Afkortingenlijst t.b.v. Supply Chain Management, Inkoop en ...Inkoop+Logistiek-versie-2010.pdf ·...

1 Afkortingenlijst t.b.v. Supply Chain Management, Inkoop en Logistiek Versie 2010 Omstreeks 1990 ben ik als redacteur van het Handboek Logistiek gevraagd om een afkortingenlijst van inkoop- en logistieke begrippen op te stellen. Uit diverse logistieke boeken werden de afkortingen verzameld en in de lijst opgenomen. Dit initiatief is overgenomen door het blad Logistiek en leidde tot een ABC-boekje. Daar kwamen ook afkortingen in voor uit de dagelijkse praktijk of die vergelijkbaar zijn met de begrippen uit inkoop en logistiek. Deze lijst groeide gestaag in de daarop volgende jaren. Omstreeks 2005 is de lijst weer eens compleet herzien. Het werd weer eens tijd om de lijst bij te werken. Deze lijst is nu nog even in ontwikkeling en wordt zeker aangevuld. Gezien het feit dat het vakgebied rondom logistiek steeds meer grensoverschrijdend is werd gekozen voor de gewijzigde titel waarin ook het begrip supply chain management integraal is opgenomen. Als auteur van het boek Werken met logistiek(WML) wordt het nut gezien om extra materiaal bij het boek te ontwikkelen voor studenten die verder gaan zoeken. Moge deze lijst daar een bijdrage aan geven. Hierdoor wordt duidelijk welke afkortingen al gebruikt worden en wat voor verwarring verkeerd gebruik kan opleveren. De bronvermelding wordt in dit document nog niet gebruikt. Het zou daardoor te onoverzichtelijk gaan worden. Met 41 pagina’s en bijna 1600 afkortingen denken we u een dienst van toegevoegde waarde te kunnen leveren. De zesde druk van WML (2011) bevat de meest gebruikte termen op logistiek gebied. Deze lijst is een aanvulling en het zou fijn zijn als u hier een bijdrage aan zou kunnen leveren door nog meer termen aan te dragen. Het is duidelijk dat er ook fouten kunnen voorkomen in deze lijst. Het gebruik van deze termen is derhalve voor eigen rekening en verantwoording. Hier kunnen geen garanties bij verleend worden. Stuurt u gerust een bericht met aanvullingen en/of correcties. Hessel Visser Smidsweg 7A 3295BT ’s-Gravendeel T. 078 6737356 E [email protected] W

Transcript of Afkortingenlijst t.b.v. Supply Chain Management, Inkoop en ...Inkoop+Logistiek-versie-2010.pdf ·...


Afkortingenlijst t.b.v. Supply Chain Management, Inkoop en Logistiek

Versie 2010

Omstreeks 1990 ben ik als redacteur van het Handboek Logistiek gevraagd om een afkortingenlijst

van inkoop- en logistieke begrippen op te stellen. Uit diverse logistieke boeken werden de

afkortingen verzameld en in de lijst opgenomen. Dit initiatief is overgenomen door het blad Logistiek

en leidde tot een ABC-boekje. Daar kwamen ook afkortingen in voor uit de dagelijkse praktijk of die

vergelijkbaar zijn met de begrippen uit inkoop en logistiek. Deze lijst groeide gestaag in de daarop

volgende jaren. Omstreeks 2005 is de lijst weer eens compleet herzien. Het werd weer eens tijd om

de lijst bij te werken. Deze lijst is nu nog even in ontwikkeling en wordt zeker aangevuld. Gezien het

feit dat het vakgebied rondom logistiek steeds meer grensoverschrijdend is werd gekozen voor de

gewijzigde titel waarin ook het begrip supply chain management integraal is opgenomen.

Als auteur van het boek “Werken met logistiek” (WML) wordt het nut gezien om extra materiaal bij

het boek te ontwikkelen voor studenten die verder gaan zoeken. Moge deze lijst daar een bijdrage

aan geven. Hierdoor wordt duidelijk welke afkortingen al gebruikt worden en wat voor verwarring

verkeerd gebruik kan opleveren. De bronvermelding wordt in dit document nog niet gebruikt. Het

zou daardoor te onoverzichtelijk gaan worden. Met 41 pagina’s en bijna 1600 afkortingen denken we

u een dienst van toegevoegde waarde te kunnen leveren. De zesde druk van WML (2011) bevat de

meest gebruikte termen op logistiek gebied. Deze lijst is een aanvulling en het zou fijn zijn als u hier

een bijdrage aan zou kunnen leveren door nog meer termen aan te dragen.

Het is duidelijk dat er ook fouten kunnen voorkomen in deze lijst. Het gebruik van deze termen is

derhalve voor eigen rekening en verantwoording. Hier kunnen geen garanties bij verleend worden.

Stuurt u gerust een bericht met aanvullingen en/of correcties.

Hessel Visser

Smidsweg 7A

3295BT ’s-Gravendeel

T. 078 6737356

E [email protected]




Cijfers ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

A ............................................................................................................................................................... 3

B ............................................................................................................................................................... 5

C ............................................................................................................................................................... 7

D ............................................................................................................................................................ 12

E ............................................................................................................................................................. 14

F ............................................................................................................................................................. 17

G ............................................................................................................................................................ 19

H ............................................................................................................................................................ 20

I .............................................................................................................................................................. 20

J .............................................................................................................................................................. 22

K ............................................................................................................................................................. 22

L ............................................................................................................................................................. 23

M ........................................................................................................................................................... 24

N ............................................................................................................................................................ 26

P ............................................................................................................................................................. 29

Q ............................................................................................................................................................ 31

R ............................................................................................................................................................. 31

S ............................................................................................................................................................. 33

T ............................................................................................................................................................. 35

U ............................................................................................................................................................ 37

V ............................................................................................................................................................. 37

W ........................................................................................................................................................... 39

X ............................................................................................................................................................. 40

Y ............................................................................................................................................................. 40

Z ............................................................................................................................................................. 40

Bronnen: ................................................................................................................................................ 41


Nr Afkorting Betekenis


1 1PL First Party Logistics

2 2PL Second Party Logistics

3 3PL Third Party Logistics

4 4C Cross Chain Control Center

5 4GL Fourth Generation Language

6 4PL Fourth Party Logistics

7 5S Sort Shine Set Standardize Sustain

8 5S Seiko Seiton Seiketso Seiso Shitsuke

9 5S Scheiden Schikken Schoonmaken Standaardiseren Systematiseren

10 6S Sort Shine Set Standardize Sustain Safety

11 5W Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

12 6σ Six Sigma

13 7P Persoon Product Proces Procedures Prestatieindicator Passie/perfectie Prijs

