Michele Andree

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Transcript of Michele Andree




SHEFQET AVDUSH EMINI was born in Davidovc, Kosovo but currently lives and works in

Holland. Having graduated from the Fine Art Academy in Prishtina, Kosovo, Shefqet has worked

as a lecturer but has always been occupied by his painting and sculpture. He now works as a

professional artist.

He describes his work as „figurative abstract expressionism‟ and incorporates a vibrant palette

and a-layering of colour. He uses oil on canvas to create his expressive pieces that blur

abstraction with figurative elements. “My works are often bold in their use of colour and


I can communicate better through visual art than through words…. I started painting as a little

child, from the moment I could hold a pencil in my hands. I started painting because I found

happiness in it.” says he.

Shefqet, welcome and thank you for participating in this project and sharing your thoughts and

talent with us by answering the following questions:

No. 1) What is art to and for you? (generally and personally)

Art gives meaning to my life. Without art the light stops shining.

No. 2) What inspires you?

Each big emotion (happines, anger, sadness) gives me power and the possibility to create

something great.

No. 3) When you are creating, painting, where does it take you, where does your mind

(spirit) travel?

When I paint I am not in this world, I create an my new world.

No. 4) Do you think visual art, music and health are related and if so, how?

Music and art feed our soul.

No. 5) How do you feel when you are painting?

Like I traveled a long road. Depends of my feeling ( happiness, anger or sadness). Eventually I

feel free and tired.

No. 6) Under what conditions do you do your best work?

Good health inspiration. I mean that I do my best work when my health is good and when I feel

inspired, indeed.

No. 7) Do you identify with your subject and if so, on what level?

I become one with the subject which I create.

No. 8) Does painting help you connect with your higher self?

Art helps me with everything.

No. 9) How do you feel about creativity in the public school systems?

In general I think that the school system related to art is good.

No. 10) What would you see as a simple solution to improve creativity in the public school


More freedom to express themselves and to fantasize.

Shefqet, thank you again for sharing with us. You are a man of a few words but whose words say

much to those who listen. Until our paths cross again, keep well and be blessed!


You are invited to visit Shefqet‟s links to see more of his art. Your comments are always

appreciated, thank you and enjoy!



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Filed in: ART • Friday, December 10th, 2010

Comments By Daniele Delers daniele delers on December 11th, 2010 at 4:57 pm

Très cher Shefqet votre peinture témoigne votre grande sensibilité. Je suis toujours touchée par

la beauté de vos toiles et particulièrement par vos portraits… Une inconditionnelle de votre Art,

Daniele Delers

By Cecelia Gay on December 16th, 2010 at 6:05 pm

Really enjoyed your article and viewing your art. You communicate well through both words and

art. The paintings are full of vibrant color and emotion that speaks directly to the viewer. Thank

you for sharing you work. Cecelia

Cecelia Gay´s last blog ..Journey to Life

By mini futures on September 29th, 2013 at 10:54 am

Hello to every body, it‟s my first pay a visit of this webpage; this blog carries awesome and truly

good stuff for visitors.

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Hello world! | Artist Shefqet Avdush mini

About My name is Michele Andree. I am an artist, I paint musicians in action. I think I‟m a musician at heart, my instrument being… a brush, so I play…brush and I paint… music.

I love jazz. I call it freedom music. It promotes special values. I love intelligent people and good conversations. Some people ask me how music relates to art. Personally I find they go hand in hand. Music is what turns me on to painting. It makes me see