A 'Rare .Concert .·Newarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · 10...

I t I I I ' ',·,,' j.l; •'' ,._-:;,·: ' ' ' ' j •• ··' ·j:· ..... ; . . ' .... . ' . ' •' '··' ., .. ' .. ..... ,. ' ,. '. . . t_:" .. ,,. ... - .. ,·,:-\. ,' \ ·. . ' .- ,,, . ' * '.,. '• :' ' .... ,., .. .,,_ . . " , .. · . ' ·,, . , .';. .. ': ::- :" .,.•- ' .. ' •' ' .. ' . ' . :r.t . .. . . ·- ' ' . . ' . . . . . . ' . . " ' ' •· ' ' ' ' ' ... ' 1), ' . ' . ' I < '• . .. - ' ' ' . ' ' '. •' ' . ' ......... . .... - !' · ·A 'Rare .Concert Chevrolet .·New .. FaUure''' . ' - - -. .,._ . l ... i I' : l. t ill b . i b' - ti . 'Jl . ' .. Tb.f. New Me.xicatJ of tbe 6\b CoiJ:lmeuthJD' oq. ,tatCtllent or . Under tbe C!\ntiou •:A Lami.'D• ', Q lU Cu!lcer •. e·. gtven q t . lS "eueri! ott, Wl aptfe•r 1ll of tbe Cbn· Q r at:tb.e ftigh School m:unc:r<>lll. 11 eJdctio. "'. , tbe . Motor Couipany waa '1 9 . 60 l tbe lilay J.ho1Jt thC! publiclty br•ncb of the Re· table Failure," tbe- B'rooktyn Daily ,.. d. 'I l.t s 1 ,., 1 r b w Cl b W .• R. Ecctea; · 'pc:w publicl$11 Natiumd di· Jila .... le, 11 Republican pa· il)', Aptt . -r ... ar.• ausp t. e oman s. · u caz:s 11nd trucks and bringa tbe tf. "' tine•, tp be tlte violin The folJowtng 1e program that .Q( pew 193 l mod.eiiS bunt and bi.IS pted• at Walker a JJ d dedarea: ·. ·· /''• al'tiat tbat baa produced batJ beel) o!-ltllned:. up. to April 1 to in excess of W. C. Da.Yhbort. · · · munl¢lplil c(utdltionli New York ''The wu in wbich thl' Hoover .. LECTURE-PROGRAM (SCHOOLS) . units, w. s. Knudsen, .t}. w. R. Ecclea, Jouelt Sb'?uae. c.bairman 0( Adminlatralion hila ,dt>ttlt with ,, . ' "'I . G'J S . . B dent and geJJera.l U11Ulag:er all• for the Rv•• Dewocl'lltu: lijxecuhve the lHJI'Iltployme.,t qurstion con· ..,.. ron the" .. tr1og ....... , ............................. aeb. , . ..«!ll_dtatrict, will rellen w., C. Coqunittee, add; ·. Wc-li or its moRt co. nspicu• 111 V I I · m i 1 K • 1 nouuced tod•Y• ri d t t bl b . ar at oua ........... · •• •• •• •••• •••• •·• •. • • • • H art.n rl'tS er son aa • «', .. fl ·Wf.1 tn• _'•Titl$ is, of;course, a comphtt(' ous ,faihtres. The ac• '" Sone-s til}' Taught M:e • , • • • .. • • ...... Dvo'rilk .. March output waa larger C 1 tnl'er May 1 · . _ .' t() the crhlcisws of tbf cor_f}l'd WllgnE'r' and his lbtreUita.. ••• • ••• •• F ••••••••••••••••••• Mt::detn Folk•sones. in any month aluce Ma,, 1930, \Mr. Jec;:clea. was by tbe UQQrer the record I well·dncloped plat) or baa Princeaha · ' and final CorMareh excerd fol• or which must be tho issue in Mr. been stl!picl.. But thcrt" w i 11 'D\l5t.mut\ t<t.a.t\\\\t'l. · nerllmlnuy rep1m• by tQore than a. confab -•Ub Gov. Ar· lloover'a fo,r reelec• come a rl'ckonln'R'• This i 11 s u e Indian Snalce Ditnce ................. , ............. Cecil .Bttrlcigb 4 000 utlits. thr Seligman.· Saumlay night. tion." will not down, and the Senator· I tully tn ............................... Samuel Gardner · March re,preseqt• ,I? tbe ml!alltiwc Ecclea will re• Chairman Sbouse expressed the from N<'w York. "' bo hns taken Perpetual Motion ................................... , ....... Rtes a. g.tin ,,f b.etter Uuui 18 per c;eqt in Santi!. 1 mo•t of the belief tbat tbe great grain states the I roll fn strlvlnl! to lll'velop At the ............ ....... M&s, George W, Freogcr uvcr February l)roduction of 6'1,• at least • .sitttng be ide of the Westlllnd Northwest • .aore constrnctive Utl'Ast•rrfl of ll't'ZJling :ENCORES ..- ·· 000 uoils, and represent• au get In to1,1cb with. tb · over tbe of tbe admtni• with the problt>m, will hnTC his 14 J4auute Program, - of 1,000 .unita over '.a 'iJucn• of tbe work. D•vldson, strutiou•a farm will be day." REGULAR EVENJNG RECITAL bcr originally 'scheduled for said· to be auxioua to much impressed "must imme 1'h<' nttitu 1 1t> of UtP p., ttldPnt . \lotcll productaolJ, away, 1gned. witb"the com• djalely be converted toentbusium on unrmplovm""'· fh•' E•f.''•' Rtl\'!1, Prelude .. ...................... ; .••••• , .......... B.acb Krt•is'·er \Vb'J d ti f tb mitudou to remain for tbe r4:st of by a con.sidention of the District was indicntrd bv ,;,s trralmrnt or li S I . B I t e pro uc on o e . b b b I bi 8erabattde., •• .. • • .. .. •• •• ( Jo ., o) .. •• •• . . . .. .. J 1 b • ·.. t• 1 1 t e mont to e P a successor Attorney in. New York City Scnntor Wn.:orr'n unrm••i'ovm" t f Vi I . H . pany· 8 eJU,, consdYI IYC 1 n• d . ' t Concerto or 0 10 • •.• .• • • • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •••• cora lt'UXtcwps d i 1 "tb tb t t atarte.. • ,., Wb I ' •It wnq nnt ('OO&l!lh I p "' 1 crease n ane wt e up ura "'b hi b d . t b• .. at wattera t, ' he nllk5. .. .... Ch mprovasatsou rayer >:, 1 1 .. K . 1 of tbe lea cbart, reebtradon "' be K dway epar hmenbt. rrg ''if wbent prlce11 ar.c at the lowest to hnm!ltring Wot;!nl'r pr4'1ernm anson ............ .- .......... , .. · ........ a .. re •• arttnt• rNu er 6 .. . t b t b t aow as un er way t e . r d b, boldln .. ·un thc> proposrd lt>nis• "' p coottnue o s 1,nr a . 1 . . Wi 1 poant o recent years au the ' .. •· ... The LttUe Wladmilla ................. .. .. • • .. \iOUJ>erin· rear. Cb 1 i . t i 1 1 d tn ts bssu>ry. .th the et• f b i Ia don The Pr('njdl.'nt vt'ford , b . cvro et mlln a n ag ea er• . A 1 b i · market Of t e w nter crop Ia Mother Taught Me, •••••••••• ''. ''v' ••• obip aa tbc faitest·aeJJing a\ltOO g I i• appjroxl· tumbling· under the mc.snace of onP or tbt> tmoorhnt mt'1111tlrt>R, Vala· .roetico .............. •. .• .• tnrz . I 0 b rol t y '" .• WI on n pro ecla 200 000 000 b I b d and SPnlltOr 'V:t .. nl'r ln!t flint•e . moul e. n ccem er ey e . bua e 1 cl over by .. l :ra)'er ...... , •• , , .............................. Antoni·t..farlluez 1 d 11 tb · k f actually under conatrution or .. F B d , bt'cu'dr>lli('d thl' rbanm·uJshi" of . c a o er wa u o p sse d ;. b d b 1 d t •• c •rm oar. , so 1ong o.s the ,.. ieee en forme de Habcnera .•.••••.••• ..... •..•• Ravel CntbeRrtot eus in domestic rl'f(iatratibns by e atkartbe. I orbt 1 an Kanan and N'tbrirJka farmc>r arc the Committe" tn stu!Jr unem• erpetual .••••••••••••..•.•••••••••••.• Ferdinand IU 2 000 unitll, jtl Sauuar,. bJ .f,QOO ",· 0 a' e swor . •• to c COW• cogniuat I bat Tammany. lhll is ploymt•nt ln<1Util111.'t' .. At tbe Pta no .......... ;, .... Mrs. George W. Frcpgcr 1 d tb il 3 t t··· Jr d p cte b7 epttmber 1 under the . b b " . un .to, aD c ., 1 a. ea a ta 1 r b restive oYer w ct cr "1 a y o r = = •• ·• · Comcnents b1 the preslt where• perfect and 'nbsplutc t d f F b 11 h 0 w terms 0 t program. Wolker ·wa'll or wa'll not bn in .. n• I for with borrowt>d fundn · ; • . . r('por e or · c r lf1 1 · ••I consider tbe .-=omwlsslon baa " ..... · ever this great vioUnist baa ap• m•ster.r of b s dehcaje anstrumcut tnruntenanc<l of Jast lcadenbip bJ tfgated bJ GoYernor Roo:Jevelt?" teed by lhl' R<>JlUbltcan Nn ttona1 peared bave been most highly bis oudrtors were cllrricd nway by 0 comfortable .: a good appolotmJ!nt in the lie then \fO ouud in b- i Cotntpitt.-e it11elf, nnct lilr" mat• complhuentar,,even extruagant, tbc sheer beaut:r and exquh;itc · · aelectioa or Yr. Eeclea, who sue• t P . 1 ' au 1 tf'rA, Cluairwu Sh"unc a v e r 11 , . 1 t f tb . me as atat,. eu• 1tancc. the foiiO'f&n&' queru:s: 1 to the young maa • artaat e at- eca uy o e mutnc pouung . ·. 11 ,. 4 "must d amiMf'd u nnper• complfabmeatl 1 as cnay be noted from tbe tbrobbin.cr fiddle in t&e HatJ.uJ Buk R.,.rt rileer, aatd Duidtoa tOd•Y· Or what consequence in n $700,· tlnent to th<' qul'9tiou wh('tlJer the b)' 'luotationa berewitb submitted: bands of tbia alendc:r b o y of ••lie ia quali1ied by ·tecbnical 000.000 dedclt in tbe Treasury Uoov"r nclmimlltntton hu MJffl· El P.aso Herald: "S m u e 1 twenly u · training and practical experience compared wltb the qut•ntiun of tientfy j•J!ltifiNl Its direction of l:.tneDI.ttr!dMo.JI. CbarW.rho. 1M. i b' b b 'ldl i I . Martin.el b .. tbe tl•rt of PreAII notlcen from ChiCAilO tlcpm of l.':o c:cc:IUlCl!l cl Ult rraiT ;•:r r :: r ng ito &IllUme wether c:erta. a 10 IJOr judges lu ttatit'Ullll bU!Iinel\11 to WI)Uiltlt Ia bien. Ever:rbody who lotca papers are wnrw tn thl'ir prniat> ru.Tl oN At.- D .u1 X. oto.trUcu, Ia u.. t ,tL ,ut f8 ° c e eng neer of the Metropohs been guilty aoothl'r \(lrttl '!f 111 Htc sort " ••afc !'C!Ct)gailr:a it tbe wiunte f,lf thin vourtg tUU!IICiau a\tba<tlott Ufe department. of aad ttaet&lcaJ con• It. bad hot nccurrl'•l• to the 1 · .., ... """ . hi have aor••d to at•J for a duct? ,. Ia. m bealaa to pla7. "e baa a • Tbc l.bic-a..,.o Jmtraal na<>s UJ a"""'u• 11 "" .... 0 ' N ti I ro 'tl flA l'io 4 """ .. C abort time, Wbfcb 1 ftlte,nd •morra 1 o)lta '""tnltll f'C wajtrhten able to play to tIt. put: "IJasitlatineti\le fflr ""t""'"" t> Wbo tlflnln• to boM II Ft>dt>ral th11t tb{' lnnclltn" of rh•r•uo nf . n . l. dlt«>a!lt ........... ·- _, ...... to ive tbc and Mr. & "' heart of biB bearers e b a 1 rbytbw. C:olot. sb .. and form n. eo Adrniolstratioo rcepon11iblE' a h in bv thP lhp B•ll Tl•r•mr•qon· aaaturuy of feeling and auavity ig Ius is ltl• '- Ecctea my co-oP,eratiou In ex· tsrutal tarta bill when a Oa>tno• A1 Clltmtu! .. rnh•nat(lln wn11 pror f . ofltjte." WI ,VII graceful and baa 51 vic baa ,, ="'"' pedltiog tbc federal emergency. .illc G•tvtroor either do('S nut pi) i \'(' tlta I Mr. Jlnnt-r>r bt>d Roswell "'Tbis ynuog U'lUtttal dPiicocy and distinction " owced ................. pro,,tram. . . undertake the cle .. oinu up a wick· r. il('d tn h•s PrP<lidl'tlt'"' hP uid. ll ('tlli.<J::lon<' llabiii17CJI&."C:lll1& uf t b ff "" ' artist bu something wore tbau' Tbc Newa • .a 1 s: Sllmu<'l r.taenptacus JUc.lotct 104 . re,ugna ton ('COmes«' ec· ed munlcipalit.J? UE' willin to lNillt> t It n t Guenes!l of techniquE! wbicb be is Martinez, a you.nl!' vio• ·G. tiYe May!, when I expect to en a · , . , n t"" b J 1 4 Cawnafn.. pro"p"rlt., pi--·J .. .-. 9 qU<'!llltln to tht> flP<1plt> of ( htt'rtlr:O, Je&fltlng rrom ht'l Wt9tl"t& in Cbi· Jinist. gauc ll of violin QPu uar .... cl)!le ............. ..... gate 10 prtv.ate Ullllli.'SS. u y .. .. "' ... ' . c:ago and New York; be catches at Lroa and Healy ball 7. otbtr '* next would bue rounded out IS reaulting in p:aulc, denial of credit ' II tWPver." Ch!ltrnl•tt Shouu the soul, tbe tptrit of and Jut ev!'ntna. wilb a s. &ten• with 1cdiltal s..nt C)f cootiuuous service with to a St>nator · for uu c 1nclu't'd, • h 19 ll11d ell fer .. lbutc .... ...................... department. It has been a em(Jioyment relief Jegi!;latlon, for tbP R··r•ub!iron" to Jlllint to tbereb7 t'!tlches the of Ius a::mata by 1'autini in G ttlinor., o .<'uh ac<ldoo trcm baalt ...... 1f.o&UO de and a baH of ph!•unt ._.. B'cdtttal in n<tstoffi,'l' Nl'-w y .. rJt•s rutnrtlil.':t 1 ions laearers 11 .. In tbis old tbe recitnl• ctb•r .,... · f d k ... I -1.tt aoctat Oil 10 wor • lusrs•, the Executive ·Dir@ctor of to thP J"lJ, .. ,..,, of tl1e Lta Cruces Rio Grauide ist thscloscd a warm toile of both '"m• ......... · · · · · ..... ... · ' ••· ... " "' · u Jt...lll:lltlllan tact! trill! u. I. 0 1 brape!ak for m'f succeuor tbP the Republican Nationni Com PtP!Illhmt nr to Ntlli"to to tht> .. i'rom the Gnu pl•lntive notu of volume and power. ao attitud,P.of -r-and de. from u. s. 1 d d ti b m same tp en 1 CO•opera on t at mittet. Mr. UooYer'a penonal rev· wbv two u•.uOJ of .failure Sarasate•s G"P!lf Airs to the Jut respect toward the older style. a has. beeo .,.lv•n m• bJ the p""ople 4 ct Acc.pt&t:OO!•otcl!Milaabad "' " " " secretly 6gbtibsr a have le!t '"""rv pr.. b''vtn· hr.prPtt• DC)ltt of his final enc::ore tbia young tecbDtque wbicb for bU a • cr ettbat:,e cr d.n.fta of tlris atatt." Repubtieab S.-natoraa 1 nomincl' is-'d t , 1111 v<> l'1 (!'rt":tt<'r '(artist .be1d bis ia • thrill tbe detllanda tbe work, and a ot lhlf witb fraudulent doruments ptttd t'V<'f u • -qf delight. Oblavtous of the coodseu_seof acceat a11d rbyUtm " u. B«uric... bcnowt& _ ----------·-- .. -=----,..==-""" "',' ••••••• ora•••• OLD D·O< BIRD SiYS ' Prohibition Enforcer•! ' ' Remember, thelird hundred year I are the wette•t .. ' 'Rtllill!, Drqs Aid Yhea you purchase bRUGs . Qt kladteel Supplle.- you W8'tit lb •. .moat iu Q.uallt)' tUid In Yaiut!. . 1'hiu•a what' you .jet here. We . oartt aa unu8uaJit1araeetc>ck · · .of need•. each ••: . •.moket iUP.Plita Chotte · · · Tollet Arllcfe. , . li.ttbbet ···· · ' R Drat .store .. Patronize the (ARRIZOZO fAIIN6 HOUSf Open .Day and Night. · ···· -- Dinner YarlfeflOur ··· -------- - Busfneu Men•s Lunch, 11.45 to 2.00 o'clork . · · · · Fifty Cents/ I ·w a oar .. bllo' IIIY.IIlli:tt•""""•z ,.. •sow,.-.,., ...,_,;oo., ...... _, ·•'· ,...,,... ww· ... ,.., ... ,,._.,.'7 ·-· •••w,.., .. , .... ; - .. .. _ -< 74 a. _ ; au v n a LUJ• - _1 1 -- ,- 1$ • - J. ;u_ ; e i i_. {l I- ! j I ·First National Bank ' . . 1 '• ,._ i I C.ARUlZOZO. N. M. SO' - -·Hi:' au 1 ' · • --w .. - .. , zv.:•·. . lT it e•.Siettt iJtHl 83fe$f way .. liuiJd \lp lltl it htcti!UI!s ,tout trfcm. •ud b 11 wmnft>dPI •b()(:k •hiorbet iii Calle of de-atb ot diubtlltt •. , · . .,.,.. wtUI THE FI.AST' BANK · • •. t.i.itxt<:o "Tq· Fir•t Na:tio.n&l Sttviedu " (SAVE) ' . ' -- . ..,__ ,. ... -- . .. - ---------- ' . '

Transcript of A 'Rare .Concert .·Newarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · 10...

Page 1: A 'Rare .Concert .·Newarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · 10 -bank • • ' . ·' . ' . ' . ·' -~ . - ' •>. •. ---' ''• .. ' .. ' . .


