J P - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/indianspringsbaptistchurch...1 Feb. 26 2 June 5 Month. 6...

G GL LE EN NW WO OO OD D C CA AM MP PU US S S ST TA AF FF F D Dr r. . T Ti ig ge er r B Br ro oo ok ks s Campus Pastor P Pa ai ig ge e B Br ro oo ok ks s Minister of Music Glenwood Campus L Ly yn nd dy y D Da av v i is so on n Preschool & Childrens Coordinator Glenwood Campus R Ry ya an n L Lo ov ve el l a ac ce e Student Minister Glenwood Campus M Me el l i is ss sa a S Sh he er rf f e ey y Administrative Assistant M MA AI IN N O OF FF FI IC CE E 3 32 25 5 H Hi i l l l l R Ro oa ad d K Ki in ng gs sp po or rt t , , T TN N 3 37 76 66 64 4 G Gr re eg g S St t r r i in ng gf f i ie el ld d Executive Pastor D Dr r. . D Da av v i id d P Ph hi i l l l l i i p ps s Pastoral Care Pastor D Dr r. . B Bo ob b J Jo on ne es s Associate Pastor T To od dd d K Ki ir rk k Family Life Pastor D Da an ni i e el l P Pr re es st t o on n Student Pastor J Ja am me es s E Ea at t o on n Creative Director L Li in nd da a P Pa at t t t e er rs so on n Financial Administrator K Ka ay ye e P Po oi ir r i ie er r Receptionist Dr. Roc Collins Senior Pastor Dr. Tiger Brooks Glenwood Campus Pastor O On ne e C Ch hu ur r c ch h H Hi i l l l l R Ro oa ad d C Ca am mp pu us s G Gl le en nw wo oo od d C Ca am mp pu us s 2 21 14 4 H Hi i l l l l R Ro oa ad d 2 26 60 01 1 E Ea as st t C Ce en nt t e er r S St t r re ee et t K Ki i n ng gs sp po or rt t , , T TN N 3 37 76 66 64 4 K Ki in ng gs sp po or r t t , , T TN N 3 37 76 66 64 4 T Tw wo o L Lo oc ca at t i i o on ns s JESUS PRAYSLUKE 22:39-46 DR. TIGER BROOKS GLENWOOD CAMPUS PASTOR F FE EB BR RU UA AR RY Y 1 1 4 4, , 2 20 01 16 6

Transcript of J P - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/indianspringsbaptistchurch...1 Feb. 26 2 June 5 Month. 6...

Page 1: J P - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/indianspringsbaptistchurch...1 Feb. 26 2 June 5 Month. 6 July 5 2015 special lunch. If you work with &/or Please sign RESCHOOL & CHILDREN’S



SSTTAAFFFF DDrr.. TTiiggeerr BBrrooookkss

CCaammppuuss PPaassttoorr

PPaaiiggee BBrrooookkss MMiinniisstteerr ooff MMuussiicc

GGlleennwwoooodd CCaammppuuss

LLyynnddyy DDaavviissoonn PPrreesscchhooooll && CChhiillddrreenn’’ss

CCoooorrddiinnaattoorr –– GGlleennwwoooodd CCaammppuuss

RRyyaann LLoovveellaaccee SSttuuddeenntt MMiinniisstteerr

GGlleennwwoooodd CCaammppuuss

MMeelliissssaa SShheerrffeeyy AAddmmiinniissttrraattiivvee AAssssiissttaanntt


KKiinnggssppoorrtt,, TTNN 3377666644

GGrreegg SSttrriinnggffiieelldd EExxeeccuuttiivvee PPaassttoorr

DDrr.. DDaavviidd PPhhiilllliippss PPaassttoorraall CCaarree PPaassttoorr

DDrr.. BBoobb JJoonneess AAssssoocciiaattee PPaassttoorr

TToodddd KKiirrkk FFaammiillyy LLiiffee PPaassttoorr

DDaanniieell PPrreessttoonn SSttuuddeenntt PPaassttoorr

JJaammeess EEaattoonn CCrreeaattiivvee DDiirreeccttoorr

LLiinnddaa PPaatttteerrssoonn FFiinnaanncciiaall AAddmmiinniissttrraattoorr

KKaayyee PPooiirriieerr RReecceeppttiioonniisstt

Dr. Roc Collins Senior Pastor

Dr. Tiger Brooks

Glenwood Campus Pastor

OOnnee CChhuurrcchh

HHiillll RRooaadd CCaammppuuss GGlleennwwoooodd CCaammppuuss

221144 HHiillll RRooaadd 22660011 EEaasstt CCeenntteerr SSttrreeeett KKiinnggssppoorrtt,, TTNN 3377666644 KKiinnggssppoorrtt,, TTNN 3377666644

