26 SE. 950 ACD/ · 26 SE. 950 Rapport: Van: KA-P.A. ACD/ 3 I' Aan: Hoofd B 1 ~~ No: E/775...

26 SE. 950 Rapport: Van: KA-P.A. ACD/ 3 I' Aan: Hoofd B 1 No: E/775 Onderwerp: Quarterly Survey of Col:lmunism in Western Eu.rope. Van Sardine ontvingen wij bijeaand Survey (periode April- Juli 1950) om te behouden.

Transcript of 26 SE. 950 ACD/ · 26 SE. 950 Rapport: Van: KA-P.A. ACD/ 3 I' Aan: Hoofd B 1 ~~ No: E/775...

Page 1: 26 SE. 950 ACD/ · 26 SE. 950 Rapport: Van: KA-P.A. ACD/ 3 I' Aan: Hoofd B 1 ~~ No: E/775 Onderwerp: Quarterly Survey of Col:lmunism in Western Eu.rope. Van Sardine ontvingen wij

26 SE. 950 Rapport: Van: KA-P.A. ACD/ 3 I' Aan: Hoofd B 1 ~~ No: E/775 Onderwerp: Quarterly Survey of Col:lmunism in Western Eu.rope.

Van Sardine ontvingen wij bijeaand Survey (periode April- Juli 1950) om te behouden.

Page 2: 26 SE. 950 ACD/ · 26 SE. 950 Rapport: Van: KA-P.A. ACD/ 3 I' Aan: Hoofd B 1 ~~ No: E/775 Onderwerp: Quarterly Survey of Col:lmunism in Western Eu.rope. Van Sardine ontvingen wij


l\ ugu~t, ll)'ïO

'\io . ~8.

No. 8.

AprU - July. 1950.

Page 3: 26 SE. 950 ACD/ · 26 SE. 950 Rapport: Van: KA-P.A. ACD/ 3 I' Aan: Hoofd B 1 ~~ No: E/775 Onderwerp: Quarterly Survey of Col:lmunism in Western Eu.rope. Van Sardine ontvingen wij

I N D I: X


rr . STP..LliGT:I

I I I. OR Gj,:J IS/' TI ON



Page 4: 26 SE. 950 ACD/ · 26 SE. 950 Rapport: Van: KA-P.A. ACD/ 3 I' Aan: Hoofd B 1 ~~ No: E/775 Onderwerp: Quarterly Survey of Col:lmunism in Western Eu.rope. Van Sardine ontvingen wij

QUJ.R'I'':flLY SURV":;Y or COJ.tiUil!Si1 Ii; ·::ESTER:- EUROP:C - "0 : 0

bpril - July, 1950

I • nrrn ODUCT I ON

. :

1. This Survey is not the proper plac·e in which to

attempt to relate events in the 'ilost r:uropcnn Communist movement

to the new international situation creat;ed by the Uorth Korean

invasion of South Korea. All thot con be ~aid is that during

the period under revieu no significant change in the choracter

of the \'ie st European Com.':lunist movement hos taken p1a ce \ïhich

cnn be !;raceà U..Ylmistakably to events in thc rost of the \ïorld

sincc thc Korean ~ar began.

2 . There are perhaps four na in s t;rnnds in the tcxture

of C..>m•nunist action in the past four months : -

( 1) the commitment of the Party machine from top to

botl;om to the cnmpaign for "the abolitlon of thc atomie bomb1'.

As for as Vlostern Europe is concerncel Lho outbreak of war in

Korea resulted in even more pcremptory demunds for the

presecutien of this campcign but did not immcdiately change

lts charac ter. It i~ suggested that thc folloving are

possibly the chief objectives of the campaign:

(a) the presentc:tion of tho cornplctcd lists to u.n .o.

in support of a Soviet move thorc •

(b) tl1e intensification of the foor of \lor among thc

peoples of the r;estcrn world ond thc stimulation of

a 11 gcneral will 11 in favour of nny solution of current

Page 5: 26 SE. 950 ACD/ · 26 SE. 950 Rapport: Van: KA-P.A. ACD/ 3 I' Aan: Hoofd B 1 ~~ No: E/775 Onderwerp: Quarterly Survey of Col:lmunism in Western Eu.rope. Van Sardine ontvingen wij

- 2 -

suprwrt direct ::ct ion t.t_!:..im:t thc l'o..;[.rrl!.lnr nt cl' tho

··!cstcrn \7orlà er to support ~.ny oth"'r lin•- \!hich thc

(11) Tllc ülcv::tica c:' tho ~;est G rm~m prvbl Ms te th-:; front

rank end tht.. bror.dcning of thc baf:c of thc Corrr.1w1ist ::-ttr.ck

upon thc /.lliod Zones . It is clcr.r thnt prcpm•r. tions te this

end wcro bc int:; ~.10.dc bof oro thc Korcr..n vlt~r b< [51 .. n . He\/ or

\1hcth,)r th:ln novc is rclo.tcd to Scvlct gr'·.nd fJtT'!.~tog;r ancl \Jhat

boaring it lH.o c,n plans made befere til< Kol'l un invc. s lon c;:.nnot

bL r.trc;uod hcro .

(111) Ind i es. ti ons thut th.:. FN:nch ::nd It!!ll~\n Co~nu.11.ist

du:1inn tod 13bcur orgo.nisa tic;:1n r.rc prr:paring thc grcund for &

n..:'i! :::trikc c.: -:;>c l.f:n lctcr this y._o.r . T~c ~:s~ult c~ thc

..:concl.1J" of ·:;cstc.rn Europ;:; i~ c.f ccurz_ i! lc~lt;-contlnuing or~c .

(iv) 'r!.<.: ccntinucà iltoughening11 of thc Coa"lunist !."lOVe Knt

by rcorgr.ni::;ntion , inàoctrinution nnd incitcncnt te 11 c.ction11•

Thin too hc.o bc.c.n going on fcr a long til.10 und C".'mut bc

dircctly rclntod to thc Korc..,n v1or.

3. lt is not yct lmown Ylhat , if c.ny, neerc-t dircctivos

'ilC'.rc gi ven to thc l eadera of tho Eur opcun Pi:rt te s who n ttcndcd

thc SED Congrt.os in Bcrlin t:s frat rnt.l dclcsr.tun . Tï.:vcry

Europoon Pcrt:r ·.1ith thc cJ:ceptiun of Trfcstr. n~s rr.prcscntcd

thLre; by ~0!11~.-r officials . Onc re:purt hos it t!1~.t thcy 1-1r:.r:::

cc.idr.._z::;od in l'rivotc scssion b-y SUS:LOV uho :::trr.sncd t!'lc.t r-t t:h:-.

pre fiCnt zt::..t;~ t;h.: pcliticc.l 2trug,Jlc is of 15rcc ter inportcnc.::

th~.n thc generol int nnifier-t ien

The; e~~.1c rcpcrt r'- ccrds c. rt~'lt~ncn.t

b;t DUCLOG en his return fr c:a 3crlll to t:1c :..ffcct t:1.e.t it h~u

been considcr~d dcslroblc to asso~blr r~prc~ nt~tivcs cf

countrics l r. toly at vmr ï.'ith Gül"l'l~ny in t;rc;1.f r te f::hcw thc Gcrn::m

t-:l~sscs that hostiltty t0'.7c.rds th ... r.1 iD no\1 t1t un end . •

11: . Thtrt is no confirr:H~.tiun fr0''1 sccr~.-t sourees of thc

pross roport that tho ~uropccn Purtics '.:ere 11structcd at

Page 6: 26 SE. 950 ACD/ · 26 SE. 950 Rapport: Van: KA-P.A. ACD/ 3 I' Aan: Hoofd B 1 ~~ No: E/775 Onderwerp: Quarterly Survey of Col:lmunism in Western Eu.rope. Van Sardine ontvingen wij


- 3 -

Bvrlin to r.b:.:1c'!on thc tc.chniquc cf 11 11as,. s"bct~gc 11 in f-::vcur

Cf t<..c!micol S~.bctogc b:; Sp0ci:::lint squ:ds . /.ftcr thc Stcckhol':TI

Pcocc Co:1grcsz 1!1 i.:crch it ~ CC!7!Cd pt:sslblr thr.t thc C OIT'ltmist

Pc.c:cc ncvr.~1cnt \:culd ö.ividc i."lto t ;;c ch~nncls; ent- thc 0rc.fld

onö. 0pcn cr.:.1pc ign for thc ccllcction cf sign=~t ul'< s fl.r thc.

.:.;tuckhvh~ J.pp c.c. l , thc. othcr o. sccrLt ct:r:1p~dgn uf s~botc.g~

ttL,o. 1.11At 'Lhc. dcllvory c f ld . J •• p·. suppllc;o. T.3ut, de spitc obscure

r c f\:r,·ucun in so1:1C official pronouncur.1c.nt;s ~t tho 11 s ~pero.tion 11

of tho ·!:ligncturc co~'lpBign fr on 11 oth. r m"vc:·wnts 11 , clircctivos

in thc Cv.nlnfor.t j~,;urnul and c ls v:.:h!. rc hc.v. con'Linucd to strcsE

th t .1~ss ncticm ~g!!inst E.!..P. is cloecl:~ rcl:. t cd to thc

s i gnc. t ure cr..:npr. i~n . L.lthough L1 thc se cond :1~lf ef th:. p~...rL~d

it;.J .. ss c.ct 1~!111 ·.Hl s _!l fc.ct d·::indling C.\:o ;r , it ur.~ t:t:i..ll b r ing

OÛ VvCGtcd . Her h~s t~rc b c,_;n cm;,· rclinblc positivo c viè.e =1cc

P ~ rtics for

5. Thc gcnc.rc.l declinc of tl:10 PCP Llrtd i.ts uffilia t e s Hhi.eh

lws b(:• .. n nL tod in men~r uf cur prcviL;Un Survr:~ tJ appct..rs te have

Thc CG'l1 indccd s~c::1s to

hc.vc prt:fitr~d b:,· th0 " Cvncnic canpalc;ns uf tht. ~.r.rlior pE.rt cf

t~lC ~· .... nr nnd tt- ehc ·. · c ö.istinct inci•cc s c 1:1 ntn-ricnl strc:1gth.

Bcn~.it r~r.J.c·:o.r, ~{'crctcr~ Generel of thc CGT, spcnking to thc

Cc.litc Co.1fcd0rnl ifr.tiona.lc in !.pril cl:. l ,, à. t. totol !.:l.C:-1bcrship

of cbout 3 ~1111Gns.

6 . THOR:':.Z gave thc f o llo· Iinu st!:.tintics nbout PCF

strc.ngth in thc cvursc oi' hio !':pcuc1! to thc, 12th Purt;r Congrcss

iu l.pr i 1.