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· ·A 'Rare .Concert Chevrolet .L.,~ad• .·New Hlghw~y Englnc~er uc~u1spfclQUS .. FaUure''' . •

' - - -. .,._ • • . l

... i I' : l. t ill b . i b' - ti . 'Jl . ' .. Tb.f. New Me.xicatJ of tbe 6\b CoiJ:lmeuthJD' oq. ,tatCtllent or . Under tbe C!\ntiou •:A Lami.'D• ', ~, Q lU Cu!lcer •. e·. gtven q t . lS "eueri! ott, Wl aptfe•r 1ll Mar.cll.pr~duction of tbe Cbn· Q r

at:tb.e ftigh School At~dh"orium m:unc:r<>lll. 11eJdctio. "'. , ua,d~r, tbe . Motor Couipany waa '19. 60l ~·• tbe fQUowin~ t~ lilay J.ho1Jt thC! publiclty br•ncb of the Re· table Failure," tbe- B'rooktyn Daily ,.. d. ~' 'I l.t s 1 ,., 1 r b w Cl b W .• R. Ecctea; · tbe~ 'pc:w St~te publicl$11 Natiumd Cot~unittee di· Jila .... le, 11 .st'!~un,-h Republican pa· ~ lle~ il)', Aptt . -r &JJ~tte ~ ... ar.• ausp ce~ ~. t. e oman s. · u .~ caz:s 11nd trucks and bringa tbe tf. "'

tine•, ~ai~ tp be tlte gre"t~st violin The folJowtng 1e tb~ program that oumQ~:r .Q( pew 193l mod.eiiS bunt ';tig~_w•jo. engi~~er. and bi.IS pted• rect~d at M~)''U' Walker a JJ d -~er, dedarea: ·. ·· /''• al'tiat tbat f,fe~ico baa produced batJ beel) o!-ltllned:. up. to April 1 to in excess of 3~•" ~ssc;~r W. C. Da.Yhbort. · · · munl¢lplil c(utdltionli New York ''The wu in wbich thl' Hoover

.. LECTURE-PROGRAM (SCHOOLS) . units, w. s. Knudsen, pr~sl· .t}. w. R. Ecclea, r~~ettUy .diatr~ct Jouelt Sb'?uae. c.bairman 0( .~'lle. Adminlatralion hila ,dt>ttlt with


• . '

"'I . G'J S . . • B dent and geJJera.l U11Ulag:er all• ~~~hw_-y enghH~er. for the Rv•• Dewocl'lltu: N~tton~l lijxecuhve the lHJI'Iltployme.,t qurstion con· ..,.. ron the" .. tr1og ....... , ............................. aeb. , . ..«!ll_dtatrict, will rellen w., C. Coqunittee, add; ·. Wc-li nn~ or its moRt co. nspicu• 111 V I I · m i 1 K • 1 nouuced tod•Y• ri d t t bl b . ar at oua ........... · •• •• •• •••• •••• •·• • •. • • • • H ~ art.n rl'tS er "'<.~vt son aa • ~ «', .. fl ·Wf.1 tn• _'•Titl$ is, of;course, a comphtt(' ous ,faihtres. The tr('<.~tmcnt ac•


Sone-s til}' Mllt~~r Taught M:e • , • • • .. • • ...... ~ • Dvo'rilk .. Krett~ler March output waa larger th;u~ C1tnl'er May 1 · . _ .' ~nswer t() the crhlcisws of tbf cor_f}l'd Sl'JHttt~r WllgnE'r' and his lbtreUita.. ••• • ••• • •• F ••••••••••••••••••• Mt::detn Folk•sones. in any month aluce Ma,, 1930, \Mr. Jec;:clea. was cb.o~en by tbe UQQrer •dminf•~ration. the record I well·dncloped plat) or n~lit•f baa Princeaha · ' and final figur~s CorMareh excerd •t~te hlg~way c?,au~usslon. fol• or which must be tho issue in Mr. been stl!picl.. But thcrt" w i 11 -·~ ~n.t\!~1'\'nt~ 'D\l5t.mut\ t<t.a.t\\\\t'l. · • nerllmlnuy rep1m• by tQore than J~wing a. confab -•Ub Gov. Ar· lloover'a campai~rn fo,r reelec• come a rl'ckonln'R'• This i 11 s u e

Indian Snalce Ditnce ................. , ............. Cecil .Bttrlcigb 4 000 utlits. thr Seligman.· Saumlay night. tion." will not down, and the Senator· I tully tn J~tn~.,., ............................... Samuel Gardner · March performa~ce re,preseqt• ,I? tbe ml!alltiwc Ecclea will re• Chairman Sbouse expressed the from N<'w York. "' bo hns taken Perpetual Motion ................................... , ....... Rtes a. g.tin ,,f b.etter Uuui 18 per c;eqt ~IUD in Santi!. 1 F~ mo•t of the belief tbat tbe great grain states the I roll fn strlvlnl! to lll'velop

At the Pian~ ............ ~ ....... M&s, George W, Freogcr uvcr February l)roduction of 6'1,• tn~e. at least • .sitttng be • ide of the Westlllnd Northwest • .aore constrnctive Utl'Ast•rrfl of ll't'ZJling :ENCORES ..- ·· 000 uoils, and represent• au ~o get In to1,1cb with. tb · over tbe fah~re of tbe admtni• with the problt>m, will hnTC his

14 J4auute Program, ~ - of 1,000 .unita over '.a 'iJucn• of tbe work. D•vldson, strutiou•a farm pro~eram, will be day." REGULAR EVENJNG RECITAL bcr originally 'scheduled for said· to be auxioua to much impressed a~d "must imme 1'h<' nttitu11t> of UtP p., ttldPnt

. \lotcll productaolJ, ~Jet away, 1gned. witb"the com• djalely be converted toentbusium on unrmplovm""'· fh•' E•f.''•' Rtl\'!1,

Prelude .. ·~·· ...................... ; .••••• , .......... B.acb Krt•is'·er \Vb'J d ti f tb mitudou to remain for tbe r4:st of by a con.sidention of the District was indicntrd bv ,;,s trralmrnt or • v· li S I . B I t e pro uc on o e . b b b I bi 8erabattde., •• .. • • .. .. •• •• ( Jo D· ., o) • .. •• •• . . . .. .. <~C J 1 b • ·.. t• 1 1 t e mont to e P a successor Attorney in. New York City Scnntor Wn.:orr'n unrm••i'ovm" t f Vi I

. H . v· pany· 8 eJU,, consdYI IYC 1 n• d . ' t Concerto or 0 10 • •.• .• • • • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •••• cora lt'UXtcwps d i 1 "tb tb t t atarte.. • ,., Wb I ' mn~•.urrs.· •It wnq nnt ('OO&l!lh

I • • p "'

1 crease n ane wt e up ura "'b hi b d . t • b• .. at wattera t, ' he nllk5. .. ....

Ch mprovasatsou rayer "p'e~c~ >:,

1 1 .. K .

1 of tbe ~a lea cbart, reebtradon "' be K dway epar hmenbt. rrg ~ ''if wbent prlce11 ar.c at the lowest to hnm!ltring Wot;!nl'r pr4'1ernm

anson ............ .-.......... , .. · ........ a .. re •• arttnt• rNu er 6 .. . t b t b t aow as un er way t e .l~geat . r d b, boldln .. ·un thc> proposrd lt>nis• "' p ~ure., coottnue o s 1,nr a . 1 . . Wi 1 poant o recent years au the ' .. •· ... The LttUe Wladmilla................. .. • .. • • .. \iOUJ>erin· rear. Cb 1 i . t i 1 1 d tn ts bssu>ry. .th the et• f b i Ia don The Pr('njdl.'nt vt'ford , b . cvro et • mlln a n ag ea er• . A 1 b i · market Of t e w nter crop Ia Soaga,~y Mother Taught Me, •••••••••• ''. ''v' ••• vora,k~relaler obip aa tbc faitest·aeJJing a\ltOO .· g I ~! 11.~22, ~lleire i• appjroxl· tumbling· under the mc.snace of onP or tbt> tmoorhnt mt'1111tlrt>R, Vala· .roetico .............. ~........... •. .• .• tllanU~YI1"•v.•t tnrz ~''I . I 0 b c~ rol t ~~:~ate y '" .• WI on n pro ecla 200 000 000 b I b d and SPnlltOr 'V:t .. nl'r ln!t flint•e • . moul e. n ccem er ey e . bua e 1 cl over by ..

l:ra)'er ...... , •• , , .............................. Antoni·t..farlluez 1 d 11 tb · k f actually under conatrution or .. F B d , bt'cu'dr>lli('d thl' rbanm·uJshi" of . c a o er wa u o p sse d ;. b d b 1 d t •• c •rm oar. , so 1ong o.s the ,.. ieee en forme de Habcnera .•.••••.•••.....•..•• Ravel CntbeRrtot eus in domestic rl'f(iatratibns by r~Ja ~ t~ e atkartbe. I orbt 1 an Kanan and N'tbrirJka farmc>r arc the Committe" tn stu!Jr unem• erpetual Moti~n .••••••••••••..•.•••••••••••.• Ferdinand IU 2 000 unitll, jtl Sauuar,. bJ .f,QOO ",· 0 a' e swor . •• to c COW• cogniuat I bat Tammany. lhll is ploymt•nt ln<1Util111.'t' ..

At tbe Pta no .......... ;, .... Mrs. George W. Frcpgcr 1

d tb il3 t t··· Jr d p cte b7 epttmber 1 under the . b b " ~ . un .to, aD c ., 1 a. ea a ta 1 r b restive oYer w ct cr "1 a y o r = = •• ·• ·

Comcnents b1 the preslt where• perfect t~chniquc and 'nbsplutc t d f F b 11 h 0 w terms 0 t ~emergency program. Wolker ·wa'll or wa'll not bn in .. n• I for with borrowt>d fundn qu~~ran• · ; • . . r('por e or · c r lf1 1 · ••I consider tbe .-=omwlsslon baa " ..... · •

ever this great vioUnist baa ap• m•ster.r of b s dehcaje anstrumcut tnruntenanc<l of Jast lcadenbip bJ tfgated bJ GoYernor Roo:Jevelt?" teed by lhl' R<>JlUbltcan Nn ttona1 peared bave been most highly bis oudrtors were cllrricd nway by 0 comfortable mar~in. .: ~•de a good appolotmJ!nt in the lie then \fO ouud in b- i Cotntpitt.-e it11elf, nnct lilr" mat• complhuentar,,even extruagant, tbc sheer beaut:r and exquh;itc · · aelectioa or Yr. Eeclea, who sue• t P . 1' • au 1 tf'rA, Cluairwu Sh"unc a v e r 11

, . 1 t f tb . • ~tda me as atat,. hi~thwa, eu• 1tancc. the foiiO'f&n&' queru:s: 1 to the young maa • artaat e at- eca uy o e mutnc pouung . ·. 11

,. 4 "must 'h~> d amiMf'd u nnper• complfabmeatl1 as cnay be noted from tbe tbrobbin.cr fiddle in t&e HatJ.uJ Buk R.,.rt rileer, aatd Duidtoa tOd•Y· Or what consequence in n $700,· tlnent to th<' qul'9tiou wh('tlJer the b)' 'luotationa berewitb submitted: bands of tbia alendc:r b o y of ••lie ia quali1ied by ·tecbnical 000.000 dedclt in tbe Treasury Uoov"r nclmimlltntton hu MJffl·

El P.aso Herald: "S ~ m u e 1 twenly u · training and practical experience compared wltb the qut•ntiun of tientfy j•J!ltifiNl Its direction of l:.tneDI.ttr!dMo.JI. CbarW.rho. 1M. i b' b b 'ldl i I .

Martin.el b .. tbe tl•rt of renlu~ PreAII notlcen from ChiCAilO tlcpm of l.':o c:cc:IUlCl!l cl Ult rraiT ~ ~· ;•:r r :: r ng ito &IllUme wether c:erta. a 10 IJOr judges lu ttatit'Ullll bU!Iinel\11 to WI)Uiltlt Ia bien. Ever:rbody who lotca papers are wnrw tn thl'ir prniat> ru.Tl oN At.- D .u1 X. oto.trUcu, Ia u.. t ,tL ,ut f8 ° c e eng neer of ~1le the Metropohs bn~ been guilty aoothl'r \(lrttl '!f 111Htc M~nc sort " ••afc !'C!Ct)gailr:a it tbe wiunte f,lf thin h~etlted vourtg tUU!IICiau "IAt;,~~'f!l' ~':.'""' a\tba<tlott ..t~:u Ufe department. ~- of urajudi~ial aad ttaet&lcaJ con• It. bad hot nccurrl'•l• to the

1 · .., ... """ . hi have aor••d to at•J for a duct? ,. Ia. m bealaa to pla7. "e baa a • Tbc l.bic-a..,.o Jmtraal na<>s UJ a"""'u• 11 "" .... 0 ' t'~ N ti I ro 'tl • flA l'io 4 """ .. C abort time, durin~~' Wbfcb 1 ftlte,nd •morra ~ 1

o)lta '""tnltll f'C wajtrhten able to play to tIt. put: "IJasitlatineti\le feeJir~g fflr ""t""'"" t> Wbo tlflnln• to boM II Ft>dt>ral th11t tb{' lnnclltn" of rh•r•uo nf . n . l. Lcaetat::~ dlt«>a!lt........... ·- _, ...... to ~~. ive tbc Cflm~i-sion and Mr. & "' heart of biB bearers e b a 1 rbytbw. C:olot. sb .. aau~r and form n. Of~rdratt.t eo Adrniolstratioo rcepon11iblE' ~or a h in bv thP lhp B•ll Tl•r•mr•qon· aaaturuy of feeling and auavity ig remark:~ble: Ius pltavin~ is ltl• '- Uo!to.1 !Jta~«loftf11mtnh.. Ecctea my 1~ 11 co-oP,eratiou In ex· tsrutal tarta bill when a Oa>tno• A 1 Clltmtu! ,· .. rnh•nat(lln wn11 pror f

. ofltjte." WI ,VII graceful and baa 51 vic baa ,, co~b~ ="'"' ;&;;.;~:·;;.·~·;;. pedltiog tbc federal emergency. .illc G•tvtroor either do('S nut pi) ~~oil i \'(' tlta I Mr. Jlnnt-r>r bt>d Roswell R~cord: "'Tbis ynuog U'lUtttal dPiicocy and distinction " ccrm~ owced ................. \'~ pro,,tram. . • . • undertake the cle .. oinu up a wick· r. il('d tn h•s PrP<lidl'tlt'"' hP uid.

ll ('tlli.<J::lon<' llabiii17CJI&."C:lll1& uf t b ff "" ' artist bu something wore tbau' Tbc Newa • .a 1 s: • Sllmu<'l r.taenptacus JUc.lotct 104. re,ugna ton ('COmes«' ec· ed munlcipalit.J? UE' w~tu willin to lNillt> t It n t

Guenes!l of techniquE! wbicb be is Martinez, a you.nl!' l\7exic~l0 vio• ·G. ll&nltlo~rbo)lt•.ttoo,J?oratw. tiYe May!, when I expect to en a · , . , ~ n t"" • • b • J 1 4 Cawnafn.. pro"p"rlt., pi--·J .. .-.9 qU<'!llltln to tht> flP<1plt> of ( htt'rtlr:O, Je&fltlng rrom ht'l Wt9tl"t& in Cbi· Jinist. gauc ll J'~Citlll of violin QPu uar .... cl)!le............. • ..... gate 10 prtv.ate Ullllli.'SS. u y .. ~u .. • • "' ... ' .

c:ago and New York; be catches numb~ra at Lroa and Healy ball 7. ::;:~;:!u~~=ct<l otbtr '* next would bue rounded out IS reaulting in p:aulc, denial of credit ' II tWPver." Ch!ltrnl•tt Shouu the soul, tbe tptrit of wu~Jie and Jut ev!'ntna. b~tpunin.., wilb a s. &ten• with 1cdiltal s..nt C)f cootiuuous service with to a D~mocratic St>nator · for uu c 1nclu't'd, • h 19 P~t"il'r ll11d ell fer

• .. lbutc .... ...................... department. It has been a em(Jioyment relief Jegi!;latlon, for tbP R··r•ub!iron" to Jlllint to tbereb7 t'!tlches the h~artH of Ius a::mata by 1'autini in G ttlinor., o .<'uh ac<ldoo trcm baalt...... 1f.o&UO dec~ de and a baH of ph!•unt ._.. B'cdtttal ac;~nd<tl& in n<tstoffi,'l' Nl'-w y .. rJt•s l••~4T rutnrtlil.':t 1 ions laearers 11 • .. In tbis old claMi~ tbe recitnl• Oatal<lubKb~ ctb•r .,... · ~ f d k ... ~

I -1.tt aoctat Oil 10 wor • lusrs•, the Executive ·Dir@ctor of ttl~" to l!('f~..,,J thP J"lJ, .. ,..,, of tl1e Lta Cruces Rio Grauide tl'attn~?r: ist thscloscd a warm toile of both '"m• ......... · · · · · ..... ... · ' ••· ... " "' · u Jt...lll:lltlllan tact! trill! u. I. 0 1 brape!ak for m'f succeuor tbP the Republican Nationni Com PtP!Illhmt nr to Ntlli"to to tht>

.. i'rom the Gnu pl•lntive notu of volume and power. ao attitud,P.of -r-and de. from u. s. 1 d d ti b m 'l'rw:~ru same tp en 1 CO•opera on t at mittet. Mr. UooYer'a penonal rev· ~ountrv wbv two u•.uOJ of .failure Sarasate•s G"P!lf Airs to the Jut respect toward the older style. a has. beeo .,.lv•n m• bJ the p""ople 4 ct Acc.pt&t:OO!•otcl!Milaabad "' " " " re~tentath•e, secretly 6gbtibsr a have le!t '"""rv pr .. b''vtn· hr.prPtt• DC)ltt of his final enc::ore tbia young tecbDtque wbicb wasnde>JJU~te for bU a • cr ettbat:,e cr d.n.fta of tlris atatt." Repubtieab S.-natoraa 1 nomincl' is-'d t , 1111 v<> l'1 (!'rt":tt<'r co~lu!!hn

'(artist .be1d bis au~l~nce ia • thrill tbe detllanda o£ tbe work, and a ~~"•1lhlt:dchell:"' ot lhlf witb fraudulent doruments ptttd th~>~n t'V<'f u

• -qf delight. Oblavtous of the coodseu_seof acceat a11d rbyUtm " u. B«uric ... bcnowt& _ ----------·---~-- .. -=----,..==-""" "','

~~••••a••••• ••••••• ora••••


Prohibition Enforcer•!

' '

Remember, thelird hundred year I are the


.. '

'Rtllill!, Drqs Aid

Yhea you purchase bRUGs . Qt kladteel Supplle.- you W8'tit

lb •. .moat iu ·~nice; Q.uallt)' tUid In Yaiut!. . 1'hiu•a what' you .jet here. We

. oartt aa unu8uaJit1araeetc>ck · · .of need•. each ••: .

t~ltot~ai'11 •.moket iUP.Plita Chotte ~*t~d'-• · · · Tollet Arllcfe.

, . li.ttbbet .~. ···· · '

R Drat .store ..

Patronize the •


Open .Day and Night. • •

• · ···· -- Dinner YarlfeflOur ··· speeialties~ -~ -------- -

Busfneu Men•s Lunch, 11.45 to 2.00 o'clork . · · · · Fifty Cents/ • I

·w a oar .. bllo' IIIY.IIlli:tt•""""•z ,.. •sow,.-.,., .~~.a,,--.,..,._,, ...,_,;oo., -,.~ ...... _, ·•'· ,...,,... ww· ,.,-..,-.-..,~.-~,..,.., ... ,.., ... ,,._.,.'7 ·-· •••w,.., .. , .... ; - .. .. _ -< 74 a. _ ; au v n a LUJ• -JiM~ _1 1

-- ,-

1$ • - J. ;u_ ; e i i_. {l I- ! • • j

I ·First National Bank

' .

• . 1 '•

,._ i

I • C.ARUlZOZO. N. M. • SO' - -·Hi:' au 1 ' · • --w .. - --•·-r.._~-...·~·=-.,-.. ,.,.,..,..._.~_.1...._ , zv.:•·.


lT it tb~ e•.Siettt iJtHl 83fe$f way .. 1~> liuiJd \lp lltl ~?Slate; it htcti!UI!s ,tout trfcm. •ud b 11 wmnft>dPI •b()(:k •hiorbet iii Calle of de-atb ot diubtlltt •. , ·

. C.IMIII'fli'IJ~U .,.,.. wtUI • C~;ml!fl. • JMI~JI

THE FI.AST' N~TfONAL BANK · • cAaJUzt,~o •. N~w t.i.itxt<:o

"Tq· Fir•t Na:tio.n&l Sttviedu " (SAVE)

' . '

~ -- . ..,__ ,. ... -- .


- ~- ----------

' .


Page 2: A 'Rare .Concert .·Newarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · 10 -bank • • ' . ·' . ' . ' . ·' -~ . - ' •>. •. ---' ''• .. ' .. ' . .

il 11 . '


( . { \



·- ,- ,' . .. t • '-~

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trJlEilE JJ )QD!~llJ~· o~ ·th·~. ~ollla!l · ~rt ·~ :· "If:!}, *t:'u~.' · .! 11.!14 .. llolllet.bJII~ •ot P.le ll!mll~ent · ,..., p,.c: "" ~· . '1 ...... ~r Httl~tr llllQO~t ·(It ·lis, Tilt D.ollllld ~n · we (:Ci.inlt',.ac:to•• Jhei,ll •tno~ · 111 J>.l~ . PM !llleat¢ UllllOC:WUtt P'l"' ·· · pa~. . . .·.· I ~J911• wJilht :t4e jlerma~nt- ~t~ler (~br)(,cr1w .. ~::~~?c:,•~ll4 ~t"t

1 .. Ad 4 mu •··.· ... o"'~· b lfll. U!l "or,.. a· l!oll ~J~~ve · !1.11 IIC:I!II . • • '". . - - , , ~ . .. . • late, ~~~~~~ wowen ""·~ tl'e JiqJJJa4 tbe 'Sih•lit So YMr•,. , up)ler halld. J\lld nv~ t® JltUt. while 811mllel 'Ji'roJnlllctl;', 11 bllllne&ll Atall oUiera ,._ve •If .aon. Qt janlt thd hac! known u "tb• 1llent '1llan,'' )lu 41fed

·t•r..•better iJ,; tllrown !1.\vay~ • lit tlle huiUI• c>f uia "Jlllrllcltt ra~bt" ·lt'the~ bad never J)een. AD7 •aver• ln .Czodkow, f!,palri, F.rowJJJel' Jla4

we 11ltonlll Jillve n(l aut1q11es. Jlo c:orf· not II PO !«<Ii a Jingle word ln. 30 )'MI'I, oa. no vl~bh~ reeor411 ot the Ute of our bpt lived. a moll~ '!'eUred life and IJ!ent anc«tor~~-<~r at Je.ast onlY~ch thlnp · mqc!l pt 41111 Ume In prayer. He had.

'· · lUI . blld IIC:cld~)lt-11)' .~llJetf ·W fi,.. conteal!eft to a prleat that ht . had cliP!! tbe renel'ltl we~lnJ·ollt Pro·cesll. ' h•atlli tole! hlll wife that he wlahed

One l!l1onlll «1111e11h1 ·wlui, jpd~ent abe wu l!um~ to death, and 4bortl7 al'ld qve :wl~ underl!t..lldlnl-l\nd · atter th•t abe 1ne.t death Iii • blue thlll 1• · p~lsel7 wbflt 'JIC}11:11f' W'oml!li J!l a tire at llfa bome. He made a ~()w· neve:> d(). ~he1 never tbrOW !lWJJY ll Jo tbe priest tllat be WOUI\l lceep ll• recelpfe4 bt:'..t, a canc:dled ~eelc or 11 Jlulc:e and apend 4Ja tJm• ·~ pra;yer. ·bank 1tateme11t and yet neJJtr think to· • · '· aave the 1-eveaflnr nrat l'!ter ,written by ·a ~c>n or a a.U$hte.r ln. c:ollere whlcb wlll prove entertalilJnr In ;reara to co.me.

