of -J'ndiacgwb.gov.in/INTRA-CGWB/Circulars/CVV.pdf · k ^ y ik inkt?^j kkM i ih k k y | ^ iinh^h m...

4?o -33004/99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 (Lhc (Babette of -J'ndia srarorm EXTRAORDINARY TFT II— <s(u^ 3—-'304 -<30-5 (ii) PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii) 'cnfèrenr £ yrnfÿra _____________________________ PUBLISHED DY AUTHORITY _____________________________ R. 1763J Tf fevît, RmdR, 3J5 17, 2019/^te 27, 1941 No. 1763] NEW DELHI, MONDA Y, JUNE 17, 2019/JYAISTHA 27, 1941 3t R <^4 4 l 14 *jp, 2019 TT.3IT. 1972(31).— TTpifà, RftUTT ^ 3Dpà[? 77 ^ ’Tor? (3) 5T7J TPTcT TT ^ft^T TTp |pT iTTTT TTTTT (4ïï7f-3TT^r) f^DT, 1961 TT 3ffT m ftîR TTTT % frpT f% W TTIT) % 3Püf^:- 1. (1) p f d T H i TT TTT TTCïï *KT>K (TT!f-31RTT) <ftïï Tl) M4 IR 4 ï TT^rtïPT f^DT, 2 0 1 9 |l (2) ^ çjcci T°pcT I 2. TRcT H '4.0 (TT7f-3TTTT) fTTT, 1961 T,- (1) T4T SPJTpft #,- (47 ) "1. rp R>rm tttpt wttt " ?fhfo ^ àrtfp, "(iii) h13ftr tirft f W r gr-sf^r, 3jfa "(iv) HcHIMMd f^TFT" TT T i r f%TT TTDpT; (W) "94141. TT oi<4 3frr <-4-°tSdl H4 M 4" ?ft^Tî TT "Tm f%TT TTipT; (T) "13. f r r ttttt " sF tttt 3frr ttt srtfp tt - sW tt % tsttt , PtyfàHsid ?FNt 7 tît TTTTTfTT f%TT Tfrrni _ 3T4tïï:- "13 t . TsrTTTT # r 'i^V \ rfvTPRT (i) HcHPIMd R'HMI (ii) TTJTFHd a fp fTWI";

Transcript of of -J'ndiacgwb.gov.in/INTRA-CGWB/Circulars/CVV.pdf · k ^ y ik inkt?^j kkM i ih k k y | ^ iinh^h m...

4?o -33004/99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

(Lhc (Babetteof -J'ndias ra ro rm


TFT II— <s(u 3—-'304 -<30-5 (ii)PART II—Section 3— Sub-section (ii)

'cnfèrenr £ yrnfÿra

_____________________________ PUBLISHED DY AUTHORITY _____________________________

R. 1763J Tf f e v î t , Rm dR, 3J5 17, 2 0 1 9 /^ te 27, 1941No. 1763] NEW DELHI, MONDA Y, JUNE 17, 2019/JYAISTHA 27, 1941

3t R <^4 4 l

14 *jp, 20 1 9

TT.3IT. 1972(31).— TTpifà, RftUTT ^ 3D pà[? 77 ^ ’Tor? (3) 5T7J TPTcT TT ^ft^T T T p |pT iTTTT

TTTTT (4ïï7f-3TT^r) f^DT, 1961 TT 3ffT m f t î R TTTT % frpT f% W TTIT) % 3Püf^:-

1. (1) p f d T H i TT TTT TTCïï *KT>K (TT!f-31RTT) <ftïï Tl) M4 IR 4 ï TT^rtïPT f^DT, 2 0 1 9 | l

(2) ^ çjcci T°pcT I

2. TRcT H '4 .0 (TT7f-3TTTT) fTTT, 1961 T ,-

(1) T 4 T SPJTpft # ,-

(47) "1. r p R>r m t t t p t w t t t " ? fh fo ^ à r tfp , "(iii) h1 3ftr t i r f t f W r g r - s f ^ r ,

3jfa "(iv) HcHIMMd f^TFT" TT T i r f%TT TTDpT;

(W) "94141. TT oi<4 3frr <-4-°tSdl H4 M 4" ?ft^Tî TT "Tm f%TT TTipT;

(T) "13. f r r t t t t t " sFtttt 3frr t t t s r t f p t t -sW tt % tsttt , P ty fàH sid ?FNt 7 t ît

