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BACHELOR OF LAWS EXAMINATION, YEAR II - 2016 C o n s t i t u t i o n a l L a w I I

(Three Hours) Total Number of Questions: 07

Answer FOUR (04) questions in total selecting at least ONE (01) from Part II. (Candidates will be penalized for illegible handwriting.)

P A R T I 1. Constitutional history of Sri Lanka indicates that identity politics within the country

has affected its attempts to develop a suitable power-sharing arrangement.

Discuss the above statement making references to relevant authorities and the past constitution-making attempts of Sri Lanka.

2. An ideal method of power-sharing is yet to be developed in the world. Federalism as well as devolution of power within a unitary structure consists of advantages and disadvantages.

Comment on the validity of the above statement drawing examples from at least three jurisdictions of your choice.

3. According to many scholars, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution drastically affected the powers and functions of the three organs of the State. Do you agree? Provide reasons for your answer.

4. Item 5 of List I of the Ninth Schedule of the 13th amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka regulates matters pertaining to 'provincial housing and construction'. However, in 2008, Parliament of Sri Lanka enacted a law titled 'Housing and Construction Act'. The Preamble to the Act reads as follows: "whereas it is the national housing and construction policy to beautify and promote architectural facilities within each Province of Sri Lanka". The Act established the 'National Authority for Housing and Construction' (NAHC). Section 10 of the Act authorises NAHC to issue licenses to permit construction within provinces.

In 2015, the Central Provincial Council enacted 'Central Provincial Housing and Construction Statute' (CPHC). Section 4 of the Statute authorises the establishment of Central Provincial Housing and Construction Authority, (contd. on next page)

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C & A Company wishes to obtain permission from the relevant authority to construct a housing scheme in the Central Province. Advise C & A Company providing reasons for your answer.

5. The Governor of the Western Provincial Council (WPC) appoints a new member to the Provincial Public Service Commission (PPSC) of the Western Provincial Council and names him as the President of the PPSC. The Governor is criticized for appointing his relatives to the Provincial Education Department of the WPC. It is subsequently discovered that these individuals are not suitably qualified to hold the said posts. All the said appointments are made without consulting the PPSC of the WPC or any other responsible authority. Upon the PPSC's decision to hold an inquiry against the individuals appointed to the Provincial Education Department of the WPC, the Governor terminates the services of the President of the PPSC. Sufficient reasons have not been provided for his decision.

The Provincial Public Service Commission of the Western Provincial Council seeks your advice to challenge the Governor's decisions. Advise the PPSC.

PART II 6. Answer both (A) and (B)

(A) Ravith was a member of the Local Government Service and was employed by the Municipal Council of Galle (MCG) as a Senior Project Officer on 12 January 2016. On the day he assumed duties, the MCG gave him one of its houses for occupation. On 19 April 2016, the MCG informed Ravith that it has received several complaints regarding Ravith accepting bribes. He was sent on compulsory leave with immediate effect due to the serious nature of the offence. After a domestic inquiry which proved that Ravith was guilty of accepting bribes, his services were terminated in July 2016. The MCG further instructed him to vacate the house immediately.

Ravith wishes to file an action against the Local Government Service Commission claiming reinstatement, wages due from April - July 2016 and continued possession of the house. Advise Ravith.

(B) Assess whether any improvement can be observed in the functioning of the local authorities of Sri Lanka subsequent to the Provincial Councils system coming into operation.

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Many indicators suggest that levels of civic engagement, civic participation, and civic trust continue to decline under the local government system in Sri Lanka. It leads to an inevitable result of making local authorities more and more dependent on the Centre in discharging their duties.

Critically evaluate the above statement with reference to effectiveness of the function of the local government system in Sri Lanka. Support with authorities.

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