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  • 7/24/2019 Hoed Jojo




    *)Department of Parasitology Faculty of Medicine, Trisakti University


    Serangga jika mengigit atau menyengat, memasukkan secret air liur atau racun sengat

    yang dapat menimbulkan reaksi alergis. Jenis reaksi yang ditimbulkan akibat gigitan atau

    sangatan serangga bagi penderita tertentu sangat bergantung kepada spesies serangga dan

    macam alergan. Tanda-tanda dan gejala klinis reaksi alergis akibat gigitan atau sengatan

    serangan dapat berupa gatal-gatal, pembengkakan, bintik-bintik merah, gantal-gantal dan

    bintik-bintik merah, urtikaria, pembentukan macula, papula, bula vesikula, muntah-muntah,diare dan syok anafilaktik. Makalah ini mengulas peran nyamuk, tuma, pinjal, kutu busuk dan

    lebah dalam pengembangan reaksi alergis akibat gigitan atau sengatannya. Selain itu morfologi

    dan perilaku serangga yang terlibat, gejala klinis akibat gigitan atau sengatannya dan

    diagnosis serta pengobatan penyakit yang terkait, juga disajikan secara singkat dalam makalah

    ini. (J edokter Trisakti !"""#$% (!&')-*$&.

    Kata kunci : alergi, gantalgatal, serangan, syok


    +nsects constitute the largest class in numbers of species in the phylum rthropoda. There

    are some $,)"",""" species of insects belonging to the +nsect orders of major medical

    importance (iptera, Siphonaptera, ymenoptera, /oleoptera& and the +nsect orders of minor

    medical importance (noplura, emiptera, ictyoptera, 0epidoptera&. They share the

    follo1ing arthropod characteristics segmented body 1ith paired, segmented appendages,

    bilateral symmetry, chitinous e2oskeleton and have the body divided into three distinct parts,

    the head, the thora2 and the abdomen. The thora2 bears three pairs of segmented legs and in

    addition usually t1o

    pairs of 1ings. ($&

    /ontact 1ith insects through their bites or stings can result in adverse reactions in humans that

    range from mild annoyance to anaphylactic shock and death. Mos3uitoes, lice, fleas and

    bedbugs inject salivar y secretions and venoms through speciall y

    adapted mouth parts for piercing and sucking blood, 1hereas bees and ants inject venoms

    through speciali4ed structure, the stinger.

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    Salivary secretions and venoms are capable of producing allergic reactions. +nitially, there

    is no discernible response # this is follo1ed by the appearance of only a delayed reaction.

    5oth immediate and delayed reactions usually occur 1ith further e2posure. evelopment of

    an insect allergy is dependent not only on the species of insect and the si4e of

    infestations, but also on the type of allergens as 1ell as the duration of e2posure. Signs and

    symptoms of allergic reaction include pain, s1elling of the throat, redness or discoloration at

    the site of bite6sting, itching, hives, decreased consciousness and difficult or nois y

    breathing including shock.(!&

    This paper is aimed to revie1 certain species of insects that give rise to allergic reactions,

    1ith special discussions on the morphology and habits, clinical picture, diagnosis and


    Mosquito Bites

    Morphoo!" and habits

    Mos3uitoes belong to the order iptera. They are slender and relatively small

    insects, usually measuring about 7-8 mm in insects, though some species, ho1ever, can be as

    small as !-9 mm 1hile others may be as long as $" mm or more. This creature possesses

    conspicuous for1ard projecting proboscis as the piercing sucking mouth part. female

    mos3uito must bite a host6man and take a blood meal to obtain the necessary nutrients for

    the development of the eggs in the ovaries. +n the process of biting mos3uito injects saliva

    that contains coagulants and6or haemagglutinins into the dermis, and this acts as a sensiti4er.

