Professional exop

7/25/2019 Professional exop 1/42 Saudi Commission for Health Specialties Professional Classication and Registration of Health Practitioners Manual 1430 A.H. !00" A.#. $ th  %dition

Transcript of Professional exop

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Saudi Commission for Health Specialties

Professional Classication and Registration of 

Health Practitioners Manual

1430 A.H. !00" A.#.

$th %dition

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&ingdom of Saudi Ara'ia

Saudi Commission for Health Specialties

Professional Classication and Registration of 

Health Practitioners Manual

1430 AH !00" A.#.

$th %dition

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(o. Su')ect Page*ntroduction

I +eneral #enitions

II Principles and StandardsIII #egrees and Certicates ,hat Are (ot Professionall-

ClassiedIV Health Related Courses and Changing Specialties4-1 Health-related courses4-2 Changing specialtyV Classication of Health Assistants technicians and

Health Specialists5-1 Optometry5-2 Medical Laboratories5- !utrition5-4 "sychology5-5 #ociologyVI Pharmacolog-$-1 Classi%cation o& pharmacists$-2 "harm'('VII AcupunctureVIII Spinal Ad)ustmentI) (aturopath-) Medicine #entistr- and Podiatr-)I Post/+raduate Specialt- Certicates#egrees in

Medicine11-1 *+amples o& certi%cates e,uialent to the #audi #pecialty

Certi%cate)II Su'specialt- and (on/certied Su'specialt-

,raining)III Additional Specialties)IV #enitions of Some Special Certicates14-1 .ield *pidemiology (iploma14-2 (egrees/certi%cates &rom the 0ussian .ederation and


14- (egrees/certi%cates &rom "oland14-4 (egrees/certi%cates &rom the C3ech 0epublic14-5 achelors o& nursing applied medical sciences and

e,uialents &rom the "hilippines and India)V isiting #octors)VI +eneral ,erms)VII Professional Classication and Registration 2ees)VIII Certicate Attestation

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)I) Continuous Medical %ducation


,he Chairman of the oard of ,rustees

by irtue o& the po6ers ested in him and as decided in the %rst meeting o& 

the oard o& 7rustees on 28 9pril 2::; during 6hich the memo submitted to

the oard re,uesting the approal o& the "ro&essional Classi%cation and

0egistration Manual 6as discussed

here'- decides to1' approe the 4th edition o& the "ro&essional Classi%cation and 0egistration

Manual issued in 2::5'

2' authori3e the *+ecutie oard to approe any &uture amendments in order

to eep up 6ith ne6 deelopments relating to pro&essional classi%cation or


Minister of HealthChairman of the oard of ,rustees

#r. Hamad 'in A'dullah al/Mani5

6789:;<= 6>?@<=




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 7he #audi Commission &or Health #pecialties <#CH#= based on the belie& in

the important role it 6as assigned in the %eld o& health pro&essions and in

order to accomplish the tass it 6as entrusted 6ith care&ully and honestly

appreciates the trust granted by our prudent goernment pursuant to 0oyal(ecree !o' M/2 dated $/2/141 9H' 9ccordingly the Commission beliees

that it should start o> 6ith addressing the goals related to establishing the

proper standards and criteria &or the practice o& health pro&essions and

classi%cation o& health-related degree holders into the appropriate

pro&essional leels according to their academic ,uali%cations and practical

sills as it is a+iomatic that any shortcoming in pro&essional practice 6ould

endanger a human li&e in our dear country'

 7he Commission in an e>ort to put things into perspectie and establish

general rules &or dealing 6ith practitioners according to their ,uali%cationsand e+perience set the re,uired criteria and procedures &or the e,uialency

o& health-related degrees as 6ell as the subse,uent pro&essional ealuation

and classi%cation o& degree holders' 7here&ore the Commission established

seeral accurate and ob?ectie criteria &or assessing pre-graduation

<training= and post-graduation <actual= e+perience and certi&ying

practitioners' *ssentially the minimum re,uirements &or ,uali&ying to any

pro&essional leel are the re,uirements &or the programs approed by the

@ingdom 6hich are used as benchmars &or all degrees that need to be

classi%ed' It should be noted and stressed that the Commission does notmean to belittle or ,uestion the academic competence o& any institution

6hatsoeerA the purpose is to put eeryone in the place they desere due to

the great disparity in training methods and periods across countries

distinguish those 6ho are competent and up-to-date 6ith the latest

deelopments in the %eld and nominate strong and honest practitioners 6ho

can be entrusted 6ith human lies in the healthcare sector to assume roles

that correspond to their abilities' Moreoer 6e 6ould lie to note that the ad

hoc committees responsible &or the assessment o& pro&essional abilities and

capacities as 6ell as assessment tests and pro&essional classi%cation aim to

ensure the re,uired basis &or sa&e practice a6ay &rom erbal comple+ity andsheer academics'

H* the Minister o& Health Chairman o& the CommissionBs oard o& 7rustees

issued decision !o' 89/2; dated 12/4/142; adopting the "ro&essional

Classi%cation and 0egistration uide and authori3ing the CommissionBs

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*+ecutie Council to approe any &uture amendments in order to eep up

6ith ne6 deelopments relating to pro&essional classi%cation or registration'

Prof. Hussein Mohammad al/2reihi

Secretar- +eneral

*. +eneral #enitions

(o. GordPhrase #enition1-1 ,he Commission #audi Commission &or Health #pecialties1-2 Practitioner One 6ho holds the re,uired academic

,uali%cations and has the e+perience to sa&ely

hold a speci%c ?ob in the @ingdomBs healthcare

sector'1- Professional


Creating a record &or the health practitioner in the

CommissionBs database in order to eep trac o& 

his pro&essional deelopment and ac,uaint him

6ith the #audi Medical Code o& *thics'1--




pdating the practitionerBs data and his

commitment to continuous training and education

programs a&ter the registration period e+pires'

 7he registration period is no more than threeyears &or non-#audis and no more than %e years

&or #audis 6hile practitioners oer $: must

proide proo& o& their physical %tness &or practice'1-4 Professional


is a se,uential process starting 6ith the

eri%cation and authentication o& ,uali%cations

and e+periences and their releance and ending

6ith a pro&essional assessment is conducted to

ensure that the minimum standards &or sa&e

practice are met regarding practical clinical and

theoretic practiceA and accordingly determiningthe pro&essional leel based on degrees

e+perience and assessment'1-5 Professional


9 procedure per&ormed by the Commission to

determine the competence as 6ell as the

academic and pro&essional leel o& the applicant

it includes either one or more o& the &ollo6ingD

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1' 9 consultant studies the application to decide

the appropriate leel'

2' Eritten e+amination'

' 9cademic practical and clinical assessment by

a specialist committee'1-$ Hospital 9 hospital that accommodates the primary

specialties and has at least one consultant or

specialist registrar in each specialty'1-F Specialt- center 9 &acility speciali3ed in one medical specialty or

medical support science 6here consultants 6or'1-; n/the/)o'


