Download - · • _ ... S . A--t • . a • ...,. Jo.l)o. h .. ........ ~. ....... ., • ·..__--~---_

Page 1: · • _ ... S . A--t • . a • ...,. Jo.l)o. h .. ........ ~. ....... ., • ·..__--~---_

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S A-- t • . a • ...,. Jo.l)o. h .. ........ ~.

....... ., • ·..__--~---- _ .. -_ ._ . --1

· Vol. I Ko. 7





leaM•e ef Happenings Thru TlltW1tk

........... sw... C. W. Lincolft reported to the

Ullltftoolab Insurance company tlu t Lllc lnaJ«, alobes, raiouwiptr and otb­tr acnsooriu bad bem st.oko Wed· ou.Uy CYCliiDil from hi~ c:ar whole it was parlccll in J ront'"Of the l apo­tol thntcr. -

Wultnomah, Qry Fricby ,Feb. I I.­The Misses Alih and Bc1h Gay• lord enlcrtained a group or friends Ill lhcir home on Monday evcnin&. Feb. 8. Those· present were : U "'­Loomis, Wiucs Nomla •Gaylord. Ethel Speakman, Alma H:kgey, Eliubeth Wa110n, Eduh Our, MariOft Hollen· back. Eluabctll T~ekncr, Wildrtd MacMahon, Bernice Hodau, Rollo ~Kher, Monam Oliver, Bcu•c Pao· cake, Ahce Malon and La\'rrnc Can

ktfruhmcnto were "n·ed aod I

mott en)xoyablt t ime was bad 117 all.

Masquerade ball Saturdoy niaht, February 12, 11 St. Anthony ball PASSES AWAY

0. ......... Trip. . U. C.... Ku1ncy, of the Muhnomah

Hardware to. spenl a lew days "' t'cudlctou l;a•l week on bu.sineu .

I--' Street.. Wm. ApJ•Ic bu had several loadt

of crulhcd NKk put 0g C.:uslcr llrtc l, in front of lois home, and oo 1he dnvcway to lhe ptalft.

We do all kinds of electric re­pairs-Irons, toasters, curlina irons, percolaton, electric nKotors, etc. Mull · ""'~ Electt~c C.:o. Bit. 9899-R-4,

Hu a-~_,-•. J , W. Wabb returned

from a bu.sincu t rip 10 kalcm volley.

Tuuday the Nc·


~tuhnomah, Or~ Friday, F~b 11.­E. A. Goaham received the sad news Sunday nlp l of the dutb .ol his Iiiier, Mn C. C. !Usmuucn, ai Elma. W:ub She bad bcr tonsils re ­moved and lived only' a few hours A E. Grobl.tll left Mond;ay morning tor Elma rcturninw Tuesday e\t · nlnl(.

~lmctiun of " S·roorn hou' e at lhe end of Maple l.anc.

Neat M..U.1 Felo. 11. The ~yan Place Procn" ive club

Will lllttl rrjday evening, Feb I I Everybody in\•hed to come




Uultn~ Or., F riday, F-'. 11.- Muhnc:•mah, Or, Friday, Feb. II ­A ccnenl aood time u beina ,&aftond The anuual opera II" en by tht by On-'o Lodge, No. 177, A. F. ~lul lnvofiltl Woman's club l•n,.•u•tt 1: A. u ia celcbuat ion of WashlDJ· to be c.en better 1ban last yu r's.. tOG's birtloclay, Feb. 22. There wiU k ,.,11 . be lfl>'tn JOntt tunc 10 Apnl a tptaker fram Portland ond t~l It " NniOrtd that there woll b< onatic:. some aor~OUI Sl•an .. h ro•t tunel

That ~tttina will be oprn to cv·l •ho:-n. :\1 ~. H. B llronkhanh 11 tryOfte of Ma~ affiliat;o.,, upc- chaorman • Of the hiUIIC .department cially tJoc member• of . Orenomol\ ul 1hc club. dlaplcr. -------



WAS A SUCC:U. Ryderwood, -Wa5h , Friday, Feb II.

t.fel'l&tr, Or., Fri~, Feb. U .- - lt. V. Frost hod a t>art of h ~< The bridle aod ·.m- party at ~ 1 moddle linger on his naht han•l cut Uu•&er club houu last Wtdau- ull whole at his work bert Sa1U1 Dlllll ._.. • bi& success ond Pl , He it an en111necr. He suHerell wa\ n.ised for th~ teholartbip 1- ~on11dtrablc pam for scHral da) t funCl. M n . Pcm Gault and tit· bv1 it is now hulinR nicely, Kennedy woo boaors in bridse ...S


Mu. W. W illiams and Mr. Wlclt bo 500. A number ol p~plc from M·· nuu .. b attcnd~d : Mr. and Wra. ft F. Drogg, Wr. and Mn. Carl Kooth, lol r. and un. Earl Bullock, Qr. u d Mrs A F. Wu10n, Mrs. Willie WU. liama. Wr. and Wra. C. B~rry Lc-wh, Wr aod Mrs. 0 . E. Kutney, Mr 111i1l WILL ENTI'.It NATIONAL IUFLE

Good shoe rtpauing al rcuonable prlcu }dul Shoe Shop

Wra. H. j . McDonald, Wrt. Eva A I SHOOT. &o.ny and Mr and ll ra. Pnn

Mo•tloly Aaoolit. · Gault. • l.~uhnomob, Or., Fnday, l' cb I I -

The Hoonc Waltr Uoard held a -c::====-=========8:10 Htcen of the Multnomah Rollr club

............. Fl ... Mr. aut.l l.trs. J. Simoiu wcro~ bo1b

Ul lall wedt wllth the flu. Durin& lit r. Simons' illncu Mr. Scqui11 took r.are of 1be Muhnomah Filllna 11-.


Wilen I'M' orca~~ your glao~« brina ... .._. ...... acpr&te, ~ ~ Or. Arn~. optomelrist, )J llltoomah.

H.. ....... P.-w.

meetinll ·runday, reb. 1. 11 was de· Ea;oty~ ....... wert unonouoously rc ·clttled Wednes· cided 10 chanac the lime of inectinti l dsy niahl. They are u follows : Mr. ud M.n. Pcm Gallh pv.c a President, J, H. Williams ; voce· pred· to tloc sttond · Tuuday in eacll brld•e .party lut ~ Saturda.y nic't. dtnl, Fred Borsch ; .secretary, £ L monlll and hercafttr ll monthly oudh The aucsu were : Mr. ud llln Ell' p R ' .. Ill " - taken li .. d .. R. ... 8 rl 11 ; 1rca•urcr, aul IIIII& 1 t • ccu·

uc • nsley, ... r. an """· • · • ey, tive off icer, 1::.. W. Sco\lcll

For Tuuolnc, call I. li.. Putman at Broadway 99J7· R·l or leave ordert. ......... _,......

I'..U.riooa N- c-. f har1es Magg~lli i-s en,oyin1: a ntw

Nath 6,.JJl'WtS medcl ~ar

Mr ami Mn. Earl Bryan, Mr. •d The club notus cveoy Wedncocb y U ra J. A. t..itr&tl, all of Port~d. olfht and will enter I he Na twnal and and U ra. Carl Keottlc. . le JhQOI. Scores will be not in

........ co-. M r 'L L. 1t. Biebee, ol Rawlm•,

Montana, was a wed< end auut u f Mra. lt. L Be....,.

Wote Fe~ IS.

M••~ War-4 W-.

Dotlla P-en is ill at her boone witiil ~Utlet fever. S..Vac Elect ric Cluoere, 111"1•1

prico . 211.60 ualil fur&ber oot.ic.. Wull· Cet r~ady for tile big 9c smle a t l nomab Btrdware 8&oro AT water HU

, .. 7~ ........

Mantgucncry· Warll buk<l ball tr•· won the g:uue' Tuesday noght wuh th€ C. E basketball tunl ol the COnlftlllnily chur'ch by a K O IC Of 2l:s 10 .s.

ltetu"'.d From Callfo.-n\a.

Muhnomab, Or., Fcjday, Feb li ­The busintu Jltttling of the Inter· mediate <.:hrittian Endca,or w:u held Friday evening, Ftb. 4, .. , . the t<lm· muno ly chu.~t.h. A large number ot young people "'ere present The nut t~ecuuvc m~~euna will be htld 1-'eb. II at 1he b0111t of ~~~' Virginia Saundtrl Plans wore made lor a V:alcnlonl party at 1bc home of Gretchen Hum Fnd:ky, Feb Ill.

Games wdc played and h&h t rc­frcthmenls se rved..


The Multnom;ah P.·T A will bold a lood ule on Saturllil)', Feb. 12. Those Jn charac arc · M ro Leslie Alkono, ' Mra. Lt'O Wil'dtman, Mro. ~~. H Mall~)', Mrs A Motdina. !>ln. Frank \Jar11n, ~~ rs Kubic, Wrs. t' W Dtulcy anll Mrs E. E. Tn Icy.




Muhnomalt, Or, 'Fri~. Feb. t l ­Postnll.tttr T , G. Hawley rctiii'!Md Saturday altnnooo aftu cnioyiftC a three we~kl' vacatian io Callfo1'111a wuh his relativu.. He tra•t.lcd O'ftr JllOO milts and lA rtUtnUIIC drove nearly .00 moles in oae ~ It too1r. lhru ond half·half daya to makt lilt trip · one -.,.. There wu plciuy of snow in the Sisklyoat hiM altu lcavintr the mountain• he enjo7td ,. wonderlul sprina wcatber during the visit.




Colvin a- Thomas have ltaacd dae iu10n'a buildi.... which was fomwr­

ly occupied by the Wallnomall Fnrit a- Produce -pany.

They have converted the IN!Icllac ,\luhnOnlah, Or., Priday, Feb II.- into a carpenter dlop •"•re .._, ~

Men were busy last week on Lhe wiU build. cabinets. Krnoas ud odl.w rlflhl of ~<ay for tht: \lldUCt dnlhng ' hOp work to Of1!tr, ney aJoo lilave for depth ,,f hord .r>~n 10 th~ tn· a atoc:k of cancr~lt pier Wodta for I(ID~en "'-vuld know how deep to tale ma.k~ lht pollat' for the loundation.

AccordinR: to 1he w~y staku arc 12nl out 11 looka as lhmogh lh!!o. Ritlt · MASQUERADE DANe& nour buthlin~e anrl the three corncr(ll AT ST. ANTHONY HALL na. II H•lls builllin~t w1111hl IK•11t.. have to be m•Wtd back A number ol poles 'Mprd. O.r., Friday, . Feb. U.-n. arc alsu 1n the Wll)' '"'' will have muqueraclc da_,.ce at Sl. Alltltoloy't moved It ~ hoped , thai the . Ort· hsU 00 · Feb. IZ, .,_-_ WI 1M a I"" 1-.leco~C' $lllbllallon car w11l ~ loot•t h afflllr 1 ... "~too uuved to a 1ktter luullon ;::"'. har J~t ~ '..t .....,.

uniQUt C:OStUnlt_S ...... k -m. FIND TWO ~OMETS 01• ... ,. <>reb., ... will furUIII &M

' IN SINGLE DAY ,•~e. Seient iab Hanr Up New Aa­

t.ronomie:tl Record,

A Qw.t '-e.

tho Multnomab Hardware Store, Feb. 12. AT. 592.1. £ • .,., ... Rtn.

The burglar alarm at the Muh· C.U.C e.· c.111...-. nomah Savongs & Loan bank sound·

_ Jl. 0 . Lealie has sold bis home. ed Friday noon aftd created a lot of :Wr. Lnlie and family arc inltnded ac:.le>ntnl, but oo bvrglan could 10 •o to (;alifomia to make 1helr- be found. In a sccond a crowd future " orne. gathered 10 see the excitement but

Mr and Mrs. S. G. Day gave a bndgc puty Thursday. The peats included · Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Me· Cormick, Mr. and Mrs. William D. Small, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bullock, Mr. and Mrs. H . B. Brookhardt and Mr. and' ~ ra. R. L. Berry.

Mcsd:omCJ Tracy, Grant and Sharpe ba"<c rct"rned frOQl a ddiiCht lul three weeks' trip to <.:ahfornla. They vioilcd .nth relatives whole thc:{t

noeton, AIMsa.-Diw•·uver)' ot 11 OtlW l'OIUCt on .111e lllllll\ llny ua tho reclla· I'OI'try of 1111 old ou~ by the moo who orlcttHIII)' round II .wu• the ••trununol· cal l't<'Oftl lluua up b7 t:un;~uu . .. trooomera n'<.'t!lltl), o«urlllllf to Or. llarlow !:'hMI"'Ii!J. l klctur l:!hMJtl~)' Ia dll't<'tor or the llur,..,f\1 ~ullt>ll" ob­<Mt\ .. tory, wlllcb ac:c:a u 11 tiMrluc bOUH for uew• Of utronuml~ol diJM.'oV· ertes.

At the t11d of Waple l..aftc, llut 10 the bi11 woods, where notltlnc un be hr.ard but tile slpln& ol the w1ndt throuch the ""' ud t).e sin(ling of' 1bc blrda there has . ..._ built several bonwu. Oaa of llo"' btlonat to E. 'I'IIompooo, who came htrt •bout • year aao aA4 bl&i1t .. larsc 7-room ltouac and a prace . He has built a larte ..concrtte dri­woy to lht aoraac and wincllnl wallte to the doorway of the bouac. Lar1c window buxu and abrvbbcry aocl flowers help make 1 coty home. He hat a larl~ prdcn Oft 11!1 llorce­quartcr acrt of land. Acrot• tltit atrut lives Wr. and Wn. A. J, Molin, who aloo llavc an acn. l{r. Molin is a ~rcial alp ,...,, who works In Por1lalld, and tltey came btrc oloo about a ,._, ..._ fhcy have a lood looltiar boy .._t two years old wlilo enjoya playiw Ia the nearby woode. '

ly.....l ........ F II Powndcr talfercd inJuries

to 1he palm ol Ius band this week l1 i s healing nicely. .... .......... .

T\c Federated clubs will meet at tlilc lldtool house next Tue•ltly, Feb. 14.

~ a...&Jful Ml tl IIHorat.d diaMe

f- -~ e."f1 Wtdeewood ... ....... ._,.to 1:76 or ol'W. WuJt­...._... Banhrtft &tote-. AT 1823.

.. ~ a..t. Ed Rawooo, of Tiprd. reported

Tlaelday to the Wuh nomab lnau~· Mcc company thai bis c:ar bad ~I·

IM!ed will1 11\0tbn car. Bo1b can were l<:talt.,tll up and lenders bent.

........... Mn. Walter U cCredie is at St.

Vincent ., Sbc was operated oa bst week and io dcMna nicely.

B rin1 yov sick watches and clodcs to u for carclol, pnnpt ~c. No 11:ore no ~- Woltoomala Jcweleryo etort.

Dr. R:olpll 0 . Slo.ntoclc wnt alvt a talk 011 "'ne Five f'Oi nll of HnltlaN and a dcmorostratioft ol tla"c new method of cooklatr Thursday aftcrnoooa :Z~ p. m., Feb. 17, at die ltomc .t Wra. N. Otia Blair at JH.._.k Evtt)'GIIe invited.

Wtre disappoonted.. The bell raoa (Of ten minutes befOfe lhc -Mrcs COQid be diaconnectcd.

\Ve have 'a few pieces left OVCI ft01n Otriaunas stock on aalc a1 bir aacrilicc. Multnomab Jcwclcry store. ._ .... ,,... .....

l.l n . A. RutlScr bas "been Quite ill with in testinal Ou bui it tcport ed better. t.J iu Wauneta Ghormley alld Norma and Emoa C are Moline have 1~1 recovered from lloc Ou.

.... U• A ....... An awning is being put up in front

o1 the Ideo! Shoe Slaotl and nc" aignt t icctcd on lloc t09 of tbc buildine.

!.apcrt Bu­bu Slsop. BR_._J -. ]-1

w .. Ia s.a-. G. R. Walls, of tloc Wulmomalo

Dnt& Store. was a lle.sints• in Solem Friday.

,.... .. ., .... Wrt. Sollcion wu occn in Walt·

nomaJa Friday. She fell ud brollc htr ankle oyer two DlCIII du aco.

....... Awq. In Tecoma, Feb. 2, Wrs. Estcllil

Gilbert, wife of Clareocc :t.f . Gilbct-t. Slac wu a dav.aloter of Wr. and M n. W . H. Bartee ud litter Hury ud Jw Barite of tiW dey.

Pe.., T_...,oot T eot. ....... ....... Mrs H. WoodhOU\C who has been

QWIC Ill II able 10 be I;UI 1p1n. ....... ..~ l.lrs T. C. Hawley ~~~ ill Tuu·


At the rcaular mtctins of Troop No. 18 . on Friday, Ruth Bculey paned bert tend«loot noture rc· quirnnent . The lrDOll i.s having a tpt· cial good 1urn week nut week durin" which · uda 1 irl will do' an a:tn c ood turn. This .. a CDGt tlt bctwtcll palrols. After 1hc mcc1ing cr-wcre played. loorpriM r.rl,. · ' Twenty ladies comprising ol nffi· v.a_.. c..- o- urs. past olfices of ladies organ l·

The Caphol Hill Commercial dub z.ation and choir of 1he U .P: church will hold a Valmtinc costume cloncc Mrprited . ~trs. C. £. Ndd~rer a t her Saturday, Feb. 12. Prucs will be lklmc Tuesday afternoon. Metdamco awarded lor the best «»tamH aad Walin, l'ownder, Vance, Nelson, tol e· rdrqhmcnts served. nc lloetcatn Rclt. Parkef, Finzcr, Voit, uncoln. arc Wrs. R. T . Waraball. Urs. Don Asa Gaylord. Dimm, 'folloy, Bcas· jcntcn and Mrs. Fred lilly, Icy anrl Andrews, Royer, Fro.t, ~mall,

C. L ~ ,_.,._ The acrticu Sunday evcninc at

the conwnunitt church were ton· duc:tcd by the Intermediate ud Senior Cbristiaa Eodcovor under tbc leaderabip of Win AlKe Molin.

Weatherly ,Sharpe, Tracy and Gol~th· wai te.

Mrs. B. H. Branch tnlttlaincd ~f rs }. F. ~icDonald, t.lra. Willard Dunn, aod Mn . Jack Ackios at luncheon at Hollyw~ Tuesday.

Enjoy 1 pleuaat evmlnc at Dad'o eoe· pool and card tallla.

A ..... P. R. Wlaitetidc rdllrMd W~ •Y from • trip to So... DUota

na Frca19, Cal. I ........... ~ w, P. 11aorp u ~ a 7--~

loousc oo tJ.c ~eta Tome roM. I...J•Uol'll...a.~~~-(4 ...... -...~l"""!'""':"':"r.~~"'!":!!:o:-"'"":~~~'P'..J


-The new comet wu 1111·lu'd op by Dr. J . Com••·~ola, dlrectur uf lbe t 'ubru oba.,rvatury 111 llar('t'lnnll, ~palo, otlld roiiOlll•hlJ tlu• U8UIII prll~ll .... WUI b~OIUI! knowu 10 lltllronomere u C.11n111 :;lulu '• <..'Oilllll. '""l'll dhcorered, t: woa lu 1111 cou· atellatlou or Cetu-. thto \Vt1111~. which , .... he ~-fn In the IIOUtbt .. •tern 1117 kl tbt I! I l!nln::. It will DlQVIIII to Ill• .oull•"-""'· but u• It II of the t'lftlttb ~&~;~fnltudt~, a trood· .. M!d lot~ IJI OOW tvqUin!d tO 11M lt.

.Neujmln'• comt't !l'U tbe ceiMtl•l •loltor lll'blcb returoe;J, aod wu pldled lip tbe Umt day b7 Or. 0 . lftOJIDlD 11 we oba« .. IMJ at lllmola. llUMIL Doctor N.ujmtn llrlllntiiJ toand ,thl• COIIMU 00 t ' tbf1ltrJ 24, UIIG, IDd calcu· late4 that lUI orbit would brio& It back every live and o-balf 7HrL In Ho­Ytmber 10, 1820, be pbotocraphef a

c~eaUal obJect. wlllch Ia M­IIIYed to hue bHo hlo comet, bat •• Mllldeot obae"atJun• 10 acc:a ... tely determine Ito orbll were aol llbla1Dtd. lblo It DOl ~rta!JI. , ,

Wbeo n!d!Joco•trtd oa Ualll lrlp. Ntlljml11'a comet waa lo the ~ella· t.loo of Leo lbt Lloo, nMr lbt llaaale tlf tbe!," wbltb ~ be - lo tha e .. tero .-, toe a t­boort b.-toN nadae. I& Ia "" fal11t~ than eoma.Bola'a q~-.J, u 11 wu of lbe toartMIIlb tDIC'IIIl*'

AlmNf ICitew TAe. All '"!'be Oi ford atiQDtf"' Jill ott.

.... t>r1UdMd. l\'111 117 ... 1 ... _... M MlDI ,.tiler ,....,, ~. 4.1 Odorcl -o wllo ltad .,_ a "Dark ..... Ill .... ~ foiled llhleelt Ill OaMdll IDd -.. .-11 111 thai' .. IIJ 1

.atl'll OD lM filet ll\al - ef lila

......,_ ltacl ..... ""*' .. 1. •· .._...,. Ill o.Mr '"'' IDd ~ .., ....... te ....... atlaan_ ........... ell ,.,.. II!Piai.Md die cntot4 -..rJtJ, ._.._ f •u I ....... -. I ........ 1111 - wtl re•td wltlt .. t.IM~bee&....,...oaear·~ ... ..., .... ,... •••• ,tlplloi.J.i ...... . ---- - ~ . .,..


February 12.·14

at· . ·

MultnOmah Store

Page 2: · • _ ... S . A--t • . a • ...,. Jo.l)o. h .. ........ ~. ....... ., • ·..__--~---_

r.:,.,. "17 Ia 11 .. n d C'OIM, ltat lo•••tlpllone ahow th a t h!'tlllhJ beM, rf'd normal rallona. la7 I"ICJCe tha t aN coooltten111 or aooe~ q u•lh7. FJ.-w. e•t'r , thtrf\ •~ m1117 ructnra t ha t Ill· ftoe oce the mKrkt'l ¥OIIIIl or ~~~ ..... 01011 ot which are within th• l'<tn trot or the p rnducl'r aud dr'itn>r ot "~RA.

f:g~.,. are not bouch t euc1 1t0ld b7

'"" tw•uhO, bur the '""' or n~e eJtp rtiUAt•ll couold••rable dlrfer••u<'t In thtlr Vh1U~. " Jo!XIIIll'' niU8! w~lllh 46 I)OUUdl· Ill'! p;•r CM•e of &I dO"'D.

