• r...

r r - J ' " ' r ... I r ,, ' I ... I ! " • •' •• .. ·. ) j I / . ,. We ere sla4 ..... · o-oftlae' put w1111: . 111'. L. KfiAlltll Ne foundlaa er, q DO , crfer Sartelle'1 TobaoeO 11 Union uare, ·11p1nern · . here he Ill 1tacl to tar to hl1 man1 (rtendl. r. · Kl•llJ h purchuect u 1 t ael Uon of .. 1moken• requlal and P pe and P.rlod lcal1 &JJd tJ'll•t that bu 1tor HI be UaterallJ patro11- Jaecl. The "N wfoundlaDd. eek- ly" will be on then. . . · Holl Of Obert fonqer)J ' of B rln. now of Halltu. left -home t o 1eara ago, and ecure4. a po1{Uon -:. wllh the Unlle4 J'ralt Co. H I , , now second omeer on bo rd tbe-.t Ban Benito, .. 1un1 out of B ton, makiJls. regular trlpa to u Panama and t.a. RI ,The 8. S. Ne to ada.nd anlved t.rom Llyerpool, . Bl. Jolin'• · and Halifax on ld&J mqrulng wl h relshl an the folio Ing P BT. JOH .Mt ea Ell el) C k, Jlldlth Pa.1· 1r y, Margar l P C le Dawo, Ollve Farrar, ary King, Helen araha.11, ar Ell n Mur· pb f, Ter Power, ary out.b- cate, . Gladys SquJ -: n. Tb r . H. M nb 11. · I . Ter a O'Reilly , ID To- bin; . Mr. Wm. org 011 er; Mlases Johanna, Dorothea . and L retla otyno, · Ell& beth urpby, l3 tt Wheeler. alle4 a n· on Y aft r- ·noon with eni( for: t. John's: Mn. R. W. Ca -ltHt,.,.M r. re. Da . Barrinsfn, , re. H. Hiscock, ard, Dr. and · Mn. G. JI'. b, Mr . F. W. Crou- man; Kn. · H. L. Croaman, MIN Courthepa, Kn . Ed. llJ1I H. A. B. acldn•on. M. Par- . ona, Mrs:T. 11'. Penny, Mn. 4d. Janes; John· Green, aster Robt. Ore n. MJsa Marie Lovett, Mias Betty Wbelan Mias Anna Whal· . 'en, Min Minnie Brace r r. J. Gordon Davi• Mn. E. Fitsger- ald, Rex Stapleton, Nlcbol&a Kane, MarUn Pa ne, Cb . E. MUI r. l · For Hall tax, 34; for LI rJ>O(>l, 3. . . Tho followtng [email protected]'tl tt- ed tor LlverJ>OOl oil JuJY 2 ID S. S. ·Digby: . ·. M . c. A. Browning, Mr. G. L. C ham ers, Mt : G: Ptfr. , Crocker, Mrs. B. Crocker. Mr. J. H. lapliam, Mrs. J. It. CJapbam, Mr. J. B. wtorcl, r. A. Daw· FJMHERY NE\V . ' - T}\c fishery n w brough t by he us u is or an enc o ragln na- t ur e, t) to th etre t that sine I 't lrip th re l) ,been an 1m· provement all l ong th rou te to Change IaJand par lcularly at th a dbame an'd Pecktord's ls- 1anda, wh e re tra ar now tak- ing from 10' o 20 dall y. At ..tnOf! or th e dthe r p lac s trap are at o t lr ty· .well and b ook and n ets king from ·a· to 6 barlels a day. Caplin Is .... J F harbor ii In "th oi:ld ba. e a more p!ctur qu \aP ranee than St. ohn'Jt, • wtoundlan<t. The nt ran to · arb r I through th "N , b l '" · nel a ut 700 t wide, on th Fishery . R pOrts Tlie .following cleared ery: W. J. Fry, ..,_ry, er pUed by , Fr om 40 l n • cl d r or .. o. orotur. Ion. Ke nned y, .. 0 pl nU( l for ba it and as her a go' od -frig:ri of cod on tho i;r' oun di. It le exb ted b t work will be . 1 dQne as soon ai; th weat er. which up·· to t.he pres nt has een olsterous, . · tmprovea. ·- Dall)' N .. . ' nr . L Tl .t JULY 11 ... To t. John's Harbor _ north rn al(I& ·ot. hlch h1 lgna( Hill, rl J\11 lm t p rp ndlcular . · t h lgbl ot 600 t . nd sur- mount d by th abot Tow· r, which I u, d lgnu l tatlon . 0 ·t · outh n cl h1 F ort m- · "' · Notes Of New- · foundlandSoci ti s r m tor th nt . .. lien fit udJUng COnl· h •· tln o- busl- ut - Tb t ck ts w r ndy ofor d1 st rlb u. Ion and Id b obr In- d from w mb NI C th s oclll- U n nn d f rom tho om r th Nnuttoundl nnd \\' ck y."' The pr! of ti k s 50 01 t f r ad.tit , nd 2& c 11 ror hlldr n b t w th ng a r 5 a_nd 12 y nr oi ng . c uvon whlclt Is aetn hab l rrorn th tick nd- n11ts to th Park ground . A pr gran1me r sport11 I b Ing a rr nn cd . arid ov u i Ir · dnn ·lnK will nk plac a 0 11 a e music . In tho nf'x · I 11u r th "\ V" kly"' n mor d t.all d ac- count . will b gl Y-en or the s peci al t11r !8 and tl rnetton for h · day . . Th . number ot tick" s Is lml . d nJ our ' dundlan t.I f rl ud llr rg rJ o 8 r th m •nrly tn void d i ap.:pol nt A communl aUo fr nm 1w. ' n11o n Uayly oC Uo 1 'l · , t1 rl.'u d th 11 Ing th , . oc la lf n r >r h ll t! lp r ndo1 d · I ll'ld or th Ch rlst Church t nd .. 'l'h r egula r m oo bly m lop; or h Oos on T rr o Nov l an . !tt!o - clatlon will ho bl'ld :u S. H. Rt' H all on Tu '!!day, Jnls at p.m. :£ll f'lcn I · ;.n d m It l : <>f · qi r:-; ... )tuluril -tenc flt ' 11 t • a. St. Ros 'om· d Y, J oy 218, Rt . - ASOTHEH ROD\ ' RF. f'OVF. H on . Joseph Long .rt!Cr•tved n ye ;il d ay rrrJm !'tit'. G . A . Ba . I l . of B1 1rln. s nt1n g- that an th<'r bodr , lhal oC \ H rt ra n Thorn . had l>een r eco" r d Cr om h wr eked team •r rgos. Th e r malnlng body, th t of Fp d Abbot . I not ln th blp, opinion of lhe dlv r, who ha d' mad a t oroagh arch of h . Ttfl' mP.Ssll g , Late& I of Bu' rln ly a.pp r la- he acll on or Go rom n In . odlng a d iv r to l ocat an d r ove r he bo(l ies.-Daily N . . . "ti t H ud, oi'i hll'h I I t'l'Ch •d ll·ltlhou111 . · ur pl lur• II w Olli' or I h Rt •d Cro s11 I II r p - s lntt In .Crom N •w York 1111d ll nll - r11. \• llh lh C'lty oC tit. · .Juh11' 6 In lht> 11t•11 r di t1111 cu. From our :-; v( unJlnud rr 1 >on cl •at . Th · \\' V A. vf :-it• wf uu11 1!1 IJtl lwl•l I" r ll 1 11 U I 1t lllH'I UA :1 c.; ' l'ur 1<11 Jl'll•hl h llf' 11r11 r11•11111. O lorlo1111 111111 11111111 : I \"Ith th• Ptrc• hl111t h ,..,,,,. whldt 't•wfoundl 1111'11 rll mn 1• lt1 noted or In ,· ur .. cl hr . \ "t lC'l'l\ll pnrt !I d y . . u n sun I rr o\ d l )ltl 114 ". ( ,., .,. b Th oil wh - 11(1r or lh . l 0 l s . • . llarao11 . 2111.l , U. JohQ 1011. I • JO)'',\ H S l A.' ll ( JI ' 1• I 'h I It V r l 0 11.) 11t, . \V . 'o U •ld. 2rul, N. T im : 1'2 11 f' 'I' ll A J. I Eli R ml llnal ) nchta 2; •. In o. 11 : 1. . 3. Ouar r qrn r. Ti ll , Y 'J ,. g Rf 'Ii; 1 t, 1 r on 'ruh 111 2nd, Huh t'rt 11 olloy. fJ LE .. l ll l, .! 11d . Tl Ill I Hl, \VOil by l c rner. [ 1'HE 814() Id. •• • 1 tp, • J.,T I ' Ju. ad lie, PER SO ALS Mr d ta.mtly , 0 th fr va c: 1al.n / . . . ...... CABLE . BWS . $1 oooo · CaTg¢ . · · Of. liquor .. ii d Hi m n' . Pi ·r Arid Ft .. i ht . Sh-- d D ' tr By . Fir ,.. Twilling t M_ n ill 17> S . Juh11' , .Jul · .:_ Th $. llt•t ' li t · •rl1 11 with l $1 : 1>0 11rgu or ll<1t• r rl l\r d Crom h r 111 'll l U.f II •' bu \invlt .. r U I\ II pl Ion of NI lllll ll { \'ll w ho udt•1I h. poll<' rn m nt r 1navI11 vu rl -. w r r . 1rrl d 0-1\ filr 11 1111 ro 1 "f< 1'1 hl11 '' Il l pp ti . H 11111 •• 111 n 1 •11 h n ,. • b1• h1tu od ag tiln 1 <'nr>l 11 11rr1 • hi ·lu ,., .l111i• up r ar o fly 11, l'r11H ll:r n • or 1 h rnur m 11 cJ . rh• 0111•r . Ori ns, r 01\ no h r ,. llZ <'ll ' dl 11a Ha 11 rtl •I . _i nnn · l'I 1 rou flr 11 a urr 011 w hkh 11 lr o d HI k- r ncl rr IKh lh • · lit.• ·d I\ l 0,0 u nud n 1 um d ... 1)1). 0 hlrh I worth f ood1 mo t 1l f cl Ju t b n I nd d. Da vid 1 \111l n11 11 o( _ l pp ir 111- ll uutl i l11nr)' t> • . r ,\tl>ld JI, klll .u n udnr llll f KhWll ' ll'f I pl .. wh n th lmok11 touutl r d. \' llll t!• f1t r111 n or . 1' vlllln - gal ld o 11 I klll(ld. on ' J<' rl1l whll 11h 1 1l> lnK 11 nl. .. . 8N I It L. , GI J.) l J'U \rtl 11 2: th r 0. 2 2; '11h11 11 2. 3 R11ln1 a; '. 1- 1. l . I. F lhll11m1 . 2; .. 2. G uard11 4; . L. U. 11111111 ':L. 11 11 o. 7 1.h•t J : C. 1<: . 1. . s.r. K. t. o. 2 . JI. 'I L P:: 1 1. - I L I , r ' . . I - I •• r.

