Download - lQtr aito Bulletin...HAI.VHN VatrtiA'il r.auotDg iio.'tCornwJ Bwil Ciintpuiimlo, Hooting & Papers, lend t Pllr-ll-l StMIU Plpt CofUMIn Inv.larboM' Dlainiind, EnaroHt Rtnr-Inatfl-nu

Page 1: lQtr aito Bulletin...HAI.VHN VatrtiA'il r.auotDg iio.'tCornwJ Bwil Ciintpuiimlo, Hooting & Papers, lend t Pllr-ll-l StMIU Plpt CofUMIn Inv.larboM' Dlainiind, EnaroHt Rtnr-Inatfl-nu




"" SSO-r-'-' n'SW5r'nt ".t?JJJ',,J""" -lQtr tr-- ITMMJ

A m aito BulletinCo"






iMily Bulletin PaMirtlng Co., L'fl..

at tiii orriui

.25 & 32tl arclianl SI., Honutuln. a I

I'llhCKIlTION-- Bu llm.i.AKs Ym..1. UriTPil Hi Honolulu HI Firvr fait.

1 iNth. In mlvntirc.

I'. O. HOX i

1 hi IIaii.t llm.i.KTth Is pflnlrc nuil pun-ished by the Dally lliilletm 1'iihliMiii'ircomiMtiy, l.luilUM, nl tin iiIIIi-m-

, Mariilinnl atrri'l, lliiiiulitlii. Hnwnllnil IIIniiiU. Daniel hosti alitor, rn.ilri' onAlnka trpi'l, Honolulu aforesaid

Addles letter! for tint piiff KtlMfHi I. litis," mnl bilnlurai letter ' MntnitfflDally Itullt'tlli I'llMIMilnn roiiipany."tltiniK a nililr," iimy r.nue iIiOhvIII ntlellHllll

lit --mk IIIITH rKI.KI'HONKH - u


COALAll limn. -- Ill niiy iiinlitlly friiui .

ikk I" i ton

CHARCOALCrtini one tints to nuv itnntllt

FIREWOODIn Ml. Iftii'tlii. anil Hawed or M 1

trom it bag In any quantity; hl.n



BatMO AUkaa and WnUards Streain

riMIK UNIIKKHMINKII AUK l'KKX mr fit to uinke till kind of I Killlira, llrunte, '.Ino, Tin anil Iead ('ait-In)- ;.

Alio a General Jtepalr BIioii furrJteain KiikIiidv, HIcf MIIIk, lorn MlllaWater Wheels. Wind Mllla, etc. Mucltlnerfor tin Cleaning of Collee, Cnitor OilsMeans, Kami,, l'liifapjile U'avfa amiollmr KibrmtH 1'UiiIk nml Paper Hiork.Alio MachliiPA for KitractltiK Hlaroh fromtin- - Matilno, Arrow Knot, rtfl

tT All orilrTH promptly ultiiliitwl u




- Wlioleaaln Draleri In

Liqnors and Manila mnAMD

General Chinese MerchandiseHUCII At

Nut OIIh, Illr, MnttliiK.t;iilnee bilks, Trai, Ktn

Eaolitib and American Qroceriwliy Kvery Ooaat

MtrrilAI. TKI.KI'HONK 117.


Merchant Tailor,333 ITuuanu Otrt


Kntlllsu, Scoicti and American Roods.

dlyl and Fil UnarmUM-d- .

Mutual Tele. 668. P. 0. Boi 144.

luU-In- i

FOR Sl3L,EJ!MIMIIKK t)F HII Mil';AI.IMI'IKIIi illh Kon I'nitfi. i oniiniiy

'lllii I'oiupiiliy tuts iiriiliri'd Itvi' liiindri'dui'ri'M of rolli'ii bind In fi nKiuip f ill I'up.i --

Sou III Koim, Hit mill, iiboiii lliri'i' mid oiubulf milt", frolii lliiopiilou ,iidllii: 'I boliimt liiuinii tliu Iii'nI for rolh'i' i!rou IonIn Kiiiiii, tin' mill riiiixIntiiiKol vi'O rli'liu-- n

mid oiiHlly w or l.i'd A nrf,i iiuuilii'r ofhliitriii luiM' ill rt it y Im'i-i- i m nl i I fur,

ir Apply toJ M. .MlSS.l:li.l

l'nnwrl!lil'H Itlork, .Mori'luiiil l r itII lulu. Il.'l-l- f



It.inovi'd In i Hlrii'l.

MuUial Tolopliono i'lUOIIM I in


Limited--- OKKKK KOK riAI, -


Htgb Grade Cane Manure.'..

t r ttlin prepared to lair nmni Im riiKirliMtMni N Ollltv:idt.iCJo H

. i.iriiip-- prompt OeliveM

HOlLtiU LUCOL!tW Tin it it 4iiM-rni- r Hsiul Oill. it);niMtii tliHti Unseed nil, iitii all

t'.tvuu; h IdhUiik brilliantly Ui color,li'ci' villi I r( it itlvfi m lii'1'il Hi'i.t 0'irfai

LitiYie Oementit KH II liAHM


VatrtiA'il r.auotDg iio.'t CornwJ Bwil

Ciintpuiimlo, Hooting & Papers,

lend t Pllr-ll- l StMIU Plpt CofUMInInv

.larboM' Dlainiind, EnaroHt Rtnr-Inatfl- nu

PaintK.w indi tMitKoiHi for Var.tiiiii t no



87 ZClllB Sti'oel.t

Cut Rates in Baggage 1

lli!W, I'lifcknl from Hotli nnit IUkI.(Ipmitb direct to dentlimtlou.

Trtiiikiilcllvernl to nil parlH of tbr rltyor on iHMrd btcaiurn for

25 CENTS EACH.All oilier f refill In nicorcliinrc

nMiru unit rniK ui up.

B-.- ll 203 -T- ELEPHONE --Mut. G62

J. It. MILLS,ION Oil' MaimuiT.


Win it Irwin t'mldviit ami MaiiHK"'I'milk HprPi.kpU VliM'I'rcalilriitW M Olllard. ami Tremur'uriiMi tl I'ortct Auditor

3ijfctr Ftt.ot.orB

'iuiliilritoii A.tHHf.n

lltNTI- - if rut

Oceanic Steamship Company,HH aA KKA.Mllhl'O tlAi.

Uki.i. Tki.. !WI. Mutual Tkl. !07.

I', o. Itox :l.EaCONOLXILTJ

'jirriage MsmufnetoryPJS ,V 1SU FOIIT HTUKKT.

Carriage BuilderAND ItKI'AlltKU.

Blacksmithing ,N f,feIKa.Orilum friiui the othf r IhImiiIh In

Building, Trimming, Painting, Etc ,,I'roiiiptly Attfiidi'd to.

W V. WRIGHT, I'lMii'.lHuri'ei.iir to (I. Wt.v

Excursion to Waikiki


Notice to the Public !

t Ml t II Wll.l. Itl'S A Ulrl.U' I.X -

tj on ion to Wullvll.1 A II is will leaver tin Hid I him -- e llii'iilre, Kliiifini't,

lit l.v-r- y H.llf Hour mid livery Houriiiiiiiv in iin' nirtt'i cur leruiunis, ttitikll.l I lift Iv.

O. 13 DWIOHTDo. nil kiiiilN of Work in

Cimoni Mono Sidnwaiks & Cuibing.

I lie Iui on bund it lait! " ' J I of I'lni nen. liritu Ik I nrli mnl uluiiy. k.i p I In

VMiuini I'irliliiit Klolie. K.tiiiuiiei I'.ivenMild liuM'.l price" iilkllll'd. H"ll leleplliillK

IU.ll, IH.Mf

Pacific Mail S.S. Co.


(K diifiiul .mil Oriental S. S Cu.


ttu-ain-n of the altovf Coitipanlrr willhi llonoliiln on tlielr way to tlic nhnif

nu or dImiui iup fullowlni! iImpn

Hlmr"HINA,,. . November 12. IVMHlmr"OtiKANIU',...le II, 1C!H

Htmr "OHINA" . January 'i, I'i.'jbtiiir"lM:KANIt"'. Fflititary lit, IMAi HuntKiiut "iMirA " Ajiril t. in htmr


nuiiifru of tii, iMir (iinvntiif- - Honolulu on ihpir uny fun. Iloni:

konp HliJ Vukohatnn to tic Nc irt minliiil tiii- - tollowiiis ilm.:lmr "OCKANIO" NonMiilwr W, "H

Htmr "OHINA"... IMwnlx-- r .11, In!l4Ulinr "(IAKI.U"' ....February Hi, lnHttur 'I'KIU" Alari-l- i ai, IM)SHliur"" Ai-ri- IM


t.t TOAO ro iinn.t.1AM A riM,

1'nniii II l U ll'ili inI'nblti, roitn.t tri

liililitli (V) II .V Hi

ahln. roiitiil trtp IV

luutithk titi r wKurotvnti Hlraui. "A) IP 114' OH

fW I.m.ih,ik I'fiyiliK tun ln willIII iwnvnt oil rcturii trn H .rinrn.

"llon t"lv iiiiiTitlii.

ttr Cot frrndii mnl I'hkhk ply to

H. HACKFELD & CO.,tr Aaoulo,

Oceanic Steamship Go.

isirnliaD Mail Survict

Put Sao FrauiUncn .

Illr 1. Hlltl Kill" At Hlfl Hi,,,l,' "MARIPOSA

l ui' ihritliir .tlrnliistili t'ouptiit willI'i'itilfrtI Hoiicllllll Iroi.l Hclhr) tin. Vli--

Mil ' hi oi About

Novombor 15thAim win inr for tn. almvr Mirt WilliMkIIuhiiiI iirnlioiit Hint lntH

For Sydney auri Aiicklanri :

1 - Nmw and Fine A I tMfl rilrniiiNint

" "ALAMEDAllf no1 Hi'rniilo Htniiuililp t'011114,11) wiltbe due nl Honolulu, from Hnu hiniimwii

u or tbotit

Novombor 22dAlia will nave prompt iinai'itioii wllliMnllhaud I'Mxi-eni'- for Hie nmivr Mirt

I lie uiiderBiKiieU lire now prepnred lo lutTHOUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINT.'


for furtlifr nartlriuan pitnntiiiL'PU'lit or I'ns.nK'f apply to

Will. 0. IRWIN A CO., Ltd..


Oceanic Steamship Go.



MrlVr HollOIIIII nv lloiiollili.from h. F lor ti. V.

Nov. a Nov. IUIl-- it. 1 . ,IH' "

Ih : .... Jhu Ti

Jim. VU Hi-I- -Fni it .... .. MrtMI-l- l JM mrli SI .. Mnri'li .Ml

Ami sn ... AnilllTMn is .... Mn, SiJune ir J illrt SiJ .ly I.t Ill y 'JH

Auk. Ill ... .AllR. 17

Hpt 7 .. .. K.'pl IIDel. U . . . Oft. I'JNov i . Nov. H

rHKOUOH LINEY rim, .itti 1 ruin inr. froui rtydliey Iin

fur hjiliii-- nun Fruili'iwe

.,1, II. , 'i l' iiiiii'iWi.

lAI.AMI.IiV v '.' M. 1(1 "OS i N v if.I M tllll'ti.S I). ."I N VVAI Ii. i'W.l I .'i i'i V sMsii.v ,i.,i uy

l..l .1 l.l' l . r 'i ll il .1 i. ril.l.l I ll i

MAIIII'i.oA Mir II M Nil. Al, .vl.r 7.MU.S..W l Am II AI.AMI lV Air I

, AI.AMI HA M.v 'tMA ll'nA .Mo a.Mltli'DA .Iu i .Mo OWAI M-- r i

.MMMlW.M, July Al. l I.IH .luueV7A b M KHA, Auk I M A 1(1 I'D.nA Juiv J .

.M AIIIIMSiA. Aut! ."i MoMIW l, Auit '."

.MoMIWAI, h.p 'II AI.AM HA Sp 111

AIAMMIA, on '.'i .MAllll'o-i- O. I. 17

Coiiiiolidtiteil Soda Walor Co,, ldE5S3PL. A. KT ADE:

dm Allan 4 I'nrl His,, llnnoliilu.

IIOLI.ISTI0.U .0 (JO..Ill'kVtf AKelill

Canadian-Australia- n

innifM ol tut iiimit,' l.itin rimnliiK tn ptituimumii nii m,

GANADIAlf PACIFIC VtmnivMr. II. (!., inJ Hjilm-y- , N. 8. V., anit rnllliix nt Vlriorin It 0..

Honolulu ami Bilvn Klji.

A.1S.E3 .OXJJED A.T HONOLULUtin or nhoitt Hie Mate Irf'luw italrit. Tit.

