Pbafmacnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1903-02-11/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · ' ja?e»Bnt'" ixwrian...

* % *- 1* • f 1 "if 1 \ •' . 1 <> it « J •«B d §1^1 j^K ,JjrOBi-t:a |^J»B* •-, • " 1 "i>:> .n.l cute of aH Throat -J,-.* and all affections membranes, "of. Ifo,. nasal jaasa^te, ^sottta^' >'jgha ainl «olds» * Iftrite .ttla Sold tmly fcy Pbafmac ji'Margarrt S t r e e t , . fir # - **A*II *i _J *|ffMltor j»rfcrm?> <fc« f ffc* ^ q u a l i t y ** t p f ^ PWiMe psfee. W * * M * * faJI « n » l y $ f ( Chicken and P«»rk t liWti m$ AHM)1 *h*^ |4 ttuUt! r e ^ » « t ftmJotoi and i mm m yeu need aC N«w #»j* ttf$g^ i «**i '• Trousers," yoj* ne*e? h»d! jJJ|f j ' EpPH a better fahance, ^«3.O0-3,S«HU<^&^ rrsBtnaan, N. irj w«i>xiiBt>AY fii amsmtrA^^ it. 1*0* ¥• v*mf «** mwtJBiiwrUat m*t*r <***taed i n » fcou. rfrold to* « p d a j* $%**$, jthe * * * « * * £ i i i ^ w a w ttlMta. M i l Nt» If * I- I As*mMym*ii Itf tttfMtal Barge f 4Ufa*yL Feb. 10-««ll«rl«« t»*t U»* .*W|>p*W» W u t i jjonWfcnt* to I N <$*- largo « u l , J—tmWyiiipa , Mr*©ff will introdi*e* * ooacMWftt «K ItotaUon, pi-oixmlnr * «W»Ututlon«l toir <uftwvW fc*»«r 5wr thpwaod *<*% > »! ' - ; ' /, fi*n*ti[>r Rr»fc'|fe«|tt *»»d*l «j> *, 1pm tm *4*itist Senator JfefSftt famxiXF Lwe!»H bill, k , live Govwnor |l^t for WwfcUWton toa^l*. ta r««Mibl »«y»na dajw, ]to «xn^er k t h 'th^'iE > w«lde»i't, at i b ^ %t-i- AtAte. i#4uUW t acffASE ic nrr. t CorotructJon of f2 Bittltshfpi. U l«trO<tac«! ctt,rIn « Wrta'o' the *h«er of ; war ^ , MM tim: K -' - ' - - A - •i* i***-*2 iilhteMJutW from Steamer Agrourid Reef Effected inttetvy Street Mafket GEO. H. MTERJi GROCERIES and CROCKERY \i-Cbat jraw^^Mi bar i n *t you n e e « | i n » w *>«!r t o I It , i i**mmmm*mmhmmimm**mm*mmm' i El A. WW3J t r Ticlndaili '*JtJBt f|3PStl*|'$ ( , fe Insurance Company d ll- ?S^S^ftK>-*0«4fo*)l^< ^HHBI* l*m BONDS —- J4. jt»*w»N*mf»j Kes|d«ii[iMao«gert jK**<iAfeet .sit" Rfli«1e»t Fare* <•( i . i i -T-r- y / \ / •"T' ! i i s im MONDAY. FIB. I TO , #* 41 41 41 41 * m India mud!!** «C matt srs 9«Scy in *ps . , ,adltt ^»« tfttoj* have piblic ^QdCidi to *« &w*-<wUUon <*c ; U l ^ %ne»kn<^s Ot Che A m ^ i c f c a N*vy, ". ^iiBplJt^t, tb*fe W Buro|>e«n ;s,*ttd«iB0!i!t»4|« totWteadfeiyt t , . , .^ -* *-. «Mf| mor* lifter^ ^*o|fMa»itte tWm has; rtfc ^ ^ ^ 4 1 *c^B W A 3U$fr |>tjf mm torn tk ttw a^avy «i i*cteK tftc^ swte s «| mm. Tarn %&n «eae ,tpi «4orts, ^ tMMicW -©ewwy^ ft««4«nt *** W^A ^ H ^ J * « ^ in'Jwsttr^Sr urging fh^it. ftrt-«decli 'ill Jftrtr it **»» tM »wy„ nd, Lojrd ct*rl«» Berew- on at the Pilgrim s dm- brit %b»t "i»ttl«*liw ftf« •war,'* hae tataen *ttonf o « i c b » « p 4 TEji* « i « « t lb"< for laa linltee<Hate twfeuJMttts ^f ^t»mtfvy k Wng- talked mJaout itt Adttlnlstmtioln «lrtJ«i. TWs talk ls| 4«*|ftae so- xtttiefa te an^ fear of im- tfat^fey 0»at tj« flatted 45Ujls» u*«wlft|*>e tli(«H>ii!gi>iy prfpareft * * bay MMM. *-* «*y •« ilng a^ .lece .#ltti«it *a*r toWfakr";Ste«ian« wre *»WB» «flf^ : Insbtence of Germtjoy and lUJy p l y Bra 15II 'Alwrt. S t r t i a | f e>. w —sftsa ^pftfaNUw* <# the : farci^a oflqe itere 4«B^ t3t»at « a r l a - Mtp*ttki>l?! ohsiaioiM to tt»e signing; of ~ t^e Gorman ]?r<|rt3Coi-at Wawhtogtoh >tek»t __ t W add taiat a <6&iJaj^a#veiy/ ; Uhftoportant' ajiiatioh of detail ha* Mm Mfattsd ijupwam, >at, fbj|t «»• *g)bjng n*a o o » la » few daiya, ffifiett Gteat,«iatali^6 jutoujieai syl!l ; bet jiigXied, and ijienl the jproto^a of X3«iBaaj- and | piwtiy staerai ewstijy «r«tial tmitm. their odg'tnal - abottt *-fct**!;;1 $««**&* ?fr»«fc3y .iJy^-tlw a*w*«*' laxiren upon n% «ee3£tei« — ~" oourt'6 imni <wWp in* i gartied a«|, serlo ' ja?e»Bnt'" ixwrian tJijkirttee, ..... . ..... .... eaiiairt^e a jresoiuatoa *»i£ltag upon *WiK*^'6^«a*tW«o* fear *e<»ittm©o»- 4a«fetifi ftw a ^tt^mtoffie *<w * fifceady lusmute af the »«vy» mxd. 'Ohalrmaft Jsaujkirf the 3Hm%l Coiamittefe, in a l<Btt«f to "Secretary Moodyi a*ed If at wotM be Inocwbpatible with the inter- est*! u€ tM Q^nwaent to ftuave th^« sawlted at tbMtijtte. geKaTefiaryTMoQay' .A. DuSouch^t ESS UNRIVALEE > <$ if + miles iong| 13" ©#spt%ij|j|t a:- sorae^of rhe Tsest Lap ••• La%e ever offered. Tb$3 * in their j»rsaise becas^e • • *-n that we (give eJEcep*' r. this line of goods. -»ai Barsratqs tn sh ^obes, Barn and Street Horse Blankets a©(P(|»fee4! «f 10M» St^te %.8. i aibov.e|tc._..,... F ggay aad[tt^f:4p&.'fi ssfe& -jsiegfTresr,',-,j* ast .5 «orpes»Son: ta a ! ^aer te #9ptnotf- Coition and •»«> a| # ^ l | | a w ^ ! ^ ^ ; i ® ^ t y , ^r. %$&: itoe .-sepret logg." ia m& G<k*$ Hom^e- 4D[ 4&a CSfty- «eaS*y»JFefc( ,ot Bla*tel?^rf&» iC5Jatoar Ckakty, New. totp. ,«BB3:. ST«^ o a j«*r v U^SM3B <$e 1st <Jay o?J ifee siorosK Mappk, -JGSiS, o f i l l debt& J ^oiGHar "©"PffiS * r ' •*«*# s«s^avely, 'asifi to pay' Sua ;stoie $6 nt& • Sjseond: |Ml websans l^avtnf to tJaeir poesfeewkaiiaaftr fpbpe^sr or teffetsiB of slieh *oa>(Miat!o4| fe> aeliisesr pie. same i& me o n c r befe t h e s ^ d ist day Third: ^ | 1 . CRfiditoss of eai& cor- poaatoa to'^sHvW me t&eir re- 6poetirs ! 'e »4coBBte[ and 4emajQ.*iB, doly .pnewea 4y'J^Bdai«t to t&e usual form, on or baton© fee m& is^«day of March, isos. . ; . . ifonrth: &ny PP^EOI iM?ldta€ any op- en ar.sab^sMng'icoataMiet of ^id cor- poration ' to, ^resks\ a t e e a m e i n writ- IEK and tak.'djBtail to m'e at rate place afor^s^4i on'osr before the said 1st, sumption, 1 d,ay of M&nsh, 1& ^ 8 - ISateA,' January ' yonns orot ISftlL 19021 ! I - I • Beceiver. •HESSTBy T. K3?4L«OGG. Attorney ifeir Receiver, Office and Post pmee A-ddneesj, Platts- Sanwlu N«w Vbri ' !262&w3 S S^ pfl ?Sc *«fc Friday 7 p, ra. ^b, IS—Were-, <te injg-1*6*^ lb** $mim and Italy upon pret- itt tlie litiutdatton ot «lain»« may losing.. Mi* altlaac*. ®*m and >wiU|nf to «t«inl ' ( except that o< utMdb, «» «io provh**, she d«lr«ltt vm *«i w»> th« «*&!, i«(ailltectaJK 5to-a»ifeihs- tje- 3s jftjl eaxwKftL | » ia jiakilipatjon, lit Wt«j- ;otiatio^s to the -extent that J*& d.^^8] tf& Ba1l»a wt.I ^Setniftn «o*lea«oes iife J Horn, Udgififli, »HI« ! tb« tt^ioj^ in^uttion iii«jMNfU>y*8|l0iBg;'h»iit. made It| apcfl9e*T « * t lie «9baai t itot. lalte j»a*tJf& end » d e 4 ^sdBtewoc^. j w a s t t i g ^ and <fwf «f t*« •fri'eK^tewl *teafa*r |l8»«ianai f were imm vtttsij l»h^a |jgr a ; a <jkn)w«st«*'ly xate ISj«litH 1jflo(#&ife, 'Site reweue or inoir ^ t r ^ e ^ ifcoph was asettnt 1 o»Jly after- hoMi« Of berote 1* . , tte© IJ«»I# hf-es* mm *fi sa«?ou%h p e towering seas and Wi»d-[ ib* ^«ay aha fcq&lto «jce tag 'bo^t^ |y%g *8ttsffip l as8«fefy ^erasittedt, 3S<* lives ke» ioafc w i&t as loioya hef^ *iSie *e^el 3 a « * } B ^ m a d i a * on the iaUgea coteft reelE ahd< jfe «cft«sbeJ to go «^r*3etttatfv6 mytoi««|«?«st VI?- W - X ^ ^ j^auinK t&os* *m imt& gfWa »ia^mber- ^ the. 'Bftase Ifayal & ^ r i e 4 fey 1jb9 M c teav«^ <^. weeefttly oitered in «&at|^ e ^ «»««%»wi t^«' teeniew' , ©Wtn^ tOi HMtiay 0th«* !»ftnie*«ed. f le*f ge^ genferal ^aiSKprobs eharacBB) 1, °^ the coast ppad *he •teK^fle seas, raaning Woman ttu Jfetttlo«»j'ipoi| mad *lWa»<o£ 5i«aiw'i«if6fttmc lag*; .'^fc^mif *iefe # j f b ; ^ * i | *K«s '^;wat'| i f M f jfe^u*sft| oia "" " J " ' '""' r»dfe raiOB TWO CJ6NTS ||9^M»» . 4 t]tte iiligoffisa t© 4itfo> •• 'R'Si.Sab'H J | ^ e tufes settt «wt Kre*e unafifle t o a©- ^roadf th|e aoowed* «aii». 221* JSiE .•2EL'**! Anoffi«\F«f.i *•*» erf ».:*aSS£K h*a! l a |«rej>asattoii a scheme for a <1§- An(Jf**f6^a»»ija4 aad teday tetfiiM ant Tim thai tbjer* JS PO <»b- <HL l » J*Bjni»hia«r t b e » * e s s a j ^ i » - __tseaau as «bte iwmew^s any »h- [i4i €hat migKt be *»ade-%> taxe j»as- xtt t&4 r«^oJutioh Mr, *Oayt»n *»aai JtajadoptJim by tft© iJuWisa wtta.- iS&OjmltedAfdtia» Jir«par«d a 1» the jpwiqlatioJDf, ^wtflch will be t o <Xm«r^«4; a s isoon. a s f h e »a»oitt- 4s ad#t«aj *IWs *ta«e*n«&fc ! w8i* fer'|jbr«ie adoptibJi ?by nam* wWdht AibaJl| sttuctlott of not $m$ tfo wiXfmiMii® fesuse sp An^*aiia„ 1,^38 f*s( ( oiblect hetog &> Ijee©' ceft , '®&^' Esni, * ^ i * y mt& • bttMltem '$iiitf!idii«!l| l ' •coAetijja- tlh'e jsams «£|-«8«Sa of 'tirsely. lit? a 4e<aaed ittyolved ®» f o r ja few turn of the IX K. GH j i r a c # i ; H i IS, Foyics; W- J! A fifty a«3 Uie ,last ten eondactsd of ex-Senati •ouslng bowpte i f l l ^ ^ f e ^ f i f - t f t a t Wti§' tfepnltfle, ,3tet'*r«#d|T§d." : en- l|q '.itto^ri .iis;e 1& ";4Soiutlia«|ed: . th^re.