The Buin~led Giipp

General view ot tile DartJell dam; at D•m•lte1 llo., · ql(l! Jlai be~ &irac:tlcallt completea and f1 now lQ proc:e-!1 .t rr••Unr the Jarreat artJlldal lalrir· In ·~·e world. The bod,r of water lmpoua~ wJU be 12G JDiftl lonr, wtt,!1 a llllore lint ot l,GOO fllllet. Tbe total c:01t ot tht project w1U " m,OOO,OOO. Ge&Sttatlon ot water power probably wtll be ~IIIII 11ft\ Ju11. .

Ey4!ry Qne. In tbe coli~ of • Jl!e­dme reeelvea a ~eore. or mora or let•

. , t.era that ourht to be ~&ved..-.dever Jette,.._ ampJ.In&' letten. letteta thllt ~·Ill bit prJceJeu recorda ot t•mlly life:· In 1"•~'~ to C:OI!;I.,, an4 ;ret letters of

•y- Hugh Hutto!!. . (.AIItbor or HllU7 Natural Hl•toJT,)

A LTJIOUGJJ tbe lint &'lllnPie of · the fllpp .aearq frllbt_,td LIT'· Jnptc>ne, the uplora.r. to 4nUl, Jt 11 In x.llt1 a "'" ltllrmliU c:teature and Ia not bothered b7 tht naUYN ot U¥aDda. About halt tht !llU of an 11 .. pbaqt, It wandel'l tbrQarb the jlUliiiM! until tt c:omM lA atrht ot a rfant b~~q~· blebee n01t. whereupon tt UN oil Jta bac:k aaa wane lta PJ.I1-cDlorect ~l'i throarh the air. The bumbleblw. 4t·

1hisanalhat Con•!Jnl 11:rpoaure to dnngera will

•r•ed rontcmpt tor Ull:m.-Sencea. . - • Don't bank ben vllr . on how mot'h

a un1n 1111 ho aoc• or •oelo't earn. -Jo llio north ot Aulllrnlln there are

ottlo atatloPII larger Umu 111!107 etatea or the UnJtl!d State .. - •

The cl't!nt thlnr In the world 11 not 10 ntUt'b · where wo 11tand •• In what · dlrcctJun wo aro moving.

-IC'"" the dullcat rnllroa!l ride II

llahtenl!d a llfUe b7 Plt'llln& ·out t11e flrtll boUill WllllfO JOU'd like to Jbe, -

'J'be a1ratr11 rarrlu hie head lll&b, tJut u11U7 pool•lo do the aarne lltlnr with mu~ll shorter ncckJ,-Grand Itap. ldl l'rt•jll. -The rllcll'e tor perpetual lrnoranet fa to be utWled wiUl JOUr (,IJIID!IIna and content wllb. fOUl kaowlcdJt'.­IEibert llotJbard. .

SUPBRSTITIOUS • • .• StJE • •" •

eHI HAl HK.\ftD TH4T-

It tome tne Iii an unpari'N m-. tnent ll&ltfl Utt-1111111 rat til Ute kt&th• en ll .. r knH, eh Jlftx .. .,f!Nf', MIM ~ulak an4 'Nt•t that heu..,.hr It f.a

_ • lltlfl that the unlltrbktf' f.a lt.UM that Wll'•

ca 'Y McCiaN Ht•-- IJ.,Ie&lt.\ WHU .. ,.t<: ..

Working Girls Who· Do Not N~ed Money · ·a,. JEAN NEWTON • - -· t-Il lnl"l ... ll::l•l lwJ t:t=HoJ I• I• loJ I J .. ll-l•foJ f•f'J.f I I f·U I I• · -uo f:AR JEAN NEWTON-What

do 700 tblnk ot tbo llt•tement ot a womon atato lndlllltrlal eolilml• aiiiDilt,•tllat &lrla trom pro~rOUII fatn• uie~~ 1hould not 'lOOk emploJIDent In omcea or trade~~ where the1 tllc"e jo~a llWAJlrom girl• who are c:ompellid to earn their own II vtllhood f' so oae or our read era !Jealua her Jetter. ·

"Now tbl• 11 what tho commllllouer raid:

" 'Olrle with a purat and u ec!a• catfou behind them miKht better aim to be arrlcultural uptftl, tolfnllll'f, . archlteeu, mullclana. wrttm, daDeetl, drama tie artlata. Tllee • 4tld.l otter tberilOJ)portouiUn to bulle! tbematlna a real place In aoclet7. 8o man:r of QUl' collere rtrla atcr unlmaatuUYI

~1· -"';, of atenosrapher 01; c:Jerlr b .. bH!l the · atart of 1nan:r a blr wo,man .UC:!Itln and there ... llrt atorM ID tbe-eountr:r wbJ.c:h hue aquada o.t edueattct·:rolll:lr people who whlle ''aelUar rlbboa be­~4 a C:olll:ltet'' are tra111lnr tor tb~ po .. t!ona ot bu11t'1. Bach a rt~~e. Jaow, enr, 11 uauall7 the 1tor1 or an a:~ep.

In GOt reaJI&IDI that there are ltMttr oplJ')rtunltlta than thoae to be had Jo , ullllll ribbon bebln4 a c:oaater.' ·

"ft"r ~ra." UYI C-"1 tUlle. "'the Utl.nkl. • ltalemalt fa a """ fer lfiVIrtt.,. "

(O.,.,tfP&.)-"WJff' .w.nJc ..

Uonal · J*IOil. It Ia tJse dr~zn ot nWa1 Jlec>pl.e .who llrtt tlecJ tr) • rrln<l· ltona to be able to apeelallxe In iom• llet4 which the, jldlllt tel!Dqllllb bt­eaue Jt Ja not I~JmUJt,

Ot tollrM ·It the veat maJorJty ot drli trom aubatantlal homes did tbJ•, It woulc;t reUev. th.._ preuure ot appll• eanta tor omee polltloa•. But ·I b .. Ueve Ulat whtll the · c:ommlllfoher Dll4e t~ itAtllntDt alit ~ltd DO le111 fn mlbcl the beoldt to 'the IW-IItrillf wllo Ia able tQ ro In tor 10me work tor whlcb ahe Ia 1.11c:Unld, raUler tliu Jl!at a ''Job," .

c• uu. »ell 1711Clcat.,)-'WNU ht'Yt-.,

. KluN .1\re Uu M .. ey EYtt)'bodT wlinta pltnt;r. 'l'bt •oro

)'ou Jet. Ule man )'on want. 'lllt7 are l)&)'ablt on da11and 1114 roo4 tor taee ~alae.· lo1:1tt are c:ouaterfelt. lotH com• Ill ~tMU cfttWzablaUCHU, othara In lure. ao.. peoplt are ltlau wUh the~, othtn e:rttaupnt. The;r can't llw!l71 bu1 Jaappla-. · KltJes are Ute ~at)', ODI)' •wMter.­JCxc:t.anre.

Wetlt&'• 1>.\t'-. Ca•el tiaUJ tbo lattodac:UOII of the camel

Ja the lereaUt c.t1af)' A.· D,. the dNtrt Wall U lDfUPIHbJt bUrftr ... tweea tbe cotmtrlll iJIIooct the Jle4ltero raaeazs aad tboH ~~~~~ ot flle 4tMrt.

' . .

traettil bT wJs•t tbe;r tlllnk Ill a Ill" klAcl of tlower, pther c>ll tbe paws ancl are 11Ptedll1 kicked JAto Ita wJa .. opaa Ja9atll. W,ltta tall ot a11if1 b ... It beeomN thoro~~&bl7 Jiutbbl.a.

T.be !lead of the rllpp .ta a IPIJt wal• zaut, wrth- apUt bella e1e1 ~ dOYN horn.s. Tilt bo41 • .ta a Albert, and the lep are toot.bplat. l"oltdll'Oite pta• 1111t t.mlla u a rule wW Go tor tile l)&WL

(a KitH Hilt .. If...,... hn',_) WlfUkniM.

To Sme.la S .... a-tM. Wbeo a ahol )b~ tlat It oo. p1Aett

a dotlllll ,.., lot water, ~ tt "' u 4r1 111 poeetWt, u.t P'!t It ora tllt part Oaat llvta. 'f.nalll 1f111 .treta tH 1 .. t11w ud .. k .. 0. No. •'" eo .. tort&liJL

· "111!1 point Ia, .1eaa Nt11'tOD, that I hue a dauabtor who hal btea wan tdUt:llttd and detlrH to hnt a cartel' • ancS wblle abe wtabH to be ltlf·aupo portlnr. there la no abiOlate neceult7 tor her to ,tara hll' O'lf1S tl'Jar. Now 1:17 ~•rhtM happeu ra#t to bt W• Mlt~ Ill art or mUJfe ud feel• · no urre to pumsa aa7 or U.. HaN that the wo&eaa l hue caot-.2 meotlonL Iu tad lhe taell that lkll would Ukt a b11a!ueu tarttr, aa4 It II ool;r bT talta.r a polltiOil Jn all o«ke that llle t&A ret a atart. r wolll4 Ute 70ar oplaloa u to whtthtr abe haaa't a ttfdac:t rtalat to do tlala wlthout U'l'l1111 ot eoaadeact abowt taJdrar the ~ IWaJ' troll Hill ODI ·whO IINI'II Jt •ore.••

'l'lla quettloa ralle4 b7 our mll4lr 11 a btr oae-oue of th011 ·~ zaake •• "'''- J 1114 tho tllfPIMa nu•btt' of a SoloJ:a.OO. Uowtl'fl', •1 PNIOft&l NICUCIQ It tllat th. probter:a of 1lll .. PIO)"mlflt Ill aot to bt llDIY..S by rtwlnr lob• to pt()p(t who 11etc1 UttDI 1110at. or keeplar out tiiOI\\ wllo l'aD Jlyt WlllaO\tt th-. A IQ\ll\dtr "'*1" w011lct k to 11tlft1 ., .. areater · opportu~aiUM tor tdaeatiOil anct train­lor to thMI who ••• " ,.,...,.m­trt. ud ICI 11t 1M• oa Uaelr olt'Jl to ataad ., aploat u:r to•P8UU-. r thlak Uait lll1 ,Sri wo teellt that llw \tat .,pw~ult7 ·tot tile k1ad of euttr 1111 h-al plaU...S tor ltenelt Ill a JIOI(Uoo Ia u •Ike. llu a pedac:t rlcllt to tltt avda. JOIIti<H~. ••• thll'llll IH 4oM aot ~4 1IPOft lt trw

About Sandwiches and .. Fittings

lin brM4 aat Mttw. · The •• .IJ••W. .uri· IN¥ 1le th

pte1n1 to r.tr tit!.,.. 1-'h poiiu..

I U.tak tbt I alilatl Sinn HI A .._,. u Jnatr u a trfl,

A tree "''laNI tlllllftY 111•11Ui Ct ,, ... .Aaatall tilt tuU•'• await aowt••

llrtull - -

A lrtt \Ut leek• at ao« all ... ., Aal Jttu ••r Jt6fT a..- tt: »r•F

) A trte that Ill&)' In Ulllllltt wear A aaat at ,...... lA Jler Jaall'

u,.a wh ........ HtW t.u 1&111 Wile taUMaltlt llYN Wltll rala.

..-.. •• are aa«e •r tMl• like mt, Jht ealJ' a" eellll ..U.• a tree.

-..:Ioree Xlhaer.

A·~ ANt ., ... -.-=or-·· tle :rear a talt1 l&a4wlclt Ja wei~ J'.r thoeo

wlto •ut l)&tk a lu~ box .sau,. t)tt _.dwlcll u tM of "• •'• toodl. -

a, NEI.l-1& MAXW&LL '

thltk, pour IJito JtUt aluete an4 IINL UM wlth •uoauJ11 o• lllCH et bi&Ueffi'l bread. -

Qraht~n Ora,._ la!ldwlda. illx one npful ot potrdiH4 tutar

with one tO~al of oraqejld~ and a te.all>OO'Atul of the ~ted rtila ll1X wltll JDore jalc:-, utU of llfiirt!&dlal coutltCilU.'T· Plaee oo rrah•• cratk· era. ~c. tor dilldms.

niaJ.r •ilcecl rre111 ealCKtl, ~ aac1 ncuaw, w• 011 kutn4 bread. Wellllil WI~ aareuaJM UC a•Ya u iiOoll .. prepared.

- 0

Cef4 Ht~n llift4' Ktt ~ K.U. u4 PT•• Uuft&Ja a ricer the

~lta ot Itt bard c:ookecl caaa. ~ wttll a tnr~ et tr«ada • .., tud to a IGIOOtlt pute. A&l 0&1 a114 toe-half ~tllll ot G11et1 diGpft4 ha• .SUr ~.- Gt U. · laf. 11101.at•

. wJtll '*fact 4rerriq:. !tlrMd · tllbiJT ilfce4 l'Je 0t Jr&)wlt brt1d wlth •• tat4 lti.tter. .lpr.c1 IWf t1lt .. y. wlekM wtth th bam .Wve. put to­ptktr Ia pa1rt. PTIM ..,.. to&'ethfr, Ufa -« ·eraib aac1 ~ ada IUif· wkla 1a .u.s paper. .. o.. th eu -~- fttt potato ~.a, J1tw ~ .~~~ .. ditfll,

(& 1111. ,.. .... ,. .... ,&!Itt' t:aiH.) •

Be ftlt s. • 'lf'IIJ·.W. ... ,.. .... coo4 deteraluU..-:DIIeca-.

Mammoth Welland Ship Canal Machine Wily Deys Leave Ht•e •••••••••••••••••

~te.ncMaat• ..

. . •

• •.

BElNG A COO IN THE WHEEL It D.utt• Matltdl.

• . I

• ' ..... · . .. .

. .

Narrpw ''ftaoreu1~f~ · IJ:be · qarrow~sl street Ill the

Vnltecl StateJ I• sald ~o be Trelt .. uf1 atr~t Jn St. A.oguaUne. Jrla. It 111 ' ·teet ;t Jn.cb wld~ •.. Tbls ·~t wu · allcnm a• a a~eet ot~ 'he ~ap c>f ·· St.· Aupstl!le In.· I71S7 •. aud called. Tfe~l'l 11treet b~u.e tile oJd treatrqQ' w•• oJ;L the corner of tllfa crou lltl'Oet AA!l st.. G~rro 11treet. CarrlageJJ · u~~d to drlTe tllrour;Jt Jt. .~d ··I( ~oJ;Je w•ll Pllt(ed at tbe eJ~tl'llil~ ;on Ba;r 1lreet to PI'CIY~t thla. The old ~easilf1 bu~l41fnr Is Jtll! atap!)lnr. , ..

Not )fueL Dlt .... ~ Tho wor-d~ !ort and fortfell Aft!

often used Jnterchangeabl;r. ln the Unlt~ States aJI penuanenU;r co,r-­rlaqned plac:e1, whether to~ed Ol' not. are term~· torts. In torU1lea• Uon . ·tort fa uBUai}J appUe4 to a work eu.t1re11 lUeloaed b1 aereo .. Jble parapet.. Fortreu reneralf1 dea!c~:~atu a forUft~ clt.J or town, or an:r pleee of rrouncl 10 atrolicl7 tortllle4 -._. to be Cllpable ot l'Hllt• · Jn& aD attack, It 11 • ~rmalllent tortlftc:atlou. ·

Fa•tllt A•trlcaa'• Nl&.a .. • • .,Old Mall . EIOilUent" 11'411' ODI of

the nlclmames of Jobll QuJnq Adami darfnr the latter 1ean 6t 1111 Ute while btl '11'111 ll member •t the houJJe of ~resen~UYef. JllltOA '&pplfed tbe pbraH to lJoel'atN, thtt tamou Greek orator. wJio. Ill Mf4

to have cl!~ 9f mental llhqek ancl 1rrfet when be !Nrill!d that Pltllfp •Of Mae~on lad detested Ute Oreek aUiea at Q!aerc>u~:- Patblludu- .\·" !fataJ:IM. ·

• He,.•• R .. ti•r Place

Georre Jlogera ctnk II burled fa C&Yt Bill ce1Deter7 JD Loulnllle. K7. General .Clark tounde4 the ~Jt.r ot Loutnme Ia 1m atter return• fa~ from hla m1Utar1 upediUon to tbe Nortllwut. Ue •pent molt c>f bla deellnlnK 1etr fll LolllniUe, K7,. a11d C1artn11le, lacS., aeroM the Olllo r'Ter troJa LouiJTUJe. 'rhll fon wu alto toudect b;r Oeaetat Clark.

Ha4 En•rll •' ta. s .. On . aetount · ot a ahlpwreelc Ia

hll teen~~ whe!). H Wll mfpaUDJ from Enrlatld to Soath Atrlea, V:r. Clark ot Doallot. OraDrt Free Stat., I!Ulde h1l wa1 Jnllnd, aacS ~owed tllat he would 11ner cut

' e)'es Oil· the aea apfll• Ue eettled at Boibol'. where be buUt up aD u• tes:lah·e reneral de&lua" lnllllltM. and lett a farst tortu-ae at 1111 clesth. •

Lrrtbar Wtf• 8ffile Jn mUUttet)' ahop. . Wlte at1·

t'lreues httllbabd: "rou ae., •r dtu. W. 1• the hat l ao)oro most pUj!IOJIAtelt. but:. &fn~ )'011 preter that .other oue, 1 aban tate the• both, jut to plea.M J01if'"

Fint UH111.j lfel-1' 'the expffilllon. .._utul a4attra•

Uoll IOclety" wu tJtobahiT o:llned br OU'er Wenatn Holmes. 'ne (lhraJJe &llPfflll Jra "The .Autoc:tat tt tlte Breaktaat Table."

Oa• Pelat rtf VWtr lie Ill !.applest. k H klac er

]>MIInt. "flO 1:11141 »eaee 1a Ids ~~~


• " '



Page 3: A 'Rare .Concert .·Newarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · 10 -bank • • ' . ·' . ' . ' . ·' -~ . - ' •>. •. ---' ''• .. ' .. ' . .

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~Our. Pet/ Peeye ' .

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' • • •

FINNEY OF THE FORCE . . ' Says the Milkman on This Route

• •

·( ,,

" •

FelDt Needed Thoae Cover&

' 1

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.<f ' • . •, '




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·YARNS - • ~ , u· - • .

by .li~ut. frdnk a:. tfagan . . ' '

s b J ~ ......... ' . P.C: .n .~~ ..•• ., .·, Somlltlme-. the 4mer!~ · f;l~pg~b07

m&f blmt ~Jill an~~ • b:r t4e llll'>­t!lflal spl~(lor l!.;nd bl\l,ljbtr (lem~t~or ot German of.llcer Prlf:!Onef!1..,.bt1t waa never dlsmnye(L On!! frcmt 11\ lOl!J saw tbt! capturu of 11. Jlxeal>I~J, ba: (If euch prisoners. .

These -w~re bl'Ou&bt. to uie rear wbere an lnte!lhtence olllcer queJ­Uoned them ae the dou~ll~ya ,lullrded tbelr PrlriO!leJ'll aealoU!IIy. ·OnQ of tl(e Germani trew r~sUvQ nuder tbo att~· tloll 1!1> wus receiving• from tlle ma.u with tbQ buyonet. . .

"See· bere.'' be demanded 011n11:r '~t the lntelUgenc~t ·Pllln., "Don't yo". r~t­qulre tnY ~leelpllnQ of your Am!lrl~n troopa tow11rrl oiJ)cera1 This soldier here/' at)d he lndl~~e4 a · Wlltcbtul lntautryman," 1.11 grossly tamlllnr, TJie pig culls me, an oiUcer, l!:r m:r Ortt name llelnle, whenever ·he 1peak1 to mel'' · •

Illuatrutlng t.he point turther 11 tbe . experience of a wounded American who, from bla prone pdaltlon In a wheat fteld. wlthncued tbe etately apo proacb of a German oftlcer prlacn:u~r.

. reap(encJent with bit medala and wear­In~ a monocle. From time to time tbo lmge mao tumea lila het.d nervonal1 and appeared to ftlncb a1 trom tlckllab contact with a bayonet.

So be wne. for •• the little partJ drew near tbe wounded American per­ceived tbat the German adYanced at .the. will ot an 4merlcan Clt~gro, eqllal·, 11 •• lar&e u bla roreeoua prJaoner.

"UI·71.' wblte tolkar waa tbe col· 'ored man'• ulutatlon. "Ab doem't rlaht11 know wbat I'" a;ot, .~ut l'A a·brlniln' It along I"

• • • Dezm)', a Doc Horo

Jio \\'Q ''oDIJ I dOit'' bUt lUI W&ll tbo hero of 0\'e battlet on 'tbo We1tcro trout, he wu bonorabl:r dlacbar&:ed from the arm:r at C.mp Grant. Ill .. utter 18 monthl'ln the tblck ot ftghtln& In J.'rauco and Delalum, llDd when be died lut 7ear bo wu &Inn a military funeral by an 4mer1Clln J.Aglon polt.

For 0etw1 wu a member of tbe Uurr1 ~ Kelley post ot the IAIOfon ot Elkhorn. WI& Ue was born In a du:,;out Ot tbo Tbltt1•1ClCOUd diYialoo In lJel&lnm In 1018. SerJL Tom O'Kccto adopted the pupp:r. Tho an­Imal wu r:aucd ~~ llontdlddler apd f!t'Dt to a buo. bo1p1tal for trqtml!nt n we111 Ilia dous:bbot frlendL Wbi!O tke do& wu cured Sertunt O'.Kute bad been ltalllfer~ to tbe Ftnt 41· wblon a.ud Denn:r wmt II)ODJ. After bl1 e:rperfence wltb JU at llontdJddler hl1 master faalaloned a JU muk tor him. Thla maak ne\-er len tbe doc untll tbe armlatlcto.