TTwwoo LLooccaattiioonnss



FFEEBBRRUUAARRYY 1144,, 22001166

Page 2: J P - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/indianspringsbaptistchurch...1 Feb. 26 2 June 5 Month. 6 July 5 2015 special lunch. If you work with &/or Please sign RESCHOOL & CHILDREN’S

SPECIAL WELCOME TO OUR GUESTS … We would like an opportunity to meet you and share about the ministries of our church. Please join me in the Parlor immediately following the morning worship service. - - -Dr. Tiger Brooks


GLENWOOD CAMPUS Isbckidsatgc.blogspot.com

Volunteers in Preschool – TODAY

9:00 AM: Nursery – Jordan & Abby Weaver, Volunteer Needed

10:00 AM: Nursery – Kaylee Farmer, Volunteer Needed

11:00 AM: Babies – Kelly Cheshier, David Bridges,

Reba Thompson

2 & 3 Yr Olds – Katie McPhink, Rachael Carter

4 Yr Olds – Matt Davison, Michele Brashears

6:00 PM: Danielle Osborne, Cait Brashears

We have a few extra spots to go with us to CentriKID

Camp. We can take one more boy and two girls. A

$50 deposit secures the reservations. Please contact

Lyndy for additional information.

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes 2016

Collection: This month we are collecting Tooth Brushes

and Tooth Paste. Please drop off your items at the

Children’s Check-in Counter.

This is

“Love Your Teacher”



SSuunnddaayy,, FFeebbrruuaarryy 1144 VVaalleennttiinnee’’ss DDaayy

99::0000 aamm TTrraaddiittiioonnaall WWoorrsshhiipp SSeerrvviiccee

1100::0000 aamm SSuunnddaayy SScchhooooll

1111::0000 aamm CCoonntteemmppoorraarryy WWoorrsshhiipp SSeerrvviiccee

66::0000 ppmm TThhee GGaatthheerriinngg @@ GGlleennwwoooodd

66::0000 ppmm PPrreesscchhooooll && CChhiillddrreenn’’ss CChhooiirrss

66::0000 ppmm YYoouutthh BBiibbllee SSttuuddyy

TTuueessddaayy,, FFeebbrruuaarryy 1166

99::3300 aamm LLaaddiieess BBiibbllee SSttuuddyy::

““LLoovviinngg GGoodd aanndd OOtthheerrss:: TThhee HHeeaarrtt ooff TTrruuee FFaaiitthh””

1122::0000 ppmm YYoouunngg--aatt--HHeeaarrtt

WWeeddnneessddaayy,, FFeebbrruuaarryy 1177

55::4455 ppmm SSppeecciiaall TTiimmee ooff PPrraayyeerr -- SSaannccttuuaarryy

55::4455 ppmm TThhee MMiiddppooiinntt -- YYoouutthh

((TThheemmee:: TTeeddddyy BBeeaarr NNiigghhtt))

66::0000 ppmm TTeeaammKKIIDD

((MMeeaall aatt 55::4455 ppmm:: HHoott DDooggss))

66::0000 ppmm AAdduulltt BBiibbllee SSttuuddyy CCllaassss::

““TThhee BBaattttllee PPllaann ffoorr PPrraayyeerr””