%Sit i.e j 5i'0i TS-'' 'oahlel. -** 0. f. f-aito, Hatte- llespie & pp., Attsable . Stone, jteegevllle. s fi^rm ia Indlajja has for yepas iK«a tenooessfidJy lialiss AM)ie Peffer, K'eoe • peffffif of Kansas. y«erday ^rahstjjttea 4o, ifee ^ew-1 aW fid lekai,* proqe«d|ng^ Waters dentpwfe^'^ai0^esaat«*co!^ofi4aie%Tfttibt $a , tesWn4t«a ana th« M M »«rik k t < J„ iVj4,<aii«a®0 .fed ^ -—*"- : ^ttgiiinat t fett^ sw.eait ^ S » l n ^ar-eu .^ran®a» Pek lfi~A fproe of 106 •pon, 1 - staaittter^ mndw 1 Ins^cOosr KetC&Sy MohlaySsiifeaiea a bofly ojt !s09 inpr- gehfej ieav *ifkriltaioa4 Ja Smstt t^ixrn : s^vett m S ^ fSfomfllaaJIaiJ^ty* *Si%£ a severet ei»jj*gian^3|^ In W&MJ TBis^e^tor Harris aai'oiis testy' iSy#S ; Mlled '•ifif iM'ic^tis^amJai ewjBa'Meea.a; ed:' rnstMtor .Atfeaia,.«; " T&e bertf of ta\ ,maii;ii |kw"<« fl« tfcj San Miguel. Thi aivMed ii*^> thre©| seoutlng'-iR &mMed r •; "^©]enw § aad'ltfiree .%^oa- : L $ s A o s n e 'T^as at'"' »f»:.. |^fotJtH* 4 = -ddken ^Iftyl jHpob y&Hted m* §M» mi^ to *** *•&* dojwn eaca ^ : fattlesbtps M m&tm jjy «3*£Kai ttttno*»ed tot ptososed tHa* t&e Ip6' * « « be rt>ntr»ct«i that -4h*!r eha.ll *s m ^is«ipd «tf t3bss«e 'l"« ' r 'l ' •oovsanoit I^FTS BL^N.. ilis 1 Appeal for )HUjaa|*Ba de^Biaboa foMtWL^Mtljipfi^s. *Wfa«bJogt-<^ 3?4 s ^ G ^* SaM ' 6tai T Ro °^ •seat d"«fetSo..iihat fti?C(WtO||'lo-' ^ .ajeet 'cojtt^m bm mat Und fSI ait ioperation how she was Pinkham'sV COLLISION AT SEA2 M \ 1 • f I'Way-Sa^pioyes,. tt-n jpasiaerpaB!% $&,Jf diseu^toai; v-.'.# •' v ?v y tlteltojje has.] «**&<&;-is ; '3 ipeopl©.. -ft. % "4|j tfee Jjest, a e a n s < "Hie' ftie^-y S(« RaiiSRB&y; , ^ f f i # 6 i ^ Inst.^oiidj^ied a; appiisa;ferarpal « iii ^ i f e a t t r .Tat«si| &re^*%''f^a;iaii|a(| ' l English Com laondpn, Febw 10.—"me sfceasaet^ W|it«hijal «iank 0 I B Bte»m#r Arthwto a 'coHi^iotL Ki&e df tfe*. -crew Itt4ad4 f e& the l*ay to ^hofSi, ^ftaee melee , re?h fii^d. I' 1 .* { •¥3DJsrAiPP3p> TRHE PRESCHSISE. v u \ j PMKKpines, •e^^rfislte Aiexaaaer W. Waitetis, a&asi m A. wti§0B, whte I* iRfahted «ft a«aa4 • mm arresstea-at ifoatreas •$\m>, ITnited States special; £fc>&{ns^$&d&r W s tfee -moipafit'':^''--3" Buf^4 Jtily':^,;:$| derarjrtsst'aft'^nifc '- ' t.->' :, "----'k1i' day «ar-!tj»;<«$|" ^Qn1its.#lstp»|er j ^ | sachuEfi Htei SS2^ ffiWJ^- ***!** # * *M6br^fe' Ami fflkr A t t e s t whifeh sallefl e lafe s«»n!tag. , It iM^e^dh, d««ani^ea with; .dfwest to]Hi?ttjg» J t ^ g and j e ;to y$t$m% <kL the. 'A^tea- *r ^ i ^ i « e s J m M ^ Win *hma, bagfaaidedWm to Mojwr^aJ, 'wfcer« he waradsstm m e ^Talfed States aid CajtouJa h*!^ no extikdlfiSHi i3?eaty wli^.tl^ PftHipsaaes] aftdjijc ordiw to was a ^ W e g ^ M & w . t h e ^OTemor of,taie PM^iPPlho Islanjij, dated 3feMla» PeS>- «M»y 5, IftdlqattaK'tli© «*!$»* ja«je«sst» t y <|r ?e«lsl)tt|t|Ott : •$&&&&& iBaft ^ w a p ^ ' ifficial $?LWi; iot4l teeafcyfttidi Maqr J, W I bfcsinose T - - ' : ' • • "-•' ' * ' *wio b,a.Te ^ d . oq: credit. Failure w Iiji liis dispaMl to |<3ofrenMW 5&sft ^al iMecdcatt -doliars ia ptm<& >5nffW # 2 . 5 $ tfir net loa? to- frnjuiar "'atina adlver since: Bering «greatly from thekc© I-VJ^"J<JM«?MS6 i^wid St mm to Seattle„te?h»a lp he •wfe.^plaopd m $aSk feat &% Mg&t aad ? 'b|®ugh,t VictoKlai yegterfla* j&ternQQta ( Bte -was t^Id' *- QSM H f ott|d ^ a « ^ 4 o catch the Saj* ' ^E^ttoSsclj 3#m& steamer Senator mere' aa^' fed t o fan Jfcraciseo. In^teaa of th.e ateathei SGajator he'foaad the steamer <m!*W£h, ho|ajT^yedffromfiae ogit ft.fei^«^ J^dy so sail. { WUG •ffi^YWxsg gale^ eanised a -post- »OB6ti^^MtV9 steameifs sailing. Wa- ters was Jwgjjjt in idlo^e, con%emeint and put ahoajrd ,|a*iy this, morning. rheumoniii : £S ARE ©ffliee Oohstrae0^ Q. ML, .'Turling- ton, tt., F4k. 10, |fii|)3., ^Sealed propc«- ate, i s t r i p l i c a t e , " M i 5fate r e c e i v e d until n n * i P * . 2 3 , M 1 ^ * » } « « « ^ m i n i n s roaflsiajm afotWuB ; ajfc .©altebn'r^h Baa>- ra<&B- !N. "SV TJ. $ . i r e s e w e s fee right TO rSjset orttee^pt'aiy wrlaaJ pK»po^Ja.' 3fotorma«OB f m ^ b b S <aq! a t t t P l l c a t i o n . ^do»w cid^in.^^fpOB'ate.^^'i^ be R I G H T 1 y * Xfcptam T. a Ko ' cmiDGE STBJmZ. Ifom&mim&m*** 1 f iCfonstxuct- th.worid. ore Fatal lhan Con- It- is sot ®fee|aRy toowi that more people die frf m ^pneumonia than con- ' 0'ia Ibecatise e w y Cne |s scBfeeptfble to i t s at- tacks aft«r eKjM»jra J. W,. Bryan, of- T^owdei-, Ill.,t'Wit«^ **My l i t u e bpy was very .lc*$ ^ wsA pneniSioata. ITat- Icnown toith tit doctor we gave him Fo- ley's Honey aW ^ar. *&&> result w^ magical antl ;j>i«szJed & e doctor, as it immediately ] stopped , -the raSSing rough and be iguicMy ppeovered." Re- fuse -subscitutll. ' Uva. D. K. Piibert. Wattsborgh. Anarohists a^o, res^o»sihle for the strike "w&ich (bp paralyzed all%os'neS3 in Buenos Aype^ xgeiitg fonned sti»e Jlrrecoftt^Sabll^ Qem, detadbmebtei, •w^ch T-he dei»chmentj <spaniwindfid,'^y"-p t " f a c t o r fefiarrls' c a i e « p o n i t * * s h e o i i y , who were in a, 4 :ro *o i 5 r intxenchea position. In^peetJQji' (Harris J68i ht the fiiBt volley, being qilt five times, The detachment ipf oonst^btflaTy, al- thongh 0utnuniber^d. held ate position unttl Inspector Kejtbly mfitt tlb© main fiorce arrived, wibeln Hhe enen>y. were put to rout.' 1?heiit beadquartefs we:« ciaptured a«d burned, and the «D- stabaiary s^zed tlfe rewacds ot, Gen. San Miguel, wn o "Cptos that h0 suc- ceeded ,to title eomn^aIld , of the insor- rer*donary forces wfeen taie other gen- erals surrendered. He lias only a handful of nien under him, and his operaJpons have ibeen at no couseoiianee. TJie wounds of tiie Americans hnrt at© a03 severe. The Philippine Oornmiasgon has pass- ed" an act governing! the constabulary. It creates a summary <»urt for tfiie trial of light offend; gaves «he civil courts jurisdiction over serious of- fenses; forbids the otmstaSmlary to ad- minister the ' water oore or jnesort to whipping or otiher piUnishaneaiB in OTr der to obtain ihfonnatton from i<fee ha- lves, and provides for the dynastic punishment 0 such, offenses. In tne measure are Incorpoahated most oft the regulations g o v e r n i n g tn<? Amer.'tean Army. . ' - fa|jj^sh relief at ipis stefiioc o? con- woii!ld : <aseate'' v *onsternatiott ghont itii» Satandsj added to pre- -vaJlilni fina|pc1aJ knreg^C loss an- i m a i s b y 'jHmdeop'esi' a n d ottHH* o o n t a - gUxpa dJsea|es and resulting ffesttte- 4, more aiiifteul^. f Yhe aqoptioni American money wmiljl enhartc6 prltees ireatty and de- ijang^ every form of business. Legis- lation making ofld peso equal half im- erfca^i dollar as.Unit of vailue, pes3 and ^ubsid'ary. miaor coinage receiv- able for oil public dues at the rate of 50 c°nt8 AmcriPaa money for 1 peso with provision tor lissuamce silver cer- reet|ag;,at4^.-ea |Deras u iai-i1|at 'se^i To 'Be Sif i&vg&it!, , ;,,• - i n J «D»aieia| .»i^iein€9||iiS m te4?y r tel8vfor «ett^ p a s s e d 3fer * of .*3$eh fetiSkm Gv&fc BlUtaihi A4p|pi!y 1, g ; pi bee» «oMipletsd» & a »Bj?,tyne bf %M Haf # a t i s , IMfcetsfttePp tion,; whieh jsill those fla existence noWf*. ProhabTy three *S be ted^own. _, eaduWllVl^O., t y ^30&& Jams Jmcffi^ t.and' sied. i^re^feis lasted a, p -|3-» ittiittd. * ' * Itfeail-.Si ifee taifer- m mm mr ms tm- : for Ovaritis, tells cured byl^diaE Vc^taWeConpotind «iat | MTSC-I a ,4vp and a 3^ TiUg* to -mtilm, Jro* l ^» "JB s u f f e r e d & t o v e r ifisre y e a t * wjltlk ovairiim t r o u t * « » , 'caaBinfir -*n ItaK pleasant! discharc e, a'.^reu,* weaktt#t« and Hi»a*w* j a I tittt|uess » o u l d « H * over ius& w h i c h n o fcxnotuai o £ toisdiei^ ^ di«t, JOT e*ercise wemed to uori*^ Youti VegetkljJe Coinponnd ftsio*4 t^e weak} spot, feow«veri wjjirfa * W weeki—iwid. «a-Ted «B«r J&Nlnar «k opertlttOtt—411 itiy troublw had dii^ append, ajod, 1 jfpn^d inyaeft once " 'elL 4 WG«1* M l S a*;tfratefulf«^ ana I-want tcu jiister.; 0|6^ ; mote heaitby and describe the wealj tMii*5nnjy ( hea: every pick and'au! 4ally wiili medici; lug about, but tai hain't VegetaM tsk& xky word forLit. you y^& he, a different Woman m a *hort 4ime."U- _l>on't hesitate U write to Mrt. awnidkajft if fluvttlte anytfciiMr ai>out|your «aw whielj you 4* wot understand. s£e lH|l tr-*t you with icbtdut sss ^nd Iter &*« vice is; free. Jib' ITOUMHI *v^r ***' ffretted writing- her »ntl shift bu ] helped thousand*. ' Addr*«B ftg ntejati )Lyixii t |»i;aM> 'I®- te- JaA.