Denn:r w~t wUb tllo 4rm1 ofO~D•· UOD Into Gennan1. l'erluapt tbe dark· tit bour.. of bla whole 13 JUra tame WbeD It lllemlld IDCYitable tbat be snuat be left bfblnd aa bla muter wu about to aall for home. A delu&e of raJa aaYetl Denn1 and 8ei'IUDI O'Keefe trom being ~eparateiL De­nted tho rlgbt of .taking Dcnn1 oil ahlpboard O'Keefe amurgled blm oo under hla raincOat. and brouaht him bttclc ureiJt to this rounttT.

The National IA'glon eounntloo at Kuucaa CJt)' In t02J J)rt!ll'n!ed Denn1 With 110 0. D. blnnket wllh one wound atrlpe and a medal testlt.Jin& to bla partlclpatlon In tlH! mA$or hallll!l. . .. .

It Came Jwt in ~~. Taite It trom the Slan and l:ltrlpetr,

A. fl F. neWifl311E1'· the Armlallc-e «mil just In tbe nlclt or Ume to pre-1'4!Dt rabbit akin eapl from btlnll ln­lllctfd t~poo the Amerleao aofdlera 1 Uere'a whnt the paper llftld about It Ia Its 1llltle ot Jnlle o. t019:

.. ne;rnrdh:s.s of what mJUtttt7 ex­perts ma1 dalm u to tha l'OndlUO!ll amom1 the Allied troova on Nonmber u. It Is now tefi!JIIt!d from Waa~Jina· ton that tbe 4rmlaUee wu not aJgnt!d a nmml'!nt too aoon. While tbere 11

· 11111 no, question a& to the cnotalt of the overaca.t troopll at t~t dm~ tbll

. monile roufll net:er bave held· up un· · · du the shoWer Of Jnt~entJons abd tm:

provemt!:lfa llteJ'IIIrl!d fot lb& A. S. r' and the elhnu of thla lnYentlon $bower: wn11 tenclled In the ,l'abhlt akin «P. Just what l!lnd ot 11 c:ap It wa• ,;olnJ: to be hal been kept ttom the A. 1-l r. 10 tar. but. .. ,a,. It toln~: .co be an a.!itbentle b1ue ~ eau~ \VIlllhiiiJ(iOIJ had adOJ)tt!d It'; .,..-,#fbe rabbit has a renfle fal!et

. lUa private me •• a dl~t~race.• the poet .bu toucbln&lt retnarked. And the7 wer&.rol!l~ to wind that dlif Jtllce around our h'ead& No one will e1er fortet .tbe. raln.fn-the-ra.ee iuto­tltJ of h'Cit tl;ffl'l dtJB (ll Ettto~ bUt . ire ~n .be thanktuJ that tbe Atmlttlce ilt wed qiJ frO)ll.. baH olf the ·

. Otbc!t brilliant .Ch,mes euch a.ll proot ~ndtJ'1!&r. wbleb bOt -oolf tilled t~ ~tJea•oa • man. b'llt the ~11; tOCJ, ... and ttt!llth alldWn b11tb1 Ulat worked. ~;~ertectlt. tt ~· btif tbt •bower na lb the' tt(!pcb, Wtre mti'tt• tcalty beld .up W~Ul . Frits took · U.• ' ~•nt.,. .

, · cO. )tal. We.t.-l(ew.,..llel'.t•J..,)

. c;:.., ..... ou CbJII . ·. ·Jllfldt!lltlt .the Old fniU'rfed :ma•

' ,. -.' . .. ' •

• ,

• •• . . ~ "----- ... ~ ,_,,, .

. Wakeful· ' ' ..

··restless· CHILD ' . . . ' .- .

. ~ . . . - . . . . . . .. ·. d ·~ c . nee · . · · · t · · ·• · .... ·~ s as orra

" WE can nevetbesurojustwhat makes an infant r«tlel!l. but the ~:tmedy c;ln alwaya be the ·.arne. GOod old Cutori;al There'li comfort In every drop of thia.pure vegetable ~~tion; and not the llliahteat Julnn.Jn its frequent u~. Aa often u Baby ha1 a fo:Uul . apell, it feverish, or cries and aan't •leep, let Ca!toria~IOOth\ll411d quiet him. Sometimes 1t'1 a touch of c:olic. Other times it'• c:OnatipatioP. Or diarrhea-a condition that .OOuld alwaya be checked promptly. Jtllt keep Castoriia handy, and-give it p~mptl)". Relief will fonQw ve~ promptly; if, It doean't you thouJ(t call a pbyaiaan. · · ·


, •'' '


All throuch babyhood, Caatoria lhould boa mother• 1tsndby: al\d a wile mothe~ continue~ it in moro Ubera1 dotes .. a chiklcrowa ".,_ -~~.~~~~~~~~============~ Nothinc Now in ldoa Fra•lc

of Power From Ocean So tur as !be dl•patchea Indicate.

a power macbloe that 11111 bHn lift . up b:r Prot, Georcea ClAude at ·lfa· taou" Cuba, wllb 111 clsantlc pipe tor brlmrlnr up cold w11ter trom tlle bottom ot tJte HI!, doea not lnTolve at11 prl~cJplra unknown to ~eleneep ft wu abown lonr &J:O tbat wAter, If conOned In a Taeuum, will cite ott attam at tempt'raturea tttr below ltJI ordllllry boiiiDJ~ point, and ar.o Utat cold water will condl'MO tbe atnm and restore t11o Tacuum. So tbat wllen l'rotl'IIIIOr Clnudll takt'!l adran· ta1e ot thll and UIICa warm wate.r from the turtnee to produce tbe attam and cold ·water trom Ute bOt· tom to condense It apalo, be 11 Dot C~xacll)' an lnnorator. The maln qur.-tlon, then, Ia wltnUtrr llla'-lnnn• tlon 11 commerdnllJ lmJIOrtllnt, antl on Utla ono would like to hare more upcrt opinion, fornttd after tbor­ouxb obiK'rraUon on the apot. Ac· c:ort1ln1 to tho diiPillthee. tbe appa· raltll.JC!Deratcd enougb powe.rto IIcht 40 r.oo.watt bulbll, blft wlaether thla ,power 'Ifill In ucm ot the power 11eedt!d to pump cold wntu up tro.m the bottom 11 not alated, and Jt' 11 a 'rt!r7 Yltal point.

"llal'o :rou como to me to aak m1 perml1111on to marl)' my dauahterf" aalcetl JJer dacL

"No," replied Ute rrut1 10Uih, "J raw~ to lind out wllat kind of a tatller-ln·law rou would urH to be If I did dl!cJde to marrT her.''

To the layman tbn whole l'ltflre JooU like a ~nd colllllo to It per- ~=~-~·~-::-::.~~-:*JC~~-;:'-;,"'!-~···~~::~.:.0.-=:::~r,. petual moUon nulrhlllt', and tbere- ea.,~~.. Cllal fore nat nry promlalr:.:; but Uall ob- .. Au rou a pal mitt r• j~tloo waa rall!Cd to tho IO<'Omotlre, .. No." the aleamboat ant1 the &lf'J'llane wben "'J1Jen Itt &o m1 1!.:1nd." tbi'J were In tho e:rperlmenul ataKf'. nat IUl1 ot tiltH couM poii1N7 s,.tlah, arrt t!nougtl fuel to propel lt.Nlf .. JonllJJ Sa mulllml, 1 umhn1anll. waa JIC!ld to bo a prima fade abiUrd· Whllt doea be pla1 ollf' ' ltr; ret tbe1 did prop«>l them~tlrea, '"The aelRhbtint nUYta." • and at a puU71Irely dip. Tbe TCtJ' = : Jtut that can be Mid for rrntU~JCJr CJau,lo 11 that ho baa tac:klrd a proJ·. *<!t tl:at men bn." otcru IJ)ernlttt«< about. and brouglit It to a polnt ~btte It• pouJbllltli• c:nn be ttell· l'lltely delermlned. lt in:Jy proTe to be aa lmpmett~l na ~rebl'mi.'JJ tu uti· lite tlto lllfl'nt potnr of tho tfde& nut It may tl'l'l>ntunlly be llt:btlng oor dtlc:& •


Doctors fl'er:rWbere are ptdetlb­lnt tblt new treatment tot cold•:

ne:;ln ~hen rou teet a rollS c:om­IDt. 'l'ako a tabli!S}JOOnfot ot Phtl• llp!l' llllk of Mlllfle5fa, mon1J11t. Xlcon and night, tho nnt daJ. ·Do tbe aame eecoud day. Thl'll onltatnfrht.

t•tJds reduce the alktllllft' ots&tr 81Btem. 'l'bal'a 'Wiiat tnalu!s )'Otl fHI at'llt, feverish, wcalti haft·•lclt. Plilt• Ups' liJit of MaJntsla Ia aJkaU Ia barmiest. pttattble tor01. 'lt ~hecka the IJ11XlPtollUI of colds. bt reatortnr thf) iUkallnltt ot your tiatent. . ~u~,.H sour atomat11,111411estloD,

au, ovel'·acldlf7. All cll"'llltoret.

Niat Yeata .r Crala Prfeu ThieM on ~verlltcl! · )'leltl.i tor the

Jaa.t .Atue -1eara a oct the aretare prlcit ot ltlloa du.rlnr the l!i'$t lilit morathe

ct wheat I• •11.38, of ·ott•~ •14.&1, . ud of bf. •u,os. ·

' .


.. . . .


· w~ lt'if•, Ia. abit ht iSDif .lila •hlrt . Pf colla~ tot lit~ ia4ltU..Il1$ii.wher' 1 .. ~. hJ.t .. f ,..,. ... iS. .It· &t.li ... - .... ..,. ~- Ud' .... ~·,..., cl* tt!U.•tt Uti~- .... := ,' tiJ ~· .• lill.ll.•i~!CIMIIIIIU -... --.. . ,_ ..... ·-

' . • ' ' . . .


•• . ''·


' I

' .

' .•

Page 4: A 'Rare .Concert .·Newarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · 10 -bank • • ' . ·' . ' . ' . ·' -~ . - ' •>. •. ---' ''• .. ' .. ' . .

• •




Lince In eo· un'"" N .... l'J ' . ' . "~· ~"

. · Pablilhed Ev~tY Fritlay . "

~uter~ "•-114ola!l• Jl'/~ttlO!r Jplr. a(),' · tii<Jl. at ~ht . ~ ofilp.o M (llll'fl¥oap, .Jif!l'lr'

ld o•lco, llll!lor tl!o All~ oor .Af,11r.ch D,tn~.

Official Deception on· Unemploymen

-Waubinf!inglon, April.._ Com·

ru•·otiilg on lbe latest ntatcmenl .. of thl' St•rrl,'tarl' of the Secretary n I Cum mvt1!!81 {, a: m o n t un· • rnpiolrn,.nt r;ituatwo, Senator C.•r1nolly (Dem., Tt>x, J, in a pu~ it.; lltolcm,·nt, uid: . "Sccrl.'tary of Commecse. La· m·•nt'a rl'p"rt which daaclo&cll up· w • rcla ''' (, IIIJIIOrJO utu•mployl'd rc· "4111 tlw lin~>(JIItm prncticeJ.l otl

th•• cuun1n 111 t b,e prrclccttoo I 1•c·r•••d ••I l'l:l•l .

. ! ··I>urtllt! th,Jt IIDlf' Prl'afdtl'lt i

II"""' r "'"' ht•o \';irlliU!I cabinet I •. U~< ,. r 11 '"' u "' •d ,, 1 r mt· n 1 n f t e r! ntatt•ru• ril .nut 2 !\uo 0110 repre• 1

~eutt·d ''" ru•ll'ltlllmc•f tbrme out· of w·nrk "

Sl'ntllr•r Cnonallr rrfc·rred to • s. retarv ut l,nb• r lJaVI!i' Jndig· I

• rJ•tlll ronunt'nt. whi'!J the flr:tureu ,. ul b111 dv(larrmrot were chal· . . letlf:ttl, thor tbr crtliciom w a 111

111 ·de lur Dtr" llv · political pur· j 1"'"''!1, 1111d IJUoolttl the llhllf'ltli'IJI '·

uf Sl'crl't&• v uf Aar" u:turt• lhde la11t Jul\ tbdt "lhl' naltlm tn hock

' IIUf• '


FINBI· No; )'OI.l dlda't dlat1Ub

mo. I bavo an exttnaloD tcltpbono.. next to tD1 bed. Coat mucb1 No I J•t . a few etntt a diJ,

= Call flf.U I•IIH• «llu.


.~~-~~m, Tt;Lt;PI-ION~



' . N. o tread hns evct equaled the Goodyear All·

we~tber lot guiekt safe ttQpsi !or grip on curves · nnd traction ut rnud. And itaprottttton last ••• the ruboor b the toQltest and lottgesMvwina used •

. '


, You"~ no tnort. ~UT YOU Gt,'T MOllE in· a Goodyear. becaute o1«<nornktlhuae.lt*lt production, 14tge5t in tbe ~odd. ·


Carrizozo,· N. M.

-'I ; - ··-" -

' '

Saturday 18 1931 Fourth General Se•jion. 9 a.m.

General elnglug ' · Mr CrokoYI,h=tfder llluelc • Addreu Chalk Talk · Atldrcae .

• Hoa<lo Ortl:t!ltrn. tdilh A. lfo:kwcll ~Dlrcdoc ' - .

Vt. t. Trimcn. tHole t:olnrelt)' A. ll. Mou. 1lacol1

Graeo J Cort'i!iOO. llornl S;bcol 5opcrvlsor

SATURDAY APRIL UJ, 1931; 10:30 /l. M. High School Section

J. M. flclm, Chairman .\ Prncllcnl C..ommerdal eour11v for ornnlllJir,rh oehoola

Mro S A. tt~m&date. CarrizoJtU 11iob !ldsool Ctural Oi~ewalvo

The lltw eoureo of atudy for hiah eebooJa of New Medeo Dr. J. \i, •Dic!ccdod Stotc Hio!l Sd1col 8•penisor

saturday Ajil 18, 1931; 10:3tt A.M. · Up&let gtnde ae<:Uon • Hrn. All~ It lloya, Cllalreea J»raeUral nrt in the grade~~ A, fl Mcs' TendJlnn olreatliua and B11ah"h ~Ira. I'Jall~e t. llluty • !tthttlule rnaklnsr • \lr11. Olive Sllllt!!Jors llllllfC In U1t> rural aehool MrB. tiel co ltt41 Tc1c.'hlng of Gcogrntllly Mro, Clara 5cJder

Saturday April IS, 1931, JO;go A. M. Primary Section m~llllooale l't.llh, ttloitaJu The relation o! tho I'J.G('fnl ntudi~o to tl1c cnniculum

1 ~Ut> 5, H. lll:kcl!) Spanl•b·Amedcon child on cutl.'rfcg arhool Al~t Call ill Mortia Dcwon•trntlon with fn'~ hontt cutUnfr Ata. Jil?rtle tJ:~da The value of (mbhc achoul nnar.uc in tbc prJmbry grodta ., ..,.!

Mtn, D. V. GtO': Adapting beollh «ork to primnry ehUdrcn Mlu r. r robert

ll tO I SlldWitfllll:Cll

. . ' .' ' . : '

Com~ no\"J Tht} Titsworth Com· •' . ~

pany~ Inc., a corporation, organ• izcd under tlie ~"ws of New 1\fex·

Card of Thanks · '

-' ico, and Tbc Bloom Land an.IJ I' desire to expreS$ myapptecia• Cattle. CPmpauy, n c(upordiotl tion~to tbe people of Catrft;o~:o orgauu:ed un~cr tbt- laws of Col• and vicinity for the 1ilstl1 lchtd• orado .nnd du y· outhorh:ecl to con• nes!les abown me •~d cbe friend· duct ,nnll earry on ha bUJJ_illets ·in 1y sympathy · coxteoded upon the tbe Stot~ of ~ew Mcxu:o, and death of m.)'sfater, Mra, Joscpbine bercbl' gtva.nottce of an appeal Russell. · to tbc Dtstrtct Court Qf the Third : · · JudtcialDintrict witbiu aud for F. V. TliOlifP'Oil. , the County of Liccoln, State of -

• • New Me~lcg~ from the decision pf If ,ou want to tiad osat b o "( the State Eu[!itnw, b~retoforc valuable vou are aboQt an lnati·l, r<!ndercd on the lOth d n r of tutiou, lay off for a week -and ree Marcb. 1931, on Apphcntion No bow·casy it is to tlll your place. 1893. made by A. '1\ P1iogaten. Tbi~tia a good cure for a. ptrsoa fur a permit to nppropriate water who hat allowed his. conceit to from the Rto Bonito in ••Jd Lfn· aasutue Ymtuc proportioas. cola County, such permit .being granh:d and allnwed by the de• \V. A. Dunn,

. c•cion of tbe State Engineer made Roswell, New Mexico tmfd date, and from which aa Attorneys for nid Proleatant.

a~pc~l i~ .. bcrcf)y takii:!D to I aid TnB BtOOK J.AND .AlfDCAKTI.X CO, Ol!ltnct Court. By t, 0 Fullen DA'l'llD tbia 2od day of April• 1931 W • A.,DIUlb, '

TJIU TITawonTu COMPAKY, . l,NC • Ruswell, New Mexico, Dy L. 0. Fulleo, Attorne1a for said Protestant.

=:. = - .,._,..""-= ~- =-=-= =-·


b• • w appmgcream

Per qt. $1.00 u' pt. .50 u ~ pt. .25 tt gUl 12J.lc.

Joe West,. Proprietor

Price List

Table Cream

Per qt. .80 .• , pt.

JL t. , /lJ p



PbotJe No. 136·F3 '·

Sweet Milk Per Gat.· .50 , 2qtl. .25 , qt. .15 , pt. .08

Carrizozo N. M.



. . .

• _,,

Page 5: A 'Rare .Concert .·Newarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · 10 -bank • • ' . ·' . ' . ' . ·' -~ . - ' •>. •. ---' ''• .. ' .. ' . .

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· · ·.' .•.... ·· ·' · · · · · . · · ·• · A 't)lQ$l i.l~ll.lSUd ptogr;;~m W,l.~ . . · · .. ' .• • .- ..... ,,

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... '

' .

. "HELLO, I.ON!DON •• ~ HELLO, MAMA". The world b trlllyyoun, by telephone. V w llfter

• • • 7~ amprovemcn~ tn CQrnmum~-


'' . ' ' . .


. . ; . preseute4 ll\st Pig;btat ~he· ~~i.({b ·: " · · ' . h. ,.. · · Ch · · · · .,. ' · ·· .. ·· . ' . ' .. I

. . . Schgc:ll A"ditQ.fiq.m 4y. the ~!ti.dy , · ; C Q0$ff ·. . GYrO pf · . ··.·· " :. c •. · ...... · ... . d~:;$~~~~:::u~rr~~!~o~~~~ ~.;'; · · ·. · . six .. · ...... ~y~indQr · tr~ck··' ~or· r. ow .. fir~~~CO$~ ·•.· .. ·· ~" l!.ll«UtonJJ!P wiJ.a ~omfortAbly fill~d artd tbe .~Pdit:ll!;ll rC!IVO.Udt~ in ~ ·. Q.f'd Qn$U.J"pQ$$ed 0C0h0111Y

... •

. . • .

rg~ene:rOJ.~.:\ apptov.iil a~ ev:ery JIP~ 1o ,_ ,, , , • · .. · · · •

" . . .

• . ,

. '\, .·


\ . .

petu11 ~t~, from. U1c iultlal fen1ilr(>, 11 'l'bl)se llll~SbatHl$ of 0 u r ~ •. " wbi9h bro,ught down tbe .boqsc by ils local S<~.lliel!, to tbe. U~!l1 1 as tbe tfJtoug :iuose, 'when I•Thc St.ar Spangled Jlauner, ''sung by t1Josc o.n the . stage . in costume, j>incd by ~be throng ori lbt> Jluor, clo.sed the · prngram-a program rt'plete with features, t>acb of


. . ·'

• tion ant\~nJportation-rc1incmcnu yo~. hap~!lvcn'tCQlUidcredcven

"StandO!fd"~asoline is aqch an tm• provemcnt- Jn every w!lf a new and liner mPtot fuel-. with all ~he ~kill and capacity that H years of Standard Oil Company relining ex- · perieucc reprc:enu •. on sale every.

., which was cntitlrd to ant} recciv· ed tts dUl' m~'ed of approv~l from

' . "

• •

,. .. ,

• -•

'(. ....


i . ..

blc ... tontinue. •

,, where. . · a deli~ h ted aud1eoce. ·

1'herc wc·re many ~pccials. eacl• bt>11T11Jg a "PL>l'lfli: drsig D!IIJun tlD(I

presentrd io n d1st incti ve lllllll·

, ocr, appropriate and strtkiug • •


ADDITIONAL LOCAL ·-M C. St .John visited El Paao

J.,hu L Bryan ROd ftnut!y, wb•• left here recently ror MtoBII, Ar• zouo. nrc now in L·,rdsburu Ne"

over tbe Eutcr period.-· • ML':rrco. where tlH'.Y D1<1Y pcrmau· eotly locate. "'

1'. A., and Mrs: Spencer Ju'El Pa'o last week•cnd.

were Mr. and Mrs II J Gtrr.mt went to Etcphnnl Butte Frtd~:~y

Rolland's DruK Store has bL'en and rt'rurm·d Mofldny./ 'l'hl'y n .. dressed In a new coat or painf. porr 6\\iJing fair 1111d t'bat t b e '

Bill Glllllcber, wife and babies t~uccerded tu landing their Gba11· yfsiled E• P11so tbc la'tter pnrt of of tbc trtbe. . ~

Jut week, Mr and Mrs lhb Taylor wert>

Mra.,M. U Ftnley f:Ot'8 to Ro•• well tod"y1 to sec her daucbtcr •nd the IIUia Palut•. •

Mr"• Nellie Branum aod. Mr and Mra. C. A. Branum visited

here Wednesday. Jrreetinr,: o•d fncndt~. They were n•turnin!l from a vistt to tht'ir,huubtt'r nn•1 •·R•d''·ot Putura 1'bcy oow hvc at Lu Cruc:c!l.

n1 Puo Jut wcck.·cud.

