Download - p = : - r T ± r _ TSffie Death Scorcboard TiTOB as« IM til a v tiie r .iw e - ^ At Soil M Better

Page 1: p = : - r T ± r _ TSffie Death Scorcboard TiTOB as« IM til a v tiie r .iw e - ^ At Soil M Better

S p = : - r T ± r _

T S ffie Death Scorcboard

Ti TOBas« IM til

a v t i i e r . i w e - ^

A t Soil M B etter 1

S ^ , 5 i S u » i L v r i t b J ; »con gcrvn tion p ra c t ic e s . ’* ! ^

“S w h l l T a i n n i l i n T - m t O T b ^ j?w "e D anner. S h o s h o n e , d ia - .

?ar in end to m»n-lnduced f l o o U Ui« « p ) « ln i c t top

"H: M l of t* o P«net ill*cu»-

1 a sc .”S ' = ”5l«l*l*toni in their

S iu o f t ^ on *•*delegitee were

n l ll?*SSiKrTiuM S.Mir tbifl «»er before, bu t th» t S S f U ^ l * need for * dd iti« iil fundijod etJlciency.

u S ^ n * * d L w e U to determine

ci dUtrlct budjcu nnd » uniform


'H ? « n i « l . however, thn t when ■Kch »teps « • Uken. *a •PfMP«?;* • lto mtut be nwde- 10 effect me entmeover in d roHnUln IU o p e « - Utm. He cited the cfue of Oolomdo.(here & tltnller piOBram .wai pul Isio *Heet wllh r e a l difficulty be- auM o: «ie ftllu ri tcm »ke money »Ttllible to h»ndle the ch»n«e.

Compwlns iKrleulture with Indus- Ur. Nelun noted th st both h tv e the urns p u ip o M f^ l^ I^ M P ltol^^lm.

mducUon.KhilB lnere»«ing.«nd lin ; _ ■ * (C*ntln*4 P in ». *) Dl

_T -------------^ ------- *■ , Dl*lNewest Front a , SUngs Coldiji “ Western -I

I By Tilt AuocUted PrM«Another cold front iwlrled acrou

lb» Intermountkln «re& Prlday, WntbK cloud« and inow-flurrlea. but forecuters predicted rUlng tem - A pcrtturei u the front movei e u t* aRCrVHTd. T*nplr

By eiriy Prldsy. loine light enow flurrie* h id fullen on p*rU of mjthem Idaho »nd they wera pre* m t l dieted to continue near the moun* d r Iv

Mereunr read lnp have been be- lo» nortnil In the area lor the paat c u r r ^S9-(UifcJnjl_ihou]d_l«ln_!fd8ing tin y . >*tk toward the high 40a a n d low a lo n M» by UU W diy .• Ua*taumj and mlnlmutna : r t 5 - w rttd during the 2« hours endeS “ tly m U y include: Pocatello. 3B ctOV •nd I I: Salmon. 3 i and 33 r Lewis* n c a i Ion. C and 33: Bolie. « and J#: tw o Idaho rwu. 34 and S; Ball Lak^Clly, 38 aad 31, and Twin P^U». « ^ and U with one-half Inch of mow.

Hungaiy Premier I Offering Reforms HV l ^ A . Nor. 18 (in - H unpiry’* daya,

Sovlet.sponsored Premier Janos K a- r „ dar reporttdly offered ultimate wlUi. ^ w a i - or Soviet trw ps from the country and formaUon of a coall- S : . Ion KOYemment In m.'eepln« new

M n^^lon , to antl-rwl Insurgenta

. « strtlte and In- *lr«cIn c i ^ until Tw lriiL^vJ.i.troepfl.aclualijt-«-*-w H h. i o r j

,„n.^“ ?i*J*"'*“ ‘IL ''“ >®«®''»nnient- E. O Xuawiftv— broodcoet k c Jhat Uie Ituajlans were r m ^ W e

revoluUon. I n ' a » P « ' *wech delivered Sunday and releas- eouri r t w icM ay . Tlio » |d the H u iU n s f T promised u, pull their treoM ^ t of

“ o r r a been 35 m — ________ on F


>»= s : : , ■" would be

for *"‘«P»t!«>n cerU fta ita .«n m ue amoununi to 19,083.000,00 ir

Ame*^ r i-n-M nnbera of tb

N T T iT wChina, U a i i o ^ r r ^ ? ^ WMlder th e ■ >«ove by debate on V

U M N « . 18 t» - A u t l


1 A Regional N

iges-D eleg; M eetings tc L an d to P<

nnd econom ist fo r th e F ir s t Socurit> 14 th n n nual Id n h o Association, of

ni;M_ g m c rN e lso n niulre.ssou a noon luncheon

rm e t-w ith -M riu -B c w c J tL -B a sil. P rai * * ■ * *

Reports at Con

~Del7i»le* lolffTMtHTimiDal'Idaha Am » D lslricU convention opened tb e lr Friday mi «an L e d o a Isall by Ustenlof to r tpo ria (ron ir icU . SpuklnK »b««a U WUllaa D. ro h rii w f eoU CoBaerraUBB dlitrtet. (Btaff, pho

Teenager Fi] Aut6‘Ghick

A M n lta iccn -ngcr. p lay ing “ chicl; a g e r T h u rsd a y , wrccked h ia automp! rc c k le s s d riv in ;: charge and lo.'it hia d ay s . H ill N cddo, 17, did S20J) dam aj in t h e " g a m e " nnd caused $75 dnmi d r iv e n b y B re n t U dy, 16, Mtiltn. Shet in v e s tig a te d , sa id th e ‘‘gam e’’ and c u r r c d in f ro n t o f th e M ajta h ig h sci dny . H e sa id N cddo, d riv ing ;—

falong th e ro ad , flaw 'U dy a p ; - p ro a c h in g f ro m th e opposite • d ire c tio n . L a y to n said N cddo b o c to w d e d U dy o f f th e road and n e a r ly i n t n r n i n n l before th e tw o v eh ic les c rashed . luuai

The aherlff aald Udy. lr>’lng to tweei avoid an accident, ikldded Into grour Netfdo’a car;- Noddo wM charged /le Ja with rccklcu drlvlns and Uken lo ■ Burley to 'appear before Probate Judge Kenry W. Tucker. Judge .Tucker asMued the $3S fine and I ^ aiispended the boy'a UcenM for 30 \_ < /v daya.

S tate Patrolman Mervln Snyder i Thursday cited Delmsr Decker, Bur- I ley. to appear before JusUce of the Peace Joe Weldon, Burley, on a eharge of running through a atop ilgn. Lo(

Wayne C, Dougiaa. l « -Quincy se rva aircet, was lined <10 and t3 eost* In b c r • ( Twin ra ils JuaUce court .Thursday nroce for.JaJJurt-lo_ol?ey.a.JloB_»l»n.-He was arreaUd by State Patrolman H. y!®*' •’ E. C arr aouthweat of the city... • tionsi

Komclla DeOlee, ,«0 Third etreel M «h. was lined jUJ-^d-W-co^ for £»)!«- ipctdlng, aUo in Twin Falls JusUce - court. He was charged by SUte Pa- V y . Irolman Jvf! J, Bay*; Jr, with drlvlnj ' 3S miles,per hour In a 3S-mlIe lone -rv on Fller>venue In Twin ftlU. U l

. The• — — I. I •’ Ftillt I

U, 8 , c og rt of appea ls 'tnm td down a by nel a decision which supported private 'had nt Jecl In tiella canyon. Attorneys for She I loo, w ho so u ih t lh* rehearing,.aald

- . - r — —treasury today offered to exehange a mortm (caw* bearfns 3H per cent in ltra l a m t t 1,00 maturing Dec. 1. Stfo)------ . relatlvior, tb e CommunleaUons Worker* of tha fluIke a u th o riia tlon agalnat Mountain _____'M onday!* e*asjrea T> - ^

16 (V»—The United NaUoM general - A n th e quuU on of aeatlng CommunUt Frank on th e quesUon for another year. A tldewiC

ina M enoa for fuU debate bn China’s , w ith n ic e abateallOM. . ‘

I u U o ea l farm erranUalloB otffela! The E zn T. Benson's anaooneement ef ^imiu

)ec. I! eom referendom oeatalns an ho,oit. -PattoBr-iiresldent oftfce-TNaOeaal 1 -will do well before they vote to <"* « 3a bomb laelBdMl In Uia allernaUre tendw ----------------------- fleaUoi

nal Newspaper Serving- ^

I, T \V l>

g a t e s l_ S a to P ass P osterity :urity corporation. Salt Lake t \ of Soil Conservation Dis- geucrnhon.througb. t l ic use • * ' , :hcon m eeting of male dele- ,. Prairie, president, and Mrs. * n iu rk j

lonvention '.plane A bu Sii coniini!lice fo t theinsneot

plane I.dlHOllttH

.Londor tnge coir F rench t th a t M o ed to rc p.ireiitlv n o r th ei'i U now ll

OfticlBL I ' a c t i o n ni k <)& Cl

(ontheU'l-' moi »rrh9-s rleacnhnl 7,c Cnlro.

snld Bril m and ERypt fc , T h e E to be wa.n Ecy m ler compeni

'' a ra ta n a a n d lar

......... compeni

> AaaociaUon o f . Boli; Cflnservatlan ' T 'Uyr momjfl* acsslon a t tho Awerl^........... i J• from oftlcera pf th a Tariou* dU- ro h rito an , chairm an e( tba P o r i. . &HOS ff, photo-«n*ta ili»*)... - «0 <>H c

T m M iM Mcken’ Game 3 ?■chicken” w ith a n o th e r te en - ‘ L tom obile, w as f in e d 525 on a Rev \t h is lic en se to d rive fo r 30 t h e if. iam agc to h is 3955 C hevro let Bond, £ dam age to a 1D47 C hevro let p^Ws** S h e riff L eP ag e L ay ton , w ho ,a nd Hub.«icquent m ishap oc- s . ,w a rr

fh school a t 2 :3 0 p .m .'T h u rs - the esse

• 1 VemoDenied _

BOISE..NOV. 18 W -^ ln t< Law workingB nforcem ent Commissioner Earle thenuelKoehler U>day reported UjbI 114 of a conmotorists h a d . been, denied re -’ BurlUls.iuance of driver lleensex be- t>oys artween Feb; IS and Nov. J5 on »ivea nsgrounds they were habitual tra f - to help/ie Jaw rtolator#. chUdrcn

* <C«B1

Cooperation B City and Far

(See Photo P a fa ThLocal cooperation and activities si

scrvance of national farm-city week s bcr of Commerce’s snlute to Mag procesfling and manufacturing, aasi.H tfon’.s land'anrf'strengthcning th e fai Lionahlp, farm ers and businessmen aponaorcd-fay th r nhnmhrr’n flgrieul Efllls Thursday night.' Dr. Donald \ - . , - 7 = 7 —---------------- ■:• for,th<

Woman-Found ?of?i_ _ „ sons IDead m HomeM ».' A snes Patterson, 183 U ncoln n a t io n

itrcet,*wa3-founddead-Prlday m om - Used.. ing In th e bathroom .of her home. H e ta

T h o -d ls c o T ^ w as made by Tw in fo r hlg: l^ lls police who hiad b « n noUtlcd tr ia l gtu jy nelKhbora- th a t Mrs. Pa ttc rw n be glveo w d n o t been seen for wveral days. ly.

She la believed to have died aeveral T h is , ' lays.aao. M rs. Pjittenwn lived a lo w a n d not ilnce Ujb deaUi of h e r husband In m ent. IW JrT h#-body was taken to W hite shou ld I n o r tu iry w here ' fuheral a rrange- s ta te d , Tjenta a re peadlnff. . . PW lUon

Bfforta a ro being made ta contact Soil a •elatlvea o n ' h e r husband's side o f problem » . -to lly .

""Han C o l l a p e s. A m an tenUUvely Identified a s d , ; ^ Prank Gonzales collapsed on .th e addreaa ddew flk a t 13J0 p. m,- Friday la rront o f th o J . 'c . Penney store, 302 e x te S oMain a re n u a aouth. m ore fa

The m a n was unconscious when togethei admlUed to Magic Valley Memorial ^ “ jei*hosplUl. C ity police answered Uie ' »11 for asslsUnce. A hosplul a t - j j e sUlendant aald m ere w & no IdenU- a l relatlUeatloQ p i p s a la tlia o a a s c lo u ie a .___<cmui

— ^ ~ ^ X V V \ t f 7 7 7 y


Sa b o tag e H W a te r~Si]

In S u ezLO.SDOX, N o v .-4 6 (U.R)— S a b o lp u r .i Pl*(y (ov . ^ h g lo -F r c n c h t r o o p s iii T o r t p o r iK l la iil l iy D g y p n iT A lc X A n r t r in h i

U h; iinc iisv cca.<^cfire in t h e M id d le e n t s canu- ;is U n i t e d N a t i o n s S e c rc lu i iin ik .io ld flow to h g y i i t l o r - t a l k t ^ b d i'l N a.s-fcr on t h e w o r s e n in g d ip lo i u ld s e t o f f a n o t h e r r o u n d o f w a r . 1a n e f ro m Naple.'^, I t a l y , t o ---------------tni S u w e ir n i r b a s e w i t h o n c n i in g c n l o f th e U . N .:e fo rc e s c i u p to s u p e r v i s e b m i m i m ic I tlg y p lian c u a .s c f i re . H e H b M ! sp e c ie d Uu; u n i t s t h e r e S H n •ic fly a n d llim i w e n f ^ n u y ' H p S | | a n c In C a iro a n il h i s c r i t i c a l |R S f l H H tfiii*«ions-w ilh-N n«BePi----------- B m h Pixinclon atalem cnts of th e . sabo- :e coincided wlUi nnnUier A nslo- a H n L ench nnnouncement m P o r t Said i t a Joint commnnd Is being form -

to reopen Uie Surr. cnnnl—np* reiiUv from boUi euO-v O nly U>e i r j a j n ^ r tir e iid of Uie~l(ll*mite"i<,itterway -u Q m Vl now In allied hnud.v jB lX a MDfriclal aourcr.i nald Ihe anbotage R k A A klon may be considered a vlolaUon R n i n p ihR ccAseflre acreem rnt. ' K j S SK foreign office spokmmnn aald I m h H e %nier level dropped rinngeroualy Lt morning a t Ilie Port Snld end rhff-Sn'eerwAter CAnn). u-hloli c a r-

a driilktne water to tlir a rid Suez hnl rone from the Nile r iver a t

Meanwhile. In fom ed aourcea here Id Brita in will reject Ru.vla'a de- tn d th a t compeavitlon be pa id to rypt for damage o i the Suer, canal.The Dritlnh alUtude waa believed be U iat the bto<‘K m t;o r th e 'c n n a l

>.' Ecypl'a own doing. Soviet P re - ler Nikolai Bulgnnin dem anded mpensaUon be paid b> E gypt In a >te sen t last night to E den. Sep- a t* note.1 also were aen t to P m nee uX larael. aaklns they alao pay mpensatlon to CcypL.

l u b L e a d e r s . B H

A r e J l o n o r e d _ H |

8HOSHONE Nov. M or« th a a 4ay a t (II 4>H club leaders are a ttendlnK the -------------u thcen tra l Idaho dU trlct 4 -H lead- i - f . .-gjtrain ing and recoimlUoti’m eeting H o l l

Hleh opened here PWday m om lng- 36 session will close a t D ie trich * rlday n igh t w ith a d inne r a n d pre- A |»< n tatJon of aw anlj to Jeadera who * ^ Id served five and 10 years.M arjorie Olllesple, Burley, Cawla un ty home dem onstraU on,agen t. -w in charg t of the m om lng ,ses- WASHI jn . The Invocation waa given by attorney i >• Rev. Ralph Lawrence; paato r of p^^er grt l e MethodUt church. Florence inierlor t ond, Shoshone, led the leade rs In propoilny 6dget to the American a n d 4-H P le a sa n t ' iffi. The siteA motion picture w u ahown by D. der river _W arren. leader, on ing. tough le easentlaU of Dem ocratic leader- pany, a eo lip. vate uUllI■Vernon Burllson. U niversity of p inw lor laho extension forester, w as Uie power con -inclpal speaker. Ke ta ld aduIU appllcaUo: DrUng In 4-H are n o t in te re su d In represenU icmselvei bu t In th e boyt a n d glrU yon tsso<

a community. ment, fonB uribon aald 4-H w ork m aket mlnlstraU >ys and glrU be tter cltU xns and the associ vea p a re n u and letflers a chance Momcni I he lp guide the charac ter of the InmaUon ilid ren / H e said the wide choice ed the a r

<c«ntJaiii4 »■ r« i» >■ c«i»»» »» possibility . <Ctnlln

Between 2Po| arm Urged• • ■'“ ' ” 1 , P r N o . "ics such as Twin Falls’ ob- privatJ eek and Agprom, th e Cham- permlailor Magic Valley agricultural ProbaU

assist in conserving th e na- le farmcr-businessman - rela- mcnard-B nen were told a t a banquet ecuuon. Ji fricultural-division in Twin bate jOdge aid Williams, adm inistrator >r,th®-U. S..floiLcoD3CCvntion themaelye irvice, "Washington, D. C., of prejudii )ld‘ approximiitely 150 per- The tw( )ns attending the banquet g * i~ ." la t local cooperation and pi,mt »ij adership in essential if the Mason, tttion’s land is to be prCperlysed.. ___________________ 2 ? ^ ^H e ta ld th a t aa more lan d ta uj(d rented byT highways, a irports a n d lndui----------------ia l sltAi. more consideratfon thould ! given to uUlUlng Uie to ll proper- J ^ 0 Q

T h is ,‘he skid, b a local probltm u l no t one for the federal govem- en t. ■The federal "liovcmmtnt lould be In a helping poalUon." he a ted , "and no t In a domlnaUng ^ S ^ T t ulUon." • C ha lm anBoll and w ater conservaUon Is a house n l oblem th a t ahould in te rest bolh «n^ i« la ne farm er a n d .th e businessman, he t h e EU(ld.^He urged aU^bualneaamcn to^o

Ished by Uie sol^M naemUoxTdU- lc(a. assoclaUorD r. William* U In Twin FalU to eat impaci Idreas the sta te aoll conservation Pfrtltlonsl invenUon. divided anL iter Spence. University o f rrfahb niatlon fn itenslonUt, Uild U»e gfW p Uiat If damage, ore farm ers and businessman got Aaplnall ge ther they wduld find th a t many J ‘temoon

the ir problems are s im ilar and followed b nch of’ Uie differences bctw «n Jw SecrcU le two group* ^ u Jd be eJJmJnaled. Uial he w H e s ta ted U iat Individual, peraon- posed mod relaUona can make or break an over*all p<

----- * N ir

: , N O V E M B E R IG. 1 9 5 r . - - '

H i t s A l S u p p i y l i ii z ^ Z o n epu r.i sU -iick a t t l i e w . i le r I ’o r t S a id iiit<l m in e s « c rc'l i r h n r h u r u i d a y tti Un-^TiiT--------------d d le E a s t . T h e s e d e v e lo p - W iih ;i-c lu ry C icn c ra l D a g H a m - m i.<sion, k t ^ l h - D r c a i d c n L - G o i n i i l lu i- in g (■ l ip lo m u tic t e n s io n s w h ic h th e lioai a r . H a n im a r .sk j 'o ld r n d e a e v e n t , j

Chamber Prcsidei

- S'

,' S a c k T i f f io i

w Q ® — -— ---- ---------

. , S w im cAifftfiot

miffnd SmIU). sn aaa fw of th e T « ln FalU • f C w w n tK e r m p m a hU-flrro-B-booth-f iter'.ymcM lBC ffrma ar* operaUng boot r a t th'* B*4io RwfleTW . <8U»f p b o t^ m

ells Canyon, _\rea Periled i By New Dam ^

ASHINOTON. NOV, 18 W J-A n B uhl, V mey and a wltneis for a public fm m n cr group reported yesterday th e rlor deparUnent la considering a n e r i i i JoDnff a-high federal dam a t th e m an , V isant Valley site on Snake riv er, j u s t sti tie site on the Idaho-O regoh b o r- H irh t, di river la on« of two currently be- sought 6y Pacific Pow erlcom - y, a companv' iormed by four p r l- ^ lo e ani uUllUes. The report o f federnl gun OU >a for th e site waa m ade a t a w en t ol er commission hearing on P N P ’a ^ llcaUona by Mrs. E velyn'Coopcr. threa m csenUna Uie NaUonal Hella C a n - J ^ '.h

assoclaUon. and Sam uel M o- " t, fo rm er DonncvUle pow er a d - Istrator econom ut tesUfylng for assoclaUon. car and I oment said the departm enfa rcc - aUon bureau had recently a ak - J’** h e arm y englneen to s tudy th e hospital Iblllty pf a f e d e r a l dam a l was repo: :Ctnllftt'.d M r i t . 1, c«l«i>a )) H is do<

---------------------------- : In the h

Police Officers’Trial Date Is SetJPZRT, Sor. 16—m ic e C hfef ^I W all a n d SU t« PaU olm an Roynas wtU go on tr ia l hero a t 11 w hen he . Nov. 37 on charjea of hunU ng T he fu! irivato culUvated land w ithou t floor of t l ls lo n . Ihen riccobate Judge TJieron W ard. J c - hltU ng I ;. WIU preside a l Uie tr ia l a n d m i lodsme County ProsecuUn* At to r n e y ________ard-seeley w JU h an d len K e 'p ro a ---------1 "ion. Judge Ooorge Rodford, p ro - T | judge fo r M laldoka-county-aod doka. couniy ProaecuUir S h e r - BOISE

Bellwood h a r e dlaquallfiediad«aJn .U jfl^B ljiU hB jraan^ rejudlce., i . . ja canyole two police efflcera w ere a r - nnrUi Id •d a ^ u t two weeka ago by „ e d wftf Iff T heo Johnson on a com - . 1 It aigned by Mra. Gw endolyn3n. ................ to aix Inetr o lm n Thom aa haa re ta ln e tf chalna wi R. C hurch, Burlby, aa h U a t - Ing U. 8

e ran d -C h lef W all-wm be re p re - Poorth-ocd by Henr7 Creaaon, R u p e rt, pasa. “

eclainalion Chai P a rtn e rsh ip

X T LAKE c r tY . Nov. Ifl O R - SeaU n Irman Asplnall, D.. Colo.; o f th e ence thai e lubcommlttee on Irrigation to ta y h< recUmatfon, chatfe'd today th a t modlflcat

EUenhower adm lnltU aU on’t th a t each nerahip power policy waa a po - in th e llg)II pay-off. • ., _______ atanrfa artoTd'tne'NaUomntecieaiauon partners^ :laUon (NRA) th e polley't s r e a t- tupply p :mpact "U no t partnerah ip b u t naUon. Itionahip," and contended Jt-ha* Tbnfghi led and splintered w estern rec la - annual N on interesU and caiiae'd' g re a t ~Asplnat age^ apeech tlplhall made hU ch arg ea 'ln a n the ^tpllr moon speech for the NRA w h ich ed-haa m wed by aome hours a s ta te m en t Uon’a pol ;ecrctai7 of the in te rio r S ea ton su it of ahe was not aware of any p ro - ‘n u t

i m odlflca tlom iretiange' in - th e cept-ltiel; ■all power policy of tb e ad m in - r i am c Uon. • ta ry jp ito

Nine-Irrigated Idaho Counties

«.( Au.ict n.i».u r_______________ r r t . . ..,1 f

L ^ r o n T ]

H e r e i n

B y L e ailh approximately 2 0 0 persons ut lion, cut the ribbop to open tlic fir ig fa ir Friday a t 1 p.m. a t the lliuli* hoTn'd of ilireclors loi' Uie 'tw in Fiil ll, also were on hand. The fcslivil

* * * * *

lent Prepares Agpr

S w fe h i- -----------

elJrCKeESe Ht o f c k u s t IH -tiHS - ■--r— -V-tBB

> ,fiovn jfh tt TkaM H \ H

'V -

-aiU p lan t of Bwlil and eam pany a o d prnri ,th -fer-ihe-rriday -a tta rab«n .op«R U > |.oU . boeUit Friday from j to S .p A -.a a rf f re n M ngraTink;). -.-'i - •

V in Falls Mai I n H u n t i n g i

I Twin Falls- man wan « K o t^ th< ll, when the shotgun hia hunting c( Tl an automobile was discharged i riff Wayne Hankins; w ho invcatigai 1, Willard D..BallRrd, 22, 536 Foui t stepped out of the c a r a n d was i I t door, when the accidont occurred.' ckman, 19,1410 Filer avenue cast, s> and was pulling his s h o t - ---------- -I out after him when i t T F k C It off. X i L f i J>e m en i tr e preparing to h u n t V ' n B miles WUt and four m U e a . . . l s ' K ‘ h of Flve'PolnU weslt. *ikckman told Uie deputy ahe'r- W 1 le helped. Qallnrd back In the \nd brought him to a Tw in Falla . or for treatment. Ballard th e n Twin P taken to Maglc Valley M emorial wlU parti iltal where, hU condlUon Friday lerence ae reported •'good." d a y annovt doctor said Ballard would b e m a n Schei he hosplUl a t leaat "a couple Sim lal ays,” been scheile deputy sheriff said Spackm an no t know wheUier the ham m er *"1“ ' “ “ ie l2-gauge ihotgun Waa cocked : vhether it was resting b n the S pin and h it against tom elhU jg **** ^ ” n he pulled U out of th e c ar, . le full fore, of the charge h i t lha : of U>e car, Uiq deputy said, a n d “ jT ir tJm I ricKheted, p a rt o f the p e lle u m u , , ng Ballard In the hip and th e * . g „ ’ jodg in t In Uie r igh t door. meeting,

people, wU d l l K e r l ^ H € Q • atak# M I /

>I6E, Nor. 16 M u-T he-Idaho «ay departm ent today w am ed!UnE .rooka P r i P O anyone and cuta and reported •*. l » v C i h highways were cov- _ J y j g

le north Idaho counUet had one x<Oa AV X Inches of new snow 'today a n d prltfe of co na were reijulred on eara trave li Safeway U. 8 , .highway 10 Uirough Uje th law eck ; th 'O f-Juiy 'tanyon-and-L ookout forraa jor-l , " m to term i

lairman A sserts p P lan Is Ppliticsaton also tald a f s ^ a w t confer* by.CUl0*4.' th a t he would n o t go a o 'fa r 'a a f fe tl^ ,^ S (

ly he would no t recommend^ a one of;'th i iflcaUon In the'policy, aaaertln* H ei^lM k,' each project haa to be looked a t . AmlnaU ,e light of Uie parucu larc lrcum * a f f l m l u i :ciL.flt Uia.prolcrt, Hn iatrt-tfifl jddt.d£vcli tierahlp concept U needed to aaryconeet ly power ^ u lre m e n ts of th e

S g h t 8e*tort win addreaa tb e lal NRA banquet. .‘n iSoman tald la h is -prepared 5, U iat . he did o o t UUnfc tb a t •splintering"- which be contend- w r^ te d lro t3 U » e a d m ln Ia U » . t policy I s U iTunlntended r e - » w o i« th » ofVpM slble program." H t aald, U the result of the vexy eon- urtjanlzatic 1tself,“ -A*plnaU aald. w es t-c aH iam convinced, in fact. U iat th U idderaU on' l^ ln tc rlng v a a wall u i^era tood t e ro i ra mt

E ‘ EDI-]

I s O p e n

i G e r e i t t i

a d e r s o fIS u t tc m l in p . L y o n s a m i lh . i- lia irn i c f i r s t nn iiiia l A ir i- icu llu n il Pi-oce; lliulio R oud t’vim. M eniber.H o f t h e c I F iill.s C huniW l- or'CyW hlOl'CC. WlTl iliv lU cs w e r e o p e n e d 'b y C iia m b c i

* * * * S iu ilh . w1 -v m i t t c c s f(prom Booth

VB9HIHH2iV3ih o p e d th

u r g e dTlio dlsp

xy p rb m m i passing ou cresm . po{ are being e f a l l s m en by. slvlng Uiem euu-fi-ee en ter Fridi A like nu when the < day n t 10 a

ta ld lie tu rnou t ai would beet outatandlu lu ited- tha ever>'one. i be given

Ke said drawing Tivlnthe nonde

ValM lllP il [

. l o o o D n000 muali achoola 'co

prealdeot af Ibie local Cham - day moral t-o t-A * p n im ^ 8 em * -» Jto » lc - d ls t r lc t .h (re n .2 9 w l a . l j B . ^ n h e ]^

-----------------------------— - PHpUai

an SKot ■ S, P n a a y . .«

- j» . 1 ' V U ie n J jo 'j: Accident• : . . . . ^ . feeding a

I t h e h ip T h u r s d a y n e a r ing aerve. tg c o m p a n io n w a s p u ll in g ®fP*i cd n cc laenw iy . D epu ty S ’S S t ig a te d , s a id . th e w o u n d e d cafaa. F o u r th s t r e e t n o r th , h a d s c h o o l' fas s t a n d in g b y t h e o p e n m e r s d ^ r e d . 'H i s c o m p a n io n , L y n n f? a t , g o t.o u t o t th e d riv e r 's

achoola a

)S Session'' n t - a t *>*y o f I'l'

sFlannedfay uSSi... '. . . ;• , odiat chui

Stake in T. F. SSS.S?In P a llt LDS aUke membert SSpTlatak participate In ,quarte rly con- ifg e .o f ic ce aeaslona Saturday and S un . . . . . i . t mnouncea Stake Prealdent L)u o jc k Schcnk. Tiifi nrx la l leadehhlp mceUn«a have D „cticifia scheduled for 6:30 and 8 p. m. g S d ^ 'th S -day with P . L. Lawrence. Em- T h e cot aa to e featured guest speaker, ,

ndny conferences sessions will , , | . e . op. !ld a t 10 a: m. and 3 p. ra. and i n d th e i be highlighted by .m litionary _leaces related bf'm em bera re- - la y r ' - r released from varioui foraign . V I onary flelda of labor. Choral : will be fumUhcd by Uie Buhl ■g- ll lh nard choirs, p |«8 p . m. Sunday Uia concluding ^ * Ing, featuring mutic a n d - th e jgR O M

e. 'w ill be conducted by the / w •MIA. All Sunday teatlons are ^ i.Tij;l O T O - m M l a - ' - S S t !

---------------------------- T h e ' br

ices-for-Ck)f fee fiX.- [ncreased Again “JS'j9 ANOBLE3. Nov.' l« M V -the th e i of coffee U going up again. t h e eway .itorea raUed theU’ price pted Abra k 'e ckfr0m |IJ> 3 to tl.oeapound M ax Th a jorbrands. Aeompl#y-tpoke».term ed Uie hike lo n g delayed.” collected f

turea they

:s Ike’sica lP ay -O ffS iSot^ .w bo concept to- n igh t to er , j i j d Uiat thla tpim tering waa adrlaory. c f i 'th e major puipoaet o f Uie ..'i ■ —

-------. p ”InaU ealled on Uie NRA to re- r ll« DotlUon for unified basJn- W arm e levelnpment-without nnneteis ^ o r-M a d i oneem for pollUcal overtones, forecaat I motnlog je tilo o the conven- aodated eard a warning by CoL John L. -A nd tl 1, :aoUog aasutant chief of com m ent engU w (nforelT U w orka.Jhat j i a d ln t f J Ipal-aBd lBduitTW m e'oflM V . , -P reclp th e future, will take a much w ith ,re< ahare of. the W etfa water asioun ta

t th a n -in peat'yeara. . T em peraaald Uie protpect of fu rther n o r n ^ « n a tio n Of -Kreat-areas' o f Uie *ealla for th e most careful con- ® V £lkJ? U o n 'b y everyone, infintUp^ <PrcM ra a n d i r r i g a t e " — t "

- 'l

i j n S ^ M


= y I 'PRICE 6 CENTS . H i j

n e d W

r C i t y l llirmun of the city com- |J i ' j- •oce.sfling unil Mniuifiic- il'is ]- Ke city coinmisaiou nnd ; ,'-ii i ^^T lc trlB -H rin irth ft— iibcr I’rc.sidcnt Clifford ll- 1. M'lio tlmukcd nlj com- I CS for tlu! work they had • '! ' i'l'' It ed in presenting tho ■ -1;"/- l le then i n t r o d u c e d 'l i ' ; , s Smith; who snid ho I th e Agprom could be- ; '

i everyone’s support. ' ij;;'!'-displays are arranRed In fair

C » m rv i1 U n u 5 n jro fW flrm a —Z o u t free aamples. Pop. Icfr ‘ ' i '

popcorn, hotdogs and mUk . 2 l ‘ . u ing offered for a nickel. Twinm erchants nre partlclpaUng •' ii ’/Ing away coupons enUUlng (rrson fo one of Uio refre jh - - 'J •,-fi-ee.-Tlie_flrjt_15_pwols to j • Friday were given door prlzei.• number will receive prizeti ■ ' ‘iUie doors open for Uie tecond ! ji '10 a. m, SaUirday. ii i ';!

on Bastlan. general clislrman, |ie was "well pleased" with Uie ' ' ^ l | ^I t and predicted the Agprom i 'Jbecome Uie Chamber’s m ost ■ if;

ndlug event of the year; H a > U - th a t- U ie r e - a r a -p r l ie a - f o r -me, aa Uiere are 600 prises U» ;i4 -,en away Uirough drawing*. i ' S ;Mid persons may obUln their. ' lli -Ig Uckeu either a t tome 40 -E!; Palls suirea or a l booUia a t''

onderoo. , rP.'j

0 F l o c k - t o - ; h i £ i l l e y S c h o o l ; - ^ : i

llusic E v e n t s ; ’ IODINO, N ot, 16-M ore than! V- [ | nualo 'puplla from 38 h ig h i ({91 la 'c o n ttrg ed on ..O o o d ln « .T rli._ a M noralns for tha annual fou rtlt i :t_b l8 ll_«chooL niuslc_clln lc,’ 'K lffl u th e firat Ume th e d l a ic T a » ~ r # |» theld afO oodlng; - - -----------> U a « lU 8 p ^ .P rM a y a n d -8 a (- i l i U ' preparing for a oeoeert w hich B n lose Ui« cUnlc n to e d a r Qlght. [ f i n i dln lc . th lc h began a t 9 ,p , m .. i.f i t a y.-wUl rcceas aV 4-p ..-m .-and 8 H J M ' n ^ e d 'a g t l a a t 8 '-s. .m .' '8 |B

^ . ,. '.r . ■ V. I l l I. O m ar Pricke l i b t ebarge mig Uia 6 o o p u p llf .S o m ii« r » b ^ {«e rved. by women ol ih e X 0 8 : li i JapU at churches. oUiem a re be-s rv ed .a tth e ju n lo rh lg h a d io o t. ;*ome are eaUng In..Ooodlng \

loo l' s u p t Leigh IngenoD;’Sddlngton and Don Hall. 0 < ^ . . ; lohool mualo' teacher, ar« It}':e of Uie clinic. • i ;B hundred fifty puplla from id t <\3 a re meeting' lh ThV luriI6 r“ :' Khool cymnaalum for thatiand I I I I :. William BllllDssley, U o l r ^ | l |If Idaho, is in charge. ' > . ' 1 9 » choir clinic, wlUi SOO aupila I f l i l g part, is meeUng a t Ui» M eUil' ' i 111 church-under the dlreoUon o r • | ] |

t 'Edgley, Pocatello. The.cUnle- | 9 t t r a la meeUng In Uie band ( I t l a t Uia high school w ith IM ' - I H

s tak ing pa rt. Gene WUIer, Col- i I I I 3f Idaho, U director. Ke U be- i I I I laalsted by Onui Ten . BurlaXi ; IHI Sick SmlUi, Twin Palla. . - • . ; l [ |3 professional dance ’ band l i | | | icing In th e EpUcopal church '' | l |■ th e dlrecUon of Jim Baker. /' | l |9 concert SaUirday n igh t win | | | r e ' a ISO-plece band,, a 120- | l |

orchestra, a SOO-volce choir - IM th e prefeaalontl dance b a o ^ i l j l

oney Taken F r o m S c h o o l !WJME. Nov. l« -^erem e poUea ! nvesUgitUrig the lbo<l e t t t " r $500 from a walkln aafe- a t . i

lunlor high ic h o o l . 'm n d a y

: ' breaUn was ’’dUcorerM a t a .m . Prlday by George Saton .IT.--Entrance—t»—the-achool— L ng v a s gained by breaking a i in' In th e f u n u c e 'r w a . n lie to the office was forced open the money and chtcka taken Uie walkln safe. Police ChleL Abrama aald.e Thompton, school principal, noe t ^ Uie mongy -h ad been ' ted from puplU for tchool pie- they had had taken.

. MEETING SLATED 'SE, Nov, 16 iW -Repre»caUr- >f aU Idaho itttew ide wofflen*a • aaUons today were biTlled-^? ,[ a meeUng In-BoUe M onday - ' to eatebllth a lU U w oinen i'

ry . council on ciTU.defenai. ';

Warmer 'a rm er 'w ea ther la predicted.

a av received Friday t ta 'A a - • ited Presj. . - j / i n d th a t u Eocki newt to m e ,”. '' ncnted,..U io AP • reporter; , la i_ th l» j tp o r t:_ _ 'i. reclpltaU on n e a i t~ h o r « a b - ^ •

.recuiTtng- light thowera,* r-.if' anta to J « of an Inch. ii'-T perm turea-»t?raglng abo»«' - S • la l w lt& d tlu .tiien d e a r ly In - »d..Mi?imim>2a to 38. a M l- :. i l 1 la .'W -tiiM .- ■ - robaWy.v

Page 2: p = : - r T ± r _ TSffie Death Scorcboard TiTOB as« IM til a v tiie r .iw e - ^ At Soil M Better

^I^^GE-TW O ^

lijGooperation; - fs! Is Stressed at jlj FM-mDinner

1: ta .'M en(u7 .reI»5oM "*‘eoeU nolh- ' I; I f r s . b u l t r e equal to o r OTen mort

‘I I valuable U u a th e m erchindU e thi

■ Spence pointed ou l th a l today'i f tirm c M 'a re 'th re x p a n d e d rool4 ol

> t i e o rletnai aeltle r and tiie builnew- t-T innri Uie' p ro a u c to t tn e o n n n a lM tlr

^■ '[cnce becauM o f a 'd e m a ^ d for hlj r K'l: acrvlcea. Saleh provides (or. and de- ""'"•.^■penda-upon.-Uie o lher, he aaid. r ' ^ r - ' —m o -la rg B r-a -e a m tm m ltr - fro ir*

i- • the erenW r l i th e tendency to for- L « e t th is fac t. aald. T h a i U wh]

.1; I 'auch 'pro*i1uni~ft«T he‘'AinJrom~*nt r Y ■ oUier aoUvltie* th a t dn\w the farm- I ; > ec t a d . mulneuatan togeitur t n

1>’! in>P ort«n t,'he exp la ined . '■ in e te r r lH g la O TBmma n o tth e Y e a i : '! , K arry N oh, who w a a ^ o n o re d a t ui« : ; ! banquet, Spence aald th e B ruam at * p r o s ra n t . 'h a s prove<^ to be one 0

' ’ ' th e beal* educallpnal prosratnc )i :i:.! i t a te .* H e aald-m ore and mon j-'f f a n n e » ar« b e ^ n in f f to io7fWTfti 1:.. exam ples o ( Ihe aw ard winners.! 'i' “From a purely aeUiih stand-

'i 1; I point,” >ff-aUled, “theae improve< I pn cW ft mean money for both ihi i,- ' farmer and the bustneasman.”: : Jack F a rra r, chairm an o( thi f 1; I cham ber's asrlcuiCural commlttec i '■ : waa m aster of ceremonies far thi

[ - tended waa accompanied by a tues

V; Cantata Scheduled1 S H O mO N S . Nov. le —A Chrlsl-

m aa c an ta ta , **7110 Musio-of Ctirisl- >; ' ' m as." wm be p m e n te d under spon- £ , I aorshlp o f th e M ethodUt church C;' ‘ Mra. H aw anl •nm kenley. director V , ; fn v lte 8 ''im e re s t« rp « ria iw - to -jo tr

th e slnginc eroup.U ll - iR e h e a m ls for th e Ume beini f.-}. t n tKlttg hew a t 7:30 p. w. ot

\ v l Thuradaya and a t 3 p. m . on Sundayi n t th e M ethodUt churoh. Sectlona: rehearaala a re held a t 7 p . m . ot

y. Mondaya for women a ln sen and «i f p . m . Tuesdays for tho men.

: J Show Planned .I , . ' -OOODINO. Nov. 18 — OoodintI ’ m erc l»nU have se t Nov. 30 as theI 1 date fo r a - ta le n t show they wii:— : . a t the Schubert theater ^

T. A ."w ood will havo chtirse ol■ show. H e reports th a t wllh th«

i S cepU on of two numbers th e ahow . ' wiU be p u t on by students of hU

' musi c studio and wUI consist ol . ' ; H aw aiian numbers, accordion solos

band, num bers and comedy, acts.

I < HospitalsMagic Valley Memorial

r v a U n B -h o U M -tr -^ ta s io -V a lle jT T ^M porla l't iO B p lta l a re from i to •«

r, AOM RTCD_ . i M rs. H sw w d H ardm art M n . R o

^ B4Uay. 'R o y W hlttell. K in - O onw. Tbatma^Hoppe. W illiam B al

U r t . X-e* » 7 S s to * . Mra. Robert W ai lace , D r. L u the r • Thompson, M n

KeUey. I4rs. A lbert O. Beckei M rs. B ooald Johnson, Mrs. Rober JU c b a r t a n d H arry Blackman, al

Falls : M axine O race and M n t i a i k CamcKm. bo th R upert; Mn J a c k Shaver. D esdemona W lulea « s d EUeen Zurek. a ll Buhl, and M r

'A u g u s t A hrens, Filer.> . DISMISSED* Mr*. P au l B . H euston and daugb Ver. K n . Donald T e rra tra and Davl M e r s o n . aU *rwln Falla; Mrs. Joh ^ m t l t A i and EUe Bowman, bot B uhl: M rs. I r a Phlnney, Fltei V ancy T routm an. .Boise, Janl( K nopes, Ooodlnjr. and Mrs. Oera! ^ p e o a and son, W endelL . .

St. Benedict’s, Jcrottie* VtalU nf hours a t S t. Benedict h o sp ita l a re from 3 io 4 and 7 lo

^o . m .( ADMITTED< M ra. H arold W ilhelm and Mi

Sam ea 1^ T urner, bo lh Jarw ne, at udy Miller. Kanaen.

\ DISMISSED' M rs. A rthur Bartholomew at BUI Lannom , bo th SerocneN Mi

• l la r iy Snook, Bden; R ichard Bei « e t t . H agerm an: Carey Osbor •y ir tn Falls ; Suzanne Hays. Wend*

« i n d Mrs. RolU P a m n s , Buhl.[ « - BIRTK S

1 < A dauBhter was bom lo M r .m\ i t r a . Harold W ilhelm, Jeromi*.

i '■ ’ Gooding; Memorial1 ' ^ V ls ltln s houra nfO oodin it Coun

1 ^'^DISMISSFD; R obert I r r tn c and W elter Hoode

bom Ooodins.

.C ottacc, Burley^ DISMISSED

' " ’ B fR T H S ', D auehtera were bom to M r. a M ra. BUI Henderson.- Burley, a j i l r . and M ia. Perry Pcnsterm ak

I R • (Aberdeen.

F ~T~ ------ Rupert-<Jeneral—M ; ADMITTED

i iI • Oftll S toller and Wllllam

1 ^ichol^, both Ruperl,

I WeatherIT '.M a tio V aller—T artly cloudy <

) |] s< (b t w ith a few snow flurrtca; Iy C ereaainx cloudiness tomorrow wlR! J h lsh tem peratures 38 to 45. Low IU 1 . n ic h t 20 to Z5. Lew last n l ih t .

1 . 1 I■ - , . I* j .

! - r j - - . ^ ^ m r r = E r : 3i ' \

K e e p t h e W h i te n a g o l S a f e ty F ly in g

I t jL

ier R -

• - 11 3« sk e r _____ U _• M 9 .1

oday's . I Iou or 11 ^ 4 Ilines*- 1 1 ^ n JIM sln -** ------i --------^ ---------------

-~-W om • J J - r t c y j u ;lt / to u f irId de tra ffic ilea lh tn our Mao(cd . -Valiev. __________________ •

sUs Club Leaders— Ai’e Honored

T T T V 7 12S iir4^H“Worko t ( r . .« . r « o o . . ))n of n ib ject m a tte r in 4>H work elves

>'*■ ce). The program also develops lead- lU nd- en itip ability, he added, sroved m io w in t lunch a i the Rebekah th the locine rooms, th e a(l«rnoon session

opened a t 1:30 p. m . w llh a mollon > th e picture. U nooin County A te n t J. n ittee . }]ou-ard M annlntr waa In charxe of j r th e lhe afU rooon meettaK. Among the

epeakera—wara P o n stivers. Kdm, Kuesl 4.H club leader: D avid Thacker, as-

---------« ia ta n t-e w n ty- a >en t - f o r Ooodlng. . country: D onald F . Yout*. assislani

led SS’‘iJ5S‘'JSiSr‘!:.r'JSi’;Christ- tia lion a sco t fo r Ooodlnc eounty. rhrlsl- T he aw ards banquet Is slated (or tpon. 6:30 p. m. a t th a D ietrich achool hureh. cafeteria. Ben Ferfuson wUl be rector, m aster o f ceremonies and speaker r i o t n wllUb»-Ooa~BalI«y.-manasar-of-tha

'' Twin F a lls office of th e Idaho P»wer being company.

rn on I<(Mers Who a re to receive 10<year indays aervic6 plns and certificates ar* Mrs. i l lo t i l H arold Tfobaon. Ooodlng: Mra. M. m on A.'McCloud and M rs. Glen Parsons, md a t & th W endell, and M ia. UUUn Sey- I fert, Je ro m e ..

