Download - The Laredo Independent School District Board of Trustees ...



OOffffiicciiaall MMiinnuutteess LLIISSDD BBooaarrdd ooff TTrruusstteeeess 1122..1155..0055

TThhee LLaarreeddoo IInnddeeppeennddeenntt SScchhooooll DDiissttrriicctt BBooaarrdd ooff TTrruusstteeeess mmeett ffoorr aa

BBooaarrdd MMeeeettiinngg oonn TThhuurrssddaayy,, DDeecceemmbbeerr 1155,, 22000055 aatt 66::3377 aatt tthhee

LLaarreeddoo II..SS..DD.. BBooaarrdd RRoooomm llooccaatteedd aatt 11662200 HHoouussttoonn SStt..,, LLaarreeddoo,, TTXX..

A. Call to Order

DDrr.. DDeennnniiss DD.. CCaannttuu ccaalllleedd tthhee mmeeeettiinngg ttoo oorrddeerr aatt 66::3377

B. Roll Call

MMrr.. GGeeoorrggee MM.. BBeecckkeellhhyymmeerr ccaalllleedd rroollll..

DDrr.. DDeennnniiss DD.. CCaannttuu PPrreesseenntt

JJoohhnn PPeetteerr MMoonnttaallvvoo PPrreesseenntt

GGeeoorrggee MM.. BBeecckkeellhhyymmeerr PPrreesseenntt

JJeessuuss JJ.. GGuueerrrraa PPrreesseenntt

JJoossee AA.. VVaallddeezz PPrreesseenntt

GGuuiilllleerrmmiinnaa MMoonntteess AAbbsseenntt

JJoorrggee LL.. RRooddrriigguueezz AAbbsseenntt

C. Pledge of Allegiance

Mr. John Peter Montalvo led with the Pledge of Allegiance.

D. Public Forum

Ms. Raquel Ramirez mother of a Cigarroa High School basketball

player addressed the Board of Trustees and stated that they are

here publicly appreciated and show their gratitude to one of the bus

drivers from LISD. Recently the team traveled to McAllen at the

beginning of the month of December and on the way back sadly they

were involved in an traffic accident on the road and due to the

expertise of this bus driver he played a vital role in the good

outcome in a way of our lady Toros and in union with the coaches,

they were there with them and as a parent we are very grateful to

their professionalism and their instinct for helping the lady Toros

stay calm and also the bus driver (Mr. Rafael Garcia) avoided the


lady Toros to have a major accident and the lady Toros are here

and they wanted to show their appreciation to him because as a

parent we are most grateful when they travel and know they are in

good hands not only of the coaches but those who take them the bus

drivers. They are very grateful to him because thanks to him the

lady Toros arrived safely to Laredo, Texas and they wanted to

extend their gratitude for bringing their girls home and she also

stated her gratitude to Athletic Director Sylvia Barrera and other

coaches for their quick action they knew they were in good hands.

The lady Toros had a card made for the bus driver – Mr. Rafael


Mr. John Peter Montalvo stated to have this on the next board

meeting and recognize him properly.

Mr. Ray Ortiz addressed the Board of Trustees an LISD parent and a

member of Laredo Chess Club gave a brief report on the progress of

the chess program in LISD, it is on track and the numbers have

doubled and addressed some concerns they had (needs), they would

like to have a designee to talk to and acknowledged Dr. Cantu for

having for sponsoring the tournament at Sanchez-Ochoa.

Mr. Alberto Varga addressed the Board of Trustees and stated that

he reinforce on what Ray Ortiz already stated and thanked Mr.

Guerra for his support on the chess event that they have in LISD

with Mr. Valdez along with Dr. Cantu and the rest of the school


Mr. Jesus Guerra stated that Dr. Cantu sponsored all those trophies

that were awarded to 125 participants and talked about parent

involvement and we need that component in tandem with the district.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated that he is very much a supporter of it and

will continue to, you have the boards support.

Mr. Adolfo Gonzalez addressed the Board of Trustees and

recognized the employers who have supported them while they are

away and congratulated LISD for being one of those employers,

100% pay, Mr. Rodriguez presented a certificate to the board, and

leaves a statement of support for signature.


Mr. Jose A. Valdez stated their support and stated that wherever

they are, they are not alone our hearts and thoughts are always with

them and we prove it with the policies that we pass and hopes this

ends soon and that they come home safely.

Mr. Jose Botello Chief Executive Officer of a non-profit corporation

called “Somos Muchos” addressed the Board of Trustees and stated

that his purpose here tonight is to speak on behalf on Miguel Farias

item #4.

Ms. Esther Buckley teacher at Cigarroa High School addressed the

Board of Trustees and stated to allow Cigarroa High School to

continue working toward complying with AYP requirements under

the existing improvement plan. She also stated that they have been

working all year under the leadership of Misty Parr and expanded on

the 8 step process that was adopted accepted by all. Ms. Buckley

also stated that they ask to allow their TAP to come back to work

with Cigarroa, we need a TAP in place we don’t have time to waist,

6 weeks is all we have left, if we do not hurry funds will be frozen

from the SIRC office January the 1st and we may not ever get this

additional $600,000.00 if there is no TAP in place the funds will be

frozen in January.