*efi gffif FAti^ mm ATS-PAKR Mrs. S"al|f'S;|RielaSvesjjGiaim ® i e Out* lived ^naband 10 sJtomtes. N e w Yorrijj,.Fe*> IfH—^ w m n i a l n t w a s filed in i^ie'iSounty qe^tes office, yes- terday, to a suit ibrctagjht % Hannah B Nelson, and >otiaers, BSs. Nelson he- ing ithe mother of o|rrs.'€aooaine iD. Pair, who iwith Jher" Wuf band, ^Sharles A. PaJr, w a s JSMled i 4 a n autctoobllG accident on the road fljom, 1%-caiville to Paris. Prance on An^ustH, 8902. it was claimed tnat 'MrJ fair outftived h:s wffej and thkt, tiierefa^ev according to [law he became entttled to her estate. Mrs. Pairls relatives now clailm to ibe t f? C ^fl!!i S =!- < : ^ fS^f™ 0 !-^^-! I ab3e ^ v™** am ' sbe outlived him by ^ ^ minutes, and that therefore he would .furnish a currency as good as American inooey apd much bettar ad- apted ; to jieeds *f the islands. The Philippine eonunSssiohers are unani- mous In these viewB." ; \ T h e M o s t r a t e l IHseane. Kidnej coraplaant fefllq more people than, any o*h<tr dteeaser, l^xis 10- d u e to rl^e fact.that It is eo djnsldlonB It g e t s =a g o o d tjioid o n i^he fe^*iu t»fe- lore tit is, recognized. f^l^*a lOdnsy Cure wfll present fatal dBy^lonmentis' if ta&en in toe. IE "^m- faRPliWed with Mdney cftaftplainjt'fot-'aJ&OBj: -Wo ^bert.'piatt||fc; AT HELLGATB. Pennsylvania's Structure ^Across "feast River Will Cost S8,000,Q00. De WUVH Wltrh Ila^elHalve. The only poBltlve cure for, Wind, ileeding, itching and protruding piles, juts, burns, ibrulgesi i eCzenta aixd • $ ! ibrasions of tihp sddnv! DeWlft's*"Is 'tia'e' tolRandkirs JsHahd. *fcenee. to Ward's ynly Witeb J|azel€a|¥6 ; tlbafc48 made^ ram the pure* una^dojtierate^ wittjji, jazel—al 1? -otn^ss - a r f ^ ^ t e ^ i f e f ^ i f e - . years" writ^ A.'.^ r »W#*•' -ol-.|«fc, ; #itfs Wip>,|ail.|^aMf f> |ad| toJWwPW # %*«QE|«^ Sterling. Ia., %nt twjj, Ijottles of #0- fmre—couriterlelts'"aiyt inade'i) sell. ley's Kidney pure effected jjt «b>6dy niirfl.-" " " ' »• 1 '. ' ,; " fc t,- - ' » : aorti;.' -w. 4f«^tl«^45w«wl»^?^ if SI II P i t t s b u r g , P a . , ( F e b . 10—^OtEJicSal a n - , nouncement bf thle ^mildinig of} the new (bridge acrcies the East river; at H«ll Gate, New York, toy the Pennsylvania Railroad Ck>mpany, v?as mad® publfe last night by Colonel.iJpsgph, IT. Craw- ford, engineer of bljie ibrandh lines or the Pennsylvania 1 system, Cononel Crawford is at pr^snt in Pdttshurg looking; affter the injprovements at the Herr's Island stpesk yards. It is estimated that the new bridge wtH cogt oyer f8.0OQ.O0O. When iwork will be started bias not yet been defi- nitely decided on. |it will require ab- out three years to dcanplete to work. The bridge and apprjoaches will be two miles flang. *The eejatral span will be erectjed 1S5 leet atoiwe the iwater. ft 1 extend froni Port. Morris, Harliem havtug executed a wiijl fby which he >eft all his property.to her, they are entitled to receive the whole of his es- tate, whidh is said to be about $<>,000,- 000; r . , . . The suit is (brought to rescind an agreement by which Mrs. Herman Oelrie|[S and Mrs. W. | K. Vaaiderbilt, jr.,. (sisters of Mr: Pfjif) settletl the claiims of .Mrs. Fair's relatives by. agreeing to give them $125,000 in casm andj 1 iMrs. Fair's jewelry, valued at $1<X!>,000. : The plaintiffs allege jthat when the defendants offered the settlement they weQj knew that Mrs Fair outlived her husband, and that ahe jst&tement that she d i e d first , w a s . m a d e t o , defraud them of the estate. sjfcrie o f jttie TO MttSl! ;FOUMD W A SNOW BANK. Ballistoii,, FeJb, 10—Peter Kelly, of this village, was found semj-coDscloug in a snowbank; in a tot on the Ctolla- mei farm two miles east iof here yes- terday. Dr.-i C o M n s , of this village Ctorj' firar* 42^1 guns, a l l i n tnarapefbs^! rapid fire giias,' ' W | | | knots. Practically ' & ' be armored. m- One SBnadte Cougf " -- in one minute, becal crobe which ta«ktes| brane. causing theli same tim^ clears llel out the .inflammation 'Spd| 3 soothes the^affecteafeafmlj ute Cough Cure s t r e p s }ieai Wards off pneumoni^. Md less and npv^r falliifg^ure^| able cases of CQughB| One- MiOTite C o u g h <§u$e| i s f take, bl&rmless and! ^qod young and old. D. K. Gilbert, O. S?. Mrli |burgh: H. E. Gillesp|e.& jForks; W. M. Stone|j&3 k- Amsterdam L|wyerjj Leslie J. Schuy'l^Ja sterdam, ha§ two iudieti ci»ver h i s hf>ad a c a u s i ^ 10n ^n the second de??re?|"Tb^ involve th? forgfery 'm'.iiitfee i^g to $125. The laWysjr is m ofl th©B{^t ."". I- jttjofe .to,:ian arftiittntet ;gdh mr tnat fhe =fc UFJ^ S4SUEA201B kwfflJJtS. T=S! **m* '\Ujgf 1 I ) • • ' tm A Band'of Itantama Bid Watanifaied A | s unaiber o f JC EanpNanles^ f '•• 3 New iCork, Feh OiMBetween tyvf.^ and fif«e|m ibodies will "beT"^sihuiieit in Calvary cemetery tl.e latter pa|t ^£\ tbis weejj: ag 4 vmd&<B& (Sm^mM 1 made today by Adsi* tan^ Cft?tefct A* r torney Paul jfedotel, wh$> tor, sever** weeks, hasten imim^^AmtUk}, of swindles by a Bai d, oF r ltsfilan& h y ! which ei^rht differenthtasupattos •co«n|-<| paniaa fcjejve been *hei ifced 4 «ufc<of largtjj | vjumss lit~-»s^!n«w; JSn Mered. -tftiK 1 i t t ^ |f lossea wiljf aggregate ?lose tolaoCyWol- bfftcersfd* the, Sbln^ ^TaiKx*»rijf4 Insucancelcampany ars «^asanced,i&afc .they ha>i paid! AS feast ,bwenty-fhTe| claims <to f:he hand on sufctetiUrted aodi r xes and fagsifieu death and iburial oe^-l tificates. T2ie Union Oentod cotopanw * of OmcmnlaAil, (knows oX ftxi|r bo©* olatms it ha& a?aid. a i d has a t least!.! seven ao|e ^ e h will ;pr$>a&y M connected with the gat g. . 1 -" ^ K2-tn n e-inph Mibefo JiuKwlUl ^ platts- ftusa-b 6 ||, hanging Bfjlarceay BbjisaUO'ps fl^Jnoinik- ft; jail. ; How ToX!^ ; j||tihmpL ! For fifty years Fa|hej ; -Jxllh's 'Medi- cine has been teucee^fui.Sn iw cure fit Asthma!, no matter |^aw t©nHdtandine the complaint. -Lettei^.fitMnlfrfise w h0.ve been c u r e d w j l i <b •by tibe Car] et on & Hpve; Rfass., on request. . TJ v SeviH*a5 bthier jisanipanie^i been vwtunlzed, !j A) Weah; Stomach. causes a weak: hady a ad myiteB- idis- ease Koddl Hyspepsia Jiave J&l^o ] 1 j Cure cures and »-. h strengthens] the stomacl ^ and wards off and overcomes d&ease. 1JT. B. Tayl*»v a prominent merchant of JGTute&mVtij Tex., says, ?I could notieat because of a weak stomach. I lost all,strength.' and run down in weight. ' A U t h a t money *ou!ld do was dorie, hnt all hope of recovery 1 vanished. some wonderful curefe Effected by us» Hearing oC of Kodol I (concluded tb try It *Pha first uottle benefitted W, and after taking four bottles I am. fully restored to my usual strength, weight audi .health." ! . D. K. Gilbfert, O. T. 1/ajrkin, Platts-' burgh; H. EI Gillespie & Co., Ausabl^t|s Forks; W. iv|. Stone, KfeSevlHe. . The IUinoa^ Legislature has foeen as&ed to re|ippropriate 59,000 for a ! statue of Miss Frances E. Willard, to ! be placed in jStatouary liaH, W a g i n g - ' ion, the times lipit of tlie first, opprO- priation having lapsed.. the failure to draw the apipropriation wag due to the delay of p e artists Jin teubmitfcing their competitive models {XOTICE. j It would be| a great aiscommodatiou if. all accounts due the lute 'L.. C Fel- ton were settled in a reasonable time. 'AH accounts ^hould be paid to Dr. R. E. Hyde; administrator. . -w3 found both ffeet and -zeni Amputation it necessarj'. nandls badly fro- i s 'iifelared w i l l be .Inland, and tpom tlta,t ^olnt.-to iLong^. i j is claimed for 4aie i|meKeuTy vapor Island where (&e Pannsylvanaa mm, Iwm^hm- puminates by-«»e inean- be- |onnect|d -wJtJ^Ahf ^ e | ^ Y ^ - ^ defence ot meroury,. }<so(nverted knto will cost- oy^r||8i250,000, j. japbr In a : iKftcunni tuibf toy .elBetrioity, a wlU tltot itwJJjil&kolHit oile+plrd tn© en- and 6L0M.0O0.er^^^«Mdf^r ; , t f t © ^ n s , | ^ » t , iaa be reaaared. This ihatfSiege|gi,tI ^ b etp&nffi.* used., b y t h e in^cnleioe|t' ]fi3|ame4t t »1 1 m 1 rf^i B*l wbi *$LB t "3 ^Sffl j mi^'i m^i i 1* * •! W- 1 W' 14 M "r «1 ft! ZJL, M JK, M. ~W[ J. g. 1 *' ~rWr rV « 1 ^1 4* 1 •& . w 1 A]