Those who are to receive five-year 1 ' service pins and cerUdcatea ara 'I Raymond Brooka, Fairfield: CUfford •* .• Su tton and C linton W alker, both wding Declo: M r. and.M ra, Aasael Oolllng- LS th e er. M alt*: Mra. O len CUrk. Albion: y will Mrs. D an lU a t. Ooodln*; Mra. O. W, te r a t OaUer, M ark KoU. Mra. Victor Pet--------- e n o n -jin d -H e n ry -B llv e rs .- aH Je --ee of rome; Mra. D on SUvers, Eden: V. h th e O. Rosa a n d OUfford Btutiman.-boUi show Shoahone; Lloyd Silers, Rupert! Mrs,

)f h ts Leila B aird. H eyburn: Mra. Marvin lat of Custer, T w in FalU. snd Mrs. Tru* solos, m an R a lhbum . Kanaen.

;U. '

— 1 Schedule SetSHOSHONE, N o t. 1 8 -A l a .m eet-

in s of the Shoshone achool board -1..... thia week. ren U l achedule for the

' new s y m n a s l i i n n / is ~ ie f T ip .-------rial R e n u l for basketball pracUee, Valley o th e r-th a h o o l.-w a a .ae t-a U > a^ I to 4 n ig h t-a nd ,a t.M .an .hou t.i»m efl.

• I f to u m a m e n u a re held by outside eroup*. fee* will b e s e t a t th e Ume.

I . R o - I ' . - >

. S E M a g i c V a l l e y

I m S F u n e r a l siecker. I-------------------------- ------------------------Robert HOLIilSTEB — Funeral services 10. a ll fo r M rs. Florence Shepherd will be d M rs. conducted s t 3 p jn . Saturday a t the ; Mrs. A lbertson Memorial chapel In Buhl Ualead w ith th e Rev. John N. O arrabrandt. id M rt. Jr.. pastor or the B uhl F lrs l Baptist

church, olllclatlng. Last rite s wlU be held In Buhl city cemetery,

daUBh- — —I David T W IN PALLS—Funeral aervices t. Jo h n for Mrs. E lizabeth Sallee will be I. bo th conducted a t 2 p . m. Saturday a t

F lter: W hite m ortuary chapel by the Rev. Jan ice D onald Q. Blnckstone. Concludlnc O erald rlU s will be held a t Sunset Me­

m orial park. F riends may call F r i­day evenlnB and unlll 1:<S p. m,

l i n e Saturday a l W hite mortuary.

B U H L -F u n fra l acrvlce* (or John ‘ ' D . M cNsbb wUI be conducted a t 3

p,m . Mondny a t the F irs t Baptist A Mr* Church w ith the Rev. John N. Our- n». «nd rab randt, jr„ officiating. L ast riles

“ will be held In th* Buhl city ceme­tery^;______________________ •

'* and IN Mrs.


>tr V V I I P 4 V

I to 4130

Wooden* I


ey. and ^ * ;Tmakcr, [ M M a

lam O.

;udy to-

>w wltb



l i lONE EI r jl

^ Hells Canyon Area Periled C. By New Dam ri

■■ lr ‘f . i r i ’»»Vo».) ~Plessaot Valley.

I Asked abou t'the report la st n ight, jissisW nt Secrelary of the In terio r fJ Fred O .A andahl replied: ,

"I wouldn't w an t to make a n y m comment on tha t."

Asnclshl dlrceis the departm enl> « wster snd power policies. . di

----- But in 'S a lt Lake City, Secretary »! - i r ron ^ f in n n o f w -n u n sald.- ln- i e? w n(c ''.'Ponse to a qaeeUon a t a ne«'* con- u • ference. that, a study U under way

ley project m sy best be developed.

U K the sdm lnU tratlon were to pro- F PS»e a red e ra lJ’Jeasant_Yalley_dam ai i t would am ount to reversal of lU Ic

d previous policy of lelU ns private o r gl local interests build dam s and o th - 01 er water projects In Instances where

1 2S.™® such group stood ready to pro- T

lla il week, however, th e sdm lnU- M straUon was reported su rU n g on a Ji

gives compleu review o( iU na iura l re - " aeleel .n u r rn pollrl»ji .« « n-miH. nt f if e - hI Uon setbacks In midweatem a o d ^ le»d- western sUte*.

At.lhe power commUslon hearing. , i S Mrs. Cooper said a federal dam a t S

, 2 ! P ltassn t VaUey would (lood a low i- ’7 '° " dam which th e Idaho Power com- ^ ; ; pany has been IlcenKd to build In J * the Snake-s Hells canyon.

The group sh e represents Is op- jwsin8 I’N P 'i p lliU to DUlld~damf

i«umt U ln Sheep sites, o trgu lns they -iniv wouldn't develop completely th e p

middle s tre tch of the Snake..y She also contended th a l new ti d for P « J « t s tandard* adopted tfy th e e ehool •n n y englneera for a review o t P a - slII w. clllc Northwest w ater developmeffli a eaker Pose th* th re s l o f a "drastic down- c i the « n c lln i:L e e corps' c o m n ^ e n ^

sive p lsn fo r th* Columbia river S< basin. d

.v fu - Rl*kl altom eya repeatedly chal- U ,M „ . tenged h e r. as aha questioned Mo- s. M. “ Wt* ^rson*. Moment said th a t lylthln th e la st i; Sey- 30 days the w U m aU o n bureau h u J

u k e d arm y cng tnee it to atudy the r, -year posslblUty of a h U ti dam a t P leasan t r; > ar* v*lley. ■ "

Cooper, repiying to challenges e, iiin . on th* questions, said the h igh t< ‘j S ' W » « n t VaUey dam would Inundate u

th* low HeUa Canyon d im Ucensed n PeU *'****" P®*'**’- «

I je> -S h * said ah* im derstood I tw u be- r j : V. Ing considered by th e buresu because c -both of . a n -u n d e rsu m d ln g th a t . Idaho Mra. Power "does n o t p lan to build th s ^

arvln ^ HeUs canyon dam .“ iT ru - The dUputfl over arm y engineers' w

new projec t s ta n d a r d broke o u t a n few tnlnuUa la te r w hen M oment aald the- corps now la reviewing only e those pro jeou believed "reasonable 0

neet- of accomplishm ent" and U excluding « Uoard oUiera Irom conalderatlon. t _H e.w td .P aclflc_E o3vet..and .LlBW .d

• , , company, ono of (our private utilities 0 ®’ making up Pacific Northwest Power, k

-*3-a hld'coDCurred ln'thBTjew-aUndards. -

atslde ■ I

j!!!!; Danjage Slight ;B U in x V . Nov. 18>-t)ama8e was t

sllBht to tw o vehicles a t an Inleraec- t Uon crash th ree miles souU ieast'o t ( here a t 8 a^n. Friday. I

W. John Jones, 40. Burley, drlvlnB * " '« « • a m i Chevrolet, atonped n t th e In-

be tersectlon to m ske a IK t lu m and kt the Elquial's 1951 In ternational * Bum pickup coUlded w ith th e rear o t the ,

ChevMlet. D am age to the car was estimsted a t <75 and damage to the pickup a t t » 0.____________________ ;

:rvicea (Wi be I A r 1 1 1 /Os> ‘ lay at Ar M 0 t 5 \ >lutllng \ J j '

U FrU N . 1

. O ar-I rites Many a womsin who thinks she ceme- ts the perfec t wlfa Is aoly ao a n -

\OHl Dh L m / I PA


— b i S. . . O h

' derod I -----------tho-sto

CO,Save cvc

P hone 28

•Except Roofing ontl Insulotion


----- — —— -rz—

- - — T I M E S - N E W S , - - T - W - I N

Twin Falls Ne’I «4«ked r#Mf Sat* rUaodd 0m

B ethel N o. 19, Job 's D sughlers. m WlU hold c cooked food ssle Ss tu iday lUI' 1“ a t C. C; A nderson’s. and— _________________ ________________ Thi

Pledgee F ra lcm lty tlor,t,f .. Jam es L atham , T w in Falls, h s i

• pledged S lsm a M pha Epsilon a t;T «i U tah SU to A gricultural college. A

. ----------- Anc‘n y H arrlac s L taeases vsli

,, .. M arriage U censu were .Issued by T«'< the Tw in F a lU county clerk T h u n - day to Thomsis K enton and Connie Chi May PVcltaa, boUj OakUnd. CaUf.. V

• r t r »na T n m y to f ygd- wn ttt t n ' n n a ' iffg on - M arlene Broadhend, both BUckfoot. try"■y --------- ehlfal-i A ttanda Canvantloa-------------------- les-Kl. Clly M anager JoaephtA tlm oce left sa t iro- Friday for Moscow, where ha will lam aC«n<l.the-quarterly-m eeting-of-th« t-1n

lU Idaho Society of Proleu lonsl En> B I o r gtneera. Lallm ora ia president o f the wsj ith- o^gsnUsUon. (n ■lere ---------iro- Two EoUsl In Nsvy

nU- Mrs. J o s e Lloyd,' H amilton. M ont. p n n a and T hom as Melaon Breed, son o( re - Mr. and Mra. H arlan Breed, Jerome,

Ice- have enliste d In the navy, reports r so d BM j ArtfltU" J m u ^ D u tT is y y ^ e ^ . . .

____ ^ _ Sal

‘io*w Spcakci* Asks KM "" Better Lands 2! iiM HFor-PosteritYT■hey <rr.(i ra i* onoth e provlngproduellon.

• H e pointed out th a t while Indus- / new tria l production has rUen 44 per we th e cen t In the past e igh t year* w ith no md P a - significant Incresse In employment, for M n agricu ltu ral production has In- tn WD- creased even more. j , len- Woodlot m ansgem eni and con- nf Iver »enrftU on"or youth 'w ere stnd ied 'by i

delegates T h u r a d a y afternoon hlj Kal- through pnn e l discussions. q iMo- Vie ot th o am sll fsrm woodloU to eci

boUter th e income ot farm ers In l u t N orthern Id ah o was stressed by Oene i«i

Thompson. L a u h cooservaUoa dls- ho the tr lc t supervisor, Thompson noted ' •

,,n > th a t for years th a woodloU, ranging gti . in aiae from a few acres to 300 acres, rn

were considered a n obsUcle. Fa rm - y r ers a re currenU y tu lng the woodlands —

'Ign to supply abou t two per cent o t the la te to ta l agricultural Income where If f“‘

proper m anagem ent and harvesUng were used thU percenUge could be , , ,

be- rnUed 3J p e r cenU Thompson de-luse cUre«l. ' ---------------------- --------------

V em on - Burleson, extension for- O'® esler. Mmcow. r e i t e r a t e d th a t 1

t h r o u g h m snagem eni the amaU a i » r s ' woodloU could become a steady. If I t a no t large. Income to the owner. u , ■*jd H ted th a t 15 yesrs ago (arm - ini on y era could only sell a small am ount cu able of cedar p o s t and prime ponderosa sa a ln t and w hite p ins }oss.«And. h e added, te;

thU w u a n inconsUtent m arket. T o- bo iB h0w evcr.-pulp..and-sujd .mUU ca Itles o ffe r farm ers a tt a lm ost steady m ar- wer, k e t te:irds. — B u t-h a -c o n u n u ed .-th s-s lu d -m liu U<------a re ab lD .to .lake .lrees down lo five Ui

Inches In diam eter. ThU means s l- In m ost every i« e ' on the woodJot ar

' would be marketable. Burleson ssld be WAS th is U where edaeatlon o t the farm -

■sec- er U needed on th e sound principles cc it 'o t o t h n n es tln g only m ature trees and ee

those Uiat will no t mnke good wood a ; ,vl„„ m aterial. H e said If the woodlot own- . I - . m leam good manaRfment and '■nri follow U, the sm all stand will lie

, *el(-prrpetualla».’ the v^ncrease o t population

and the ■ corre^ndlQ g Increue In I the i^inber dem and, the small woodlot

owner will be required lo supply____ more and nioro.o( the Iwrvesled tlm-—, ber. Burleson predicted. Ha added 1 } only through proper m ansgem ent

and uUllratlon o( u much o( the % log u possible WlU the lumber in- f ) dusiry bo able to supply Uie needs / ot tills country. ■^ L. R. W ym sn, Boundary soil con- n servnilon d b tr lc t, also unted wood-

lot owners to use them carefully. He

K o d a k F in ish in g \^ —DAILY SSRVZOB- - |

■ I s E E D O M P H O T O123 Shoshone North - Downstair* (

W* Olv* S a OrccB Stamp* j


es, os on extro speciol offer I we pay the 'trelghr foFSbtur

ONE DAY O N L Y . . . all IT ed by phone or in person wi I s to re T - .-FREIGHT-PREPA

:O M PA R E T H E SE cucn more than icith rcfiTHffir L

Shop in person o t ou r G Soles D coorlm cnt on ou r Moi

a 286 0 o r 4353 - R em em ber



y m - E A L ; ^ . _

Vews in Brief ^0 « sd , Posted ^ J

, L. James K outnlk. t a r r y EUlott.J Helen Edgar, R a m ^ Montgomery

and E. AusUn each posted t l bonds_ Thursday foroTerUme,parking yioU.

(OW1?:T«i Lien Filed ’ ^

A SUle ta * Hen against KerneJl Anderson, T w in FalU . (or 1954 Usesi valued a t J38J0. w as filed wlth th e *'’®'

,Y T » ln FalU recorder Thujsday. nU................................• - : " ----------- 1

le Chnreh W ot»«n t» Meet ofI., w om en of th e Episcopal Church of |» ’h

ery m eeting to be held a t Sm nianufl ma _ church. H ailey, beg lnn ln j wllh serv- fol

ft Saturday. .......................... - ................... ”ill -------------- - • • ,X FtBed-on-Caeavan-Charg*--------I- K enneth BaUey. Toronto, Canada. ” >e wsa fined iSO and 13 cosu Thursday ^

(n Tw in FalU jusUce court for cara- w , vanning a m otor vehicle without a f f l p ^ t . H e WM cited on highway 30 “ !3

t- Fs tro lm sn H . Z. C arr. ™

e. Meettojr Canceled f ?ts P n .t 2138_VFW and auxllUry will “ ^ not m eet Mondiiy. Members are

urged to a tten d th e dUUlct meeUng ' Saturday a t Uio Tw in FaUs Orange JU hall. W restling wUl be 'resum td nex t pa week and p o s t members are requested lei to be a t Radio Rondevoo Monday h t n igh t to se i up the rlns. A. Hughes, mi secretary, reports.

----------------------------- • o(

y. I m i j g - e o p l g f i i i r t — £ I n L o c a l M is h a p S

*• A PUer m a n and a Rupert woman er were adm itted to Magic Valley Me- **'

mortal hosp ital a t 1:45 a in . rriday >t. for U eatm ent of injuries received In ar

an automobUe accident shortly a d e r pr 1 n jn . two and one-half miles east tho(_Twln..FalU on highway 50._____ th

sy H arry B lackm on received cuts on fu 9” hU legs a n d bruises aiul Maxine

□ race's back was Injured. T heir -« ^ conditions wer* described u tgood" in a t noon Friday by a hospliSl n i­ne tendan t. T hey were U ken to the »• h o sp iu l by ambulance.»d ' T he acc lden t.w as Investigated by

sta te police. Howev'er. an accident ra ss, reno rt h a d n o t been (lied by i psn. hi n* Friday .d l --------------------------------;-------------------- Iy

especially advised against over-graz- P “ ing. H e ' added lh a l aU (armers K

should bo Inu rested In eliminating aj erosion on public lands, noting Uiat

— a cc ess -ro ad s-p u t- Into these- areas *' f^imUhed perfect channeU for Kin- m

r- o((-w ater. ‘ ............................ . . . .a t D urtng th e o the r panel dUcuaslon, di >U Alton B. Jones. sU le superintend- oi K e n t of public Inslruclion, Boise, told P

th e group th a t conservation w u be- sc n- Ing woriced Into tha public school n t curricu lum wherever poailble. He U 3a said th e board which studies the ;d, texUxxiks to be used selecU the 0- books i t (ee u besl represent the lo-lU cBl.oc.state.sltuatioiL_____ „.r- He n o t r t th a t educating and In-

tcresUng th e teachers In conserva-IU U o n -a h o u ld 'h e lP 'th e -m o sl-a t-U tU »ve Ume..3 e sa id , th a e teachers do- -II- log th e best Jobs on certain courses lot a re . th e ones m ost Interested and lld best Inform ed o a the matter.n - Mrs. Jo h n A. Luedke. L a u h soli tes conservaUon dU lrlct, described a few nd educaU onalcontesU U iatd lstrlc thad od sponsored In the p u t (ew years.



S: BUY Green 1 2= I -PLA N TS I ll } HERE! ^

I X P lan te rs can be (HIM

If 7 , w ith proper aoU and i < p lan ts cleanedl

I j 1.1-u-i.n.r n ri,n

E C i M ”l E I G H l UlOVEM BER 17th

ffe rin g o f o u r catalogjtu rd o y r^ o v .'l7 F H .T iII m e rch an d ise* pr- 1 w ill bfl sh ipped to ■PAIPI-------- ---------------------

S A V I N G S !tr Low Catalog Priccs!

ir C o td log ‘ .M a in Floor or

b e r . O N E DAY ONLY _

F R E I G H T !

EM S TO C H O O S E F R O f/

o n l y ; IFREE—open‘til 9 p.mrFri.- 1

>Aotn A v e . W e * t— ^Twin Folli

U .N . Is P laced I j I n t o W rangle a.

0 1 1 C l u n f l ]d i q o f ^tm rm jN * T 1 0 N E ,.N _ V .J< .V _ lS

(l?»-Indl* and Uie Soviet bloc (orcedthc 'tJn lted Nations Into a second dayOf debate t ^ s y on the ir e(forts U. oust Nationalist China from the

,t world assembly i n lavor.of C o ^ u ^ nU t c h in a . urgU• The- debates cauicd postponement jore o f a series of policy stalem enU in cove which Herbert Hoover, ir^ a ^ > « seed

: ma]or policy address. Hoover U to . . . j- follow the B railllsn snd Iraqi dele- tlon . sa tes , clgo)

- TaUis T U n n ^ . ............. TJUmWaslUngton sources said Hoover

- w ia -c x p e c l« l" t6-*n lT e- 'he rtr“ th U i? « i-• m om lng nnyway (or possiblef th rea - ta lks with French Foreign 5” “• M lnU ler ch rU tlan Pincau and Brit- J Ish Foreign Secrewry Selwyn Lloyd.

»sIve Chines^ Communist adm isslon lhenproblem and the assembly was forced

, to'CaU another session today. I; ---------------MSpeSb'siiered---------------g The assembly hsd hoped to sU rt e JU general debate th is m o m ln g -a _on t parade of aUlemenU on (orelgn pol- d t y d icles by. Jorelgn mlnUtera. o r the y h ighest represenUilves of th e 79 q s, metnbers In the world body today.

T he discussion on rep rese n U U o n ^ „ j ' o ( China actually Involved the p lae-i _ Ing nf thV tfftn on Uie agenda for lu -

tu re debate. The general (sU ertng)! b ' : ^ B r i« r 7 i c o m m e ia e r - o r i - W W =J nesday th a t th e Issue no t be dU - Hal _ cussed (or th e rest of tha 18S6 *e*-jm I

slon. puby B u t IndJa-s V. X. KrUhna Menon t«ni n and speaker* for the Soviet bloc « « r. pressed for th e plenary session of •— It th e assembly to upset UiU and place]

the_Chlna Issue gn the agenda for; n fuU debatele ------------------- ---------

1- Morton Passmore j ” Claimed by Death!ly W Z N D E li. Nov. l# -M o rto n Pass.. ]I t more, 61, died a t B aJn. P rlday-at hU tl. home here following a long Ulness.

Mr. Passmore w u bom In Brook-- lyn. Ind.. April ia,.l895. He m arried . . Plossie Ravenscroft a t Buhl on May rs IB. 191t. He fanned Jn th e TutUe IB a rea untU 1854 when he moved to , t Wendell to operaU a gasoline sUUon,la a n d -a lo r e .- H e - r tU r e d : about_»ix; _

m onths ago bccause of poor health . ; Surviving are his widow, one

n d aughierw nm V P*ssm ore;W endeIlr — iJ one grandson and one brother. H. S.l Id Passmore, t a s CrescenU. Calif. One' t - son preceded him in dealh. ol Funeral servlccs-«re pending at- le Uie Weaver ------- -----------—-------I t 4 .JI CLUB TO MEET’■ HOLLISTER. Nor. IB -T h» 'S a l- ' .- m on-T ractC —

n t 3 p . m . Saturday n t the home'»■ of Mrs. Heber Loughmlller. Mrs. A.i , '** W .-Zom ik wlU-be-gue*t-»peaker.- l —0- — ---------— ______________________ .eaId


SHIRLEY-MEt1 . new conver


b u y y o u r e n tir e w o rd ro b s f o r e v e ry o c c a s io n . . . w ith

12 M onths To

______ _____ £ ) - R . E S . S l_ R X G J

L O O K R l

■ F E E L

----------------^oiuCm CLM toi

H o w o f te n , in s lc n ti o f b u y in j a p p a r e l , y o u h a v e w ia lic d tV

c o m p le t e e n se m b le o f h a r m o

------ :n t - t l i e s i im e - t im e - lo - R iv e -y o

Y e a r - ’R o u n d W n rd ro b e f o r I t is n o w p o s s ib le to do j 'u s

“ D r c s s - R lR h f ’ P la n t h a t c n a

bU th e e lo lh e s y o u n e e d — w h

■ a n d a l lo w s y o u 12 m o n th s t o

T h i s n e w S h i r le y -M c n t l. io la

m a k e s i t po.-^siblc f o r y o u lo

B ro o m e d , b u t , b y givinpr y o u

c b n n ^ - - ' . i t aTso p r e v e n ts c o n

a c t u a l l y e a v e s y o u m o n e y in

S h i f l e1 ' '

_______ ' ______________ _f r ; d /

S e e i i T o d a y ~ | i^^

Cham ber of Commerce ttoard o t -J director* and m em ben of th e city commUoion carrying llve-pound bags o f p o u to e s . . - Msn g lngerlypw h* tag aside papers in s u tu r a s he*nirche»-for-e«ln-b*-droppcd-K tiJletrying to pu t m parking .m eter . - - ,gn w orkm en removing gasoUae p im W «,m from vacated garage . . . Arlon B ^ t la n posing (or picture w itharound-m annikin-. .._ ._Sm aU girlu r g ln t (nUier to build snow m an i>e- lo re going to work . . . Bags of te a n s g, covered with U rps In OPPseed company . . • tini'

. . . M an s t soil conservation conven^ 25 , tlon sJmost getUng •Toll yo“ r o w wU

Uie tobsfcco .V. ChUdren ru sW !^ ou t Uoreaxly-to-play_to-»no 't_-,^- w nstrucU on worker, slowing m t- on ch ine as school children crowd near a d itc h - -.-M oU>er-aad-<daughtcc boL shopping (or bUUiday gills . . . And to overheard, T h e herm it has a r tce o t (

Isecluded Uie bul who w anU to be a mu |herm ltT ''~ “ J

L c h i e t A p p . Q i n t e d _ |pOLENNS PER Ry. Nov. I f i - ™

George O. Taylor wna np jw ln trt police chief here W ednesday by ^ c c ity councU U> succeed J o h n O 'M alla, who died laat week.

Chief Taylor aUo will “tr u a n t ofllcer for the achool dUtrlct and a s city tre u u re r. ■

T W O A R E JA itE P ______

■ j S i l l ? w e * ^ ^ 18 day* In Jail Mch I « in lieu of #2J fines on ehargres of He public IntoxlcaUon. T hey were sen- m

J u n o e d Wednesday by Police Judge R i

ii'® Our-S >! iiife to tha


I ^ *v*ryb«i

! known to our p>

- — — ^ 2^ 21h --------- - . ■ .TIVIM FALLS MO■ I tnJtwM »« - I!|

t , '

t j -----L,--------------------------ek. ,


E N D IO L A 'S/ e n i e n t -------------- *-----------------^

^IG H T " J

r o P a y ! . ^

_________— JR I GHT I: l r i g h t “ 1fford-NoLMi--------------:—

yins jjust one piecc of d that you could buy ft rmonizinp accessoriesi-you-ft-Complete—V----------------for Kvery Occasion, just this with our new enables you to buy

-when you need them—IS to pay!_______ ________iola Service not only 1 lo always be well . "you many different -_______ _constant hard wc.-\r nnd

y in the Jongr run.

e y - I W e n i

M E N ' S S H O P


B eiiso ii Asks ICC to Delay

RateHeariuirW ASmNOTON. Nov. 16 tr_ s®

reU ry o t Agriculture Ezra T. Bf* son asked the intersiate eow m ^. eommL-alon loday to poMpont v a t least two - weeks- henri:ijj ^ fre igh t rnte Increases prctv)j»(! br eastern., we-'Um. and raUroftds. '— —

Benson said the deparimrnt. uhl-S opposes-the-increBsea, needs

evidence, ^

20 on a request for n seven w r ifr- ra te boost to meet lnereii.-r«I t act Dec. 14 M the clftle for aiati-ments.and-e.xhlbiLS-i.-i mrinn Uon wlUi a peUUon for n 15 prr c - u . Increase lo provide a h ishrr rf.i]4»o iH iiv S lm k n tr ’-------------- -------

Benaon -asked poslponrii;rui ■- Uj* dopnr.n-.ts- ■, to represenl properly th r ir.icfB-j ; o t farm ers and the ngriculiiirsl co.t;. i munlty In general jn oppo.mion u

In a lelter to ICC Clinlrmmi An- Utony F. Arpala, mild "ih, departm ent of ajn’lculliirc h ii |

■ Btattttory-feaponalUlllly-to-reprnTO"Uie InteresU of the scncuUur>> community In m altera of this m.

; tu re.- _______________

; Social PlannedSHOSHONE. Nov, 10—Tlir MtU-.j.

d u t Youth Fellowship Wcdnrji,, planned a box soclnl for 8 p. n.

^ —OommltUes—appolntsd—by—Ot-.- n lene Modlin. president. Include Cu] if Holllbaugh. LoU Oehrlg. llnrr! )un - and Jim ICnlght. procrnni, nnd Ar,s e Plrebaugh, BeU» McKay and IU.

bcrta Hall, publicity.

ir -Servic* tha livingprovldei

y b«neR f N '

>ur profatilon.

; MORTUARV-.. -.*■_______. IM.OIMIIKI



i d i o S a.< ^


Page 3: p = : - r T ± r _ TSffie Death Scorcboard TiTOB as« IM til a v tiie r .iw e - ^ At Soil M Better

Elmore Voles Canvassed by ■ Board Action ■

here by the county H

In lhe reeeni p rtsldcnU al ■

t.ii» n lgm o t

3 l S ' ? . s v « i I'.h t !U&uWlc»n «!de of - U>e H

W Rw jjr ^ e r if t 1631: Pcreo H »ll H. S ^ J ^ U n s ■

f “ n*B « n » tir M M : Jo h n n e y - ■ Mtofor lf.S. «pre«i»t*Uve l.TU: ■ S® u Wtthertll for tia te *en«U.r H VMS''Helen J. Miller tor itftte rep- H i S ; ’tiu te J.708: s«m uel BlackweU ■ ^ S ” comml«loner In the «c- ■ 2.806; Pilar BrBd»hftW ■

u iw u rc r 2 .«« : E. W . ■ fnr WObftte Judge .2.631; ■ —V«t-BOTw£<^ CUMPjy_i?” £.»*^

j ] « . tnd Art sm ith Ior county cor- ^ ontr3.AS3- Doi

Sid OriJrith and H. O . Sftndor*. Sp« jvmcertU. « e « eleciea Justlcca of qu t

R (-S«"lth -M -««w l--JO -votM .-r«p tc . i .

utelr in Plne Oeonte McCoy nnd ' John T»W. D «noe*tJ. were elected

o! lir» pcAce wJUj 3i ond 22 p / io t«. Uonroe SchrftU »nd E arl Etna

■ xff«>n'in DemocrtiU. 'wero elected D_ i liatletjef the oeoce In AUnnta w llh Rhlr JO tnd fl wW» '“’<1 Lyn** Sherm an mi «uj H. j: McKee. Democrata. were have tlfcted JwUees of the peace In King daus WU with II* and 80 votes, respec* f»ml tltelT. W. W. Sandera. Dem ocmt, aUtc n> elected Mountain Home Justice rnml of Iht peace »1th IJS2 votes. Mj

Bsiore county voters approved all loin. Ihrtt of the araendmcnta. T h e vote wu 1.B77 (o US for the am endm ent .

-lo'ehanje th t jurisdiction of probftU oKrti. J.«10 to 1.127 to change the {f®T luriidlctlon el lustlees o f l^ p e a c e . loa l.T3» 10 U I6 to perm it m. jtdver^ sor to wceeed himself.

N ew sm en K i l l e d ^

In Island Ambush s sNtCOSIA, Cyprus, Nov. 16 W t-A

joung British correspondent wa* t. “flSraBTXmed-toaiy-J -Bunman in^Nlcotlft'a vlolence-rfdden Inner

Ansuj“ MeLeod MacDonald. 37, hous wropondent for the Spectator mon BiKKlne and other pubUco,tlons, Bud n t the t in t foreign newsm an iit* joU< itckfd by Cypriot rebels flghtlnsr to b IUj BAlle the BrltUh Island colony w ith been Ortece. rorit

‘nie gunman escaped. . been

l A U C T

I Locatcd.-l mile nor Havlnjr 'sold oi

TUESDAYS la r llim -a t J 2 :0 0 N o o n '


noIiUla ceir, S y n . eld, f re ih 30 day# Holiiela cow. 5 yrt. old, freah 60 da^a n«UleIo cow, ( yn. old, f m h M day* HoUltIo cow, S jrt. eM, m llklnr, 5 gal aaemity eow, $ m . old. m llkJnr. 5 g loUWn cow, 3 y r^ old. •prioglng

Holrttla caw, « yri. old. Jusl freah, 8 O lolitdn h tiren , 18 n o D lh i old. ope llobUlB bull, J yn . old » h tid WhU«ftee,eowi » litad Whllef^ce calref

and Bang* tested. Brei and production records’given day of i

m il k in g EQUIPMI^'cKkt^'’" '* ' m achine, p lp t

-- --------— HORSES-----for childre

Hiding taddle in d bridle '»eavy duty aet ot h » m e « .n ri m ii«,

fit Good MUcelUheoui Shoj --------------loo.N m ncfoui toqtltBUon.


f u r n it u r e

n S ; .na’S 'S S iT "S ; i „ ‘ • I t l ' ip r ln ii

NUMEnona OTH E g H o i i t e j o u

Terms . . . Cosh . . . Doy


5 G _____

Chamber Chi

V " ' " I

Cllttord Sm ilb. center, preaident ot the DoDold W llllamt. left, ad aln U tr» to r (e r t Spence, rlghi. U n lrm lty of Idaho extenti 4uet a t th e American U g lan hall Thurad fa n a -d ty week and opened the chamber’)

Residents of Paul „ Travel, Entertain z*

PAUL. Nov. Jff—Mr, and Mm . Emanuel Snckman. Turtle U k e . N. "D_ are.vLMUng the Rev. and Mrs. “ * Rhlnhold Opp. • • ‘" I '

Mr. and Mre, Oerald Bchnelder have re lu m ed from vW tlng Uielr ^ daughter. Mr*, Don McOregor. and fam ily In Columbus. Oa.. nnd her aUter. M rs. Oeorge M ath tr, a n d ' fam ily In Pnlnesvllle, O.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Herman Rot>crU. lola, KuM., have been visiting Mr. and Mra. E verett Dorsey.

Imoecne Ham ilton him retu rned . . . . t. , from a m ;D 3 mlAslon toTJrazll and u,e U vUltlng h e r parents. Mr. and Mra. inu th E lmer-H am ilton. Atle

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H ardin, were i Moaea Lnke. Waah.. have been vlali- Ing h ti parenla. Mr. and Mrs. A llan Hardin. ^ u j

Capt. and M n. Jim I ^ h and oecjo Xnmllj-. Langley, Va,. a rr vWUng h is nej<ja' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pink. Weldc

---------------------------- - hla . II_ n . ED GEP TO SORORITIES under

COLLEGE O P TDAHO, Caldwell. N ov^(Jr.L csali-A nder*on,-P ftt,-M c.Oulre, PatAy Sharp 'nnd . Jonn B n m - ■ ■ ■ house, a ll Tu-ln Fnlls; Jncklo' H lch- I mond. B uh l; - Jancal Fltxalmmons I and Hooty Oallen. Jerom e; Fellcln I JoUey; H ngcrmnn; VemllA 6hnrp . I ' BlUs. and Pat- Dny, Ooodlncr, hnve I been pledged to Slgmn Epallon ao- I p] rority and A nita O u s , Jerom e, h as I been pledged to Ring aororlty. m m

r i o N s! north of Goodinj on the Tairfield Id our farm , wc will Bell the folio


Model M Jntem stI days, « la t . eow Good condition, wll' d a ja , e gal. cow j j o d d H I n l e m a t I days. S gat. eow singla fro n t end,, 5 gat. eow rubber, also double r . 5 gal. eow V A C C a s e T r a c io ng Motor overhauled t ah, 8 gal. cow J o h n D e e re V a n ] 1. open 24>hole. power lltt,

Heavy du ly m achine IHO wlre-Uo hay bai

bale slip E venm an land levele

I. Breeding dales Massey H arris 4-bar ly of aale._________ IHC 8-ft. U ndem dlsi

’W E N T, pipes and s ta ll Large alze phosphate

flupertor bean drill, h m i l t c a n r 4-row Valley Mound 1

M anure loader fo r H_________________ (VC-Comblne— 5-f

w ith all bean and , hlldren, good lo In t g rain b ins .

Double wing C hattln Ennis wlndrower Power pulleys for H

m cuTr Bean cultivator and !

anop Tooja m u m a u o n a lnUon.— • i le u r s to c k tra iler . 3-.................... IHC trac to r m anure 1^ I H C T u m b le Plo^D C I H C 2 -W a y — I8-ii■ V C lM8>model ChevroletI S chair.fie c S H a -sectlin wood harroin e cnairt BoU-over freanoI -------------------E ««nB lon-»xle -lo rraIw r lamp

lad irnn — 2-horse fresnolaairon

I alt ^ oil h e ale r ^ e ^ ^ r t a ^ d r i l l ^ .

M PaneU and steel postp r in i . .n d m . t -

— I ' ■ Several sheets galvanl > re< I Several sheets tn su lati O y O r S a l e chicken feeders and t

DSBORNE, iP beae SS3. Gooding, o r ZOUI. WendeH

• ' ' ' f

Chief Welcomes Spe

ot the Twin .FalU Chamber of Cfimneret,■ (e r th e U. S. aolt conierTatlnn u r r lc t . Wa rxtenaionlst. who were gueit tpealtcr* a t Ihi rhuraday nJght. T h e banquet began Twin Fi m ber's Agpram . ( S taff pboto-engraTlng)

Jack-Be Nimble I j• ZANESVILLE. O.. Nov. 16 1

Robert G uard always heard th a t BARi a lot o r hunters are h u r t trying -riiatiVs;to get over fences while carry- vlllnIng .ihotguns. truck, 1

So G uard carefully placcd hU cnses egun over a fence yesterday. Jump- gynjo. ed U)o fenc»—and broke his n^dankle. snnlA J

— ' ge lt crc

$1,000 stolen ulcs yiPOCATELLO. Nov. Ifl W -P ollce i'ndfnw

ta ld yesterday burglars pilfered nine u , . inni cash registers o f an estim ated J l ,000 • a t the Idaho D epartm ent atore dur- *‘'® . Ing the night. - "

A tlcm pts-to break Into two snlcs were unsuccessful.

DRIV ER FINED BURLEY, Nov, 16—Robert T^'lcr.

Declo. was fined }50 nnd costs W ed- f -r r nesday by JusUce of th e Fence Joe f r Weldon on a charge of drlvlnc while f J his license w as under revocntioii under the financial responsibility act. Judge W eldon sa id Tyler's Hi- — cenae_wM_revoketl.on_Oct,J7,_10!:5i_________

I Por th e F inest In ' C m 'PIANO TUNING J O

CftU o r W rite - •“BILL” LOGAN

PH O N tt 3303, TW IN PALLS w jL,™ 469 6U1 Avenue North

b b b b ^ b ^ b b e I

S A L E .r f i e ld H ig h w a y f o l lo w in jr :

a h e r J 2 0 _ J :L u n c h o n G ro u n d * e jin b o

^CHINERY1 T ractors ule m s t i o n a l T r a c to r >n, w ith good n b b e re m a t lo n n l T r a c t o r . end, food 'condlU on w ith new

louble fron t end for H • * "r a c lo ruled th e pa tl season i i | i *V^nn B r u n t G r a in .D r i l l Ad?,r lift, on rubber, like new K laichine trailer, Ult-bcd wlth-wlnch ' ay baler In good condition, with

leveler, fl ft.. wlUi dual wheeU4-bar aide rake *m dlsc.'llke new _______

mowerh a tn w . like n e w 'pha te apreader wi«iIrlll. hang-on £jt»ound com igator, tractor mountfor H Inlcm nU onal'traclor

rii^^g T a ln attachm ents, Inelud- EdiBboi 1la ttln ditcher

for H . M, nnd John Deere IAK lai

■ and bean cutter w llh back bar • lUonalHer,'3-cow alio -------------------------- ---------------.Qure spreader

P lo w — 1 6 .in .— lik e ncW Edlnboi - I S - i h . P lo w — lik e n e w ivroIeT 3-ton truck In good con­ta in bed ahd also Slock rack harrow lO-ft. Oliver dump rak# Ad<> Baled hay fork X ljforiH C -siaB T iaB ------------------------ ---------------■er w llh »; h .p . m otor '

IHO single wing ditcher ch vis* Several log chains acrill . Several wirs ~

!l posts s tep ladders tr lnder w ith m otoripper electric fencers Adreifence posts, new ' v u ,rick complete w llh cables, p u l l e y s ^ -------"n lvan lK d roofing - Pile new 3x6s 1 —nsulatod sheeting • 2 House doors 1and w aterer*-O H chick bropdtf Al

. . w hen ta c t t

, O w n e i ^ pHILL OAIOEY. C lak



^ - - 3 .Sife V ■ T

g ^ K i S

leret, extends a welcome te D r. ct. WathlngtoD. D. C., and L iter a t Ihe bu a ln etw a n -tarm e f ban— . -

win FalU obiervanee of saU ona l------- —

----- : . Indians Receive,:_____ ^

Delicacies Early «BARSTOW. Calif.. Nov. 15 I* —

lianVsglvlng came early In an In d l- n vlllnge near here. A fre igh t lines ruck, loaded with such delicacies as nses of root beer and chocolate yrup. canned cherries, friilt cake nd marshmallows, collided w ith a :nnlA Fe fre igh t C raln 'a t Uto Dag- I—_ c lt croMdng.Rail traffic was held up 45 mln* 1“ " ^

lies yesterday while th e goodies >‘ere removed from the track.i. The |> ndU ns hurried away w ith some Of he loot. ^ TliB three engines" o f 'th o train - — i

lere damaged as . well as splashed ^ • llh chocolnt« s>’rup. T h e van was icstroyed. T here -were n o Injuries.-------------- ^


S ^ e C a b n d a r ^WATCH TH IS SPACE DAILY!

>or Im portant news a n d ''d s t u nl laglo. Valley's F a rm ' AucUdcs.:heck individual ads u they ap- lear, for locntlon a n d lUtUsB of cems to be sold.

N o v e m te r 19P a tilV . Bandy

A dverilaem ent-N or, U-17 K laas and K laa*-A ueU oaeers

N ovem ber 19 p—IU y Looney. J r , and J a y D. Looney

A drertlsem ent—N ot. 18 and 17 Klaas and K laai—Auctioneers

_______ N ovem ber 19 ___

AdTerUsemenl-Nor!*16 and 17 1:dlDberongh * L a m a —AaeUoneen |

N o v em b er 19 . ,W. J . Rnm pls . '

A drertlsem ent. N or. 18-17 Iverson * Roe, Aactloneers

N o v em b er 20 , ____Clyde O tb e rsa ■

A dverU sem ent-N oT, 1I-11 __ ■Iverson a n d Roo—Auclloneers

N o v em b er 20U IU V. He«t«{ler. A dministratrix

AdTcrtisement—November 18 K laas a a d K laai^A aoU eneer*

N o v em b er 21 _O . W. W ltham • i f

Advertisement—Nov. IR and 20 IJoe D utfek A Jim Mesaersmltb. |


November 21 IHarold Craggi

AdTcrtUcm eiit-NoT. l» and U Klaaa a n d K laas Anctleheers

N o v em b er 21 I—mRobert G ardner L. ' — - m

____ *AdTerll»a««»t-N»T.-llt—— — ■:diaborongh « L a rn n . AneUoneen ,

. N o v em b er 23D ore tU Hoskins

A drerU sem eB t-N or. £0 and 21 ,K laas a n d -K laa^A neU oneers ' |

" — - IAdvertUem ent Nov. U-24 . 1^

:dlnborongh « L u se n . AaoUoneers

N O V E M B E R 27n . L. Satterwhlte

Advertisem ent November S5' gK laas * Klaas, Anetloiieers ^

N o v em b er 27 E arl C, Behrens .

. A dverilsemeat_Not. U-24 T v e ^ n A* R « . Auctioneers " 1 " * ^

N o v em b er « 9ETcrett Goodman

AdTerilsement—Nov. 27 and 21 K U as and K laas—Au'cUoneers _ ___^

ATTENTION rA K M E M I’W hen you plan a 'f a rm con­ta c t the Tlmes-News Farm Sals DepL or a sk your aucUoneer to e jpU lD .how you can bUaket «aBloLValley-Complet5T.Jt_ODl. small cost (less th a n any oUier. 'm ethod; wilh four u i e listusx U) th s T lm e s - N e ^


S e r v o U Sii

Snack Set I IFor Bridge | P

P ^ i c s " H “

1 .2 9 I 1I b z

i; Saturday - I NOV. 17 '? L A S T D A Y

4— AGRieULTURAIr H Processing Fair

Radio Rondevoo................. ....

Rag. 3.00 _ _______

N u t r i - T o n i c

Shampoo 1 5 0 i

' FO

H ow keye F losh ^

CAMERA ^O utfit N o. 177 2 I

13.95 ;

T W T M n K ^ t v m g “ ■

___ W hitm an '!

Sampler 2 . 0 0 .

R g frig sro to rF reshener

t =r e s h : “

9 8 c ^I w

S turdy-H ondy

T VTRAYS1.69 „.K p

J m tr ig h t for Thanksgiving!

Kleenex Table

NAPKINSReg. 2 7 e e a .

A utom atic P*


- ^ 8 9 - p

Single Control i Rich

Electric— I C Blankets I i1 7 8 8 I

D o u b le C o n t r o l 2 3 . 8 8 r [ I______

I w e I

V o r u g s a

,0 LC. A te





jyiYADEC3oChristm as Is C

Buy Now W hile Selections USE OUR LAY-)

K n o w Y o u r


W hen you se lec t your vl- lom ths Qt c a r phorm ocy, you a re assu red of th a I I M i

■ finest b r a n d n b m e s — B *f*7 n am es you know ond tru s t for q ua lity and M fety.


Purse Accessori(

c o s t u m e I e

$1 to $5 Values - N O W - O N L - Y T ^ r .

N ationally A dvertitod— 2 .0 0 volt

PERFUMES C lo se -o i

* M O R l E

7 p h 6 n e 2 i t

---------’ V ' ' i ~ ............

ichord H udnut Y \

Creme I 3 RINSE I nReg. 1.75 ■

1-10 n V


lO O 's..!.....................

NEJR. Reg. 1.2


S 7 ounce .. . . . . . . . . .


3 0 's . . . . . . . .

C o m i n g . . . ^ ^

ions Are Complete! Y-AWAY

■ : <

i r ' J

filNS a<jylng vitomins for your- ond your family, it's a ' ! « idea to check with your

don-orr-the-formulo'best-------—j to your individual needsr ' se □s important Is the repu* ■’1 and integrity of th» r behind the products luy.

lEW ELRT r f |1 .0 0

r 7 - r , “ ' | - ' p | i , - ® - JKod

: : ....1.00 S

F A L L S -S T O R E -p N l i^ -

\pA G B T H I lE a ‘f i , J !||

leg. 25C.2.25' 1 |

SCRAP- ' 1 1

B b o R L :|||P R IC E .

C E S : - | iE_And- ' : l j l

NHm l l

2 . 9 ^ 1 1

\ O ur phorm aeitta. k te p I u p - to ^ a t t on all th*I advonceg In m odem ' f m ediein* ond t t i i - r * - ,.

■iilh of le ten tlfle re* ' gearehl

scripUon, a lw aysl' ' , " “

PH. 211

FREE^PrescripHon ;

DELIVERY4 D il lv tr ln D ally .

