Rfid Door Report

 RFID Based Door Access System  RFID Based Door Acce ss System Student’s name:

Transcript of Rfid Door Report

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  RFID Based Door Access System


RFID Based Door Access System

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  RFID Based Door Access System



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  RFID Based Door Access System




In today’s (or)d security systems are *ainin* more importance +ecause o, t-eir num+er o,

ad.anta*es/ T-ey are .ery accurate0 re)ia+)e and error ,ree systems/ T-ey pro.ide ,utures )i1e

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  RFID Based Door Access System


 pro*ramma+)e contro)0 access .eri,ication and aut-enti,ication/ %ence t-ese systems can easi)y modi,ied

as per t-e need o, user 

  In our pro2ect (e -a.e tried to +ui)d a RFID +ased Door Security System (-ic- (i)) a))o( us

to pro.ide access to t-e re*istered users and restrictin* t-e unre*istered users ,rom enterin* t-e -ouse/

For ac-ie.in* t-e *oa) (e -a.e used RFID Ta*s and RFID recei.er (-ic- (i)) to*et-er ,orm a access

.eri,ication and aut-enti,ication system -ence a))o(in* t-e access to re*istered users (-o -a.e

re*istered Ta* (it- -im/ To ma1e t-e system simp)er/ $e -a.e used LCD in order to disp)ay t-e user ID

In t-is (ay our system (i)) -e)p to secure t-e access and -ence pro.idin* t-e comp)ete

security so)ution ,or door access system


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  RFID Based Door Access System



"IC 34F56 !icrocontro))er 


Specia) !icrocontro))er Features:

7 "recision Interna) Osci))ator:

8 Factory ca)i+rated to 93

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  RFID Based Door Access System


8 So,t(are se)ecta+)e ,re;uency ran*e o, 

< !%= to >6 1%=

8 So,t(are tuna+)e

8 T(o8Speed Start8up mode

8 Crysta) ,ai) detect ,or critica) app)ications

8 C)oc1 mode s(itc-in* durin* operation ,or 

 po(er sa.in*s

7 "o(er8sa.in* S)eep mode

7 $ide operatin* .o)ta*e ran*e ?6/@&8/&

7 Industria) and #tended temperature ran*e

7 "o(er8on Reset ?"OR

7 "o(er8up Timer ?"$RT and Osci))ator Start8up

Timer ?OST

7 Bro(n8out Reset ?BOR (it- so,t(are contro)


7 #n-anced Lo(8Current $atc-do* Timer ?$DT

(it- on8c-ip osci))ator ?so,t(are se)ecta+)e

nomina) 64< seconds (it- ,u)) presca)er (it-

so,t(are ena+)e

7 !u)tip)eed !aster C)ear (it- pu))8upinput pin

8 F)as-Data ##"RO! retention: E @ years

%i*-8"er,ormance RISC C"U:

7 On)y > instructions to )earn:

8 A)) sin*)e8cyc)e instructions ecept +ranc-es

7 Operatin* speed:

8 DC G 6@ !%= osci))atorc)oc1 input

8 DC G 6@@ ns instruction cyc)e

7 "ro*ram !emory Read ?"!R capa+i)ity

7 Interrupt capa+i)ity

"erip-era) Features:

7 Li;uid Crysta) Disp)ay modu)e:

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  RFID Based Door Access System


8 Up to 4@ pie) dri.e capa+i)ity on 6<8pin


8 Up to H4 pie) dri.e capa+i)ity on @8pin


8 Four commons

7 Up to > IO pins and 3 input8on)y pin:

8 %i*-8current sourcesin1 ,or direct L#D dri.e

8 Interrupt8on8pin c-an*e

8 Indi.idua))y pro*ramma+)e (ea1 pu))8ups

7 In8Circuit Seria) "ro*rammin* ?ICS" .ia t(o


This device includes four 8!i" #or" re$is"ers %lon$ &i"h "heir corres#ondin$ TRIS re$is"ers %nd one four 


( PORT) %nd TRIS)

( PORT* %nd TRIS*

( PORT+ %nd TRIS+ 

( PORT, %nd TRIS,

( PORT- %nd TRIS- 

 PORT). PORT*. PORT+ %nd R-3/+R/PP %re i#leen"ed on %ll devices PORT, %nd R-2'0

%re i#leen"ed onl on "he PI+16914 %nd PI+16917

 PORT) %nd TRIS) Re$is"ers

 PORT) is % 8!i" &ide. !idirec"ion%l #or" The corres#ondin$ d%"% direc"ion re$is"er is TRIS)

