .04%)'


    3) A sensitised Stainless Steel may be de-sensitised byheating it to above 1100 C where the Chrome carbidewill be dissolved. The steel is normally quenched from

    thi s temperature to stop re-as sociat ion'

    Copyr ight e 2 0 02 1W ' 1 L Id '0

    Cra ck type :Location:types:Microstructure:

    Re-heat cracking.Coarse grained HAZ & weld. SteelLow alloy creep resistant steel

    Embrittled coar se gr ains.

    Occurs when:

    Dur ing St re ss rel ie f. As the alloy has bee n strengthened againstplastic slip, the slip occurs in conc entra ted area s of low str engthduring stress relieving at temperatures between 450 -550 C.

    As a r esult, all the plastic strain is occuring in a concentratedarea & the UTS of the steel is easily reached, forming a crack.This usua lly oc curs in a reas of high stre ss concentration, suchas the weld toesC op yr lg td . ~ 2 00 2 T Wl U d II

    ~C~ ID l 1 t J rQ lQ fR~JB Ie~~Cmckfum~6.0011) Heat quickly thr ough the susceptible temperature range ... I2) Using a higher preheat temperature, and the us e ofPWHI

    Iuring the stages of welding large fabrications, to reduce ther isks of re-hea t cra cking dur ing fina l stress relieving'

    3) Dre ssing of f illet weld toe s a nd nozz le atta chments welds,on completion of the weld before it cools to reduce stress

    concentrations '

    14 )The us e of weld metal with high ductility will also reduceIhe r isk of re-heat c rack ing '

    C~ghlg,2002'f1h1tUd "


  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    All heat treatments applied to mebls are cycles of 3 elements

    11) Heating 1

    12) Soaking I13) Cooling 1Temp

    V,:_;:i\,.-- .-~~~~=:~jl .. -Time

    Copyrlghl E) 2 00 2 T 'M L .t d

    IHardening- IIUsed to make some steels harderI Used to increase the hardness of some plain carbon &.

    tela lloy s teel s. P la in carbon > 0.3%The cyc le is t he s ame as p re vi ou sl y but t he cool in g is

    - rapid i.e, Quenched in water, oil, but sometimes air*

    Tempering: Used after hardening to balance theproperties of Toughness & Hardness

    It , IThe t emper atu re r ange is from 220 - 723 C

    _ I The cooling part of fue cycle should not be too rapid,but over heating will over temper the steel'

    Copyright e 2002 TINI Ud

    Pre-Heat ing: Used mainly onsteels to retard the coolingrate ofa hardenable steel and reduce the~. hardening effect (Martensite formation)Is also used to help diffusion ofHydrogenfrom the HAZ ofharden able steels to avoidhydrogen cracking. Typically < 350 C

    Is also used to produce a more uniform rateof cooling, and control distortion, or effectsof high contractional strains"

    copyrlghllg) 2002 TVVIlid



    r>..' , I

    < : r< ,~~VLAfLJ/")

    r < 'C 'i 'r " : ; i. J. r./ .f.


    i r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,Annealing: ilUsed to make metals soft and ductile

    trr---: Ii IFor s teel s, the component is hea ted above its ucr, or~ iupp er c ri ti ca l t emper at ur e, s oa ked f or 1 hou r/2 5mm o f' ----_" .~!, thickness and left in the furnaoe to cool

    . l!P r od u ce s a c o ar s egrain st ructure & Jpw toughness I .Normalising: I!Used to make steels toush I

    1 b _

    It ~ ilAs fo r a nn ea li ng , b ut t he s te el is r emoved fr om th e!V '" If ur n ac e a ft er s oa ki ng t o c o olin still a ir

    \ Pr od uc es a lin egrain s tr u c tu r e w i th g o od t ou g h n es s "

    C opy rig hl O 20 02 1'1/1 Ltd

    ~ JHI~~it1r[~S11briJJlceilll.lt09.50PWlIT: \IUsed after welding to release residual stresses, \

    ! caused by welding operations"i~

    ~i.1 Force/Stress required to

    Stress induce plastic strain"Ya

    The effect of heat l / .~n th e p os itio n o fthe y ie ld point*

    StrainBy heating the st e e l, the y ie ld point is suppressedlredueed relievingresidual stresses a s p la st ic s tr ain a t a m u c h lo w erlevel of stress-

    copyrlgl"d e 2002 T \ N I Lid ,

    The 3 mechanisms, or modes that cause in service failures thatwill be covered onthis course are asfollows:"

    Fatigue Fracture ..

    Brittle FractureDuctile Fracture.

    It i s important to note that a ll failures require an init iat ionpoint, which are invariably stress concentrations"

    Copyrigl"d e : 20 02 T 1N I U d


  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    Fatigue fractures are initiated like all fractures, from areas wherethe stresses are higher than other areas. We call these areas StressConcentrations and they occur at points where there isan abruptchange in.eSA such as the toes of welds or an arc st rike '

    Fatigue failures occur due to cyclic loading and atstress levelswell below the materials U'I'S"

    So that weld designers can have safe limits to work within,graphs have been produced for welded joints to give factors toapply with certain joint designs.