Mrs. T. E Armstrong 4j'ucumcari MoniJay for a witb her daughter.

George II Sim fJ!IOn, CoronD. • aud Fraok Saluar. L•ncolu, wert' went to bcrc Monday. ncnmg as juq· visit commi.Mions nnd.sclecttog a hal

Tbc Board of County Commis· stoners beld its regular quartt>rly muting tbla week, with all mem• btra in attendance.

of nnme£1 from which juric11 wili be drawn

Mr. and Mrn J. V Taylor nnci eon Jtmmv. ~antl Mra. E M D.r brr drove to Eo Pallo SD turd,, T

Mra. Maggie· Cbnes willarrv"' Sunday they inrt Mr. Darbcr, wlu• ~ncbiladaa and Tamales at bt>r bad juflt returnrd frnar l\2U).gt£1,~lfl• bome on the south side, Saturday pi, und o II returnr•l co tht> l= X evening 5 to 7. ranch that nlr{bt, oud the n~r·

All the studeutt of tbc nriopu bert~ bott\e nest morning· •

state institutions bne retnrn~d A M Ft('rmnu, Sup~riotl'otJ to tbclr dutiu. after tbe Y i tri t eot of I hi? Uordo lltf!b School • bome during Easter. wu ~ere Mood a y. Supt. Fr"e•

milo 1s a bu~&y wan tllcsc dava; Meatrs. Finley, McQuillen and for, braid£>s lbc ruching work at­

Kelley 10 to Albuquerque tomor• tenClitll!' ~be elos~ of tbe scboo1 lt d · ti f tb term be t!J devotmg extra bourn

row l() f1 co a ~ee ug 0 e for the- entertninment or th"' Lin• ltate Game Assoctallon. rolo County Teachers• AMoeia•

Seaborn P. Gray wu here Sun- tioo, of .wbicb be is t11e ptesidl'f!l clay to Tuesday, from p e c 0 •· ~;.18w,b!cb meets at llondo Aprrl New Mexico. Yisitiag bls filotber and other members of tbe Grey family.

M1ss Ula Edmidstou came iu Saturday from D1H:as to visit Iter mother. Mrs Adtt Elfmir;tou, anct

. F~t:rNn-on my farm cur San other members of tbc family lflc1

PAtraeio,, a saddle •. O"~e~ m•r 1o speed a week or more w i t b ba•e same.by propedJ tdeotify· 11Jem. Mits Ula who bas l1ehl !ng it pa;rang costa of advertia• lucrative and t!apoosible pesi tnK• etc. tion!4 since Jeaviog bere a b o u t

Cbas. P. Fritz. l!ight yean atto, Jg now nssocint• S. H. Mickels bas two stories ed with a puf>Hc utilities cowpavv.

ott tbe news $tands tbrs "1Vel'k- otnd is nrr p!eosantly loent,.d. one ia .. \Vild \Ve11t,l' tbe otlH!r iii ~any friemls are glad to r:reet ••Sport" Niek is still oa the up• bet upon bet r~tttrtJ .~~ the o!d tr.Jde and bitting Ott big&. home towtl

. Xlat~ •

Roswell-Carrizozo 1

Stage' s •

Maire Change in Rates and Schedule New Rain itM •• .,., eff•ctiJt A,..U 1, 1931 ,,

t •. Roawell .. ~,. S:30 A.M. Ar. Carrim:to •. 2:00 P. M. Thru fare :reduced to $4.00 •

L'f'. Czo ........ $00 P .. M. A¥. tularo.a .... 4:20 P, M. · aate .·$2 00

! ~I ' "'

L•-<T~.,~ .lt.~ .... ., ........ -!lli ___ .._ .... :S:4!t ,.~- Ar.C~· .. ,_. ..... ~ ........... * ...... _.._ .......... _7:05 L\'. a. , . ~ ........ • ........ 8:00A.M.

· .At".Jto.iwell .................. , t·:30 P.M .. East &tHtd C(Uib'~t· at ab~welt foil)oints tillt~h ltid. jott•h; W~•t boltnd conJ:tec:ta at Canitaxo with S P. 1:'t~hf for paints. t.~rt11~ 'Sotttli ~cuid tonn~et~t at Tttfarusa with st11ge for At· a~taott<itd(). ~tP.aso a: nil L-a: a Otru~~. . ·. -

·.· llfHI' (elf fiSUIIt · ·.. . . .. trl, 1Jl ..... ·. riles « lott . ~ ~'Otl.~tchedole atre~totiablerates

. . . . . .. GEOR.~. 11ARKN~CZct "' . "' \ . . . . . . . . ........., Jr.

coatumes ruhnt: tkrougbo~ut, of course, P~l!f!Y Farler. the lit• tie starlet of HoLlywood, Carri~c.•

~o 'born, .-auw in tb.,. t'XIra HJJecud .:1aM. Tbto httre tilt Mwg, danced wd pcrtornnd acruhuttc feels h<1t w~re truly m•rvdo.us, tuul

an e<rrb role Wll a ocd u i mt>d nod ,•ncnrcd time and ttnic again.

• •

•·L•bcrt~)'•" by Mr,. Ueck, wnn • bc:4tillful thing, and the cor• "rtbu,ttun by Prot. ernkuvu:b, • Swtss." .. 1'bc.u Art L•kc n l~'•uwcr," wns t qu>1Uy · nttr~ctivc u1d the Cll!illllllf.' ft'JirC!It'nlattvl.'.

Mrn, Lcmw1 ohnnt' in •·Indlltllu " By tht' Wnh r!l nf MtonNunlra,''

>N tulc Err'<'nl Prf'hrn, ''Jr .. in a Sl'"hl"h h•mu I<> IIUJ!t'f!lliUIIlh•ll, UJ

<Lt net•, \'IC , dtd llkt>Wt~>C, \1rn E hc•H •n t•latd and kilt<~,

~:;a\'t', an au wtmllttb!c manclcr, · l~m1mt t' iu the Glonwiu', nnd ren&.•ondcd to nn encore

Mrn. Mct~ommoo, with little Jane Gallocht•r, l'fC'!lentcd "LtUic Drown Baby" 111 r.m:UJ a reah11t11: waytHJd nurr,·d the I!COltmeot d bose w!m bnd Dll a«qUolntultc

wuh on (licl n('f!f«• lll·•Ulm?

1 bt? go v lrtnh iotl \\ D!l lltuouly '"rrr!lt ntul by l~otm•vd Loell• Uancl, WhO•{' fZ(l'(JNJ blt>UIIId 'wr• 1"rafy in Irt"il Uh~ctly, avtl bf' uns ca!kl! bock.

M Hl!l Luui'IC SwN>t. rl'•'·'t! ll 'f.' tl a9 n: real :aur.t wsth l!lc v;•tUu, wnl'l ut ber brllt ln!lf oiunt iu tilt· • •Notftt'l'{!ia 11" da 11C:(', IHJd Wtlll Cll: I· ed al>!oin to the fooHtgbis .

Uncle Som, repr(loenttd t' Prof. Crokov~cb, llt'Xt t1 f'pea rul. Hu• 11electaot1 b!!Ulf! "t=•Jiuwbi •. Till" Gem uf tbn Uc('ao,tt wttll

Mt'l. Dvck rPptt>•H?ntion: itt emb "" m~tic Cll!ltuttR', and. Caunl, ll'd ,,.,. p,of. Crukovtcb, lroUJIC nud nt·· dwo~c> strui.'lt thP nttrrtnn stnw,~ of tLc NMiooal Aotb<'ln.

We have mi)de no eli•ut tn dol·

f('rentiate betwee!l imlt91du ~ "• tun outy b:-.:ause it's 11 .. uquMJ<l, but bt-CilU!le l?ach wan a star • .1a d the qr~up formed a unloxv that would have !llume vo dfulgcn: radi~llCe til ally firmam!nt.

• ,. --~-. ._,_.,....,

. w. Il Bt(UddU'l -0.1tuC "' S;3'' en a H~t. wdi tP m t!a rr,z ,z '· W ,,,s tlesdtty AiJru 15. nt tiJ(' • Ob; •·' Dr SbavPr Ey,·gl"l "" 'Ktvhc "~ the- b;!tter kind.

Stops Headache in Five Minutes


. The economy of using Chevrolet •lx· cylinder trucks !1 an actual dollars-and

·,cnts f!Conomy that sttows up, month after month, on the balance shoot. :.Jt 1 . _,.,., starts with Q.,PUrchose price that Is one . . of the fowe~t in the! market for a 'om· plate unft. It confinu.es throughout Chovrolot's long Jife wllh. an ,operating

• co~t that Is unsurpam1dl •

Consider,· for oxamplo, the coat.,.corda ' .

· of loadmg nolit.lnol : organ13¢l?n• who UGO largo floats of Chcvro1Cf.. They prov•

. c .

.. (1) That no other truck• of e.qual CC!PQC•

lty give any bettor gasollntt,'oll or 11,. . . mileage than Chevrolet, (2) Thatthe cost

• of keeping a Chevrolet lrt satisfactory rvnnfng order I• unusually low, (3) That Chevrolet trvcb ere excepllonofly reli.

,q, able and long-11vod.

• Today1 Chevrolet'• proved economy Ia '

available to buyers fn every truck-using fttld. ' For Chevrolet offers ·o new line of quality bodies that Includes a type

• for every hauling requirement.

CheYrolet 1'.~-ton cha11ls with 131• wh••lba .. I Ou•l whMI •fill•"• $21 o"tN)

Hi•t•n cb•nla wllh 157' wh .. II•Me, $'tO (Du:ll wto .. ls tlondatdl

All dlc~.tll prlttt f. o. b. flint, Mlthlgoa. All IHH!y prl~a f, e. lt. lndl111epollt, l~lellfl\ Sptdol equlpme~~l utro. Low tkllv.rH IIH'IC.. •rtd _,. fttllll. ,

' \ .

See your· dealer below a~~~~~~~~~ ••

. ... ~ . City Garage; V ... Reil, Prop~. ..

•• Carrizozo, New Mexico • •

AlsO DEAL.l'.M IN Cll£YnOlLT IIIX.eYUimflt PAS!IrJmflt CAJtJ. t471 II NM, f, .. lt. n.c, ..... ,_ .

rollows Husband Lopez• Vega MArries In Dallas I - - -

Tbt> b <C)V or Mrs. Jnnrphinc Florentino I,opu and 'M I.. Min Rutb Edmiston Wll mar• Uus<Jell wlls brourrht here Satur• (Jctro Veg-a wt'r~ marritd Wed• ried in· Dallu, Tt>xu, T~nday, day lost from Ei Paso, aud nfl"r ncsday mornin~t at the Catholic April '1, to Royal Ferris T b e the s:?rv1cn1 11t tbe Ml'thodtst church, Fr. ttfitcbell performing bride, born in Lincoln county and church, nt wbtch lUv J no, L. the e e r c m o u y. In the even. JiYiog here until sbe r e a l' h e d Lnwsott offidated, was int('rred iug a luge crowd gat h. e r • womanhood, Ia t b e cbarmlnr io the !oi:al CPmcterv. A bfotber, e.d at Community Hall and daUflbfer or Mrs Ada EcJmitUO!h It. V. TbtlnttJsnu, ul g1 P.uo, oe~ helped the }\lung· c 0 u p 1 e of Carrizoao. She wl11 be re• Cilllt(Hlnwd tbt> rPronin'l to this cel~bhte Ute evt>nt The partie" membered here n one of t b e ftOitH, and wail prt?scotat tbc Ioili prettiest and moat attractin t~tll ob<Jrq!ltc'!l. to tbis life• long contract a~e from rounll ladies in ber set. She hu

Mrn Ru'l<tl'il'll }m<~bnud. Everett the best known familits of the made Dallaa her bome for several tlu..,!H>II kti!ed ll'W'lcif lll A f&r.Cb town-the grOOm being a gra• rears pUt. . near I:JE're obnut two mmllhs lli!O• dunte of out Hillh School, who. The srroom 1.- engaged iu tbe aod s!nce t!Jat trarzic o.:.-urr"nc•· duting bis bigb seboo1 t":treer the machinery and investment lh<' ... mJow • hnd resld£'d h e r '"· was Ute feadillg ntbletc or tbr business in the tbriYint city of Rf2i'!Mt~'i' siu.• went toE! Paso and, lltb 01 d tb b ld d ht o~llas, a'nd the couple will makt ag it rh.•11rl••v~d. rcq1qtrrr-rl nt thE' .. 0 . • an . e . r e. a aug er that e:it1 their home. The oewa lhlloo tJ,.tel undl'r an asqumed of Mrs Jonefa Vcga, and a de· jotns many friendt of tbe bride in tame. 1'tJe hot.el m UJagemi'nt Ugbllul and pleasant young lady wisbinJ( ber and bcr~boie:e a Jon« not bat>Ut!Z .~""n tbf<l pntien,tlt Dt>al wi!lbts life of pleaaure and pro11pertty •

~ Ul'Sl f nr a llt'f ttld, lfl!l til U fl:cd fl - ..... ~" ~~~'"" .. ~-.... ""-""'· -~· "~· ":,.---· -~~-~~::::. ~·· =~·· ~-~· :' .. :: .. ~ .. ::'::.~::"'· ~ ... ::-=·---=-·~· .. :::" -:"::. ·~-.. ::-:==··-:: .. :"':~:":-::-=-·=-=··­"'~.lrcll, l tu·;d lt~ tt··~··W "•'"krd.lln1 11tl0tC?C<'111'11lU' tJO ft•<~pa!l'li' ftt m II

kui1ck. b,ro:~·d the dmlr i\fld h•U d · thl' fJ(t:U~MUt. tft>ild, tue' body Jn·

dtca•tnu that hfe •hctcftum p!S<libly two

· tttou<l: An <'tn,,t~ strtc'•mne b ,,t tll! g.Jve mute cvtdntc€' ol th• tnl'<lll9 U'<t;d ~0 brill~ n buu I I bt> t·tld

Mrs R~~'l!'tli w.ts b;trn ffl t•erm !lyhtauta- a · hitte mnrc tlt<'Hl Sb . · yed9 ugu, lnttor went Hi T('~ll!l aucl IH?Veral yl.'at'!; a~o litttrriNt Rus.'.leh. wbu W!Hl nu ftUJl uye r_;f

'tbP H<Jt W rntJCb inany v(•ata llfW• a:ud .. was famt;iatly known .a !I ..Attgelu11•

'rbc uut\'ivil1$t'bro~ht>t !tnt. lhf· dtep g<;mp.,tlJ,Y of ll lat;~~ tlUdtb<r of ftj~ct14 here ·wbb kue W' busbaud aud wtfe, bt:ch of whom paMrtl to , tbe Gre<lt Bl•yond by tll<lit ·own b101dn..

N 0 •

· ew- tta~r ers Q -····t· , ......... .

' Having ere~ ted q new Service Station on El P4so . · Avenue, fronting the Depot. I desire to an· nounce that I will hnndle:


an ,, . . ...

OAS and 01 LS ., . · AND ALSO CL!ANI.NG HAPTHA ' ·




For the geu~ous pattonage ·enjoyed in the past X.wuh to expres• nlyapprec:Jation;. •nd respectfully ~eq:uett • con• tlnuance nf IUtb c»nJidctatfon~ · . I · ,. .

~t.\.T\1\ l\. ~\\\"~~rol

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One· of. Sode~.i ·. M .. Ex'"'' · • ..... ·-·- ·· . .......... · . .. . . . . . . . ""' .a . oat . ~ue•ye Clt.61 . '. . ,...................... -. ' . . . ' .


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Air Ylew ot lli4t Bath· 11nd Tennl1 club at l'alm Beach, -Ji'Ja., whlell 11 one ot the m!>at fashionable and exc::lualY• duba In the country, · •

High Sp~ed Tax .

On·· En,. ..... '-4orance '

Racin1 .,ilota Severely Af· foctod by Strain of

Hi1h Vclocitio•.

N- York.-<'..apt. Malcolm Camp· llelt rartn1 owf'r Daytona'• 111nd1 at :1411 ml(tt prr hour, the llcllnelder Cup rare wlnnu ll7ln1 a IUPilrmarlne at !12!1.11:1 m. p. 11.. anti anoUu.>r llrlll ... pilot armlhllotln1 apn~ nt the rate nt 3117.AO m. p. h. coutouud tho people who Ctteru yrcua ogo pri'Clletl'd the dMih ot mrn who dnrl'd t!SC'Clt'd IIXIJ rnllel an l10ur.

Dot tile Ualnl: 11 doni', mort> to the llllUf'IDfnl O( aciPntllll thnn of lrtDdltand«'ll. llttfore tho war, 200 m. p. 11. wna tb• arbitrary lll(ure ac• «'l!'lltetl II thfl DIAIImum limit or ho• mao lllollon. Abo•e that nloclt1, em· lnent authorltln araued. blolo&Jt'll fi~'«HII!II wuuh1 ceaae. nat 10 tar. thre 11 no recorcl ot a lite lolt from the decta ot "''ed alon ..

Whtrn on11 conahl~rr~ tbat the all" plane rK'ord bl'foro tht World war ~ood only at 4M!i a. p. b., aDd that In the aho'r1 1pace ot IIXlten )'Hl'l'l U -nd 800 per etnt, tht haurda or llOO and 1,000 rn. p. b. llftll'l oalnl• miNd. Now lbat rocktl ·ablpa are project.a ancJ an lnterplaoetarr eocl· .t,y taiiN ltwlt .. rlllUAiy, It II rtle­YIOl to alk. qaratlollll a boot human btoton.

Centrifugal Foru Affect• lraln. Wbat tllo blrdl do natortii.Y, man

dOH mechanlrau,. lie 11 not llltC!d for t171111. but It bll were not lldapt• ablto. he could not t11 at all. DM"AoAfl lie lUll not lmrot'11 to IIJtt-{'l) I'll be hu INrncd to w11tk. thf! 1tr111n of hflh \'elot'Jtlf'l tnxra tbo body entrpo l7 &mu of tho~ ttft>Ctl aro tltlblt, cll1rrt lntlalbiP.

RVt'fll pilot• .:rndunlly .:row nrcu• tomf>d to U1o etre,.cta ot bl&b nlodl7, proYtdl'd tht>7 work up to U:e mad· mora anu1oa111. On 1 1lral1ht Uno ot ll&ht, the haerda nre moth tower than It one tuma. Tbo brart but 11 a«eltratt'd and olttn blood ruabH te tht nlltt!. The .. rly raclllt plfota aade wide turn• around prlona. but ID tho compttlllon tor ·spl!fd tho mot!· Pm pilot banta bl1 ahlp almoat at 00 dt&rtH to mat. a 18(1 ll~JtM turn. Tb• 'lllblf" tlrtctl of thla ordnl are 1hown b1 black anll blue marta ore.r

-ru•Jau trom the ht'lld to the center ot the body, or ·to the 1111. ·

May· Approach Death Point. The lltnep of racine pllott tor"'

atalli many total aliment& 'Tile laat Scbnehlllr Tropl17 winner, Flylnt Of· acer \'r'aaborn, Mid that hi• on11 un· pleauntnf"u came from tho taeRt fume~ and oil JSllltlbt'll. In order to nold noxlou• r.l'tt-et~~o Ilallan pllota trlll4 the cUmblnc turn, but by 110 do­lnr th1'7 lo•t IIJieOOo Ttao maximum IJlllld at wblcb a allarp turn run bo uken 11 •1111 a moot IJUI!IItlon, but tho beat tll~rht surroon1 lJMlure to JUill'&Olee aoylhlnA: bCJODd 300 miJCll. Jlate IIPftd OD a !lftall(lila WIJ mlly J10Mibl7 bo II hlkh Ill r.OO miiH per hour, but oni.Y apt-rlenro will' proYe lt.

011 a llet'tl bank the IIJu't bod1 II pbJalcaiiJ at rlabt aqlca to hla cor· mtr I'Otltlon. Ct'nt.rltupl force 11 away Crom lila bflll4 and toward bl1 tHt; ho 11 helrl taat b7 atrapa. but. the Ioree doc!• act on bll body. JJlood ruabN 1 to lht Jowrr esll't'mltlt.a, .,. peci&IIJ to Uur splanchnic fHiell. Anemia ot the brain. hulnH• and uneonac::louantu reaniL lint rKO'I'Ilrt I• neuall,r prompt becauee tbo dr· culaUoo adJultl ltiN!It. Jt le oot ra•h


, to alate that raclnr pilot• are apo proaehlnr a apeed when a lllarp. turn Will pr&~a thQ brain Item to the pOint ot death. Furthermore, the· flolent i:oncu1111on would rupture blOOd .,.,. ~ell In the brain, •• well •• other parte of the hodJ.