Re$is"er 32 Se""in$ % TRIS) !i" : 1 &ill %;e "he corres#ondin$ PORT) #in %n in#u" ie. #u" "he

corres#ondin$ ou"#u" driver in % <i$hi#ed%nce ode+le%rin$ % TRIS) !i" : 0 &ill %;e "he

corres#ondin$ PORT) #in %n ou"#u" ie. #u" "he con"en"s of "he ou"#u" l%"ch on "he selec"ed #in

 -=%#le 31 sho&s ho& "o ini"i%li>e PORT)


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  RFID Based Door Access System



The re$is"er file is or$%ni>ed %s 256 = 8 in "hePI+16913/914 %nd 352 = 8 in "he PI+16916/917-%ch

re$is"er is %ccessed ei"her direc"l or indirec"l "hrou$h "he ile Selec" Re$is"er SR


The S#eci%l unc"ion Re$is"ers %re re$is"ers used !"e +PA %nd #eri#her%l func"ions for con"rollin$ "he

desired o#er%"ion of "he device These re$is"ers %re s"%"ic R) The s#eci%l re$is"ers c%n !e cl%ssified

in"o "&o se"s' core %nd #eri#her%l The S#eci%l unc"ion Re$is"ers

%ssoci%"ed &i"h "he BcoreC %re descri!ed in "his sec"ion Those rel%"ed "o "he o#er%"ion of "he #eri#her%l 

 fe%"ures %re descri!ed in "he sec"ion of "h%" #eri#her%l fe%"ure

O#"ion Re$is"er 

The O#"ion re$is"er is % re%d%!le %nd &ri"%!le re$is"er. &hich con"%ins v%rious con"rol !i"s "o confi$ure'

( TR0/D,T #resc%ler 

( -="ern%l R*0/I@T in"erru#" 

( TR0

( De%; #ullu#s on PORT*

 I@T+O@ Re$is"er 

The I@T+O@ re$is"er is % re%d%!le %nd &ri"%!le re$is"er. &hich con"%ins "he v%rious en%!le %nd fl%$

!i"s for TR0 re$is"er overflo&. PORT* ch%n$e %nd e="ern%l R*0/I@T/S-?0 #in in"erru#"s

 RI, Ss"e

  "urpose o, Radio ,re;uency Identi,ication and Detection system is to ,aci)itate data

transmission t-rou*- t-e porta+)e de.ice 1no(n as ta* t-at is read (it- t-e -e)p o, RFID readerJ and

 process it as per t-e needs o, an app)ication/ In,ormation transmitted (it- t-e -e)p o, ta* o,,ers )ocation

or identi,ication a)on* (it- ot-er speci,ics o, product ta**ed G purc-ase date0 co)or0 and price/ Typica)

FID ta* inc)udes microc-ip (it- radio antenna0 mounted on su+strate/

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  RFID Based Door Access System


T-e RFID ta*s are con,i*ured to respond and recei.e si*na)s ,rom an RFID transcei.er/ T-is a))o(s

ta*s to +e read ,rom a distance0 un)i1e ot-er ,orms o, aut-entication tec-no)o*y/ T-e RFID system -as

*ained (ide acceptance in +usinesses0 and is *radua))y rep)acin* t-e +arcode system/

%o( RFID $or1s

Basic RFID consists o, an antenna0 transcei.er and transponder/

Antenna emits t-e radio si*na)s to acti.ate ta* and to read as (e)) as (rite in,ormation to it/ Reader 

emits t-e radio (a.es0 ran*in* ,rom one to 3@@ inc-es0 on t-e +asis o, used radio ,re;uency and po(er 

output/ $-i)e passin* t-rou*- e)ectronic ma*netic =one0 RFID ta* detects acti.ation si*na)s o, readers/

"o(ered +y its interna) +attery or +y t-e reader si*na)s0 t-e ta* sends radio (a.es +ac1 to t-e reader/

Reader recei.es t-ese (a.es and identi,ies t-e ,re;uency to *enerate a uni;ue ID/ Reader t-en decodes

data encoded in inte*rated circuit o, ta*s and transmits it to t-e computers ,or use/

Types o, RFID

 Acti.e and passi.e RFID are di,,erent tec-no)o*ies +ut are usua))y e.a)uated to*et-er/ #.en t-ou*-