Mr. Mario Zaragoza appointed by the National Education Association

as legislative committee chairman the past week addressed the

Board of Trustees and commented on the pack and stated that from

the pack they are able to assist, contribute and support to the local

School Board Trustees up to $12,000.00 and grass root support as

well not only the endorsement like in the past years and again he

speaks on behalf of NEA.

E. Recognitions:

Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua stated that they have several recognitions this

month and Mr. Alvarado will make the presentation.

Mr. Marco Alvarado addressed the Board of Trustees and asked the

Board of Trustees to stand in front of the dice for the presentation.

Mr. Alvarado stated tonight the Board of Trustees recognizes the

Martin High School Cross Country Team for winning the 29-5A

Cross Country Championship.


• Martin High School Boy's Cross-Country

The Martin High School Boy’s Cross-Country were recognized,

shook hands and took a photo with the Board of Trustees and the

Superintendent and also, each member was given a tiger with a


• Nixon High School Football Team

The Nixon High Football Team was recognized shook hands and

took a photo with the Board of Trustees and the Superintendent and

each member was given a snow glow with a message.

• Middle School Region Choir, Orchestra and Band

The Middle School Region Choir, Orchestra and Band were

recognized, shook hands and took a photo with the Board of

Trustees and the Superintendent and each member was given a

trophy with a message.

• Ricardo Rodriguez, LISD employee returning from tour of duty in


The Board of Trustees recognized Mr. Rodriguez a security officer

at Christen Middle School who came back from service and was

presented with a plaque, shook hands and took a picture with the


F. Superintendent's Report

• Instruction Briefing

• Finance Briefing

• Student Briefing

• Facilities Briefing

Mr. John Peter Montalvo stated that we have a contract that

stipulates that they do not have to come back until 90 days.

Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua comments on the A.E.I.S. Report, held 2

public hearings, discuss annual audit results for the school district,

performance report, meetings with PTO and PTA Presidents and


will schedule a customer service training for parents as well,

information on grievances and recruitments, status projects, board

matters-board training HB 914 requires a training and to file

questionnaires and statements of conflict of interest requires by HB

914 this is scheduled to be effective January 1st 2006 and he is

providing the information as required by the state and we will have

training for you at the January meeting the rest of the information

is provided to them in the report.


(In alphabetical order)

1. Discussion and possible action to instruct staff to provide all teachers a one

hour lunch period.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated that the reason he put this on there is the

difference between what the elementary and the middle school teachers have

vs. the high school teachers have and what the counselors and custodians

have and again it is not a matter of micro-managing it is just that continuously

for several years he has had teachers telling him why do we get 30 minutes

where by the time the kids leave the classroom it is 5-10 minutes and you

have 30 minutes total to come back to your classroom especially the stress he

perceives of TAKS and state testing and all these grants that we have and all

the paper work that our teachers have been exposed to and in his opinion,

direct Mr. Amezcua and his staff to evaluate the present situation and he

thinks it is unfair that our teachers that are constantly on this 6 ½ or 7 hour

time line of teaching our students are given 30 minutes for lunch where our

other employees are given 1 hour for lunch and he hates to say it but several

administrators now continuously take 1 hour 1 ½ hours 2 hours for lunch if one

of our teachers would take 2 hours for lunch to have a party somewhere they

would be fired and he thinks there is no accountability as far as he is concern

and he speaks for the teachers in his own way that if you know people are not

accountable for the time can take 1 ½ 2 hour lunches or go to the mall at 3:00

in the afternoon then our teachers can do the same or they should not do it

any more and he thinks things have gotten out of control and he feels bad for

our teachers that have to be there when the bell rigs for lunch and when the

bell rings in the afternoon and again everyone should be accountable or no


one should be accountable and he thinks the alternative is that everyone

should be accountable and he thinks we should give our teachers a break and

give them at least 50 minutes for their lunch hour and he thinks they are

under such stressful situations with what they face in our schools and leave

the campus not totally unmanned but leave or go home or have a nice lunch

hour where they can relax a little bit instead of being back on the job in 30


Mr. John Peter Montalvo seconded that.

Mr. George M. Beckelhymer stated Mr. Amezcua weren’t you going to bring

something to us about Dr. Cantu’s concerns there about people disappearing

from their campus and there not being any administrator in charge all vice

principals can be gone and principals also it’s a relative concern and Dr. Cantu

is focusing on inequity here at the same time and it needs to be fair for

everyone so are you able to evaluate all those circumstances including this

position in particular and bring us back a clear explanation as well as a


Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua stated we have developed an impact on the campus and

student by expanding the lunch hour at this point in time it would impact in 2

ways it would reduce instructional time or instructional day would have to be

extended by 30 minutes we have addressed any concerns and situations at

principals meetings to administrators and we can continue to do so in terms of

adhering to a consistent at the campuses and he doesn’t feel at this time to

extend an hour lunch would negatively impact the ability to have or reduce the

instructional time at the campus we can certainly look at addressing the

administrative focus portion of that and focus on that to partial any concern

but if you like for them to address the other matter.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated he does not think any body is in favor of reducing

instructional time, that is the last thing we need but on the other hand he is

for giving people some time to decompress where teachers that are there are

demand to be there at a certain time, they have the most demanding schedule

of our employees but they have the most demand on their performance and he

feels that if our custodians can have an hour for lunch and he is all for Para-

professionals certainly we can do better for our teachers and certainly that is

not taking away from all the other employees but with all the paper work, all

the demands, all the criticism that our teachers in directly get for our student

performance he thinks giving them a break is certainly called for and the

other issue Mr. Beckelhymer is talking about the rampant abuse of certain

administrators taking as much time as they want while teachers have to be


there right when the bell rings this is not a blanket of all administrators but it

