Download - E M I - W E E K l , Y . I.] i.M rAVETTKVII.LE, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 15, IS.VJ. iwg.aa..yagig'gair*iinw

Page 1: E M I - W E E K l , Y . I.] i.M rAVETTKVII.LE, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 15, IS.VJ. iwg.aa..yagig'gair*iinw

S E M I - W E E K l , Y .

I . ]



iwg.aa..yagig'gair*iinw V

[xo. r>r..]



M ’KI) HY .1. B . N K W B Y .

A!ll) J. II.VLK & SOX,1 -r.s AM* r i u ) i ‘Uii:TOKS.

>.na-"<.okiy ikufKUVtu •i[;4 (H) if

, V > 4 '»i> if ii;ii«l <liiriii<r ilie

’ or ><’> uftor tlio yi';ir hiis

, ,v i '■ ' k:.\ I K IH> uiinum, if

; ;it\;ii; •>') if I);'.i<l tiuring llie

or Ov> af ter tlip yciir

. r, .l.

: , iSi.M > iMsi'rtcd I'ov sixty cci\t?• r ; ‘n“ ninl thirty oouts fi>r (.-acl)

; : n. Voiirlv iulvortiscimMits ■ t>. :it rates. A<1-

■(• re to .--tatc* the luiiubcr i>f

-irc'l. or tliov >vill be cuntluue'l till.u-i'«iriliii;rly.

. i < t ' the iMitors must be post-paiil.

\joi \ssr.s AN!) r is u .\ >:tMv I'l-.'ji M o/.ASSK S. a su-

. / rii’T artifle ., Fish. .lust roi-eiveil.

1>. i*. Jull .NSON. ■ x ’J. o-'itf

N(y] R'l:.; VS iii.U-V-teil to the !s;ib«icr:bor.

■ > 'T aoii iiiit, are re iiiest*vl- -t*!!' th?- r:;iiie as early as po>sible.' !>■ uni <i'** tloor West of>erty

• mo>-t if his reaily-niade v>ork: le l.iu- tir.-. I’ers 'iis in \v:iiit of

f l.usiiifs>, WoIlM llo ehtMji f^r eash, ur on

11 iiiy mu' I i> 1 « :’! s< ll

. e i note.J A M i:s ?;iNi>v,


I K N O i ' K ' i : .< p . -MmvI of rctMr:iin!i iiiy siueere

:;. ‘>e i:enflei;u‘li w lio a.:iveil the "ii the iii iriiiii^ of the •’■.tl

; r tio'ir kiii 'i iuss alul exertion. 1 • .r ali.


M:'. 1>. Povr lia j)ur-■ tlu' ••l’V'.vi:iou Store" at

■j i. i All; (■'•ii’iiKt the buoiiiebs•• ;u ' • .1 a:-< .'liiit.

j . mIN M A r n \ K .•• . . 1. IN-J.

C'iiAlis' C:indlesl! Gandies!!!■■ i i.T I Vll.l.K MtU'LlH ANULKS

J V ' e at rlie rro j- r ie tor 's Store.■ r \ie>t it

HaySir. F.. Glo^er 's Jew-

^ to have tboir Tallow iiiatle , . x- 11'1 it in.


G A R D E N S E E D .M'reslt a n d G e i i i t i n e ,


H a s ju s t received ainl offer.s for !«alc, a ve­ry large supply i»f Fresh aiul (Jeiiuiiie

Of this year 's growth, among which a re the fol­lowing, viz;Asi’auaci s.ilKA.vs— Karly ( ’hina.

Karly Vulentine.F.arly Six Weeks.Karly Mohawk, l.ari^e Liuia.

lii.r.TS— l^:irly Klood Tiirnip.*• Massiio.

I.oJig HIiioiI.W hite French Siifrar.Yellow.

(^AHBAUE— F.arly York.Flat l iat tersen.Large Ox Heart.

Flat Dutch.Karly Sugar Loaf.L.arire l>ruiuheail. l)i uiahi'ad Savoy.

i’At LiKi.ow KU — Karly London.L'AHUor— Karly Horn.

Long Orange.I 'ki.kky— W hile Solid.Cl (. I MitEK— Karly llii.ssia.

Karly (' luster.Loi.g Green.

K»;<; I’l. VNT.Cults— Smith’s Karly White.

Sweet or Sug.-ir.LtTTii K— i^arge (.ireen Head,

li e i ';_^e Cabbage lleai.1.

Mki.on— I' iiiu Apple.N ut.iiog.M’lUiitiiin Sweet Water.

N astm’.tii m.O kk \.On m s — Large Ked.

W liite Portugal.I '—Ciirlwd.1’aksNu ' — Long Smooth.I’kas— Karly CharUon.

Large Marrowfat.1’epi‘kr— Long Cayenne.

Hull N.ise.Sweet Sp.-inish.

I’l MVKIN—('oiiiiecticut,ILvnisii—Marly Long Scarlet.

F,ar\y r'l-.irU t Turuip.Hose col'd V> inter.Long .^alnioii.

SiMN \ r n — Uound.Sil.SlJY OU \ Ki;KTAUl.t Ov.><TKB.S qi a>ii— Karly llush.Tk .mati)— Large Led.

Large Smooth, i Fear .Shajieil.

J^arge YelU'w.T i k m i*— F Dutch.

Ked T >p Flat.I l,.irge Norfolk.

W hite Cilolie.Long 'I'ankard. l lu ta liaga.

NOTICE.A TKACHKll wanted, to take charge of the

Academy at W hiteville, Colunil.ius county. N. C. A liberal price will be given. Applica­tion will be made to F. George, Esq. or myself, a t this otiice.

