Mogelijkheden en beperkingen van Biologische monitoring...Beroepen met een risico voor kanker...

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Mogelijkheden en beperkingen van Biologische monitoring

Gezondheidskundig onderzoek of onderdeel

van het blootstellingsonderzoek?

Paul T.J. Scheepers, PhD, ERT, RAH, GAGS

Toxicoloog, arbeidshygiënist, gezondheidskundig adviseur gevaarlijke stoffen

Radboud Institute for Health Sciences

CGC-NVAB, Den Bosch, 14 juni 2018

Lancet Commission on pollution and health

Source: Landrigan P et al. (2018) The Lancet Commission on pollution and health. Lancet. 391(10119):462-512.

Beroepen met een risico voor kanker Beroepsgroep Blootstelling Classificatie a Weefsel met tumoren

Brandweerman Stoffen die vrijkomen bij het werken als brandweerman 2B (2010) -b

Dakdekker en wegenbouwer Bitumen en dampen die vrijkomen bij het leggen van asfalt

bitumen en asfalteren

2A (2013) Long

Drukker Emissies tijdens het drukproces 2B (1996) Blaas , long, nier, slokdarm

schoenmaker Leerstof, benzeen en andere oplosmiddelen en stoffen die

vrijkomen bij fabricage en reparatie van laarzen en schoenen

1 (2012) Bloed- en bloedvormende weefsels,

neus, en bijholten van de neus,


Kapper Kleurstoffen (aromatische amines, aminofenolen met

waterstofperoxide), oplosmiddelen, drijfgassen, aerosolen

2A (2010) Blaas, lymfesysteem, eierstokken

Lasser/metaalbewerkerc Lasdampen en UV (100-400 nm overeenkomend met UVA,


1 (2017) Long, nier, oog

Metaalarbeider in coke


Koolteerdampen, PAK, silica, metaaldampen, formaldehyde 1 (2012) Long, huid (inclusief scrotum),

blaas, nier

Glaswerker Fabricage van glas (lood, arseen, antimoonoxiden, silica,

asbest en andere metaaloxiden, PAK)

2A (1993) Long

Operator kolenvergassing en


Koolteer, koolteerdampen, PAK 2A (1989) Huid (inclusief scrotum), blaas, long

Meubel- en kastenmaker en Houtstof 1 (2012) Neus en neusbijholten

Operator rubberindustrie Aromatische amines, oplosmiddelen 1 (2012) Blaas, long, maag, slokdarm, bloed-

en bloedvormende weefsels

Schilder Niet bekend 1 (2012) Long, blaas, leukemie (bij kinderen

van de schilder)

Schoorsteenveger Schoorsteenroet 1 (2012) Long, huid, blaas a 1 = humaan carcinogeen (groep 1), 2 = waarschijnlijk carcinogeen (groep 2A); 2B = mogelijk carcinogeen (groep 2B); b Bij het werk als brandweerman zijn stoffen en weefsels waarin tumoren zijn gevonden niet gespecificeerd; c De onderbouwende volledige rapportage is nog niet verschenen maar een voorpublicatie is beschikbaar (Guha et al., 2017).

Risk assessment and molecular epidemiology

Source: Budnik LT et al. J Occup Med Toxicol. 2018 Feb 5;13:6.

Early indicator of adaptive response According to the meet-in-the-middle principle (Paolo Vineis, Imperial College)

• Biomarker should reflect an ‘early’ non-adverse effect • Biomarker should be a confirmed and causal risk factor of disease • Derived from different routes of uptake (inhalation, dermal, oral)

Like a prognostic clinical biomarker?

Value of DNA adducts and repair products?

Value of urine metabolites vs. protein adducts?

How should these outcomes

be presented to the worker?


Biomarker of exposure

Reflects (systemic) internal dose of a parent substances or product of metabolism e.g. Ethanol concentration in exhaled air or in blood Biomarker of susceptibility Reflects a person characteristic that interacts with the toxicokinetics and/or

toxicodynamics of the substance of interest e.g. Alcohol dehydrogenase activity

Biomarker of (physiological/biochemical) response Indicates physical change or physiological response to an exposure that is not necessarily adverse

e.g. Heart frequency, cognitive function level, reaction time, et cetera

Zielhuis and Henderson (1986) MOSHE 2015 Pagina 6

Analysis of biomarkers: for what purpose?

