a ? /a a l2 a @ 71 *2 A 7 A 7 -6 6 4 -7 S 9 A N I,] IN F O ... · e s ta b lls h a n d o P e ra te...

a?/aal2a@7 1*2A 7A7-664-7S9A N I,] INFORMATION CTR. PAGE O2 S! le Of Crlilornia - TiG FlB6ourccr Agr.,Cy DEPARTMENT OF PABt(S AND RECh&AiION HABS- HA !R shL : tgc_- . XISTORIC RESOUFCES INVENTOHY Io ! NrlFlcArroN ?g-cll fll- ! +a Slf , 1. Common name: ' '(' " * 2. Historic name: Booker . llashlnRton q ' 3. Sreet or pgy3l a66yqssi 800 Prqq!!\L ifenuc - -.. . , .. sit%zip94tr5 .^,!nr,r San Francisco UTM: A c 4. Parcel number; 8OO Presidlo Avenue City lqqn Fran!_l-q!q_ - zip 9411:---------------- Ownership is: Public -Private 6- Present Ure: -CoFrngni ty Cealet Originel use: Cimunity Selter . -, D,E5CRtPTIQN . 7s. Archireflural sryte: Modefn Ftucco bullding 7b, Brieflydescribe the Fresent physieFl dwcripidn gl the site or srruc1ure anddcscribe any majorolterations lrom itj original condirion: The building is 14,O00 squere feet rlth a gyrnasium ' offices and club roods ' on the flrst flpo;' Crn tte srrbftoor' thefe is a club room' a kitchent and a ]-ounge complete $ith f,ireplace, The southeaEtern side of rhe buii"ding has a 90 x 90 foot play area etld a Parking lot' 8. con5truction date: I951-L952 Eltimated. Factu8l -X-* 10. 9- Archited Ee!IIGutcerson Builder N/A I l. Apprqx. proPenY rize (in ftet) Frontase J90- OePrh-160- or apptgx. -1i. oute(t) ot :DFF 523 (Rev- 4fl91 enclosed phoiograph(:l

Transcript of a ? /a a l2 a @ 71 *2 A 7 A 7 -6 6 4 -7 S 9 A N I,] IN F O ... · e s ta b lls h a n d o P e ra te...

Page 1: a ? /a a l2 a @ 71 *2 A 7 A 7 -6 6 4 -7 S 9 A N I,] IN F O ... · e s ta b lls h a n d o P e ra te E o o k e r T 'rs fits t h o m e in a b 4 3 e e flt o n G e a ry. s u p p o rt c

a? /aa l2a@7 1*2A 7A7-664-7S9A N I,] INFORMATION CTR. PAGE O2

S!le Of Crlilornia - TiG FlB6ourccr Agr.,Cy



Io!NrlFlcArroN ?g-cll f l l- !+a Slf, 1 . Common name: ' ' ( ' " *

2. Historic name: Booker . llashlnRton q '

3. Sreet or pgy3l a66yqssi 800 Prqq!!\L ifenuc - -.. . , ..

s i t%z ip94t r5 .^,!nr,r San Francisco


4. Parcel number;

8OO Presidlo Avenue

City lqqn Fran!_l-q!q_ - zip 9411:---------------- Ownership is: Public -Private

6- Present Ure: -CoFrngni ty Cealet Originel use: Cimunity Selter . -,

D,E5CRtPTIQN. 7s. Archireflural sryte: Modefn Ftucco bullding

7b, Briefly describe the Fresent physieFl dwcripidn gl the site or srruc1ure and dcscribe any major olterations lrom itj

original condirion:

The building is 14,O00 squere feet rlth a gyrnasium ' offices and club roods' on the flrst flpo;' Crn tte srrbftoor' thefe is a club room' a kitchent and a

]-ounge complete $ith f,ireplace, The southeaEtern side of rhe buii"ding has a

90 x 90 foot play area etld a Parking lot'

8. con5truction date: I951-L952

Eltimated. Factu8l -X-*


9- Archi ted Ee! I IGutcerson


I l. Apprqx. proPenY rize (in ftet)

Frontase J90- OePrh-160-

or apptgx.

-1i. oute(t) ot

:DFF 523 (Rev- 4fl91

enclosed phoiograph(:l

Page 2: a ? /a a l2 a @ 71 *2 A 7 A 7 -6 6 4 -7 S 9 A N I,] IN F O ... · e s ta b lls h a n d o P e ra te E o o k e r T 'rs fits t h o m e in a b 4 3 e e flt o n G e a ry. s u p p o rt c

L B i 2 0 7 A 7 - 6 6 4 - @ a 9 g N r^r INFORMATION CTR. PAGE 63

Excellent -[-Good :- Fair- Deteriorated - Nc longsr in existence


,Surroundingri {Check rnore thrn one il nsce6sarY} open land -scattered buildings - oenselv built'up

REsidenrlal -X-lnduslrial -com'narcidt -&,-Othar;

:Threats to !ite: None known -X*Privat! dcvclopmcnt- Zoninq - Vandalism

:Plblic Warki proj!cr - other;

On ils original sile? yes Movcd? - Unknewn?