'rltlt II Hll II\ trUI!f of all~hll7 OYI'r two nunrt-111 P''' ••ra .. .,:,rrn nrata"" ruu•t Wt'll:h 4-1 fl<tUIIIIo rwr .-ue. 'rh~

PN>flf'' ~l'lt'<'lh•n n f hrf'o,flllll "0<'. If UfHhtlllttt"'ttl)' Ow t\lat:;:tl"f f.l('tur In lite

,curlua Pjllr'O or II""" ..... MllhllUI!h lhf • '"" '• lni1Uf'lltt't.l to ~~;~me estellt bJ ptot)f'r f 4'0'tlllll

('I•MIIIIn~..,. ltao an lrnt"'''""' lnCiu t'D<'e no tht' •otu~ or n : • lllrt) "1:111 di'IPtlnrate tnorl' Nlt•hll) than tlf'ftn es:c•. do not l•,.....,.nl nt Jtl~nHnt a o IPIH'Gran~, art~ 001 Ill fur '"''"1:1', oull, lht• r,.fotl', do not ... 11 tor u hl;h

I a prl~ 88 Pllfrt lhPI Mr• tlt'UII IJir17 ~'II~ '"">' t... lur.:••l) tllouiiiMit'd h> pro­

I P,.. .. ,.., ~, lllo H• ll••• l O•••••P~Ie I W ftPIJ It JIO llrnlttd th e l II I~ " ""' ' •ldllllt plo•nl7 nt •·tPft11 n•••t• whh h ure "'rt•tr wu'-'"''•"' t• t• t

F.~t ll::-1, e n lndv n<l pnt I'<'Unll7 lrl't'O • J •·rp! 11monlf th~ rh•h,.,l m•r· "'"" IUJ'flll"'' wllh rh•tn llu~r On

Yot Arable , 8 ,.,.0 .,.';' 111,. IO\\~r 1 nd :·~Anti ot 7,.•hld•. lhh, Tal• ""'' Rnnl\a. ratn7 olll)ll II m17 hf' he: l,flll 10 k••p or lh~> na rro w 11 ,1t .,.11 fflltll lhf' lite commo11"" kJnd 11 MOQuftrl, •hltll Lht ht11o ~•nlllnl'll umll th 8 m .. wh•n lleltan rohln1 ot ~:rllr~•. 11 111~ ""'"'• In '"• d~ll rl~t ot ~lakl\tro. 01011 ot • •·~ h~n• •JII b~ throuch '"'

lall'ft lend II\ f'lllt r I Ill() lrr•OI) ...... lbflUt t our •1•,. f'llm•l "~lrt.. rrnm lng. fur "'" .... , t lnnt wllh 11&17 AI o rf'•ull lh~ llk~ll Ad•·n, end nw•t " ' thfl -.-•MI rumrl ~uue lllhtl.l·l~ 1'"1 A rr .. mtum tor hood II l t'l•n or lhl' Pf.II'NUI ltf'llPfrft · lllldO ut khHt w!JII'!' rtiiCh AJh' ll Ill wh itt• ~ICJ"', A ft•W IIHirlc(•fA ltftT 1 lloo nr ..,ulhwe.tern Ar~<bla 111 ll nl tb ~ rouree of • yM r lo or this vo r iH7. Pff'IIIIUm fur brol\\ll .. ~~. .... lli'HIPr1 ..-1 h n lon~l'nN•. Khn t .<'ulllvntlob Is almple. 'l'hf! douo tillY n w••rullom fur \'t:IC'f ot one

Thll r rllfll, like 1 11 0111 ,., pnrl• tlt plnnl lwu r~ ntiHo~r ftt~wtra !1nr 8P"<Ia, "lhtr, 11• •·Otiii•Rr•••l wllh lul x.•o l ('tllora. ArobiM, ...... Ulltl~r I I h•n•t ll!'tnlnnl but toR""·" rrnro ~llllln~e•. Afl~r lh·· In llolt•ltlllt: ··~~~-. II I• OIWf'l"ury 10 T'llrkl•h rcontrol 1\l'furP lhr trrrut wur ; fa rmer heo lltlltoh•ll loh liPid 1111 · the In~·· .tto l• o•lturut'll•rl•tl•• nr 111~ tnR rk1•1 bUt olnCP 11 hu l'fll .. lllult•ll no lin~ - 011 loo• nhKntlll ol II• Ullllllo l O( 11'111er, Into o•un,ltlt•rutlltlo l ' nlt• tronlty II( t•OI· mat•, 11 rilfl'r Ill~ rul~ nfthr Arnh hnll!ll hi' ro••rra It wllh 11'011! olrlltttlln«• noul or .'• "'""~" nt~m-.·lrtto•rl ontl thlo 11 l ' e hy• bt•" M uhnmonnll hru u111111 ,1 ~I nllowa If to "rttwu" ror o*rrw dtJ> • 011~ nt tht• AdYolllln~•• twln•·•l hy tu1 flln, wbn ro!PI f ro m Rnhln \ ' o•m•n Th~n .... hullo•a thl' l'llfllrt!l• In •bBIIow IJrtHIOf( tht• MM k thriiiiiCIO tho• u•e o r h U lltl' tllotlnt•lloon •nrl lho lfll(lll fnr· hOif'• frorn ~ IO 6 f<•t'l opo rt, 1\ lth ln1prnlf~l Oln•·k , t un~ 10 bt• une ot lhP '""' pnrta nr •I'd~ ~n•1u~h IJj>fo\1'1'11 !101' rnwo tnr F.t:t:• ""'l I"' ..r tho• ""'"" "''" And Arabia lhot "'" nt atrlcUIIUrll hnP<ir plo•lctro to ('ln••· Uut lh~ Y~1n~n rmv rvJur hul '"" .-m•l1l••rllhl) In mnrlc t t tanr p FndPr 1 •I ~till• cotHnrnrut 11 aull tht llltl·r> Nl •·Rm~t. wht)K- maw I' • Alnl' ·rhl• I• n11 ormnnt "' the lilt· would be• r I'" trupnrtant rllmmrrrl~tl Hf'YI'r llllt'tl, huve A nke IULP In khKI t r•r1•nt••• In <IIIII II!)' ut thr lrllt•rlnr ) l tl•t fulorf' ThP 1\rlll•lr torutN'IOtrMI~ nt o•uthnr•. ftlld Ill rii~<'<IIJrllf:l' lhr•P '"" I'll\:• ""' "'"'" wltrrt lhl'7 nn• nr-1 lolld. Adrn t• oot~ ot lit!' ~~~•~r IIUIIt•t• for Ita rauoh•ra I he furnrrr ro•H• rarb hill hut tiiiT~r"lll noeth••l" ur hMII IIIInt~ In prlliiUrt' with 11\nrn twltr• nntl apln r rtto•tu• !lut•IH'I' thr quHIII• Ill • lar11r rsto•nt

\'rnotn'a Amlrlntn romt' rt'•t• rrln ........... !';,mr•tiiiiM ,,,. lrllrt• ()Of of 'flll•n•rurr, lhl' , ...... 1~111 ..., honrtllrtl

Good Implement House Will Pay for Itself Long Before It Wears Out

• ~ r--.. '~RoPju>l.N~

1- 2.'5< ''Pun. Coxae:re l'i.ooR.



Wbs an ulmal Ia well It d - oN Df'oed IIM'IIlcloe. aod wbeo It le al~ u oeecta · tl'eal iHIIt tor 1111 d l,.. ee..-_ ~·or t.bla ~a-. d ai•J- w bo bU1 complex mloerel mhrtu ,..., lo fPP<I t n tbelr u tmala ..... oot onl1 .. ·u tln tt t bdr mooeJ but ma1 be blir rnln r lhclr t:~~ tUe a s well, a«ordtna to P rot. L. A. lt11lyoa rd at t he S ta te C'oj)e,ae o f Aa rl · col to "" a t lt bsa, N. Y.

Aaldl' trom common aaJI, lhl' nDIJ oJinl'mla that are needl'tl u IUJiplf'­ml'nt tn or tlloA ry ta ~nt ru tton1 art cal· ~lum, phoJ<tJhorus. end """'~'~lin~ 1l)­dlne. Mlr tuno.a coulaln\nlf such tmi). el onr ... u .rtauht>r ' a .. 1111. I'P!!Om 11111111, N>pperas. fl()tRAAiunl d ilo rlttf', aulphur, I roo oxldl', and oibrr rondlmrn!JI hue no JnsUIIcattoo from lbl' etAndtWIIn t ot nutrllloo. •nd tbe tootlnutd t tt'd­lntr or tlil'm m111 be tiOtllthely h1rm· r ut.

r-·- - ·- ---7u'-o'-·-·----,

M11gnulom, Iron, l'(lle•IDtn 11nc1 IIUI• ph11r, whleh arc toctudtd In 1ll4181 min· eral ml:rturt'll. a re ulut'II'IIS lnCTM I· • nta l>el'ttlllle comtMn nulunt are au t ftcltotJy rich In thl'm ..LuaUvt"S. cop· f)Pra-. I!Olllum b leerbonAl t, 11nd aul · pbur UP drup ""lher lh&n feeds anct e hould oot be t ed to 1 w ell e ohnlll, f

.I · 0

- I ~ N


Soml' rompan iH 1 rgue that l'tl~~<~m 1111lta a nd ~rlauber't 1&118 arf> nl'l'df'(l In lh P fPPd tor fnrm Rnlmoh• bl'f'ftiLJOO

o r t hei r ta:r...• Uvl' artlon. Ill KnOWI'r In


' t hl1 It allnuld "" rl't.·o~-n l ~tl'd l h a t lht• b<>cit war to ma ke • ralloo laxa llve ' " tu 1\PI<'CI p rorJf' rly thl! fl't'da lorhtdl'd

.I n 11. l"ur tht>riiiON', the l!tuull amnunl u t t h~sl' pttrl(llllvea In the- mlot'rlll mlxtbre l'ftonf'l l'fJ8l!lbly hu••11 Uop olr · a lro•d Plfrct who>o nrt anlono l Ia coo ftllpKIPd.

'ay W . A. RAD FORD Mr W UIIIun A fhHUt~rd Will an,w~r

ttu•.~tltune .tift.& Khe Qd\tr~ fo"'ltl-: ,.; OP (''•!-41' un all prfll+1•m• l•~rutnlnl( tu the ll llhJt-t·t 11 t hulhlltt• wurk on thfll '"'"'· r '' th~ r• "ch·r,. or thl._. oAJH•r •h• ar. • ""'' ' t• t hh "'d'" •xttrrlfltH'It • • •dhnr, IUIIh.-r f'lld maoU f«t·tur .. r , ht: te, v.llh · ••Ut duulJI. rh .. hl«h••t authority o n lh~ "''''•J ... ~l Atlttr•u •ll tn.aulrl•• to \ \'U Ul\uJ A H.-11Cord. So Utt Pratr l • a¥tt · nur t'hf~l4 ••~. IU. •••d onl)l lnChh•r two • f'nt ••amp t o r t4"ptr

In urtlo•r 10 1;1\'f' full YHhiP, I he IIOM<'hlrlfl HhPfl l loi\Uid 1'4' llrOftPrl)' tl&­•ll(llt'tl nurl hullt, A ~'""' root I• hn· IH•rlt<oot uuol It I• ;lt••lruhle In hn•·e '"" •h~d llllllt tlllht 1111!1 l'tllll l•r•*'•l wlrh t•ln•P nnhtK llllurM In lr"l'll nor 1\111•

ll~:llt, rnlu. •nnw ~~~~~ 11u11 •nd to I I" I'Vt'llt rhh•llf'u• frum ll+'lllnR Into I h~ IIIJIIdlllt; Th~ tiPMII:TI nt lite- lhPII •lonuld bf' ~urh tlu" run rltl ner, CMU Ito• 11111 Ill ftllll lukt'll OUL f'UIIy. ln

llllnnl• rurm•r; IO•(' $1 .:t'li,:'.t)) Ill I tltlollllun, lito• ~IWtl •hnnld .... MO IO<'U(I'(I OIIMIIy thrnnkh rt ... tr tll lllorP '" lti•n«• th~t no !IIIII' 1111tJ lrollor will bt' to~ f•rm IIIM'hlllt•ry 111111 prot .... ·t II front lo Ct'llllll( hft l'k """ t c>rth h<otWPPII

Cod ll•·rr oil, whlt'h le ~~nmrllrnr~ In · clu(ll'd In nolnl'rnl mlttur~s. hf'llll ~nl· cluno ltt<~hlllllfiiOn In 11row tng plj!tt. but It hq~ bt!l'n p rii•M lni'IT!'etlv~ t or tlat r:v N)w•. Al•o. w hen cod llw•r oil Ia fl'll "' 111, It • ltouhl he rurcha~l'<l unmbPII with nlhtr Olftll'riKI •• IIOCt It fNI(JU· lilly ln'!f'• Ill nlul' u ao alt1 In ~I· dum aA..'llmlla tlun when m ind.

rlplll1 Ul~ll the fantlller 1111111' Of •n I he 1\olr "1111 dug• whlt•b lrlft•l the ~'Ill• I• lrnpnrt•nt U ,..II U PrDI>t'r a lrnoot dt-ll('rltd t'ltJ, ) IU<'ho, lhrouah >'lllan In cuord that pertlcular !l~ld. mlnHcl'ml'nt of the 11~1.. ,.hlrh ~lffi! no lon~ .. rnm ~>w, Yohl'rt At lhr rnd or • 1~•• lht 7nun.: drbrl1 rlullt r l thl' l lrf't to, "hfff! oul7 ohruba art two fl'f'l l>ltth with 1 thlclt moaqupa rf'matn lota,.t. • 17 eprt••l are.n toiiRit" Ill tnrtoPa In Singmg Hen Not Happy

I II·~ wPuthf't. l<'>vrdtng tu 11. 1. ~h•" 1. II onol llol' ilPida. A tblr<l point II • Olll'lllbt'r or !ht' f•rm '""''hanlt•• d... Utut tht' slwol OllilA! be UM'd by the I'Uriii\PIII •• llof' l.'tllll'ltl' or ·~rlt·ulturf', t wrme r, 810~ llO DIU11t1 will ~(' MVM

lllll• ••r«ll)' elf DIIIIOIII. 1'rn 1,..r fi'DI, It lb, tmplrm1•nt1 Rrt ten ata odlog

!'niiii)OUDd~ Of talrlum IUld 1'111\flJlbOr• o s whkh llrl' sultaflte ror ff'('()lnl M8J M IIUN'lla .. P<I at from one lo ltl~ t'I'Ol~ a fiOUnll. Complt's mb tuN's nl · "'""' ~<t•ll ut mu,.h hll(her prl~ t.beo l hls, a nd t h e muuraclorfrtl 117 I I) Ju<Jtlty lh.-lr p rkt' b7 exanl'rat td and ontruthfttl cla im• about thei r Yll u.-. Thr Ct\mpii'S productl 111"1! I I'IUBIIJ worth l('g tban thP mh ture <'Ont a in­lug ralclom aod pho11pborue elonf hP· l'au~~e 1 he !"'rl'tn t a~:e llt lite oi'Nf'd tu lnt'rols 111 lowt!N'(I b7 tncl a (Jlng llltt orher IUbtJlancea whlcb 16h1! 0017 u • nner.

('orr..,. allll to 1 ma}llr ,.,.,11 or ,,. dlamtttr. lithoid now tht f1trmrr . ,,. mrn, but It Ia fl l tlOrh•d la rl(l'l7 lhrou•h lntr out hlln tit~ dawn or eath morutn11 llo<lf'lda , a nd In 8YPil cr~llt'r qu~nll17 IO &Ia.. II hi• ft~ld, onol llof' • IIJ In thf' v(A Adfn, ~rt or ll>f ll rlllolo pi'(> hntH' ot lf't>ln& !ltr IIUrtPDI• o f harY""I lf'rlo,.l., to the lOUth, ,.,hlo•h '"tJ•r 1~ llrnP On a roorntnc the Air 11 lhl1·• t he <'OIDmt>n·la l bj>rk Of the ll"d 11'1 "'llh bulbula, apb rtoW' Wt'll\' o•r ltlrll~. boiUf' ehrllly d tuunrllltr. Th1'7 tl•" •nd f•ll

111'\lt'r <'nlfr·f' In Yl'lllf'n , hO'I\I•vrr, nn (l UIHIIl Itt~ tll a nlo, plckiJIII a t •lw u•n •l••r· rou will nut l'f'l't'tll ""' ,.1.,•rlnu•nt, ut lri\Yt'l '' .~ ll"h bP 1'"'1 • 1'11 :" •·riH Pnr the Arnltl"ll" nt rnrTo•r tnnd 1.,... l h" olou1•le fot r rntr, "th• h•I\HI """ I t l'r tit• lon•lc• IO Ill~ lll'rrh·• . 111HI 11t11 I>< 1'1'1 on rl rltlP fnr lhll murk,.!." • h rtw !lu·r~frflln lla a ht'f'l1 ,,illltlllrr•(l 1<1 AtOll nn;, he r llll8 hlo \11111>~11 ntHith ..

h ut b•rh•y ""11•r, "r'l th~ '"''"''""'"' "''''' ~ ut hi• u rl&lthor" tu tlo,• <'r"l" lllllltl tltlo ,:,,.ll'lll' lllln ttrfnrol• llt•lthrr ttlo kllll. l 'nth•r 1\ l"'w"r nr Ju•nolne n tt\t\r nr MttiiiUI\1~ 'l'h l' Y~·llh·Hitl' hHik l Vhtt'l4, \\ltll llhun~" ot tlti' lltWI•t •t Hnh•tl.

• '"''"lltorr fur n ~:llluulnht f h ""''1. lilt: r••l11111 ht lhtllr t\U'IHtH•, til•• tnruwr 1'1t• 1\ttrhl ~1111\\M IIIOottt•! lltlllolnc IIIH1 lolo l'ltllllrl\ ~UIItt•r lu OrlnL kl•hnr

tt lwut l.h•l nur •••lt•tlllll•• h•w•k• Artt fnHn !1111 CU I'" nnd omuk .. lhr hnllb •k . " '"rt1 sll~nt uu lh@ • ttltJt•r•t "rrnvrf . 11 hill lh~ wonwnrolk hrln~ thPht ilrfll· ,.,..; "'ho uu~hl In '""~ nl104't•• ~d It• t nt• ur lh~ trrahly l'Ut klu•t lt•u<t>L u••• "rll~ ft11111 lu•r.••~.Y anti u~ually WhKI 1 Jo•you1 llhlf II I• tnr oil the with th.- II""' "'""''"• tcnvr•n ~t •IIIKII•; fur •I"''"'' ' lh•· tarnU'r 1118 'llto•rr .... I'll II l·:nrnti+'KII• In tltp " ' ' lrlhul~· lhe WIHlll' o r hll llriit t•rop 11111H, " , .. , .. t• ... ~n nltlf! lUI\ e dw"·ptl khut amnna tJll!l nt IJIII~r• .. , .,.,,. tl"" ot th•·lr IIH•, "llh ~" IIIII.- 'Titr• ~ha t plonl trrt~ \\• f ro11n !\ to 12 kn""'"''~~ tlf lllllhP lit~ Kll tl ru• ll>llll tr•f'! 111 h~h:ht anti t111•n h • llllt• As' '""t ~~tfr•~r )l'"r• u f tt'Hitt~n••t• th~y tltt1 f••II•K~' chh·k ... nfl~ the la r1"'r ••L "1\t"· ,.hnt I• ~hal! \\'p """' hrtlll~lu• orf Jlrllul'll nut to I'N'\f'lll h· ord or II" \'"' nn \'o•nu•n P\rnl lo rr.•"•lhrll. ooll wht'tl I he plflllt I• olot· 1 ""'ltlrlf' "llhont Ito rr•••rllo'l' 1\ntl no to•Pn >••,.. ntol the htJl tun~tll) d l"•· It Yrllll'll Arllh 1111\11, Wf\111011 ur ~hlhl - Ill •'Ill otr ahnut 1 tnot ollll\~ lltt' r ••••• a tht)' If hf' ran hf'lll It "lthnnl t~ rnuntl. 111d from lht' IIUIIIJI nP w llrP old nt •t '""'' a t•w lfoHt ut the ahon u oJlrlll~ out anti the plant 11 r• prt~cluwe. l. hAt bur•t

Kh ot 11 The ir S ti mula nt. \\ lu>n lh f' Rurul"'"n II •••ry h t

('all~ fttr ttlt•ulwt to r.-\ '"" hltn: wh~n IH• It )II) tul hr IMk• • 0:tnl', 1!1111 It• rnor ltUf' OIU I'1t Juy Ill Ilk .. ntft llllfor t hr l,olllf lf " '0t1a hlo "whi!P lfttl.!'." f lop Jlllll ll7 tlot w~r. llrr (ll(ll•n rlot•w o b h1n1. a nd l hfl "'""' A n·tr•n OPf'ko etlrl';ftlt In kt>lft. Kh~l II wnr• In Ill" \' ~nt~n Art>h lh• n 1117 o r ohe•f' lo II • ti~'I'Oirr• I! to nn n•r.' NltiC, Wl...,lr\ 11 Hl~t·l>, t>UI I ollllllliODI, Ilk• olrohnl. \lull • • l lf'il ltnl, I! ran . ·· • • I• no df' rnnn. hut 1 folr> Thf' k hal .. trr w ill trll ~1111 !hMI wh~n he f t•lh"n thla ta lr7 It tnb• him hlhl rf'­c ton • f'V~rhMik ln • ,............ llr• 'MIIW th~ piRnt th• ··no" r r or ''"""u ~,, ··

l' a!hl t'dull-. u tht tllont I• ~ 11nwn

bot,.uh~I IIJ, a row• ht f'ntu~ "'"'"' In ~"""""'' "· but 11 t• <'\tlll ut<'\1 ,..,, .. n, In 1h ~ rnountalnl ot lhr \ 'rm•n In · l t'rlnr hf>hlnd Aoll'n Tit• "~•I ~ It o! 11 u ld to tt. dr clvf'd "'''"' lllf'llor't Arahl,. ~ nrtl. k ut , nu.,anln l au• lf'OilH•.,. "r ,.,. • h In& p rln.-lpll', ""'' ,...,,.,.,. In t be

nro• r • • ll .. n l ""'"""' " ' 1111 11lonr, ll•• t lit nolllna thr •1•lrlr • oiHI •up-1''"''"' thf' htldll't al, h u urlu n t rftnf'tllnot1 t'<>ndllhon o, n( " tiP who " "'" II • If'••• '- T h• ,...,.. •• ,, h,.. o f .ll lh<or! Rf lttPr of t h• l'nhP~I!1 lit fltr•lllhll,. . ..,...m 10 •how t hat Ito Ol'­r tvp rrtnclple le a o olk•tnl•l In tile t nrm ot• ll. ~ bllr..r ani! •><l••f• ........

AIMI lhP a iHf', ll'ttlrf'\1 olo•I)MI (t til t mount a in • ~w~cf'n Tola on d Trrlm you will llod " a ma ll fll•nl a · ll~>na or th• ltb a t ,. r r. Not 1111 vna hiYt t'l lmbt'd o earl 4,000 rfl't wll > nu oep !hot llral on a od wh~n 101• ruch 0,000 teet 1011 I hut pa u ed ihe t .. l .

Vor!atlM a ftd Cult l ) lnkl>orl Ia t h e tw~tf'll o all

u U by t a r tbt _. u peoal


Ma rk • lln g In Adl n .

In Aclt•o th~ """ ul or th~ \chat NlllPio II loolcf'd fo~r\\ • rd IO u I he •·hlf'f 11•117 r11•nl, \\'lor11 thty errh~ a N>ul noon, lhf' tnork•t I• 11111'11 with a rN• I.••-. y~llln11 '""''- U. die on hll tL br.l"•n tvn,.., hut It le 1 tn t rr,, l'>n<l· UIIUrPd !wdll m. •

Atl f'r •·t hp lth a t I~ ITf'ltrhf'd nn t he .:n vrrnrnPu t I C'a lu a nol dutr ta l rd, II 11 d lvld•-d lnl(l bundll'lt the th lf'knNII ot a 1non'o ror.arm. T h•n lh11 .ellerto mou nt toh lee llld.auctton It off,

In an hou r t h o pls ~e Ia 111 but d f':­•~rtf'd and the fnol ·ruarktd, Mrth~n noor llll~rtd with d~hrla. Now rome !ht YI'Of ltre of llt"Pwood aod all lha d~•lll•~d t'U IM. lllt e -v~natra. t o buy th., retu.e t or 1 t11w piNt, Bat ou t In the llf"ffll l may be IM'<'II h un. dr-e d e bii>PII1 • •mlloc homeward. a bundl fl of 11\e J'r~IOUI )f OYo.t UOdtt t ach or m, tbl'lr Ja wa wo rlt h11 a od tht lr " ' " t'\111 ot 1 dt>lkloo• ('(l(lltnt. It Ia rlon on to noon . e n d JOU wil t not - t h• m aaetn un til .,, .., two o'clOt'k.