 +ot- o, t-em use t-e radio ,re;uency ,or communication +et(een ta* and reader0 means o, pro.idin*

 po(er to ta*s is di,,erent/ Acti.e RFID ma1es use o, +attery (it-in ta* ,or pro.idin* continuous po(er 

to ta* and radio ,re;uency po(er circuitry/ "assi.e RFID on t-e ot-er -and0 re)ies on ener*y o, radio

,re;uency trans,erred ,rom reader to ta* ,or po(erin* it/

 "assi.e RFID needs stron* si*na)s ,rom reader +ut si*na) stren*t- +ounced ,rom ta* is at )o( )e.e)s/

Acti.e RFID recei.es )o( )e.e) si*na)s +y ta* +ut it can create -i*-er )e.e) si*na)s to readers/ T-is type

o, RFID is constant)y po(ered0 (-et-er in or out o, t-e reader’s ,ie)d/ Acti.e ta*s consist o, eterna)

sensors ,or c-ec1in* -umidity0 temperature0 motion as (e)) as ot-er condi

RFID ,re;uencies

ust )i1e you can tune a radio in .arious ,re;uencies ,or )istenin* to di,,erent c-anne)s0 RFID readers and

ta*s need to +e tuned in to a same ,re;uency ,or communication/ RFID system uses .arious ,re;uencies

 +ut most common and popu)ar)y used ,re;uency is )o(0 -i*- and u)tra -i*- ,re;uency/ Lo( ,re;uency is

around 36 K%=0 -i*- is around 3>/4 !%= and u)tra -i*- .aries +et(een <4@8H4@ !%=/ Some

app)ications a)so ma1e use o, micro(a.e ,re;uency o, 6/ %=/ It is imperati.e to c-oose ri*-t

,re;uency ,or an app)ication as radio (a.es (or1 di,,erent at .arious ,re;uencies/

RFID App)ications

T-e ro)e o, RFID is not 2ust con,ined to Aircra,t identi,ication anymoreJ it is a)so )endin* a -and in

.arious commercia) uses/ Asset trac1in* is one o, t-e most popu)ar uses o, RFID/ Companies are usin*

RFID ta*s on t-e products t-at mi*-t *et sto)en or misp)aced/ A)most eac- type o, Radio ,re;uency

Identi,ication and Detection system can +e used ,or t-e purpose o, asset mana*ement/

 !anu,acturin* p)ants -a.e a)so +een usin* RFID ,rom a )on* time no(/ T-ese systems are used ,or 

trac1in* parts and (or1in* in process ,or reduction o, de,ects0 mana*in* production o, .arious .ersions

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  RFID Based Door Access System


and increasin* output/ T-e tec-no)o*y -as a)so +een use,u) in t-e c)osed )ooped supp)y c-ains ,or years/

!ore and more companies are turnin* to t-is tec-no)o*y ,or trac1in* s-ipments amon* t-e supp)y c-ain

a))ies/ Not 2ust manu,acturers +ut retai)ers a)so are usin* t-is RFID tec-no)o*y ,or proper p)acement o, 

t-eir products and impro.ements in t-e supp)y c-ain/

 RFID a)so p)ays an important ro)e in t-e access and security contro)/ T-e ne()y introduced 3>/4 !%=RFID systems pro.ide )on* ran*e readin*s to t-e users/ T-e +est part is t-at RFID is con.enient to

-and)e and re;uires )o( maintenance at t-e same time/

Current Scenario and ,uture

 "resent trends point to(ards t-e ,ast *ro(t- o, RFID in t-e net decade/ $it- around 4@@ mi))ion RFID

ta*s so)d in t-e year 6@@ a)one0 .a)ue o, mar1et inc)udin* systems0 ser.ices and -ard(are is )i1e)y to

*ro( +y ,actor o, 3@ +et(een years 6@@4 86@34/ It is epected t-at tota) num+er o, RFID ta*s de)i.ered

in t-e year 6@34 (i)) +e around @ times as compared to t-e ones de)i.ered in t-e year 6@@4/

 Commercia) app)ications usin* Radio Fre;uency Identi,ication and Detection )i1e )o*istics0 transport0

supp)y c-ain super.ision0 processin*0 manu,acturin*0 medicine0 access contro) are a)so )i1e)y to *ro( +y

)eaps and +ounds/ But t-is smart tec-no)o*y (i)) in,)uence consumer sectors and *o.ernment too/

Barcodes and RFID (i)) coeist ,or years to come0 a)t-ou*- t-e )atter is epected to rep)ace t-e ,ormer 

in many sectors/

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  RFID Based Door Access System