State historical !nd/or: architSclut3l importsnce {inclqde dster, svsntr. and per:onr arrociEted with lhe siteJ

., Booker T, !,Iaehington .Gorrununtey Service Centet, Inc. was established in 1919 by black

,., : rooen lrha rere cddceined about the vlrtual abserrce of social services avallab1e !o

,:l..,,bLack rollltary persdnnel, and thel,r farnLlies. These women ralsed Ehe funds to

establlsh and oPerate Eooker T'rs fitst home in a b43e eflt on Geary

. support corrLloued over the ye6ts ehile ihe CeRter mowed to Bu$h and

.lts presenc Permanent home on Presidlo Avenue. A daughtef Of One of the Center's

I charter uenbers, Mrs. E{sBa Scoct Jorres, tE stil1 active ofl lts Ba+"d of Directots.. ; . . , ^ ^ - . 1 t h ^ E - - - . 1 - i d - ^ - , | . h r ^ r r o L I ' h a

St ;ee l . Thei r

mote recenf,ly to

,BLack rnen aud women assocl"dted rdi th the nill ltary eould get assistance through Ehe

i Center to find houslngr empleyneot aud any othex needed service.

Mter World ller I rehen the need ghab created the Booker T. Washington Comtunity Serv{ce

Cenrer had passed, 1ts Board of Dlrectors changed Ehe Centerts fgnction- They resPonded

the inmed{ate conrnurif. ty t s needs to offer a broad rauge of sefvices to both youth afld

Ladults in the West6rtr Addit{on. _{

Mdin theme of the historic r!goutce: ( l f more than one ir

Locational skerch mag (drew and label tite and

surrounding streeti , raads. and promineni Iandmttks):

chrcked, number in order ol irnportince.)

.Architedture -- Aft: & Lei:urc X

Economic/lndirstrial * E*FlqrEtion l$ettletnent. Government - Military

Feligion Social/Education

Sources (List books. docufletlts, :utvsyl, p!rional interviews

and rheir dales).

*Jacque l ine Long, Erec . D l rec to r , B .T .

I,lashlngton C!nter, IO l U79.*James E. straEEen,. .Bd. of Dl teetors, B.Tllash{ngton Ceuter, I /25179 -*Elu la Scot t Jones, Bd, of Di r . ,9ate form prspared -------;--


Orgenization SoI{? M"i cnri rv Suwey

Address; 2955 Avalchi Averlr! _

By {name} Elethor Raqlte:t .l t o / 79 . i

Page 3: a ? /a a l2 a @ 71 *2 A 7 A 7 -6 6 4 -7 S 9 A N I,] IN F O ... · e s ta b lls h a n d o P e ra te E o o k e r T 'rs fits t h o m e in a b 4 3 e e flt o n G e a ry. s u p p o rt c

f,cavt- /n^!f flaaala+

/ t . 9 t . a h '
















Page 4: a ? /a a l2 a @ 71 *2 A 7 A 7 -6 6 4 -7 S 9 A N I,] IN F O ... · e s ta b lls h a n d o P e ra te E o o k e r T 'rs fits t h o m e in a b 4 3 e e flt o n G e a ry. s u p p o rt c






i coMMlssroNING











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SECTION 106 RESEARCH FORMMayor's Office of Community Development

Review!d per 1982 Programmatic Agr!gment between thg U.S. D!partment ofHousing and Urban Development and the City and County ot San Francisco

(to be completed by MOCD rep.esentatlve)


Address: fto PI\%n; /+<.Project Contact:Lead Federal Agency:

Existing Use:

Assessor's Block:Architect: _

tot: QI?

Local Agency:

Proposed Use:'lnterior Wor

Proposed Building Expansion: yes


RESOURCE INFORMATION'Please attach supporting documents (maps, survey data, designation reports, etc) as applicable.

l. Resource (the subiect being evaluated is a):

DistrictSiteBuilding X_StructureObject

2. Desionations/Survev lntormation Ratinos Landmark No. or Local InformationDistricvNat. Reoister attached?Distdct lntormation

\ *Eneriorwork:@$ no fo,Lfii)\tatatf

,@ furev U;* vep rts.vtv,+

National RegisterState Office of Historic PreservationCity Landmark or Historic District, Art. 10Conservation Buildings or District, Art. | 1General Plan Area PlanHere Tod-ay Survey1976 Archjtectu ral SurveyUnreinforced Masonry Building SurveySan Francisco Heritage SurveyOther Surveys (List _)



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3. Maos (Please check if consulted)

Sanborn Maps I lattacneofffiMetroscan Maps /( (attached? C/N)Coastal Survey Maps _ (attached? Y/N)

4. Photooraohs (List historic ohotograohic sources)

Please Check:

Current XHistoric Scurce

5. Tvoe of Ownership

UnknownFederalStatePrivateCountyCitySpecial District /6ltv6. Year of Initial Construction J45t'


1 . Boundaries of Area of Potential Etf!ct (written description)

2. $gp Please attach a map where the area of potential etfect is laroer than the iootprint of thesubjecl buitding.