J . A. MAULT^r.V.W'hiteville, Dec. 10, 48-tf

North Carolina Kerseys.t KI^V, SIIKMW KLL CO. have ju s t re-

ceiveil a large lot of "Salem Kerseys,’’ known to all of our V’lanters as the best goods for negroe.s that are oHVred in this m arke t .— Those who have been waiting, had better come and get supplied, as they are going otf rajiidly.

Fayetteville, Dec. 1-3, 1S')1. 4S-tf


XO'l'RK.I T h e P u b l i c a rc iiiForuicHl t h a t tlie

subscr iber is the authorise«l Agent for the sale i.f MeKlNsn-.Y S PoUTAliLK SAW Mll.LS.

I manufactur<'d in Wa.shington City, of "JU hi !<e I power engine, loc'iiiotive boiler, which are tuc I only actual I ’ortable Saw Mills he h.i.s ever seen I — tio hrick being used in their erection. Those ! in want of these .Mills will find it to their ad- i v.-intage to call on the sul>scriber. Mr. McKin- ' st ry informs hin» tha t Geo. I’age ii Co. have I never manufactured a I'ortabie Kiigine like the I above, anil therefore their right is in no ilaiiger ! of being infringetl upon, as tlicre is no necessi- I ty of doing So ill this age of improvement.I ' H. G. HALL.' Fayetteville, 1(*, IH-'il. 47tf

n o o r-MAKi:Rs,n o want a svipvvior article of 0» k Tan SOLF] LK.vrilKK, with French and

American C.VLF SKINS, can be supplied at our Store.

J . a: T. W ADDII.L. Nov. -20, 41tf



. lu sr RIX IJVED,1515LS. N-irthern W MISKKV.

S. W. TILLINGHAST \ CO. . 10. 1S.M. 47tf

\L L AND SlVI”rLE.I* ia-i* i*led to us by Nt»te or Ac- k.':i plea.'C call and settle.

S a ( ; k„

l l U M K ,

S. J.Fayetteville, I>o<'. 31, 18.'>1.



W e a re Ititert^t w ill be charged on

,T thi." date.}5HANSON St)N.

. ' Uf>1 .

( » ! \

- ..c -lust Fvccived and

C H S 1?ANKS.Itf

s r o u : x .. ■! ’ riber. on th'- -J-’ tb Decom-

. ' t . iii\‘ Savi ile l>*ins. in w uii*h theie ih-a.aVa and Sixty D..llars in cash.

r^Tvard of rwi-uty-five Dollars for .iivii-t Ci:>' tbief. or tiie same auiount

luom-y all i no i|Ui «tii>ii

.lU ciiuiity. .Lin. '5,

N o r iC E

s k e d .

A. L(tVK.r^4-;jt

'• note'■ ]ia\nieiit.

MARCH OF IMrUOVF.MKNT.In the age '.if pri gr<’.ssive knowledge, many

things heretofore dark and obscure have become clear :ind prai tical—not only in relation to the ar ts and sciences, but in every depiirtment of human industry. In no branch, perhaps, has the march of improvement been much grea ter than in the healing art, in producing safer au-l more ethcient rt incdies than heretofore known. Nothing is 'O etL'ctual or so often needeil ».•< the \ ermifupe prepared by Dr. Little to cure children of worms: besiiles being always sife and sure, it will restore feeble or puny childrt ii to hi alth again if given a few times. .Many ca­ses r>f fever, violent cough or croup, hurricil or.lifRcult t.reathing, \ c . , or iginate from wcrms. and are consequently cured in a very short time by the use of this medicine. In .Monroe : county, a few day.s ago, a child was violently attnckeil with a cough and fever, anil af ter sev- . eral days of regular physicing its life was de ­spaired of, when Little's Vermifuge was given, which caused the expulsion of a large ipitintity | of worms, and the child r e o v e re d imniediatel.y. |

Families consulting their own interest , willj b bled to the subscr ibers, by tind it greatly to their advantage to procure the r iiiit, are rt guested to article in dollar bottles, and use it as advised

for all the common ailments of children. Gen­erally speaking. mor“ than half tiie cases that occur are from worms, as litt le as many may think of it. 15y those who have tes ted it, and many have, the fact is well known that Dr. Lit­tle s Anodyne (.'ough Drops and Vermifuge w ill cure most cases of children and half grown p e r ­sons quicker than any other remedies, adopt what course you may.

The following case, from a very respectable ; p lanter of Houston county, demonstrates an im- | portaiit principle. Read it: j

Houston county, Aug. 1810.I)r. Little— Dear Sir: After having used sev- j

eral Vermifuge medicines, and even ('aloniel. ; without success in relieving our child of worms, j we then gave your Vennifuge according to di- | rections, which very soon cau.sed the expulsion | of a l a r g e <|uantity of worms. After tha t the child got well immediately. ^ y / K l I

The fac-simile of the signature of Dr. W. <J. Little will be I’ounil uj.on the outside wrapper of each of his Medicine.s.

Sold wholesale and retai l, by the Troprietor, at his Manufacturing Depot, No. ‘Jt<4 Market street, Philadelphia, and Macon, (Jeorgia.