P:..rty ce.rds

1047 1948 1949


907,785 738,45D 786,855

Page 7: 26 SE. 950 ACD/ · 26 SE. 950 Rapport: Van: KA-P.A. ACD/ 3 I' Aan: Hoofd B 1 ~~ No: E/775 Onderwerp: Quarterly Survey of Col:lmunism in Western Eu.rope. Van Sardine ontvingen wij

- 4 -

}.. \ H.i.s conclusion \l~.s thct 11 /.prc.s un recul scnsiblc. r.n 1048, neus

i~~ ccnst".tuns U'>< ccnsc1i<.lcticn Ge nos ci'foctifn en 19·!0" .

~ t·r Thtrc ere nc officic1 figurcs r.s ;;ct fvr 1950 but it is

'l ~ ~ prob:.J.blc thr.:t t!'lCy ·.:culd shJ .. C<.. lparutivc rt:J.bilit:r· Thc rr sults

) )~ of sc.vcrc.l nunicipcl elect l uns held c1m•ing Ho: end Junc. revc~ 1 ~ ~~ ~ c si~.1il~1r st:.J.bilit~r in tho evrmniet vete . n.Jcruitin.;- for

thc P' rt~· is in pregr e s s. Thc f i ft ie th birt.hd<ly <;f W- urico

THOJ.\EZ \!C.s nnclo thc occ::~ sion cf a spocinl 11 prcr:tc,t.ic .. n 11 • No

rc.lnxo.tion c..f Party c untrol OV(,r tho 8ccurity of uon (.ntrn.nt&.

has <..ccurr .... cl hv•.:.::vcr.

Be lsiu:1

7 . Thc PCl3 suffered u crushing eh .. ction dofeet nt thc

beg in:1ing of Ju"!"l<. o !ICVL'"lg :_.,-·. cnly 7 deput_cs rnd 3 SC.nftC'rS

thc Pcrty h~s lust c.ll t~e eóv~nt~gcs it ~cquircd Lftcr 3cptc~bcr

In thc c._ urse vf thc C lcct h .. ::l CL.1p:l ign gC!lCrcl disc •. ntcnt

.:es CE.uscd in the Pc.rtJ- b"[ thc :.ctioYl uf thc T.J'.L.V.ITD -DI3?Y

gr~.;up in e l i 1in:-. t i nG eer t e. i n ::lil i tcnts .:111d i 11cludi~1g thc ir own

support~.;rs c.n tho lists of ccndidat<.;S o Thi:J policy culr1inn ted

in tllu dcfoct i on of Pornand DE!:If.UY nnd cc.usocl criticism of tht';

P .... rty h:auc..rs un tho gr oun6s of t hcir und..;·1oc:r .tic nt>thccls .

:Jt grc::.t ;,t:s this d:ls c onte.nt t hct tho Politic::.tl J3urcou scc'!s to

hr vc suspendeel the puri.?e. c f r.ll in::-ctiv~ glc~cnts fro:1 thc ?~rty

-.:hich hr.<.l b~.;C!.l c=-rli--r dccidcê. upun .

8o l.n ~.;f1 ici:::..l c..sti:1C.tc puts t!le cffcctivc strcYlgth

c-f thc ?erty ~t the pres<--!lt tL1c !lt no mor\.; th.nn 17,000 .

It ... ly

9 . /. t the 1c·ting of thc C<.ntrcl Co 1nittr.o cf the PCI

in Ru..tc. on 18- 1'1: J.pri l G:.SCCHIL !ll1!1Luncc.;;d ti10 1 t est returns for

thc re - rc;gistrc t ion of Perty l'!l.er:1bcre up tl, 3l:Jt Hr:.r eh 1950 :

2 , 098,GG8 ,.,101:1bcrs cf' the PCT, 433 ,390 in tho Y< uth F'udcrnt i on;

grond t otnl 2 , G32,058. Ylo hr.~vo no infcrnr.tlon to disprovo

thcs <. f igur•~IJ cacl no rl-cent indict.t il n cf tll~ perc~ntngc '.rhi ch

is fully 11 ~ctivv 11 o 3igns of 11 tirudn ... s8 11 '"~nd ac11sr.p:->< int..,cnt 11



Page 8: 26 SE. 950 ACD/ · 26 SE. 950 Rapport: Van: KA-P.A. ACD/ 3 I' Aan: Hoofd B 1 ~~ No: E/775 Onderwerp: Quarterly Survey of Col:lmunism in Western Eu.rope. Van Sardine ontvingen wij

- 5 -

\'ICrc notcd b~r sonc spcal~ers ct thc 'l(h:;ting end t!lCl'C w.:.rc

r \;pcatcü r\,i' ~.;r>e:ncc s -r;c failurc in th~: Trado Union -,c:n'bcrship

cn~.1prlign . On 23 April thc CGIL opc.ncd its 11 !1onth of !!(.:"!b e!'ship

fl~,;n<ma1 and PrE.ss :>if.fusion", thc target bcing to s.:curc by

31 Jiny 1950 thc sanc nunbcr of r cgist,.rcd ncnb~,;rs as on ;.n

D';.CC"1bcr 1949 - n target originnlly set for 31 J·munr~~ 1950.

10. In audition to the annuol campnign for mcmbcrship

ronowol, the Pc..rty is a lso cngau;cd in o rr;cruiting cr:mpaign.

IJ.'hc Rome, Faderotion clol:ns to have rccruitcèl 8,000 ncw ··wmbor s

in IIu:r anu over 800 in June . On th.:; ether h-:nd TOGLII.TTI

spcck1ng to thc Turin FcdcratJ.on in Ii'.\Y co "'plaincd of c dcclino

in thc nunbers onà i!1flw:mce: of Co!:'lrnunist cclls in thc :'actori:- s .

"This is ll .:1~ttcr ' ' 1 he snid , Hthct provides food for thought .

I shou1d undcrs-r;r.ncJ. this if your orgenisntion hnd incrccsed

lts cadrcs ; I should s~y : thc prolctnrint of Turin ie still

fcithful to th(, old str..ndpoint \Jhich i~ sonc\'Jhct hostilc to

thc idr:n of crcating a ::1ass party; but if th t s ·:..:re so1


\'/Ould hnve more; leaders in thc feetor ie. s nnd n higher percentage

of octi vists in your se ct ions 11 • Hccrui ting J~IU.!'lt bc roster ed

net r1cr<:.ly upon the e c onomie :.:md trede union pl.r\nG but upon

thc idcologicol nlso .

11. In the course of ilis spbc.ch to th~ Centrel Co'"Tïittee

of thc PCI TOGJJL'.,.?I'I strcssed the i:1port[:ncc of thc CMcrger:ce

of thc PSI (lE:::mr: Socialists) ns '1 11 grer.t :.1css Part:-" ïlit!:

ovE..r oOO , 000 ncr.1bers 1 :::.ciuing ho-.·:cvcr 11 .... ven i~ t!1c rcgistr::::tio!l

of :ncr.1bcrs mE!y net in- ~11 ces es hcvc. been cnrr icd out under

thc rigoreus c.ontrvls that ~re cnforccd in our P"rty11 •


12, r:l1 hC mcrnl:rrship of tho KPD in thv 'vos torn Zones of

Gorr.tr.ny is now about 195,000. (COl1paro 550,000 in 1947 ),

13 . At thc north Rhinc/Wostphulin Landtag cloctions the

Party suff0rcd n revcrse. It obtaincd 12 sonts 1 all from

the rcs\,rvc list. u~t tilc l"'.st cloction, in 1947, it obtr.incd

Page 9: 26 SE. 950 ACD/ · 26 SE. 950 Rapport: Van: KA-P.A. ACD/ 3 I' Aan: Hoofd B 1 ~~ No: E/775 Onderwerp: Quarterly Survey of Col:lmunism in Western Eu.rope. Van Sardine ontvingen wij

- 6 -

23.) Thc totn1 nQ~bcr of votcs cnst for thc KPD rns ~36,000

(701,000 in 1947). Thc perccnt~~c of thc tot~1 vete 5 . 5

(1~~ in 19!7}. l'his clis~stcr :::ppc~rs to have bGon t~.!G:: :1 into

r.ccount nt thc 16th Tc.Jung of thc KPD ·.t which th-:. Y.PD

1cc.<lcrship w=- s trounccd by thc m::n .


1·1 . J,1though thc CPH socurt...cl c,rüy 31. scot~ f't tho

Pruvincia1 alLctions on 26.Lpril 1950 tho totnl of vetes cnst

fur ~hü Prrty did not shcïi :::. gr~.-c. t cJcc1ino s lncc 10·1:0. In

104-8 thc C.?U rcccivcd 382,001 vetes; ln 1950, 3211,365 .


L . Intc..r:nntionnl

15 . Thc..: 10~t impcrt:cnt cvcnt in t'1is sphcrc \':hic'1

occurrcd during the pcricè ~n~ cn0 closc1y rolatcd to thc

tl-nor c.1f thc prccc..<>dings r,t thc S:"::D Congrc;ss in July w~s tno

mo.ting of rcprcscntntivcs of thc.. CGT Hnd tho FDCB (Frcc Gcrm::m

~:rode Unions of tho Sovl et Zone} on 14 nnc.l lS Jurl\:: . Thc ob j ect

of t he; mo·. ting wns [mnounced ns t ho rc;"' lisot ion of' "nn cf'fccti vc

col1'lboratlon between thc Fr c.nch anc.l Gorm~n vrorlcing c1!lss~;.;s to

ostablish (!' sclic... and durabl c pGace, L<.: pursut thc otrugs1o

c.g~inst thc rcnnissnnce cf f:::.scis~.1 ~nd te dcfend thc vitcl

üt thc tcr",in"t icn. of the

:1cctinc; en ~ppccl l!'!s publishad cont~ining thc follo'1i?lg ,

a~on8 ether, <lccisicns: -

( 1) To r0 inforee L"l Frc.ncc on<l G<.r!'mny thc net ion of t~e

vorkers t0 d-f~nd pocco in conforrnity vith thc recent docisicns

of thc J~;~<.;cutivc Cor:r:JitteE. of the ~:JFTU . To pur~JUc, te rclnforc.J

c.nc.l t<.. !lUpport, :tn the ports cf Prcmcç ~·ntl n~..r,ar-ny thc strugg1e

ugo.inst thc lor.ding ond unloc.d i ng (Jf 'Ntt.r rn~:,tcriola o.nc."t for•

this pur po~ o to os te. bl i sh close rclnt i ons b~.t\lcon thc port

\rorkcre of thcs-. tuu CvQl"ltrics.