    :rominent immediate and delayed reactions occur commonly in the sites of mos3uito bites,

    particularly in children. More severe local and6or systemic reactions occur much less


    Cinica #icture

    5ites from mos3uito usually cause itching, red bumps, itchiness and a central raised dot in

    the s1elling. +n addition, mos3uito bite is also characteri4ed morphologically by the formation

    of erythermatous papule, often urticarial in nature. vesicle at the site, or even generali4ed

    urticaria may recult, but more commonly a pruritic papule forms at the inoculation site. +nsevere infestations, vesicular papules, vesicles or bullae may accur. This allergic reaction

    might sometimes last for several 1eeks and leaves hyper pigmentation.(9-)&

    ;2aggerated hypersensitivity responses to mos3uito bites have been reported in patients

    suffering from chronic lymphatic leukemia.(8&

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    The diagnosis of mos3uito bites is based on the history of an disorder, the

    presence of purities, and the morphology of the lesions. +n the differential diagnosis, vasculitis

    and irritant contact dermatitis should be considered. The diagnosis of mos3uito bites is also

    made by funding the mos3utoes that inhabit d1ellings and their surroundings.


    Treatment of the patient due to mos3uito bites is by means of tropical

    application of medication that kill the mos3uito such as the use of calamine

    lotion 1ith or 1ithout menthol and phenol. 0ocali4ed application of patient1ith severe itching, 1ill often markedly reduce the pruritus and


    Lice In%estation edicuosis'

    :ediculosis is also referred to as lousiness. There distinct varieties of lice

    involved, are recogni4ed as obligate parasites for humans. They are

    :ediculus humanus capitis (head louse&, :ediculus humanus corporis (body

    louse& and :hthirus pubis (pubic or crab louse&. They are members of the

    order noplura. ;ach variety of louse has a predilection for certain parts of

    the body, attaches itself to the skin and lives upon the blood that it sucks. +n

    piercing the skin, louse e2udates an antigenic salivary secretion producing

    an allergenic reaction. The mechanical puncture through the skin and

    secondary onfection due to scraching.

    #edicuosis Capitis

    Morphoo!" and habits

    The causative agent of pediculosis capitis is :ediculus humanus capitis. This louse is grey-

    1hite in colour, an active insect, 9-7 mm long, and the female being a little larget than the

    male. 5oth se2es are e3uipped 1ith mouth parts adapted to sucking blood and legs

    adapted to grasping hairs. dults feed voraciously on both the scalp and adjacent areas on

    the face and

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    neck. :ediculosis capitis is encountered principally in children, but occurs in adults too. Shared

    beds and interaction 1ith playmates at school are the chief epidemiologic factors.

    Cinica picture

    The chief complaint in pediculosis capitis is usually itching on the scalp, neck and ears. +t

    is also associated 1ith rash and may be follo1ed by irritability and depression. +tching is due to

    an allergic reaction to the bites. 5ecause of the itching, secondary complications 1ith impetigo

    and furunculosis are common. ood?s light, the

    nits fluoresce a pale blue, 1hich facilitates harvest for e2amination.()&


    ttention ahould be paid very carefull y to treat head louse infestation. :atient 1ith

    secondary infection due to pediculosis capitis should be first treated by the use of

    antibiotics to prevent into2ication of pediculicide that has been used. ;ffective drugs for the

    destruction of the lice and the ova are'

    0indane (gamma ben4ene he2achloride& shampoo ($@& may be thoroughly massaged into the

    scalp for 7-) minutes, 1ell rinsed out and the hair dried# remaining nits may be removed 1ith

    a fine-tooh comb

    cetylcholinesterase inhibiting insecticides malathion and carbaryl has replaced gamma

    ben4ene he2achlorine follo1ing evidence of the development of resistance to organochlorine.

    Malathion and carbaryl preparations should remain on the scalp for

    $! hours before being 1ashed off.

    Treatment should be repeatd after $" days.


    :ayrethrins from the e2tract of /hrysanthemums and the synthetic pyrethroid permethrin

    have been e2tensively evaluated in the treatment of pediculosis capitis. They are applied to the

    scalp for $" minutes and 1ashed out. Aetreatment in a 1eek is recommended. (8&

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    Topical crotamiton ($"@& lotion has also

    been used and should ramin for !7 hours application.