TTTTTfTT f%TT Tfrrni _ 3T4tïï:-

"13 t . TsrTTTT # r 'i^ V \ rfvTPRT


(ii) TTJTFHd a fp fT W I";

I In HP |]n I h K > \\f P ( )k 't ‘P h k y f r j 1+ kl b II? kB lj-ifc.ll L

I kLBikîi i l l y k li\£ & ii J iù J 't jk lk h lk ik ^ i i lS '9

. i tj»h5>Jjk PPM. y^jgàk '9

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i l PI P P ÿ*>fi (4» n y [ j* lk > iy i> i p p ln lkkk i t g ttk l krLtg l b k m e j ^ k £

I klrp^j y jg

k js k k l i t jh ii-M b ity 41^3 P P ^ jk y i te ite±kk° k k l k i k ltek k j k y 'P ln h y ’B i y j ik k lk k ie

y ± £ i j k ( y % k là >p i p y y tn»i> ip p ^ y 'î t i p ‘l y y k k ) P P i h jjifc k y IP ^ h jjtfc ii Z

i j M k y g i e

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y iU li ^ t h j j y h k £ % y P l4>y IPIhPP tk ip y g ik lB -y ^ a h k k k l i t k k i t t iîàk i tk l l k

k ^ y i k inkt?^j k k M i i h k k y | ^ iinh^h m s j y y k p k k k y y ± y ‘i r j y % ■ i

^ u e p j i p k: ^ i y y M t e y m y k i a y k % k k ik j k k k y p y y k l ± y

l-M k

k i n y P M hh-Ph 'i t

frklfcp Q frg kjje k k ih îk h 'k k lh b k h „

-:k ik ie ‘[jritik y k y i t t i t k k i t - y y y ? y y è

- k k ‘y y 'k i f e k * y y ^ j j s y j y y - M t y p k k h i y ? y y * j 2 k i k k k y , (ai)


i k y td h t t ± 8 a j y r , i> . t 8 y y r , y y i j i k i k h . k y y t î u t k k y t k k ' k i y k k , Oü)

^i>biu» i t> y h |p . kt» y a jb [K p ^ ip ib u y y è .,i?p ik p ipwq.pp y ? k k y „ (h)

:iiM iik î t y y k k t i t ^ y K y j ? k y p î k k 'y y ^ - k k „ k ü t y k k ih b iih t y ,

y e ‘k h ijg -k k \} k g i y k k ih îè k y ‘kysie % y y ^ „t?kk -h M k k k k i k y k ii y â „ (i)

- y p k k y y -(z)

u im i k i t y y k t y y è . t k i k h l a t i i k îk k i y p p t^ j j y 'k B ik k k k ' i p m [&)

:„ k i i ty i p ^ p-t y k k y (ü)

iiiy y jx ik > H y k ik k k t y J fp 'P B i k k k k (!)

tp»iPH y j k k k i t 6 l ,

- :y fe k ' [rVilk

b y k y u a y c y y - k k y c y y à p y y p t i j ‘k i is k ^ i t y j s »t?kik h in > i b b l y î k k k e u . (k)

l(H)£ j h s — n 1îsv<]) a h V N ia y o v y x x a : v iq n i j o aiJLH Zvo h h i 7.

I P P B |b i_|k JLMiS^k 6

I Inf-H JfilhK j j k 14P_>* Tè±j ' > H h- M j lib Plh-lty M <kh '8

I -fciiiüt y iË J i P IP 'l^ k l 44 k k lk h lr»> |tp ^ IP P J h ^ ^ 4)4 IP ■ i

I I js P ^ jjP Mtslkh '9

J lHnl» MRÎ<s.h S

l lt\h~g^ >44 ^ h P P |P 9 bP P ^ p P k 4 IP P Ih P frjP P P P b b çj 4 P P lh ]]iît >[k Pftfch b

I ln lf r ^ kb j j i U 41b yhlP 'b l fr4 J M g M ^ P P.lhjJfît 1^ 4jLlLf 'M3ÎÜ;.h S

I M k b j 14k k £ M i JLife i^h lP ^ ll?^ ) M Ü H P'^jP

441k ik ik M : PhlfeAH iteü 141144 H iih ^ y h . 1 ;3 iM i. h P P '4 M l l k P P ih ij i ît 4 4 q p ^ ‘j±t?îèh Z