.. i.i . v t ..,

Vnu Myilnwy nfirl 3i.vh, for Victoriaand Vnn nuvor, A U.t

'MIOWKHA" NoVhiiiIhT .'I

'SAIir.l.Mi'U" llrfontln-r'- J .

rfatii'tQb Ttrbsti Manl Iron flnnulntn to

mimiT ami PAr.KNoaii AiaTf ii

II X NICOI.I., Montreal. Cana-li- t

i'.UIIKKT lvi:itU, Wlntiltc, Cnimdn I

M M HTKIIN, Han Fratu'lVn, t'al.. M.'U HKOWN VHtiroiiTer. It. 0.

Wildcr's Steamship Co.

TIME TABLKii I'n. h. II. Kn. i

i'oi J A Kimi I'orl "up!

Stmr. KINAUOLaltllE, (Jommanrtir.

Will un- - Honolulu at 'I r, m. toii.liuiir i.tlilminti, Mrtiilnin liny utul MakciiK llirfuiuodny; Miilmkoua l.awailiai' niul

tin followii! iU. nrrlvlni- -

llllo nt iiilillilcKl


Tui'ilay . Nor. f.Friday . Nor. litTurf-la- ..Nov. 'JiFriday ..Hut.Toi'Mlay.. .. ..IhfC 1H

HaturiiltiK Iravi'i llllo, timrliluj; nl l.nii.imlKM-lio-c h.Tiui-ilny- ; Kawalliac a. m.j Mahuiotia Itf A. U.; Makena I f. M.; Manlnenliny up. m.: Ilinlua t r. m. tbe followinglay; arrlvliiKnt Honolulu l 4. Wiliu

day tml rinturilnvAllUIVKri A I

Wiilticiilny Nov. 1 1

bitiinlny . . . .Nov. VIWi'ilni'ilny. ..I 6bnturituy ., ..I In.. If.W..nrwl:iy . J)..'. 'J.

tlitiW!" ,r-,,- T'" '"" !

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMIiKON, Comniiuder,

Will Honolulu rviir i iir.un, niii,,,,I', m loiKililui'..nt Knlmliil Hoi'lo tin uaN....... i ii...imiiMiii nim ill.'llllllll.O..IH...I.... ..Ill .!.... u II -- .

:"."" ","!.", "-- " ""')ti'imlay uioriiltU!.IW No Freight v) i,r rcinvnl ntli-- l

4 l. n.on .lay of -- nlllnu.

('oiiKiL-ui-f-h iiuiil In) nl ttiH inii.lliiwa lotbrlr Fri'iuht, a . not bold

ourM'lvri ruiiHiunlblp nfiHt .urli KrlKlilline tifii Iniidcd

rt'llllf tliK iNililpniiy will one dill, dill' '

4fiicr Iii Imiiilllni: ,i vc Siix'k, iltvllmto ati'iuiiiH nu) n HiiuiMl'illi) liii'ai of tin'imi of csnia

I In Company will mil tif ri'hiMiii.ltilr foiMinify or Jewefry iuili plm-r- In llif



Hawaiian Invesimeni Co


Real Es'ate & Persosat Prope'ty


If o. Imve ItKAI. for tiiile fcnu tin 1 )i.u a I'urci.nki'r

i. jolt hive llDI'KKS Hill,. werun Unci

General Real Estate AgentsUaud !' Knnliiiiiiiiiiu Hi o el 8,

(N.M' 1'uit DMim )

Mutual Tolephono 83BO A. LONO,

NOTARY UIJLH;,1.1 Kmi'iuiiMiiii S'reet. Teliplime i.iii


"KA MA ILK."Mm, lltiitntimtn him r'Mtivil thf hut-itn- if

a hi'f nturk rum ItttUl utrift tnln'r itiratr limulinii, wlntr ulif inti mU rlusiiiji it lint ut privitti' unlf. Itin iimniijnl mnl rmililur liMyic(ii,ami it lu intiiiih tn ntirr jiTiiiiniiuttil mm minieat i''m will lit milil

miardliM.i nl' Ciut Old liitlrtiHit nttuntiiillii imitiil tnji'iy lir ii vimt


Winli- t- mid llln--ni- e Witnied '

'llH'k . ill. Ill I nl J him lr VV'ille.llilil Ooiil nu. I o '' IVhiiii"! '

.tr iliijlind frloai Palril vtat

lid KiiH' Hlrei'l. Onrnnp nf Alaknn

() MON KKK vM-- CO..

II . n," ! HI reel

I'llDi KllltV and (lliAHHWAUK.

Steamship Line

From VlctorlH nnd Vntn-o'i't'- t, h 0.for Buvn mid Uydii'iy! "MIOWFItA NiivoiiiInt -- I

tlliir"VAi:i(IMUO"... Hi, I'liiOrr 'it

Canada. United Stales and Puropa

Mr For Fielcht mnl riiiti!r mut allHPiirml ttlforiimtiou, apply to

Thoo. H. Davies & Co., L'd.

California Fruit Market,t'nmer KIur , Alaken htp

Caioaiiiios Ri'fririitoreII) F.wry fiolii Kn Hrnn

ci no HUH

Fivsh Fruit, Oyst-TH- .

Sulmon, Poultry.Kw. Kin., Kn.

Iirn tf

Regan Vapor AfacifloG&s

Engines tf Liiimrlics !


Tlioy ranii't b 'd fo n.nlWrpoHcr.

I'll It I'A'IAI.IHil'K'wa

JOS. TINKER.ItCIt tf Hull Alt-Ill- , .Ntlllll'llt HUcct

WM. DAY IKS.Rigger & Stevedore.


Aid. KIMIK 1)1- - WOKK



i.iuTinir" w.i.u. .m.,

. ....ii. ... I ... rI""i;m K .!, ',, , "'ii .. it,,.. m v.r. .Miin.ln. fur iin.i. K nl.lhunnnt Ki. !.

m luipiiii' t ollli-i- ' of J. S.ov r Hiiri-i'k- i ' Hunk, Fort 'r i", or mbonrd to W M. Itu Mit-t- r ant lUsu.r

A. F. Mcdeiros cfc Co.

Mnrohaat ft Tailors

Holnl Hi., miller Arlintiiiii Hniei

Latest Patterns in Suitiugs

llj Kver Hleaiuer



Drawing and Painting,n. Howard Hitchcock

HrnwIiiKaiid I'liluMm- - IhuIiI I) Hi'-- Int-ru- t

KuriiHan initlioil". t iioem-viT- Wmni'iiuny nnu Mioiriinv foreii'Miu inuii i m

u i. noon

lH,iom lor I'iivhu I'ii.iU n -- I

Inl mi, or work nlho t'ivrii

. Tb" Studio will be i'fii t"every Friday iiIIhuiouii.

ClT C,UKlAli Co..loriitii Kin,' nu'l lb tliei mBOTH TKLEFHUNRS 113

Fij.p (JoTljiyo A' Civil 0-iv-

lone liml at ttll liuurr.

.1. b. AN1)KA1)K.HW tl Mfiin- -r

Oi-rtr- r lift ut Hif Vnrtrir Auvrtionrratompmur fitorr mill lit

ruiiiilty iiltiuiteil to.

Cnmont Sidowalks & Granito Curbing LaidK"l I lllMt . k'lveil oil ill killilH in

IIISK llNrKI'.TK. V I'l.ASI hi. WOKr

lh. I ON" lift t III ' ITV "VI"!


Atlas Assurance Co.j-- i

AKU.Tn, - - Illl.Ollu.iinii

I AkhiiIn fur Hiivvniiiiu lilnndi

Itamlhs, IMumbiurj, Etc.!,, vv iSC!1Mmr i()Ss

And This Is Ono of Thoin.

Tlioro art' mhiio. Irutlm that ouglitto be blown throtih :i million .i'ak-in-

truiiiH't8vuri luuir; that utitflitto Ixt irinte(l in big tu 011 tliofront pnyo of I'tyry in'u.iaicrj thatought to bo paiuti'il on

at tlio croiroailj that oughtto bt taught in ewn -- I'hool. Amithis it oin of tlmin: ''.. r innhtllill'J "II fifth U H t'l'H Hii'llflif .

IVopIo talk of "tonif" ami iloo-tor- s

talk of "tontfa." l'?haI Whi-i- t

a I'oiiuir is ili"iiii'Hiil in whii'ii tiofouil Ktuir-- t an ivit rniM'd or iuilofU'(l, ami in uliii-l- i thv ttiuu,woiitt'ii, ami L'hililtoti aruall I ami

"pclttlou, and, ho discoveredotioiny occupyiug a fortibtMl

po.ti ton near the vtllago of tushangll,w .r,KU.1 iUlk f.thB f

diatioaal. Colonel Sato immediately

heortv, wo may thoy ttba'lAt oil ruiiio suit wi "loiiti'." lln .!mi!oi thi" ic iiiiiii a i. it tonuta, 1 1. bt.vomt cal.-til.tth.- It

K,,l. tu, ,ik to loan on b.okou. .........L a.. ..a in i .liliriiit

which it it ..u.ply mipoMtblo 'a" can como, t . uat inonoy tho

antl prccoii;Utile in Waiting for tl.oe allcg.-.- l "!

..", i.. ..... .. i.--. mr. l nuiii.i rii'ii'i, in i", .iiw

tham l'laco. Adoittido alroot, Hull, innu account of a tci'iit illnt'tt Ka!, A

among other thing", thu: "I then 10

tried stiiiiinch touic.o, Hut lhe didmo no good."

StippofK n haw- - hiawliolo story,whlclt is short, ami make our com-uii'iil- s

on it afterward. Ho fays:"Up to the month of June, IS',11, I

wa ?troug ami lualthy. At thattime I fen int'ia low, weak condi-tion. I felt languid ami ln-a- amiwnt alwaa lnel. I h,'ui a foultaste lit the unitith, and a dread'fill pain in the clioM and sidesafter eating, whilnt ; f....i. U nullk 'i Ivr in, i.j ji,. . i niiiehtroubled with wnul, which Mcilli'ilto roll all ovi-- r ine, and I had f. con-

stant belching ami roiug in mythroat. I wat in 'in'i l iii ii.iif uifiht,ami fur luuirr I wan.i'd tibiiut theroom rubtiiiig in clu"t in theeilortlo olitniu reiief. I lott a deal ofsleep, and hit W'or'o tited in themorning when I went to bed.Gradually I bocaui" weaker amiweaker until I had hard work to fol-

low my oiiiplnvmeiit, tor, i"m oi- all tho lime.

"I went to a dui'lor, who smindedme and gave me mcdti'iue, but I

gut no reiK'f, and after tailing hmmiuliciiies lor a imiutli, I lelt nilgoing to htm. I iheu fin.iifi.'ii... and ut her nieiliciues but not It

il..l .k.. f.,a ....,! I It. Ilil. t.f fit a.. . II conttuil.'il week alter wei'lt, glow- -

iL-- mote f.'.'ble all tl... while. I feltthat tl I ilid imi ioii liuit a reined I

nluilllil bi done lor altogether."In October, l""L a bi'ok wa loft

at til In iiim tellltii; of a lileillclliecalled Mother Seiiv'IV Curative hi-nip- ,

and li scriluug a c.t. bite uiiiiethat hail been cuieil by it. As 1 hadoftetl he.'lld this medicine wellspoken of. I made up tii mind toir it, ami got a buttle fiom Mr.Ci'iisuin, in Anluliv I (urn I. After I

had taken two tlnii., I lelt gral.'fulrelief, ami e I liml ipilte liliMl-e- d

the buttle I wan ciilliplotelycured, ami hau uii e been in thebet ill health

"unit tl liml tliii ni.i. no 'i iiirui- - ..,i. i I" m. ll.helWlMI I

should have bun in inv gtate beforenow. I will an-w- rr anvone wlmmay write tun ciiuceruing the faelnhere set forth. Yours I rill v (Mgltedj,Thomas I'o'ter, l.". Chaihaui I'lace,Adelaide Sueel, Mull, March 21th,Ki:j."

Now let II" xoc. Thus lllptolllr. ofMr. Kti.tor'n coinpliiiut are eailvrecogni-abl- e. lie siill'' red from

and dyi-pop- The uiedi- -

cim ailuiuii".teieil iiy lie plivsiciauor purcha'-e- by hiiii'lf proved useless btH'titim they weio hot addressedlo the tli-- i ase with wiiuh he wasactually alllteted, but poiiihlv to oneor mine nl iin sv mptiiuii- - 'i'oabnlishan i Moling evil it is a w. its i'ii'iwe muni wotk nt never mere eoitso-ipiolice-

Tho'Vtiiinui'h toiiifs" which Mr.l''iitor Impi'il might relii-v- e It i in mahave dun. so for a iiuiiiieut mi pre-cim- 'I

thcauio priio'ipli thatarharpapplication i'f whip ami iiir wakesiii a liroil li"r-- ", nut b.v giving himMtrength, but b riiii'iug hisuervi.iii. fjri-i'- , wiin . id epm reactiontn fulliivv. Thai' hnvv il wasami will be

Muttier ell.'i !' CurHive Svruprediiled tills gi'lltleiil.lll tn Millgeiiuiiie i h b eh atisin.; his v n

teiu nl tin. piiMui nl 'li-'a- -o, In ieimiviiiL' the ob-ta.- l. and enabluiL'the nliiiuai'h In lot. ii and dig.-s- l

fond. A ver sllllpl" thing, et liovvhard tn accuiuplisii. h ' mv mailers

This di'.' n. hmvi'ii-r- . a- -In tentilli'd b.V a li'"l nf W It llos-i'- - allover the VVnrlil Wltlierse- - wll'i saHinre in prai" nf it' uieiit- - than vmivviuilil hiiv.- - t inn- - ti. read

lijtoptl Ctliiidi Se;vi.;tiS!