    #edicuosis corporis

    Morphoo!" and habits

    :ediculosis corporis is also kno1 as pediculosis vestimenti or vagabond?s disease.(7&

    :ediculus humans corporis is the cause of pediculosis corporis. This louse tends to

    aggregate in clothing most fre3uently touching the skin. Bor e2ample you might find

    body lice on under1ear, areas around the armpits, the 1aist-line, and

    neck. 5ody lice fre3uently remain on clothing but may be also found on the skin since

    there insects are highly dependent on the presence of their host. To live, adult lice as in the

    head lice, need to feed on blood as their nourishment.

    Cinica picture

    +n most infested persons itching is the principal complaint, and the signs usually being

    confined to linear e2coriations on the trunk and neck. :ruritus is the result of sensiti4ation to

    salivary antigens. /lose inspection may reveal hemorrhagic punctae or 1heals from fresh

    bites. +n those 1ho have harbored body lice for long periods of time, as being continuously

    e2posed, the skim is often hyper pigmented (so-called&

    vagabond?s disease or morbus errorum&, and this is probably a postinflammatory phenomenon.


    The diagnosis, as a rule, is readily established by the generali4ed itching, by parallel

    scratching marks, by hyperpigmentation, and by erythematous macules. :ruritus and urticaria

    may cause some confusion. The diagnosis is positivel y established by finding the lice or nits in

    the seams of clothing or in bedding sloth. +n heavy infestation, lice and nits are easily found

    on scalp hairs.


    s in pediculosis capitis, treatment is 1ith $@ lindane shampoo. ll parts of the head and

    body should be lathered thoroughly for four minutes, and then rinsed free and to1el dried.

    +nfested clothing and bed linen should be heat 1ashed or dry cleaned.(),&

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    /lothing could also be treated 1ith gamma

    ben4ene he2achloride, permethrin and malathion dusting po1der.(8&

    #edicuosis #ubis

    Morphoo!" and habits

    This disease 1hich is also referred as CphthiriaisD or Cpediculosis ciliaris6palpebrarumD, is

    contacted chiefl y by the adults as the result of se2ual intercourse, and not infre3uently from

    bedding. The cause of pediculosis pubis is :hthirus pubis (the body 6 crab louse&. /rab louse is

    a rounded stubby louse, !-9 mm long, and possesses the second and the third legs that

    terminate in to sturdy crab-like cla1s ideally suited in si4e and mechanical design to the task

    of grasping and holding on tightly to pubic and other body hair. The louse 1ill coloni4e on

    the scalp hair, a2illary hair, eyebro1s, eyelashes, beard and hair on the trunk and limbs, in

    addition to pubic hair. This louse belongs to a vessel feeder (solenophages&, introducing its

    mouth parts directly into a blood vessel to 1ithdra1 blood. (8,&

    Cinica picture

    The principal symptoms due to phthiriasis are itching, mainly in the evening and at night.

    +tching in the adults occurs mainly in the pubic area but also in the a2illae. 5luegray macules

    (maculae caeruleae& are occasionally seen on the skin as the result of continuous feeding thatdo not itch. These macules about ".) cm in diameter, are located chiefly on the sides of the

    trunk and on the inner aspects of the


    5ullous lesions attributed to crab

    lice infestation also have been reported. +n children e2posed to heavy infestation in parents

    occasionally develop a troublesome infestation of the eyelashes kno1 as pediculosis


    The patients complain of itching burning,

    and irritation of the eyes, and continually rub at them. The rising bleepharitis is

    usually bilateral, and there are reddish crusting and matting of the eyelashes. oedojo in $%7reported a patient suffered from general urticaria for more than ten years due to infestation

    of public lice as the disease 1as misdiagnosed and treated for other skin disease.(*&


    :ediculosis pubis fre3uentlyco e2ists 1ith other se2ually transmitted diseases such as

    gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis and candidiasis, the diagnosis of pediculosis pubis,