Page 10: 26 SE. 950 ACD/ · 26 SE. 950 Rapport: Van: KA-P.A. ACD/ 3 I' Aan: Hoofd B 1 ~~ No: E/775 Onderwerp: Quarterly Survey of Col:lmunism in Western Eu.rope. Van Sardine ontvingen wij

- 7 -

• ( 11) Tc r·c.si~·t,, i!1 Fr r.nc ... nnu 0crm~lly, thc r.tte:npt to

cv.c 1trctc.. Uilocr t~c ccn~r ... l ei' tho !.~oricr.n c pitclists thc

co~l t.n<l ~teel lnèustric.s of' :-r •. ncc. , :cstcrn Gcr'l'"n:.i end ctl:o:.r

Tc ,l....nc.unco thc Schumnnn Pln.n .

( j 1 i) 'l'O strug(}lc in i:<,r~ncc ancl Germany for Troàe Union

unity both notienol [.nd intr5-rnationol ~Jithin the ':/FTU.

( :tv) 'l'o t.al~n"blish direct contGct botv1 .... en thc organisations,

r.hc. J:ü l 1 t:n:n ~s, the factorics of Franco on<l Oc1•mony and cspoc ially

bc t.ïloon thooc of dcsten.1 Gcrmany and I•'r:-mco .

lC. 11 In c.Jrclr..r to rcalisc thGnc c01omon tar,ka the:..

l'c 1H•or; nt~t;lvcn ol' th .... CG':' and of thc PDC'l3 undcr•talw to c stablish

cl.n:1 ... r-t:ü•tions b ... t·ll..~n thc tYJO organts~tions ~nd te arrangc

fcx· t.h, w;\.ch n c. o~· .:.. .;:~JC:r'icnc r: &nd for con!':ulto t ion ·::henc v:r

17 . It. rcmains te ~c St..t.n hm.r cffcctivc. this 11 pinccr

mov<, .H nt•i fro,, ~O"t anä. ·-;est a_s:;.in~t the '!'rade Un .. ons of

It i~ r·~n:lrbt 'üc that t':0 CCT,

tÜl'<...O.cl:V h<...avily burc1Gncc1 with int• .. rnationo.l commitmcnts for

1;110 ·::li''l'1., r..tut1 wlth nntional problcms , shoul<l tako on this

rJèlcllt:lcmtl task. Thore must bc n ltm:t t to thEl capac i ties of

ovun thc most ener-gotic French Cornmuni~ts L

J.S . Tnkcn in conjunction \ilth thu gr~.;o.t international

t:...i:J. .·ing at thc s:=:D conqcss this movo indientee that the

. _•onvcution o;: Cotlmtml3t pclicy in •. : ,stcl'n Gcrme.n:r is t o be much

Wl' '- tlu:n foJ•r:t .. l·l.~ t!1o :;.•csponsibility of tho ~urope~~1 Co:ï nmist

.. ovclat n t.. n s A ·.·ho lc .

B. r;atio!'lal


(u) Party Reorganisa t ion

10 . Much of thfJ discussion at tho J2t.h Congrcsn of

tlm POF was dcvotcd to quostlons of orcanlsation, ospccially

tllv r o-\.ostnbllshmt.nt of thu factory coll as thc basis of PPrty

".Tm ·lr .

Page 11: 26 SE. 950 ACD/ · 26 SE. 950 Rapport: Van: KA-P.A. ACD/ 3 I' Aan: Hoofd B 1 ~~ No: E/775 Onderwerp: Quarterly Survey of Col:lmunism in Western Eu.rope. Van Sardine ontvingen wij

- 8 -

20. It is int.::resti!1g to notc thc cor.tparativc ycuthfulness

of thc delegates to this Consress . Of thc 903 dolctntcs 605

\ïCrc belor; 35 ycsrs o:' age anà thc avcr"ge ace: ""'S 31.0 ;r-cDrs .

':'ho L"lajority ther ... fore '.'Iere frcn the ncw Pnrty cc.urcs formcd

sincu thc Lib0ration .

21. i. t th0 enà of the Concrcse J.ugustc LEGGEUR vms

olcctc<l Secrotary of the Party, spccially char8cd wibh organis -

at ion. In a long speech he scvercly criticlsûd tho Gxisting

stato of or~anisation and doflncd tho tcsks to bc done .

22. Lil-:<~ many anot:!:ler oommandor LI~COEUH bc'"'un by demonding

an instant rcducticn in thc volurne of paper-werk dcnc by Party

off leials . He suid therc ~ere far too many l etters and

circulcrs issucd b~ thc Central Co~1ittoc. On t!1c t. ver~gc

cach Fcdcraticn r~ccived ene cvcry ether duy . Ccnradcs \'ltre

urgcd to 11 usl;r un p .... u plus àc c~aussuru~ ct ur:. pcu r:tcins à0

fonà.s de culottes 11 • _'.fter this soldiurly admonition L:;co.:::vR

turncd to thc maln subject cf ~is dis course:, the nood for a

grcat in ereaso in ?arty \Wrk in thc factor ie. G, which \vas at a --duplorablc lc~. 11 C1c s t un fait, dopuis la LibÓrntion nous

n' nvons pns avnncb ma i s a u contNliro :roculÓ dans beaucoup

d 1 cndroits". He concluded that 11 1 ' n.nr,lioration de notrc

travoil OU..'\: entreprises r:ermëttra de poussor activoment au

rccrutCr.l<.nt de jeunes cuvrie:rs rc.v< lutionn"!irüs, COr.t.l'flC le

prouvc lc rcsultc. t des usincs Renaul t, èu les C ' llult.; s

d 1 entreprises ont rc:;cruté pour lc pronotion ST!.Lii'-: 862 ouvriers~

prüsquc tous e.n - dosscus àc 25 cns".

23 . Th ... Conöl'css passoa ~ rcsclution crlling upon fedcr8l

~nd scction co~nittcos to constitute cells in tho thcusands of

factorles poss~ssing none . I 11 L 'oct1vite d~s c~llulcs

d ' ontropriscs sera orient~e vers la lutt0 pol1t1quc, 0n

c01nbnttont lts tendoncos é c oncmistcn, ct uvoc ln pc•rcp<.ctive

d~ r .... se. udro lc s qu(, sticns fondamen te lc :J posóo s nu prolê tario t

en tout quu c l~·.s se dir igecnt lc. lut te peur r>. bolir lc pcuvoir /

du cr.pit~l Plcnopolistc Gt rcorgoniscr 1:.1 sociot6 sur une bs.se

sccialistc11 •


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- 9 -

(b) J, 11 Gf.:Cl'Ct Lpl1o.ratus 11 'l

Ccrtain non-Co:.r:mni~t journr.ls, notabl:r 11 Lc Populaire",

nccu::;ed t:1c reP durins n·y cf org::misL1g en 11 1llcco.l apJ=t-.ratu.s;'·

LI:CO"":UR, thc ncw St.icrc"Lar~ in c~rgc of Organi::;r. tion, ccnsiäerc::d

it. n~c~;~~~a.ry te den~- t:~osc charges (llur.lnnité 31 l~c.y 193C) ~nd

to choroctcl~izc.: th.; report::; as p0lic0 provocation . Ho rcliable

confirmutlon of thc. press nll.6gntion::; luz bc~n r(;ccivcd .

85. 'nun'o in o. cur:louo pt.r~llcl with Itnly in Porty

\"J .... rnint.~t; 1\~)vut IJOlicc provoention by the crc::..t tion of bogus

Loon .4J.WI.I':J (who v1os c.llcgod in the

prvDr' t.o he head of thc "Illcgnl OIJ!Jf'.l'Htus") published an

• rticlu 111 11 Cnlucrs du Co:n:'lunismc 11 for Hay 1950 drm:ing thE:

~ttcntion of .nilitr.nts to t!lc !rûiltrnt1on of 11 mouchm ... ds ct

r.. · ... nts provoc~t·.w·s" L1to thc Party ond accuted thc enenies

of the PDrt:: of •.ïishing to provob~ ''l.o. const1 tution de groupes

sp( c~r u.x ct de mgquis 11 • _2ç quot .• à :1s :...n cxmilplc Tho~10n , in

th<. H'\Ut~.--G:..;.voio .

., ' ~:;u , "I.<..urs objüctifs sent cla:i.rs ot doivcnt être

vlc;otu'•.ua~,;mt.nt ct publiquomcnt combattus. Ils voudrnicnt non

oc.ul,nnen •• vntrf. incr des Ds.voynrc1s dmuJ dc::1 provocL'.tions qui

juniifi·~rt~h.nt des mc;surt.:s de roprcss1 )11 , mais oussi e t surtout ,

.. ·tp~chcP l:)s travcillcurs, toue les combnttants de la paix,

<..: nLru lr· bc.;ml)C atc!:lique, pour èics action!:: politiquc.s de oasse

!.nd t!len ns if to nccusc sor:tc ?nrty

l"'~ttbct's uf h~.ving ac"Cll.c.lly takvn part in tho formation of f'.

m&quts , ~.- z":,~G 113n isónérc.l , ccux qui ent ln nostnlgio de la

1ltl"' ill~.;ttc - .-.uc, bicn souvent, ils n' ont pc.s cu en ::noins

quand 11 lc fnllnit - tentont de fuiro croiro qu 1 cn 1944 le I

Pnrt1 :1 monquc lc cccll.e, qu 1 il dcvnit fo.iro la rtvolution etc."

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- 10 -

27 . This ·:1:1rning w~s support"'d by on from C. LUCIBELLO,

nnticn~l stcrct~ry of the P~cicns FFI-f~P.

20. It is kno\1n thr:.r. c census of fori!lcr I'PI-PTP ncnbcrs

is bcing corriGd <.ut . ?~is !'!lllY ucll bc conn<:ctca uith ~

Porty ch<-ck on thc bonafidos of thc mernbcl's of thc l.ssoci:>tion .


( a ) Thc PCI c.s 8. 11 Mass 11 PLrty. Rcm:ganlsation cnvisugod.