A 14 A2A Application To Application

15 AAI Automatische Artikel Identificatie

16 AAS Administratieve Applicatie Service

17 AAS Acta Apostolicae Sedis

18 ABB Activity Based Budgetting

19 ABC Activity Based Costing

20 ABC A B C analysemethode

21 ABM Activity Based Management

22 ABM Anti- Ballistic Missile

23 ABP Activity Based Planning

24 ACD Automatic Call Distribution

25 ACORN Astounding Computers Often Ridiculed Nonetheless

26 ACP African Caribean and Pacific countries

27 ACR All Clichés Recycled

28 ADC Aide De Camp

29 ADC Automatic Data Collection

30 ADR Acquisition Development Retention

31 ADR Article Dangereux de Route

32 ADSL Assymetric Digital Suscriber Line

33 ADV Arbeids Duur Verkorting

34 AFS Air Flow Spaces

35 AGA Algemeen Geaccepteerd Acroniem

36 AGD Accijns Goederen Document

37 AGF Aardappelen Groenten Fruit

38 AGF Assurance Général de France

39 AGP Accijns Goederen Plaats


40 AGV Automatische Gegevens Verwerking

41 AGV Automatic Guided Vehicles

42 AGVS Automatic Guided Vehicles System

43 AI Artificial Intelligence

44 AI 0

45 AI Amnesty International

46 AIAG Automative Industry Action Group

47 AIM Automated Identification Manufacturers

48 AIS Automatic Information System

49 AKK Agro Keten Kennis

50 ALDEP Automatic Lay-out DEsign Program

51 ALE Application Link Enabling

52 ALM Ada[tive Logistics Management

53 AM Amplitude Modulatie

54 AMH Automated Material Handling

55 AMR Advanced Manufacturing Research

56 ANI Automatic Number Identification

57 ANOVA ANalyse Of VAriance

58 ANSI American National Standards Institute

59 AO Administratieve Organisatie

60 AOA Activity On Arc

61 AOA Activity On Arrow

62 AON Activity On Node

63 AOQ Average Output Quality

64 AOQL Average Outgoing Quality Level

65 AP Accounts Payable

66 APC Acetol Phenacetine and Cafeïne

67 APC Advanced Process Control

68 APD Additional Product Documentation

69 API Application Programming Interface

70 APICS American Production and Inventory Control Society

71 APL A- Programming Language

72 APO Advanced Planner and Organiser

73 APP Aggregate Production Planning

74 APR Annual Percentage Rate

75 APS Advanced Photo System

76 APS Advanced Planning System

77 APS Advanced Planning and Scheduling

78 APS Application Platform Suite

79 APSS Advanced Planning Scheduling and Simulation

80 AQL Acceptable Quality Level

81 AQAP Allied Quality Assurance Publications

82 AR Accounts Receivable


83 AR Augmented Reality

84 ARMA Auto Regressive Moving Average

85 AS/RS Automatic Store Retrievel System

86 ASAP Accelerated S A P

87 ASAP As Soon As Possible

88 ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange

89 ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations

90 ASN Advanced Shipping Note

91 ASN Anno Salvatoris Nostri

92 ASN Automatic Shipping Note

93 ASP Active Server Page

94 ASP Application Service Provider

95 ASP Aspirant

96 ASP Atributive Steek Proef

97 ASP Average Sales Price

98 ASQC American Society for Quality

99 ASQC American Society for Quality Control

100 ATB Available To Balance

101 ATB All Terrain Bike

102 ATB Automatische Trein Beïnvloeding

103 ATM Adobe Type Manager

104 ATM Atmosfeer

105 ATM Automatic Teller Machine

106 ATO Assemble To Order

107 ATP Available To Promise

108 ATS Automatisch Transport Systeem

109 ATS Oostenrijkse Shilling

110 AVI Audio Video Interleaved

111 AWB Air Way Bill (IATA document)


112 BOL Bill Of Loading

113 B/L Bill of Loading

114 B2B Back To Basics

115 B2B Back To Business

116 B2B Business To Business

117 B2C Business To Consumer

118 B2E Business To Employee

119 B2G Business To Government

120 B2P Business To Partner

121 B2R Business To Reseller

122 BAC Budget At Completion

123 BAF Bunker Adjustment Factor

124 BAM Bataafse Aanneming Maatschappij


125 BAM Business Activity Monitoring

126 BAPI Business Application Programming Interface

127 BAT BATaljon

128 BAT Bestellings Afhandelings Tijd

129 BBC Bewerkingscentra van Beperkte Capaciteit

130 BBC British Broadcasting Corporation

131 BCC Blind Carbon Copy

132 BCG Boston Consultancy Group

133 BCI Business Community Integration

134 BCM Business Control Model

135 BCP Business Continuation Plan

136 BE Bestel Eenheid

137 BFM Business Functie Model

138 BI Bouwkundig Ingenieur

139 BI Business Invention

140 BI Business Intelligence

141 BIOS Basic In Out System

142 BIP Business Intelligence Planning

143 BIT Business Intelligence Tool

144 BL Bachelor of Law

145 BL Benevole Lector

146 BL Bulk Load

147 BMW Bayerische Motoren Werke

148 BOA Bill Of Activities

149 BOD Bill Of Distribution

150 BOH Balance On Hand

151 BOL Bill Of Labour

152 BOM Bill Of Material

153 BOM Bewust Ongehuwde Moeder

154 BOM Bewegen Op Muziek

155 BOR Bill Of Resources

156 BOR Business Object Repository

157 BPEL Business Process Execution Language

158 BPEL Business Process Execution Language for Web Services

159 BPI Business Process Improvement

160 BPI Business Process Innovation

161 BPI Business Process Integration

162 BPM Beats Per Minute

163 BPM Business Process Management

164 BPM Business Process Model

165 BPMS Business Process Management System

166 BPO Business Process Optimalisation

167 BPR Business Process Reengineering


168 BPR Business Process Redesign

169 BPS Bits Per Seconde

170 BQ Bestelniveau Variable Moment Fixed Quantity

171 BRM Business Resource Management

172 BRP Business Requirements Planning

173 BRP Business Room Pilot

174 BS Bestelniveau Variable Moment Variable Quantity

175 BSI British Standards Institutions

176 BST Base Stock Control

177 BST British Standard Time

178 BTO Build To Order

179 BTW Belasting Toegevoegde Waarde

180 BTW By The Way (Chat taal)

181 BU Business Unit

182 BVT Bestellings Voorbereidings Tijd

183 BVT Beschikbare Vrije Tijd per bewerking

184 BW Balancing Work Load

185 BW Burgerlijk Wetboek


186 C2B Consumer To Business

187 C2C Consumer To Consumer

188 C2C Cradle To Cradle

189 C3i Command Control Communications and Intelligence

190 CA Certificate Authority

191 CA Computer Associates

192 CA Cross Application

193 C+F Cost And Freight (vervallen Incoterm)

194 CAD Computer Aided Design

195 CAD Cash Against Documents

196 CAD Consultatiebureau voor Alcohol en Drugs

197 CAD/CAM Computer Aided Design Computer Aided Manufacturing

198 CAE Computer Aided Engineering

199 CAF Currency Adjustment Factor

200 CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate

201 CAI Computer Aided/Assisted Instruction

202 CAI Cooperative Applications Initiative

203 CAIT Computer Aided Inspection and Testing

204 CAL Computer Aided Logistics

205 CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing

206 CAM Customer Asset Management

207 CAO Collectieve Arbeids Overeenkomst

208 CAO Computer Assisted Ordering

209 CAOP Computer Aided Order Picking


210 CAP Computer Aided Planning

211 CAP Customer Account Profitability

212 CAPE Computer Aided Process Engineering

213 CAPE Concurrent Art-to- Product Environment

214 CAPP Computer Aided Process Planning

215 CAPP Computer Automated Process Planning

216 CAR Computer Aided Routing

217 CAS Computer Aided Selection

218 CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering

219 CASE Computer Aided Systems Engineering

220 CASE Computer Assisted Software Engineering

221 CASS Cargo Accounts Settlement System (in aircargo)

222 CAT Catalogus

223 CAT Computer Aided Testing

224 CBA Customer Based Accounting

225 CBC Collaborative Business Communities

226 CBL Centraal Bureau voor Levensmiddelen

227 CBP Constraint Based Planning

228 CBP Capaciteits Behoefte Planning

229 CBR Case Based Reasoning

230 CBR Centraal Bureau Rijvaardigheidsbewijzen

231 CBR Commodity Box Rate

232 CBRB Centraal Bureau Rijn en Binnenvaart

233 CBS Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek

234 CBS College van Burgemeester en Schepenen

235 CBS Collumbia Broadcasting System

236 CBT Computer Based Training

237 CC Call Center

238 CC Carbon Copy

239 CC Contact Center

240 CC Copy Conform

241 CC Cubic Centimeters

242 CC Crash Cost

243 CCC Clever Career Connection

244 CCC Customer Contact Center

245 CCCC Cross Chain Control Center

246 CCO Chief Corporate Officer

247 CCO Chief Customer Office

248 CCO Consumenten Contact Orgaan

249 CCR Capacity Constraints Resources

250 CCR Commodity Classification Rates

251 CCRM Colloborative CRM

252 CCS Contact Center Software


253 CCSP Common Cycle Scheduling Problem

254 CDC Centraal Distributie Centrum