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    therefore, should be intiated by a search for the above mentioned se2uall y transmitted



    pplication of lindane lotion or cream to infested areas should be made and 1ashed off

    eight hours later. >hereas lindane shampoo is applied for four minutes and 1ashed off

    follo1ing attention that it should not be used in pregnant 1omen or nursing mother.(&

    :ermethrin $@ /ream Ainse is kno1 to be

    safe and at least as effective as gamme2ane and application could be made for ten

    minutes and 1ashed off. second application is made in ten days. Therapy for mild eyelash

    infestation could be made b y mechanical removal of lice and nits 1ith fine forceps, after

    eight days (t1ice daily& of application of ordinary petrolatum. Bluorescein drops

    (concentrations of $"- !"@& are also said to be effective.


    ll members of the familyand se2ual contacts 1ho are infested should be treated at the same time. /lothing should

    be laundered and ironed. +n the treatment of pediculosis capitis, corporis as 1el as pediculosis

    pubis, shaving the infested 1ay to delouse lice infestations.

    (ea bites

    Morphoo!" and habits

    Bleas belong to the order Siphonaptera. These insects are small ($-*mm long&, 1ingless,

    laterally compressed creatures 1hose adults are blood-sucking ectoparasites of mammals andbirds. The species most fre3urntly parasiti4ing man, are cat and dog fleas (/tenocephalides felis

    and /tenocephalides canis&, that is 1hy persons in contact 1ith cat and dog are fre3uentl y

    bitten. Some attacks are e2perienced by individuals moving into long emptied d1ellings, but

    previously occupied by pet cats and dogs. Bleas are ubi3uitous as are mos3uito and live by

    attacking e2posed skin and e2tracting blood from the superficial capillaries for the purpose of

    producing stimulant to lay eggs. >hen a flea bites for its blood meal, saliva (the

    allergen& is injected into the skin to prevent blood clotting.

    Cinica #icture

    The clinical picture due to the bites of /.felis and /.canis involves a patient complaining

    of itching 1ith multiple centrally e2coriated papules. The bites usually provoketypical

    popular uriticaria often 1ith a haemorrhagic punctum in a sensiti4ed individual.

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    or irregular clusters.(8,$"&


    0esions in relation to cat and dog flea bites occur predominantly on the legs belo1 the

    knees and are most profuse around the ankles, but they can also occur on the forearm

    dependent on umprotected body parts. ;2amination of fleas collected from rooms 1ith a

    vacuum cleaner or to visit the suspect premises is necessary. The presence of cat or dog in

    and surrounding the patient?s d1elling may help the confirmation of flea bites diagnosis.



    Treatment of flea bites involves eradicating the fleas and symptomatic care of the pruritic

    lesions. Spraying by concen trating on the sleeping places of cats and dogs 1ith 5aygone

    inside the house or 1ith Malathion as outdoor spray is e2perienced to be most effective. The

    pruritic skin lesions are best treated 1ith calamine lotion 1ith or 1ithout menthol ($@& and

    phenol ($"@&, or a potent topical corticosteroid cream or gel. (8,&

    Bedbu! Bites

    Morphoo!" and habits

    5edbug belongs to the order hemiptera. The t1o most common members, /ime2

    lectularius (the common bedbug& are primarily parasites of humans. /.hemipterus is resistricted

    to tropical and subtropical regions including +ndia, Myanmar, Malaysia and +ndonesia.($&

    5edbugs are 7-) mm in length, 1ith dorsoventrally flattened, oval

    bodies, the fore1ings absent. The mouth part 1hich consists of mandibles and

    ma2illae is used at night or under subdued light for feeding from blood vessels. uring

    feeding the bedbug injects saliva containing an anticoagulant and anaesthetic. Aeactions to

    bites are variable, depending on the allergic response.