I 4 I h 4 P P h p j 4 IM Sk

14k p p ^ ite 4 jb jh 'M il 4 M I144 p i i 4 k M lLh lkh 4 J lM i 4 PI-P^J 4 |P |te^ 44 Jteiü 4 Ih (4.4 )h

M ' | 4 4 p ih p p ppih]]>ît Ü 4 p p g ifeü lü i^ -y s h 14k i J ? k i ? 4 4 i m m m è l l k ± &

' I H 4 Q iH 4 P ^ j-M k lnkft4 j k k M k xh M 44 | 44 llflh lh 1X 12 4J444 4 M il ! XÜ44 4 P l^ j M 4M 4 ' l

: | 4ÜÇ P4.P4 4 1 4 ^ 44 4 P IP 44 M ft4 |4 4 n x iit 4 4 1 ^ 4 4 Pt^j 44144

| - M i l

P lk ^ J 144 P P Ih fth 'Ê

1 i h |4 pp prs( 4 ^ h z i


14e inJAiyjs iM 4 44 4 -Î6 h 'in.tip.14 kb 4 M 44^ h i m 4 4 M 14e la k x ii. ' lû k x y i i kb m s y - f i h 1 1.

:4 4 1 k ü 4lM î

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lll-M bt

| h^PP Jib IPPIÜ P p y x ^ j

444 ^ yp^ÿp Pl<b^j P PI h y - ^ h 'jptPhP M M M4444 4 i i M i i t 4 4 4 4 (}l>b^P /jjjn l k jt jM M M 01-

I I n i lb y j ük 4M 4

4 P^IV > p l 41 M i M i 4 4MIJC. ib k lb 1b 4M 1 ib jijM ll IJb '.b lilM l k lb k i b i h 4 4 1! 44 MJ^ M -Jht '6


44 pm ^ j p p 4 ) 1 4 1 k p y p p 4 m 4 4 I . 44 44ܱk- 44-p.ui 44 1x44411 4 l'V Jü j> 'M b y m >444-144

I l-M it

I £pfc 'inPjaP 44PP4IH P [p > lk '8

£ iûimikk '• PhPi> lib uiih [l(!!)C M kl-I! Ldit ]

I l-r-sn (J_h t ? ^ l / In fl h Üh tü n i lb i^ £ IP p y ? iii£; £ R Ikit ^ P ^ P R

Itlilk fik yvfjp .1 Ijv ijnj>i.P PJ •(• U P !ppis J_^î lû ito ii 'bmjfcj Pfe l i t : h 1.^ + XuBlfth f?Ijîl> l

ln>IEtlf> -|

P llt^ j ia f â l l i l l t l t i^ e P lf .^ j 4£J± ‘k f ilim J^ Je ±

,4iMfej± d y te Jâb.,

- k y ü s 'yuXLfc 4£ U y il-U U le ll?^J^)K Ifcsü ityyè

-p p ‘Æ ^yè ‘iajsüa % pysie < p p î b p «fe^ya . .f rH P h in iitu s i^ £ ip p fr,, (ja)

:pfiIm ja> pojè „l?P>lbP '4MU loin,, i h f*!!?■-> ^ J^®lè „l>P>lfch JulSiii

li>jf p p p ^j y>p ' p r i p p ^i^„ 'h \ z ^J^JK ‘pyîip ^ ^ y * „htelfeh.frl.fr fl'gi* 11p. kiLLküe,, (a )

„i w i y m t u

I t^h lh PUyMi y R R ifr£ li|frh f îèP 02

Al -m u

I lüy» if r JfrJ$frh 4 J£ P B ftp 64

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■g yiK- PUPfr

% Il 4fr& 4£ ^ M i ï y^piH 4 p iB ^ y i ± p>ib, 4U i?hfrj p ^ j ^ K yj im y ^ p e :frp£ P ih frfrj

p h p 4ÿ mi> y jfet l i t k k y pj/yp y n M a 144e i m it pfrfthf: iu ^ % 4 45 m u r r


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l ik £ ; P ii Ib ik P )£ R l i t Plfr-fr hfry fr IfrfrJIl^K yèfrM 4£ PRÎèP IlPlU PfrPfrjh y IfrpjlPI-. y è p m '5 1

| ]n>lbfrj Ifr pp>'fr y l?H>

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i j ^ i PiHPig? i t t^ ^ j f tp e t


j ÿ p m y j i ip p ) i ypç p 41 p p: p ni i y i yy^P ig ly .p in 4 id iB yy i p j u i t t i p p n p j p p y p j^ ty

il -mu

' (6S m 0961 ) 0961 ‘.hhiyijjig in/1pyj m i p >.$ y y s p iiersP g|.