C'tlnl rarr to l he p nerel optniOG, 'kJiat II o• • •r ullf'd u 1 ben~ra~ In t he l ' t'IDf'O, btlt llle ""II IN • M ""' lnnrlably rhew~ Tbt J ODII.,.t lre vee a r t the M•r. Tb t7 h• •• a ow.,.tllh, llt cbtt~ u trlnlt'f'o l lute. not unpll'aa•nt to the ~rol't'ID palot e, but e«rraroty 11<11 ol lo rlug. W hen brew ld, th• J 1- rnllO!t o f t h t lr l lrpn fl h l b d th e fle •or Of l ht dP~ lion Ia murh llh that o f a rape•tne *dp fPIIf'l.'•

J u •t what It lht u act toxic effect of ltbat on the lluma n arttem hll nf'YH rrt bf'rn ll<'ertelntd. It II ('1!1'

1alnl7 1 •llnmlent 'lllh a llnl7 10d nl'arly lnunf'dl llf' ~lfl!ct u poil the hrftln u td n"•• c.ll•: the ctooml~ ooon bo•romPo ch ..,.rful und .. r Ita loO u toe~ the UIO<II tot" a lt tl utJ•~

as Many People .Thought Ah••lrttr lltnl have lun• btt-11 thonc ttt

to be h at•IIJ "'hl'n. In fo t'l, ohe • lu p 0017 Whl'n 111 II 001 Wtll ID ~llllr1· donr, ~~~ , ... IIIII' hu1111n brlnJ 'I, a re ol· IIHHltt All \' t'ry ttlltlH'rHtot'lltll.

Tbe olngtna ut • htn nou • t not l>fl Mnrn~rd with rhwklnc llld i17'1 110111 flrrrto &uftly, prt..:~l'do without brt•o k tnr u• lnn11 u brf Mih will a llow, • n•l ufl(•u ~~~~~~ In a hllth. n• ••l lnt"""''"'o

It ""' htuo flout ~ 110 atolluhl~ 11l•o·e '" fuy, t~~ll(' ''u"" : \4, tuon •H the tw~t" "' .. tull auol ~t•u cuu't flnol uuP, MhP eiiiQ< ::1""11 Qlu·~ v••nt tu her r,-.•llna• If huu ~er I• toou!JIIntr hur. or thlrol. ~h• •ltowM In •trnlllltl ~urrouutltng~ llkt rh• wru1111 h117 8<'111 011 nu l'rr•ntl In llrr dark . Worr1 ftll tl Mhyu~"• al><~ brito~ aona ~he rriH loy alni(IUK 111 mHkt• hffl!t•lt too~ btllll aud •t homtt •t thuu " ht•n her .wlf·••~urnn,e hll4 bPI'n •haktn.

J>o11ltr) Wt'll whu w1n1 In k"''p tlt~h tlcWka lo IWr(l'('\ I'ODI~Dlllll'Ot Will J.t<•p t hem from IIIU I Inc.

Rations Fed to Layers Are Lacking in Protein

Durtnt rtt'to! up .. rhn~nlo ~~ II·• N~br 1 k 1 Aarlcullurtol folie ct . It "•a (O II I hAl ratiOUI IM to II) ln11 111'111 w re corumnol7 lacltlnc tu 110me fortu of ~n•plete JlrOtt'ln like m~ot mre l, s ltlm milk , ta okacr. drlf'd buUerwlllol, or liQUid b UIIt'rmlllr. Au •dlllllun ul .rs p.ouooola Of Wl&h ·l tldt ldOiri CI' I O I

t7plcal <'Orn bt>lt r atlun locr~uf'd the •u pro<lucllon trom 00 lu th• ch..-t 1)1111 t o 1!1:1 •ctr" t~er hto lo the ta nk· ne t-red lot. Skim mil k o r IIUIIPM\JIIk, "'' hto a va il a ble at all timet.. m•1 tAkl t he p la ce o r mea l me• l or tauka &e In the Dlaah mlxtUrP, but It 11 nectu ar7 t hat ea r h h,.n cuo•ume e bout 110 tiOuoda ur mil t In a 7e., lu ord er to ltfl the eq ulva iPDI prote lo furolt hed bJ als pouodo or tenh,..

S~p·arate Breeding Pen Weny IHIII IO b l \'1 ll'QUII"t'd l ht

hlu l hlt ll~plua a Mpare te b~dlnc Pf'D hlfliDS a ronatde rablt Ullf' DII a nd m urb .,, , ... labor tor the tarm.r. Th .. I.e Dot tbe "" or It lbel'1t . ,. aut·h - It Ia UDD-It1. Walntatnlllol • b i'Mdlaa pen almpl7 muo. tha t the beet blrda l u the IIOt'll . ,. _.~tf'd a nd pia~ b7 lhem.-1•• da rlnc lb e b~ lnlt -000. • 'l'llt ~DI pen fill' n lahH fCn ror ll a tcll toc durlnc lbe llatcbiDC -1011. Th ll - 01 t ha t LIM dlkb will be ma ch haproved.

Importance of Rooster Tbe Diode II U IOipo"IDI II pnul!ry

u lo cholrytoc . Be a a re tha t he Ia out ot 1 aooc1 nne:• .• II dota not m a tter whethe r o r ool he 11 • ~loleftl, or a n olll <'OC.'lt. n a tonc u lle haa a 11nnd phy ci(IAI matr•up. plN ti o r llaht. oo" tot11 mt tored. · Ma iN ' how • p!'1' t~" N\te hlr <'l'rtaln htua, a iHI t h~re lhDUid hfl p lt DIJ I)( nll iH ID I hp IIO('It. The ou mber b t rema iN and mn lf'S. a nd lh• l"t'l at lon bttw.,.u lh tm, dt•tl4'ndl IIJ)OII br..-d c barutw-ltllc, atw ot lll>t'k ucl tilDe o f rea-.

••r $.!:!.~.000 wo rth, or rarm tno t•hl e unt•lt.lp th~ hulldluc. ~" IO I loll! IIIUP to IPft 0111 In I hi' O(Wll, A~ltlt' fro)m IUintc machlopry, I coot! t"• a•r• A• • N'• ull rhe e• rnoc~ huplf'Uh'llt ahNI adda to thf' em~1enc1 llfP nf It I• rtdu.~ from tlrlf'l'll )PIIN o r 1111• rnrm bJ llrm·ldlnl tuornble to PICht '"'""· us • hown lw "'""""'" w flrkhlll l'"lldlthlnl 110 tha t r• paJrs. c ulhl'rl'd b7 ftllrlrullur~l 1'011"1""' Olf•rhoullnt~ a nti ••IJn•tntt'ot • cao 1141 AhiNl lltll $:!':!,:..~ ••.ottn worth or 111M• lllMtle lu lhr "llll~r Wbt'U both time chhtt'ry nrtly ~l.:ht •·•ar1, lh• Oll(l r hraro l•l~<or arr avellablt' to 01\ auuuat dl'ltr..,•lnll•m ou II t• $'.!. i7r,,001t, •u•·h work. loullf'\'<•t a•lv•ntagt'e wh l,.h wh~rt•ll1 If It w~r., l""'"•rly hoU~r'd utld 10 tht • nlu~ ot ohf'dtllnll rnach lll· •nil vrvh•l·l ~•l It l'utJhl '""' "'" "''II ••ry ttrl' th•• ~noln~ In lime rt-qulrecl • ••rK •not til~ auuototl •lt•ttri'< lotlwo lo llmll~r Ufl tit• mnl'l>lnPO and t he • •lllld !!It'll he rP\Iut•••l 101 $1 ,:1117,;~~1. fi·IV~r (lo•hi)M Ill \'rlllc;,t l II Wt'll from lilmll-a r rt'8Uh• ('UUhl ~~~ nhhiiOI'~ In lltP ltn>nklllll tlf II""" ru"led or ll'l!lk· Ill fllet 'tiOUI n ( lht' l ' flUHiry t'U•\tl hy '"11JU"'UrP, •

Pretty Houses Attract

I More to-Neighborhood lhtP hf'Rullrut home of 1-""UrPt.l ~r­

ruarwon~ a",,.,.,_ othen of the unw <RIUI• Ollil lt•r~hy tucrl'K•~ lUI OWII '•lu~ "" Wl'll ""the rnl t'•tole \alu•·• O ( thf' CCUU IIHtUIC)'.

Thl" nllraclloo lo tao~e ~lrona~r

or hen I hi' ,•un~tru~.llon to of a I) ll" whlo·h lnC ~•tJ~I'II lite ftrl' tafrn~ v t the local ity 'rite betttr n •,ldrnre ••c lloua or mno~t rommunltiM rt>COI!lll"' Urla to thflr l>ulldlog N'4trl~llon!l.

Furlht'rmort', rh" wiOf' home-buii<Jior looks ron .. r d to the IIO""Ible Urop WhPD ht' Wit)' • •ot 10 It'll hlo hOU8i'. \VIII It dt'p rPCIIIt' hu• ll7 with th~ P• llliiOI )eurw, or will II slhlW In f're&Hd value! The hom~• rove~

w llh portl and cetal'nt alurro will, •~ a rult>. l oc~a~ In valull u lh" rte rt p br . bl'ci UtM! th~y 1re p;>rn1an• nt In ron~~tructlon and tht'lr e ppearance lm· pro•ee wllb •«"· '

Old b ut wt<ll·bul lt htlUIPf. Dlft1 be N'Jo•enated a nd -thl'lr a ppt•raot'l ~hao~red al a minimum •·o~L with pu rt· IaDet ~IDI'D I l hlCl'O, Jo:xt•elltDI Pll lU• plee of au r h w ork a re round lo • h-t n e17 commu ol(1.

Ao t :rterlor tD V@I Ilpe ot llto~<'O. • new po~b. a aWl parlor. perbal)ll n t w window" wUI brhJi about 1 colupl~• tnaoernrma tloo.

Lime Mortar Stands

Small House of Brick Has Low Upkeep Figure

01 tllo'l<'tttlll o lh>~t thll l o rornlotlon R!l1ullll •tnftll wag., f'lorn4'ra lhet t h e •ruoll hrlrk hnn•e a Nuallr t't)•t• no mum th•n 1 h ou><t or le1111 dunbte eon· •trut'lh:ln. lr the UJlk<'f'P cu•t.s are t • k<'ll Into llt'I'UU I\1 t ur • r~trlod o f 11'11 or t,.~h~ )'('Rro, WI! feel tha t th lt lodu•tr1 I• rt'lld••rtng a reel 114'rrke.

Alld nnt Unl7 lit@ waae timer, bui pt>ople "'"" lrl' In e aall'r fi nancia l dr· I'Utn•l"'"" do not a lw11y1 ~•list tht trotlt or tht ('('(IIIOli'IIMI or home build · In c. htkln& one tnl trrlal u -.atoat IHh.llht>r. Anti In the lona run bulldln l( the owell~ o r hvroPt wllb brld1 d oes oot work • h1rd1hlp oo lht lumber lnduaUJ.

Oo• emmt'ot ta~rt• a nd othe ra h••• polnt~>d ou t that th e to rettl o f t he coun t17 a re tltmlnltblna et oo lll•ru th>ll '"'"· and th~ p reaeut produc· tl••n ot lu tnhl't re noot CODtln ue for a grea t m• n1 mo re years. To build home• or brk k 11 to con.-rve lumber. Ju~t u much wood IJI Ol<'d to t he ln­ttrtor o r tht- houee t or pariiUoll&, t'loors u ll fl nl11h • • would be ueed In • fTawe hou.-, the onl7 dl lfei'Pilt:e 11 tl•et the outat cle •ulla It~ built ot a llll ltrlal that will prot~t tbt Ins ide lu01bPr from dt!<'l1 a od rt -.e It a lit• three to rour lllllfll • tooa • • It lb e wbele bou ee hod bHa e«a81ruc ted o r woo4.

Test After Years Built-In Mail Box ·Ctrnf'nt wu no t Dllecl Lo lh l1 t'OOn ·

t1'7 In t h• f'arllf'llt worlt aa It h e d ool bell!o at that tlmt Hdl..,.ve~ but '"" lim• mortar ~ lo b alldlna• lba t atao4 tod&J • •• of a woadtrnll q aul· t t.J. O'"t cere wu IIHd to ~ortoc p~ ea~~d ud lbe II DM wu ala lted a a d aUowtd to Ml"' to pita ror - th• or evftl a ,..., bet""' It wu t o ~ uw4 E'fldll!otl7, 100, th. r'flathe pro­ponJ• ot II DM .. aud wu u act1.7 r1c bt a .od lhe I'WQII wu tha t lhe wa lw we re IDON Y l tvlii'OOI a t the Jolo t o t han a re t b08e of todaJ 1nd tbe !DOC"

tar atlll ret•lo. 11:11 tenet'l lJ.

Some. Advice N f!YU b o7 a bom~ tbll etanda 011

a lmoo brlc lt or hu Ito foollo1 cou,.._ ba"'l7 Mddtd' In top 1011. NPither coaalckr ooe wh~ra the mort e r rou._ a re eott. eulty crurubltd a nd allow a

I teocleow J t o run It broaren. lt JOU do, )'00 mil)' U PI"('I ' " - lhe mortar ~~~,_ weat bu • ....., onlll , ,. • ...,. lloe .. aunbn ta r bedf' f rom wall ract.

Great Convenience With • bnlll-ln .... u ma l.l boot It Ia

Wlll-17 tor t he boQIItbol,.r t o 10 out.ldt ellh~ to mall lf'tttn or to ~.-. tnromtna - u . Tb- boi M. which ""' n tbonwd f at ua to bunp ­IOYI, ~dtnt'M. Oluptn " a od all llat b afldiDCII bu tn1 8tp&rate h'ont ftl·

t.rucer, for l'lcb lDdl,.ldaal taaillJ, a re maO. In t hl'ft IDOCMia to _. • af7lnl ~dll iM~ ot lo.ta lle Uoo. All a re e d)uata ble to lhe na" t.btclta­o r t lte wilL

Cellar Stairs :lolo,.. t.ha n llltfll7 the ~lar 1tabw

11Md a ttftiUon., Thle Ia a l.oe · U... o f , ..., to ll • e them a C'Oat o r daft' rolnrf'd llnn~bte palot Jba t wUI lhem oeat ~r In aPI)8rao~ llDd m ild!

PUler .to ~··· D. n e -n· llD4 lllaD4 rail a ra llo labll!d JD • b.lle. t boa thf'OQitl better Ua h u nc tbtno ta ,_ <Jaqw ot a111 ou e t allln & wbllt cotna to t.M ~uar to loolt.Aftel- t M t'orua~

Pumpkins Useful as Cow Feed During the Winter

Who:re punopkln11 are "~tPn •• Ply £TOwn lh f'y ar~ llrtPtl fur """ ,._'I'll lr> tho wlotl'r- tnontho. 1>oo~lbl7 lhl'Y coultl he llt>pt a ll winter uno.t~:r pro p.-r t'ondltlone of cold storngt>, but they . a re auch a bul k7 fOOd tbat a IAr(w p lnce 18 rl'f) ulred to "Iori' Pn !lttl!h ot l h l'm t o last a large h~rd tb ru o gb t111• wint er mon t h s. T ht>7 ar-e n ot onl7 h oitow tn~lde, bu t their ahDJlt mak~,. thew ~peee coruounoera to at11rage. 't'he pumpkin 11 nra rl)' equl .. tf'ol lo ellllJ!t' tor t~. but whi'O we ha\t the proh lem or fl'l'dlng- m&D1 cowe. It I& mu~h easln to build a 1110 thnn to build • r>'Ct'ptarle fo r aevrral tone ot IIUWfl' kine. l.lni'II!Over, lha puru plciM mu•t be rold eboo~rh tq preveo> t lhem from d~JIIltr. for t he e lr wilt pt to to e oy ~ptat'le In whlc.h Uie7 ceo be pi&Qell. W i th llllagoe, t he temperat ure mn ll e• li ttle d llftrt-nt't I t It does not ,_cb l h" point w htre It f'tt'oollt'A. ln lhe ft!td lntt ot p umpltlna • bOut 40 poOIItb per de7 per ~" may be ttd lo t dvabtoge, 1nd w1tb ..,_ cow. the mUll prod ucllou will Itt lf'Htl1 IDt're&lltd. With IION t ~"" boweveT, lhe e«~t of I'Mdlu t: pumpltl nt Ia to c.auae lhe cow to laJ on rat a nd decrea~e r 10llk pro­duc t ion.

Dairy Hihts

Cal• ts aboold bue """h Willer eno tboucb tht7 are recthlna miiiL . . .

> Oal17 bame nttd 1ooc1 lloorw, Ooo·

c retl II a llne material to r thl l f>W'­po-. . . .

T o luure floU t'rHMIILDJ I'M cow t wll h catr betWftll Oece~ l • lUI ~&reb L · . . .

Cowe th.r are ct•u • reM of from liz t., debt weeka aJMI IIberati~ fM before al!Yaq un&IIJ proctor. - • • .milk d llrtoc tbe I'U«'Hdl111 lutalloA ptrlod t.baA eo..-. t all" Ill lhla coadltl-.

• • • Moet ~~~~ aepe.rat- will cho a

-b betlt'F Jolt Of akliDIIli.JI& the aUk Ybea l t .. WU1L

• • e

O r1nltlllc ~ lo lbe bu1l . ... a .-oct IIIY"'--tt tor - dalry-. 0oW11 ofltd IOC.. ot .,..1411' u ti It aa.o.lll 1M OIIIPplled UbtrallJ. . "

• •• Stiect • bul l ot lood illdh1ft&lll.J.

A b oO abo1114 be equal to, or bet tet' ,., n e17 rqllrcl, tbao !be cowa JM. ta bnotl to. w b1l OlbDriD« ww .,. llnf dowa UlciOO! Qp.

. ..



Page 3: · • _ ... S . A--t • . a • ...,. Jo.l)o. h .. ........ ~. ....... ., • ·..__--~---_



Hard W orlt anJ Ingenuity U•cJ in Buildinw Device.

, .,.....,.... .. .r: ''-• D•1tH lk-.C• Oepan_.wt

0 I G~n:g . r_. 'l Stpeed I D ~n • w1tk:.~:,~~·~;,·.;,.. smau chll· v• CUI.1 dl'llo, • motbt>r eotu~ the ltllrb~o

L-----------------~-----~-----------------~ lront~tlnAI~ma~ero~l~ V~~n~.



~Ell.£ t5 A~·~ $'TOR« ~ \ ......, ~ so ~vs tT 0011'1'

1EV1J.1 ~ A l>IGU c. 8UT "'\.VV.T

~ •• " ..... vv tt~ ~ C. f\' ~ ..,.,....,. -..-n..11>0~ - '('

Fanny Gives Strong Interference

~- UQ '10 PA&lr .as WUI laMAS AS W PO$SIIk&, eo Me' ~ (1,0 01.1 A

'n1.lf oa.• 'IWIOW A WI«'N ~ 'M(1 NOT LEY US' 1010'41 J>60J'( 11

O...:.c ... A_.~ I ~ n4. ""'~ C11 ~ ~~ 1'111WT1'* .... 85CUf. '~ QA -~ '()Cll.l( ICCU'r. ~ ""'- AaJ

. amilt&ST N ~IR ~ ~

and "'" ll the prl•e tor mAkl•l the otn~l lmpro.-emeot el the luat t'Xpeoae, All tb~ lmpi"'vemute In btr llltchto ~.1 nnl7 1.'1. 70, m<MJt o r whlcb wu 1114'nl r.., paint. One or tbt' ~~ tblnp ahe Clld ••• to cooatru~t tble k ltcLeo '"'ork table, •lib 1 nr1 little bf'l p trotn a carpenttr, "u1 ot old lumoor t"untl around the plal'e.

The 1'1lCk for 1101 l>t IUI)I)liH ll l!f'l about two-lhlrel8 or the Wa)' tl"onl th~ N'a r tod of the tablt', tta< Ln r • aum rt~ot worll u•ac" a t t he '"" t'lld. wh~re tbe hl11h atool Ia placed, tor mllln~: caku and pri'partna ollt~r

roodJL The rentalntiH or the lot>le ,,... hind the rar k Ia Utl'!l tor glvtna lhll rhlhlnoo thPir mPelt, lo tile samt ••1 a ~reaktaat al<"<••e 11 Ullt'd. HAnt~ln_. tr~>m thtt cellln1 Ia 1 rack f<lr •ol'll ""'"" uleoalla 11 t he fR bt'atrr. otraln4'r, clitloln1 IOniiL and 10 "o


~ - · Albtmarlt County (VIrg in ia )

Tabl• In ,.,.., Kitchen. Work

T hlt wu orfatn•IIJ 1 1!'hlp llan11" In • t'OUntr)' atore. Tba titbit , otool ltllll Ua~ were all J)llloted white, Tbt J\/l•• toaroph .... "keo b7 lhe Uoltcll 8tutn O•Portmenc or Alft'leurwre.

Economicol Mftll Duhu RecommendeJ lor Table

Here are aoma economlt<al tnl'lt dlahM re<"Ommtoded b7 the United Statea OepaMmeot or Aarlculture : Bam boeka and lftue rkra ul. chudt eteulr, lamb 11ew with !le'l•· polatOOII and carrot a ; beet a hank wltb •'1&­ta bl ts. c1\uclt 1101 roll!, pork .. u••~t• and a ppll!ll, fWialed round oltlk. Aloo7 people do oot know thl l to,.. quarter cub ot nll'l t tl'om cllol~ aol· mala a re oaoell1 much t'bta114'r and far more palatable Chao blndquorter cuta trom aolrnalo or lra{•r lor btiM'dlna. or which hn•a oot ~n well fallfllcd.

Recipe lor Preparinw Cream ol Spinach So•p

cn-atJl or •111111 ~h 1001111 I• ruDd• h-tlm ~l tbtr aploaeb cooked ror thlll lllll'l>OS" or troro let\-ovtr ll)lnaelt fl at 1 quart ot mllll to bnt In thll tlonbla boile r wlth 1 ellce ot oohlb In IL From halt to uoe cttpt'cll ot eo<~lltd ~ploach '1<'111 b4! tnoua~ to C'Orablot with tbla emount ot wllll. A quarter to I ha lf jXIUOd Of f~b l piDar iJ Will Jh:Jd ilbout tltla q111ntlty wllfn C\iUIUtd Wheth~r the 111luaeh waa llffll"ffil• pre•loo•l7 or at the lime or makhli: the eoup, •II llquur trom It abould ~ und and uHCI vdth IL Soma or the flhlable miDfr&l NDIIUt\10!011 of Ule 1plnacb a re dllaoh·ed In tble liquor Wuh the aploacb tborouahiJ, chop It aod p ut It lo a ea11cep;.u with ooe or two ttoblt'llpoontula ot · hot wat~r-Juat eooll£'h to kt'ep II troro acorclllna until tbl! lt>uvea are wilted and tloe oplu•rlo liquor de,·tlope.. Salt It llchtiJ. lo about 10 mlnlllM thf ~llln.Cb will t. don..: llln~ II Yt'r7 line or I)NU II throucb • IJr&lnu a nd add II to lhl llot nollk. ll ~lt two tahlup;x•utulo ot buller 11ot1 bl~ud with two lt~blt•MIIOOn· tul• or !lour. l'uu r • lltUI$ ur the llut mixture on tho ltour and but· t~r and alld f l'1ldoall7 to Ole eoup l:!f!aJIUo to 11110', r~wove tbe all~ ut union, and Rn>e. It .fiiU J)rtf~r muf\1 union lhl'ur. 01lnco the onion a nd ~uuk It In the melted butter lwtore wddlna · t11e dtlo r, tl"'" ~&dd the bot ruft'k wllll tlt11 eploecll.