Page 7: a ? /a a l2 a @ 71 *2 A 7 A 7 -6 6 4 -7 S 9 A N I,] IN F O ... · e s ta b lls h a n d o P e ra te E o o k e r T 'rs fits t h o m e in a b 4 3 e e flt o n G e a ry. s u p p o rt c


SECTION 106 REVIEW FORMPlanning Department, City and County ol San Francisco

Reviewed per 1982 Programmatic Ag.eement beh'veen the LJ.S. Department ofHousing and Urban Development and the CiV and County of San Francisco

subjectAddress 800 0tdf'; /+y<'Assessor's Block lA% tot 6lA

Case Number

Date Review Compteted UtU lA

Bui lding


_ District



- Object

1 . National Fleoister Status

Note on Source of Determination: lf the State Office of Historic Preservation has made no Drevrousdetermination of eligibility forthe resource, the Planning Department should make a determination oteligibility for the purposes ol this Section '106 review. In this case, the olanner should out his or herinitials undersource forthe status code chosen. lf there is a determination made bythe State OtficeHistoric Preservation Oflice (OHP), please put OHP under source for the status code. Use item 3on page 2 of this review form io show the Planning Departments application of the NationalRegister Criteria for eligibility.

a. Source Determination (indicates the status oenerallv):

Listed in the National RegisterDetermined eligible for the Register in a formalprocess involving federal agenciesAppears eligible for listing in the National Register inthe judgment of the person(s) completing or reviewingthe form. (ln this case the form is either an attachedsurvey or nomination form, notthe Section 106 reViewform.)Might become eligible lor listingIneligible ior the Register but still of local interestDetermined ineligible for National Register listingNot evaluated

The subject status (indicates whv he registration status was given to thepreEru):

D Part of DistrictIndividual PropertyBoth of the above



Y 6

x lB

Page 8: a ? /a a l2 a @ 71 *2 A 7 A 7 -6 6 4 -7 S 9 A N I,] IN F O ... · e s ta b lls h a n d o P e ra te E o o k e r T 'rs fits t h o m e in a b 4 3 e e flt o n G e a ry. s u p p o rt c


Ecord of Planninq Deoartment's Aoolication of National Reoister criteria for Eligibiliw'The Planning Department should make a detemination ot eligibility only wnen- io otXeldetermination of eligibility has been made.

The subject resource being evaluated is a:


-X- buildingslructureobject

The subject resource possesses integrity of:


locationdesignsettingmaterialsworkmanshipfeeling and association

does not possess integrity of any of the above

does not have significance for any reason above

has felded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history

represents the work of a masterpossesses high artistic valuesrepresents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components maylack individual distinction

The subject resource has significance by virtue of its being:

associated with events that have made a significant contribution lo the broadpattems of our historyassociated with the lives of persons significant in our pastembodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method ofconstruction which:


Page 9: a ? /a a l2 a @ 71 *2 A 7 A 7 -6 6 4 -7 S 9 A N I,] IN F O ... · e s ta b lls h a n d o P e ra te E o o k e r T 'rs fits t h o m e in a b 4 3 e e flt o n G e a ry. s u p p o rt c


t . l / a


4. Findinos

Finding of no adverse effect

F t"' unKnown


Finding of no adverse effect with mitigations

yes unKnown


Proposed activity causes an adverse eftect:



1660 Mission Street, Fifth FloorSan Francisco, CA 94103

Record of Prooosed Proiects and Reouired Aporovals (check and complete items thatapplv):

The proposed project is shown in plans labeled that areincluded in the proiect file.

There is no active active Building Permit Application (BPA) atthe time of section 106 review.

Associated active BPA's at time of Section 106 review include:BPA no. Assigned planner

A notation was placed in Parcel Tracking to notity planners of the need to review futureBPAS with the associated section 106 review. This is required if a project was reviewedand approved under Section 106 but had no active BPA.

A Certificate of Appropriateness is required lor the proposal. Case No. and Date reviewedby Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board:

not applicable

not applicable



San Fradcisco Planning Departm!nt

Page 10: a ? /a a l2 a @ 71 *2 A 7 A 7 -6 6 4 -7 S 9 A N I,] IN F O ... · e s ta b lls h a n d o P e ra te E o o k e r T 'rs fits t h o m e in a b 4 3 e e flt o n G e a ry. s u p p o rt c

inld to bc, thcouthL . I t be,c;erdwood - analhi .urt.},lorltl.!'lcklr chlrotre-

thGort of tho"maltcr r]atrd"

:velvc-.--bcadltcI of wbom arcorposc tho rlngrent rectlons ofr'. Tho pollce

holdupa o! athe hours of 2

rove thelr con-

the pollct antomoblle detall. ho authorlzosr aplrgtlglr-ilnce !xe

ed at t16



\ lan Moyer: aiton street. wa!red thugis u8lngrobbed ol 'h ls

re- _M_oynb

i t o h l 3


d Moyqr .wlth q.y in -thelr-dlfJ

t reatad.__[t _thaHoaDltat'.tor r' wound4.


lf,lalatnrc co? r mourrted on b'tlckplna wtll bc the tcature of a bar18eday, to bc celeb:-ated ltondt'y, A prll

I^ K. Bell, r!presentative of theMa.nufa.cturers' AircreIt Association,uDder whose dlrectlon San l.rancis-co's f,t6t gieet Aeronautical Show

Community CenterNaraed for the widely kaoFa

negro, Booker T. WashIntrtoD" theflrst communlty cbnter (di the col-

e-sterdey. at .{5 - FerI!I} Ibetween Piercq and Scott sts., Fherea reception \ras held lait- nigbl Prof.\f. Henry Thoma.s Frvc'a' readlnE: &ndaddr!-"Fes were made by J. ..|., .fora-


bo , . ln thc Audltor lum. be-

.-o.f B..-\:9j_t!$-ay,_ _ .rrirrie tu Perf lsloE of coh-

herclal exhiblts a.nd wlll be assisted

BrttT(d yesterday to lnstaU thrtman. Ilisr n. Stratton. recretary ofOakland Y.

'Iv'. C. A.; Ilenry I^ Matar.