'I'o be had of Jam es Cain, Kockfish. A. Watson. Floral College; Townsend & Doug­lass, Uennettsville; Dr. P. >L Ci>hen. Charles- t<in: C. C. liarbee, 15arclaysville; 1’. F. 1‘escud,

K have formed a company styled t h e ' i w W Snow Camp ^ 'anll^actunng I'onipany. '; of Alamance County. No tli Carolina, two miles i West ot the Cane CriH'k ( .itlon Factory, on Cane .I t 'reek, at the Foundry t ■ tied by David Dixon j j & ISrofhers, and woi Id reipectfully announce to 1 the citirens of Alamance aixl the adjoining ! i Counties, that we are now prepared to Manu­

facture in the neatent ami best style— W heat j Thrashing .Machines, froni two to six horse I power: ( lUting .Machines of diirerciit sizes:; Wool Carding Slachines; d"uble and single Mill I and Factory Gi'ar: Saw ind t lris t Mill Irons:

edge Tools: Cotton Yarn and Wool I.olls. *LC. j 1‘ersons wishing to p'Tidiase would do well to j give UK a call before [ii..'i-basing elsewhere, as 1 we are determined to sell cheap for cash, or on j time to punctual dealers. <*urlong experience ■ in the M.-inufacturing P.usiness enables us to j feel no hesitat ion in s.iying thet our work shall i init tve !>ur['asi*e<l t<v any shop in the South.

-\11 lettei's addre.saed to the Agent of the |« ‘ojnpany at the .Suow Camp i’. O., .Mamaiice ; County, N. C., will ruceive }irompt attention.

DAVID DIXON. Agent ! of the S. C. Manufacturing Comjiany.

Snow Camp. Dec. 1', 1&'»I. 47-*ini

' TIIOS. II. TlLLINCillASr, |B O O K - B l l i O l I K ,

Anderson St., Fayetteville, W. C.,oPlt tSITK MK. W. \VI.N."1,<»\V'S I.AW’ OFKK K.

Music neatly bound at short notice.Panijihlets and Periodicals bound, anil old

Hooks re-bound, in a substantial manner.Dec. IS.M. 4>.tf

l l o t e l i k i M K A V h r e l K1A.N be furnished by the undersigned. Old y .Mills can .save •‘jilO to and new Mills

^"•0 to •'i>lO, l»y jirocuriiig these Wheels of me. Casting for th« lates t improvements in saw­mills constantly on hand. Steam mills re}>aired throughout. Grtites for luiniing saw dust, sash weights, corn shellers, lUacksniith irons, miii spindles, gearing, backs for chimneys, fronts for tire-places. and castings of every descrip ­tion, >iiade to order.

He has ju s t returned from the Great KxhiVii- tion, and is jirepared to furnish machinery <d' the latest iniiiroyement. A few patteitis for fancy railing fences for yards an I ceiiiett'ries expected daily. Horse I’owers for tliri .^hiiig grain, sawing w'tod, and grinding corn, made to order. A four-horse Power, with grist mill to grind 40 to 5(( bushels of c-irn per day’, for :f"j')0. He is also making preparation to man­ufacture Page's celebrated Saw .Mills for saw­ing lumber, — will saw o,(H)0 feet of lumber per d;ry.

A specimen of fancy Casting can be seen at the Observer Office.

IL G. II \LL. Nov. V.K 18.j1. 4i-3m

C)Ni: rn o U S A N D liAKTslW I AVING located my self in Wilniingt<in for f l M. the purpose of doing an .\gency Husi- ness. persons wishing to save time and money, will find it to their interest to send their jiro- duce to the care of K. Shaw, and the re tu rns will be forwarded forthwilh.

IIODKIIK’K SlIAW.Wilmington. Oct. lIS, 1H.")1. ;].")-:-5in

Second Fall and Winter Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots, Umbrellas,

Bonnets, &.C., for 1851.s^TAKll A WII,LIAMS beg leave to aiirion-ice

to their ciistoniei-s, anil all those visiting this place to buy (ioods (-itlier at wholesale or retail , that they are now receiving their »econd .'Upitly ol Fall and Winter Goods, which will be sold at the lowest prici s for eash, or on the u.-ju- al time for good pajier.

We respectfully invite the at tention of (Coun­try Merchants to our new stock of (ioo-ls. as we fetd assured that we can oiler inuucentenfs un ­surpassed by any wholesale house in this town.

S. .1- W.Oct. 31, 1S.")1. :;!'.rf

JUS'r RECEIVED.-MKN’S and l?ovs' SADDLKS. of every quality and style, soioe very tine. Al­

so, Uridles, Collars, W hijis and Wagon Harness. P>v L. C. il.\.LL, of l{ome.

‘Oct. 18, 18.-)1. S2tf


I Z o t c h k i K K ’ w 'I t ' i ' t i c a l W a t e r W h v v l .

r g l H K l l K are several hundred of these Wheels J3. in op<'r.:tion in diilerent counties in .North

Carolina. For proof of their great advantages over the comiiion tliitter wiieel, or any other wheids now in use for saw mills, we conlidently refer to ihoso who have apjilii-d them to their mills. We can reeoiiuiieml them jiarticularly f«r the ir s\iperiority iii cases i>f a low of water, «>r b.-ick water.

We still keej) a supply of Wheels, s'litable for diifereiit heails of water, at W ilmington, New- bern, Washington, Kdenton and F.iretteville. The wheels may also be had of K. lirevard, Lineolnton, and Lriah Wells. Petersburg. \ a.

Pers'.iiis wishing to obtain the right to use the wheels, will be served on apjilication to D. McNeill & Co., Fayetteville. N. C.


Feb’y 22, 1S4‘I. O'i t f

'I'O ' r i iE pun i. ic .

II . M A L i . ,I ' a i / e l i e r i f l e r o u n d y y .


A lot of Habbet .Metal for sa)e.Wiuslov.' street, Sept. 1, iS-jj. 18Y'

JOHN 1). W IL L IA M S , t ' o m m i s s h m M ' o n v i i r t l i t s ^

Fayettoville, N. C.Feb. 1'), 1S‘)0.