Lilting LaunJry Water Malt•• Wa•h Day Hardeal

WrtiDII lttuutlr)' water In aod 0111 o f PMtnble tuha mn kea wuh (\It! the h11rd""t or all In orlftn)' rllral hu ulf> .. 'f 'he l•r~st puhlklltfou on burue 111011· tl~rlu~r l~•u•ll b)' tlou United ~tlllea lle­ltOrlnll'nt or Alrtlcullure routolo1 a him tor ft'dU I'hl~ lhla ta•lt lO a mini· titUlO. f 'lpP llot• 1\lllt'f 10 thll lnha \1)'

""'"D' o f a llt••l ltt~ r ullbtr b""''· It l l<>~olhl (', lt od h7 all ntl'IIOI SljllHIO OIT the WII Hie wwt~r wllh a ho"e whrn r .. ndr tu ~UlloiJ '"" tub!l. 'l'o mt~ko ~uch n 1111•h•tU, 1111 o Mhort leo~:th or tho '"'"'' with \\ Oter. cttl~l' th~ t ndw aud In· • l'rt II, pladnc nne end und4lr the aur· tat'e or lbe wottq. aud the o tlle r at a '"" er le,·d. Ill"'" " ' ltbout rO'tno•loa thP ahnrt•·r !•tul ''""' uutle r th~ aurra~ or the "111er. A tuul'!'l ~oldl•rl'd tutu thP ~nd ot the woah holler racllltatl!l flllplJIDC II.

Curinw and Fermentation Applied to V ewetobl•

ThPre Ia 1 dlal ln~tlon bttw~o "ru r· Ina" an ti " ter111enta t1on" AI •llltll•d to v~aetttbles tr~ated In brine. Ourlna reter~ t o tht> chanaeo whi ch nael~bleo uoderao In brine •• a r f-Sult or oamoala b7 wbl~b brine larltf'IJ takea tbe pll~ M the "~ettblt Jul~. wllb reault· 1n1 c:banlft ro C't!llo lar atrueture. Fermenta tion rtlatH Co the actlno o f .-.rtato b••·terla In chanalnl tbe au111 r ronteot or the vPgetable JoiCM ln!o .cldt tnd other eod prO(Iocu . lo 1 weal! brlna (II per NJot or 1 ... 1 bac­teria art not lnhlblltd and Cba proc­- 11 llf'JtiJ 1 termeotuloo. In • mndf'l"'ltl7 at rona brine ( 10 par cent) botb Proctlllf'A 10 on about eQUI IIJ lo a alrona brine ( l l't per cent or onr) bacter ia a re tublbllf'it •ad tho p roc­- 11 a lmnet ~nt1rel7 • ull cur1na.

If Back Hurts Flush IOdneys

OrtMI ftl~~ rtf W•- Mil Tllll Ql- ef aalta ._..,. ......

, ... ~•M111,

Wbu JOUt lll""n bort uCI JOGt beell f81J .ON!, dOII't 1~ lleaftd aDd p~ to IOIId 7011t ltomacll with a lot or druc"l t hat exelte tb• llt4Dqa Ud ln1ll le tlie Utlft Ut1U17 trsct. KMp J O«ll' ll.ldM,_ d iMII Uh 7011 llHp JOU r bowela dNA. 117 lllllllDa them 'Witb a 11UIId. hanD!- IDIW whle,b beiPII t o remo•• the boc~J'• urtnoaa waete aod attnulate U... to tbtlr norma l acU•IJ7.

Tha fllnctloo or tbe llldlltJI II to lU ter tilt blood.. IA :M lloG.rl lbt7 tmal11 tram It 000 rnUIW o f ad d aod waate. ao we ~ ~dJIJ undtntaod 'f1tal lmporcan~ Of lketpl .. tbe lddU71 a etlve.

Dr'1D1t lOll ot . 00<1 WIIWI'-JOU can' t 4rfolt too ~tluch: a lao aet from tDJ phumacllt about tour ouocee of Jatl Satta. Taka a t abl .. poootul In 11 ., ... of water befOre bretlrf*'t tadl moru1D1 ror • r.• diJ'II ••4 r our II.~ oe;. ma~ thf'll act line., Tblt tamou1 salll 11 made ~ ... tbe add ot '"'"" 11n!l lemon Julee, combin ed wlt b lithia, a nd bllll been uaed tor ,.. ,.. to help elfin and atlmnlttt d••nect lr.ICS.:rw: 11110 to otUtrllltl t be a cldt lD t he •:rwtem 110 tbt'J ere no l on~r 1 _, or lrr\t lltlcm, th~W otten l'tl.l .. lnl • bladder • rallnM& ,

J ad &II• Ia '-"Z1>t'nl l¥e: ~nnot In· Jure: makea • d~ll1hUul e trerv-t llthlft ·1\'llf'r drtn lt• •l~ lell e n170U abould take n nw IUid lhtn to belp liM-p their III(JntJI dPAO and ICtlYl\, Tt1 thlt: ai.O It~ 0'1) the water drfollllllf, tnd no doubt 7011 will won· der what became or JOIIU k.ld0e1 lroU• ble and back_•.,.c_he..;,_ _______ _

YOUR STOMACH Ia your ltomach out olt ordert lnctJ­treatlon, Cu1 lleartblntt, Dloatln1, S!ck headaelle, Bolll' atomacb, ~ olmila r dlotr u • cauaed by d ltordend atomach . Then t.rr DYJIEBT, the molt woodtrlul atom1ch 111medy known. S end ua GOe atamps ot• coin, wt will tend JOU DYJEST, JICiet paid DIIJ· where. \



MUDDY. Oltv· SKIN qUckJy -~ IIIII .-t, ..,.........,.,,...,.d, ..... dll

Resl1no1· fJJ!f~~ ~HAL 11ft ULW

hab tolla .. t4 ., ... cn-.oai&Wll ... •tr••· oto. !lure. late. llpetdy. l h a t • all drupllll. Ball & ll ... el,lf. T .O.

Amoaem~nt lJ to Ult mlDd 'l'bat llllllblne Ia t o tta, llo"era.


Tilkt T•bltta Without ltaar It V041 ... the 8aht)' "la,yer 0,_"

WIJUinr 1 Uol ... JOD - tbe ume 'B•Jer'• oo paclllp or oo tableta JOG

• r• not rett.1o1 t be paDIDe B&JV Alplr1o proved aafe b;' mllllout aod pl'ellerlbed b7 phJ•Iclu.e tor 20 JMI'I.

817 ''BII7er" wbeo J(lu bUJ AJIJ)lriA. IJIIItaUona DUlJ pro•• cliii .. C'ODL- AdY)

One admi Ne elarlty t ha t IIJI' t 011 J)lll"'df;-



CECIL ,,.....,..llltTIL •.--n• ................ , ........ ........ ,... LOS ANGIItLES

711ROOMS . .,,_......-ra ....... i• .,,_ ... ,..... ...... .. . ._ .. ....,.. ...... . • ' Ga-'C..Jj~

IIOTEL ROOSEVELT .... IIIII I ....... llfta ..__ ........... _ .... ... ..... _.... .

Page 4: · • _ ... S . A--t • . a • ...,. Jo.l)o. h .. ........ ~. ....... ., • ·..__--~---_


.... _ ... Or..-----...... eA F ri4ay of Eac~ Week by

PIONEER PUIUSlUNG CO. w.-.r of · Or..- State £4Horial

A ttodatioa.

£atcn 4 U NICOft4 clue IUitU

Oct. r, ltzJ, at .. c Poetoliu a t W•h­_.., Or..-, .. du ~· Act .t .. .,.. 1. 1n.

UllllaAI IUC.htr IOf' 1h~ pou1ary fur.! b.-cau•~ I t'• uk tht u 1 ~~~' trr'adn an lh~ J)trson of M ,., \\ 1111 I hke I)Cinald I vltnun bttau r I

frtd Harris. 'fht bo.Jid11111 u ~h72 lhauk ht i• a "'vadcrlul aclor an• "''h hall bunntnl, huhnl( t•laou llvu.glaa 1-a~rbanlu Jr, llct"au· c n~ ,, Beaadtt be1n1 lo no.. n u lht h· nut • try cui~ 111 ho• ~CIIIII: o l ~lbc baa ....... 11111011" t opolt Will ' I do nlll hlo.c lluulll u .. )d ~lid

~ 1101ed for iu lone c<luca1nonal l h;arhc lhavlJn btt~u·• l lhmL lht) <Ue >illy

Bolton Bros.lf'--W·""" SUCCESSORS TO. I

:-A nllmbtr of Tualaun fotlcs al · MY H I STORY OF Durst & Co. ~

1cnd~d 1hc Won\&J\'1 club c~d rarty MOTION P ICTURC5 ~ at the Mcuccr cum111Unot)' hoo•c :: Wednead,ay t'vtnins. A nnltwurlhy l Lluy1l · l' W 1-..rrun, t: .1d~ 7th, J~•· ~

cortlmiiDIIY •P'"' P•••••h •n .Mm- 211. 19z1 Groceries a•r and all who aHtnd tb~or func I hke "''"'nt; t·•Ciur~ <lin•" I ~·· __I" ~

~''* trice 11.50 a yn~, Ad· IIOIU ar~ u•ade mort 1han welcome ,J o Ont u r 1-.u ~>try '""• I 11., 1 • < ·~ rate ... a,,ac.tioa. 111"" I hkt ..... tM•)' , •• ~y•. ........ and Meats ~

Lhyor Jolin !l(ybcrt. trannct•d ''"' 3tt a hill~ ucatcnanL I hkc ~ b\i•n•«t .n Hollaboro W~dntsday •hows -.och a' "JJclt n o'<tc" anu ~

"ll lk>t (,oiJwn" or " T""' \lo,.." Mr. and ld" Alr1<ander Swc .. l- I hk~ J~c:. llc·"•'l l>hy• becan ~ (Our ow" M..,&.e t ia coon~tlo .. )

t1 > • OfftM.. .. I. J l, II C... and aon spent lut Sunday w11h h~ •• tro .. ky anti 11u1ck lie h:u h•1l ....... ...... ...... ·h H...._.•• Llr Sweelt'a aiutr, ~Irs L S ll.oro onany ad1rnlurc• anti i> braH I lak• C. C. B INDER, Mona,.,. 1 ~ • 1--. ' 1ng lluot Gobfvu'• ttlar• ftor I hit~ 10 ut S ._... ~~ ,_., Jt. h1111 nM and lol(hl •nd also , , • ., Two Deliveries Daily ~ B 5er · S •

....._ AT••- 1111 t.Jr. and Mra ll Schofield o f ~~ .. who .~ braH, uuelh~;ent and ,, • ·~ ~ Authorized Raybeatoa rake linin1 V1Ce tatJon 0 (.. S d • ~, 1

11<10·1 sho•••·r I thonk th•t ' '"' A • d p M I e 111111 u 11 u 1 u u 111 •• 111 reron •I)' wrre un ay ""to rs • • ~ ·~ 1 ·00 11. a n l ·to Sprinc it here, flowtr and vrcc · the W. 1<. Hawxburu horn• •huuldn't ~;u 10 IW many shu" ' r,., . . . . . . HILLSDALE GARAGE

table se~d• arc on dotplay i o the ol II hard o n the eye• nnol un """r BRoad"wP•H.,O N4nEI FOR FAOTOwDalsu· 17Zl l Phone ATwater 2829 Hilia. dale, OreiOD store.. ~Itt John Boont, Jllunerr uf l•ev ple'• braan< '><•tnc IJ~111•1• lhtnk a ton and Or~gon ia cnucally ill al a , th"" • art uuc anol try 111 lull s •• .,~ P ortland ho1p11al ll tr husb~n.t, '" une and cn•ls Ull m lhr pt n

Collulnv I[WC! ttr Mrt I N Robon~n brulhcr I dun'l hkt li•H ........ or ... .. Ill [WiiJ o'\u; llrosc Smith art frtq~enl ""': poclurt< but I <In loloc ho>l<~riul I•C- Yovr Palron•l• Greatly Ap,..ecl.aled ~

[N:==~ .. ~ ~~~~:.~~~?:~~· ... ,·~::~~~::~~:~:~:~~~.:~:.:~ M~::::.:h .. :,.:::;:' ;~---:::~ ~" lnl ereu i1 1hown by the Corrcapoad~n t che" cuuumc• a1 the muqurr~·lr ~~~o(>+<>o>(~~ • WARD BAKER ~

ltndance at strvlcu II the Carson 1ellle11111111111111111111 11 ,vcn at St l hrr' s 111rt\h o n Jan ~;· •• Heiahu coonmunhy church frortt the Th~ Colhns-View p T C'lrcle ~uc· ZX Far•t ladac<, t.llu l wha Mu Internationally Known netptionally cood muaoc rtndcr~d b}' uhvc board' held tbeor r<I!Uiar meet - thallrr . firtl m~u't, Jnhn llasc'l\lch, ... ~ tb~ c o or rtctnl Y 0m1e liD cr I • intf Tuuday afternoon at lht h ume 1 •ecnud laoll••· M ''' A1lclanr l'~t:r, .,. &£'I ~ JU .- • h ' I f d d b ~. MUSIC I a"' .. 'U'n co-Pos•a dlr~tion o f Mu. S. M Noblill, in- of Mrs Stymour Graham, luncheon Hcond man's, ChaNu w~rad ;. cludin1r ~l r and M" ) . Butcr, F betng ae rved a1 12 o'cludc Platts ~ l>rynan, Mn. II, 1 •. Clcavu, Mua for the fullowig gue•u were laotl at 011 ~nn1l.1), hb IJ, al1~r •I 1:; -;

Will Teach a Limited Number of PupUa VIOLIN, PIANO .AND COMPOIITIOM Mildred lolatnty and Mlu Dailey. the beauufully appointt<l table Mrs I noaH '"""' woll be a ""'~1111~ loor ~·

GtOrge Murr;ay, ~In t.corge llar1 '"'' """ uf lh•• I•M"h Th" 111 c Mrs. Ouler Mcilroy after spending man, Mrs. F II. Schlra tlrnol•h, Mrs. "'K wa• '""IJHJntd from ).\n. JO

n • eral wtrka &I lht Emanutl bot · W Oicloonaon, Mrs 1), A Uoont, rhal where she underwtnt a nroou• Mrs. M N Jensen, lllrs f. B Mn llltr~; .. Ill :II St \ 'onrrnt'• ••

After l'ebruU'y • Multnomab, Orejlon

UJltrallon, u no w stayintf whh fnenct. t.hrrc, Mra. A Docloon aon, Mrs J hospllal "...~·.•.-.•."-""V'o• ... ~.•.•.•Nor"J'NoiYV'.WNh"...,..,._YJ'.Y•V't/\h'•""""....,._. _ irt Portland and il reported aa malt· s· " . I ' . -

1m, ~Irs A ... ully, lllra 1·. B - Q ll~ c"•l ""' "" r,.., .. r \\' au •na a !rood r«ovcry. • Gain u and 1h~ hos t us AI tht bus• · \Vm S,bu<t t r 11 rccm trmg slu\1 lv

nus n•ctllllf(, follo"•n11 the luncht<m from a '""!: ollnc" ltr 11 l.n"1" lhat '1 f ' 111""" .-----------------------------

) , E. Collin w1u operated uJ)Oft al it waJ voted 10 conunu~ tht aronuat l .... -....e~iJIIIIIIII .. '"' h rat .nul •t.umna cu "''!..' .l.lll. For EVERY KIND of Laundry caU up the

the Veteran'• hospital 1uuoay for du L I u at 00 ccnu p~r faunly, on - MAPL. EWOOn. 1 •• , 1111 h a\\" hl..r '"' "'"""'~" a serious rup1ure. cludona 1h~ maf(uonc f o r unc ) t3r '"'

T he 1 111.11 of $1 will be furw~rdr<l 11.1 ld ra.-;::-Hol.tu JlhM h• '' lla.a1', ""> 1oo11 '"" •n l1 M n. Florence Hammer, who hat b p ·

bttn confined to her hom~ for tn· I e o rtland eouncol as a l-hold \\'el- Corru pondcnl ""'" I II, • I all. "' ''" . .,,, l.hllul fare Day soh for Foundtrs ola> A II ..

eral wcelu frortl illnus, ia makmll a ltlltr of apprtcoauun I rum ( hcslrr I . 11111111111111111111 '"'

•pccdy recovery in hcahh. l.yona fu r tht dona hun frum lb t M" \ ' I lAy entcrtaint~l I he ll .tl'I•Y n,,,,., ·' " II • ·I " '" c ... I .I nil h,l\ • circle •us read 11 "a. d~nle.J lu H ell•trs tl•>< Fruby e1cnon.: A 1l1 purchast four do«n cups for \hr ha;:htful •utJJler wa• su~t<l Nc" .. 1 !ht 1 ""~11 " \\ 1111 'r


Tbc "Coun try danct" held Satur· day ~vtning al the Capitol Hill club provtd a h ilarious spcceu, much m~ n rnent being cauttd by th t queer coullllleL Five bundrtd W111 enjoy· td pr~. cdlnc the dance. The nt"<l card and dane~ party Win be held l: cbrua ry 19, s.turday evening.

circle and Mrs, E. 11. Magre H•l· facer• were elected rr•~•tlrnl, t •th untccrcd a dona tion o f lvur do•rn tnnc Juhan , occrelarv, tocur~;aa llJv apuona. The nnl rnctung o f che lrta•urcr, "'"" lltllt Juhan circle will b~ Tunda) ~vtnonr, Feb IS, at which nme a notnobcr uf thr Ponland Khool board "'II bt lht sptaktr o f the evenong au<l a muso·

CaPitol Fuel Co. ~ Domestic Electric Refrig~ratioo ;e It brings you CONSTA·NT COLD-CLEr\~LI-

cal provram will be pru~nted Me· Plans a rc bclnr completed fo r the freahmcnu wtll be sen ed anti a

S t Valentine's co11ume danct, apon · commillee o f 12 was •Ptl<lnatr11 10 sored by the Capitol I IIII COillmun· acrvt , 1he affair to bt "' tbt nature lly club, IO be htld at tht club o f a valtntin~ party house, Saturday nocht, Feb. 12. 11 8 .

' .Jcl~k ~ovcl decorations •t•Pro· llllleellllllllllll.~llllll

pnatc to St. Valtnlmt's day will be I _ METZGER ~ untl lu malce th e club rooms futovr --fur the ~c:&sion. Priatt will be Wn. H. E. LecdJ awoarded lor the best co>llllllrt and c-. .. _ .... , rdrcahm~n ls will be se rvtd. Mra M ellllllllllllllllllllllllo 1' . Marohall u In charge and aa a.. T he Mettr~• Woman's club u rep · mted by Mrs. Zolly and Mra. J en · rca cnt~d by Mn, Mary Drou orr lb.r t en Orctfon <.:uunal uf the Satwna l ~lu

The a llrridancc at tht Cat•itol lloU school ia oncrca11nil the enrolhntnl at the prutnl lillie b~in11 ISS pupob, the followin11 t 111h 1 pupils enrolling for thia aenacuer . Irene Ba~lry, Mat · lit Zunmcnnan, Frankhn Holm, John Myan, Mary Finley, Dorothy Kulf­llo•ld, Arthur Marvon ,.....t l oabcllc

The rc1 ula r mnllnll of lht Capitol lloll coin1nuni1y club was held at the club hou!c \Vtdnuday r>cnon11, Ftbruar) \l, a1 8 o'cluc:k

lion Pocturt Ltal(ur, "hoch ha~ to' ill obJCCI tht prl,iltcli\111 o l tile )'IIUth o f the country The >tan.J u f 1hc DtlaniUIIUII II lor whviUIJIIIt Jtlays 1hroughuu1, no t pl11ya havn111 JUSI a moral endon 11. It mu•t not •huw cnm~ ·o~ bru1al11y o f any lcmd It must be 111 11•>v<l talle and clc' cr anti· the titlt IIIUll be i1fiU1UI\311tall) cur-reel The plan mu•t b~ '" ace<ord · ;ancc with lhc •landard uf clecrn1 li>m~to and thert rnust 1be no ridoculr o f r~h111on, cleriC)', eth ics, • uoal ""'k· tro and j)ublic worke rs u f thr law

-- MrL Drou on connectiC>n "'' ' h 1hc Th,., l.adics' Ahl Ill cht \ arS<Hl l worlt . atktd-fur lellen frvm 1he tlof ­

ll c•.ghls conunnni1y chu rch will hoiJ ftrtnl rudcs 1n I h e M et•lltr t(hlkJI their rcavlar nacung al the - IIYlftl their preference of JliCIUre of M'ra Cl.,de Mallhe\\'S Friday aft · I""" kmd of playa and why Fun .... . t rnoon, F~b~uary II Fullm••inl( lh! 11111 ~re two of the ltlltra . , I b\isoneu auuon t>laos "'oil be fu rmll · la tr<l for lhf coemng yur All on -- · tereuc.J cordially wtlc:ooned. M OTION PICTURES . .

Jun t Go bmlr, M•• •.:•r "hOCil. 8tb

U ra E. C. R icha rdM'a ,

grade, Jan ll\, 1\lV 1

Corrupond~n t

I I ao lo a niO\iC aboul lh rec times a montb and loll~ them >'U)' "'ell Movinc pocturcs .to nul sct1n hkc I ltr*•M•**••M•**'* I Jllll .pkturu mov;.r. t hey teem

F rc<l lodtell. the b.11 ha1chcry- hilt real tu me I han ~en to 1 er}' man o f Malwaulter, "'"ltll thC> Tual · lew pk1uru 1h11 I dod no t hke a tin H~l11h1• cho(ltcr y Frcday, . cun· I like h111orical rlays JUll as well I t ractinl for all the surplus hatchmll l ll 01hen and aoonetimcs bclltr Yv u 1

• en• dley woultl ha~t 10 spare th •~ e el a lot of cood out o f " lhtln and MIUOI\, Mr. Cocltell hu a ha.chonwj the) are alway~ madt \trY on~rr · ca~ly lor baby thocks 10 tht U · utlna. I like p~one~r lllays '""fully teat ol fiO.llXl <Ialii• and 11 sold <>Ut w~ll 100. "The Iron Huue" • •p<"Oal 10 April 11 l ly l:lut •hal dora o o l mnn I du nv 1

• hlc c other playL n e lland.OOI( n<w achrolll blnltlang I .... Belly Bronson Ill .. relet

a t Cipolt ('1t'ich •• hal1111 for Pan" It " 'U a faary u ury but wu wOIIioa•), rrtd~ at a coli of ~. I JOlt splendid. I

to bt OCC\Iplc1l for tbr lor• I ' ~~ y fa•oritt actors a rc C,•llccn e dlh wt«k. h n declared tn be \loore, l.ouut BruOit~ ~Ia~ Pock·

dtt Mel 1n Wauioc ton count ) cnn· ford, O.' uKIU Fa~rbanh Jr, and 1 ~ tiM .-.btr o f PIIP•h rn· ltonald Culnnan. 1 hl<c Colleen ..olleC. Un.. J, E. Dow, .. ho has I Moore anti Lpuosc Brook~ ~cau•c .... \ j.;.d,.. 1« tlllat yun co n· they arc and .•bow cxrrc~~·on ..... '- die ,.., .,.., llut "' 'lb an on tbeir &ellnll I lilct Mary I tel. ·,

' .. .


