Ab Extractie

Post on 03-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Ab Extractie

  • 8/12/2019 Ab Extractie


  • 8/12/2019 Ab Extractie


    n acid/base extraction on it, to obtain a pure product.It's something you can do at home with no chemistry knowledge, and with OTC chemicals.-Make a solution of 1 teaspoon of lye in 50ml of water, if you don't have a labbeaker than you'll can substitute a shot glass for it.-Add 1-3 grams of speed to 100ml of water and let it all dissolve, if some stuff remains on the bottom undissolved than filter the solution through a coffe filter, the undissolved crap is an adulterant.-Slowly add 10 ml of the lye solution to the solution containing the speed, andkeep adding a few ml of the lye solution untill the pH* reaches 12.-Add 20ml of solvent** to the basified speed solution and shake it so all the solvent comes in contact with the speed, that has now turned into the freebase.-Remove the solvent layer, which is probaply the upper layer if you use tolueneor nafta, keep this layer and throw it into a empty beaker/shot glass-Add another 20ml of solvent to the basified speed solution and repeat the previous two steps for two more times, and after the 3rd solvent extraction throw away the speed solution, which now doesn't containe any speed anymore, but only the adulterants which have stayed dissolved in the water.-Add a few ml of sulfuric acid*** to 30-40ml of water, and add 5ml of this solution to the solvent, and shake it good. Check the pH of the acid solution, and if it's pH neutral or acidic than seperate the layers and throw away the solvent,if the acid solution is basic than add a few ml of acid solution and shake again, and seperate the layers and throw away the solvent.-Boil down the acid solution on a hotplate or in a pan filled with a small layer of water, untill dry crystals apear, this is your pure amphetamine sulphate.

    *pH, you can measure the pH with pH strips which you can buy on websites which sell beer and wine brewing equipment, at the bigger chemists, or at pet shops where they sell aquariums.**Solvent, you have to use a non-polar solvent, the freebase is exctracted withthis, and because it doesn't dissolve with water it is easily seperated. Go to your local hardware store and ask for toluene or xylene, if they don't have it than you can use nafta as another option.***Sulfuric acid, this is often sold as super drain cleaner at larger hardware stores, look at the label of drain cleaners, and if it contains sulphuric acid.