29. Thc Mnrch issue of thc rtL,nthly Commun:l.nt rovicw

11R1nc s cito 11 ccrricc1 nn ert iel(; n bout Pnrty orgr.nisr. tion 'ili' ittcn

b~r Cclst) GElUI. Ec discus2ed th-.. Hide V'1r:tntlons in thc sizc

t.na activity of Cc::-tnunist cclls r.s betuecn tho nort:1 ::nd South

of Itoly. In thc Hcrth thc c.vcrr.t_<.. numbcr of mc!'lbcrs per cell

wns 04, in Ccntr[·l Itnly 44, in th0 South 60 :.nd in t'-lc I slr:.nds

120 . The \/rlt(.,r concluded that thc orgonlsution cf en


adequate C·~ll strueture vms ur0rnt . Th1 s did not me on a pure ly '

moehunionl subdivision of thc mémborship into smnllcr units;

i t involvcd thc eren t ion of many more di re ct ing ecntrc s b&low

tho s<.cthn le;vel , the f ormation of mor() endron and tho grnnt

of re. spons ibili ty to n grea tor nUJ:1bcr of comr'tàc s. Five

rc,üions hr.vc. been scleetod for intensive nnd i'nMcdi"te !'"'ction

on these llnus - !.bruzzi , Crnpcnin, Lucrni"'., ~ic11-:; "\nd

scrdini . This it is csti:nat(;d v1ill brinc 5,2~0 r~.rt:- :ncnbcrs

intc... positi(ms cf rcspcnsibility for thc first ti:-1v . Thc ?r.rty

3ta.tutcs lnid dcN:n thst ' ! cell r.tight contoin fr01.1 5 - 70

mcmbcr s . The '•tr it E.r c onc luàcd by sn ying thr. t r: r' p id in er es. se

in thi:J nur:tb"'r of co:m"c.cics capsblo of ':!ssuminc; diructive fOsts

V/US "ll thL morE. importent c.t this r.1um"'nt sinec thc enom~r

olo:'rl7/ intEmdocl to eonccntrntc his clttneks on tho Pnrty' s


30. (Dept . i:Jote: This cxtremcly intcrustins nrtiele puts

into pr<.cisu str·tisticc. l torms th:.. 11 !1t sr- 11 chnrl1Ctt.;r of the

Itr.liûn P:-trty; it cmph::.siscs the loos<-1:· knit structurc of

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. ..

, .. J

- ll -

thc P· l'ty ::..~ con~.mrr,d fcr cx~.r.1pl0 lith th~.: I•rcnch Porty ;.-:herc

t 11. 1 r ·cri: c.::lJ. cont~in.~ 25 nt.~bers ~nd thc cvcrr.c; ... is

~mnll r, or th~.. S::D ·.1herc t_lc o-:s ie group conto. ins lc mcnb€rs.

Th~ rccrG'nis~tlon cnvis&[~ó in thl~ Lrt lclc , h~ving es its

cl.~·.rly intcnd-.d ::'s :::. first step toHnrds cn['.bling the. ?nrty

t(, 11 r< unu l'[T,rc.unan effect 1 vcly if nee es sary. If thc cell

n~·-1tcn :l.s in :rnct a.s rucJ.imcntnry ao this nrtiele strtes it to

bc Ul.0 l,.üüGNJhip wc..ul ö llevc scé~nt hop<. n t pN•s c..nt of cantr olling

Sl,l 1:-rcv .: :n".ss in illcc:.:.lit~,. wit!-1 so f c \T cff icicls.

I:l.trc~.nis:..ticn of this n~turc h's bc n found noccssnr·:- in ether

~;~i~ t .lCC , tL (.11Sll.!'C the rdC0.,Unt in<..lc.ctr inat i on Cf r.tOr:lbC!'S) •

(b) een .. 31. ... :r 24 -·p:cil rcptrt~J DI VJTTOIUO n~ s~:,-ing

t.h~\t. 11 , c ~ .. 1unict ;·1llc tri<..s t u 1"!1'1kc his '.I'raclc

tl. tll• Ccr:~.mntst ?rrty is, in rtality, rcting c.gcin1t thc

lntn•c ::;t:;: l ; f botb tho CP 8nd thc.. CGIJ)1 • This in eithcr ~

Cl' os s <::.x!unp 1u of 11Ec1.monism11 01' , wh~t 1s fnr more likoly

i 1 vlcw .Jf DI VIT'LOn i0 1 s position in thc WF'l'U, is itJtondod

b:r lüt l for thc eyas of non- CC!:lmunist T:-- o.dc Unionists who rejoct

1·hu C:OIL bc~c~ucc i t is 11 subsLrviont 11 t;o tho PC I.

( c) PC: Let ivity (::!in st t!-lo J.rm".

. ~ ... Jo. .. . Co:::H; infcrr1:'.tio:1 !lr: s nc~: been r c c c ivcd \'1!-lich s!lo•.-;s

Lll ,t ' n in Pr~ nee r.nd =~ollr:!ld thc Ccnmunist Ycuth Fodcr'!tion

or th ... PC! (!:'CG!) h: uuc:1 conccr!lccl \Jit!-1 cst:-blishing ccnt~c ~

\:1\;h eonscripts (St.;e Reviev1 :!o . 7) .

Tho .. l~.c;~zine ~c.ttir:t nc. IncvJ.l publisbed on 6 Hc·J en

crtlcltJ by VHtt,r:l.L. ZTIWO:iTE drnwin[5 ettont1.on tL. thc eentri

/.~sl~l tcnzn R<.:clut l c 8cld8 ti (C/.n:J ) C.l. tto.cll·:'ld to on eh PC I

Podtrntiun which ere officia lly wclfnrc org~ninntions but

Uli••fJ'lcj.r.ll:r atnmlr:tc tho fcruntion of r:ccrc.t collr: in the

'U':Tj' ;:nd tho dlsscJ1inet ic.n cf dcfe~.tist litcrr:turc .

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- 12 -

(d) 1. F'inancial 8cendal.

3•1 . Pollee in vest igat ions of the use :'1e.tte by the .:odena

Chamber of L~bour of 18 . 000,000 lire colleeteel for thc fa~ilîes

of 6 men killed .last January in the Modena riots rcvealod tbat

the fa .nil ics in question had receivcd t.n interim grnnt of

GOO , OOO lire apiece while 5 millions had gonc to tho 11Hational

Solidurity 'B'und11 in Rome and about 9 millions had be<'n uscd

to pay tho odministrative and publlcity cxpon~cs of tho public •

funoral of thc victims. There is to bc a court case which

shoulu prov~ of no littlc int crc~t .


35 . J.t thc: 16th Tagung (scssion) of thc, t:?D which nppcars

i{ to h{.: vc taken placc at the off i cc s of th(, :::;~D in the f~uss ian

~' ./ ""\it: Zone of &rlin about 4 - 6 July it wns concludcd that thc ::PD 11< -~ 1\

yt .. ~Jr.( · h::.s been guilt:r of fu.."'lda~cn~al errors . It is highly probabl€

~# th.at '.Jo.ltcr ULBRIC!iT, not'l ;:)ecretar:,: r~ncrnl of thc '"mD v;~s ..

present at th~.; ncc"Gins and this, in conjunction v1ith thc

sccrccy surround1nf5 thc nceting ancl thc locvtion ut v1hich it

was huld mo.luJs it clcar thrlt thc KPD vms brought finnlly t o

boolc by thc m:m for its f ailurcs. rt in rcportod thot os

'Lho result of this meet ing disciplinary netion \'i'..\3 to bt- tnken

G(}'.inst H~.rmc.nn l:UDTIIG (r(. spons ibl<.. for the Pv cc. HoVCY"lünt in

', . Gcr 10.ny), ·.:oltcr FI:-,CE:: (rr~s~1onsi'olc for p.rcs:; pol:cy) a!ld

Huco ::nRLIC!I (editor of tb<-- Centrel KP!J pnpcr 11Frolc,s 17oll!:11) .

Thû .... xpulsio!'l of ::UDETG fr c:1 ï;ht: E?lJ v <..cr<..to.rint •.:os nnncunced

for tho first time b::- ·:;ilhcl:-:1 PI::!CK !lt thc 3rd Congrçss of the

G::D in Bcrlin. EHRLIC?. hs.s been rcploccd os ~ditcr of 11Frcies

Vollc11• It is not yct known whct ootion hr.s bcr:.n to.k"n C.e,~inst


3G . ht tho SED Ccrtgrcss (20 - 24 JUly) ~ilholm PIECK

'lna l ys(,d tho Wost Germcm situotion t:·.nd gave the KPD lts

dll,c.;cti vo ( sef:.. poro. . 39), thue c~"'lphos ising thr. dominanee of thc

D"J:D over· thc Y:.PD. Thc directivo insofnr ns lt conc,rncd


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- l:::J -

orgunisu tion co~1t~.inecï little thut n~s new but ple.ced much

:c10ht on strc~1gthening ~i:::.ss :.ctivities, not only .i.n the ':'r~de

Unions nnu. umonc the Sociul :0emocratic •;1orl~ers but also a-mong

tho unorgnniscd ·.1orkers anC ~7outh . The KPD m.J.s olso i:1structcd

to Cl'C1àica te the cncnï v1i thin .end consolidato ideologic~lly .

r;t;Pon[!thon relations r;ith ·.lostorn Gormnny by all available

mc;an:;;, 1ncltt<.lins r:xchcng<.;, visit.s encl corrcspondcncc at all


'rÎ.C'riCS ----

3/ .

1. . Gen:;ral f JA~~ _A"t'J " ~~-"':1:-rn :

!.part from the Peccc C( mpaign, which is dis ~ussed ~i f-A{ W 31.:!"'~ Nltcly, t•.:o uçv~lopmcnr.s in th.; spherc of tsctic<- appear to

be of spe c 1::: i:n_)ort~:ncc .

:J~l. Tllc first is thc unof1uivoct:l rcbricfing of the KPD

in tho ·~;0s tcrn Zones of Gcrao.ny.

~l'h0 :no.in lincs of thû KPD ' e future policy \Jere lr.id

down nt tho 3ED Congress. Thc KPD is to bc guldoel b~r the -

gono1'Ul prinr lple of eneauraging 11 national rosistnnce 11 by

11 J!Ol.l1(3 to the peopleil , cicveloping thc U.'i\tional front and

<:Xl>loi ting c~ conomic discontent more thoroughly . lis recently

in 1-';·~ .. ncc .:.nd It: 1:·, the Go:.nnunists o.rc..: a dJurcd to disobu;r laws

\.' :tc!1 h~wc; no juridic:...l found[.Lion. Thc mcjor cffort is to be

m'lèC in thr. i.1dustl, i::: l spherc . Th~ KPD is to ndaress itsclf

to 11 t;ho mas~c: 11 on an acono::::tic progrormn~" ; it mustbc c.quipped

tr; ::"f.izc tho opportlmitics which 'ltill bc prcsunted by the

i'utm•c. l'C~l:JtD.ncu of tht.. workers to pricc incrcases r.nd attacks

on 'iJ gos .

40. Tho second consists in thc r.ttompts by the CGT in

1 \Frl.!nco and thc CGIL i n Ita l y to dove lop un i ty of act ion v11i th

r'cm··C~·mnnunlst Vlorkers on purely economie issues . J,ccording

to :.: l'Oport dn tod lOth Lugust tho Dureau of thc CG-T r~t its

.. w3t recent meeting ciccièied to rcducc its mlni'llli!l \'JD.GC claim

Page 17: 26 SE. 950 ACD/ · 26 SE. 950 Rapport: Van: KA-P.A. ACD/ 3 I' Aan: Hoofd B 1 ~~ No: E/775 Onderwerp: Quarterly Survey of Col:lmunism in Western Eu.rope. Van Sardine ontvingen wij

- 14 -

wa~c c~rncrs fro~ 1~,000 to 17,GOO frnncs o nonth .