 7he ,uali%ed practitionerBs attendance o& a

training program to learn a ne6 technology

pertaining to his specialty' 7he training course is

not considered a ,uali%cation and hal& o& its

actual hours are counted as credit hours'1-8 ,raining center 9 hospital or specialty center recogni3ed by the

oGcial authorities &or training purposes'1-1: %Iperience Ongoing practice in the specialty %eld' *+perience

is counted as &ollo6sD

9' *ach year o& serice at a hospital or a specialty

center is e,uialent to one year o& e+perience'

' *ach year o& serice at a health center or an

e,uialent &acility is e,uialent to si+ months o& 


C' I& the practitioner does not practice hisspecialty his e+perience is not counted and he is

considered non-practicing'1-11 %Iperience


 7he re,uired e+perience to ,uali&y &or a higher

leel or &or those 6ho demonstrate pro&essional

shortcomings either by &ailing the pro&essional

assessments administered by the Commission or

by non-practicing'1-12 (on/practicing !ot practicing the specialty %eld &or t6o or more


1-1 +eneralpractitioner

+eneral dental


Holder o& a bachelorBs degree in general medicineor dentistry 6ho has at least completed the

internship year'

1-14 Resident 9' Holder o& a bachelorBs degree in general

medicine or dentistry 6ho has completed the

internship year and has at least one year o& 

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e+perience in the specialty %eld'

' Holder o& a diploma <one year= in a medical


C' Holder o& a diploma/masterBs degree <no less

than t6o years= in a medical specialty but does

not yet hae the re,uired e+perience to ,uali&y as

a senior house oGcer'1-15 Senior house


Holder o& a specialty degree <no less than t6o

years= 6ho has the re,uired e+perience' 7he total

period o& training to receie the degree as 6ell as

the actual e+perience must be &our years'1-1$ Specialist


Holder o& the #audi specialty certi%cate <or

e,uialent='1-1F Consultant Holder o& the #audi specialty certi%cate <or

e,uialent= 6ho has at least three years o& e+perience in the specialty %eld at a recogni3ed

hospital or center'1-1; +eneral


Ma?or specialty in one %eld o& medicine such as

internal medicine and surgery' 7raining is carried

out 6ithin a speci%c method at recogni3ed center

a&ter receiing a bachelor o& medicine' 7he

practitioner must practice in the same specialty

%eld'1-18 Su'specialt- #peciali3ing in a subspecialty o& general medicine'

 7raining is carried out through the ac,uisition o& practical and theoretical e+perience a&ter

receiing a post graduate degree in a general

specialty e'g' speciali3ing in cardiology a&ter

speciali3ing in internal medicine'1-2: (on/certied


#peciali3ing in a medical subspecialty <cardiology

neurology endocrinology etc= 6ithout receiing

a post graduate degree in general specialty'

 7raining is carried out a&ter receiing a bachelor o& 

medicine' 7he practitioner must practice in the

same specialty %eld'1-21 (on/


Holder o& medical or health ,uali%cation 6ho is

not entitled to practice in the specialty because o& 

non-practicing &or t6o years'1-22 Saudi Specialt-


 7he highest pro&essional certi%cate the

Commission a6ards physicians' It is a6arded a&ter

completing standardi3ed clinical training and

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passing the re,uired assessments' It is e,uialent

to a "h('

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** Principles and Standards of Professional Registration and


2- 1= In principle the Commission recogni3es all certi%cates issued by

recogni3ed and internationally reno6ned uniersities authorities and

e,uialent institutions' Ho6eer it preseres the right to re?ect anycerti%cate that contraenes the regulations and standards applicable in the


2-2= #audis 6ho receie their degrees <bachelorBs masterBs or "h(= &rom

abroad must get a certi%cate o& e,uialency &rom the Ministry o& Higher


2-= 7he Commission recogni3es all domestic health training programs

superised by #audi uniersities and similar institutions 6hich comply 6ith

the re,uirements set by the Commission' Ho6eer the Commissionpreseres the right to e+clude any program that &ails to meet the

re,uirements and to sub?ect its graduates to pro&essional classi%cation as


2-4= 7he Commission recogni3es certi%cates issued by priate health

institutes and community colleges that are licensed by the releant

authorities in the @ingdom proided that their graduates pass the

CommissionBs classi%cation e+aminations'

2-5= 9ll applicants &or pro&essional classi%cation must pass the pro&essional

assessment procedures en&orced by the Commission'

2-$= 7he Commission is a6are o& the di>erence bet6een the certi%cate and

its holderA there&ore it recogni3es pro&essional classi%cation as a 6ay to

classi&y practitioners based on their abilities and e+perience at the time o& 


2-F= Ehereas pro&essional classi%cation aims to ,uali&y candidates &or

pro&essional practice the time acno6ledged &or classi&ying certi%cates in

clinical specialties is the same as the actual time spent in practical training in

the specialty %eld'

2-;= 7he health training and educational programs accepted by the

Commission are standardi3ed programs 6hich practitioners ?oin and

gradually adance both in terms o& leel and responsibilities according to

speci%c standards and proided at competent training centers proided that

they meet the minimum limits o& training set by the Commission'

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2-8= Health certi%cates and ,uali%cations are classi%ed according to the

programBs minimum admission re,uirements'

2-1:= 9dding the hours o& di>erent courses together and decreasing the

re,uired period o& e+perience is not allo6ed &or ,uali%cation purposes in the

healthcare sector'

2-11= In classi&ying practitioners the Commission obseres the regulations

and statutes e>ectie in the @ingdom including the Health "ro&essions

#tatute "ractice o& Health "ro&essions 0egulations and "riate Health

Institutions 0egulations in addition to the CommissionBs training regulations

and statutes'

2-12= Oerlapping training periods to obtain di>erent ,uali%cations are

counted only once'

2-1= I& a preliminary decision assigns a lo6er ,uali%cation leel based on

the applicantBs score in the e+amination reclassi%cation is not allo6ed

be&ore the elapse o& one year as &rom the date o& decision or assessment'

2-14= Holders o& degrees e,uialent to the #audi #pecialty Certi%cate 6ho

are in accordance 6ith #audi uniersitiesB regulations promoted to associate

pro&essors 6hile 6oring at their uniersities may be classi%ed as

consultants upon the "ro&essional Classi%cation CommitteeBs


2-15= Certi%cates that are not included in this manual shall be classi%ed inaccordance 6ith the applicable training regulations in the @ingdom'

2-1$= Classi%cation applications submitted by non-#audis 6ho do not hae

the re,uired e+perience shall not be accepted unless they are born in the

@ingdom or regular residents 6ho hae at least %nished high school in the

@ingdom' In such cases they must 6or under the superision o& a specialist

until they complete the re,uired <t6o= years o& e+perience'