Eustace Poixotto snd W. J. Byera -

tlueG r t dt6iro

a{ rrie or$n *itttt ln'tfi" firpo.t - I rn r{rl o? e iv'rlrl lns bgcaorc he }rrd[on lodltorlurn lsrt ntfht Elr'ln lt. lhrokFn hlr ?nth"t/i tleihlltht. Etank6uld.t .ghjcd iehcllona f min Rrch, : Ror:lirl. er?tl 13. Prn rr'rv from hlr

&bur4enn. Ht t ' tpa; - l tnch and - I \or rk . . ' h( , !n^ l t . , r .h l? ad ' t h l r pr t!nu hrva' ?!o nomhttr lhlctr h?.ttlahl th. liot bacn ebh: to ll i.d hlo!

,Win Great Applausel Boy flees, From Honu

- --:-r - trrf,cr b'!. Doldrl r( lt!| todt

FX a r" t't^-!-/^

I.!Fr rt s r rnEr -

ooot rtDtrula r"r" "Spr|nr Sonr' i Th'r' hnr i. rrk"l tht poll'-. andtt' llolll-nr tDa bllnd Etiattrb' orErtu-gt. r "Tha. FrrmlDcrt to .rllrt la r lrrobiif t rorf r -(a{nt d[ Boari.ut.' . 'to" lh. tlrt'.-- Or g.rf ol tJr *corrl*ro flttor t ltr "ld !or. bron cotdctgtrtirtrr,r.rfit tlll h rtwr.rr*l!tT't'a:ryr +|j t g9: Sq-4i


mc' t|rat tt lr lDnueoce and Do Lnllrg

elra thlch tr ueedl

th" Rellel of Serbla and l.rance. Tbefunda ralsed on thls oc-ca..slon are tobe turned over to tho Amerlcan Ro-I tef Admlnlr t rat lon for the re-stock-iag of Serhta deplete.d dalry herds.

Durlng the war Germany l t r lppedSerbia of ever-r thlngV . l 'Rlue, tnclud-Inf.-1,300.000 head of cattle- llllk lorbables and chlldren has been rta pr..emlum eYer aince.

- Committcc for !!r,'tloldcs . to, -rn I rlrlg. .. poultry--mcdl-f- -

clne-.r hava bc'en complled bY tbc

Asriculture Surueu- Repoffs- CornFfeted

Vrluable llrta eoverlng: autdlwldoaeo( atrlculturc aod almoat cycry, cor-relat lve lndu6try, f ;om caunlng lnr l t r

fr u* :fi ' :r ?'.'J-'t jsly,", Jr'i 7 i o r

ers, .bankera -end 'ca,nneru. - -

These llste are erpqcted to be r.valuable adjunct to data and tbc tol lsun'e]'s of ail areas thuc ler mapped

vet i I

Tea '' - aClaralto@ur



?. .rhllc{lrIr Ftr



udo n b


1 6 * l reha rr

+ l l iw l l ' lFort 'F r.te.a tt.t.llnDmr

* v - 1 1 , l 9 L o t ,

Page 11: a ? /a a l2 a @ 71 *2 A 7 A 7 -6 6 4 -7 S 9 A N I,] IN F O ... · e s ta b lls h a n d o P e ra te E o o k e r T 'rs fits t h o m e in a b 4 3 e e flt o n G e a ry. s u p p o rt c

u3-rc ' l


!r'a rd

ou n-'ley'3

tlr is


l1 to



ar tdu l tyrkc-lon ,le(l lthcis -

oc l -

I n er s l l c elnr er.

Dr.U n i -


rlssol'.. r{


I oldthc

' ran-






,There smil ing chi ldrenBooker T. Washington

Inspiraiiontrl c'ords spo](en -moreti ian half a century &go by Bookel'

T. weshlngton, great Ncgro lcader.

are the lottltdation tods! for ln-

spirationRl efforts bY thc Negro

conurul)ity in Son Fral' lclsco.

Waslrington cnlled ullorr Negroes

through sk i l l , i l l te l l lSenc! a r rd c l la l '

acter, to make tl lenlselvcs of indls-

pensable value to the commulllty.

Almost uusung. despite lts sub-

stanllal contributious to culturel

ancl educatibnnl sctivit irs. thc Book-

er T. washinston Ccnter ls cauYrng

out lts namesakc's ide8l in San


The ccn ter . loca ied nL 1433 D iv is -

adero s t rae t , i s nn ou tSro \ \ th o f lhc

WAr CamD Commulli lY Cenhr for

Necro S6ldiers, which stood near thc

main en t rancc to the Pt ' cs i ( l io in


Far-sighled ;lfrs. l l lr"Kants

Sletrart proserlcd the ccntcr's

lunellon afl?r the $'f lr j managed

to k t?p l t go lng rv l th r l i t t le hc lP

from the Federal Corernment.

fic center, opcrf,t ing l l l ldet ex-

t l eme d i t f i c t t l t i cs . espec ia l l l ' I i nan-

c ia l . i s ne l .e r lhc less l l c lp ing sRn

Francisco's 6000 Ncgroes cstablish

t l remsc lves is . l r rcn l e \sc t lo thc

community.In the af te l r )mr. lhc bui ld lng

rocks with activity-game -playlng

chlldren. othels learning to sing.

dance or learn some uscful art.Latcr ln the day, the older boys

and girls Join ln cr^ft groups, lit-

erary and sports acLiviLics.Two ol thc most DoPular classet

rrc thosc ln knlttlng and Ne8ro'h is tory. Many of the.studcnt t areshitc.