Transcript of Pbafmacnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1903-02-11/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · ' ja?e»Bnt'" ixwrian...



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§1^1 j ^ K ,JjrOBi-t:a

| ^ J » B * •-,

• " 1 "i>:>

.n.l c u t e of aH T h r o a t

- J , - . * and a l l a f f ec t ions

.» membranes , "of. Ifo,.

nasal j a a s a ^ t e , ^sottta^'

>'jgha ainl «o lds» * Iftrite

. t t la S o l d t m l y fcy

Pbafmac ji'Margarrt Street, .



- **A*II

* i


*|ffMltor j » r fcr m?> <fc« f

ffc* ^ q u a l i t y * * t p f ^ P W i M e psfee . W * * M * * faJI « n » l y $ f (

Chicken and P«»rk t

\¥ liWti m$ W « A H M ) 1 *h*^ | 4 ttuUt! r e ^ » « t ftmJotoi and i



yeu need aC N«w #»j* ttf$g^ i « * * i '• Trousers," yoj* ne*e? h»d! j J J | f j ' E p P H

a better fahance,


rrsBtnaan, N. irj w«i>xiiBt>AY


amsmtrA^^ i t . 1 * 0 *


v*mf «** mwtJBiiwrUat m*t*r


i n » fcou. rfrold to* « p d a j * $ % * * $ , jthe

* * * « * * £ i i i ^ w a w ttlMta. M i l Nt»

If *

I- • I


Itf tttfMtal Barge f

4Ufa*yL Feb. 10-««ll«rl«« t»*t U»* .*W|>p*W» W u t i jjonWfcnt* to I N <$*-

l a r g o « u l , J — t m W y i i i p a

, Mr*©ff will introdi*e* * ooacMWftt «K ItotaUon, pi-oixmlnr * «W»Ututlon«l

toir <uftwvW fc*»«r 5wr thpwaod * < * % > » ! ' - ; ' / ,

fi*n*ti[>r Rr»fc'|fe«|tt *»»d*l «j> *, 1pm tm *4*itist Senator JfefSftt famxiXF Lwe!»H bill, k ,

live Govwnor | l^t for WwfcUWton toa^l*. ta r««Mibl »«y»na dajw, ]to «xn^er k t h 'th 'iE>w«lde»i't, at ib^ %t-i-


i # 4 u U W

t acffASE i c nrr. t CorotructJon of f2 Bittltshfpi.