Transcript of • r...

Page 1: • r • • -J ' " ' r ... I r ,, ' • I ... I ! " • • •' • • .. • ·. )


r •



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r ...

I r

,, '


... I

! " •

• •'

• •

• ..


) j


/ .


We ere sla4 to ~.., ..... · o-oftlae'

put w1111:

.111'. L. • KfiAlltll

Ne foundlaa er, q DO , crfer Sartelle'1 TobaoeO

11 Union uare, ·11p1nern · . here he Ill 1tacl to tar to

hl1 man1 (rtendl. r. · Kl•llJ h purchuect u 1 t ael Uon of .. 1moken• requlal and P pe and P.rlod lcal1 &JJd tJ'll•t that bu 1tor HI be UaterallJ patro11-Jaecl. The "N wfoundlaDd. eek­ly" will be on aal~ then. . . · Holl Of Obert Holleu~ fonqer)J ' of B rln. now of Halltu. ~ter left -home t o 1eara ago, and ecure4. a po1{Uon

-:. wllh the Unlle4 J'ralt Co. H I , , now second omeer on bo rd tbe-.t

Ban Benito, .. 1un1 out of B ton, makiJls. regular trlpa to u ·~ Panama and t.a. RI •

,The 8. S. Ne to ada.nd anlved t.rom Llyerpool,. Bl. Jolin'•

· and Halifax on ld&J mqrulng wl h relshl an the folio Ing

P ns;.i~ BT. JOH .Mt ea Ell el) C k, Jlldlth Pa.1·

1r y, Margar l P Hr~, C le Dawo, Ollve Farrar, ary King, Helen araha.11, ar Ell n Mur· pbf, Ter Power, ary out.b­cate, . Gladys SquJ -: n. Tb C~ran, r . H. M nb 11. · I . Ter a O'Reilly, ID To-

• bin; . Mr. Wm. org 011 er; Mlases Johanna, Dorothea . and L retla otyno, · Ell& beth urpby, l3 tt Wheeler. • alle4 a n· on Y aft r-

· noon with ' t~ eni( for: t. John's: Mn. R. W. Ca

-ltHt,.,.M r. re. ~--Robt.. Da

. Barrinsfn, , re. H. Hiscock, ard, Dr. and ·Mn.

G. JI'. b, Mr . F. W. Crou-man; Kn.· H. L. Croaman, MIN Courthepa, Kn. Ed. llJ1I ~ H.

A. B. acldn•on. M. Par-. ona, Mrs:T. 11'. Penny, Mn. 4d.

Janes; John· Green, aster Robt. Ore n. MJsa Marie Lovett, Mias Betty Wbelan Mias Anna Whal·

. 'en, Min Minnie Brace r r. J. Gordon Davi• Mn. E. Fitsger­ald, Rex Stapleton, Nlcbol&a Kane, MarUn Pa ne, Cb . E. MUI r. l · For Hall tax, 34; for LI rJ>O(>l,

3. . . Tho followtng [email protected]'tl tt-

ed tor LlverJ>OOl oil JuJY 2 ID S. S. ·Digby: • .

· . M . c. A. Browning, Mr. G. L . Cham ers, Mt: G: Cowa~. Ptfr.

, Crocker, Mrs. B. Crocker. Mr. J . H. lapliam, Mrs. J. It. CJapbam, Mr. J . B. wtorcl, r. A. Daw·


. ' - T}\c fishery n w brought by he usu is or an enco ragln na­

t ure, t) to th etre t that sine I 't lrip th re l) ,been an 1m· provement all long th route to Change IaJand • par lcularly at th adbame an'd Pecktord's ls-1anda, where tra ar now tak­ing from 10' o 20 barr~I dally. At ..tnOf! or the dther plac s trap are at o oln~ t lr ty · .well and book and nets al'~ king from ·a· to 6 barlels a day. Caplin Is

....J F harborii In "th oi:ld ba. e

a more p!ctur qu \aP ranee than St. ohn'Jt, • wtoundlan<t.

The ntran to ·arb r I through th "N , b l '"

· nel a ut 700 t wide, on th

Fishery. R pOrts ~ : Tlie .following

cleared ery: W. J. Fry, ..,_ry, er

pUed by , From

40 l n • cl d ror


o. orotur. Ion. Kenned y ,

.. 0pl nU( l for bait and as h er I~ a go'od -frig:ri of cod on tho i;r'oundi. It le exb ted b t work will be .

1 dQne as soon ai; th weat er. which up·· to t.he pres nt has een

olsterous, . · tmprovea. ·- Dall)' N .. .


nr. L ' EH.~ Tl.t

JULY 11 • ...

To t. John's Harbor _

north rn al(I& ·ot. h lch h1 lgna( Hill, rl J\11 lm t p rp ndlcular. · t h lgbl ot 600 t . nd sur-mount d by t h abot Tow· r, which I u, d lgnu l tatlon . 0 · t · outh n cl h1 F ort m-

·"'· ~

Notes Of New- · foundlandSoci ti s

r m

tor th nt.

.. lien fit

udJUng COnl·

h •· tln o-busl­


Tb t ck ts ' ro~1 w r ndy ofor d1str lb u. Ion and ~· Id b obr In-

d from w mb NI C th s oclll-U n nnd f rom tho om r th

Nnuttoundlnnd \\' ck y."' The pr! of t i k s 50 01 t f r ad.tit , nd 2& c 11 ror hlldr n b t w th ng a r 5 a_nd 1 2 y nr oi ng . c uvon whlclt Is aetn habl rrorn th tick nd­n11ts to th Par k ground .

A pr gran1me r sport11 I b Ing arrnn cd . arid ov u i Ir ·dnn ·lnK will nk plac w~tl a 0 11 a e music. In tho nf'x · I 11u r th " \V" kly"' n mor d t.all d ac­count .will b gl Y-en or the specia l

t11r !8 and tl rnetton for h · day . .

Th . number ot tick" s Is lml . d nJ our ' dundlan t.I f rl ud

llr rg rJ o 8 r th m •nr ly tn void d i ap.:pol nt

A communl aUo frnm 1w . 'n11on Uayly oC Uo 1 'l · , t1

rl.'ud th 11 Ing th , . oc la lf n r >r h llt! lp r ndo1 d · I ll'ld or th

Ch rlst Church t nd .. 'l'h r egular moo bly m lop;

or h Oos on T rro Nov lan . !tt!o­clatlon will ho bl'ld :u S. H . Rt' H all on Tu '!!day, Jnls ~Ult , at p.m.