*** #egrees and Certicates ,hat Are (ot Professionall- Classied

-1= "urely academic programs in nature that do not include patient care

clinical practice or practical training in the %eld'

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-2= Health Certi%cates ac,uired through honorary training programs as a

isiting physician or a non-practicing attach or those ac,uired through

correspondence and the lie'

-= Certi%cates related to &ol medicine 6hich is not acno6ledged in the


-4= Certi%cates issued by non-health colleges and institutes'

-5= achelorBs degrees in education such as domestic economy and special


-$= achelorBs degrees and diplomas granted by non-medical laboratories

such as chemistry biology or 3oology labs'

-F= Certi%cates that are not sub?ect to recogni3ed training programs or

those are ac,uired 6hile 6oring &or non-recogni3ed training centers'

-;= 0egistration certi%cates that are considered as practice licenses or

membership certi%cates o& certain associations 6hich are granted a&ter

passing the licensing e+amination in some countries such as the nited

#tated o& 9merica'

-8= Certi%cates obtained or granted through distance education or

correspondence study 6hich contraene the regulations o& higher education'

-1:= ridge programs proided by some uniersities to graduates o& 

institutions abroad such as bridge program in radiology at #udan niersity

&or #cience and 7echnology'

-11= (iploma o& "sychiatric "ractice <(""=A issued by 9in #hams niersity

in cooperation 6ith @ingBs College London'

-12= (ermatology diploma or "h( granted by oston niersity #9 and

similar certi%cates in the %eld o& human medicine'

-1= Certi%cates issued by the 0oyal College o& "hysicians #urgeons o& the

nited #tates'

* Health/Related Courses and Changing Specialties

4/1 Health/related Courses

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4-1-1= .ull time health-related ,uali%cation courses that need &ull

deotion and proided by a speciali3ed body 6hich hae standardi3ed

programs that are approed by the Commission' 7he credit hours o& such

courses are &ully counted'

4-1-2= Courses proided by none-academic institutions 6hich the trainee%nishes 6ithout haing to be &ully deoted to or to ?oin one o& the

institutionBs departments 6hich are compliant 6ith cooperatie training

regulations and a&ter 6hich the trainee is granted the certi%cate 6ithout

taing an e+am' Hal& o& such coursesB actual hours are counted as credit


4/! Changing specialt-

4-2-1= 9 specialty may be changed i& the &ollo6ing conditions are metD

9' Current specialty and desired specialty must be in the same %eld o& 

practice and on the same pro&essional leel'

' 7he applicant must hae at least t6o years o& e+perience in the ne6

specialty %eld'

C' 7he applicant must tae an assessment in the ne6 specialty %eld'

Classication of Health Assistants technicians and Health


Leel asic Jualication for


ReJuired stud-ing

and training

period for the

certicate after

the 'asicJualication





*lementary education 1- yearsIntermediate pro%ciency 1-2 years

 7echnician Intermediate pro%ciency years minHigh school 1- years

#enior High school Community college

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 7echnician < years min=#pecialist achelorBs degree or

e,uialent in a recogni3ed

health %eld &rom a

recogni3ed uniersity or




ce J


period K

4 years#enior


MasterBs degree or

e,uialent &rom a

recogni3ed uniersity or

speciali3ed scienti%c body

#tudying period is

counted as 2 year


"h( or e,uialent

Consultant "h( or e,uialent &rom a

recogni3ed uniersity or

speciali3ed scienti%c body



years o& 


ce in thespecialty



1' 9dmission o& Medical 9ssistant categories shall be limited to the %elds o& 

nursing mid6i&ery and %rst aid only'

2' 7he pro&essional classi%cation certi%cates o& specialist and consultant

medical assistants shall be as &ollo6sD

9' Laboratory #pecialist <specialty ''=

' Laboratory #pecialist <senior specialist specialty''=

C' Laboratory #pecialist <consultant specialty''=

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$/1 ptometr-

5-1-1= OptometristD holder o& a bachelor o& optometry 6ho has the necessary

e+perience' 9n optometrist must hae good no6ledge o& the eye its

di>erent parts and the &unction o& each part in addition to being capable o& 

e+amining the eye %tting lenses diagnosing and treating diseases o& theeye'

5-1-2= Optometric 7echnicianD holder o& a diploma in optometry <t6o years

min= or e,uialent &rom a recogni3ed institute or college obtained a&ter

graduation &rom high school' 9n optometric technician must hae good

no6ledge o& the eye its di>erent parts and the &unction o& each part in

addition to being capable o& e+amining the eye under the superision o& an

ophthalmologist or optometrist'

5-1-= (ispensing OpticianD holder o& a (iploma in Optical (ispensing <t6oyears min= or e,uialent &rom a speciali3ed institute' 9 dispensing opticianBs

 ?ob is limited to eyeglass and lens sales and %tting' He must be &amiliar 6ith

all types o& medical eyeglasses sunglasses &rames and contact lenses as

6ell as their pros and cons'

$/! Medical La'oratories

In addition to the proisions o& 9rticle 5 the categories belo6 in the area o& 

medical laboratories may be classi%ed as &ollo6sD

5-2-1= Holders o& bachelorBs degrees in specialties indirectly related tomedical laboratories such as biochemistry or general microbiology are

classi%ed as a laboratory technicians proided that they attend a one-year

,uali%cation course in the specialty %eld or hae a minimum e+perience o& 

t6o years in the specialty %eld at speciali3ed medical laboratories'

5-2-2= Holders o& masterBs degrees in medical laboratories or e,uialents

obtained a&ter a bachelorBs degree in biochemistry or general microbiology

are classi%ed as specialists proided that at least 5: o& the program is

practical training'

$/3 (utrition

ien the proisions o& 9rticle 5 categories in the nutrition %eld are

classi%ed on the &ollo6ing basisD

5--1= Holders o& diplomas in clinical/therapeutic nutrition <t6o years min=

obtained a&ter graduation &rom high school or recogni3ed community college

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are classi%ed as dietetic technicians' 9 dietetic nutrition must 6or under the

superision o& a clinical nutrition specialist'

5--2= Holders o& bachelorBs degrees in <clinical/therapeutic= nutrition &rom

health &aculties are classi%ed as <clinical/therapeutic= nutrition specialists

a&ter a one-year internship'

5--= Holders o& masterBs degrees or e,uialents in <clinical/therapeutic=

nutrition obtained a&ter a bachelorBs in nutritional sciences proided that the

practical training program in <clinical/therapeutic= nutrition is no less than

t6o years are classi%ed as specialists in <clinical/therapeutic= nutrition or as

senior specialists a&ter gaining the re,uired e+perience'

5--4= Holders o& bachelorBs degrees in nutritional sciences &rom &aculties o& 

science agriculture c' are classi%ed as specialists in clinical nutrition

proided that they success&ully complete a ,uali%cation program approedby the Commission in <clinical/therapeutic= nutritionA and accordingly their

pro&essional leel is decided based on their per&ormance in the ,uali%cation


5--5= #ta> members 6oring currently in nutritional sciences 6ho are

included in the health list are classi%ed and registered according to their

current positions in coordination 6ith their employers' 7hey are considered

e+ceptional cases that &uture cases should not be benchmared against'