is out there in the community and he gets calls at his office all the time he

does not respond to them but he knows what is going on and he has seen it


Mr. Jesus J. Guerra agrees with Dr. Cantu and it is an issue of mentality of a

disparity of the fair standards act and some people are exempt and some are

not and because those issues sit there and address wages and hours there is

no problem and yes the extension of instructional days has to be addressed at

both ends but that teacher is at a stressful job and the FSLA was designed

one of the interesting parts was to address stress and fatigue, he sees no

problem with it either.

Mr. Jose A. Valdez stated he would like to ask a question so he can proceed

how much time do students have to eat lunch.

Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua asked Ms. Perez to address this issue.

Ms. Guadalupe Perez stated that students get 30 minutes as well Sir with the

exception of the high school they get 50 minutes for lunch which is what the

teachers get therefore their schedule is a little different they are dismissed at


Mr. Jose A. Valdez stated that he does not see why teachers don’t get the

same time.

Ms. Guadalupe Perez stated at the high school they do.

Mr. Jose A. Valdez stated that he does have a concern what we are doing here

now we are going to a level of the teachers which we are bypassing the

Principals, the Executive Principals and we are giving instructions on what

they are suppose to do if this becomes a policy, will we be violating any state


Ms. Guadalupe Perez stated Texas Education Code dictates 30 minutes

however, if the board seems of it the Superintendent and administration can

look into that.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu asked 30 minutes for only Elementary and High School

does it dictate 30 minutes for High School also, how is it that we went for

some teachers 50 minutes and for some 30 minutes.

Ms. Guadalupe Cortez stated because they compensate with the extension of


the instructional day in other words the students are not short changed they

go longer they have a longer day therefore your see the situation in the 3 high

schools where they are dismissed at 4:30 and that’s just the way things are

they put in the same amount of time instruction is not impacted.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated that he has been approached many, many times by

teachers saying 30 minutes is just not enough.

Ms. Guadalupe Perez stated that is what the code dictates.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated but it doesn’t limit you to that.

Ms. Guadalupe Perez stated no Sir, not at all.

Mr. George M. Beckelhymer stated that he thinks that what you stated in your

first remarks Dennis is appropriate that you want to pursue it let them

evaluate it carefully with the impact of the parents as well as the students

especially the littlest children which he thinks impacts him and bring us some

kind of consensus.

Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua stated we have the Elementary School would go 4:30,

Middle School 4:45 and the High School remains because that is not a change.

Mr. George M. Beckelhymer stated right but we are taking about the ability of

a small child to stay alert an extra 30 minutes.

Ms. Virginia Flores Executive Principal for the Tiger Team stated her concern

is the safety of the children we would all want to give the teachers all an hour

lunch like everybody else but who is going to supervise the children while the

teachers are out having lunch that is her major concern you have 3 year olds

4 year olds and if the teacher is gone for an hour the students are having

lunch for 30 minutes she does not think we have the adequate staff to be able

to supervise those young children the older children like Ms. Perez said

maybe the middle school may be allowed to stay alone while the teacher is

having lunch, she would be very, very concern of the safety of the children

for an hour.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated he did not mean to imply to put the security or

safety of the children in jeopardy, his only concern is for our teachers.

Ms. Virginia Flores stated she understands but if there were a way where the

teachers could release the students for an hour while they are taken care of

but she does not see the personnel or the staff that would be able to


accommodate at the campus level, she really does not see it.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated do the Principals stay for an hour on campus.

Ms. Virginia Flores stated no but the Principals are not directly having to take

care of those students for an hour.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated obviously not cause they are not on campus maybe

they can switch off and give our teachers a break.

Ms. Virginia Flores stated yes and it could be done on a rotating basis like to

cover 100 teachers at a large campus they would be able to cover them for 3

days during the whole instructional year, that could possibly be done.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated that is a good idea.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra stated it is all a question of scheduling, staggering and

supplementing are the key words you would be addressing but if you go

through the staggering system it would be feasible and it takes some critical

thinking to get it done.

Ms. Virginia Flores stated it would be feasible if you leave a large group like

the P.E. groups that would be feasible but it would not be the 22 to 1 care

they are getting right now.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated and he agrees you can not change anything unless

you look at it but is it inequitable for a Principal to leave for an hour and half

from their campus when the teachers have to be there for 30 minutes for their

lunch break, he thinks it is basically unfair.

Ms. Guadalupe Perez stated lunch break should be an hour and as

administrative staff they will look into that, the reason for administrators

taking that hour is the fact that administrators are suppose to be 24/7 on call.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated are they 24/7, are they really 24/7, he does not

think so.

Ms. Guadalupe Perez stated when the alarm rings off, when we have Saturday

tutorials, when we have PTA’s and PTO’s the administration is expected to be


Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated that he goes back to Thanksgiving Day he was

making rounds at the hospital the alarm was going off he called Dr. Cartas

called Mr. Amezcua and said hey is it going to be like Milton last year where


the alarm goes off for three days, this is not against you but if you want to get

into this will get into it, but 24/7 he thinks is a fallacy.

