Download - Familieprojecten 2013






Beste vrijwilliger,

het zomerseizoen 2013 is weer begonnen! Alle projecten die SIW dit jaar aanbiedt staan

weer op de website! We hebben dit jaar wederom een ruim aanbod: rond de 2.000

groepsprojecten in 77 bestemmingen!

Wat zijn de mogelijkheden voor families?

Het is natuurlijk heel leuk om met het hele gezin op pad te gaan en samen aan een project

deel te nemen! Een familieproject is een project waaraan je als ouder(s) samen met je

kinderen deel kunt nemen. Een project duurt tussen de 10 dagen tot een maand en de

groepsgroottes kunnen variëren. Soms ben je alleen met je gezin bij een gastfamilie, bij

andere projecten kom je in een internationale groep van verschillende leeftijden en met

meerdere kinderen terecht. Het is in ieder geval altijd een bijzondere manier voor zowel

ouders als kinderen om in contact te komen met mensen uit andere culturen.

Tijdens een project zijn de ouders een deel van de dag actief met vrijwilligerswerk, zoals het

weer begaanbaar maken van bospaden of het opknappen van een oud pand. De kinderen

volgen tijdens dat deel van de dag een alternatief programma en hebben (mits er andere

kinderen zijn) alle mogelijkheden om kennis te maken met leeftijdsgenoten uit andere

landen. Een deel van de dag en in het weekend is er tijd om gezamenlijk dingen te

ondernemen, zoals excursies, zwemmen of gewoon genieten van vakantie. Het is voor zowel

ouders als kinderen een leuke, actieve en vooral leerzame invulling van de vakantie. En je

helpt er bovendien de lokale gemeenschap mee.

Wanneer kun je als familie deelnemen aan een familieproject?

Gemiddeld zijn de deelnemende kinderen tussen de 5 en 12 jaar, maar soms kunnen er ook

tieners mee. Als ouder wordt er in ieder geval van je verwacht dat je de Engels (of in

sommige gevallen Frans) beheerst. Van zowel ouders als kinderen wordt een flexibele en

avontuurlijke instelling verwacht!

In welke landen zijn er dit jaar familieprojecten?

Er zijn dit jaar 6 officiële familieprojecten die we kunnen aanbieden. Het is een gering

aanbod, maar wel een heel leuk aanbod. De projecten vinden plaats in Estland, Frankrijk,

Japan en Turkije en de beschrijvingen zijn hieronder terug te vinden.

Hoe schrijf je je in voor een project en wat zijn de kosten?

Je schrijft je in voor een project d.m.v. het inschrijfformulier op onze website. Het

inschrijfgeld is €249,- per volwassene, ongeacht het land en het project. Voor dit geld krijg je

in het desbetreffende land kost en inwoning en in sommige gevallen ben je verzekerd voor

ongevallen. De reis en de reisverzekering regel en betaal je zelf. Bij sommige projecten zijn er

vanwege de speciale aard van het project nog lokale kosten (staat altijd bij de

projectomschrijving vermeld); die betaal aan je de organisatie ter plekke.

Alle bovengenoemde kosten zijn onder voorbehoud.

Voor de projecten geldt: er is een beperkt aantal plaatsen beschikbaar! Dus hoe eerder we

voor je kunnen gaan bemiddelen, hoe groter de kans is dat je in het project van je eerste


keuze kunt worden geplaatst. Zodra inschrijfgeld en inschrijfformulier binnen zijn starten we

de bemiddeling.

Voor overige vragen kunnen jullie ook altijd even langs komen op ons kantoor.

Bel even voor een afspraak: 030-2317721, jullie zijn van harte welkom!



Name: Familiy Camp at Kiidi Farm

Code: EST-27

Dates: 11-08-2013 / 22-08-2013

Number of volunteers: 20

Type of project: Manual

Extra project fee: € 90 per person


EstYES promotes camps where parents and children can participate together. The idea is to

create a sort of temporary community where adults and children can share the ideas of

voluntary activity for the benefit of rural area. The schedule of the camp allows adults to act

as volunteers like in any other voluntary camp - 4-6 hours a day for practical tasks.