Tlnrllnr ot the IK'Illp, ball~lnr ot the eheekt and rattllnr ot the teeth are aece,ntuated at hlrb apeec!1. A pllot'a arm would at lnat be broken It he 'll'rre to hold Jt out at a .-s,>ted of 2:;(1 miles per boor. and It lle da.red to lltt hla head aboYe the cowllor It would be knocked over and hll .peck probtbly broken. . ·

ataer on Tarrtta. Dcl!plie thue warniDIII. radnr plloJJ

acquit tktlllaelret of tNIJ \'ef'llar on the aoperhuman. At 000 latiN oe.r hour, a plane travela 440 feet per aec­onrl. Enn thourh ntnH and eyo­al&bt are ptrfe(t the pilot traftll tl'o 7&rdl durin~:. tb~ Ume taken by the brain to ('Ommunlt'lte with llle mu• C'lt'll. n. L. AreberiJ ot the fOJI1 air force actuaJIJ looptf tbe loop at 300 mJiea per hour, and tdpplld otr t11e ,,ertormance with • perfect barrel roiL

JJut all are all'ftd tbat, ao far 111 the airplane It concerned, Jllutlaull'l IPC!!l! are lltv. At 1100 miiH ptr hour, the pilot and dflfrotr will hne to conttn4 wlUa the bNt ot atr trtc::­Uon, ••4 tbt en~tlne metat. woalcl be­come nd bot. The pilot would baYo to be eoaaHd lolfde •• lotolatfl2 corkpiL

Jt It dollbtllll wJ)Ilthet brain, lll!n'H lbd IDUIK'JH (OII.Id CO<OnlJnate OD 'Pffdl abo.,. 400 a. p. Ia. An nt&­malle pllotlnJ dulce ma1 han to be lnt>luded to the tqotpment. Oe.ttaJalJ.' the eye could not Jad .. a t'tlnll If the bodlla ntowtq -400 m. p. b. llod· em 'auto and alrpla.De pllott are •J· nady atftt'lilJ on tarreta Hfll throuab i line of .Z1hll.

Tile llmllatlollll of the human frame are not all llult •~~ott be owtreqiBe. 'nitre IJ a maximum pace tor liltet­tl\1 c::ombultlon e~~JIMI, and at prH< eat lt. Ia placed around «XX m. p, h.. whlrb ttlll allow• tor 11ew record«.

We must go to iull'a Verna ttlltn IIP«Uliatfnt about rodcet uanL ·· lie pYe bit lnterplanet.rt c::arrlan an Initial nlocllJ ot 2~.000 m. p. b. It rou want to know bow the pa~ «r• tarC!d, there Ia no cnatu auU.Or· 1t1 than Verne blmtelt.

Undies Stop Bullet • Fitod at Maino Shwiff

ltonllon, llaln"'-Nnt to hi!II.Hlt, DI'J)ott Sberltl' ltarJ7 YOUDr llkl!tl MY• ftat eulta ot beaYJ wtatu tioderwe-r 'btllt,

- ' 1st• bod,r. •

The tlrora of tblt north routrt town bavo tatllbt htm to aiwan wear not a "nate union tult but te1'tral. i'rom November to Aptll.

1-."fen In a paddtd cockpit ont Ia pound..S and pummtl.a. On rapid twlla, the pilot may f.'lpmenee a rompltt.t ''bla<;~•t" and lapae Into uotonatlouant<u for an lnatant. <'en> trltuaal for'«! l!lkN blood from th ,,., but "'ht retum u tOOb u fhe turn 11 co•rleted. A etnklllf ~~tnla• tlon atr~tl the pit ot tile~ lltomacb, acco.panled by 41ulnett. ntood

· w. 'I'. non, :tr .. ot tiQon\'lllt, Yo., aebool bo;; patrol bero, who will n­«lrf an AUtomobile Club or !llt1110url rold mtdat and a dtaUOI\ tor bravert abOve and beJ'om1 the un or duty. At the tla~ ~f fi\Jurt to btttt<Otlt, he ttac;utl\ • touaret ~~ebool 1n•fe from belu rua down by an automo'bllt. A Oint\'il• heto ~111 will bt uked for )'OIIIll' Jl9We, ' ' .


nettnUJ he bad ocmloo to atrNt • )'onnr man u an tlltted robber. Sndd6nl1 the captl•e drew a l'e1'olver, aboved It arlllllit Deputy Shtrltr l'ouora atoiDitc:h and pulled UJ• trlQff. · Yoant. unbltmtd, found the bullet embeddlld Jn th& inlt (I( ltilderwear neareat hit bodf, at(Ofdlllt to hJs tttttmo•t In court.

·' . ' . ' .

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Odd ReUOJl f~ Hasto to FilliJb 'fhat Letter

Be Wltl ~!1 ohl nuui trom the coun· try a.mt, aetln~ hll tlrl!t cypewrlter 'In an olltce In the llve tt()(lc U• eliange at Klllllllll City, be. wu en· tranced- wllell Gm(lya WUSi>n, a

· pleasant YOtw.g employee In the • p!Jc::e, Y.olunteeretl to write a Jetter

· for l!lm on tlle machine It lle would dictate to her. B!! atarte4 at a reg • UIIU', meai!Ul'ed pace but, "' Jll.e end .or the page approached, raced. to-110, 1tut a nnflih that :anaa Wlllon btl rely coulq keep tJll "'lth blin. "Wbew !'' aile .. 112. breathloc hard u abe do­livered the completed man~ll'ri.Pt to him. •'What waa the vao4 ruab at ·tll• end!" "l had to hlll'J7 before tlaat contr11pt1on ran orr the pare," ba anawered aJmply.

I•-••• Wiatma VIa• A lTo.-al lj.)tctJI11Jo wblcll hu takrn

31 11!1'* to pl!ftcct Ia hJoomtoc at Sll'.rra lllcltf, C~llt.. at the llome ot llfrL T. D. l'mnelL It Ill a wlslula 'fine. wWch I• more thn~ tiOO teet long and belfertd to be the largest ot tt. kind tn the worltL It complett!I.J' drtlea thit Fennt!ll home, and durloJ tht Ju~ decade llu utendM Ua twining brant'hes co nttgbbOdflZotQ and three farp arbora tolllttndM to accommodate ltt amaW11 lfO'Jth.

L.cara• P .. Miaalaa: Jt wu rec::totly atnted tbat the go ItS

ptl!, fA the torm ot a JOO&e qullt. whlc:h was u!!t1J to tlcn the Lo~mo trell)', . had diDJlPtlU'ed. !Il!Ja. II$ wal lent by the Lol:arno tiltttll~ipaUty for The Uacue t>XlalblUoaa rut F(!bru­&l'J, It waa IDP.POted to hue beEn unlltlcl:td wllb a numbet ot other cbo Jet:ta lent by the Loc:arno tnanlc!paJity l tor the oc:t'Ulon. .

.,.. •• , o.- ...... Elk Jlr& WlWJtm F. Dttttey ot tewra­

W.. Idaho, !Ulot a bull elk Ia tbl!' Clarwater Natfont1 toreat. 'lbe elk wel&blld 300 I'Ottllda whett ·dressed. 8H I:'Ot lost lhoftl1' thttutter ott waodmtl . twtnf7 miJes an nlaht throuab tl&bt lncbu Clf mow betort> abe touncl l:er camp the nut tnom­fn&'-

PH11Hu ~u-t One ol J.be atunt.11 at a meetln~ ot

the H.t.t1t.nd bedeepen 1ru a bte­tlltd!Jn~ eont&t. In whtch tl'alt par· tld'panbf, bauhandi!d Ud With iiC) l!rotectfl!n tot lhtlt {aces, eailtht as mat17 ~ as tiOM1blf. one •t a time, JE~Inr them Jn a. wtde,mouth bottle lteld t:.a .. ott& luuitL ·


~tYOIJR ·· ·'


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· . , ~~·. to~ b)' .tll!r•~ -q ct~ntlt '-' .. J.i c ~ d S 1 . . . th rt btl· bee Hott . ~ , F . 'J D • , B , m; .~· n~lh ,:Ill ~=····ctai~ , ' .. , · ; . I • arm. s , atry arn an . ,1 o ··

lu'i,iM, ,had · ~~· hfll P~J_.W ·»a.fll. · Worl;lt l!~k-lllc• To~c•ll•.h~d,tl!lrer • •

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.~;:h.,; ialli~ Will ';Ju~: t~·',l!li~di4 · , , , tiN . STOOl\ , R.A'l'ION~ • I ,, '

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. r ·.- . \;- James I I

· · · .. ·· · · · Oliver· C

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'WIUa )111 J!lngllab -wJte, Ca~)ler. In!!, f>JI4 lllll, J eema, Henry Dil• lain, FJ'encb .. tuer In Cana4a In ITf•, .;:11lUva~u a farm a4iacent to. 111e 'l'onteilr ntneurle, ..u lll• nory otpeiJa till DUialn• •r• r•• tllrllllllr• trom .& ylalt to tbi 'l'bn· ti!Jurt. Catb ... lne'a w-.llclerlnc

I bctOtl&ti', Htpalbah, meet• tllem . wltlt pr .. tnta f.or the family. 'l'o

.Tum11, II• &lv .. a platol, bld41llc Ill ill perft~:t blm•elt In mar.kaman• alii), . Juma tlshta wltb 'i'Cr.tll Tache, coualn Clf Tolnette Ton• t•ur, · WhCim tllt7 both adore. · Ntx~ dar Jttma !:alta at tii-..Totl'. .teur

111ome an4 . apolo,;ln'l tor

brawl n~r ln tront ot Toln•tte, ?.'Itt Tonteura co to Q\ltbto. Four :rean Pllll. War between Brl~ all!l'!lll4 J'riUict tlam••• J•emi r•· tUFPI trom a llunt to ftn4 bla Jlolillt burne4 JIJI4 lila father an4 ~tiler alaln. Ue co•• lo the ltla-n•llrl• an4 ftnd• lbt manor 4NtJ:P714 alld. Tonttur and . hla lltn'alilta dt&4. Dellnelnl' blm aa el\eps)', Tofnettt WOUncll Jttma anll dtnpun«• 111m u ao J:asllaluaan.

I "

heiJbtl or COllnJO a'[lf.1 l'~<ll'lltlon. . .. • I • _,.,.... .........

• . ~hey p~s~ .11~ JI!othet'a can·de.'lll ot . . . p· ftowe~ wh~tt cbolte blooiJijj WOZ'I! JJOd· Tems Show Need Is One I er cllnl', ftllell to oyetftowll!c lYJtb rJpen. , 0 ·t p· · A""'im· 'al Inc sell@ t thll1'8!olrtea. tbf.l tn$1!) flelc! I ' . en' er u . I I ;

• 'YI'bere a P!Jl'Jlle-b~e~tat~ crop lar w~lt· " tnz for spier froata ~Q iJve crJspnea• .UIIW mucb llmQ Ia pe1,1ded lQ ~ jll· ~Qd. ~vor' to Ita llt!flh. In a place ltnal'• mUon? ThhJ 111 on!! ()t tbe mo11t where fresh <Jir~ Wlllt •eaUel'ed ab'out frequent questions asked abollt auJnuH

• were tools usell resterdar-a11:ea &lid teedtp~ ,, . shoveliJ RPd 1\IC:kpry PJ"Yii!( polee an11 Hurry Steenboelc, 1\Dd bla ailsoch\tea

EQ~llsll wompn. OV~l" Jrer tatber'a tbe big double-blAded rrub hoe which at the University of Wl~naln, ll!IVIt JJUI, In li'Prblddell vnll!:l;r, wer.e ~~atetr H~plllbab .bad mad~ at Xonteul."!l torre. now clern<mstrated th!lt th&- Jt'eltt•st And m~cr nfthe hnqda 0r her conn· On -a atJJmp pnrtl:r dug trom the earth amount. Is O,li to J,O JWr cent or !h~ try's euemlrs.. · wa11 ono of Hepalbab'•' pipes made ot riltlon,, ex11ressed In terms of cnlclum

Her Up1 found a wny to cut blm halt a corncob WIJh a h111low reed CArbonnte. · . "eeper, . tor a stem., · · or·aJI the vltnmlns UJRt have ll~n

"tour tathel' and mother are w&Jt· Jeema stopped and looked abou~. hill l~lnted , and atudled bY nutrition tur tor you," ehe saJd, !.'Go, pod leave throat aJmo!lt . tensing for the oid w.orkers, vllarnln 0, Jhe fnctor tCRJ,l<ln· me here. I prerer to walt for the tar:nlllar ~II to Hepslball.' nut the •lble for IIUIP aiiSlmllatJon anlt the tie­return ot )'out Indian tr.JeniJf!. . And J 1tlllow warned bfm. l-Ike! a. friend It (JPBitlon ot lime In the hoi'IM. IJUII at• am not sorry because 1 tried to ~~~~ wn whispering the l!llcredn~ll or an· tra~·ted thtnnoat w!diiSJlrend lnttlrest you I" .· I.. other tru,at,. ma eyes turned ~0 thll ~CUUIIO It Ia the vnnrnln llllllll llk~ly

He movrd awn7 ttom her to where ' lovely htad near his shoulder. I.o • to he hu•l{ln.R rn the I'll lion o( farm Hebert anrl Jucbere,nu and the •lmple- , mo~J~~~:nt Tolnette rataed her eyf!fl to anlmala and In tM rtlf!t of humnna. minded, llnudot lay on the rround. me1!t bla, and even with hili. mother For yenw rundr\mental lltll«lles of Tbll ume It wu the ldlot'11 coat he the7 b~«l not b~e~~ 10 deep 1n11 ceotle. tbe nature of vitamin 0 Rnd the tnt­took, a flue c:oat made b7 the ldfot'l "Tbc,r mn1t hiiVe '(aU&ht m7 uncle tOI'II retlponalhle tor rlitctnratlon In the r:nothen 'J'he boy bad loved blrde and out there:• ht1 said,· keeplor his vol~ tutlmrtl horly llftve been undrr Wf.IY '!at nowen, a.nd on the lapel of tho coat atrad7 and ra;ln~ o\·er the toreat topa the Wllll."onHin a~:rlculturnt experiment 'WlUI a tadcd .eraolutn bloom. Jeorns ot Forbidden vallc7. "lie aet tl;l• atatlon. , took It otr and tUcked It between the signal ftr& tor ua aDd then wu kiUect Recent Ondlnp ot Steenbnrk an•J dead lad'a'}lncers. I. . I would go caud find him, It It were not' hl!l CU•WOrkcrA regarding fllctnra In

Then be went back to Toluette 11n«J for JOU." . t~rtaln tnods whlrh Interfere wllb thfl aald, "We had better co." After that "I will ro with 70u," anawered 'Qormnl procl'll• of limo Rllllmlllltlon be ac!ded, "I am aorr;r, but I mnat "co 'l'olnette. In tho bQdyndrlsupport to thenrtee ad· to my mother and father lint.'' But Jeems turned west and c!ld nltt "'nrt'd by the noted Rm:ll11h rt'llearcb

lie atageere4 aa be aet out, and Ton• look back at hla home or hetra7 tht cbl!mlst. Mrllanby. Thill thl!llt! tarlol'll tour hlll dipped an4 wobbled before. choking In hla breaat, He found blm· ran be murh l"('(lul'fllln power by 11ped·

• I I


Ids eyes. There wu an acJit Ulct a 'ltlf talltlur to Tolnette a• It ahe wert n~ trentrnent nt the tondll hetor~~ In· PHAPTER Vl...o.Cot1tibued .PUnter t1flltlnr In bl1 head, auc! •• tho cblld ot the old day.; and h, clllrllns: thPm In the anlmnl'a rnflon l!ly w. A. RADFORD

? -12- · aile followed him, Toblette could · aee changed Into 1 man, were explalnl!ll' h~a hN!n thnrou11hl1 drmnvatrnted In llr. wmr11m ,., natttor4 wm ao'awn . 1ttl'lll ararcel7 knew be apoke the the elrect other unrcslated blows with thlnp. Ito described tor tho first the WI~~NJneln atudlea mrrlt'd on thl• . quuuona .&ntt sin attvlce rn~l!l OF

·wot'dl. 'l'hey raor bade throuab.tbe the Iron ruil·b&l1'el .• For abe did tot· time bow tbe aav1rea bad come willie flll't yt'nr ·· I' OOil1' on all probltmJ per&alnlnl' to the 7•a- aa lt • 1h01t bad - .. t lit b k .. 1 •- h t L · ' ' 1, IUbjtct or bllll41nc work on tbt farm, " •• ..vm.,. o e low. out of t e amo o tomes Into the ue wu on luo wa1 ome' rom UJJo By auJrctln~t rolled n~tll. w ll!:lt, tor the reac!tn ot thl• paper. on ac· wboq 11[11emor1 they hall 41.Jcd out ot; dearer air ot the meado'11!1 and acron · ean'1 plat'1!, lind tavo bla rea•one tor com And rtl't! tn hP11t trMimr'lll Steen· I c;ount ot Ill• wl4t uptrltnc• JU .ttUor, their llnn. a lour time aJo. tbem to tbft worn path that led to the bellevlo: tbe7 had deplrted In bute, borll tonnd thnt the rnlrJryln~: prop-

1. author ancl manurcac&urer, be lll, with•

,, • ''What. aro you dolur hl!ro?" abe Indian trail and the boine or Catb· lea vine man)' thlnp, like the ptbend torlll!ll nre lmprnvPc1. • 1 =~~~~~~b\~~,:~:~~1~,~~~·~:~~~,.tgn,~n~

wtJnanded. erlne Bullln. cropa ot trult and rralo, which thftJ' • 1 uam ,., na4for«J. No. 401 uoutb Doar•

' ,, • • ,

main teed rooru and a ba1 c:hute ft located IU tho Rllltlll lll.lll.lliCWQ)' OUt• ~d~ .



~ Sba ml&ht have uked · that aamo '"1'bt1're down there," laid JeeiUI, would 1Uttl1 have taken hAd they not G D w D b 1 born atrcet, Cblcaao. Jlt, an4 onl1 fn· • • "ctut~~Uon In thOle unimportant )'MI'II and pointed, apeaklnc to Odd mort biS!n pre•ud b;r dreUmllliDCe. lte rent ama80 one y ' do .. tWD•C.nl .tamp tor npl)". .

• wbto he hac! dared to tlllt Tonteur than to her. wu aure the)' .had not &one tarthtr W bl Fly in Summer I 1 >t

1'1ds building, whllo (Osttnr a IIUh1 moro than a poor bam, wUI 100n pay tor Ita c:ost. Jt will help to 1t1mulato pro«luctlon and, JWit as Important, pro• moto llltiHfactlon amanr tho bolp. Sat• hOed help Ia chc!ttrcr than a c:qnUn· ualir.cbanglnc poruonud. llcttor f&rfll bulltllnp will do murh ro cut down the coat ot forro opcmtlon. l:llanot wlth biA foolish llft.l. Whf lit took tho batcll~t from hll belt dowtl the ntebelleu but had' tumed ar e . J'armtrl at tbe prucnt t me are no

wu bo here? lte turned In the dlrec• aud carried It In his band. Tht'.J en- back throush P'orbldclell valht.J to u10 Tho othrr duy 11 m~>rrhnm whn dt':tlt I llnblo to bo tho mon dt11ortul lli10PI• tfon . trom wbteb lit had come and A b t till r th Bl ""ohawk ""'UDt"'. TlreJr own b""* 'Jon~: tr:~tbt>r ltronltl' hrmgbt . a lfM!r II In the worlll. but tlll'Y are always

..1 .. •• ~ b ·- ten .. t e Jtl!a er I UOQ 0 e • ... ..., .,, vyw frnrn II 'A'h01(1!1.11Pr. WbC'n lr cool! .enmblera. YMr atter Jtar. In .hbul!~d ~u; ~~~!ns::tun~n~~ :::e tor...-t, and Odd, who had tranted be- was to •wtnr wettnid out ot the ,tftlrhed fila ahop nnd he •tnrtfd to c:ilf aomo c:ommunttlu Uto crop hu tallocl

tween Utem, dropped. back to Tolnetto'e path ot atranten, then eutward 1• Into th" tnn••Nit 111 , 1" 11 ha rould he t'fltln:lt, wet the men havo <'Ome ba1ck

J1la burden had bea Teart? Sueb ltde an«J tbruat Ids munlt aptnn her apln toward J,UJlian'a. 'l'omorr~ Ol' "' ·- "' •· " " trltlal thlnp could not n11t Jn uae, ha d ,.. the daJ totlowlor. be would buo ht'r found out ..-111 It wna htt hnd h11t'n nhle the nut tear and tried It ovu apu. after-heat ot the bolocamt that bad ~~~~ did nQt anatcb It awa7 from MCely at the next lelcneurle,and the,.. to ""' It l'or M t'f'nfa fll!r pounrl, u Julf. be(nuM prices are not 111 hlih coll.lllmed tbfDL l'rfde, del7lnc crlef, him now. abe would nntt meana to Ito taken to comtt:lft'd to thP rtrlro or IU.O whlrh 11 they ml&:bt be to &lYe tllo farmer ra1aed her eblll a utU11 as ahe obetC!d The1 came to the atopt', and J'eemt h!!r tllt'llda In Qnebte. IJI! waaltlo tbta barl IIM'n n•kl!d tor thr Mlllf' qunlll, a talr return on hlt IDYC!lltmftlt antl J'eema. She knew to what the wa1 toJ'Iot that Tolaetto wu bebllltt lllm. join Dletkati to C&ht tht Eoallah. Tbt leallrPr untJII'IDIIIhed. \\'rll up n11 thto labor lll no alan that the Carmer will coiDr. An4 wbeu ahe tame to the lie walked atral&bt down like a tall. Important thlog was to reac:b r.u.. nmp n lnr>:P hrnnd tmd htf'n hnmr di~«Jntlnue operaUon11. ro tart, tho plaC11 whlcll .:JHIIU had 1J.11pa~ .abe thin choat-and the &lrl atopped and aan'a tontrbt. Ttao Indian• would not fn the fllrle. humr 11lmlllf rompiNel1 man who wa• fllnl&btttl enou&ta did yu Uke a white anrel who bad apo •tood alontt, ltarlor at tho place where ro near there. tor thtt believed all tbmJU:II the 11lcln. whltll tl!M~!. rho hacJc not di'JK'nd tnUrt11 upon rratn «Oflll.