:£ll f'lcn I · ;.nd m It l : <>f · qi r:-; ... ,..~ )tuluril -tenc flt

' 11 t • a. St. Ros


d Y, J oy 218, Rt


H on . J oseph Long .rt!Cr•tved n ye;il d ay rrrJm !'tit'. G . A . Ba . I l . of B11rln. s nt1n g- that an th<'r bodr, lhal oC \ H rt ra n Thorn . had l>een reco" r d Crom

h wr eked team •r rgos. Th e r malnlng body, th t of Fp d Abbot . I not ln th blp , l~be opinion of lhe dlv r, who h a d' mad a t oroagh arch of h .

Ttfl' mP.Ssllg , Late& ~ I of Bu'rln ~oa ly a.ppr la­he acllon or tt~ Go rom n

In . odlng a d iv r to locat and r over he bo(lies.-Daily N

. . .

"ti t H ud, oi'i hll'h I I t'l'Ch •d ll·ltlhou111 . · ur pl •lur• II w

Olli' or I h Rt•d Cros11 I II r p -s lntt In .Crom N •w York 1111d ll nll ­r11. \ •llh l h C'lty oC tit. ·.Juh11'6 In lht> 11t•11 r d i t1111 cu.


From our :-; • v( unJlnud rr • 1>on cl •at.

Th · \\' V A. vf :-it•wfuu11 d · 1!1 IJtl lwl•l I" r ll 1 11 U I 1t lllH'I UA :1 c.;'l'ur 1<11 Jl'll•hl h llf' 11r11 r11•11111.

O lorlo1111 111111 11111111: · ~ 111111•n• I \"Ith th• Ptrc• hl111t h ,..,,,,. whldt

• 't•wfoundl 1111'11 rll m n 1• lt1 noted or In ,·ur .. cl hr . \"t lC'l'l\ll • pnrt!I

d y . . u n sun I rro\ d

l)ltl 114 ". ( , . , .,.

b l.lh•~u14(1U •

Th oil wh -11(1r or lh

. l 0 l s . ~ • . llarao11 . 2111.l , U. JohQ 1011.

I •JO)'',\ H S l A.' ll ( JI ' 1• I 'h I It V r l 0 11.)

11t, .\V . 'o U •ld. 2rul, N. l!~llfs. T im : 1'2 t ~5 11

f' 'I' ll A J. • I Eli R ml llnal )

nchta 2; • . In o. 11: 1. . 3. Ouar r qrn r.

T i ll , Y ' J,. g R f 'Ii; 1 t, 1 r on 'ruh 111 • 2nd, Huht'rt 11 olloy.

fJ LE • .. l ll l, .! 11d . Tl Ill

I Hl,

\VOil by l c rner.



1'HE 814() Id . •• Y·

• 1 tp, • J.,T




ad lie,


ta.mtly, 0 th fr vac: 1al.n

/ . . .




$1 oooo ·CaTg¢ . · · Of. liquor .. ii d

Hi m n' . Pi ·r ~ Arid Ft .. i ht. Sh--d

-~ D ' tr By .Fir ,..

Twilling t ~ M_ n ill

• 17>

S . Juh11' , .Jul · .:_Th • $ . llt•t' li t · •rl1 11 with l $1 :1>0

• 11rgu or ll<1t• r r l l\r d Crom h r

111 'll l U.f II •' bu \invlt .. r U I\ II pl Ion of NI lllll ll { \'ll w

ho udt•1I h . poll<' rn m nt r 1navI11 ~· vu rl-.

~· w r r .1rrl d 0-1\ filr 11

1111 ro 1 "f< 1'1• hl11 '' Ill pp ti . H 11111 •• 111 n 1•11 h n , . • b1• h1tu od

agtiln 1 <'nr>l • 11 11rr1 • hi E~n- ·

·lu ,., .l111i• • up r ar o fly 11, l'r11H ll:rn • or 1 h rnur m 11 cJ . rh• 0111•r .Ori ns, r 01\ no h r , . llZ<'ll

' dl11a Ha 11 rtl •I

. _innn · l'I

1 rou flr 11 a u r r 011

w hkh 11 lro d HI k ­r ncl rr IKh lh • · lit.•

·d I\ l 0,0 u nud n 1 um d ... 1)1). 0

hlrh I

worth f ood1 mo t 1l f

cl Ju t b n I nd d.

David 1\111l n11 11 o( _ l pp ir 111-

ll uutl i l11nr)' t> • . r , \tl>ldJI,

klll .u n udnr llll • •

f KhWll ' ll'f I pl .. wh n th lmok11 touutl r d.


\ ' llll t!• ~ f1t r111 n or. 1' vlllln-• gal ld o 11 I klll(ld . on ' J<' rl1l whll • 11h11l> lnK 11 nl.

.. . 8N I It L. , GI J.)

l J'U \rtl 11 2 : th r 0. 2 t ~ . L . H 2; '11h11 11 2. 3 R11ln1 a; ' . 1-1. l . I.

F lhll11m1 .2; lJ . I. ~ .. 2. G uard11 4; . L. U.

• 11111111 ~. ':L .1111

o. 7 • 1.h•t J : C. 1<: .1. . s.r.K. t . " ~ · ' · · o.


. •

JI. ' I a · LP:: 1



· ~

I •



• ,


' • . .

I -


•• r .

Page 2: • r • • -J ' " ' r ... I r ,, ' • I ... I ! " • • •' • • .. • ·. )

.. .


i.allya UOwlnl a YVT ucl DOY81 4ell1U.




Tbe. c. L. B. Old coiQ . •ocl&Uoll'• aew race ' Uffl..,_

to •· eter u, 1a aow ••na• well ~oWll Uon, and thlii the a wee -

4nt of South .JUL y wJll be laUllebed on tamcnw old J . . Kent, • QuldJ Vldi bak,, home Of *•-·

.tlrl~1llll u aool· 1--1 lr.W- -f~~ndland'• R~ • . ~ . foundland'• emortal to be new --raee. boat ta'. the 1uc-

'N =J•.t'tie.m ft oar- Jallu heroes ceuor to th.e lilato Jc J;Jlue Eeter :or: tons· •land- a-Eu I, wboae rec rd .. o.f 9 ~in• 11 4-6

on 1n South by tile Serl elll Of the Ro- ieca. made 19<11 bJ the Outer u at hlJigUDg ·a · yal N1ld. eg1ment. The Field Cove. crew • the 'B'labermell,.'1

roQf •t 68f lbt ·st.; wlutn th!· llanlh&l · pr ent • with. a ~ace haa Qever ' been beaten. scaffolclln1 auc1cto1J ~e w~y CirtJ>OQ e d on b half ' of the The new bQat 11 belDI built by_ and .he wu preelpttate4, the "' Mea. Robert Sexton, muter builder of ground. He 1fU 1.D1$edla Cl~ · six-oared race boata lD Ncrw!ound-rnsli'ed to Carney Ho.pltal W1lere merman ar by Earl and Coant- · land, .aaalated by Geo. c .. arbeuy, · · · eJ@rytlrlng· .P<>Ml~ e was do~e to en .Bala. ayoi Cook presented ,.. both of who are employed by

. • a&Ve hi• Jlfe bu he· aoccombed., an a !Ir . t w come. • . the well-known ·1lrm of Lawrence within an hour tb. lnjnrlee re.- 4-10.el'° lng Box1n1 Tour- Bros. · • -

- eel ii. • • . .• · aigent wa.e bttld In the Prlnl:e'a , if he Blua ·Peter JI. meaaures U . . The ·late r. ~ nt ~·born 1n Link. btw p the · naYal men of t.c. 6 lo. In lenith and 3 fl. wide ,

BrlgUs, C. B., "14 ,ear.,. ago, 80.d' . M. I Oonatance and city box~ .. and. ls· made of B. c. Cedar . ·came "to Boston 1)1, 1884. "He la · rs. • •The or ~e Sea Society la aurvlYed by- ht• ~tv.ite, nee Nora:. . 11 . s. Metagama grounded also having a new boat built Scott ot Ba1 Bull, and two sons, n· Pqake, In Narrowa, utward . along th . ame Hnea by the aame Martin; of .. Sou Botton, :nd hoWUi The big liner waa reflo-..: build r, and the J: 25 Regatta, James. of Rockla d, Me. He was iiral hours late r with the which . ta s place ion Aug. 6th, a prominent member ot tbe New- . s~nce ot S. 8. nvt' .- - - - lll'OM1SelJ tr u ell-oontested-toundJan.derJ Mu~ual Benefit A.8- 20-~ · man naqiod Robert Yel- series ot rac soclatlon, the Boston Terra . No- m;Ln was k#led oo. Bell laland and vlan - <Aasoclat1on and the Mass. efght lnJut"ed when a coal fence TH~ JO RNAL OF EDU ATION Catholic Cfider ot FoTeaters cQllapsed. . .... . · • Th~ .funeral wa• held on '1'4,ura- · 23-The annual Garden Party We have received a recent cc>py

ft. IOBN'S. IOl'LD. day .from \he Gate ·of Heaven in aid of the C. ot E. Orphanage or the •J'ourual ot Education,' . a


... .._i.iii..iiiiii.iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiPiiiiiiPiliiiiliiiiiiii._ ..... • ____ .__...., ___ ._,n-"-Chur~ uth Boaton, .• e.nd was held at Bb.ann.on Munn emo- weekly - publicatfo of the New ment took place at Old· Calvary -rial ·ground15. , England Publishing eo., 6 Bea.con

lall11r&ptLl Bat.a: Loe•'· .. . onlp. ..... ,.... "91' lhlal• eoplee, I oat.