    Cinica #icture

    The bites of the bedbug are usually painless seldom 1eaken the sleeper, and the attention of

    the victim is only dra1n to the bites by the reaction they produce. The reaction evoked

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    depends on the immunologic status of the host. 5edbug most often bites skin of the thigh,

    buttock, neck, and arms, but may occasionally bite other parts of the body. +n the individual not

    sensiti4ed by previous e2posure there ma y be no symptoms at any stage, and only a purpuric

    macule indicates the site of the bite. +n sensiti4ed person intensely irritating oval or oblong

    1heals often as large as 9 cm, or papules surmounted by haemorrhagic puncta are the

    characteristic reaction. The bites are usually multiple and arranged in ro1s or clusters. +n some

    cases 1here the reaction is severe, bullae predominate.(8,&

    ;2coriations fre3uently arranged in parallel tracks of t1o or three, as the 1heals are large

    enough to reguire multidigit scratching for satisfaction. +n younger age groups, bedbug bites

    may cause popular unticaria. Aepeated feedings of large numbers for iron deficiency in



    +n establishing a diagnosis, the time at 1hich lesions appear is an important consideration.

    >hen a child retires at night 1ithout lesions and regularly a1akens, the presence of

    /.hemipterus should al1ays be inspected.


    ntiprurutic lotions containing menthol or phenol could be used for treating bedbug bites.

    Topical steroid creams are effective, and in e2tensive reaction systemic antihistaminics are

    useful. (&

    Bee Stin!s

    Morphoo!" and habits

    5ees belong to the order ymenoptera. Bour families of ymenoptera of special

    significance are ' pidae (the honey bee&, 5ombidae (the bumble bee&, Eepidae

    (1asps, hornets, and yello1 jackets&, and Bormidae (ants&. These creatures have body

    regions consisting of head, thora2, and abdomen. hen man is stung by a honey bee, the beeis

    unable to remove the stinger. The stinger and venom apparatus are evulsed from the bee?s

    abdomen in its strunggle, but the venom apparatus continues to function and pump in

    more venom as this bee possesses a barbed stinger.

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    an unbarbed stinger, and is therefore able to sting repeatedly.(8&

    5ees insert the posteriorly

    located stinger into the victim?s skin and may give rise to reactions varying from local

    discomfort to fatal anaphyla2is.

    Cinica #icture

    oney bee?s venom contains polypeptide mellitin, phospholipase !, histamine,

    hyaluronidase and apamin. oney bee (pis mellifera& sting, therefore, are dangerous

    essentially for individuals 1ho are at risk. Systemic reactions from the sting may occur

    through multiple stings. To2ic reactions due to honey bee stings include vomiting, diarrhea,

    shock, and renal failure. Most fatalities due to the stings have follo1ed the occurrence of more

    than )"" stings.(),8&


    The first step in establishing the diagnosis is to kno1 1hich types of bees the patient is

    allergic to. >hat usually occurs is a local reaction, paint at the site of the sting and may be a

    small amount of s1elling and redness that subsides after a fe1 days. hen people have severe allergic reactions, they may be s1elling around

    the ayes, lips, tongue or hand, and may feel like it is difficult breath get air and also have a

    drop in blood pressure, feel faint, even lose consciousness.


    ;arly removal of the stinger by simpl y s3uee4ing and or pulling out could be conducted

    ($@&, hyaluronidase, and lidocaine (!@& injected into the site provides immediate and often

    lasting relief.(),8&

    Bor patient 1ith anaphylactic reaction treatment could be made by

    injecting (subcutaneousl y or intravenously, or by nebuli4er&, epinephrine, aminophylline,

    antihistamines, corticosteroid, and generally accepted antishock measures the use of local ice

    dnacks and tourni3uets is also common ()&


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    The cause of allergic reactions may be

    due to the bites of mos3uitoes, lice, fleas, and bedbugs, or by 1ay of the stings of bees.

    Symptoms of allergic reactions among other things include itching, hives, s1elling, vomiting,

    diarrhea and shock. The diagnosis and treatment of allergic reactions are dependent on the

    species of insects and the deseases involved.


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