8 JUMBO .PRINTS_____ .O ^ V v

KEPBINTS e e gA C g _

AU work dons by KASTUAN.Kodak Com paay'i new m etb- . od . . t b o - • ;Continuous paper Proceeso r '

Bicloao fl3e (jlo handls p o s t- 'K t ) Wltb mail ordstB.

Page 4: p = : - r T ± r _ TSffie Death Scorcboard TiTOB as« IM til a v tiie r .iw e - ^ At Soil M Better

|] ip A G E ^F6u t t " - -

> ^ a » ^ » MfM •( tku p«p.r nnam£ = . ^ _ » c ^ u f f l8 3 ! ! ? a £ ,

^StulM ouu ar Ualwi - -1 1 1 ^ =

i^E NATIONAL R c rn raE ■■

T J - -------OUR-fcSADERSHlr ^ jg ^ W f iw - th f t t t h a o l c c a o g - p ^ s s i h l e to dlacuss iree i ; r aueB llon of our leaderahlj ' S .J t h as been sold th a t

^^iSnove against CgTpt pro^ jt':&i}]le« wer« no longer S 7I Sileadershlp, and th a t consi

Sership had failed. m Beyond qutstlon they dl

"d “V e were firmly se t aRain: - r r - jn - th f r -M ld d la -E a a U u t.

proo f uf-faU ure-pn- 4 ? b V T ije r e - a r e io n ie jw h o bj

S h a t STcry tfm e th e re i s 'a f j g t h e U n ited S ta t f s a n d a | 7« d ftm o n a tia tea th e collapse saSh- Yflt to p u rsu e th ls reaso

44-g^here-neveE -Jian_b«_ho ji« [|! - tw e e n frien d ly n a tio n s wi h ‘» n t hom e.i;* B W e a re indeed o f te n wri y g a llle * .-A n d aom ctlm es n e

s BSwrong w hen view ed m an> ^ S s lm p ly a c tin g a cco rd in g to 3 'S o w n n a tio n a l in te re s ts .;i 2 T h e B ritish an ‘d'P r«iTch . S s u e z ca n a l v ita l to th e i r < 7 JS lm p o rtan t to us, I t is n o t t J 2 O u r ch ie f E u ro p ean olJU

S s g y p t la h p re s id e n t N asser ' S e r a te d In office , le s t h e J

S A ra h w orld a g a in s t th e Wi ' *“ S N a s s e r heartily ,--b u t -we-ti

S b e t t s r b«. b ro u g h t dow n < S s tra n g u la tlo n . ^ j S .W henvibe ■Brltlflh a n d F 1 Sconv jA ced w e w ould n o t su r S e c o n 6mi& sa n c tio n s ag a in s t I B to rtr t l te w ith force. —. £ T hese dlfferehtfcA • undi

§' • w e s t f l r n sp lit. B u t i t Is hai p rova we have ' f a iled ' u tte r n o n v lb len t so lu tion , and

- h r ^ u p p o t t . o f j a o 3 l j M j n b o r 3- i •M tlonSrW «‘U rg e d .c a u ti^ , foi

j J S f la g n t lo n w ould follow usi ! T h e f a c t t h a t R uisla h a p i th o sa opposing th e a llied

'a S i« 'in a g n in e d .-If- ih « -K te m S o u t a g a in s t can ce r, w e c • fo p p o s ita - ta c k .Just t o avo

R u ss ia n com pany .1 W « m u s t s ta n d fo r w h a t

R a v in g d o n e so, wi# can n o t ” TBl t u m U uit ^ o urae—beoatt

I f r ie n d ly p a tlons.—f o r . rcasc choose to l in e u p o n th e s ' T h e s t r e n g th a n d q ua lity e rs h lp In th e w o rld m u st la rg e fra m e , of t im e . In >

S jTactors. D a y -to -d a y differc « leV en those, a s b ig a s th e g a 'o t th e decisive m easu re .

* - f t r — -B R IG H T -FU TU R E. & c k In th e la t« ISZO's

n ew s by fo recas tin g t h a t p o n fo rever. T h e c ra s h o t . l In th e g r e a t d ep ressio n w: in g . A nd th o m em ory of ti e re d long w ith m illions of

S . P o r m a n y y e a rs no < o therw ise—d a re d v en tu re fo re c a s t o f th e n a tio n 's 1 u p w a rd sp ira l b f th e post th e econom ic p ro p h e ts f: a r e em boldened a t ' la s t

- . « i : s l g h t s .o f op tim ism .S u m n er' B llch te r, Harvc

ce n tly w e n t so f a r a s .to - j econom y Is In f a c t outgrc

: ' «down b usiness cycle, j To su p p o rt h is argum i

M S j o m e tre n d s h e s a id w ere

S ' T h e b ig Increase In the C l a r ^ In d u s tr ie s in th e coi

; S t o a d d s ta b ili ty because I : ! b a lan ce . A s-exam ples he

i ^ o sn d itio n ln g , th e a irlines , •* t u r a l ^ r T h e i r '^ a s t e n c e '

■ 5* o f d o w n tu rn s In su ch fl m m o to r vehicles.M C orpora te m e rg e rs whli S s ta b ility by sp re a d in g con ■•difi^ering en te rp r ise s , o r

Ipa on a broader footing.

- I . . g L o n g ;tc rm b u s iness p la r ; S ve stm en t a tid o th e r spcn , m f irm s to igno re sh o rt> ru n

im th e econom y, j S A S tronger b a n k in g syst<

! I i t p lo t a bo lder cou rse Jn s even d u rin g p e rio d s of slo

4 { -T o-thcse . 'fac to ra .£ou ld .jI S th e m an y legal p ro tec tionsII 2 e ra l s ttub 'lu rc .'anQ th e avo

I m . ^ o f lead ers In b o th p a r tie s t 11# “ S s w lf t ly - to -c o u n te ro c t th ei " ff ~"5 T fep k s» io n -eh o u ld -th6y-api

I ■ . £ D I F F E R E N T FJI r S ' T h e re w as O. s ta r t l in g c]i y e a r’s b lg .cielebratio iI; h s s a ry o f th o l iu s s ia a revo:

I . h(i.«t<y in 'ttf ^ lnfftnn a n dJ . g befo^e^ ~ - •! ~ H r L ast'year‘there wisrc sei

li ■ I S crashers, everyone had fui1/ I 2 out an hour before the

, ; « ^ e a r ■ few flr'tK an h a lf t3 S 'show ed,'nobody had any 3I - 5 too much food.

: ;8 j r E ven th e -R u ss ia n s d id o '1 J l Ing a sw»d tim e .


m itu r A p ^ t . l » t . at iK« »a*t *'P ^ <■d»r »u *1 I. i n t . UOM he h u

• r fcl.erdu Bf «oorf cvmvUat ‘:r.';,rLi?.Kra.“cr

I g H I P A B P O A n ~J o n - l s - o v c r . - l t . m a y b tf ui« uneh»JJft r e e ~ ^ r ~ V iin is a n s h i& - th e ^ .«h U t-o t- th ft. r s h l p i n t h e W e s t. . • t h a t t h e A n g lo - P r c n c h o u y moW p r o v e d t h a t th e s e - tw o «iiui him . h « e r fo U o w ln g A m e r ic a n u f o r dw c o n s e q u e n t ly t h a t le a d -

o y d id ' n o t lo U o w u s , l o r S u i ' i i w i mg a i n s t t h e u s e o f f o rc c thnn «< • n<B u t In ' t h i s f a c t a u to - y r r i td . auch»-^ n -n » r-p a rt? -Orcgmt-snd-irto s e e m w il l i n g t o a a y r ^ n r iA h is'^a d iv e rg e n c e b e tw e e n t i o n _ o f c t i d a n y o f I t s a l l ie s , i t nnd one wiitc la p s e o f o u r le a d e r s h ip . an inir e M o m n g - j5 .% M y J h a t_ ; " J h o j i e s f d i f f e r e n c e s b e - |t«) t,n] j t , IS w l th 'o u r T a l lu r e - h e r e votea ror iUn

And yet. It 1 w io n s . b u t M n ro o u r t t ! n e i t h e r Bide m » y b e I a n y s e n s ib le l i g h t , b u t p r n id e n t NU< I g to I t s m e a s u r e o f I t s he would han a . A psrUal rcMm c h T ib v lo u siy r a t e t h e ,5“*]ie i r e c o n o m ie s . T h o u g h “ ‘jV ih b r t ik n o t t h a t c ru c ia l . e r hi* c o a iu

a l l ie s a ls o b e l ie v e t h a t s s e r c a n n o t l o n g b e t o l - e u e n -m o ; h e I n f l a m e t h e w h o le

,0 W e s t . W o n lso d is l lk o w e - h a v e f e l t _ h e c o u ld unity, ifca ha< iw n b y s lo w e c o n o m ic the break 'ovc

S u t power/in d F r e n c h .w ore f i n a l ly Ot s u p p o r t e v e n d r a s t i c uon th e cMIm a l n s t h im . t h e y d e c id e d . n d th e B a s h i

— o rsan lu tlonau n d e r l i e t h e p r e s e n t

s h a r d to s e e h o w th e y th ^ M e c l? th yu t t e r l y . W e s t o o d f o r aa n d w o n th e r e b y th e u i e a iu c k on3o rs o f t h e U n i t e d N a - f .h< tm u»tS T J o i T c i f T W i a e r c D r r - '» USB o l ’ l o r c e . -------------- («cU oaj> U lw. happened to be among- r r r -r^ i tUled move should not V i i l i WCtemlltt-Auddenly.came p ,ne could nol take ah ' Kewa that

avoid being found In len or noerediw ------ ATda of th e ^

» h a t w o boU cvo I s r l j h t . g J £ S ,n n o t w is e ly b e d iv e r t e d b n u c h t to p i

r e a s o n s o f t h e i r o w n — d»tJon reveoiith e s a m e s id e . T h e V s h ^ h aa l l ty o f a n a t i o n 's le a d - ieS?n% t h n ■n u s t b e J u d g e d I n t h e which were ir

In a b a l a n c in g o f a ll IH c re n c c s a r a o n j a llie s ,

t h e p r e s e n t o n e s , a ra ^ent. LeOmn«;u re . w m n o t •WAn

•-_________ ^ _ T h e -T r lb u r

1B E -E 0B E C A ST __ S S m / . l S 8 2 0 's e c o n o m is ts m a d F ■ K S K ™U t p r o s p e r i t y m ig h t go d u u ic t h a s to t .lD 2 9 w h ic h u s h e r e d ~~8 UII; we ret

)n w a s a r u d e a w a k e n - h w * »U h t i o f th o s e d a y s h a s l in g - )s o f A m e r ic a n s .no o n c — e c o n o m is t o r * i ctu r e a g a in so rosy a H |fnv And ' n 's f u t u r e . B u t a s th ep o s tw a r e r a c o n tin u e s , incident. 6 chiits f ro m t im e to tlm o lenm ed il i<l a s t t o v e n tu r e n e w Tribune.

i a r v a r d e c o n o m is t , r e - ju d g ln s hy: . to - « a y t h a t A m e ric a 's m odern c a nu tg r o w ln g t h e u p - a n d - enslnea a n d 1

® to the tem pt

g u m e n t h e t i c k e d .o f f w ere r e d u c in g th e d a n - iioa w im ou t 1

oceupantA o t II if f e n u m b e r CTT e a l l r e c o u n l ry . w h i c h 't e n d s ®vrti«»«ija u a u s e ' I t b r in g s g r e a t e r on theae hon^ : h e l i s te d p la s t ic s , a i r t j tw l bew use m e s . f r o z e n fo o d s , n a - 8n c 8- l tm i t s - th e d a m a g e : - S ^ o K :h f ie ld s a s s te e l a n d . road? Do the

they c an ap rW h ic h a g a in h e ig h te n

: c o m p a n y r i s k s a m o n g o w n ers mu o r p u t t i n g o p e r a t io n s neciona o f ca>

of .them.p la n n i n g f o r p l a n t In - ^

J p c n a i n e i r w h l e m e a d s - S ’ K r t SSJp” - r u n u p s a n d d o w n s I n - ~ uiai m iR hi

M pcrlm enu—'s y s te m i n w h ic h b a n k s “in s e a r c h o f e a r n in g s ^yuen th e i

I s lo w e r b u s in e s s . Ins w hnt n mu i d j j b v l o u s i / b e a d d e d !n 'r*W njr Adt tlo n s bu H 't ih E o T h e fe 'a- ‘ a v o w e d d e t e r m in a t io n of now.Lies t h a t t h e y w ill m o v e Lnai yenr t t h e f i r s t s i g n s o f r e a l

------- ---------------- ---- ^ O ut o f th e 1T F E E U N Gin g d i f f e r e n c e b e tw e e n jn w m U : • a tlo n o f t h e a n n tv e r - veAith. Wiuih r e v o lu t io n a t t h e e m - to b p«- a n d t h e o n e th e y e a r

■ U t«h^ And /c s e v e r a l h u n d r e d g a te f u n a n d X he fo o d r a n >, fd«ho «ndt h e p a r t y e n d e d . T h is Sd;,® ;: f t h e - i n v i t e d g u e s ts i n T ^ u S ? S ii n y f u n ,a n d th e r e w a s s ince idahc

' 'u 'cll lo no ic 1 d i d n ' t s e e m . t o b e h a v -

Th« G ood ln |

C K E R ’S N A X IO ilA

WHIRLIGIGH IN O TO N — P r« fd en t tU enhower j r iu s fn I to ttra o f th e fncai Imporuint pcJlU ol ou e hAA had to decide alnce he entered the V /h ijl« decision m ay weU pct»p«r or depreaa t

lean , p iir ty 's future and ahap* this countr „ ro le in int#mAU<3nAt affairs.

, 'A ' Hla tremendous reelectlon *w« ^ lA rw ponilble for hU preaent p n

. - i r lem. I t haa made him Uie atwoli y y iB g 'T T f m i nf party, et

.IhOUBh he .c#(iii3t"™ n“ /of—reeii tion'. BunesUona Uiat hU tnfluet

| K ^ H wili decime for tha t reMon a re j KArded aa nonsense by pncUcAl i

m an'w ho-re ium ed tho 0 < to pow er.aIl£ r.a 30-ycAr exile, « b roke the c ra iy q u llt eo'»UUon

- TMhw - non-conaenlAl-voUng.clfmeniAjwhlT O B fou r Umfrt, haa n o t become n hfls-lie

I he ha« only four mor* yeara In t)i» .Wh

M A N n e n .is -c u K F o f r n t z w o r l dL-tmoo rtan t. and troubleaome. he h«s becoi ehAlJenecd and Ac*nt>wieoj(U” l.uiiiiii«iidtr-f f tb<|-fi-»w»-wnr1rt -«nrt hU-nfMtieB JlAA CTOI neutTAl naUons. As a raw IT ortim rT m iltJ i }lom*Uo flaaeo In Egypt. AnUiony Eden a: o tle l a re now iKBsintt an immediate audlen m. He dom lnntee Uie dliturbed poiCwar woi I d id du ring th e war year*, rem arkable victory, howercj-, h Attributed

« a t advlaers to Uie fac t Uiat, In his (Irst Ui th e cam pa len , he represented hJmself aa

I flKure. AS A so rt of Ameriean falher, r a t t 1 A ftepubllcAn. O thenvlsr, h r would n o t ha auch conlraatinR statea a( Maine and Tex

-«nd-yj«tfidA-,j._—.—J_____ _rjA I/ RKASON FORT)EM O'cffStft'*nT.TE: DF CONGRESS—*nils popular imsRe of hi: w hich h e chflrlihfJ. will b* rra std . If ho h

m Inlcnse pa rltsan In hiu second term . Ai anafocm ktlon would lead lo bitter and (ru clA ahea-wlth.the.Dem ocradc m a/orltr on ca, , I t would send the various elements whli ir- h Im -»«io{Inj-bscle-to-th*-0«aocrA lk_IoJ >et. It h e does no t work to build up the OO lAaocltttc himaeJf and hi* ActompJlsJimeniA wJ iv. he w ill leave It aa weak as It was w hen 1 ci OR th e polltlea l stage four ycArs ago. T o VI It N U on. o r to Any other proapecUve auccesac (J h and over only Uie sliell o t an ocjan lw ilo it rcnaon for th e Democrnts' retention of coi al control is th a t tho vot«r» did no t IdenU I th e O O P. -}rt. Ike h iu st decide whether to lavor himsc coattAlUnB political friends.

- KOXXKT l i o r r — Tha **me problem p r n to th e foreign tleld. Britain and France a

p a tch up th e aliaky WMtem alliance, and ; R u stl» w ith At least Uie scmblance of aU1< ce ha« u l d th a t It m ust be prrserved, dcspl,k 'over-M lddlcE aaupoU cy.___ _ _ow erful R«pubUcan« on capltol hlU c]i'e~U knslci-French descent upon Egypt as a r e u t ■lUnr o r ellnilnaUng a ll lortlgo aid. They que. e filcacy of Uie United Natlonr. NATO. SEAT B aghdad pact, which hAve become only pap< tlona u v e for U nited fiU Us tponsorahip ar

llddlo E as t debacle a lm ic lh en i the position 1 lA rthy-Jenner-C apehart IwIaUQnlil and ‘ for erica" faction. Moreover, nce^ refuaaJ to bat :k on E gypt won him millions of votea on No m u st decide w hether Co align hlms«>f w ith J>

_ iil lo ra -O t-.w U ii.a n _lnereMlngly InUuentl if-the. B tp u M Ic ^ p a r ty . ' ___—

5W S O F O T H E R !r u B L i c 's R iG f r r t o k n o w

th a t th ree &aU Lake c ity high schools tft< ,oere<Ut«Uon becaiiM of failure to m eet «t«ni th e NorUiweat Aaaoelation of Secondnry a t Schools w u very dltiurblng. A lm ost.equal Ig WAA th e m anner In which U ti n e w wi to publlo attenU on.

i^ah S U t« commltlM of th e aecredlUng aa»< evented IwifTfeelc lhkriMe«TJtBlrhlBh*iichot itned of th e 'p o ^ ta l llty 'o f ’'acUon la s t aprln tl schools were no l named, bu t ne^-Amen llna l thA t I t WAS the th ree Salt Luke City schoo ere In danger. And alUiough Uie schools we VATRed lAst spring, no report waa th en mAi t la n o t eslabltahed If the mnUer waa broURl ttenU on of the board of education, lla pror O m ndo P. Backm an; has said th a t he a t lea awAre of the situation.

rrlb u n e recoanU eA .that-there.are_A om e r: Ig ctrcumataneeA. I t U not certain thAt Uie a t AsaoclAtlon made the serlousne.v^ o t tl -au tflc lenU y-eleA r-to_aalL U >!fl„c ity seho lea la s t Aprlng. And i t Is a fAct th a t tiie Acho h a s been trying to c o rm t dellclencles: we feel th e public which supporu the «h(v i Ig h t to know aU pertinen t IntormAtlon rrli ichool opcr«tlOB*—and s a rd x a U ireat of lo d IU U on la A m a lltr of grave imporUnce. «hools m ust hAve publle confidence If thi ICAl effectively w llh the problem* th a t bes' ^na• the w ithhold ing ' b f v ita l- tn fo rm n tlo A m ere oversight or not, does not iM tlll cm O ne good thing, however, has come of u

. School AUthonUes hAve. 'w« are convince A le«son on publlo relaUons.—S a lt X.Ai

' T iW SE VJCIOV.S AUTOS ig h y newa w norla of automobile Aocldenl

car» ivlth Ihelr niulU*hundrtd horsepowc a n d AuperaoiHlc speeds react In strange wa: tcmperftment.1 of Uielr drlvera. Almoet dal ds "ca r le ll hlRhwav on curve, crftAhed Im 1 killed driver." Or "ca t pulled o u l.o t tXAfl Kout w arning, struck hend on- tA o t bo lh cArs deed.** O r "cAr went o u t o t coi 1 roiled o re r bank Into rIren .-6odlM n o t y.

a lb the m odem Atitomi^lle? W hy h a s I t tnkf a homlcldM tendenclw? Are AUlomobllea Irr ■CAUse the ir dBvera hold them back on ciirvr; ' become Im patient when a tim id d river tjli

Uiem from solng to or 90 miles an hou r 1 3taierxirnnd 'keep~*heA d-of avarythlng nn .tf •o they Imaslne w h tn coming to a curve thi n aproAd the ir fenders like wlu&i to c ra u like an alrplnne and connect w llh ihe ron J th c r Aide? W hat are thclr. m o tlrw ^:a m ust be protected from the IrreAponalb o f cars o r I t will Aoon be suicide to drive ot

i-ay to Allow >'Dur e«r you are b o » when igns o t taking the '-bit In ltd teeth" ts to ci BUpply and *pur ll~wlth-Trell-adJu.ile<l-brak<

n igh t tench U a leuon. If >-ou live Uirough tii enu—Idaho Falls Put-R eglster.

T .\X .\TIO N tv j d a h oth e Idnho legljlAturr gets do»n to delerm lr

,t new tnxea and hou- much are to be levlr >ir AddlUonAl revenue needed to tlnance «ini AU-cA,-lhc-dcpiittmtnLaU;'«>»mer«e lltu rc s o Income per rw ldeni In Idaho W lITbjrw onh

>-enr maldents of IdAho had lean Income p< h a n the nnllonnl Avrmce. Tlie Nov. S3 U'u r r ’s m ngailne illovr Does ? o u r Incom e Com

■ th e 11 western stAten, clil?.en.i ot'oneTN evn^ loznM of 30 per cent o r morr Bt>ove avrniKc. richest sU te In the west Li Calltornla. wher

Are 20 to 20 per ocnt above. In per e.ipli W ashington Is ihlrd In the vi-esi w llh ' I p« 0 per cen t above.n a U exacUy average. SU les m nked t lo . below average Include Oregon And Wyomim »nd ArlMnAH m tlng Are 10 to 15 p e r cc/i

«nd S 'w Mexico Iiava the unenviable ixx'l 20 10 39 per cent below. Al the bottom or th lAdder Are seven aouihem »t*tes and Arknn.>a th DAkolft w ith 30 per ceni-below. . Idaho'.t m ain concem -l» .tsrlculture. It I

no te th a t “The last pUce to try to nwke . days Is on a Inrm, unless you have a sood e ." according to th« author, Vance Pack.\fd .- i>dln| Leader.

.:T r i t E S . - N E W 9 r T ^

jA L ip r : i : - '7 ^ ~ _

G ~ ^ -P q t

T ^ m o f s ^a re a th e . a f c . * #coun try s ( • •' 1

Ifi aweep T.SMNTIALn l p roo - All you .good consUtueniA wl AbwlttCe d o n 't w ear tye tu sse* lu st do n 't res

rty. cvc o ize how esseoUAt.Uuy a je . Probab r - w i e e - yoa-tiH 7e-»m ltea:«tTne-0RrcaTtw inJiuence of th e guy shoullnf. “Who h ld 'n

while the spec* *r« rtdit UcAl po - h ig h on hU forehead.. . _ _ _ T ake th e ca*c et the /e lJo* *) HiV becam e io accustomed to hU glAu. (((«„ «? • swimm ing pp

ncavered-U v pU eci^_____ — . ___r 'w w t S ® '‘ ^'Uow who' hAa two pair >

norm al vUlon ou t on Uie street, i )RLD — ***1“ getUng ’em mixed up, can 't s<

* O''"*

i « r .* » Ay MB ronrem ed- B uL h e. hi ie n a n d ** ***“*■ reading gluaei In order 1 audience *** *aU o | a t th e table,a r T l’* «>e J* th e Twin Fni

w om an w ho U ^ u lte »horUlghu> Mited b r cortege, ahe was expecUrrst U cm * *1*^ ^ aororlirlf AA A I'ouse. Bhe went tipping around t^ r r a th e r waiting u n til aomeor101 have IhfOfmed her she'd WAlked rig h t pai d TexAA t'** tw o o r U\r«e llm t

WlUiout recognizing him . No glaase:

T his mA^**kllien Is 3 m onths oli f 1 kT ’ black, long.halred and housebroke L jLnJ —"pretty good." You can g e t him i

1311 P lflh avenue east a fte r 8 nst *rhe folks will be home aJI dAy Sat

I w hich BuT'-‘l?>'-__ _ _ _ _ _ _U t-Io ld . ---. j t a v UAR CftM f A -v r ^ •le O O P. D r a r P o ls f ■. nlA wlUi J hale. doj.t. I don 't ou n a tioi when h e W hoops—maybe-1 h sd be ller atar T o Vice {tom th e first. I Uve In a compnra iccesaor. lively new neighborhood. E ach of m U tatlon . good neighbors han a dog. «ome tw( of con - Now these are tine, Inielllgent. bus Iden tity m ess people; Uiey arc considerate c

me and my family In every way ex h im setf cept, where their dog Is concerned,

As I'stA ied before i ha te dogs, bu our neighborhood dogs spend a roo<

em p ro - portion of tho day nc m y plAce. oice a re don 't know wheUier li's my shnibs 0 . and lo /tow er, f ird e n th a t l m ore fun I. )f Allied dig lnu> or destroy or it they, wlU

despite ij i f i r s ix th MJUt. rtx tn l me «nd 11’ the ir way o t Ahowlng m e th a t the;

c lle - th e 'a b h 'f c i r e If rU k e 'U icm 'o r not:— 1 reason w h y can 't they keep the ir dogs li :y quesi ih e lr own back yard? W hy don 't wi SEATO hAve c ity Uwa to control d6g tre* y p a p er passing? Why are theae people s. nip a n d sm a r t in some respects, ond so siuplj

tn other*?iltlon o f Maybe someone cnn answ er thesi d • to r t- quesUons for me; to back I. Have we a dog-catcher Ih th i on Nov. city?ivlih J)U s. Citn r be sued* for inking dra*: luen tla l tie-tuethw is to get r w a t dogs l(

a re on my proprrty? — *---------------- Srlf-people-wA nt-pelA.-ahouldn'i■ n O they be kept In the bAck ya rd on 1 XV O long rope?

' I 'm Ured o t cleaning up my front

^ ........ »ol >l»nn*h

p o t shots note: William M. Dye Ii * • the dogcauher, an Air rifle thai

,»»Q stings w lthoutrpeneU A linj will dc

iss?. mAlte the rope.som ew hat sho rte r Irschools noth ing fis t. Any oUier quesUon*?

FAMOUS LAST U N E '? *'•«• Wot erifloih for ya. huh l?"b r o ^ h l GENTLEMAN IN TlIKvs;; rO O K T H E O 'V -

— CARLOAD -^ !S _ B O M A fc lZ A _- r S P E C I A Lof loe* 2 0 C u b ic F o o t C u s io m _ M o ^

of Uie _________________ •ivlnced.I X.Ake

cldeniA, I sepower / te w ays / . sl daily / ed Into / AiM ttc - - ___- - • / ."?,S- Wllll Bie /

I H juil Offl stt and (Ml!hou r to ' I rr-oii.thfc ‘| B | | | ^ ^ | | | | | H | | H H | B | | H

tie road

^gh th e - I B B B H

le n n ln j

arr:i on The illfr«renc« In frM irr i I t '■WOmiy ------i « _ .

loMAtiiic in flsvor in d n ir p r r . fr*«^nraa. Anil the ncw itrv ra S3 Lvue Iau m Intting srilone Com- W. c*n prove it ,in a

Sevndn. 4...1 W l- l i . irul,tomi- in tt-l»y Hnd tr* Ih*

Where 'trmnn-' c.lnllA »ir»tk>nth«i pfov««ReveoyoBr .

to 9

r r cent

*^0Mhe - TMTN FALLSrknn.'AS

U Isiw ke A g V ik .\f X - TWI.V P.tLLS—DL'IlL

rT W IH -F A LL S.ilD A B a____


^ PEGLERS LAKELAND. P U ._ .T h r e e 'y o u t

) n p o ru rs on the Lakeland Lcdgi J jsiW fd up A w itches' brew of ■ S u r ^ II day leature la which the* u i tort 'I ipecltlcailons for • ■— " “ Uielr IdcAl m an. » " ^

Jn composite, he lA who Is six feet u l l and VI l e s N h t shudders At Che 'robably ihouih l'o r brown- . ' . 4cgr t iJon-p j iw j- i » » h - b l A « k - ^ ^ B | | | | : » J h ld 'm y or blue trousers 9 rld ln r T h e y sre d u d - . ^ ^ H U i i .X

lo c k e d on Ihe 19 %liO smoking- jacket. >glAsMs . E v A le e .D o D k l d ^ V S H M r '

ng pool ion's ideal m an ey were "ctlnges when' h#

-------» / e * _ s m o k ln g rx U rpair ot JacKeiA,'' b u t 'T J o tU e T f i lS o d 'w li one tor " l envision m e u » ru ftly Bpronc eel. He housewife and him- aa » m an wh a n 't see dons his smoking jacket and sllppei

before seUIInr down w ith his pip exeep- and -papers." Nancy J a rre l l coul

I'tATiier ftrrr-b ro ten -O ie -deed toek^bu t-d J 41C.41AA not-.vo t« .on_ th^ jm pk ljjg jacke t.„rder to mIsi DonaJdson.l* " the outdoors'

weenle*roul type,” DolUe b -ex IJ n i i u tremely ffmloJne. th e nif/Jy type ilgnted. »nd Nsney 1* “a career typo w ith pecUng «n»« of humor.'.' . »■

Ledgcr-A local root Smeone ^ Im pudent children wh/ih i i i « « *« o » e r In Ui1 tlm L{Ussfsl Miss Doille Is definitely rvtfly. b l

___55' f e ml mne lhaE C = H ifn it-p n O JS E C ^ y w rT C ra ir trcJ u old. hesd And haiids and aliCHTaerirmi ■broken anccs ot voice — It ts a rAcket, thi him At femininity.8 p m "W hat About cooking?" i ukei

ly SaI- Miss Elvalee, “Do you expect a ma; _____to live on roM t weenies forever?'-

. . . ' She is l i t t l e t h e y All nre little ---------- * (lli-tw o~»>«-of-som «-him ih.grA

shnda and a blbe swcnier.

r ' . u * u m "

”K ; pjp™:)-””"'t, bus- ghe 'said, *'no." a h e said; 'T cni

J»t»tofS. bu t I t would be bette rnM “ *“ luxuriouS . ba tA Rood , "Oh. he has a very good Job.'* Elvp lAce I ‘*® ''° lt«n 'l I p u t UiAi Inmbs or I"*-’* ‘tint. t<K’un lo Dellnltely. A good Job or a prlvnt ’, w llh Possibly oil or an Inherlnd It's ^nce ,"I Uiey though t o f cooltlm□i;— -■ A* A quallllCAtion-.ahe could cook I log* tn co(iccnii<<n-L v e pleasant speculations upon he r tres-Ple so ‘"'preaalve la st nam e wltlsiUDld oW.iAshlonfi

first name would ponvince md lha these *1* *he,sald. -F o r In

stance. Peyton, M anning. pictdlnR ti this RoekefcUcr-or P r t a l e y . " Doltl'

dream t "liow dlsUnguUhed he'd lool dra* . *>**•'' *« R'ey *»ghlly a

f Uiev temple*.'' b u t h e r thoughU -dl«------- i a o u ta d h e r J o ihe kitchen^tuldn't „ .-W hat >u»ui whtrays?*^ I a*k« 1 on A P e y ^ p lA H to'ltAve trAy;

fron t *

r ■ T h e /\Dye I*I thAt'Rl do :# nnd---------------------------------------------------------le r In - 1


■ f io n t a n gofBg /'«an«f

111 ~Iin ith

Lika »urprig«8?-Y< -------------- ^ ^ ^ 5 7 U t> 'C om plo le l

. BO o d v o n c ^ i t 's h, o i g ly ling o n d ongino^i

H e ro 's w hoco y o u 'l l f r id e , h a n d lin g , -porio:

, . . • rp ro M io n of v igor, a ] : ; --------- ' - ....... a j i# w .o a A n _ a a d .c o a ii ,0 - g ie a lo s t V -8 ovor dovol » ' lo s t y o a r '* S}ralo.S»ro{ \ b e s to d a l l e ig h ts in tni]------------------------ -^ iiid ia p m itiL itiilL .'o v «* b o o n r o l i n ^ a n d porJc' * t o ^ to 8t-V o n tiQ c ‘a «

N o w o n d w Ih o y 'ro cc

S' of t h s YoqiI C om o in t mile th a t it’s A m o rica 'i

1 CAFIn Our New Lo


fi’S ANGLEyoungjof clgArctle butts a round lo r th li .edgerj poor AlAi-e to pick"up’ "', B un - ' “WeU. I-a m nol rtAlly too Udy.”

forth she aald, -bu l after a few daya the AAhlrays would begin to botiiet- me a n d I would hsve a Wg cICAn-up. The

l i t ' . mAn I have in mltid would be patien t , 3 and «we«t about it- He would laugh

'■M and AAy It was a privilege to empty ashtrays for me.''

W f ; “Uo >-0U hanrf mmit* up?**- 'L » • “ RU things? Certainly n o t. He ^■y ilAngs up his own things. He learned f J thAt In the nAvy. or the marine*.

T hank goodness for th e armed forces.-They hAve donel*>onderfu l

t d m w ork of. training /deal m ea J o be ne a t around the house."

f ro le l ' *—*— *------ " ■ironed ”Vou wrot« here U iat you 'c a n t I who Iw n. can-t sew. couldn't launder a Ip p en s tiirt to r my life.* D o n t you re a llu I pipe U iat (he ideal m an eould find tome could very pretty girl who could Iron, sew

It-dM «»/1 .i>.- .n >wrjalftnAl Shift?"et,______■'Rut n-h«t «hout the laundry? Ioorsy. plan to «T»le wonaerfurthId«SrHO t

-ex - love storfes bu l beauUful, mysUco) type." fJctloa l wUi make an enonnoui »1UJ A income. i can 't waste my prtelou*

Ume doing laundry and mending." room M iss' Donaldson suddenly turned whAt AggTfAsor, “Dy the way, door-slAm-

n th e m e n are absolutely out. We hope he won't always give In to u s and

y b u t m a s t« tu l, butthan l>e m ust no t alam doors."

r e r o t —AcHwa-th>-room a.tace.wisJnoclc»! irn U ^ lnift-Thl»~wa*-Uie_cltv .editor who t. th is knew hla little sprites, had over^

heard Uiem Imagining Uielr Ideal aaked m an and had Asslimed them to wrJie 1 m an the feature. He wna Ted Thackrey. a :?'• knockabout veteran of weird ad rea- tie — turcg.Including the late Mew York -gray c o m n aa ^ th e_ e n d of the road toe

the lale Marshall. Field’s little ma- !s*en- J/gnanc)-, PAf.

After Field chucked U, PM be- nu3h* came Ihe s ta r under Ruddy auspices

and finally H enry Wallace hustled a r l e ^ n d senile old female In Chicago

I cnn who staged T tinckrey ito ■ ton ot belter money fs r a futile a ttem p t to revive irious A moribund exploit in a sordid phase

o t Ameriean journalism.Elvp- Mr. Tlinckrey la a pracUenl pra- I In? icAsjonnl now in a Job o t old-style t, too. clly-slde nnd teature Journalism, he rlvnU la concerned wlUi political Issues iherl* nnd propngnnda. The hours w e easy.

Ihe stress U light and little cullcs ols^ng p 1 a y I n c patty-eake w ith dreams

» wrlt_e belter reading Uiah all theem ed #ngry men o f pundltry.-— - — ........n he r ___________________

,«‘S Posts Filledth a t MOUNTAIN HOME. Nov, 18 i n -

>r ln« Elmore county commlssloncra yes- Idlng, terday nnmed Mrs, P ilar Bradshaw, 3oltlc former deputy county treasurer, to I look the post nf county Ueasurer. She re­ly Bt placcs Stella Lothrop who has re- s -did signed._ . The -CommUslonen also named Dsked Lorna DuUuIe (o . (ako~ov«r~ u tray* deputy. ~ • - -

M o s t S iy G

______ ___ ~ - i ;

h e S u r p r is eI? -YouVo g o t o n e c o d lin g in P o n tia c I lo le ly BOW ..; . iro a i-p o w o r to pa raono li :'s h a n d e d Iho inc iustry a w b o is iro sh g n o e r in g id e a a !i ' l l iin d a l l th o b lg -d m o c h o n g o s In lo o i o r lo rro a n c * . T h o r# '# o n e x c itin g n« , o lo r tn o ss a n d lu x u ry Ja % lin g . T horo

oa iid Q acft^dU K oJsh?»L o .8 .you_p iioL lllovo loped— Q p o w o r p la n t th a i to p s ov* slroalc w h ic h »ol SO w orld roco rd* a o I tnilfls p o r g oU oo l - ' ' J ovw ry .foaturo o f th is g r o a t now com nrTir jo rio c to d ta tb o w o rld 's m ost o x h a i5 5 5 T g r u o l in q lOQ.OOO-MUo M a ra th o n 'rII? ^ c a l l i n g P o n U ^ t h o S u rp riso P a c k a g in a n d d i iv o i l . ? o u 'U know ia a «ing]

ic a 's N o. 1 R o a d C a r t

i m e r l c a ’s ' N u m b a r 0 R o a d

\RLESON PONTU c o H o n - 6 0 T M o i n A y e m i

- - - - - F


, D river Ahtaa"^ -. E at io Bonet me Afrlc* la a U nd of nerer*ceAAlni .TD e wonder. Ai&OQe' Its letser-knowi ;tient anloA ta Is « gUat tn g . reeeatly dls AUgh covered, w h i c h mpty hM A body length ^

o t n Inch**. WlUi , alnd Jam atfEtched

' ^ 5 leiicth. I I . weighs >rned „p u 4H poundSI f'nefc l a j t , upper Jaw I t irjr.

haa Uny f r o n t teeth And 1* quito

« be cap ib le e t e A t e h - ^ W ^ ^ H H Ing And sw aU o w -H ^ H V ^ H R ^ Hi n £ - a _ w i u i l A _ i l » S L ^ D [ H

c a n t n tt. .ler a U you haven’t b m * Barw

read 'OorUlA H unter" by Fred Mer. field (ParTAT. a tra iu k Cudahy

u v N.Y.) here are aome more samplings I ;.. ' - The elAnt forest hog, biggest wllc

b T e M e l /A lS S l'i i- th t 'j iu n e 'T D n i lUcal u ie okApl, A reUUve o t the glrafti tnoos WAS -discovered,") T h b huge blacl clOM pig weighs Up to 500 pounds. I t hiu ng- A p t ir o t glganUe warty growths be- imed low lla eyes. NaUves tCAr It evei ilAm- niore th a n th e unpredlcuble-but- hope f*lo. reportedly Ihe moet victouj and flghUng Animal In Africa.

, bu t A leopAftl 1« no m atch for I t long, upward-curved tusks—deadi]

,(vk weapon*. And I t is incredJbJy'Awlft ‘“ 5 r Unllke-ethef-w lld-plgsr-theiA -glA tt

X o ia t_hP sa live in pair*, no t it i}'“ * hetds. Browser*. nolT rw tew r-w ner

th e tim e comes ta farrow, the sov puahes together a pll* ot Jeaves

ey. • and crawls underneath while tht boar stands guard, i le Attacks with-

York oui.provocatlon. ............- The hyrax. A small rabblt-lIke ani-

"*“■ mal w ith ah o rt ears, teeth like a rhlnoceroo and «mall hoofs on iu

be- to e . I* tho neareat living relative « pices the A/J-lcAn elephant, led A The gorlllA'A sense of smell h m icBgo feeble aa m an's; h is siglit and hear- n o t .

^ D S |»





Ing, .however. Are probably a lltUe better: ADd Uke aU wild animals, ic can correcUy Interpret tounfla tha t

,,,. to man w-ould mean nothing. Nine tlmea ou t o t ten, young gorillas caught end caged, w ill, tu rn their taces to Uie wall and die of sheer

‘o despair.' ” * “n ie African g iant w ater ahrews

have th e ahape and site ol amall oiler# except their* tall Is flattened,

med vertically. u Otte-at the-world's '«trange«t-]iRt>

mala 1« Uie m*nAUe found iln Uie

f e e jo /n f f O

■ L * , a u A . 1 ^ 1 1 f,

f e f ^ c k s a f fei a c for —— — — —I.I sn a litvS E l e t^ o v E R - e - D o ^ f r " F m a T 8

• t « p P tra h i M odv o a a iB ilooks,^ ond towtr than ave

J n » wh a n 't - t o o , , _ o ' ' ‘7 /? I r ’ilo t th a xaoicAerf with ibe txtttlor.a o v a n **•«« s i{ ^ i o - s t r « « i i v - a ila a n d C i/e / , 2 i■* whan feOBed with Stixilo-

•xln -ee tl option.o r h a a • Oio u d - a o n L .«v« i.L in* n

■** a t T h e « « _ p o n l l a o j

<TIAC-CAplLUpnUe East

-F E ID A Y v 'N O V B m E R a , 95,

” Nafive ofGiven Play AwardNEW YORK. Nov. IS

• A .N eW e.33 .1astnJ»htw aj* ,i[L *;:- Uie K ra f t UlevUlon Uie»t« niin wrigbt* award fer th e besv 6r i —>TV dram a of the-year.

Noble, formerly from Spoto-, W ash., won U\e M . m h lj tlra i original television d n m . '.

y .*us-,erlp f. HI* play. ^i m *'•*

Noble. A graduAle o t vht linut-.UE ty oi .V v sto ry loM euoQ oldw yn .M av trjij.; ■ f M v tn years Agp ant)- w*j ■ t Stely »l*ned to a five year conuin

wllh Uic sUidIo,B k An army veteran ot Wo.-id x i- itI D NoblC-CamtLJ<UieK_Xnrk_U4->'Ji-Rh aro to e n tc ; th e TV field j j^ B done several dxamaUcW l - fo r'T V rb u t-^S n ap fln g e r-C w k -iJf

hla I lrs l original scrlpu • “Mer- --------- -dfthy, rWcr# o t AtrlcA and eowvhttn y;oni lings: and South AmerIc*. 'Tiiu antoa’: wild which may well have given rue ta w ed " th e legends of mei-mnlct.''MTTo young satiors, is ugly and unsiin;.-Time BurM'fln'nijuflijcTnnniniTnrtrKrirafte p.iascd only by whnles and s i. black phlns. I t hns a hortzonwij t h « tUppcr-Uke tocellmbA a n d l i t k j {,;IS be- tem al ears.-P erhaps the m enrj' even legend arose because she rrari «i'<

■ bu t- ou t ol th e w ater And clRspi Ictous suckling babe with a f<JrciIipp«f •-

her hum an-llke b reastv rr lu Hlppopotsmu* male*, »(,'usiii.-. :eadly for supremncy, often tigh t under »i. swift, ter.■gUnt hnve-an lnpredlhlv_f».iot. In gestlon: W ithin minute.^ some hi»i w h w o te n 'ta iuwM to paaa-indlgtetWe-w^- ! “ w Mason file# build rock-hard nou CBV« jiave been kno»'n to build the;‘ w ithin A shotgun. H u n te n .lia rt ».A'lth- ported laying a shotgun aside Ie;

l« o .d f ty 4 .* n d lln^Wna , lh t b«Ti4 i i ajil- chQketLw lU uuicaU J-W lliUA jBU . _ ko a Crete.” O n the lf mfgraUoti*. driver in"j

W have beeh known to march throutt *n Animat collector’# « m p and'tii caged anlmala alive, rlglii do»n U\ the white skeleton. Including ul.^ ' m als as large aa plga and snt,. lopes. These voracious black u;i march only on sunless day* « n night, toward the iKglnnlng of Ut rainy aeason. Burprlslngly. wotke; sotdlets a n d femAlta ace iuu:i blind. T lieir columns ate *o

U iat Uiey nwy U ke three or Ice day# lo pass a given poinl. >tli!sei upon millions. Aa f#r as we kr.s», iljey havo no n s tu ra l fnero lu ; rn: the AnteaUng pAngollns leav* ttet severely alone.

lltUe B w l

K s.-i.s.riff-'SS. rs.-K.‘, &

Malcraft blJiila*.

SS, a u K " &-.KS i . r r a . " . i . ! ‘a a i i i t : 'c V .7 i ." -* “

uv^ R xA P T i m a .N s w f t ^ w a t

— *■

’C h a n g e \L L f 1

I B - • • -

B i * '

e o f ' B T

l a T S 'n N c c u D iN S T r ; -----------------

i » i o n - o Pen iioe £*c Iu»1 t* - a*at before—'57 '« rao»< di*-

l h « ” O tf> lh « -S h a u ld * r'*r» l" /o r '5 7 —p»r/ecffy color- 'or.______________ _ _________r- 0 M nplnm-270 b.p. te Star. f, 2 5 2 b.A in tba CblaIMn nto-FIIgbt Hyrfro-Mol/ei an

n* R ld « —til# ride ianioliontp«a»k>ff-arit*m-i>oa^d.oxJi-------o r -122.1000 wheeli>o*«. ttfife/ • ' Cii/e/fo/0

lOL OmMtarm '- ''

LACPhone 164

Page 5: p = : - r T ± r _ TSffie Death Scorcboard TiTOB as« IM til a v tiie r .iw e - ^ At Soil M Better

jjq VEMBER 1 6 ,195G .