255 CD-1 Compact Disk Interactive

256 CDI Customer Data Integration

257 CDM Customer Driven Manufacturing

258 CD-ROM Compact Disk Read Only Memory

259 CDROM Consumer Device Rendered Obsolete in Months

260 CE Comité Européenne

261 CEA Cost Effect Analyses

262 CED Centrale Europese Distributie

263 CELO Center of Excellence in LOgistics

264 CEN Collaborative Enterprise Network

265 CEN Comité Europeén de Normalisation

266 CEO Chief Executive Officer

267 CFO Chief Financial Officer

268 CFPIM Certified Fellow Production and Inventory Management

269 CFPR Colloborative Planning Forecasting & Replenishment

270 CFR Cost and FReight (Incoterms 1990)

271 CFS Container Freight Station

272 CGI Common Gateway Interface

273 CI Continuous Improvement

274 CIB Computer Integrated Business

275 CIC Customer Interaction Center

276 CIE Computer Integrated Enterprise

277 CIF Cost Insurance and Freight (vervallen Incoterm)

278 CIFC Cost Insurance Freight and Commission

279 CIFIC Cost Insurance Freight Interest and Commission

280 CIM Customer Interaction Management

281 CIM Convention Internationale concernant de tran sport de March. par chemin de fer

282 CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing

283 CIO Comité International Olympique

284 CIO Chief Information Officer

285 CIO Chief Innovation Officer

286 CIO Chief Inspiration Officer

287 CIP freight Carriage and Insurance Paid to (Incoterms 1990)

288 CIP Cataloguing In Publication

289 CIP Computer Integrated Processing

290 CIRM Certified in Integrated Resource Management

291 CISG Contracts for the International Sale of Goods

292 CLIP Customer Line Item Performance

293 CLM Council of Logistics Management

294 CLO Central Logistics Operations

295 CLTV Customer Life Time Value


296 CM Category Management

297 CM Centraal Magazijn

298 CM Configuration Management

299 CM Congregatio Missionis

300 CMI Customer Managed Inventory

301 CMMS Computerised Maintenance Management System

302 CMR Convention relative au contrat de transport international de Marchandise par Route

303 CMR Customer Managed Relationships

304 CMS Campagne Management Systeem

305 CMS Campaigne Management Systeem

306 CMS Content Management System

307 CN Combined Nomenclature

308 CN Consignment Note

309 CN Cum Notis

310 CNC Configurable Network Computing

311 CNC Computerized Numerical Control

312 COB Collection On Board

313 COB Centrale Organisatie Beroepsgoederenvervoer

314 COBOL Completely Obsolete Business Oriented Language

315 CO2 Carbon Dioxide

316 COC Cost Of Capital

317 COC Cultuur en Ontspannings Centrum

318 COD Cash On Delivery (in aircargo)

319 COFC Container On a railroad Flat Car

320 COGS Computer Oriented Goods System

321 COM Component Object Model

322 COM Computer Output in Microfilm

323 COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa

324 COMMS Customer Oriented Manufacturing Management System

325 COO Chief Operational Officer

326 COOS Call Off and Order Supply

327 COOS Call Off and Order Survey

328 COQ Cost Of Quality

329 COS Call Off Schedule

330 COS Customer Order Servicing

331 COW Collection On Wheels

332 CP Ceteris Paribus

333 CP Commerciële Plannning

334 CPC Collaborative Product Commerce

335 CPD Central Planning Department

336 CPDM Collaborative Product Definition Management

337 CPFR Collaborative Planning Forecasting & Replenishment

338 CPG Consumer Packaged Goods


339 CPI Continuous Process Inprovement

340 CPIM Certified In Production and Inventory Management

341 CPM Critical Path Method

342 CPM Corporate Performance Management

343 CPM Costs Per Million

344 CPM Counts Per Minute

345 CPM Certified Purchasing Manager

346 CPM Customer Profitability Management

347 CPOF Capacity Planning using Overall Factors

348 CPR Critical Process Redesign

349 CPT Carriage Paid To (Incoterms 1990)

350 CPU Central Processing Unit

351 CR Civis Romanus (latijn)

352 CR Continuous Replenishment

353 CR Critical Ratio

354 CRAFT Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Techniques

355 CRBS Centraal Relatie Beheer Systeem

356 CRISP Cross Industry Standard Process (voor datamining)

357 CRM Customer Relationship Management

358 CRM Community Relationship Management

359 CRM Cost Reduction Management

360 CRM Cultural Revolution Management

361 CRMA Customer Relationship Management Association

362 CRMO CRM Officer

363 CRP Capacity Requirements Planning

364 CRP Conference Room Pilot

365 CRP Continuous Replenishment Planning

366 CRT Cathode Ray Tube

367 CRT Current Reality Tree

368 C/S Client/ Server

369 CS Customer Service

370 CSA Computer Security Association

371 CSC Cargo Service Centre

372 CSCP Certified Supply Chain Professional

373 CSCMP Certified Supply Chain Management Professional

374 CSL Customer Service Level

375 CSM Component Software Management

376 CSM Computer and Supplier Management

377 CSP Complementary Software Provider

378 CSR Customer Service Representative

379 CSR Corporate Social Responsibility

380 CSRP Customer Synchronised Resource Planning

381 CSS Cascading Style Sheets


382 CSS Customer Self Service

383 CSS Customer Service & Support

384 CT Cent

385 CT Commandant

386 CT Crash Time

387 CTB College voor Toelating Bestrijdingsmiddelen

388 CTD Cumalutive Trauma Disorder

389 CTD Combined Transport Document

390 CTI Computer Telephony Integration

391 CTM Capable To Match

392 CTO Chief Technical Officer

393 CTO Combined Transport Operator

394 CTP Capable To Promise

395 CTQ Critical To Quality

396 CTR Centenaar

397 CTR Click Through Rate

398 CU See You(chat)

399 CUG Closed User Groups

400 CUI Characted-based User Interface

401 CUSUM CUmulative SUMtest

402 CVE Centrale Verwerkings Eenheid

403 CVM Customer Value Management

404 CVO Certificaat Van Oorsprong

405 CWE Cleared Without Examination

406 CWQC Company Wide Quality Control


407 DAF Delivered At Frontier (Incoterms 1990)

408 DAF van Doorne Automobiel Fabriek

409 DAWB Direct Air Way Bill

410 DBMS Data Base Management Systems

411 DBR Drum Buffer Rope

412 DBS Data Base System

413 DC Distributie Centrum

414 DC Debiteuren/ Crediteuren

415 DCM Demand Chain Management

416 DCM Don't Come Monday (you're fired)

417 DCP Freight Carriage Paid To (vervallen Incoterm)

418 DCS Distributed Control System

419 DD Double Density

420 DD Due Date

421 DDP Delivered Duty Paid (Incoterms 1990)

422 DDP Distributed Data Processing

423 DDP Dynamic Distribution Planning


424 DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid (Incoterms 1990)

425 DDS De Digitale Stad

426 DDS Dispatch Support System

427 DDS Dynamic Deployment Scheduler

428 DDT Dynamic Distribution Technologies

429 DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid

430 DEC Do Expect Cuts

431 DEM Duitse Mark

432 DEM Dynamic Enterprise Modelling

433 DEQ Delivered Ex Quay (Incoterms 1990)

434 DES Delivered Ex Ship (Incoterms 1990)

435 DES Double Exponential Smoothing

436 DEX/UCS Direct Exchange UCS

437 DFA Design For Assembly

438 DFL Demand Flow Leadership

439 DFL Design For Logistics

440 DFM Design For Maintenance

441 DFMA Design For Manufacture and Assembly

442 DFSS Design For Six Sigma

443 DHM Distributie Hulp Middelen

444 DIAD Delivery Information Acquisition Device

445 DIRTFT Do It Right The First Time

446 DIS Drive In Satellite

447 DISA Data Interchange Standards Association Secretariaat voor ANSI ASC X12

448 DKW Droge Kruideniers Waren

449 DM Data Mart

450 DM Deutsche Mark

451 DM Direct Marketing

452 DM Demand Management

453 DMA Direct Marketing Association

454 DMAIC Define Measure Analyse Improve Control

455 DMADV Define Measure Analyse Deisgn Verify

456 DMU Decision Making Unit

457 DNC Direct Numerical Control

458 DNC Distributed Numerical Control

459 DNIS Dialed Number Identification Service

460 DNS Domain Naming System

461 DNS Domain Name Service

462 DNS Dynamic Name Server

463 DOE Design Of Experiments

464 DOMA Distributed Object Messaging Architecture

465 DOS Defective Operating System

466 DOS Disk Operating System


467 DOT Department Of Transport

468 DP Decoupling Point

469 DP Displaced Person

470 DP1 Make And Ship To Stock

471 DP2 Make To Stock

472 DP3 Assemble To Order

473 DP4 Make To Order

474 DP5 Purchase And Make To Order

475 DPB Dranken Pallet Beheer

476 DPC Direct Product Cost calculation

477 DPI Dots Per Inch

478 DPK Drogisten Platform Ketenintegratie

479 DPP Direct Product Profitability calculation

480 DRM Digital Rights Management