U l«trO<tac«!ct t , r In« W r t a ' o ' the *h«er of; war ^ , M M tim: K -' - ' - - A -

• i * i***-*2


from Steamer Agrourid Reef Effected


Street Mafket



\i-Cbat j raw^^Mi b a r

i 0« n *t you nee« | i n » w *>«!r to

I It , i i**mmmm*mmhmmimm**mm*mmm' i

El A. WW3J

t r

Ticlndaili ' *J tJBt f|3PStl*|'$(,

fe Insurance Company



^ H H B I * l*m


— -


jt»*w»N*mf»j Kes|d«ii[iMao«gert

jK**<iAfeet .sit"

Rfli«1e»t Fare* <•(

i .

i i




\ /







# * 41 41 41 41 *

m India

mud!!** «C matt srs 9 « S c y i n * p s

. , , a d l t t ^»« t f t t o j * h a v e

p i b l i c ^ Q d C i d i t o * « &w*-<wUUon <*c;

Ul^ %ne»kn<^s Ot Che A m ^ i c f c a N * v y ,

". iiBplJt t, tb*fe W Buro|>e«n

; s ,* t td« iB0! i ! t»4 |« totWteadfeiytt , . , ^ » . ^ * » - * * - .

«Mf| m o r * l i f t e r ^ ^*o|fMa»itte t W m h a s ; rtfc^ ^ ^ 4 1 *c^B W A 3 U $ f r |>tj f

mm torn tk ttw a avy «i i*cteK tftc^ swte s «| mm. Tarn %&n «eae ,tpi « 4 o r t s , ^ tMMicW -©ewwy^ f t « « 4 « n t *** W ^ A

^ H ^ J * « ^ in'Jwsttr^Sr u r g i n g fh^it.

ftrt-«decli 'ill Jftrtr


**»» tM »wy„ nd, Lojrd c t * r l « » Berew-

o n a t t h e P i l g r i m s d m -brit %b»t " i » t t l « * l i w ftf« •war,'* h a e tataen * t t o n f

o « i c b » « p 4 TEji* « i « « t lb"< f o r laa linltee<Hate twfeuJMttts

f t»mtfvy k Wng- talked mJaout itt Adttlnlstmtioln «lrtJ«i. TWs talk ls| 4«*|ftae so- xtttiefa te an^ fear of im-

tfat^fey a» 0»at tj« flatted 45Ujls» u*«wlft|*>e tli(«H>ii!gi>iy prfpareft ** bay M M M . *-* «*y •«

i lng a ^ . l e c e . # l t t i « i t * a * r toWfakr";Ste«ian« w r e * » W B » « f l f ^


Insbtence of Germtjoy and lUJy ply Bra 15II 'Alwrt.

Strtia| f e>. w —sftsa pftfaNUw* <# the : farci^a oflqe itere 4 « B ^ t3t»at «a r la-Mtp*ttki>l?! ohsiaioiM to tt»e signing; of ~ t^e Gorman ]?r<|rt3Coi-at Wawhtogtoh >tek»t __ t W add taiat a <6&iJaj a#veiy/; Uhftoportant' ajiiatioh of detail ha* Mm Mfattsd ijupwam, >at, fbj|t «»• *g)bjng n*a o o » la » few daiya,

ffifiett Gteat,«iatali^6 jutoujieai syl!l ; bet jiigXied, and ijienl the jproto^a of X3«iBaaj- and |

piwtiy staerai ewstijy «r«tial tmitm. t h e i r odg' tna l -abottt *- fct**!;; 1 $««**&* ?fr»«fc3y

.iJy^-tlw a*w*«*' laxiren upon n%

«ee3£tei« — ~" oourt'6

imni <wWp in* i gartied a«|, serlo

' ja?e»Bnt'" ixwrian

t J i j k i r t tee , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eaiiairt^e a jresoiuatoa *»i£ltag upon *WiK*^'6^«a*tW«o* fear *e<»ittm©o»-4a«fetifi ftw a ^tt^mtoffie *<w * fifceady lusmute af the »«vy» mxd. 'Ohalrmaft Jsaujkirf the 3Hm%l Coiamittefe, in a l<Btt«f to "Secretary Moodyi a*ed If at wotM be Inocwbpatible with the inter­est*! u€ tM Q^nwaent to ftuave th^« sawlted at tbMtijtte. geKaTefiaryTMoQay'

.A. DuSouch^t



miles iong| 13"

©#spt%i j | j | t

a:- sorae^of rhe Tsest L a p

••• La%e ever offered. Tb$3

* in t h e i r j»rsaise b e c a s ^ e

• • *-n t h a t w e (give eJEcep*'

• r. th i s l ine o f g o o d s .

-»ai Barsra tqs t n

sh ^obes, Barn and

Street Horse Blankets

a©(P(|»fee4! « f 10M» St^ te


g g a y aad[tt^f:4p&.'fi

ssfe& -jsiegfTresr,',-,j* as t .5

« o r p e s » S o n : t a a ! ^ a e r te #9ptnotf- C o i t i o n a n d •»«> a | # ^ l | | a w ^ ! ^ ^ ; i ® ^ t y , ^ r . %$&: i toe .-sepret logg." i a m& G<k*$ Hom^e- 4D[ 4&a CSfty- «eaS*y»JFefc( ,ot Bla*tel?^rf&» iC5Jatoar C k a k t y , N e w . t o t p . ,«BB3:. S T « ^ o a j«*rvU^SM3B <$e 1 s t <Jay o?J ifee siorosK Mappk, -JGSiS, o f i l l debt& J

^oiGHar "©"PffiS * r ' •*«*# s « s ^ a v e l y , 'asifi t o p a y ' Sua ; s t o i e $6 nt& •

Sjseond: | M l websans l^avtnf to tJaeir poesfeewkaiiaaftr f p b p e ^ s r o r teffetsiB o f s l i eh *oa>(Miat!o4| fe> aeliisesr p i e . s a m e i& me o n c r b e f e t h e s ^ d i s t d a y

T h i r d : ^ | 1 . CRfiditoss o f eai& cor-p o a a t o a t o ' ^ s H v W 4 » m e t&eir re -6poetirs!'e »4coBBte[ a n d 4emajQ.*iB, d o l y .pnewea 4 y ' J ^ B d a i « t to t&e usua l form, o n o r baton© fee m& i s^«day o f March,

i s o s . . ; . . • • i f o n r t h : & n y P P ^ E O I iM?ldta€ a n y o p ­

e n ar .sab^sMng' icoataMiet o f ^ i d cor­p o r a t i o n ' to, ^resks\ a t e e a m e i n w r i t -IEK and tak.'djBtail to m'e at rate place afor^s^4i on'osr before the said 1st, sumption, 1 d,ay o f M&nsh, 1&^8- ISateA,' J a n u a r y ' y o n n s o r o t ISftlL 19021 ! I

- I • B e c e i v e r .

•HESSTBy T. K 3 ? 4 L « O G G . A t t o r n e y ifeir R e c e i v e r ,

Office a n d P o s t p m e e A-ddneesj, P l a t t s -Sanwlu N « w V b r i ' !262&w3

S S^ pfl ?Sc *«fc Friday 7 p, ra.

^b, IS—Were-, <te injg-1*6*^ lb** $mim and Italy upon pret-itt tlie litiutdatton ot

«lain»« m a y losing.. Mi* altlaac*. ®*m

and >wiU|nf to «t«inl

' ( except that o< utMdb, « » « i o

provh**, she d « l r « l t t

vm *«i w»> th«


i«(ailltectaJK 5to-a»ifeihs-tje- 3s jftjl eaxwKftL |»

ia jiakilipatjon, lit $» Wt«j-;otiatio^s to the -extent that

J*& d.^^8] tf& Ba1l»a wt.I ^Setniftn «o*lea«oes

iife J Horn, Udgififli, »HI«! tb« tt^ioj^ in^uttion iii«jMNfU>y*8|l0iBg;'h»iit. made It| apcfl9e*T « * t lie «9baait itot. lalte j»a*tJf& end »de4 ^sdBtewoc .

jwasttig^ and <fwf «f t*« •fri'eK tewl *teafa*r |l8»«ianaifwere imm vtttsij

l»h^a |jgr a ;a<jkn)w«st«*'ly xate ISj«litH 1jflo(#&ife, 'Site reweue or inoir ^ t r ^ e ^ ifcoph was asettnt 1 o»Jly after- hoMi« O f b e r o t e 1 *

. , tte© IJ«»I# hf-es* mm *fi sa«?ou%h p e towering seas and Wi»d-[ ib* ^«ay aha fcq&lto «jce tag 'bo^t^ |y%g *8 ttsffiplas 8«fefy ^erasittedt, 3S<* lives k e » ioafc w i&t as loioya hef^ *iSie * e ^ e l 3a «*}B ^ m a d i a * o n t h e iaUgea coteft reelE ahd< jfe «cft«sbeJ to go

«^r*3etttatfv6 mytoi««|«?«st VI?- W - X ^ ^ j^auinK t&os* *m imt& gfWa »ia^mber- ^ the. 'Bftase Ifayal & ^ r i e 4 fey 1jb9 M c teav«^ < .

weeefttly oitered in «&at|^e ^ « » « « % » w i t^« ' teeniew' , ©Wtn^ tOi HMtiay 0th«* !»ftnie*«ed.fle*f ge^ genferal ^aiSKprobs eharacBB)1, °^ the coast ppad *he •teK fle seas, raaning

Woman ttu

Jfetttlo«»j'ipoi| mad *lWa»<o£ 5i«aiw'i«if6fttmc

lag*; .'^fc^mif

*iefe # j f b ; ^ * i |

*K«s ' ^ ; w a t ' |

i f M f j f e ^ u * s f t |

oia "" " J" ' '""' r»dfe


| | 9 ^ M » » .4 t]tte iiligoffisa t© 4itfo>

•• 'R'Si.Sab'H


| ^ e tufes se t t t «wt Kre*e unafifle t o a©-^ r o a d f th|e aoowed* «aii».