Mr. John Peter Montalvo stated that we are talking about parents, it works

both ways now a days two parents have to work and the longer they are kept

in school the better it is for the children and the parents because they do not

have anyone to take care of them some times they have to stay alone we

forget that not all of us have the luxury of having money to hire somebody to

take care of the children and we have to get our in-laws, our family or other

friends to look after those people and we forget, that family is working and

they need someone to look at them too in the long run he thinks it works and

we should go back and check it let staff look into it, you have to schedule it is

hard but things can be done when you schedule things and why say no why

not look at it positive so it would be something positive for each and everyone

of us under take it and come back with a good solid response to them so they

can see what they could do.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated that is all this is about.

Ms. Guadalupe Perez stated most certainly Sir, yes we will explore options as

far as scheduling is concerned we presented you with some of the impact that

it would take as far as the campus and community is concerned for your

information but we will most certainly follow your recommendation and come

up with some sample schedules so you can review those.

Mr. George M. Beckelhymer stated one last thing Dr. Cantu, Mr. Amezcua it

could be a different increment of increase it could 10 minutes or 15, it could

be 45 minutes if it is feasible take into consideration all the safety issues,

parental needs, as well as the ability for a child to stay alert, everything into

consideration as well as if teachers want to stay later.

Ms. Guadalupe Perez stated we have to look at the impact of blocks for each

subject area and we have to come up with a clean cut time frame such as 45

minutes which is basically the norm for a class period and therefore, the 15

minutes lunch break at the high school level, we can most certainly do that.

Mr. George M. Beckelhymer stated perhaps 45 minutes P.E. can be broken up

into 2.

Ms. Guadalupe Perez stated either that or create a little recess period.

Mr. George M. Beckelhymer stated sorry that is what I meant.


All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

2. Discussion and possible action over past instructions directing our

Superintendent, Mr. Amezcua, to fill the over a year long VACANT

Directorship for the Bilingual Department. Possible Closed Session Pursuant

to Texas Government Code Sections, 551.071 and 551.074.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra

Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua stated Dr. Cantu I need clarification on item #1 what the

motion is.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated to instruct staff to look at possibilities to make a

uniform break for all of our teachers not just the high school teachers.

Mr. George M. Beckelhymer stated or increasing the one for the elementary


Mr. Jesus J. Guerra stated that when he wrote this thing he wrote it with the

intentions of discussing it in executive session you have been handed just a

document of what he e-mailed to the secretary to the board for this item

there is a difference between the one you have in front of you and the one

you just received a suggestion by the superintendent and the reason he

addressed it with executive session was because it was talking about

personnel as well as possibility of talking to an auditor however, given that

this other item is here he would like to still take it to executive session.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra makes a motion to move into executive session and take

items #2, 4, 11, 20, 25, and #19 and move into executive session.

Mr. John Peter Montalvo seconded the motion.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

The Board of Trustees goes into executive session at 7:41 p.m.

The Board of Trustees returned from closed session at 9:08 p.m.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated no motion was made, no votes were taken, no

action was taken.

Mr. Jose A. Valdez and Mr. Jesus J. Guerra stated to action

Mr. George M. Beckelhymer stated no motions just expect a resolution by the


January Board Meeting.

The Board of Trustees addressed item #4.

3. Update on Human Resources hiring process.

Mr. John Peter Montalvo

Mr. John Peter Montalvo tabled the item.

Mr. Jose A. Valdez stated that he would like to bring up item # 32.

Mr. George M. Beckelhymer seconded the motion.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

The Board of Trustees addressed item #32.

4. Discussion of the grievance for Miguel Farias including past discussions with

legal counsel on related legal issues. Possible Closed Session Pursuant to

Texas Government Code Sections, 551.071 and 551.074.

Ms. Guillermina Montes, Mr. Jesus J. Guerra, Mr. Jose A. Valdez

Mr. Jose A. Valdez makes a motion to instruct their legal attorney to finalize

that action.

Mr. John Peter Montalvo seconded the motion.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

The Board addressed item #11.

5. Discussion and possible action to create a committee to evaluate and score

major construction projects. Committee to be made up of three Trustees

selected by lot. Project architect shall also be a member of the committee.

Mr. Jose A. Valdez

Mr. Jose A. Valdez so moved to table this item.

Mr. George M. Beckelhymer seconded the motion.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

6. Discussion and possible action regarding a mural at Memorial Middle School

honoring our nation's military Veterans.


Dr. Dennis D. Cantu

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated that this is something he brought up at the ribbon

cutting for Memorial Middle School they have a fabulous wall that faces

Gustavus and the football field that he thinks maybe we can have Mr. Cerda at

the VMT and possibly Ms. Padilla and her staff to depict something honoring

the history of our the service of our Military Veterans of our country, he feels

that would be a fitting tribute to that school.

Mr. George M. Beckelhymer stated may we see choices?

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated absolutely, I just want to see if you all agree with

it or not.

Mr. Jose A. Valdez stated what action would you like on that.

Mr. George M. Beckelhymer stated as the Doctor stated so moved.

Mr. John Peter Montalvo seconded the motion.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated to purpose a mural at Memorial Middle School.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra stated is that material conducive on a mural, will it

present a difficulty for the painting of a mural.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated he couldn’t answer that but certainly, if we can

approve this we’ll look into that.