i i , 8 ' i r i i ; ' ,- r. i'r a

[c7.6 'ft y. // Imnted ia te 1

are San Fra nc isco ' rSingers. A grea t

Netro leader helped found their center

whi-ch. todav, needr a Santa Claus.

ca le ltranlun dto t)thctu nd

PloYlas (

lormccn t


p lov,

UDprraUto re;& cos

turd ol)eNor t l le rn

of t l lem has t\rice \4otr t l le

Ca l i fo r t r ,s Dramt t i r A5-

sociirt i(nr l)rjz,e.Robcr t R . f ' l i pp i t i , execut l rc d l '

i n te res t ing f l t

i n

Rea.son,abI1,Yast(l,a Se/


Better Citizens: Negro Center Does lts PartClasses for odults inclLlde (nltt ing.

cook ing , budget -mak in8 , p ia l lo a l ld

siltging, Thcre are also A parell ls

orgnnization, r Iue lt 's Brrakfast

Club and two fcrum socie(ics.

Ac t i r i t l cs in w l t i ch the Ncgro

has a lua ls exce l le ( l -s !n f in g '

danchrF and drama, a rc n ta jo r

parts in the center's Program.Mrs . F . L . R ic l ra rdson. vo lun leer

t rac l le r , heads the g iec c l t lb g lo t lps .

lr: l ldricir old and 1'ottug join i l l thc

tladitiollal soDgs of t l lcir rtcc-tl lc

s t ) i r i tua ls . -

T l lcre arc three d lanlat ic gfouDs

rcctor, crplalns "we want to con'

tributc to thc Sreat Amerlcan

cultural hcritatc, shich contein!

the best ot the cultures ol all


But the ccll lcr call l lo! accom-

p l i sh ha l f o f whaL i t ' n ) igh t do .

Thete Ls no t enoug l l mone l . The

Colnmt :n i t t Ches t g ives w l la t i t

can. T)re bullding L! \rot'fullv small.

sad ly in nced o f repa i r . P i r in t andplBster fall from [l]e lvalls. ThegJnrnas ium I rRs no cqu ipn ten t , no

s l to ! c l s .

So thc Booker T. wa.sl)ington

Centc r i s look ing fo r f l Sa l t ta C laus .Ii Drobably won't f ind one. 'I 'here

s Ie tew wca l thy Negrocs , and the

l )cnn ies o l thc l )oor a re no t enoug l r . l



Ihat are (

The most q.ompletr

the BaY F


Page 12: a ? /a a l2 a @ 71 *2 A 7 A 7 -6 6 4 -7 S 9 A N I,] IN F O ... · e s ta b lls h a n d o P e ra te E o o k e r T 'rs fits t h o m e in a b 4 3 e e flt o n G e a ry. s u p p o rt c

u t *. U gOO HowardSt.. Dcc;28. I

s t ree t !nd Prc r ld lo tvcnuc . Mayor Bob lnson

was to tu rn th . f l r s t spadt tu l o f c r r th ih is

a l tc rnoon s ta r t ing con! t ruc t lon o f tha s l25 ' -

000. two-story lramc rtlncturc.

rwoy-,Wi re

, xpected to tllng. 52 ring. shortly, " is- in a speech. The woolworth, n a r y R , e a c h l

\ new beaumance' .r c'hums suspect

"x-wl fe (Rhea),i e Bilting, the

. Mrs. Henry. r he) is mendingr i l n e . s s , . . T h e

' 1 C 0 a s t c o l -: r i m n s d e -

b u n k e d t h e

, Lana Turner-, F e r n a n d o

5J Lamas d ri e t. l t a s p u b l i c i t y

{ C f ^ F } t r r l r l i l ms " ^ " ' " " ^ - " "" " ' T h e M e r r y

w i d o w . ": I a n a S s e c r e t

i roma nce is el1 r . B lg a i anra jo r s tud io

' - b u t F e r -' ' , r ' t, jn t.he sPoLe- . d s - p n o t o g s . . .

'e I i sha ps mal (e, jr. P in ChiceSo

' , r n o f f the run-r ) . se lzn ick andr and e lmost

, r l l i a r ' s has a I r, a b o u L a t i n. \Nh ich w i l !' e i n t h e m l r s i c' rxec is quoted, ' . ) t ( l i r l g s t a r :b u t f l r l l o I u r -, t l cdy La

i r l r ! e d i u n i e h L. ,1 to t l re l i t t le .

t i i 00 pe f .

l l h a r s p u r n e d' r p rominent top

. ' l h im in h i3 jam.

New Move

_ The Supeliorsfated to come

Ilits SpanBond SuitA new move i.o throw out ol

cour l a su i I by Bay Br idge com-

mulers to hal t sa le of $21,000,000

worth ot bonds to re l inance the

spar wa-s belote l,he State Su-preme Court today.

At torney cenera l Edmund G.Brown, acting for the CalilorniaTol l Br idge ' Author i ty , la te yes-terdav f l led e pet l t ion lor a wr i tof prohibitlon to halt a Superlorcourt sult seeking to block thesaLe.

Couri suit wasbe!orp Pre.sidlng

.Judse Danie l R. Shoemaker to-

Mayor Robinson was to turn

the l i rs t spade(u l o f ear th loday

al ground breaking ceremoniet

for the new Booker T. Washing-

ton Communi ty Serv icc Center at

S[ t ter s t reel , and Pres id io avr-nLle.