221* J S i E .•2EL'**! Anoffi«\F«f.i *•*» erf » . :*aSS£K h*a! l a |«rej>asattoii a s c h e m e f o r a <1§-An(Jf**f6^a»»ija4 aad teday tetfiiM

ant Tim thai tbjer* JS PO <»b-<HL l » J*Bjni»hia«r t b e » * e s s a j ^ i » -

__tseaau as «bte iwmew s any »h-[i4i €hat migKt be *»ade-%> taxe j»as-

xtt t&4 r«^oJutioh Mr, *Oayt»n *»aai JtajadoptJim by tft© iJuWisa wtta.-

iS&Ojml tedAfd tia» Jir«par«d a 1» the jpwiqlatioJDf, wtflch will be

t o <Xm«r^«4; a s isoon. a s f h e »a»oitt-4s ad#t«aj *IWs *ta«e*n«&fc!w8i*

fer'|jbr«ie adoptibJi ?by nam* wWdht AibaJl|

sttuctlott of not $m$


wiXfmiMii® fesuse sp An^*aiia„ 1, 38 f*s( (oiblect hetog &> Ijee©'

ceft , '®&^' Esni, * ^ i * y

mt& • bttMltem '$iiitf!idii«!l|l' •coAetijja-tlh'e

jsams «£|-«8«Sa o f 'tirsely. l i t ? a 4e<aaed i t tyo lved ® » f o r ja few t u r n o f t h e

IX K . GHj

i r a c # i ; H i IS, Foyics; W- J!

A fifty a«3 Uie , l a s t t e n e o n d a c t s d o f e x - S e n a t i

•ouslng bowpte

i f l l ^^ fe^ f i f - t f t a t Wti§' tfepnltfle, ,3tet'*r«#d|T§d.": en-

l|q '.itto ri .iis;e 1& ";4Soiutlia«|ed: . th^re.%Sit i.ej5i'0i TS-'' 'oahlel. -** 0. f. f-aito, Hatte-

l l e s p i e & pp., Attsable . S t o n e , j t e e g e v l l l e . s fi rm ia Indlajja has for y e p a s i K « a tenooessfidJy lialiss AM)ie Peffer, K'eoe • peffffif of K a n s a s .

y«erday ^rahstjjttea 4o, ifee ^ew-1aWfid lekai,* proqe«d|ng^ Waters dentpwfe^'^ai0^esaat«*co!^ofi4aie%Tfttibt $a , tesWn4t«a ana

t h « M M » « r i k k t < J „ iVj4,<aii«a®0 . f e d ^ - — * " -

:^ttgiiinat t fett^ sw.eait ^ S » l n ^ar-eu

. ran®a» Pek lfi~A fproe of 106 •pon,1-staaittter^ mndw1 Ins^cOosr KetC&Sy M o h l a y S s i i f e a i e a a bofly ojt !s09 i n p r -

gehfej i e a v *ifkriltaioa4 Ja S m s t t t^ixrn:

s^vett m S ^ fSfomfllaaJIaiJ^ty* *Si%£ a severet ei»jj*gian^3| In W&MJ TBis^e tor Harris aai'oiis testy' iSy#S; M l l e d '•ifif iM'ic tis^amJai ewjBa'Meea.a; ed:' r n s t M t o r .Atfeaia,.«; " T&e bertf of ta\ ,maii;ii |kw"<« fl« tfcj San Miguel. Thi aivMed ii* > thre©|


&mMedr •; "^©]enw § aad'ltfiree .%^oa-:

L $s Aosne 'T^as at'"'

»f»:.. | ^ f o t J t H * 4

= -ddken ^Iftyl jHpob

y&Hted m* §M» mi^ to *** *•&* dojwn eaca :

fattlesbtps M m&tm jjy «3*£Kai ttttno*»ed tot ptososed tHa* t&e Ip6' * « « be rt>ntr»ct«i

that -4h*!r eha.ll *s m ^is«ipd «tf t3bss«e

'l"« 'r'l '

•oovsanoit I ^ F T S BL^N..

ilis1 Appeal for )HUjaa|*Ba de^Biaboa foMtWL^Mtljipfi^s.

*Wfa«bJogt-< 3?4s^G^*SaM'6taiT R o ° ^


d"«fetSo..iihat fti?C(WtO||'lo-'

^ .ajeet ' c o j t t ^ m bm

mat Und

f S I

ait ioperation how she was Pinkham'sV



t t - n

jpasiaerpaB!% $&,Jf diseu^toai; • v-.'.#

• •' v ? v y t l t e l t o j j e has. ]

«**&<&;-is;'3 ipeopl©.. - f t . % "4|j

tfee Jjest, a e a n s <

"Hie' ftie^-y S(« RaiiSRB&y; ,^ffi#6i^ Inst.^oiidj^ied a; appiisa; fer arpal


i i i

^i fea t t r .Tat«si| &re^*%''f^a;iaii|a(| 'l

English Com l aondpn, Febw 10.—"me sfceasaet^

W|it«hijal «iank 0 I B Bte»m#r A r t h w t o a 'coHi^iotL Ki&e d f tfe*. -crew I t t 4 a d 4 f

e& t h e l*ay t o ^hofSi, ^ f taee melee ,re?h fii^d. I' 1 .* {

•¥3DJsrAiPP3p> TRHE PRESCHSISE. vu \ „

j PMKKpines,

•e^^rfislte A i e x a a a e r W . Waitetis, a&asi m A . w t i § 0 B , whte I * iRfahted «ft a«aa4

• mm arresstea-at i f o a t r e a s •$\m>, ITnited S t a t e s special;

£fc>&{ns^$&d&r W s tfee -moipafit'':^''--3" B u f ^ 4 Jt i ly' :^,; :$ | derarjrtsst'aft'^nifc

'- ' t.->':,"----'k1i'

d a y «ar-!tj»;<«$|" ^Qn1its.#lstp»|er j ^ | sachuEfi



ffiWJ^- ***!** # * *M6br fe' Ami fflkr A t t e s t whifeh sallefl e la fe s«»n!tag. , It iM^e^dh, d««ani^ea with; .dfwest to]Hi?ttjg» J t ^ g and

j e ;to y$t$m% <kL the. 'A^tea-*r ^ i ^ i « e s J m M ^ Win *hma,

bag faaided Wm to Mojwr^aJ, 'wfcer« he w a r a d s s t m m e ^Talfed States aid CajtouJa h*!^ no extikdlfiSHi i3?eaty wli^.tl^ PftHipsaaes] aftdjijc ordiw to

was a ^ W e g ^ M & w . t h e ^OTemor of,taie PM^iPPlho I s lanj i j , da ted 3feMla» PeS>-«M»y 5, IftdlqattaK'tli© «*!$»* ja«je«sst» t y <|r ?e«lsl)tt|t|Ott : •$&&&&& iBaft ^ w a p ^ '


$?LWi; i o t 4 l teeafcyfttidi Maqr J, W

I bfcsinose

T - - ':' • • • • "-•' ' * ' • *wio b,a.Te ^ d . oq: credit. Failure w

Iiji liis dispaMl to |<3ofrenMW 5&sft ^al iMecdcatt -doliars ia ptm<& >5nffW #2.5$ tfir

n e t l o a ? to- frnjuiar " ' a t i n a adlver s ince:

Bering «greatly f r o m

thekc© I-VJ^"J<JM«?MS6 i^wid S t mm t o S e a t t l e „ t e ? h » a l p h e •wfe.^plaopd m $aSk feat &% Mg&t aad ? 'b |®ugh,t i» VictoKlai yegter f la* j&ternQQta ( B t e -was t^Id'

*- Q S M H f ott|d ^ a « ^ 4 o c a t c h t h e S a j * ' ^E^ttoSsclj 3 # m & s t e a m e r S e n a t o r mere'

aa^' fed t o f a n Jfcrac iseo . In^teaa o f th.e a t e a t h e i SGajator h e ' f o a a d t h e steamer <m!*W£h, ho|ajT^yed ffrom fiae o g i t f t . fe i^«^ J^dy so sail.

{WUG •ffi^YWxsg gale^ eanised a -post-»OB6ti^^MtV9 steameifs sailing. Wa­ters was Jwgjjjt in idlo e, con%emeint and put ahoajrd ,|a*iy this, morning.

r h e u m o n i i i


©ffliee O o h s t r a e 0 ^ Q. ML, .'Turling­t o n , tt., F4k. 10, |fii|)3., ^Sealed propc«-ate , i s t r ip l i ca te , "Mi 5fate rece ived unt i l n n * i P * . 2 3 , M 1 ^ * » } « « « ^ m i n i n s r o a f l s i a j m afotWuB; ajfc .©al tebn'r^h Baa>-ra<&B- !N. "SV TJ. $ . i r e s e w e s fee right TO rSjset o r t t e e ^ p t ' a i y wrlaaJ pK»po^Ja.' 3fotorma«OB f m ^ b b S <aq! atttPllcation. ^ d o » w c i d ^ i n . ^ ^ f p O B ' a t e . ^ ^ ' i ^ b e

R I G H T 1 y * Xfcptam T. a

Ko ' c m i D G E STBJmZ. Ifom&mim&m***

1 f


t h . w o r i d .

o r e F a t a l l h a n C o n -

It- i s s o t ® f e e | a R y toowi t h a t m o r e people die frf m ^pneumonia than con-

' 0'ia Ibecatise e w y Cne | s scBfeeptfble t o i t s a t ­

t a c k s aft«r eKjM»jra J. W, . B r y a n , of-T^owdei-, I l l . , t ' W i t « ^ **My l i t u e b p y w a s v e r y .lc*$ ^ w s A pneniSioata. ITat-Icnown toith tit d o c t o r w e g a v e h i m F o ­ley 's H o n e y a W ^ a r . • *&&> resu l t w ^ m a g i c a l antl ;j>i«szJed & e doctor , a s i t i m m e d i a t e l y ] s t o p p e d , - t h e raSSing r o u g h a n d b e iguicMy ppeovered." R e ­fuse -subsc i tut l l . • '

Uva. D. K. P i i b e r t . W a t t s b o r g h .

