Portfolio Femke Fredrix

Post on 21-Jul-2016

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Femke Fredrix Student KASK Ghent Autonomous Design

Transcript of Portfolio Femke Fredrix

Femke FredrixAutonomous Design KASK Gent

We can not make It disappearStills/Photography/Print Design 2014-2015

We can not make It disappearVideo/Sound/Textile 2014-2015

Watch the video of We can not make It disappear on my tumblr or vimeo account


We can not make It disappear #2Sound installation activated by choreography of touch. Bubblewrap used as an instrument to com-municate.Performance/Sound Installation 2014-2015

An Inuit Suit For Modern UseWhen blankets get bored, wear this cozy suit. When houses get cold, it will give you warmth. Textile/ Knitting/Photography 2014-2015

A Tool To: #Connect Geometric pieces of textile used as a tool to connect. An unfamiliar way of interacting with our body towards others. Textile/Performance/Stills 2014-2015

A Tool To: #ReconstructGeometric pieces of textile used as a tool to recon-struct. The textile pieces are constantly transfor-ming, layering around the body in different ways. They stimulates the user to be creative, to design for himself. Textile/Interactive/Multi-Design 2014-2015

Recycle Doll Old shoes and textile pieces assemble in a second life. Who would be the person living in this costu-me? Where would this person live? What would she think?Textile/Performance/Photography 2013-2014

A Study Towards Movement #1Finding linesMovement/Interactive/Study 2012-2013