This is p~rtly to bc c;;:~l~incd b~' thc fa ct that 19,000 frcncs

is in c.ny case too high but probubly more fully explt-.incd by

th6 reet tho.t the non-C om.'lllunist l"bour Or[;Cnisotions PO ·,nd

CGTC h::vc ccccptt;d the figurc of 17,500 r:~s : bes is for

nc2ot1otion in thc Puris region. Tho CGT b~r n cccpt1nfS the sum<::

figuro hns eroPtod en important condition for :joint nction.

It Sl-ems likoly that whcn thE: sunw1cr holidétys ~.re over nnd the

Tr".clC Union scctions have rccom.~~1cnccd normr.l c.ctivity tho CGT

will corn.'11cncc r.ction on this bvsis . Th~ ;ornito Confaderel

Uc. tionn.l d t. ln CGT is t o m8 et in Septomber ncxt r.ncl, ~: llowing

time for prcpnrr.tory Hork in thc scctions, it would nppcr. r rs

if r ction could not ocgL'1 until October or Hcvcl'lbcr . In Itc.l~

the dircctives of the ?CI are to the effect th~t "11 tr!'.de

union c ction must bcco:ne part of thc cgitr.tion for thc co-::.

ifL~bour Pl::-n11 • It is aà.rlitted by th.., PCI \lhich hc.s npprovcd

1t t :u. t t:.is pl::>.n has nothinf, to do \ïi th :Jocir lism but is

morc;:ly airwd nt bringing nbout naximum output nncl full omploymcnt .

It is Lhus o de vice for seouring wide support on tht:: la beur

front for thc CGIL . The CGIL is nlroady threatening strikes

this nutumn H lts dlsputc with th1... cmployt rs R bout thc r ight

of disrniss"l is not scttl~d. Thus i t would r.ppcr.r 8. s if -the

CGIL is ~lso prepcring for economie ~ction on u united front

br:.s is r.s soon "s it::: prcp::rr. tor; ''ork is co ncludcd.

B. The Pc~cc Canpciçn .

(1) :Uir~:..ctives

41. Over thc past four rtonths thc v1ork of the ''lest

:.uropoun Portics hL' s beGn n::rrowed aovm in n mannor unpc r.r:llcllcd

at any time sinoc the end of the socond world war , . to the

Con5ross of thc P~rtisnns of Pence launchcd vt Stockholn in

I1c.rch 1950 . Thû Prrtics havt been drivcn, flattcreà , c~joled

• •

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- 15 -

end chiddc-n in thl; internotienel prcsn , in S!)Ccches nnd

confol•cnccs in sel~son and out of' scason a l•mys to thc snme end .

.. ith n drc:-:dful rtonotony, rclic.ved only by occas ionnl outbursts

of frcnzy the Cominform journol äins tbclensons of Dtockholm I

into \thr:t must bc prcsumed to be thc still scnsitive cars of


the Party in evcry issue publisbed sincc 24 Harch.

42. It is claar that the Oovict Union, sponldng with the

vo.lco of tho VJor ld Congress of the Partison~ of Pence intended

the ntockholm Congress t o :tnit;lnte a oampa:tgn which was to be

in somo sonse of a ncw type . Tho Stockholm appea l contains

tho following possnge: -

43 . 11~/o address ourse lvos t o all socic l, re ligious groups

and v1orkors in culture 1 all honcst pooplc , who , irrespective

of thoir viuws conccrning the roosons for tho stra i ned

int~lnotional situation, are olormod beenuso of this and

scriously dcsirc to sec pet:.ceful rclations restored between

f tho puoplcs 11 •

• 4~. Joon IJ.FFITTE, Secrotary Genera l of thc Permanent

Committc.:c of tho World Congrosf,l of tho Portisans of Pen ce, i n

h;!.s ropo~~ t to tho Ct ockholm Congres s sa id ''lt is not a ques t ion

of irnposing such and s u ch an idoology '11ut of bringing our poi nts

of viow ond our methods to bear upon our ootrunen aim: PEJ.CE11 ,

He went on to say tbat the movement must not bo built upon the

mod~l of an organisation. It is ond must bo sernething much

viider . In this r e spect he was estonished to see that the

Lssociation for Peace constituted in J apan figurad as an

organisotion effiliated to the League for Domocracy, as if

thc peacc movement were of less account than the movem~nt for

libcrty • Nor must t h e peaoe movement ho thought of as an

. ~~ orgo.nisation for tho c 0- ord ination of existing demoerat i c

or ganisations as appear e d ·to be th~ case in Belgium. Lastl y

the poace movement must not be conceive d ns a simple addition

to oxisting organisations.

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- 16 -

45 . '.Jh::lt seems to be e:nvisc.gcd in this is thc stirring

up of ~ vnst emotionnl ster~ ~meng tho poeples of cll countries

c.g~inst thc !.to .ie i3o:!!b. The Ce!''linfor. Journ"'l !ro.15(75}

14 !.pril sr.:,.·s apc;ople w3o thinl: thut ne amount of sign"turcs

can ~vort wcr end proteet t~e pu~ccfu1 popu1~tion froM óestruction

by r.to ,ie b011bs arv profcunä.ly -1istrtk!:n.... Thcs(. r. iena turcs

\'1111 c..xprcss thc firm vli ll nnd dctc:rmin::-.tion of r.'lillions :>nd

millions of peoplc - worke:rs ,_per· sunts, into1loctu:üs ~nd ether

st:rc,ta of tllc popul ot ien - to dofend pcaco 11 • 11 ••• tho

Lnpor1'1lists f<.nr 'lost of all thc will of tllc poop1cs, tho

direct nnd open netion of the n~sscs ago.inst thc wnr p:ropt'rc.tions".

46. Tho secend of tbc n~uvo quotntlens ~.;spcc1n11:r tt~e

ph!'!'.St:; 11 tho direct and epen action of the m'\sscs 11 she\iS th~t

hoYICVcr t'luch the :,ovict Union rx:-.y wish tho cnmpnit:.-n for

prchi'biticn of the atonie bomb to bc so:nething '1n<m11 it h~s net

c.bc.n..toncd thc o1d6r hope of 0ction 11 by thc pcoplc11 te i'1torfcre

physiccllly v11th the production nnd trRnsport of nrr1s . ':'he

sc.mc is suc of the Cominform Journa 1 s:::tys "Th is comp!".ign ( for

s i gnn turcs ) is c 1oscly linked wi th a 11 othor forms of the

strugglc fel" pence : expo.sing t ho ideologloo.l rroparC'.tion for

r. nuw war, strugg1c against unlondlng rmd t:rcmsportn tien of

U.G. v1;·r lnctcrinls , struggl(.. of thc worlcing pcople in the

HPrsh~llis~;;cl countries sgf:.inst povcrtr !'.nd uncm:?lo~"!ncnt 11 ,

(This conflicts \/ith the gencrn1 scnso of Lf.FFITTE ' s nddreEs

r. t ~tockho1m} .

4. 7 · Othcr contradictions between tho procccdings f.t

:Jtc..ckhol'"t nnd tho Cominform Jou:rnr.l co.n bc found in a bunCianee .

For uxampl0 , Ilyn EliREUBURG soid flt Stockholm: 11 ',/c do not

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- 17 -

::.oviot U:1iun ~no the suitc.bilit:- of thc . . us oi~· n ~cc1.::1 for ::ll

p o.rtisc.ns cf •;c,r trr te repr~_;zcnt cur lOVC.'lCnt, u:1ich u.YJ.itcs

men of different countri(..s , ::ls ~ r.1cve:ncnt <h.votcd te th~.; dcfcn.co

of thc ·:oviet Union11 • This sl!'.nd0r thc spl-C.lwr d~..e•·1vd it his

duty in the n"'Ptc of t':e ~cvh t de loer tien to dony . Thc

Cominfm."t:l Journol however seoms to have .Jl'lCCd 1 tsr--lf fir,uy

omong tho 11 p~l't.Lscns of Vlm' 11 by dt.clrrinc; on ~0 Junc rtrt is

imposaiblo to r::dvs:mcc the revolution{'ry ll'lOVC..!''lC.nt without

<..1efcnclint., tho U.0 .8 .R . , without pror1nting 1tn succc.s~ws ,

without uniting ull the dcdccratic, pence loving farces r.round

thc !..Jovict union'1, Fim-.lly, CiS if te ncc~tivc CVC2' 7;'i;hing snid

at 3tocl[holm und clsc~hcre fibcut r:ll~ing C~tholics,

Prc.,tcstants, even industri ... lists, in def~..ncc. of p~.-~ct. thc.

Cor.l.'nunists nrc remi~'lö.ed b;; thc Journal on 7 !.pril thnt ato

bclittlc Soclclist iC:.c.olcGJ in ::..ny vtny , to devictc fro:'l it in

tho slightcst oe::gree ~1er.ns strcn~5thon1ne; bourt;;cois idcology

11 which is of course the idcclvgy of coc.rcion, opprczsion nnd

oxplo1tation11 •

48. Thore is not the sliehtest cvid~'nco in tho Co!llinform

J ournnl thnt thc. Vfls t cmotional cr!l'lpnlsn among '111 pcople of

good will for tho prohibit ion of tho uto!"lic weupon is to ~e

r.llO\tCd to nffcct the profes si on~ 1 co he. s ion end lcyal t:r of thc

Ccnr~U!1ists. 'l":c~ are to roc~in cool hooc.1s !? 1d not thc~1~elves

to shift their grounä by so :-1uch ao o hnirsbrcaclth .

(~i) .. ction


( r') GenoPa l

49 . From the mor:tent of thc 1souc of thc ~Jtocl-.holm !.ppenl r:

thc loftd r;l'S of the POF began to orgnniso , w1th chnractc ristic

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- 10 -

thc Centrel Cor.t·littcc of' thc Pr,rt:T in /.pril, 1~~~· !And Jtmc .

Tho cntir..; scssion cf 4 Iicy wrs ti.cvotcd to thc question ::!ul in

pnrticulnr to c. rc~ort by 3ticnne FAJOH who st",tcd cr:tc[.c.riccll;

thnt t..:Vl,ryonc in the Party fror.1 thc; Ccntr~l Com 1itt~c to thc

rc.tott..st coll 1Ust bc i:!lbucd Vlith th'1 1clca thr.t tho c~J-:~:>11ie;n

tnko s :)ro ccclen~v over c verything c lsc, Thr ougl1ou t na J the

wcolrly co1 J'1tm1qut:.s of the Buren u Confutor~ l of ·t f10 CGT l't; puf: tod

thnt the colloetion of signo.turos wns in 'Lho forcfront of CGT

nct:Lvitil.s . In ~m ortiele in 11 8 orvir lr Prr.nco 11 for Juno

I~10llU.JUGC\!.U domonded that CC.JI' clclcge.tcs sr;rving on thc Go•nitcs

d 1I::ntrcpl"iS1'... ('1orks Councils) shoulû uso thc l"!;:ccpticn:-~1

o~)portunitics [!fforclcd by thc:::.r ?:>Osition to collcct 10 •.lillicn

sit;:natUl·cs for thc ..>tocl:holn :.~-penl cnu to instr.l :>c:>cc.