481 DRP-1 Distribution Requirements Planning

482 DRP-2 Distribution Resources Planning

483 DSCM Demand and Supply Chain Management

484 DSD Direct Store Delivery

485 DSD Duales System Deutschland

486 DSL Damn, this Service is Lousy

487 DSL Digital Subscriber Line

488 DSS Decision Support System

489 DTF Demand Time Fence

490 DTP Desk Top Publishing

491 DUMMY Digital Urban Modern Mobile Yuppie

492 DW Data Warehouse

493 DW Dienst Willig

494 DW Distributie Winkel

495 DWT Dead Weight


496 EA Efficient Administration

497 EAI Enterprise Application Integration

498 EAM Enterprise Asset Management

499 EAN European Article Numbering

500 EAN-DAS European Article Numbering Data Alignment Service

501 EAP Employee Assistance Programs

502 EAS Enterprise Application Software

503 EAS Electronic Article Serveillance

504 eBPP Electronic Bill Presentation and Payment

505 EBQ Economic Batch Quantity

506 EBI Enterprise Business Intelligence

507 EBI Extra Beveiligde Instelling

508 EBIS Enterprise Business Intelligence Suites


509 EBIT Earnings Before Interest and Taxes

510 EBITDA Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation and Amortization

511 EBT Earnings Before Taxes

512 EC Electronic Commerce

513 EC Europian Community

514 ECD Efficient Consumer Demand

515 ECD Europese Controle Dienst

516 ECO Engineering Change Order

517 ECM Enterprise Commerce Management

518 ECM Enterprise Content Management

519 ECMS Enterprise Content Management Software

520 ECMS Enterprise Content Management System

521 ECP.NL Electronic Commerce Platform Nederland

522 ECR Effective/Efficient Consumer Response

523 ECR Excellent Consumer Response

524 ECRM Electronic Customer Relationship Management

525 ECRM Enterprise Customer Relationship Management

526 ECRM Extended Customer Relationship Management

527 ECS Electronic Commerce Strategies

528 ECU European Currency Unit

529 EDC European Distribution Center

530 EDC Engineering Data Control

531 EDC Effective Daily Capacity

532 EDD Earliest Due Date

533 EDI Electronic Data Interchange

534 EDIA Electronic Data Interchange Association

535 EDICA Electronic Data Interchange Council of Australia

536 EDICC Electronic Data Interchange Council of Canada

537 EDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange For Administration Commerce and Transport

538 EDM Electronic Data Management

539 EDM Engineering Data Management

540 EDM Electronic Direct Marketing

541 EDM Engineering Document Management

542 EDP Electronic Data Processing

543 EDP Enterprise Demand Planning

544 EDS Electronic Data System

545 EDT Electronic Data Transfer

546 EDSD Edifact Data Segments Dictionary

547 EEG Europese Economische Gemeenschap

548 EEO Equal Employment Opportunity

549 EES Engineering Execution System

550 EF Earliest Finish date

551 EFD Earliest Finish Date


552 EFT Electronic Funds Transfer

553 EFTA European Free Trade Assosiation

554 EFQM European Foundation of Quality Management

555 EG Europese Gemeenschap

556 EHCR Efficient Healthcare Consumer Response

557 EI Elektronisch Ingenieur

558 EI Employee Involvement

559 EIA European Intermodal Association

560 EIP Enterprise Information Portal

561 EIS Executive Information System

562 ELA Europian Logistics Association

563 EMC Export Management Company

564 EMLog European Master in Logistics

565 EMS Electronics Manufacturing Services

566 EOQ Economic Order Quantity

567 EOS Efficient Operating Standard

568 EP Eind Product

569 EP Efficient Promotion

570 EP Europees Parlement

571 EPA Environmental Protection Agency

572 EPB Elektronisch Planbord

573 EPC Event-driven Process Chain

574 EPC Engineer Procure Construct

575 EPC Elektronisch Product Code

575 EPO Enterprise Profit Optimization

576 EPO Erythropoetine (bloeddoping)

577 EPOS Electronic Point Off Sale

578 EPR Extended Producer Responsibility

579 EPS Earnings Per Share

580 EPS Europese Poltieke Samenwerking

581 EPP Economic Part Periodfactor

582 ER Efficient (product) Replenishment

583 ER Emergency Room

584 ERC European Repair Center

585 ERD Earliest Release Date

586 ERM Ecole Royale Militaire

587 ERM Employee Relationship Management

588 ERM Enterprise Relationship Management

589 ERM Enterprise Resource Management

590 ERMS E-mail Response Management Systeem

591 ERP Enterprise Resources Planning (system)

592 ERP Electronic Road Pricing

593 ES Earliest Start date


594 ESA Efficient Store Assortment

595 ESA Enterprise Service Automation

596 ESA European Space Agency

597 ESB Enterprise Service Bus

598 ES&H Environmental Safety and Health

599 ESP External Service Provider

600 ESI Earley Supplier Involvement

601 ESOP Employee Stock Ownership Plan

602 ETA Estimated Time of Arrival

603 ETA Europe Transport Automation

604 ETA Euskadi Ta Askatasuna

605 ETC Export Trading Company

606 ETD Expected Time of Departure

607 ETD Estimated Time of Departure

608 ETFS Engage Transact Fulfill Support

609 ETL Extraction Translation Loading

610 ETO Economic Trade Off

611 ETO Engineer To Order

612 ETV Elevatory Transporting Vehicle

613 EU Europese Unie

614 EU Ex Usu

615 EVA Europese Vrijhandels Associatie

616 EVO Eigen Vervoerders Organisatie

617 EWI Electronic Work Instruction

618 EXQ Ex Quay (vervallen Incoterm)

619 EXS Ex Ship (vervallen Incoterm)

620 EXW Ex Works (Incoterms 1990)

621 EZC Europian Zone Charge


622 F2F Face To Face

623 FAK Freight All Kinds rate

624 FAQ Free At Quay

625 FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

626 FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation

627 FAS Factory Assembly System

628 FAS Free Alongside Ship

629 FAS Final Assembly Schedule

630 FB Forward Buying

631 FBL Fiata Combined Transportbill of Loading

632 FCA Free Carrier

633 FCFS First Come First Served

634 FCL Full Container Load Loading

635 FCP Finite Capacity Planning (Incoterms 1990)


636 FCS Finite Capacity Scheduling

637 FD Facilitaire Dienst

638 FD Fysieke Distributie

639 FCT Forwarders Certificate of Transport

640 FEFO First Expired First Out

641 FEM Federation Européenne de la Manutention

642 FENEX FEderatie van Nederlandse EXpediteurs Organisatie

643 FENIT FEderatie van Nederlandse ondernemingen in de Informatietechnologie

644 FES Financial Execution System

645 FF Fortisimo

646 FF effe/even (chat)

647 FFA Field Force Automation

648 FFC Flexibele Fabricage Cel

649 FFF Form Fit Function

650 FFS Flexibele Fabricage Straat

651 FFW88 Effe/even Wachten (chat)

652 FGP Factory Gate Pricing

653 FIFO First In First Out

654 FIFO Fit In or Fuck Off

655 FIT Fédération Internationale des Translateurs

656 FIT Fresh In Time

657 FIS Financial Information Systems

658 FISO Flexible Integrated Supply Organisation

659 FLSA Fair Labor Standards Act

660 FM Field Marshal

661 FM Frequency Modulation

662 FMA Failure Mode Analysis

663 FMA Flexible Machine Center

664 FMC Flexible Manufacturing Center

665 FMC Federal Marine Commision

666 FMCG Fast Moving Consumer Goods

667 FME Vereniging voor de Metaal- en Elektronische industrie

668 FMEA Failure Mode Effect Analysis

669 FMECA Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis

670 FMS Flexible Manufacturing System

671 FOA Free Onboard Airport (vervallen Incoterm)

672 FOB Free On Board (Incoterms 1990)

673 FOP Financieel Ontkoppel Punt

674 FOP Free On Plane

675 FOQ Fixed Order Qantity

676 FOR Free On Rail (vervallen Incoterm)

677 FOT Free On Truck (vervallen Incoterm)

678 FPA Free Particular Average


679 FPA Flexibele Productie Automatisering

680 FPO Firm Planned Order

681 FRC Free Carrier (vervallen Incoterm)

682 FRM Floor Ready Marchandise

683 FRT Future Reality Tree

684 FRV Free Ranging Vehicle

685 FSA Field Service Automation

686 FSD Field Service & Dispatch

687 FST Field Service Technician

688 FTC Federal Trade Commission

689 FTE Full Time Employee

690 FTL Full Truck Load

691 FTF Fahrerloses Transport Fahrzeug

692 FTP File Transfer Protocol

693 FTS Fahrerlose Transport Systeme

694 FTZ Foreign / Free Trade Zones

695 FUD Fear Uncertainty and Doubt


697 G/A General Average

698 GA Gewijzigde Aansprakelijkheid

699 G&A General and Administrative expenses

700 GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

701 GAMP Generally Accepted Manufacturing Principles

702 GAN Global Area Network

703 GAPP General Agreement on Tariff and Trade

704 GATT General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs

705 GB Giga Bite

706 GBV Gezond Boeren Verstand