TThhuurrssddaayy,, FFeebbrruuaarryy 1188

33::3300 ppmm TTuuttoorriinngg

55::3300 ppmm IImmppaacctt YYoouutthh CCoonnffeerreennccee

FFrriiddaayy,, FFeebbrruuaarryy 1199

IImmppaacctt YYoouutthh CCoonnffeerreennccee

SSaattuurrddaayy,, FFeebbrruuaarryy 2200

IImmppaacctt YYoouutthh CCoonnffeerreennccee

SSuunnddaayy,, FFeebbrruuaarryy 2211

99::0000 aamm TTrraaddiittiioonnaall WWoorrsshhiipp SSeerrvviiccee

1100::0000 aamm SSuunnddaayy SScchhooooll

1111::0000 aamm CCoonntteemmppoorraarryy WWoorrsshhiipp SSeerrvviiccee

1122::0000 ppmm TTeeaacchheerr AApppprreecciiaattiioonn LLuunncchh

55::0000 ppmm NNeeww && PPrroossppeeccttiivvee MMeemmbbeerrss CCllaassss

66::0000 ppmm TThhee GGaatthheerriinngg @@ GGlleennwwoooodd

66::0000 ppmm PPrreesscchhooooll && CChhiillddrreenn’’ss CChhooiirrss

66::0000 ppmm YYoouutthh BBiibbllee SSttuuddyy

Looking Ahead: Jan. 10: Children’s Choirs resume. Jan. 11: Youth Monday Bible Study resumes. Jan. 12: Ladies Morning Bible Study resumes. Jan. 19: Young-at-Heart Jan. 19: Food Pantry Open Jan. 24: Special Called Business Meeting Feb. 5-6: Johnny Hunt Men’s Simulcast @ HRC Feb. 12: Parents’ Night Out Feb. 26–28: Ladies Retreat at Wafloy June 5-9: VBS at HRC June 15-19: CentriKid Camp July 2-9: High School Mission Tour New Orleans July 5-10: Middle School X-Fuge, Ridgecrest

Teacher Appreciat ion Lunch Sunday, February 21

Anyone that works in any capacity with our Preschoolers or

Children are invited to stay following morning services for a

special lunch. If you work with TeamKID, Preschool or

Children’s Sunday School, Preschool Choir, Children’s Choir

&/or Nursery Workers (VIP), you are invited!

Please sign-up at the Children’s Check-in Counter.


Now available in the office hallway.


GWC: July 11-15, 2016

HRC: June 5-9, 2016

VBS Training: Monday, March 14

5:30 pm @ HRC CLC

Volunteer for VBS at the

Children’s Check-in Counter.

Page 3: J P - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/indianspringsbaptistchurch...1 Feb. 26 2 June 5 Month. 6 July 5 2015 special lunch. If you work with &/or Please sign RESCHOOL & CHILDREN’S


Ryan Lovelace, Student Minister http://goo.gl/5QCnFn

Sunday School @ 10:00 am – Sunday’s

Sunday Evening Bible Study @ 6:00 pm

The Midpoint: Wednesday nights at 5:45 pm (Grades 6–12)

((TThheemmee ((22//1177)):: TTeeddddyy BBeeaarr NNiigghhtt)) IMPACT Student Conference: Feb. 18-21 – Tri-Cities Baptist

Church ~ Check the blog or see Ryan for more information.

The GWC Students are supporting The Rescue Ministries through

a monthly offering. They are collecting small gifts (think OCC)

and vitamins (no gummies) for Cebu, Philippines.



Awana: Feb. 17: Regular Club Night Feb. 24: Crazy Boot Night

WOMEN’S MINISTRY [email protected]


“Breaking Up with Perfect” Ladies Retreat

Speaker: Amy Carroll (Proverbs 31 Ministries)

WaFloy Mountain Village

Gatlinburg February 26-28, 2016

If you have questions or need to make your final payment, please contact Jessica Poff or Melissa Sherfey at [email protected].


Warrior Walk will be meeting on Tuesdays at 6:00 AM and

Thursday’s at 7:00 pm. The class will be starting soon and meeting

in the Office Conference Room at HRC. Cost: $20/book. To

register or for additional information, please contact

Wayne Strasser at 782-7030 or [email protected].


Seniors Serving Others: February 23 – HRC – 10:30 AM Potluck

lunch (bring two dishes), Singer/Speaker: Russell Bennett

Young-at-Heart: February 16 – Speaker & Music: Barry Brickey, Public Education Office for KFD. Covered dish lunch at noon. Contact Mary Barker or Jerry Crain for more information.


Please pray as seven men from ISBC minister in the Indio

Maize Reserve of Nicaragua, February 8 - 18. ISBC has been

given a great opportunity to join our brothers and sisters in

Christ to reach an area that has not been ministered to in the

past. Team members are: Jim Carson, Dan Preston,

Kevin Spaugh, Gary Gibson, Gary Hite, Seth Johnson

and Keith Bartley.