^ g g t a r P o w e r — —

T o A rg u e io r I D ^ s ’Perm it ■

‘“ “ “ “’'i f . hydrotU clrlc c t.1**“ *, I?n Moncuy tor Uie f liu l ■-“ “ " if f: « n«<l3 from »■ aovem - i.js

** t- I-

iivru ~W

P*m.T« I

- I

u^flSl Hells Canyon *asocl*Uon I *1 «?h».r Dubllc power (froupa h»v8 I M*So Power propw l. ■C^^To7*hl5hfeder.l<lmln ,

=:Kv p;;indlcwd Id ah o Power • ot vloUUng O re jon lAW ^

w h«tanlnr preliminary work on .? - ? i« dim w ithout * perm it |~V S T u ie Orejoa commission. T he \ j

- to iw the b o rd c « L -b £ tj^ n ___* ^ ^ , a d Oregon a t Uje P o l n t ^

" li

Folks in King Hill K ^Tjst3rips,Jauntsi

• VINO Nov. 18 — K enne th phy; 'nM«!ind hM returned U» U w U ton ot C

hU -PM enl«. Mr, and Un. U irto Woodward. , , by '

I to wdMr#. J e » « Iluddles. H a lf. ^■ J f t o - h * v e been tto l tln f Mr.. JS 'u r t. Ted Moore. rt

■n, n«T. and MW. R. T. B nrow Jne• «nd Uord»nt Youree. attended the Idihopreibyttry of the U nited Prea- t

hltflw church a t Nampn. _ur *nd Mr*. John Slevers. Tenton. \wSh, M te been vJsltln* h e r atater. « Ma C, t Spenee. ^

Un. Clur# W at«)n hna rftu m ed t o TUltlns Mr. *nd M r^ »

■ bf5her. Jerry-C5olson.--ln Pocat<-llo.TTia UUer wm burned In & aervlce < i*»tlen firt recenUy.

C. L. Crismfln, SaU K ike f r«air. It TUJUni he r aon, Nick Rob- can

■ luoaWijn* Reed. BakehitleM. Calif., Tor

ku been Tl-qtlng ln K ing Hill. taki

1 ---------------

The car

> • '

, . A

is a t yiYou might have waited

. can be yours loday. i Imasine all this in oiu

■ new Torsion-Airc-ride I------- ^0U6-ne v-po ver Xor Kaf

cnsine, supcr-poworHl i hainll% (no sway on



----------^ — I d a l i o - S t u i

— ' ______

‘ Thre«i U ntv'enlty of Idaho aludenli i i , p rior lo rnrtnal Judcinc for lhe D id 'i- li ' . S lpna Phi "dream (Irl" >Virj' J in a Ml ! m e a iu r ti the fo liate. SporUng bt»rd« em X I ■*

j D o c t o r s D i s a g r e e (

i — U s e s j o T ‘ .l V a iM [ i i jNEW YORK. Nov. 16 niV-A com- inl*r«

p la in t th a t too ntnny family phyxl- atiindl clana are pre*crlblns "happy pIlU" ..j^

i for too many people h».< drnwn a yea-iind-no anawer from th e 'p ro . ,u .„ - rSinmrBl—STKWiminn— fti— wmiiy > physlcinn.»—lhe American Academy d^jj , » of G eneral Pm ctlee. ,j,

• T lie ton ip ln in t waa mnde recenUy advlet by th e profewionM orKanU.ilion of ten.iio

’ psychlatrLxls. th e Amerlcnn P.tychia* impor• trie Msoclntion. I t w m Un.wd In ilierni

p a rt on Ihn (ac t th n t In 16&5 a lm u t cla.uil’ one th ird of a ll preMrlptlon.i writ- q .' ten In IBSJ were for one or nrtoUier fop,• of th e •'tranqulUtlnK" drucn. »ppro

T hn academy a.nked two of Ha ncript ;* member*. D r. Andrew 8. Tomb. Vic- nchie' ' lorlft. Tex., and Dr. Jo sfph F. Faw - niore , ka*. WB.'»hlnjtton. D. C.. to editoriali .nnd- lr.A <m Ihe com plaint In Ita technical hn co

Journal. Dr. Tomb found the com- »ump p la in t Judtifled: D r; Fazekaa thousht tribul

, i h e _ o j ) p o * H e . ______________mnnl:e "Anytime th n t we le t our pntlenla Me

th ink th a t peace of m ind can come lhat e (rom a capnule or th n t contentm ent part . can bo ntarted by a pill, we are al- ot di

lowing them, l« be mljiled." aald Dr. "havt ., Tomb. • "A ■ pin or capsule cannot auch

take the place of the phyaician'a H«

ir y o u - m i g h

r o u r PLYMOaitcd three more years for the'eHi ly .in the amazing 1960-new H I 0JW5 car, and ri^Af nbitJ. . . rcvol ide to "float” you over the road. . . rBafctyifrom the fabulous Fury “3 red upJo^23& -hp. . 1 exhilarating s] f, onlturnB, no “noM dive” on b


...... A

n ii aU nd b r fo r beard Inipecllon I n l ara d 'i-d ay event Satorday aa Della and I)na Mllbrmth. W all* W alla, Waali.. cam* Id l entered In th e aH-campu» con- Inc)

se on Growing Gra junizing’ Drugstolerance, aym pathy and under- aUndlng. ^ay fv

'TA tlenta a m coming to the doc- lo Itvc lor'n _offlce even now aaking (or Ornnst J lA pay -P llls -oc -‘no--wony-CflMulc3,l —Airs. Jn certa in ina tnnees th e prejwrtp- FJavel tlon pad hns become it substltu tr for Uie (or Iho physic ian 's personal care and test. Lt edvlee. T h e etlolocy (cause) of a Cnmiten.ilon s ta te h a s th u s become porw nt t h a n ' t h e a tnm ctlc cnnnot iliernpy," (TransqulllJilnff drugs a r t dlslrur clB.iAl(led as "ataractics.") a com]

Dr. Paxekaa pointed, ou t Uint be- tlllty, (ore the adven t o f the tranqulllrrr*. ably r approxim ately one th ird of all p re- mlnUt; Mrtptfons w ere for drugs which may b nchlevB th e sam e e(fec t bu t wlU> (Icult i more dangers—sedntlves. hypnotic.^, hostlll ■and-antl-spaamodlcs. Furtherm ore, pntlcn h" continued, " th e high alcohol con- lhe tti »umpUon m ny perhaps be b est a t . and 111 tributed to self trea tm en t o t neurotic ' t IiimnnlfestnMons.;;__________ _______ to psy

Me tA rtly rem inded psyclilatrl»ls of the tha t fnmlly physletnns for thn m o tt ntoder pa rt a re " b e tte r versed" In Uie use the ti ot drugs Uian are colleagues who the r "hnve n o t hnd occasion to utilise much auch th e rap y since Ihelr Internship." place 1

He g ran U d th a t drungs alone wlUi i

i h t ^ a v e e x

lOUTH d e a l ie 'tK rills t H f ' ■ ra g h t-S w eep S tV P ly m o u th I ■ . . .n o w Bupcr-sarevo lu tionary Button D riv ing .,d . . ; trem e n - three I Seo an d <ry "3 0 1 " V -8 . your P lym outh d


T liN IE S -N E W S , T W I N F >

J w ^ D a d - s D a y J E y e j

le il are. Ir(t to r igh t, PatrleH H art, Oondlni snd Dnutlaa Srhedler, fisndpolnt. T he Or. tamo lealure i the d a f . (U n i te d ly preai aei Inc) __________________________

Grange Plans for S S —Attendance-Fete Ei,®

RICHFIELD, Nov.- 16 __An a t- llclti" Ertidnuce conWst wnn planned a t the jm lth . r< IllchJJpld G rance nieeOng W ednes- n w age lay evening. T he group also voted vo insiflll a. new celling In theSrnnsc .hn ll_______ ,_ M » . Edw in JohiiM .i.a> «U Ia-E £X - K l ^ f i ’■Javel R'fre nnmed l/'»m M ptnlns ,_ r t m d 'o r Uie th ree-m onth attendance con- t , , <rtt. LoAing side will give a banquet,

Ccmmltteo appointmenUi Include ' • Tliere

cnnnot "curc , ciMt.-<ln payclilatric jM t of dlstrurbnnces.'' lie also said " th s t catholic \ complete represtlon of guilt, hos- «trength llllty, and anxiety, wlilch presum - ably mny occur following Uie ad- ■**“ m lnlslrntlon o( tiangulllMng agents. n . , may b* undesirable." Y et It Is d l(- ^* '1 flcult tn m eaaure how much guilt or ^ hostllliy or anxiety In any Riven W pa tien t pushes th a t patien t over m lhe tine between emoilonal health ^ and illness. j . .

•'TliB chemotherap^utln approachto psychliurje prohlems msy_b«_one _____of ihe 'm oitt significant advances in ■ m odem medicine." h e said, "and A the rational u.n« of such drugs by I thn prncticing physician will do * much to ascertain tlieir rightful j q place In the m apagem ent of patien ts wlUi emoUonal disorders.'* H g* ■ »

i x p e c t e d in

i l e T r f i g l i Tp Stylingf, the dramatic .JieW 'Bh ler-safo .Total'Contact Brakes... nng. And in a car that's right I: and drive the car that’s three full ath dealer’s today. He’s expecting

tiY . ITS l a ^ o ^ P i :

FALLS,' ipSTIO ' .....

^ e n t s - Wor

woliun c( mail

.. r

’ I r ^ ' " l u i i e v c r*' ' - 'H i l t ........ route


..... I l l ' . ,-Oh. h: r'V. m

I . n i s t i n i 1

- - t a r isi'-vj--'-

pre-w ir (ivp uir lender oI and ram rrpuiiltc- elected, i

' I pufKidlng; Robin Merretl, K am ish, I . . . _ > O reton State-Idaho foothsll ■ lai ■ervie* phsto—«U (t engrav- ■

a, Flsvei. Mrs. Jerry Davis and a. Fm ncis Sinclair, home econom- ; Mrs. Louis Bnse. csrd Mies; s.—Exigene—Alexander,-<^uitei»yi > — s. Bnae nnd Mrs. Alexander, pub- 'tv: F/ i gnr S tubba and Jsck Ilub-ith . ren t. sn d T lu s* ll ■powRtrbtuti' ------;w agenf..Irs. Edwin Johnson, lecturer, pre- ited the high school Irenhmsn ■ech c ln » in a one-nct piny. Mrs. Ip h -S m lth -ras-p lsy -tliiettfir. MrT 1 Mrs. Jack Hledy snd Mr. snd ,s. Jsck Hubsmlth served refresh- in ts. I

n ie re a rs 10 members of Uie Col- e of Cardinals ot the Roman tholle church when It is a t (ull ength._______

Rcplace tha t Broken |

GLASSBefore Cold Weather

l^oon 's I301 M ain W . - Pho. 5 H




t T o w !........... ... ' ■ ' t

___________ _ •______ _ tr/Bhapft. of motions...m aj^ca! Push- __h t in the low-price . . full years ahead At' ' ing you I

PLYMOUTH! - .« iii

oman Says VHi Mail Carrier I

“Upsets’-’Pet JM.LAS. Kor, i« i^< au-!Ii!m sa id >ejtfl'd*y ih s i s Dalis.?; an com plstned Uiat a sub.itllut« c arrier waa "upsetting" her dos.

h» re c i i lu c arrier gets along llie do e ."sh e explained angrily, every time th e subaUtute m akti

mule i t iiw ets my dos."^here la iti* dog now?" sh* was

)h. h e > under lhe mlmtvw tr^e ly yard ." «tie replied..nd where'a th e mall carrier?"Ie> u p In the tree." slie retorted,1 It's upsetUng my do* anil■ini h im barlt."___________~ y ______

rO I.lT IC IA N DIES\n i8 . Nov. la.U V-Y von.Delbos, M i France's foreign m inister In. the i ■’ ■wir governm ent of Leon Blum

Ume* fducatlon m inister, a ler of Uie Radicnt Socialist party

randldnte for p residen t of thei61(c-in'JSiJ-when-Ren* Coiy-wjuJ _____ted, d ied ypaUrdsy. ________ I _____

S u m ^ e p a I r T n g I AND seRVlCE I

>11 mmlcei repaired ' promptly, I 4(flden tly and cconomleslly. 11

P H O N E 7 3 0 - W I iS ^ rU M ^ ^ E Q U lP M E ^ ^ I ■ ■ ■

-F rid ay -a j

® ( W

Featuring Your 2 Favorite T

T . T E XT Y L i


- “ H a p p y ^ H



S i

T J I Jwill b e h e r a t o ei






Prlnc«M . Jello .u U d , - a iu h e d po*^ tatoM w ith flb le t Br*>a. ho t n l l i . b u ttt r , eoffy .

On Highway 93 Sc


S W E E T 'S H D O N E IT AGWe've combined lofces wilh

— -------rA - M O U S - M A K £ R S - O F - B tCARPET . , .

T O B R IN G y o u A N C W LC P E T PR ICES . . . IN A L L G5 A L L M A K E S !_________________

Nothing Downi 3 YeiCome in I^'ow for Ij

' Sorry, wf f.innol givi* price I _________________over Ihe ielc;>hnne


a n ^ a t U l *

JA M B O lteWe»iernBand»

K A S # |

E R m

lERG ^I PRIZES and DSaturday and S

r U N M Y

EXAS TYLE» e n t e r t a h T y o u S u n d S y ~ (



SUNDAY Is The! - S H U L O N G E S T _ _

A l L C O N T E S T ^

$ 1 5 0 F i n t P r i z i ■ f $ 7 5 S e c o n d P r i i e j $ 5 0 T h i r d P r i M ^

________ F r e n c h '

: , i

I South - A erott th e Now

P A G E F i v i f f l S— u . ............... •

PRiCEST j |H A V E ^ .......^GAIN! ’ ■ } |vilh ih s M A JO R i ' i ’ i- B R a A O C O O W -" ™ -^

' LO W IN CAR- ! 111!L GRADES A N D j P '

fears To Pay!r Details!:-iee informnlion •■•' ■hone. _ ' ' I

I f T I||;l



ERy ~ a f t * m o o n — ^ -

El OVEN ' ■• “ RtADV • • !


le Lost Day

c h ' i F a m o u s 4 9 - « r '.''Ohicken 6oup '7']M n c e u SsUd ^


shed p o U to M ,^ in v jrO rte & B u n s ^

Cherry Cobbler-............uiRolls. b uU w T w K e*^ • ' 5

H iia v a 'i l a - V in e ' : - V - ^ *

I----- : ' - ■ . . v'.-jri

• ......

Page 6: p = : - r T ± r _ TSffie Death Scorcboard TiTOB as« IM til a v tiie r .iw e - ^ At Soil M Better

1 ':Stre'am 'B e 4 P "Ij -Are F p recaslil }*»BA1,T LAKE O O T . N o r . - « WJ- : v e c t o r Malone, a , N*v^ 1im . fore

.If J o s t w ater wIU beeom« to vat I’ i t ^ l e In th s weat In M 7 c w » o r m ll < th a t m a n ; itre an u wlU now thxou tl 'tlleoodulta.j.:; M alone to ld tha N aU ooal R«cla 'l i 'm atlop auodaU on th a t aa w ater be "T: mSrTMeir«r la«M«-Hno»m»n*;

' b* fpeoV tn Ita c o n u rra U o n am; ^l«U Ua eoM erralloa wUl t o on fo

■ IM- •5"EyaporaUon from r « « ry o ln am : V;; tunn ing a treanu v a r lu f ro m fou

'{ ••to -a«ren (ea t annuall7.-<lep«adiai 'I'fj 4n' latlUida and tlevaUon.** MaloD

: i 'm m m . f . U . n t dnet n o t ta k e j i J o r ty n f t'•^ itraoO th lo predic t th a t In i ! :'.|l ialf cen tury er more m any o t th

' /, jw a itc n i a trm n u irJJl b e ilowln.!; ' through condulta,*'

. ;} r T he aenator aUd aald th a t th Incrcaalng jie a l-fo r_ rf f t1am«tion i

—4 ^ leadlng-to-plana.fbCTnnd coneeptloi, I .T • few y**r» ■B®-"

i ••Calltornla Ia taliclnf o f Ukin; 1 i.‘, su rplus Columtila river w a te r aouU

i*; and o f taktog va tera of th o Mlaaou ) rl a n d M U tlulnnl rU eni to land I v e a t o f -tha BOlh m erid ian whlcl j {. r i r a a rid a n d aeml-arld areaa .I ’*.' * " I t m ay aurprlAa you, b u t e m l 1 il:' necra have known for yeara thi> : ' Koutd Im feaaJMa bu t i t would eot 1 jl: 6ioney.“

' ‘ • A founder and c h a rte r m em ber o — ‘^ B tm A rM alo n w iw lao d -U to -rM O P ; I v. c t th e o n a n lta tlo n for th # paj ' ' ' 18 yeara.

' i f Ma aald futura y e a ra 'h o ld fvci . T « f » t e r T>M BlUfrW ttr-iw -on^y#l-Ji 11. tna lU on to know how c h eap atoml )• powtr will be.J T DrperlmenU now underw ay i

“ T -T > eH ecrpo rtab lrT tae» ra -to -p rodu t rt E lectric power may revo lu tlon lw th ‘ w of power for water pum ping li 't ^ a weat. b a added, f te aa ld th s ax It ^ I m e n t a are aimed a t produelnj 'A po rtab lareaelora for th e a rm e d aerr2 leea fo r usa anywhera In th a world.

I Besumption Eyed. I :• Of School Censuf’ii : BOIBS. Nov. 18 W A llon B J -Jones, a tata lupcM ntendent o f pub ‘j llo inatrucUon, act ou t to d a y fo r i 1 M tlea of achool mceUnga a t whict I -fit sa id h a would te a how m u d

te p p o r t 'h a can find fo r reaumpUoi «{ ih o annual Id ah o achool c«nnu

- • ' -Jonea la acheduled to - ta lk -o n - i J ! ^ lane l dUcuttlon of ichool problem: ' : -Vt th e 8oU ConaervaUoln DUtrlci

: tuaocU U on meeting In T w in F a ll i iaod a t meetlnga of achool truiteei

j ; S n d sdu lnU tra tora In PocaU llo., H o saJd h a fiivora leglfUUvB ra-

I '. b n a o ts ie n t of th e cenmis Uw b«' I *causo I t would fU] "a realU Uo need' I .fo r Infom aU on about th e numbei ' lo f Id ah o school ohUdren and thi . «Dl«a<if{eKtfons Into w hleh th e y fall

r-~: ~T h»-«tnius~W B «jlltC 9oU nued ae» L- : ,m l . y M n age^becausa.ths'-anukUe; I : . ’School d istricts wera a o t 'tu m ln g 'U ) W p o rt* .____________■ ■

: PlansServices: KIM BERLT. K or. 1 6 » * rb a Re> 'f t u J X. X o in r. i» i t o r o f th e K l» > r l » . F irs t O hrlstU n chureh , wll

> ♦ ^ o n d w * .. c o m m u n lty -J la n k sg ly ln ^pervlces ail lo u a . T h u rsd ay a t hi

g The t w . i f r . K enny Inv ited mem- J b o r s ol.a lL ehurchei a<_weli aa othe

Slaterested persons to a tt« n d . ' ' l i I im p o r ta n t th a t we In A m erica paua ; i o f l » thanks to G od fo r a ll Hi ■btneflts to us on T hanksgiving day, J i a s a ld .__________________

r Services SlatedReeognlUoa aarvleca fo r tha Tyli

rB aptU t chm th . MS T y le r atreet. wl ^ held a t 7 p jn . M onday a t tt

- .c h u rc h .• M eatragtra I r o m c o nservain ^ p U s t church o f Id ah o w ill m eet 1 rcouaell to rteognlze th e church i 'w o r th y pf entering In to th a feUoi

. ^ h l p I w l S Uj* B ap tis t Church'-. •S la lio . •

i i r x ci m; i A N D T

- S7J- roa sue\ ' I ■ . / 3 LONGERj ; • » rD pentt

M C E r o

Is L--------------KBAR KA'

n S i [ m o U eeyclea) ( n s KUiB W J- •ABO SATOlI, fo re- „O val- Tim JuU Sk*» -«1« K»W..J• or ao '*• I* " c* » i^ <st.T«*-'o « u g u

R*cl»* ill S &

>n*Ar •aTOHDAT iiS!M 7tm» «a i Ctunitr ><**•% and I<l>> »«"• e( FlaiMr* ] nim , >

» four ;iS {{“ i**! 1 ilo niiiK.'.BOdlng - :M K. 8<h*ol T«i.» _l .U l l * w . ^ •> « e } ;«

laa xhw > Uirtfe '

t In a Nrn* I tea io t the Hiot n>«i«r MtrqUM i-.n T JoaiJng n i l

,I th . s

--------------i " s - E S !I —KOff NrwT, <! ;! ! S .T . ; ! , l f .v ' i s s : : : . "

, i Z ! ; .‘S K * i S K i ' i ; '!■«/<• U an n ta Wftk 4iSt nillkuin n u n t to f w*J* 4iio

w hich t i n drotti i io g N i» . 1t : l l l^oranut (Tra?* t i t t Ntw

, ti< l I'ornaut (lm « t l t t 8»«rUe n il- 10:0» Muil« ll, Diiitn w <:3n llhip.

•a thi* *ti« t i t -7iM n .iir IId eoft ^

i b e r ^ U.S. to Probe [ Soviet Action

—For^Satelliteay to WASHINOTON. Nov. 1« 4ft—The roduce un lted -S ta te iJaU a¥M llga tlng_R u^ l u the ala'a reported deportation to Siberia ling In o t UiauMnds o t HungarlRn (reedom he ax- flgh ten , A m erican official aald to- duclng e n r- iJ th t deporU tlon move la con- vortd. finned, th e United S tales may u k a

form al atepa to denounce the action V J and call on Russia to re turn the up- - U i ro o u d H ungarlaaa.' o r l l m ay inlro-

duca a resoluUon lo th e United Na- iS l lS tlons condemning th e forced re-

_ moval o f H ungarJana. from th e ir homeland.

[ puD- d tpartEaent.sald I t hadik i - i , » prelim inary one-word reaction to m uch depo ru tlon of Mungarl-

C fflce r’tlnco ln ' W hite a id ■ " , tho m aU ar "Is under u rgent con->bUM -------------------------------------lUtrlct OfflclRls M {d., th e deportation

F a lli would be ft violation o t th e Inter* lu teea A atlonil convention on genocide Uo. .which the Soviet U nion haa algned. ve re> T h a t agrecm enl bars removal of IV be- populations to accomplish pollUcal need** goals and alao outlaws m aaaextarm t- um ber na tion o t people*.

T he U nited SUitea ^ e p a re d rnean- y w hile to apeed th e en try o f 8,000

JJungarlan-.refLgeta_lo_the_U qlted a t« tc i . l3 t> « lW ;f » iI J o u s e ^ ld la te

Ing in veaterday ih a t th e a rm y la readylhfl b a r r a ^ a t Camj>:KUmer, N . J . . to houM the retugces tem porarily. O t-

R f ld a ls hope the tlrs t group m ay s ta r t a Rev. *fTlvlng by the end of n e x t w w k.

S E E S E S S H S iT t I ENDS 'rO R IC H T ------ H

MIOKEV ROONEV ; m em . and "fR A N C IS - In

___ "FBANCIS IN TH EL M u S h a u n t e d H O U SI"

S’L ” *? SATURDAY ONLY* Rich. Downing - Cathy Down*

TH E OKLAHOMA iA . W OM ANJO 8ot>er»>ep«e Tyler • ■ ■ret.w m

f r i .7 — sa t .aa I - Peggie Castle


0 N I G H 1


b FOR THE LONGEST ■ PHEASANT r TAIL FEATHERIto tho club-during this'season-^^— ShCOSD c c / l fO B r m f t n r

NGEST- O U &ONGEST> entrtea will be posted dally- -.

. . . . *

G I G - ¥ A L I ^ y : R iKAYT - . -KEEPSK U mtcK*)___ ( l lW B I e c J c MSATOIDAT ^ TBlbaT, . ,

. J s x ^ v z i : '

S “ H 1 .KmJIIim - :1> Mull* P«i> C<>«M ir AmtU :1» Mutle P«p Lab •S S - r a . , K K t A f e .

H X 'S S . , ' '’" ' S S S “ e1’’5 .S " ■. ■ i i-TisiS-K::!::

nnibMr« > s liur-sa N<«<u u r a i t f ^ u u -------f -----------

• ■= ? c.% ■ ■:H M>»l« r*f Con

e.Hifc, .3 u!iI pjpolir*

K«»t R«pon«> *J« fuWl*Kara K.Tr liM Uuik r»u l* 'N««t. W»lk<r tiM Illk U Htwtfrte«4lr-P*lk« II3I UaiU-CosuIw— i--------MtUii» VarlallM l*i«) Uuilt rvpular ffrwr, - _

1I;M MuiltN t « i ! I litI N llk l'" x i 'W u . . •ATUIOATNint, »u (h tr

£ ian«»r *=>* M»»le <.««i«trT

s Idahoan Testifies- — -GirFish-Problem

WASHINGTON. Nov. 10 Wl — An , . Idaho llahery « p e r t tesUfled today r f p it-"appeara-TaihciLia£es4lW tL‘" .? « ;

locate ttlm o n run* on ih# Clear- _ n , e ‘■'vef in Idaho from o the r n u i - ilream*.

iM r r -Porreet-R.-HeuekrXlsbaeL-lr«scapdt .1 X m supervisor, lo r t h e ld a h o fish and J

game commUslon. told the federal ^ Sower commission exam iner. Ed-

ward B. M arih . U iat thi* sU tem en l T -?- would be applicable no t only to the

,.H ^n Clearwater bu t to other atream s on 3 , n a-hlch salm on run* exist. <

n t X He b u e d hU aU tem eot, he aald, J t on ivellm tnary findings of * |lu d y ‘ j conducted by th e Oregon game ‘ th e ir commission.______________ _ ,

Town Has Laws, ■ No Law Officer ‘

EAU CLAIRE. Mich.. Nov, 16 t n - i ThU aouthwea tc m Michigan town of o

--------aB ouriM *per»ona“ whlch fo T fiv e tMllon mqnUiM had a policem an but no Uws « n te r- to en to rte/ now .h aa la w a -b u t no t loclde policeman. tgned. For two years c lly e ld en worked al of on a new aet of ordinance* to re- 1 llUcal pUoe th e old aet w hleh unexplaln- ermt- ably "disappeared."

At th e aame Ume they aj)proved liean- the ordinances, th e vlllAge councll- S,000 men fired the toivR's only full>Ume

inlted policeman. Jam ea Altord. They eald I-la te lh«ytreouidnt:^aftordThls-»3,M O-«-.aylrtjf year a a la ry .- ---------------------------------j „ to Alford h a d no_ comment.

' sU r t READ T lM E ^ N E W e WANT ADS. Mk. I .................


Ue I Oo (our blocks, tu rn r lsh t three blocks and Uiere * ‘TH B

I PUBI" In Tw in Fall*.

I T I S - ]



K o a

R A D I Q _ S C J f f l^KLIX KTF

( U U K O e c T ^ ) ( i n * ILIee;, >ABO U IiM l ililtfHlm.

ntO»AT ■

■ l i M s f s . r ;I T . __ * iu aun(i»««

! ’. S S i a ~ “ • ! “ S S ! ' i r . .s i x ctaiStu“ ' " i u , j i j ;

S'" '*•' D » .. Tl,

~ ~ i i U a i S S '” *^*•.m. f . 'S T . tt U,

IM C4tl u rttrtr . «:is » ••• ----- *‘»4 Wm"'" ;

■ ' ?iifTrS■ I t akiaii SMii* 0(f liMTspTuti*t«« 'N**! - ' ---SUS Jliulem^IM-WI. Xbtk Xluk ' *>*J

1 i H S f r V i s J r } s S j f f 3 S1 . » -PU. ^ A r-r | j ; «

III OSU tl. U.k« •.» .— SJM *»etX^Ti--------- ------»™o-u»bnliii»-

: - - — i S ! : K f «a f e r .Ij; Kill KittTin 1:«« ririd f «fSiOl *I.«vn*r* W>tli I lia xGr»i4 C

»M •N*ns SptrlM titg <!.0.C■ 1 i»l XUi^KaUMnwcM . tlia nilvi! Tut

I IM Xurui« K*U l«t»a sD»CfT10* Sl«i. ett_________________________

n Brazen 1J i n — OARnELD,-N.-J;,-NoY.-10-flH —

. —M artin JtMnlek, JP. plraded • An juU ty yeslerday to a th e ti. , ,

He stole Uie m asljiirate 's g a rrl

S DelegatesTittend- Lewiston Parleys

U»e LEWISTON. Nov. 18 LTI — Some an I on 3CK) private and govemm enlal t l u t l aii

o ttlcen were on hand today fo r Die Hid, opening of a th rec d ay m eeting of lh; ludy Idaho AasoclaUon o t county th a m i CommtMloner* and Clert.i.- '• Cc

Opening *pealcers included P . Hed. ke Jey VingJe, Coeur d ’Alene, a mem- ne ber of the Idaho sta te u x commU­slon, and Olenn Reed. Sandpolnt. soi chairm an ot the Bonner county ln<

,p i* board of commissioners. cei Delegates will hear today from

Vt— Max Yost. Boise, executive m nnnjer n of of th e Associated Taxpayera of Id*.■five ho7and'lro(irO ov.-RoberrE.-Sm ytle; "Uws who will tpealc la ter In th e dny at . no the N orth Idaho Cham ber o t Com.

m e k ^ mecUng in Moscow.rked -----------------------------


i?!!: Storts 1:15 SUNDAY

I s t Run A ctio n Hit!. !

I The Starv 1

---------- - U e A S S O O A T E S .n J A LO l


LETMARVm-ROBi ------- E ir lt lA M a m

P U L E S ■ Ip c t f i k a r t

. i l H S S l W Sl .n » B«lt» » •« ^ r u r u U .

• S ' ...... s '

.naoA T t oJATOXDAT . /f tt Woiila* a.m. a t

• • »:4lt»n <iM Ctatk O' D*w> fOi

.a n rt- f iit ta * --------- n« « .................. ln tip iU U fi. viMJIrnna.Ut Drl.r »iU M.Mr Ri«,a . „

pTgo.Tl«t , —I#:!* K l>kt.-Kl„k-— tjr

iiii! {•'."’i i ; ; Sl----- -------- UM-Ntmt__ _____ _tal

IMIUI naa-KART-bMU q,,,„0P TIfltr— ------- rr^MzM-Ut WL ..“m u.«‘ Miiio» JMJ nSart i£!>i deV. Ntmt . .r.d> «f HII. *:»; n«or4 noaal “.rti>4 OU Oprr * :« n««rd Romi Wl3.C. *J»» Vul. d j>■ *:<>9 aportt ?*!•(!• .1.»• Tiift Tim* T:oa »or«kti<« JaahorM

' Mine Firm, Union »1—May-Reach-Peace S3 KELLOGG. Nov. la CH-Mlnn op- , ! crator* and workers o t norlh Idaho ' {can look to ru 'srd lo three years of

Ibers oT e Mlne-MlU union ap- - I prove a contract ncgoUated wim the _ biK Bunlter Hill company. _ _

b ^ h l p ratification or the agree- ^ •Q Rjenf. which was reached yesterday ^ a lter th ree monUis ot.negoUaUons ne and 11 sessions w ith Federal Medl- ;tl alor LouU ZUnan. lie Last week th e union reached a of three-year working agreement w ith (y the so-called “Id operators" o t the

Coeur d'A lene dlsUlet. W ith Bun- d. ker Hill, these form the bulk o( the 3. norUj Idaho m ining Industry.I- The B unker Hill contract covers It. some 3,500 workers. I t provides wage ty Increases amounUrtg to aboul 3S

cenls a n hour over the ihree years,^ an Imtirovcd pension plan and a „ death and accident Insurance pr«^ Rram.

=Td a n c F | 'IS. . ,


I Saturday 9 p.m . November 17

Legionnaires and Guesjs


f That Every Sol lit .None Would

ALDRICH ____________




W I N F A L L S , I D A H O

Ne6ded Acre“ S e e m s - t o - B ^ S | .

“Headacher’’SffrTLLWATEB. c A ia , N 0 T .1 8 '( ^

•n ie Oklahoma sta te hU hw ay de- j , j partm ent U counUng IU r l g h ^ f - ^ ^ way problem* by the aquare loch —

- 3 .U 9««-0 f-them to be e xacu - ^, D epartm ent offlcialsbave disclosed

Uiey are atUmpUng to buy an acreo f land four mile* souUi of A nadarko studi

K S ? . ' ; ? ; . ' ; aImnroved............................... - .••

T h is normally would be no chore a t a ll. B ut there are 43.0M for th is parUcular acre, each of them owning approximately two square

T h t t t j M a qucsUon i a s - M t r ^ as p a rt o t a promotion gimmick to raise tunds to r the llnanclng o t an am phltheaterai-ind lan-O U yrSouU j of Anadarko.

77>e Redm sn Land eomptny p a r­celled o it land in ‘wo square Inch lo u a t * t a lot, and ihere were 45,000

- takers. ne<lm»n iUll holds th e re« m alnder ot th e acre.

-W es ^ i t r - o t SU IIwater.-preai- den t of Uie unique land company, could hardly suppress a chuckle when he was approached Wednes­day by right-of-w ay agenU from the

, departm ent.B u t a fte r a long conference, W y-

- a l t aald he believed a quit claim ' deed signed by him -and a.l'dcdlca*

tlon deed" signed by the former owner m lsh t clear the land for sU te

, ownership. I t U iat doein 't work. It 5 •w^l-tafce^5.000•«lgnature*, he-saldJ_


- Jamea-D.-ZeUerbach.-Ban FrancUcQ- ■ IndiutriaJlst, was reported yesS ra iy* to be under top-level conslderaUon _ as Ihe replacement for Clare Boothe* n ic e . Amwrcan afl>bsssad0r to m iy :

1 O pen 5 :45 P.M .


M E i i m i n a A

H i i 2QHHEH f j I •>> l a n [ B a

T a b m r J

M ATINEE S ta r ts l ; t 5 Sat.

lOtdier Knew i Dare Tell!

^ b l s f w i t h t b * t i a B d l n l >i g r i a t b a t t l * p U t t e t s . . n o “ p h e n y '* g l o r y , n » < a ( l y ' « o a t « d a « « t i « « a t

- b a t t h o r a w a a k t d g a t s ' o f w a r

g r l a d l o g a t y o u k o a 4 * o > U k o a

w ' -th t f ie r y *t th e t tu l i> h u e « . - -

M e n iq r M ll« « “ rra cU e V m "!

JAECKEL-pEBSENs r « * h R 0 B £ R f ® : i e H — -

OON and

Reelected .Ttnrwe, Nov. 18 Ut—ReeleeUon ot P

SUle H(*im D liwtar L. J . Feleison *1to-aaother-three-y«*r-tana-on-t^ . JexecuUve oon»biU«o of t te , Amert- \can PubUc He^tli aaeoclatlon was \aaootmeed todar »y ■of healUL............. .. ...... . . ■

Peterson now la-tn AUanUc.Cltyi ■ N. J., attending tha anaual mectlng of tha aaodatlon. :_______

— — HEULSOtlCITEI)TOKYO, Nor. 18 tfr—Japanese

students began soUclUng a lg n a tj^ and oa the streets here ^today “to help our student friends" tg-»trtfe-ibrp-«ungaq u. —

^ ^ f io r C h r i s t i — T A B L E I ^




W ITH f w t m A RUFFLES # W AND HOOD......... #

SAVE 20% 0

S T A T E H I263 M ain Eol^ .

Starts TODAY at

■ V w 1 1

I (ton

M w T h il COMPANION f.


F R ID .

'shotwell’sUTILITY SERVtCE

P H O N E 2737 o r 37S2-

READ T I M ^ N E W S Wan^ ^

l ^ g ,s t m a s S h o p p e r s

I^ T > F O T T “


1 3 .9 5


i l l Z S M ' ;.INCH Q C g. 13L95............ ;


9 5 ; ^ :ON BIKES!

I D W ^ C c .. Twin FoWi

E E Q hia L O A A nd From 1:15 IT 0 : o U SAT. & SUN.

r \ _ _ '

' “D e tu nIrt ao years enty two

. __ -ig ch film sr‘ IMS-.tCSTASY'- \ 1 « 6 . . .n H E WITCH*.


: SUFOHATUUl^ ^ iH W u a r

•torrlno M IR JA M ANE ^ J tA T U R E JN COLOR!

tO H C W -m O R Jfflff-rt-•- - t m won-.*£s.-si « « « • * ■ *


M D A T , N O V E J I B E R u ’ ] j j ,

Page 7: p = : - r T ± r _ TSffie Death Scorcboard TiTOB as« IM til a v tiie r .iw e - ^ At Soil M Better

E l e v e n States


r„trri hcitring* cn the appUca-

- •> i ? " S c K li'vi'i''*»

d S lro* MU

.■^riK ll.'i/'St IK- ” '! » 'I '(o w iiihlnsUin Jnn . ifl-Fcb.Ctly r rb . 4. The

»,yV ’. ! * . S w n . t i . ' n r =™ ». ,

“ 1^‘J iU t^€om 'nl*slon naked for Fr u S U * * “ h Bdequftte Ume w th a t Mi

Refugees Arrive S• AMSTERDAM. T he H clhcrlnnds. 'g

Nov 18 lUV-^me CIO newly arrived — Hunwrinn rclugces bcRan pickingl i lM piece o t Uielr .h a lK red lives ^

“^ u w * ^ u « a n a welcomed Uicm Tf4ttrd«y In » “ddrew. She Uir iS l Uie p«p le o f Tho NcUierlands. Cle

-•V f wW Iwvg U]fg> a long to jn l llC t Jw - S t h H n i v r o r i f t t c r U i e l r m r - me.

rttS." ______


—YOU CANT BUY A DETTEn t T en d e r. . DcllclQU*-prepftred tt

• erimlnnilni ta*iel B«r\'cd plplnR {h n Koe* lo mnke tip one of the «"0 In » long, long Umel


SHRIMPc o m p l e t e « . .PINNER............... « , . * 1 . ,

SATURDAY NITDancc To Music 0)


-‘ nd His Orchestra. . . n d / » r

'o u r Ll»teninf P lew n re -

_ _ — M o n a - ^ u s t j r ^ a y l i


1956 . . ^.1

Reigns at Dance T i

/ co.'tii( in the

the {|0 ‘

; '-■ - —^ * r r ; 'p * P j ^ E c a to bu:e H u b L : ; ^‘nd I


5 Ihelrj cnrr>-

SOI>t tight, irn brltiE:s Ameti. ■ *'« g i% ja K W M Uioui

ir Bui

e KAREN MARIE PEDERSON '• . . . em duate of Twin F«lli hl*h.!e -•choor-tn-lMSr-wiiii-eltcted-quMn--- Th'

o t lhe annual i ^ l i a r ; l« ll a l moncG ontaea unlTcnl»rr3pbkane.” l i j i - cnme

ir Friday. MUi Pcdenan , d tu c h te rn t bunkll Mr. and Mr*. K. J. redcnon . Kpn- n t i ^1. kane, form er Twin FalU reildenl«. Tliey

' waa th e candldale of company II, ditloiROTC.-She aUo received the hnn- pcrcjorary com m lulon' of lleutenanl- nnct:colonel In th e eadet reilm ent. norU

1 tS U ff e n trav lnc l________________ _„l„p,

AGRLKMENT REACHED _ CLSVBLAND. Uov. 10 tft—Spolff.i. u 'hff n meh foF liic publGhcra of”Jic city'a 'iQllT le three big dnlly newiipnpcni nnd lhe boosi 5. Clevelnna Newsp.iper guild Mid perc< :C Ju]i-ni£lit-U iey.bod. readied, agree- gene t- m ent on Urm* of new contmct.i re- hlkei

plnclng tho«e w hich expired O ct. 31. t1 i


I FI NII-F -04^ a t th (

^ , . " F u n Spot South ol

IN ISTliER mT E R 8TEA KI— Juicy . . ^ Mred to m eet th e m ost dl5* 'piping h o t w im everything . if the d in n e ri you’vi

U T ' " C A S H N IT E

----------------- N O A \

1 3 5 *90C

TUS>i93 , M ile A c ro s s f l*

T ig h t M oney Jam Ii B oV rO w iiigtoB c

NEW VORK.-NOV. 18 LP - - S llli.p ly n , cosiller borrowing and another boo»: icix in r Sn the sinndarda for good credit risks- or ihc a re forejeen by » m e ob«r\'cr» o.' nvix-iiii the ftnnnclal m arket. brcn i

I f «o, It meana lh a t more pfr*oii»."','’y?ili will be tu rned down w hen ihey »crk ' , ' to buy cooda on Ume.- Ihnl w .ue will 11 Ilnd it »llll ha rde r to finance n house purchnse, th a t «ome ttorea will fliid so'in-fs It cnsilltr to carry the ir Chrlstrii.i.i'iiiil nn awcka And w m « getting, l w credit

Ihelr Ideas about how mueh atpck t o ...........

Some b a n k en lee th e renewrd ■ Kl U ghtenlng of money as-due tn pnrt . to the International crlMj. which ij • .' brincinK a -« r e a l« r dem and, for J - - American doUari in Europe—ni- , though n o t In Canada, where the re- ,•ver>e l* -tn ie .-----------------------------— iri-'

B ut moat banker* thliik Ihe de- • j ,' m and of American buMnes* fnr \ ,i.- funds for expansion U aUll the chief ■ * '■ /rtcior and wJlI rem ain so. • ,—m**—ftT3t—niR }o«^lian«e-ln—111" • — money m arket alnee early October I cSmc-‘ lhl3=-weeU=wnen-deal«T=iii b:tnkerV acceptances raised their • r n i ^ i h e levenlh increna# th is yenr. , «;r. Tliey blamed Ughtening money con- « »■! dltlon* for the hike of one elslilh J pereenU ge point. .Bankera' aeccpl- , ii:.i ntice.-< arc u « d for financing ex- • ‘-•- porls and imports and domejllc J * " * ahlpmenU of goods. • ' ^

T h e last previous hike Jn inter- ; f c-it m tca was about five weeks ago • when th e saJea finance companies ■ 'iQ llT 'deftlers-in-com m erclal-paper -.—77; boosted th e ir rales by one elRhlh • r - percentage point, rate* J generoUj- had risen In a series_of.^ —hikes last-aum m cr------------------------■ »;<

T lie tightening cf the m onp- sup- ■ J ;■

■NLY THE \ p:

EST iA D . {the g

1 o f th e B o rd e r" d |



: 12i^ ^ ^ JP ^ O n ly the W nesl. 0 . S . ■ 15

Oovernmenl Inspected ■X and Graded "CHOICE"____ 2

M E A T S Are Used a t____ ■ ________ Cactus geU 'sl ___ __ ; ____

I 1

F E A K i

I f iO j;------------ — ‘ 1 / '■ITE" FRI,. :-PRIZE— I -

^ ^

' : -

E T i ' S iNevada Line r

T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N F j

11 Increases,Be More Costly J Xly I ' .^llo. shown thla week *>y lhe jtjvistiufi c w i nf J, sm n lev Baughman, head [ <hc J-Cderal N ational Mortgage p„voi-iiiiion,^Uiai this agency haa m ieii uet ■fi'ii buying sovem m ent-backed poI'oriKACfs nc tTcord rales to the yeaic,.duj. tie'll- niiirkct. He blames •'steadily .

supply nf mortgage funU official, . ioriii.iUy nviiilnble from private nquor *n: ■oiui-fs,- And he Uiinka Hio rtsidcn- ^ d a r i il niortcaKB m arket will conUnue scniciicei <cht.______________ . . . . th f a U jgr .............. ............................... .. ....................

' I / I I V T W I N F A I X S I I ': I x L I A CHANNEL I I

1 .\<iv. IR through Nor. i i• ’ SUNDAY

• J U .Vm~Vr lj> Yiiiir QunUoa

t ,C(13I - - ..........- -

; MO.NDAY_____________________

■ !i;i.',—k!;1x Kliih• I:!.-.—Duniil.. t,I.■ ‘ ll’'’' ' ' ’■— ••m -nnm n-iri-.ririrsi-----------------------------• :-"1i~ m” " 'V ’' ' i 'im ' •tisi

■ 1ti:0»—\y » ih "■ ln;M -KUX T.IfiWjt.r I l::u[>—KI.IX IlMjIlnti: The M atnlficent

: A flag n av o x• PHONE 264: TUESDAY »• ! ;nn_niir Ml.« nr.v,v, (CBS) u 1 :Ti—KMX Ttlnhe.i..

llli;—ll,lKhl«h Ittf .CIIR)

i- iiHs®------s -rr-K U X X*<wr«*,/< Khih X

» ;is -lin iu li. fclwiht. Ntwi tCBS-y. »:Jn—N»m.^lit^TMn. ^ 3

Q *:on_i«j,ooo Qu.iUon (CHS)a »:nO—Dr* ‘ilJ.I’.on, » :if i- l’hll Rlinw (Cnsj . _____a lfl:OI>—Htfilont NfH* 1, tfl:U -W ..lhfr Vlrm,, ._ ]Oi:n_l>I.IX T>ItihMir«. l l ; « - l iU X IIEABLINM ^


: ]■ too—nrlihirr Diy ICnXl■ it»— ainrm iciini■ ua—M et ot Nlihl lOnfl):■ 3:<l—KLIX Kowh>n4i Kluh■ »11S-D«UfUi Kd«.rti Mfwi■ *:W—AH»»nlur« Tlm*• «!fl»_KI.IX-Tr.■ «;SO-.niin«rUna■ 1:^0—n id o 7l(■ *!no^f'..'* 'r;ow knmi■ t;aO—GAdfrtr• laiOH-Arth nf )-..Weu.■ WMihfr• lOilO-Kt.lX T»I»lh.,ir.• 12i<)0—KUX ir«>dl(tiH

I S S The Magnificent .: fV la g n a v o x: 7 p H 0N E 264 i THURSDAY; JftlOft—>r« Knollull• :00—Thit-I Mir (tr* ___________________; J00-Koolb»ll rft»l,ir■ US—Or*«Dij ••. Drxnn gtn» ■ _M IftoTKUx’-TftA''''’' ' '’’ 'i SJzJS'k,-!"^ iflO—Crtmth iuil Qn 9 :00—Trnnniro Krnli iNtlCi B a:30—8r|pnr* M«loa ThtiltrP «:fla-)lnll7‘a C*n(. »:AI>~l(iA a u r HlK* g II ;00—Kill T*lclh>iitr .® 12:0»-KUX Jl.»4lllr..