K. M. 0 !i! ii:L I> ,ryinvAiiDiNj; n n n i i s s i i i N ViiiiiriiA.M at

FayelU*%l!Ic, V .March 10, *Lsr,l. 02-tf

' H. HOLMI'.S. i Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C.


FILL i \ l ) WIaTI'R fiOODS;.f j J M IE SubscrilK*rs ar*‘ now reee;viiig a well

B selected stock of .Staple and Fancy IdlY Go o d s . Among the ir stock wili be i«.uud the latest styles of Ladies' and Gcutleiiieu j: Dl>Ki'.S GOODS, together with n good assortiiiint uf

Kcad\ - i ua<i ( ‘ U i u b n Ha':; H a t s , ( ’ajis, an il !>omn‘t.<j a l l k i iu ls ol a m i

'. ' ' lu tes; < a i ju ' t i i ig ; S a d u lc s , I>i id les , liij'S a n d (.'I'ilar."; I l a i d w u i f a n d ( ' u t l e i j ; I jca- t lu 'i" i lo l lc w -v .a ic a n d ( ‘r iK k erv -w are ; L<>af, Ltinij), Criisiii 'd , C la i i t icd a n d I jr . iwii S u - g;:rsj T eas : Kin. Laj^Aiira i.nd J a v a J 'a l t , M<i!a.'.'^e.~, I ro n an .i N a i l s .

With many other Goi-tls. whi. h will be sold very cheap for Cash, or iiii time to those ^^ho ]iay puiicli;,;liy. We would be if our frieiKis and the public generally wi:uld give us a call.

.1. T.' C(;UN<. IL & CAIN. Sej't. 1. IS.-.l. 16tf

r j S ^ H I ’ subscr iber has leaseil for a term of B . years, of H. W'. P.rown. Kst)., his tire-jiroof

Store, with his Wliarves, and is now in a condi- _ _ a ti j - t ttion to take especial care of Soirit.s rurpiMitinc ! Commission and For vardin I?ier*

^F FK 'K on C(>riier of Front and Princess streets , tnider .iournal ofiice.

Dec. 12. 4S-tf

T . C . W O R T H ,

('())i.i;\ A\!) f u r w a k d i .m ; .m e r c i i a m .

W ILAHNU rON, N. C.Feb. 1, IS.'il. o7tf

SAVA(iE eV m i :a r i :s .

^ TAR IIStore

N O T R E.c'\; WIJ.LiAMS h.ive removed to tlie

.Starr, one door y.< st of .M' ssr.'. 11. Hransi n iC

.'^oii, where tl;< y have ju s t received additions to the Sju’ing j uvchases ol Sta]>le ami Fancy DUV (iOOl).''. Country lu irchan ts are reouested to examine our stock.

.lune 7, 1 .



S '

P d t r t 's ( ' i r c u l n r - S ( t i r S U m n M i l l s .r H ^H K >indersigued is the aiitbori/.ed .Vceiit i for the above v:iluable Mills, .and will be

glad to receive orders lor ••Circul:ir-Saw .Mills", to be projielled eitluT by i^tcam. W ater or Horse p'iwer. These Mills have been used on the Plank Hoads in Maryland. Virginia. North and South Carolina, and are always approved. They are u>eil and preferred by the (ireeuviile and Kaleigh Plaiik Koad Company, and I have the W o r d of some of the very exp»*ri<.lu-ed Directors of tha t Ci.mpaiiy to say tliey pcrfurm admirable. They are cheajier than any other .Mill, will l>erforin better, and .saw more lumber.

.INO. M. IlOSK.Favettevill^, N. Xov. L>, 1S-')1. :l‘.t-?.m

and other .Naval Stores comniilted to his care. The Warehouse is well known to be the best and j safest jilaee in town for the storage of Hacon. : Laid. Corn, Peas. &c. The lower wharves have on them four large new sheds, where S])irits can ; be safely ke)>t from the rain and sun. He is | p repared to receive and ship, or sell, all kinds | of produce sent to his care. He will also make | advances when reipiired. j

He ln-'.:s to refer to the following gentlemen: U. W. P.rown. .lohii Dawson. O, G. Parsley and Thos. II. Wright, l^sijs.

MILLS COSTIN. r .rown's wharf, W ilmington. N.

Sept. 12, li^-M. 21-V

FKESlI C'ii \('KI:RS, ^ c.Hl’LS. and half-bbls. Hutter Crackers. 10 lioxt s Sod:i ditto.12 ditto inf. PicTiic, Sugar iiuil Bos­

ton ('r.tckers. F'or sale byS A ;P L W. TILLINGHAST .t CO.

Nov. 17, 4<itf




.Tiilv 1.


IU>IK North Carolina and Virginia Chew­ing Tobacco, by the Hos and retail.

J . iv T. W ADDILL. C)ctober 2 ’>, 1S‘»1. -Jl-tf

DAILY i : x r E i 'ri:D. ~T o n s of HOOl’ ll lON. suitaV>le for Spirit

-^90 barrels, byK. C. HALL, of Home.


T U R rE N 'r iN E LANDF o il S.M.K.

a l o l l sale, :VX\ acres o f I..\NI) on .Tames ( 'reek. a i id ' l Jn acres on Cypress Creek,

in Cumberland, convenient to the Western Plank Hoad, heavily timbered, and admirably adapted to till- making o f Tiirpentine.

Afiply at tiiis t >tUce.Nov. 2^. IS')I. 4«tf

t i i ir Shop and its .■T be* ;i d; su-oved by tire, it is ne-

;i'l .oir ou t 't an d in g debts should . i beiore we can resume our business.