All in Favor. Motion Carried. All in Favor.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated and you all agree that Ms. Padilla and I guess Mr.

Cerda paint that.

The Board of Trustees agreed.

7. Discussion and possible action on the need of Curriculum Auditor(s) at School


Mr. Jesus J. Guerra

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra stated that in light of the problems we have had of the

missed AYP, in regards to the NCLB, AEIS he would think this would be

needed. Mr. Guerra makes a motion to instruct the Superintendent to look into

the possibility of curriculum auditors at school campuses.


Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua stated curriculum auditors plural is he does not know it

is feasible to do more than one individual he had discussed a curriculum

auditor under the instructional department.

Mr. John Peter Montalvo stated point of information, there is no second on

this motion, he seconds the motion so he can speak.

Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua stated and we can certainly find an equivalent position

within the district to be able to move to that position under curriculum and


Mr. George M. Beckelhymer stated Mr. Guerra and he believes what they are

looking for is someone to audit the curriculum that is in that is considered by

the district from K-12 so that not only it is a superior curriculum but one that

the teachers can adapt to or support as well as has seen this transition to

each of the different areas of school is this the way to accomplish that, what

he really likes is to put this forth to the superintendent or the administration

and that we have a real firm recommendation from us is it better to have an

in- house auditor that is our own employee or is it better to have an outside

auditor to come check it once a year what is the best way to accomplish what

we are concerned about.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated with the interviews that we did recently he is sort

of supportive of what Mr. Beckelhymer said he thinks we need someone from

the outside objectively that is not an employee that has experience in auditing

curriculums he does not know if you agree with that he is not sure to put

someone in the curriculum department to add their own curriculum.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra stated curriculum needs to have a pulse as well.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated on the other, hand if you have a doctor that is in

curriculum they should be taking the pulse of that patient already that’s what

they get paid for.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra stated that’s true, very true.

Mr. Jose A. Valdez stated first of all, this is where the board has to draw the

line, this is an administrative matter we should look at the over all profits, if

the product is not up to the standards that we are expecting then we should

instruct administration to take whatever action to take the necessary actions

to correct that because now we are assuming there is something wrong with

the curriculum, we need to go into what curriculum is if we are going to do

that what is curriculum most of it is mandated by the state so what are you


going to do and then we do have the option to put in a couple of non required

subjects but here we see where we are getting into a something we shouldn’t

Dr. Cantu made a statement were paying some not fat cats but we are paying

some people to do these things right now to audit or monitor or check

whatever is in place right now what we need to do then is if we have some

concerns with curriculum is instruct some reports and see who is doing them

and who is not doing them and see what the problem is because he does not

see how we can take action on putting staff out there to audit curriculum when

has not been crying that they need someone to go out there and audit

curriculum, to him it is an administrative thing he thinks what needs to be

done if we have a concern is to instruct staff or raise the concern of results of

results are not correct they may not want auditors whatever, he does not

think that this is not in our realm.

Mr. John Peter Montalvo stated that the problem is that they have been paying

people in those positions year after year after year after year and we are still

in the bind nothing really happens so we need to check see where we are at

where we are going what we are not doing and start new you do not have to

have it every year, you do not have to have it with in with in well if that is up

to you but if the person in charge of that department or the people that are

suppose to be doing that are doing their work we should not have a problem

but we go back to are they doing their work not only curriculum but the rest

of the people that work with curriculum is every body doing their work, is

every body giving the true figures there are suppose to get.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra stated I am not making an emphasis to auditing the

curriculum per say, I am making a directing the superintendent to audit the

presentation of the curriculum those are two other things very different that

presentation is lacking indicators on the data that they bring us then it is

justifiable that this corporate body direct the superintendent to do that either

external auditor or internal auditor it makes no difference this body is in

charge with the responsibility whether you like it or not whether you call it

micro-management or not.

Mr. John Peter Montalvo called for the question.

Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua stated may I suggest that the staff be given the

opportunity to evaluate and make a recommendation to the board regarding

the avenue whether to either conduct a curriculum audit in-house or external

curriculum audit.

Mr. Jose A. Valdez stated point of order, no the item says very specifically we


need to discuss if there is a need in other words is there a need or is there a

need the issue is we really don’t know.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra stated superintendent you do it.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra makes a motion to instruct the superintendent in assessing

whether there is a need for auditing the curriculum presentation.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

8. Discussion and possible action to recommend and direct the Superintendent,

Mr. Amezcua, on the implementation of a Parental Council in accordance with

NCLB guidelines and the district's continuous improvement program for AYP.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra stated that in the NCLB there is a component there for

missed AYP, so in the light of this the component asks for the parental

component he brought this up to make a motion so we can put our money

where our mouth is because we speak in dialogue everyday he makes a

motion to instruct the superintendent Mr. Amezcua to implement a Parental

Council with NCLB guidelines and with the districts improvement plan.

Mr. John Peter Montalvo seconded the motion.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

9. Discussion and possible action on the approval of the annual audit report for

the fiscal year ending August 31, 2005.

Ms. Rosa Maria Torres, Interim CFO

Mr. Jose A. Valdez makes a motion to approve the audit report for fiscal year

ending August 31, 2005.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra seconded the motion.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

10. Presentation, discussion and possible action on a demographic study of Laredo

ISD campus boundaries.