Cem.eten ~ ·. ' ' · . · ·A serious railway acclden~ oc- St., Boet6n As t.he name suggests, · 1'1he "Weekly'~1clh\B In expres- cu'l"red near Cape Ray when an this publlcaUon la devoted to the ed, and which are no obs rvable

. . to the reader. stng sympathy the famUy and east bound train left the ra1ls, Interests or education and it con-rela\lves of he decfoase . kil11ng tlreman Penny and mall- tarns ltorla.l matter and special

A 1ear ago w aid fhe !ounda-60n of the Weekfy, and our-

: · · · · man Perchard. Two others were Jlrllcles or a kind that to even the .. ~-.1 Y . DO.RA s· rlously JnJuTed. • ca ual r-eader Is not only lntereist: ,

"1leld" was l;he large number or On July 6th there passed away Newfoundland ho are now Jn E st oston l'da'ry c., ' wife o! domiciled I e . United I.ates, ·. } el J. Doran, s• Byron SL, and more especially in th New · after' an llln.ese of very short dur-

. . . atlon. •r -

England atatea. The late .Mrs. 'Doran' was born We started lo a mod way, In Carbonear nd was the daugb-naclou .ot the dlmC\ILtJ with ter of Mse· lat · .roselili nutl Mary ·

which wo ld have· to cont_end, l\:lcOratb; who ..abtll r esides . at ho . : • • · ,,,,,

but.. wlth the firm conviction . that M . Doran came to East Bos-there was room to{' such a aper. ton about nine • years ago, w ere and that Ii . many . . . •to nd- be marrl ' . aud at th time or

. her de th_ was 28 years ·of ag . landers who hav made qt Ir · B sides her husband, there are

The annual gar"en par_ty or KJI- Ing but lnslructive as well. bride parish too~ place tbts day. P(\bltshed lb the educational

30-.-The l\lount Cash 1 garden c 11Lr o! Am rlc:u, tb '.'..Jou,rnal party was held on thl.s day. ~r Educ!ltloti" enjoys a reputa-

. · tlo that Is n tlonwlde and plays au I portant part Ip the ad vauce­

e11t or educatlon!fJ thought and opinion In this ·country.

'Bay Roberts Notes The editors or the Journal are A. E. \Vlnshlp, wbo ho.e be n chief

\Vork on t.he nlar'gement of dllor !vr over forty y"ears, and tb Western olon OIDc A. W. Belding, chief editorial h r bas started recently. We wrlLer or th Boston Herald, und r tand that the addltl.on I whos e . l"Vic s as as oclate edit·

.,,.. hom~ ~ere wour!i endorse our· n: three eh11dron, n ed s ix and tour i,.-------------- deavors to gtve th m· th · tate t . Y ars, and two m1>nth11 r espect! SATU&D.A.Y, 1.U.LY 11,. 1925 newe, . and ev them olosel~ In ly, ·loft to mourn the P sing of n

Buil4ing Of < ewspaper

touch with th homeland 80 d ar beloved wife i\nd mot . . . ln Carboneav her mdther, two

to us all. ... brothers, , wqi am and George, That our efforts have been In a nnd a sf t r, Agn • survive,

. b Ing pr paratloO. , tor or or th e Journal have recently th Ian Ing or - the very lat_est been acqu red; whilst the sls t­L Jl of ·cab • which ' Ill b cap- ant editor and office manager Is o.hl r sending,. at lcaat, 1700 :\!. ss Jsou 1 R. Lay, "who e fficl­l_ett rs per ajnut . The high ;1t _;, en t m nag m nt." lb quote Crom cab now operating sends about th · Journal, "ha!! m de the past 240 1 tt rs per minute. Tbe con- t~r years th most successful in tractors on this bu ilding are W. th pa..'lt tw nty years." •

• A

great part successful I uvldenc d whUst another sister , Mrs. artln W.a~sb, r Ides a 6 Havr St., . E.

not only by the -long llat o! eub- Boston. · • acrtber: , Qd the .tnereaaln · \lni~ bo w ei. • 1lbt1uday

.C. \Vcleks & 'o .. or N w York. . Miss Lay. . was born fn t.

A number or men le!t here dur­ing the week to engage In work lfl conn tton fth tc oable

J ohn' , N wrouuJiland, and I the

llllllN a dallJ' or weekl~ b&r· of adYerllsers, but leo y th - from th or "tbo Sea bur,ch, nen . la muoh Hile .,un.dtn1 many unsolicited te tlmonlala we Ealit Bost n, and Int trnf)nt took

place at Holy Cross Cem tery,

Rant m, T. B. •

~ daughter or the lata Sa.muel Lay, ·· who cam with bis family to take ·uv is1a nc In oeton seveTal years ago.· Miss Lrv s Ill l! ves lo

~ Sop:1ervllle. • ' Ati abundance of ~pHn has The many friends ot . Miss Z.:ay a brioll oue, and Se Jut u full h•ve had fro~ Um to time, and ~fa~leq. . ;, . .

t which h.ave been a so rce of great · Tbe "Weekly" ext ds Its sym-ln buildlq a house. the ftnt "encouragement '10 . work. pathy to the busban and c~ll-

. · · dren and relative of the deceas-

Struck In Conception Bay during b th In N wroundland and In his th past ,week. · There bas also country will be glad to learn of lJ en )l . Cairly good sign ot fish. h r succ ss and enterprise In he

Jo ? rnallstlc field. • neceulty 11 to h&Te a good foun- That our paper Is exe ( Ing an . · ed In th sudden bereavem nt Miss l\1nrjor" ~I rcer ar lved daUon. \ • lnftuence In keep g aliv the tn: which hns ·be!nllen th m. rrom Bosto n, Mn s.,. by Thurs-

When that II a.ured, the ac- terest 0 the • ewfoundlander da 's nq_on train on a visit to her .1.. d THE RE ATTA pai-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mer-tn&l bulldtng wcommen~. an ·Abroad" In the la o! lfls· blrth, ·

tha laid t / er. Amongst the Newfoundlanders eYery brtok t II ael'vee o we have not th llgbt~t doubt, . . Quid' ldl ' Lake, one o• Na- who graduated from Har-

t ...+h th 1•- d tabll 1 • • ?\Iles Ca rle Dawe, of Coiey's " •reno-, en e wa.'!', an. 8 -: and as t dlng. goe on, and ture:s beauty p ts near the town vard this year, or who have been Pol t, Jet ror .Boston, :Mass., by

lie th& atnacture. our s r c ure Increases In siz of t. John·~.. nd scene"' or New- Fr day mornlug'y train, on a vUilt taking ·sp clal studies at the Uni -. Aa the· work adn.ncea under and (m ortance, wl look forward !oundland 's quaUc spor ts pro- to friends. verslty are the following:

__.._ h e d ... .at Is t ...J. sents :i. P ctur que spectacle H rbert Moore, so of Mr. and a aupe~ .... or, w 01 · u..., • to th day ..,hen the eekly wil) · these days. • Mrs. Reuben 'loore, ot Bla"k-

lltu d '-'l faith · ~1r. \Villlam Cav •. wh9 has ;e- n .. aee that eTery e e..., · - be me a welcome household vis- lx-oared race· boats dally glide lded In J\ll.v ton , Mass., tor the h ad, Bay d Verd . Mr. Moor full>; performed-the bulldlb i · to the thousands of other .. along the piacid waters to the ac- p t three years. arrived home by bad a most succesatul car er - at ·



creuea in else, and, to ordinary~ ; homes In this broad land. · · compa nlm nt of th cox wal~s Thursday' noon train. His Toronto n varsity where he " b J Cln'(i Httl shou and e strokes .or the urotb r. Ray nil, o! the N. P. graduated as a B.A. last year, be-

