ï Diners / Restaurants ¬« 88

¬ \ î î î î î î î î W Shore Blvd E Myrtle Ave Elm St Chestnut St Finch St Cannery ROW ER IE CAN A L ¬ « 31 ¬ « 88 ¬ « 31 ³ ï West Maple Historical Homes District East Avenue Historical Homes District Driving Park Cir S Main St ES herm an A ve Bostwick Ave Fillmore St Cooper St Osborn St H a rr is o n St Colonial Dr B ar k er P k wy Scott St Jefferson St Williams St Franklin St Moore St Grant St Blackmar St N or t o n S t Ford St High St Davis Dr Washington St Siegrist St Willow Ave Madison St Elmwood Ave Prospect St E Miller St Church St Van Buren St E Union St Hoffman St W Sh erm an A ve Mason St Murray St E Map l eA ve Peirson Ave West Ave N Main St Colton Ave Edgett St W M aple A ve East Ave W Miller St W Union St W Shore Blvd St ua rtA ve Canalway Trail Canal wa y T r a il WELCOME! Village of Newark Walking Map Sites o Color Code Key: Document Path: Y:\gis\projects\WalkingMap\Maps\MXD\WalkingMap with 2017 Updates by Robbin.mxd

Transcript of ï Diners / Restaurants ¬« 88

Page 1: ï Diners / Restaurants ¬« 88


Hom e towne Ene rg y




î î




W Shore Blvd

E Myrtle Ave

Elm St

Chestnut St



Ca nne ry ROWE R I E C A N A L

Cana l Tra il Acce ss(Edg e tt St. Bridg e )




Silve r Hill Te ch nolog y ParkUltra life Corp.


Concord Ford

Pe e b le 'sSe cor Hom e & Hardware

Com m unity Bank

West MapleHistorical Homes District

East AvenueHistorical

Homes District

Me tro PCS

Moose b e rry Soa pCom pa ny BB's Pizze ria


Dom ino'sPizza

Sa l's IceCre a m /Sa l's De li

Monte rre yMe xica n Re stura nt

Nana 's Villa g eRe sturant

Tolle son'sPizze ria

Cana l Vie wFa m ily Re stura nt

Pizza HutGre a t W a ll

Ch ine se Re sturant

McDona ld'sTom W a h l's


Pa rke r's Grille& Ta p House

Re lia nt Com m unityCre dit Union

Com m unityBankLyons

Na tiona l Bank

Ne wa rk Municipa lBldg ./Police

De pt./Volunte e r Fire De pt.

Ale x Elig hCom m unityCe nte r

Ne wa rk Pub licLib rary & Hoffm a nClock Muse um

ElksLodg e

U.S. PostO ffice

ArcadiaHistorica lMuse um

Bodine 's SouthEnd Marke t

Sa ve -A-Lot

W e g m a nsSunoco

Doug Ke nt'sRose BownLane s

SpunkFitne ss

Antique sand Se condHand Store s

IECEle ctronicsNAPA Auto

South Ma in Em porium

Sh oppingCe nte r

Ente rprise Re nt-A-Car

Upsta teRe fra ctory

Candy AppleDaycare Ne wa rk

Dia lysis Micro-Te chMa ch ine North Am e rican Filte r

Re fra ctron

Ne wa rkVe te rinaryHospita l

Ha lste a dMach ine , Inc.

Stott's DryCle a ne rs

Dolla r Ge ne ra lRite Aid

Union Stre e tAutom otive

AT&TKwik Fill

Liquor Store

W a lg re e ns

Sh e rwin W illia m s

TraditionAuto Sa le s

Ne wa rkGarde nHote l

Vinta g e Garde nsBe d & Bre a kfa st

Fa m ilyDolla r Store

Mason'sBarb e r

Arcadia Sportsand Awards

Le g e ndary AutoInte riors, Ltd.

Com ple teFoot Care

W h a ta W a sh

Bodine 'sDiscount Liquor

Kwik Fill

K&M De MaySka te Park

ByrneDa iry/Conve nie nceStore /Citg o

Arrow MartConve nie nce Store

Arts Council

Town of ArcadiaHig h wa y De pt.

ESLCre ditUnion

Citize n'sBank

Cra ft 120Mark's Pizze ria

W e ndy'sRe stura nt

Th e Corne rTa ve rn

Ling Ling II Ch ine se Re stura nt

Sa lva tore 's

Subway /Tim Horton's

Burg e rKing

Th om pson He a lthUrg e nt Care

Ne wa rk/W ayneCom m unityHospita l

Ne wa rk Volunte e rFire m a n's Park

Re fue lFitne ss

Pe rkins Park

Pe rkins Fie ld

Ce ntra l Pa rk

Ross Park

Ke lle y Sch ool

Pe rkinsEle m e nta rySch ool

Ne wa rkCe m e te ry

Ne wa rkIndustria l/Busine ssPark

Ne wa rk Se niorHig h Sch ool

Fing e r La ke sCom m unityColle g e

Lincoln Sch ool

Ne wa rkMiddle Sch ool

Ne wark Ch a m b e r ofCom m e rce /Cana lPort Ce nte r

Am e ricanLe g ion


Joe y's North side Groce ry


g Park


S Main


E Sherman Ave


ick Av


Fillmore St


r St


n St

Harrison St

Colonial Dr

Barker Pkwy


StJefferson St

Williams St

Franklin St

Moore St

Grant St


ar St

Nor ton St

Ford St

High St

Davis Dr

Washington St

Siegrist St

Willow Ave


on St


od Ave


ct St

E Miller St

Church St

Van Buren St

E Union St


an St

W Sherman Ave




y St

E Maple Ave


n Ave

West A


N Main





t St

W Maple Ave

East A


W Miller St

W Union St

W Shore Blvd

Stuart Ave

Em m a nue l Unite dMe th odistFirst Ba ptist

Pa rkPre sb yte ria n

St. Mark'sEpiscopa l

Re de e m e rLuth e ra nCh urch

Ch urchof Ch rist

First Unite dMe th odist

St. Mich a e l's

Ne wa rk Ba ptistFe llowsh ip Ch urch

C a n a l w a y T r a i l

C a n a l w a y T r a i l

W h ispe ring W inds Ca m pg round

WELCOME!Village of NewarkWalking Map Sites

oSca le : 1: 7,000

0 500250 Fe e t

Sunoco Gas Sta tion

Arcadia Sh opping Ce nte r •Tractor Supply •He rb Ph ilipson's •Ve rizonW a lm a rt Supe rstore

Cross Park Fa m ily Re sturantBe e Te e s Drive -InColb urn Park

Kle e n Kar Auto W a sh

(1.6 m i. e a st on Route 31)

Color Code Key: Hospita l / Urg e nt Care Dine rs / Re sta urants Financia l Gove rnm e nt / Pub lic Groce ry / Food Mart Re cre a tion / Ente rta inm e ntRe ta il / Com m e rcia l Lodg ing













p with



ates b

y Rob