    Other graphs have been produced for most metals giving safelimits of stress for materials under cyclic loading-

    Ccpy!1gh1 e 2002 T'M Ud

    SIN Curves for a Ferritic Steel

    St 1'- :;~~:ures will occur thisress 1",.t;~fthegraPh line-

  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    Brittle fractures are rapid failures of metallic structures that occurwhen a metal has become brittle and in the presence of some kindof stress and on most occasions a low temperature"

    TIlls stress can be static or dynamic stress, orthe final mode offailure associated with another form of fracture"

    The fractured surface is characterised by itsflat and featurelessappearance that is always at 9(10 to the plain of the st ress*

    The surface is marked with chevrons (>#

  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts



    Ductile fractures occur from areas of stress concentration"They may also be the f inal mode of fracture in a fatiguefracture"

    Ductile fractures always occur at 45 to the applied load"

    Ductile fractured surfaces are rough, and often show shearlips*

    It i spossible to f ind areas of all 3 modes mentioned in thispresentation on a single fractured surface"




    Copyrighl e 2002 TWI Ud 19

    Factors to be considered when investigating Fatigue Fractures"Fatigue fractures are initiated from areas of high stressconcentration such as a sharp toe blend, or undercut, or convexfillet weld toes. They are initiated by the action of cyclic stressesat much lower stress levels that the UTS*

    In analysing fatigue failures, the presence of cyclic stress is aprime requirement in the initiation and further propagation offatigue cracks. It would therefore play an important part oftheinvestigation to establish the nature of such a loading, which may

    be as simple as a degree of'vibration"Analysis of the fracture surface and identification of epicentres ofthe plastic slip will lead to the discovery of the fracture initiationpoint"

    C op yr ig ht C 2 002 T W1 U d 21

    TWI Video Presentation on

    IFatigue Fracture 15mins*

    IBrittle Fracture 15mins*

    Copyrlgh!. : I2002 \WI Ud



    Factors to be considered when investigating Brittle Fractures"

    Brittle fractures are likely to occur in steels that exhibit goodtoughness at normal room temperatures after they have beenexposed to su b zero temperatures for any length of time. (Attemperatures below the transition range)"

    The presence of sudden impact will cause the steel to undergobrittle fracture with characteristic sudden failure. This is mostoften accompanied by a sharp and loud noise"

    Factors to be ascertained would include eyewitness accounts ofthese elements and further investigative work to establish otherpossible contributory factors, such as the carrying of cryogenicliquid gases under pressure"

    C o py rig h t ~ 2 0 02 T '. YI U d

    Factors to be considered when investigating Ductile Fractures"Ductile fractures are initiated from areas of high stressconcentrations"When analysing the failure pattern of ductile failures, thepropagation rate ofthe crack may have been extremely slow, butfinal fracture will be rapid if the component is loaded"Analysis of the fracture surface will initially show that thefracture occurred at 45 to the load, and the surface and may beaccompanied by shear lips, or areas of plastic movement"

    Ductile materials may very often show indications associated withbrittle fracture, which have been caused by the plain strain effect"

    ~~;~ ~e: !e it;; ; : ~ : : :Q509oe::r PlainStrain"Copyright C 2002 TWt Lid

    Example Fracture Report Specimen number 001Double V butt weld

    Sideview Plan view

    [Ja )O I niti3ion p oin ts . F atig ue .. w e ld r ootdu e to lackof root fusion in

    2 positions.

    F atig ue a re a 1 " m o de of fr ac tu re (3~D)

    Brittle area ,_, plaID ,traln effect. (3S%)

    i'!lW dlKlIIe area ,bowing >hear Ups..(30%)

    ~ ;rr; :/ftmty o yio yio ..




  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts



    Summary of WeldabUity of Steels:

    H2 induced HAZ or weld metal cracks.Keywords:

    Cause:H" HAZ cracks Process Consumables Paint, Rust, GreaseDelayed inspection. Solubility c concentrations HAZDiffusion Transformation Martensite Critical factors =Hardness> 350VPN Hydrogen >15ml c > 0.5 Re (YS) Temp> 300C

    "HSLA weld cracks High strength High carbon weld Low ductilitymetal

    Weld contraction Transverse crack Micro alloy Nb TV Longitudinal c

    orr Steels Thickness c concentrations High hardenability~ or Weld metal Martensite Low ductility High risk cracking

    Prevention' (00 Steels in bold)Pre-heat Control of H 2 Bake consumable Low H" ProcessMinimise restraint Remove coatings Control crconcnt y SIS Weld metalArc energy Use low Ceq plate Hot pass ASAP Use low H" Cons'

    Solidification cracking in C/Mn steels. Keywords:

    Cause:Sulphur. Fe/Sulphides Weld centreline ContractionLow m.p. films Contraction forces Loss of cohesion Hot shortness

    Prevention:High manganese % Use low restraint Use low dilutionControl heat input Control sulphur % Seal laminations

    Lamellar tearing in C/Mn steels. Keywords:

    Cause:Poor ductili Plastic strain Sulphur LaminationsContraction Short transverse Stepped crack Segregation


    Forged T pieceContraction gaphrough t tensileDT for laminationsControl heat input

    Senior Welding Inspection - The Weldability of SteelsCopyright 2002 TWI Ltd.