\I r an1l \f r< t l. onculn Cl lol>r~l< •I thtir .I01h W<,ohlurg a nn11 c"~ry 11:1 'fhurstl.oy

c. "· t.ADIAN, l'rop. ~ NESs- UNFAI LING SUPPLY - ECONOM'\'-ATwater 1931 Moltnomah ~ CO:\\. E 1\ I EN C E.

a fiC"\\ =,., plain the numerous advanta~es of domestic e~ct ric

~ \Ve shall he glad to have you come in ariel let u s ex-

~Irs" ha• bun <onion"( 111

her h umc " ''" aline >• Oth"' """ h~;c been on lht ,kk li\1 arc \1 r~

rd riger:ll ion. Heavy Bark Portland Electric Power Comp..,y

rtprcsentcd locally by :

1'~'~"::~~1 ~.~:~.t.m ~ r\'iULTNOMAH ELECTRIC COMPANY ··; .. ,, Ko.:hl Th«c \\ ""'>' l l~y," .._ Phone BRoadway 9899· R4 · ' t.luhoom•h. Orec oa

-.YYVYav..,•.-. ....... .v.-.YAY.....-.-.-.v.YN.V."h"NNVY'J'...,.-,....'\!\ • lh.l.. crfl (,\·•· lb\·, ~l r' I~ •IU<llnt

~I a< lar!low 31111 lloorr>lhl· 1 11\1\

Mr anol G bunl(hl ~ ntw lmn~:uu11

lloffman :1\l<lition

Wood for Sale Geo. Fetrow


Multnomah llardlVare Store

Multnomah, Oregon

Febru·ary 12-14-15 Come to the .Store Early--Don't Wait Extraordinary Values Quality Merchandise Low Prices

lO Quart Galvanized Pail 2 Glasa Tumblers Japaned Dust Pan " Knockout" bU'(ain. all metal head

Mop Stick Wonder Value, aa~~op

C.Jaaa Syru_p---ritcher Big 5 _inch Bowl Strainer

9c 15c 9c


9c e~

~~0 000 00 00~0 ~················~················ .BON'S VARIETY STORE

5-10-15 Cent Good a a Specialty NOTIONS,



Come in and Look our Stock o"r

~~•• o •o• ~ ········································· Come and Spend the EYelliq at the

Mike Nielsen Billard Hall Snooker, Keno and Card T ahlea

~•••••••• • oo o e o o••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

TUB BBST POLICY Ia Written Properly, to Fully CoYer your rtak·· Pay• Promptly the Full Amount of your Lola·· Coata ao Little You can Afford to Carry It -­Protec ts you entirely In tlme of Need·· To Include all of these with your lnaurance

IS OUil POLICY ' 'Let ua be yout·lnauraace Couaaellora,.



Page 5: · • _ ... S . A--t • . a • ...,. Jo.l)o. h .. ........ ~. ....... ., • ·..__--~---_
Page 6: · • _ ... S . A--t • . a • ...,. Jo.l)o. h .. ........ ~. ....... ., • ·..__--~---_


The Doom Trail


Arthar D. Bowden Smith A . ... , ..t 1'011 TO •tELLO COLD • .....

CHAPTER V-Continued - 11-

'1'~ w"n n~·•" 111 yoor tr iPntl, 0&· t'n ~wn rn 1:11. II ~ •~ not the frlt•n tl 11f (ln .. nllllo (th~ l'r~n t•ll &O\O•rnnr II''" ~rwl uf • 'unu•la. r"~"rdlu! <If ltl~ntll) ) , wh•• ror~, ut (lu~lwr Mu~r M t hP

wl tllf• '""''''~ 11re nul 'w~ll wl~ll~1'11 t tl II••• lntllnn . I Rlll'('t•m~ ltrrt- wilt• C'ur l~ t•r ;!'I llr<IYP my frl~lltl•hlfl. un thP ( thllfll•r '\IM MHil t Junt•ulrP, fl1 • ~ ~'rNH•h

" ""' ,.,,., 11n•·••rn' tl•~ tru~lrllt r~r•t r.y tl •" fftltlf nt .lurnru . !Nius:nru) 18 AIHIUt I ll llf'l!ln tl•~ hulldfng or " & rnrl"

"A tnrtl" t•n>h'~INI thr go1·~·mor "Hurtt, ' fi.A h111tli•Niht•• l ""l'woul•l tw" ,u.

. , ,.,., vlulnl / •111 nr th~ l'~nl'i• o r lflredtl ." "I1U t;. trut.>," Fpoke 111• t ·.-,rtm~r 111- ,,,, . ., wu~ hl~ll ftiHI ~·ru•·u~y. nn~

a.ueutlt•tl rhlltlU\tJHft POIIIIn~ rroiU tUJ <'Il It i:;!nul

" llntll th~ hniii1H1g twgun ?" •It n uu1fl!\ft tit~ s:uw•ruur.

•· t thlntt nwlt.. 'ru wun Ofl n'""' hrf•U~httl 111u d •·r wnrtlt ut nuunthu;i\ W"' o'lllllt'lll tiJ )'IJU U rn~t Mo \VI• t'••Uit lt .,

.. 1'n wuu OP nr!4 ~"m~ hf1f\nn•w It wttw f'nrnv ttu· rnull or hi~ 1"'"1•14' th ul th~ I r••nl'ti tt r .-• "'"tth•tl hy .JIUtnru." ~< •t ltl

l h•· ''"""" " V""'·" r• •IJtl•••l tht• J:•h1tlruur. "C)non

tl .., ttcHt .f••r"·ulr•~ n r"l mtult• thf' Otl~l

c1,_ ,. tlrtmk, und tt1Pu hury:ultw•l wltfl ll~t'lll IH fiot•fl th,. :-it•fWt'lt"' luutl,._

" TIIt•V ltnrl IH' rhtht 1+1 t)tt " ".'' ""' IWUf t•tl fr H •WII O O("•Mnt M(Hitht•rly. ''J\tlt tww will yon hPih•ve thnt 'l'u w11n n~ er~ I• ynttr r rto·n•ll"

' ' 1 twth_•YP1 " • uld lfl~ a:nvrrrwr ''Hut I rr ruy yr.u tell '"" why you ft•4'1 fur u• 1111• frl••nd~IIIU? Wlu·n I ruute w N t•W Yt~rk to ~OVPrn ltw urnVIrli't' m.v J) r'f•tll•t'f'!\ttHt H'hl fnt' I htu llu• f'XIlf'rl lowlll or f hovlnll YOU ttiU~IIlt><l by tht• tlll l<l!lltlln riP• "'"' fu ll~tl, 111111 Y'"' IIIIo I •••t ur.wd to lit" futfi.JJf. dnMt•r IA1¥!ttll l111l11 ~"""'to 01dtni1 wttyH "

'l 'h~ hullun·~ ' """ llll hl4'11 up ~~11111 w ith lhut ~rnvc tunllft w hlrh tthnw••*l IINI'tr wll h ·~or!'rly • CIHilrMCthm or (tift UHIMt' l ... ll

"V•·"' 11ft on lfWM•rtt ·~P. 11 fnlle<l tn wi n ' 1'11 ·wuu "•'·111'!1 tro11• lh~ wnya ur hi• a•••natle *l'lto~te w ftyi!t are lwll!lt tur tlu• ltuJinu. f\ut '1'1• w Hn•n&-tt r-tt lt•urnt•O t htlt "' thf> rwo whll' ru•·•·• I he l'.ngtloh w••r~• th~ ktnrh••t to tit~ It o d•··•IIU rwe ( '1111•• t-'ru1•lt! n t th~ 1 ;4m.: ll n!H"f' -lnllln n runoe rnr l f'l)ltltol•. ) T hr ~·r~rwh ~lw•y• have rc-uf(ht w ith u•. 1 '1"' t·:uK· I IMh hov~ •ldt'd u•. 'l'h~ l"rt'nrh (lft1

II ttl" fur uur run ; the " "'"" '' I"Y a uwh.

"O•·••n IIWII ·rn 1111, I lhlnk thP whll~ m "H f'HO IH•\ er htt NO htmt'~l frlfllttl IH l it~ fll tiiMn, f.,r lhl WMillft WI> III I hi• I H1Ituu """: hut Tu wun nt• Mf.t' t)r• • f••r~~t ""' l ·:uQ'Ut~lllllun ''' th•• F rf!'uduuun. whul t•\ ••r 11111y '"~ 1 ht'l II'JimP.

"Na-hu I" (" I hOI, nnl"ht•<l." ) l •'fill .,;h1t' IHt ltt lt••tHHit• (lt!IU't'Pt Inn

ot tit•• lmt''''~"h ••u.- .... ~ wllh whlt'h lhlM lllt •····· -h ",.,. •l•'ll\••r••\1 Oy u tih\ ••tt•, I'P''' tl l1u~ tu 11 lnllllUtl JflrHOlrtf' tn hllll 1·!\ ,.,.,, ' ' ''' •t ruu~o; tu 1111 .-u,-,c.

"'\I hi '"' t hl"'l tllltll''' I \\ ld~tlll'r••t1 lu r·~~ttl• 11 1r._ l11• 1\ui~IH•tl.

' II ~ I• ntn" tif r tw I wu wu r-t•ht.·r~ t1 f

flu• lrtltJUHIA h'•\I!U t•, huth uf Wht•lil ur•• ~t 'II •'•'HM ff J.., Utllltt', WhfP h . ttiJtnl~h•.ij

'N••••t lh··Un.·ukt•r.' l-( uduttiiJ •• ftt riU t' r ti ll•' \\ htt"lt a,:ot•ot w ll lt cht\ ulllr•t•. Mu rv

C'\\lt•r, hf' IK '' u••r•h•''" "' ' lit•• lt11y un ..-h nit Ill' Ito (It Wdl, \\ ltH '" Uunl"111tllt n f Ow \\'t'"l.-t lt I••HJr t\ f lht• LH11 1: tl ou'C ..

I I ~ '' ''""' t 1'"''" tu• ,. . ~'""It iUHI ..:lv•' u to l h~t ml~~o~Niuuarlc•~t w i th UtO rtt'-SU1t thuc , ,,u .... , ...

I I•• hrnk•· •)tr, tor lho J O\'{IIrnur """ • •lch ,ncwtu.: lth--.

"I(,.,,. >•'U 11111 •thJ,•rt~Hl. M,,._,,,, Orru••r•••l. h• my tu-quH l nt l fl~ lht• •·h i• t euut t '•'r ln••r '' Hh w lwl w ... huH' lw••n c11,.•·u "~hu: 1"

t "'luh •k 111v ht•ncl If •• IU.'Ht'tl fu I l l ~ f tHitl\0 ''Tth' l··tt••r "hlt'h )'•HI ltuhl In , .. ur

h nrhl, Tu wun u~ nr-. t• f rmu Mttl'tf'r ftulwrt .ltttr{~.t l nN nt 1 .ontlun , whu wu,.

•"""~ thth• tu fhfl IH''O•In(''e wht•n you ,_.. ,,. .. • lut1 " ,

"I I"POU'rnbt•r M ft"fttr Jur~tln~ ... lltt ••r ruptNI Ta·Witll nv ""'· " II" •vnt "'~ fii.Y 01'1C t ntU•k~t. I• thll t•:u~lioiiiiiAII 111M frlo•tul ~"

"l't'~ .. *'"'\) lhtt ~cl\'fllrtwr .. liP rnmM ctl r t"\•t trun1 Mf\.-h'r .Ju.::tr- hHI, rtt•'tttn n•~utl~ll '" n1~ fo r """ tn tl.~ plh:lo t I fl u II 11\Y~•·tr In,"

" f wlfl hl!lll lltP l•:u~lf•IIIIIM II." ~JIN .... I TM · \\1• n n.--nrt t ttJ.:f-rl )

'' IIUI )'tlll ~now n ntltl lllf or th~ l'lltlar

... J ""' ,,niiMtlu..: yuo 111 ' pr,,ll'"'t('tl tht' ,.,-atn' ~ruHr. '

"That matteN jlttlt'." Art ltl ., • ., wnn ··~·ftr- romp(~t~- tflv 'It \ HH "'"' thh lltnllltrohutftD •nd l'ofllj•n •••• 111 11. II t. eu h''f'U~al C'AUM~ \\' bitt "'•Y ) t•U. ('or .. ~., ..

" II viii Jlf' a nolll ,.nnu11h r,,. rn~ .. .J~ eiaN'd the nutthman .... temnly

1'1ht .-ovt'mor leu~eh~d. ~My trtrruta a n il I do t htul~ .1 nu r .. ,

ttte '"'"'Jlllmeot rou do os. Te w11 11 " '' a ra. · nut I rnurot l•;r our ca•l! ,.,.,,.r,. T Oll. rnr we 11'-ek ynur I'Oun • l. 1'1() ) ..... ~now thnr ·An ' '"'" MurrllT hllh ~"· tu,...•l d t" ... _nt ot the Iordi or tr.d• 111 I .Ondon to th" •u•f>l•nolon ut tbe "'" 111111 t n ~l ··~l'<!rll nll 1 Nldl' "'""'"' t o (';~e. a rb' 1\furrll.t' tnnl11'd thlt rnnrntor. to­~··t i>Pr wllh n l 'r•·ndt ••ltte1'r, lbd 9bn · 1 ~~ ·• cf, tt•tJII'\. t~Pbtr.-1 '

Oe IIUI'J.H'd 11 ol(b t " ' the pAWOO In thP l!et.•~•·• t•c~ Hut 'twu Cor­In• who tfl(lkf' Oret.

MTht< l lA ,,.., .,,_n~h~ fti>WI. corer-""'· rur 110 tl~r fron ll~r there II Iai it l hftl lti f'O(I>J ll t'Omlnt tO d~IIYI'r I

"""'""II" tn II•• tribe~ •• J a~t• •• tr<lm t1er kina n r Frenre. Jnnr Aire 11 r ail· lnll( • jlr~n·lt rnuorlt to m""dl to .,,. 8Utnlltf'r. All d~r l ndl•n.~ frnw l>ryuo<lt tlN" lalci'O AhiJ dllr WP81 VIII ~OIIIf'"

"Strnrua• tiPIYo l" re~alf'cl the rnver­nnr. " You rna? ""II " ' fill ! Murrur U\"('rriiiP" our lu"'! Jnnr niM *!lA nul IO foUtftl I olnnP fnrt OltOn llllr •<~II at J~r~rn . 1 "" Vrro•·h klnJ I!Pn•IA ut om. rt' r~ IIJ'(I•I'rtPnrtotJ no th~ fronrlflt. wtth I &Jll'l:llll lll~SARKe for I &r&llfl ('ftanclf tlf th• trllt~~

._All tt•PIIIf' th~ ,..,.nb r-nm11 "hnul ~

l"hM>U•I• ,"fl• IOit"IJIMihll' lhftl ftl'l'l • dvnt •n illl'f>Mf•ll lh••m fll•rl' """ hn•·~ lhf' ""'' llltltl'ftllno of ~~~~ t'UinthHlll t)n or " '" ''''" AyP, 'llo ........ r then I

h•tl "'Ill>"'"'' " TA ·WIIIl llf> ~r~ lAIII <tn"·n Ill" 1111

nr, lt•ltPr frnm JU~K'"" upon ""' In hiP.

" l.('l ooml' olltf'r r<'ftt1 I hi•." hP ~ftltl

" n ut It ~rr•P• un pllljl•l•f' Tilt• •~n~ ll"hmnn .,nit Tn • •ttn n .. ~ .-.r• "r·f' hrc,th t-Nii f'orlnrr. f tM), wilt lnkf' thr~ f~IU! ll•hmu~lntn trl~ f rlf'nll•hlt> rtllt ' '" r-nu~P hP i'nrrh'd tht-. wri.Cn~ ,.,.,,. ... llu-. •f'n, hut lwt·nut~~" l H! ht M ' 1nuo In t•*" truCfP.,I f;n mU('h IIIIi '" tu~ r'ltHI 1n ttl• frt ~(' An •l ,,.,,.. r.n ~n 1!\l'ft · rll ·I!O. I WHtlltl n lr(l( I hit( Tft WIUl Ot1 Urllf. IIIII\' rt'·

llrP \Vhru ynu h iH' P t ultl uw hn• ~I11IHINI 11'11' h~urt will\ hHII'<'t1 Ulltl I Hln• nnt thfuk • trnlt.:l•lt"

1118 rl~hl Artn MWflpt HP l n thP atP4t

t.Orfl n f tu r .. wt•JI . nn•f t1u~ i)uor r)ttSPtl

upo11 tt1"' hrurtlt••l huf"k. •'\\'hut hnllt hnl>tlt'nMI In Irk hl rn

tml" htclfllrt•41 Itt" IJ'n\ t*t'nur l n '-' III"Jtrl"''t' ''Jflt " u._ t hh• fhl \ t'lll~f' '' hu rnu

"""1 With •l••r t l• •tf,--.r o( hf.t """'''· 11n ll••· tt" Vlt \\l 'h .. r••pllt 4t t•nrln,.., r, ~'lrr••1i n t:ulll t rmu lt1'4 lmhtcun l Ntlt•Jw••.

" I n'IIH'1nl t•·r." lt: t••rpt•"-'1' 1 r '••l•h·n . ·• "l'w,,. """"' f•mr _\·t•n r' nun I r~'· tuPUIII••r flti\IH\.t Sflt•n lhr IUHIII nl a ron n r lt nl Alhnn'' ~~~~· wn" c-nll ort t; J~hu nu f l..,tl rLlntt ' ' h•W••r) . n pr•·tly f'ltlltl Hn•l " uu•l r•tt t "~ •lul nt y fnr nh In •llttu"

.. ' 'l~t._ u ...:u• l 1if l1n ,•• ··n •rt nl:f'1llt 1 t1 lhf-

~n••~rru'r ''I~ 11 t ••rt utu llf• \'l'tt11t• lnnk ht•r ~"

''lit• •ll•h nnt tnl,ft liN. !lh~ r~n nwn.v 11 llh hhll"

.. , '\t_111•r wt.ut h N'U itlt- nf h••r." I Ml•l•t .,. .. ftM' ••n ly "'"ttH• tl •f"••t• )'f•nu "''"'"f' I,.,. \ ' .. ull•· ttppPHt(•tt Itt l 'urlt~ ..

('nrlnf'r i;~ hrll~t(.-il hi!' .-hnu fth•rtc ''~UPIHJ"''' )'HII Mn•lt fl••r llnHm T ru H

nn•lt rornP 111 1.11 Vl,.r.;~ du llul• ~I llY·

he ~~"" Y"" k~t~•w" ''1'hnt I< ~\ll4'11y wlutl "''' wl•h to

tlo. (' nrlu•·r f .. t•\t•lnhtt•·•l tiH• ..:"' l\rnHr . " Ito \ull lh lu k It t'IU1 11 .. •ton.-'"

( .• ;rlu••r r••th•t 'lt~tt, JHJUtiPnlUI' ftS a

tclrc·t•Y H\t•H""· ··u w ill tu k P llHit'h l11ntt nntlf rnmtf'V

llntlt ..... n "" flo•(lf'll•l• Ill"'" ' " '• . ~ .Jioln•"

" \\' hut lmllnn• ''' "ll~r ~I• 1\ntlt•ll• . It we ~n •ll oll•r

Tri ll. ll"rnnnr, whot tllt•ll. \\ ~ hnf dtlr Kt•t~l•••nt. 'l'hry urt- • .s, l•undt , \\ . .. mh~l n..:lu tltl!lll You t'tllllllll M•Ud

""\ldlt•r:t. 'l'ttnl Wt•uttl ht• wur \Vt! IIIIIMI 1\l(hl lllf'IU with tntlfull•. Allllt wlutl lndluns <"oulcJl ,·nu gt•l hut dt~r lr,•tl\l•llM }''

''l'un ,...,. RPt !Itt ltOt)Uul• t: " I •It• ett•t krww, .. c"'()n f.-g.._,.,, ('nrlt\f"t

" ft\1( ft 'uU 1(.-l I ht"lll, ) UU MIHU"'h lh•t


" I "''••." •Kht th .. 1"\'t'rnnr '')' •'"'• lht'rt1 1 .. t•Vt~r,r I"PUIIi•tll \\h) tfu- lrhilUOhl "'tmuhl j11l 11 UN L tWl" )•)II, ~ '4Jtllu-r. Cl•l • '" • ttt~ Htt\ IOU !it lllllli ur tlw lr'ff11H' h With ~l llr llt) '• nltl IIH•f " Ill r r11111 ll11•l r mn~o:H~II"'" \tlth trn •tl" w•ttul~ rhl -. ~tHm ll11•r. 'I lll') will t•u•h Olltt•lltl lht• lottlltl InK ur tlu• (uri •t .tua:u r u. t hu•t• t11uf II" Uul~lu•d . rht•'\ will IIU\ t' ~ \ ' llrll tJII

t~t•• tlflt &.,.., ,,( lht~ ltU\liiUI,o.t ' llu•y \\lll ..... uhlt• tu lmhl \1(\ tilt· u.~(lf~ u( lilt

•t\fttH'"' It Pill t lh• tllt"t•r Ink'•·"' thut ' " '"' l l!tM"~ rl•l\\fl to uur 111 •""1 IH 1)..,\\t•~U t1H

ctu• tiiiHIHtlu;u 'M rht•r. Itt rwv iWU""""" llu•~ \\ tH lllt\ ' ' " r t'"'l • tl tlu• trwlt~ t-It

ltrt' l) (tt~lll uur ltuncl ~ .. und tlu•n at tilt'.)' li f t ' f•'ll 'h liH) \.'MU "'trl~t' wllh mmo~kt•t uu•l "'' u•l•lln • ._,,u,.

" Am i " tu•, think ~ ~~u. w i ll h,•u r t h•~

htllhl .. r ll11• u,., ''""' 1 "'"" t•ul '"" t r .. ,l\1"1'• \\h\J III tlu• I r t'lh h hUVfl tlrt•lttl•"41 ttflh't• t ' lt 111Hf11UI011 tit') }"

' "l'ru••," wurmur'''' , ~,,1tl' '" " \ ' '" " """'f\flt•••l t ···thl,·r ... , HII hn f

1h•r riKhl u f ll .cur.-.. ruur \\' hui h1 ) ••U t pluu ~·

'' I tohn ll • .tWHt1 till:. ~~·uu.: lltt•U' ht-luht ltl'4 tuw\1 PU ttl)' unn ' \\ lt11 ,\111•

urhl '1'•• \\ttl! 1\t" ur~ tu t-51J' uut 11\,l .,:rvu11u ul .lu.:nrn. t~• ~wi\rdl tltfl wli \Jt•r llt'~S fot ,h,(U."" U( lhl' 'l'rnll, fu W\lrlt

upun I h.. lnHIIIPIS In nur IOIC'rNit. ~ln''r t •r~ttt•rc•d luu h htHJ filtltt"rlttlll."' with I h•• t'l'l•nl'lo 111 111 h<! knuw• II~

\ \'UII•• ••( ul\1,''

" WI.,•n tl•t we "rift ?" "'"""'' l'or· t ._t•r ~"tlltlply

" ll l tltl u th" w"'•k ytlu · must l.t>•v~

to~ .A ibaO). tou n....O "1'&1'" " " ou r ~ J)<ense; Perer. ltt7 o• o funds an I 11-tt<!a~~o tb1a, a od Muter J u u !JU THE W Q R L D'S tOO, '- o rt"- bla al4."