1 i u i p |y m u u â yyp ^ liïîèh ' 1 1

l y h lh m y y y y XLUyye f th i^ e P ^ .4 f! 'P 04

,[(!!)£ -IBS— Il xav^l ------------- ------- -

I f jk jH M à M l- 'l i >M £H ZJVMf 0?

I jd k Jnfel^J 1 r> AjU U-1> tu HN>>'h fcJl.

I kJk lH .Infcl ? ^ hits, H ili 81.

I IP P (M J h IM>I» i l

I kc^ k k m P f r pfe^j l lxs b^-.^ -91.

I k k P l t ^ f r [ j ^ *51.

I fJfr k k Pbh fft, H

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I . ( ^ M c k ^ ^ ik lc 6

I P k ^ P

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k ikAH kfe ^M H H H M c J j j i :p^|> Ph J n h ^ k l'h k k frjk .£Jk J.frk-P :kU±àHH k|^Jc 4jiHH H Î> y

icJckjfë P~£P|P ^ ilt 4J:t j t k k jjk jg j kMjHàklhüH i^ £ k H 'H M H ‘HH 'k ^ c H k lk H j iM î ’H P L j

' l^hih ^ lH M y k H £ ^lH|jJ i^ ç lofâi^iS PhP^j k h kLRHÎüC 'iP f r l i i i y^jHfek ‘^ L P ln>lf3 M £

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i î u y j frjh y o k i k k jy k k 4< |Mt l/f y J t k k £

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i i P N 'j h ( ÿ j - k p ^ M J rP h tv ij i/P K - H Pft k£

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i^ £ klèjij iL|JsÜi iU^j ^ i k k fra-lïi ' k P l k ^ i y k i è y P|>PP k P l^ j ln>kft|IK P P jp IJ<P i k k P|^)l> ' [.£

• ^COj Cli liij h ^ i kP |Jr (JP Ic.\£l t 0£

I ( k y k h lk ) ( k > lh ) i k y y è k J i k p fe^J _OK: k k 62

I | 4 k y ? k i k ï i k i k k '8 2

l ^ l k i k h k Ê LZ

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i f i p |J p i p p p ÿ.Z

I ln>krjjJLk ifiPk |J JPhk '22

I J 4 J pTulâk L2

[ WT I1-7^S 3(ii)] ] ■tiïTcT TF3m : SRÏÏtlRUT 7

4. v r^ ft 3fir iii41ui 4Fff éErr ^ ^r?r >jfif Tf^TT^TTraïf 3frr -çfr 7r ïé tREct fè tu iï % tétse # h 4-44 i";

(vii) "cfet Trfrry T, tréf f^ Rrr sfhr tntt Ttrarw e t e t T" ?fhfr; tPTT TH% 3 ?fhT uR fèq 'l TT ttTt f%4T

siTqTrr i

< I H «TTT tÎI R nr;


[TT. TT. 1 /2 1 /7 /2 0 1 9 -t R ]

c r r r ? ! ^ , ïT j r ï ïT r f ^


New Delhi, lhe I4,h June, 2019.S.O. 1972(E).— In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (31 of article 77 of the Constitution. lhe President

herehv mnhes the folhming mlc-. feitliei to ameiiU the Government ol India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961, namely:-1. (I) These rules may be called the Government of India (Allocation of Business) Three Hundred and

Fiftieth Amendment Rules, 2019.(2) They shall corne into force ai once.

2. In the Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961,- ( I ) in THE FIRST SCHEDULE,-

(a) under the heading “ I. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare (Krishi Evam Kisan Kalyan Mantralaya)”. the sub-heading "(ni) Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (Pashupalan aur Dairy Vibhag)” and sub-heading “(iv) Department of Fisheries (Matsyapalan Vibhag)” shall be omitted;(b) the heading “9AA. Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (Peya Jal aur Swachchhata Mantralaya)” shall be omitted;(c) after the heading “ 13. Ministry of Finance (Vitta Mantralaya)” and sub-headings lhereunder, the following heading and sub-headings shall be inserted, namely:-“ I3A. Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying (Matsyapalan, Pashupalan aur Dairy

Mantryalaya)(i) Department of Fisheries (Matsyapalan Vibhag)

(ii) Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (Pashupalan aur Dairy Vibhag)";fd) after the heading “ 19. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (Soochana aur Prasaran

Mantralaya)”, the following heading and sub-headings shall be inserted, namelyt- “ 19A. Ministry of Jal Shakti (Jal Shakti Mantralaya)

(i) Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation (Jal Sansadhan, Nadi Vikas aur Ganga Sanrakshan Vibhag)

(ii) Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation (Peya Jal aur Swachchhata Vibhag)”;(et the heading “41. Ministry of Water Resources. River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation (Jal Sansadhan, Nadi Vikas aur Ganga Sanrakshan Mantralaya)” shall be omitted.