1,1. I Mi I I S l I" ' N in l 'Iil.ltIi III', I i ,r in. .i i, in .mU , v. iin;. r i , m . Ii. I . lie VI, h .1'- -' l.t, .

i ., i up ' H ' IK II V .

Ml K Ii'" in ii t r (fI iiml Hi. I. ' 1. er.vVilli' I'l.'l! I ...

In in il ui ' .r ii Ii r. IiIV ll il.. lli lil ut. 'iin r I

M ' bi ' uu n t nl m 'i il. nu oiln rI.V I",.'' In ll I'll i ll n l"l I. llli,' IIItlii ,'riiinAiii I' '7 Iin

AT Til K ANC1IOU.,,,. i.o.hla.1. .

M,,,,,,r "' n'" '

lr..,t. rn kniiiirg ll.-.- rl

straight and Mixtid D. iuks,

'" nu. .1. nu.. ii. .i .j.inoi).I BoutliWflHMhiritsr King tV NuuiliU BU.


San Francisco, Oct. 27.

IVr ;. H. Auitralln.




In thi Into fight across the Yaluriver thu Japauoju gained anothersignal victory, if all tho reports aretrta.

Uotieral Noil.u 8ti'cieded in get- -I -- i.. t.... f.i..... t.....7...u""H "'" 'j " u-- r-n

rmy ncrow I'" "jer v thout nils- -

P 3 '.in a I'm. iui tiv rtuu u icvwhuuhvi- -

beuatt an attack upou tho Chinese.lierco fight followed, lasting fromo'clock till noon. Thou the Chi.

uusc, who hail fought desperatelyami stubbornly, began wavering,broke, ami eventually retired iugreat disoodor, falling back uponKowltcnchtug.

Colonel Sato's troops demolishedtho doHTlctl fortifications. Theyfound 2U0 dead inside the works.Among a number of prisoners capttircd was a Chinese ollicer whostated that tho position hail boouhold by eighteen battalions.

Later despatches say it is expectedtho Chinese will make their lastdetoriuiiied stand in Manchuria atIvowlioiichiug.

Marshal Yamagatn has compleled his plans for concentratingM'Votal columns of troops upou thoChineto poiiliou. This is the meth-od by which the Japanese woutheir great victory nt I'ing Vaug.

Tho esprit doiorps antl health oftho Japanese troops are excellent,ami it is said to Ho tho universalambition to capture Moukdoti Iwforothe birthday of the Kmporor ofJapan.

Later reports of tho Ynlu riverlight say that II.Vxi Chinese troops of.ill arms wore utterly routed. TheJapanese lost live olllccrs and '.0 menkilled and wounded.

It is believed in Yokohama thatIlia UiiiMtlttl .1 fulifaliAihAi nrtnt1 mtmluir.:".,.;;, "i""Y"''ji """.rr"nig I, al bhttU CUiug,iiiiilii ill i in ion nay.

Tho Chliii .u foroigu olllco at Nan-kin- g

has boon translerred tu hhnug-In- n

by au imporiul order.UNITED STATES.

A purse of f.ri0,HDi) is oiforcd forlight between C'orbett aud FiUalm-iiiiiu- s

iu Mexico.I'rosuloiil I'levelaud presurves his

sileuco on Now York politics, aud iti IrolieU'd ho will not oou vole iuNew York.

lames J. Wood, a carpenter ofhpriugliold, Illinois, has establishedIns clu'in to i22.i,(KMI tu property alllytlo park, Loudon, inherited fromhis grandfather, an Kuglish uaval1 Ulcer, lie received ?7H,HtM) of thomoney soiuo tune ago,

A pouch has boeu received at thoAilaitih Kxpress C'o.'s olllco, NewYork, conUiniUL' iiersoually valuable p.tpers that woro sloleu iu atrain robbery at Aqui creek on Octo-ber 12. This recovery reduces thecompany's loss to less than KiOHO.

in a light between civilians audwhitecatis iu Sevier couutv. Tcuues- -

iee, a farmer untiled Helton aud twowlotecaps won killed,

Mabel lluiitou, a Nevada girlunder 1, is making a seunatioti iuNew York by her dainty dauoiug outhe rdago.

Large sums have been stolen frouitin. safely deposit vaults of theOmaha National bunk. The vaultsare in charge of a very estimableI. el), ngaiiirl whom there is noMmpicioii. Tlioro nt much mysteryabout the robberies.

i neon l ' orgorowiscy is under ar-

ret iu Chicago for robbing Mrs.Amelia Christian, a widow, of i'JOHU.

Capt. Mautird has exhibited a bul-let pioof cuirass before I. S. armyollicors at Chicago. A bullet froma Krag-Jorgeuse- n rillo, tired at uUfeet, (ailed lo pierce tho cuirass,which is of soft material aud aumen ami a nan inicK.

Mrn McCall Wall has setlied her breach of promise suit withWard McAllister's -- oa ilnyward forcash. 1 ho woman was indicted oncofor the murder of her husbaud, whowits found shot iu his room aud saidbefore he tlteil Ins wife had douothedeed. ho was releasotl on $6000bail, but the indictment wa after-ward iptndiett.

l'he rev en no cutter Cor win hasarrived al Astoria, reporting hersearch for the ship I vanillic uusuu-cesnf- ul

'('here is a theory that theI v, inline may have pointed (or Chinawith her cargo of coal, running thorisk for earning couirabaud uier-c- li

llidlse,Vessels given up for lost are the., r l',,.L..r fr..,,. .I I . . I .. . I . . I . .L ! -i.iirn.'i .,j,ii UliaitUtIUICI

inr i.niiniui, vvuii cargo vatiieii at?.lno.HHl and '222 head of cattle, andth steamship Falcon and theni'liooiier John 1). Williams fromI'lnlailelphia for I'rovidotico. Thelatent news is that the ICusker hasteached Ljiieoiintnwii with a brokenshaft.

It is charged that Loo 1). Uraitrha. boon levying political assess- -

, f((r lh( ,)l(lm,J,rM( , c, tMouse olllcials tu Sail Fraueisco con- -

' trary to law. A circular from Uu.'

!::i:r,t,mU,,(JaaS,t!,lla'H'V lllg till nnSCSSlUOUl Ol fj OU OBCll

' poslltllislor.


Page 2: lQtr aito Bulletin...HAI.VHN VatrtiA'il r.auotDg iio.'tCornwJ Bwil Ciintpuiimlo, Hooting & Papers, lend t Pllr-ll-l StMIU Plpt CofUMIn Inv.larboM' Dlainiind, EnaroHt Rtnr-Inatfl-nu

J. Alien Frauds, toiler of tho City I

Iiank, Hartfonl, coufi's.-t.- to t'liiljo- -

zliiiH tf&VJSii and is ttuilur arrest.Prairio lirca aro doing lunnonse

untnagu 111 Nebraska.Judtfu Coifoy has niuneJ a decree

at Sau Francisco imititr tlm wlmloof the Illy the millions to Florencelilytho-HinckUt- An appeal is al- -

most certain within the statutory J

ten days. i

Gouoral Amos U. uVekwitli. whowas cinoi 01 commissary m ueneral

V. T. Shorinau's army, died at St.Louis yesterday, aged li'.t.

The Gorman Kmb.issador has no-tille- d

the Government, owingto the introduction of Texas feerby two shipments from New York,the importation of fresh beef andcattle from the Cnited States toGermany will soon be prohibited.

The Lucauia, which arrived atNew York yestordni, reduced therecord from (jucoinstowii by twenty-seve- n

minutes.The proceedings by the Attorii'iy-Genera- l

of Now Jersey to dissolvethe trust known as the AmericanTobacco Uoiiinanv were icsutnedyesterday.

In a speech to the Slate CharitiesConvention 111 a Michigan town jes-terda-

Mrs. Agnes d'Arcamble creat-ed a sensation by advocating a lawto "prevent large families when theparents are indigent or utihe.ilth.

The I uiou county, N. ,)., grandjury has taken action against lotter-ies at church and other fair.

Chicago Hoard of Trade specu-lators are melted over a suddenjump up of i cents a buhel 111 cornat Liverpool.

A .iruiMil .STOHV.

Ueruard Campbell is pushing aclaim agaiimt the Government forSllK),OtNi ilamages. Ho says he wassent to the Vet Indies a a uiarnieengineer to work on Americansteamers. At Cape Uayti he waswith others forced by I'layliau olli-cer- s

to leave the steamer Geo. .

Clyde, to enter the service ( thellaytiau Government, lie reftiMilto go and boarded the C S. S.Galena, but Admiral Gherardi de-clined to interfere on Ins behalf andreferred him to the American I ou-st)!. Upon lauding, after a talk wuhthe Consul, he wa attacked bv Hai-tian ollicers, who broke In teethand threw him into deep water, lieescaped in a small boat to MonteCristo island, and eventually reaeheduu American port.

mvvi Nor.The cruier San Francisco is to be

sent to the Ktiropcau station forthree j ears.

Secretary Herbert has detailed acourt-marti- to try Lxcctilivc O1I1cer .Martin and Navigator l.lliott oithe Adams for stranding that vesselon the Alaska coast last Miiuuicr.

Chief .Naval Constructor Hich-bor- n

in his annual report recom-mends that the Government kIuiiii,have under construct ion rout unionJy at each of the impoitaiil repairyards-Ne- w ork, Norfolk, andMare Island at least one vessel !

sullicieiit sie to constantly eniplova force of workmen enough to ran!the emergency demands usuallymade by the licet when undergoingits annual overhauling. Alter thenecessary armor and ordnance materials are received he thinks thebattle-shi- p Oregon can be coiupleied 111 four mouths.

The llagship Philadelphia, with afull supply of coal, has bin hauledinto the stream at Yallcjo.

EUltOl'E.John McLcod, Liberal, was elect-

ed without opposition to representSulherlaiidshire, Scotland, in theJlouse of Commons.

Latest advice regarding the condiliou of the Car are conflictingSome reports have him improved,while others are that he is 110 better.

The light of the purists againstLondon imisiu halls is proving suecessful Owing to the refusal of theLoudon I ounty Council to grant alicense to the Ltupire drinking audi-torium, that establishment in compelled to close its doors.

When Thos. F. Ilayard, C S. Min-ister, returns to Lnglaud he will re-

ceive honorary degrees from theuniversities of Oxford and Cambridge.

A plot to blow up the Chamber ofDeputies has been reported to s

police. Three anarchist, froml'oissy, Lille and Lyons were to dothe Job.

In the Socialist ( ongressat Frankfort-o- n the-Mai- u .1 motion wasadopted that the agrarian iiiestionxvas a necessary part of the .Socialistprogram, and could onlv be solvedby giving back the soil, wuh themeans of labor, to the producersuow cultivating the laud as paidlaborers.

two mi inuts nisii.sGeneral vou ( aprivi, Chancor

of Germany, has his re-

signation to Lmperor WilliamCount vou Luleiiberg, the Prussianl'reinier, resigned at the same timeVarious reasons are siiriuised foi theChancellor's act, but the most proliable one is the previously reportedtension between lain and l.ulcuhcrgover measuresThe latter was for severity in dealing with socialism. The lieVliu Tageblatt argues that the resignationsafford tin! clearest proof of thenecessity that the highest positionsin the hmpiro and I'nissi.i be comhiucd.


The (toss-McLare- n Lumber Co. ofVancouver has contracted with aSouth African mining company for100,000,000 feet of lumber.

A Valparaiso despatch says theGovernment of Chili has decided tonegotiate a loan of ibM 100,000, preforably in Lnglaud, with a view ofgetting on a gold basis not lateithan .inly, IKMJ.

News from ( ahul is that theAmeer of Afghanistan, whose 10ported death or dying has beencausing great auviety, i, attendingto business as usual.

The latest plan for ( "iiiial me-rica-

Union is to have a eoufereiicein Costa Idea of two delegatus fromeach republic, which should pro-claim a provisional federal republicami choose the president by lotfrom the presidents of tlm presentlllllereut Hlalci.

An Aniorit-ru- i nowejinpor correspointful in llrail reports that lie.n ili. bod'e, of fourteen iivmi who

by orders of military eoininaudershad been buried alive in a standingnooition.

It IX roivnrtril llinrelieli have sustained a crushingdefeat.

A laro export of oranges fromMexico to the Culled States is ex- -

iineted tins nniin.