■ i » - W i . «f Nithi icnsi• 1 'NIIC)• I S~KMX Xowh.” d. Kluk |»:

: ~ i ;--------------------------- Ic}

■ : 0—nal* .Horn Shn» (Cflfi) ,

tI—»T o sStr K* "tTini-------------\: 1.1 ; ; S S Tha Magnificent: I n a g n a v o x■ P H O N t 2 6 4 I!;


[ P H ON E

f f a ' l l s ; I D A H O

p p e a l s A v e F i l e d

^ p r - G u t n n " T e n i t sDISE. Nov. 10 .l^-Thc■ lil.ih,. i;iv.'1ving reiiir court today I;.id inntd-IStlllflll ilDpC.lls l)f •.I',.' —;eni-c.i which a lower imu:: mi-; STOP•d on two rnuvU'iiM ot; S,\N Fit act* with o ther iii.ilo. Iiui-iimttih r court lira n l oral iiii:u;iu'n!,v'\v r i'liou ' :ci'duy-.on_Uie_auui:.ai_i!i_Jt;Li.,v:*:trdav ore, M; ;i la n n rr t'oi.-i- iviv,:; w c i C(« clal, and \Vill.\i<i \V;1m>ii, j i , ,i ,„p, lor anlc.iiniiii. .jmi:.' nm,da county <IUivu-i i-.nn: Im,! ui'k icncpd Monre lo j.rvrn mm;.- a U if nrlm a uml

T i I I I i - i m I I V l 11 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 V ,. • . T i,

X :custom e

i n a f i n e J u n i i l u i

M t h e m a g r

a ^ n i—--- hTgH“fIHeirty ra d i o - 1

-------- rHE-CONC£RT_______MASTER

only H R

’2 9 8 * v l|tn 3 « n u ln * H H r ah « n d - r u b b « d M a h o g a n y ^ K j l

. Only Mognavox, the grei fidelily, can ofTer you this

Exclusive ' ‘Integrated D M agnavox custom en^neered a

m atchlew tonal pcrform a below whnt you would expe

quality. Make any comp perform ance and price. A <

prove M at

THE o m y FUU CONSC --------—^fH O N O O RA PH AT A lOW"TAI

■ THI Mi

• U ” h -wmiiM T.ip.0k*

• IOw«t •

W»el’ • C^pc

nIn S<

e t h t r M a g n a v o x h ig h

I / I I V t w i n f a l l s 1 I p :- -• l \ L I A CHANNEL I.I

5ATUROAT , j|» :00—5iFr«l llf ir t rrncrtm - -i

’■.•IBijWria'j.lrT^cn P«r.di ) - 11 ioa—WiBky nink

----l^'litKoetlNoI'nouidun rc n i i r~ ^ ''iM—Football Trrrlrw |',;iItl—NCAA Kuolbill !Iis—«^l>Uin Kanx*m« (CnSl

— i i S a j S i ' . i f c l K ' . ’S i f P — r r ^:0S—AnbU Otkltr (CDS) I.iJIU-llm lb* Clwli r- <i«»—Ouiiim«k* (Cun) ; ' ' jIia-<',«0rf« a«wi (NDC) 'ft." IAJ1C)1S:0 W»tk.«nil •W«»lhff i*','

ItijS -K lllX llMdtlnn'*


j Q T e

I E : 2 6 4 F O R R E t l

T h r ir a p p e a lia r r aBaln.1t !h rl coly of .th e sfnlrucr.A- i ■'WA3HINi>i«-«nJ_\ViUon-acic.amone.Jti;Scaciary..« .iirc.Mfc! on .<ltrrilnr clnrsr.''tiled to lr»

iing no:.''<> youihx nnd a d u lt, h rre Suiuin I. U.S. u

-----------------------------(Kin., for -nrO P W dUK MKETS u r i . l ) fO'r I 'lu r i N FRANCISCO. NOV, HI ;r '- ; m rtll , |m Ic, tmltuiml tx'iiii'horcnicii's nnii: . ■liouseiui'u'* U n ln i i olltcrrs GA RA rdav— lIi^mlCllMl_.thcll•- lll.DUO,. Cciiuit nirmbera tn hi'lil .ifoi); Wc Olv

nl^^•llllu^ Monday to ’'hr;ir r r- > niul i.iki* nctioii" on cuvrL'iil i■ n m .tu tl.m s . ,

■ moo Kl

■ T ' ii.s~iii i's~Ti N r~ ■■i-r iV i i n - n i

— — .....................

engineered_ X ^ H I G H „ F I D I

t u r e c a b i n e t I ,t o(d x n tiie

ignificent • ^

l € R f O ^ | - - 7 ^o - p h o n b g r f f p h ^ ^ > ■

I I f “ ■ 13 mtII He leciificn 11\ \ J T I up. eye).


; g rcaicjt nam e in high • this exceplional value. : m a o N. ;d D o ig n " of tuperior • c h a m o i ed com ponenli a sju rei ;)rm ance a t a price far • pick'up. expect lo pay for such : om parison of features, •

A OemonilTailon will - ;M agnavox iu i« r io ^ y ^ _____ j _________ A

INSOLE HIGH FIOtUTY | ^ n A f t l i MODEL'* PR iei : dliioned.

; . tioa of b

' MAONASONfC 210 •3 " ha*« p lu t ( • • lU i ly : <

f U«h «r*«MMir :»*ok*r - n i9 w«ft U,t, U M l mmfiihtf I \ |rt< l,lmm • » « • « • * ) « : ■ >e«Kav*l r«*rJ ch««t*r- I |M|U{ bMl Hrivt pi(i>.«r : M ^ tv c•"tpott eu«Mli*l «*W»** t plui tvo

. C1ABS0n o w o n /y tounddljIn S s n u ln a M ahogany I

■llOhtly highvr In O a k o f C h a rr y

lig h . f id e l i ty l n f i r u m « n t i J r o m p.i

i R iN T fnrT V ^-|:-ii

. . ^ .1 «!!».

r - p H O N E - i r ^ ^

264. . § ■lOiO*.


LIABLE T V SERVa a a CLU> ON TiUI U M a a a a a a a a i i


CONVAI.F.SCENCE — I alllNOlXDN.-Nov. 16- IjB —1 r M o iB t t t Ary .of-S tale Diilir*-Is-aehett.t I S I M / o i w c \Valtcc rte«l.ho$filtnl .I W H B I ji vuiulny nnil (ly immedtately lo i.S, unvni bnse nt Key West. | K U | | I or "n Ahoil ccinvnlrAccnee" be-l rlu riilng to hts atale de|inrl- yij|B |CSH


GRACES, R ough L u m b e r j ^ M Hc Give S>^ H G rcrn Stamps ■ a ^ 4 2 >

C R E S S 1 S!?*"H I I I , I ) I N o s i ; r p u f f00 Kimberly Ril. - P h .'^IM — —— ^

— >(R£.-VD 'VI1 1 1 r r i - » r |-« V a V - .a V ^ V f in r a » V a .« i

......." " i KB(

d ' .■ i , D E L IT V - ;

Im PP | H : = F = i

iSnCAt CAIINIT —(line- •)ct bt»iiii(u1, Uti« rec- . |

o tiie compinmtnl, I

ir -» » p rw r iu H ir= u ii: : - tm -t j iube. (Wilh .mpllfler--------!------------- ^c n ind piKuiofl tunini : « ;ii -


■ l - 1

I n i t M U u ^ l ^ ^ H :iiu


I | E | n n | n ^ B ^ ^ H . ___



^ :—' -----------


kONAVOX t l C O R B • slJ!A M O II-preelilon-au to- ; J';!lie, for depeadible peifonn- • « ■':'e. (Uperiot dual tty lu t • i '.ik

' * »'** • >*'*

W An AMPuriiR~for on* :oned. fuU-ranga irpiDdoe.— ~ t — -------lofbltbfldcUlyaoood. . :

; '.iJ iJ

iH n M ir r r i N A n n - *ifotvM bum-two 12' bu* : * 7,• two eouMly-moumed S'] • tc:h frtqutncy ipeaker«-*jih I ■!iitdduiiMtt. :

•...................................... * .............. l l l l

n on ly $9?.50;‘ i ,



J3 :3II—roollMll Roundua |2 il»—Wmimd Mallnr* . i4:lWlaUinlar-»UU»M------------------------- >liJ»-Buff«l« mil itr,«18I^-I «inlrt-JB«B------------ ------ ----------I« iS »^i.laf M Utoto •• . I

Vila—AaBl*0 *kl«r ] 1ti«»-J.ekl« GtaiMa ^ 'ti ta —Ot>at ClIdtnlMTi »!]»—Ii«r JMant* ■

loioa—G*lt Slorm . 4I t i>»—VItU viltaf* TkMlvr ' —tli> a-U m r* f IlMdllBM - - . - _

JHT 'T i t 5



titf ^

|S |y H |i P f rr*MH***«n*Mn» -14 t - t«

k e .u « i :w i iu M ju L

H i'Hilobc Seed & Feed hTruck Lant—Phone 401 I, !

J ■n.MEs-SLWB WANT ADS. j ; | |

:bo i . s s s s l T f i MNot. i r lh rou |h Not. 2 | J i . '» : ,i

. SUNDAY S ! . ,L .;]; -li'-.; ;

i;r ,—rh«rf1 oMmrlraUuii J

;;:«iw!i,MiViri^ ■i-1ii_r«mou«.*Jtjht.uM * ■ i” L

ig s ^ iw a a w -------- H 4liiiii* 2

,1rti Thf.Uf 5 ' H il:3fr-Usrnlnr llodlinu a ' i * '


i’i’l'iii'M'* S •]' '|-l!Si_i-.'sr»rch fi/T«morT«» J ' ^^' i

ii=pfa“ ■ liili; i i- ii7 k h ”ff ti.r ■ t l h ' l«;nii_Amrir.II~lB*r« n*ae^ • 1 lit

; S : S S t . . . \ l f s s t J t B w a , " - __________»:On-ll*r UllUnK 5 ! Pil«:30—pf«tnib«r Hrld* ■ ” i I'14:00—llrat lha Ckxk ” M'—CurUIn Call M illi»~MeiDliit II»dllB«t 2 I iV{

w ^ m 4 iTUESDAY ■ (li

nur MlM.Braelii ■ InI :i{i—Knrora I*<rfonnane« ■ j

:0B—MIJ.d*r Ntwt ■ - I:1IL—Ktertt diertn • M uua—ilrarcli (er ToBorrsw " a IfiHS—Il«b Cmtbf ■ llioa_sirll« ll nick m ;H|]B—Woffltnt Werll 'R

' ;g !- { S S r S S ; ----------------®- S

:3a-.U<rrr Mltkmaa ei l t - l . l t l l . R.KiU - « (AH»_W»allnf • • ...........- fW:4^Ktw> t j )U

rrlrnd rllclil H }Ulaa—Pr. Ilud»n Qunilon _ a [ t ;s ta 'K .f ;" " ' . i ’ l

Btin—Cu> l.onbard* « {tllOiOO—«iodtf»r Jl,Iflinn—itad Kkalinn ■. f||It:na—IlaeVal f<au>4 'M t ttl!)S->laadIlnn ■ , |fl

WEDNESDAT ' “Ogr-Mln-hTOoi*-- ■ - -

li:na-Kncer*-rtr{>mn*Be«------------ i -sisa—Wsffltn'a WatU « IlifiS-MldUar N(«B a IIlia—KKftv fliarm . , 'SliOa-«lrlk* • >

iiiHiL 1

V lo t? i“V**«IMl“* Z«iOfr-,Tk* MtilloDalr* 'mauO—I'T* Cot a Kacrtt -H'

Iflia^notatmUa rta*b«uu aIBiia—Chanatl 2 T)i«it«r. atti ia —UsralBf U«*dlla« . ■

S S "n>i n iagauiecn t aIV Idgnavox '

PHONE 2 6 4 Z I- TBVB8DAT------U. iniMU-rta raetball '■ U■>=l5gg7,g“ "“ .. I

JSo—«**^yor^OMOit*« ‘_5 H

lO^Ameb^'r AVftnlur* '3 ^l3a—MnT7 MllkmU - ' IN lI^LU^ TUMli 3 IIl4t—Ntw* .................. ■B'M

' :»»—e n s riw beO M .................... Hi'la—A»<Mr Tlintar ' S l U

Jtiia-Ueretw-HudJlaM g.-MV a^ M

I s

^ H f l l

a a a i i a ^ a i a a a a a a a a a a a k ^

Page 8: p = : - r T ± r _ TSffie Death Scorcboard TiTOB as« IM til a v tiie r .iw e - ^ At Soil M Better

i i - i p A G B E l G H T

= i

Added for f ■; Local. Library

- ;^ .« ‘m o t j r . t w o aaw U U a .b a v a .b e e n i i 'K ^ c d U> th e oollecUon a t Uio Tw in

publlo^llbm y th la WMk.: Maw fiction Include* "B eat Amerl-

;; o in s h o r t StorlM o t 1096." Foley; “A i ‘ M atU r or FUct,** B rean . a auipenMV » w l w ith a New Y ork background:

o f Fmrla," I n d o re , » bJo. -L .ftaph leaL JiaT el_o{_A I«xan< lre Du*

V a S r ^ B l i n d Tl»tsr/‘~8ari<lI*nT 'r. d e n ih tjr .« novel ef con flict b e tw n n I'- < m an’j JoraU lw a iv l lo re ; “The ■'Z Q ieceu.'* Howe, an a b ao r tln c picture

el tho women ®f our Ume: . . And i i , 3 o n # ln M r D rtnk," H an Suyln:

r o r T h e 6t*ra," H elnleln.• llJ e n tt 'f lc l io n : and ‘T h e FllRhl." - H i f c p h a n ; ' hU tw leal— HcUon -a to u t

q ueen C hristina of Sweden.I' ' iNoD-JIcUon tlUca » re: "No Man ' a A n 'W and ." M erton, r^flecUon* of

,:ia Z ir ltu a l life : “ Vour F u tu re Job."- Mr tfo x li > book of c tir ter giilda nee:

J. ; 't rh e Book of l^*hca." NaUonal Oco-~ ^ .|^ p h iO 'S o c la ty ,-a -a tu d y : . '. 'A rU irl tli—~ i-* d - O o m m « n - S « n a c ^ A l« a n d f C i

!,;*V hea t« r, ••88.". C hapm an, reading • tfcnlona of tho playa of th e « f tr :

'f l l s h W ide anrt Kandnom e."Iin d . a alory of a Ootorado boy-

: ifcod. and -O f W hale i and W omen,". Q llbreth. one m an'a Tlow^of N an-

; ^ e k e t hlctory.lO th e r tlUea Include: " Idnho In

•; •Ae Pacific Northweat." B arber am >■' Tf fT tin ; "Heroea o f th e Anny.'

JiMObo. T he U edal of H onor'w ln -- t« g i r - " I h a « n i of t n g—ATnerlcwir

N ational O ooeraphlo Society: "Cnn X e M other." Kloee. a m o the r of

children telU h e r ato ry ; "Mo- ^ • ■ ? p p ’n ton iro rrr» -i3 ioB T aphr-o f-a if

- 1- m ualclan for j-oung peopin;“‘j B alnls A nd A Sinner."u : 'A iarp, th e atorr o f th e llo u e

V un lly : a n d "Dictionary o f Amerl* -jj*r - ^ Pam lly -N am a,’ S m lU i. a Btudy

tjf name#.

I Legion’s Units g" End Campaignfi JEROM S. No». 16—ApproxlmaUIy ri 60 m em bon of the Je rom e AmericanV Z<^ton and auxiliary a ttende jl a

poUuck d inne r a t th e L esion hallii Tuesday ereninB, T h # d in n er .ell-K a u x e d a membership drive.i Leo Coala, Leflon com m nnder, w ai' to a ttm aste r. i in . J. Vf. Powell.y R ichfield,-fourlh dU trlc t prealdent.

---------w aa a tu ee l.—lA w reno«,IU iebei,Jtedf iu rkhalter. Vf. S. K lrche r and Rob­e r t V em on aanc. Bualneaa meeting*

■y followed th e d inner. .........1 ' Mr*. PeaH OTerfleW rep o r t* ! the t Auxiliary reached iU m em bership

. QUOU l i n t v l th M membera. Mrs.' O . L. Stroud reported th a t a Junior

auxiliary t ro u p would begin organ*! Iza tloa work In th a n e a r fu ture. '

T h e Id ah o R anch for V ou th was discussed and fu rth e r plana will be

' . outlined w ith the Legion. T h e group- ' TOted-to con trlbu tA .liO rto th e Olrl

: Bcouta. O lfU for th e g if t u b te a t . th e te te ra a a hoip lU J In .Boise were

•U rted .T h e c h a r te r w ai d raped by Mrs.

. W lUlam D iehl in m em ory o f Thelm a ' Thom pM n. Lula M elser a n d Mildred I O oodrteh. Hostassea for tho.*venln*

w ere Mr*. B ea ih o m p so n . Mra. Pearl O te rlle ld . Mra. R a lp h Petera. Mrs.

. J . R . WUey, Ito i; B e r t H artw ell. Mr*. ' K arris . Mr*. H erbert H dm s. M n.

O ua c a lle a u d M r*. E ugesa Mil* dren .

i ' tS A V IN a F O R PARLEYBURLEY. Not. 16—W inslow B.

' W h lte ley . WlU 1e*Y« Sunday f « “ T 'W ashing ton . D .-C h to a tten d lhe ~ I e ig h th an n u al NaUonal P o ta to coun- ~ i ■ «11 meoUng M onday th rough Wed-

W hlteley U prealdent o t Uie

■ : LIO A L a o v i r t i s e m i n t TNOTICK TO BiDDSnn

Tbt a u u ruNhitlna AMiit will'{Ml«d »W. «l III. no"m JJI. SUI.

- - All’ bMt «UI W putUclr •r«n*d»t lh* »l>ev* tlm* and pl*e>,


- H -“ Va SH X B T > ^ o r W b KU.B & READ. OE

' B ' N eilM ^'km kr e>*n br P»*<l w . HmJ ■ I AdnlDUtnWr >t »1d x la u lo Ih* rrtillB l lara a t and all Dcneai harlac rialm ffS MthM It. HmJ. Bf hf■ 9 WUI*. to *>lt> Mt them wllb U* n t« u * r1 ■ K r .“K s , A ' W - S I . = S ; . s .

8>t M n r liantaclkiV a t tC« butlfi*u «r lalA nUi*.

li _

I f B O ISE IiJ I — ~8;3(hplurtax------1

\ I

J -* = b = = JM e a tJ, r

u n d : ' ^b io . r a ^ ' ; i r i ^ v V '

ween B 8 S 5 ^“T he W flfiiirffte ;.» | - eture■ And ' ':-T

iiein. B / t i ' ■Rht." E f e ,— ------------------------------ ----uiout - M p _ _____i : / , - r - -M an X M n« of

■ I ■ —

K ' I . L H j L ; - F ~ I

B — !boy*' ■ ------------------------------ .

nen,"Nan* . -------- ---------

F rank Flerenca, le ft, and O lto TU10 In pany. p u t the fln lth ln c touche* on■ and of th e Cham ber of Com merce's A. nny." rreund ean be seen • l i j n adfertU li wln^ — - ------------------

|§; Alarme(CNIaIe SJ: B a t t l e t < r Biner."iloue II, Q. Q u i o an e rl- n e w YORK. Nov. 16 im -M alea of •tuOy America, « w # k e(- lf thn t's pouible.

We re losing the spx u s r . ' W eTc be­coming U)» underdo*# of A m erican

. clvllluitlon.[ g The battle o f m en against women

hss erup ted ou t o f the eold war stage. A flood of h o t figures from

T i l lhe census bureau ahowa how the 5 females o f 'lh l s coun try have ,bulll ■Ul* up dread forces seereUy and rir»n calculatlngly since 1010. . .^ . And we have gone along, blithely. '^ ,1 1 complacenUy. living o u r a m u t lltUe . - t l . lives. Ignoring th e voice# o t w arn­

ing, unUl—suddenly end dramatical*■ ly- they hava struck . T he awfuli Z n I*r t ' 7 'rh e census bureau says there are

now U 81.000 m ore women lh a n m ea , ln-thU -counU T .-'rh rir-bu liu -> .n-uv-


, to Court Orders }£ Security Plan

SAN PKANCISCO. Nov.. 16 nTh- T he U. S . appeala c o u rt p repared to -

tti h2 *’“J' *® O” * " ^clearanc® to some 600 seam en I t has barred from ahlp* aa aecurlty risks,

t . .1 T ho appeals .court w as eapected to Wl*™ I**'** Ind irectly th rough th e

federal d istric t cou rt, w hich In tu rn will serve th* order on th a to a s t

JldSd '^ ^ B f e d e r a l governm ent failed yea* terday to file an appeal from nn ap- Pe«U court declalon find ing Uie

‘ screening procedurea unconaU tutlon- al. Y esterday waa th e deadline lo r

’ j ! ? - Uie appeal.Mil ‘ T h e court parU cularly objected to ^ th e classification of a m an aa a se­

curity r isk w ithout giving him a chance to confront h ts accuaera.

' Awards Madecoun* PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 16 tn —Th# >Ved* Associated P r t u M nnaglng Editors >f the association todny awnrded citations

to U)o Snlt Lake T ribune and the D nlly_Idahonn. M o «o w ._ 2 d a„_ lo r ouU t*ndlng cooperaUon In covering the news.

T he c itations Wcre announced a t tl'* annunl APME meellng here. A

rinii ■ loXal o t 11 new ipapcrs In tne .U nlted s u t e s wera given th e c iu tlo n .

•d and ’ GRANQE T O M E E T ! - = ^ . . WENDELL, N o v . H — Wendell

Or*nRo No. S3 will me«t a t 8 p . m. Mondny. Thn progm m will be pre* acntcd by 4-H girls. T hey will give n repo rt o t th e ir w ork nnd will pre*

Mat se n t a a k lt and ta p dance number*.


1 1 J S O L B I G r a B S T


I V A L U E W E ’ V E

■ E V E S H A D !

I s A v r

I ’ 1 0 0■ F i r s t P a y m e n t

J I M o t D u e t f n t u

J ] M a r c h - 1 9 5 7 . ’ -


it r - F i r m ^ B b o t h ^ R e a

S n w i t M

= p ^ l [ l

Ito Florence. Jr.. Independent M eat com* p on (Itelr firm's booth prior ta opening oi

;e's Axprem Friday afternoon, tn fore* a tertUlnr h o ld a n for a nfcfcet. fee cream . (

lie Issuing tJ lM o rK eepA nrerieaiT

gan In 1810. w hen there were IOC B M of men for every IOO w om tn. Steadily vl Uble. Ihey iu g m c n u d the ir forces. In*; be- c re as#d -U ielr-S tockp lla imill,_ In ft rican 1010. there were only 100,1 m m A

. for every 100 women. ll>men ] „ i 860, they spurted and passed tl w ar us by 600,000. I t seemed like a 't r i* P'

from vlat figure and there were those w ho P' laughed lightly and avowed th a t a "

b u l l good cigar's a smoke: Well, all th a t ’s *»d behind ta now. sn d our worle Is, cur *«

^ , out. We m ust figh t back, n tiy . A sex lh a l can oustrlp us by I '.i < lllUe million In six years Is monstrous d

crafty. You know w h at they're • '« l '; a fter? Ouys and dola. T lia t’s dols,, iwful wllh one "I". S tands fo r I.

T he femate a rm y has debouched ’ ■J" upon the financial p la in . In 1853. “*®“ there were 3330,000 women ahare-

holders of-atock-In-publlc corpom - - lions—for 4BJ per cen t of tho tolnl. The la test New Y ork slock exchange -

I census shows they've won: R lgh i ^ now there are 4,465.000 female o •harehotders—61.6 per cen l o f th e >’

1 1 1 shareholder tota l. nAnd who do you th ink are th e ^

(W— largest single occupation - group of a to - stockholdersT Housewives. 34 J per / give cent. ^

I h as T here have been a ll kinds 6 f.estl- n Isks. matea th n i women own more of the >■ ed to w ealth o f th e U nited s u t e s then d n th e menr—M ost—flnnnclal—exporU say B tu rn nny perccnU sc would be a guess,

to a s t But one pu l I t thl.i way: t" It depend* on w im you nienn by 1(

lyes* 'own,' If you u jc lh e word In the c n ap* sense o t ow n-and*conirol. th e n it's r

th e ccn t.''......... .... ...... . ,itlon- W hnt did h e m ean? ae lo r ..Why. If you're m arried, your '

, . wife controls a li vour w ealth , in the f<i ‘o pracUcfll sense. I 'm a m arried m an . » »«• with three kinds, and I know who i Im a controls my asselJC' • ‘»• I t 's raya of ligh t like th n t lh a t •

Ihow the gravity, th e enorm ity, of the th rea t. And look a t o the r fields, C Womeo, own a monopoly on style. «

-T h # They adm ittedly sing higher, sew I lltor* better, look pretUer. u lk on ths > itlons P>iOhe longer, change Uielr minds 1 the faster, nnd live longer.,_ fo r they carry more welKht. Pro- j erlng porMonalelyr th a t I s ^ h the ir bonw , <


5 - A U C 1’’pre.i As I Bin quiltlntr farming, I I give or 4 Miles West of Twin F 1 pre* Norih of Maroa School, o n -

h MON■ i ■ SALE STARTS 12:3(t


I 1955 S u p e r C IH C T ra c lo r . to r h a s n e v e r been hii th in p — ru b b e r , p a in t atv

- i - .. ju g tJ iK e _ i\c ;v I— — j 1950 O liver GO T ra c to r In i . h a s been ru n ono soaso

A I o verhau l” B c e ra h d 'B s r i rC u U Iv a to r ,

Clamps, for Super C E Back B ar Cultivutor for :

clamps Swin/fiiiR' Drawbar As/icr

Super CI 'Bean Ctftler foFSniw 'C "I 3-Point Hitch Assembly fi

Beet nnd Bonn nnd Spud Ci L Oliver trac torI Oliver 21 Trail Mower, 7-fc

New Idea Side Rake, 4*bar Oliver Manure Spreader, s t

-O liver-G rnin Drill, 12-ho!iII tractor-dra'ivii______ _r - Dj.tic Beet f/ijnjicr, .1 <


— ^ ■■■ — —__________________________

• - Tm ESrN EW S. TWIK

[eadied as Agprom Q

i p f ' s s } '

^ G I V E N A W

. j t

n * pop com . Milk a ad eeda p«p ean ba purt n g e r eoapo&s tntUMng the bearer to free re- a t some 40 Twin r a i l s stores, whleh i m. (HUff phota-enpaW wgi ___________ •

n S i r C a l l ~ l o f ” T iirM m ^s= S fa tu s ^IOC But maybe that's only a biased male

dlly viewpoint.In* Take the wealth factor, Uie vote .j

_ In factor. What you got. before loiut? lim A'woman presldentrThen.-let's faee a.oi

11 —America a maUar'chy. Let us. . J ued then, steel'ourselves to a positive y . tr i. program. 1) Stop dying off ao fast;R'ho pamper your'hcart. S) Orasp the

R wenlth. 31 Repeat dally: "I'm alive. mt'. I'm a living, breaUilng male. Damu cut la dopey£_____________ ^

mi 25 Ai-e Kalled z■y're . .* on

ByCrackupof .’S Mexico Plane £j m - ---------- ------------------------ ------------------ ■•mf,)Ul. MANAGUA, Nlcnrnmia. Nov. 16 tft U, inse -Twenty-five persons. Including one . .. Ighl American and a Panamanian'couple ... nale on Chelr honeymoon, were killed V the ye.'t«rday in the crash of a Mexican

nirllner on the southwest coast of !” the Nicaragua. ^

> Of The plane of the Aerovias Ouwt yoi per Air line, en routo from Panama to .v,

Nfexlco Clly, carried 30 paMensers „ satl- and a creu- of five. All were killed the in the crash except ono man. who rv

:hen died a t an army hospital In Mnna- . My g!ua. _ p

less. One of th'« d « d wim'earrled“on I* the pa^^enser 1L« as Pred McNlel.

J by Idenll/lcd In Panama as an Amerl* the can ot about SD. HU addrta wn* e it's not known. v."!

— _ ...Tlie tilrllne mid nlt.the other p « - noi sengers were listed trom LaUn

..„ur American countries. Germany and ro the Austria. The crew wns Mexiean. <r»i

There waa no word on what caused , who the fnur-englned DC4 to crash In

. flames near the reaort town of Sa- fi„ U,»t Hna Grande. j . , f, of The honeymooner* W(re Mart* ier elds, Osegueda. daughter ot the Salva* thi tyle. dorean ambaasador to Panama, and js, sew Ilogello Alvaret, member of a prom- | the Inent Panamanian fnmlly. wiio were uni

inds manled yesterday morning. Mr Another of the dead wax Antonio oni

Pro- Arln.<, younqcat son ot Panamanian Ct WM, ex-Pre.'ldent HamVodlo Aria*.'----- --Mfr

i f i o N inj(, I will sell th e follow injt located ,1 d n F a lls and 3^4 M iles N o rth , o r 2 , on—

N D A Y , N O ^LU N C H h

4ERY T errac ing Bladinew "

Oliver B ee t nnd jc lo r. Thi.i tra c - on ru b b e r, HI:n h u rt . Kvcry* V-Type D itchei « t _ P h „ n h . t . Drill

o r In lop .h a m . ■ IHC H arro w , 1, season since nn W agon and Rac

- <r bearingi 'f i to r rp l i is ------- --- • E versm an 3t«o '^ O liver T andemfo r Super C, 4 o liv o r H alR -O ,

AsjcniWj- fo r « O liver F ield Rc Oliver D um p B

r o : 1 i T c ~ ^ i i 'D i S (bly fo r Super C g „ , 211

Steel f ram e ud C u ltiva to r fo r Bean T ick le r to

B ean T ick le r, 1 ', 7-foo t 2-Cow S tock Tl

4*bar. like new L o ts o f Sm a

cr, s tee l w heels ,, , ♦

2-ho!e, • like nen-, all o f mr . BA^______________________ LIKE NEW! ~ I t h

, , . nas had ihe uim»o f X'JIM'M ol iws mscWnery


V . B a n d y ;^kUctioneers


I O p e n s , ----------- U

r - l l i

■ T

day Len Ida'

• mei

or • con (ng will


clal . reU

. Inc: by



■ purchased a t th e fa ir f a r t l i a c e n u ore free refreshments m ay ba obUlned ,ai,

ilch sre partlclpaU nt In ih* event, the

■ Tlrauksgrdng— ~? "SeiTices-Serar^ lib

' L o c a l C h i n - c hflp

, Thanksgiving Sunday will be ob- do ' ' served durlhg th s Sunday momlng of

»orsJ)lp"services"of Flrst-M ethodlst iji, *• church. T he Rev. Rlchnrd H . N. j.jl ‘ Vo»i. associate pasto r, will deliver oi

llie mes.iaga on •'T hinking Thanks," The chancel choir, direc ted by Rob- j e ri Wilson, win sing "Praise the Lord O My Soul." M rs. Russell Pot- yj ter wHI sine Jhe *1U> aelo pa rt. - j

A. Chalk-Illustrated s e ^ lc e «clH be - conducted a t 8 o'clock by th e Rev. gf W aller M acA rthur. senior psstor, on lhe them e. "Y our C hurch and you."

Winfield P ra y w lj l je a d th e sec­ond of a series o f d ikusslons be-

^ fore the In term ed ia te Peltow.<ihlp. cli which meel* a t 7 o'clock. Hl.i sub- nc

- •Ject-la-“M rR claU ons-W lth Others." hi ^ Mm . R ichard H . N. Y ost opened the 5: I , series Iss t Sunday on "My Person* at '5 allty Development." ^

The Senior M YF, w hich meets . a l 1:30 p.m.. will view a colored

movie during lU recrcatlon period. Tho Wesleyan Fellowship for older youths plans to a tten d Uie regular evening service, followed by a rec-

” reatlon period to be announced In a private home. Mr. a n d Mrs. KelUi Evan» are counselors. .

>n Guests Reported I . For Bridge Play

John Davies a n d Jerrj- Bower, both Boise, and M r. and Mra. Ar-

* - nold L u ft.-T w ln -P a lls ..u tre -g u csla . o t Uie local u n i t o t th e American — Contract Bridge lengue meeUng

. Thuraday n igh t a t Uie YWCA.« North and aouU; w inners were ‘n Mr. and Mra. H arold AmaUong,

flral: Mrs. R obert W eaver and Mrs.J . C. McMillan, aecond: Mrs. H. Mil-

t« ler Proctor and M rs. H arry Elcock.»• Uilrd, and Mra. H arry U g h t and )d ja c k Radike, fourth .1- EHst and weat w inners were Mr. re and Mra, R ichard J . Cook, first;

Mrs. Pnul T hom an and Bower, sec* lo ond: Mrs. Jo h n Feldhuaen and Mrs. in Cccll Jonra, Uilrd. and Mrs. Slurseon -•-M cO oyand-R obertT ucker.-fourth . .

S A i c I:d 3^4 M iles N o r th o f C urry , j r 2 Miles E a s t a n d ?i-MilB

)V.19:H by M aroa W o m en 's Club^

Blade, 3 -po in t h itc h , "brand*

I nnd B ean P la n te r , disc-type;*r, like new |tcher, 3 -po in t h ifchD rill, s tee l box________• '

iw, new , 2*8cction j,I R ack, ru b b e r t ire d , long roll* tlJT3t«ol-L and-L «\*clcr. 6-foot [ idem D isc, 7*foot ig-O n P low IId R enovato rnp R ake - IH C D um p Rake Dlgg^cr, 1 -row J'1, 276 gallons, o verhead on a ■•mee r to f i t on O liver C ullivalnr c r , f i t s O liver C u ltiv a to r Bar :k T ra ile r

SmairM iscellahcous Items

. BANDYS MACHINERY IS JUST '- i^hi^.bcc^kcp^ undjjr cm’cr at'jl..

inery aod use I t now w ithout repair,

7 C 5 w h e i '■ JA C IC IU M S E Y . CJcrk

Kuon Official Slal

POCATELLO. NOV. 16 - - Carl J .Megel. Chicago, presWent of Uie APL-CIO Amerlcsn Federation of T ediers. win speak on Uie new role n K of teacher* In improving educational st.ind ttrai-n t-the-annual M ^ e n tlo n ^ of the Idaho FederaUon of Teachers

^*H e^w "*adtU eaa the wnvenUendinner meeungln.U ie Hotel Bannock •a t 0:30 p,m. Sp«»k«« during Uie , day ’s sfislon* ’*“ ■ Include RobertL enaghcn .poca« llo .p rM idcn to tlhe jIdaho Federation of U bor, and El* m e r-R -M c ln tlr t^ p o l* e . te c rcu ry - 1 • U easurcr o t the fedeStlon or laWtT — —

J J. Swisher. T » in FnlU, presidentOf Idaho 's union leachers, said the . 4 convention wlH conew iraie on work- ^ (ng ouV a legislative prosram th a t will ask fo r Improvements In the contlnulne ccuitrncijaw and In the cerilflcatlon procram .Tn-c r 'e *'8 e^d sta te funds to schools to raise tench- ers' salaries, and t^e addlUon of so- clal security benefits to the presentroUtamant plan_________

Megel is expected to discussThi. "lnc re as inB ly-iraporuni_pan_B lfS .«____by today'a classroom teacher In act*Inc aa a atablllrlng factor In the transjiional p h a im h r w i th -w h le h _ h A education la now passing. prasl

He ts also to discuss the coopera* , tlve role o t th e teacher union and »„d J orennlred labor In obtaining higher salaries and Improved conditions fo r —^ the teaching profession.

S t o r y H o u r s S e t _____

B y T . F n i b r a r y___ Chlldr«nV<K>ry-iiour*-wlll begin

aC If a.m. Saturday n t Die public library, reports A rthur DeVolder, city librarian.

L DeVolder said Uils will be Uie first in a aeries lo be conducted by

' Dorothy E vans assisted by member** of the play production classes ot ‘ if ie -h ls h school Jena '• Mirer. T ho programs will consUl f of record.1, parUclpaUon acUvlUes

and stories, he added.Raiurday'a program will feature

e 'T h e U ttle Rabbit Who W anted ■ Wings," told by Sharoa Taysom and

m i e Tortoise nnd the Hare," nar*< rated by Jennne Anderson. Records '• of "Songa from Hans ChrlsUan An*

derson" and "The Poky Little “ Puppy," win bo pla>;od.

CHURCH PLANS BAZAAR .- PAUL, NOV. le-T tii, m i BapU it 1. chureh wll! hold Its ba taar and din*1- ner Tuesday evenlnc a t the Grange

hali:-T he-d lnner-w lli-ba-servcd-* l e S:30 p.m. B azaar articles will be sold I* a t 8 pJn. . •______________ -




M c D o w ’ s 7—y Public D i n u l T tc lm lc l i in t r. (Opposite Idaho Theatre)'2 111 6ta»*hona No.w .phon* m ' \

“ 0

[ B»t¥t U m


B e t t e r

E l e c t r i c M y • >’'■

W l :SUJCTHiC ( M U d It *

V M H M H P soo

S h o p b <

' i n ' p e t e r s e n -s F

, f r i d ;

lates Talktat:^ Ja e t - i n - P o c a f e H o

I * " ’:rcho< I n il

•• I . • •.

: . . IKvilb' . . ' wnie

■ CARL J . MEGEL “ *

RETURNS HOME |—H A O B RM A N .->*0¥r.I8-M «_K -a — Prasler ha* reu im ed from vlslUng Mr. and Mrs, Roy Parson* and Mr. and Mrs. PhlUip K ennlcoU a t Boun- Uful. U U h. i = s

W A L L O W A (


.................. ...... A N N U

- C A U

F e e d e i12:30 MON

E n t e r p r i s e A u c

— E N T E R P R I S E ;

Alt h ig h q u a l i ty c a lv e s p lu s o f y e a r l in g o n d 2 -y co r-o ld sl s e n t in g so m e o f th e b e s t h e r

STEAK DINNE bUYERS AND CF e r addiliooal Inferaatfon: Call

-----W aU *w »-C«uaty gloekgrowerra.T elephm e 4U e r t U .o r ihe .. n o u l M l .

Magic Volley LOWEST PRK

>LUS- S & H G r e e n J

Malce Tliis An O utstanding Volt

General El AUTOMi


_____J . . . SET THE TIME I------ - VOU« C-£ DKtti DOE

Hm 64 Onrw urm yo«

• Dfle* yonr clodica >0(1. Oufly, wrlaUe-froe i»l OR SHINE.

• F raa you from fcsdiftg, baxiiot. *>• CiUS’iroding iime. Tbe G>E dsiop-diie* riglti —. T , savt* •ftriakltB* tiflH.-------------------------• LeaglbcM Ibe Ufe of chiU m'i clolbe*.• Savt* eleaalai b ilis-d fiea etea flnsM faiii

gesile air cuncsts.• Keep* color* from growing old wbh "sua-fad• Safety-engiaeerwL Hc*( toe* cB. d m a #(opi

•ocBM ycai dpea lhe do6t. - ' - -

D ow ntow n Conven

I'S FUKNITURE , 1 3 1 8 5 0 .

;n ) A Y , N O V E M B E R 15, „ j ,

Joint Open Hoiise _ ffeld for Parent«

FILER. Nov. ttf-^‘rtip "]o :r!t'v . lo ry-Centm l PTA and ju r ,:c -..,.“ PTSA held open house for parent* TMesdny In the rchool ■auditorium:— • ^

n ic h a rd Lutes. Uoliwtfr i principal. Introduced Cl.iw ife man and H arold-Brow n, nrcyV,:;— of th e PTA and PTSA. a arranged by Lutes, incljr.ti;’'-.!'': vocal’num bers by a girl’s *Buhl high school and a m o ;;c- '-- lure.

Refre«hm*nU were arK rtl v - and Mr*. Ownings Bro«;i a - j WUbur M athrews. Tlie iifx' wnioy r f 5 A~Tnecting~» i;i~i.7"K': :: Dec. 13.

^ WE makY ^—W OOD-FRAM ES-; -

P h o to sta ts C o m m ercia l Photos •

PEIKERSTUDIOT I iJ j r» D D Z 5 o > rE iT r r— j -II Across From Medical At'j I

^ C O U N T Y

L a n d —

! r S o l eN . , N o v . 1 9

a u c t i o n Y a r d s

i E r O R E G Q N ---------------

plus several hundred heod Id sfeers o n d he ife rs reptc* herds in th e county.


Call E. K . H nnU r. Chalrmin,erra_A**n— E nterprlse._O r«pn.__ .ihe ..E nterprla« , AucUoa Yards,


I S tam ps


.wark sad w M iyt

X iftdoors-RAlN

stmeluflf. * rUht for pressing------------- j a - —

t falirics safely ia . ' '

a-fadlag".$ujpt routiag. aa


10. LINCOLN «rr. ~ il '

Page 9: p = : - r T ± r _ TSffie Death Scorcboard TiTOB as« IM til a v tiie r .iw e - ^ At Soil M Better

-British Keep ■

plans in Line I

in th e Middle E u t . ■

“^ ^ Soubt nbout m il policy. Bril- ■ **“ ; for K lf-Bovenunent to r ■

I? S «1 the tourcM «W . ■

- ' ' S s - » e r e U i r ‘A !*n-I;fnnox- . ■oKllsm ent U>H week th i t ■ r t ld W »nd d lrec tla j the ■

;S , i nKUemJUm In BrlU^h colo- ■^ S a n a w in in n ln f c o u n te r to l l .^ ■J r ^ t t «e h*vt been ensn^ed >n ■

S S i l *ecrtt*i7 t t i a . ■

-»;Sx,tr^sir,-!2^Sv|nil»1 r>«rt o f m e decUred , ■

• A ,^ nl th* Britlih K overrnncnn* - ■ STvid /he Dtople of thla colony (o a ■ lS d « « b T d e p e e «f « lf-g o v em . ■

” omel»U here »lM) pointed ou t lh » t |„ it , *111 be held in London n « t _-.ifiih on new »elf-iioveniment for Jtf.^po“ .a d M n la v . .A n e w e o n - n .. ! X um fer cypnia * * •» > «

-^Tu-b»TMd»-pubUc.^ th t.a c itr,fiis j o l lturf. ^ ***'

— wXhTMIflate'S*st-criiU-hR»-r*l«d — -m M r Ui»t th b poJIey m»y be dl»* \ J . ™pl«l." OM of fIcIM Mid. "There are i M r a e im»Uer colonUl ireR# where there e«rt*lnly c innot be & h a rd *nd tu t mllni on ihe lr lu tu re eUtu»—»n*i lUie fit, Helen*, the palUlund hoar ijlMil* iBd th i G ilbert *nd EHlce j

L£S*L A D V E R TISEM EN T S J S 5' '~~!i(mci o r ruBLic ubarinr , t i

tv iic^nn TO nn-roNiN(T o r w t 4 ycirIT4JSMIVCA JlJllCO TJIACT NO.t DDFll

a S ' r i . ' K . i s S ^ . s s r - a t a i '

“ i i r t r s ,«f nM U l- n - l . ------

n . ■ubffliiifi hr tSt riti.Bi!.f

■ W M M J ii ^ t ” ♦..........Jwm IJU m tnd tb»'M0th l«0 /Ml—a s v r ; ' ; ! ; u i " “ L ;s‘ c‘. t , ' ; . . ■ i

M nilMrt RlrMt and Kll>r At«hu> >teord> j hi U tkt ibn't «N(r[piloTi Inr th« 7tir> f i<M*r (imnlldf Iht UM of »l<l pinjcii. liniVi*!Jm *H /n T io i '/ .’ra^i'r^k'lB "' , fTlrKklir Slrnti, tnd lha r*m«lnC<r of i]0* IM ihtll U afloVMi far • C-t um. b

NOTICE ts nmTJIRU (ilVEN Th»i ■tW 1lai« and plac* nf public h«irlnf a•>n ttorcxltwilM milUn.hai l»cii t fi>4 M Utnitj. DK*ml»r >. i m . t ^

• a thAM M* .‘ti'rlKf .hall Trill* •» npporiutillr In )>• h»r<( iiiH lhal , •i-hU ll>f and placa anr Mraona may >< «»tnr t t III* w»lu*n abiKliona to tald V

'£/•/ MNSTANCB 1. tllBEH

hi. «> ' ll"lhreuih Dh . I. ]1J|.


m S

l i — ^ lo w n -tn -A I I * I n s u l a t i n g 1 1 * S t

P 7 lI Free

N O V E M B E R 1 6 , 1 S 56

_ P rep ai-e for

M n . Ben M. Dlllnw. Bol»«. exerutlire dir m»n o( ihe M iflc Valley H eart ■uorUUsi ra ltJn f ilrlra In February wlth'NadlDc Syr

-iHlt«nt._Mjii_Sjnime»-i»lilre«*e<i Icfal vot day Bt Ihe n o (en e n hstcl. (Hla(( phato>c

~ -------------------------------

New Polio Gases E Reported in State mJS

BOISE. NOV. 18 Ofl _ The lU te dedlcnboard of hen lth added three c*ae«------to IdaIio> 1D68 polio U)UI y » ie r - ^dey. tw o of lhcni-dtlflyctLreDorL.1 o f _____eaMS %'hlch occurred earlier Chli year. _ _ ^ . PAS

T ho ncw ciiM WM th n t of a 2J- ,» yetr-o ld a t. Marlea woiimn. Alao re- ' ” 1 of ported were th# eawa ot n J5-ye«r- ‘O'" 30 old Cnn>-on couniy Rirl n iio became P''»o > 111 In September and a lO-year-old olher Ada. county boy who wa« aUUcted No cIn Ju ly . ---------

T he CA4M brought to als the totjil the y< reported UiU month. T he totol fo r SH th.