(ili) under the heading “MINISTRY GE ENVIRONMENT, TOREST AND CL1MATE CHANGE (PARYAVARAN, VAN AURJALVAAYU PARIVARTAN MANTRALAYA}”, entries 8 and 8A shall be omitted;(iv) aller lhe heading “MINISTRY OF FINANCE (VITTA MANTRALAYA)" and sub-headings and entries thereunder, the following heading, sub-headings and entries shall be inserted, namely:-



PART IThe following subjects which fall wiihm List I ol the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India:

1. Industries, the control of which by the Union is declared by Parliament by law to be expédient in public interest as far as these relate to development of fish feed and fish products with the limitation that in regard to the development of industries, the functions of the Department of Fisheries do not go further than the formulation of the demand and fixation of targets.

2. Promotion and development of fishing and fisheries (inland, marine and beyond territorial waters) and its associated activities, mcluding infrastructure development, marketing, exports, and institutional arrangements etc.

à. VVellare ul lishermen and other fisher-lolk and strengthening of their livelihoods.4. Liaison and coopération with international organizations in matters relating to fisheries

development.5. Fisheries Statistics.6. Matters relating to loss of fish stock due to natural calamities.7. Régulation of fish stock importation, quarantine and certification.8. Fishery Survey of India, Mumbai.

PART IIThe following subjects which fall within List III of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India (as regards législation only):

9. Prévention of the extension from one State to another of infectious or contagious diseases or pests affecting fish.

10. Pattern of financial assistance to various State Undertakings, Fisheries Development Schemes through State agencies/Co-operative Unions.

PART IIIFor the Union territories the subjects mentioned m parts 1 and II above, so far as they exist in regard to these territories and, in addition, to the lollowmg subjects which fall within List II of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India:

11. Préservation, protection and improvement of fish stocks and prévention of diseases lhereof, veterinary training and practice.


(PASHUPALAN AUR DAIRY VIBHAG)PART IThe following subjects which fall within List 1 of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India:I. Industries, the control of which by the Union ts derlaied by Parliament by law to be expédient in

publie inlerest as Taras these. relate to development ot livestock and biids feed and dairy and poultry products with (lie limitation (liai in regurd to the development of industries, the functions of the Department ot Animal Husbandiy und Üairyiug do not go further than the formulation of the demand and fixation of targets.

Promotion and development of livestock. dairy and poultry and its associated activities. including infrastructure development, marketing, exports and institutional arrangements etc.VVellme of persons ettgagcd in activities relating to livestock, dairy and poultry3.

[ “Il'l II 3(ii)l ] Ml{3 tBI TDFR : 0T7CT*tKul 9

4. Liaison and coopération with international organizations in matters relating to livestock and poultry development.

5. Livestock Census.6. Livestock Statistics.7. Matters relating to loss of livestock due to natural calamines. '8. Régulation of livestock importation, animal quarantine and certification.9. Gaushalas and Gausadans.10. Matters relating to pounds and cattle trespass.I I Prévention of cruelty to animais.12. The Prévention of Cruelty to Animais Act, I960 (59 of 1960).

PART IIThe following subjects which tall within List III of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India (as regards législation only):

13. Profession of veterinary practice.14. Prévention of the extension from one State to another of infectious or contagious diseases or pests

affecting animais and birds.15. Conversion of indigenous breeds; introduction and maintenance of Central Herd Books for

indigenous breeds of livestock16. Pattern of financial assistance to various State Undertakings, Dairy Development Schemes through

State agencies/Co-operative Unions.PART III

For the Union territories the subjects mentioned in parts I and 11 above, so far as they exist in regard to these territories and, in addition, to the following subjects which fall within List 11 of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India:

17. Préservation, protection and improvement of stocks and prévention of diseases of animais and birds, veterinary training and practice.

18. Courts of Wards.19. Insurance of livestock and birds.

PART IV20. Matters relating to cattle utilisation and slaughter.2 1. Fodder development.”