5--$= Holders o& bachelorBs degrees in nutritional sciences &rom &aculties o& 

science agriculture c' are classi%ed as non-clinical &ood serices

technicians and must 6or e+clusiely in superising &ood serices'

$/4 Ps-cholog-

 7his specialty includesD <clinical counseling neurological and &orensic/criminal

psychology= 6hich are classi%ed in accordance 6ith the proision o& 9rticle 5

o& this manual proided that bachelorBs degrees holders are classi%ed as


5-4-1= 9 holder o& bachelorBs degree in psychology is pro&essionally classi%edas an assistant psychology specialist proided that he 6ors under the

superision o& a senior specialist or a consultant in "sychology'

5-4-2= 9 holder o& bachelorBs degree in psychology 6ho hae a minimum o& 

three years o& e+perience is classi%ed as a psychology specialist'

$/$ Sociolog-

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5-5-1= 9 holder o& bachelorBs degree in sociology is classi%ed as a sociologist'

5-5-2= 9 holder o& bachelorBs degree in social serice or e,uialent is

classi%ed as a social specialist'

*. Pharmacolog-

$-1= Classi%cation o& pharmacistsD

"harmacists are classi%ed and registered as &ollo6sD

Leel #egree %Iperience"harmacist <achelorBs/masterBs

degree= &rom a

recogni3ed uniersity or

scienti%c body#enior "harmacist MasterBs degree or

e,uialent in

pharmacology a&ter

gaining the re,uired


"rogram J e+perience

K 4 years

"h( in pharmacologyConsultant "harmacist "h( or e,uialent in

pharmacology &rom a

recogni3ed uniersity

min years o& 


$-2= "harm'('

(octor o& "harmacy <"harm'(= degrees in clinical pharmacology are

classi%ed as &ollo6sD

9' "harm'(' that taes at least t6o years <studying/training= a&ter receiing a

bachelorBs degree in pharmacology is e,uialent to a masterBs degree'

' "harm'(' that taes at least si+ years <study/training= a&ter %nishing highschool and a one-year accredited residency training program are e,uialent

to masterBs degree'

C' "harm'(' that taes at least t6o years <studying/training= a&ter receiing a

bachelorBs degree in pharmacy and a t6o-year accredited residency training

program is e,uialent to a "h('

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(' "harm'(' that taes at least three years <studying/training= a&ter receiing

a bachelorBs degree in pharmacy and a t6o-year accredited residency

training program is e,uialent to a "h('

**. Acupuncture

9' In order to be classi%ed &or practicing acupuncture the applicant must be

at least a specialist registrar and attend at least <2::= training hours or 6or

&ulltime in acupuncture &or t6o months at a recogni3ed center'

' raduates o& institutions that are speciali3ed in acupuncture &ollo6ing high

school 6ho undergo three years o& training are classi%ed as acupuncture


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***. Spinal Ad)ustment

Holders o& bachelorBs degrees in chiropractic sciences are classi%ed as

chiropractic specialists and must 6or under the superision o& a senior

house oGcer'

*O. (aturopath-

Holders o& bachelorBs degrees in naturopathy &rom recogni3ed centers are

classi%ed as naturopathic specialists and must 6or under the superision o& 

a consultant in internal medicine &amily medicine orthopedics neurology or

neurosurgery' 7heir practice is limited to naturopathy and nutrition' Ho6eer

they may use basic diagnostic methods such as blood tests chemistry and +-

rays= but may not 6rite prescriptions'

O. Medicine #entistr- and Podiatr-

1:-1= Holders o& bachelorBs degrees or e,uialents are classi%ed as general

practitioners in the specialty <general medicine density or podiatry= a&ter the

completion o& a one-year internship at a recogni3ed center in the %eld o& 

general medicine dentistry or podiatry'

1:-2= Holders o& bachelorBs degrees in podiatry may only practice in the

specialty %eld' 9ccording to their training they are classi%ed as &ollo6sD

9' #urgical specialist'

' Medical specialist'

10/3= Resident

 7o become a resident the applicant must hae at least one year o& 

e+perience in the specialty %eld &ollo6ing the internship year or hae one o& 

the &ollo6ing certi%catesD

#egree Countr- of  



(CH India *,uialent to a one-year



"aistan *,uialent to a one-year


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.rance *,uialent to a one-year



C*# <a=C*# <b=(*#CH(/C

Medical #pecialty


*gypt *,uialent to a one-year

diplomaOther diplomas

recogni3ed by the


- -

1:-4= #enior House OGcerD &or a practitioner to become a senior house

oGcer in a %eld o& medicine one o& the &ollo6ing re,uirements must be


ualication Length Q %IperienceMasterBs or e,uialent 76o years min MasterBs plus

e+perience should be at

least &our years 76o diplomas as

e+plained in 9rticle 1:-

6hich complement each


 76o years o& e+perience

as o& the date the

second diploma 6as

receiedN 7he length acno6ledged is the period estimated by the Commission &or

the program based on the leel o& training'

10/$= %Iamples of certicatesdegrees Jualif-ing for the leel of 

Senior House KcerD Certi%cates/degrees 6hich are recogni3ed by the

Commission and 6hose post-graduation training period is no less than t6o

years in addition to practical e+perience in the specialty %eld so that the

total period o& both the program and acno6ledged e+perience is &our years

such asD



Certicate#egree Countr- of  



1 #udanese #peciali3ation


#udan *,uialent to a


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<#udanese &ello6ship= diploma

e+cluding those

6ho became


pro&essors at


hospital &or at

least three years2 Clinical M( #udan *,uialent to t6o

years o& 

e+perience in the

specialty %eld M(



India *,uialent to a

t6o-year diploma

4 "h'( *gypt Issued by the

(epartment o& 

Optometry at 9in

#hams niersity

*gypt5 MasterBs degree *gypt Min t6o-year

masterBs program$ raduate studies #yria *,uialent to a

t6o-year diploma

F #pecialty certi%cate "alestine *,uialent to at6o-year diploma

; .C"#N "aistan 76o-year diploma8 Completion o& training

in the #audi or 9rabian


@ingdom o& 

#audi 9rabia

 7he training must

be superised by

the Commission

and the applicant

must pass the

assessment1: ritish and Irish

membership and&ello6ship

@ and Ireland .or those 6ho did

not thestandardi3ed

specialty training


*,uialent to a



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11 Eest 9&rica medical

college &ello6ship

!igeria/9&rica *,uialent to a

t6o-year diploma

i& there 6as no


program12 .amily medicine


Canada *,uialent to a


diploma'N #ee #chedule 11-1 &or &ello6ship certi%cates issued be&ore : une 2::;'