    1:1 Rev 09-09

  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts



    Solidification cracks in 'Ystainless steels. Keywords:

    Cause:Austenite grains Coarse structure Boundary area Low m.p SulphurContractional force Co-ef conduction Co-ef contraction Last solidificationWeld centreline Plastic strain Hot shortness

    Prevention:I Ferrite content Iinc boundary area Minimise dilution 10-15% Ferrite II Reduce restraint IDuplex SIS Contraction rate Consumables I

    Inter - crystalline corrosion in stainless steels. Keywords:

    Cause:Chromium depletion Temp gradient Cr Carbide SensitisationParallel to weld InHAZ Loss of resistance Stress CC


    ILow Carbon .04% I Stabilising elements I Niobium Molybdenum IITantalum ITitaniumfor plate ISolution anneal Rapid cooling I

    Re-heat cracking in alloy steels. Keywords:

    Cause:Precipitation Carbides Grain strengthen Stress relieveLoss of ductility Con' plastic strain PWHT 45()....B00C .Temper embrittleMolybdenum Vanadium Boron Creep resistance

    Prevention:Control PWHT Minimal restraint V below 0.1% Higher Pre heatHigh ductility weld StagePWHT Reduce (J areas Use clean plate

    Tony WhitakerManager lWl Middle EastTraining and Examination Services.

    Dated 25-10-02

    Senior Welding Inspection - The Weldability of SteelsCopyright 2002 TWI Ltd.

    1:2 Rev 09-09-

  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    i\oIechankal:* Describes th e actions of "!on:e & modon"

    Properties:' Something that makes one material dif ferent fromanother. These Indude the properties of:

    Hardnessr" T h e a bilit y o f a m a te r ia l t o r e si st in d en ta ti on

    Toughne ss: The ability of a material to absorb impact energy

    Tensile >"trength:. The ability to resist the action ofa pulling force

    Duclillty:' The ability to deform plastically under tension=

    Copyright e 2002 TWI Ud

    3) Lack ofRoot Fusion

    4) Slag inclusion & Lack. of inter-run fusion

    Copptgh!@2002TW1 Ud

    Generally we use a diamond or steel ball to form an indentation

    We measure the width of the indentation to gauge the hardness"

    Copyr lgh l e 2 00 2 T \\I I U d

    A. " J

    }< a.,c LU I

    The test weld isusually cut into sections asfollows:The location of specimens will depend upon th e standard



    Start! Stopensile test Macro/Hardness test

    Copyright e 20 02 TV JI L id

    The specimen may then be hard ness tested

    < >= Hard ness Survey

    Further hardness surveys may be taken asthe thicknessof the specimen increases ~

    COpyr ight e 2 0D 2 TW1 L Id

    1) Vickers Diamond Pyramid: Always uses a diamond

    BS 427 Vickers Hardness Testing'

    Brinell hardness test:) Always uses a steel ball-

    3) Rockwell hardness test: Uses a ball, ordiamonddepending on the scale'

    Copyr tgh l e 20 02 T V., U d


  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    CharpyV. lOx 10 mm specimenBS 131 Charpy V Testing. BS En 10045

    Izod, 10 X 10mm specimen Sameas Charpy V, but specimenis held vertically"

    CTOD. Specimen size and shapeof actual component"C ra c k t ip o pe n in g di5~al:c:mcnt)

    Copyrlght e 2002 TWI Lid

    1\I1n< 1.6 % increases Joules absorbed

    47 Joules Ductile Fracture

    Three specimens are normallytested at each temperature.

    28 Joules

    Transition Temperature RangeBrittle Fracturei-40 -30 -20 -10 o +10 +20 +30 +40

    Testino temperatureCopyrlght 6} 2002 TWI Uci

    CTOD 1re1titmt~ 9 .52

    ;~~ .....~ Former

    Displacement values are converted to crack tip values.

    Copyr lgh l (5) 2002 'PM lid 11

    CCllil@ JtPY VTes t i ng ,09 .50

    Graduated scaleof absorbedenergy in Joules=

    Location of specimen

    COpyr1glll e 2002 TWl lt d

    Course grains

    A refined and clean grain st ructure gives much improvedtoughness as more energy isabsorbed by the specimen!!

    C op yr lg hl ( gI 20 02 TV. .. U d

    CTOD 1resitin~ 09 . 55

    The fractured surface and stress conditions are analysed anda very accurate assessment can be given of material behaviour

    Very Accurate Results

    copyrighl: e 2OQ2 T WI U ci




  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    A Section of weld is cut, or machined out ~ the test pieceand tested in tension to failure. The units are usually in N/mm '

    Direction of applied stress

    Transverse reduced test piece"

    Copyr igh t e 2 00 2 T WI Ud 13

    Firstly, before the tensile test 2 marks are made 50mm apart

    '~.: .. ( .o ..~

    . _ , a. t .ujj;S4.~-"'!'" . .._... ''0

    50mm t _ .