New Hope for the"Don't h t f And look "Ofti B ifa r t 1I f you ar* w tacinf i h i t look ef watcl"faU* eld « (•“ , feel tired out, dayadepreiM d, or aufTer from alaep- NOTlenaneu, eon»tlpntion. lack of ap- n-ill ipel)le, dietiljv '* diiturbancM, nolle

' lack-luilre W r , your trouble m ay betin be cauted by iron.poor blood ora ly iU m atarved for natur»'» _enaential vitamina and mineraU. .^[htnI f ao; you need auftw no mor*. *'.'*ni

S T O P S U F F E R IN GI n ju f t ona day O ras.N O T-Tab- liablt le t* hieh-potency.iroQ. multiple.. . la ti ( v itamin* and blood-building e l^ B |, X m enta aro in your fatood-itream. and i

->c*rryin(B aw atr«ncihand«nar|]r .7 lia t o all parta of your body. T hen Prle*


iU L AI N O '

W c a t h e i

. . . it sa\ bills'top

, times ov

h W o o I— ★-Po i i r i n ig B a t s ^ S to r m S t o r m W i n d o w s



ie Estimate C rB O ttD E R rS

g ) TWIN FALLS • | T JEROME i pi

5 ^_______________ ' ■ Tl

or Hear t Fund Cami

S ^ r y J i

iire director ef tba Tdaba H eart aMoelatlon, ai >rUUsn. dtieuaa plan* far Ihe atate'a partlclpi ae Sym m et. New Vork City, American Heart al Totunteer area ghalrman a n d wetliera a t i ha to -en traV tng ) ' '

Hospital Opens Llonday,-M eCALL.. Nov. 18 .im _T h« new ^ Th* n MeCfcll M em orial hoipllal will be handls’] dedlcnted a t an open houte here ««ry fac

— Towns JarredPASO ROBLES. Calif,. Nov. 18 «1

—An enrUiquake w llh a R ichter r a t­ing o f-5 n ittIed 'd lah e s‘and“window* for 30 aecoridaJail n igh t At HollUter. rn (o Robles. Ban LuU Obispo and other nearby communlllea.

No diunage waa reported.

the year U now 105. compared to SH through Nov. 15 l*«t year.

le “TIRED o u rfort Vgi/r Itiigtr

wateh y o u r aUmlnatloo. A few dava a f u r you etart ta k ln i Drag*N OT T ab laU the la iy ortana «-ill go back to work and you will notice lh a black, poiaonotu w ajta beginning to leave your body.

NEW U F E.T hen you will feel k wondroua change: Die y e a n will a*«m to Blip aw ay you will enjoy * wond«f*«l BW pep •BdrluU ty, look and feel younger. Get non*1 .a b ll- fo n a In * -D ra |.N 0 T -T a b ------------

. la ti (rich In Iron, Vitamlna B |,B |, Bi>. C , plus other viUmina and minaral*) and ae* reeulta ia

. 7 lUya o r your money back. 'P rice on ly 6 .0 0 .

"ph a r m a c y

m itlher'mng doesn’t cost t saves enough on fuel 'to pay for itself many :s over------1

r in g -W o o l— — - m D o o r srs_____________ ___________ _______


G O F _________ _

.G E H O U S E

tesi n j p p t Y - —

• P h o n e 3 0 6 0

P H O N E ’ 4 9 0 - ; - --------

! m p a i g n _ : r r = : ;doorax^ere of th e ch

of the evening.

The D ana Ollr r«ad by M Edwin 0» reading « Jones.

Hon. and A. G rant Roaaell, c h a ir . irtlcli>atlon In Ihe national fnnd- Heart aaaerlatlnn pregraxn een-

ira a t a tunehten meeUn» Thor*«___________

imday and will accept paUent* on V Monday.T he new atruclure b e(juipped to indlB’iB na llen u anrt ineludei »ur- :ry facilities, nuriery, X -ray room e w l j Id emergency w-ard.__________________S W b i

L o o E

h a s g

- p o w e

t t

* m S S S u

^ ..............

Ntw WIDTH.Notice llAH TIIE RIC I ncH- Jel-Ho Bumper. TJie ofil aliej functional a t !t ii beautiful. It act and low-protectlos. Notice the m

.. .

NIW UNIITH, Ntw WHtltlAtl.«Iimeiiiion is bigger, la addition t

--------------- ------ t J I W - P O W l R _ U P - t

A 255 .hp S*fcty-Surgo engir 290-hp T urnp ike C rufser V-8 the re a re two M ercury en, Therm o-m atir. C arbure tor cor

______t l u re o f a ir the engine b rca te a ir iT ^ w e F iu id '(^conomyr A clair ie r ie s , a Pow cr-Boosler no t needed for cooUng— wi

W e Invite yo u


T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L^A LLS, ID A H O

Doorrihstalled ScrvicGERMAN*. Nov. lt^-'IV.> i-.c'v n tte re Installed a t the rn ti.iiu c ' L S n

le chapel of the Rforgam.Td'

ir Young Adult cla'w •mestiiivnjf. •''■w.iI. rs c a ir to wornhtp' Rhon In ;!r:rVThe I

OUmore. ,thf a d lix in r wn.i i.»r of i l by Mary W ard. GiHhIiuh; Mi». rhuu-li. olf n Davla read a imnii mid n Aiilmr 1 ng WM given .by Mi*r'vrrn'Vl,i:uia ^ t i


(^a /M jU 6 W ^C

^ S B r " W o t n n i e g o

l l I f f n I y C h o c o l n t c '

A t l p n c t in « c n n d y c o i W t U C A N D Y C P Kl P A I IV .

k H o w r

g r o w n 1

e r , w e i g ]

t h a t c o u

ovi^SH inaT~wto«.v^!!-■ '

: RIC u * ncvr breaihit iit d ram atiud bjr a ma ll iliepe of ({)ti ^eccfu l new humper dtsi(;n I t act* as a double bum per.provide.i bolh ihe n«lehing-"tw in"-iiyled rear bumper (ri

L IA S I-C lo u TO TWQ.TONS IIO. Every tion to the new length, w hcclbue it a big i:

^ P - T 0 . 3 9 0 H P --------------------- N E W

en gine i t tta n d a rd . A 1957'a m o it r V -8 i t optional. A nd ' dynam ic Jooi y en gine "firsta.” A faaliioned. 1 >r c o n lro b tlie tem per- sweeps back brea thes . T he resu lts : provide ex tniy.“ A n d rin -l lte -M o m .--------an-imBginatiioiter Faa eoojls when first producl: S_»aves horeepower. ■ influence the

/o u .to s e e th is s tra ig h t-


THEISEN3 5 1 M o i n A v e n u * ' E o t t

v i c e s H e l d - f o r _ i " “S . . r „ ,

a n a d a R e s i d e n t ! ? . ' , " " Xm iiL L _ S O t_ U i= B m M > rK lt S . S i Z ! ! !tre eonrtusted fo r Mr*. Molile I. Tnbov. A lberta, C.inadu, Coi«ludliiB •ny Bt UiP W envrr m ortuary WendMl cem m e flev. CT Bd E. BollPk. p.i.t- — ^f I h f I’reeOvterlaii-naplU t i ' ' ' P'oyeI. oin tlM td . S i S ' i ' r 1°lUr im u if t l Aanc and Mrs,I ^ te * . M rs,'O len Stalone and •hiwia* PrfuU ce arranged the

< ^ e a ^ /


W ' - ' j V .PW o u l d n ’t o n ®• g o o d r i R h t n o w ?

? in f i l . ft t c O r a n g e S t i c ! « a . j .. j .• •

c o u n t o r n TWI • S AI T l A K E CI TY

m u c h tfc

f o r 1 9 5 7

J h t - i n e

L in ts i n i


Ha maisiv* NIW CVtUlUB IKTI■Sian is as e f Ihe nevf s ic u. 1 he bolh h ig h . . for exaraple, as in n r (right). _______ .ceiled between the_

l y j ' ' ^

NOW QVgW T7'.t fg * T LONtt —

ery im portant And the 1937 Mereurys are 3ig 122 inches, gravity gives you in omixing

IW-DKtAHKMtVlSIGH -------- --

tnost adv an c ed s ty ling—a cle«n<cut, iook th a t m akes o th e r cars look old-

d. T lie r o o f is gntcefuUy slender— . back o u t o v e r th e rear window to . ex tra h e ad ro o m . T b e tail-llghu have native-V -angle a lin l. Here’s Aroerica-'s— duclion d re a m c a r— atyling tha t will : th e sh ap e o f c a n fo r years lo c m e .

h t-o u t -o M o m o r row c a r

U R Y ^ ' 5 7 .

IJIAOTORS,l i t ------- - - Phi

T : ■ — -

■arera x e r e - o i e n — MsIoup: -------Q u OMiller and Enrl Alger, nil b o q o t a

Fall*, and W illard Wert.,_ r™ u « .M ii.>i.w a ,„.'' ~ ‘approvefl byudliig rites were held a t the tion commit I cemetery, • -n^e jp^,,

p in y m ,oii We^t VirKlnln'ji would in foolball lenm weigh 225 tiibsrtiiitnl q."f. ........ 'later mun ll

f S I H

PROTECTION FOR VAY o u r v o lu o b le p a p e rs will i r o m f i r e , I b e f t o n d d am ag

________ s a f e d e p o s i t b o x . See us toe


h e B i g ]

7 _ i n s i z

3 v e r j d f a i i

a c a r !

‘a I -

A • -•iW

I iK TU ioU .i_There's more e f f o r t m th'efr t. There's new hip room and leg room. As mui i in many o f the m ost expensive can. Tht

the_fr«me. T he result: moro headroom I

W m r S ^ iS ^ --. - 9 ' c u - i>p.uuo

rs are Vip to 225 pounds heavier, too. A f u LAxing sense o f ’'nailed.down stsbdityoncui

— ----------- D R A IW A T I C - N E W - F U i

t, E v e ry u 'h e ro you 'ilook there’a a I- ex clu siv e T-position Xeyboin}. . o u td a tes o rd inary , push-buttoa ti a an exclu sive Floating Ride with e a c tio n y o u have to feel lo bclit s ------: e v e iu g c L jL p o w c r _ 8 M t_ ^ a tj ;nII tu r n a d ia l and i t finds your

p osition . B ut ace eve/ylfiing, S t

:a r to d a y a t o u r show rc

7 with DREAM-CmLn . u w, a u u w i CW .IX >T W ^b»iin«l 11

V Inc. I jPhona 2421

- ^ A G B N I O T

iuota Started—=-1®iTA. Colombia; Nov. 10 ««—'ta-wlll adm it up to lOfloo l i t l+Jlau refugees under & p la n i P l

by the national tn u n lg n * <1! ; {nimlttee. jl}' -mcommittee. s#Jd yeaterday I I - ? 1

iroup of up to 1400 refugee* rt« adm iiud immediately a o d .Ji-'fill Broups would be reeelYed I : ' . ' un the quota Is com pleted. .

S = i iVALUABLES liiiwilj b e so feimage in our • ; '> todoy!____________________ - ii’

& Trust C(h____ Jiyx i m b e b l t I ; ^

z e , -

t o g j

l - i

ih 'efrontahdback 'iieatii''........4 much shoulder room. ^. The-floor ii, ,iom than ever before. * '

A far lower center o f m currea and comer*.

H A T U m - -------------— — -

'a a new {dear aa i r f CoairoJ tBat " ;on transmisiion*» "ivith S'cushioning ' - . . believe. You c« i . - • ’

o u r f a v o n 'te 'a e it TS top in t o ^ y . ; ' .

vroom .'


Page 10: p = : - r T ± r _ TSffie Death Scorcboard TiTOB as« IM til a v tiie r .iw e - ^ At Soil M Better

i - i - ’p A i S B ;

I _ Square Dancing 1 “ Party Is Planned S'- For Moose Hallf i -• -B O ia . Nor. 1«-Th* AUI a jta re a . ' D an ce rcsUrai wlU be held Stlur* a ; day B uhl Moom tu l l withH r-M h e tr»nd-m iinh-«ehe<lule«l-to lU rt

a:SO p jn ,M ucU ofllU U ld R alph AMCodrup

"will be m a ite r o f ceretnonlu, Mr», f, . ' - Italph A8»endnip U publicity chalr- f .-' m an. M oH ltt h a s charge of the pro-

♦*ri W f f tm i 8Umip• era Square D ance d u b will d m ra U '• a n d lunches will b e lold by Women

of th e Moote. Collera »1U Include( l i Myron BU u. H owiml MllU. Mr*, h • Fred B r itt . M offllt. A w n d ru p . W al- f r . ; te r WUl. Jo h n Cocte i and L eiUrj r r < V atffn.-. -------,— -

There, a lto will be ieveral tound

f ' ! * = The uao cla tlo n will m eet » l * ; ! Ooodtn» O r»nse hall a t 1:30 p.m ,

Sunday, n e fre th m e n u will be K rvrd i '* by th e Ooodlng O ranne dancers.' . E\~eryone l i urged ta a tte nd for , ► e ie c u ^ of on iccrt. Oiily rcp ren n -

th e asaoclatlon w d_T ot^B

■j; ^ It -

i Program Reports ■; M ade a t Meeti ng

; : For Loca I Women; t P ro ject reports were made for

I the Jny-O -E ttes Tuesday a t the

II * on th e annual C h r l» tm « 'c lan c ? 'i» ^ ■V, 4 31 a t th e American Legion hall:

Mra. R lcbsrd .Moon, rarrlng rnalt- tn<, a n d Mrs. Je rry Klelnkopf.

• c h r ls tm u cards.n a Bill H enderson snd M n . I di ', « Hubblo, annual spring style show lii* _ P eb ._2«_at_ lh ft_U 8 lon_Jiftll: Mrs.. i ; David D lngrtan . welfare: M rsrJ im

• B lake, needy fam ily, and Mrs. Hen- ^ W ills, stAte m id-ycar convention.

« M rt. Robert B urton was generat t l ,* chairm an for th e meeUng In a P ; Thanlcsglvlng them e, au ls te d by I < M n . Charles Cofield a n d ' M n, t » R slph Nlchol.C‘j i Mrs. L. L. H oem er Introduced f c » . Mrs. R ichard McMurtrle. M n .

R alph Welch. M rs. DBlB.Huss, Mrs. t ’;'3 Oeorge M urray. Mrs. Uoyd T»ir- F',1; child. M n . K en G raham and ,U A .

G eorse Bean, guests.F.-,« M em ben o t th e Jerome and Buhl

clubs, also guests, wers Introduced hi* by th e ir presidents.

They were M n . Psu l Hurless. M n.-C harle8-M lllerrJr,rM r*;-0lyde

& ^ Xllllngaworth, M n . Ivan e tone . all i ' . l Jerom e,- Introduced by M n . Boy X i; ' Freem an, president, and Mrs, E m est '; '4 R oland, M n . U onel M llttr and Mrs, if.i Eugene Ohrlstofferson. introduced X s by M rs. D ean Joslln , a ll Buhl.K;* RUda Mall U lked on ceramics K< • and showed sam ples of ths work forI ; ,| i T our Library

-*W Em3EU.7-Nor.— I f — Palomino p s tra l-o f G irl S c o u t-tro o p JiIo ^ jm d

9 :2 th e ir leader. M n . K eith Klein, toured the public Ubranr Tuesday

I I2 afternoon.iS M n . UUIsn Oonuloclr, )}brsr)an. ^ o c p l a ln M th » \» « o t e titt- tl la i in d

pa tro l Ylalted M n . Earl r ' % 8 c h e n c k .-« h o -w m b e a s a lsU n tle a d -

B e r tor th e pa tro l. Shaioa 'B ungu ra 9 g e r r e d r e tru h m e n ti. 'D iana Com­s t o c k WlU se rv t TftfTtshmenU for the B a e x t m eetln f.S • ¥ # ;i

S Scouts M e e t,S W EIfDELL, MOV. I f t -n e d Cardinal 2 f Oh-l e w u t troop NO. 4 m et with Mrs, S ^ d M alts, leader, Tuesday afte r- ^ a o o a .S s P lao a -w « r* -m ad * for .a . special 5 m e e U n g to b* held Saturday after-

M ary Looney served refresh-

- S “ M arian-M artin— S P attern

SEW FO R SANTA! “ q|SS< O u r new prin ted p a tte rn make

I W m th l# u trd ro b e « d n e h fo r Christina

I M 4 ^ ^ e m a l n ^ t t c m p l w e M ^ l^ ^; (4 S t r e s s e d w ith - tw o frocks, bonnet ; K g M A t , playsult, kimono, sacque. sli]

I; n s r ^ - i n t ^ p a t t c r n 9107; For doll ' i . a *5 lO . IJ . 14. W. la . 20 Inches tall. Sei

^ s ^ i t t e m for yardsges. . .;! M S T h is p rin ted pa ttern assures p e r It 9 ■-? fe e t /IL B u y direeuna prialea w i! M « tc ttc h tissue p a tte rn pari.

u « t i - fiexid th irty -five oeots In colas l a 'i « p a t te m -f td d five ccnta fo r eaclII H S p a tte m for <lt»t-class m aU lnj..8ew |l 'Hi 2 t o M arian -M artin , eare- of TlmcS' ; Hi ClNCKi. p a tte rn D ept- W W est 18U

It Ki St.- New Y ork 11. N.Y. P rin t pUlnl; f 7 t» m t. nddrees .with V)oe. sis* ani

D embhstratibns F d Given for Meet

11 SHOSHONE. Nor. l»-I>em onstra- > J t l Uons on making ruga, dollies snd lusre p lan ter logs were gU tn the .LDB ■lur- Itellef society a t the Tuesday work pi « l th meeting. p■ u r t -M r«, John Schenk, R ichfield,-fare e-

the demonsthktions on m aking rugs, y idruD I*- N. Stowell. Shoshone. dem> .

onstrated the planter log and M n, r ha ir- H andy demonstrated making ^

The m eeting began «e 10 «. m, with a non luncheon served by ^Us. ><

Mni, John T hom e conducted tiir 'i"?® meeUpg w ith Mrs. Stowell in charge b

of.a lesson on cooking, Prayern werr u by Mrs. J , O. Freeman, Mrs. atowell o g„(j A rthur Hall.

"“ - r , , » - „f .1 Rebekah Report— J :rved Given a t C onfadr)cen . SHOSHONE. Nov. if t-A report on r: 1 for the s ta te Rebekah sMcmbly a t « t a n - m u ia i r w i iv e i i - W H r tB e r r o r tn F ft oting Opal, Rebekah lodge Tuesday n ight T

by.-7>Trc-wtiiard~Neuqn:------------- — aPIftns for servl»B~ttie—lunolMwn a

s t the 4-H leaders meeiing Friday s wrre outlined and the phensant a

dinner sponsored by the Odd Peltows 1} i n and Rebekahs ws* se t fo r Mondsy li * 9 evening Instesd of next Tliursday.

FamKiM ol th e lodge members will u C l l b e g u e s u . . aI for Bebekah club- was anrwuneed for h

the Wednesday a t the homa ot Mrs, if E. E. McNee. P

S l i k s Lo’d ^ e R S i ;mak- •• ^ ^ f<kopf. Party for CordsI. Ed Weekly pinochle parly of Elks Irshow lodge No. 1IB3 was held Wednesday wMrs. evening. • ~uim— W omen’s -w ln n tn .w ere Mrs. c n rl CHen- Ritchie, f in t ; Mrs. O tto Calwell.'soc- B itlon. ond, and M n . H. A. Olbbs. third, hnerai Men's w inners include Louis Tenck- aIn a inek, first; H . A. Giese, second, and b)1 by O. E. K unkle. third.M n , The com m ltU e-w u Mr. and Mrs,

' H erm aaO lese. Mr. and Mrs. D arrell aiiuced Dorlon. Mr. and M n . c . R. Detwelier nM n . and and Mrs. c . R. Fox. D

^ r C a r e o f Y o lBy ANGELC

The consolidated school has many c'l 3lyde B«xt po inu . Like all good things.-it clI, a il m ust be paid for by the l o u of some ii Boy cherished factor. As long aa tiie good t«

w ejt poini4 outweigh' th# in'convlences. Mrs, ail goes well. Sometimes they don‘U U

In one district, a kindergarten «' child sU rts , from th# house a l 7:30 “

; 'V ^ a jn . and w~aits a t th e corner fo r the cl ‘ bus. T h a t is n o t so good. I n another o’

district, no shelter is provided for t| the waiting children and they atand " and shiver In tha cold. T h n t certain- T ly Is no t good. T hen, w hen shelter “

mino has.been .prov ided—as It has been o ijin d ln .a .d islric t near w herfll llve—these Ueln, children, a good-sited group of them, si »day are unsupervised. *

I saw them , one m orning, race ^ 1” * ^ a cro u a busy road to get to the bus

th a t had swapped to pick up a child „ ' i „ , o a thfl'oppoaito s ld e io t the s tree t "

and one block away. Regardless of ^ Ihe lrafflc, .they «atU sred over the » road like a flock of s u n le d birds. ?

<wl T h» t Is fa r from good. J t is danger- \ u r tto e o u j.----------- . dThen th* m a tte r ot Iwharior on j,

the bus: In some p lsc es .th b Is far from good. On# day a few boys be- |.

, gsn shooting dried peas a t the drlv- . er. F inally-he had to atop. After ad - J

,t7 l, monishing th# boys, the driver s u r t - tf te r- jg j i n »nd so did Uie boys, so he

. drove them to tho police station. | ■rier. T he-coiuolldsted school offers a i

b e tter adminlsUaUon of the course ' of study. I t can a tto rd a richer >

Superb T<

If - i


L wn

\ l I C f N S I D1\W I - O E T E R (^ q u o r i f y ~ c e n t r o

Jj— — -Exclusive-in-Mi

makesis t ro u

I we'if^ lonnet.slip ■mm■ dolls III. See

s per- ted on

^ 2r each-S e n d Inm es-t la tnjU lnly '


___ - V - '___________ ~ • ' _____

Patficla Dwyer; 7 ^ et Tem pleton Wed I

In Coastal Rites I- M BAN FTIASCJSCO. Nov. }8-P*trt. I '0™ cia Ann Dwyer, daughter of M n . ■

Florence *Rogers Dwyer. Tw in FalU , ■ exchanged-nupUsi voas w ith .Jam es B F. Tem pleton, son of Mr. and M rs. ■ A lbert J . Templeton. Richmond, ■ Calif., a t the St. M ary the Virgin ■ Episcopal church. ■

m Tiie Rev. k tp p e l w . H)U p e r- I klra. formed the ccremony before the a i- ■ 3or- ^ r decorated « lth candles and red ■— carnailffiii_________________■tlie The bride choxe a pale pink sa tla '■ ■rge ballerina IcngU) sown snd a m atch- I k’ere m g jew el h a t. She carried a bouquet ■ «11 of w hite catU leya orchlrt*. ■

- • N orm a WhJtseiJ. £mmeU ..i»sJd 0/ Ehonor, w as'gow ned in rose U ffe ta . ■

— Sha ■ c a r r i fd -x -p ln k -^ M s tlo a bou- I queU Leo Llnthlcilm, Richmond, was I

i d Mrs. Dwyer chose a blue crepe a ft* I ( on rm oon dress with mAive accessories I

ftt and a corsage of-plrUc vsnda orchids *

Ight Tem pleton wore a rose beige lace __

riwcv «■ nf White Vanda orchids. », " The wedding i u p p e r ^ 'u i f r v td ■+ isn t a t th s St, F rancis hotel Immediate- :ows ly following th e ceremony 'lor cloae idsy (riends and families of'Upie. dsy. T lie-form er Miss Dwyer was grad- wfll uated from Twin Falls high school

and attended the University of Id a - 1 for ho, Moscow, where *he was a ffll- LE

vtrs, Inted with DelU DelU sorority a n d of Phi Beta K appa, She has beea em - Tu

-----ninvrri as nn accou n u n t_ ln _ B ttn ?l!FrnncWco lo r fire year*. o r

Tem pleton served w ith the arm ed forces during W orld war II and a t- In

■le fentfetf tne UnlversKy^of CoJors<raT '*1* Boulder, Colo. He has been employed

;iks In San FrancUco as sn engineer Po' day with Internatlon.Tl Engineering. Inc. ^ '

..For th e w fjldlng trip to New Y ork •» :s r l City, en route to Rio de .Janeiro, Sti wc- B ra*l!,-w her«-they will mnke th e ir t® ilrd. home, th e new Mrs. Tem pleton chose ick- a g ray tweed su it with wftlts and and black accessories,

¥ ¥ ¥.Irs, V ary th a t tossed .green salad by rell adding membrnne-freft arange seg- Her nienLi and paper-th in onion rings.

Deiectabl# combinaUoni ,j Int

bur Children “>IGELO PATRIany course and th a t greatly benefits tlie I.- U ch lldrfnrT hBri8-thB-reason-far con=- —' jme solldatlon. I t Is truly In the best in - U< ood teresU of ild ren . But— T t CCS, W hen we mnke a law th a t affecU Hi m‘U the lives o f children and the ir p a r- Jo •ten ccrUinly reinonslble th7:30 for th e effecU of lh a t laiw ftn the the ch ild ren and the ir pa rcnu . F irs t we "C ;her ought to keep the distric t school so ar for th a t th # k lnde rga rtenen and even M

and ^he f i r s t graders, s tay close Co home, m iln- T hey cnnnot afford the enrly riling , M .Itcf Uio w ait nnd the iisng rides. If one leen o f .th em falls ili.during the day, he Its# can n o t be taken home n t once as he lem, should be. No sick chlld-should~be —

allowed in a school bus. _T h ere (hould be supervision on th e "J

, , bus, A m itu re person should rlda In *" 3 ^ the bus m orning, a n d afternoon lo

m a in ta in order. Th# d river,U c a r- »" f ” , rylng a heavy responsibility. H e U »

guarding Uie lives of a big group of IM, children, and he should n o t be asked ” ‘j r - to discipllno them as well. Safety 5■ " i lm » n a i IhH .upctvlslon. ■

T here should be sheltera for w alt- ■ /*** Ing children. They should be forbid-

den to cross any s tree t to get on the , bus. T hese services snd rules a re th e & '“ If* price o t the bus for the consolidated Si

school. We should pay It promptly, ir 0 he -You .haalii-w .V i'tiir. > h..hful «hlld.

« • r-t , 'T h . ‘jhlM-" Et’"* '" ,,;


................ ................... _

V T L E R " X



E R G E N T In t r o H » d ~ t U a n > n q 1

M agic V olley-at-------

' ........ ' i — —

T I M E S - I T O W S , T W I N


sstuIn Chur

; i Ta-li

0/ wch'*• " 'i . ■ ■ - ' - j Z Hu? MM >"*as — r - T - ^ p, tl

: u ' <1* blue

(U - - \ i . d*.- gqu,n , MBW- JARTF-S y T F M F f jr r n s 3 , -ce __________(5 to ff cngraTfngJ Xj/i,nd mus

a Ta1k-op>-lndians— jiS Is Given a t MIA SS

J; Meet for Burley £"a. BURLEY, Nov. le — The Burley xi D- LDS stake special In terest groups cast nd of the MIA sponsored a lecture u b t7) . Tuesday evening a t the lU k e house cof( an w ith Mr. and M n, W illard Adams chr:- o r r o g ^ -a -uua t i p t i t ew. " - .......

ed T h e Adams hnve spen t 15 year* jji;,, I t . In th e Southwest w ith various In- bad ra -d ia n -tr /b e * . They d isplsyrd-w ovsn g< ed rugs, baskets, silver Jewelry andl.uM ;er pottery. by I1C Adams said the Ind ian ha* been n je , iric ‘’sham efully neglectcd by the United cha ro, SU tes," He added the opportunity jjm elr to leam h as not been given them q u e n n d 'th a t- th e y -a re -b y no m e a iu -a nd vnnbl)hi« race. Casl

T he a rt of weaving and Jewelry m aking U rnpldly decreasing how- rv

hv ever, because o t the iow ro te o t pay g-r, fo r auch delicate work. T hey only

„ receive an average ot less than one- ^ “ ' h a lf cent per hour to r rug wenving .

’ and since th e Indian haa been com- _ Ing north w here they can get higher ^ .si wages they a re becoming m ore in - ^ , terested in money and less In terest- ed in the ir a r u . he noted.

* * * ■ Play Selections „3

,n= —BU R L E Y -N ov, lO -P lnno selec- serv J l . Uons were played by Mrs, E. co rrln e Ger

T erhune, Mrs. Edna Sinclair. Mrs. ’ A cU H enry Grohosky antt M n . Jo h n B ur Ver ir - Jo r Uie PEO ■ Slsitrhood Monday a t hea Ble the-T erhune home. He*he T h e program Included “D lann", O we "C hantsans p a r o l e " . -In tcrm ew o so a n d M inutf" “Danse Ecossaise" and Cai.

'en M arche IVIumphale”. T he next ne. m eeting a 'lll be held a t t^ e hom e o[ ng, M rs. J . C. L> ¥ ♦ ¥ . V

S' -X'"99P Convenes \fnA‘“ WENDELU'Nov.’ 16“-i."Buitereup

the Brownie troop mel Tuesday a l the °\„ ,n M ethodist church. Inv iU tions were lA m ade for mothers to a ttend th e nex t ” il

. . . mceUng Nov. 30 w hen th*' Brownies , . . 1, will rtcelT* their* phis.« f L eaden and a ssistan t leaders p res-

e n t were M n . Charles Johnson, M n . RoU ndCloso and Mrs. N olan Cooper.

'' K athy Closo served refreshm ents, l i t - ♦ ♦ ¥

ENTERTAIN - jjrt th e PAUL. Nov. 10—Mr. and M n . Icsi th e Bari Haynes enU rU lned a t d inne r da) ted Sunday for he r b ro ther and sis ter- 1

in-law. Mr. and M n . AusUn M errill, Fa< Orem. U U h. and daughter, M rs. L u- Go

J il t elite Lyons, Bujley. btl

S 1 9 5 Z J W H E W J

F r i g i d a i

VO U T T H IY 00 . . .

N lW ' S i H I 6 ID M R E g

U N W *HD ^ . K iR I C E M T O R S ^

. •UU4»*«MUNM • AimMsnc c o o u u n a eo> VlxCUWVIWWMUItMI- ■ MMuioiacaoUNOO**

' s i m s w o o i n w s,5

------------------------------ — —I H nw YOII < a v i ON THIS tPCOAl I •3^fTtg■^«ltr C»ld fowHr 4 A*>-S«h^Woif*C»I<ire><lrYCr.l30... I Y00 4AVI »1 -37 Ft<«;4«if* SOHfKh2 H r» '5« tsng* IIS-4S.........



/ I N P A L L S , I D A H £ _ ; '

Mrs. Jensen an d t T. F. BarronW ed -

In Church R itu a l 'DUHL. NOV. 10 — M rs. S h i rW

lUy Jensen, daughter 'o f M r. and Mi*. Itay PetUJoHn. 'CasUeford. be- came the bride of Thom as F. B arron , io iro f i t r . Bnd-M rt.'P r*nlc-BarrD n. * Sstunlsy s t the T rinity Episcopal church.

The Rev. Norm an E. Stockwell.T *m Falti. pastor of Uie C hurch of the iWcenslon. BpUeopel perform ed Uie. single ring cercmon}- b e fo re - winter arrangem ents, baskeU o t ch0 ssnthemums and lighted can - ijelaljis, "wf;

The bride, given In m arriage by li . ' her tather, chose a ailver >rocaded f-. ’ aaUn street length gown and carried o ich ld jo a a .w h lte prayer book. F o r < senUmenl she wore a w atch belong- r r Ing u he^ sister and pearls, a g ift

■ of Uie bridegroom. - - ........................-7Mrs. Boyd Chamberlain, w earing

'■ blue lace, was m au«n o t honor. She =T ' tarried a bouquet of orch ids.. L yneti

Squires lighted theycandles . Bill i i t- BaiTorv-was-bssVman for-hia.broH>»r. — i _ Mrt. Emest. Iteed: pisyed w e d d in g__ <

For her dnughter’s wedding, M rs. k I . p ftm nhp-w flrft.a .h liiit RnsL, dreis

ensemble with whlU accessories.Mrs. Barron choie a rose d ress w ith matching accessories. E ach had a

t corsage of ahattered ch rysan the-■ CTums.t The recepUon was held a t the G> Castleford Methodist church. T he ond t ub ie was d e c o ra t^ wiUi a Darkish pro : coffee service, belonging to Mrs. Gci » ChrlAS Hesseiholt and a fou r-tie red day- wedding- c a te -‘ l8pT «d'nritlPT JflM ; = lv■ Miss Squires and Mrs. Reed played T}1 ‘ background music. ing } Sandra Reed was In charge o f the dell I guest book. O ltts were a rrnnged Go<

by Ronda. Dee and Bethcne Patrick ; C I neeeptlon a.MlsUnts were M rs. C het «ro< 1 Chamberlain. Mrs. H esseiholt. M m . Inc!> Bill Barron. Mrs. Elvln Noh. Mrs. by' L. B. Shields. Mrs. Fred R ingert nnd M r *• M rs.-John 'M oycrr-M em ben-o f'the Mp

Castleford FJoner eompanlona cJub M r ' were in charge of decoraUons. nrd• For Uie wedding trip the new Mrs. Lee ' Barron chose an English tw eed sitlt anc ' with beige aceea.iorles. T hey will 1■ mske thc lr home-on a farm .alx miles M r ‘ south of Buhl. OO'

The bride attended schools in H n Castleford: SU Paul'sschool fotvRlrLv .

' Walla W alla. Wash-, and th e Unl- » , ' versity of Idaho. Moscow. She was /V

gmdunted from the U niversity of , , , , OreKon. Eugene, in 18M.

Barron i^ttended Buhl schooli. " , Idaho s u t e college. Pocatello, nnd

. se rved -w lih_ the-a rm ed -X orces--ln e Germany for two year*. " ‘ jI, • A party waa held recently « t the * f Vemon Patch home and Uie re-I hearsnl dinner was held a t the ,,

Hesseiholt home. “ **• O uU of.sU te guests were M r. nnd 0 Mrs. O. F . Meuller. Long Beach, d Calif. ^ ^ ,f.

. A ttend M eet u!WENDELL, Nov. 10 -A lton Jones.

Boise. sU te superintendent of public ln.itruction, was guest ipenker n t a mecUng-of-the.JUncrlean-AssocliiUoa ^

5 ot University W om en.M onday^erti _ nlng a t the home o t Mrs. F re d Bar- rett, Gooding.

Those attending from W endell ^ were’ Mrs. H. S, Lnmb, h!rs. W aller , Randles and M n . John H arm s.

'• Brownies M e e t 'WENDELL. Nov. 10 — R ed Rose

SroH’nle troop Ne. 3 m e t w ith U>e s. leader. Mrs, Norman M irnndn, Tues- :r day alternoon,> Toni Reese wa.n elected reporter.II, Favors of Thanksgiving cup.^ for the 1- Gooding tuberculoals hospltnl are

being mnde._______________________

L A R E JM J H I-^ A Y

i i r e ' ^ \ S

m . • craoN• SUtOM



iQ A iorm -. . .iT._. . . ;

.no-. . <*»•« - ..................•

r r f i F R E E TiVt »100.0«------------- * Until N

_____ -I ^ • ____________ ■■

' Becomes Bride Mui hA

B tjn a e s t « to th e -H y m m a n ,) m onth

A lel

^ M cU o ch alm aUU ni would achool 10:1S I J u r lM th o M

Mis . I

‘ “f c(Coad p h e ii= ill ir t i irn ta n —

M p w T r n n p for i ; * ^ '

Brownies OK'd By Boise M eet“ '“

OOODINO. Nov. 16-A new tec- f Z i j ond grade Brownie troop wna Up- ^ proved tor the Ooodlng nre.i a t a n Gem area Olrl Scout meeting Tues- 1

T j'ler and Mr*. Rny Weaver, Good- Houd ing. and %U*. Frank Coleman. Wen- dell, represented the GJri Scouts of Amot Ooodlng a t the meeting. ehurc

Gooding now has tlve O lrl Scout Mrs. troops. Tlie troops nnd their leaders inciud# M r* Ray Weaver, assiited to In by Mrs. Don McGhee, troop No. 1: eled M n . Vernon Murphy, assisted by gpokc Mrsr-Wllllam-P«(«rsoUr-U:oop-£Ia_2. — M r M rs. Joe Osa, No. 3: Mrs. R ich- p „ y , nrd W hile, assljted by Mrs. Steve progr Lee. troop No, 4. and Mrs. Ed Culver M rs. and Mrs, M. V, Klinger, troop No. 8, ,n d

Troop No. s Is no t funcMonlng.M rs. nay Weaver, who hends the . . , Gooding Glfl Scouts, u trying to W r Ilnd a leader for the troop. ' ^

* » * <Q

Meet With LeaderWENDELL. Nov. 16 -G irl Scout troop No. 3 mel with the lender, , _ i , Mrs. J. H; Freemnn. nnd a ssU u n t u . - lender. Mrs. Cari Gelssler, Tuesday p J nftcnioon. - ; - - - =0- 5,

Several ot the Scouts hav# re- celved the ir Scout dresjci. W ork waa s ta rted on Thanksgiving favors for _»Uic tubercuioils hosp iu i n t Good- ^ h ing. nefreshmenta w en served by 7 , Glenda Carnes. . ^ _


F IL E R ' Nov. lO-Mr*. Reuben Llernmn was honored n t a surprise birthday nntilversary party Tuesday ntternooh a t her home. Retresh- m enU were served by Mrs. Harvey G artn er nnd M n. William Dierker.

f.Y . & ~ R ^ ^ SERVICE

Q u alified T e c h n le io n i

MOON'SS»1 Mala W . Phon# 1 '


S A I EJ AdditionatMvingKwilh

J trwvehte traile-in


Tao>iuneo«M>TM* MutoMsneieiuKiot t l .tfnMwacowtrntsto* f)

^ t o S ; --------------=

T U R K E Y1 Nov. 22nd


F B ID A 1

Ausic Club Has Wo M eet; Hymn of U

Month Is Given p £B tniL B V , N ot. 1 0 -M n . t o n An? h

waa hoaies# TUeaday ttteraooa I th e Burley Music club.HymDology c hairm an Uene Bach- « £ p r* « n t« i-U ic_ liy m a_ o f_ lh e

'/T le tW w a a re a d from Mrs, Evelyn tcUoyd, PocaUllo. organitaUonal la lrm an for Uie U U h symphony. 5 " “ laUng Uuit th e aymphony o ithealra ould pUy In Pocatello a t Uie high *001 a t 0:1S p. tn. Nov. 39 a n ^ t mns c ):15 a. m. Nov. 30 tor students. The n r lry rlr*' h - .whk^le Mullikin Music store.A resohiUon was presented by

li* . Kales X . Lowe to give a m e- p L . io rla l offering to the Burley public '-» i I b ra ry la ttooar ot Mra. O ertnide 1 IcDonaid. a charter member o f th e I l«b. M rs._Uwe wns nlso appointed halrm an In chi&ge of candy Tales gQiicc 0 be pu t on a t each Community km cerl th is season, the procteds,to ^ospl 0 fo r student audlUons and scholar- i hips. . M rs .:-M rs .-G lena-B ad lly_aenoasu rted of.u^ echnique of th e bnltet. the correct y ,,, MvoiBonts and danger of Incorrect g ; caching. Wendy. McMuiray n t t^

T h e club meets next month with ir s . Dnvid T aylor when M n, Paul lllloer will discuss Strauss w altus,

* * * Ho

ju e s ts o f Group S f Provide Program [T

M rs. Frank. Wells and daughter. J * C igelfl.—atii l= th e T r t leT:— Andrew- Houderreed and daughters, M a r / and M argaret, were guests o f the Amomn clnss of (he F in t-B ap tis t , :hurch Uiia week a t Ui# home o t “ ji f Mrs. A rthur Miracle. .

T h e Rev. M r. Wells, a mlMlonnry lo Ind ia, and the other guests mod­eled native Ind ian clothes. He also jpoke on the schools there. ' - • ~ M r».-H r-H rB allenger-offered-the prayer and M n . Helen Taylor was program chairm an. Hostesses were Mrs. Clyde S h lft tr . Mrs. ChrU Sims and M n . Bernard M «tyn .

Women of Moose OK New Member m

M n . Mabel W elker wss InlUated Pag< Into the W omen of th# Moose Tues- Pres tfay w ith the new college of regenU McC an d the deputy grand regent o f Id a- McC ho present. n ln j

Following th e ceremony Mra. Ted shot Bopcr. new co lIn e -o tT eg e n o rw a a - Tl given a g ift from Ihe lodge by M n . torn Robert W elsh, deputy grand regent give of Idnho. wor<

T h# lodm plans a pheasant fry n t was 7 p. m. Nov. 34 a l the Moose home by /

V ^

, ann sotlu

at the i

shopping ce

___________Thore’s be jt^a lot oj m y^

corner of the Sun Valley Shoi

fJtrrry of hammers, saw s and pa

that something is going to

And we have ll oh good

^ t h c f ^ i - yw c.m o{<oo.ptc<oo

is behind ail the e

W atch your newspapers an'd'-il

keep your eye on ihe Sun V


• T hanksg iv ing , vyitt

BA Y . N O V EM BER IS, 1J5, . f

Voinen R^medto' T Unit Committees 1

M n . Orlen McDougai Jliibllclty chairm an nf On'.-. h a p tc r . B e u Sigma Phi t th e home of Chrlsilnr ann. H nteiton. ^

M rs. Jim Rehm s and ^he aoclal commUtee; M:> ’lorence.-coniactr-M rxTJO j-r.'T r— —ilstorlnn; Doroihy Balciir'. K>:ram ; M n . Paul Easimnn, *md M rs. Jack Potties aiuV 'mI!- » lrack Ballard, scrvlce. Jitf

P la n s were nmrfe for t.^r c - . , .nns dnnce Dec. IB a t the I;,!'" ;;,,J eW.llis W ledeninan fiirii;-;^,; .... sd'vhklc__eleohant_recclvtd-i> .._ .i“ _ _ «UcDougal. - w

¥ ♦ ¥ Ut

Zhristmos Plans 1 -Listed by Groua ^

.SH O S110B E _ S o y . J t . - j ! i . „ l ' i f i lOlleet Ciirlsuitns kUu ‘ ftam llica Qt vcu rnns a t-iiie .0 ..'' th lo sp lta l were miide by tii'rub^rj'f 4ie Legion nuxltlnr}- Mond.u (1:klrs. Robert Fercbaucr wa* mjf-UMuiaccUug______________

T lie Rlfls a re to be for cliiMm ^I to 14 ye an of nge nnd ni.u bt ifi. ^ >t th e Journal otlicr until t "

iT ie nnuuni qjiirlstmas p;inv >h f ifl exchanae will bs hrlfl , t ,C, “ Memorial hnll for the nuxUi.nv Oft. K 10.

Hoste*.vs were Mrs. Oinrr StT<>Mrt. Mary Cusler s r d .Mr.» chii — Hughes. K ------------------------------------------------- I"

Social Calendar ||MURTAUGH - Mr. Mn

Chnrles Randell will be liomired « “ th c lr golden wedding annjrerw.T .* w ith a n open house from 210 6 p~ r Sunday a t Uie home ol thcir ajujh^ w r. M rs. Clarence Bnrke.i.

* * *WENDELL—Mrs. Marenrp: Wjia.

na tional Assoclntlon ol ncbrki!) ^ Assemiille.<. will vtslc Idnlin nrOfksfi lodge No. se a t 8 p.m. MDnii:iv »i ih>> lO O P hail. All membfr.\ .inii iJoum ers nre Invited. Olflcera »;:i ’ 'i be nom inated.

* H- It

Couple United'D IETRfCH. Nov. lfi-Do(l.« Juri

P age , daughter of Mr. nnd Mn.Preston Page, and Ei'rnesi PI11115 *, M cClure, son ot Mr. nnd Mr.v PI11I15 r McClure were married Tucm1.iv r\f. ' nInE n l Uie Methodist cluircli, Sho- shone.- The-R ev.-R alph-L aw reiK e-iiM - — form ed the ceremony. Tiie biWf, | given In mnrrlage by her lalhcr, 1 wore a pink ault. Dnle BymiJitr wns best mnn; Candles were ll:htri ; by A nn McClure nnd' Dnrntiiy p i;t. :

f l '


i sun va lley__center?