Ms. Rosa M. Torres, Interim CFO

Mr. Jose A. Valdez makes a motion to approve the demographics study of


Laredo ISD campus boundaries.

Mr. John Peter Montalvo seconded the motion.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra stated the demographic study what are the trends that it is

showing because we still have some instruction in mind and demographics can

be addressed administratively you guys.

Mr. Jesus Amezcua stated Mr. Sanchez and Dr. Gooseman consultant that

worked on this particular study which will give an overview regarding the

material, a highlight of the report.

Mr. Rodolfo Sanchez addressed the Board of Trustees and stated that they

been instructed and evaluated the demographics of the school districts in case

of any boundary changes and introduced Dr. Gooseman.

Dr. Gooseman addressed the Board of Trustees and summarized the

information available about all student grade groups, they are the largest

demographic firm in the state and work exclusively with school districts, a

power point presentation was presented to the Board of Trustees.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated where do you get those numbers and distribution

of people.

Dr. Gooseman stated we located every current student and so then that’s easy

to age those students forward and we have geo coded every child from a 2

year old data fit.

The Board of Trustees addressed item #12.

11. Discussion and possible action to approve the recommendation to hire the

following Professional Positions. Possible Closed Session pursuant to Texas

Government Code Section, 551.074.

1. Executive Director for Human Resources

2. Facilities Officer

Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua, CPA, Interim Superintendent

Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua stated for Executive Director for Human Resources no

action, no recommendation for Facility Officer Mr. David Delgado.

Mr. George M. Beckelhymer stated so moved.


Mr. John Peter Montalvo seconded the motion.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

The Board of Trustees addressed item # 19.

12. Discussion and possible action to approve and authorize new district/campus


1 FTE Teacher/English - Nixon High School – funded by 211-11-30, $37,700

1 FTE Teacher/Math - Nixon High School – funded by 211-11-30, $37,700

1 FTE Classroom Nurse Aide - Tarver Elementary – funded by 199-33-11,


3 FTE K-9 Handlers - LISD Police Department – funded by 199-52-99,


Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua, CPA, Interim Superintendent

Mr. John Peter Montalvo made a motion to accept, approve and authorize the

new district campus positions.

Mr. Jose A. Valdez seconded the motion.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

13. Discussion and possible action to approve a $5,000 stipend for the four

supervising speech therapists.

Ms. Gabriela Rogerio, Interim Executive Director for Human Resources

Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua stated in effort to compete with neighboring districts we

will need to approve a $5,000.00 stipend for supervising speech therapist and

recommend we establish this stipend.

Mr. Jose A. Valdez so moved.

Mr. John Peter Montalvo seconded the motion.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

14. Discussion and possible action to approve the reclassification for the position

of Instrument Repairs Specialist from Manual Trades 07 to Manual Trades 10.


Ms. Gabriela Rogerio, Interim Executive Director for Human Resources

Mr. Jose A. Valdez so moved that we approve.

Mr. John Peter Montalvo seconded the motion.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

15. Discussion and possible action on budget amendment BA-0506-17 to amend

the 2005-2006 General Operating Fund in the amount of $4,907,231.00 to

appropriate designated fund balance, and authorizing the Superintendent to

implement said budget.

Ms. Rosa Maria Torres

Mr. Jose A. Valdez so moved.

Mr. John Peter Montalvo seconded the motion.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

16. Discussion and possible action on budget amendment BA-0506-18 to amend

the 2005-2006 Construction Fund budget in the amount of $64,428.00 to

allocate funds from Bruni Elementary, Farias Elementary and Alma Pierce

Elementary to Cigarroa Middle and High School for wiring of cable TV and to

fund one circuit to connect grill curtain in kitchen at Memorial Middle School,

and authorizing the Superintendent to implement said budget.

Ms. Rosa Maria Torres, Interim Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra so moved.

Mr. Jose A. Valdez seconded the motion.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

17. Discussion and possible action on budget amendment BA-0506-19 to amend

the 2005-2006 General Operating Fund in the amount of $1,381.00 as a result

of transfers between functions and authorizing the Superintendent to

implement said budget. (This is a transfer with no effect on fund balance).

Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua, CPA, Interim Superintendent

Mr. Jose A. Valdez so moved.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra seconded the motion.


All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

18. Presentation of the Finance Department awards for 2004-2005 from

Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and Association of School

Board Officials (ASBO)

Ms. Rosa Maria Torres, Interim CFO

Mr. John Peter Montalvo so moved.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra seconded.

Mr. Jose A. Valdez stated it’s just a presentation.

Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua recognized the excellence in financial reporting to 6

staff members form the finance department.

The Board of Trustees addressed the consent agenda.

19. Discussion of pending litigation, including West Orange Cove CISD, et al v.

Neeley, et. al. Possible Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code

Section, 551.071.

Mr. John Kazen

Mr. John Kazen stated no action required.

20. Discussion with legal counsel regarding procurement process and possible

award of contract on Heights Elementary School construction project,

including matters involving potential litigation and discussion of matters that

are exempt from public disclosure under Article X, Section 9 of the Texas

State Bar Rules. Possible Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code

Section, 551.071.

Mr. John Kazen

Mr. John Kazen stated there is no action on that item.