707 GCI Global Commerce Initiave

708 GCR General Cargo Rate

709 GCR General Commodity Rate

710 GDSS Group Decision Support System

711 GE General Electric

712 GFL General Food Law

713 GIF Graphic Interface Format

714 GIF Graphic Interchange Format

715 GIS Geografisch Informatie Systeem

716 GL General Ledger

717 GL Generation Language

718 GM General Motors

719 GMR Goods Movement Reporting

720 GMT Greenwich Mean Time

721 GPB Generieke Product Beschrijving


722 GPRS General Packet Radio Service

723 GPS Global Position System

724 GRI Global Report Initiative

725 GS1 Global Standards Nr 1

726 GS1DAS Global Standards Nr 1 Data Alignment Service

727 GSM Global System for Mobile Communication

728 GSP General System of Preferences

729 GT Group Technology

730 GUI Grafische User Interface

731 GUI Graphic User Interface

732 GUS General Unique Specific classification


733 HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points

734 HAN Home Area Network

735 HAWB House Air Way Bill

736 HD High Density

737 HITR Historical Inventory Turnover Ratio

738 HLL High Level Language

739 HMI Human Machine Interface

740 HOLAP Hybrid Online Analytical Processing

741 HOQ House Of Quality

742 HP Hewlett Packard

743 HP Hire Purchase

744 HP Horse Power

745 HPP Hoofd Productie Planning

746 HR Human Resources

747 HRM Human Resource Management

748 HS Harmonised System

749 HTML Hyper Text Markup Language

750 HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol


751 I2M Integrated Internet Marketing

752 IA Intelligent Agents

753 IAS International Accounting Standard

754 IATA International Air Transport Association

755 IBC Intermediate Bulk Container

756 IBM International Business Machines

757 IBS International Business Systems

758 ICC Interstate Commerce Commision

759 ICEK Stichting Instituut voor Certificatie Erkenning en Keuring

760 ICIT Stichting Instituut ter bevordering van de keuring en Certificatie van Informatie



761 ICE Information and Content Exchange

762 ICSS Internet Customer Self Service

763 ICT Informatie en Communicatie Technologie

764 ID Identification

765 IDC International Data Corporation

766 IDC Internationaal Distributie Centrum

767 IED Inside Exchange of Die

768 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

769 IFB Invitation For Bid

770 IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards

771 IFS Industrial & Financial System

772 IG Ingekochte Goederen

773 IGB Integrale Goederenstroom Beheersing

774 IGB Integrale Goederenstroom Besturing

775 IIE Institute for Industrial Engineers

776 IIE Internet Intranet Extranet

777 IKEA Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd

778 IKZ Integrale Kwaliteits Zorg

779 ILEC Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier

780 ILP Index Logistieke Pakketten

781 ILS Integrated Logistics Strategies

782 ILS Integrated Logistics Support

783 IMC Integrated Marketing Communications

784 IMC Internet Mail Consortium

785 IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods code

786 IMI Industri- Mathematik International

787 IML Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik (Dortmund)

788 IMO International Maritime Organisation

789 IMS Interaction Management Services

790 INK Instituut Nederlandse Kwaliteitsprijs

791 INTIS INternational Transport and Information System

792 I/O Input/ Output

793 IOC Input Output Control

794 IOIS Inter Organisationele Informatie Systemen

795 IOS International Organisation for Standardisation

796 IOS Inter Organisational Systems

797 IOS Islamitische Omroep Stichting

798 IP Internet Providers

799 IPO Initial Public Offering

800 IPSC International Production and Supply Center

801 IPVPN Internet Protocol Virtual Private Network

802 IRC Internet Relay Chat

803 IRL Ireland


804 IRM Integrated Resource Management

805 IRP Intelligent Resource Planner

806 IS Informatie en Systeem

807 ISC Internet Software Consortium

808 ISDN Integrated Service Digital Netwerk

809 ISM Institute for Supply Management

810 ISO International Standards Organisation

811 ISOC Internet Society

812 ISP Independent Software Provider

813 ISP Internet Service Provider

814 ISV Independent Software Vendor

815 IT Informatie Technologie

816 ITC Industrial Technology Centre

817 ITC IT Commercie

818 ITF Interleaved Two of Five

819 ITIL IT Infrastructure Library

820 ITIMF-NL Informatie Technologie Infrastructuur Management Forum Nederland

821 ITL International Trade Logistics

822 ITL Italiaanse Lire

823 ITL ITLogistiek

824 ITU Intermodal Transport Unit

825 IVR Interactive Voice Response

J 826 JBA Johnson Brown Associates

827 JBF Just By Fraction

828 JBF Jan Boeren Fluitjes

829 JETRO Japan External TRade Organisation

830 JILS Japan Institute of Logistics Systems

831 JIT Just In Time

832 JOT Just On Time

833 JPEG Joint Photographic Eperts Group

834 JSF Joint Strike Fighter

835 JTL Just To Late


836 KB Kilobyte

837 KBB Kapaciteits Behoefte Berekening

838 KBB Koninklijke Bijenkorf Beheer

839 KBC Kwaliteis Betrouwbaarheids Cijfer

840 KBE Kortste Bewerking Eerst

841 KFK Kritische Functionele Kenmerken

842 KGL Klanten Ordergestuurde Logistiek

843 KIS Keep It Simple


844 KISS Keep It Super / Stupid Simple

845 KLM Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij

846 KNVTO Koninklijke Nederlands Verbond van Transport Ondernemingen

847 KOG Klanten Order Gestuurde productie

848 KOOP Klanten Order Ontkoppel Punt

849 KOOP-1 Klanten Order Ontkoppel Punt Maken voor Lokale Voorraad

850 KOOP-2 Klanten Order Ontkoppel Punt Maken voor Centrale Voorraad

851 KOOP-3 Klanten Order Ontkoppel Punt Assembleren op Order

852 KOOP-4 Klanten Order Ontkoppel Punt Maken op Order

853 KOOP-5 Klanten Order Ontkoppel Punt Inkopen en Maken op Order

854 KPI Key Performance Indicator

855 KPI Kritische Prestatie Indicator

856 KRC Kwaliteits Betrouwbaarheids Cijfer

857 KSF Kritieke Succes Indicator

858 KSF Kritieke Succes Factor

859 KV Koel Vries


859 L/C Letter of Credit

860 L4L Lot For Lot rule

861 LAN Local Area Network

862 LASH Lighter Aboard Ship

863 LBC Landelijke Bedienden Centrale

864 LBC Lever Betrouwbaarheids Cijfer

865 LBO Leveraged Buy- Out

866 L/C Letter of Credit

867 LC Logistiek Concept

868 LCA Life Cycle Assesment

869 LCD Liquid Chrystal Display

870 LCFS Last Come First Served

871 LCL Less then a Car- Load (Lotshipment)

872 LCL Lower Control Limit

873 LCL Less then Container Load

874 LD Logistieke Diagnose

875 LDC Less Developed Countries

876 LDV Logistiek Dienst Verlener

877 LDR Linear Decision Rule

878 LE Laad Eenheid

879 LES Land Earth System

880 LES Logistics Execution System

881 LF Late Finish date

882 LFL Lot for Lot

883 LGD Logistieke Geldstroom Diagnose

884 LGV Laser Guided Vehicle


885 LGV (bureau voor) Levens- en Gezins- Vragen

886 LIFLAF Last In File, Lost All Files

887 LIFO Last In First Out

888 LIFO Liner In Free Out

889 LIMIT Lot-size Inventory Management Inventory Technique

890 LIMS Laboratorium Informatie Management Systeem

891 LIS Logistiek Informatie Systeem

892 LLC Low Level Code

893 LOB Line Of Business

894 LOLO Lift On Lift Off vessel

895 LPC Logistieke Produkt Combinatie

896 LPI Leverage Point For Improvement

897 LPI Logistieke Performance Indicator

898 LPI Logistieke Prestatie Indicator

899 LPM Logistieke Performance Meting

900 LPS Logistieke Pakket Selectie

901 LRP Line Requirements Planning

902 LS Late Start date

903 LS Lagere School

904 LS Lectori Salutem

905 LSA Logistic Support Analysis

906 LSD Loyalty Strategy Development

907 LSD Lyger Saure Diatthylamid

908 LSL Lower Specification Limit

909 LTC Least Total Cost

910 LTL Less Then Truckload

911 LTPD Lot Tolerance Percent Defective

912 LTV Life- Time Value

913 LVG Logistiek Verantwoordelijkhei Gebied

914 LWR Least Work Remaining

915 LZV Lange Zware Vrachtwagens


916 MA Marketing Automation

917 MAA Moving Annual Average

918 MAD Mean Absolute Deviation

919 MAN Maschinenfabrik Aufsburg- Nurnberg

920 MAN Metropolian Area Network

921 MAP Manufacturing Automation Protocol

922 MAPE Mean Absolute Percentage Error

923 MAPI Machinery and Allied Products Institute

924 MAT Moving Annual Total

925 MAWB Master Air Way Bill

926 MB Mega Byte


927 MBE Management By Exception

928 MBO Management By Objectives

929 MBO Middelbaar Beroeps Onderwijs

930 MBP Materiaal Behoefte Planning

931 MBS Magazijn Beheers Systeem

932 MBWA Management By Walking Around

933 MCS Multi-vendor Customer Service