<>. •el"'!era, t. c yery e To those ' ho ha e so loyally ager crews. # P. co.; . Jol d him at Corner Ing Gpld Medalist In Pblloso by. more lnterea than the growth of supported us I our · work, we ex- Regatta ntbu lasts , Including Brook an otb will spend their H n w completed hie first a -tree. They rarely reallze lb~t tend our sincere than s, and ru - th e ·top-watch man. daHy vlslt v caUons ·wltti thelr parent , ~ir. Y nr ·at Harva'td, takJpg the every brick, plank bi:_ beam lo that . sure th m tha t nothing will be ~he Ink sld • and judging lrom and Mr . t pben Cave.-Bay cours In Psychology In. pr l)ara-b lldlng moat be placed with· ,. lite lnterc t display d ow!ound- Roberts Guardian. lion ror le Pb. D. d gree.. H Is

u . , Je(t undon towards malting th ' ir land's Annunl newitta on Au . att ndlng the summer school a -mat.'1~•t1ca.I exactltu~e It H· 11 - paper ) tha th y. will c I 6th promlses to be "better than slon, In... addJC:fQn, and 1s an as-

• t.o mee~ the. requlrementa a d tul- pr ud f. · th best" • • Bll'R VJ:..~IENTS A:i' letant t t.lte Graditate sChool ot flll It" m!saion: Nor d they etoD- · .· \ ITLE BAY rl.8 and ofencea." to tbl k t the b aln WO k- that ~ .BOAT AT·l\fOST Ol\1P.LETED W. S. Curt1a, son of Reuben ·



0 0 r r -- .-;> e.or some time 'va.... nev. Dr. · . ..--1: .... ~, Curtis, also of Blackhead, who r • -· h!'-8 bee!l put into the work, a nd ·• · Th n w race.. boat !Or the Btu Gr. en , of WIJ.le s Bay, h been nam app aTB ln the graduati g

.- that bad to be aed in the erec- H p 1 Poter at Club will b com pl ted making improv men ts to ·the class ot the Medical School as ?tf. Uon of a building. All· they 8eo ~ . Qffie efSQfla S by fr. b S xton on 1.Ionday chur h propQrty ther and the dlt- tl .. Dr. Curtle go,os to the• Ford la the bu_lldJng 'g~ ng up. and they , .U ~ ;. ' ,. • aft r .-whlch will b 'moved to fer nl ·buildings now present a Ho pltal, Detrol, Ju Septemb cuually ~ remark "Ah, another _, · th Prlnc·e·s 1k or the hangar m ner app ranee ban be- as an lnterne. •

Capt. Char! s E . PQp • who ha'I a ~uldl Vldl l...a to be painted !or . Th urcb ha.s been romod- ~ G. E.. Hudson, still anotbe"r new ·b . ae," and P !J on. been station d on ' the. S~ . ~1anoa- . " ' ork on th new· bbnt tor tlie . lied and two o era e r ct d, the ckhead boy, sou of )!rs. Emily , Establishing. a paper ls pretty lying Newport News , fe r th tar lub will b"egln on Tuesday high altar mov d out and new · .Iudson. Mr. Hndeon was. for much on the aame; JJn ; boU1 past wo. years, recently left t.hnt · and sh will be rusbed 0 as to b ommunion rail ad d, and the ome y ara on th teacbinJ st.arr are of a' constructlv cbai::acter. ship to tak command o! S. S. re-ady f.or th e Regatta. Tho. gall ry rats d and the organ of th Method! t College lo St.

In starting a newsnaper, it rt Hamilton sailing be ween wh ha\· se n th n , boat e pl c d In a ·pew oaltlon. John't1, and b now comp! d ., N Yorli: aud Bermuda. l\lrs. loud In their prals s o! th work- e ball haa b moved acroaa bla tbJrd tear · ln medJcJne . af

eaaeutl~l to have a "fif!ld" . to Pope Is leaving· Now York by th mnn hfp ot Mr~ s xton.-Dafly tbe roau an\f th' school emod- Harvard. wor~ on, aa a or foundatlo.n. ~ Rosalind_ tom rro.w, !or St. John 's N ws. • lied and · tly lmprovlld. All Rev . • . M.. Guy, w~bose name Is anfllclently Id to , warrant the to speD'd a vacation wltb h,er par- three bulldlD!!J ar now being 11 known to the majority of starting of the ente, ents, l'i:l_r. ECnd lrs. El. A. 'l,b.oma11~ S<~FIOOL F R 1'HE nLlNn . paint d and 'when flnlshed wUl be· ew uodlanders at bome. R v.

·.. ,, . · / u n e pariah will be proud Mr. uy J• taking oat gradual ,. That secured 'lhe step is. Mies· Susi.a Crane, d g r of , mo"ng r t'hil 11 t of prize · ~ . Th or1t 1ias been done by or~ .ln economlca fond is .prepar-

lo provide ~be "eupl)orts," whl~b· Mr. aruf" ?t1rs. F. CraJ!·e, as · by ' dip oma winn er a · e Scho'ol to I . Nlcho 0 Neu, Cormerly lnr a theala tor htS -Pb.D.d giee. • ·In this t',!Ule .are made up of Ui~ Sfnia tomorrow ror Oltawo.. t e Bflnd, Halifax, the n s · of· roremll.ll' with on. W. J. Ellla, W understand be baa received

sha'l'ebolders In an·d subscribers bo.i• ng recelyed an appolntm nt ll\e tbllowlng ' ew(ouhd land · stu -' and now in busln s a bntrac- · &11d accept a call from his old . . s lelltian on the !!t. O' or th d n-ppear: - tor, and reftecta U()b .credit on church. Jn Bermuda. to the venture. ~ wa Civic Hospita"L This In- ·L1 ternry Dopt.- Mlcll Ql- b1 bll ty as a ca nter.-tiatly The " eekly" Jolna fn oo.n-

Aa in the case of the ho se, ' slitutlon was operi d 111 J~nuary rord, St. J hn's. Edgar uldlng News. · these sona or Tetra eaob brick "belpa to strengtbe . last and Is up to dat In every Grand Falls, Ntld.-C r lftca e for • on Oil be a eaeea attilned "\fbo atruo r.e,, ·a.o, n the same lcular . l\1i s Crane Is ,a grad- s hoe-r airing, . ~foom-m king ,;IPROV O. and tn wtahlng them . tbe fuJtll-

. · ~ , · . uat~ I 'MacDonald Cc;>ll g · l.lnd chair-canlrrg, mattress-m king~ ~meat of heir a1plraUou, wa~!-~h tiubs~~lber ~oea bis or the 'foron to Genera1- S.ospltnl. a nd brush-making · /, h'er part In building up the paper Herbert Pye, ca\,e Charles La- Tbe 1rd cargo f rall,1, about Po,ACR Rl&ff'ES a84t- getttni It thoroughly eatab- . His Excellency .th Governor, braclor- Llt rary dlqloma, 'c 1n· 5,000 s, f<>t' e r ratlln1 of FOR~-......... 11iih.dd:' accompanied by ~ady AJlardyce. mon .f?choo l cel7C'fflcate Jino shoe- . tGhle et.we-.a t. John·a and . On

Mias A ce, nnd His Hono . repai r ng and chair Ing.- ar nv e Is cfo~ at the latter ot the new ateam coacbea , ·Aw tfme goee on, · nd new Judge Morr! ie t b. pecla1 car · E v ning Telegram. • por nex week. ·T~e reraillng hu for Rallwu Oommt,.toa... ar-

"brtck ' ' are added. so the p er ttached to th So thern Shorp .been oo pl tefl to n'8r Br1p1 ri•ed b7 the ewfouqdland on · In Importance., a"nd b·~e-. --t rafn at 11 o'clock ibis mo1ml g Pr lmlnary work In con nee- JuncUon and work te· 11 •tart· ll'rlda from BD.sland £ Ill be

. eomee recoplzed IUI a valuable on ~n officl I visit to Trepasse lion .w~tb the ere Uon 0 \be new · Ing eat from that point an a O COil to the rallw :rar<l by They will be away for seve ays car b~rn ~rid power house_. for tlie • from Placentia JunctloQ Aa IOOD t. tar on oad y n~t.

anet tt5 the commun!ty. • and exp ct to spe d · pa · of root rail ay company, began aa Lb rallci anilre at 1Cl NnYUle The coach which hl'I u-:o;n100-_ _ ............ ~ SefdO.ln does tho average read- · time hshtug the riv r to salmon. Saturday and building. operaUone tbe dlstrlbuUo" to m t tbe raUa d .>D• for Ii » eqar,, !11 be

flr per s top ~to think or will be ,ommepced as soon as n • ls.trlbuted from lieut'• COnteDt ll bet tile .:lty aad KaJJI-• . . . ,. c ssary materfal ·al'rJves from twUl be commenced and 1 llS • 11'9 and Wl'IDB p rt. 8pf'Cl41

-~ JVbat I 111ean11 to get up .a dally or Montreal.-:-D Uy" News. a wat(l will allo be udcmaka. ra tablo are being ·-,..... -.....:. w"eekly edttlon:.....:..of- the planning NEWJi'OtJ:NDLAND . WEEKLY The ol'ft U goJq b raU n. o Ul!