Wl l l f K i: UALo TKAL'.1-. .Ian. 7. 1 s..'j2. .<4-;>w

• '■■I'y- _________

\ i : s \ A U R IVA LS .’• .'irrivals we have received MO-

iu hlnl>.. t ierces and bbls.A'v, .''.iliiioii. Mackerel iu bbls.

. .irl \ lu i.'ts and Herring... .V p..i!;tiii'.r Iri."i!i Potatoes.

( (M)K .S: TAVLOH.r,4-><w

■■ ■• r' vv:.rd will be given to atiy per- ' ill ;ii.pieheii 1 and deliver to IT P.n.wh-'ille, .Marlboro’ Dis-

' . i ' NK<rt;(t l in y , w'lo was stolen• , ■ 17tli D( eember, iust. . with the •• loMi. The negro boy is about

i cht c'lmplexion. c a n t talk .V K .'.v legged, with a small scar

the right side of his nose.-i •'< ell ill the possession of (i low,

' .L'‘iii. r, who was driving two Imy


j 'A L ! . , IH 5 I.• l A M i ' . S K Y I . l - ;

I " ' iC.iig a very large and general as-

c ; < > o i > s ,■ tile Package for CASH. Those

■ 1 irelia^e Ct(H,ds at reduced prices,'■ " au'l examine, .-is Bargains may

’'''i/riN;; Atikcr Brand,' ■ ■■' !*•. uncomiiionlV cheap.

'■ IJOOT.' AND SMOlvS,’ lh e\er Were f. r Sale in thi* m.irket.

I‘ -.I. 2Htf

Haleigh.S. J . HINSDALE, Agent for 1-a y e t t e v i l l ^


KTHAW CUTTERS, Corn Sheller.s, Harrows. Ploughs and Plough tixtures of different

patterns, \ c . kc. F’or sale by ,J . & T. WADDILL.

O c t 1, 18'>l. ___

M a r b l e F a c t o r y .

I. i-

roli \ c c o .i 'X 'K I'll hand; and I sh.'ill re- ’ilarly. f r o m Messrs. .1. .lones

I'ialities :i .' S o r t e d f r o j u C o m m o n to i' ll I «1’;1 sell a t lowest manufac-

Nl'i-il 18.-,1.LTLLV


i>;'. s 'rovES!!Im . tl,;- rhurebes . Parlors, Faotoiies,

For sale bv c . w. ANDRKWS,

Market Square. l Ol. 31tf


F a v € ‘ l t e v i l l e , rV . V>..Tan’y 20, 1H5L W -lV pd_____

A . r o y , ^ h e m w e l l & C o .

n AVE otAe piece c!itra fine 7-4 black Frcnch CLOTH, to which they would call the

at tention of the public.Oct. 15, 1801. 32tf

18th Nov. 1851.>LVC INTVRK oilers for .sale—

I 1 bbis. clear M KSS POP. K.:! bbls. No. 1 Lard.7) keg.-, Rutter , tine quality.

Liberty Point. 40tf

1' \V1'. r i'K V ll.l,! '. I!I!A.M'1I

c o T u 1 - \ a

J . M. WlllTi': & I M I K lU n L L ,I P r a p r r s ^ T a i l o r s ^

A N I)


1 1 0 WlUiani street, j \ r i r i nr/i,


F a y e l l e r i U e ^ .I*. V .

T ii k .Siili.scriWrs wmild bcji leave to i n ­form the inhabitants of Fayetteville and vicini­ty, tha t they have opened the above F.stablish- liient. and intend carry ing on the business in all its branches.

They have ju s t received a large stock of

K i : A l> % - 1 A I> K < f . O T 111*'%From New York, all of their own manufacture, consisting in part ot Cloth Cloaks, all qualities.Black and colored Cloth Surtout and Sack Over­

coats, every grade.Labrador and Lamb's-wool Reaver ditto.Ditto ditto ditto, made revers­

ible. to wear either side out.Reaver-cloth. I’etersh.nii and Kersey Overcoats,

every style.Dress and Frock Coats, of F'rench cloth, superi-

nr quali ty, equal to custom work..‘>ack (,’oats of all kinds and qualities.Pan ts of tine French Doeskin.Ditto of fancy Cassimere, in variety.Ditto of Sattinets. Kerseys. &c.V’ ests, of .Satin, plain and fancy Silks, Silk Vel­

vets, W'ool N'clvets, Cashmere, Cassimere, \ a- lencia, Marseilles, &c.

Vests, of white and figured .Silks, for weddings and parties, in variety.

— ALSO—Shirts , plain and embroidered; Collars; Un­

der-Shirts; Drawers; Cravats, &c. &c.— ALS< >—

\ good assortment of medium aud cheap CLOTH IN(L

C o u n t r y M e r c h a n t s a n d othcr.s in want of Clothing to sell again, will do well to call and examine our Stock. Orders filled atfifesrNl'W YORK 1*UICKS.“ ^

Measures and ortlers will be tnlcon for fine Clothing, and executed in the most lashionablc style and with despateh.

J . M. WHITE & UNDERHILL.A . C. 1L\KT, Auent.

Nov. 17, l ^ j l . 40-Jm

D r . T . « . H

H a s taken «n Office on Hay Street , West of the Hotel iJuildings.

Ju ly 14, 1851. 4-tf

Oct. 18. ls. ' ,l.

FAVE r i'E\ ILLi:, N. C'. ifB ' ' IH IS large and s]ileU'lld P.uildiiig li.Ts now

M. bet'll in siiecessfiil o]*t‘ratiou since May 1SP.>. The Bedding and Furniture of all kinds is new. and the rooms convetiient and

The Table is always ftirni>hed with the best the market ailords. aided by a fil.e vegetable irariU'ii.