934 MCS Monogram Communications Strategies

935 MDC Manufacturer Distribution Center

936 MDS Material Dominated Planning

937 MDIS McDonell Information Systems

938 MDS Material Dominated Scheduling

939 MDS Master Distribiution Schedule

940 MES Manufacturing Execution System

941 MES Moving Earth System

942 MESA Manufacturing Execution Systems Association

943 MFG Manufacturing

944 MGC Most Growable Customers

945 MHIA Material Handling Industry of America

946 MI Manufacturing Instruction

947 MICR Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

948 MIDlet Mobile Information Device Application

949 MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

950 MIS Management Information System

951 MISC Multimodal IT Service Centre

952 MK Manufacturing Knowledge

953 MK Mark Finland

954 MKB Midden- en Klein Bedrijf

955 MKO Middelgrote en Kleine Ondernemingen

956 MLP Multi- Level Planning

957 MM Material Management

958 MM Material Manager

959 MM Marketing Manager

960 MM Messieurs

961 MMBO Multi- Media Branche Organisatie

962 MMD Material Management Department

963 MMI Man- Machine Interface

964 MODEM Modulator, DEModulator

965 MODI MOdified DIstribution method

966 MOM Manufacturing Operations Management

967 MOM Message Oriented Middleware

968 MPC Manufacturing Planning and Control

969 MPCS Manufacturing Planning Control System


970 MPP Moving Period Planning

971 MPS Master Production Scheduling

972 MRB Material Review Board

973 MRB Motor Rijtuigen Belasting

974 MRF Material Recovery Facility

975 MRO Maintenance Repair and Operating supplies

976 MRP Material Requirement Planning

977 MRP1 Material Requirement Planning

978 MRP2 Manufacturing Resources Planning

979 MRP3 Money Resources Planning

980 MRP-I Material Requirement Planning

981 MRP-II Manufacturing Resources Planning

982 MRP-III Money Resources Planning

983 MS Master Schedule

984 MS Manuscript

985 MS Metriek Stelsel

986 MS Microsoft

987 MS Multiple Sclerose

988 MS Miss/Mrs

989 MSBIS Multi- Site Business Information System

990 MSDOS Microsoft Disk Operating System

991 MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

992 MSE Mean Squared Error

993 MTBF Mean Time Between Failure

994 MTD Modular Transport Document

995 MTD Marketing Transaction Database

996 MTFF Mean Time For Failure

997 MTL Master in Transport and Logistics

998 MTM Methods- Time Measurement

999 MTO Multimodal Tranport Operator

1000 MTO Make To Order

1001 MTO Middelbaar Technisch Onderwijs

1002 MTS Make To Stock

1003 MTS Middelbaar Technisch Onderwijs

1004 MTT Manufacturing Troughput Time

1005 MVC Most Valuable Customers

1006 MVO Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen

1007 MWK Model Winkel Keten


1008 NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement

1009 NAPM National Association of Purchasing Managers

1010 NAVA Non Added Value Activities

1011 NAVO Noord Atlantische Verdrags Organisatie


1012 NAWB Neutral Air Way Bill

1013 NC Nostro Conto

1014 NC Na Christus

1015 NC Normal Costs

1016 NC Numerical Control

1017 NC Network Computer

1018 NCPP Numerical Controlled Parts Programming

1019 NCR National Cash Register

1020 NDC Nationaal Distributie Centrum

1021 NDL Nederland Distributie Land

1022 NEI Algemeen Geaccepteerd Acroniem

1023 NEN NEderlandse Eenheids Norm

1024 NEX/UCS Network Exchange UC

1025 NEVEM NEderlandse VEreniging voor Material management

1026 NEVI NEderlandse Vereniging voor Inkoopmanagement

1027 NGCT Nederlands Genootschap voor Communicatie Technieken

1028 NGI Nederlands Genootschap voor Informatica

1029 NGO Non Gouvermentele Organisatie

1030 NHA Next Higher Assembly

1031 NIC New Industrialized Countries

1032 NIC Nederlands Inkoop Centrum

1033 NIMA Nederlands Instituut voor Marketing

1034 NIMBY Not In My Back Yard

1035 NLRB National Labor Relations Board

1036 NMA Nederlandse Associatie voor Informatiemanagement

1037 NNI Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut

1038 NO National Organisations

1039 NOB Nederlandse Organisatie van Beroepsgoederenver voer

1040 NOPAT Net Operating Profit After Tax

1041 NOREA Nederlandse Orde van Register EDP-auditors

1042 NPC National Product Centre

1043 NPM Non Production Material

1044 NPV Net Present Value

1045 NRF National Retail Federation

1046 NRF Nederlandse Radiatoren Fabriek

1047 NSN National Stock Number

1048 NSO National Sales Organisations

1049 NT Normal Time

1050 NTC Normal Time for Cycle

1051 NTED No Touch Exchange of Dies

1052 NVA Non Value Added

1053 NVBI Nederlandse Vereniging voor beëdigde Informatiedeskundigen

1054 NVC Nederlands Verpakkings Centrum


1055 NVC Nederlandse Vak Centrale

1056 NVI Nederlandse Vereniging van Informatie dienstaanbieders

1057 NVO Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier

1058 NVOCC Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier

1059 NVOCC Non Vessel Owning Common Carrier

1060 NVTG Nederlandse Vereniging van Telemedia Gebruikers


1061 OAG Open Application Group

1062 OB Object Bus

1063 OB Omzet Belasting

1064 OBI Open Buying on the Internet

1065 OC Operating Charasteristic Curve

1066 OCR Optical Character Recognation

1067 OD Organizational Development

1068 ODBC Open Data Base Connectivity

1069 ODD earliest Operation Due Date

1070 ODS Operational Data Store

1071 OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Developement

1072 OED Outside Exchange of Die

1073 OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer

1074 OESO Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling

1075 OHW Onder Handen Werk

1076 OJT On-the- Job Training

1077 OLAP Online Analytical Processing

1078 OLE Object Linking and Embedding

1079 OLS Ondergronds Logistiek Systeem

1080 OLTP On Line Transaction Processing

1081 OMA Operations Management Association

1082 OMR Optical Mark Reading

1083 OMS Oportunity Management System

1084 OMS Order Management System

1085 O&O Onderzoek en Ontwikkeling

1086 OOP Object Oriented Programming

1087 OOS Out Of Stock

1088 OOT Object Oriented Technology

1089 OP Ontwikkel Planning

1090 OP Ontkoppel Punt

1091 OP-1 Ontkoppel Punt 1 (maken en zenden n aar voorraad)

1092 OP-2 Ontkoppel Punt 2 (maken voor voorra ad)

1093 OP-3 Ontkoppel Punt 3 (assembleren op or der)

1094 OP-4 Ontkoppel Punt 4 (maken op order)

1095 OP-5 Ontkoppel Punt 5 (inkopen en maken op order)

1096 OPD Ontkoppel Punt Distributie


1097 OPG Ontkoppel Punt Groothandel

1098 OPP Ontkoppel Punt Productie

1099 OPS Order Picking Strategy

1100 OPT Optimised Production Schedule

1101 OPT Optimised Production Technology

1102 OPTIM Operational Profit through Time and Inventory Management

1103 OR Ondernemings Raad

1104 OR Operational Research

1105 ORM Object Relationship Management

1106 ORP Optimization of Resources and Processes

1107 OS Olympische Spelen

1108 OS Operating System

1109 OS&D Over Short and Damaged

1110 OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act

1111 OSI Open System Interconnection

1112 OT Object Technology

1113 OT Oude Testament

1114 OTC Over The Counter

1115 OTED One Touch Exchange of Dies

1116 OVA Overhead Value Analysis

1117 OVE Order Visibility Exchange

1118 OWMM One Worker More Machines


1119 P2P Path to Profitability

1120 P2P Person to Person

1121 P2P Point to Point

1122 P2P Peer to Peer

1123 PAC Production Activity Control

1124 PBS Productie Besturings Systeem

1125 PC Patres Conscripti

1126 PC Personal Computer

1127 PC Pour Connaissance

1128 PCI Production Control Improvement

1129 PCS Process Capability Study

1130 PCS Process Control Systemen

1131 PD Product Division

1132 PDA Personal Digital Assistant

1133 PDCA Plan Do Check Action

1134 PDI Pre- Delivery Inspection

1135 PDF Portable Document Format

1136 PDM Product Data Management

1137 PDM Physical Distribution Management

1138 PER Package Enabled Re-engineering


1139 PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique

1140 PES Procurement Execution System

1141 PEM Privacy Enhancing Method

1142 PET Poly Etheen Tetreftalaat

1143 PET Privacy Enhancing Technology

1144 PFA Production Flow Analysis

1145 PGP Pretty Good Privacy

1146 PHP Personal Home Page

1147 PI Performance Indicator

1148 PI Prestatie Indicator

1149 PI Private Investigor

1150 PICS-Belgium Production and Inventory Control Society

1151 PIM Platform Innovatie in Marketing

1152 PIM Production Information Systems

1153 PIM Personal Information Management

1154 PIMS Product Information Management System