4 ■Tiy s te f io u s a c tiv ity in one

jh o p p in g C e n te r. W ith the

d p a in j b r u s h e s I t's obvious •

3 t o h a p p e n . . .a n d soon)

lOOd au tho rity th a t Ann

ie e x c ite m e n t.

I'd -if you h a v e 0 ch an c e ...

j n Valfey S h o p p in g Ccn{«6

3 E R W rd. th e d ay 'B fte r'

w ill b e .a BIG PA Y III

-------------- ---------------------- --—

Page 11: p = : - r T ± r _ TSffie Death Scorcboard TiTOB as« IM til a v tiie r .iw e - ^ At Soil M Better

■FRIDAY. NOV E M B ER 16 .1 9 5

Illation Now >- Noted by‘Ike’ a

_ ^ ^ e l ' 5economlala «

• ^ L . ”? t t e ^ d f n t a o n n -l iwy ».';ufe r K I* W •>« '"S«:'r<s-Kn'oS"

-o u t b* eh«kKl. «i, ,: in gimple U rm s. mcflns

U»^n-lt u*ed lo. Uint your • le « of « Kouse. th n t your

‘ ‘’cnpencd f,

. Sj k i s s s s ;;S S p ,S 'S « M r - »n<i » iio - >Jtht l*fl wnr*. f„

5 Price rUej b roucht on by pco- ih nw lc Uetor*. such M cfforU to Brnb. t e r bortlon-of the nftUo«»-ouU _ ™l CTf prM jdfnt n6 lcs: " If you Sniinue BolnB up too rapidly In onem , «y the InUor nrea. then prices ir

And he p u u his fnUh In bus - j;• - f .? ” \ , J '■•"♦'^TOhln •■Bllffl- ::

ttlve Uli-'' problem (rlalnK prlcwD iM k«P It ''•‘ihln boundt."

Neighboring ; ■ Churches >'KiMBrni.Y niniBTiAN r «1 K. K.nnr. i-lnlittf

clilM «r*lc». ^HMIII:KI.Y Sm'Tl'lKnS nAITIHT

K,I1, )lli»»n>. Inldln piitsr .1* ..m.. .Son.tai. »|n'In»"..n£)” » »

*»■ '^'iMChtrn. *7^" r.m. Wnlnf»cU)t. •[ fi.,;r W lllhl, .lud». : l>,ri.. T...«I»r. T

rAtttrm rrii'o t>isT i>

- -^;K S SsS& sr^:s:i■I Hudr. n o.m., »nr*hlp: ulurr^Mrmon F' l.t lk« «lillJt»ti, »tid Ihl Mtmon. "Jtr* y

. bU •»! H>« 8f«f.t .if l^nllnuiii*. VU»II. j Ir"' nunttr l»r inT-xhu»l ehlMivn. 1:39 £' F«! Jufiler >ncl 5>t<lur Klfh MVK. • P.m. ‘

Ml* Ma*r‘‘!"r"^‘JnEI; '(lilat Uak>n Mr«l« iil th« Ad"'**

»>■• II". J. l>. •P»»klni •• nimllU'If. • rortollm Vltlu»." ■HlRTAUCn CoiimiSiTOlETHODIST T

r»»I V. U R ». «*lnUWf •'II ».!».. SuBdir Mhool, 11:14 «.ni.. wor- ^

rtf»: Mrmiin. 'T»n P»fc»nl T litnlifur: ? haler cboir «llt mtl* lt< fln t it>CMr>n<t ■kii itMcn. T:10 Mumufb-IUnicn- —MubrHTV: l«M.n.-“W«lf»rf." ju j- r .m :R'r f(0<>l«. a :li p.m. W«dnt«Ur. J’rlmkrr ',t '‘ s V**”';" MYV "A t!Ik. tkgrch. T:» ».™. W.rti,«4.». Yogth "■M 8<aler choir prMll<* *l Iht Du«I !';:iO 8.m. Wu»<l«r. rinal Moilon <•

■ UtijrtihlB Muralion tchool nt Iho ?

‘ 5ft„SS£r?5?iV‘!'’?i;"^tutdir. Nov. i;, liflx SotUI,' apmMrnl iktlM'reiKlltlaMYr for ta llo itt: (Iril

^ ||h>(t>Tr'wh!(h Ri"n tnd Iraxa'w'll *bl<l. *n*ssi:s roMMiiNiTY HtrrnoDisT

rtui V. u n s t , MlnliKr c»;ll a.m.. -nr.hlp;. afrmnn, ‘1111 r«r- If

Mil II ..m., »und*r Mhool. It.>m. Senior HYK l»tv« for mrrlln* In n Huttiuih. > n-gi. Uondajt. YoUnI Adult P' «l>n th» (>«p>i nf John. llU P.m. ir7ani,r. rJi/Mr.n'g chofr. 1 p.m. Tut*. K

|it*»rr st»up. K p.m. T ut^ tr. Com- < muilcn on Kdutallnn olll m«l In mtkt T r'ltii lot Vli'Ulmai •.txrrvancf. • P-m. ri<

louih-ailull choir. Thur>d>r. n _»bU.D«ll[ut-j)aillUil_la£_XUokicUlu A

n n il. iniwT iiETiioniBT ----------U>»ard Claik. KlnifUr

vm • m.. .S„n,l., ,rh.w1. ll a.m., Th.nV.. tiilnr •crihin iri-xltf; i«rm<in, "rr»clou« Iifilm I'titilrf."; |luitr*tt<l Junior ».r. r -n: „re,n am} rhoral muilc! nui^

|f>f rhll.lirj; •» «tll alts btv* rr<rp>I. r " 't- “ 'n'Wr*. potllHinrdSill'S i* huH.v, .- i.,rn,. iBltrmniltl*- «Vf. t r m. Srnlnr MYIVtllO p.m,, Iiiltr.- Uu.-k i.Miih ,i„r,pl,.,l„n >t tba Frn

thuffli. :;jn p.m, MonHtr. I»"»* p.n>. «m-

x^h.nuiu* * ’’i"’'I'lwrl.n fliuifK .Ilh Iho II*v.*Jnhn*i;«rr»I •"■rat II apcikrr.

viHsTviisisTMMn « t., ................. .^iV.^K'ii'i

inrir, •-Unl.htmi,'!'." “* J"m.!"cYl*'7 i i i h j ; ” -

ii-% r7r" | , v \ r Vf • j f• IvVwI,"''" ■’‘’•'O l!ar«l.f»r>dl,

,1 "'''J,'- 'iii.HT WAim i.ns

la TtnKrr'ii'?''jaVur 'I,; S''ni|t» KhrK.1. ll ..m„ prrirh.j!;;',™,; VS:rbir;"'T-,";'

__^ P - g * . Wrdnr<day-

Jk ro « b ^ n a , n r j;o d »llni>la KidlX"b'a.r»r

ni.T'Vrr'^ 'o"*” ’; T p m"'


f6 r

h e a t i n gOILS

P h o n e 1 6 8 0D o y o r N i o h f

! t | ; ' " ; * ‘‘f "K « p .f liic d .e r r lc ," IuijKd Paymenl PUn ' '

«»dlo dUpaiclied inieks ;

' _ . ■ ■

— -----------

. 1 95S

JKiinVAii s^.'J.xKn...... ,|

J t»v r>»»nliiU*r r t th. Vi ...I

«rO lUllt .(aj'r In "iVu Mt. Sur.i»» ,Vrn‘, 'i ‘ I.' >?

- "“S i : " '7 'V " '“ i

cw Ui2». »;lu p.m. Tmii.,!.,. , t , . n . i.:

« ......... l i i j ' s .......^'a,)!r‘r \ T r " r ' ' r » ' ' I- V

1J« thlP! ••rmiin. "l-'a.l,*r^ and

>ur -**■ ............ I')Ur ■ ^VAI.I.KY ClIHISTIAy .......... 5*“

)»■ c r S ’lS J j :ica s£?S!v’!SS";:,rv=Id - lK.«..lan tr..m •).» rt,,,,,-).. T -M.„

.ftp w*,*nT.: »rfa»r Unliin ThTnl.tlTTne't-r'^™a'i* Mr» [ ^ ite r H*ibo.llil_ rhuti-h; l(al.,h Wlir,. „„.Vtnr. I'*'for |H» llurl*» CVI' M„.ii»r*ril h«»*rU» “a'lVl

CO- b«rn r»tl» al IliiMr, fhri.tlan rhiirrh. Nl'irm)|{i;an'I/.kii cViiii'n'ii n r jk s i * m'.'m

u U _ c u u u iT -( ir i..iTr»;ii i>.vv k a in tk i*

>»“ i« ...........Jk?ce.5 lrr«; armon I 'r ‘ I'lcr "I'ii.j. I l lw J r ’Vlll »ll

IS: si5Ip r rlrlav. JiniiMt W

(ill.U i^li'llhK K>gM. K. NfiKnlfh, r«M«r • M'

tn i.m.. SundtT »fhi>ul. II «.m, M''

i:.M..H. pitrrr nirrllni.’* p.m. \V».|n»lci.)!

— ------ l-’lllHT-HI»‘TllKlis-nAITIrtT-------- w*Cotnrr <if

hip. W • t»r.lrr. 7 ;3u P.m.,*'Tr»iulMi;.‘uiilun. jj" r tf 11:30 p.m., tirrachln^ trrtlc^. *, ■ >lllhl rra jrr mrrllnt. 7 Mtl i-.iii. ThutMU)-, j|„ ilor •Th»nkitlvlnr arfvlrr. «;iJ p.m. >'rld.>.iki. —— i"n

n n sT nm isTiANKlllh tvam.. iM.rlh an.l SWticn* al>r>|

.hij. »;/i".ni^Vou'n* Vr.**Iv-a"Hrir"prarllrr, <I. « t : ) ! I.m.. JllbU I0 :l» ..m.. >.>r. IUr. ahl|>i KMrr> tervinv ludi^y >ro II. S. t.nUr. Trrrr >n.l John n a il: r»eriniui>l«la >tr 'I'l

Mr. ond Mn. Tbomai lliicklln *<1.1 Mr. *ndMn. lr.> Kurlun.tall. niwii. Kum I>iil> "V bU poUwk d nn.r ^

,rch ^*r. .l^*lrlA mr*'* Intvtlnir al lluhl: litr*K t e N .-.ra» '.-;.c : s.„ l. Youth for Chrltl >unl..r hlth xrour. » p.m..|.,9 choir prit<u<(. lOiJO m.ib. ThuriMltj. unlnn ~h , Thankuivlni i . t .lr* *i M«lhoJui thurcli.

1-i m t church 6 r t u b NArAnK.sE>- Cotnar rounh alrrrt *nd Sl>lh

.........1ST -

atr'Icai tpMlnI r>iinitll>ile ••rvictt **ch ‘ .or- •""<"« *l * P-I"' «»e»rl Mond.r. Thrrt .£ ; r.“ . i ,

= tii - s -

, j c!*>a. U *.m.. wortblpi fonit»**lioBtl >utn hKtUnf (nmodlttoljr fol(a>>lii( wonblp;a KS:: kc ;i

conflmMtloB iBilrucilon.

; a C..U.CU gf_ T 'i '.A i”" ™ ' ” ' ' E >0* . N.r»*ti E. SikWoH. KMlor 1. Sunilijii Iloir cocnmuBlon. H a.m.'; (*m1lr

ifrolt* tnd church (cbool. 1:1ft a.m.. >olr ] T Mfflmunion ond atrmon, 11 Mondtri jji

Cub.B<cut naftinK, « p.m. Ilor Ikoul rimL „n r«r> Inr, T p.m. Chureh t«hool trochor*' mr«I> lir ool. Inf. I D.m. Tund<r> M«n’« club .llnner ! i< r In mt*l n». «i30 brtn* noUboohj,dult p«ne :» tn<l Ullikt. WWnoad*)’. Holr eom- tt ].m. munlon tnd brt*kfui. 1 t.m,. bolr <om> sr U f. muiihn. I f «.m. Junhr choir r*hMruL om. 4 p.m.. Senior thoir r«h*«ir»i. Tbundar. am Itkt ThankiflvInK dar terrier. II *.m. Sttur- m vm. rttr. d«nerjr meeti^jt tor womrn *t Km- |n. J«r. mtnuel churcli. lUilrr, b«»innlni »llli ibi rU* Jmb.con'Q.unlon *enritt « t II *.m. ~ Ke

i p A U C If,S : — tic a tc d )


MONI■\r, Sale S la rls 12 ;M

E 40 ACRE FjS ; O N E O F T H E FIN E ST>«r- In h igh Atnte o( cultivation, excelle

K edlns, 10 acres old hny Uinl cou: ndi, rond, milk roul«, wiUi mnll a t Dliss

3>l>edroom home w ith extrn flnL lK , own pressure aystem . Q uest c lw et 1

Lttlr. —bcdroonw and d lne t u . plywood floe ninf cupboard In th e d inelte—lota ofTii

TOomt. S oM m ent hM /Jnlsbed bedi 1* t i l Insulated.All UiU c»n be bought for iS .m c

■rh. farm m ay Inspect l l any lime beiwi Ullr. John Edlnborouch a t Schm itt ts V


1947 FO B D -FE K G U SO N T A -I CondlUon

1917 FO R D -FE R G U SO N T DS. A>1 condlU on5=i " T irA S S E r 'f fA R R IS 'lO in t

Ncw U r e i - L ights • Powe I MosmV H arris . T MOWEH.


“ PtriruM n • •p rln g -ih an Jr com •»Bd-] valor

t Fcrsuson tandem disc Bean c u tter fo r Ford o r JY rruw d

between wheela 3-pclnl beet and bean culUvstor n ig ld shook FerfiUKon beet and bei

“ T ~ i-nx ic. i lP rtr l itty trn t l e t - --------------« ' 3-secUon wood H arrow

' In u rn n llo n a l spring tr ip bcsn drll I 2-wlieeled hny trn lle r : John Deere 2-Wny liorse plow J John Deere horse mower, S-ft. •

D te t roller o r pncker i Ferguson 6-bnr side mki»

I LEWIS B(K W w n o n o iirtiT * j.A gg jW ;_ jB c{

Churches1 ^' VI.TKOOWT

. ltl.K.H AN, /..J a.m.. rkurch nurir:.. U

I l l' i'Ml . •sUl!.r''jJYV. V 'etiritn '‘‘'’j” ''

K.|-.i«itul< aill aitriM »oc»hlt» In » ‘•’I■^I'rrrrrtijrrn—irli—follo're;— l»e*-*• an-'jb^i'n-

"1. • p ru..-».'r.hl»i _*w,al I g ;

........ »lue blHl*. » l-m.I»|. It..) and Eiplorer iinlU ( i-m.I';:::-:;: ; - r ; 'i ..? o : '% n '’»M::-:lu,: v ;;'.: <kvr,

I I'm. Chancel eh-lr.iih .,i« .;, [villj

m •'oV'rJ" Valirr tTrialUn t burcb. PV«kri. Oii

TVI.KH HTKUIST HAI-TIST I", ' Trlrr and lUyb.irn * ';*• r.til Ttiptnln*. p a .l.r uJJn-

- • ; . ' r ’”M,,n7;;*r«‘: ; n ; i i . f r . / r ± ' 'r v . i . , : >'’vriir.,1. . , allv^hureh -uik ni«Si. « r m.

;;;; im, t p'™.. «hu%h vi.iuii.>i. .in».i.""♦IIIST rnf^uvTKiUAS m K,

.,rt IlnnaM D. niarktlonr. s»l«rtl n<;na (ftrrfxlf. Mlnlfler «l i hrliiltK hr*

a.m.. rh “ h*‘« W i; 11 a.m.. s.',,,.

nr. i’rid'lh''. «JnhiV'!'T.«:l«'i.!m.. "inl"r’'\v“.'il t.^ min.lrr frlli,..l.l|.: rintfrani .lit l.e iivi ••C.i.rrnmrfil of the Churrh. ImI 1-r \i,ii S,

Nlimrr, . p.„i. Mcn.1ar. OUn*k*le^l-.i,y. „,p» >lMj.i.%7n,-Jl\’f dr«.iu/lV.ri‘,Mh?ir iivi'tiih; 11 t< I. mrrllne at Ih. h'i«r ..f Mr. ami Mi. |i |,p

i:.i-ln iluhhlr. i : i liurah a.miie or.i,.. ;h‘,',i7- 'i’n';:: 'Mfnu’",-hr.r,’i': i.'^rrI,. »lil mrri^li, lh* Vijrii-11 for rMfr., .1.- ].'nn

"'ll i'» J i / l lr'r er"’'Hi!"lllurj«v liiuVliird **aiHi mui— m r~ r^r> rrT T i6 irjj^n ii'!«™ cim n-jr^

*'r'r"f'rllV;r p«"l* in 1h»’ j.inkr rn..” ull'h Inni«'■ ■"'* ....... . NM,. Hr.. JOHI Kann. t^ u rr* .

n iV ll fll O f TME JIHKTHBKS ,>r . Third a.rnur nurlK an.l I'l'urih f.df

HaberVlT'KeTm.'pa.ur• :l^ a.m.. SuitiUr a(.Iiiiui. |u:^J am , <Uici

— wontiltr—»liffl»l“ mmlp : “illilTitl—v,.i;lB; ; . ' ' r i i i > a ' t

rh- rriiiKihinr rhurrh vi>llntiiin niahl. tlOllun. Mifranl Minlitry mrelini; in llul*r Munita). "im.. a p.m. Turailar. Younc A.Iull T*m|u.tai>rr '• )’. M.Mrmrul hireling In friinwaUlp hail. < >l’»-'< l*>. r.'ii.»...iar. Kriiuwahip .<f An,Iir--.

l":'C a Ul.. Thttilnilvlnif ilir t'riler,■“ J " ” - ’- t , ,

n i'llWT DAPTIST JtNiiilh avenur al Sh«.ihon« ratt

11. E. (;r*W, paalar . .irr. R. C. Mrrera, Miniater of Moralinn tl.iy.

.1; :iS,..'-"S!.'.,”jaV ' bS ™and ‘'nll>r lilth ilYK. I P.m.. aervlrr: rnra>ai,-r, nnd■'.t ;;yi:i:i.;':s‘roi:Ln',r, ll-r I p.m. Tiirw.Uy Junhr thiJr !l

hr.r^ai, utlo r.m. T..~.lar. eliurch .Im. iHB, i„. nrr in Keiluwililii hail. H p.m.. Vida l-u.|mlu- rifrlr— ».relll.«.-T!W—p.nw.Wnllic*au. ‘''5

l!vJ.” rHuV''" ho'!?'* trh'i''’ ''l" ’'io*3o‘‘ — i„L’ Thunilar. Ilrrion Tliankaiiivinf aervirr iiirh the Fint U athdlit rhurch; Iho lltT. Hail,N >l“'i

Wilrr, Valirr Chr........ ihurch, will ‘w VK.n______

VNiTKn nnitxHRKS h 'y‘ .Kr.

11* a.m., Sunday ach.Hil. 11 a.m., ' •"'! ?Jj’ ^ iu j ^ « w i t . ; .^Km..-i:hrl»tU^

'&■ ' M « ;i ,^ n r j.‘'r O -^ ^ rV p » r ;rdr.oiloni "n*bonor*of" Our Motlwr j .

- retutl-Jtjipn-ii.niV WokiUr r»*..'cel~ m,,; !■_ bralrd.atX.a.m..Confta*k>na:.2UUftda>.*fl- |. , «moon>. Ihe evca ot firal Tridar nnd 1ii> i„ ,

: ’n 7 .s li '/;'o ?V i‘r;tV iM ia ''^ i 'h :;r ; ': ,t .’:1:mo^«:SB^.in. naplimu artmlniilMe.1 atl- ,jother hour br tppoinlmonl. flirk ral’i anr iJlJI"

^ hour ot th* w or niBht br faillii» al Iti.•r. rerlorr. IK fiarenlh avenue ea»l. i,r nlii'iir ” i

il9, Innuif» clan «onducle<i In rhiirrh haii J‘7 , errrr Tu«»tf«r aad Thandar^ornlnf, 7ilO

CICI9TIAN^CIKSCi:)>0 NInlh avrciur ra>t 1 :X6

'Ol' Rraillnc room. >:i Main avcniir rail. C|>cn Life' •y» JjJIr fixrel SunrfiM tw l I M I

p.m. t i i l a.m.. Sunday aeiiwil. i:hurrh ft>3 terrier. II tum, Hunday and K I'.m. Wr.1nrv g

n>r dtr. Uo« Cbritt J n u t ^ ] >•*. tnd aiKord ot every kind will ho hrouibt «

tt lervket Bundtr, Th» Matlrr'a heaiinc fl om> of tba irooian >tho barl ■■« tnlril nf'infirn- Q U*- liy eilblMV yran. tn.l waa l»wr<l tMeilirr, O Itr. tnd rould in no wli* lift. lit. hrr'eif." (I.iiii. » lur- 11). vlll b* ineludnl In Ihe trripiiral rrtd* fl

In» in Ihe leuon-aernion rnlllle “S>ul O 'Ilk BBd.nody.'' rrom ".Scienre and llralth.wllh f l

Key 10 Ihe BcriplUrr* thr fi.lioning arltc-'MO

T I O N 2ated l-M !rrEiiBrft/'I{li.s.«i on H iehw nj

A T E A N D F A R M M A i

S I D A Y , N O \ i

E FARM FOR SALE AT A lEST JO A C RES I N TH IS P A R T OFsxcelleni location and new, modern home, z ^t could be plowed nn d 10 ncres of wlient sl t Dllss. Tliere 'i.i nlso A 0 nlinres o t pnld-up wa finished bedroom In t h e bnseiiicnt. New Am lofiet Is in living room . Hardwood floors In od floor.1111 kitchen, u tll lty room nnd b.iUi, r o n n i l lUln s-lii' Uic klU :he in ; ’llh~E unFT n^ ■d bedroom, Jnrne p layroom , fru it room, funu

5,000 down, bnltinee n t 5 per c e n t ,interest.! between now and d n y of »i»le. For more Inl t ts Whipkey, o r G ene Lnrsen a t Larsen Ilei

I I N E R Y ~ -Ferpuson'sprlng trl|


)N TRACTOR •_ a m i - l r B ? L

>N T R A C T O R Jiiicrnnilonnl mnnu. 6*l'' roll-over pull ;I 'T I tA C T O R ■ lo-rirse irphosp itf lt• Power Take-O ff Hny sled — Curler iWEH. Ior trac to r jjay derrick. A-twie

C O M B IN E . Iron-wheeled waiwTIONI .wood-wheeltd wngt

Stover ttraln grlndei•and -pou to -cu ltl-- ,2-mnn s.iw, 3-stot

crlndcr. 3x10-11. I

• tor A-typc hog hou* n d b c . „ c „ « i . . i . ,

poslsT some woven in drill ' p y p

r ' D inlu: room table, t■; • iioipoint nulomatic' • ' . Octiff'"'* EJectrlc mi

• Wofld k lfd ien Uible



' f-i . '

T m E S -N E WS, TW IN F

Huiigariaff Mass^ R e p e a t ^ Q u e s l iHr IIKNIIY McLEMOBE

AMsTiiiiDAM — H olland’s flag ^' l i t '' ' ;il luilf-IIlilst. . wilH ri. _ Tlip :i;intniliig for - J li in ra ry *» -

: i:ntrrcr“n c rn c d C ro M offices ha re:i|>"«-»T>^rrt-hPrr In T hrH agut-M lcI

know-;ll'.:iMi:li ^ ' l {.nek. I.UT w l , i c h « » V , . f f | f c „ vi:iiit.

i lW 'JiiiI!!!^ifijim L __«tL ei»»r*____ m o re t; ilip «miion* lo read th# Iron t p * r » ? 5 I n .. .11!'! (Iir l.itMt bulIeClns., ‘ ‘‘ y J• r-r f’*'"pl'' i-limcr nround newspaper “

kio-viiv u ,m ;iiic for the nex t editions <0 KO on .':ilr. Hotels lu u e one-page '''■''Mj.iucif. iiiinilnrlnted wUh rub- ^!!'•? M.imps, civiiig the la test hew i:

.. arc printed ln,D utch.- linslikh-iinri-Prcnch-and-at* tacked

i<* Ihf ri-cppilon rtr» ^ and pasted on„ / «'*“ • u S . .m ..i i r r» i ,p rro n e U ln th e c I ly .

thp wmiii of radios cnn be heard. J Ml t.ini'cl Id tir«* broatle.ists. One o t “ ' 'o “

■lilip imv'i nnMously nwnlifd news* ik»i*«i ll Ih r OUP henrd. twice dally

I. licrr on AK N-iU f American Armed I ? . , !- I 'n rrri u r u o tk from Oermnny. U i .; 'l iif ppoplr ^laiit lo know our Mirnuitirv'.i rriicitmi to th e brutal'"'TTIll.M IM i I ||J I||;|,|1I Ilf—

uns. .liirt ihp nritw h nnd F r e n c h ^ WA h InniiiiiM In Ecvpt. direct

Nnirly evpiynnc, ll urems. speaks of Ni F-iiclMi in llollantl, either fluently agu la IT qaiir nrJ} nioiJcIi lo w a it Wm* nuclei r.cit iindprntood. Not. imcp. b u t mnny, priclp inniiv'tliiies a dny. Dutchmen In tro- our 11

. <Uice ilifmi'flvcs, m y ..-You are an Wll ■ A m r r lm T T rr y H T r^ r '^ d - U ie K -well-

h brwTi 10 iwk tiifl InvnrinWe ijues- ««»>• ir tlotw. "SII!; "How iltys Auicrics trel about the prepn « iii;i,i.Micre In Budnpr«?" Uon

•• "W lut Is your counivy going lo S tale do? f}i> VOU think you will do nny- reseni thtiii;?" m ent

Ju^l w hnt Is nn .Amerlcnn to an - one e !iurr? I wl.'h I knew. I wLih I could s.iy. "Don'i worr>’; fellow. We are

i< ijot Koink' lo sinml by mul le l men. L * "i wotnpu mill chllilicn be slnugl'itered. P I r, nnd n g r rn i -c l l j be pu t lo the ■ ■ "■ torch."

lu Rolterdnm, wlipre we nre slay*.IK Im;. one Rcts thp liupt e.ulon th a t |■' Uie ppoplr niP Miffftliii: nlmost ns ..r iiU lc irnrihn-bnivr-ptople-nt B uda- —

l!i’ lln„ .III J-- amnnr Ih^t I. ' ’Kiiiiwlitc Itiat .‘liiiil aotl lla allrltiulea vtrie

futrwr Ibtguah man, lh. V af irr hrtlr.1 Ihr lirk, lave alghi lu th. blind, hr.rtnir 1“ Ihe .Iraf, fr«l l,i Ihr lamr. Ihjia.'iw"il'r"mln.l''',ll‘h!'.man*'ml!i'd/ ^ Iaiul ni.itic r l.rtirr undeniatullni or Soul

<- ________________________ I fIMMASIIKI. l.tlTVIKnAN ■ '

4(1 !W"t.d alrrri rail iMIooutI STRn.ll

>r Ariatntf K. Maell.r. pa<l«r ri — »afly-tefvkfc.lLB.m...6UD‘j»J. __^

llr ” hr’ ‘lu !7 \u^ 't7*^ l^dw lnrcnH «.il,tila.: Ihli Siimlir ha< l«eii daalinaird lar

■■ wnrli'l f.m/wH'”! and lh» o/l»»ln»t'• nf Ihe .lay 1« in ilr.llrtl»d. * tum. Moniiar.

Hundtr aeh'wl alaff mrriinc. * P.m. Tur**.lar. I.ulheran U rm 'n 't le tiu r..* p.m. Wrdnndtv. ScouU.. aHuit Uibit claM and

'm .PKlal reh.anal of the choir. 1:10 a.m.,L" early Thankifl.ln* iltr •ervlee. »

S lK 'S .S '. l T h S .K .;."‘iC.Iren'a roiilirmallon claiMO. Tune Ih |»

rn Ufc~ ovrr KI.IX e«rrr Hunday tfirrniy>n.

u l ^ f l n U h Y M r Furniture wlUi ^

■I ZOLATONE Ig T he Scratch - Proof P a in t! K

S I ARTISTIC DiHrlbutori 2

^ l e ]'ih tt’uy 2 5 —


"V. 19 IL u n c h o n G ro u n d s

AUCTIONT OF TH E COUNTRY!>me. Tills farm has 7 acres new lent slubble. I t Ls locaUd on oiled •up water. T here Is n new, modern,;w Armsco stoker lurnnce. Haa Its ;'ts In living room, hall nnd both I

b.itli. T here Is a large biiHU ln I It-ln .cio thes closeia in bolh bed- . furnace room and coal bln. Horn*

tercsi. Anyono Interested In this ore Information on the rsncli. see en Ilealiy.

ng trip Held culUvntor ]

tONAL 55-W W lre.T le Baler— i w r C Motor, e ta r te r . AuWmtfIc . BALER IS JU ST M K E NEWI

manure spreader, steel box '' pull Rcroperospliflte'spreiider'' -----------------------:url,er Dump rake A-type, com plet»waRon and rack > •

J wngonirlnder '5r_Pord;,trBCtor. Im ctor umbrella. i 3-stone grinder, hand tu rn sickle :

0-It. teed bunk, 13&' good railroad ' ood stock trajjer. Xorks, shovels.Tal poles 30-ft. long. 3 hog troughs.

house,' iron wheeled milk cart.1 slock tank , pump type bucket :a of faarbad »rr* inn_npn.- rwlar. I __ _woven wire. i

FURNITURE- 1;«ble. buffe t nnd six chairs imatlc washing machine ric m nse irt good condition t.ible and chnlr* Wash liibs

Ir Ovmer

N F A L L S . I D A H O

lacre Brings Cou slimi^tcrYanksest. U wss no l loo long «ko d im '.'’';''*' “ | ne O fntiniis savagely lorr spiirt M ir Clly. ipsvlnR Uie Miepu iillrti ^ " rlth dead and the bulldlniw afUime ‘•We kno«- w h a f Uiey a ir

Hrough," ft desk clerk toUl- n ip ,if '“ ‘ ' ‘ And no one knows Ihe h o w r «{.„ / QCh'an tm pfiual-tlsh t-un lr\i- |ir-lm x '” ''^'^'’ ' « n a pnrt of n . T o see-your p.Mpir J«ed. yotir clfj- cievn.'fnfrrt, «tiil fc ‘ "..''I ' now you hnvcirt n chniicp io .M iik r.,„ ‘ ack. Is sickening. We blprd tnr iup lungnrimis,".There la a strong 'villliimir..v i>i

<gttt-»gftlii.-(00r-:-I f-w<«-«Hilv-iin«<:— nough In Europe to Iicht wiih.''.<'ni''> hey say. *'we'd try to help," n u s 'fU n m i rom a people who are iiou- r r* ! ■''Ul i overlng Jroni years o t llvins iiiidrr i "U'*!'!' .n enemy heel: th is from a iluy •'I'hey ountry w llh a populnUon tun iinii-iri^’‘’' ' ‘'i ' nore Uian g rea ter New York. U iiiav ‘'" “‘'i ' S ff-foo llsh-and-unw ise. - ijiii-ii-„*-vuhal . h r 1 U l n g . Di.vretioii. lorn iifty be Uip be tter p a rt of v.ilor. biii I • llo» t cerUlnly Isn't Uie moat sdiiilratilp nf a n la rt . I p inna

I sllll wish I knew «,hnt lo n n -’'n ie t' iwei^-when—I -a m atlrptl .“W lu:—it- ln De Vmertc* going lo do?” One hss lo^ Quinn >«_ln_Euroj>e to fully r tn 1 ir r_ h O ff[^ ^ ^ nuch (his p a rt "o f the world, s i ' enst. depends im u».. And l>plnKl 'lere. an A jnericsn cnn nnly tiopr in d 'p ra y (hn t Uie faith nnd u-ii.ii!\n d dependence Is justified,iReltaird by McClure Neotpaprr .<)nrfl(ttri

Future Uses for i A-Power Noted

W A 8 H IN O T O ^ i;'N o v n irw = T h r' ------d irector of the o a k n idge institute of Nuclear Studies advlMd u>dny agulnst cxpeetlnK pructfcAl flieriiin- nuclear power—baaed on th f .mme priclple as the hydrogen bomb—"in our lifetime,"

Wllllnm a . Pollard said " ll mnv welJ“ lic~one“ o r ^ o r e ~ (r tn e n iU o n r ~ — awny from us."

••Slllli" Pollard snld In a spcech prepared for th e American Assoela-! tion Qf Land>O rant Colleges and S(A(e UnlverslUes. "the project re p - , res<n(s a sIitatantM l new develop-' m cnl In Uie nuclear energy Held nnd, J onc of rea l ultim a te promise," /

Frank's I Shoe IJ

Shop IHas Moved to Q

4017-Mainr^Buhl- | -(Next lo W estern Aulo)

~ O p e h ~ f o r B u » i n e « ”

N 9 V E M B E R 1 3 j

O N C E A <A g a i n a s <


W i t h t h i A t> P U A 1

->-W-«^e-cclcbratingJrj[uin]j sharinsr with our custom( n iw Turkey absolutely F the m ajor appliances liste

- ~ f r o m N a

C o m e i n , S t

GET YOURi T h is“ of f e r;'a pp I j es~on

★ R E F R I G E R A T O R S ,

★ R A N G E S ............ ..........

★ F R E E Z E R S ^

★ w a s h W

T H I S F R E E 1

_ - T W I N > ,

'ourtConsiders^ -I — 3 Divorce Cases ‘ aMi

Tliiee divorce com plalnti were fii III (he Tvviu m ils district court' iiitMlnv, . do»n111 ll co n jp b lijt asiOnst Frnnk A, b u n rr. Uc.vnp E. Olnunpr n)1rs^-\' " - '^ u luimnii U'cnliiieiit Ihnt hns serl-. isly Inipntred her licnlth, drstroym 'T lupp lncss mul rpndcreil her life, ticniblLVShc.secKa custodyjif.theii'; , ll' m inor, rhild p h u iso a inomh ' tild suppofillie O lftuiifis werp nuurled M.iv

I. 1052. ill 'n v ln Fnlls- T lir Inw tii iii ^ —~— M»v a n d May repre.ienls .M rs |.

......... ...... « uui'l and Inhum an irpnim rni. in- iciing Brlcvini* nnd nipm;il iniin SwiPtn lid lUffPrlng. In her compliiint Ufiuon liiiliist V eiiion Andrew SU'vini*. eiRin-o hpy were ninrrled Oct. J l. iW:’, n t »«•' iraiiiif ^^lll9. Wnsli. T h rrp nrr iiu 'n piwv iilldiPii o r comiminiiv pioperly I n - ' n i a a u h o l—M ncj’ .SClllliUl„Q^’od_iiig,_ls .■ ■ ■ (Ittriipy for Mrs. glpvcnx. ' * U IHownrd G- I)'Sp;»1ii ^^eks cuMody. I \ l

f a m inor ndmited d iild In hl» tom - Inmi aSHliiM BeKy Lou D'8p,iui. ^ lie ttto were m turird April 13, lO.lO.. AT*r.r.'^y aH.^fpre _____luinu represen ts D 'S paln. U w m

H u lls

- — V -Wlile outh ol

\GAIN IT Sour usual Pre-‘

V e are giving, oi

W'lePU RCH iV N C E Sanksgiving in our.,usiial way >mcrs — as in years past, wc j y F R E E to cach customer bu; isted below.

qsvnjnfii-N ovT in ia: Selecf Your Appliani

IR BIG TURKEY FREI'o h ly “t< rm e rch an d tse -p u rc

’ P b u y n o




3 m \. - J - . . . . . . .

z z z l ~z ~ t ~

Gulpa M es , Ia„ Nov. Id llf^_Con . (

hor(, Beach, S . D.. an Iowa Uie COUCKC sophenjore, gufped WAS) own lour goldfish yesterday for ,Presldci e iictlt ot charity . A c ro«d of ISO nntlona opondPd to a college pnper ad |^ * nd chipped lu *30 lo ilir colleiie IP '"i'' '

cimrlty drli-c to «-otcli IWhlie iliori do his Stull. Pngei

Short may no l be finished yet, 'C nrr .i Ip -vn lun teered—lo—#*nllow—a - •foar'C my blnek ImllUcnd todny If ; „ , . iiKlentA will «nte up auuClier $20. !''Pruc'

. iic»r A ito be .1

OAVCUTEn l.S n tin N CALOAay. AIU.. Nov. IC tP -M lJ ,' -r n ,T n r '\N n n k crr:d au e m y r'o r tr-s .'; — f v irtn ry of Agrlcullurf Esra T a t ll riuon, gave b iith to a six-pound! Rht-ounee baby girl Wednesday.; n JiiubMDd W Dr. nobi-rt W nlkrr.; C * p iw nlnrn i Cnlgiiiy physlclnn. i «#•


P H O H E -2 4 6 S --------- : •

sT u rh----------------i

^ l i . I


of Curry—Phono 207

S TURKEYi-Thankisgiving our Custom ers

I A S E o f M

vay a a * a * byare


i a : —

a n c e


> u r c h a s e J - N o y e m b e r - 4 ^

★ t e l e v is i,★RADIO-PI

> T ' - r J — -------------^ co M i



f f s m............ .T W I N . |;A L L S — , B


te toXightBig^.^ •Chrisfmas T r e e i ® i

IVASJIJNOTON, NOV. JB W —esident Elsenhower will ligh t thoUonal ChrlsUnas tr e s Dec. 30 a t u i I .u y R ue annual pageant on peace pro- [K llv f ljnm In the.eU lpM south Ot thOhlle House. - - ■#Pngeant Chairm an Edw ard II.irr .iniioimced yesterday th e M - jp 'H •'Ror-ChrL'itmii.v tree—an 'Z ngetm nn- r j-n v t 7f tiriici' Irom Lhieoin nntlonal forest i i l i . .'11^»r AjnmoRordo. n . M.—la cxpcckd •I be s tt up nbout _________

-H eart-D isease^ - l l f f land

Stomach Trouble l; :P |Can O tw n Do Corrected by .:

g e n t l e , accutnl* Chiropractic '.'.l •Adjiisimcnwi---------------- — '------

Dr..Alma H ardin 'CJllftOPIlACTOa 1. V : '

III- Main North - Phone m a ' ~' i j*};

= ^ = ^ 1

FRESH" pi -DA-llY— f ! AT THE 1)Ifa r m I--------------------- - ; | | i

T0MS.45!>. IH E N S . . .4 9 1 - I

0 7 0 - o r - 3 3 5 6 - ^ - IrTIME!g Specials


A A J O iR

v , ; -

A J p -2 L m c iu s iv it^ ^

ISION , ■ i-PHONOjM B iH A T iO N ~

■ATERS[ECORD PIAVERS •n iio l.-M iK— - - -


- B U H L .......

■■ : ^

~ s

Page 12: p = : - r T ± r _ TSffie Death Scorcboard TiTOB as« IM til a v tiie r .iw e - ^ At Soil M Better

ll^^Twin-^al f ^ o c k e y r L Squads G.-t: iUVero Simon, th e Pocnlcll r • any o ther player in the Bip 1 'V standinjr s ta r of 1956 by spo

. Pocatello playera who won fit

I l'Lews-Qai''k I ;!Can Clinch !’ Xeague Titlet - • B r T h i A neda ied m a I: ic Lewi* CUrk. U *dlne the

•NorUiwe*t cenferenc* footbftll tuee ‘ i Lwlth » record of th r te vlclorlc*. ?• one low, U ltei on P*c»rie'

.-B*turf»y niBht.A v lo tarr by the henvlly U vdnd

!'} »Portl«n<l U am would bIv# LewU «nd -CUirk th e imdUputed chemploiuhlp.

i l nPacUlo h u no t won » tingle' same :• ;ih U K « * o n .n ... W hllm nn. wllh « a -l« l rccord. en>

^ IT iy -U ln e Ofilleie 6r ld*M 1-3 IHTin T I .lm porSnrB aW B -»rw «ll«-W A U a*Jx

ow lnn ln f. W tiltmnn ccutd tie U nfleld xa-Ul tor tbe 4bamplon»}»Jp. w. It Lewis Mid o lark and W hitm an

-f- tote or Ue, Llnfleld, whleh h u com*) ' plet«d l u confercnce tehedule, would

■fit' of the OrcBon CoDeslnte confcrencc

Saturtlay nlBht and Oreson Tccli of th e OCO taKM on C e n tra lu Junior

iji ________p Cal FavoredI I,Over Cougarsil ;iAt Berkeley

i'j BElUCELEy. Calif.. Nov. IH l/iv- V .I^Vaahlngton Stati. and California

. >atU e t0 aUy ou t of the Pacific Ol ' CoaAt Conference bnaement when I th ry m « t here Saturday.. n ' The CouBart from Pullman, eonch-

" k i ^ form er Cal aldo Jim Suthcr- >J 'land . lead the nation , in passinc Ir otU m t wJth an arerage nt 3H3 n! r .y a rd i p e r sam e, through the air.

.But they , lika California, %av« only 'it; ••‘. one conferCTce tlctory.

IfouSt «***7'ue'wlut"in‘brC; . team th»V 'a w ttk before had more ii . .than handled Callfomla, 38*8.

13H ,fb n ly Idaho .'p rob ib ly wlH c n ttr the h ;.Ram a th « .fav o r ite de iplU repo ru R.; '• l h e Oou«ar« a re tmprovlns. h . A cain th a B e an m uat depend cm

I-•* L ea d ln t th e W 80 aerial a tU ck ’ »wUl bo Quarlerbacka Bobby N ew , •-'faum a n d Bunny Alrich. Newman ha*

- M completlona for 9M yards and . i ^ d r t e h h u h i t 4» for 107.

I Garter to FightI Jack Johnson) KXW rORK, Nov. J« tr»-Harold

) '2 O r t e r , a r lslne ym m s heavywelsht w o r n Linden, N. J.. Ukca on sututU atiijte Y oung Jack Johnton of Lot

.M Anielea Friday n ish t In a 10*round B m ateh a t M adlton a quare sarden.1 -Jo ta io n -U «ubbln*-fo» Bob Baker B w ho w aa forced off th a ihow due to M U a ttac k of srippa. -

iL in e Beats Ryff -, 1 MIAMI, Tla., llov. n ,W -K e n n y -# L a M '« -a tJ n f l» r tou thpaw punchc* ' flat(>Od o ff a delerTQined Prankle Ryff aw e d n ew la y nlBht tn d th a Mutke- f i io n . M lch^-llsh tw elB ht acored a M unanimoua decUlon over, the New « Y o rk e r tn the 10-round m ain event . p n M laml'a Bltcayne arena. BTA K BS O m N S E L E A D ~S NBW YORK, Nov. IS UV-Dlck

'C Jam lesoo , B r a d l e y quarUrback. S h u r le d ttvo touchdowns lust Satur-

'• d a y a n d oompleted 16 of 37 paasea S f o r Si7 yarda to b u n t Into the am aiu S n tle f fe to ta l offcnte lead. TTie 160. S p ound aophomorc's field day aaa ln tt

, B w aah ln s to n of SU Louis cave him • S to U l of 1.0M >-ardt, aOO more thn))

l « a ^ d > p U c a BUI EDBclhardl of

itonglnjuryXis I I Vandals; Hopesf i - g MOSCOWUJear - J 8 . tfLmi.HHmpi U and bad w-ealher combinedH B ru u ra d a y m tow n overcast of c l< ^ B J a t Id ah o before w h at w a t to have n ' S heen th e "big. came" ag aln tt hl8h< f i r s r l d ln s Oregon StaU . .

- E 3 * ^ e m ight Juat u well be’rea llv . » iU c ." aald coach Skip SU hley. -W« ■ f 0^ >n tlp 'lo p th a p e and ^ arc

S n o t ^ l n r t e try ta fool anybody b] ■ ga ay ln g a o . _’ m- ‘fWe a ra to UiliTih htimbcni thal

S tv e ry l l l t i t hu rt becomet mtgnlflfd.- I; B -Ttu/M »r'* caw iU y list;I p a n d t a n y Aldrich, charity horse

I I Sunday, No>| 1 fwTCSI ' Vi Mile Nor

Lunch Sen

! ..» ......... :N E W A u to m a t ic T l


, .. S ponsortd by; Hi

| j P A G E T W E L V E '

GETS TOT ills B ruins rB e fe a m e Chosen b y '

Uy T ha A tteelaU d Preai:alclln hiffh Hchool halfback who sc Bip Six conference this year, hns b• Bport.iwritcr« of nouthcrn Id ah a n firsl-strinR b erths 6n nn all-ntar t

I' •

Dodgers Delayed S* T 0 K y 0 . Nov. 18 tn _ T he ' f

Brooklyn DodEcrt tU rU d leaving | ‘ jo p a n Thursday a m l ^ elays over I ‘

players, Brooklyn offlcltia and |

. 1, , f'llKhU for Snn rrfttfclwo. I*T lie Initial fllshl, carrylnB vice i

president F r e s c o Thompnon. n t'’" offlclnlt and unm arrlrd ^ player*, was postponrd from 1

,6red n is h t - . ^I and ^ I

?.™ Sooner Fans S Kttei*-Oveiv-— i


V o te H e M ll 'Lman »Mm- OKLAHOMA CITY. NOf. 19 l« — j, 'ould “Trnnessee satned 100 yard t ngaln.^t p

G torglft T ech . Oklahoma could ualn « CKon more Uian 'CKil a g a ln s rU in C re n P ■cncc III)." «:h of TI)ls b ltU r boast was made T l)ura. « inlor day by an Irale Oklahoma Xootball js

fan—one of scores who are peeved ^ bccause th e ir hlgh^flylnB Soonert a re n 't U bbed the nation’s best. . p

Tennessee, on th e strength of a n . e-0 victory over Oeorsin Tecli. push-

ed O klahom a from atop the Atsocl- £ aCed PrCM p e lf 'th ls week. raising a g furor In these psrU . ' — • j

Except fo r one week when Mlchl- i snn B tnU wns voted tops. O klahoma has sp e n t th is senson In U)p throne i, room. And Sooner fan* feel they

’" i " uere e v lckd without cause a fU r ^ the ir 44-0 shellacking ot Iowa B U te v

''hen i „ t S aturday .• . i n resu u fan t* , buses, living rooms , " cn - *nd on th e street, you can hear the

I n d i g n a t i o n of O klahom a fans. i SooneM lake their football seriously, and tiiefr regard tor coach 'Bud p

*“ ■ W ilkinson and his tquad alm ost am ounU to awe.