Boarders, Lodgers, and Traveller-^ will Pnd de­sirable accoit’.niodations and attentive servants, j No pains will be sparevl to give entire salistuc- tion.

Families can be furnished with lar!'**. airy, front double rooms, conveniently and hand ­somely fiirnisheil.

.\n*cxi>erience of 20 years will enable th e le s - ■jce she hopes, to give general satisfa' tion.

ANN BROWN..June 1. 1S'>0. 2S-tf _

TIIK n ;LK i! i i \T i : i ) i i u k n i K M

C O O K I N i i S T O V i : ,

I S for sale by the Subscriber in Raleigh and Fayettevilb'; in Raleigh at his .''luqi on Fay­

etteville Street , and in Fayetteville at .Mr. A. M. ('ampbell's .

The Subscriber hereby forewarns all persons from purchasing any of these .''toves from any person either in or out of North Carolina, ex- cejit from himself or his duly authorized .\gents. He has purchased the exclusive r ight to veml this Stove within the State, and will prosecute imv person infringing his right, ei ther by pur ­chasing, selling, or using, any except those ob­tained from himself.


lX_r'Tin: iintlt'i sinju'd, i'oundcrand Machinist, has eon.scTited to act as . \gent for the only actual PORT.MILL ClRCl l,.VR .'^AW .MILI., in the I ’nited .States, made by Win. McKin.'try of Wi:shington. These .Mills are of Cast Iron, no brick bring used in their erection. They can be takt'ii down, reinov(*d miles, and put in operation in lo hours. Power ot Lngine

: 20 horse: will cut l'>,*•(!() feet Plank Koail Lum­ber j'er 24 hours. These Mills have taken the jireiiiium at the Maryland S tate Fair over all others, and are considered the best in the world.

I 1 would be }ileased to receive orders, e i ther for the Liigines with or without the Mill. Letter

] adtlressei-l to 11. G. Hall will receive prompt a t ­tention.

I will put those Mills up any where witliin 10 miles of Fayetteville, if desirable.

11. G. HALL.I Nov. 2t;. ISo l . 43-tf I


CtoihitMfsl CloihitMfjl( ) \V receivlriiT. direct from New \ ork. a su-

perb lot of CL<> rill.N<L made up in the i most fashionable style and of the best materials,

consisting of black ami brown Frock and l/ress ('oats: Cloth Overcoat': Cassimere Pants, seve­ral varieties: fancy Cnenadine .''ilk. Satin and

chants,W l L > i l . \ « T O \ , N. C.

” .i i!m ; i' ii r . 'U K U A ! i V i i l l . ^ 1 1 S S I O . \

ANDr O R W A R D I K G M E R C H A N T ,

j j f i r f O M , . V .

Prompt p e r s o n a l a t t e n t i o T i g i v e n t o a l l

( ' o n s i g n n i c n t s . a n d Cash a d v a n c e s m a d e o n .Mer­c h a n d i s e t o be s h i p p e d o r s o l d i n this m a r k e t .

Feb. 1, 1K')1. o7y

.1. e ” ' i 'o o M i : K ,t ' o n i m i s s i o H a n ft J T o n r a r f f -

w n.Mi\(;'roN, x. r.Refer t o II. Branson .< on, ) K . C.

A. A. McKethan, )Feb. 1, IH.'il. 57y


Coii/erlioiKir)/, F u n i<jf! I' Hf-<, Tn- u n d S im jf ,


-\T WHObKSAJ.K AM> KKTAIL.Market St., Wilmington, N. C.Aug. 7. ISol .

“ N. H. S 'LAKIU C’ K. ~

niON roT’NDKH -VNl) MACITrNIST,Mnnii/iicltiri r o f St>nm M J i o i h ra,

J / / / / (iCiiriu'i o j (ill h'tmls, d'c.

J^t/ir o f fovr-liDtmt Pusf ('(ittiliis, J iu i i l

Jutj/rftcrlllr In Wih-.sdV, iJdiilJ.f | | l i l E .Subscribers having secured the mail JB. (••■ntract on the a>.ove Line, will commence

THIS D.VY, running a Line of Four Horse Post Coaches, Daily. Leaving I'ayetteville at (i P. M.. and arriyin^- at Waisaw at \ past •> A. M., in time for the ( 'a rs .North and South. Re­turning. leave Warsaw on the arrival of the Cars, say about 1 or 2 P. .\L, a fd arrive at Fay- e t te \il le in ten hours. Every care wiil be taken to render the line pleasant, c iiveiiieiit. and safe, for Ti-avellers.

A Lino of Stages will be established as soon as }iossible, by the Plank Road, Iroin Fayette ­ville via Carthage and Asliehorough, to Lexing­ton, Salem, and Salisbury.

McKINNON McNEILL. Fayetteville, N. ('., .*.ug. S, l s . ) l . 11-tf

\ \ A N ' r i : D ,• BARREl S <d- TUIIPEX-

I r I * ' TINE, for Listillerv at the I ’lank Road l .r idge <,n Big Rockfisli. The bes t market ]irice will be jiaiil. For further infiu-m- atioM, inquire «f.l(dm W. Murphy. ;>t the Bridge, or of McKethan, Fayetteville.

l>ec. 18, lh.')l. ' 40 tf


r W ^ l l E undersigned, as the .\gent ot the aViove JL Establishment, will oi-der any ar ticles

which may be wanted, on application to him.The .' 'team Mills manufactured by Mr. Star-

buck have been tested, aud are highly approved very thankful for the very liberal {latronage tha t

I ' a l l a m i S io r h ' ,1 8 3 1 .

r j S l I I E Snl)scriber oflcTs for sale one of the B largest and be^t assortments of (jO<M)S

in his line ever offered in this place. He is

on the Plank Roads about Fayetteville.EDW D LEE WINSLOW.