The Board of Trustees addressed item #25.



Items listed in this part of the LISD Board Meeting Agenda have been presented

and discussed at previous Board Meetings, Board Committee Meetings, or are

considered to be routine items or matters.

21. Approval of Minutes

Regular Board Meeting ~ November 17, 2005

Special Call Meeting ~ November 30, 2005

22. Approval of Disbursements

Ms. Rosa Maria Torres, Interim CFO

23. Approval of Donations and Investments

Ms. Rosa Maria Torres, Interim CFO

24. Approval of Tax Collection Report

Ms. Rosa M. Torres, Interim CFO

25. Discussion and possible action to approve the proposed settlement of the

Zachry Elementary School Library Mold Damage Claim #683-051303 filed

under ROCIP and to authorize the Superintendent or designee to provide the

authorized signature required on the “Release of All Claims” document.

Possible closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code section,


Ms. Rosa M. Torres, Interim CFO

Mr. George M. Beckelhymer moved to table this item.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra seconded the motion.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

The Board of Trustees addressed item #3.

26. Discussion and possible action on the following bid/proposal/quotation:

Interlocal Agreement for the purchasing cooperative for the fiscal year 2005-

2006. Funding is available in the respective funds and recommendation from

staff on awarding the contract to Region 8 Purchasing Cooperative.

Ms. Rosa Maria Torres, Interim Chief Financial Officer


27. Discussion and possible action on the following bid/proposal/quotation: RFP

#005-111 Removal of Grease from Traps and Barrels for the Child Nutrition

Program for the one year beginning December 16, 2005 and terminating

December 15, 2006 with an option to renew a second and third year. Funding

is available in the Child Nutrition Fund and recommendation from staff on

awarding the proposal to RC Services.

Ms. Rosa Maria Torres, Interim CFO

28. Discussion and possible action on the following bid/proposal/quotation:

Consultant Services for AYP Provider for Cigarroa High School as required by

the TEA’s SIRC Office for the fiscal year 2005-2006. Funding is available in

the AYP campus federal funds and recommendation from staff to award a

contract to Misty L. Parr at the daily rate of $1,200.00 for approximately 70 to

120 days.

Ms. Rosa Maria Torres, Interim Chief Financial Officer

29. Discussion and possible action on the following bid/proposal/quotation:

Consultant Services for AYP Provider for Nixon High School as required by

the TEA’s SIRC Office for the fiscal year 2005-2006. Funding is available in

the AYP campus federal funds and recommendation from staff on awarding a

contract to Mauro Vasquez, Jr. at the daily rate of $700.00 for approximately

50 to 80 days.

Ms. Rosa Maria Torres, Interim Chief Financial Officer

30. Discussion and possible action on the following bid/proposal/quotation:

Consultant Services for AYP Provider for Martin High School as required by

the TEA’s SIRC Office for the fiscal year 2005-2006. Funding is available in

the AYP campus federal funds and recommendation from staff on awarding a

contract to Linda Slaughter at the daily rate of $700.00 for approximately 50

to 80 days.

Ms. Rosa Maria Torres, Interim Chief Financial Officer

31. Discussion and possible action in the approval of the contract between LISD

and the Laredo Health Department in the amount of $162,911.00 for services

related to the Abstinence Grant and authoring the Superintendent to

implement said contract.

Ms. Rosa Maria Torres, Interim CFO

Mr. John Peter Montalvo so moved to approve from item 21 to item 31.

Mr. Jose A. Valdez seconded the motion.


Dr. Dennis D. Cantu asked a question regarding item 28 consultant services

for a rate of $1,200 a day.

Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua stated Dr. Cantu the differential is in the travel where

last year it was not part of the fee and that is the differential from some of the

consultants the basic fee is the same it is the travel.

Ms. Guadalupe Perez addressed the Board of Trustees and gave the

difference of the providers, experience.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated that last time he asked for information regarding

what prior experience, what prior job, what prior results this one person had I

never received that.

Ms. Guadalupe Perez stated I am sorry Dr. Cantu.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated I am not saying you I just never received it.

Ms. Guadalupe Perez commented on her resume and credentials.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated last time we had a list of 9 of them when they first

came out I can say the same thing about you, you have a lot of extensive

experience for a lot of things that does not mean necessarily we are going to

pay you $1,200.00 a day to monitor this AYP situation.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated those are some of my concerns again, you were

not here before but they were never answered as far as he is concerned.

Mr. Jose A. Valdez asked is this person working right now, how much is the

getting paid.

Ms. Guadalupe Perez stated the individual schools are paying her $1,200.00


Mr. Jose A. Valdez stated then why do we have this item on the agenda for

$1,200.00 if they already are paying $1,200.00.

Ms. Guadalupe Perez stated this item on the agenda is to contract her at

Cigarroa High School for the AYP services.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra stated giving that she is demanding $500.00 difference,

does she supervise these TAP’s that are here in Laredo.

Ms. Guadalupe Perez stated no she doesn’t Sir, she works at the SIRC office


at the state level and mentors TAP’s at the state level.

Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua stated that the funding for AYP for Cigarroa High School

will be on hold if this particular contract is not approved.