1155 PIMS Proces Information Management System

1156 PIMS Profit Impact of Marketing Strategy

1157 PIN Personal Identification Number

1158 PITR Projected Inventory Turnover Rate

1159 PKI Public Key Infrastructure

1160 PKK Prozess Kosten Kalkulation

1161 PKS Prozess Kosten Satz

1162 PL Part Load

1163 PLC Programmable Logic Controller

1164 PLC Product Levens Cyclus

1165 PLC Product Life Cycle

1166 PLD Philips Lighting Distribution

1167 PLM Product Lifecycle Management

1168 PM Preventive Maintenance

1169 PMC Product Markt Combinatie

1170 PMC Provinciaal Militair Commando

1171 PO Per Omgaande

1172 PO Per Order

1173 PO Purchase Order

1174 POI Point Of Interaction

1175 POP Point Of Presence

1176 POP Point Of Purchase

1177 POS Point Of Sale

1178 POQ Periodic Order Quantity

1179 POS Profit Optimisation Management

1180 POT Precies Op Tijd

1181 PP Per Procurationem


1182 PP Pianissimo

1183 PP Productie Planning

1184 PPB Part Period Balancing

1185 PPP Public Private Partnership

1186 PPP Point-to Point Protocol

1187 PPS Produktions Planung und Steuerung

1188 PPS Prijs(aanduiding) Per Standaardhoeveelheid

1189 PQRST Product Quantity Route Service Time

1190 PRM Partner Relationship Management

1191 PRM Project Realization Management

1192 PRO Pricing & Revenu Optimisation

1193 PRT Pre- Requisite Tree

1194 PRT Parameters Rules Tables

1195 PS Post Scriptum

1196 PS Project Systeem

1197 PS Public School

1198 PSA Professional Service Automation

1199 PSB Product Structuur Beheer

1200 PSM Process Safety Management

1201 PSO Product Supply Organisation

1202 PwC Pricewaterhouse Coopers

1203 PZE Personal Zeit Erfassung


1204 QA Quality Assurance

1205 Q&A Question & Answer

1206 QAD Quality Application Design

1207 QAD Queen Anna Drive (oorspronkelijk)

1208 QC Quality Control

1209 QC Queen's Councel

1210 QCC Quality Control Circle

1211 QCS Quality Control Systems

1212 QFD Quality Function Deployment

1213 QM Quality Management

1214 QR Quick Response

1215 QR Queue Ratio

1216 QR Quod Rectum

1217 QRP Quick Response Program

1218 QRP Quality Review Process


1219 R&D Research And Development

1220 RAB Registrar Accreditation Board

1221 RAM Random Access Memory


1222 RAMS Resource Allocation Modelling System

1223 RAD Radiation Absorbed Dose

1224 RAD Rapid Application Deployment

1225 RBI Reed Business Information

1226 RCCC Rough Cut Capacity Check

1227 RCCP Rough Cut Capacity Planning

1228 RCP Rough-cut Capacity Planning

1229 RDBMS Relationeel Database Management Systeem

1230 RDC Regionaal Distributie Centrum

1231 REM Rack Entry Module

1232 REM Rapid Eye Movement

1233 REPAC Ready Execute Process Analyse Co-ordinate

1234 RF Radio Frequency

1235 RF (Performance) Rating Factor

1236 RFI Request For Information

1237 RFID Radio Frequency Identification

1238 RFM Regency Frequency Monetary (value)

1239 RFP Request For Proposal

1240 RFQ Request For Quotation

1241 RIB Rijks Inkoop Bureau

1242 RL Reversed Logistics

1243 RM Revenu Management

1244 RMI Results Management Implementation

1245 RMSE Root Mean Square Error

1246 ROA Return On Assets

1247 ROB Robotica

1248 ROE Return On Equity

1249 ROI Return On Investment

1250 ROI Return On Information

1251 ROLAP Relational Online Analytical Processing

1252 ROM Read Only Memory

1253 ROP Re Order Pointsystem

1254 ROR Return On Relationship

1255 RORO Roll On Roll Off

1256 ROS Return On Sales

1257 ROS Regionaal Overslag Station

1258 RTFL Read The Fucking Manual

1259 RRP Resource Requirement Planning

1260 RSL Recommanded Spares List

1261 RTS Rapid Tool Setting

1262 RTT Repeterend Type en Tijdgerichte planning

1263 RVS Roestvrij Staal

1264 RZ Rechtstreekse Zendingen



1265 S&P Systemen En Procedures

1266 S&OP Sales And Operations Planning

1267 SA Sub Assemblages

1268 SAD Smoothed Average Deviation

1269 SAD Single Administrative Document

1270 SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder

1271 SAN Storage Area Network

1272 SAP Structureel Aanpassings Programma (Surinaams)

1273 SAP Systeme Anwendungen Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung

1274 SBA Stellings Bedienings Apparatuur

1275 SBQ Standard Batch Quantity

1276 SBU Strategische Business Unit

1277 SC Supply Center

1278 SC Supply Chain

1279 SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition

1280 SCADA Systems Control And Data Acquisition

1281 SCC Supply Chain Collaborator

1282 SCC Supply Chain Council

1283 SCCP Stichting Call Center Platform

1284 SCE Supply Chain Execution

1285 SCEM Supply Chain Event Management

1286 SCH Schedulingsysteem

1287 SCI Supply Chain Integrator

1288 SCL Supply Chain Logistics

1289 SCM Supply Chain Management

1290 SCM Supply Change Management

1291 SCOPE Supply Chain Optimisation Planning and Execution

1292 SCOR Supply Chain Operations Reference

1293 SCP Supply Chain Planning

1294 SCP Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau

1295 SCU Stichting Computer Uitwijkcentrum

1296 SCV Supply Chain Visibility

1297 SD Sales& Distribution

1298 SD Sicherheits Dienst

1299 SDM System Development Methodology

1300 SDR Search Decision Rule

1301 SDR Special Drawing Rights

1302 SDS Single- Digit Setup

1303 SDSL Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line

1304 SDW System Development Workbench

1305 SED Shipper's Export Declaration

1306 SER Sociaal Economische Raad


1307 SES Smart Enterprise Suite

1308 SES Sales Execution System

1309 SES Single Exponential Smoothing

1310 SET Secure Electronic Transactions

1311 SET Secure Electronic Transaction protocol

1312 SFA Sales Force Automation

1313 SFC Shop Floor Control

1314 SGA Small Group Activity

1315 SGML Standard General Markup Language

1316 SGV Self Guided Vehicle

1317 SHA Systematic Handling Analysis

1318 SI System Integrator

1319 SIC Service Interaction Center

1320 SIC Standard Industrial Classification

1321 SIC Statistic Inventory Control

1322 SIC Student Identity Card

1323 SIC Systems Integration Centre

1324 SIT Stichting Intermodaal Transport

1325 SITPRO Symplification International Trade PROcedures

1326 SKU Stock Keeping Unit

1327 SLA Service Level Agreement

1328 SLI Shipper's Letter of Instruction (in aircargo)

1329 SLIM Supply Chain Logistics Information Management

1330 SLIP Serial line Internet Protocol

1331 SLP Systematic Lay-out Planning

1332 SMA Societas Missionum ad Afros

1333 SMA Stichting Merk Artikelen

1334 SMART Specifiek Meetbaar Acceptabel/Aansporend Realistisch Toetsbaar/Tijdsgebonden

1335 SMD Surface Mounted Device

1336 SME Stichting Milieu Educatie

1337 SME Small & Medium-sized Enterprises

1338 SMED Single Minute Exchange Die

1339 SMI Supplier Managed Inventory

1340 SMIL Synchronised Multimedia Integration Language

1341 SMS Service Management Solutions

1342 SMS Short Message Service

1343 SOA Service Oriented Architecture

1344 SOT Shortest Operation Time

1345 SP Supplier Partnering

1346 SPC Statistical Process Control

1347 SPM Sales Process Management

1348 SPS Statistical Proces Systems

1349 SPT Shortest Proces Time rule


1350 SPT Shortest Processing Time

1351 SQ Fixed Moment Fixed Quantity

1352 SQA Supplier Quality Assurance

1353 SQC Statistical Quality Control

1354 SQL Structured Query language

1355 SQL Standard Query language

1356 SRC Supplier Retailer Collaboration

1357 SRM Supplier Relationship Management

1358 SRM Services Relationship Management

1359 SS Six Sigma

1360 SS Fixed Moment Variable Quantity

1361 SSA System Software Associates

1362 SSP Service Stocking Points

1363 ST Standard Time

1364 ST Fixed Moment Variable Quantity Special

1365 STC Said To Contain

1366 STC Schaalvergroting Taakverdeling Concentratie

1367 STC Systems Transformation Centre

1368 STEP Standard for the Exchange of Product model data

1369 STR Slack Time Remaining

1370 STR/OP Slack Time Remaining Per Operation

1371 SWAG Scientific Wild A Guess

1372 SWEL Safe Working Load

1373 SWOT Strenght Weakness Opportunities and Threats

1374 SWOT Stichting Wetenschappelijke Opleidingen Twente


1375 TAM Technical Account Manager

1376 TARIC TARif Integre Communities

1377 TAS Technology Assisted Selling

1378 TBC Tuberculose

1379 TBC Time Based Competition

1380 TBI Total Business Improvement

1381 TCA Trading Community Architecture

1382 TCA Transaction Cost Analyses

1383 TCO Total Cost of Ownership

1384 TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol

1385 TDED Trade Data Elements Dictionary

1386 TDI Trade Data Interchange