Anaroh i s t s a^o, r e s ^ o » s i h l e f o r t h e s t r i k e "w&ich ( b p para lyzed a l l%os'neS3 in B u e n o s A y p e ^

xgeiitg fonned sti»e Jlrrecoftt^Sabll^ Qem,

detadbmebtei, • w ^ c h

T-he de i»chment j <spaniwindfid,'^y"-pt" f a c t o r fefiarrls' c a i e « p o n i t * * sheoi iy , w h o w e r e i n a, 4 : r o * o i 5 r i n t x e n c h e a pos i t i on . In^peetJQji' (Harris J68i ht t h e fiiBt vo l l ey , b e i n g qilt five t i m e s ,

T h e d e t a c h m e n t ipf oonst^btflaTy, a l -t h o n g h 0utnuniber^d. he ld ate p o s i t i o n unttl Inspec tor K e j t b l y mfitt tlb© m a i n fiorce arr ived , wibeln Hhe enen>y. w e r e put t o rout.' 1?heiit beadquar te f s w e : « ciaptured a « d burned, a n d t h e « D -s t a b a i a r y s ^ z e d tlfe rewacds ot, Gen. San Miguel , w n o "Cptos t h a t h 0 suc ­ceeded ,to title eomn^aIld , o f t h e i n s o r -rer*donary forces wfeen taie o t h e r g e n ­era ls surrendered.

H e l i a s o n l y a handful o f nien under h i m , a n d h i s operaJpons h a v e ibeen at no couseoiianee. TJie wounds of tiie Americans hnrt at© a03 severe. T h e P h i l i p p i n e Oornmiasgon h a s p a s s ­

ed" a n act governing! t h e cons tabulary . I t c r e a t e s a s u m m a r y <»urt for tfiie tr ial of l i g h t o f f e n d ; gaves « h e c iv i l c o u r t s jur i sd i c t ion o v e r s e r i o u s of­f e n s e s ; forbids t h e otmstaSmlary t o a d ­m i n i s t e r the ' w a t e r o o r e o r jnesort t o w h i p p i n g o r otiher piUnishaneaiB i n OTr der t o o b t a i n i h f o n n a t t o n f r o m i<fee h a ­l v e s , and p r o v i d e s for t h e dynastic p u n i s h m e n t 0 s u c h , offenses . In t n e measure are Incorpoahated m o s t oft t h e regu la t ions g o v e r n i n g tn<? Amer.'tean A r m y . . • ' • - •

fa|jj^sh re l i e f a t i p i s s tef i ioc o ? c o n -woii!ld: <aseate'' v * o n s t e r n a t i o t t

g h o n t itii» Satandsj a d d e d t o pre --vaJlilni fina|pc1aJ k n r e g ^ C l o s s a n -i m a i s b y 'jHmdeop'esi' a n d ottHH* o o n t a -gUxpa dJsea | e s and r e s u l t i n g ffesttte-

4, m o r e aiiifteul^. fYhe aqopt ioni A m e r i c a n m o n e y

wmiljl enhartc6 prltees i r e a t t y and d e -ijang^ e v e r y form o f bus iness . L e g i s ­la t ion m a k i n g ofld p e s o equal ha l f i m -erfca^i do l lar a s . U n i t o f vailue, p e s 3 and ^ubsid'ary. m i a o r c o i n a g e rece iv­able for o i l publ ic d u e s a t t h e ra te of 50 c°nt8 AmcriPaa m o n e y for 1 p e s o with provis ion tor lissuamce s i l v e r cer-

r e e t | a g ; , a t 4 ^ . - e a |Derasu iai-i1|at 'se^i

T o 'Be S i f i&vg&it!,

• , ;,,• - i n J

« D » a i e i a | .» i^ie in€9 | | i iS


t e 4 ? y r t e l 8 v f o r «ett^ p a s s e d 3fer * o f . * 3 $ e h fetiSkm Gv&fc BlUtaihi A 4 p | p i ! y 1 , g ; pi b e e » «oMipletsd» & a »Bj? , tyne bf %M Haf # a t i s , IMfcetsfttePp tion,; w h i e h j s i l l t h o s e fla e x i s t e n c e noWf*.

ProhabTy t h r e e *S b e ted^own. _, eaduWllVl^O. , t y 30&& Jams Jmcffi^


sied. i^re^feis

lasted a, p

- |3-» ittiittd.

* ' *


ifee taifer-

m mm mr ms


for Ovaritis, tells cured byl^diaE

V c ^ t a W e C o n p o t i n d «iat | MTSC-I a , 4 v p a n d a 3 ^ T i U g * t o -mtilm, J r o * l

^» "JB suf fered & t o v e r ifisre y e a t * wjltlk o v a i r i i m t r o u t * « » , 'caaBinfir -*n ItaK pleasant! d i s c h a r c e, a'.^reu,* w e a k t t # t « a n d H i » a * w * j a I tittt|uess » o u l d « H * o v e r ius& w h i c h n o fcxnotuai o£ toisdiei^ ^ di«t , JOT e * e r c i s e w e m e d t o u o r i * ^ Y o u t i VegetkljJe Coinponnd ftsio*4 t ^ e w e a k } s p o t , feow«veri wj j ir fa * W w e e k i — i w i d . « a - T e d «B«r J&Nlnar « k o p e r t l t t O t t — 4 1 1 it iy t r o u b l w h a d d i i^ a p p e n d , ajod, 1 jfpn^d i n y a e f t o n c e

" 'elL 4 W G « 1 * M l S a * ; t f r a t e f u l f « ^ a n a I - w a n t t c u

j i i s ter . ; 0 | 6 ^ ;

mote h e a i t b y a n d d e s c r i b e t h e wealj t M i i * 5 n n j y ( h e a : e v e r y pick and'au! 4 a l l y w i i l i medici ; l u g a b o u t , b u t t a i hain't VegetaM tsk& xky word for Lit. you y^& he, a different Woman m a *hort 4ime."U-

_l>on't hesitate U write to Mrt . awnidkajft if fluvttlte anytfciiMr ai>out|your «aw whielj you 4 * •• wot understand. s£e lH|l t r -* t you with icbtdut sss ^nd Iter &*« vice is; f ree. J ib ' ITOUMHI *v^r ***' ffretted w r i t i n g - h e r » n t l shift b u

] helped thousand*. ' Addr*«B ftg n t e j a t i )Lyixi i t |» i ;aM> 'I®- te-

J a A . * e f i


FAti^ mm A T S - P A K R

Mrs. S"al|f'S;|RielaSvesjjGiaim ® i e Out* lived ^naband 10 sJtomtes.

N e w Yorrijj,.Fe*> IfH—^ w m n i a l n t w a s filed i n i^ie' iSounty q e ^ t e s office, y e s ­terday , to a s u i t ibrctagjht % H a n n a h B N e l s o n , a n d >otiaers, B S s . N e l s o n h e -i n g ithe m o t h e r o f o |rrs . '€aooaine iD. P a i r , w h o iwith Jher" Wuf band, ^Sharles A. PaJr, w a s JSMled i 4 a n autctoobllG acc ident on t h e road fljom, 1%-caiville t o Par is . P r a n c e o n A n ^ u s t H , 8902. i t w a s c l a i m e d t n a t 'MrJ f a i r outftived h:s wffej a n d thkt , tiierefa^ev a c c o r d i n g t o [law h e b e c a m e entt t led t o h e r es tate . Mrs . Pa ir l s r e l a t i v e s n o w clailm t o ibe

t f? C ^f l ! ! i S =!- < : ^ f S ^ f ™ 0 ! - ^ ^ - ! I a b 3 e ^ v™** am' s b e out l ived h i m by ^ ^ m i n u t e s , a n d t h a t therefore h e

w o u l d .furnish a currency a s g o o d a s Amer ican i n o o e y a p d m u c h bet tar a d ­apted ; t o j ieeds * f t h e i s lands . T h e P h i l i p p i n e eonunSss iohers a r e u n a n i ­m o u s In t h e s e viewB." ; \

T h e M o s t r a t e l I H s e a n e . K i d n e j coraplaant fefllq m o r e p e o p l e

t h a n , a n y o*h<tr dteeaser, l^xis 10- due t o rl^e f a c t . t h a t I t i s e o djnsldlonB It g e t s =a good tjioid o n i^he fe^*iu t»fe-l o r e tit is, r ecogn ized . f ^ l ^ * a l O d n s y C u r e wfl l p r e s e n t f a t a l dBy^lonmentis' i f ta&en in toe. IE "^m- faRPliWed with M d n e y cftaftplainjt'fot-'aJ&OBj:-Wo

^ b e r t . ' p i a t t | | f c ;

A T H E L L G A T B .

Pennsylvania's Structure ^Across "feast River W i l l Cost S8,000,Q00.

D e W U V H W l t r h I l a ^ e l H a l v e .

T h e o n l y poBlt lve c u r e f o r , Wind ,

i l eed ing , i t c h i n g and p r o t r u d i n g p i l e s ,

juts, burns , ibrulgesi i eCzenta aixd • $ !

i b r a s i o n s o f tihp sddnv! • DeWlft's* "Is 'tia'e' t o l R a n d k i r s JsHahd. *fcenee. t o W a r d ' s

ynly W i t e b J | a z e l € a | ¥ 6 ; tlbafc48 made^ r a m the pure* una^dojtierate^ wittjji, jazel—al 1? -otn^ss - a r f ^ ^ t e ^ i f e f ^ i f e - .

y e a r s " w r i t ^ A . ' . ^ r » W # * • ' - o l - . | « f c , ; # i t f s W i p > , | a i l . | ^ a M f f > | a d | t o J W w P W # % * « Q E | « ^ S ter l ing . Ia . , % n t twjj, I jo t t l e s o f # 0 - fmre—couriterlelts'"aiyt i n a d e ' i ) s e l l . l ey ' s K i d n e y p u r e effected jjt « b > 6 d y niirfl.-" " " ' »• 1 '. ' , ;" fct,- - ' »

: aorti;.' -w. 4 f«^ t l«^45w«wl»^?^



Pi t t sburg , Pa . , (Feb. 10—^OtEJicSal a n - , n o u n c e m e n t bf thle ^mildinig of} t h e n e w (bridge acrcies t h e E a s t river; a t H«l l Gate, N e w York, toy t h e P e n n s y l v a n i a Rai lroad Ck>mpany, v?as mad® publ fe las t n i g h t by Colonel . iJpsgph, IT. Craw­ford, e n g i n e e r of bljie ibrandh l i n e s or t h e P e n n s y l v a n i a 1 s y s t e m , Cononel Crawford i s a t p r ^ s n t in Pdttshurg looking; affter t h e i n j p r o v e m e n t s a t t h e Herr 's I s l a n d stpesk yards .