Soimtoi 8 Without Opposition Hepre-suutntivi- -s


I'ollowing are the votes cast forSenators ill the First SenatorialDistrict, being the Island of Hawaii.there being no opposition:

Ii..l Kviuvv, M7- s LtM .... aw

t 11 Sort v. S11 'MiFuvM. Noiiiiiiiip 211In the First Kepresnntative Dis- -

tr.ct. consisting of Puna, Hilo andIh.nakua, the two Representativeswent elected without imposition, andvotes vjere cast a, follows:

K. K. Kntiviins Jt'.'lu. KviKorr ;mIn the Second Representative Dis- -

tnct, consisting nf Kau. Kona there were live candidatesfor the two seats. Messrs. I'ond andKaniauoha were elected, the votebeing as follow. :

K. CoilNHII s I.ONIl 17IJG I'm 11. K in i mil I fJlSamuel Kauhaue. . ...uIxalaiw aa III.'.Moses I hi 7S.(


Wm. Goodness, the independentcandidate for Senator, has been leftnt tiiitiiii mi Mnut. Tlm r.illnti-iii.- r t

the state of the poll at its dose,three Senators being the quota forthe Second District Maui, Molokai,Lanai ami Kahoolawe:

iV ''"liJumis'.'.' ;.".".'.!'.;; :!:'!u.n iio.isiu i.'tn

t.,"t;':'?I T,' :;; Ifepresen- -


tatives is the same as the SecondSeiialonal District .Maui, etc.There was 110 opposition, and voteswere east as follows:

W. I'. II in H'dA I'vt.i 11

,'!:. M. IIimni :wi


Snmit of tho People Who Have Itomnfrom tlio Const.

TheS S Nustralia. which arrivedl his morning from Sau Irnmisco.brought home a number of old ka- -

inaainas, notable among ll.eiii being:S. ( ' Allen, who returns in the best

-- w

of health with Mrs. Allen, .1. A. hoilk'S HIV ill loCalilV, pi'O-Ilopp- .T.

Mrs. ,md the Misses Hop . . 'Mrs NV.IJ. Godfrey and famil v. JVllV Will IlkTiMM! Ill Nallie

M. Meli.en.y and daughter. II. I' ,CIV f,- -f IlO reasull thai WJlk'l"

W ichm.'iii. wife and child, U. I

l.illie and wife, NV. O. Lackland, Will be plellllllll. II .IjoV--Mrs. II. Soper and daughter. c,mlK., ou,J v injiuvd toHairy Wilder and Savidge areamong the relumed wand. rers. pill Improved Mode blltelS III

S. T. I.arraelough and wife also "K,:,... ,lk, 1, . ,1.1, ,.r llK, ......arrived. Mr. l'.arraclough h a mer- -

chaut 01 California, ami is the agent

,ln''5,XI a railroad contra lor.comes to work 011 the Oahu Kail

U'w. T. lliekey.a cominissiou mer- -

,,,,.?.,,bDickuis and wife ncconipany

Itudoloh Snre.-kels- . Mr. Dickins wifl

c:nuuaK,;c;,,,',uaiianChas. lbert, manager for the

Sau Francisco NN ieland Breweries,wa"s a passenger. Ho is accompaniedby Mis. Ilgbert.

M. .IoIiiisoii, V Storey and Ira01 tamp are hie., young men who

inteml going into the gents' furnish- -

uig business.I.'.ube,, Tucker, agent for the Ha- -

tvaiian Banana Dep ,t at Sau Fran- -

cisco, conies on a VlSlt.

A Strong HorseTHK cik i:.kis(i

Olhlll FI'KI)


Hay and Grainlusl Arrival .rr "H. II. Wllilrr."



i'firiifrOins"ii iV Niiimiiu Hu.

lioTii Tki.kimiovks 121.


Batliing and Picnic - RecoilI or I iiiiiiIh'o, I mlii'H uiiil ( In ilri'it.

i KM- - III .iN Mil.DIIAS. r. WARNnn, : : : : Mncr.


&oo Acreshi

MOUNTAIN LAND- i ii li f" i.r.i Miif li uriil iii

VMi Hi' - iKHI.

1,000 Acrfs, a Large Gsilcli

li iti in iimri mill (ini nil.i I I'M"

fh-- l liri'

D DAYTON,I17i tin U Miti limit hlM'il

I AOl I AH1DCliUuIy 1 K 'J' J r







Oitolvr ?. lS(J.f.

The I11 st elect ion under the

Republic p.issed oil' as quietlyus an ordinal y funeral and Ar.

Klenime, the strongest in the

opposition, once more pioved

hllllsell .1 man whose destlllV. 'IS to J,M It'll lV ;l VCI' Stliull

nisljOIllV The count showed

K. ,vi,miI.u candidates to be

stionviei in eveiy pellicularh. ; :, j.,..,,"" llloir opponents: ' W. a , jj,,, j( w;l ,. wsh 0f

lc voters that the "regulars"V

arc to make the laws for themasses. The I'CS is a rous- -

"Itf Victory 1.1 p.lll.Y in

power, inasmuch as noi one 01

the opposition secured enoughvotes to cany him to victory.As an object lesson the resultwill have its clTects upon po-

litical dabbeiv. it shows thatthe Populists, non-Partisa- ns orthe Farmers' Alliance are notequal in political generalship to,1, . .....I.:.,., .,, ,',,,1, ,r. ol IIIlA. U. P. I lie defeat is Cllisll- -U ln" no m:m or sot ol nk' uo down a siuimjj noail

i uilli'uu'aspliii- -. '. .' .

lei' SOIIIeWllcrC 111 tlieil' aiia- -,.,.., ' i.. ''A 'I!' P' ll id l'Vl'IV

point covered so well that Air.k' ur.iv r.i-ill- III,- - iinlv.... ..I....1. .

"". ......

-- "....!.....""..... I...

JIone 01 tne ii'iimimii xxiid

a chance to be elected and hisote was so close that he

should not leel badly over hisdefeat.

roL.rvnjr on k. s.vs of. '

Punchbowl Will IV ol UlltolJ..,... r. ,,, .1.. ..,..!.. 111Vl.tIM (II II tt IkV l HIW k"IW llff'.--

Mllllels WiillKi IV iVllel. AllWUler Used for Jl illkillLT Ol

eookilltj pill poses should be

lilk'led. bivell ailesiail NV.llel'

s ,,( M;.. p,j i ;llK voil.",

Will lllld a tllouMIUl paillClesll.'aiinir:,n,mHl: lilkT il llinmKliail lllipioved Stone Mitel" and.....,,. ..( i, ..,, u ill .Ik-m- -

tvai"... ,II '"ll ll.lNe .1 calMllel 111 Volll

p;lt r on which lllei'e is U V.- l-. . .

cailt space llll ll Willi KooK- -w y. , lv . ., f ,w c1(,jlV

. ... 1 I

oils in 0111 iii7 wiiuiow 1 11:11

are not duplicated anywhere inI he wm Id. The assoilmeiil is

made up of I t list's, '.,vs.issvs and Kin's, 'ttiuvrrAiV. In: Sliiihls. Tokuco

ltoi', ('Jiihahtli' Puis, and a

half doen other lliinj-- s bothuseful and oin.tmenlal.

'I he I kinchin lap Walei- ill or at a dollar tills an aching

Noivl in the wants of the cook.Handsomely nickel-plate- d andelkvtiw.

IVench ("00k Knives aie thebest knives obtainable for thekilt hen. Wade ol the linesliiialily of steel and hardenedso I hal the edi,re Nvill not I innup when it stn'kes a bone 7

cenls and a dollai.In the mallei ol Sewintr Aa--

'chines, we hold that the Wer- -llieim lnplex is the most ser-

viceable in the maikel becauseit makes three distinct stitches.I or rullleson the babies" clot h-- X

you want a single stich.I he Weilheini makes it.

l:oi y,ood hard sewing onthe bovs' knickeibockeis vouw .in I a lock stich. I he Wei-

lheini tfivos it.I 01 all soils ol sevvinjj on all

soils ol cloihint,' you make0111 selection oi stitches and

Hie Weilhvini will do ilk vvoik.

The Hawaiian Hardware Co, Ltd,

()1mmI4 HiirfuktiUt' llhKik,

HOPPNot, only is nnr

& CO.

Stock Iiii'ohI,

our prices arc tlio LOW FIST, mid our levins

lint most LLHIiSHAIj wr oM'eml public.

Ibiy Kino Furnihbius of us, tit Lower

Prices 1 lisiii aro charged for inferior 'rados

elsewhere, and enjoy

cksiniiir them.

Hopp So Co.,tsTo. 74 King Street

Pioneer Furniture HouseE33TA.BJLiieHH:E 1 SB.

New Goodh ! Latest Designs ! Largest Stock !


"IKAH. 1.111 SdhS, IV.MtlUtllltKM,MlUltOliS, MDIU.IMMIH, Km.. KTI'..

Special Feature No. 1 White Seamless MattingIVr Itnll of in Ynnls II2.UI.

And a Piijh Quality for $9 per Roll

Headquarters for Baby Carriages!Pianos for Runt i Chairs for Rent !

Bell 179. 1 KlBPBONBS Hutnal 76

WILLIAMS BROS.lHili:r,.-Mi- r III I' K, IVIImiin.

09 AN"0 611 KIN"G STREKT


An invoice of theColobratcd ''Shoata,,Water juot recoivoddirect, from the Springoin Shauta, California- -

Sljuata'' ia thofinest mineral waterin the world. It lauccd in every loadinghotel and on all thor'lilv.'uy dining cure intho United Ctatou.

Shasta' ' ia thoQueen of all tt-bl-e w-

aters; blendn perfoctlywith liquor of allkinds, and ia a naturalrel l ef for aj 1 disor-

ders of tho atom-o- h,

kidneyo and liver.For sale by all drug-gi- r.

ta and tho tradegci.cral ly .


Sole Agents for thoJI;.waiian Iclanco.



1 nil il.nin- - ni;iitit lint l rilfrliiiiwilt tin mii-i- I liy .Mr Jim. I' Mur

uiin, mill nil uiilHtmiilliiK nri'iiiiiitMiluii tin'i'rllcriiiii Miluiin mill tlio Jnlilillix IiiuimmiII.. II. Hi,- - nil In ihii iilinu' ilutii ire IihviiIiIiiin Mr I.. II. I i.ii. All IiIIIh iiiihIiixI I.. II.

li iiroKiil liiiiiiiillnli'ly fur h'lymini j ii, inn:

lliuiiiliilii.Otil. 3, Ih'.M. Uf'- - iliii

tlio but


thom while you are

Carefully Weighed

j&&mHtfTiH. V'liy

-c-- v-

Ci eolations Lead to Correct Recalls.

ll'icrr firnjilr m.ilr i inlnlnlf tt lit fijijximj tlmt jt-- nl jitrlinrM ntt urittturU'i rj )fit-ti- t

f,II V 'iif trtliwj iiirlinct ficr; tnijnire

miy limiif, Ihr )irltr uf nhlrh iimilil nttinihUtlmff mil iirtjiinliititl iii'tlt Hit fact.

It It nut iirirMiiri In jc n jirtl jirimfrtrlilniinr ruiiniilwj lit nrilri tn luiie u unrL of ml,'Hit mrtliiiil uf rrpriMlitrllint hum1 In iijnf,iiiilci it initlMt fur jimilr nf mwlrriitr intuitiitiirllm Ihtlr iiniltliirr m iihlmr. In ijmtifithrti tiittt fur Hit liimitifiil,

li'irnt mnijr fur tilt illtilni uf Imlr, In Hittrlrrlliiit uf tnlijrctt, itiijlurilnl our IniiHiyiilurtt in rhrrt firm unit iiiiiuUltitiJt frontirliiili In ttlrrt tUt fminti,

Hue urn! iietrr lit ul it luti tu I iiniini lull toyiit nt ii inrtriit, tit iiuij Hint ut fur Hiiii )mr'jnr, fur tlitrt it nnlhiwl liitlrr Hunt a furlurt.tW .ImiJ A'.Vfi IIIHIS. it Hit uliirt In yrtllitm.

The Warbetween China and Japanwill catiHe priccH for theirk'iIU f.iliricHto jfo hiulier; nocount ry can liyht nud weaveKilk at the K.unctiine. Theprice ban already advancedand the pamiK state thatthe war is likely to be "on"for two or three years. Itbehooves the careful buyerto puroh.isc now. AVu hadmi iiniuense stock of Japa-l- ii

se Cioods ordered beforewar was declared, conse-quently we can continue tosell at the old prices as lonas our prchcnt stock ho'dsout, and then the Wur willforce prices up. Our lastconsignment consists of Silk

hvs Cioods, both (inuredand plain ; Morning Gownsfor Ladies and (lints, ,s'ilkKimonos, Smoking .lack-et- s,

Silk Pajamas, Japaneseand ('bina Ware, Screens,Lamp Sbadis, Lunch Ilns-ket- s,

etc., etc.

DAI NIIM'OX,lltili'lHl. (Arliiii'liui llliH'k),

Miih, J I', , I'm, i,ami, rriirli'lri'M.

ONE OF OURS.Olaa, Hawaii, Oct. 10, 1894.