O* Post/+raduate Specialt- Certicates#egrees in Medicine

Certi%cates e,uialent to the #audi #pecialty Certi%cate 6hich based on

e+perience ,uali&y the practitioner to immediately become a specialistregistrar or a consultant i& he had three years o& e+perience'

11-1= *+amples o& certi%cates e,uialent to the #audi #pecialty Certi%cateD





Countr- of rigin RemarNs

1 #audi uniersitiesB


@ingdom o& #audi

9rabia2 9rab .ello6ship #yria 7hose completing their

training in the @ingdom

must obtain a certi%cateo& completion &rom the

Commission #pecialty &rom

 ordan Medical


 ordan <MC= 7hose completing their

training in the @ingdom

must obtain a certi%cate

o& completion &rom the

Commission4 *gyptian .ello6ship *gypt 7hose completing their

training in the @ingdom

must obtain a certi%cate

o& completion &rom the

Commission5 M( *gypt Must be receied 6hile

training at a recogni3ed

uniersity hospital

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$ Higher (iploma in

Medical #tudies

&rom the

Ministry o& Higher

*ducation and

#cienti%c 0esearch

9lgeria achelor o& Medicine is

not obligatory

F #pecialty &rom

 7unisia and Morocco

 7unisia Morocco

; ritish and Irish


@ and Ireland 7he applicant must hae

4-5 years o& residency

e+perience at a

recogni3ed center8 CC#7

Certi%cate o& 

Completion o& #pecialty 7raining

@ and Ireland Puali%es &or a consultant

1: C3ech .ello6ship C3ech 0epublic specialist registrar/6ritten



assessment committee11 "h( @ 7he applicant must hae

4 years o& residency

e+perience at a

recogni3ed center and be

registered 6ith theeneral Medical Council

12 erman/9ustrian

specialty certi%cate


ermany 9ustria

1 C'*'#

<Certi%cat dB *tudes


.rance Eas a6arded to *uropean

nationals until 18;5

6hen it 6as replaced 6ith

('*'#14 ('I'#

<(iplomeInteruniersitaire de


96arded to &oreigners

15 #pecialty &rom the

elgium Ministry o& 


<Medicin #pecialitie=


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1$ #pecialty &rom Italy

<(iplome di medico



1F #pecialty &rom




1; #pecialty &rom the

Ministry o& Health

based on the

recommendation o& 

Lu+emburg medical

school <diploma di

medico specialists=

Lu+emburg Holder must hae spent

at least 4 years o& 

residency <0egistrar #hip=

18 #pecialty &rom the

!etherlands <#C0=

!etherlands 9 recognition and

registration certi%cateissued by Q!et do or de



<#0C=2: #6iss #pecialty #6iss Medical

9ssociation <.MH= or

e,uialent21 .'M'H in orthopedic


.MH in #6it3erland

22 #pecialty &rom#6eden

<Certi%cate o& 


#6edish oard=


2 #pecialty <"h(=

&rom #pain


24 #pecialty <"h(=

 &rom "ortugal


25 9ustralian



2$ 9merican oard




2F 7he Canadian


.rom the 0oyal


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College o& 

"hysicians and

#urgeons o& Canada2; M( or M# J

(!/M( J (M in

internal medicine





28 M( J MCH in

surgical specialties: .C"# "aistan 7he applicant must hae

6ored as an assistant

pro&essor &or at least

three yearsA certi%cates

o& e+perience must be

issued or attested byCollege o& "hysicians


"aistan <C"#"= e+cept

&or &ello6ships issued

a&ter : une 2::;1 MasterBs/&ello6ship #outh 9&rica *,uialent training to that

re,uired by the #audi

#pecialty .ello6ship is


2 (*(CH( < (iplome(B*tat de (octeur

en Chirurgie

(entaire J (*#O

< (iplome *u


Obontologi,ues= in


.rance (iploma in dental surgeryJ diploma in dental


*uropean oard *urope 7he applicant must hae

standardi3ed training at

the country o& origin

6hich is e,uialent to the

#audi #pecialty

Certi%cate4 Lebanese #pecialty - 7he Lebanese


- 9merican niersity

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- Maassed Hospital -

 7he Maassed

"hilanthropic Islamic

9ssociation o& eirut5 M( niersity o& @arachi

$ #pecialty &romra3il

ra3ilian Medical9ssociation ra3il

F 7he 0oyal College


(entists o& CanadaB

s &ello6ship

 7he 0oyal College o& 

(entists o& Canada

; Ira,i #pecialty Ira, 7here must be

standardi3ed training

e,uialent to the #audi

#pecialty Certi%cate8 @u6aiti #pecialty @u6ait 7here must be

standardi3ed training

e,uialent to the #audi

#pecialty Certi%cate

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O** Su'specialt- and ncertied Su'specialt- ,raining

12-1= 9 non-certi%ed subspecialty &ello6ship is a training &ello6ship &or

,uali%cation purposes obtained by a trainee through a standardi3ed training

program a&ter passing an e+amination in the same subspecialty at a

recogni3ed academic institution' It is classi%ed as a non-certi%edsubspecialty &ello6ship &ollo6ing a postgraduate degree in general specialty'

12-2= 9 non-certi%ed subspecialty training course <&ello6ship= 6hich does not

include an e+amination at the end and in 6hich the &ello6 is a6arded a

certi%cate o& completion by the academic institution or uniersity hospital is

e,uialent to a course commensurate 6ith its actual training period'

12-= 0e,uirements &or granting the title o& non-certi%ed Consultant in a


a' 7hree-year non-certi%ed subspecialty &ello6ship preceded by a

postgraduate degreeb' 76o-year non-certi%ed subspecialty &ello6ship preceded by one year o& 

e+perience in the same subspecialtyc' 7hree years o& training in the non-certi%ed subspecialty in addition to

one year o& e+perience in the same subspecialtyd' 76o years o& training in the non-certi%ed subspecialty in addition to t6o

one years o& e+perience in the same subspecialtye' One year o& training in the non-certi%ed subspecialty in addition to

&our years o& e+perience in the same subspecialtyor

&' #i+ years o& e+perience in the subspecialty in speciali3ed units at a

recogni3ed center preceded by a postgraduate degree'

12-4= 7he holder o& a specialty certi%cate 6ho completes a three-year

training program and has &our years o& e+perience in the same specialty so

that total training and e+perience are seen years is ,uali%ed to become a

non-certi%ed consultant in the subspecialty' Ho6eer the title shall be

limited to the subspecialty'

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O*** Additional Specialties

9dditional specialties is the ac,uisition o& additional sills/techni,ues related

to the main specialty the practice o& 6hich re,uires obtaining an additional

licenseA moreoer the holder must hae complete a training course or hae

suGcient e+perience at a hospital or a specialty center in the re,uired %eldsuch asD

1' In&ertility and in itro &ertili3ation <IV.= &or gynecologists obstetricians and

senior house oGcers in embryology and endocrinology'