Circuit Diagram & Decri!ti"#

Workin o! "ro#ect:

In t-is system eac- user (i)) -a.e its o(n uni;ue RFID Ta*/ T-is ta* is a prepro*rammed de.ise (-ic-

contain a uni;ue code assi*ned to it/ So eac- user (i)) -a.e its o(n uni;ue re*istration ID ,or -imse), 

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  RFID Based Door Access System


T-us (-en t-e user0 (i)) come t-e door/ It (i)) +rin* -is ta* near t-e system/ T-e RFID Recei.er (i))

detect t-e ta* and etract t-e in,ormation ,rom it/ T-e output o, recei.er is connected to t-e "IC

Contro))er/ %ence (-en t-e re*istered user (i)) come near t-e system t-e recei.er (i)) *et a .a)id data

and t-is .a)id ID is t-en pass to t-e contro))er (-ic- (i)) interns do t-e cross .eri,ication +y comparin*

t-e ID (it- its data +ase

 I, t-e user is .a)id0 t-en contro))er (i)) Disp)ay t-e user ID on LCD Disp)ay connected to t-e system

a)so (i)) open t-e door motor/ In t-is (ay t-e re*istered user (i)) *ate t-e door 

$i%&id Crysta' Dis"'ay

LCD ?Li;uid Crysta) Disp)ay screen is an e)ectronic disp)ay modu)e and ,ind a (ide ran*e o, 

app)ications/ A 346 LCD disp)ay is .ery +asic modu)e and is .ery common)y used in .arious de.ices

and circuits/ T-ese modu)es are pre,erred o.er se.en se*ments and ot-er mu)ti se*ment L#Ds/ T-e

reasons +ein*: LCDs are economica)J easi)y pro*ramma+)eJ -a.e no )imitation o, disp)ayin* specia)

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  RFID Based Door Access System


e.en custom c-aracters ?un)i1e in se.en se*ments0 animations and so on/

A 346 LCD means it can disp)ay 34 c-aracters per )ine and t-ere are 6 suc- )ines/ In t-is LCD eac-

c-aracter is disp)ayed in 5 pie) matri/ T-is LCD -as t(o re*isters0 name)y0 Command and Data/

T-e command re*ister stores t-e command instructions *i.en to t-e LCD/ A command is an instruction

*i.en to LCD to do a prede,ined tas1 )i1e initia)i=in* it0 c)earin* its screen0 settin* t-e cursor position0

contro))in* disp)ay etc/ T-e data re*ister stores t-e data to +e disp)ayed on t-e LCD/ T-e data is t-e

ASCII .a)ue o, t-e c-aracter to +e disp)ayed on t-e LCD/

"in Dia*ram:

"in Description:

"in No Function Name

3 round ?@& round

6 Supp)y .o)ta*eJ & ?/5& G />& &cc

> Contrast ad2ustmentJ t-rou*- a .aria+)e resistor &##

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  RFID Based Door Access System


Se)ects command re*ister (-en )o(J and data re*ister (-en -i*- Re*ister Se)ect

Lo( to (rite to t-e re*isterJ %i*- to read ,rom t-e re*ister Read(rite

4 Sends data to data pins (-en a -i*- to )o( pu)se is *i.en #na+)e


<8+it data pins


< DB3


3@ DB>

33 DB

36 DB

3> DB4

3 DB5

3 Bac1)i*-t &CC ?& LedM

34 Bac1)i*-t round ?@& Led8



Re)ays are used t-rou*-out t-e automo+i)e/ Re)ays (-ic- come in assorted si=es0 ratin*s0 and

app)ications0 are used as remote contro) s(itc-es/ A typica) .e-ic)e can -a.e 6@ re)ays or more/


Current ,)o(in* t-rou*- t-e contro) circuit coi) ?pins 3 and > creates a sma)) ma*netic ,ie)d (-ic-

causes t-e s(itc- to c)ose0 pins 6 and / T-e s(itc-0 (-ic- is part o, t-e )oad circuit0 is used to contro)

an e)ectrica) circuit t-at may connect to it/ Current no( ,)o(s t-rou*- pins 6 and s-o(n in R#D0 (-en

t-e re)ay is ener*i=ed/

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  RFID Based Door Access System


"CB Desi*n Basics:

"CB Desi*n Layout

In t-e "CB desi*n o, e)ectronics circuit0 it is important t-at one p)an and -as a c-ec1)ist o, t-e dos anddonts +e,ore proceedin* to do t-e printed circuit +oard )ayout/ T-e understandin* o, t-e circuit is

critica) to t-e desi*n0 ,or eamp)e one needs to understand t-e maimum current and .o)ta*e t-at are

carried +y eac- conductor in order to determine t-e trac1 (idt- o, t-e conductor and t-e type o, "CB

t-at (i)) +e used/

T-e .o)ta*e di,,erence +et(een eac- trac1 (i)) determine t-e c)earance +et(een eac- conductor/ I, t-e

c)earance is not enou*-0 c-ances are t-at t-e e)ectrica) potentia) +et(een eac- trac1 (i)) cause spar1

o.er and s-ort circuit t-e "CB/ T-is (i)) cause ,unctiona) ,ai)ure to t-e product and t-e sa,ety o, t-e

users t-at are usin* t-e product (i)) +e compromised/ It is t-ere,ore critica) ,or one to understand some

o, t-ese +asics re;uirements +e,ore one proceed to desi*n t-e "CB/

Conductor T-ic1ness and $idt-

T-e "CB conductor t-ic1ness and (idt- (i)) determine t-e current carryin* capacity o, t-e trac1/ T-e

I"C standard ,or t-e conductor t-ic1ness and (idt- o, t-e common 3 o=s;uare8,eet "CB is as s-o(n

 +e)o(/ %o(e.er0 it is a)(ays ad.isa+)e to use a +i**er .a)ue due to t-e to)erance and .ariation o, t-e

"CB processes/ I, -i*-er current carryin* capacity is re;uired0 a 6 o=s;uare8,eet or > o=s;uare8,eet

type o, "CB is pre,erred/ !any e)ectronics -o++yist pre,er to so)der a t-ic1 cooper conductor on t-e

"CB trac1 to increase t-e current carryin* capacity o, t-e trac1/

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  RFID Based Door Access System



P/BOT 8 +ottom copper 

P/S!B 8 So)der mas1 +ottom

P/SST 8 Si)1 screen top

P/AS' 8 Assem+)y top0 contains t-e +oard out)ine

P/DS 8 dri)) si=es

Trac1s Restricted Area Trac1s s-ou)d not +e )ocated on t-e areas t-at can cause t-em to +e pee)ed o,,

easi)y/ One o, t-e restricted areas is -o)es on t-e "CB (-ic- are used to mount scre(s or "CB spacers/

T-ese -o)es are usua))y used to secure t-e "CB to a casin* or to secure it in a ,ied p)ace/

T-e ed*es o, t-e "CB s-ou)d not -a.e any trac1s as t-ese areas are usua))y used to transport t-e "CB

,rom one process to anot-er process +y usin* a con.eyor +e)t/ T-ese ed*es are p)aces (-ere t-e

 possi+i)ity o, scratc-es and crac1in* o, t-e "CB -appens/ T-e recommended areas t-at s-ou)d not -a.e

any trac1 is as s-o(n in t-e dia*ram +e)o( assumin* a -o)e diameter o, mm (-ic- is used to mount a

"CB spacer/

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  RFID Based Door Access System



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  RFID Based Door Access System



Description Quantity "rice

"IC34F56 3 6@@

Trans,ormer 3< &0 @/A 3 36@

L!5<@ 3 <

Diode 3N@@5 <

Capacitor 3@@@ , 3 5

 Disc Capacitor 3@

IC Base @ "in 3 3<

Re)imate Base 3@ @

 Re)imate Connector 3@ <<

"u)) Up Resistance 3@ K <

"CB 3 5@@

Reset S(itc- > >36 & Re)ay 6 6@

6>@ . re)ay 3 >

Resistance 6@ 3@

RFID !odu)e 6 3@@

transistor Bc 5 3<

transistor Bc 5 3<

%eat Sin1 3 <

LCD 3 3@




3/ %i*-)y re)ia+)e as eac- user (i)) -a.e its uni;ue ID

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  RFID Based Door Access System


6/ !odi,ication can +e made .ery easi)y +y 2ust increasin* t-e uni;ue User IDs

>/ Lo( cost0 -i*-)y accurate0 easy to imp)ement

/ #ntire system can +e made +attery operated0 -ence a.oidin* )osses o, po(er ,ai)ure


3/ O,,ice access system

6/ Restricted access area )i1e RD Department0 "o(er supp)y department

>/ &I" con,erence -a))s

/ Cas- Department security access in Ban1s



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  RFID Based Door Access System


"IC Contro))er "ro*rammin*

"ro*rammin* and Customi=in* t-e "IC !icrocontro))er 