Last July you make break for me and Saturday Ihitcheil up new hoivh drive, to Hilo. I drive bout half mileand h'c one tour-in- t with plug hat. Tlm hoi nil shy and breakand I cried out takit off the plug hat, but the man standstare at me like one lolo. Then horsli run away for mile.I been ride; on railroad, but never ho ojiiek a this. Whenhorsh turn off road he go over stone wall and break go upin air l(i feet and eome down over the wall. Then horsh and gohed. lie is running now, I teenk. I broke leg,knock out tree teeth and sta'en my back bout beeg as doormat. The break no injure. Vare Mrong, I teenk. Justas quick as 1 get better am going lind Chinaman that soldurn the horsh.

Yoiis truly.AN TONE DE CrMA.

THE!Finest V



"Wliiter ! Stronger !

Prices below any other Standard Flour in Market.

Theo. H. Davies fe Co., L'd.



Benson, Smith & Co.,Corner Fort 6 Hottil 8tuFrom Recent Direct Importations


The Only Perfect Toothbrush.

LTIBIU'SPerfumes & Soaps





FI3STE3ST IJST FIL,.VOPiOf any imported. diiHt received by









Page 3: lQtr aito Bulletin...HAI.VHN VatrtiA'il r.auotDg iio.'tCornwJ Bwil Ciintpuiimlo, Hooting & Papers, lend t Pllr-ll-l StMIU Plpt CofUMIn Inv.larboM' Dlainiind, EnaroHt Rtnr-Inatfl-nu

" "wyjSn'"" Wf rvtyi ?w -I L'M- - " ijS- -'





Eli gnilll llUlin.


MiA.f?.IISrja3 NEW8Arrivals.


S 8 Anstrnlla, Ilou.llrtte, from H:iu Krnn- -ciCO

J'renrli wnrhlp DitKiinj'-Trniii- "27 daysf rum Callan, IVrn

Slmr IVIu from .MnknwrliSlmr.tames .Make.-fro- KsiuatHlinr Khi.'iil friuii Hawaii and Maui

Cargoes from Island PortR

Httnr Klnnu .""n lings, 15 hdls hi 'ex,I mill roller, Imles wool, M has.lnities,.Vi lioi',.'!7 Iiiki com, V70 hagspotatoes ntiil liU k)!i sundries

HtiurJi .Makeu lie Img". rice, "Il bifj''piddy.


Kniiu Hnli KmneNi'o .t 8 8 Australia,NoU-- H (' Allen mill wife, .IT lliirai'lnnuhnml wlfo. Miss Julia It linud .1 N ltli-ka-

Mrs V lloardmau, .Mrs Oliver (.'handier,V T Dickey. 'I 8 J)idktit Ht.d wl e, (Jims

Kgliertnnd wlfo, K 1. r'nrrusler, V .1 (III.Ihiii mid wife, Mrs W II (Indfrey ntidclil il,jiiss uu'iirey, .miss mini uoitirey, .miCora (ludirey. .Miss Sophie (leiWruv. AUnas, J A Hopper find wife, Ml M I,llops?r, Ml K K HopiMT, Miss M Allotncr. Miss Annie llormr, lVrcy A Had-Iv- y,

M Johnson mid wife, Mrs K N Jn'k-M-

II II Fori, Ml!- - ( Johnson, IIK Kliiilmllntidnif.;, C Kuril mr. Mr I, and 'children, W U I.K'sl.nid, llvvJohn lnilliiRhum, wlfo mid :i chllilrni,Mr, II I,u-- u and .'children. II I l.llllr midwife. Ml. MollHrrny. T (' Miller, K hNichols, W Stony, I) II gh.ihili, tt ('Sherry, Mrs H Hnvhli:. Mr J II,Miss II yojKT, MIS J Slitter, ltllilol.llSprrekels, iteuU'ii I'ut'kor. Ml M Tiu'knr.Ira Van Camp, II K Wicliman, wife midchild, II A Wilder, Ads M Until midchild, M .Melncrny, V Sald(;e mid tilsieernKe.rrntn Maul mid Hawaii rMiiir Klnati,Nov.'l rrnni Vo'ran.i: t has Haul, irti, WM II llllmon-- , II rr.liiiiiin. Mi's A II1'arkc, J T U-ii- II W (intiney, K SYou nj;. I'rom lllln mid way ports: J AHoi it I and wlf-- , A Moore, wife, child andservant, H IKncon, Miss Marv llitclit'ix'k.Miss K.lloll, I! II lltldnlu, t' V Alotia, ItevJ Alii, Akiiiis, John lllnd, i: i: Oldliitf. TS Kay, l)r Wakaisnm, J W i, JA Victor, II A llnvvit, II p llaldirln, ItT WIIImt, II I' Wilder, U M Koltertsnii midII deck.

Hlilpjunc Nntim.

'Dip li-- lilp II I' Ulaile from l.lvr-po- ol

for Hi lioliiln pit In al M ii.tcvldcuon Oct. Ji) with curito hinted.

ThcrchiHiiicr Vlklnt; lelt fnn rrmiclroon Oct. ii for Kiilm ill mid relumed thesiiniu day on account ol il.d' Innvjeas, which started dcckload Hint llisslisl

caliln.Tue H. H. Australia, II. ( lloinllctte.

('nuiiiiaiidcr, left Hmi rrincIi'o, Oct, 'J.IS I., Ill '.'p III., Willi 7l Mllllll mm III steer- -

11 151 pnsstMiKers and IU lus of mill ',xline weather thrUK'ioiit tho

voysj-c- . and arrived tit Horn. lulu Nov. 31MH, al 7 a. 111.

MMIIKOW SOTTJ'.Arrlvals-O- ci 2, stinr Kliinu from Ill'o;

ti. stiur t'lnudliie from llamnkuii: H, stmrKluau fr tin llonolulu; m, stiur V (I Hallfrom Knlhia with I.M up rs, I J, stiurKlnnu from II Ho. stmr Hawaii from Mono-lul- u;

i:i, stiur W (I Hall from Honolulu;17, stmr Hawaii from llamakua, -- I r Kl-

nnu from Honolulu; III, stmr laildinefrom HititiaUm: S, stmr Klutit fromJlllo; Jl.stmr WO Hull from Honolulu;J.', tmr OliuMltin from K11I111I11I. :'7. stmrKlimii fioin Honolulu; Nov'J, stmr Kluaufrom Hllo.

liiMiarltircA-O- i't 'J, stmr Kluau for Ho-nolulu; A, stmr I'laiidlue from hllo- - u,linr Kluau for llilo, s, stmr V (I Hall

for Honolulu; I'.' stmr Klnnu for Hono-lulu, slmr IIihhII for lllui; l.i, tiurWuHall for Kallim; 17. -- tiiir HhwiiM for Ho-nolulu, Minr Kluau for Hllo, II), -- inrClaiiiliiie for Honolulu; Z. tmr Kluaufor Honirulu 'Jl, stmr WO Hall for K11I-ln- n;

.', stmr 'laudlm for Kitwalhse; '.'7,

stiur Kin 111 for Hllo, Nov 2, s'nir Kluaufor Honolulu

I.. J. I.KVKV,


W. It. 1IAII.KY,

w TOI?




gWf (MM. C.0J1N(I WKKKH --tm

Saturday Evening, Nov. 3d,

"The Black Flg-- '


gW llox l'luuoH'n nt the olliceof I,. .1.Uvny. 1171 Hi

Just Received!




At the Beaver Saloon,Nolto, Proprietor



,M uti:a.mhiiii


nut on

Saturday, Nov. th.AT NOON.

iiuilersluued urn prepim-i- l toThrough Tiekel-- . I I to all

miIiiIh III United hlales.further nurlliiiiliirs rei'iiritliiL'

Klrli;lit er I'ahKaj;!', t I to

W.M. (I. IK A I.'n,

U7tMlt (Irucrnl A',eilt.


Mon's Shoes, $1.50


Lew. Arrival Duguay-Troul- n fromSouth America

Eianueieues izyariinci. The season com

K1.nliii mn.d, Trouiu teloplionod oarly tliis lllff, 011(1 VOU WUIlt Hhctl

naitt beou iwRtpunuil uuttl Tuesday moniintt. port nltrl4 Wlltcr llko ducko'lslock anchored navaltioxt. t,1..t,!.i(i .,5.1, .lK.llnpar llglilhousi.. Tiro Dupiiny-- 1

Lmbroideries, largo lmo, Ham- - Trouiu twoittv-sovo- n days from Coat. llllVC just rc'COIVOburg Swiss. Callao, Pont, jutt mado


H. J.

nib lor.T

Tin nowhit. Ity




M. S. of tho"... 1 .. ... , ,

:r c t -- ..,, i.. t... t. 1.!.. ix mi iv is

if to..--1 nf il... hi ' wasUli.i a OU

' in row ,,

is Ja

ii. a. LiF.vv. j,oro for coai uthor ui'fessaries.President Dole was expected by Rta3; in port abotttfivn days

sleanier Klnati this morning, whon she direct fornot come. . '". ,llr " ' '' ",,a !,f ' ''"

Jat)ati-Ciiiu- a war. warship pre- -


li;i-:- u




issiiit from


Thoenmo into iiionianil


and and railhluj

Sho willbut will sail oko- -

did wnJThe

1 hose oysters have arrived anil , souts a formidable appearance asant 011 service, any style, at the she lies anchored in the harbor, herBeaver lunch saloon. ram extending nearly the length of

her bowsprit. At the bow is a holeHie Kmau brought seven passen- - throtlK, vliioli projects the mouth

gers from I ho oleauo this trip and ()f n vuao, Sho is bark rigged andbut fifty bags of sugar. , ha, two MMnkincks. She is evi- -

Tl.ere are a few seats left down- - jlwitljr jvhat city front people calledstairs for "The ltlack Flag" t. "" H; iMorumtf -- an "ugly cus- -

Lots of balconv and gallery. tuJ",Br,,The Dugtiay Trottin is commanded

A notice of tho annual meeting of by Captain Cottrrejoles and hasthe Planters' Labor At Supply Co. twenty ollicers. Sho has :Mo tiienon Monday appears olsowhoro. all told and her armament consists

. of ton of I he largest calibreDavid Dayton has grazing ami nttd iilnJuinMI oiips.

colfeo lands for sale, and gives the , . ,

prices at which lhy are offered. XHy ARE FQU pAQEThe steamer Claiidiuo will leave

on Monday afternoon for her regular But tho rhlnoh0 bcdoIvo They Willports, and will return on Nov. 10. Nt Bo In8U,tcd

Owing to tho illness of District . held; T, c, Vtotwii UnionMag strato Lor y all tho cases woo ,,,a meol, itl ipir mv ial,in that until Mou-- 1postpotietl court betweenKlll llrilolf four and livenay next.. htiudrod persons being present. The

Tho Government band will not object of the meeting was to discussgive tho regular concert at Hmnia tho proposed celebration of theSquare this afternoon, being other- - Japanese Ivnpernr's birthday by hiswise engaged. ' subjects to day. It was decided that

.1a.. 1.,.;.... i"0 uiiiuoso wouiii not inieriere in

.1bS' .

.Inr..!.SrHhut., I


nStj JnIIU'0

V with "- .-,Welt


.....'i. lanterns. boiimls -- that is 11 the .laps tlitl anything to hliatue them. If the

Purser Tom McCotnbe of the S. S. mado any insulting demonstrationAustralia, in his usual obliging man- - tho Chinese would cause seriousnor, furnished tho Hilixtin with trouble. The Chinese CommercialSin Francisco files. Agent called on tho Altoruey-Oeii- -

oral and notified him of the decisionThothrillitigadventuresof Atono u the Chinese, and Ihe agent was

do Oama are related in a letter to l toltl that the police would check.1... II...,.!!... I'...!..... M r. J ,1 1 .1 . t .1hot iiiiniwiuii viiiouiiv Mimiiim-mi- - ny sucii display on mo pari Ol I lieing Company elsewhere. Jps letuling to shame or humiliate

The November term of the Circuit Mil'ST; tufL Vl.T'K..... .. .....m in .1.. .1. m....

jurors are Quired to attentl. I J, of BiXSSThrough tickets for all points in these tilings there would lie trotilile.

