Xue Lor

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Transcript of Xue Lor

Statesman Journal mini-questionnaire for 2014 Primary Election

Thank you for responding to this questionnaire.

Why this matters: The Statesman Journal Editorial Board will use this questionnaire in deciding which candidates to endorse at the May 20 Primary Election. The board is doing fewer in-person interviews this spring. Your answers also will be shared with reporters and may be published in the newspaper and/or on our website, StatesmanJournal.com, so the public will see what you submit.

We also ask that you respond to every question, instead of simply attaching campaign materials, resumes, etc.

Please return the completed questionnaire to the Editorial Board as an email or an attached Word document to Salemed@StatesmanJournal.com. (Handwritten or fax responses don’t work.)

Deadline for submitting your questionnaire: 9 a.m. Wednesday, April 16.

Questions? Contact Editorial Page Editor Dick Hughes, 503-399-6727, dhughes@StatesmanJournal.com, or Editorial Assistant Nancy Harrington, 503-589-6944, nharring@StatesmanJournal.com.


Your name: Xue Lor

Age: 39

(If your age will change before the May 20 primary, please indicate your birthday. We want to make sure we use accurate ages in editorials and news coverage.)

Political party (if this is a partisan office): Nonpartisan nomination

Position you are seeking (name of position, district number, political party if applicable):Salem City Council, Ward 6

Number of years living in the area you seek to represent:9 years

Are you a full-time resident of that area?Yes

City/town of residence: Salem

Family (name of spouse/partner, number and ages of children if at home, number of grown children):Wife, Yeng, two boys, 20 14 and two girls, 16 & 6

Your education (high school, trade, college, post-baccalaureate; indicate degrees earned):Graduated from North Salem High SchoolChemeketa Community College

If employed, current occupation, employer and job duties:Oregon State Penitentiary, Correctional Corporal, 1998- PresentMy job is to protect the public by holding offenders accountable for their actions and model positive behaviors. As a correctional professional, I am responsible for the safety and security of the staff, volunteers, visitors, inmates and state properties.

Previous employers and when:Mitsubishi Silicon America, Production inspector, 1994-1998

Military service and when:None

Volunteer/civic/religious service and when:Faith Christian Fellowship Church, Church Elders, 2008-PresentLo-Pha Society of Oregon, President, 2009-PresentAsian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO), Board member, 2010-2012Salem Human Rights and Relations Commission, Commissioner,

Please list all public offices to which you’ve been elected, and when:Salem Human Rights and Relations Commission, Commissioner,

Please list any unsuccessful candidacies for public office, and when:None.

Other prior political and government experience:Salem Human Rights and Relations Commission, Commissioner,

How the public can reach your campaign (remember that this information may be made public):

Mail address: PO Box 12894 Salem, OR 97309

E-mail address: lorforcitycouncil@gmail.com

Web site URL: www.lorforcitycouncil.com www.facebook.com/lorforcitycouncil

Phone: 971-599-3471

Please limit your response to each of the following questions to about 75 words.

1. To an outsider, how would you describe the region you wish to represent? What is it like geographically, economically, politically and socially?East Salem is a beautiful residential and business area. It is close to downtown yet it still feels like the countryside. We have diverse groups of people, cultures, private and public schools, and social economic standards. East Salem neighborhood is active in the community and cares about our streets, sidewalks, bike lanes, parks and the environment.

2. When did you decide to run for this office, and why?I decided to seek office in November 2103. I am running for the Salem City Council because I care deeply about serving the common good of my beloved Salem community and my adopted home country, the United States of America. Serving on the Council is a way for me to give back to this community and country that have welcomed me and given me so much. As someone who immigrated to the United States, then became a US citizen, I believe in the American Dream. I also believe there is a need for someone like me on the City Council who understands, firsthand the aspirations and struggles of the immigrant life and of all those from the four corners of this globe who come to Salem for work or study.

3. How much will your primary campaign cost (please be specific)?$926.32

4. Who are your key endorsements from within the Mid-Valley?Association Of Correctional Employees (AOCE)Salem United PACMichael Swaim, Former City MayorLevi Herrera-Lopez, Latino American community advocateCrispin (Cris) Ogo, Micronesian American community advocatePao Xiong, Asian American community advocateBennie Yows, African American community advocate

5. Have you ever been convicted of a crime, been disciplined by a professional licensing board/organization or had an ethics violation filed against you? If so, please give the details.No.

6. Have you ever filed for bankruptcy, been delinquent on your taxes or other major accounts, or been sued personally or professionally? If so, please give the details.No.

7. Why should people vote for you? What separates you from your opponent(s)? Be specific.I am sincere and I care about this community. From the beginning I have made a decision not to take money from special interest groups because I do not want to be polarized. I am not running for City Council with a preconceived agenda to accomplish. I am not a politician or a salesman,

just a regular citizen who appreciates what this community has done for my family and care to make a difference for the community.

8. Describe your philosophy of governance:My philosophy of governance is to devote to democratic values, respect for the rules of law and fundamental human rights, including rights to education, social and political participations, right to employment and progress through economic advancement. 

9. Give an example of a political mistake you made and what you learned from it:None.

10. What specific steps would you advocate to make government more open and transparent?* Hold open forum meetings that engages the community* Eliminate unnecessary spending* Make city government pro-active instead of re-active* Review city policies and bring them up to date

11. What specific steps would you advocate to make government more fiscally effective?I feel that if city government expects its citizens to pay their bills and be financially responsible then city government should too. City government should be very cautious about injecting taxpayer dollars to businesses that do not have long-term commitments to the city.

12. What are the three most important issues you would address if elected, and how? (75 words for each issue) A. Make government more responsive and transparent

There should not be any back door deals without public hearings. B. Hear ideas from diverse groups and cultures

City government should be open and inviting to hear ideas from local universities, diversity leaders, businesses, and non-profits to plan for the future.

C. Create a sustainable community with focus on citizensWhen citizens are engaged, educated, protected, and feel that their voices and concerns are being heard, the community will thrive.

13. What do you see as other important issues?1. A new police building to better serve the community2. The old State Hospital on Center Street3. Provide more recreational opportunities for kids and seniors (parks, aquatic center and etc.)

14. What magazines, newspapers and Web publications do you regularly read to keep up on the news, especially on issues related to the office you are seeking?Statesman Journal, Salem Weekly, Willamette Week and Oregonian.

15. Any skeletons in your closet or other potentially embarrassing information that you want to disclose before it comes up in the campaign?None

16. If you are running for a governing board in Oregon (such as city council, county board of commissioners or the Legislature), how many meetings of that board have you attended in person during 2013 and 2014? How many have you watched online or on TV, if applicable?I have attended 11 city council meeting and watched 6 sessions online. Thank you. Please return this questionnaire to the Editorial Board as an attached Word document to Salemed@StatesmanJournal.com by 9 a.m. Wednesday, April 16.