• peartd to tu• tor a moment or two hit homo ahould hate btea. a ttl abandoned plaCH to be lobabltfd bJ' ~re JJit\'llrnJ ttll<tnlo tlflll'll. tho work but built up a dal17 btrd tltat would .upoa thf d•d. wrfnclnc llltlt at lu£ from 'her liP~. POita and etll spirit&. It tbe1 atum- nt rfle •nrhiP n,. flrnndlns: 111 no brlnr In a l"fiUiar Ntum .ummtr and

_ \VJth, • tool he had toun«!. .:I'Hma .Jttru did not bl!llr, net J&W aotblnl bled uPO• It bJ aeddtnt tbeJ would dnobr 11 nN'('l!lll11 for rnnrhl'r'lil whnlll! winter, Uulldlcc on the tarr:n will not had 111ad1 a rra•e. It ,.. ahallow but the c:Jump ot 1'Qft tl.uhtl and the ret 4,.,.7 11 qultklJ u poulbll!. atorJc rn:~m tllf' opt>n ron~:11. 11111 WhJ atop bectlllle maDJ' tnmer. wlll atoro aall ••4• •• 1UlbNnUCill wltll a bed plare whl!l'O his motllu Jay, ne went Be atUI beld her band u d«rkoesa cannot the mark bt> pi11N'd on 1t1e net>k tbpJr ffllP uolll a faYorablt turn ID of fOldeD rraac. 'l'onteur dill not'"m to bu ftrat, oblttiOitl ot othtr ph',. pthertd clOM.r. In thle 11oom abe or otlll'r Ina nluabll! port or thl' hide tbl! price tr.!nd. .. bapp7 aa be 117 •J)OQ Jt. The fop en~. unc:oulcloua ot the IIlii, ot the whlapued: than thl' romp o" •trle. \\'llh l't'>!llr4 tn l'lut tltert' 11 no doubt about the

• ot 1111 Jled 'll'all C:Ofered 10 'l'ollll!tte rul'lll aUII moldulnl, hla lftl aUrrlnr •·DoH 70, ann burt, :reem1r · the warbii!A Wfllft fllrtllt'rll are 1'17 nnw ulue ot a herd io keep up the In· <OUt«! Dot ~ llbe belt and PI'Qed. onc:e more with the taint mad apart .. N'o. 1 had torcottu lt... awar. of tho trouble wblrh tht1 null~! tome In all aorta ot Wrather. And to aal! .Jee•a drtW' btldc. tHUnr tbat to ot lnrredallt7• But abe 'WAI dead. lie ".tbd 7011r fate-wbert 1 atruclc «'ttttle dnrlnt thfl aumm•r wltPD no flU· keep thl1 herd the ftrtt c:onaldttratlon lc~d wUh her, wlth Uae llW'kl er her MW' her with clearer e7M, thoucb he rout" _ tul"l', an~ _I he Jowf'rNI 1"11IUP nr w11tblfd nutA!IIP that aetuall7 ot RlecUna t11o ltatrtd 0'11 hlatac:e alid 'bolJ,r, would be was alek wltb hurt. · Ue knelt betide "I had foi'IOtteta that, too/' llldH, lllr1 mnn1 make halt·bearlt-4 1toeJc lJ to prod de a eullable aad tiD• aacrlltte, bei' calml7 tor a liWe while. lie Soroethlnc touched bls allouldtr rtrorta to '"""I""'" thP lllra 111 liqllt• rlent bulldJnr In which the herd cau

EYtll flow. 'When It lhoatl! hue touched her taee &tntl)' wtth bt. hand, tJcbfiJ, lte coold not tdl what" It wu. lnJ 11ret cruba nnr nf lhPir animal• be bouNd. I'M (()nftlllttl con will known better, tbe lllltl whetl cbDUnued and thM went to hla father. Odd tot the7 were In a pool ot darknHe. bnrt.. produCt~ mort than thole who l:l!.lltt to wlltae and Kre&Dit and tudde'OI7 It trillled at h1s heel&. In the atnmp fttld But whatnu It ml&bt hn• btu. a pra~llnllt Malee their own wa7 and oceurrtd to .fftfllt that It coultt not ,.... a 1boteL U'Ddu lata 1110tller'a bit tatuc1 teat. a twft. nm abadow liMit ExperimentS in Feeding •et baret1 enouh abetter to protect hue been that ..,.,. 7Mtudl7 wlleu trte he planued to dlr. -It ailed him wllh a atranre ualta· B f C 1 ( M k t t~m ti'Cim the el~tmentt. Dalrr cow• '1'011ttur wu ........ A dtTtl •• hbe I When bt l"'!tllrued. ha mother wu tlon. Out of the wreek ot • wotld ee a Ve.9 or ar e art 1llthl1 Jetted maehlnH that .... come to abide at the tott of tllt mill t not alone. Tolnette wu tbel't', on tile obllt~ted In a aeonr~:e ot llorror he l.tve atork JtfflWt'm ~tOll t~nra are ~ulr. tarct and attmtlon. 'nltt1 Ho

Ue' nlte«t, •a•ntn,. tile hOiiionl xrouM, · wltli the Etl&Itsb WlllliD•a had a aoul bulde blt oWD to ftrht for. lnlemted hi Mtllltllt thP Milt tit pn>- flUOre htalthtuf ~t~mundlnat It ex· thlt wete UlfnniDr ot tllelr amok!!. bead In her lap; Her f1e& blaud up 'l'wlee lo the next !lour Odd halt.a. dut'llnn fit thr mnrlc~>t atlltnlll. One of ptclfd ttl yl~tld rtltllta. l>eath lla4 PUH!I and detth lll!Jbt teo at JeeiDII. aad aometblq Jib dellanee ind ,.,.. a crow! whltb warned et thl'l!ltt methmtll f11 ro llllf' nit lnl'>:'f' • JIOt'o A bam auch u that ahown In the tuna onso Ita' o;m b!atktned traiL wu In them. aoaiethlnc that 'Wail POlio MDiet tD the air. ZeeDII atralned Itt. linD Df rouo:htt~f' allJOII!llhlr tn "'filii!'+ lllltltraUon le an Ileal htllldllll from

Architect Urges M<>rc Freedom in Home Design

Dul!ni'M atrucluftl• In the ndvancl'd acy!eta of tomorrow and rl'l!ldrnrn to tho rutllona or a thou~and ruterdar• Ia tile lnron~:ruoua picture whlda tVI.'I'J' American clt7 ntrera aa a matll.'l' or C:OUI'1M'.

An arcumtnt tor tta~ ad\·ancomrnt ot dwelllol di!IIIJ;t~ Into the tn. realm wllltll bul!neu bullctloc torm haa "n· terfld Ia tnade on the around ot ullllt1 an«< IUIO b1 Fr4nr.ll Kl'llll)', a ml!mbtr ot the Amf!tlran lnalltntO. nt Arcbl• tl'<!tJ, In tho Amtrlran ArclallMt.

'l'o nil& 1 r.oo.reaM~ld bulldlnr u a mndl'l tor a modttm raldeoce Ia like o'trtrlnr a hom and boru to a. man lb a hurl')' to Itt aomewhtu. lilT• J:lr. KeaiiJ, Ill dfllliDIDI buUdldp be ~ll arrhllf<'l• •• too rndr to atart wllb the atJie ot t111 root and outer nJIJt, maldtll the Interior ('Ollform.

. JTolli~te, betide her tatb~tr, made him teaalve and cltatlftlllnr aM whtcll hid eyt~ to I.e& and hi• eart te ltt~tr-and '"" hl$1hPr prl""' ~train ff'fd. Wtth maey- Jl(llntl or 'flew, ft Ia stordr fn 4 '\htnk cf that. It aeemed a 1~ Ume whatt11'el' ptl)' abe mJPt laue bad tor one-e mort<, when they ltopi'fd to thl« thought In mind 11 numlli'r elf n· omill'tlcllbft. room.r. '!tell arranred an4

~· ._wore ahe rose to taee him. !lie 'WAI htm, or pfeadJ~ for Jda flll'dfen...-1. ltsten. he ttlt the reotJe toucb aplntt ··· p~>rhnrnlll In tPAJin~: hHt C'tlVP.II tot 11ot at all dl¢leu1nr to took at, II• - not Cf1lnf. ner f1HI were blue aura lier handJ •ere preutar the c:otd hll ahOUider. . ~ rm1rket haY,. lll'f'fl mndurt#d AI. thP thO'Itllt tbat It the teut 'WOfTI about

fa a ftr&DteiJUce AI IJjlte AI marble. (see bt the womu abe htd wuttd w !rbet ltnlctr a dm nD anc! tol· ri Sflrhl,nn tdnt,. mli~>Jre. II fla• nfte'O Jhl• lJ'pe of ta:t!ttlar.

Tim• was wlltfl the autdmobllf' wu ni!W. TboN who had ttable. turnflll thflm Into aararff. ThoN who bad no atablta built wbat looked like lltUo llabln, put Uletm at the back or tbf' t:uute 'ltllere a llilable btlon(fd, lUld rolltd tbe reault ,.,.,.,.. Some \'f>n• . turou• teUow finally dttlded that Um plare tor a rnracet wu nnr the road and he bullt bla at tho front of the lot, lmprovtna tipon Ill arrpHrance at the ~ame tlmt' 110 that It no tonrl'r looked like a miniature atabt•. l'•r• and )'MI'I tater a totn who had a p11 or oll tarnac. made h!1 battn~eot from acmdbiDI' rMemb!Jn• a larae tratll bin Into a part ot tbt bumaiJ bablta· tJon. '11te 1111 ahou Oil Jaer and ll\'e an hate. and ehe ~tlaftd tD look at toYed lt Into a plain between Uro llnet u hf>ttl Mlrl that th,. flrnductlon nf habt lt r. 'hUt ot ttame planb placed

tlnMrthlJ' 11U1fuce to laet' hair, Her Jeemt. ao hanl, 10 terrlbl7, 110 1Ulder- ct 'llnla where a deYUtaUnl tire htd : b«''"t fs 8 IIJifl<'lnl pMjHt whldr teo Yllrtftall)", wltb Ytrtlea1 btUfiil lnsur­btaut;r' btld hl• atrfcna Jut u hla atandln&l;r that abe lee$lled at&Mt to PUlled aome ,.,.,.. be:tore. llue thf'J' ! qnfr8 espert •nnwlf'dr.n~ of «'ttltle fffll• tnt •• alt.Uii'l wan. -This 11 .. t up on turlbleueea torct4 from laer • . btt wa!Uor tor h1oa to PUDhJa Iter with trareled throu&b a JOllDI crowtll of ~ In~ Thill tntdltlnn hill ~n Ul*f reo Oli * ao11d concrete to!!JidaUoa, 'l'hP CUP Of t:~toteit whd H drew ott the I blow. bulles aild tree~, rearhlnr acarcelt ~ Jlt'lf~l1 .wbrn Jhf'lllf' •t.,.rnut tnnmc· roof f.lr l!lmhm. with a farp tesn·lo ("'lt borrowed trow oae of the dead Then she OOt:red Iter head onr hll abon their ht~t4t. wltlt Uae Utht of tllt ii lfii'IJ hlne nalt~frfJIJ'If'd the nfder <'JIIflt eli 11M tdde protldfnl' •btni roorn on !~~eft aed apmd It 01'Pt ~Oilteur. ltnt mother, atld Ule lkiDiot, n{l ot hu atal'l .falllbf 00 them. It ltlrred a ! In ~~~ tf't'd Int. It II an OllfllilndlnJ the lt;rtt floor tot ~Pf!t!al worlctOOtn.t, abe did not wpeak. Olalt tlle mut wheel hair covered death. aon. rtdlaoce t11. 1'ohtett.'a •mo.Ut f fotf with lill.Y rlllllll of live llfMk that t'l~. At Cll'if! nd ot tht llam Ia a ~Utllled Its 'tlruteo.t ltfalllt u the ttnder We lllr tm tl~ ~i'i to ar~ hafr and Jtlomint!d lft!U' taee until 1 th& )'uuns:Pr lh~ anlm.,l thtt more larp lUoot llollow (II., ill-. wbleb t~~Me tUtb tell on the baron. '.rofnette • • • • • • • the •oulld• made b1 hu haoc21 were potrnd• be wUI lid, tn hi• wrl~<hf on a will hot4 a YUt atnount ot creea te-ed tooted steadUJ toward the ur. and n wat late attemoon whm th•1 lett pfaJnlt re-teaf~ 1'h~ rllmbtd the :. glftn lltnount ot tHd. tor th wrnttt. ft r. ronn~ted direct·

"(loslum1t d"lltl flu alwq• tot· towed archltktural dNIJI!, .. wrftH llr. Keallr, "and baa ottffl beeft Ill bat­monr ·with It: C'..onsldrr tbe bMutl· tuS Venetian (OitomM that were In harDIOt:l)' wftb omate pella""- 'l'odq, ho'!ftV~r. the )tej'noltt ot OtJl' dotbt• Ia romfol1 and llmpUdtf, tel Wf! IO on bulldlnlt :tlltabtlf'.an manort. Frentb rhiitNUJ: and ltaUan •IUu. ..

• . "'ha J'Hms wu done abi a~m- tlwt TaUer, a atlll, slu•berlnt hour nortlwii'1111101t bill arret a tJme, and at · --- ·-- ,,. wlfb the nrlou 1tatla bt a (tltr!et panft!d him back to the milL She when the IUD .... about to &'0 to ltl the ·top ot tt .ttoppt!d qa!Jl t6 U:lt. ;; Ove..uti'lrk"'d Horse! and tmek, onr whiC'h a fet>d a.r .. riel' oper• nlaster c. rae•~- ,..an. B .. watched 111m to for hi• bOw. where be, ftrl7 rett. IMYlnt «Jowa and wnsrt Jtltll!!lo ilke Odd.. trt®d tenae and • nv c 1l:tB s:; rut-v ...-#W that the·fona he&t4tllou&htwu pa(utftlpbehlod that mf&IIMJilq bem u.t~fnt. ~tchlllf the .fumbrout dl•: . Mules Need Treatment' I Dlrectly-l.e~k ot .tbe a!lo a~ thl' Mended by Home Owner 'l'oltlt(te wu the 'Wlte ot Peter the made .ot nlmtnlnr meta111. taac,_ ot tbe wlldetnen wbleb lay : fn thP llptlmt. whrn lilt' temf'lera· · rOll' atalls. 20 ln alt. turtnr Ia toward crack& In pluter are a bane t'' Yolit\1~· . 'l'olnette•a hand 117 1• Jwr:as' •• ahout them. .. tie t2urht all mote~nt ~ rute 111 ;:. fn oo dPrtM>JI hhrenhelt, a «nlta1 t~l'l 11llet. A carrier trade ewer, home oWiler. Fortbll&tely, tnost

Ht cam!! back and 1110ke to 'bet a they went. · · abd . au 110•nd. th.e dlteetton. ot the 1 soh muii.'K a11d hnNOMI are quite l!lillll1 mn11 over the lltff.r allet to the out• ot aucb cnckl ran be repaired b)' the aecou«t tJme. Thi!t lips llhlt had broll:eo T1lt7 were tlke a )'ounr r;od a ad wtad. the ahltUnl plaT ot ~ siUldo~ ; otetwnrked l'illd 111111 IIWt'lll f'trt'*lll\'e- aide ll11U1ttre pit, 'thla carrf~tl' •ratenl home owuer hlruwl!lt wllh no tnote trou·

• wttll thlt masket barrel wm notteu, roddeM retidt to race tht baurdl ot th~ almott •olael~. nauer ot lll owl a 1

11. ctve nut ami MtriPIItllfill devei(IJJ l(t~tf7 IIIJIH!nt the· work of the help ble thlh t1 expended ou ltl7 or tlle • d4 the lwmd attO'N hll torehe:td wu •· ·~&e world w!t11b. -~ ~u:!!:li~ wl11111 otw thi'Jr< head&· . . ! Yett rt~pld bN'ttlhlng. rapid lwaH tl"> around the blril. and relltfH tbett ot aterlip Jobt that he dod irouad tilt

tmint a dark aad Ulpt cofor. Tbe wrouant out of fltto. "" e .. c · bau (TO S!l' COttttNtUCD.) .. I tlctft ""'' ~thnw ttPknn• 1111ilJifnrM nt thfl tieadl'lt wort ot all, wheellllr the )ioue. Care ihoutd be ~~trclled, c:Jotll h• ha4twlrttd about Jala \\'I')Urtd· · · · ·· · · · 1 c t .. 1 1 h. '"' H tnlf. wu red. l!lelaMI ati«l P*fn lflllfUwliMiiii-llilllillillfMUUIUIIIIIfifMifJIIIUifllllfiiiUIIIIiiiU•I ht!<'tlme 111f'l!tll'· 1 rnw8; an .. • Ulflic ~ .' tt!fl'l and llntr t•.ad trone the l!ttlll. hoWefe;, to WI a l'fl!if&r patcbllll wm~· tortJat t11.rr wat Jato hf!l f1H. · · · · · · · · · · - Whm 1111th MIIIE'8 bf>Jdll to 11how il~ll Runnfnt thtollih the centet ot tl1e pfu(el' wltleh baa bttll maDuracturM

.t; . ..t a~t tab J'Oi'aft7." hit atd. Roman Historian Wrote of "NoLle'' Caledonians ot!._.f!tbd~tnt~ttnn,'.!lkt"h thh.•rrt. on! t•.!'!d~.!' batt trom 'rront. tobtbact ta • hitb aperlant tor •u.~L wo!k•t 'l'Jtl••ut.tn· 4'111er.. s.1 liot time tO' ea~ tilt the · · · . · . • ... ,.,. • tlwtr. n "' . ., .... 0• '"' "'~' dth'ewat, • Ut dou · e door tntrau~t · wte a JOQd JVU• ~uc 1 • patch ill otlt&r& tt thtt ~me batt-., • · , ·. ·· · . ·· · ·.··· · · •. . .· tbt!Y.. l'l!li)' f>C' l!athed aft n\'el' Wllb Ill tht fto!lt «>t tlle barn. Tile ~~~~~ &~l~llttr an be wreha~ 111 two aM

· · · · Plc:t.t r. the name bt ~bleh, tor th•e M the Flttbll ot J'orth illd' Ct.tde. Cat• tf1ild (It' wlltnl water, then rnbhl'rt d17, o1'et 1hfs 4r1veway ttl hlahet thl~ the ooe-hall •nti ftte·}killild padcatet •ncl ;;!".:!. ~11e":O u.:J;•;,jf11~.!;~ ·iltld.a kilt ttat~ to M4 Ju D. · ~ .ill4 he ~rlbel tlit Car.dora!· A little 1.'001 '"''"" ma1 · bt! app11fll to rertrfar bam cell lilt a ad ,., Ute tt!nter reqllll'" onty th• adr!ltt~u or :wat~r to · ... · ·· · _, ·· · -tbe people .lhit · hihiblted Matera bit u • ftbk! rm or blrbtrtani, WJs• the lind. . flurh llfck hol1!HI nr fl'ltlfd. of tb6 drlvmiy ar.~ hay claor-, Uirl>lflb mike It r~d! lot ~.

~~ :1~~·· towlti'u· t:bacn- · $«1ttand. ttOlli tile J'ortb to tht Paul• ~ht lit chlrJotl ai we.U aa Oil ~ •liot~'lf .tHif btl fft'l 11nt1J tiH!y ate wftlrh. the 'llat lront tbt Wll* -or .. · . . • "A.iact thlrwUtbOt Jattm )'ottr lather liitHl lli'fh .. wet• known. In: c:trtjttt 1Jttft too; swords' aait nott shlelct.. ('Of)f&f 4mt anrt tnhbed Mwn. Then t,.ckl t<att be lltte4 ~~~ tttto lb«. Js•t·. Homes Cooled b'lf Gas

or :rou )I:Klther er Uitllln~t that.·~ ehionlcle« thet an .t71t!d t>fctr. l'!~ an6 'l!rhoae laJr. ted hair· an• ta~ rtre a. llttll*c fffil, mow 'l!rhlc:b tofent Jhtf e1Uftw uptJer . ..· · ,. .. E·.. .., " ,, F< , . · foDii: t:it ·Ute n.tiiU. bl!t wur rew•td tOfl«Mi. Pietore.. e~r Pii:eitraic-au · tt.~ . ·~ • 'l'~Oiitt! WfriL . The . . II «>or ot tM hem. 'Betaue ot thl'.ram· · ,.u:, . Dilneel'8 orecast na-. tot .tlteft to)'llttrto ••nt¢ ud ro_rmi ot the~ ta.~• root: but ao~ BI&Jtlat~Mrs ot t~,. are of c.tue l Pure Bred Sheep b~t toet tfil• lltontre room •• enor.- ~~ 1. lieW ltP. c>t aato~ue. •••. reo •trac~ IIi .-ot tKt .~f" ': .· · · ~ ::.e.. .llifl · tta~'~ OaeUe . ame . of • .o11rtrr. The t>rertt, mac< 1iae~Dinc 101t i lt~ whn lrmd- . ure btrlt llh mC!!IS and. •nt l!old • 1'aet aa1oll!lt •t . trrreratot'.. whlclt ... ra• ~rliiiiHI'I' .. boo . lkttt . :t~ lltA -~ .. IJOet. hilt ·""'t. tbijlt. tts. •Wit!~ !!..!.~a· .... ~ntbd,. o"t rs.rrom thfl O'aelte. . I tnilM nt mo~u,. h.'!.e tt lealit th= bat su leee. . . . . . . . JleY• ,..,f! lt~~ lo tiou~~llfl .,... ~004' list~ ~~~...., :t• ~ oat UJar' cou 17 ca • .,... .. ... ._ ... ,_ • . · , · If k - hf 1 .. r · nmti 04 Uie ot~·ei' lhfe ot tlte drlYI!'Ii'Jf II tomi, ,..; """'11 &btioancl!d ,f the •t t1M ~l.tuc:e.. · tJif equ~tatent o.f .u.e .. r..uu J>fd*Yl• . . ,.. ·,. · . . . . . 6( ~~'. lit 4 ' · t m!