Ihe United .Slates are to bo had of --- .-

V. Ci. Irwin A: Co., ld, for tho S. S. UIHCUDAY OK TUB MIKADO.Australia to sail next Saturday.

Mechanics' Home, corner Hotel It is Heine Loyally Celebrated, liyand Nuttanti streets, lodging by day, tho Jupauuiu lleoutontB.week or month. Terms:!!.") and Wl ,.,. .

cents night; $1 and H.'Jo niuvrmry of the birthdayweek

per 'of tho htuporor of Japan is beingduly celebrateil bv loyal subjects of

Mons. erleye, hreiich Coinmis- - that sovereign lodav. All Ihe Jap- -

sioner, and . M.Oiirard, Chancob nn,.!,,, utores were"tlecoratetl nutl

lor, will visit tho French warship business therein was Mispontled forDuguay-Troul- n at i o'clock this the day. About seventy Japaneseafternoon. mustered on Maiiuakon street in

Tho funeral of tho lato Mrs. S uniform and, headed by the Ha- -

Kiibev will take iilme from tho resi- - :! National band, man-he- todeuce, tOueen st net, bolwooti l'mich- - tho Japanese Legation. Mr. Moribowl anil South Mreets, nt II o'clu'k "'" " miki ............ s

morning. "' JI:'Mn' hiHmtnatal day to Mr. rujii, the Consul

John Clarence Clowe, who was (i,.ra, after which Unco cheershere some time ago, write lo tho r Kjvi.t t, c0mn marched

from Shanghai. .Ho says ft))t,llt towt intiK j front of tinho uxiioeU t' be in tho Chine-- e 1111- - Kxeculive building to givo threeporial service shortly. cheers. Three rousing cheers were

On account of changes being ma.lo '"?' '". U""" ;'?min the MarHhal's olllce, people hold- - l:,('V "J '"II be drafts against tho will pre- -

,M'n ' )(" '"I.? .''V"""

seilt them 7or payment between 12 " pnvtHleiljvltliami 1 o'clock during next week.

v K 0UIMA.Tho Hell Telephone cent nil re

tnistake the S. S. MIowitported by Qood 1( for Sh, . otllcorViowaas eight miles off at '1:110 o clock this ' . ' wmorning, causing a iiumbor of peo-ple to turn out. It proved to bo tho Captain Uosehill received a letter.Touch uiati'of.war. to-tla- from V. L, Forster. formerly



V'."!'''" 1'""" .fl" '""?Ifmvnl.l n.ot u-I-l I. n ...ri....,.,v.w... ...,.i ....... steamers am mil recent y',,,U0Urso 1bolted1


?i mTr'i 1him io tl" lrlc Velocity. KrMo'ruf t,.i... ........ . it...

against a fimce. injuring his face ,.., tU,rLt. .., r .1m., f," "T '. Jir- - rL" t"",1,:'i .UV '"! Sept7 P.'. He is maio on a Chinese

111 11 1 1 until, rriiy. in uiiuiiii.'ii 111 ,..,!., ,.,,,,,.,,.,,1 : ul. ....!. .;...,. 1 1 .i..lir riiuiibi 111 niii,,, ink.",,,UU Chinese war fleet with coal. It is

Nigel Jackson, in the character his opinion that the war betueeuof penitentiary overs-o- r, appeared in Japan and China will not last long,tho streets this morning, advertising as tho winter was 011 hand and thetho "lllack Flag." He cracked a rivers would bo frozen. Thewhip over two boys in convict suits were making a hard struggle withand with blackened faces, who were the intention of entering Peking bo- -

hauling a tool wagon. lore winter sots in. A lew days pVl0"8. ft 'ni""'. ""' " """" !lly the authority and direction of ttire.l by l he Lh.m- -e and va, lyingHi.. California Methodist Confer- -

" Uaf"T 1 hku. 1 he' t uaesonce, Uov. II. W. Peck will organizea Methodist Church in Honolulu, on fT Kuropeati olheers won; lgh, 1,0j v.... alter I.., writer hiiuself getting Hi a llav, 1, morniiii;vie, in the hall over Tracy's store,comer Fort and Hotel streets.

There was trouble in the diningroom of the Hotel at lunch time lo-da-

in coiiseipieuce of which thomanagement has asked miiiio stran-gers, who hae been staying thereMiveral weeks, to seek board andlodging elsewhere. It is leported




as mate. As suiei as winter sot 111

everything would cease, thocolliorhbeing laid up.

Mny Olvu Up AunoxatinnA special Honolulu letter to

Chronicle says:"It is learned that tle(ioverumout

her lia instructed Minister Thinston to impress upon Secretary (ironthat the guests in .piestion acted in

the that if the Lnii.--a scandalous could not "' pointbe tolerateti by the management. Smlon refuses to protect Hawaii

against foreign aggression, annevaThere wts great excitement on tion will have in a measure to lie

Punchbowl slopes this morning, gisen over and tin best commercialLong before daylight the containers terms possiblo secured."set for water were ovorllowing, which . .

so surprised the people that they rv..left their bods and filled every avail- - PJaUta Labor& SUPflly o.ol with tho necessary fluid.Tho residents htato that they neverbefore witnessed so strong a (low of rpiir. nnt.i, Mi;i:i'iso or miswater, and they contemplate giving I ("umeaiii ni i.e iiei.t m Miiniy.Kngineer Hromley, who is at work ,v;,v' ".'''"' ,' '' '" '" ",l"1 ."Ui"

f .,, I r l oiiiiii.pumping water at homas Sipiaro, a , nui.TKgrand luau in the near future, 17s p . , . p. i h. t .



I Ii.'m' hm' N. rt I'.n'l I .it, s.'li led. One trial d iriv their

any ether.



l.uri'e r.Ur.i inerils

iJc rotcrscn., Coant y.rorvtn


a new invi ice of Lalien'Engl'iHli MiicKintoshes intact, J Hhall make a leaderof these goods lor the nextfew weeks and at such pricesthat I expect to see everylady in Honolulu properlyclad for rainy weather.

will not he worn in muddyweather. The reason isapparent and doesn't needexplanation.

Tan Siloeswill prohahly take the plaoeof the white onts for thenext few months, and toin, itch these I have an ele-

gant lii e of Tan Stockingsin numerous shades.

Oh, yes, Trimmed or Un-trimiiic-

Uiitrinimcd! Allri-ih- Just piek out theshape. They are all newand the very latest. Afteryon have selected one thatsuits your peculiar style ofbeauty I will introduce youto our expeit milliner, whowill help you edict thetrimming and I guaranteeto Hindi you a hat that youwon't he ashamed of.

23slts.Xothint; looks so prettyaround a lady's wai- -t (ex


cept an arm) as one of ourMelts. I have hoth Silkand Leather with new de-

signs of llueklcs. If youdon't believe me come andtry one on (not the armbut the Kelt).

As usual,.1. .j. rctiAN,

HU Fort street.

mJO'(il rm

We liiivi" n coiiiilt'i'iiiTiiui'dtlllH Wl'l'U lb Vol I'll to WlllTI-- .

(J'iT(x Diikss Ciiiiuts, I'vi.-r-

piece ol' which wc cxpict tohi't'oru tlic week in out.

'J 'hey do not come under thehead of (nick le mid.Siniill L'mlitx, tln-- y will hesoi, i) at .irT what ini:vcost v, not one cent more orone cent Ic-.- s. We want theroom for more goods, coining ;

we haw made gieat purchasesfor the fall and winter trade.So from time to time different lines of goods will hepil-hi- 'fl jiiht as the-- e WhiteCotton l)re- - (ioods are'i'iAi. co.vr pint i:. Andhpcaking iihoiit Quick Stiesand Small 1'iolits as a fairsuniple of the difference it Iuih

inade in prices gen- - rally wewill just mention Ladius'Hi ACK MTOCKIMJs. Thosethat we have ulways sold for!?J) per do.en, we are now n'll-in- g

for ."?'2.1iri per Dokn,while those were formerly.f per do.en are now only $1pe do.en. The same tliinrapplies to Mks'.s Six k. The.S per dozen ones are nowtfli. 'Jo per do.- - u. We simplymention these few things, he-cau- se

they show a fair propor-tion of the discounts madethroughout the entire stock

dkSir Do not forget to saveyour checks, you may he theone we send to the Volcano

C We said sometime agothat Madame l'cle wouldlueak out nirniii, and she hasdone it. lly the lime you areready to go, we expect shewill talk of nothing else hutQuick Sales and Small l'ro- -

liis at

It. F. Kill. KUS & C().


IMSi. MY AIM.SCi; I'lloM T hDl Ul.iu.l- - Mr. Ilorin'i. I'ralilii to rt'ielvi' and iei'eiil for allli.i.liK's line anil ov. iii tn me,.I. Vt , .1

at ! iuih .' iiiiiii ou miirr J.!, I'll,at Hlih'li u'ltte I Aill o. alleiid.

.1. W. I.I'MMI.Iloiiolalii. o i. 17, IH im

sai.i:ii mi.imi: sw aim: piano in

, ,,.! i ..II lltl'.i lor II Ill'lljl, It ' itI UK' ll.l.l'll II .1 "l

pi i im lli i i is on. . 117.'.

M It 'IM... n...... .it tl.iH I.riiiul eniit.iiii it irriiulxr tluiii Llinu.. i.f A TAnTTPM ! 'O'ifii.'lUrer of I'linej. ... .... W....N ... ......... ,,. , s ... . r UTiUUlJll. rinlLhl


iiiuiitltv Iron IViii'k1... c.riiii lie Kiel -- . Hardens. Ilnl- -

e.tnii - el'' I limn id. el. near ) oi.oeHull low.r H7o tf









Heginning on Novemher 1,1S!U, I intend giving myCustomers a chance to win aPrize and not only One PrizeI nit Four.

On next TIirUl)Y,November 1st, every Mini,AVoinan or Child who htiys!?1.(X worth of goods at myStore (Temple of Fashion)will he pivsciited with a Cou-pon Ticket, and on DeceinhcrliOth, the person holding thelargest immher of TicketsWill he entitled to the KiislPrize, and this Prize willhe the

Finest Silk Dress Pattern

in our Store. To the personholding the second largestniiniher of 'I ickets

An Elegant FrenchDress Pattern

will he given. The ThirdPrize will he an

Obtrich Feather FanValued at lu,

and the Foil til Pr.e will he aItiic Pair of

LADIES' SHOESValind st K-'- .

The people of Honoluluhave patronized the Tkmpi.kif Fasiiiox lint-rall- sinei!

its removal to the new quar-ters at 5l!l Fort street, andthe Managers appreciate this

hence tfie-- c Therearc prohuhlv one hundred ladies in llonolulu who willhuy enough Dry (Jootlshe-twee- n

Novemher 1st and De-eemh- er

'21th to win one ofthe a hove Prizes. Our stockis new and has heen carefullyselected for the Winter Holiday Tr.idc cspeeia ly is thistrue of our Dress Patterns.

We have heen to an inlhiitcamount of t'ouhli' hut .suc-

ceeded in getting the latestshades and most hc.-iuiifu-l de-

signs ; this applies to ourilks and Cashmeres. Our

Ginghams, Lawns, WhiteMuslins and F emish Lawnsarc the equal (hoth in priceand quality) of those sold yany house in llouolul i ; alsoHlack Satins and Silks a spe-cialty. Christinas Goods,loys, etc., in endless variety.Glows that lit like the paperou the wall.

And reiueinher that, fori'Vi't'v 1.1)0 worth of lioodsyou huy Jim get a Coupon.

r All these Piit-- s willhe shown in our window netweek.

Temple of Fashionr.l'.i STIIKKI1

M. (.. Su.t , ; : : ; : Pimi'.

OXjElK,L2SrOEl S-A-T--iE


MEN'S .-



We ili oiler Our Kntlre Stock of

O-errt'- s Tjirnislaixig GJ-ooci- s

Zy At a Tromondous Reduction ! "(&I li.s Is no Cateli nle but a llona I'M Itsdnrt on rficlit through. We will

nKiinoiin few of ti.i' mniiv Imrgailisullfred:

Meti' l.ltie" Collsr rpilii'1 il ' 'i for JV.Mu I. men I'uiis ' 1 1,1 r for l..Men's I'ultiinii -l Shin- - I' nil ity. m ue..t ti'i.Our i S miiUrit Milrts, !i,ul, Irl.d, ijst lalllj, reiliienl to l VI.Men's 1 ailed 0smi I'roiil &11 ris with ( ! a - nttAi'liel, Btandsrd mnkr, rfducd

UiJI.'iii.M n ' ii'i'-- "lnrls re lue ! 1'iim '1 VeMe ,'s I'uio S Ik niiTsiri ndil 't(l to I'l.M-- II n ""ill; ( M"i n'i-- 1 inn '. i to !. a wr.Mpii's K.tic Su.iker r.iiniiel I nder-l- i it, ilouhle luentlfd. red.ieeit to (I.


Men's - NegrUge - Shirts !

lii'im in'ier tliee I'rli'i's re Kiiaraiitve for


Vn7"BH3K: OUTl-T- V !