I t i s e s t i m a t e d t h a t t h e n e w br idge wtH cogt o y e r f8.0OQ.O0O. W h e n iwork wi l l b e s tarted bias n o t y e t been defi­n i t e l y decided on . |it w i l l require a b ­o u t three y e a r s t o dcanplete to work. T h e br idge a n d apprjoaches w i l l b e t w o m i l e s flang. *The eejatral s p a n wi l l b e erectjed 1S5 l e e t atoiwe t h e iwater. ft

1 e x t e n d froni Port . Morr i s , Harliem

h a v t u g executed a wiijl fby w h i c h h e >eft all h i s p r o p e r t y . t o her , t h e y are ent i t l ed t o rece ive t h e w h o l e of h i s e s ­ta te , whidh i s sa id t o b e a b o u t $<>,000,-000; r . , . .

T h e s u i t i s (brought t o resc ind an a g r e e m e n t b y w h i c h Mrs. H e r m a n Oelrie|[S a n d Mrs. W . | K. Vaaiderbilt , jr.,. (sisters of Mr: Pfjif) settletl the claiims of .Mrs. Fa i r ' s re la t ive s b y . a g r e e i n g to g i v e t h e m $125,000 in casm andj 1 iMrs. F a i r ' s j ewe lry , va lued a t $1<X!>,000. :

T h e pla int i f fs a l l e g e jthat w h e n t h e de fendant s offered t h e s e t t l e m e n t they weQj k n e w t h a t M r s F a i r o u t l i v e d h e r husband, and that ahe jst&tement t h a t she died first , w a s . m a d e t o , defraud t h e m of the es tate .

sjfcrie o f jttie TO MttSl!

; F O U M D W A S N O W B A N K .

Ball istoi i , , FeJb, 1 0 — P e t e r K e l l y , of t h i s v i l lage , w a s found semj-coDscloug in a snowbank; i n a tot o n t h e Ctolla-m e i f arm t w o m i l e s eas t iof h e r e y e s ­terday. Dr.-i C o M n s , o f t h i s v i l l a g e

Ctorj' firar* 42^1 g u n s , a l l in tnarapefbs ! rapid fire giias,' ' W | | | k n o t s . P r a c t i c a l l y '& ' b e armored .

m-One SBnadte C o u g f " --

i n o n e m i n u t e , b e c a l crobe w h i c h ta«kte s | brane . c a u s i n g t h e l i s a m e t i m ^ c lears l l e l out t h e . in f lammat ion 'Spd| 3 s o o t h e s t h e ^ a f f e c t e a f e a f m l j ute Cough Cure s t r e p s }ieai Wards off pneumoni^. M d l e s s and npv^r f a l l i i f g ^ u r e ^ | a b l e c a s e s of CQughB| One- MiOTite Cough <§u$e| i s f t ake , bl&rmless and! ^ q o d young and old.

D. K. Gilbert, O. S?. M r l i |burgh: H. E. G i l l e s p | e . & jForks; W. M. S t o n e | j & 3

k- Amsterdam L|wyerjj Leslie J. Schuy'l^Ja

s t e r d a m , ha§ t w o i u d i e t i ci»ver h i s hf>ad a c a u s i ^ 10n ^n the second de??re?|"Tb^ invo lve th? forgfery 'm'.iiitfee i^g t o $125. T h e laWysjr i s


ofl t h © B { ^ t

."". I-jttjofe .to,:ian


;gdh mr tnat fhe

=fc UFJ^ S4SUEA201B kwfflJJtS.

T=S! **m* '\Ujgf

1 I ) • • '


A Band'of Itantama Bid Watanifaied A | s unaiber o f JC EanpNanles^ f '•• 3

N e w iCork, F e h O i M B e t w e e n tyvf.^

a n d fif«e|m ibodies w i l l "beT"^sihuiieit i n Calvary cemetery tl.e latter pa|t ^£\ tbis weejj: ag 4 vmd&<B& (Sm^mM1

made today by Adsi* tan^ Cft?tefct A*r

torney P a u l jfedotel, wh$> tor, s e v e r * * weeks, h a s t e n imim^^AmtUk}, of swindles by a Bai d, oFrltsfilan& hy! w h i c h ei^rht differenthtasupattos •co«n|-<| paniaa fcjejve b e e n *hei ifced4 «ufc<of largtjj | vjumss lit~-»s^!n«w; JSn Mered. -tftiK1 i t t ^ |f l o s s e a wiljf a g g r e g a t e ?lose tolaoCyWol-

b f f t c e r s f d * t h e , Sbln^ ^ T a i K x * » r i j f 4 I n s u c a n c e l c a m p a n y a r s «^asanced,i&afc

. t h e y h a > i paid! AS feast ,bwenty- fhTe | c l a i m s <to f:he h a n d o n sufctetiUrted a o d i r

xes a n d fagsifieu d e a t h a n d iburial oe^-l t i f icates. T2ie U n i o n O e n t o d c o t o p a n w * o f OmcmnlaAil, (knows oX ftxi|r b o © * o l a t m s i t ha& a?aid. a i d h a s a t least!.! seven ao | e ^ e h will ;pr$>a&y M connec ted w i t h t h e g a t g. . 1 -" ^

K2-tn n e - inph Mibefo JiuKwlUl

^ p l a t t s -

ftusa-b 6

||, h a n g i n g Bfj larceay BbjisaUO'ps fl^Jnoinik-ft; jail. ;

H o w T o X ! ^ ; j | | t i h m p L

! F o r fifty years Fa |he j ; -Jx l lh ' s 'Medi­c i n e h a s been teucee^fui.Sn iw cure fit Asthma!, n o mat ter | ^ a w t©nHdtand ine the compla in t . -Lettei^.fitMnlfrfise w h0.ve been cured w j l i <b •by tibe Car] et on & Hpve; Rfass., o n request . .

TJ v

SeviH*a5 bthier jisanipanie^i been v w t u n l z e d , !j

A) W e a h ; S t o m a c h .

c a u s e s a weak: h a d y a ad myiteB- idis-e a s e Koddl H y s p e p s i a

Jiave J&l^o

] 1


Cure c u r e s a n d

»-. h

s trengthens] t h e s t o m a c l ^ a n d w a r d s off and o v e r c o m e s d&ease . 1JT. B . Tayl*»v a p r o m i n e n t m e r c h a n t o f JGTute&mVtij Tex . , s a y s , ?I could n o t i e a t b e c a u s e o f a w e a k s t o m a c h . I l o s t a l l , s t r e n g t h . ' and run d o w n i n w e i g h t . ' A U t h a t m o n e y *ou!ld do w a s dorie, h n t a l l h o p e of recovery1 van i shed . s o m e wonderfu l curefe Effected b y u s »

Hearing oC

of Kodo l I ( conc luded t b try I t *Pha first uott le benef i t ted W , a n d a f t e r t a k i n g four bo t t l e s I am. f u l l y r e s t o r e d to m y usual s t r e n g t h , w e i g h t aud i

.hea l th ." ! . D. K. Gilbfert, O. T. 1/ajrkin, P la t t s - ' burgh; H. EI Gi l l e sp ie & Co., Ausabl^t|s F o r k s ; W. iv|. S t o n e , KfeSevlHe.

. T h e IUinoa^ Leg i s la ture h a s foeen as&ed t o re | ippropriate 59,000 f o r a ! s ta tue of Miss F r a n c e s E . Wi l lard , t o ! be placed in jStatouary l i a H , W a g i n g - ' ion, the times lipit of tlie first, opprO-priat ion h a v i n g l apsed . . t h e fa i lure t o draw the apipropriation w a g d u e t o the de lay of p e ar t i s t s Jin teubmitfcing their c o m p e t i t i v e mode l s

{ X O T I C E . j

It would be | a grea t a i scommodat iou if. a l l a c c o u n t s due t h e lu te 'L.. C F e l -ton were se t t led in a r e a s o n a b l e t i m e . 'AH accounts ^hould be paid to Dr. R. E. Hyde; admin i s tra tor . . -w3

found b o t h ffeet and -zeni A m p u t a t i o n i t necessarj ' .

nandls b a d l y fro-is 'iifelared wi l l b e

.Inland, a n d tpom tlta,t ^ o l n t . - t o iLong^. i j i s c l a i m e d for 4aie i|meKeuTy v a p o r I s land w h e r e (&e P a n n s y l v a n a a mm, Iwm^hm- p u m i n a t e s b y - « » e i n e a n -

be- | o n n e c t | d -wJtJ^Ahf e | ^ Y ^ - ^ d e f e n c e ot m e r o u r y , . }<so(nverted knto

w i l l cost- oy^r| |8 i250,000,

j . j a p b r I n a:iKftcunni tuibf toy .elBetrioity, a w l U t l t o t i t w J J j i l & k o l H i t o i l e + p l r d tn© e n -

a n d 6 L 0 M . 0 O 0 . e r ^ ^ ^ « M d f ^ r ; , t f t © ^ n s , | ^ » t , i a a b e reaaared. T h i s ihat fS iege |g i , t I^ b e tp&nff i .* used., b y t h e

in^cnleioe|t' ]fi3|ame4t

t »1


m 1 rf^i B*l wbi *$LB t "3 ^Sff l j

mi^'i m^i i 1 * * • !

W- 1 W' 14 M "r «1 ft! ZJL, M


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