('orlf r de ~ratel7 doiU!<!d hlz eat I GREAT EVENTS o r tur. ·

"It wlll not be woneJ , bot frlead· ALBERT PA ;;;N TERHUNE ~11 111 andt bate will aen a ~or tui"Q, t c oteruo r," be IUl!d. ::1.--------------n

" \' vu bue not yet .-4 tbe l•tt• ~~by Dodd. Wu 4 a C.miNI •.I 1

rroro JuUIDII." 1 remlollell trim u II• Gu•taou• Adolpllw watkr>d tow.rd the lloor. ··~ I h•f nol." lti a dllllllf'd. aod I A f'"l 'l;f'I.IC'T that lni!nlved nloP

took t iJ<! tettfr from me and 1Uppt!(l lf n~rlnn~. ••~·~• ftlr t h r4'e der ndea, lo~hlu ht a lf'llther •111rt. kliiNI " " Ina . wnrrlt•d nn f'tnpt'ror to

" Will ruu tlia ve It reull?" a alltcl Oot. dr-atl\, rut a tnlul rhM'k oo all Ger-d•·o man pro~ea 11nll lnduMit'J , anu hl"d

~~~~. dtr 1ounc tnlln 18 a ll r1cht. more ba.tbllrona ' rrn~tt 7 thao an1 Ta .. 1111 •11..,nr• hu chudKed hltn.~ •••'Il l In many rf'nturh·-~uch, to a

With thut he wu coot•, and a NU.. nutMito>ll, "~a llrf' t~m<•Ut •"f'ftlrt1 or lo~wlld~rru~nt etole 0\Cr me. It 'f puno' ... ..r." LlkP ntOtrt hnrrlll'tl of •et-HtPtl lurrl'<lll>te tbut <!ltlter of the Its "''" nnd tl rn~. It bhd lUI orlgtn In two tllhl rhYrni-wra nt lh~ wlhlerneM rPIIJ;Iuus diSIILIIU. In endurl'd f ron. \\ l ila ~<htlnl I bull talil...t could reaUJ l fll'l It\ It'l-l& hKVl' esl•l•·rl. The wur hutl IIJI hPI!Ir,;lug hNWI'I'n

nut lloHruor Rurnt'l 111st no lima th~ l 'rnt~•lnllt "tat"" ~~~ nnrth••ro r.~r­ln tJOIUlot•. II ~ llU<'\'d th~ romo, rub- runny unl! Aus trlH. Wltbln a trw hl111: hiA bnotl• IOI;etht•r wlt.h aaU• I ye·nr~ It had UtPnded until II lo · ru. tl11u , ~luoiP<l, (lll ont $ltlP, AUMtrlo, St>H in. "\\'~ hAve dune WPII, ( 'old~u. \Vt amuh r.o•rmuny unt.l l•'run•P. anll the

,., .... ,d nnt hn, .. tlnne htUPr. M nAtttr Pruttlif8nC ('f'UIIt r-f~ f) f t-:urope vn the llrtoo,,rll(l, YIIU wer·· lnr4rffi rortUDKI . Ollll•r In lOlli BohPntlll lhr~w olf lrn· l11 gulng 111 l)t" ht•IJ) ot U•~ S~nt'<la. lll'rlul ~UIIIfJrlty. Til .. North llt>riUftO Yt•u t•urru•d . nut only fJia trhmd_;chlp~ ~tut•·"' hod f••rnwd n unllm. aud thta lmf tlml ot l 'ttt••r o~t "A£ 1L \'tm ur~ to unlnu tu41~ IC(tltelOiu· .. rmr-t. Tua-Pther ho , . .,n~rttlnl.tll'd llut I mus t ulr you t ho•y <lr,vP '"" lntt>erlul tro .. p~ ff<'nl Itt ~t•rn~~e tnt'. l l1wve mut·h wnrli to lloolwml8 1111tl 10\nd,.d Au~trla 110 tn '"' rru~ ~rttto t tuc tlw tiiPu•ure of tl•ll ••·ry I!Rit>e or he•nM ThNe yuur ~llllllllllo)• fut dlnn,.r lUIIU>rrow. fttnthlP ond btld Wl'lllht"r fOrt"td them C'11hl~u. will ) uu ehvw Mu,.wr Urmerull tv l>nlt an.J turn lmck. ou t ?" 'rh• kl11g or J'nh .. rnte ·Mt'lllllf' em·

It wo~ dnMk In thP Htrrpto . • •ott r••rltr M t:errunliy Olltlt•r the IIIII' o r t>Uqtl t• tltt •k llult loet'dUif• HII' Cl durk h •rolllllllltl n. '1' .. ~ lt••htmtlun• hn f\ott ""'h uutlt•r lh,. lrt•••• ~ untl I h •lt Ia hlrn nut I n~l<l'd tlw t :lt•t·l~tr Frttlcrl• k " " hunwr ' '' n·111ru til 1!11• tlrkll com· \ ' In l'lllr thf'nt. f'r•'ll •·rlrk "u ,. ,. ftU UJ \\ htrh ,h .. \U\ l'rl1 niTt'r\•d So I rt-•Htl) !wud nt llu.• ( 'ulftH Hllll \\UM ~nn •r .. l t•t hll>Urlj lllltll I round IllY· I '" '""' "' .1 )1111~· ' nr t:nt:ltlltll. Ft•llll· "{t''ff Ill lUI Hilt·) lt•:uiiU ~ iltl\\0 tU the IIIUUJ 01Udt! !thnrt \\tHk ttf hi~ ltrN~U ·

wute•rtruul Ulltl lll';tr\l nt " •ufhteo I;"'""~· rur h .. un•-rl)' rUUI(\il h l m nt "'" llotul " ' Ill fu ~ f•·•·L I ~I'Uil nrouod 1\'l'""'"''•'rJ.!, ~""'"'"~r ll, tll'~'O, nnd ot Itt lim~ lu •wt• it lm•h<"~trnU!i bulk COUift 1lw •UfHf\ ''"' " t·ruath·d out 1'nth•stuut· ""u lllhJt ttlrullt:h tl1~ nlr, klilft• IIIHI tOLD- l...m tu lttlltrtUht

nhnwk v.hlrlln..t lu ~ltlu'r h.uut f . ltut th n 1'nl•tn41r. ut1 kty rt'rrn-t•r••t'l " I'll 'kil l )'' 'r. \ ·uru11u1 ," ht•wl•d . au \\'h h mn1wy d oiJA h 'il ltJ t :u~:huul un

IIJ:h ' "'' ' ' '' l'lt "-'U\ .>••r lhtnrl HUt uod Ut'lll \' f rum l futlu thl, ulhl \\ll h Ktn~ ~"- l u .) ttr uu•t tuk•, )''r ~wul ;••·• ~ ·h rhltltw I\' o t l~t•nmur\t tor nll:v

I ''"'' ~···I ···~ ~mr •• Ulltl grllpflll'd lh" 1111•) llj!lllll lnnk 111~ nrhl 1\UI th~ lm: \\ r t .. r '' '""'• JiWIIII~ thr hml.-hflwk. IR'rlul J:PIIerul, \\'o ll•'llilttP1fl. lwtH tlifttO llll•tln ~ Ill) <l'ir lwhllul lthU ~u u to 111 Ill'""" · In 111:.!11, 1\' hllr hi~ n••nrl· hlt •cl••r hi• ll lt h t'k Hut lte wu fa.r HI~ ,; ~n~ rnl T llt,v, enPrrump Ktn11 ''"'"llt'r thutt I nrlll ~lung rue bnr lt lo l ' ltrl•t lnn 111111 .J ro,.·p hi m htll k to hla fr• cnt " ' hltu u It I Wt•re • euck of "" n tr r r lto ry. \\' "ll~n•t('ln t'Ontlnuetl •hniT•><.I wh.•ul . I •ttll c tuntc to W• " '' •• •nou•·~t•. DHnl•xln11 the> ltlltd o f '""'"'""' k """" uotl con~rhed to I n.•unutrk'• Mt•••kt~obura a lilt>•, nod kllt ... k UJI Olltllhl.'r llluW Of hi• kolte. ~\Yt't•lllng nn tn flit f~ltl(:. 'J'I\I'r~ lhj> hut he n11101 lun (' •ll•~mi•IIWfltd nl9 lu rnuot tnwn• hPicl toll I br&••ly Ml(llltl~t llu• rwxt vldt•u• "" ~··p u f the lllulle. him, Alltl he wn~ ~upr.-~drtl hy Tilly.

" ll»h l'"h ,.,.,.,. •·•··~e.t>-~ I" I Tr, ... l•ller h•·~l•~t~d :\l n~:tlr>IJuru. rut•l · Tile f••r<•t'lou• >••II ronde 011 l•IOod t ul nt SAltflny. und, oft('r &HPn

ru u cul(l. II Mtat·tl~d 1111 Ud"ll•nt I "'""'h"' ltghtln(, 1n11k 11. The mo81 •' \' t'H uwr•• lll" muscle'• aluckuued ttorrtltlf- b'llriiPry fullowPd the catp-. J11•t h·•w • •ouu~;h rur we 10 leup cleu f tun• nr the clly.

ut .. ':!.",1

:. lw an•rlr•d. I 1111~:~~~~~~~~~~·h;:~~~:irkl~~~ ~~;~w~.~~ lie• tln·w uu~ arm bn•·lt to hurl bl a l.lorn l>f Ill~ :-:orth.. He hud rKIHed

luolrt• 111 "'"· hill •ornPIIoln g whi r red ril•• IllY thnultlrr anti Ills lrend jcrk~tl ~w"'J~n to n wc.rltl ltOwtr end hotl •lut.•iltly I ll ont' •ttl... Titer~ wu • N'Y nlulh•nlzPd hrr 1\'Arfnrf'. li e hn~

:::~:;:·~~:·~·;:,:.:." "" 6.0 predvll•1el7, ~~~~·~":':,'':~~~~~~;~~~~::~: 1!~:::~11~1~";."!'~ ~ ... "Jt"'~~~h1t11.:bJ::::· ~~f .... ·.·:;·::~ ~~~:~,: ~:·~~: 11: 18 :~;:~··:·~.."~~~ .... ~":..~~ ~-~.~~ '~~~ "h"dowa. Mnd I *"loltJ.k.•d to Mnot<"LI lite ovnWNl purrw~•· n f runt~t'lln« II 1111 un l) 10 ,,.,,1, ln•&•\IHiy Nl'ct a t l 'rot....,tontl•m In q ,•rmuny. tnnded ll

11 1 ..... ,. •vn~eo 111 my elbow. rotut, Jun~ 2~. lftlll. H~ wns 11111

I S wf'dl•h urmy on rt.e l'muerant•n

" ~t y bruth~r wn• In dnnrrr," .ntd w ltnll.r dl !tl nt<•rt'•l"'' In tltl~ tn•u~l<ln. lltt' '''1l'_. llUl~Uy. "TR·\\'KU ·oc~on He nlao dtl1$l rtld to lnll•t·dP AUM\rtu'• •• w 1 ho• lle11 o .. u tb follow flrlll~r()tl r I I ' . h T I A'fOWIOJt I)OIWt'r 111111 to l'hlllhll~h !;wNJ·

11'~·::~~ ~:u:.\~;,~u,:~.~: .. oust--. 80 u wnu. l,.h tutltorJ nn ttw f\nhte cuu~tt. lo ' I t tt I f .b S ' Ill• piMn l tl r ht••·k Au>lrln he wu ae-

,,, au 1 .:ur~ 0 t e (llltt("ft WM I rrt•tl~· ui;JNJ by Fr·unr P ,_, ur•·••l.) .u.-,~~rnlhl•· In th~ gh\utn. ·

" \\'u• It u .. lllll l 'l" I UkPd 1\o ~(l .. ll ••r hllt.l f:n818\' IIS Atlnltthus 11 ~ rul>.-1 lltt• ~hl nlng uhJ~~t trom lttlldt'CI lltun hP h~)!lln to make hi •

,,,,. II"'""'' It "u hiM ll>nttthtl .. ~. " "'"'"''Ill flrl'•t•nr~ rrtt. liP d~fPntl'd tlll•l •·urlrtl ulnmt lh~ hlrtde wa• a 1011'~ Till~·. IIPilr l.olpPII', 1n<t. HH)' Wltrre " ' ~:ro•u •y f<•ll ltnlr Ill' P•llOic>t.l to II. • lrr nrluu~. 81h' IION!ll n" the lOW!'r

"'I hut ' ' "'"~ Tu wun ru,•- Mt» 111 t8s,t.d,.. f'A1ullnotp nutf tht• fi h1 u~ t nwn11., h<' • nlll arltul) "~•'1111' !Illy the U ~:ht Tilly ·~•In Ufll"'•~'tl him In 11\'1!!, n•••tr ~ 11t ht> htll fl•r - uutl Tw. ·wau "•' tlt'i \\ Ill th,. llh•Pr I O• ·h . ··Tilt•. f. ltto or thf u n1 m l"" .. ~~trthu tlf"f .. ltlf"d f\f\11 \ttlt ,•tl lttm nnd

.. \ltlwu~h you nlh<>r4. you sou•al ll>J al!,•on<'t'd nn Munl~h . \\'ntl~n~tl' ln. lit•• .. 1 RIO•wi.'re<l wo~rrul) . .. '11• uo with • rut~:h ty &rru)-. rnn rruntNI him ui•U .:uu~~u 1 •h•H 04,, rurtN... llfiiMr SurernhurK HOd !lUt•rf'PdPd to r,..

II•• luld hl1 llut:••r• to l>lf IIIII. l pul~htK him: Ou,tu•·ua rt•tJrl'd Int o " t "" ~ ." h•• sui<J S u nny. 1\'ntiN.-I ~In fnllow~d him. 1 11•1•' '"'''· Hntl , Croro l hl' • ·o tl'r Th• lltmiM lllN •• l.utr.l'n. Novemtw r

r r"ll f "'IIIII~ ch ~ thuuderou& \"Hh; e ,,, fl. lU.,.'!.. In " ~r .. ot hntelf'. Tht' ~\\'t'41P-J ih t• lwll111UU . " 'nu ~ tfN•hh t' \ ktorr. h \11 Ill t~nrftt1

" llutt >lflt·r t'll(hl· O'dtl<'k , t<llol 0 Out CO!II for lhP · ~:ulllnt · Ou>t ovus Atlol· l> lllh t " 1111 n ~·•ul bwa.•st llrt>wo. Amt trhU8 wns klllo-d ~ t11 " ••>.n•llt11U')' t!H.' .:Hvt•ruor 1ft Jlh•ntit•\1 f~t tlle tfttU .. n f th18 "lr1fllr·e-..('hf1nlt·

•·• ,., . .,.t•llu tllltt wht'"""" dl •·~ .. p~r· lng l!tllf'rill ontl k\ 11~ 111111 thP ~IT•·••t "'m~>~. fu_l \ ~ moclu•tl~ &.IIUtllt'd or ttoughl ilf nuultJt.~nlnte. ln!!h'••d u r ttiMIH'f"l•·n~ IP ll umlltnt .. \ IJitore to UIP dry, .,,,, lure. hl8 t"l"OOPfll u ... f.., r '' enJiw~u•·e.

S.:' '' ,.n,~•r lu\• nuhtt-; a rule I 11tH 1ml'l• ll•... ~" ,.rh•- " '''"P' t•Jh\ Rrd, rlvaltna , ... ,.., .. 11 .... "'''1u "''f'tPhf'n~d.,u, t~h"ll ht the Ao=ttrt .. ns , t,.,•m .. •·h t"' In h•ulult-­&•J.I In lht• Jthw\r.a tu r twt•h' f' huunt lh~ lty. ' l' hf'.)' lnld ~·a,_, ,. all Rn \'1\rl a. llr .. , t ltu1• " "'' Ufli.'D iht• &t\Niltl olft•o •• Waii!'Mt~ln ..... IAAUI<llluutPd. tr•u th e khnll 111.• publlt-ly whlf'tlt'd 11 lhe ca rl' t a.mtl(•ror !W'nt ou arrny lt.lrltln~t th e lull "'""~ lh~ ll ru11d \\'"7." ~w,•dtoa, bi'IIII HJI tlu•m n1 Sordiiiii!~D.

T o 1\ 1111 IH-nr• ntVIOI'etl _Ills lODla ~tpi~Oih~r 1\, ltl:}~. A ft~r tht• 8~thnrlt,

h~\\ k lu Its ~·~~·•th. thr o~rman Union WI& QUill' ready ''Titt·r~ Is "" relk or oblll(allont """ rM Pf'A<'P ; but 1 h~ Swo'{l~s would not

"'''"'" bro•rh.•r .... h e ' ltl. "('orne. .... htllr or 8 Uch 41 !hiD& Tlt~y fpll thl'lr '1< 111 wnlk '"~Pth<'r w )'UUr tuern.• ~lain ltl nK wo• nnt )'N avPnnd. Thl'7

• T " B& t'ONTt :-~·co ·, d~vullttMI !l"-<n111 •nd 'fhurln!ffo . de =-:-=::-:~::-:-::-~~:::-:==-:::-=-:-=.,.-::-::-:--:--- fet l \'d a n .. rmon nm7 &I flrlllt~nf!"ld.

~Z<·Z.:-Z<>_lt_,,_:z:_~Xo>X.:OX~lr~X~li:-Coli:~:I~~'X<·X-C>X.:Oli:~][~X~-<-!_0>~][(1-_lt_~_X_._ tb• u LhruhNI l'hrl•llan of ll•omotrk,

M I who had ~·'nt "''ft ' t o the elllpernr•., any Firm y Believe in lnAuence of Moon Aide. The1 rnnnw~tt np th~wt •• ,~

~~" hy wlnniDJt •lrtorl t'e o•tr t wo

A MHI• t u •~t"ft htflutonr-fl n t the f'lltMID

,.u l'hwt~ umf Hflluutt" ltl tuund tH ll't\oli "lllo tho• ••II&I~•U• hl~n ur lltllrly all prlmtt l\ ~ l'-'• 1'1t_. nttHlU , too, 11 l;httth''l fur llll••rrt~rtn .: tn tbr ~t rTutrs H f 1111•H , ttwt ~u••h lt~ltet~ uttcstst tntht>' tu ful~ l••n• uu4J ~Ut\JI·r~tl -lno-.

If \\t1 ).:t'l Juttt CHUdl 1fl•ith t,r htHtf.-. , .. ..,,ph·~ or tl\PO, u~nrtor h"mf'. If we­tul.t• ,.,,\ml r)' r •• u .. uto.hltt nntl "'"" tht!m lu , . ., .. n,lt·n•·t 11 h•l th•1 think or '"" , ... t .. ,,u,,thr ut eh~ uluon •ud ~tr lttt

lullut•ll• ~. 111uny wtll a l•e t hl1 """ ut uuw\~ t• r Tlu•y wiU c~ll u ., thM t the tnvun. "lf,• ,,r "lah•r ,\(t he 'rutt ... hHrf•

""'' rh~ '""''' 111 ~ t1ut1 ut llt htlnl th•· " ''"'r .. h l P t•r ,,,q ,s we •hull h ... ur fttrl f,.r I !uti l" r mll <'<'i'ltiUl't II hu h, ., ,., h"nt ._h•••l •~• ''•e olght.. One '--' sultl ''' 1h~ Ill lh r f ull .. tntw' O the f nce ur " IIUtn Ill , .... ,,p,.,h .. or f'thtra .. 1. the "'' •C•· ,,, ,. hHrt'... Aod \\ f!' 1hall t.. t~~•·l ll. 11 th.. nu._\f, tt rT .. d~ In ••m~r ut•1 t • o(rt t, tt ., ... ,, , IUII U rrniU UM

ntt>&t hnt>Ortnut. aurh aa avtcullu" &u lllf' IIIOJ-( lrl\'lul. aa <'UIIID I( th• null• u r hMir.-LI . lN>nro •'os lo t b4 • ·nrum. · I

MoJnn Moth er ond Child A "''"'"'" who lo 10 f uah lonubiP tl••t I

'"" I• Mlmogt M • t rutJI[e r to lt•r ll tt la "'"' tlt't'lll•d th•t It ,. . ._about tim~ •IMI j Ot>nHtl\' ft f" llUtllhl ..-.1 WUh him. ~lw r~tt<l otld , ... ..,~.. ~bout lbe t hlnp

""""~,..,. us.-t '" flu. surh as fl n~:~Da lull.hlt'8 ~ud ro<kln~ 10 "'"''IJ

Anti th•·n. on., nlcbt. .. ,e ~nt bM nurow oul and •••.r"<l .r hom\!, ju.t t.w M IWW ~ll8Ath1n .

~he <T•v• hllo h • • ltnl• - ·· ~ romn. \.ud btlpu to Cn)I'O. 1 1 Rt1t l'"""'"l llw bt'd a ll<ta!, " ll u$h·a by, buh) , ttll lhf' t~IOp. ~

' I'll• rhtld t urut\1 a • ·on•IN"Inc .,,. un her . and th.-n uhl. tlf't'pll1t

mor·• Imperial •rmt ....

!"rane-e end F.naiMnCI had b7 till• t ime ~n drtwn Into t he _, a1 Swl'doa's 11tt~ a n d Sat ony and Ra· •aria "~"' onrt ntO,.. IU<'Cfl>ltully In· vadf'd, Th~ nlll" '"'f'l>l all bf'for~ tt>em. P'.-rdluand II Will dtolld and ht.. tuc~8\'0r ..-u only tno ea~rer to ma lte t~rnl.!t ttt l'f'AC'e with tht all~n­qoe rlnJ lnntlf'nr..

So. lo 1(148. ended tM ThirtY TNra' war. 10d the ,.of\'11 dhUrt"'fed Oel' mao atatM• "'"'f'd. ~.thaust~>d and lm· ro•·erl~hm ' '"'" lh61r IOHJI " l.lill.IClrlt Thr otaln Pf")Jtle w~ clll<>f ~~"~'"' Uteratu,.., art, lndu .. rry-ctvlllaaUoo lt-.41-·"-ere u t bad lhtollkhual all ~rman.r. llarharl•m. h~aoy ta:X1'41. ttloppace of II'Hr"f l'l'IID ioJ: anti biJber lntluen~ d~nstatloo of •oUre fltOY.

tncea end 'lthol-le •l•u~bter nf hto,ls> IU S DOOt"'UlbDtaatl b a d bteJ:i lb4

04 1 U )", t•Ut that atUtf Hill tJintht~f. !YIIow ••nh •o aet li011h~ -.1 ,.5, ..

A t blet ~.attlt't'tl o f U.. tttruut~



C ut tlog out tud 11\'!<lroylu~t ln w lo· t~r. tltp twl~.,. un<l llmlos ut llt'&r tree. klllf'd by IJIIIIhl . durtug flo~ growing IWOI!On l'l'l\1 con trol the d~•trlwtlvc "nr., hll~tht ' 110d ~"'"'""'~ the sour~e of lnf~~tlun fur the f11lliowhtK )'c~r.

up"Jr blll!hl L• ('rurlu<:ed by a bne· t .. rlnl '""'"·" s~ys G. \\'. ~'nut, ('~tPn· altrn l}laut tll~e•.._. 8JK't'lollst at 11t11 1\nrth Cnrultna 8lllte t•<>tlt>gl'. "Thla dl"'t"tll'it • ·•u'"'t~s tnuC'h c:culrt'tn l9 ~row­er!! tlurln~ 11t~ ,'Tt•wlng •Wil"<<U, ol· though It I~ durin& thf' winter munths unly thut PITI•Cii•' l' nmtrol ntl'liSUrt'8

•cao bt• ptll lrl!o Jlru ctlt-c. 'fhl' tll~l'lll'e lo <:hnrn<:IPo'IY.t'\1 h)' 1J llt'n th of lf\1.' hlu"• 11Hllll11, ) flUO• twl;:8 tiful, laut•r lht' ln r s::· er lhull•. lll•· lnt~ tlllltll or ""'"'t~d trN .... tlw u p peurttlll' tt ut hll\'(UJe been l t't•rdr"tl h~ II•·~. Su mPlhutl u l COLI · 1r01 fly ! tJrll> lllj; lin• f~l ht•PO fflllllfl

dllP tn 1 tu• '"'"" "'' In wht.-h the <118 j eo•~ Worlts lll'llt'Utll lltl' " Ur!UCC of th •

bark." -

l Twl ~:• Klfo•t·1Ptl with flu• l•ll.;:hl C"D

bP. tlb:llrll: Ut,_ht•J tu \\hll ttr h~ til~ Uf\ hl'rllli; tkrul h·11• P•. nnol ~l r. F'Dnl

! Atlll <'• 111111 It lo A ;.:rwtl ttrn <·t lt·r Ill go 0\ t•r Jtl1 unl'•'ll't) trt'\'~ thiiiH "'~ flu~ dur~

1111\U t 1olt'll .. t~h '''"' r'tlt ••tar. u~ htr HJIJ l._'""'it'l t ', 1t11 l l:tt!h tt f1 fWIL•-1 1'1•<• C'Ut•, he t '"'<l •lulu' •••lJ" t lu• m n d•· <f•\ N "al

llrtf'ht-... ltt·lo\\ l~h· It t\"'" lhtlll tl f ril e C4UI k•' l' lit ,_,d••r H I t ' UI IHII Ull tll.\4:• p,., .. ,l ".,, .. , II t ... uti\ ' "·•hh• n.l,., rn

I tU-cl ltf t·t 1 ltw prunhu:; lnt:•tf'nwu t ntt~r """" " ' l'lt••h cut "> rliJII'!"~ thr trn l•l••nt>'lll 111111 11 •lllllll»u •• ( 1•1.-lolttrh l•· rtf ""'"' ur-v 1•r•' '"li ··d In ,,,, l'r,tflHrllnn n ( ,,,,_. 1'llrl nf t flt• 11Utl ••rtnl 111 1,UUU amrh, .. , \\ l\11 r 'rill• •nlu tluu tdtuu1c1

'"' l '" l•ar•·tl ht nn t•u rtlt ,•u nr \\(JC"ltll'lt \ t'~M•I. l 't UHIUJ.: t'ltft ltlt\Ot't'tUnplt"'lH.'d IIHJrC l'H\oU,· If t\H.t !+!PIS of IOtJI " 1\rO 1f••·•l. k<'\'lo l u~ unt> •<•t In lhi• •ultll h•n whllo 1 h• l>lllt'r 1~ u~"'' for C\lllltll:. l'runlm: d uring t\H' snn:,,,., mn11thM liM lillie • ntu~. ~tllll'll : Mr F>Hfl.