N. S. SACHS'520 Fnrt StriM'i, : : Honolulu.

Drink Everywhere

And at All Times


jr is a ikimkmmh: am iiimi:makin: iu:vi:ua(sk.It if ciy i il pr. t'.ir. .1, iitnl if the plain iliri eOulis are

fnUi'U'i .1, tt uiU alw is be u..l. l'.sery iiH'inlier n( llie laiiilly,fi.uii tin Ii.ihy t tin fiinHiilnr. inn i njey Mines' Hour IIkkk,itinl . i t "lie f Me m have lietti r hcitlth fur each sWalluW

lli. inki'. It iii. I'l.. is the iippetite, purities Ihe IiIimmI, andnun- - tin ulede svsti iii. Ciiililrin ispei'ially delight in Hiiiks'Ifiii. i linen Its pi' p.iiutioii int. rests llnni, ami its tire duesthem pMi.l. In HiiMisaiel- - of Immes, "lltiu:' Kooi IIkkk thatiimt In r uiii.le," mil In .iiuniig lie- - happiest rccnllcctiiiiis ofclulill l It cle.uin- - die sysieiii nf tlie piiiseiiniis hiitiinrs thattlrveliip in kidney mill ami in fact, in any nrW.s In. in ,tti iiiipure -- lat .if the IiIimmI,

I'lstiii.tly iiieh riainl IIiih.- -' Ibmi III. i. it is without ailiilli-r.ili- mi

uraiix I'liciiiii'.d nt nrtili. ml iiiliui.Miiri" we prove it it ismini' in "in open 1 ... I i i r.. i ! . Nil secret process. We take theh.'st II. tli. ami Ii'im.Ip, Imil them ui ti, l.nttle them anil scudtin in h' mhi. )' rliap. tin r nnnllnr Itnol lleer I.abor.t-ti- .

ry in tie ..pen ! pti'dii e. Km lyl.ody kuuwn IIlio'Ifi.Hi i. eh' i.n.'t appt.'.n'li it .lure. Will you n-- e

mt nt itl Iimt Hi ii iiinl satisfy ntit thirt .unl strengthen yourlni.,..i will y.iii it. i nttuii'ial I.'. mt Id er In . i few penniesn n i inn ii'iir In iiPb? I'l'i re - leu times as miii'li lliiu' ItuoiIII. I. II sold ill tn all idler It nit lli er tl.icl cililliilleil.


I.I.W l iV t iiMPA . . .

JOBB ER.S:llmtisns Dure oMinwI!i:s(in, Smith'iri; Dun,- - Comi'.wv, Ltd..

Till'. OF THK

. ?s.'sf s

f2rj.i." . jS i s.



( rocera


... . ,,: itr .--. ..VriteSfrSi

Mr. . I. din A S...11, M m i. ..f ih Mil,, u .r I'miipanv, nies the follow11m uoiiiliitul ii-,- . .1.1 ,.i !!,. t,,ikii, .,1 t .WrinNAl". t'ANK SHUKI)1)1. Ii, Mliieli m 1. 1. cii, I l.y tit. ir w..ri.s at the comiiiiiici-ineii- t of the crop

ju-- l ti.) v t l

-- liiiniiH Hi. p.i. W..I. tin Mil.. Mimr ('H mill excelled itny ofil I. .,,n, 1.1..1.I. ,y rl.,,,, tn. II'., iL.ttts. yiindliiK Willi an output u( IlOO!tour I In is fully o pi 1.. nt in n 1. ill. hesi wink nf former ve.trs.-- Ilieilirir null I., my 'Jit in l.y ;,( m .uM Hie tw. luller'niill IU) in.l. f.i in. Ih. lb. 1 milt tin. aim. nut ol wmk 111 an clll.'ient ni.inncr111,1 w"'i ' isi ni iiid ttiin wmk on tiled, cane, owiiij; to thoruii;hpi. pai ition o ih. . u. i.y tn. N iimnal t'.iiu Mirnlihr, it iiiiilv erected bytin oiii any .


" And l.i it. u- -i id. . ir... hoe ha. I1e.11 11.1t.1iM .1 :i percent to A per-i- 'i

nl ..11 all kinds ol i.iii. and le . .me cas. s Ml peueiil lias been reached;the IM l.le Ih IIi 7 i I" 7 p. K . lit, I.'. . ,.nm' to i ,1V."I i.iiuiiiin u hud ih. in n.i-- s iroin slitt.l.le.i I'ane'lieltir (ml than (rem

wliol. cane." I In shr. .1.1. r Im- - Im , u tt..rkiii(. .1 n .in.l iiiulil f..r sewn mouths ami has

,v ", ' ",l" ;"" " " Iwmii' duiiiit: that time uli.itu seventyili"U.,iinl tons ,.f ,., I ,, rui j.,,, ,,, ,, , lUti ((ri ri(ll,M,"lie lii. .1.1. I ami i luiin .pin v. i lull. . ,te or ailentliill,"f.iTI'laiis and .p. , ,ii. .ui.iiis oi il.,., .sln.,1,1, ,,,y hen'cinit the olllce nf

WM. Q IRWIN te CO., LU,s'r'"x, Js .Kur IM Jlavaium JtUtuU,

Page 4: lQtr aito Bulletin...HAI.VHN VatrtiA'il r.auotDg iio.'tCornwJ Bwil Ciintpuiimlo, Hooting & Papers, lend t Pllr-ll-l StMIU Plpt CofUMIn Inv.larboM' Dlainiind, EnaroHt Rtnr-Inatfl-nu

KwoDgSingLoyj SING LOY,

0I Illg St., "TbOtnli Block." i 01-9- 8 (Itm St.. Vioiiitti Si

lutul Tele. 339 P. 0. Box 207. Mutual Tele. m P. o. Boi Ml.

2 BIG STORES 3n- - -

Jnst Received Men's and Boy's Suits !

Colored Tweeds $7 fi()

Diagonals T HO

English Sorgo 0 IK)

Boy Suits (elegant) 0 00

Chinese, Japanese and Indian Goods !

rA Complete TAILORING ESTABLISHMENTwith Competent Cutters and a complete line of English andAmerican Suitings. Perfect fit guaranteed.

A FINE LINE OF GENTS' HATS!Wicker Ware in Great Variety.

51-5-3 King Street & 407 King Street.


Importer it Dealer Id Earopeaa Dry and Fancy Goods

Ladles' Warei of every tlccrlitlon. AIho, frch line of Cliluroe Oixxli.

JPoxigee & "Wliite Sillc PajamasNo. 1 White and Colored Mattings I

Best Black and Green Chinese Tea. Crepe Shawls, Etc.

Mr Kit Otmrnnteetl. Triers Moderate, -- fc

XuCirbiisul Teleiptione B4:S "&



A RN Mutual Telephone J




Bell Telephone



-- 1", O. H IX

P l BOX I7





Presb California Roll Batter and Island BatterWT ALWAYS ON HAND Jgi

lei Goods Received by Ever; Steamer from Sao Francisco

tMf AJI Orders faithfully attend to. batiidai'tinii guaranteed llni Oruralloiud aud packed with care.

LtNoout Block, Kino Stkkkt, Mist. Fort and A lark a Stbkktb.



Importers, Wholesale dT Retail Grocers

Profision Dealers & Naval SuppliesCmh Good by Every California Steamer.

ICE - HOUSE - GOODS - A - SPECIALTY.Iilamds Obobiui Solicited. p(V 0 Satiukaotion Odarantkicd.




Provisions and Feed.Groceries, - - -

Nan lloodi IUchItiiI by Kvery Paeket from the KHsteru Wale ami Kurni


All Onlirt faithfully attainted tj mid Hood IMIvHrad In an?Part nl I he Oily KltlCK

UliNP OalllU Noi.lOITID. ftlTIIUriOTMN (JnaftlNTfin,




ftset Bites,3rui$es;

7JV. Scalds

All Vru.;stf

HollisterDrugCo., Id,

aop.nts kok

Ferry Davis'Pain Killer

623 Fort Street, Honolulu.

Vii--J i-- --iS10 to 20 Lbs.


The "Cleveland"I rlntluVnll) count rn!td,1m millftil In mip-nn- i' it andla Jilt VI Imui'ln alicld I

nny ullier innkiA l - J .1 !' fiil'l '! ' S.iiml

Henxe In tJel.flliii; n Cyele," ami"i'uwumi" i'ntnlo'iii' free illll I'l.fvn mi' A;rim, Mi".chant Htru-t-.

3. E. WALKER.Agont,

'i1 10 to 20 Lbs.

Empire Saloon,Ooraur Butil Naaano Strait


Fainily Wines and Brandies


POUT SHERRY83 Yeara Olcl

E3. N. REQUA,llJfil MANAOKK. Ifini

Criterion SaloonW1ELAND - EXTRA - PALE


chas j. McCarthy,llfil-t- f MiumKer.

Commercial -:- - SaloonHARRY KLEMHC, Manager.

Cor. Niuimm . Ilcrt-lnnl- a Bin , Honolulu

The Only Sportlug Huuse In Town.

O. P. S. a SpecialtyLohengrin Lngcr Beer

A'Ways on Draogbt. 2 IiIhssps fur 25c.

IIhhI ol WImhi, MqiKirx hihI ClK'irhiilwiyn mi Imml

Merchants' ExohangoB, I. H1IAW, i'roprlilor.

GlioiuG Liquors

and Fino Boor


Cor. 1C tli tillil Ninmm Btrrel, lluniiliilil.

-- tjp- -- -"- - ,v


Mgr Siltolll Korcod to Katreata Faterson DolotjiUlon.

1'atersov (X. J.). OH. 20. -- nopen nud iltPfrr.eefni insult was to-da- y

olTor(1 to Mt:r. Salolli, tlio liontlof tlio Calholiu Cliuroh in tliuUnited Slatfn, and was reminded ina mannvr that shows tho PapalAhlogatu to 1pm n n an of spirit.Archbishop Salolli was dnoutK'idbv an angry parishionor in tho housoof a priost in tins cit y, and rophudwith great vi'hemenco.

Tho Archbishop's sensational ad-ru- nt

uro occurred in tliu pari-"!- ) resi-dence of IJdv. Father Smith, pitorof St. Joseph's Church in l'ateron.Tho Archbishop arrived from (Que-bec last night, and went at onco totho residence of Father Smith, whofor some time has boon opposed bya number of his congregation. ThoArchbishop's visit was for tho pur-pose of investigating tho trouble.Tho parishioner opposed to FatherSmith learned of tho Ablnuato's ar-rival, and at '. I o'clock this morninga largo delegation, headed bv oxStreet Comumsiouor James Ulhon,K. F. Leonard and John Cheovers,invaded tho residence of FatherSmith with a view of having anaudience with tho Ablegate.

i no delegation was informed onarrival at tho priest's hotio that theArchbishop could not be seen to-day, but they pushed in, demandingan immediate hearing, and boister-ously refused to leave until ihey hadbeen satisfied. I)r I'api, tho Able-gate- 's

secietnry, hero appeared toInquire into tho disturbance, nud asho was trving to call oil" tho delegalion Salolli entered the room in hispriestly mantle.

Dr. I'api translated matters forhim and lie replied: "Well, all thaiis settled."

Whilo ho was speaking a memberof the delegation angrily declared:"This is shameful and 1 consider itnn outrage to send a man hero fromItaly to settle church mailers inAmerica who is unable to speak theKuglisli language "

'I ho spokesman of the committee,in reply to the Mouiguor'- - declara-tion, reminded Ipiii of h proiniceto make a rettleinent in the coudilion of nlfairsat St Joseph' Church,and spoko with much einplmsi-- t oftho charge, against the pastor.

In a lit of auger Arciilnshop Satoil! replied: "Well, anyhow, you in-

sulted me at Wnsliinglou by bring-ing nil apotate." Ami the Ablegateforced his way from the room. Indoing no he tripped on his mantleami fell against tho bini-te- r lie-for- e

ho could recover himself JamesGibson had freed his mind.

"Is this the lino of conduct vouintend to pursue!" he said. "Vouwill mako more apostates. Voucome hero as the guest of a man whois under charges that the llishop ofthe diocese has admitted to bo pri-ons. Your conduct is unworthy oftho highest representative of thoCatholic Church iu this country;your conduct is an insult to Ameri-can Catholics."

Salolli hastened upstairs and the"oiuiuiilee returned to the rooms oftho Catholic Club. II was resoivedto call a meeting of the parishionersfor night to determiuowhat action will bo taken.

Buyontl Comparison

A ro tlio good qualities possessed byMood's Snrsaparillu. Above all itpurifies tho blood, thus strengthen-ing tho nerves; it regulates the di-gestive organ, invigorates tho kid-neys and Hvnr, tones nud builds uptho ontiro system, cures Scrofula,Dypeosla, Catarrh ami Kheiimatism.(J el Hood's and tho only Hood's.

Hood's Pills euro all liver ills,biliousness, jaundice, indigestion,sick headache. 2.tu.

Mlniaturo Art.At Williams' Studio are to bo seen

Portraits ou Watch Dials, which heis making a specialty of. LanternSlides for lecture by the sot ordozen.