:r' r i

Architcct's ilrawlng shows (hc new

Bookcr T. Iveshint ton Communi ty SrrYic?

ccntcr lor which r roun? brcaking ccre-

monics werc to bc hcld today at Sut(er

Rob inson to Of f i c io te

At Ground-BreokingCeremonies

Dr. Ralph A. Eeynold.s , p t es l -dent of the communl ty Chesttrgency which provides recreationand cultural facilltles to racialmlnoriiy groups in san Francis-co, sa id the center hopes to haveits new $125.000 structure com-plet!d by next May.'. The two-story trame building,to be erected on a $2?,000 cornerot . wi l l house a l t audi tor lum-gymna.s ium. k l tchen and d in i l lglac i l l t ies, meet ing rooms a n dstaf f o f f iees. The p lesent quar-lers o l the center are at .2031Bush s l reet .

Of f lc ia t lng a l . lheat 2 p. nr. were to beinson, Dr. ReynoldrStratton, executivethe center.

-lvalk, Driv. Slfely-

RtfitttttBER . .

day at 10 a. m.


It.s'as filed by the Associationof Bay Br idge Commuters, whiehcontended br idge to l ls should bet a k e n o f f w h e n o u L \ t a n d l n gbonds are paid o l t !ar ly next-

"A f$stion ot legal .touhl

f t i r t i u ' h o i h a i o r n ^ l l l ! . ^ r r l . l

ceremoniesMayor Rob-and. tamesdirector of

Page 13: a ? /a a l2 a @ 71 *2 A 7 A 7 -6 6 4 -7 S 9 A N I,] IN F O ... · e s ta b lls h a n d o P e ra te E o o k e r T 'rs fits t h o m e in a b 4 3 e e flt o n G e a ry. s u p p o rt c



Page 14: a ? /a a l2 a @ 71 *2 A 7 A 7 -6 6 4 -7 S 9 A N I,] IN F O ... · e s ta b lls h a n d o P e ra te E o o k e r T 'rs fits t h o m e in a b 4 3 e e flt o n G e a ry. s u p p o rt c

I fhl Woolaroc rtertr itt 2437tmile iournei.over the Pacific to HawaiiI' iYdu Kno*, There's o Need for o-Ploce Like.This. . . '

I y, ,, . , , ,i I


dhat begaii h rgts * i center cnd gymnastup.{ieCllittes; the cen-rsoms were standing on the roof

to" x.&r*J*". {gdlcatedJast weerlder tnlura orrui r-ebreatton to eierv-fot a parked car, others trled to!r r comrnrihlty.'heettng-ptace forlonc from 6 to 60, andr ln ttmelsninny up a. pipe Blong.the build-

persons. of lvery race. I leven nursery tacilities. liag to see in the window, and oth-. p!rson6. of lvery race. '. . , leven nursery tscillties, lnt to see in the window, and oth-

Speallng it tho -opening: Tnure- | 'rdward

thands, groupwork su:lers Jumped' up in thc &lr Just to

. d8y of thc n!iw.Booker'T. Wasrr- lne rvlso. r, sald that s'hllo the bulld-lcatch a glimpEc of the Symnosium

r Booker T. Washinqton Ct


Booker,'T.,'Washington CenterDedicated...for Use of All Races

tngton Gorirmuntty Servlce Center,ling was being constructed to movelthrough the 8less.Butter sfieet at presldlo aventre,lthe -991tq tlom lts. former sddressl Presently, a pesserby asked themo::i"*:11,tn^"'-i1 :ilg'- , h:r'T,"?lin f,li.i";#*i"T-'.Tff1*n"r ttriv:*e," aorng. i

. "Thqtc ls not a,i pelson here to-l;l;Ld-ii*.iu."]'- -----

| "Hotnitts," satd one of rhem.,,Wel

- "llln'n#l3, ill:q,,"* ;.#t'$:l;;";'*""' -lt'..:.:: lTf'l*l:::.^ ::.tT,: :. i:^::: nothinel,: 'o.t' i"g'-'",i.ni.t-r J.riihiii l"llgl "-!9--il ltl 'ul ,o:.!l '1'newltoaowhenwesetthere" I

I :,#.t*,Jtr;'"}.i ";ffi*;"_li:ff:;f;A'ff,A.',#*,1',T:',#::1,#}",Hfiif,,,11,,.?isred rhev rake

s .lcluslon of anothqr." ̂ l:l'^1"::T^""t ure qownsnrrs recrer

ltheir problem lnside'

1 ',,' "srnce thc 'rst d"',S,"T"'^.S:1"',iiiili.",, do s 'rsr rate ro],,,ltnllfil'l;tJ, .xfi.,."T ,,t,l.'"T:::\ ..*tolc ldc8 ol p!ople F]T.,^try:lr"ri"i'it*al wiih s smile, "butliaca hp,.q'sF ha mnr.i.rnp.r rhe.v. ,,ev".v *".o, *,-;;lsatd

Shends with o smile, ,,butli6g.,- because he motioned therote has changed. And so 1

r.oh rlrre r^ r,r1,., !,rlr_ "-, ^ijjl"- j ltney dkturbed nothing else. rnuylottr... to-iouo* htm toward rhe