· the rltl g, the preparing r ot. Boe'ton' Premier N~onndlapd • c:t• Y · and II belDI' dona eoacll J1 be --' t e. On.. the ~ n lan4 1a7 s. · 'COPT, the · proot-readlng, the mall- Paper . b"r,llastlng II procieecllq I and dad. al /

lii.i' and the ~undred ~o4 ~ne. Ultl_e per ~ear,' '2°30 abroad and the 1teana allo 111 DOW ta tJae Bamber · dei,.118_.~a.t are to ;be · e~counter- _P~ ·p~ ~ ln~at Ca»e B te. Da

I •


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Page 3: • r • • -J ' " ' r ... I r ,, ' • I ... I ! " • • •' • • .. • ·. )

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• •

' The preeen houae ftag--r wltb a 6lt di mane\- u ftnt adopted u th lr prl ate alpal · by tba 1turd1 -Old -llrrn of Bo ton merchaD~ and ahtpo n, Bnbch

, Traln A Company, tn 1 t4, and ftew ·at the mut of auch ra-111001 ehl u the •Dorchee-t8l'.' the •catro,' th ·o.nernor I) m,' _..,...._•st Pet81'91! rs.' and la r on o•&r e •Jpebua U.t11, the 'An· gJb S on,' and the 'Waeblngton Jntng, tbe 'Ocean Monarch.' th 'Dani W•kter.' th •St.a«ord-11 ,' 'the 'Boatonlan,' the 'Fly­ing Clo,i4' and the Bmprees Of tb"e Seal,' man7 of which were da.lgn9'1 by that dlsUngulsbed naval architect Dobald cKa1, and bu!lt In New l!Jnglapd :rards.

· "Aite" 'the 6anlc of 1867, the· b~alneea wu taken .over b7 one of Mr. Train'• p'artnere., r. '.Fred· erlck . Thay an Jifr. Georg Warren, · trading u Thayer &


c1c·· am td11hlps Warr n, and aubaequenU, m p

into Wllrren & com~ny, w ace ~mod tloo tor lh ,r

went Jn for steam aifd rrolat whom ma r of tb first cl a paeeon-.. Furneas Withy a: pur- 8 aud Toomy cflning saloon

chllSed whiLt waa left 0~ tbe "it , able .or .eatJ11g 1 0 p~pl~ · a .


the ' agamor~ ·sachem' / one Um · . the 'low a. • The flag th er for' baft tb l re the cablne !or Jia8 . b n · contlnuoualy ln us In th engtn er , and lao aom t.wo- . nd out of the port of Boston for b rtll cablns or third-el a pa •

over eJgbty yeara." enger . 0 tbl de k pne 6nda · . . c().Jn,n)odlou dln,lng saloon,

Standing on the broad d k ot mok •room and g n r 1 room tor the _("Ne;wfoundland," or makJng th hlrd cl • a round of tba..-many polnus ol in· Xhe lnde'r o£ th tblrd

• tereJt! on& cannot help c trast· cl 8 8 r r ~commoda· ,Jog tti : ·latest type of marl e. te 00 b cOJld. d ck, but In th

· ~ c~ltectur~ with heJ" nameea the Imm dla vicinity t heir pu lie ~ old "Newfoundland" . ot the ,Allan r oo ms. on this d ek t here. re

· .. t

. .

I •



. . . .

Line, wblcb, back . In the elgh l ·al 0 .to be found lley , bakery. • u ed to ply during the win t r In ulat Jj stor . etc. betw . n . HallIU nd . S · To nt r Lbe !Jrst cl dining John • commanded by Capt. M • om ts 'o. ·gp~ into a · .Pill nee. It llu . boo we e II the m r -J ha its lls In ~0 k, turned nd

. deck s~ ce, the lnaAiequate- 11t te- wax d, columns y.·lt h carved caps room • the narro and carv d "Eagl •· nrl bments, .berths, the ~utry dining sat on , and allo cnrv d drop a · uro ald 8

and -the n~ty 1!1 lllng o~~ lamps; of th do rw '. Th' . · ting and compare lhem ~th th . up- . accommod-atlon Ii dlv ld-!d p at app.ofntments or th n 'v ny lllall t bl . · • ll,ner, w marvel at the ·wo~~er!o .Two · thr ·way tUgJft stalrcruies trarus!orma ion ~~!ch ha8 tak n b tw en th npp r, ·brldg and pla~. · . # boat d cks ar arrang d wlth oak _ J n th e .old days , tb com rort or pao IJrng throughout. the travel "Id not receive the Full con ldet tlo , sam e con lder\llon I · do In glv [i .,' o the e cl nt


, . the e 'mod~rn tl~es , when p ti . · llgh In . h allng, &D hlpl>lng m vies wl h anotl)_er ld ter 8YSt ms, and e com·

In comp ting fo r be good wtn f/ ro,r t .o!'"'th e pasaeng rs Is cat r d the travelln public. fof\ ln ev rx ay. · The bea tn g-

That this ha be n one of · sys om11 r e sp cl lly ,arrang d tl> Important !eatur s ln bull n --or t lb rigours or a North At· the " Newfoundland," mus • h • lanUc s rvl ce. · . appar nt to all who have ln ,The bolds and "tween declul ed .her, u the follQwlng c pt ghoul .the el are 1pechi l· fro , t h Joornal -0! Com·met'c Jy · ariged for gral t raris);'or , will ·show: · . . nd two ot the 't.w e (\eek spacee

"With due appreclaUon ot the are tnsulat d. · ~ Umt she Is· dealgned tor t he. The propelling tnacblnerr ' is of

· s6r'Vtce wl;lleb ·connects Liverpool 1 the tnglo s crew reclprocatll'lg 1 • • nd ewtoundlaod, lb 11.der quadruple xpanelon t)'l}e 6,5S"b

.• ba-ve. bestowed gre t ain• on t.b.p., d lgn ~to IY~ B constanj . .' the make-up gen <rally. al}d ee- B'\"erage speed of -1 knots at s~ !aJ ( ton on ·ha b en <ievoted · o wlih he vesa 1 fulh• lad n. ' Ste m the "structur · at the · forwar,d end ls. upplled ' by flve slngl€H?nd

. to ena.bte • lt to wi t hstand the e· cylind r ical boll rs H th verfL condlllons o!ten met with in How~ n forced ug

e Nort . Atlantic. - · an'd a rrdnged to burn . . . • . . ume time I ·has a s tate- or ol •

· · Jy appearance; · convi ying th .lm· . On r ~oya 6 aero • th w t· _' _tireafilon at ()DC& of 1 bappy com· rn ocean, t h " Newfou.ndland" • bin on or trengtb and beairty. av ag lf 'knot.- , ;eacblnJP; S . · , Tb~ pr~1pal ' dlmen Ions ar~ Jobn"s . n · 6 days fr.oln Li · rpooJ.· Length ovetall .' .. ·. . .. 423 te t ,_ engers, · ot wbom there

.· :Cength tl>et'W.ebn ,Pert ndlc- .. · -w .rll- 70 on, board, )lfere enthual· ars .•. · . •• ~ • . • , •.. 40S teet aaUC' ovei the c(>mfort. ·a-pe ' net

tb moul\fed • :1 • ~6 tt. ·3 Jn. _ service .ot h"e new llnel'' ; awd we ~ .,. ... + r ~ ~ "'- - r .. ...;..

-~ .

bar c land"

... .. .

• , " . . told th g • r 130 Fur-

• ••

dland· Go Railw~y ~··

e nm •

. ..


. .

•• • . ... . .

STEAMSHIP S.BR VICES , 8. 8. Arate • s. $ . . Mal. uosr B. 8. OJ.jde. •

... •

- Piao U• Ba.7 on VII~ Ba:r otr D m · Bay 1 '

8. 8. Bottle • S. 8. Glencc>e • 8. 8. 1<1••· -.