Fayetteville, Sept. 4, 1S-)1. 2otf

10,000W VNTED.

Tlic Siibscrilx'r has now oneof the nnist extensive and best assorted slocks Double and .‘Single SHOT G l NS, TISTOLS of

I..I ......... . — - ..................... the most s’.ijierior quality .—( olt s RepeatingTwilled Silk Vr>.is. .Ml of which will be .sold 1 ^^d .Mien’s Revolving, of every quality .— Pow-


Raleigh, .April U*, 18.>1. tiStf

A. A . iM c lv I C T I lA N

STILL continues to carry on the C AR 111 AGE BUSINESS, in all its branches, at the OLD

STAND. He returns thanks for the liVieral i>at- ronage he has heretofore received, anil hojies, by strict at tention to b u s i n e s s and a desire to give entire satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same.

Having recently increased his business, he has on hand a very fine a.ssiu'tnient ot

Curriat^es, jiarouclics, Huijgics, RockaYvays, and Sulkeys,

Finished, and a ve^y large assortment of Work partly finished, which, for elegance of shape and finish, will compare with any o ther work.

I’ersons wisliing to buy, would <lo well to call and examine tlie work, as he is determined to sell LOW for cash, or notes on short time.

All Wi rk warranted lor twelve n\<mtbs. and rejiiiired free of charge, should it tail by bad workmanship or nnititrial.

DCP K(>[)Jiiring faitlilully oxocu-ted at shor t notice, on very rc:isonable ternis.

F . v y k t t e v i l l k , S k i 't . ‘2*2,

B l a n k s o f uU L inds,For sale a t this Office.

lower than any concern of the kind in tow n. and if not as reprcsenli*d, the money will be refund­ed. Call .iiid see. A furt iier addition to the Stock is il.iily expectiil, and due notice will be t'iven. One door ..•lst ol Cof.k l a v l o r s .

,1. SMITH CO.Sept. 22, 18.jl. 2 t t f

A i ) i ; s i i t . \ r . i . K l i r . s i D K N C t ;

I ' O U S A I . K .I l l l E Subs«riber now offers for sale all his

Turpentine and Farming L.VND, contain­ing about t;>»0 .Veres, si tuated 12 miles East ot Fa.vetteville, on the <ioldsborough roa'l, com­monly known as Palmyra.

It has a good ilwelling house, out buildings, \ c . , and a store where a large amount ot busi ­ness is done, and increasing daily. t his is a r are chance for turpentine getters, merchants, i ;c. and w ill be sold a bargain. Any one w ish­ing to purchase, and wishing further informa­tion, can apply on the premises, to

.1. W. MURPHY, or P. T.VYLOR, Fayetteville. j

July-i lUh, Sif

The 4'liftt9fxe has been t i t f i t l f ' I jf S 111 E Subscribers having .sold out their old JL .''tock of Goods, have the pleasure now ot

saying to their friends, that they are in»w open­ing an entire NEW .'' TOt'K of

ini\H A R D W A R E vV ( U I 'L I .U Y ,

HATS AND SHOES, f i r o re r ie s o f a l l hin<ts^

All of which we will .sell low for Cash, or ex ­change for any kind of Country Produce, or to punctual custoiuera on time.

C(H>K & TAYLOR. Sept. 22, 18') 1. :^4tf ^

N E W C'~\!HM'/1'!N(;.ROLLS Brussels. Ingrain and Stair Carpeting, new and fashionable Pat ­

terns, ju s t received.— AL.^O—

lo ke<;s Spikes and large Nails,2 ‘> boxes Raisins,•!0 bags Shot.

Indigo, ('lirtcohite. Salad and Castor t)il, with an addition to our Stock ot Hanlware.

S. W. TILLINGHAST & CO. Nov. -li), 18.")1. -18-tf


C H A R L E S B A N K S ,€ ' o n f e r t i o i 3 v r ^

I NFORYIS the public, tha t lie has refitted his F^stablishment on (^reen .Street, and has on

hand a fresh supply of C.VNDII'j.S. manutactured bv himself out of the best Loaf Sugar , and war­ranted free from starch, flour, paste, anil perni ­cious painti^. His whole tiir.o and attention is now devoted to making Candy, and he is pre ­pared to supply all orders with Candies equal to any maile in the United Slates. These Can­dies he warrants to keep in any climate; and he will sell to Town or Country merchants, as

I cheap as gooil and pure Caudy cun be purchased iu New York or elsewhere.

I Fayetteville, Oct. 28, 1851, 34-tf

der Flasks, .“shot and G.ime lings. Percussion Caps of English .‘ind French make. Also, the most cojiiplete assortment of (lun fixtures that has ever been otlered in tins section ot country.

Also. Shot (iuns, Uitles and Pistols made to onh 'r or repaired.

Rittes mtide to oriler. anil warranted to shoot from one to five hundred yards.

Air Guns made to order at short notice.To all of which the at tention of Sportsmen

jind others is respecttully invited.M. A. BAKER,

Sif/n of the twun.Hay street , tiearlv opposite the Marble ^a rd .I'.iyetteville. N. Oct. <>. IS.',]. 2btf

l l A l l l I 'OU ] 'L A S T E K lN ( i ,J '%OR sale by

Oct. 1, 18-'.l.J . & T. W ADDILL.