Fl rP hll~ht Is not connned t>nltrPI1 In lli'Rr&, nltlwu~h It Is lllfiSI 1\{evaleul

1 on thl• tree. AI•Pit> lrf'tiS an• Mllllf'­llme• sercretr lnJurrd. ho«e•·er.

Prune All Fruit Trees During Donnant Season

It Is beAt lu prune fru it ll'lt4'8 <lurlug the tUn,mwl ~•nson lillY t ime •Iter ttl~ l~u.-.•s ha•·<' fHI1Po. Pruning d•)ne tht> n hAs no lnvl~;or•ll ng e lfert on tire t r ('eq,

I "'hl'rt'll~ un ~l llMI ftmount . or prunlnt( d••nt' In the> t<Utnml'r wcn~l'n8 thl'rn. be· Colllt'4' It (h•ttrlct'S the ·~~s vr follaJtl' bHure !hell fotloge hU an Oj)IIOrtuult1 tn con triiJllte 10 the truh JI'OWih ot 11., tr"", IICC•lrlllng to l'rot. JOMe(ll; O•knmp ot thP ~l''< York Slate Cul·

1 tettl' or Atrrkutture et lthucn. N Y Ill etrecte frnm vruulug wheo the w nO(I lH f ruzt•u ure Ul!luuUy l"Uolllttl· crNI onlntt><trtant lwraosll the wood Ia tll'ldom tnjur~d trow 11.

' l 'he " "' 1 he cu1 (a m~df' '"" a dl· ri'N llPurlng on the twallug ot the wountl. II 8 stub Is l~fl. ti!'CU)' Is lllu•ty to ~turt brf(lre thP wound ta•ai!C, .. n llr;tlldleM sh .. uld br CUI nu•h. Smllll wn•t ud• ut•<'d nu prowcttun, hut Iorge l)nP" ~ltuulfl Ill' 1mlnted l<•lth A tlll<'k "'hill' lt><HI attd ull vaJnL ll ~rl', too. lht> Whtll'r IS llliiAl de8lrubtf., tl~('IIUI1t' durlug the •untmer the cuu•tlc action ••r thl} pu int no~7 hlod~ r lh~ hcnlluc of thP wound

~lunr dtiT~rl'"' kladll or trwJia are "'"llubll' f11r pnwlng. btl! the moijl tull~fw1•tmy work Is done " 'ltlt lhP&e lhut ul't.> l'l rout: uut1 abarv, .r eg-ttrt,Heu or the k ind.

Prevent Orchard Damage From Mic~ Gnawing Bark

W IJ••rt 'tltP or('hu rd bas u ben•·y ~truwth o r ~ru!<ll nr RIIIIIO crop a rouud lltt• '""-"'· tl11•re Is llkel7 to hl' mndt dUIIut~e dur1J1g tlle Winter f roru ttiH'e

l l!liRWln~; 1 11~ IHtrk . Th.e llr• r lhlnl( to du to pren·nt 111ch darnng;; I• tu riNtr

II•• ny ull the ~ MISS and ruhltlyh from &rou o{d the trunlt or the trPt•. Sotnl' Or<·hunll~t9 put I ft>W ftllt>V~ll'\tiS o f ('l~un clntll'r• ID • clrt:IP tlf n ruot or more a rouud thP bnst' or the tre ...

Another "'"thod of lt~phtg down til e tulce In the o r<'hnrd '' the mulnte­nn nre or flllll!<ln 81Rllons whleh an­ktpl ball('ll thrung hnu t the noa r . and tl' hlc h are cumlnt>d f'N>quemly.

Tlt r roll ••" tnr ~r>e<·lat methlld nt pn>­parlnc belt fllr thl'!lt orchart Pt"'.s Is SUIU;eet ed. Mil d" on~ljChlh o f 11 0

ounce or rtmrtler<M! Rtrycbolu~. one­~ltthlh o f ao nunrt~ n f bak ing •oil•. Sl tt lhls ntlltu,.,. O\'l'r on~ QUttrt o f ~ a lit&. hl'nt oats In an o••t•n unlit thor­oughly wRnn. and 11011r over It six Ia· bll'!lpoc>nt'I&IR of a mbtul't' of three J)llrts nto'IINI lleoet tot and ont' rtnrt DJI'Ited par;~nln. When lh,. mlnore· cool• It I• rt'tlll1 tor a ....

If 1'1\bhll! <'IIUI'e tnnclt d&O)I\1!1' ftD• clo~~e low~r llltl o f the tru nk with a pi~ of wtr~ sc..en o r wood vtne-er .

Fruit Testing Association Tbl' l"tw \' vrlt Fruit T elltllll: 4Miod.

atlnn bQ Ju>•t hl'ld Ita annut~t m~tna •t ' "" Nl'w York stair Ul~rtment Ita· linn II O t>DPI' &. Tb~ Ut!MiftiiOa WU rorml'd to l,.,.t out ondtr a wldt Mlllge pt ~<>II noll ~lln•atlc t'On~ltlnns the n­varlellt-s nf trult ort~natl'd b7 th e trult h N't<ltN! AI Ill~ •tete t~rltul'Dt at•tloo a nd bellf'Yf'd b7 thPm to be wortfuo or turther t est b7 fnllt C1'0'W'­t'nL A D""' and pmmllllnJt 1'\-ott ma.r no1 ba a prolltable trul t Just be«UM It .. Dt'W.

Too Much ''Acid?"

' £n.,. Uric A cid Ci- RJ- to MtUt.7 Uttpl.--.1 Trot~hln.

AUTH ORITIES -«'" tluot aa .l"\. .. .,_. ol uric add t. pri­marDJ d.,. to faulty ltldney CU:·

tioo. R•••nlloo ol tbla ma ... rlal olt•n Gllllr• t .. p.­onc• b1 aore, palo(ul jolnta, • l l rad, l 1oca ld fHtlnc 1od, aomotim-. toalc bacb cb• and

· b .. dacb .. Tbal tho ldd...,.. are not fanclionln,. ricbt II often • hown by acan t)l or buroln,. ru-e• ol HCToliona. Thou· aanda • •lat their lddn•yw al .-uch dm•• by tb• n" ol Doan' a Pille - • a llmula nt diu roll c. Do.n 'e a ro roc:oauoondad by ma ny local p.opl"' A.C :TOUI


DOAN'SP~~ snm.,.,., /Jilrctlc to dw

l'oetcr Ml l.,.,n Co .. ..__,.. Chn~aJ•u, 8~otffalo. N. T.


Cuticura Soap BestforBab


Coughs c1ae '-Colds


succa..,.,.. POll eo .,..... 30c A 90c . At all Dru.cfeb

I IVA I'T rA&/1111 f ur CUh bU.)'I!f,.. 1.1•• 1 Whb CIW('IIIU a"17. 0 . \l l•u•••h. T-·mol• t:ourt , 0."""'· Oolo

~bn O•t P u""'t"'r .lob; t t1• · UOO mo.. ,,,1 bum• rum•• v~rmanent : u--p• rl..,nc• "'' ".,.,.-'''-"•rY . hunt. fUll , tre.p, elt~ Wtll* ~ORTON lU )t c )t .. n n: '810 • • , O.ov•1". Colo.

::wxeececceee:x ?{t'W <md.

ruo~ 'D~ucimu 'Desserts

Wake tbo111 a l homo wllh all tho nM OJ>d -~of • prof-lonal ch•t. •



Aud .1 ou rnll.f 110mrt1mca Jud11e " _ lllllU by tbc CODIIIIID)' t hat d l)jOf!D' I keep hi m.

Ct tt lhde<'llon a.nd Jnftamrn&tlua •r• boal64 0\ • rht1£hl by Wl'ftl Jtom-...n z-,. Qat .. I'I'\. A•k yu ur•t tor U-cont 3&r ur .... a tu Ul 1-'e•rl St., N. T. Ad•,

f. l f!' rN'n~:nttlrm of ·~tn Is the be~;l n­

nlnt: " ' ~tnr•~ollon.-Lullu•r.

Colds&: Be Quick-Be Sure,

G<t the riabt remedy-the._ lllaiQow• 5o quJck. _, IUI'e that miDJona DOW employ it. ~ utmoot in a lu.ti-.e. -~ in ida! fon:a. Co&dt I1Dp In 2o4 boun. La Gnppe In l da,.. The.,_ fo claoal aDd tOned. Nocbirc CliXIIplafta wilh Hill'&.

BeSu.relt~~ PricelOc

fASfAR!. ¥ jtJININE Cct led De. ~ wtt!l .....

Oi.lih St, Peter-TIIIJI new COY -rna &.

IIPIIOi nted In Aeaven. t ' lr8t AsMistant- l'ea l fle'e tooDd

out thnt all o ur ~·"' run pertect!J \OIIhnttl eus or o tt, 110 lle ean'l brae Abnllt h ow ffil)('h be ~t&­Otot roll Fl'eo Prt>M.

Broadc:ub Good Ne1n ,._y.rhJttJar. Callf.-"Dr. P1e~·· ,.._

Yortte Pruc rlptJon ud the 'Oolct• W..Uc:al DlaeoYW7' bal'e !Mea ueed la

OIU' ta18JI1 o• U4 oo for a loQI ttae ud U.e7 ban as. 'WaTI ,-IY,U De­tl 111 Nllef~Ktloa. I '-" talr:eo U.e •ra. 'Yorlle P.....:rtpUoa ' anti eo 1lu my mother. It ... , a 'WOOdtrful beDeftt to UL I thl.o.ll It baa D.O eqQ&).. •Jrl7 ·tether &I-" w eel teal · Oflleo•erl'

whee M felt ni.Ddowll, and It ee..., C..llecl to bufltl liP hilt 'raeral 11.-hl ln a ,....,. abort Ume.M- Jrln. J . I. Wtrud.. lla 11. Wblttfer A.._

I( TOOt drQUiat 18 Ollt of the •Jrled.l­eat Dllc:o .. ,.,.~ Or '"PI'IIIIICJ"lpttoa.• aeod C6 cao ta to !>.-. Pterca, 81lh._ N. T •• tor a ~ of the table-. ~-===· ~~==:::::::=' W. "1. u. S<ln Fnu'Ciaeo, No. 4-1t27.

I '





Page 7: · • _ ... S . A--t • . a • ...,. Jo.l)o. h .. ........ ~. ....... ., • ·..__--~---_

1 11 ___ ~~::~;-~:~~----~ 8,. K. LOUIS llA YIIOLD

Albert Rooke Makes His Comeback


By ELMO SCOTT WATSON l "Hn ot th ot , \li P P"""\\'n l1tl war !"' li N o t h ll:'r <lu y on lll lnnl• rltttl ,. •• on" ot ~rt-11 1 111 tll lty for

T W ODl AII WIIO Kl'llllh'<l A \\ omf'a lu < .. lll lll'll, fo r Ill ihal I hilt' pat rot l1y t1 11• l ' uttl'<l lllllrl' th11n ;;,uuo plltl'nts w~"' ~rsn t ... J :!IIotta ll•tl'nt nlllt'l' f<tr to ,..omrn In t .. n ~•~teJ )'" " '" fr()m M "IIC'Cr'PI ~nVI'IIIJ)o'.'' I , ('. 100.1 IO 111'..!1 . II IIUIIIber Whl,•h (o r t'l·

one w lllt•h I'AIInot IH' f't.•tciJI thf' total uumher grMill t d tht>lll lil eftm!'<l orw n. I t~ l'tlll durt1111 "'" ~vAn of 10,) )l'll r• whlt'll t t'II IA rl'lld 1111d IH' I'I'Rh•d I'U~t'tl ln I~ "' It huu t thJtf'<•tiOII llf thr ,,~ noh;ht b4' I'XJli'C IP(J the uouju rlty f lll' t I IIIII II h><• l)i'l'll o r WOIIIt•n 's fh\'Nttlon~ ur~ lht>"'' v.·hlo·h l811l(JerN w ith lu lllll'tll• hlllt' 111 oln with thei r lwu~l'hul tl olut lo•<!

a lt•ly thl'fl' w••l't• ••n • lltll t ill')' riM' tur ' '""' ht>lng llmlll'• l 11111111 tlf II~W~(~Rflt'r (1\lflll f'll)' uh.,UI I ll thlll Rill ( th~y t:'IIV!'r II "fo((! tlllllll' lilt• " wonlltn ln1•4'ntQf," u• t hou ~h nf tll 'th•lty In :.0 lnd uvt r ll'H, ,..,,., ailln· W<lllllln In l hat ro l£• IN un lltur . lulf through ~~o,rh'ultur .. t III RI'I o l11~ry,

' l'O the R\'t'rMJ!I' Jl<'t -1111 1<111' let, prr • hll'tl ltul l'( j UI(IIIIt'llt, lllotllu.fllt' IUtfoiJI ll AJI8, ror we ~mmonly lhluk o r tho foqull'""'"' · rh~mlcttiM, nrtlftdlll furl~. Il l \ (•nth•P g tonlmt u r \\"'Oit\lltt In tt•rnt '4 w•Hul tu rHfng, t!\'~ ' 11 l\l SUbi)Jrtrlu~ 4-X"·

"' tht' e tu.: k Jokl' about lwr ohlllt) to tolmh·l'~ : llt'f<trt• ) IIU rscluflu o•l'r d u KU IIIIIUIJII'rttbll' DUIIIIJf•r of 111111~• lhH I lulll , httl\I•Yt•r. t•un•hl"r U 1111 Of with• u hKi fJ)IIl wiJM n t'C"""It) de- tnHn tlllnM by wume n whlt'h pro~t~ lbut 1111111d1 IL Aa • matt~ o r tnt·t . v. u 111· t ho• 111<1tbers ot Wt'll, w llo ar~ ,~,.,.. Pll ( n YI'Illllrtl ttr~ b(o('OIIIflll! ltlllrt' IIU• \ O'tfllftll) UftJIOiit'(\ 10 (h(' Wltr w h ltlJ mi'I'0\1!1 I'Vt'ry 1l'Rr, "" tllfO ff 'fi>rtJ• olf r o lla tll em or t tit'lr bu~b8.11\j• Ull\1 I!()Uil,

t he United Kl&l l'll IIDIPllt ulho• will url' ~1111 dulng th .,lr port lo 1"' 111\'IU · abow. T he "''Utlll'n 'a b ur4!1HI u r tht• vt ... 118 borro~. Thl• ll• t Lodutlt•!l • n · Uult!'<l KIMti'OI UeJ)IIrl lllt' llt n r .,,,.!)lor to nnsth· Jlls tob. h•m•b·l ll UIII' hlug II JlPitt

N!('t'ntly made 111 anu t) .. ls " ' thfl41' Ktu•. t1 !'Uilo.' run. 1111 lo,~ndluf) bllll, r PCOrdS to det~r1ulue wuauun ·• t>u rt lu raii·••• J W rpt'do..... ~l lhl~ f ur gun~. 11\1' age of ln• f'oUon 1111d rt-H•Mil'tl eubnun1ne miDI'!! auol a top tor pow· wbMt w ill be an IIAtonl, h l nlt fn•·t tn d~>r ron&. many Jlt'ntnuto-that at l~uo~t :'Jell) r:o,_ Wuanun, til~ d ll:ti'D, Ia r,._pooolllll' ~mml'nt 1)1111'111~ • ytar ••I' now to.r ln.enllons o r vutlna bootbs, \ ut· j!rtuall'tl to W(IIJit•n lnvt>oto rs, •nd that h111 rnoclolne.~ ond a IIO<'Ilet ba llot . a.uore patente were graotl'd to thPtll Women, Lhl' l!<'l<'olllll, hll.& lliYf'O utt In • l'ea'ul teo·.rrar l)t'r lod than wue new dyN and Ol!w dy~ hu ea, cheml· lt~~~o ed dllrlnc Jhe whole ~otury end· a.l tre&nnl'nt ol ull• tor commen:h tl log lA 1806. PUI"f))fletl, a nlfkiMI tue l11, l!ll8 apper

Allbougb the oum~r o f pMPnta atv' &lr comtl l'l'llloOMJ. boi• Uua eppal" tak~u out by men 1J1 !lOme 711 11 1111'01 •• a t1111. fl'VI'ntlbll! t url>lnel!, ve.rloUJI many u tbe oumbt r Iuken uu t b)' •team and ~trt't'l raiiWII)' n~f'tUJitie• the othe r ~~e:r, the lll.'rCI'll tulte luc tl'flllll riUII fiiC from roeJ bed end ro ll• for wo men trom d~•d!' to dt~11de lou throuJh rollin!( at.oclt I'Qulpment tu n~ed lbat u f the meu h)' . ,. much trafllc • l1oola and block eyMtem~~o

u 1100 J)4'r ~111 In 110101' y e n ra. An· Soroe ot the f'eiUIOI\3 fl ven by lht! other lltrlklna fa ct 11 th11t war l!l'f'lllll women for lbelr luveutlowi ere •mon;: t o be a Mtrona- lnl~ntl v~ t o woman'1 Uae 100111 lnlutelloa rae .. conuLtttNI p rod11clnr n~w tlll11p. the with t hei r worll. A lar1e ouwbel' of l.'hll war about belt a do~o pat~oll theae l"ftiCN>I. of CODnle. come undet" a yeotr weA~ ll"ffO it'd to wo men. Our· proveri>lal heed of -o~~y. Hltt Inc the w•r and In lht yean~ tha t Col· ruolbe r ot lnt ntloo.• One lov~olloo, lowtd Uoe nomber o f pat ttnll to wotn· llllde for thla .reuoo, turned , .. bene­en lnc.........CS llttlldlly , riling 11 tlmee fill lo & dll'et'llon dlll'~reut 10 more than 100 a nnuttlly. 1 ' hJI d• trom the or1Kinat. lotto lion. A wo 1010 ~de of 181\7 to I!ICI7 NW an 111e rMM colt u ::ru:ber, who bad beeo mll('b an­of _m !14'• ~nt lo the numbfor of ar- no)'t'd bJ the pervene blblt of c olt lid s J)tlt~ntetl bJ wom4'11. •• cora- b&lla or becomloc lodled lA lau~ li•red to ~ p('r «at ID~rt'll"e for tbe alble pi&CN or dropptna Into •treama. Dlftl lA lbe •me Ptrlod. loYentt'd u ad}1letable rake to r«oY·

AJtll•uc.b u Ia )tl too earl y t o pN"- eT tbe .rT&J~t b&lla.. The wider -diet wba t e«ect In lbl1 rqard lht tul- or relte wu - &P~~&reot. World -..r wUI bavl'. It 11 InN lbat and card._. IIOW balre • tolf teed•· tbe nUJDbitr ot pattnt. t.U.ea out 1!7 H to t.ballk ftlr aaUilll t.bftr worlt

- - trom UU8 te tll2l wu S4 pet' lle1ltn. eoea t lll&b4!t lllao trom 1912 to 1111&. .A. Tau WOID&I> w11o took - a pat•

From National Forests N ... gqlaa4. TeDow Jlllne lD , or1da Ia dntllled t 01r tprpe~~tlae ud thai aold fvr aw lop. n- I OteiWIDtlll for· eata .... eteedlly taJdJI. a tarpr e od l erp:r pta~ lD tba •ecooom.le ll f11 of U.. TNt rectoo ower wbldl OleJ .,....

ac:.ttt.,S. ---- --

t'lll rnr nn 1t11pro• Ptnl'nt on 11 ·· nltlva t nr IIIDIIlll' whk h ll t~htPnMI the bur d .. n tlf lhl' "mrllfHI~o," !UIItl that " hKV•

IIIIo! lwr u rnllll'ol on • ft~ran end ~lnr: tl aMt thf"" OlotA n-11'11 h 11proven11'nt 11n I Ult\l " lor IOIIIUI'f, I m • de Uj) m, mlnll to hll l)rove upnn tht old .. lyle l)llt'<." A .\lllllldot a WOnllln 1 11~0100

• pnl'l ahlt' •nloke h uu"" ~·e&liMt' ~· "h~ " l iiiHhJf'll It "A~ II fKrllll'f'l w1~, IDl tltll) \l K. t O o•l)rl' IUPIIt~ t tor 1111111• llll•r .. . .. lllltl " lllltkt'(\ ""'" ' ,. ,.~., '""'·I( f\11' \lr,..J ha "'.1' fAmily. I trl ~rl 111 itllll•k•• '"'"~" wltlmul .,s awn~"• »n<l u tt~r I hnol l ' lllllttlt•IMI th l~ rl t>1 lcf I u~o•d It ""''~l'~ofull)' rnr two )'I!Kr• II• fun• I uhtu lu ~•l II v uli•nt IIIJ()II lt."

It ' " lu ll r:h t<•llllll lofr home tl ullr• thnt t h~ .\ llll' r ln tll huu•••wtrr 011oli bt•r b•'-t ti' IU!IIII fu r flltlllllJ IU l n l~ll·

tluu. IJa thl• r••llhll h•r 11~w d l'l'lt-ea luU uolt' ntu r iiiH fu r nllllc lllll; Ull'llMII & Ju lt·e t'~tra\'\01"!1, lll'l•le roroti'Ctont .-.1~\f'""' lt~un lnK d .. , IC.'f'M, w•fftt!' Iron-.. IIMh UIIM, 1¥\llld r)' l'lfUI JliiWill, bn>Om l'llt•k•, ~lll\I'JIIJH! l' f i!U III'r~, llltllklD hohJ~r... lll'tl ul r ln11 Ot·\kl'-. h iCit eh•h~, hHIIIfulilu ll stttrl'•. rut a u t11 na~ttlc f'IX·khag · ·holr fan. l'li nl nl:'f. <:lo thl'o rontaltt ~rM 11oll an t tr11l)<l. 1'0 m4!1'tlc ,umcultiH tometlme• reault In lm .. ntlon, u wltor"'! lhe cu e or thot \\ Oinl ll who ln• t nt NI 1 pi•·P..n ('(1\(!r benu~ of tile "UH'r110 WIIII o f jui~T

pl l'll, t he ll4'~1 of thl' pie Ia ..-utNI le&vln& tbll JlOON"'tl pan tn t he cruat."

Aud the..,. a re ool)' e tHt ot the. IDIW1 oe w dl!\ h't'tl tor wh ll'h I hi' wartd t•an th11nk the wo nkn. 1\one o f th~m le " re• ulu tlona rr," J)f'rh•lll. but f or thv~Ml who m IIWJ beo~tlt II)' n>M~Iua life uelt'r, tiJII I• IJumu erlal. \\'h•t It , ~ fir, mo•re mao hu been r4'tiJ)OD· • lhli! tor ell of UJe PH>&t hnporunt lnl' e!III OII8, lo< thotll', euch •• t h~ l f p&Wrlle r ai)CI lit& lleWIDI 1'01 ·

ehlne, whl~bave llltNit ao much to womtu l (l c ldeotaliJ, It ml1ht bt> added that 1111 liowe' l lnY4'0Uon o r the eetrlttl mac.bloe wu Dot lf"ftlf'd wllh tinan lmoua ~.luaalaaw by tb., wotnl'o of tiM! time. Wu It " tenrlplne lnconlllatency" trbldl protDptl'd eome of lb~m to opi)OIIIUoo wbell the llret -ln1 macblne. ea- apoa the 1111r· ket MaOM tb•y wwould take awer the U•elllloocl of Ula poor MW!nc •on•· f'Dfi tl Tbla lnertaJit Ill wtfmao'1 In· .-enll•• actJ •ItJ, u llbowa by U.. ~ orda ol ta.. ....... , oee.. .., ba ..... caU•• ot toe,...... t~ 111 •- Ia a•ery .._ of uta, and •• ..., , .. - - - dHic:. ., wortd-..-1\M ao4 a.IJ..U-~ eooeet•f'd lA • .,_._ 8IJid aod IDOIW bT a __,.., a...cs.

er&lllllac. mtYaJI .. l'lfUUJ tJie ~ wlaldl .., e. die pta. At lbe l p,..- ..:.-at • ftP""~ lraJD lb DII*"M tllroqll..

Too late tile driY'W ot die ear •• the da11W. Be tJtM &a "''"" Ma & tldd ... _., '-it. '"" a lood cnab lltradl ~ 1Mt C0M11