· .. --


--· \ltn rtnout.b and, Battle Jn', r nUa aocl Port aux ~cau .. Ol'tb SYdn,_17 and Port au . B quea (Trl-w .. tl1) · _

S. 8. Ba ona -S . . S. ProapjU:O

- -' Llibro.dor Sorvlce • - - . St. J bn'1 to ok'• Harbour

c:: .. ====================== •

.-- ~ -- .--.., .


Dornlnlou ·<i' IAo

n QJ Lb J w I t plr · ro1 n ;

our to

rll · I.

D nr to th "h r t HrH1\l 11 h 'ti grown ;

fount In nd fo r st , 11 1sblnt• lid RDOW .

A llmnt" to mnk1 t~ r.-J hloo ll fl O\ ; -

P Ill •d by ·wo1 or lh hull-dog br , •

Hom u nd l EJmpl r • th Ir r-o od s er d. ..... ...

o n th ' y or th n · h r pr 11 •lJI go

T th _Moth r "'o unt y wh o n ·d . th m BO'; ·

And In r urn, y, t 1 I! " nt

h g dll t b r 'c.ll ony.

net rn ay llls v h 11 m

l wh tch II' nra * t Jl' f I r 1 nd, a proud Jnnd, u

laPd. f m · , s f ly t rnv r11 th old • a n k' rd 11 nd r r de tor ull

b r d ys , ;

Wedding B 11 ... l ELLY

plac nL ' llttondRI , · v nln, Jun

__ ,... .R 0 Ll


W und rtta itbat at a meet.­Ing or tb Rallwa.1 Comml to h 1 It Sa Untay Ct r OOD a Con~ tract aa clo 4 -wltb lbe Oanotl .COmvany, of St. Jobn, •. .wb r by ll old 11' no•

n talte-n from the track be1mie tar 1lTUl


· \Vlt.t : " I hink. you · ml ht t Jk .OJll ·1111 . l w . ., • -

lln 11h 11 : " \\lhy don't )' 11 I lo II whll .r ad?''-L. A N . El m ployt• 11 ' In 11.11 •

El E "l"lN 1

fl trl'ti · " \\'hy lo 't you llgbt h Ort T" '

.t Id : " Hu nn th ro ln ' t no o I.' '

U.11l r Hll: " \Vby didn ' t. yo l t ln kn ow b1•toro ?"

~1n.J d " IJ us w • d 11om l111toro "-Pu n· h. -

\\' F,f,J,.. llJAHN f) U. ~

"F' llow cl lz fl ll," Ill th 01111-d ld Lt. " I hu f ought n ln1t tho lndln 1 • h v ore n b d no h •tl hut h ~ b ti ~ tt ld 111d n <'n or. h t th tt k)' . J b v m rch d v .- tn troz n rot 11d i Ill v ry 11 t p h a b n mark <l wft h bloo . ''

HI ·· Lory took l till & drl (} • . up lookl nM ot r m to lb rr ni. .

: ·1 ·11 nouah -1\ncl

b r t 1- ·

• 'fll"- It 1'01 EltA'l'OB"

n r us· Id J,lldy ( u1in1 p y • l tlou l lopl\on ror tbe ftrat

llm : "A you ' b n 10 nteo nnd tl n Iv , my. d r, I'tn pu.t-lng BJ1 tra nl k I In th box ror

yours "lC. "--B •ton T~unaQrJpt.

. . fAJO , 0 JT y

JOJ< 0

• J>U


I h t : .. "l 'm go ng h n you com out


w t r : " Ha.-hat 1·m ()Ut. l'm om It.Un#


' . .. . .



- '•

.. II-



• \


Page 4: • r • • -J ' " ' r ... I r ,, ' • I ... I ! " • • •' • • .. • ·. )

Codes ~

· AB c 5th Edition · · • Oc'kn Oolpl' 8t ~en ·

P11een19P". aDct . 8(a1lce • -.... _.. ltl"

Boston, ..:aautu, St. J obn•a, · ll!ld _ Ll?er~or, ~i.:

and: ProCiuce '°1., Ltd - .s. Batbem t:rob-~ .Jill¥ J ftd. from· Bo8t.Qn ' n ~3

(and ·a'bout everr l hre& eek > Steamers ~ail fl'om-PJe

,:Hooea<l T\lnnel poet. -. . .,. Ne\.,foundtand • •

. '

. . ..-./ .

' • •


. Fo~ J\atea arid Intotmallon App •• - . .: .... FUR 88 WJTHf & •00. ' ..

to Sta. e Stfeet T 1. Con~s I.600

· ~ .. · j.ts.s1 .1".~El'.tN .. to ""'·-·~...... ·. . I'_ HALI PA.X, N. S. · ~d St. -10il.N S .. ._. F. . ·-·~ .... ,L,,.,.ar'""' t lea m ei; j q. r eg,\,\.l ar_· s e t c e

L11xurl<JU&l .avptslnt d • "'-. • ' .,5660 Ton lsolaeement·

l<'ro1n iJo ton :July 16 nnd...215 anll . . Ev ry Ten .))ajr: · Th reaftcr

· teamer l-0ad at Army Base Pier, · · B-0ston

. - . l 1 N E ( Hll~-L , t t:l Stat , tre •t, ton< !\fas .



BUWBS. " .

T tenhon ongr s 360 or any au.thorlz d Tourts t or Tick t • • A.g ncy , THS MARRIAGES •n t>ral Ol·, OT '~a!J t., ·

. HO: N~ l ~~ . .; h: ~y ·.: ·M )NSO ·. d "'Verde, on June 19 th , J ohn Ho- STEAMSHIP LINES gan, aged 60. · . - ,/

RY - t 'Drl nlLy oir-' Jun

.SOPlaB.-At· the Community Ital, lnthrop, Masa.. on

Sue 18th, a Nil to · r. and ra. WUUe • SDper; formerly o! New-

. fotpt.dland. ·


27 h, atherln , ·WI te or .H nd C nstabJ John R an : uged 61. . -

• 1 • MAllRIAGE ; . .. ·· FARQUHAR

• J •

STEAMSHIP COMfl.A~IES HA~tPTON-A ER.Y-On . Jul N T hn' N F HaUfn , . . - t. .. o s, • . a d . 2nd-at the '.P r on O[ tb - .

WU· rrtethodlat E plscop I Cbur h. 19 Pa.seen t and Fr lght Serv.lce

Kin rawell, De­S&rab 'BlancHte, 0, Steele, or . St.

0 age t., G,ambr ldg' . i tl 8 - STEEL·~ STEA'·ER Lydia ·A.very to ~alter rC nip on . • . IYJ · . ...

,.N6"f!lnndla1ld Pal) rs pl as copy. SABLE I.


- • VEL£JG - TOMS \VIII all tron\ Pl ; l. Eaet Boston •

Of--,4t, Pett)' Harbor on rs. .lane Kearn, aged

' ,..._At St. John's on. June amale, Jdow or . the l ,

KellJ'. agecl 12.

BURK- .. A St. Jacquea · 011· 11ne IJnd, Teresa: wife o Th aa Gl' .. -

. . PIKB-At t.

lia• tfth,· llldltb, Pike, aged 82.

Bona vis

Gawrence on wile or Da

Notes., - ' .

Al Grand F.alls on J u11 ' 2nd;. atbanle velelgh of Trinity to· barlot~e .M. 'I' ma ot Carbon n.r . , R - ~ORE--< . At -

bonea.~ on .ttibe l '1-lb, arg r t, daugfiter of M nCl Mr~, ·Thoma M.oor ot ar .o ar, t H llt'J' McDonal ea.rn, ot the Weste t

nlon , able St.aft of New York . TEEt,,E - HI~COCK-Al t.

John 's on June 25th, ybll. dnugh­ter of Mr. and Mt . J~. Hlsco k, o S. Rio hard teele, {.beth .t St.