11 J'l'llr. - ' the ltOrif 48ct(ou ot th• ~i'Ji. al'ltt ..ut«lcn Oil uaoclaUon, l!:tJ)erl•

8ke •• 1M IIebe~~ «a~fl4 rn and Old Nori!e PettJandf · wJ\!Cil •llH . . . .. . . s..U .. ,. u..... .. . . I~Yt t"«r rant ru~d · e1f!! lllmb• l!)J~lhet . 80tH ll{itdat m& '.tbue ar• jjx . m&fl biYt beett· ~chtc:tecf Oil. the rll-hlt t.C!f ell. t1M. lfat P'tT tor fdnt •ml,e.ID l~ ~ ~~u: ... ~u~ . ....!!!.~J!.«l• 111H>:r 1::'~ ·~u1W.~~~ !:1:';11:!~~Zn~:O~ ~.~ · n~tllt hone .ttaua. oil• J!Qx .uu allil 1r11~tor tor sit: YtliH, th~ • ._, •• .._ n ifetd la J~er· ~• ., . ._,. 'e. a ltut. J_., t .... r- :Witll' ~· . · •• a · . _ "'"'~"'". •• . ca . . .. · ... . . .. -r· · ra b t . .. 1 • .. . td. Th '* lt 1 « ctoubt• autL ~ lltilll •r.r M tllf tift .ur.w; bit "'' t~tlt liu n iW &Q lh'*- 8lae kn..., ........... -~ld . ~- ~-· liltO ~tlafOil wlU. U\fl' . ,_..~... ~ u ... •n ot :~ I J'taDk' .:,.,; "'r::ucrl! ~ I. d It 11'1 I f I I . la'"" bPI.fl4 liet. •J.ort ~ lUff, .••• 16At]!ble to i'llllki pttblt~. th4 ~· ~ =-· ···· JaR. To lk ·~. ~· Jet~· PI$,.·. oa :Ro$illa ot Utta wrtttt ot ~ktcKi. Cftlit*l . l'il';llla(l_ ~· ltnrfld t~W" m-. '-A~~':., ~bT11:"rt • · at tbt ••4 or -•htcll. u a ~l N1 littii~Oil·.t tk Aflt ~llietdal tuut-.

· ··· ··.Wat4· ·.Itt lk•· klllett:. !l"t lilt U.t ttiDt -.~• .ltf."{k ~- firiA& ~Wtlid wu. all~'W~ .twa,. tailllt Ted lkiW .1,( . . .. · .. • nrl'. · .. c • • . • ~trl»,t· ttolll: lit Pfhln• Iii: ...., ·

I ~~~~==:e::.-~tl: =~~ .. :·~-'tu~ ·;~.;=~J ... V,J1~ ttf ~.!.wtt.'•·=-~rr:; ~-,::r~trtJ!:.:=:c::::: rJ:~~~=::~=·u,~ = ~~. m.t tt ..... th ~~I .,..,,.. ~· 'lrill·iDW* ...... ~I ~·1'ott lt.t• ..... ~ • ., ~ t11111tf• t~J telflt17 btriall .. Jot ~ll.. .... w •• tfit ~ t~ A ...... liMit ~ Wit.~' t•• toollat ·tDtt .... . ' lin . .a ~ ........... fo.fM ~ 1WC' • ....., fidt11fo, ·aut ~ . ..-t1l. - ~ .. ,~ 4tt tlte llltt. :e.w · . .....,._ .................... ;...... tilt .• -· ..... ... •. ""'- Mlfl ·, oe-·- ~---- I I -· ·- -0( .IP"~ 1 ·c~'""' I .... 4! ,..,.. , ___ I. I ......... ,

, ' • '· ,_ ? ' ,, . • .· :_t • .. --~ i ..

• '• . '·


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Page 8: A 'Rare .Concert .·Newarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · 10 -bank • • ' . ·' . ' . ' . ·' -~ . - ' •>. •. ---' ''• .. ' .. ' . .

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. ' .. ' .. ·-£ ·'- ' , . · · · ~pelt~ , N.j ~w.c: · · .. ,

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Carriz9zo Home Laun.dry •

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·--· . . .. ·"':; . -~- · ...

~ - ' . - -' ·;, . . ·, . .· • Specializes .itt ..

' .... '

Mr. 11.~«1 Mt!f. l)QrJDowning' . · Of.!JHrq, Calif~, wer~ . tbtt.l 'b~r~ tl4•urdny. MrmH"'·tQ CqrQPJ. ;wlfett tlu.'l)' wHI ~itiit't'eldiVCl!k'' • . . .

.. ·e·r· . . -· . ' ' "" ' '· ,,

. ~· . / . . t ' .• . . . 1

· .. .··~~

. . ' ' \'' -, ' -. I

. . ' .

FAMILY WASHING '· . . ·.h.,.

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\ f,c:o.n~rd l':i~U1 YQ..itl1"·191l Qf ):,,

P. a:an, iB it~ AH)J,I'luerque ·((It , .. ' t .. •

' . ' . . .. •. 0

· medlc~JI ilteu tiou. .. . · · . Phtme, $(J • Laundry called lor .atuf Pelirl,tr~d .. .

R. :&; P. W~ti'~~~ wa• b~re thJs ' ' •

· wet>ldrom Sant• Fe. · · ~~==~==~~===========·== LOcAL ~~Ano-·PfRsom---·Mou;;m;"~ .. -- •• ~~~p~!~i::~:::.~~;.~.,;, ..

. - . ~· . hill pMents; Mr. aud .M..ra, · J, 'E. Alto Community gaye~ari l'lut" Hall. . . -""'lke N. Win{, field wati a visitor cr picnic •9d egg hunt Sl.lnda;r. Mra. R. E. P. w'arden, ·• Mi~Js~s

Monday from Rl.lidoao, A. large crowd '_VIlB present; aU Ma1.1!ile1and Mary Pi~kett War4~ Proft•lla,or and Mr&. Giltettc and

Mia11 Uni• •pent the wcck•end in Ell Pd!IO. ,

having • darnly t)me. . . en, Mr. att!l Mrs, Fred Sweet, M.r. R ,v. Traylor. and Mtall tt.lb Fambtougb ll!ld others at•

J~ndell SbooJc our two teachcf.f tended aJ~arty given at t~e hotne gave an egg bunt for tbe school o{ Mr. apd ~~~. Willie G~ll•ger.

Mr. add Mra; Joe Weot and Joe, Satl.lrday. Tbe one finding the ou April lat. " Jr. Vlbited relativf'a ln Cloudcroft tnoat ~![gB waa to receive prizea, Mr B l · . last week·end. June Hagee found. tbo most for .s. uney W !son and Mt!!l

Mr. and Mrs. 0f'wey Stokes tbe larger cblldrcn. Donald Pee• Edwtua Peters. were 'in Alamo• •nd D,•wcv. Jr, were •i!U~~kreucl bles !:'eceivinrc the pri2e for find· gordo la-st Saturday. • Yiaitont in E· PallO ing most for Cbc Ant.aller ones.. Mrs. T. J. Straley is home af·

E 1 G bl .

1· (o Botb reccivNl a b.askt:t of candy t r havlnB spent winter .montba

.vi' vn rum "'' was 1omc r i El p · tJJe [~aliter nea!lon from the Ari• ~aster_ eggs, tbat Jlunny hod ' ' . aso. 1ona SlaJc• Uu1vcmuty at Tucton. JUit latcf. rs. L. L. Peters apent a few

Alto School b~o been quite a days tn Carrizozo last week, The County IJ'lo rtl of Educa•

tlon wna In lll'nBiun th~ firllt do yo of the wef'k; all rnr:mbl'r!J prl'sent,

Mr and Mr11, A M. ~"''Y wvre bere wi•h thr1~ fi'"P.~'Ctivc• familico OYer tbr wrf'k·c ocJ from El Paoo.

For Sale· 0 M. l•'rankli.n BJ11ck l4CJl Bacterin; aud Olock l.cllf 40.

Thr· Til a worth Corn piny, Inc.

Coronra wn11 down in force the Oral of thl' wr't-!t ·nfboollo.ll.'ft'IIIO, tzurotiou and othl'r matwro bring• ing thr CODIIDi:rnt

sul'cess t h i1 tt>rm. We hope tote •rti ' able lo kt•rp Mr. Tr.aylor a n d c_ sehoul i~ prcpari"g an

Arbor Day progrttm for the 16lb Mills ~H)I•k, for we believe they at 'whlcb trf'4'!1 donn led by various art· 1o bhn1c lor sucl1 11.uccess. . frh•nds will be planled.

'rbc Wuman'a Club met a\ tbe Mcmtic Gardenhire· wan o u t

from Captran Sunday and joined us 111 our l~antcr (•(m hunt. homl' of Mr11. Elbert Brown at

• 1

• Covo.tc. Saturduy, April 4tb, witb Pcrcy1 ark~r wa~ a lao a \'ltitor a good attendance. 'l'brep uew

wllh Alto frwndtl, ~unda V•. members,. Mcsrlnmcs c u r '* f... a f~oad!l arc dry now. permtttiug W'iatberabce, G~ovcr Pruett· and

tlu•. ocbool. buo and other traffic to Hubbard, were added to tbe Club. get ,al?ng but nccdu quite o bit or 1'bc mcctuJg opened wltb roll rc(lalrlnt: · Cllll to wb1cb each member rea•

Mr. Ourkhcnd is doing- nome ponded with a chort dneriptlon

. . ' . . . . ' •

.. •

. ' '•

.. ..




• •

b"' ~Tea\, 'UaT\t\)1 '\teTe\ . . _ . , 4 1 I

. . .

HERE'S a cream selection from many·of the ·season's ··. finest colors and designs in men' a hosiery, shirts,. ties, -pajamas and :un~erwear. . ~ome and .get your ·aupply · while the linea are unbroken •.

• 'i


er ro.s. •

brnu hauling lor Mr. Egger, bio of some 1t'~"CDt invention.. After •.• ,..,,....... Jfoi1 :\Ar.n ~A Maje11tir Rnnge

111 Knot! rot~d•ti•Jn, lnqu.rc at lhil llffiCt'.

M1on Alia J(,,ller. ilcbool friend of M11111 Huth llrirkley, at Cbe UoiYt>nlty, IIJit>nt the E a • t c r pertud wllb tbc Brlckleya here.

fatllc:r·ln·law. a IIOIDI.' w h a t lengthy busfuca& -=· HayTipt6n ia~till ou the j~ dltcusu~n,\bcmcctingadjourned ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3-~~~~~~=·;·:·:··~~~~~~~·i··~·;·~. ~~·~··~--~-;.~.~-

baultng for Mr. Uartis to cujay the claboratesociaJ dis• Tho Methodist Church w. H. BROADDUS .FRANK J. SAGER . \Jr. Ihma oaya he tnay eomc traetiona ,,rovl~ed b1 tbc. hostess, - OPTOMETRIST U. I. COMMIIIIOK•ft ba\" to tbe dear old moun taint~ to who used tbe E•ster motif in de· '" :> fanu once more: we bopo be dccza. c:orlltions. games and refresh• One hundred and seventeen in CA.R.RIZOZO • Homestead 'Filing• aad Proof•

J S . menta. Mrs. L. L. Peters won Sunda1 Scbool1ast Suuda1 morn• The Tbird Wedueada.y tCOTilftY PUBLIC

\Ira. · • 1J ·~ 1"Y It up f r 0 ru fint tm•e in the word ~oututaod log. Tbis is fine, Let's keep it O.ltiee •t Cit1 :.San


Su11t Knotell'r ond " number of 1111rnn11 of tbt> Capitan Scbuol wen• b<'rc Mfmday, prt'lll'Dtina mattero to lbc County tloard of l~duca t ion.

ll·•1W~U, IJII'Ddmg ~a vtoit with P.trll. S. J Pruett, wbo found the up. Through the generosity of ol-ltacb Mouth Carri:o&a • • N M Mu. CHiton on LttUc Creek. . largut number of Eaater erg•• Usc Rolland Drui{Store each. pu• at tbe oa'Sce of l"or Sale-Ford 8e.dan, 1930 '

'I' be Capitan play gavcn by tbP was a lao rewarded witb a prlac. pll received a eeuerous treat of DR. SH.A V.ER Model; good 1'Ubber-ready•to-go.

J. \'. TuiiJ, U J. Donnell ond 8. W. r ... wd were here Mondn from the Glencoe coun•rv. look• IDii uuo ru• ttc•ro connected witb COUDIJ ofioltA.

Ju,•lor III wu quite a succeaD Mro Drown eutertdned tbl! Club ClllldJ Enter eggs. Mr. Braek Practb U If•••• tlttdt GlaMea Cub or terms. See Jeaae l4aJ, A ~Jtnnbcr of Alto folka attended with nn Interesting acct'Tunt of Sloan took Mr. J. E. Hall',s ·cJaua ~==:==:r=======N=og:~:::I:;,:N::.::M=.====::::=:.~·::

Mr. 11 nd Mrn M. c. \V('Rt bovt• ber recoot viott to tbc Ca.rrizozo of bOJ8 accroaa the Mal Pais :- . bti.'D in El Paso ll few days brlp· Club, which abc found bolb In· wbere tbey badacampf1rediuner; E&lllle=:::::a:n::s:::,.:;::::::~·;ue:s5::=:1E5:5:::::~m snu to nunc tbeir daughter, Mu. tercqting and instructive ·a n•d afl report a bit:! time. Tbere are . 1.

Avttnt wbo baa be eo ill for some frc.m wbicb sbc brot bome seYeral more JlOod timu in store for tbem. M r• Louie E. Cummins ud tunc. id,,:9 for tbP inspiration of tbe And it woo't be long now until

duldren were here Tu1'11dav from Aflcbo Club. A f t e r 1Jilarioua time for tbe big Sunday Scbool CaplluJ to rot'cl tbc utlllber and We will all atnrt planting corn • .... of "C Co , "tb b . picnic ·ll gam.. oo• o. e wem rra • grandmollu~r. Mrn W II. Sellua, ami gardeno 100" no,w, na Eattcr dt>JIIlrted ansurlog tbe hostesa that There was a 1arrce attendance wbo arrivt>d from ~," Angeles ball e,owc and fiOOc aud gre~:te.d Uwv had ucYt'r wore tboroly eo• d the combined Rainbow Girls Uut day for a YiaJt. u~ watb '-IUCb warm weather. ·I.'. ~·d 4 "'Ub m,,.,1•1 .. (j'. ~. ~rr~ , • ... "" u(l and Euter service Sunday night.

Among t b c nrious business. Mr. Raymond Lacklaod s a u. g ma ttera d19cuaacd aud VQted upon .. Tbe Holy Cityttacctlntpitiied b.J, was the uamloatiou of the man• Miss Loaiae Swe(t with tbe vio· U'll'ript for the year book wbicb lin and plano. Tbd was, indeed, w11u pasted with entbusiutlc ape a treat, we l&opa for more soon. prov11land tbc committee blgbly Services next Suuda1 morning complimented. . lttd neniug. Mr. Crnkovich


Tbe Uonito dam 111 now back• lor U(l water 10 tba buiu above. The work waa eotuplelt>d in thut to c.tcb the t'!ll't'9'1tvr thw of the TITLE COMPANY atream, wbtrb, at lbta !IPUon. Is .Au:;TitAC'l'S, Uo.Nns. lNStrRANcn Oowloll frerly from· the weltiiJ( GRACE M. lONES, Ptet. anow. Carra~ozo, New Mexico

By the oe.tt meetior, tbe books, will sine a solo ln tbe evening ~ ==""-~==~=~-= ·~-~·~~ •CtractiYely bouttd in green aod strvic:e.

wbitl'. club colors, w I J I be in bands of the mcmbert. Tbe new roof Is on the church •

. · building, aud wortuneli are bus)' . The fence for tbe school house tbia week bricbteniug .rp·. the in.• is now 11tJ assured bet, The wire • . . • b

9 b rd d th k t . b tuaor. Lr>t us hue another but

a N!D o e.re • an a o t e day oeJtt Sunday.. Be lit Suii•n 1iberld dona \Ions. of Mr. c. M. d . ., Stbb01 1124 tbutcb nrYic. ht" lh t~c"' of :El Puo• Tb• ll'tb 1 a., · e •

· 7 ' • ... "'_u ts the moraJn~ and at chnch again Ilrt>ld Co~panJ, of Santa Rcn . tb · · , .. ,.. ·

I tb trl•t '& c· ·r 1'1 i tO e eyeu U&. 1 c ll swott o. o "tp tan•

all of whOm take a kittdlf toter· __ . ·-----. -. -.. ~------·.

e are

Seed barley Onion sets Carte seed Kaffir corn setd Millet seed Milo seed Groceries

Men"s work clothing Cartvts glove! Pou!irr n6tting. Shovels


• •


•~•t :itt AlR!tii5. ;'I'be po•t•ire be· New Stap Ll~•· Gatdenrak· · . . es •

Our service doetort at~ skilled in diagnost11g automobile ills.. and in

prescribing the tight remtdy. They · know the Fotd ti'l&ine !tom A to Z. They will,. help your[cat live [a long $1\d '!sefulli~e. We, u~ nothing hut · genutnc Fotd pt.t~ I.Qw- tlat utea tot laborta:whote:tot of S.tflfactiott

. fof litt~ *~ We ri>alce:a ap~Gialty bf·

dOd - -. '' . -- ,_ . ; .

• •

iu~ do~Ued .. b,J t'•~tooa l)( the . ....,.. • ·ud as t~oou at tbe wire .. . . .· . • . . .. . . lrti•es, l ib.f will l)~ .~tt for the · Gtorre lb.rk_!1t'* bta . feuu buildibJ'. at tthteli the Clu1:t ·.. or extended, • ttew stag~ .· . W<ltncn wilt ~upplJ~ · • g®d, hut fro~ ~n~ t.o 'l'u!•r~lla ••. Mt.llark•, ••• dhttt~t to the worker•. ae"~ carne• •••laad p•nattttt• ......

• •

."W•nted•••A Mlln"

od. t'lit Oattiroa~:t•ltotwetl at 11. l1 iou.tt .• ud 1:1~ hal ••lie tt.t. 11. ·rot~~ aalcl J!ttettiioll to acc:ommod~tt

• - the tt.i'ftllug pubttc at bQtb eiid•

Tb~ Woauau•• t.oltniOIIIf1 .. . . c>! th~ u~·· . Fer &ttl!•.l ~all itt<! cld)' of Oattlroao Will . . part~r• of tkll b•Hi~ •a~ fat f!r!t. · · · ptay-"Walittd-A.Mta-" at ~~ ~lle,,de •P~IU'l*'J JR Uua.ti­Cor~nt.S~t.tutday nl«ht, AptU U .,.at •. ~bt titta •_re te~~c!•r·e~.te~ at tb4 Higb S~bool G)'•aut•m* the ~rtice pto~t~pt a.ttcl ..... l('H.lJUIOrtd bj the. Sttnda)' ld1 · ""·' •" ·•'"d"'" •t Cotodl~ · · · · Nott~ .. ·

Oil1'\l~atl•1• April U, it wUl - ~ · sn·e~fltt4 •t Urt ltiga . · . Ou tb! ~tlt ot M•~ti, U:U t.t

·. •i"'alU~apit~~pora.uttcl Utt ._o-.r ~t 4:00 ~. •·t Jtt)' wite :'! lltt W<l...-•• • Nl"iotlJft $oo- Anltli1 Jelt *J· tt~••• eaet~ nl· Cap.itJ.tt. . · · · · ··· t;.m · ·

T._• play ~~t •itll run •u*" · · ••r ~atttt• tile li•f ~r-. ¢.tlf 'fylttllil'tMit.ecl•t.S.ttldiO. · •&W' 0#• · · ••ut•r tht ~tnr tu;oo.. · · .. l't1il 4tri••·



• .. . .

-h- -··

Garden hoeJ •. nhlck l~af 40 1Wootblgs · Sash, doors .., ! .........

""""'* Cement, etc..

-. ... . ·' .. ·-

. '

' • ., • ·~ .. -.!.-. .


-- -·--' '' .. " -- - ' . . " '

' .

Jbe Jitswortrt~ <&., ·tnt . · -. - -· . . . ---

Qpifill,_ H. M. •



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