Cor.rnittecs in cvory cnter~:risc. .

50 . House te house canv['sSi:1G has b .... cn odeled to c~nvr;;ssL'1.8

in placcs of •.vorl.;., at :-Jccti."'lgs 'lna public fr ~tivals . C!lcrlr:s

TILLOH tolu tho Central Cor:rrnittee in Junc th~t th(.; house to

hous<1 canva~s was producing bcttc.r results thnn tho 11 pcacc vote 11

of Octobor• 1049. Thc loca l pc a co commi ttoe s nro nlso expo ct cd

to lead t ho " Part i sans of Pescc11 in effcc::t ivo o ct ion " of ter th.e

e:xa'l"lp1o of tht:. doekers, soamen and r ailwnynonll .

51 . It is intoresting to notie~ thnt in clircctlvcs to

!':lilitants of ~11 l:ind.s t~crc is no clg-n of n 11 ton{3uc-1n - thc -

chcek11 cttltuck towards thc danEer of w~r . It \Ins b:r c:::lling

attention to thc dctorior~ting intc.rnationr.l situ~tion t:1o.t

Cl.':., :-ov;. sought to o.ns ucr (~unenitc 14- lJ !.pril) the ~uc.stion

widcly askcd in thc Part~ n;:hy are, \'IC pursulng this long­

f'l,nJ.lior lin ... c.nd hovJ are v;e to interest our fricnds in the !"lere

rGpctition of somothing we have dono bcforc? 11 Tho Pnrty

lenclcrship is not apparently nvorsL. to nllowlng its own milit~nts


to bo affoct0d to so!ne extent at l east by tho gonora l ntmosphere \".

af anxiety wluch tho Party is endeaveuring to c •oate: nmong thc

pcoplc r! t lcrcc.

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- 19 -

h? ~~ · It is pcssiblc. th?t t cluc to O!'t~o; of thc purposes

whlch thc l~st of si:::;n~tturcs ~:ill bc :nc.dc to :;c.rv~ i~ contr.~L"lcd

in thc t:(,xt of c.n open letter fro!':1 t~1c Cr...nsell1Iation:1l èt,..s

Cc ih"".ttc.nts de 1~ Pnbc ~ê.0.r::.sscèi. to t.lcmbcrs of Pnrli~.nt;nt ~

.;o.) . "~> us Cl'OJlms lc.; r.1o'1cnt V!~nu pour notro p'l;'S de

tout; 11cttrr: <.;n C~t>Uvrc pour qu<: lc.s Unticns Unies c..locidcnt l a

.54 . '11\in oueso s t s t hD. t t hc l is'Lo cu.·e t o bu vroscntcd in

cc llc r.: t. o c..l •

{b)Dlrcct ~ction

Pn-·t~r <lll•octh-cs ~~we; it pcrfcctl:' clear that althcugh

th .... co11pni )1 for signc.tm·cs 'ïns t·o be dll•cct\.d against oll

!"'trnt~~ of soci, ty it wc.s to rt:.inforcc , rnd uot to rcpl2ce ,

c.drcct 'lcticn '.,:r.ii1St t:1c :::.n:;-ortaticn , ,!:.~1Ui'".ctUI•c ~nd

ûlstrJbutiou of '.'.'t:r .Y.t~ric. l. PI JOl!, in t i\.. report alrcady • quotcd, s: iel thnt thc crcr..t i on of pc.ccc con •. litteos woul d crcnt e

"' !~ cln1r.tr.: of' su liuar ity for the nct l onn of thc do ctors e tc .

. '

Tflül ':ll nnö. t.l~t "L crla l a idwas to bo g lv cn t o t he cJ ocl<:ors , s e Dmen

ontl :r· nihiPy n~.n i n "Lhe ir concret E; o otiuns .

GG . rt might h<-:. ve been svpposod thnt thc initiro tion of

tho '1;·o· d cm"lpnit,n for t h e pr chibitior. of thc atomie \'ICepon

dosl:,n•.c.1 to r.ppcc.l to <1l l c lasses woulel have b\,~n at leest

\.1bU.cl·- se;n"lr"".tEd fron thc direct uction cartpaiGn :'.gainst

::.~:hoV \,; ü!)Or' tic!.'ls . This !lo~;evcr lLs not ~rot CO!.'lO to pess .

.. hr te ver· prcp~.rn ti ons mny h'l ve ho C!.'l mDde for sp<Jcir.lis t sa bot ;; ge

( 'nu "' JmcJ,, of none ) no f!ttcmpt \/Cs rrtrde l n /~pril nnd Hr ;- to

c~tconl nets of sDbot~gc b y mas s a c t i on . 11 Hacs sr> botugc11

:ln thu nnmo of pon oe took pla cc on sa v e r ul oc ca s ion s i n !,:)ri l

rmc1 1.!l:· ~ucll :1 s t ha t a t Nnnt e 8 on J.l f1ay who n ('. pnrt ~,. of 8 i.x

r• ~~!;t1 Llcd r. tiluni t i ons tra i n dc l r..yccl by s ic;n~ ls und did s uffi c ient

dn we;o to hclc:i up thc t roin f or sm:1o hourc or th::tt r.t l1icc nh.sn

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- 80 -

a 11 co,11"ntlo11 of 250 st.cel \ïorkcrs ~.nà rnll\'Jay employees tried

.·top tl c <lcn3rture of aviction stcrcs fr·or:1 ::. rc.il·.·c,y stc.tion .

Thc chcrccter of thv P::rt:;- 1 s sa bet:- ge re .. ,~ in'=.d thc so.r.te r s

It is truo th~t duri.ng Ju..11c

t ö!'C Cl''C no sl.gnific~'lnt cx::np:!.cs of ''D~ss s~botr.gon but en

thc <Jthor hc.nd u)Krc \'JE:s much discussion in thc P .... rty press

of thc princir>lcs un<lorlying such actions .

vlolont clnnhcs bctvicen pol icc ancl domons ~ra tors which took

plcwt: nL '3rcst on 5 l•rJril I.nd.rc m.RTY concludocl tht~t "La c l o.ssc

' ' ' onvPHl'C en mnintcnr.nt son unite, n ft:it ln prcuvc de sa

.r.c.turlt~ , ou coura à.c ces évcnèmcnts s~nglcnts 11 • Therc is

Î>"l. •.11 thi::; no suügestion of !i. G~ncr•!4l chr:ngc in the: chnractcr

of tho Pt.l:·ty's -:ctivities.

57 . In onc rcspoçct ~owevcr tho scene hns chnngcd so!:lC>7ha.t .

vinco thc ntrike at thc liTC~:-.Lnr \:orl~s cndcd (['t thc !Jcginni ng

of n :) there: hes b(,(.n E. compr-retiv~.- lull in strike c:ction .

l.nc.ll•o LtnE}l'' \'.Jriting in 11 L8 Vic Ouvr1cro" no . 292 ( C-12 !.pri l

l:J:;O) runf1'irm~.,;c.l thnt the batt le for tho 3,000 francs is

il.wopnl~C'blo f:r'<..'Y(l the s trugf l c f or pence but 1 t is signi fi ca nt

1 n vicH "f ·•11 thn.t h~~s boen sn iel ond wri tten r~ bout thc vice

of 11 ' .conomisr:l11 thnt during thc pericel 1m<lcr rcvicv1 little

effort h:..s been :1o.dc to usc the str il{c for ourcly poli tic& 1 (,nds .

?~1 .... ;~pcri~ncc of Pebrur.r~, ~~arc:1 r.nd !.pril \l~s 1.1 discournging

onc J l'O 'l thc ;>•.rty poi:;.t of v:!.C\ï. ::orcovcr thc rc - crgnnisat i o_1

U'lC. Cl' ucu:tc. ï:.Cv::DR of thc P"rty 1 s pel i ticcl r.tachino in

th .... 1'cctcrlcs in net ;:-e:t conplctc .

BB . li'Ol' thc past four months th~ ()!'en ter port of tho

?CP r1::tchinc hos been cornmittod to tho groot mc.sn action for

Therc is no s i gn t llc.t tho invosion of Koren

producc.cl cmy change in thc charncter of tha t n ct ion nn d it is

difficult to sec how rny f ar rcaching cddttions ( such as gener a l

prcpcl'tttions for ur:nc<l insurrcction) cou1u hnvo been mnclc to

tho tnsl~s of [,n ort;cnh:o.tion nlrcnd;.r so fu1ly extended .

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- 21 -


( l") Gcncrr..1

59 . 'l'h~ Central Cor:'è-:1ittcc of thc PCI net fror:1 12- 1~

!.pril :::..nd dircctGC: thet the ?E'rty ..:1unt d evote thc rnr.jo::- pcrt

of its cffort to the pecce ccmpnign. 111 • Unli.~ 11 of 2:3 i.pril

ond 3 aml 5 Uny eerried r.rticlcs c.-ntitlod '1i.ftr..r thc Com'lU!1ist

Pt..rty Contrc. l Com:11itt'co Hceting 11 which cnjcincd the.t tho

strugg1e for pcnco must pass from thc plwsc of rttere propngnnda

to thnt of musn orgenisation nnd polltical actlon . By rnid

I1oy tho c':lmpnign for signaturc.s to thc Stockholm. /.ppcnl VTS\S

~1 full swing . Thc whole P&rty ~3chinc ~nel cvory rv~ilabla

muss orgnnisr.tion Vl!:s cor.1!llitt--d to it . 11 I. 1U,1itn 11 cl::tily

publinhcd strtistics c:: signaturcs collc cteC. ~nd on lG Jul:­

c.nncunccd thc t thc total had c;~cccéicd tho 10 :-tillion ~1~rk .

15,000 Pcacc Cc~iittees n::.ro sc.iel to bc in cxlstcncc . 3ig

poster oo tt lcn rngcd on thc ua lls of tovms and vil~ ges .