2' Laser eye surgery <&or consultant ophthalmologists='

' 9n additional license to use hair remoal and e+cimer laser is granted to a

dermatology senior house oGcer/consultant 6ho attends a t6o-hour <min=

training course - approed by the Commission - a&ter haing passed the

pro&essional assessment administered by the Commission'

4' 9n additional license to use laser intense pulse light <I"L= radio 6aes

and photodynamic therapy <"(7= is granted to a dermatology <senior house

oGcer/consultant= 6ho attends a &our-hour training course - approed by the

Commission - a&ter haing passed the pro&essional assessment administered

by the Commission'

5' *ndoscopy license &or non-gastroenterology consultants i'e' specialists in

internal medicine pediatrics and general surgery'

$' Circumcision license <physicians 6ho are not urologists pediatricians

plastic surgeons or general surgeons='

F' 9nalgesia <&or consultants in anesthesia or neurosurgery='

;' *ndoscopic surgery <&or surgical consultants='

8' ltrasound <&or non-radiologists='

1:' Hair transplantation <&or dermatologists and plastic surgeons='

11' (ental implantology'

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A/ Additional license for dental implants prosthodontic componentT

 7he additional license &or the prosthodontic component o& the implant is

granted to a senior house oGcer/consultant in oral and ma+illo&acial surgery

or periodontology 6ho completes at least 1:: hours o& standardi3ed training

on the prosthodontic component in one or more recogni3ed courses atscienti%c institutions/commissions recogni3ed by the Commission' 9&ter

passing the theoretic and clinical assessment the trainee must proide proo& 

that he trained on the prosthodontic component S no less than 15 cases S

issued by the recogni3ed training institution/commission not a commercial


/ Additional license for dental implants surgical componentT

 7he additional license &or the surgical component o& the implant to is granted

to a senior house oGcer/consultant in oral prosthodontics or restoratiedentistry 6ho completes at least 1:: hours o& standardi3ed training on the

surgical component in one or more recogni3ed courses at scienti%c

institutions/commissions recogni3ed by the Commission' 9&ter passing the

theoretic and clinical assessment the trainee must proide proo& that he

trained on the surgical component S no less than 15 cases S issued by the

recogni3ed training institution/commission not a commercial company'

  C/ Additional license for dental implants

prosthodonticsurgical componentT for general dentists

 7he additional license &or the prosthodontic/surgical component o& the

implant to is granted to a general dentist 6ho has at least &our years o& 

e+perience and standardi3ed training on one or both components o& dental

implantology' 7he dentist must attend at least 2:: hours o& training S one or

more courses S on the prosthodontic and surgical components <1:: hours

each= o& the implant at a scienti%c institution/commission recogni3ed by the

Commission not a commercial company' Moreoer the dentist must %nish

treating 2: cases surgically and prosthodontically <documented by the

recogni3ed training institution/commission' 9&ter passing the theoretic and

clinical assessment the license is gien either in the prosthodonticcomponent the surgical component or both'

O* #enitions of Some Special Certicates

14/1 #iploma in 2ield %pidemiolog-

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9 diploma a6arded by the #chool o& Medicine at @ing #aud niersity in

collaboration 6ith the Ministry o& Health' "hysicians and non-physician

practitioners are eligible &or admission' 7his diploma is e,uialent to a t6o-

year diploma in the same specialty'

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14/! #egreescerticates from the Russian 2ederation and Nraine

14-2-1= !ursing and technical certi%catesD less than &our years a&ter high

school ,uali%es the applicant to practice as a <technician= i& he passes the

assessment 6hile more than &our years ,uali%es the applicant to practice as

a <specialist='

14-2-2= achelor o& "harmacyD duration is %e yearsA e,uialent to a bachelor

o& pharmacy in the @ingdom'

4-2-= (entistryD duration is %e yearsA e,uialent to a bachelorBs degree and

a training <internship= year'

14-2-4= eneral MedicineD si+ years plus one year o& training <internship

year=' It is called Q#tagiorR in 0ussian i'e' <bachelorBs/diploma= and it is

e,uialent to a bachelor o& medicine / bachelor o& surgery in the @ingdom'

14-2-5= #pecialist Certi%cate <Clinical Ordinatura=D Q@auhuecou opgua

typeR in 0ussian' 9t least three years o& training is re,uired to receie the

certi%cate' It is e,uialent to a t6o-year programD specialist K master K

magista and ,uali%es its holder to practice as a senior house oGcer a&ter

gaining the re,uired e+perience'

14-2-$= .ello6ship <"h(/M(=D Q@andidate !auR in 0ussian' It re,uires three

to %e years o& training a&ter receiing a masterBs degree' It is e,uialent to

the #audi #pecialty Certi%cate <"h(='

14/3 #egreescerticates from Poland

14--1= !ursing includingD

9' !urseD &our years o& studying at a secondary nursing school a&ter middle

school and it is called Q(yplom "ielegniari/"ielegniar3aR'

It is e,uialent to the diploma granted by secondary health institutes and

,uali%es its holder to practice as a nursing technician'

' Puali%ed nurseD t6o years o& studying at a nursing institute a&ter highschool and it is called Q(yplom dielegniar3aR Q(iplom "yplomo6anegoR or

Q"ielegniari (yplomo6ane?R'

It is e,uialent to the diploma granted by adanced secondary health

institutes and ,uali%es its holder to practice as a nursing technician'

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C' achelor o& !ursingD &our years o& studying at the school o& medicine-

nursing department and it is called Q(yplom Magistra "ielegniarst6aR'

It is e,uialent to a bachelorBs degree and ,uali%es its holder to practice as a


(' "harmacyD its duration is %e years and it is called Q(yplom Magistra


It is e,uialent to a bachelor o& pharmacy'

*' (entistryD %e years plus an internship year' It is called Q(yplom Lear3a

#tomatologaR and it is e,uialent to a bachelor o& dentistry'

.' MedicineD si+ years plus an internship year' It is called Q(yplom Lear3a

MedyeynyR and it is e,uialent to a bachelor o& medicine / bachelor o& 

surgery in the @ingdom'

14--5= #pecialty certi%catesD

14--5-1= ntil 1888 specialty programs 6ere diided into t6o leels and

comprised t6o stagesD

9' Leel 1D 2- years o& trainingA the degree is called Q(yplom I #topniaR and

it is e,uialent to a masterBs degree'

' Leel 2D -4 years o& training in addition to a stateBs e+amination' 7he

degree is called Q(yplom II #topniaRA it is e,uialent to a "h( and ,uali%esthe practitioner to become a specialist registrar'

14--5-2= #tarting early 1888 the *uropean nion specialtiesB system 6as

applied and the specialty 6as changed into one leel' 7he program is no6 no

less than %e years depending on the specialty and the degree is called

Q(yplom #pec?alistyRA it is e,uialent to a "h( and ,uali%es its holder to

become a specialist registrar'