(v) under the heading “MIN1STRY OF HOUSING AND URBAN AFFAIRS (AWASAN AUR SHAHARI KARYA MANTRALAYA)". in the entry 21, for the words ‘‘Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation”. the words “Ministry of Jal Shakti” shall be substituted;(vi) after the heading ‘‘MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING (SOOCHANA AUR PRASARAN MANTRALAYA/ and the entries thereunder, the following heading, sub-headings and entries shall be inserted, namely:-

“MINISTRY OF JAL SHAKTI (JAL SHAKTI MANTRALAYA)A. DEPARTMENT OF VVATER RESOURCES, RIVER DEVELOPMENT AND GANGA REJUVENATION (JAL SANSADHAN, NADI VIKAS AUR GANGA SANRAKSHAN VIBHAG)I. GENERAL1. Development, conservation and management of water as a national resource; overall national perspective of water planning and coordination in relation to diverse uses of water and interlinking ofri vers

2. Nationul Wutcr Resuuices Council.3. General policy, technical assistance, research and development training ami ail matters relating to irrigation, including mulii-purpose, major, medium, minor and etiicigency irrigation works, hydraulic soudures lor navigation and hydro-powei, tube wells and groundwater exploration and exploitation’ protection and préservation ol giuund water resource s: conjonctive use of surface, and ground waiet, miguikm toi agiieuliural purposes, water management, command area development; management of


réservoirs and réservoir sédimentation; flood (control) management, drainage, drought proofing, water logging and sea érosion problems; dam safety.4. Régulation and development of inter-State rivers and river valleys. Implémentation of Awards of Tribunals through Schemes, River Boards.5. Water laws, législation.6. Water quality àssessment.7. Cadre control and management uf the Central Water Engineering Services (Group A).II. IN TE R N A T IO N A L ASPECTS

8. International organisations, commissions and conférences relating to water resources development and management, drainage and flood control.9 International Water Law.

10. Matters relating to rivers common to India and neighbouring countries; the Joint Rivers Commission with Bangladesh, the Indus Waters Treaty I960; the Permanent Indus Commission.11. Bilateral and external assistance and coopération programmes in the field of water resources development.III. ORGANISATIONS AND BODIES UNDER THE DEPARTMENT12. Central Water Commission.13. Central Soit and Materials Research Station.14 Central Grountlu ater R nard15. Central Ground Water Authority.16. Central Water and Power Research Station.17 Farakka Barrage Project.18. Ganga Flood Control Commission.19. Farakka Barrage Project Control Board.20. Sardar Sarovar Construction Advisory Committee21 Brahmaputra Board.22 Narmada Control Authority.23. Betwa River Board.24 National Institute of Hydrology.25. National Water Development Agency.26. Bansagar Control Board.27. Tungabhadra Board.28. Upper Yamuna River Board.29. Water and Power Consultancy Services (India) Ltd (WAPCOS).30. National Projects Construction Corporation Limited71 National Ganga River Basin Authority including the Mission Directorate. National Mission for Clean Ganga and other related matters of Ganga Rejuvenation.32 Conservation, development, management and abatement of pollution of rivers.33. National River Conservation Directorate.

IV. ADMINISTRATION OF ACTS34. The Northern India Canal and Drainage Act. 1873 (8of 1873).35. The Inter-State River Water Disputes Act. 1956 (33 of 1956)..76. The River Boards Act, 1956 (49 of 1956).37. The Betwa River Board Act, 1976 (6.7 of 1976).38 The Brahmaputra Board Act, 1980 (46 of 1980).


I. Rural water supply (subjecl to overall national perspective of water planning and coordination assigned

[ •RFI H-Tgqg 3(ii)]] ■RTO TTI TREEl : 3TOIWOT 1 1

to the Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation), sewage, drainage and sanitation relating to rural areas; International coopération and technical assistance in this field.2. Public coopération, including matters relating to voluntary agencies in so far as they relate to rural water supply. sewage, drainage and sanitation in rural areas.3. Co opératives relatable to the items in this list.4. Coordination with respect to matters relating to drinking water supply projects and issues which cover both urban and rural areas.”;(vii) the heading “MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES, RIVER DEVELOPMENT AND GANGA REJUVENATION (JAL SANSADHAN, NADI VIRAS AI.JK GANGA SANRAKSHAN MANTRALA Y A)” and the entries thereuiulcr shall be oniinetl


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