• GO . Hov1 seriously thc colloet ion of signnturcs h~s been

C tf'ken in Itely is shC.\'m by thc following cxtrnct from a spee ch

by r. Pcdcr~tion Secrotary to thc lcr1dors of o PCI city

organ:tsntjon on 19 July:

61 . 11 I cnnnot allow you to rctl'!a in indifferent towvrds

this campnit:;n for signnturcs. '.'iith wr.r ~t our gotc.s, I an

..... xtrc~1Cly worried 2bout the fnct thc.t you c.rc not ~\7E':::'C of

yow~ l'CSpons i!Jili tics ~t thin gr~vc l:tOr'tOnt, r.nd I consiè:cr

:rou all thorout;hly irrcs?onsible nnv !Jcrcft of ~11 conscicnce

if you do not rcclisc that our wholc future dcpcnàs on

~ucccss in C"llc.ct.J.ng these si...:noturcs I !3y mor~n3 of these

signoturcs you will mobilisc th<- lrrg<~st str:.tum cf thc

po,pulation te our cnusc, end, tomorrow, in thc ovcnt of an

J cm0rgoncy you will be oble to count on these l!IC:sseD. 11

1 62 . /1n official of thc samc city organlsntion revculcd

in convE,rsot ion that he be licvcd the catnpf' ign for s ic;natures

to bc in thc noture cf o census of all pcr:Jons net in thc PCI

upon \'!hom thc. Pc.rty could ro ly on the CVt.;nt of \"lor .

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- 22 -

63 . The effect of the invasion of S. Koren upon Party

o.etivit:• \:r.s negligible. TOG!:..IJ.T'!'I even ollo·.<cd himself the

luxury of n little è.eviE..tion b7 'ïriting in 1 1 Un1to on 2 Julj-

a t..loomy ortiele in \ïhich oeeurreà the woràs aaere tllen is the

third ,iorld •;1ar in eet ion •..• 11 /.purt ho\Jcver fron demands

for even greater efforts in the collect1on of signatu~es the

PCI did nüt reoct noticeably to the Koraan crisis.

(b) Uirect Let ion

64 . It \/OS remarked in Revievl Uo . ? tllot thc PCI seems

to have mode nuch less use in recent nonths of the Cor.l'"lunist

do:·'linated CGIL as a political instrur.1ent in tho poaee

offensive than the ?CP has maäe of the CGT . 'l'he divaree

between economie r..nd political effort eppears to have become

even !nore m• rked recent ly . Por the tine being the CGI:L

appee.rs to have ~;one off on its ovm in pursult of a united

front on thc basis of its Labour Plan. By tho outu~1 it will

no doubt be oncc nore pul ling even v;ith thc PCI, but for the

time being at least it would not seem to be putt:lng lts full

weish'L into the peaee campaign.

65 . Thore is at all events no news of 11 t"'lass sabotage"

against armomemts on the sane scale as in lt'ronce. Indecd the

Unito. artieles say that the methods e.nd fortllS of rcs1stance

to reerudesccnt rascism must be such as to enlr.rge and not

torestriet thG progressive front. Party militcnts are

wnrnr..a to avoid violencc , sincc this is tbc flxcuse t'1at the

Govornmc.nt \'ID.nts for a ca:mpa ign of reprcss ion . There were

cur ious ·wc.rnings 11 in 1'L ' Uni ta 11 on l:.J Jtmc and 12 July ngn inst

mystcrious eirculsrs and peroons cireulcting in vcrious regions

of ItElly urging ospionnge, violonco and thc format 1.on of

''nction squads 11 • This, se.id thc pnpor, munt bo thc work of

pollee provocateurs or agents of n forei~l power.

• I

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• t

- 23 -

· ··~s tcrn Gcrmnny

6G . 1Jur1n..; the .last t!:lre ... :nonths ·.~est Gcrin:.n Com·rJUnists

huvv been ndjurod ugain end C(!:in , with unmistal=nblc <:wphasis,

to givo first priority to thc pcacc co::npcign . Thc Draft

nesolut lon 11 conccrning the present IJ 1 tunt ion nnd thc future

tosles of thc Purty11 , submittcd to the CBD Congrcss at Ber1in

011 :>j J1..lly, <.lon1t in lts first chnytor with thc importance

(and J•clnLivo fni1urc hithcrto) of tho poccc movoment .

J:r:;cr~ ' s speech on thc first day of thc Congrcss (20 July)

put t:hc pc,cce .noVClO.lOnt f irst a:-'lcng tho tbr cc mo in issues

(bvforc ' t:l() ll:~tiona 1 F!'ont nnd tnc strcngthcninG of the DDR).

Th(.. c.;.: pulsion of HGr::lcnn !lJDI:iG from thc I:PD ~iestcrn Zones

Gûcr<.t'"d:ict (thouëh not from ether posts or from thc pcrty)

V! .f. r.·mouncod ;;ithout \-JUrning at tbc Congrcs!l and c.ttributed,

cmong otllcr ree :::ons , te il tis den in 1 of thc poss ibili ty of

ort~nnis lns n pct.: cc movement v1i th1n thc \ïc st Gcrnan TU' s."

mcnu.~m got off' \Jith a caution, oftcr vcry strong criticism

of tho short ~omlngs of the KPD by PIECK, GROTEWOIIT.J Hnd J~CKEHMAHN;

un<.l tho f ll~st point made in GROTE•.:onr.' s cr1t1cism (on 21 Ju1y)

w~~ s tha t ''in '.ïestcrn Oermnny thc pence movement had not yc t

G~-:Lncci thc:. ncces s~r:r impctusi' .

37 . Thct thi::. <.:.:tphssis <.m tho pence cnMpoign vms not

1ntc..nur-.d solc1:.- for :)ublic consura)tion i!l corroborcted by

c. rc.tHn·t on lnt ... rnr.1 I~P::) discussicnn in Bremen rc1ating to

t'lc tlut~j of dock-\:orkcrs to rc..fu:1e to h~nd1c \rc.r "'1D. t0r1a1s

in · .. •r.st Û'.r: 11tlll ports. "'::i1ly I~t:IG"E (1st choirwm of the

A1•bcl t;s,;cbictsleitung of tho KPD in nrc·.1cn) is therc rcported

!-.s n::::ring thct nthc fig:1t for pence woulel havo to tal{e

Page 27: 26 SE. 950 ACD/ · 26 SE. 950 Rapport: Van: KA-P.A. ACD/ 3 I' Aan: Hoofd B 1 ~~ No: E/775 Onderwerp: Quarterly Survey of Col:lmunism in Western Eu.rope. Van Sardine ontvingen wij

!Itn•bour · :orkcra, Gc:::.:.'lcn end Inl~nd · .. :::. tcr1non ht.: ld in BrDnt::n,

c ~ . join tl - H_ th ::: Per. er- Con~-:l"f. nce, on S/9 Jul~- . !,t thc

!ic rbour ,orkers Confcr.:::ncc no lcss than at thc Pc:::cc Conference

strictl:r 3o-cnllcd, tl1t; ;?rincip!.1l ::-.nd o lmest thc only thc:1c ;,·ias

t 1c.. !Jt. DC: een)~ iQ1; nnd tho outcor.1t \'/U.:> firstl:,' tho ::.loet ion

oi' ~t IIorbour \lorl~crsl Pcrcç Cor.n:Jittcc, scconcll~· o rc·solution

nup 1 orti,1g thc Stocldlolr'! ~ppoc.l , thircJly f' cnll to sll harbeur

v1orlroro tt> 11 :r' c.i'uso to unloncl or transport ·nar mot"..:riols 11 nncl

t.;o form Ponec Cotitnlttcos to worl{ in conjunction Yrith thc.t at

:3:r ... . !Otl. i. o11ail::1r r·ssuci8.tion of tho strug,.,le for pcAce , as

first pr10J.'it~·, \'lith thc cluty of rcfusint to ht:ndlc wnr matcrials

ond t:1c crv t io:1 of close rel~ tions h( t\/c c; n doekers 1:.1 diffE:.rcnt

ports for th~ r..mr:)osc, is found in tht.: 11 joint dccloration of

t!1.., CGT ond the FiJGB for the dcfcncc of pcacc 11 , issucc1 ~ftt..r

t',t. 17l;h mcc.;ti.lG cf tbc F~GB :::::xucutlvc in Borlin on 16 Juno.

Thc i'J'J cdmittod that it had :.IUCh to lcnrn fro1:1 thc CGT in

In co·~l2)Srison with t!1is cvidontl~1' [ll1:~1ous

Clp:H .. sis on thc pcE.cc r:1CVG!ncnt, thc ctnnpoign of thc Hr.ticnel

rront, l:llou[)1 b~· no ;:10ans ncgloctccl, hns boel to tnko socond p l s.cc.

I l, llr.r; hncm docisivcly scpnrntcd from th0 pc8cc c'1mpuign in

publlc uttcr!:mccs, thc tVlo being prosentod os complcmentary

hu~ distlnct , ~1nd ene of th0 weakl1t;caos of ' Jcst C!orm~n

-..;~,. :tr~unism _ros bucn nttributcd te c.n inpclitic confusion between

t .. c •• 0 .

(o) Direct J.ction

GO. The ofi oets o1 thc s"harp rcninclcr c<J.ministcrcd to

th~...; J.• D, thot t'1c pot: cc ~ovencnt is to bc trcatcd Vlith the

tl ~.nost scriousncss, h~we alreE:dy bocome ~ppc.rent. Tbc

colleetien of si311aturos, accord:tng to Communist propagundn ,

bue;nn te ohow "narl:od i:nprovement, clcspitG 11 officiol pr,rsecution11

in l.'iliS Ll- :r•n Qc;;rmnnv. !.risee llane ous pro[Srcss reports werc put

out \Jl th thc usu~l cnthuslnsm and VU GUCnOsl'l . noscow Radio

otLributod thc improvomc;nt to Hthc ogcrcssion of thc USimpcrinlists

' •

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, 1 J

- 2G -

ogninst thc Korcnn pcoplc 11 , \ïhieh sc c •·1s to bc thr.. only

SUB estion thr.t the Kcrcan outbr " k offcctcü thc zc cvents.

It is obvicusl"J- inpossible to be sure v:hcthcr thc ~ llcgcd

ir.lprovct:'lcnt is rcul in t.!.:is ·respect but opart fro:-:t thc collcction

of si{!nnturos thcrc rwrc verifiablE- s1{!11s of n stronc;or, thcugh

111-conductcu, drive towcrds direct action to frustrnto the

111'.nglo -Amt-r1co.n \'TO.rmongcrs 11 • Direct:. action hns tnkon thü farm

of OVCJ''t lnflOS .::.ction.