    During the test, Yield point & Tensile strength are measured

    The specimen is put together and the marks are re-measured

    = > :::r :: : : : : : t n : .:~=:JA new measurement of 7Smm will indicate Elongation ESO 0/0"Copyr ight e 2002 T'M Ud "


    1 2 3

    + + +3


    Any strait line indicates a"Lack of root fusion">

    Copyr ight e 2 00 2 TW ll Id 17

    AllW e ldMeWTeJIT lS i l eTes t10.00BS 7091 BS En 10002

    All Weld Metal Tensile Testing

    Test piece tested inthis direction"

    Copyright~ 2002 TIIII Ud

    Tensile test piece cutalong weld specimen. 14

    Bend tests are used to establish fusion in the area under test

    _,c~'" A Guided root bend test"

    . .,. ; . ;W d~ ; ' ; :"yLack of root fusion shown here"..d Jf!!J'_..~-z~,

    r:"~'.:~FormerTest Piece


    Further tests include face, side and longitudinal bend tests"

    For material over 12 mm thickness, side bend test may be used"Co pyr ig ht ~ 20 02 1W 1 U d 16

    raopyright e 2 00 21 W1 U d



  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    ~ m m n m yQ fMe c b o o ] c a l lIW~ 0.15We test welds to establish minimum levels of mechanicalproperties, and soundness of the welded joint

    We divide tests into Qualitative & Quantitative methods:

    Quantitative: (Have units) Qualitative: (Have no units)

    Hardness (VPN & BHN) Bends

    Strength (N/mm 2 & PSI) Fractures (Butt & Fillet)

    Toughness (Joules & ft.lbs) Macros=

    C o py r lg t rt ~ 2 0 02 lW 1 l1 d , .


    Planning the tasks

    Collecting the data

    Writing a procedure for use or for trial

    Making test welds

    Evaluating the results of the tests

    Approving the procedure of the relevant code

    Preparing the documentation"


    Examples of "Extents of Approval" include:"

    a) Diameter of pipe, or thickness of plate

    b) Welding position, amperage range, or number ofruns

    c) Process (On multi process procedures only)

    d) Certain material groups

    e) Change of consumable to one of th e same classificationOnly if the class is given in the original procedure

    f) Heat input range (kJ/rnm)"

    Copyr ight e '2 00 2 T WI U d 2J

    A definition of the term "Procedure"=A systemat ic method of producing an aim"

    Therefore, a "Welding procedure" is*

    A systematic method of producing a sound weld"



    a) Mater ia ls types and form to be welded?

    Low Alloy Steel Pipe . ..

    Welding Position?

    Fixed Vert ical Pipe horizontaVweld vertical

    Welding Process & Consumables + heat input?MMA ES018 G. 3.25 Baked 350 0 C. @ 125 amps

    Joint design?

    60 Single V Butt welded butt joint ..

    Heat treatments?

    Pre heat 250 C + PWlIT Stress Relieve 4500C






    A Welding Procedure is a recipe of variable parameters, whichwill produce the same results of certain quality & properties ifcarried out in the same way each time"

    To evaluate a Welding Procedure we need to check if alltheparameters set will work together to produce the desiredresults"

    Welding Procedures tests are often carried out to satisfy thefeasibility ofa set of unusual parameters i.e. TI,e use ofaprocess or consumable for a special application"

    C a py rt gt d@ 2 0 02 1" N1 U d





  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    Once the weld has been completed it is usually visuallyinspected, then Radiography or Ultrasonic tes ting isusually applied

    Finally, and most importantly, Mechanically tested toensure that the desired level of mechanical propertieshave been met"

    If all the desired properties have been met, then a procedurequalification record (WPQR) is completed with all the testresults, and the procedure then becomes qualified"

    CoP'ft1ght Q 20 02 TW I U d

    As a revision exercise of the common welding processesthere will now follow a summary list of the requirementsadvantages and disadvantages of the common weldingprocesses

    Copyrlgtd (0 2 00 2 T WI ue


    11 ) Amperage 112 ) Arc Voltage

    13) Polarity 114 ) Speed of Travel

    IS ) Electrode type & 0 116) Duty Cycles17 ) Electrode condition 118 ) Connections

    19 ) Insulation! extraction 1110) Electrode treatments"

    Copyright e 2002 T WI U d

    Once the procedure has been approved it is then important totes t each welder, to ensure that he has the skil l to reach theminimum level ofqual ity in the weld, as laid down intheapplication standard=

    There is no need to carry out the mechanical tests of theprocedure, although bend tests are often used to ensure goodside wall fusion

    Normally visual, x ray, bends, fractures and macro's are usedin welder approval tests"

    Copyright0 2002 TWIlid

    1) A TransformerlRectifier (Constant current type)

    A power and power return cable

    13 ) Electrode holder14 ) Electrode (To correct specification)

    5) Correct visor & glass, all safety clothing and extraction

    Copyrlgtd e 2002 T'NIUd


    1) Slag inclusions

    2) Arc strikes

    3) Porosity

    4) Undercut

    Most welding imperfections in lvll'vfAare caused by a lackofwelder skill, the incorrect settings of the equipment, or theincorrect use, and treatment of electrodes"

    C op yn gh I ~ 2 00 '2T "M Ud





  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts



    Advantages: Disadvantages:

    11 ) Field or shop use 11 ) High skiD factor

    12) Range of consumable< 12) Slag Inclusions

    13 ) All positional 13 ) Low oper at in g f ac to r

    14 ) Very portable 14 ) High level of fume

    1 5 ) Simple equipment I 1 5 ) Hydrogen control

    Copyr lg td e 2 00 2 T WI L id 31

    ~R~ijlill]mm~IDlJ.tS~f no 11.25

    1 1 ) A Transfonner lRectif ie r (Constant current type ) I12 ) A power and power return cable I13 ) An Inert shielding gas. (Argon or Helium) I14 ) Gas hose, f low-meter, & gas regulator I15) TIG torch he ad with ground tungsten, collets, cer amics I16) Method of arc ignition (High frequency or lift arc) Ih Correct visor , a ll safe ty clothing and good extraction I18) Opt iona l f il le r rod , to cor rect spec if ication" I

    Copyright e 2002 T'M Ltd 33


    I) Tungsten inclusions (Low skill, or wrong vertex angle)

    2) Surface porosity (Loss of gas shield mainly on site)

    3) Crater pipes (Bad weld finish technique i.e. Slope out)

    4) Oxidation of SIS weld bead, or root by poor gas cover

    Most welding imperfections with TIG are caused by a lack ofwelder skill, or inc or rect se tting of the equipment. i.e. Curre nt,tor ch manipulation, welding spee d, gas flow ra te , e tc"

    Copyr ight e 2 00 2 T WI U d "


    Classification: Main Shielding GeneralConstituent gas: Uses:


    Rutile: E6013 Titania CO2 General

    Ti0 2Purpose

    Basic: E7018 Calcium CO2 High quali tycompounds work

    Cellulosic: E 6010 Cellulose Hydrogen Pipe rootC..... oIr.r ___ .t... runs*

    The core wire rormost M1'vlA electrodes is ofa low qua li ty s ted, 35 t hls l sa cheapmethod of mauutecture and the steel will be r cnncd dur to : the process of weldingby the reftning agents and elements contataed In the flux coaUQg"Copyright j~ 2002 T'M Ud


    P amme t em&:I n s p e c t i Q nJP r nnm11.271 1 ) Amperage 12) Arc Voltage13 ) AC or DC + Polarity 14) Speed of Trave l

    15) Tungsten type & 0 16) Duty Cycles

    h Tungs ten ver tex ang le 18) Connections


    Gas type & f low rate110)

    Insulation I extraction 1

    Ill) Ceramic condition 112) Gas lens fitted"

    Copyright ~ 2002 TWI Ud


    A d v a n t a g e s&D i s a d vm t a g e s1L32

    Advantages: Disadvantages:

    11 ) High quallty 11 ) Very high sIdU factor

    12 ) Good controJ 12 ) Range of consumable

    13 ) All positional 13 ) Lo.. of gas shield/site

    14) Lowest H, an: process 14) Complex equipment

    1 5 ) Light slag removal 1 5 ) High ozonelevets"





  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    GMes ro tDO Welh dlJbrn g1.34Gases used for TIG:Argon or Helium or a mixture of these gases"

    Helium gas has higher ionization potential than argon and gives

    deepe r penet ra tion, whi ls t a rgon is denser than air and gives goodcoverage of the weld area in the down hand position. We would

    need 2-3 times the flow rate of helium to get the same coverageas helium is less dense than air. In the overhea d position thereverse is true. We often mix these gases to get both benefits"

    We sometimes use additions of nitrogen when welding somes ta inl es s s teel s, o r copper"

    Copyright e 2002 TWI Lid J7

    ~ J P >mm e t e m&:I n s p e c t iQ i jP o nmlL38

    11 ) WFS/Amperage 112 ) OCV & Arc Voltage I13 ) Wire type &0 114 ) Gas type & flow rate I15) Contact tip/condition 16) Roller s ize & pressure I17 ) Liner si ze 18 ) Inductance set tings I19) Insulation/extraction 110) Connections

    II" ) Duty cycle 112 ) Angles & travel speed" ICo~ghl e 2 1 ]0 2 : TWZ l id 3.


    Advantages: Disadvantages:

    11 ) Lower s ldU requi red Ill) Lack o f si dewa ll fu si on I12 ) EasU)' automated 1 12 ) Range of consumables I13) All pos tuonal (DIp/Pu lse) 11 3 ) Loss o rga. shield/site I14) Thlck lthln mater ia l. 1 14) Complex equipment

    IS ) Continuous eledrode l iS ) High ozone levels

    CopyrJghI e 2 00 2 T WI U d 4 '


    II) A Transformer /Rec ti fi er (Cons tant vol tage type)A power a nd powe r r etn rn c ab le

    An I ne rt . a cti ve , o r mixed shielding gas (Argon o r CO ')

    I~ ) Gas hose, flow-meter, & gas regulator~IlG torch with hos e, li ne r, d if fu se r, c on ta ct ti p & nozzle

    Wire fe ed uni t with cor rect d rive rol ls (Push or Pull)

    E lect rode wire to cor rect speci fi ca tion and diamete r

    Correct visor & g la ss, a ll s af ety c lo th in g and good extraction'

    1) Silica inclusions (poor inter-run cleaning)

    2) Lack of side wall fusion (Primarily with dip transfer)

    3) Porosity (From loss of gas shield on site etc)"

    Most welding imperf ections in lVITGItVIAG are c ause d by lackof welder skill, or inc orrect settings of the equipment