,., $i$-!l!ftiiiT'i:l#""#lHll;:J:,:ffit."$i;1"-Tl'-itill$:: -,,,:":l

., T::,"=| c t r o t c . m m m u n l t y . ' , | w | r c I r E v g I J u | l c w u 5 U u 9 U I ' ! l l B | @.- *^Dr. rhurmen, pastor orlthe *t-10",11"11-, r,.^r. Fr^-^ .- - -..-*ll;ilrr',";',".'fr';""oi;f'"f",*",1 tf,;,"*

tl1 ;[+:'- t'ry*ii"r#i_"::1",' ,,.T'f; '"X?,' 1T: '?"i tt thlough tod.y'r Barsrln CouDtcrWANTED ot Chronlclc Actlo[ Ad!: Bl-

A $il,-ili;'tl-"ri:ii1-"ini';;ll:',._j! -?^^1p",1- lp:,^jii"^11lwlcvirr' irirr-ro;-iiiil:,:nri:J.ry*Hffi ;Hillfi.t:i'{t.j':"}q?#ff li|!now represent a .growlnS.Frct .ri+rool- r"-*

rA d;A;;- ;'? - bli.i;i" ''].,-i;l 1'S'l- F, 133--ilg:r;i "&;;il- ;"";- b;;.i;iil"";;l ff*Lr":r:i.ll*$i*5iu

ilTl-g-":ry---- , : lg";;iiuliiiJtii,u drra haniC!ra-

r( | g8me6 lt[e o&s|[e[pau anq aanqo

l'A.rULL AITDIENCE lana skrg abd folk dgnce.,' ,;; Thir audleDcc tllled. tha chalrsl ̂ .rrrr-.r;-D cDDE,.rd

. ;i *niii' ;;*#; .'iilia'iL'"i'?ril | ANornER sPEECf, .$ i s[stentns gymn8slun ot thc two-l In gne ol thc dedlcBtlon tslt!,

: i dory bulldlng. Ttre new lif 26,000lDr. Rslph:,| Reynold!" presldcnt< I rdrvicc centei c&a!,llnancodA lpy thc Codmunlt'y Ch68t; I

la. ne$lol thc cfiiter? board of dlrectors,_- l|ical* cerller ryal ' unanieq ,|I|- p8,flot thc cfiiter? board of dlrectors,

Y d&.ll"oto"ffil't"or""jlfft.ffio.ffilrnot. ot thc neod peoplc tn thck- ffiUvtUcs to ttr nlembers. , lnctghborhood telt to havc !ome-^' l$..rrmh s. etrsttarr' cxccutn'G o-lplecc to 8o ltr thc cvenlqS.'

Eftto' dt thc ccntar, adA hc. hoD.dl Outddt sri Mdlo avenur Iqt$at rtth thc rdded mccttng moanrlgend of ctght boys war.. Sathcrca

l .


Ir woxrr /4,' ' a ^ ^ V / l t r r l ' , a - . t

- : I voit cnct,, thlc, coel ct llako 'rlll.


Page 15: a ? /a a l2 a @ 71 *2 A 7 A 7 -6 6 4 -7 S 9 A N I,] IN F O ... · e s ta b lls h a n d o P e ra te E o o k e r T 'rs fits t h o m e in a b 4 3 e e flt o n G e a ry. s u p p o rt c


eadt l



thetonrndwnthe,tirl t u .

, i note




.ugpa-gh-ch-Tlr>' I

n -

| , l l

A N T O N T N A i U A X \ r O V A -(\ XULAEV ts sma , twfbdy,Russlan.acr!nted and kindli. _She ls well cast In her favoriierolie-presldent ol the Commu-nlty Childr!n's Day lturs!ry at474 Post str!et, where fivellrnes weekly, amld a Jumble rrldolls, chalk, toy drrrms, flutes,buildlng blocks, sand boxes anJ

. tinger pa.lntings, the 3. to 9_year old chlldren of 50 worki)rgmothers ar! l!d, $ashed, in.slructed, napped and Samed:

Dr. lfaxlmova.Xuhev has vr>catlonal Intercst! tar rcmo!,edtrom baby.sl lng tshe ts trtrrdual? of thc Mer eal Insrr.tulc of St. Pot?rsbrtr(, r.n.|Yl.ll through World War I tnli"rhtrn .nd llr|r|hn mllltrrvhorpltrlr rn(l now prectlir.rrn.{tl.ln" rt 516 Sutt.i itrc. ,Irt."r'cr tlncl rhr errnc to Sr,li ranotf,o l0 ycar' rgo, qh" h''rr.'pn {taryo[nt r mtror rhrru oln"r urta lo chlldnn- .

_ so lh:l "mpty.rr.rkalc(t lvhlt?ttu$t t "ralft!6 nrllht trkcl!, -Dr, llrrlmwr.*ubo tnllT.hrtt { to{nd tha Ruri||n(rUtarat'r. Dr;" llor,tr, r,'

Dr. Marimove-Kuleev

of her Syea r.olds speaks French,English, German and Russian

(1tj"r ON TIIE EDGE ot rhe\-/ lvestern Addition district,8t Sutter street and presldio

f :mer Str:tten

ketball and a dozen oth!r sports,cralts, movies, danc?s, picnlcgart, music, health tratnlng andvocational guidance. He doesIt rvlth a stafl of ten and anexp!nse budget ol $5200 a year.