A ~IDf'lldoua YV1f'l1 o f p~orta ren rJna from IIIIo& pe«e ucl -tru o11 to •• lop. ral.lrotld u-. and oaYal ltol'\'tl, Ia tne\M ~ Umbel' aupplltd bJ t1ae aatloGal ,._.. or ~ 1tut and Sout h, u ye Ula fOl"Mt wnice of UoltA;r~ 8t.tee Depe~t of Aa· rt("'lftUre.. Cbetltmlt In tlae Appaladll· ... tumlabea l .. epbooe poll"ll aoel" u · tnt~ wood. Beech, bticl\. and IDIIpl& WJ!OlY. boWu tor tile baq 1- ot

HeHU: R....,7 ud tiM au" ~ • till 'UN tn«. l t .., .. a \l&rk ollbl. Morlt.J doad& 811 & fnr m&oata. Tt.. •


obec:tiJ'ed 010011 ta eocb • way u Y to make dr1 ..tna daaprOu.a lA the u · ~w~n. II'• ~ •1 IIJ-pe, e11' _.utn lllht. · · C. way l"- ud dft9ar cnawlad - •

• cu ~ .... ~tile le ..... tile W'I"'!Ck.-t..4ea ............


Wbu A% -,ear kht few h.ealda. Now well and .,.,..., .e. .......... , a 60. cu etia-, he,.,.._. T...-

H t::~ RY JE..'i' RL"8 " u oae o f t b- A' 1830 W•lllth P!.ee. w Aa-•••••ble h!J io,..a to w hom a cor- teae.. li.,.. Alben A. Rooke, a ,.

l't"ov<•U<lt'uC\! cou n.e l u Pn'lfi~IU'1 wuuld ~~pt~etecl dU.. W'lth S8,...,. o1 aetJv. bt' "" •ut,.,r ftuowo .,. p it oo drl~d cod- railroeod upenma.. Helel.llol a \'a)' ~h. li t> alwa)'a dill t hin&• • little lo~nc. ~ 1/.-th•r tha n llD)'body elM. " AboulJoo,_ ,_,..-co." •)'II Mr.

llor..u\er. 1,., "'" or " d.1f'erful aod Rooh, .._,,. -.on..ob and 11....,. _, bdooril: ll,...a!DOA~

oblllflllC oll.olpuollloo , eo th at If lh~n! uperimee. NotJWw-* eo ..,_ ,..,.. • l'*nlcul•rly cu .... a ffi>able Job w wll.b IMi J toe\ .U cr..1re tor food. A t.e <h•oP, on one bt•tlltltt\'d to u k lllln .Ou•d 011M'• aleep wu oul ol the ' " ''" l t . 8\'IUJC t>o.-.t uuu a 11 "'~tltltu~ qiiCitloo leo I toee • eh momlnc "UH h i• ~llt'('fA II.)', AUol Il l" ri'J)Ut¥1100 ,!Uld pep - TbeJI ooutipat.lcio ct. tl'llltllawd u u tH rul•htHI utotll thMl oco·ot· veloped and made life • cootlooo~~e • Inn " 'hen hi• t>e>~l t rtPnd , Arth ur mlary. lloet weii!M aoci ooul l hU'dly drac m.yKlr around • cood deal ol the ll't••h ·••tt , KluoOl!lt nu.rd...J hi• t.ut r lrl, ttme. Altcreb)'tl&nlotthatl,....U l ')mhl ll • :~>rrl•b. l.o. Alofll -• lhe 'ftu' wbeo l bad

Arthur ~·ll• at•tuully &l'lwdult'(l lo vo rwliltaoo:"<~loert .. That wuaboul o•a r r) LA lli!. 11 Jol'f'lt) II II If ""'~ laat etraw. Nothinr -med to help me. .._.Ill JDylife. 1'\a&,.... • ,_..,.. 1~,, but vue ..._.11....,11 o ut . ""'"'" pl•u• " On a friend'alldvice ltriedTaolao, l'meQ.UinlloelbaM,u ,ou- y.., tor th" "'"'l(lln~: Wl'l'\' llr«>u~ hl ror· ~~' cu;:;~idid J:P. !.u,~ :-or2.l'"u Wo&lul-. &Mak.l wn .. t. Arthur tuuu"'u" ' "'' wrotC' •lown utwlt.b~limo .-t..~heS~1 TaoiM illllll&ure'e-. blo and llo·llt) Cu r lw~t uuuo 1111 1 h •h a toad ~~~ ~ ~ 1tom&ch and h vtr t.roublee dil&p- body builder, made f1ont root., IMrt• f ruau lol~ ~huultl~n< "'"~" llo•11r)' ·ac r-re<l. Briefty Tanlao p ut me on and barb bf the famoue Taolioo for-<~l•h•ol. h " " ' 1>1\ rt kuiK rl> rlt tl ng I IDJ '""" wit.b ab my old- time -.icor 0111& 'J'!7a bot&le-iUDqdo forJO)I u, .. , ll t'llr> • h .. u lot •• · tw•t a11a11 .. o thl1 and enjoymeot of lole. Iwton wti«bl wllallldid for Mr. Rooh. Y~~~~rcm--1,.,.,1,1,111 u• tht' 111 , 1 h" ,. • • qultt• ,. lid and after live bolllee ...U u trdf u ptbuit.. Ovu62mUlioftboUllu oiCl. al•••"· 1) nthla •••·rrl•h wtu •:~m.,·a ' ----F -i,_.--,.-. - o#- -S-,_--c-II ____ .,...: _ _ ___ O_p_po_ rl_ llllll ____ Y ____ _

'"'"'~1 trh·ntl anti ll'vttlol ron~•'<!Ul'llll) '' II" ch .-. hi• onltra wll h ~n I roo "Dfu, - ha ll we - • ebow to-m···up~· tltP JMnt tl( lllllld ttf lallllotr . blind " " I lo )'\lU lllt'lll be UM!t tile l ifO Dllhl l " ~\'eoe, J'ye lot. Of lbiDp I•

:-,,.,. 111 n ry 111"10• 111"dt' 11 • 1" '1" 1 IMn ' "" t' l~ ttll •oo." ' " I!•' ~" li P t ilt' ~ll tlrt' tln7 to e .,. ~~~· 11 1

' t\ln~. Th~t? w~N' a l" ll)$ *' "'"") IIIII ' t lolugs tbat an ~ltlrM IUtlll &riiUDtl

••uuhl llnol 1\l ''"· A nd 1 hi• tnue Will o u I'HPJlt luu l'urlkuh.rl .• "'' ~n f:~m~ ''"'~ It lnln her heutl l1111 1 ~lo P 1\'ttUI•I II~•· to r uo uuL J u l o Un.• <'<IUiltry to ... ~ II ft\'t f· tltfdPII IIUill 011<1 ~h11W h~r Jlw \W<I<llu;: tl"'-wlwfure the N'h~•ryl II 11\ tt u"dtl<'k. W<>Uid Ht•ttr)' 1M! wtl l Ill~ to 1 111<~ ht•r th@t••l

To Have & Cl .. r, 1-t tkl n Touch p lmpiN. ~n-. rouabn­or ltcbloc, If 1111, ,.lib CuU~ra Oint· men t, lbtn b&tbe •lib CuUC!Ura Soltp anti b ot watl!r. lllnJt', (Jry l tol ly 111d dullt en a 111114' CuUeura T al cum to l~.ove • r .. dnatlna ftacnLD\'41 on & ll:verrwhve ~ eacb.-A~rtl~mf!DL

• Whnl'a 1111• IJnhy t rylnl! forT' "\\'••'1'1' t~haytn a rodl'(l 1111' ho~ ~~~"11'1

k fiiJ W why w~ t'UJH.• lalm.''

....... La.ll ....

w•ter ,....., ELL·ANS /


llo•u r.l rlnt uul~ wuuld 11111 IIIII. u• tnw ~:.nw·, o.l \\ o rn~l•t,.r 111 lll'r lllii(Jlo'l!tlttn 'l'ht•J ll rtlll•!l wltlwut ,um~ull) .' t:~mr m•rli· h~r 1'1111 . u n al 11 ~11ry •t~Jltl('ol u11 l h .. Mlll rh•r (n~ lh f~ ft•h; rn tri p . l hlt

t h o• Nlltl t~r JlfOtl lll'l'd 1111 I'I'•UIIO •:•mo ~~DANDELION BUTTER COLOR" cuuld 11<>1 111 n rMI llllllltltu• wh111 cuul•l bf' tlw lr•tUhl •• uu tll "lltt r•~<'alh .. d thh t tw r IIH It o•ry .,..,. cunopiN<>I)' ruu duwn T l11•11• hKtl bo'<'ll .. nuut.;h Ju t~ to get th e111 1 ht•tf' Hill I that wll• 1111.

ZS. and 75$ Pkla.Sold. £wr~·

It t•• •k lienry the ht•ttt•r J•& rt nf an ho•n r Ill lwat~ 11 1111'1111' a tt Pt '"''"' ''" ~ .. rto u• 4:0Untry r<~ ••rl• thf'1 ht1rl ttlllt'l'l"l'd olnce ln •lnJI the •lntt hll;lm11) . t:-1111' had t~lt 11ur~ thMI' t'JflrP tHt ttllt•pUHil f t ao1wh,.rt~ arounr1

anti haul ma ll~ tl pnrr l'r()tniR" 111 ' " ' "tl &0111''"'"' hft<'k Cor ht't 11nll thtn 1(11 on blna•f'lt tn lmlc anf'r " :" reh ... nual un Lll J.Pr nwn arrival.

"Yuu' N" "'' ""'clf'nl, ll t>n ry," 1ht n.ll .. r t'(l him. ··noat you can t'~llllln anti af't • tol o r lbe tlet a ll• 0 1 er for whlrh n at ll""!il'tlt f l•n 't Df'l'f'IIM'1 Ll ~l' U•llln11 l l oe u ~hero • •hle h •~• ~~ •~ N'>tf'nt>d f1>r th!' f¥111111. You koo• t ht 110r1 of U>lna• !"'

Htia ry dllll.'O''~rl'(l In till' r•Nt:f' • y«>unc thN·htinlc be had -ltalltlll'la rnr y,...ra and h i' di•P• Ir hl"d h im for I'Jolllf' N" rtl~lne In hill fOftl t'l .. nt W8)' Ill I(IVt lahn dii'C'<•tlon" how t o llml htr h) WIOrd o f lllOUi h , hUt I'HOI'f UII)' wrltl n• them down on a bit o f JIA JK'r wit h • dha~rrlllll ~~~ wl'll.

'Cw o hours IHtl' r " rl'•th·~• b ridal rnortJ ua111uo t ile hrh le "'"" ga lhrrl'll In thr t•hurt'la wunllP1'111K w lau ti'¥Pr h~d · h~Jllll'netl 111 to:o111e. llt'n r)' wn~ 1110101 nervn u .. uf all "" thP othl'ro ~~toed to thl o'k tha i h• alwuld not hft> e ··•tml hllml' wllhout In 1p1te o f llfr ordl'n.

AI leal, hoping In dl•triiN thf'l r lhonJ!hl~<, H~nry @i.t l!l!~tf'l l t ha t th r7 110 t h rough tbe t'f'l'f'tuony II'IIIUJJ C) O·

thla ' " " " •:•mtt'l pla<'t'. " I r~l aure 11he will romf' an)' mo.

ntl'nl ." he u ld d.l'IJM'MUety. " and t he "''' of us might aa w f'll bl! p llloa lettl'r f)l' rfe.-t In o ur f)ftrl&~

So the old mlolrt er, who bad MeD r,..dloa In hi• 1tudy, wa a aummonttel and. bt>tuc • llchllJ deaf 1ud 1 mall to wboan a ll ft&JlJ>erll looltfod a llltl'. d id not al tocell~r ~~;et the rl •t of l be ma lin ,.,.aanllna th e abtlfont b rltll' On" b). on e the ri"!PDn- Wt'rt! cln n tn hla l"t''Odln~r o r 11\e oenol~. end rt f'UI"J, tor all till' abJiurd lty " ' lt. f~lt 1 .)eaiOOI pane a t {.')'11lhlll O«Up)'h ll thf' poeltiOD ~~~~ ..-u tYI'n In (lt'et.rDIMl

S uMI'nly t hi' mlnlllte r paulltd. •'J ~upr- It II all MIJhl If )'OU're InA,.

rll'd lhla t fl!'rnoon. provided l ,. naari"J you tonl&ht1 Yoo - · hel'f & a rtwt wltne- lind-" · I'Jnlhla .tlJild>ed Artbor'1 arm, thf'n aet.eil wlldl7 at UI'OI"J. "•J•r­rll'df Have y011 tiiArrtl'd me to-Le Arthor We.tcoiiY'

AI tbla me~t EII!H lloryt In apoo tbem. " UtorY l tnltla a," lib& ~n. belt lau,rtllea, halt acoldlnc. "duo' t ever be • dllrud .ednt qa1D I If you'd lllmpiJ Jold that mrta how to llod ""' I Bat yoa wrote U dowo ..,d bl loet the paper and ba• bfte trende,.. IDC &II OYer Cf'ftiiiOG tr7l01 to llod

- "' ~AM Be11r7 wu 7oar Idee 1 "' talriAa ._.,, pta~ and DOW I •• • m -rn.c~ to • -• 1 doD't- -

•walt a --t, •7 ttetu, .. Mid tile •lnlater, ~ waltlq Jill to Ula •U• ttoe. ..,... IIJ"fll' t -med Ia W I JUte •UJ I pr- 1• - oCI w1~ Wltkll J ....... , ...._ I Ill· _,..,._at tNt....... I a•­........,"'llet_, ...... ,..._ ... ...........

Alter ap~a-u- _,..119ft' oe1 tba ~ be4 sded.. O,.tllle e11ppet1 "" ana tJtroqb aeerra. -Don't !Mil 80 ............ ba4e lairD. "B-- I balp ltr ~ Hetii"J, "' ..,.. - _, ltalllal UtiD .. ap. YM111 ...,. wut Co IUn'f Rdl a ellftlllet• l "

"011 tM __..,,.. wlllt!p&Nd 0,.. tAIL "Y ... ,. lerrlbl7 tlall ot ~ftl· q. lletT-~-M~ It ~ pf'IIP • 41~ "-"' U.t to -1"

,\ hii rrnll'llll •fPiabl& bullu color Uled by n>lllii'UI for 1'1() )'1!.,.1. OnJc lloN"e Rnll ,.n~ ral atorew tell bolliiHI ol " Dandelion • for 811 ~t.a.-Ath•.

It r ou I!">~ llnvorJan l, 111'1 a Jnll thAI I Uitl your l~~<>k~. !'l ine thnea out o f tt•n that Jli'\K'\'d u r.• will worlc.

• C•t~·• t:er ..•• Q_...,_, llelte-•• a nd hu l• bu rn loa, lteh lna a nd tortur lna tkl o clltMAO.., ll lnola nlly elo pe t h • pooln or burnt ll•a te wllllout _,.. Uc aacl

~~. r~ '~:f. 4b:~·:~~. :.r ~~~d·~.!: O& ll Pa rk, I ll. for a fi&Cb&...--..Aclv.

Tbe d lnntr 10111 aod tllf' d inner rlnl are not alwaya &Jnooymoel.

J('a nay t o fool 1 mao wbo llu H fellb ID hUm&D D8lUN.



Cutoria is & pleuant, bann· less Substitute for C'Utor Oil, Pa.rqoric, ·T«thing Dropt and Soothinr Syrups, ape­clally prtpared for Infants in arms and Children all apt.

To nold bnltatlonra, ahnyt loolt: for tbe lip&ture of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~aic:!Ma CYUJW~ JI!CD

1 iL

No CNflit llr 8 1utr f'ay-It tble lloor palDt

tro rlta. I' ll owe It a ll to y o11. Clerll - l ' •nlno tne. elr, hut ow ~

,,. cub.-Oood Hardware.

II 11 mf'r1t alone that coont e _, lo everJ man'e worth tOCiaJ.

P'lrmn-. aooe to -'· Ia obeUoac' aocJ obstinacy m&he Cludloclla.

............. .... ..... ,.,,... .. , .. ...... . AM ~ - - 11104 ••- ..,. V .... tt" n l P w rl Ill . N, Y. AO•~

Ute wtlbout lowe trould be a1 -1- ae a lamp wiU10t1t oil.

SAY .. BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST l Proved safe by mDUoas ud prcscrlbed by pbyslclans for

Heacfac:be Neuritla Lumba(o Palo NaanJcSa TooOJacbe Rheumatism ,..,

~. :a~ru-:::r.• . - ....... ,.= ~ ~ .......... Dn

- --·--~--·aw•• • ••.-· 11


Page 8: · • _ ... S . A--t • . a • ...,. Jo.l)o. h .. ........ ~. ....... ., • ·..__--~---_

SUBSCRIBE FOR THE MULTNO~ PU~S I '.;""" ~ ~ ~0 :t ··l·:-·· . n.l has :.:1 lht' local news.


·ywo DAYS ONLY. FEB.l2-14 Bargain Day Specials

Maxwell Coftee, Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66c

DKL MONTI: CANMBD GOODS Asparagus Tips, med. size .............. .. .... 22c Asparagus T ips, salad points ... . ..... . .... .. 27c Peas, No. 2 cans, small size 23c; 2 for ........ 4Sc Peas, No. 2 cane, medium size 18c; 2 for . . .... SSe Peas, No. :1 cane, medium size 14c; 2 for ...... 27c Beans, No. 2 Cut Beane 23c; 2 for ..... ....... 46c Tomatoes, solid pack, No. 21 ...... .. ...... : . . 19c

Choic('et cuta of meata, delivered with groceries ,, BOLTON BROS.


Phonea BR. ''170 AT. 1723

Barrain Day Specials

Saturday, February 12 Monday, February U

Bard Mix Candy, apeclal par pound ... , ... ... lOc

Olua Flah Bowl, each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 6c

Fancy Oobleta (factory aamplea) each ........ l Oc

Fancy SherbertDlahea (factory aamples),each lOc

98c Framed Picture• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 60c

Let us Supply your Valentines .

BON'S VARIETY STORE Formerly Walahl 5- 10-15 Cent Store

Sales Days Only

Our Label Kxtra lle&'J Mineral OU, pint &Oc , quart . ..... ... . ...... . .. ... .... 90c

60c A. D. lt. Milt llacnula, apecial .......... 4.2c_,.

16c Scott Tlaaue Toilet paper, ........ • for 49c

2 for 25c Toltu " " ..... ..... 6 for 47c

With $1 Purchase oi Armand's Powders Cre&mJ, and Roures. will rive Up stick FBBB

A Real Good ChUda Tooth Bruah for . . . . . ... l Oc

1000 Bike Conteat Votes with each pur­chue of abon items

Ellis Pharmacy


Sponclnr and Preaainr . . . . .... .. ·'- ... . ..... S6c Cottm Bemttltchlnc .. · .. .... ................ 6c

Silk ........ .... .. ....... ~ ........ _ . .......... 8c

Rose Gray Shop

Every Day is 8!\rgain Day


Ghormley's Service Station




United States Tires and Tubes

Prices are .&.1 'iV&YS Rich t


Multnomah llard'fare Store

Multnomah, Oregon vJ February 12-14-15 Come to the Store Early--Don't W a~ Extraordinary Values Quality Merchandise ·Low Prices

10 Quart Galvanized Pail 9c 2 Glass Tumblers 15c Japaned Dust Pan 9c " Knockout" bargain, all m etal head

Mop Stick Wonder Value, sanitary top

Glass Syrup Pitcher Big 5 inch Bowl Strainer


9c 9c


DAISY C LC.T II , Whur. 27 inrhu "hie .. . . . .. . .. 17e YarJ IIOPE M USLI:-1 , Oltor hed, 36 inr hu 'llido . . • . . lie Yard I NOIA:-i llEAD, <;ua•anteed r .. t rotor, 36 inrhre "' ille, all netr

Shatlu . . . .. . . .. .. ....... 3k Yard PEQUOT SIIEETI:O.G, Blu r bed, 8 1 inrhre widt . • . ~ YarJ

If' YOU BRl NC TriiS AD \ ou ~an hav~ uor<!tlru· l~d choiM of - ME NS DRESS SIII RT~. Va lu~•

to a:k~U u rh ro:u .. r a llacbed and h•nJ s tyle~ , largo auor lmtul of nrw tintpJlY l'a th rna $1.00 eacb .. \'OU Mt:Sl' BR INC THIS .\D.

Meat Specials .

Phone ATwater 4913

Johns Market

Sliced Bacon .... ............... lb. ~ •

Half or Whole .Piece Bacon . ..... lb. 3lo


To any Couple Getting Married on Februry 12

residing within t erritory from Hillsdale to and including 'figard and vicinity.· Choice whit. or


yellow gold J

Bring Your Marriage Certificate

Multnomali Jewelry Store

1 pint Harmony Bay Rum rer 71c, apecial, .... 19c

1 pound Sqbitta Boric Acid, rer 86c ap.aial .. 17c

A. D. S. Saraapuila Compound rer $1 apecial .. ftc . . $1 A. D. S. Cod Liver &!tract Compound, apec 88c

Foleys Honey and Tar Couch Syrup rer $1.10 .. tic

Bordens Malted Milk, rer $1, apecl&l ........ ITc

De Witts Antiseptic Powder, rer $1., apeelal .. S£c

Youth Craft Liq~dBhampoo, rer S6c 'apeclal lie '

Borient Tooth Pute, rer SOc, apec·.· ... . . ... . 17c ,

Multnomah D~ug Store AT 4549 Rexall Store

Expert Radio Repairing at the

Multnomab Radio ·-~op · l'reed Kilman, Atwat.r Jtent and Onal•J

RADIOS BR '9863 R-3 PERSELS' - UNDERSELLS llultnomah, One• ........................ ~~~~~------~------------------.... t-------------~ ................ ~· .

ProtectioQ Shoe Oil 25c can, apeclal . . . . ...... ~

Wat.rproofa &nd Protecta Hata, Umbrellaa, and

Qut-door Clothlnc

l'lne Shoe Repairlnc at Reaaonable Prieta

Ideal Shoe Shop

0 Milady Shoppe Mena llifh Topa Chippewa~ho., 18 illch

JULLINKRY rerulu $10.50, apeclal ..................... ,.

~ Di~oun l Sale oo Sprina lote c.l Tafl'~ls, Ft·h an.J St raw com· l•llla t ion llau . • Boya Si.SO Shoea, Bpeei~ .......... · .. · ...... ta.U

::o per rent dtsrount Sa t• rd aY and Monday. :!peclal 1() Per Cent Diteount on lhoe R-s»alrbar Fall and • •o tcr bata R lliD& ~10'11' roil.

AT .f008 O~n Sarurday 1ill 9 P. M. Multnomah Shoe Shop