Dr. LIEBIG & CO.MEN .'ooriV lltietiirn fur Chiimlr,I'riitttt itiiil'Winliinj

Dr. I.IuIiIk'h Invik'ornlor the igri'iiteM re-medy for SiMiiliml Wt u knees l.o ( Mhii-Iiih-

ami Private HIm-iim- overciiiiei. PremiitiireiHs unil irepure. nil for nnirrlnj.'elife'H ilnllcB, ileiihiirex ami 1

II trial hoitlu nlvi'ii or sent Ine tunny oneileferihliiK M)iniloiiiKi mil or inliirei's iikjdeary ht, (irlviile entrain e ln.' Mhmmi hi.,Kim FrumiiM'ii. lici-l- i lv

THE ARLINGTONA. Fixwiily Holol

Pir l).yPer Wtek . l

KI'll Ml. MONTH I 1 UWth,

The HeHt nl Alii mlHiiee, ie .t Hllim' lullmid Ihe Plnebl Mi-iiI- hi the I iiy,

T. KR0USE, .... Proprietor.

"Stock Chief," 13,444.Helflhl, 15.2 Weight, 1,300.


fttl . n?v ""! iw .&;U'iKJ finttimii&.r.'M.w '?ur


BliHik I'hler, I.I III; h hloi'kllli! I hiet,JiU), hy I'lnrk I hlef, Ml, hy MiiiiiliiiiniI hlef, II, hv Mini lirlno Pit) muster liMiiinlrlno Iiy Iniixirleil .Mexheiiier; hioekI'hiel's.hiiiil 11.11 hy Alilur l'in, h)

.11 hy AlexmnlurM A Inlit lull, I h.llioilhleloiiltii, III, Iiy Ahilnlluh, I, hyMsmh'lliolo lniiorllil MehseiiKer, "lekuIIi'i'iiIn l,ll,e." Ilneil Ullhehext.

Tonus Cash, fc'uo S2ri,00.

Hl. I'uriher lufurmiillon inn he nhlit I it. I fruiii

A. It, ItOWAT, l. V. H

llil'itl-lt- l iMlKiiicHlrect.

Jliiilib link F. Reynolds. : : Prop.



Presents for Everybody

Cadi A'WAys TVks and Thsrelore

Casta Prices nre Mule.


At I'nlilMiprs' 1'rlccs s

llllilcs mid t'rnjcr Iteok",Kim Sucli'ty Nolo l'uKrs In Intcsl

llc,I nwn ri'iinl Stiiill".Xmasi'nnN. Cnlvml.irs unit lleriklrls,

NOVELTIES of ll Distriplionsl

I'll lil nml PntntlliL Heel's.(leniilne I X l Knlvc's nml lingers,

llnlr llni-le-- H nml Coinli",Vclis'lpisk's uihI Wiij;iiii,

DoMiivnc Si'.wis'n aciiinksHsn ' Si'wlni! Mn- - hint" s ; tp.S :i v ji iij;. mill llril'liei,(lnlttr (rviu Up,

IDolls J TovsIn (I nut Vnrletv;

I ciillirr flioi In l'nrc. D.nrii,I'.m'I-i- I II.MikM. Kin., Kin . Klc,

DrinMiiK Mnunals.

Ami Don't linvc ntlilnl n

News D-parime- nt

Ainl nil riiWtlilloii lll linvcrreiiiit .Ml iitlnti

0r-Uf- tor Miulo h Evry St'aniT.


There is probably less usedhero in private families than in nnycity to which Hint article is export-ed. Tho reason is plain -- wood ischeaper and of bolter quality. Na-

ture provides Hawaii nei with thowonderful and rapid growing alge-rob- a

and it supplies tlio fuel for thopeople. Anyone who has ever visit-ed the neighborhood of Walalao hasbeen attracted by tho forests of treesof this description, People whohave gone llioro to inspect Mr. Ison-b'rg- 's

ranch have marveled at thocare and attention given the cuttingof trees for tho market. As the sup-ply cuts some of tho ice in regulat-ing the price of a commodity so thothousaudsof trees on Wninlno Hniichact as n factor in putting down thoprice of wood. .Mr. Isonberg soilswood cheaper than anybody else nuddelivers It free in nny part of Hono-lulu. King up either telephone nudget n cord.

If you'o had any trouble withyour milk try some from tho Wni-

nlno stock for n mouth,

The Enruptau Lunch RoomsCHOOK SI Ml, l'roj.rlrtor,

Hotel Klreut, nenrly niponltt llethelbtreet,

First-Cli- Mb lis at Hodnrate Prices

At ull Hours--. 1'iilroniiee Bollelled.ll.',7:iin


API'ltNIHIIKIl ..rHOIT.SK 1 .k-- ... ."'.' :'.."" a&frnit ii ...ll Ml ?.

1 17 I tit


1 I.AItt.K KHUN1SIIKII1 goon fur alli;le m'li- - mmmmmr'Xiieiutli Hiiimteil on Here-tnnl- n w?fwBa.Hi rent. IS mlnntex'wiilL from Peat Olllve. Aitilntss "O.,"nils uiiie. him II


A COITAdKONJ Yoiiiik htreet, neur OfnrrthLuieeiiiiiuiiKII xtre.'U

AimiK tol.r.WIW J. I.KVKY,

IHI H Auctioneer.


poOMH AND IIOAKI)1 k. lur il f..u i.itr.i.ii.1. ..... In.hinl ill lliuiitwil, uii tint Viil-M,-

klkllK.iuh. Et.i?V h. IIAIITLIM'T.

I'Tftir Pruirlelnr.

TO LEASE hinl(iiexxniilly loin eil will huill eil in ii luoltiriile re it il

for ti term ol II n jeurx. Apply in imIhulh i 1171 If


v h:v i.aimib aikyl (llllieH iu rem mi

llliiilerHl.i term ou the V . . . I aTxi i nml Hu .r i I ihe hp'Hii Jtiiilei.' lUlik llli.i k Aiinlv In M II. I KW'IN A I'D., I.'ii.

ro LET

V I rt MMKI UN 'IIUli Ihh,:Ii I'uuilurtiililfipittrlerx lor out nr IvMinint'le lleiitleiiien Imitnl milluiutl, huthillM milllltiei euixl hc.l Iilt titill at. uil.iiI.p rTiHi ifhl. t IIIM.I.K'IIN MKhll'U,


'PIIK Pltl'.MIHKH OS1 Knlini.1 unil !. .a.... ffi

hlreeln, IkIiIv iii thii.ifiiii- - J?iSfi!5aimt mi o( Mr. (leu. V. WBOlL-hnillli- ,

Hint Uiiuhii hh1 KehelmiiH," lurfurther psilleiilnrs spplv lit the nlllie olHaMf OKIJII. llltUWN,





Fino Suitings,Elegant PnttoiiiH,

mid Latest Styles.


100 Yards Down to Enough

to Make a Single Salt I

- AND AT -

Hard Times Prices!L. It. KERR, - Impoiitkk,


rRA20 lbs. Your doctor

M will tell youof 9. It Is the

safest dietNestled $ for baby


H0LLISTER DRUG CO, L'D,Anenlx for Hie Httwnllnn Ixlninlx.

hjWr.r;.4ft?y:' s

Wholesale Retail.

- Kill. I. 1,1 NH OK

Japanese.' Goods!Silk and Cotton Dress Roods,

Slo. HID. Slo.. Kt.

Silk, Lien and Crape Shirts


Mmi by YamiUiyxit Yokoliaui.

Mr When you ro In ncl of ny linoof Jnpaneso Uooitii, glvo u lint ntll mlMTt koIiik ll around town

ITOKLlSr,aoo 3Tort St.. nau Cvutom 3Covia

FOIt SAI.K -- A bit Cisu sere) oil WllAvenue; (loud Hoiie, Urni-uia-

ImpiuvfiiientH II.Ul'l.

IOUSAI.i: '.N!i Acres of OuoU Comef need ; live miles frum tuw- n-


1?OKHAI.r.-- DrxlMbHi ImpruveJ Prop- -1'iimililn.wl si rent, near Pa-- I

lire WhU, 2 lHla,i Houteii itiliiluliiifl.nm,

70KHAI.K-llt- mn nml bit, OhlekeuI lleixe, Htiitne, Cimrh Houne, ttu., ul

Klllil-I,7- M)

I?0l KKNT-KnrnlH- lieil ur UnfiirnUlieiliu all parts of the city.

MT Kii'iiiIm!


In (lertz'N Hlioe Hlore, opji ia;le May'sItrueerv. llUVtf




New Patented Pot Strainer

tW All Onlnrx or ('ummiinlcstliittiillihlrexxeil tu K (). Ilxll X Hun. I.M..(who have them on Mile), ur tu M. T.Iloimell, will receive lironii.t attention,


JOHN T. BROWN,Ih'iiler in llitwaliitu nml Korean Pnxiii)e

titnmpi. P. O. llux III, Honolulu.

IliK est prli es Klveit fur tlmispd ami llhcitHawaiian Stamps In exehuufe fur oilierI'onnlrliK from llrxl-ela- ss appruval nhecls,Hheetx fiiiwanleil Iu any part ol the Islam!'on application with Imvn relureiiee.

J 1. 11 is open in meet uny eulleetom ti)HlMltllllltlll lll'.'-ill- ll



Mlll Hutu hi lluiil, uiiiiia MllN- -

H Y, Nov. I.' h. Apple sllniis for nilntl.-tlu- u

luxy Ihi mliliexx. i Iu Mixx I'ul'l. ellhrrat Kuinelmnii hit Manual, o at tne

KimUrMarit'ii Itumu, (Jiieen KmiiiiiHall, .NuturiUy inuruiii;ii lioui ll ui PJ

Ii. re xMi will le p e.xeil to pp.cauls Ihe III thin In I'llly U'4J lliilhtrx itjer. No applicant received umler Iwelvnyettm ol hk, llfj lot




riavn lialf thn Amount of Vour OUBUI Through Uaviug in Pigment.

Every p.ilntcr huuM use I.Uf.'oi,of liiiiKcul Oil, lieciiiixe:

1. I.i'coL, is more ttnrnble than l.lnseetlOil.

'2. IiDcol Is more teonomUiil thin Linseed Oil.


Six ycuri" of ncltiul ttc In oxlerlorhoiixu iitlnliii in Ciiliforniu (thoiuiikI trying clitnuto for pulnts), inllic inirniii)! heat nf the Ariruna Des-ert, Hie Arctic culil of Ahixkn, nml unthe Alliintie cunxi, lmve fully nudpracllcnlly kIiowii I.ifcoi. ulwnynuutwciirr. I.iiim'iiI Oil miller Ihe cunmcoiiilitiiiiin. All the iiciil werkd iui"iin I'rituclxcii lmo ilixcnnlcd Liu-rcc- d

Oil fur Li'ciil,.


I'ul xiruiij; itintuuui.i un Llnxccd nudI. u col p.iiutk. '1 he I.iiim'iiI piiiuinare ileximycd hi n few ininiilcn; thnl.ticol p.iiuin are pr.iciicnlly iiniillect-L'- d.


Hrcnk up I) Him. piixtu while leadill one pint nf 1,1'cul., iind the hiiliir)ipiiiulity iu ntie pint nf Mtixccil Oil.Spreittl the pnliiiH mi niiuilur tlitrkxiirfnccx fur ciiiiiiirixiin. The Liicoli.iiul hpremU tii fur hk anil

lunch heller than the l.lnxeeil p.iiul.'hi m'l eipi-tll- himhI ciiveriuj: wilh tlioMux I piniil yull have to llxc 'J) Urn,if while lend In miit pint of l.inxccil

Oil. I'lux iiii'iiiih it raving uf f li. ofpitHle lead In each piiitnf l.l'ctn, itxcil,ur Ii 1 ix. to every fallen, eipiivalentto your Having inure than half thollrxl cent of the l.itctn

l.ncoi. in nut in ciiuipetltiou wilhcheap l.inxccil Oil Milixliiutcx.


kmm (or the Hawaiian Islands

NEWGrocery: Store

3.M NtlllANU sritKKT,

llrtween lloli'l ami Klin; Street, ne it toHlasitlni; li.tllery.

GEO. MINTYREHas oteneil n I'lrxl-elns- s (Irueory Storenx ahue. Hu will kiep nhwiyii on Imiiilthe llitnt ami Prexhexi

American and English Groceries

ProvlsioiiH, SpiijcK,

Canned Goods, Etc.,

Ami (In his hext to plense allCllxlouinrx.

I'lirehnses ilellvereil Iu nil imrtsof the I'liy. Tclepli.oxio 257.


The Entire StockOK


Regardless o! Cost.nam

To All Loveri of Bea Bathing 1


i i.i. lie Kirr in


twr N II -- Hin'olul Af'ommoilntiun forIjtiliex mill Olnliliell. ll.'iU-ll- ii

Peopio's Baggage Express

I'AI.I. ANY PA 111' OF THKWll.l. fur llli(l.(IK. All Ihu-tiK-

rteeivuil li us will he hamlleil wilh cureami ilixp.tteh. Wiil'(;uiim will he on theWll ill iu mi el ull I'orclt-- ami Inlui-Ixl.t-

SleiiiuerH MnvliiK I'liiii'is amii''iiriiiliiiu a Kpelult), llllliu PnlteilI'anlatin i'u. ami l.lver) Klahles, eoruer uiKfliKaul Port hlieets next lo K O. HaltA hoii. Iliilh lelephuiie .' II.

llMi:in. M. 1'. MAItSHAI.l..


NiinageM Aiifl b&lo ol Propirl)

Collecting la All Its Brncbei.Orrum No. PJ Merchant HI reel.