    The use oflow quality wires will cause wire fe ed problems

    Worn contact tips will cause poor power pick up, or transfer

    Bad power connections will cause a loss of voltage in the arc"

    C op y ri gh t 0 2002 TW I U t i

    G a s e sf Q r l &G&M A G W e lW n gGases used for lVIIG: Argon or Helium

    Gases used for MAG: CO 2 or mixtures of CO 2 and Argon"

    CO 2 : Very good penetr ation, cannot support spr ay tra nsferpr oduces a n unstable a rc, with lots of spatte r

    Argon: Shallow penetration. Ver y sta ble arc , with low spatter

    We mix both gases in mixture of between 5-20% COlinargon to get the benefits of both gases"

    For T stainless steel. we use argon with a 2% oxygen, thisgives more fluidity to the weld and an improved toe blend"

    Copyr ig t i e 2 002 T 'M U d






  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    ~![1J fQ IM I G I M A G&m iC i l_ l1 .46

    Wires must be drawn as deposited and are therefore ofvery high

    Iquality. Electrode wires for MIG are the same asrods for TIG" IThe quality of temper and copper coating is also very important.The copper coating on ~lIG wires maximises the current pick up"

    Specifications for wires are as per their chemical compositions"

    Grades:Composition + Single, double, and triple de-oxidised wires'

    Quality of winding:Random wound. Layer wound. & Precision layer woundWires diameters:0.6 - :>2.4mm 0 upplied on 1 kg (fine wire) & 15kg spools'

    Copyrigtd@2002 TWI Lid 4J

    1 1 ) WFS/Amperage 1 12 ) OCV & Arc Voltage

    13 ) Flux type & mesh size 1 14) Flux condition

    15) Wire '" & condition 1 16) Wire Specification

    h Flux delivery/recovery 11 8 ) Electrode stick-out

    19 ) Insulation/duty cycle

    1 110


    Ill) Tip size & condition 1 112 ) Speed of travel=

    C o P' jT 1g hl e 2 00 2 T WI L id

    Advantages: Disadvantages:

    11 )1 ) Low weldmetal costs RestrictedInposition11 . ) EasUymedJanized 11 . ) Arc b Ioww l1h DC

    13 ) Low Ozoneproduction 13 ) Shrinkage cavities

    14) Rapidweld completion 14 ) Penetration control

    IS ) Novisiblearc light IS ) Variablecomposition.

    Copyrlghll!:l2002 1\\1 Lid 47

    11 ) A TransformerlRectifier (Constant voltage type)12 ) A power and power return cable13 ) A torch head assembly14 ) A granulated flux15 ) A flux delivery system\6) A f lux r ecovery system

    7) Electrode wire to correct specif icat ion and diameter

    1 8 ) Correct safety clothing and good extraction'Copyright e 2002 T"M Ltd

    1) Lack:of fusion (Caused by high levels of arc blow)


    11 .52

    2) Solidification cracks (From S pick up from high dilution)

    3) Shrinkage cavit ies (From high depth:width rat io)

    4) Porosity (Using damp fluxes, or un-cleaned plates) '

    Most welding imperfections in SAW are caused by incorrectsetting of the equipment, using incorrect or wrongly driedconsumables, or welding plates that have not been properlycleaned. Minor changes in the welding parameters of SAWcan have a major effect on weld composition and weld quality>

    C op yr ig hl ~ 2 00 2 T WI L id

    ~JK~ i JE lY l~fQ [SA~ ~ l m D g11 .56

    Consumables for Submerged Arc Welding consist ofawire and a l1ux'

    The wire is similar to that of solid wire MIGIMAG and ischosen from a table of chemical compositions'

    Fluxes are varied and are classified by their method ofmanufacture and composition'

    C o p yr 1g h ll !: l2 D 0 2 TW I L id . . .


  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    Basicity Index*Fluxes are grouped in BS 4165 by the amount ofacid or basicelements they contain by a method called the Basicity Index

    This is calculated by dividing the Basic elements by the Acidelements as follows:"

    Basic Index number; Basic Elements % ; BI Number*

    Acidic Elements %

    The higher the index, the more basic is the flux. (Higher quality)"

    Copyr lghl e 2002 1 'NI Lid

    ~ ~ : :: :e : : :ld : ::~ ym ~ oo : :: J ls : ::o= n: : ::D ra : :: :: :: :w m .=gS~13 . . 05Welding Symbols

    A method oftransferring information from the design office to

    the workshop n jZ'(.a"" Wd4 ._ "~

    The above information does not tell us much about the wishesof the designer. We obviously need some sort of code whichwould be understood by everyone"

    Most countries have their own standards for symbols.Some of them are BS 499 Part 2. AWS A2.4 & BS En 22553"

    Copyr ight e 2 00 2 T W1 L id

    We1I&Symbo]son Draw]ngs 13.15

    2) Convention of The reference line:

    BS 499 (UK) & AWS A 2.4 (US)



    Shan touch the arrow line

    Shan be parallel to the bottom of the drawing"

    Copyrfghl e 20021'N1 Ud


    17 1

    In BS 4165 fluxes may be classified into:

    Acidic < 0.9 BI numberNeutral 0.9 - 1.2 BI number

    Semi Basic 1.2 - 1.8BI number

    Basic 1.8 - 2.5 BI number

    Highly Basic 2.5 - 3.5 BI number"

    The higher the bascicity index number, then the higher theweld quality, (Higher strength & toughness in the weldmetal) though the more difficult it becomes to use(Less tolerant of poor preparation etc.)