14--5-= #ub-specialties <such as heart surgery neurosurgery and plastic


- ntil 1888D it re,uired -4 years o& training a&ter completing leel

1R(yplom I #topniaR and passing the stateBs e+aminationA it ,uali%es its

holder to become a subspecialist'

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- #ince early 1888D re,uires 2- years o& training a&ter completing

Q(yplom #pec?alistyR and passing the stateBs e+aminationA it ,uali%es its

holder to become a specialist'

14/4 #egreescerticates from the CUech Repu'licD

14-4-1= 7he specialty certi%cate Q"rniho #tupuneR ,uali%es its holder to

become a senior house oGcer a&ter passing the pro&essional assessment'

14-4-2= 7he specialty certi%cate Q(ruheho #tupuneR ,uali%es its holder to

become a specialist registrar or consultant based on e+perience'

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14/$ achelors of nursing applied medical sciences and eJuialents

from the Philippines and *ndiaD

14-15-1= upon the completion o& ten years o& general education holders o& 

bachelor degrees in nursing and applied medical sciences are classi%ed as

specialists in their specialties proided that they hae a &our-year bachelordegree the oard Certi%cate in the same specialty and three years o& 

e+perience in the 6hateer specialty stated in the certi%cate 6hether

optometry physiotherapy nutrition respiratory therapy medical labs dental

technology radiology etc' e+cept &or pharmacy'

O isiting #octors

1' "ursuant to Ministerial 0esolution !o' 211;/2: dated un $ 1888 9H the

Commission shall classi&y isiting doctors according to the &ollo6ing criteriaD

1- 7he isiting doctor must be a consultant in his home countryA he must

be speciali3ed in rare specialty and &amiliar 6ith ne6 techni,ues not

aailable in the @ingdom'2- 7he isiting doctor must hae a alid practicing license in his home

country'- 7he isiting doctor must hae neer been conicted o& a #haria

iolation a criminal o>ence or a medical error nor deported &rom the

@ingdom &or any reason related to the medical pro&ession'4- 7he CommissionBs recommendation to inite a isiting doctor is not

considered as a permanent classi%cation certi%cate to 6or in the


O* +eneral ,erms

1$-1= 9pplicants that hae health-related certi%cates &rom abroad are

classi%ed through pro&essional assessment'

1$-2= 7hose 6ho 6ere not ,uali%ed because o& &ailing the assessment may

be reclassi%ed a&ter spending a training period and gaining ne6 e+perience

at a hospital that accommodates the respectie specialty or a&ter receiing a

higher ,uali%cation recogni3ed by the Commission' 7he application isaccepted a&ter one year &rom the date o& the decision'

1$-= "ractitioners gien e+ceptions 6ho pass the pro&essional assessment

are reassessed one year a&ter the pro&essional classi%cation decision'

Ho6eer a %nal non-,uali%cation decision is issued &or those &ailing &or the

second time'

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1$--1= #audi practitioners 6ho pass on their &ourth attempt must be

reassessed one year a&ter the classi%cation decision' 7he classi%cation

decision must state <reassessment a&ter one year='

1$-4= Classi%cation &rom one leel to another re,uires a ne6 application and

a ne6 assessment'

1$-5= oernment employees may not be classi%ed as consultants 6ithout

the approal o& their departments'

1$-$= 7hose &ailing the assessment &or a certain pro&essional leel may not

be classi%ed to a lo6er leel' Ho6eer this does not apply to nurses 6oring

at health centers clinics and clinic comple+es as they may tae the nursing

assistant assessment i& they &ail the nursing assessment proided they 6or

e+clusiely in health centers clinics and clinic comple+es a&ter passing the

nursing assistant assessment'

1$-F= 9n applicant &or the leel o& a specialist registrar/consultant 6ho &ails

the %rst attempt may redo the assessment' I& he passes he is classi%ed to a

lo6er pro&essional leel than 6hat he applied &or or to the actual leel i& it

6as lo6er' Ho6eer he may submit a ne6 pro&essional classi%cation re,uest

to upgrade his leel one year a&ter he passes the assessment or one year

a&ter the classi%cation decision'

1$-;= I& a non-physician does not practice &or 2-5 years he must go bac to

training &or 2-$ months based on the time spent 6ithout practicing'

Ho6eer i& a practitioner does not practice &or more than %e years he must

train &or si+ months i& he had preious e+perience or &or one year i& he did

not hae preious e+perience in addition to passing the pro&essional

classi%cation assessment'

1$-8= !on-practicing <physician=D

9' 2-5 yearsD the practitionerTs e+perience is ealuated he must receie

2-$ months o& training in the %eld o& his specialty based on the time

spent 6ithout practicing and he must pass the pro&essional

classi%cation assessment'' 5-1: yearsD the practitionerTs e+perience is ealuated he must receie

si+ months o& training in the %eld o& his specialty i& he had preious

practical e+perience and one year i& he did not practice be&ore and he

must pass the pro&essional classi%cation assessment'

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C' !on-practicing &or more than ten yearsD 6ith preious practicing

e+perience must hae their e+perience ealuated receie one year o& 

training and pass the pro&essional classi%cation assessment'(' !on-practicing &or more than ten yearsD those 6ithout preious

practicing e+perience must train &or at least one year at a recogni3ed

training center and success&ully complete 4 three-month courses in<internal medicine pediatrics general surgery and O/U!='

1$-1:= 7he number o& e+amination attempts shall be as described belo6'

9' 7he CommissionBs e+amination administered by "rometricD the

applicant is allo6ed t6o attempts &or the classi%cation e+amination

6ithin three months' I& the applicant &ails or does not attend the

e+amination he is gien another opportunity to sit &or the e+amination

6ithin three months &rom the date o& the last attempt and he must pay

the stipulated &ees' Ho6eer i& the applicant &ails or does not attendthe e+amination he 6ill be automatically declared non-,uali%ed'

' #cheduled 6ritten e+aminations <committees=D the applicant is allo6ed

t6o attempts in a ro6' I& the applicant &ails or does not attend the

e+amination he is gien another opportunity to sit &or the e+amination

be&ore the ne+t committee and he must pay the stipulated &ees'

Ho6eer i& the applicant &ails or does not attend the e+amination he

6ill be automatically declared non-,uali%ed'C' In case o& non-,uali%cation the applicant may apply again one year

a&ter the non-,uali%cation decision and he must pay the stipulated

&ees'(' raduates o& priate health institutes health colleges and community

colleges in the @ingdom are gien t6o attempts' 7hose &ailing the

e+amination must undergo additional training and then they are gien

t6o additional attempts' 7hose &ailing the additional t6o attempts 6ill

be assessed by a committee until the Commission implements a

system o& standardi3ed tests'

1$-1:-1= 7he applicantTs employer must be noti%ed i& the applicant is not


1$-11= 7he date the board o& the college/uniersity adopts the decision is

considered the actual date o& the certi%cate'