John's.' · ... . / .. ' ~ :J

Hymeneal. /

AVERY-1-lA t P T N . . C. Bio t went lo. Sum- • A v ry pretly ,ye(}dlng took

me lie o · esday, to dedicate pl ace nt Orace l\le tbod lsl Epl co-the n Ahh dist Church recent- ., p · · • · b ltl · · t ly com gt7e°d there The con- i•a ar, onag • am r i; &' •• ns ... ai.-uctlon' work' on this church . 00 the V olng O[ Jti ly d, lhC

oontr ctlng pa Ll s b In Lydia started early lD the spring nd 8 very, rorm erly of · Drown11J nl , no read,. for worship. • T. B., nd Wa lte r Hampton , for­

On Wednesday . a la&t· .week: merly o . Bona \'l ta, Hu rt Wblftln. bf the . Cape Tll brid . whQ wore a pr. tty Shore met with a painful accJ- ~ eddln gown or ' hit er p d .dent. . He was era: ktn bl mo- • chin and a I ng v II of .wbltr> toi:~nglne wh'en .hi ban came in tull . carried a how r bouqu t contact th t wheel and as a . of whit . ro e and fern . H r result ·bis W1'lst was oki!n., , He mnld . f honor was . tlss !\tnud

111 likely lose a montl(s fl blog Whitten a nd th little flower .girl owing to · th · acc\dent. We . h was Lizzie Brown. ' Th gr orb ·s him a speedy recovety. lfroth r wa b 'm . .-

- Sergt. "" rdlner went lo S . ·11

ft r tthh . cberld~louy Jobn'e . by Weaneadayia train ' on age, · · r part and retu~ned Monday tnornlng ac- reception nt 14 Howard companied by ?lire. Gardiner wbo' brldg · ' · bad b I Th o preiten s w r num roua

For Rates nd Partlcul&rs ,.. . P 1.,v . o. _

Iii ::_. lll.').iDI~ ' , Inc.. gen :io en · a( St .. Boston, Mas.8.

Telephon Congreas Ol-21 . . •

RED CIJOSS LINE Regular WettJtlY Paa8eQger _and

Frelgbt . S-e1"V1ce between NEW YORK-HAI.JFAX • . NOV&·


' Steamers san ·trom New York. and St. Job.n's Saturdays; trom Hall­

tax Tueadaya_ ,. BOWR G ·& OQ 4NY• Ag ot.11 1 7 Batte!)' Pl c~. New Y rk City

I '.!0 Mil Toi

St.l'o t Boston lain .1167 ...


ur~ T N ttOrU ) I and

Cf 1' ~.ellor La " Tr em Street Boston

. een v siting )ler home In an beautiful .and wer& vld 'n Kelltgrews. . · •

• 1 l ' {he popularlly or th young -- - Some fi sh ~as jigged around coupl e. The -groom's pr Iii rit to

Stone--1 Ian on Monday, some the brld wa • a · tutndson e gold boa~& 88 Urlng> , &S UlUCh as lWO • Wrist Vatch and O the maid Of qufnLals: • honor a signet rl~. N wtoi'1nd-

·The P.u.ity a.:rl\'.~ rrom Port . land papere '1>l sec ~.--Com . Union , with· salt lot th.e F. P. u. · Th e We kly joins in wishin g

~~ ~aln 424 l

• ·Store on· Mon(lay.. We were j;Jad Mr and _ ?!fr!! Hampton many ,. , • to see SldJ1per T-0m ·Rideout at th& e ,,.. ot ·edd h~pp l n e .

helm aga\n : Th tore requiTes~ 'f..-':>L--.---L~-.!.,r".J~!...:·_~:____:_..,...:~::-"--1'1-:--_:....-l.:.:-----four m~r.e Joa· tp sjpply the d -mands · of t sbennen. . .. · The JI'. • .u. tore here, ts de-

. log a- e la.J: r trade tbnn iast ' · yea!. t he.a been round neces-sary . enlarge, th tt premises and a· new · ,measurl~g 60x2 6

., . -. "· • teet h&s .Juirt b omplete<t. . . . . " . ,,




We. regret to r ecord th d a ti from pal'ilyals -in Ja nuary last, of

· one <>f Ou• most respected rest­dents. In the t>eraon of John Hub· b . Mr. Hebbard 'Ya& . 7! year8

ld, · hnd bee an lnvalf11• to ' a n,u r· o He left to mo6rn t e loss two so"Qs. Fred or- th police fprc.e St. J'obn'a an~ JOf!6Ph wprktn.i In the> F. P. u:· Store here. One . dau~hter s -vfves, Mr~ : J9se·p~ W\y at home. -INshermen's '.Ad ate . . .. .

' J . : ' ~ -


Should Subscrib

Ne\\llotindlan 52 Cop.ies for $~ ~00.

,. .r--· -Ne\rtol.lndland Publishing Co., . '

120 Milk St ... 'Boston. -Mass. . . •

. irs:-t-4 4 "' • •

·I wi h ·to,-;ubscribe to your p~per. an erewlth e:tclose subs~ri tlOD for <?D~ yeaf" from·. Cltl'fent issue. ..




WHE , Ts; ANGLERS and ' SPORTSMEN -.r · n · catony bring with them oam~ iu~:

"'.Dl utn touting Gear, Ftr~ &114 :Ammunl- • • , I o, • oanoes and Implements. they shall be ·&clmlttecl ..

~n · · e tollo log eondttlona:~ •• • . , • >

, . ' O!ft qual to t e.duty sllaU be taken on sue artic::z u

._.l'fl,r .. ~ ~. lcycle , Trouthlg poles, Ftre-q-m11, Tent.a. · · oee, ' .cf t- equ;tp.age. receipt (N-0. l') according to th• torm

a a "' shall be gtven t .of the deposit an e .»artlcutara of he alcles shall be not~ Jn the rec;elpt aa w~l1 u ln the .

to l'l)al c eques: Recet,pt No. 2 Jf taken a~ an outport otnce aJJ~~l>'e .m Jled at. once -directed to t Alillatant Collector, St . .Jln's, l! tnken in SL. John's the Receipt No: I shall be sent to tll Landing Surveyor. · . . · · • . - . .

• U n the departure from · the Colony or. the Toi:trlat; Angler or r man; h may· obtaJn a refund of .th& deJIPaft. by· pre­seoi:mg Ute nrtl at the Port of Exit and banng tftm com­~ wltt.i the receJpt. The Examining Offtcer sb&ll inltlal oq the r . s ul of bis xamlnatl<?n .and upon ~rreot- ·.

being ascertain d he refu.nd mny be mf!de. · .. ~ -No gro.c:eries; · · ed gobds, ' , plrlts or provl.alons ..of .

nny ktnd wUl l>e· admttfed tree and 11'0 deposit rtJr. a refund "1nS.Y ~ be la en upon such arMcles. · . ,

- • -- + .,.

· H. W. LeMESSURIER - . L •

Deputy Mints.ter ot Custoµla. C STObt HOUSB . " . ,

St. John's, Newroundlan~. Mar-Oh. 1926. ' ..

• . .


• •



,. _________________ ...... __ _,, ____________________ ..,,. __________ ~


• •

7 3 Tremoo·t St re t , Boston, Ma s. v M~nthly 1 to $40

Inter t compounded quarterly at 5 J,i 0;0 • Tax Exempt

Pariticulara tladly turn! h~ ' .

WILLIAM T. H. SALTER · Member Board ot Dire tors

OE '

Rnve you thought atiout i t lately? ~Y watt • to be ap­proached? No man .with de­P ndenta can aJrord NOT to carry · life Insurance. ·

Slart· a.nd provide OW fof · yo'1r wife and those little bll· dro~: Let a Newfoundlander

' -help you to iecnre \bat prot.e ,tlon you want your fainlly to bave wbea you are ·.no longer with th~m. '

EQ1r1And utaal IDS. Oo. \ .


Room ~6 120 Ilk Stre t Boston,

Special RepresentaUve Telephone atn 1167 -

e1Jf oundlan4 O&nce14 under auaplc-. of Mr. J. Denna4_r. 8"17 tur4a7 and lloll4 J' •tenlDI,

· Bacon Ban, l Bull 'Unioll S.uare. Bomenllle.

• Popnltii.llit':,11.t

·T.:.U. fiGa ule rea4.,.il ·



-The Eastern Drug Co.,

, . •


are 6JllW bottHn_g

MUNN'S ·Newfoundland·, Cod Live Oil

. .Tell . you! druggist to

· order dir ct from tf\em and get the genuine­

. - ·article. •


Newfoundland Travel • Rail or ~at ·

Tickets · an'd · Staterooms Mumon Line·

Red Cro11 Line furneu.Withy

ecur eservatlons and Uc ts from ·


J • • -



. ,



-· 105-1 7: RIVE STR..;_

CAMBRIDGE .. usv Rece.I ed-::

• • opp1)1 Oai>llit ..

o. ·1 Labrador Codfish o. · 1 B ater11 )

Fancy B rbados Molall!iu-+.....:.J . . Io Stock-

Caplin, Co ed Beef, Bard· Bl'ead; Excursion, Colfee and Lemon

· Bl.llcuJt.s P rtrlµge Bernes· Bake Apple ' -

Mall and T&lepbon.e .Orden1 shipped wllhln 24- .

Tele_pflorie, Porter 1391 • •

:---------------.• 11.&BBOR


beauuw half-tone • • • · engraving of the flneet .

hM"bo in the wo'rld • ?- .,

A Uml number tor aale

PRJC .. C1llNT8 P tage·& Centi ·


,../ I

, i

• •