1387 TDM Technical Data Management

1388 TE Transport Eenheid

1389 TEC Technology Evaluation Center

1390 TEI Total Employee Imvolvement

1391 TEM Technology Enabled Marketing


1392 TEM Tot En Met

1393 TERM Technology Enabled Relationship Marketing Termijn

1394 TERM Termijn

1395 TES Technology Enabled Selling

1396 TEU Twenty feet Equivalent Unit

1397 THT Tenminste Houdbaar Tot

1398 TI/HI Tie/ High

1399 TIM Technical Information Management

1400 TIR Transit International par Route

1401 TL Truckload Lot (Or Size)

1402 TLN Transport en Logistiek Nederland

1403 TM Theoratical Minimum

1404 TMS Transport Management Systeem

1405 TMT Technologie Media en Telecom

1406 TN Tel Net

1407 TNG The Next Generation

1408 TNT Thomas Nationwide Transport

1409 TOC Theory Of Constraints

1410 TOFC Trailer On Flat Car

1411 TOP Technical Office Protocol

1412 TP Titulo Pleno

1413 TP Transaction Processing

1414 TPD Technical Product Documentation

1415 TPFS Time Phased Forward Scheduling

1416 TPM Total Productive Management

1417 TPM Toeren Per Minuut

1418 TPN Trading Process Network

1419 TPOP Time Phased Order Point

1420 TPS Toyota Production System

1421 TPS Thinking Production System

1422 TQC Total Quality Control

1423 TQE Total Quality Engineering

1424 TQM Total Quality Management

1425 TRA Technology Related Anger

1426 TRIC Transportation Inventory Cost

1427 TRPM Transportation Resource Planning and Management

1428 TRT Transition Tree

1429 TT Tidningarnas Telegrambyra

1430 TT Touring Trophy

1431 TT Transition Tree

1432 TTP Trusted Third Party

1433 TTT Teaching The Teachers

1434 TU Technische Unie


1435 TU Technische Universiteit

1436 TVS Transactie Verwerkend Systeem

1437 TWYP The Way You Pay


1438 UAC Uniforme Artikel Codering

1439 UAC Universele Auteursrechten Conventie

1440 UCC Universal Code Council

1441 UCL Upper Control Limit

1442 UDE Un- Desirable Effect

1443 UHF Ultra High Frequency

1444 UI User Interface

1445 UI Ut Infra

1446 UIC Union Internationale des Chemin de fer

1447 ULCC Ultra Large Crude Carrier

1448 ULD Unit Load Device

1449 UMTS U Maakt Teveel Schade

1450 UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

1451 UN United Nations

1452 UNCID UNiform rules of Conduct for Interchange of trade Data

1453 UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade And Development

1454 UNDG United Nations Dangerous Goods number

1455 UNIX Universal Interactive eXecutive

1456 UNSM United Nations Standard Message

1457 UOM Unit Of Measure

1458 UPBC Unicycle Period Batch Control

1459 UPC Universal Product Code

1460 UPS Unique Selling Point

1461 UPS United Parcel Service

1462 URL Uniform Resource Locator

1463 USL Upper Specification Limit

1464 USP Unique Selling Point

1465 USP University Synergy Program

1466 USS Uniform Symbology Specification

1467 USS United States Ship

1468 UTC Uniforme Transport Code

1469 UVD Uiterste Verkoop Datum

1470 UWV Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemers- Verzekeringen


1471 VA Value Added

1472 VAC Value Added Chain

1473 VAL Value Added Logistics

1474 VAM Vogel's Approximation Method


1475 VAM Value Added Manufacturing

1476 VAN Value Added Network services

1477 VAN Vereniging Algemeen Nederlands

1478 VAP Value Added Partnership

1479 VAR Value Added Reseller

1480 VAS Value Added Services

1481 VAST Value Added Shift of Transformation

1482 VAT Value Added Tax

1483 VBI Vereniging Bedrijfskundig Ingenieurs

1484 VBM Value Based Management

1485 VC Venture Capitalist

1486 VC Viet Cong

1487 VCA Value Chain Analysis

1488 VCA Veiligheids Certificaat Aannemers

1489 VDT Video Display Terminal

1490 VDU Video Display Unit

1491 VE Verbruikers Eenheid (= consumentenverp akking)

1492 VEDIS Vereniging voor Distributie Economie

1493 VeLA Vereniging van Logistieke Adviseurs

1494 VFS Virtual Freight Station

1495 VIL Vlaams Instituut voor Logistiek

1496 VIN Vrouwen Informatica Netwerk

1497 VIS Verkoop Informatie Systeem

1498 VKL Vereniging Klantordergestuurde Logistiek

1499 VL Vehicle Loading

1500 VLCC Very Large Crude Carriers

1501 vLm vereniging Logistiek management

1502 VLM Very Last Memory

1503 VLM Vlaamse Luchtvaart Maatschappij

1504 VLO Vereniging Logistiek Ontwerpers

1505 VMI Vendor Managed Inventory

1506 VMIS Verkoop- en Marketing Informatie Systeem

1507 VMU Virtual Manufacturing Unit

1508 VNA Very Narrow Aisle (storage/retrieval vehicle)

1509 VOC Voice Of Customer

1510 VOGIN Nederlandse Vereniging van Gebruikers van Interactieve Informatiesystemen

1511 VOI Vendor Owned Inventory

1512 VOI Vereniging van Opleidingsinstituten voor Informatica

1513 VOI Vereniging Officieren Informatica

1514 VoIP Voice Over Internet Protocol

1515 VP Volte Preste

1516 VP Vice President

1517 VPT Vereniging Productie Techniek


1518 VR Vaar Regelement

1519 VR Veiligheids Raad

1520 VR Virtual Reality

1521 VR Voice Response

1522 VRI Nederlandse Vereniging van Register Informatici

1523 VRM Visitor Relationship Management

1524 VRML Virtual Reality Markup Language

1525 VRP Variety Reduction Program

1526 VRU Voice Response Unit

1527 VS Verenigde Staten

1528 VSL Vereniging Stelling Leveranciers

1529 VSM Value Stream Mapping

1530 VVV Vers Vies en Vervelend

1531 VVW Vereniging Voor Werkplaatstechniek

1532 VW Volks- Wagen


1533 W3C World Wide Web Consortium

1534 WAN Wide Area Network

1535 WAP Wireless Application Protocol

1536 WAP? With Particular Average

1537 WBP Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens

1538 WCM Web Content Management

1539 WCP World Class Procurement

1540 WEEE Waste of Electrical and Electrictronic Equipment

1541 WFM Work Flow Management

1542 WfMC Workflow Management Coalition

1543 WiFi Wireless Fidelity

1544 WINDOWS Will Install Needless Data On Whole System

1545 WINS Warehouse Information Network System

1546 WINS Warehouse Industry Network Standards

1547 WINQ Work In Next Queue

1548 WIP Work In Progress

1549 WIP Work In Process

1550 WLAN Wireless Local Area Network

1551 WM Warehouse Management

1552 WM Wehrmacht Marine

1553 WML Werken Met Logistiek

1554 WMM Waste Material Management

1555 WMS Wet Milieugevaarlijke Stoffen

1556 WMS Warehouse Management Systeem

1557 WOH Werk Onder Handen

1558 WOM Warehouse Operations Systeem

1559 WPB Werk Plaats Besturing


1560 WUL Where Used List

1561 WW Werkloosheids- Wet

1562 WWW World Wide Web

1563 WYSIWIG What You See Is What You Get

1564 WYWIWIS What You Want Is What You See


1565 XBRL eXtensible Business Report Language

1566 XHTML eXtensible Hyper Text Markup Language

1567 XML eXtensible Markup Language

1568 XRP eXtended Resource Planning

1569 XSL eXtensible Stylesheet Language

1570 XSLT eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations


1571 Y2K Year 2000


1572 ZBB Zero Based Budgetting

1573 ZD Zero Defect

1574 ZI Zero Inventory

1575 ZZ Zero stock Zero defects




01 Apics Dictionary Engels Cox Etc. 1 55822 199 9 E 2011

02 Fysieke Distributie: denken in toeg.. Nederlands van Goor/Ploos 90 207 2727 3 N 1996

03 Produktieplanning Nederlands Canals 90 14 03725 2 N 1989

04 Logistiek Woordenlijst Nederlands Striekwold 90 267 1359 2 N 1991

05 Operations Management Engels Krajewski 0 201 56630 3 E 1992

06 Exportmanagement en logistiek Nederlands Van der Hoop 90 01 51951 2 N 1995

07 Zero Inventories Engels Hall 0 304 32217 9 E 1983

08 Production and Inventory Management Engels Fogerty and H. 0 538 07040 4 E 1991

09 ELA & Vereniging Logistiek Management Engels/Nederlands Ela/Vlm 90 800435 2 4 E/N 1990

10 Business Logistics Nederlands de Vaan 90 267 1756 3 N 1992

11 Werken met Logistiek Nederlands Visser en Van Goor N 2011

12 Toegepaste logistiek Nederlands Ribbers 90 267 1777 6 N 1992

13 Strategic Logistics Management Engels Stock/Lambert 0 256 08838 1 E 1993

14 Op weg naar logistieke structuren Nederlands Hoekstra/Romme 90 267 1866 7 N 1993

15 Handboek Logistiek Nederlands Ploos v Amstel N 1989

16 The Logistics Handbook Engels Robeson/Copacin 0 02 926595 9 E 1994

17 Inkoop in strategisch perspectief Nederlands van Weele 90 14 05177 8 N 1997

18 Handboek Logistiek en Informatietechnologie Nederlands Blommestein N 1996

19 Van logistiek naar Supply Chain Management Nederlands

W Ploos van Amstel/ van Goor 90 5577 049 3 N 2001

20 Vraagbaak Inkoop en Logistiek Nederlands Sterk 90 0007 223 9 N 1999

21 Manufacturing Planning and Control Sytems Engels Volmann, Berry 0 07 114890 6 E 1997

22 ABC van IT Logistiek Nederlands Harm Beerens Geen ISBN N 2003