    Copyright@~rMlld s o

    We ld S ym JboJ ison Drawmgs

    I) Convention of the arrow line:

    BS. BSEn & AWSa) Shall touch the joint intersection

    b) Sha ll not be parallel to the drawing

    c ) Sha ll point towards a single plate preparation>

    .~Copyrfght gI 20021WI LId




    Weld Symbols on Dmwin~3) Convention of The reference line:

    BS En 22553 or ISO 2553a) Shall touch the arrow line

    b) ShaD be parallel to the bottom of th e drawing

    c) There shaUbe a further broken line above orbeneaththereference line (Except where the weld is symmetrical

    n------ .IV or - - - --copyrigtf 1 \ : 12002 TWI Ud




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    Wcld Symbo lson J D 2 J m w ] X DW '13.25Symbols: BS 499 (UK) & AWS A2.4 (US)

    a) Welds this side o f j oi nt, g o Wldemeath th e reference l ine

    b) Welds t he o ther s ide of th e j oi nt, g o on top of th e reference l ine

    c) Symbols with vertlc.lline component mus t be d rawn w it h th evertical line to the lef t side of th e symbol

    d) All CSA dimensions are shown to the left of the symbol

    e) Alllln .. r dimensions are shown on the r!l:!!! of the symboli. e. Numbe r o f we ld s, le ng th o f we ld s, l en gt h o fa ny (s pa ces )"os IO V4x50(50,

    Copyrlgh\~ 2002 TWlltd

    Wcld ymOO]sOD D1m w1 i 1 l1 lW ;I3.35

    Ield Symbols on DrawingsBS 499 &AWS A2.4

    ~n / 8 V


    ~ n /.Sb8l'\

    Copyrtght@ 2002 TWI Ud H

    Supplementary Weld Symbols

    Site Weld

    Ground flush

    Welding process.Numerical BS En & BS

    Further supplementary information, such as WPSnumber, or NDT may be placed inthe f ish tail"

    Copyright)2002 TWlltd

    Wcld S y m O O ] S O J D lD m w U n g &13.30

    ISymbols: BSEn 22553. (ISO 2553)

    a) Welds this ~de of joint, go on the ~ reference lineb) Welds t he othe r s ide of the joint, go on the brokon reference l ine

    Ie) Symbols with a vertical hne component must be drawn with the

    v er ti cal l in e t o the left s id e o f th e s ymbol

    d) All CSA dimensions are shown to the left of the symbol

    Ie) All linear dimensions are shown on the !ii!!! of the symbol


    i.e, Number of welds, length of welds, length ofany spaces

    I) All leg lengths shall be preceded by Z and throat by a or S "

    I n/-~~;V-:;~;O(5~):-I I

    W e 1ld yw 1 O O ]sOD DmwU ID l g s13.40Weld Symbols on DrawingsI

    BS En22553 (ISO 2553)


    I-i- .~

    orz; V

    C op yr ig ht ~ 2 00 2 T V '" U d sa

    Representation of welds done from both sides ofthe joint intersection, touched by the arrow head

    Fillet weld Double bevel Double J"

    Copyr lght I 2002 TWI U d 60


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    / IR OJJJ~ ~ - \r ) >QUESTION:

    You are required to visit a 'site on which your inspectors have been involved. Th~ workinvolves the inspection of a welded structure to an application standard and is now ready for

    . final approval.

    1. What questions do you ask?2. What documents do you review or require before SUbmitting an inspection report to

    the authorities concerned?

    TYPICAL A..N'SV)-,ER:.

    Prior to the site visit it is important to spend some time planning the visit, in order that alogical approach be made and that vital details are not overlooked. A knowledge of thestandard that was used for fabrication, and the service conditions of the final product will bebeneficial in esscssiiig the fitness of the product for service, A list of

    rhcinspection team

    andthe team leader will ensure that those involved with the fabrication and inspection of theproduct are on hand to answer pertinent questions. These questions could include thecompleteness of the job, repair rate during production and safety standards on site,housekeeping, etc. TI1.estandard of access and scaffolding can have a direct bearing on thequality levels attained as safe confident workers are much more likely to produce quality fitups and welds. Certain documents can greatly assist the overall audit pian such as qualityplans and inspection check lists, if used on the job.

    Some standards (e.g. BS:5500) will tabulate a list of the required documentation which maybe required to be included In the final data book package. If not specified by code or client

    specifications, thea the foHo,:v-ing documents should be reviewed as a minimum prior tosizninz off and issuing 2. Certificate of Cornoliance.'-' - _ ..L.'

    1J.. A review of the quality plan and inspection

    completed &.L'1d signed off.check lists to ensure all stases arec-

    2. Material certificates, mill test reports and material traceability records are documentedand accepted. This may include consumable certification.