27 tf


x t t ^\ ,VR!:, by E. C. H.VLL, of Rome.Oct. IS, 1N)1‘.

I ) . iSf* 15! . J l r l j d u r i nA RE now receiving a large and general as-

sorthient ofS T A I ’M : A N D F A N C Y

H A K D W A U E 6c C T I ' L E U l , B O O T S A : \ I >

— AL.'^O—75 bags Rio, Laguira and .Java (,'offoe,10 hhds. Sugar ,75 pieces ('otton Bagging,"id coils Bale Rope,

1(l<( kegs Nails, assorted,8 tons .<wedes and English Iron,

,">(1(1 sacks Liverpool f^alt,With Loaf. Cru.«hed, Powdered and Granulated Sugar.5; Green Tea: Tcjqier: Sjiice; Ginger:Powder: Shot: Bar Table Salt: 7tar an<I Fancy Soaps. With a great variety of other articles, to which we invite the attention of pur- ch:isers at wholesale or retail , as low as any other in the place.

he has had, and solicits a continuance uf the saint-. His >tock has been selected with care, and consists of nearly <.yory var ic t f and styltj, from the best manufacturers.

He has on hand and offer.s low for Ciixh, n t ret.iil or by the case, late.'t styles Gentlemen’s Pieaver. Nutria. Moleskin, .''ilk, Brunli and An­gola H.VTS. Also. .Jenny l.ind, Ko.'snth, .\ r- tist. Rough and Ready, and stitlViied Fur and W'l'.ol H.Hts, for Men, Youth and Boys—in abun­dance by the dozen or c«."»e.


\ very large snj'ply o f Cloth, Plush. Velvet and F'lir ('.V P.'>, o f all qualities, styles and pr i ­ces,— by the single Cap or l y tiie ui zeu.


Hoots aiul Slio(‘S,of the following varieti"s, viii: F'ine W’atcr-j'roof, fine ('alf, fine Kip and heavy Winter lUlO'I 'S . Also, Boys’ and Youths’ Calf and Kip Boots. Gentb men's Dress Shoes, of

various qualities. T<>geiher with ati assortment of .Misses' and t hiidri H S BOOTS amiSHOE.'', viz: .Jenny Lind, Excelsiors, (itiitcrs, ditto Half. Buskins, .''Uppers and Morocco Boots. .Vlso, Gentlemen's and Ladies’ Rubbers. With a good sujipiy of Youths', P>ovs', Chiiilrens’ and S e r \a n ts ’ heavy Slioc.s.

.Ail of w iiich he oiiers 1-iw for Cusf,, or on time to punctual ci:stoniers. i lease call and ^utisfy vourselves before purchasing elsewhere.

JOHN C. THoM:*oN,Market Square.

t'ept, 2*1. 1^*)1. 2fitt


PLOUGHS and Plough Castinfts, Corn Shell­ers, Cultivators, Straw Cutters, and Sj'in-

ning Wheels.

Oct. 18, 18 )LE. C. II.YLL, of Rome.



•• rduo, for Cotton Vflrn.^. From Maiiteo Paper Mil’s, R.tleigli. For sale low by IL BRANSON k SOX.

.Inly 0, 18.")1. _

a i K lI 4 1 ^ m

D. &Oct. t',.

W'. McLAURIX.28tf

C O S T O H M I A L L ,( k ,n i i r P id t t s^trrft oiitl

Si>orr, B A L T I J I O U K . r g ’.H E largest and best stiick of R E A IA - j L M.\DE < LOl li lNG ever offered in Baiti-

more. Dress. Frock and Sack <*O.VTS. all co­lors. qualitie.s and sizes, from i*i2 .50 to 50 and upwards. l',\N^i'.Vi^OONS at ?5l to and upwards, enibracing all stv1r« of fancy, jilai* and plaid ( 'assinieres. VEST.S of every variety at corre'^ponding prices. Also, n large assortment of Boys’ Clothing.

Importing our ov n (’loih# direct fror.| Lurofie. and manufacturing on the im st extensive scale,

York. .Mso, the latest Report of the New ork . enables us to iifl'er inducements to puiyhasero FA.^'IITONS. I not to be surpassed by any ( lothing K>ta >ii= i-

s t i l l c n n t in n e to c a r r y on TAILORING H l- .< lN E.SS.n tm yStand on n n d ostreet, and those w ho may f a y o im e w i th the ir P ^n()(iO (^.MI.MKNTS, from the

•west in price, partment will always bo

favorable ternis. ; f„,Ind the c h o i c e s t selection of CLOTHS, C.>iS-ARCHIBALD GKAHAAL VESTINGS. which vill be made

Oct. 27, 1851. S^tt____, eliorfest notice, aud in the l.’’.tect style,r.iid ft tit alw'ays guaritutied,

‘ , onn 1 t ' S r T h e one price system strictly a.Ihercd to.r W l H E S ubw ribc r wishes to 300,(KMI , r ___ Kc. - C . m e ri lbs. KAGS, for which the highest cash Rcmouiber the name and pi j.- . U-,j


f UST received, my Fall supply of CLOTHS. ( \ \S S IM E R E S .\ND VESTI.NtLS, TRI.M-

MING.^. ^c . , of the best quality, froni New

Mtreet a n d t h o s e w ho mav ta v o r m e w i in ineir f .......... (inn (custom niay rely on having their work done iri • ’’r t . r t h e low.a neat and fashionable style, and on the most cus tom Depa

prices will be paid on delivery iu Fayet^^il le .DAVID MURPHY,

llocktish, Cumberland, Aug- l5-<’'n»

P ra t t «t. and Centre Market Space.11. II. COLF. i CO.

August 15, 1851. 14-yoi.d