1$-12= Holders o& a bachelor o& medicine / bachelor o& surgery may be

classi%ed as medial adertising and pharmaceutical mareting

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representaties i& they pass the pharmaceutical pro&essional classi%cation


1$-1= Classi%ed ophthalmology senior house oGcers 6ho 6ish to 6or in

optical centers must apply &or an additional license and tae a 6ritten

e+amination in optometry proided that they 6or e+clusiely in the %eld o& optometry'

1$-14= 7he physical <hearing sight etc'= psychological and neural abilities

o& pro&essional classi%cation or registration applicants oer <$:= years old

must be tested' 7he result is either %t &or medical practice or un%t &or

medical practice'

1$-15= 9ll graduates o& goernment programs belo6 a bachelorTs degree

must sit &or the pro&essional classi%cation e+amination'

1$-1$= In accordance 6ith the Health "ro&essional "ractice 9ct issued

pursuant to 0oyal (ecree !o' M/58 dated 15 (ecember 2::5 subscription

to cooperatie insurance against medical errors is mandatory &or all

physicians and dentists both in the public and the priate sectors'

1$-1F= Changing pro&essional leelD

9' 7he Commission may change the pro&essional leel or reoe the

practitionerTs classi%cation and registration certi%cate by irtue o& a court

order or due to the re,uest o& the competent authorities &or reassessment

purposes or i& the practitioner turned out to hae receied the certi%cate bymistae or in an illegal manner'

' I& the practitioner submits a re,uest to upgrade his pro&essional leel the

Commission may either change or reoe the pro&essional classi%cation

certi%cate based on the recommendation o& the assessment committee'

1$-1;= 7he Commission may amend any article o& this Manual 6heneer it

deems appropriate 6ithout prior notice'

1$-18= 7he #ecretary eneral may chose to mae e+ceptions to any o& this

ManualTs proisions i& necessary'

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O** Professional Classication and Registration 2ees

"ro&essional classi%cation and registration &ees are paid &or 6ith a chec

6ritten to the order o& the #audi Commission &or Health #pecialties by credit

card or by a ban deposit to the CommissionTs ban account as described


9' "ro&essional classi%cation &eesD

Leel 2eesConsultant #90 1;::

"hysician <senior house oGcer/

specialist registrar=

#90 15::

eneral (octor/(entist #90 11::#ubspecialty "hysician <adanced


#90 11:: J #90 &or each additional

&ello6ship 6ithin the same

application"harmacist/Health #pecialist


#90 11::

"harm'('/Health #pecialist #90 15::<7echnician/!urse/Health 9ssistant= #90 $::9dditional specialties <committees= #90 15::Bachelor's degrees from Saudi universities

<direct decisions/physicians=

#90 5::

Bachelor's degrees from Saudi universities

<direct decisions/non-physicians=

#90 5::

' "ro&essional registration &eesD



Fees (5 years)*


Classification Fees

(3 years)

Annual Fees Level Category

SAR 1250 SAR 750 SAR 250 Consultant


sSAR 1000 SAR 600 SAR 200

#enior house OGcer

J #pecialist 0egistrar

SAR 800 SAR 480 SAR 1600esident J eneral


 SAR 1000 SAR 600 SAR 200 onsultant Non-

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SAR 800 SAR 480 SAR 160 Senior S!ecialist

SAR 600 SAR "60 SAR 120 S!ecialist#$harmacist

SAR 400 SAR 240

SAR 80 Assistant#%echnician#Senio

r %echnician

N 7he %e-year pro&essional registration column is &or #audi practitioners


C. ther services! fees"



#ocu$ent Fees

1 ertificate translation and accreditation SAR "00

2 Reissuance of lost certificate or modification of 

classification certificate for !h)sicians*

 !harmacists* s!ecialists and e+uivalents

SAR "00

" ,odif) or reissue lost registration card SAR 150

4 ertificate of good standing#!ractice SAR "00

5 Attesting certificates to ma-e sure the) fulfill all

the ommission's re+uirements(

SAR 150

O*** Certicate Attestation

Certi%cates are attested by one o& the bodies listed belo6' 7he order o& the

list must be obsered i'e' you may not go to !o' 2 i& !o' 1 is aailable'

1;-1= #audi cultural attach in the country o& origin'

1;-2= #audi embassy or representatie in the country o& origin'

1;-= #audi embassy or representatie certi%cation aboe the certi%cation o& the embassy o& another country

1;-4= 7he country o& originTs embassy in the @ingdom J #audi Ministry o& 

.oreign 9>airs'

1;-5= "arty recogni3ed and approed by the Commission'

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O*O ReJuired Continuous Medical %ducation and Professional

#eelopment Hours for Practitioners in rder to Re/register Vith the


9- 0e,uired continuous medical education hours by practitioners &or re-


Category Average

%ours per


'euire %ours


3 &ears 5 &ears


and dentist

: 8: h 15: h,a. /10 hours !er )ear for domestic


,a. /10 hours !er )ear for general s-illsdevelo!ment(

,in /12 hours !er )ear for s!ecialied

seminars* conferences and or-sho!s*

including accredited online activities(

/10 hours for inde!endent activities* such

as s!ecialied reading* riting* and

atching relevant scientific films(

$harmacists 20 60 h for  

 !harmacists 3consultants

100 h for 



,a. /7 hours !er )ear for domestic


,a. /7 hours !er )ear for general s-ills


,in /7 hours !er )ear for s!ecialied

seminars* conferences and or-sho!s*

including accredited online activities(

/5 hours for inde!endent activities* such

as s!ecialied reading* riting* and

atching relevant scientific films(

 &urses 15 45 h for s!ecialists

and consultants

75 h for 




,a. /5 hours !er )ear for domestic


,a. /5 hours !er )ear for general s-ills


,in /5 hours !er )ear for s!ecialied

seminars* conferences and or-sho!s*

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including accredited online activities(

/5 hours for inde!endent activities* such

as s!ecialied reading* riting* and

atching relevant scientific films(

ther a!!lied

medical os

210 60 h for s!ecialists

and consultants

100 h for 




,a. /5 hours !er )ear for domestic


,a. /5 hours !er )ear for general s-ills


,in /5 hours !er )ear for s!ecialied

seminars* conferences and or-sho!s*

including accredited online activities(

/5 hours for inde!endent activities* such

as s!ecialied reading* riting* andatching relevant scientific films(

%echnicians 10 "0 h for all


50 h for all


' Categories e+empt &rom continuous medical education are health

assistants - regardless o& specialty - and some technicians <optical laboratory

technicians health or hospital management technicians medical records

technicians medical secretary technicians biomedical e,uipment

technicians health monitoring technicians and enironmental technicians='

C' IC(L is counted as non-mandatory continuous education hours &or

practitioners as &ollo6sD

- IC(L #tartD 1: hours o& continuous education counted only once'

- IC(L 15 hours o& continuous education counted only once'

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