Stratlen is a lormer reglonal6upen'lsor of the USO and nowa member of the Governor'sAdvisory Committee on Chil.dren and Youth and ol thc

. San' l-rancisco RedevelopmentAgcncy. IIe knows how to malemoney strctch. But much olh js l ime is spent t r ' ! ing to ra is!extra capi la l lo pay ot l thoCenler's morlgage to buy equiPmelit lor the g' m, club roomsand craft shops,

The Ccntct"s day-to.day blllsmrrst be paid rvith monet con'tributed by the United Crusade,lvhlch is now conductlng its tln-nual frrnd drive in San Fran'( isco. so mLrst thc' bills oli theItnlinn \Vclfare Agcncy, the'ft

leAraph IJill Iledlcal Cllnlcnnd lh0 Ch i l ( l ren 's Commtt t i l tYf)ay Nurscly, tx.cause thoy prc'virle scrvlce, tor thc large Parl'lo ldw.lncome Froulls, can rals'l l t t le or n{) lnoncv l ro t , r Je{s.

.s trrrl lon, sgx'nking roccntlY ofh ls r in lor . l ln lcr l thc Problamlhntlr ls flcrrl ht onty xll[hllYdllftlortt f^\lrlon by Mrr. Ito<.t|.l \ t ls { Johnson snr l l ) r . l lnx lm(>tll ]qulncv. "Kl(h sra hare cvcrylltn". thc (lfirr opcns"' hr 3nltt' 'b t t t i s l thorr t t t ic I tn l tA l ( ' ru '

rn t le ' r lc r l hnte to c lo tc lh '

avenue, l s ano lher bu i ld ingwhere chll(lren pla)._ a lunc_llonal,. modct.n, salmon-colorcd.buildjng hall a btock long bulwh lch , un l i ke the Ch i ld - ren .scommunlty Day Nlrrserj,, f lrstDcgrns to come a l i le a t t . r 3 :10p. m. , d lsmlssa l hour o l San! ranctScO'r prrhlic scho,rls.

.Ready to mcr t tho { l ; r l l y ex .D los lon o l n r r l se anr l v l ia l i t veach d!y ls a hroarl shoulrlerehor.prole$slonal lootball nlalcrwllh r - Mestr,t. 'r DegrAe' lr.omuotumbta and- t rv r ry wt lh k l r l r .Ar arGcu rc (l lrcdor ol lhctnt?rrrctal lklokor T. Washlrrg.ron

_L-ommunlly Cr"ntcr, Jnmort: Slrrtton i lenh r+lUl yolt,)g.rt"n trom thc trx,r.rt "nil m,,..G:n8?ttd !ry.l lon of Snn t.rutl.c|ino-

. lTq Arf hr leJrr rncr;rl. Dltr.Frl olrtLvn bnri r lrlt t,r} .

n r

E4 t+ ' i c Ie 0c f . t t .!4r+,ir le

Page 16: a ? /a a l2 a @ 71 *2 A 7 A 7 -6 6 4 -7 S 9 A N I,] IN F O ... · e s ta b lls h a n d o P e ra te E o o k e r T 'rs fits t h o m e in a b 4 3 e e flt o n G e a ry. s u p p o rt c

Jomes E. Sronen

'loper:s ,luxuryl at theeninsu- '' o f the ..iews of I

A luneral service wil be heldtonorrow for James E. istratten'iil titst African Americah toierue on the San Francieco Board

. oi-Education. Mr. Stratten was 8acrhen he died March fl) after a long

roposalrc fibu-rand itsr ir ing ar West

is a prGtd city,.xistinBrior citi-

r massa-'a of de

rol ^ L,

i)binson i .ia part-. ;;assrodtS '

vlron-!'est Mar-ite artl-n g N a . . t -

not do ltrh tn88r and forrp your)etnB


' gct the )i ith lhe

,ut pollcyI r ( ,n lr ) t l t or

Dr. Lillbn Cottrel

Dr. Lillian Cottrell, a lot

Bay Area PYchiatrist and aer of the Sonoma County I

Health Clinic, died SundaYPacific Grove home' She w:

A native of Sterllng' Cola craduate of Stanlord Unian-d the UniversltY of CcMedical School, Dr. Cottrelttced in San Franclsco and

. Rosa for 35 Years.She eerved as a docent

M. H. de Young Memorial Mit San Francisto and was a<the League of Women Vote'

Survivlng is a niece'Markham. of Salem, Ore. Ivice will be held.

Willhm Dowsor


wllltam T. Dawson, a c'tor and later a malor rea:develoPer who built aff'housing to revitalize suCompton, died ol cancer Iin Los Angeles, hls w$e, SaHe was 60.

As BlllY Dawson, the

lllness.Mr. Strattel, who served for

616Y5r!ars as executive directo,roiSanirrancisco's Booker T. Wash-iii"n-clitorruoity Center, rvas al'

. so" active in R!publicatr politics' anOserveO on nuherous state and

lederal commissions'. 'He *as a Pioneer in a number

ol areas. tn i947 he became thefint black Derson naned to a

crand jury ii Californla. h 1961'Mavor George ChristoPner aP-iirteC ttirt to the schqol board'ile was reappointed in 1963 and became tne boird's fint black Presldent a year later. .

One of his hobbies was golf; hewas an avid Dlayer with , a lowhandlcap. but in 1957 was refusedmembershiP in thd Harding ParkGoll Club because of hi8 race. Heand six other blacks were onlY ad-hitted to the club on the lnsi$tence ol the eitY's Recreation andpart Comrntssion.

Mr. Stratt!n was born ln Cedar'town. Ga,, aDd attended TalladegaCollece ln Alabama, where he let-t!red-tn live sDorts and tecelved abach6lorls decree ln 1938. He recelved a marter'e degree from Co


fhe winning cards forIhursday, April !:. -,, _

April 1:Thurcdoy,

o. r r . f t | | l rfl fil fil lrl For loticry updolos,