    05 . Process control procedures should be reviewed for adequacy, accuracy and approval.These procedures should include approved cuttinzand welding procedures weld repair

    I.. J.. __ ...... c. 1 ....

    a ,.{ Nn.- . h ~"f"." dnc I u 1 proceoures, __at treatment L. required, testing, an finally, coatingprocedures.

    4. Personnel qualification review should include welder qualifications, NDT andInspection personnel approvals and all should be up to date and current in theparticular discipline of expertise.


  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts


    Tews A s s oc ia te d w ithQ A l Q C10.30

    A Defect: A welding imperfection that falls outside of a le ve lof ac cepta nc e in an applied standa rd"

    aass~.ofd~fects: JMinor: Unlikely to cause failure of the product"

    Major: Likely to cause failure, but small risk of loss of life"

    Critical: Extremely likely to cause failure, with high risk ofloss o f li fe "

    Copyright e 2002 TWIUd Jl

    ___ . ... . J P Io Io .. ..J l Io l r. l: J i8 t r : l . ! : J r iJJ ] I . ; ! , I, ;1Q )&W IIol ] ,! , ,1Pl ! . lu! : !a .~~11.00

    "The really nice thing about not planning isthat failure comes as a complete surprise and isnot preceded by long periods of worry anddepression'>We make plans every day for the most tr ivial of things

    All delegates must have planned to come here today'

    Many tools are used for production planning including:

    Gant Charts. Forward and Reverse Scheduling. CriticalPath Analysis. etc"

    Copyrlght@2oo2TW1Ud J3

    Once an inspection plan has been made the organisationmust then begin"

    'This may involve the following elements:








    Any training & certification required

    Staffing t he p lan

    Procurement of equipments

    Transport to/from site, and at site

    Accommoda tion and messing

    Any special needs (Religious etc)

    Le ave c yc le s etc'

    Copyrfghl (0 2 00 2 T WI L id "

    1) Plan An agreed, p re -de te rmined and s truc tu red

    pathway, that meets a specific aim

    D1llltiesof i Sen ior In specWr10.55

    2) Organise To make all necessary arrangementsrequired to carry out, or fulfil a plan

    Ensuring all things IJ e in Ibe con-eel p lace allhe correct l ime

    3) Supervise To instruct, and control the work of staffin area s for which you a re re sponsible

    4) Audit To carry out a periodic and systematic

    "check" on a system/process to ensure thatit has been carried out as spec ified"

    C op yr lg ht @ 2 00 2 T WI U d J2

    Using the following headings and the days on which they will be

    covered on the course, make a reverse schedule plan to your examdate, utilising your available free time. Your plan needs to be

    flexible in case there are any changes to the course str uc ture.

    Remember that Radiogra phic I nterpre ta tion (Theory, practical, orsensitometry) is not covere d on the course sylla bus.

    Specific theory ----- . . . Rad'Int.Weld symbols

    Success" --........ NDT reports


    -OralCopyright e 2002 TWI Ud

    Once a plan has been organised it is essential that control ise xe rcise d so that the plan is succ essfully implemente d

    A supervisor is essentially a manager of men whichrequ ires cer ta in speci fi c management ski ll s:


    Each student should give an attribute/skill that they think isimportant for "effe ctive supervision of welding inspec tors"

    Student names to be placed next to their choice on the whiteboard"

    Do not open next slide until this task has been carried out""

    Copyright e 2002 TWI Ud 3.


  • 8/6/2019 Cswip 3.2 Handouts




    1.0 ICertificate of Completion

    1.1 Inspection & Release Note(LRS)

    1.2 IInspection and Test Plan

    2.0 IProcedures ~

    2.1 I rF - a -b~ r i - c a - - t J . - ,0 o-n--:"&-E--x-.ecu-'-ti-on-,-':Pr-oc-v-ed-:-ur-re-----,

    IConsumable Control Procedure.27 ~- ..) IWeld Visual Inspection Procedure ]

    2.4 IDimensional Control Procedure

    2.5 (PoW.H.T procedure

    2.6 lHyd.I"OtestProcedure

    2.7 !Load out Procedure

    2.8 !Painting Procedu.re

    3.0 INDT P ro ce dure s I---.~.-~~~~~--------~3.1 IRadiography Test Pro~e

    3.2 lmtrasonic lestProcedure

    3.3 IM.P.I. Procedure

    3.4 jLiquid Penetrant Inspection Procedure

    3.5 !Equipment Calibration. Cer.ifi.cate

    3.6 !List GfN.D.T. Operators & Cert1.""icates


    4.0 Welding Procedures (\,VPS + PQR)(as oer index)

    u IList of Welders & CertificatesI (Certificates as per list)

    Page I of3

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    5..+INDT Repcns

    5.5 !Visual Inspection Report..s

    5.7lHydrGtest reports withICalibration Certificates

    5.8!P.W.H.T. Rep(Jrt

    5.glHardness Test Report

    5.10 Site Query Reports /Non-conformance Reoorts

    5. I r!Painting Control Reports

    5. 1 21Paint Warranty

    5.13!Concrete Test Certificates

    FOLDER 4

    6.0 As-built Drawings( as r as-built drawinz re .ster)

    6.1 IAs-built Weld Maps

    f - - - : - - - - , . . . .RT Reportsf-----l .. ~ UT Reports'-------l>~ ~IT Reports