GO . Although thero has been no s ln cl~c.nln{S, but rn thcr 8n

intuns:i.ficc.tion of thc cnr.tpnicn te colLet slcnnturcs for thc

Stockholm Hppc~l , . at thc sn:nc ti':'1c it br.ls bo1 n inerC'". singly

C!nphnsis• ... c1, .... sp cci::::.lly at the Sf:D Congrcss in Bcrli•1 , th~t

signature;s by thc::1selves are nat cnough. Thc part ie ulnr t:;-pe

of .,~ss r.etion \'thieh :1ns been !:lost ur{Scd and, to ::::. lcss cxtcnt ,

prn etiscd i~ thc strike and spccificr.ll:r thc refu::;nl to handle

western war n~terinl . L widc intcr~rçtotion hes bcrn giv~n to

tho phrnsc 11 wnr matcrinl 11 , nnd doek workers in Bremen \Vore

privutely instructod, when in doubt, to brool<: opon cnses to find

out oxnctly what was being handled . ~ strike of tho kind

roquirod took plaee a t Hamburg on 8 J,ueust, whon l1 gt•oup of

dockors, who wcre believed to be unde:r Com"'lunlst lcr.dership ,

rcfuscd to unloc.a tv10 British aa.,uni tion ships, ostensibly

bccc.usc thc port r uthorities had rcjfJetcd thcir denend for dc.nger

uoncy . Thcrc ;·1r.s &n ab01•tivc plan by youths of thc ~DJ to

se :lotngc tre: ins ec.rrying uar !:1~ tcri!!ls from nrcmcrhcvcn in

Juno . Thcy wcre prev6nted b:~ the Porty from c~rrying out the

a ttempt, on thc srounds thnt it wo s inco~l;.,ctont l~r orgnnised and

had b~en discovcred.

70. t.l.'hc story of the FDJ youths 1 o. bort ivc plot is pcrhaps

typicol of Communist eff'orts a t dirnet u ct ion nt the moment ;

REIIM,Nll' s efforts to do better seem to have bt.cn concentratod .. _ verz lnrgely on thc FD..[. I-ie called on tbc PDJ to udopt a more

militant attitude, to 11 er;1ergc into tho open and let thl"~selvcs

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- 2G -

bc s cc.:n c v~r:rahcrt; in tht.ir blut- shirts 11, to à c·10nr.tr::.to -:nel

st~rt dlscusnion r;roups ~nel su on . Thc rr:..sult hes been ~n

c.ttct'lpt to e:xp~nd t:1e FDJ org~.nis~.tion !!nd tho cstcblish:n-:nt

of Land Cor:unittoç_s of 11 Young .r'iéhters for Po~ cc 11 • It is the

intention to set up Conmittce:s of thc letter or(Sn:1isntion in

schools , univcrsitios nncl fa.ctorics . On thc cvidcnco nvc.il~ble

in tho last thrco t'lonths thc FDJ is not :rct n serieus t.1cnr.co ,

nnd tho I\PD ho.s & long way to go boforo i t cnn CJ."on t e such a

nonoco in cm~~ quurter .

V. UO'l':S OU TITOI~:1 IH ·.;:-::STEHE -sm~op;, (!.PRIL - JULY 1950).

The Yugoslnv technique of orgonising syMp~thetic

publlcity , by encoura3ing vislts to Yu~oslrvia by individuals

am. parties .,:.1o nre likely to report frvourc.bl:- on conditions

thero, wr.s first e:':lployeà. in the ln.te su~ncr ond auttL-:m o:' 1949 .

During the qu::1rter under review there hns been l\ not i een ble

increose in the nU;"TTbers of such friendly vlsitors, although no

bit;. fish, co.1parable with Claude I30Uf,.lJJ.T or Jlr ZILLII.CUS,

have been landed . Italian ex-pnrtisnns 1 Yugoslav em1gres ,

veteruns of the Gpanish ei vil \lt:lr, Norweginn trade unionist~,

ond youth brigades from almest every ' .est r.uropenn country have

~)oen v1elco:ned in Belgrude . In Poris a Cor.1itc llf'tional


d ' Initia ti ve vw s formed on 9 .1. 50 1 wi th the object of organis ing

tlle despc.tch of youth brigr.des to Yusosl::lviu.. This bureau,

\ihich )roduces a journul 11 La 3ri{1n.de111 claims to be quite

independent of politieel pcrties 1 and stE.ites that its fQ~ds

are furnished b; subscriptlens c.nd the sale of 11!..!3. 3rigaàe11

f,t one of J.ts meetings it wes claimed that 2,000 ~roune; men,

many of them members of the PCF or the UJnF 1 would visit

Yugoslnv1.n during the summer. Its work han heen suppler.1ented

by an offer mr.de to Frenoh workers by tho :(ugoslav Trade Union

Feàorr, t ion of clleap holidays at Yugos lav contres .

72. Thore is no laok of peoplo w1111ng to tnke ndvantage

of the Yugoslnv invitation to ;'see for thcmsclves" at little

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' I

- 2? -

or .'l.o por~c.n"l c:x:pe!1se, vnd among them have cortDinly been a

nunbcl' 1.lf porty nûl.tb<:rs or c;~-me::1bcl'~. L pcrty of Itrlian ex-

pa!•tis ns attended the 1:c:- vl:? celcbr"'tions in Belgr'1de U.Ylè.cr

tho lE). der~hip of Cnrlo CtrüLO, El Conmuni~ t. who Y':.l s political

cc.J.tls!Jnl' of tllc 11 Itulia 11 ~ivision, and :rnrio i:OJL1/. !). Sectien

~~ .. crot: ry of thc PCI. In July nnothor {.\roup of rtalicns

vl.sj tGc.l Yu;oslcvia nnd its lco.der Dl vid DO.'Li1ICO, o. momber of

tho PCI oxocutlve in Viterbo prov inco, publicly ropudiatod the

policy of his party.

'7'(,. J. better gnu6c of the rffoct1vcne~w of Yugoslav

lJl'op:lgnndc n:.~y bc the rerctions of thc po.rty leaders in othcr

count1•ies . In It~ly 11':'itoism11 is recor;nised to h'"'vc consider~ble

influoncc amon13 the c.x -ue~~bers of thc ros1st::mce novament

orgt.n.i.sed in tho Ll:PI and althougil it ls not generall:'" a éi~nger

".long t:1o higher levels o:f provinciol party orgnn1sations wo

:m~.nv of ot lcéi :::t one federrtion uhcro rodicol purces hcvc :,een

oruc!','l1 .

7·1. Thc PCF loodership does not nppcar to bo in cny dnnger

of los ing ito control of n i 1mono1Hhic 11 p'lrt;,r, but it we.s compc l l ed

in Hay tLl ,)ut pressure on thc Pnrti 8ocic.liste Unitaire (PSU) to

CX.JOl cort;c..in mombers of i ts exccu~ ivo vtho hrd vis i tod Yugoslc.vin

~nel x·cportcd fc.vourably on t~c cx.pcrioncos . Tho PSU hos

'1·:~ yn boon rcg~rded ~s ::::. ;·Jill ing echo to the PCP r.nd thc chicf

of 40C'nc,or in this c~se , :vcs :CLiLC , ·::"s not only r. mc_,ber o=­

the POU o:.-.:cutivc out hsd al~o bcE:.n, until shortly bcfore t~e

i~ciöont , a r.K:mbcr of the Burcc.u Confeàcrc 1 cf thl,; CGT . :.nother

Irtdientton of continued vigi l oncc was on ortiele by C08TIOT

in '1Cohict•n du Cmru·mnismc il - subscquontly follovJcd by 11 I, ' Humanite " ··

:tn \ihich he rcferrcd to Ti toist net i vit ie s in a number of

depar t.moni.s and urgod upon thc party prcsG t;ho nood for a

mor·c :l.nt.ono:l.vo nnd less formnl hondling of thc Yuroslnv problcm.

75 . Thcrc is still no cvidcnce that the Yugoslnv

~ovornmc..nt \Jishos to foster en intcrno.tionc.l orgnnlst.tion_ of

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- 20 -

'l1 1toist t,roups, c.lthou.;h i!arsh~l TITO himsclf rccontly w dû ::.

spooch in ïthich he rccorn.mendcd "O forci3n comr.ltmiatfl, diss~ti~ficd t \~i th the ir los à ership nnd pol icy, th'l t they should form

indep~ndent r~o.rxist parties . Thc flrnt slight Sit:n of :.;uch

c pnrty may bc tho roeent c.nnouncemont by Felix no:·Tl-:!L ·.md

Jose de I3M'tRIO, fermer merobers of tho npt.nish C?, U,nt tho

Oocialist !.ction Contres which thoy \/Orc formin13 ware to ocrvo

as bases 11for tho Morxist party 'which thcy intcndod to net up 11 •

F1Urther worlc in thct direction is to bc postponcd unt..il t!"l.c

return of c. delegat ion which \'lill v1sit Yucoslnvia in :iep t omber .

7G. There h::\vc been stron0 indic:::ttions thc.t the Trotsk~ists

~re bcing temptod to h~tch thcmselvcs to Tito 1 s stnr . Thc

Central Committec of thc Pourth Intcrn~tionr.l held itn Oth

Plenum in Pt.ris nt thc end of !.pril and ndopted o rosolution

to the effect thc.t 11 there cxists in Yugosl~vir.. n ·,·:orl(ors 1 st!lte

llnd e. rcGimtJ of the dictctorship of the proleteriet in which '

thc Yugoslav communists G".re enc;r:.god in e strugglo witL burc~u- ~

crc>.tic <1eformatlons 11 • This rc.thor pntronising e.pproval of the

Yugosla v idoologicn 1 posture, is supp loment cd in 11 Ln Ver ite11 ,

tho orgr.n of the Frcnch Trotsl=yists, by much cnthuslost..ic

support of thc youth brigade ~ovcment . · ie h::tve a lso lt.'lrnt

thnt Trotskyists in ::heden h~ve been divided over the Yugoslav

issue, but thnt the r.nti -Tito group rtorc rebul:cd for thcir

ottituû.e by thc Fronch section . Thcrc is no cvldence thnt the

Yu:"oslcv CP hr.s rcspondod to these bl[.ndishmcnt:J from tl oir

prodecessors in opposition .

77. Dur ing tiay f,Ioshe ?IJ/.DE r.w.do r, br icf vis i t to P:Jris

ond "P,russcls , ond s Yu_oslav offlcinl in Pnris str.tcd that

his purpose wils to inspeet Yugos l r. v culturnl ortso.nisotions in

Franco nnd Be l gium . 'I'he De lgrt.do pro ss ma do no r•cferenco t o

the trip but it w'1s believed thero thnt its motivo wos a

priv~te onc , connQctcd with the stctc of his w1fc'9 honlth .

It is not likoly thn1; on so short o visit ?IJ .. D:C could lwve

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hnà tir.1c te cff0ct ~.r.y !!!::ï.jor chrnge in thc pollcy C~nd r.1cthods

of Yugoslüv !'11issio~s in .. cstcrn Europc . Ho is nt.:vcrthclcss

1 · 1inc:; t' .... cr0t:i.cïc.n of the :.:ugosl~v CP 3nd this cont~ct

uit;h thc ·.;ent (_:is first in fcur :rcrrs) may hnvc had a

Si.:tdf1 c~' l1CC th~\t 'ïS yct CSCC.j_)CS US ,