1. Detection of aggregated exposure

2. Response to worker’s concerns

3. Testing of a well controlled setting

4. Worker’s performance indicator

Detection of aggregate exposure

The total of all contributions to exposure of a single substance from all sources

- Derived from different routes of uptake (inhalation, dermal, oral) - Exposures at work as well as off-work exposures - Products used at work well as consumer products and dietary contributions - Reflecting recent exposure as well as historic exposure

Biomonitoring as ‘safety net’

Result is often positive for ubitiquous substances

Very specific strategies are required to disentangle

worker’s exposures from ‘background’

Aggregate exposures: contribution of arsenic from diet


Reference Salmon

Smart study designs

• Determine a baseline for each individual

• Compare pre-shift and post-shift (or pre-work week and end-of-week) • Compare groups of workers • Make a comparison before and after an intervention • Long-term monitoring to identify workers/situations/trends


Response to worker’s concerns

Treating the individual outcome as a reflection of uptake to satisfy: • Uncertainty concerning complex procedures or involvement in spill • May satisfy questions related to personal behaviour/hygiene issues • What is the real worker’s incentive? (in need of reassurance?)

Biomonitoring to satisfy concerns?

A low value or non-detect may be reassuring

A high value may lead to questions difficult to answer.

What value to be used as biological guidance value?

What is the health relevance of the lab result?

Worker’s performance indicator

Commissioned by the employer e.g. • Alcohol and drugs testing in demanding tasks • As part of an ALARA strategy • Keep a registry of exposure to CMR substances

Biomonitoring as in a ‘doping test’

What is the worker’s participation incentive?

Are individual results kept confidential from the employer?

How about ethics issues (voluntary participation)?

Testing of good practices

Field test to evaluate the efficacy of an intervention • Gloves to reduce skin absorption (reduce or enhance exposure) • Respiratory protection (technical specs vs. field performance) • Personal hygiene issues

Biomonitoring as tool for evaluation

How does a protective technology perform in practice?

Is the extra effort of wearing PPE worthwhile?

Skin protection in dermatology nurses

Comparison of excretion of 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP, total and increase from baseline). Based on

collection of urine during 24 h after application of CTO.

Subgroup 1-Hydroxypryrene in urine

(1-OHP) 2004 2007

Median Range Median Range



(N = 6)

Total (nmol) 1.6 0.84-5.0 0.69* 0.45-3.4

Increase (μmol/mol creat) 0.05 -0.01-0.18 0.03 0.01-0.17



(N = 10 –12)

Total (nmol) 1.5 0.74-5.0 0.64* 0.15-2.8

Increase (μmol/mol creat) 0.04 -0.09-0.18 0.02 -0.01-0.05



* p < 0.05 Scheepers et al. Scand J Work Environ Health 2009; 35:212-221

Recent developments in the field

Phthalates in medical devices

Tri-2-hexylethyl-trimellitate (TOTM) and tri-(2-ethylhexyl) trimellitate (TEHTM) as

an alternative for DEHP (Eckert, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg)

Chromium VI

New Occupational Exposure Level (NL) of 1 µg/m3

Specific analysis of Cr VI in exhaled breath condensate (Liz Leese, HSE)

Exposure to diesel exhaust particles New (proposed) occupational exposure level (NL): 1.03 µg/m3

Detection of soot particles in urine (Tim Nawrot, University of Hasselt)

PMO Periodiek ‘Convenience sample’ Gezondheidseindpunt Trends op groepsbasis Individuele feed back ??

HBM Periodiek ‘Smart design’ ‘Intermediaire marker’ Trends op groepsbasis Individuele feed back Rond interventies

PMO en HBM ‘go alone-together’




RI&E + PvA

RI&E + PvA

Training opportunities

• HBM4EU Training School:

12-16 November 2018

• PIGOR Chemical Incidents:

• November 2019 (to be announced)

• PET Occupational toxicology:

May-June 2020

Biomonitoring application datasheets (BADS)

• Acrolein

• Acrylonitrile • Arsenic • Benzene

• Cadmium • Chromium • Cyanides

• Dioxin (TCDD) • Ethylene oxide • Fluorides

• Hydrogen sulfilde • Mehyl bromide • Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) • Styrene • Toluene • Xylenes

215 biomarkers for 160 substances

Take home

• PMO en HBM kunnen in elkaars verlengde liggen

• Trajecten kunnen samen lopen en worden afgestemd

• Goed voor effectiviteit en biedt mogelijk synergie