Meanwhile children “work” as well, in the sense that they take part in the activities helping

parents and sharing easy tasks with them. Local organisers supported by parents care about

the children during the working activities, providing snacks, proposing games, etc. In the

daily free time and in the days off group excursions and other activities will be organised by

the local hosts. Parents can join the camp in pair or alone with their children. Some English is

necessary for parents in order to communicate among them and with the camp leader. The

camp follows positive experience of the past 7 years.


It is a very long tradition for EstYES to organize international workcamps in co-operation

with Kiidi Farm located in the Voru County in the South of Estonia. With the support of the

state and local authorities the eco- and farm sustainable tourism has been developed in this

area. Besides promoting the environmental tourism, this initiative supports rural

development, which is an important issue for Estonia. Estonian Association of Farm Tourism

has launched several projects, and Kiidi Farm, where the camp takes place, is one of them. It

is run by the large Piho family with 8 kids of different age. More information on Kiidi Farm is

on site


The charm of Haanja Uplands in South Estonia lies in its lovely hilly landscape, winding roads

and numerous lakes. Most of its ancient villages, special dialect, handicraft, and customs

have been preserved until today. The whole area, called Vorumaa, is an area of outstanding

beauty. It is famous for its diverse and very well preserved nature. Untouched forests with

wildlife, deep valleys, hills, 170 small lakes with extremely clean water, rivers with caves in

the steep banks - you can find everything there. Kiidi Farm is situated 15 km south of Voru,

capital of the County, which has a population of 17 000 people and lies about 250 km south-

east of Tallinn, very close to the Latvian and Russian borders. The closest village to Kiidi Farm

is Rouge (3km) with a population of less than 1000 people. More information about Estonia; South-Estonia


Various works in the forest: cutting unwanted trees and bushes, burning old tree brunches

and brushwood, preparing firewood for heating the farm; also some odd jobs in the farm


buildings as well as general household work. Most of the work will be outdoors. There can

be also some light maintaining works indoors if weather is too rainy. The work will be usually

4-6 hours a day, the rest of the time will be spend to get acquainted with the area, its

natural and historical sites as well as with local people. Local people will join the camp for

work and leisure.


In the farmhouse in 2-4-bedded rooms depending on the size of family. WC, shower, hot

water, sauna are available. Hosts will prepare meals themselves, however, participants will

be asked to help out in the kitchen.


Airport, harbour, bus or train station in Tallinn; bus to Voru; transfer to Kiidi Farm.

Special requirements

The camp is open for families with their children generally aged 3 to 13, but even this is kept

flexible. Parents can come in pairs or alone. English is the camp language.

Leisure time

There are many possibilities for leisure time, especially for those who love nature:

acquaintance with nature of the area, hiking, swimming, etc. Excursions to the numerous

places of interest of the County of Voru are planned as well. Volunteers will have a very good

chance to get in close contact with the local people, experience local traditions and learn

some customs –like hot Estonian sauna!

Participation fee

As EstYES does not receive funds to support your participation in this camp neither from the

state nor from private sponsors, you are asked to contribute towards cost of board and

lodging, local transport, leisure time program, etc. The fee has to be paid by volunteers upon

arrival to the camp, and it is 90 Euro per every adult and every child.



Name: Abbaye de Clausonne

Codes and Dates:

SJ24 Abbaye de Clausonne 2 07/07/13 – 13/07/13

SJ59 Abbaye de Clausonne 4 11/08/13 – 18/08/13

SJ62 Abbaye de Clausonne 5 19/08/13 – 25/08/13

Number of volunteers: 15

Type of project: Renovation

Extra project fee: € 80 per adult and € 40 per child


The remains of the abbey Clausonne (the XXII century abbey Chalaisian) sit proudly at 1140

m altitude in the middle of green pastures, surrounded by forests of pine and beech. It is

located in the heart of the Upper Valley Maraize on a terrace which is overlooking the river

Maraize. Clausonne is situated a few kilometres from the village of Saix.