Mr. Jose A. Valdez stated if this person is doing the same thing as the other

two are doing why are we paying more, it doest matter where the funding is

coming from it is a matter of managing money.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra stated that we are here between a hard place and a rock,

this item should have been brought up to us a couple of months back you

knew this had to be renewed to look at other TAP’s.

Ms. Guadalupe Perez share some back ground information with the board

regarding Misty Parr.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra stated why are we getting this at the last hour.

Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua stated that this item was going to be on the agenda last

month and we were not able to place it the notice of grant was received just

recently and before we move forward we need to have the funding secured.

Mr. John Peter Montalvo stated Mr. Amezcua it’s hard but it is reality most of

the things we get in the district the deadline is very short and we have to

make decisions all the time we are always put n the spot we can not even ask,

why do we have to wait until the last moment to do things.

Ms. Guadalupe Perez addressed the Board of Trustees with a point of


Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated we are hiring a consultant that is making

approximately twice per day then our superintendent is.

Mr. John Peter Montalvo stated just answer yes or no you don’t have to, at

any time when they come in does she bring in information to students like test


Ms. Guadalupe Perez stated yes.

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu stated unfortunately we have no choice but we certainly

hope this is not repeated the next time and he would like to see the people

who do this around the state are because as of last time there was more than

3 people .


Ms. Guadalupe Perez stated the site visit specialist there is only 3 in the state.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra stated that he wants to make sure that the superintendent

or whoever sits here next month or whatever is instructed and I want it to go

on record that things such as this and critical things children’s lives we are in

a hard place and a rock for missed AYP and we need to correct it cause we do

not want to loose that campus that we bring things to the board timely.

Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua stated we will certainly take that into advice.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

The Board of Trustees addressed item #33.

Discussion and possible action on the following bid/proposal/quotation: RFCSP

#05-110 New Replacement School for Heights Elementary School for the

period beginning December 16, 2005 and terminating August 2006. Funding is

available in the respective Construction Fund and recommendation from staff

on awarding the proposal to Leyendecker Construction, Inc. for a total lump

sum contract price not to exceed $5,795,500.00.

Ms. Rosa Maria Torres, Interim Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Jose A. Valdez stated no action.

Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua stated that they will bring back a change of scope to the

next regular meeting.

The Board of Trustees addressed item #5.

33. Discussion and possible action to adopt local policies as recommended by the

Texas Association of School Boards Policy Service in accordance with TASB

Localized Policy Manual Update 76, first reading.

Mr. Marco A. Alvarado, Director of Communications

Mr. Jose A. Valdez so move to accept the first reading.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra seconded the motion.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

34. Discussion and possible action to approve the 2006-2007 school calendar.

Mr. Marco Alvarado, Director of Communications


Mr. Marco Alvarado addressed the Board of Trustees and distributed a

calendar and commented on the differences, this calendar was approved at the

DEIC, similar to UISD.

Mr. Jose A. Valdez so move to accept the first reading.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra seconded the motion.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

35. Discussion and possible action on the 2006 Webb County Appraisal District


Ms. Rosa Maria Torres, Interim CFO

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra so moved.

Mr. Jose A. Valdez seconded the motion.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

36. Discussion and possible action to accept the 2006-2008 District Technology


Mr. Roy M. Lanier - Chief Technology Officer

Mr. Jose A. Valdez so moved as presented.

No seconded.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra so moved to accept the 2006-2008 technology plan.

Mr. Jose A. Valdez seconded the motion.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.





Mr. Jose A. Valdez makes a motion to recess as the Laredo I.S.D. Board of

Trustees and convene as the Public Facility Corporation Board of Directors.

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra seconded the motion.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

37. Call to Order Laredo I.S.D. Public Facility Corporation Regular Meeting

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu called the meeting to order at 10:04 p.m.

38. Roll Call

MMrr.. JJoohhnn PPeetteerr MMoonnttaallvvoo ccaalllleedd rroollll..

DDrr.. DDeennnniiss DD.. CCaannttuu PPrreesseenntt

JJoohhnn PPeetteerr MMoonnttaallvvoo PPrreesseenntt

GGeeoorrggee MM.. BBeecckkeellhhyymmeerr AAbbsseenntt

JJeessuuss JJ.. GGuueerrrraa PPrreesseenntt

JJoossee AA.. VVaallddeezz PPrreesseenntt

GGuuiilllleerrmmiinnaa MMoonntteess AAbbsseenntt

JJoorrggee LL.. RRooddrriigguueezz AAbbsseenntt

39. Approval of the PFC Reports: Financial Statement Report, Investment Report,

Change Order Report and Disbursement Report.

Ms. Rosa Maria Torres, Interim CFO

Mr. Jesus J. Amezcua read the reports.

Mr. Jose A. Valdez moved to approve the PFC reports.

Mr. John Peter Montalvo seconded the motion

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.




Mr. John Peter Montalvo moved to adjourned as the Laredo I.S.D. Public Facility

Corporation Board of Trustees and reconvene as the Laredo I.S.D. Board of


Mr. Jesus J. Guerra seconded the motion.

All in Favor. No Oppose. Motion Carried.

40. Communications

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New

Year, thank you for being here.

41. Adjournment

Mr. Jesus J. Guerra so moved.

The Board of Trustees adjourned at 10:06 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

________________________ _____________________

Dr. Dennis D. Cantu George M. Beckelhymer

President Secretary

LISD Board of Trustees LISD Board of Trustees


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