We would like to thank those who prayed for my family and

myself during the recent sickness and passing

of my father. ~ Roger & Susan Jenkins and the kids

We appreciate so much the prayers, kind expressions of love

and concern, and the Gideon Bibles that were given in

memory of my brother Orv Wiebe, at the time of his

promotion to Glory. Thank you!

~ Betty and Dave Phillips

IInnffoorrmmaall WWoorrsshhiipp TTOONNIIGGHHTT @@ 66::0000 ppmm

CCoommee eeaarrllyy && bbrriinngg yyoouurr ddiinnnneerr..

Join us Sunday, March 27 at 10:00 AM for Easter at Meadowview! This is going to be an event unlike anything we have ever experienced at ISBC. We will gather as One Church for One Gathering as we worship our One Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. For more information visit Isbc.org and click on the Easter at Meadowview banner.

Sunday’s at 5:00 PM

Feb. 21 & March 6 @ GWC February 28 @ HRC

If you are interested in learning more about ISBC, sign-up to attend this orientation. This is a membership requirement for those who will join or have joined after January 2014. Call the office to register.

Page 4: J P - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/indianspringsbaptistchurch...1 Feb. 26 2 June 5 Month. 6 July 5 2015 special lunch. If you work with &/or Please sign RESCHOOL & CHILDREN’S

WHCB 91.5 FM – GOOD NEWS FROM HILL ROAD Featuring Pastor Roc’s messages – Sundays 10:00 – 11:00 am

WKPT 94.3 FM & AM 1400 – GOOD NEWS FROM GLENWOOD Featuring Pastor Tiger’s messages – Sundays 9:00 – 10:00 am

ISBC.TV – Watch services live and archived online. Telephone: 423/323-2187

Weather Hotline: 423/212-0705 Email: [email protected]

Prayer Requests: [email protected] www.isbc.org


Deacon on Call: Brandon Fletcher (HR),

Jason Mumpower (HR), David Bridges (GW)

Greeters: J. C. Murphy, Ron Crain, Jim & Debbie Fink,

Rose Brooks

Safety: J. C. Murphy, Bill Adams, Adam Metcalf, Gary Hubble





8:00 AM - 114

9:30 AM - 225

11:00 AM - 152

10:00 AM - 144 635

491 144



9:30 AM - 390

11:00 AM - 340

9:00 AM - 82

11:00 AM - 150 962

730 232


WORSHIP 227 70 297


(2/10) No activities due to winter weather.



2015/16 Budget (7/15 – 6/16) .................................. $2,194,348.00

General Fund Budget To-date .................................... 1,350,051.30

General Fund Receipts ............................................ 1,357,051.30

General Fund Spent ....................................................... 1,327,468.09

General Fund Budget Each Week .................................. 42,199.00

General Fund Offering Received .................................... 47,403.18

Building Fund .............................................................................. 800.00

TOTAL INCOME ................................................................... $51,887.68

Loan Balance #2 ................................................................ 126,072.10

Required Monthly Principal Payment .............................. 5,069.13

LM Christmas Offering for International Missions.... $33,286.54

Does not include designated gifts and miscellaneous receipts.

HRC = Hill Road Campus GWC = Glenwood Campus

SAC = Student Assembly Center at HRC CLC = Christian Life Center at HRC

VISITOR REGISTRATION & PRAYER REQUESTS So that we can get to know you better, have a record of your visit and/or pray for you please complete & place in the offering plate or leave in the box at the Welcome Desk in the Lobby. ~ Thank You!

Date: ______________

Service: □9:00 am □11:00 am □6:00 pm

Guest: □1st Time □2nd Time □3rd Time/+

□Mr. □Mrs. □Miss

Please Print Legibly

Name: _________________________________

Street Address: __________________________


City/State/Zip: __________________________

Email: _________________________________

Phone (Home): _________________________

Phone (Mobile): _________________________

Would you like a call or visit? □Yes □No

Best time: ______________________________

Are you new in the community? □Yes □No

Are you a church member? □Yes □No

Church: ________________________________

City/State: ______________________________

Adult Age Group: □18-19 □20’s □30’s

□40’s □50’s □60+

Names of others attending with you (age):



Guest of: _______________________________

I would like more information:

□How to become a Christian

□How to become a member

□Church Ministries

□Speak with a Minister

□A phone call □A visit

For Staff Use: ___________________________________