The tasks during this workcamp are separated into "adults" and “kids”. The workcamp for

adults consists the replacement of the barb wired property line by an vegetal property line

(July/August) and the realisation of a part of the pavement as well as the construction of

stone walls (August). Children will have the opportunity to learn about the production of

coated clay / straw, or manufacture houses made of lime/ earth (ker-terre).

Leisure activities

The family can enjoy the exceptional environment of the the site: hiking, swimming, etc. A

mini-bus will be available for the group for making visits to tourist locations in the area,

swimming in the water ...


In a studio, at the farm of Faï


Clausonne, is located 5km from the village Saix, 30 km from Gap and 200 km from Marseille


Veynes Dévoluy

Participation fee

80 € / adult and 40 € / children



Name: Katsuyama 2 (Fukui)

Code: NICE-13-68

Dates: 22-07-2013 / 28-07-2013

Number of volunteers: 16

Type of project: Heritage, Agriculture, Archeology

Extra projectfee: no extra fee


Organized together with Obara Eco Project (OEP) and Katsuyama city government since

2009. There were 600 inhabitants in Obara village with 90 houses, but now only 2 elders!

OEP was founded by the Foresters cooperative and local people in 2006 and have

rehabilitated 3 houses of cultural heritage. Depopulation problem is serious in most of

mountain parts in Japan and many fields and forests are abandoned, so we will try to

improve the situation by voluntary power! First time to do in winter.


We will help to revive the abandon fields, chop the woods, etc. (no need to work so hard,

don’t worry, but we still need you to have high motivation to work!). Some of adult vols. may

also help the children enjoy very rich and deep nature of mountains, river, etc.


Renovated house (traditional house!). CV. SBN.


About 200 km north east of Osaka. Katsuyama is an agricultural city and famous for

dinosaurs discovery and Obara is located at 500 a.s.l. and famous for deep snow (4-5 meters)

in winter!


Osaka (2 hours by express train). From Tokyo, 3.5 hours by express train/ 8 hours by highway

bus (You need to arrive at Narita airport by 21:00 on Jul. 21 and can leave there after 11:00

on Jul. 29.)

Study theme

Family life in each country. Bring some info.!

Leisure Activities

Exchange parties, visit to the Dinosaurs Museum, excursion and trekking, etc.

Special Remarks

Only families (Children should be 3-12 years old). Respect to the local culture and way of the

local organization! Speaking Japanese language is welcomed!



Name: Familiy Camp Lapseki

Code: GEN-09

Dates: 15-06-2013 / 25-06-2013

Number of volunteers: 15

Type of project: Manual/Renovation

Extra projectfee: € 30 per person


Lapseki is a small town by the Sea of Marmara. The locals will harvest cherry in mid June and

will celebrate the harvest by a local “Cherry Festival”. The municipality is running a public

camping site in the summer where they will host our teenage camp in July. The site needs to

be prepared for the summer.


The volunteers will work at the camping site and around as well as in the town for the

preparation of the festival to do some environmental arrangments. The tasks will vary daily

and the works will be light to let the kids to contribute.


Basic, in camping rooms with 4 beds. Sleeping bag and mat are not necessary. Toilets and

showers are common.


Will be supplied at the site.


Lapseki is in the North-west of Turkey. The venue is by the sea side.


At least 1 adult + 1 child should apply together. Extra Fee: 30 Euro per adult and per kid over

5 years old.

Meeting point

Istanbul. The project will start in Istanbul with a compulsory orientation meeting that all

volunteers should attend on the first day of the camp. The group will travel together to the

camp site by an overnight coach on the same evening.