____ T h e p lnyen , who have won seven vitfltTani gBm u 'tnii'wuoir io iirt tcn -

egon o k la h o m a 't victory ttrlnB to 37. \ a re n 't a t voclferout u the fans. B u t j, there 's no doubt they are unhappy. , _ ! iw e n . geubaclc,!l-promlMd-<iuar- j le rbacfe ,J lm m y_H arrli.^ 'l l.w e..can .

^ Just keep playing like we have been.- j,

1» Nats, LouisviUe '' lu* End Agreement rMow- . W ABHm OTON. Nov. 18 OP—T he * 1 haa w aah lng ton Senatora ended a w ork- \

*nd agreem ent with Louisville of th e ; A m erican association and added a c lass B league a tfllliU to the ir ta rm . sy su m T hurtdsy . *

T t)e & enaton said a receivership acUon against the Louisville club, \ th reaU ned will) less of lU fran -

srold chlse, w as “a primary factor." 1e ight T h e American league club took on J itHtU K inston, N.C.. of the Carolina league

Los u a tecond class B affltlaU . Hobbs, v « und N Jd ., o f th e Southwestern league Is | len. th e o the r, U ker -In .R .g en era l sltakeup o t iU m inor i ue to league tyaU m, W a s h ln ^ n also a n - j

nounced a working agreement w ith O rlando In the clsss D Florida B late , league and negoUallons w ith Mis- ] toula, M ont.. In the c la u C Pioneer ,

lenny league. ■ ] nchcs ■ ------------ - .r --------— . 1

S ' Cougars Ready ll..* For Californiaevent p u h ^ i a n . Wash., Nov. 18 tilW (

Tl)e W ashington S U U Cougars were I sl)0uUng and hustling Thursday as i

-Dick they rom ped through the ir final ) rt)Mk football practice session of the week. i latu r- r r ld n y Uie lenm will travel- to - ju se a spokane tA catch a plane for i unall. Berkeley and the Satu iday game ! ieo> wlU) C a llfom ls .. . la ln st A lternating qu trterbncks B o b nlm a Newman and Bunny Aldrich wenl

thn)) U)roucl) a Ions pa-ulns session, end)It of connecting "w n h a pnrada of re*


[istPosted b y

pes Ai-e Dimmedm m p i|_ Q H a rr i.. itn v ^ a m y ih t... p lnd ied . )blned shoulder nerve, sprained foot. - I globm O unrd Chuck Fries, twisted knee, il

have HiiirbAck Ron Braden, teparaU di high* shoulder.

Tackle Jim Preslel. ICB Injury, realls* sm y th e and Braden are n o t es*. "We peeled to see action aBalnst 05C Vi are S a turday and Aldrich, Fries and >dy by P re su l will be on limited duty.

•T liese are Just kids plnylng.“ aald s lh a l stah ley ; looKlnff"1n io~ 'ihe“ Know, ifled." “T here 's no sense or reason gettlnc

Ujenj h u r l by p laylnr while they are horse. stUl on th e crippled list.”

lov . 1 8 , 1 0 a .m .fCSON LAKE— ------N orth o? Hozclton

ierved All Dayic T rop G un Now In Use

HAMS and BACON -/: H o zc lton Lionj Club

BERTH 3 Place ler^on-Two r W riters _i10 scored more Inuehclown.n th a n ■ ia s been nnmed th e leairue's o u t- I i h a S im on head.t th e lis t o f fiv e I i t a r te am chonen by w r i te rs in a n H

iiA 8H0C^ntcd 'PrcsA poll. Close ■ beh ind h im - in L th c - w r i to r a ' f l choice was his leamm aU. L am ent ■ Miller, who won the league's scor* ■ InB crown thU year wllh a U U l of ■ 18 polnU. ■

_ f llm o n ^ n d Mjller were th e spark* f l plUBS nf a Pocaieiio icarn“ wni(ftf f l won the conference pennnnt w llh B T c'fil sliaU lil vUluiies and also woiT I S Ih rrf other gamc.^ on 'IU schedule. J

Three, Nampa player* won places f l L':,'’ !on the flrsl string all«sUr squad. J . J I There wcre ona each from Caldwell, f ]

|B o1s« and T«-ln FalU. ( II For the second Uam. the w riU rt - i I picked three players from Caldwell, d two each from Pocatello. Boise and ■ Nampa, snd one each from Twin f l Falls and Idaho Fnlls. ■

Simon, who captured the league ■ scoring crown las t year an d came In W

Jlrat place spo t on the ballot'of every ■

One writer nam td M iller /o r tfie second team and the others-a ll pu l

' f — him on the first. MUfer, the top fInst punier In th e leaBue. got 18 oC h is ^

jfi-pnlnUJin-convfrsltin kicki. -------- I Jenl- For ihelr f irst team backfleld, the ‘

wrltera nnmed Simon and Miller, ^and the two powerhouses of the ^N am pa Bulldogs-H al M urray and p

!ved s m j znrblnsky. kO n tha flrsl string line they placed ■

; P h il Skelly of Caldwell and Larry ■^ Itobertson oC Nampa, a t ends; lU na K

i»n- M archland of Pocatello and R ichard " oc>* D unn of Boise a t U ckles; Lyle* • Shockey of Twin .PalJs and Jerry to. ; Beebe of PocaUllo a t Buarda; and II

:hl* Qon B arren of PocaUlIo a t c ^ le r . y<Here Is t h t m akeup of the second ci

leam : .. UBacks—Stevn E verltl and Harley —

fter vnnce, Caldwell; Bill Benjam in. Ida* •»u t e ho Palls, and Chuck Sherm an, Boise. |

E nds— Jim Anderson, PocaUllo, ^ «nrt Larry Fong. Boise. b

th e Tackles—Nelson D eK ramer. Twin TTFalls, and L arry Mereness. Nampa. I

Jsly. Q u ard J-D o n QaU s, pocau llo , snd I Pred ArnholU. Nampa.

'®*t c e n u r —K en t pederton, Caldwell.O thers who received on# or more i« |

M .r j W » M . . . . u ^ . . . v l l ^ 37, Wilson, Boise; Larry Blankenburg, ti l

® ut Mike M artin and John Pasley, Cald- nP Py* well; Ed Welde, Nampa, and Chuck ^vl

Brow nrTw tn-Falls.------------------------- ;a .c an -T aek les-D elm ar Hudson. PocaUI* J” '

lo ; R o g e r Y ount. Boise; John I Aschenbrenner and Mike Anderson, RC ' N am pt. and Danny Brunt, CaldweU. j u

Q u ard t— S h e r m a n Beazer and n r Bob Slorm t. ld a h » F a lli; H erb FUl- -tn Icrton, Nam pa: J im T anner, Bolta, and Don Sayre, Caldwell. E n d * -

-Vi; Chuck Brough and Buifcjyilller. Po* . caUllo; K en t Angerbauer, TwinFalla, and Ja ck D ean, CaldweU..........">!

° * Center - Lew Campbell. Idaho » , Falts, and Dick H arper. Boise.

S Western State i’j k on Booms Halfback “iw e KANSAS crry. Nov. 18 W »-Half- llo

back BUI Rhodes, belnB boomed 01 le Is L ltu , AlUAmerIca honors by ra

W esU m S U U collrgs. ranks Ihfrd do ■mor In n ishlng among NAIA tm all col- • ■"* leges. s*!

w ith T h t hard-charg ing Rhodes has "u lia te rolled up 1.075 yards In 117 carries. ' MIS- His nine-game to ta l Is Just a few th

yards off th e pace se t by th e NAIA HI rushing leader, l^ r r y Houdek of tl> Kan»*»-JVe»{er«n.-_______ _______ •

Giardello WinsI.ULWAUKEB.'' Nov. 18 U ^-Joey gc

V n- OIrdeUo. th e natlon'a th ird -rank- Ejwere Ing mlddleweliht, Thursday n lghl sny as easUy avenged two defeaU a l the (,Ifinal hands of Charley (King) Cotton by^eek. scoring a unanim ous lO-round de*r to cislon over th# unranked Ohioan, jji

for Giardello weighed ISfi, Colton 163. n<

Z Grid Results »wenl BVll f t« h 11, Hull u ^each ' ■■ ' . “

r e . TOURNEY SLATED -FORT WORTH. T e l.. Nov. I# rt

------ T he American Bowling c o n g r e s s Intoum sm ent will be held here M arch D 9 through April 38. coming U the tt

■ Southwest for the ( trsi llm# In l u ol M»yesr history.-----------------------------U

^ 1 o u r s t e ifor ihat Important Dinner



— ~A-comploto-dinncr..fDr.lW o;_incsoup, solod. Idoho baked potctc bu tter, coffee and dessert.

A ls o - ,. ; . y o u r choice o


------------------f l t r r -M IG N O N S -^ - :------



SCO!— _ -

t O N B I g j

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- — GoodCatclrby:] t-


s 'n tr*of




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rjjifle Foetball booled by Chicago B ean Gir y (oochdewa fn Uilrd period agatiu t (he Cnd IIU la caught by a le r t fence-sJlter In blir. yeuth, ons n t teveral who earas cqulppeind raU h wllh h is long-poled net in aiaure h

the Bears beat ihe Packer* 3X-K. (AF wle y -------------------------------- --------- -

E Russian Coac :U.S.Tram‘GMl. M E L B O U R N E . N o v . IG (/P)— TV 'f* l e t ic c o n c h .snid T h u r .s d a y th e U . I -Jl fp a m ta t h e “ g r e a t e s t e v e r asH crr rB, t im e a n d i s m u c h 8t r o n t r c r t n n n ii ;d- n a t e d th e H e lH in k i jfame.<(.” T a l l n t [Ck w a to h e d t He A m e r ic a n O ly m -

'p in n s w q rk o u t i n . t h c ra in T l t 1 > hn w a s t h e f i r s t t im e h e fro t a jn , Rood lo n jr lo o k n t t h e r u n n e r s , sU. j u m p e r s a n d t h r o w e r s w h o | ; i | n«i a r c e x p e c te d tp w in b e tw e e n il - 12 a n d 16 o f , t h o . m e n ’s 24 „ ^ ! 1 t r a c k - a n d f ie ld e v e n tn .><s. "The Americans have a tine w ' ,|n body-equlpm ent and the ir tech*

n lque_ah , i l -U perfect," Korobkov

*'*’ " ^ e y are genllem cn also. I Ulk wllh one o t them and In two,mln* u* ules he makes me feel like we are friends toi* all our lives. They are the best a th letes enU red In the 01>-ninlc8." h e ndded. »,

Athletes from more than 60 n a - , ,,, It- lions practiced Uie full scale of ied Olj-mpic sporU despite the sUady by rain whleh occasionally becama a .r.e„, frd downpour. ^ h aol. Like people everywhere. Auitrall-. .

ans Insisted-the bad w enther . v ul u "unusual and unseasonable." ___leg. Tliey pointed o u t th e gnmes of , ew the le ih p ij-m p lad do no t sU rt un- lA III Nov. 33, so there Is plenty of of time .for the -arealher to chance.

ILJ fuH eas t fo r th e sam es was "alm ost completed Thursday when m,qi an American a irline flew In two . „ i OC*7 loads' of, Russians (rom Ran* ^ . i

5ey goon and Americans from Honolulu; y..- Ik- Except tor a few stragglers and JI* : ;h l small groups, nearly a ll of the aboul U)e »,000 ath letes now are In Australia. * .t’y O ne' of th e laat lo arrive waa J

Russia's hat*lovlng dlicus thrower T ***• Nine Ponomareva. She arrived from 4>>• Rangoon, halless, b u t weaHne small ♦ '

Unlied s u t e s Olympic team buttons 7 on h e r eoat. f

“Plea.v! sny nothing about those |{! hsts.*' th e aald. - *, , I U i n failed even to alow down 4.

n— rto st of th e ath letes bul II sent t r s s Indoors m ost of lhe leam otdcUlS. T rch Dan Ferris, secrelary ot the Ameri- 7 the can A thletic union and a fine JIjdRe ♦ lu of alhletlc abllltle.'. spent pnrt of J

— the -w iny-day-w ork lnc-m it a-fprm

e a k s a r enner Dale J

PEAKFOR TW O) ^ j | H H f l

D .-in c lu d ifig ; .,.. ootato, rolls,

T i r s e .

T l M E S - N E y S , T W I N



hU I urds meel


Ac conc

J i pass ondi «>tii

f iS W - i M y j The■BsN3i_CEHMfcZ?y NO''t t W f l l ^ f l ^ ^ i f l r 'M -vers

J tiS a F ' Orel

In t


m Gesrg# n ia cd a for ^ ln t* a (te r* " “t <h« Green Bay Paelief* In C hieaw ,' Ven in bleachers a t Wrlgley (leld. The ulpped jf l lh a net. make* a perfect ure hlm ielf a aouvenlr. IncldenU Ur.A r Wlrephnlol___________ __________ "OW

achCaUs i ‘Greatest’ 2

spa:I— T h o S o v ie t "U n ion 's t o p n th - u .s .

U . S , O ly m p ic t r a c k s n d f ie ld H sem bled b y n n y c o u n t r y a n y ^ nil l h e i 0 5 2 ’ lc n m w W cIi d u m i- — d l a n d b lo n d G a b r ie l K o ro b k o v

Reefei^o^^— — Foes Named

EVANSVILLE. Ind., Nov. 18 (ft—Sam Houston S U le of HunUvUle. " Tex., and Middle Tennessee s u u of Murfreesboro wcre named Thursday n igh t to play In the annual Refrlger* a lo r bowl football game Dec. 1.

Sam Houalon S u u , w inner of e lgh l s tra ig h t games, has clinched the Lone s u r conference cham - plon.ihlp and will wind up lU regu* la r season Salurdsy against SUphen Austin college.

Middle TeaneMte S U U l» auured a tie for the Ohio Valley conference championship and can win aole pos­session of th e Ulle by defeating Tennessee Polytechnic I n s t i t u t e Thanksgiving day.- Middle Tennesae* S U U ’h a s a 8-3


sheet which showed Americans win­ning IS m en's gold medals. .

Ferris ta ld the Americana will win pracllcally. everything on the track except dlatnncc evcfit.5. m am - • Uion a n d walks. In field eventa the Americans ar# righ t a t the top bu t . th e ir charlces are w ea k u t In the hop. sU p and Jump. '____________


$ AH Sliea — K indt — Pricea♦

1 Surplus Soles2 H Block W etl of Foil Offlc#

t o I I D I I I I I t I t 1 1 1 1 I I I I I 1

( c h o iMy <s J ______

:a f er : --------------------------------- !>T'—

V I N F A L L S . I D A H O


f f i n _ —

ficngals-Face^g Tough Falcon Crew Saturday cSp"—PENVER.~K'ov^i8^ ~ = = ^ ^ i l l^ ^ c LarryThoms<m-whohaaavsr*Bed«.4 .^yards per carry th is seaaon wUl get tn ® ! hU toughest test of the season S a t- sq u n . urdsy when the Air Force acaderny Joi meeU Idaho S U U of the Rocky th e ti m ountain conference. « “ •—T m m s o i r h s s - m w d - th s - b a l L ^ i n t o iyards-ln -118-tarrles-thU -scason-but p c ^h e hasn 't run against a line a t ex* AW perlcnced ss Idaho SU U 's. T ^e Id s - sell. I ho SU U line averages more lhan 3M toock pounds, and lU U am wUI be on the in to i average ot 10 pounds heavier per .icore m an than lh a t of the academy's. dun i

Academy coach Buck Shsw ’h a i "Tti concentrated to fa r th is week on R u is t pass defense, especially In the sec* Th« ondary. He also haa worked hard sejuoi w ith the line. cago

Tha game will be the academy's w on't

.The Falcons cloae out their season ycar'i Inov. 34 sgalnatB rtgham Young uni- lo Je! |-vers)tratrDenver4inlvez3Uy.jtadliun. .w inj.

Three Injuries jplons Msted by Beavefs

CORVALLIS. Ore,. Nov. 18 tP— ' Oregon S U te held a lig h t workout " * In the rain Thursday and prepared for a cotd-weather tr ip to Moscow wi and Saturday'* football gam# a l the " » '* ■University of Idaho. _

Ot three Injured players, one will Cnr n o t make the Idnho ..trip. Guard Job. f Vern Elir»oOn will atay n l home, nod form ends Norm Thlelf and Bob DeO rant prob.ibly will play only briefly. - • Needing a victory to cinch a Rose \_ y 4 | bowl trip, Oregon StRlc’s U-avclIng . squad wilt leave h rre by plane . F ri- I H dsy atiemoon. staying ovemlRhl In Spokane and going lo Mo.v;ow by ST. bus Saturday. M ans

.. . Loula 7ANK8-ARB-THEBE ' D on

MELBOURNE. Nov. 18 (Ifl — The to'**. S tars and' Stripes were raised In a Tin spanking breese Thursdny aa 370 bnsen U.S. athletes, coaches, trainers anrt W cdr offlclalt officially checked Into the a n d c Olympic village.____________________ year


G re a t ta s tc - g r c n l w h iskey . : ' ta stes q u i t e like a .ManhalF. . . t a lv e r i R c jc rv c . P eo p le wi

■ fo r th e H ncsi insist on smnc C a lv e rt. I i 's t l i c .\n ic r ic .in w ta s te th a t 's ahvn^^ m gooti t th e -rock s. tool

Hera's Uo»v to make a Calvert Mi Tour 3 pans (Ul'c ii. 1 ju ii turci

■ «\Tr Ice 5u b o in mixin; j tm . Adi sUr, i ti i lo Imo uxLiiit gUu. Add

QOJ-BALINo One in Sii EillJtussell!s

S A N F R A N C IS C O , N o v . 16 m ^ ra n c is c o D o n s , N o . 1 b a s k e tb a l l - in v e h e i g h t , e .'cp c rien c c a n d h u a t r c r t - h f t s - f l - m ig h t i ^ p to b l c m - N n -J n f i in s ta y o f a t e a m w h ic h s e t th ' le c u t iv e w in rc c o rd o f 5 5 a n d v o n tw o N C A A t i t l e s , a n d h is T l / f ' e a m m a tc , K . Q . J o n e s , D on la p ta i n n n d a- t r e m e n d o u a ^ io m p c U to r . . .h n v e . s r a d u a t e d .3 o tb a r e , i n M e lb o u rn e w ith K e U r s : O ly m p r c 'b a s k c tb a l l T y ; iQ und.

“Jonea va.<i slwoys there when h e team needed a lilt." Woolpert a id . - I t Is a gill h e hn* . . . an V.T- n ta tifslble'. . . something loU of and

Hfin t"«e r . lead"'And how about th e loss nJ'yius* liT R

,cll. the kUdI *Uh the knack of Mine mocking opponenu’ shoU back lU pi n to Ihelr laees and the ability to Th *o re with a backward tw o-handed via t 'd u n f ' ahot? the J

•T here Just Ijn’t anyone to fill In tu ss t ll’a »hoea,“ W oolpert ta ld . back.

T h e Dens open tlielr. 35-game reason Nm'. 30 agalnsi lllite ch l- :ago State.,W oolpert says hU club 7*** von 'f be r e a d y - lh a t even wllh J ire f first stringers back from Inst *n ru (ear's aqusd the u a m w on't begin o Jell before mld-aeason. If they Co. Kin the s ta rter the Donjt se t a new itra ifh t win record ol 58. ^

H e explsliia his na tional cham- ilons practically a u r te d together Toi ia -licshm tn -31 ity jcncjv_shst M fh loss )ther w ai w in g to do before hed rd

A* for Uie .18S6-S7 club. Wool- jc r l w ys; '- 'W

••W e'irhavft a lo t of hustle and I l g Irlve b u l «cT e bound to make mis- * ^ 0 :akM." HE

Carl Boldt, who draw* nutoell'a best lob. Mika Fnrmer nnd Oene Brown aenso [orm th e nucleus of the club. - long


Cardinals Sign Trio of Players ’*■'<!

ST. LOUIS. Nov. 18 W l-O enfral REAl « a n ag e r F rank Lnne h as three St. t t t Louis card lnn ls under canlm ct. with D o rrB la a i)g « m rtlie :n tU E r In -th e t - - roid. . + c

Tlie si-ycAr-old rookie aecond J bnseman sljtncd a 1857 contract * ^ Wednesday. Pitcher Herm W ehmeler ♦ B an d catcher H t l Sm ith, a lto second- ^ year men, signed earlier. •__________f » » .

K : B T 3 K M

jcy. N o M a n lia iia niKa lta n m a d r w l l h -----------------------------c w ith an im t tn r t sn)m>tlicr,- n.-ivnrfiil a n u 'h itkcy of ro o iI m ^lod tn^te. C r c i i on-

rrt M anliiltani'»>»eet Sfimonlh . p j v

4. Add tliih b lii tn ,- \ H in il lllllll. . u i u i i i t j . V O ' I i i m i . 11.1


L T E ^Jight to ^ ’s Shoes__

T h e U nivcr.-»itv nf j a l l - t c a m in t h e n.ition m a tle . B u t c o a c h Phil I o - B l l L R u f l a d L - J l u ^ « i v 2 Lt t h e 'n a t i o n a l tn llo irln tp

M in e rs L ead C o n fe re n c e . l i iP a is s in g

By T he A saoclaitd Prrn W hile cham pion Montmn g..,,

and W estern S U te 's Mounuir.rf;, lead’th ^ R ocky M ountain Lunr?r»«.»"lii lotardffcnseT-uMinrsr'Co'J 'Mines has found a brlshf ip, . \ IU pnssing game th i l aeason *'

The Miners have gained c jj j.v , via the a ir In nine Banie.Vand i„, lhe league In tJ i « dep.irimffii

I n addition th e ir sophomore t«'. back. Phil- Lognn. hn..i p u n c h ,i ncross 70 p o ln u . second onir w estern S U U halfback mil nhoda Tlie 300-P0und Mountnlneer wai, Unda In scoring w ith B3 polnu |m In rushing w ith 1,075 ynrds fo n t ;

Colorado college bonaut (Uf i;ni RMC pasacr In freahmnn chajHaerlng/-K»-has-completed-M-ir111 tosses for 583 yards.

Tom. Zaun of IdaJio St.ilf. ib 1055 champion, hn* m m cM myarojrr><r'try-to-lcna-thr-j:ic-i(,»-Colorado Teams Have Best Punts

NEW YO RK . Nov. 16 best punting avcrngc.ii so far '.lij senson In NCAA grid rompftltion l». long lo Colorado A and M ani C«lv rado university.

It'* the ARgIca nn top by ■( rdcR wllh nn n'ver.icp ktck m n.< yards. The Buffaloes come next »i'S 41.4 ynrds a kick. .


— FiiR N A C .E _SE R ^C E _S Gas, Coal and O il {.'uni.iccj,; O il H ealers. .♦ PHONE 3131 or SSOt♦ BUS C O W H A M A SOM t FURNACE SERVICE

_ _



llllilliu tl.;l u n i i F . u n 1UI> :

-___________^ ^

I D A Y .N O V E M B E li

Page 13: p = : - r T ± r _ TSffie Death Scorcboard TiTOB as« IM til a v tiie r .iw e - ^ At Soil M Better

gprtfe in J Bowl Conti Stafee-Satu

By T he AMOcUte<te a m w tu » « f ” '

^ bv « N C A A decism ,:

jflWLflNG I«„<k4P......... ..........{In IU »» 4Mt iwfM — ■ • IM >{’ ‘‘* COUI

{‘f { » th c i• »» J ” J ’i C>

'■ <I :*i T« m ."‘M''.*,? « •;» j ' j auh« — ""jM u . i i 2M Uie •o fin it ................ , , n t n «» rlgW

*■ ’ " t i l « i « * Ju i plonTtuU — ••••••;__ _ » - . - be»lCl.k tb«k-Oh! Will,

K..JWP - r “ U - 1 - n M n w«litaa&-== s IS is. ss «sI'. ClWr -------------Jo m l « 4t»■ '‘***' 'h j.............. ’S* l>T »»* «» »ho«

*“ •,*“ a ttnV , ' * « t f U l . . . Sev.

t r r : i — | • ” { ;{J c .' ......... .... 1 1 ^ ^ Ilnli

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. >:■■ ? ff —r z i r r . : : : m u» «ij <« oi 1-. g ^ r . .......— ! » » • ' l i l tlve

T ,u i..................... «* '** upol. r- B. n»i»tf c«. Ten

H-JU.I. ....................‘W jS? *s, i t ; Prt![ • 'r r i5 M ~ -r::::~ ri2 s is* «» so* ti

--------------i i ; u j ” ijJ Soul

Twii .................. ^ u •« •*' (le•n- p .r i. ........... ffor

---------------j j ; I J u * tlanr b v = - i ; i i j ; 1» J « ; o r

uny-------- J " O

T«l. . *«» *” *” »’»* (t«lWourn H «li ^ , SAir

............. - .... ,5! ,J! HJ n i Star

| H “ - . E E E |!

• ISDUsTRlAirLKWUE ""J'l>>«ar WlU

bon--------- = T - f i f - { f - i » - m

* 'WMi-ff""-!;__ — M1 I * *• *«» ttTMr. K<|||___________ »« 1 *■ 1” *” the;L Dilkn------ — U.-JM i J J i ! Get

■ T^U -------- - r / f ’’ " " *

r: Kfbi . . . .n z iz r i i 'u m « «« prii

iS"iEEEj_-jls J J cSJ Tsui. — — —■»* « « »« *“ > ner I M l rb n l

; IS* » lU p.r w.i... .....iS JJI- • t s i ..... .............jl 1*1 { * ;j XK M<Criektn"'Zl!l!rZ!i:T : u ' « H i I S

______ ..: .~ m “m i " iii mm D. r ‘- .7 i 7 , S ?S. i:»Mn«r .. ___ ____i«a u t « 1 OT U’a

I. Msnon _____ _ ._ W t Jtn I » « 'l vlltl! : & — — !!! ■ !!!:.!! ! ! ! " »3. « llll>ni________ I4« U l 1 « O l m&l

....JM#T * T J \

l i ! . ! l! ! ! ! ! « ». n«b.M ............._ .u is t IU aio Mcl" ■ . 2 : : S!! li! i l l “ !>Dummj ...... ......... It UK u ( lnt<

— — — ~ ~ ft fa “ '■ " • nllmHidp ....... ......... os no . | 0(i ,ios iQp

». ^ * .r . : : : : - ; ; .... . 5! I t 1,‘{ }JJ ■ ii! i \ Wl n j ' ”"

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" ij— *ps

( " A " : . — S! l i ! Hi ! : i ” ■iv»t(ift_________ ijj jjo loj i d

I;' 2 ; ' , » » -“ I In M- llilnritJ i l l III « :

Tflii]i ^ IQI ti* ' iiQ j t i i„

-Crusaders Have___Eight Letternien /

^ e lsh l • lhe CniMder* of

Sorftw cil NuMrene coUceg nra kJ h ‘i f NOV. 31 b»«-

**” ‘’'1 « “ «n In the- J f^ o u n in la ^ c o n ltr e n c e - io r - th ® —

Tliey ended up In »econd

OrJn H«1 hnd Dave a . r t ' . Clnrcnce O lniler Snm w n i ^

Du.-me Pcpple?,Hank S t u e S o S j l S -

m k W n c r back (rom the is‘ 4

^ A U o o n lu n d T e i jK « to t r r M h . '

t ^ p - ^ ^ . M E W s WAHt W

s t a m p s• p h o t o s t a t s 1• p h o t o c o p i e s

• CO M M E R CIA Lp h o t o g r a p h y

p h o n e 38, TIM E S-N E W S


p ,n ^ O V E M B E R 1 5 . » 5 5

J ^ a i o ^ Litest a t ^ ^urday^ ~•cU ted 'F reu .......................... ....s f o r a p o s t- s c i is o i i bow ! R am e ' is io jj 'v i l l « U cm j> l to chiJI th o3 C fu l-P r i( lf ty -x i:ljo n -tl ie - iil i» n > i __- "n s o n ’s u n b e a te n T iR o rs . T l ic r" n R s l iR h tly le s s o r doK rec S a t - 1 u r d n y w h e n ' T oK as A a n d M e n c o u n te r s K ic o . M ia m i n n d ' l | | T e x a s A r r i c s , b o th w ith e x - K l c e l lc n t p r o 3p ecL < t_o£_quu lify . . . ^ 8 i n g j o r a b n w l_ b itH h ia se n ao n . _ [ H w e r e ro l 'd 'T u e sd a y - ’t f ic y co iild | H | n o t g e t o n e w h e n th e 'N C A A R R c o u n c il d e c lin e d to re m o v e l i th e m f r o m p r o b a t io n . f f i

C tm u n 'K ciiiiiicc«-o( geUlnc the LJfe Orante-bowl-bW-TTitibnblj-iroultlft't L S

In a non>eonference Eame. B ul tiie ■ (■ Atlnnllc Const conCcrence. whichlhe Tlser* nre leadlnc. reservts the ■righ t to mirne Itu most reprc.'wnu- ■ ■ live lenm—iioi nccfMarlly iw chnm-plon—for lh e bowl same. Thrlee- I •b e aU n -D u k c -m leh l .ea rn - lh e nod - - i ! ^w llh nn Impref'lve Jinl.ih nennut ■W ake-Foresl-nnd-N orth-CnrollnaU - MClenuon should «I;1[I. I k S

And anything Icu thnn a stronRthOKinK nRalimi Miami would dam- H |

altraeUon. espcclallv olnce the BIr Seven will .be lending lu rimner- up team , probnbly Colorndo, U> the ■

Colbrndo, ll.i confcrence aen^nn u flnlihed. plays Ulnh Saturday, while K jaclttbQm a’s lilgh-rldlnR Sooncrs. „ ineligible for”n Velurn bowl'TiiRfflTe” “ T— ' m ent n t Mlnml, so ou l to cllncJj second plow for the Duffs by bent- ing Ml.wourl.

Oklnhoma has wine tx ira Incen* T T T tlve to win th is one 7lnce the Soon- l ~ l ers were bumped out o{ tiie No. 1 iipot In th f nnllonni rnnklnss by Tennessee In iht.i week's As.v>clatcd A . Press poll. * l \

Tlic T exas Ag g i e s , unbealeii Southwest, confcrence leaders, like* ly will Quencli whatever hopes Rice hM of finishing In a seeond-plnce (le and possibly Retting the nod **''* * from lh e Colton Bowl. Texns C hris- *'^'5 Uan and Southern Methodlsl. tied' for second, piny Texns and Arknn-

I SS8. rcBpcelIvcIv...wlillLimjrUvBlace • " o ** Bliylor' vW u Nebraska. aii-llv

One Rose bowl spot also is up for ‘ grabs Saiurdny In two Big T en . game*. Iowa, lied for second In th e “ "tly ; sU ndlngs b u t leading among th e ®’’“ "4 eligible*, inkes on cotiferenceOead- ''alrci ’ fng Ohio S la te , and Mlnne.uta, see-) ond In the bowl race, encounters- Mlchlgnn SU te .i ^ * lMnt^ftri fit^n th r An(

national rankings by iwo points nnd C with both th e Sugar and Colton Empi

t bowls K portedly-uoU n«.ihelr.«ccv> AlroP:' ® (ce*,-run-lnCa.Uie-n4tlon’a..bcJt d e - fi^e" » fenso—oUtlBtlcally. a t l e u l—when » opi* they face M lssiuipph Still hopeful >He I Georgia^ T ech ^ as «»*y o"®'

, Two m # . l o r ' conference « tlc» s^bflufd ' ^ ifettled when Yale lin J eye<j) « Princeton, tied io r the Ivy league « 23-J load, coma togeiher a t New H a v e n ,-------I C onn.; and T e x u Western, th e Dor* T> _- der conference leader, meets ru n - | \ 6* ner-up W est T e x u Slate.

I Ring Promoter l ls Sued on Billing nalloIj DALLAS, Nov. 16 tft—Promoter Ed ,, McLemore denied in court Thursday IT th a t h e billed a wrestler as "mean,* vlltalnoua, h a rd -fie s r te d , merciless,* cruel, cheating, in c ak r unsport*-,i manllke and cowardly." ' . ^7 T he su it Agalbst McLemore was

no t brought by the wrestler. I f s „ J . W. W hitaker-who-a suing for »M,- |i OOO on th e ground th a t lhe billing _10 McLemore used to enraged a ipec- [* ta to r lh a l w hen the wrestler w ent la Into th o « e n a th i ipeclator threw P g

' ' W hitaker said h is skull was fra c - SA)« tured by th e bottle. Wl -

. The wrestllnE m atch was held diedI* four year# ago. • *u^^<

'* Benny O utm an, Ban Jose S la te Bo ^ hnlfback, waa a pole vaulter and Mrs.

s p r ln u r a t S a n Joae high. . Call!

TR-lUP'tnCS I f e S B- ...A m erica 's low tit >» - i^ i- w b e d d r iM ir a c k .

eri-SavAeanns .r with Jeei

4 .W h ee M )rh e • J e e p * '« b lc le i Wh • h e lp you gel m ore w o rk 'donp ?mo

arouodtK ccltfck.3& Si}«y»i)'f*r.. \ h■ 'n iey ’rc lim M eited and perforn- J t

S. ancc-provcd Io billions of miles am5 of dependable ir in ipo rt service...I and ihey’ra the only vehielei.ia | | L ilielr weipht class originally de-

S aijned a n Je S iI i« ra I-« R a p I« e } r—7 - for i^wbeel drive oS-ihe-iotd use.

They travel the KiBhway in eon- / ' veniional 2*wheel d rive...and (or rough l o i t t t sh ift e a t i l y - i n to - i iu i

' 4-wheel drive for extra traction.

A sk your JVillyt dea ltr fo r a n on

JESSER EQUIPMEKtS I Addlsoo AvedBi We*4 ____


Hungarian OK

t l a ».— = :if f_frccJluD w n r. »«„ r«i«r■! bsLB"

U uncarlan chief da mUsion llccyi (left) am ttlephbto) _______________________

HulMng Geor j Around to Prt

Dy OSCAR KRALEY .cliest, ^MELBOURNE. NOV. 10 im—Mbs; | thigh,

slve Paul Anderson, th e herculcnni He ca weiRhl lifter Irom Toccoa, On., low- pinno \ (red his bulky 310 pounds onto a |cn r tcd j protesting bed In the Olympic vUlage moved and allowed In a draw ling voice tho l d rn ick ■lLihi.< In-quite a p oyoff on iHO-CCrJJor wcm en lb loc iS .-------- ^ ------- o the rs .

"Here I am in A ustmlln getting As tx ready to shoot fo r lhe Olym pic'rcc- French ord." anId the handsome, curly- hnve 1 haired shouUicrncr. "And only four; pounds y tn n »eo I tinned wc)Bhl>ll(llng.triousn> with a pa ir of hom e-m ade weights im . mode oul of concrete." Powe_ A nderson Is one of th e marvels ofiSielnbo TRe Olympic vllWCf.'ft'S0n"ol*-l8C«l-bn«h-d Empire sta le building. And there's So Am jU n w i th n l much ol him n t which IXMO p< the nihIH irio iirra tj‘ cJ»n"n)Jd‘flo-jjiiM breath:ia open-mouthed nw cr- — ------------- ‘'I'w*

Oie's n loi of m an. thla 24-ycar-oW nnd n G eorgian with tho aofl voice and Uie weighU Iron-hard muscles. H is ,w eig h t a t voice. ■ UmM so^B to 370 pounds. His otlier two w< eye<^PPlilg .'’iseMUrcmclits Include and p< a 23-Jnch'neck. aa-Jnch aj-oi. 58-inch nwlce « “ ; T hoI

Reds Will ln vite^ fB,; American Team

MELBOtmNE. Nov: 10 iSV-Rualn w m invite Uie United Statc-i to send a track and field team 10 nu Inter- JJ national meet in Moscow ncxl yenr. "

This move, which Sovlel Olympic " coach Gabriel .Korobkov revealed Thursday, is the la test of a scries of Olympic goodwill gealures by the Russians. - „ ti„ J-T h e y also Invited members of the . American team to a "gel toRcUier ' Paul In th e Soviet section o t lhe Olympic *«a « vUlage T liursday. J t ei!ii

Grid Injuries ^ Fatal to Youtli 1

SANTA BARBARA. Calif.. Nov. 18 I On — A 18-yeaf.old football plnyer! I died Wednesday oC a broken neckj I auffered when he tacU ed anoSAer, J player In a g« « e la st Friday. ' I

Boone Lee Rogers, son of Mr. and:Mrs Ellis Rogers of Snnla Maria,'Calif., never regained consciousness.

Gr r r a t t i ic ? ?oei se re job».'Jinywher«HUt)rtim«".

s .

^ — - J J

n M a r« T iu n ffuoi H...d u a l purpotn v'!i!clsfor buiiDeti or family. -n


Mid money— i lep'veiiicles' i1 W ith power take-olTihey provide lI .'m obile pow er to operate msnyi r.. kinds o l equipment. There's a* , «

•Jeep' vehicle, to a v e you lime, and money on your johi.

■ ' fiaJy ll 4-WiiiMlriTi nklcltt > -■lUTL..«rinin««Mrt<Mn»l»'W“^

an on-tko-job demonsirttlionl


. il

_______________________________________ 2

O ljjiip iansD j^ ^

y •S i

' ^ iii ^ j H V ' "1 ii • ‘ l

b y nn Au» I ra Ilan . bnn nr guard a t Olympi c f tj and thV lluncaritin Olymplo team a U n T

)rgian Tossing ‘repare for 01>liest, ‘l&^iich wnlsl aiiii a 35-inch 'm arried : High. I continueHe can use ll, too. It you w ant th e I the Oeoi

lano earned upstairs, ihc irunka 'm en t. the bascmeni n r lhe irnsh l As'for loved to the lot next door. The boy In* rlRor Irnlck holds nil the worlil recordalaround 1 or w'clghl-liftinR nnd » l io a f 'o f ~ "U 's - ii ihcrs which nren 't in lhe booka, to Ufl cl As example, Louis Cyr, the nnelenl Rot to m

^rench stronKman. oncc clnlmcd lo Rcl rend: inve lifted a preposici-ous 4.000 Anyboi (Ounds. s o our boy rnl.ied h im a fiousand w ilh a S.OOO-jiouiid back ^Hi. I . f ) ! '

Powerful Piiul heard tha t Milo iielnborn did a record deep knee 1

5o Anderson did ’11 w ith nn c v e ^ ^ ^ ^ JKIO pounds wlUioul draw ing a deep ‘nircath:---------— ------- ------------- K o i-'•I-waa-RoIng to-Purm an-univcralty md a friend showed me how to Ufl n e w velghte,'’ Anderson saj’# In a so il Robinjoi -oice. "So when 1 w ent home i got pion. an .wo wooden boxes and nn old axle g( west m d poured concrete in to them lo fielaily ' nake a se t of weights." tJUc bou

Tho th ree Olympic w eights a rc the go rdenr i^ ._ v , i ic re thb-w elght Is taken to he chest In one mollon th e n pressed iverhead w ith only th e arm s and t***® ihoulders; the snatch, taken from P h e floor to overhead In one m otion: 'tfid tho clean and Jerk, brougJiJ dic^t h igh nnd Uicn raised aloft wilh ,«n nnn )Ody m otion pcrm lltcd.

In M unich, Pau l pressed a world •ecord. 103 pounds; a l Philadelphia t t , - V m atched 336H pounds, and nlw . 11 J i :lean and Jerked « 0 pounds. His v o rk nr *«rJd record to ta l for th e three Ults TJie i t one perform ance is i,i76 poiUids, chatted

Paul eats only th ree tneals a day nbout tl ind a t home never takes breakfast, photogr which h e adm its sm ilingly will make PuUm It easier on h is bride when he is day a t t

P U B IS n ) i lc s n o r t h , 6 m ile s ca-st to

G oodinfir o r 1 m i l e n o r th , 2 i/^ w e t


_ 1 PA IR Y C A t t l eH o ls t e in c o w , 8 y r s . o ld , f r e s h G(

” H b 1 s td m “c W r 6 " y r 8 ~ o ld , 'm I lk I n jT H o l s t e in c o w , 6 y r s . o ld , f r e s h 9C

H o l s t e in c o w , 6 y r s . o ld , f r e a h 6(

H o l s t e in c o w , 4 y r s . o ld . s p r ln g i r

H o l s t e in c o w , 4 y r s . o ld , f r e s h 61 H o ls t e in c o w , 5 y r s . o ld , j u s t f r e j

~ 2 - H o lB t c in - h c i f e r s r l - y r - . - o ! d — —

1 R o a n s t e e r , 8 m o.i. old

4 H o l s t e in h e i f c r c a lv e s , 3 0 d a y *

3 B jftc k b a l ly b u l l c a lv e s

MILKING EQUIPME, ..C o n d ie .jim lk in R ' m n c h in c , 2 -un it- ,

n n d s t a l l cock.'t

6 l 6 - g a l m ilk can.<i

Terms: C

W . J . R lH a r v e y I r t r e o n , A u c l lo n e tr - rP h .c


T I M E S - K E W S . T W I N F A ]

-■ I 'a ll.- h i -------------r — 't l ip U n 'i'

S : e d ‘ S t a r 7 ' _ -

T i - i c

W K H By <«g3^BEB9RIR DEsvE

th>> year

J tn ilca_C

' ® n S . w inning i

/ i ' p'<"'or Fort pointit. -Af—priw -

sim uid

T, Ih r bull "THrre f hnvrn-t Mill.1. anc

> 8 / / '^ A ' J ' <'r'iil<-M.i'H llsW I n ' LnXi^tK*.'.!B i T i r t t i n - j . l m ’i ’<> "fffct t t U i iH l t A f ■, I M w t i Ih r D nv■ M m \ O ther

Uniiiu- I'ti• . ' ' - 7 - lP U B E l FnlLi, Id

' ' * NVUartor________ ■' M.!:er_\vri----------------------------------- ---- N. M.„

Sm ith. I

rmplc Vlllaia tn Mflbourna a i okl'n % ^iT nT arallen tronnN E A -t«aiO — ;Cns ________ . ' _________________ Copenha

lg Weight sfl •lympics V a i

rrled in June . M eanwhllt. he will / - v . lUnue on h is job as a lecturer fnr I 1 1 1 ]

Georgia fksh and game depart-

>s'for the Olympics, Paul Is work- ( \ D rigorously, tossing g iant weights

>und like plne*pcng bails. MOSC U 's-neceisarj’ h e - s a y a . .‘'I hope ball-ten ' u n close to 1,200 pounds »o I've lors ani ' to move tons in the mennume lo u n lv e n • rcndy."--------------------------------------- pre*con anybody for tennis? confcrei

---- ;-------------------------- ••Well

l o n t r a c t f o r j S ’c J

f i d d l e w e i g l i t - 2 S

S o u t S i e n e d — S j-------------------- O - v --------------------from L'JEW YORK, Nov. 10 tn—Rny Rcnson, binjon. world middleweight chnm - PrtU*". f m. nnd chnllenger Oene Fullm er 5-11 S'!

W est-Jordan. UUih. signed o f- McEwei lally T hum lny for the ir iS-round nU of )c bout Dcc. 13 a t Madison Square be rth s pdcn" 6-3 fon:;onlracts. signed before. juU us 0-3 fon Ifnnd. chalrm nn of Uie Nevir Y ork B ather, ite a thletic commlulon, call to r t n d Bll gnr Ray to receive ^714 p t r cen t Rocklai Uie gat« and FUllmcr, 134 per W h i

in addition, Robla',on will ge t ^ i t h e ).000 from m e 1100,000 television Hodges mey. Pullm er wlU not sha re in o th e s TV rccelpla. Dam lairh e bout will be televised na tion - ghaffei y. wlU\ a blackout of Ui* New fy of l' irk and Philadelphia areas. sbb not m e xham plon and challenger ^ u i e i a tted amlRbly. asked each o th e r na iifo r ou t Uielr families, and pow d for K u lotographers.Fullmer will resume train ing F r i - ' Jock. y a t h is cam p a t Orossinger. N. Y.I m ore t

l l C S it to L in c o ln c o u n ty l in e , 2 « /i m il l < w e s t o f W h i t e s s to r e — L o n e S ta i


LE MAChih CO dayi Farmall model A<Injr7 ^ — '-------Biftnnowei-—ih 90 day« 2-wW hanar-on plo ih 60 d ay . Corral poleain e in f f . _3h 60 d a y s r *, f r e s h 2 6 T o n s lo o s e a t a t___________ ___ .quality:_________

A p p r o x i m a t e ly 6 I s t a c k e d lo o s e

la y * o ld 6 0 0 b a l e s e t r a w

-H O U SE H OI . . p a m a s c u f l s e w i n g :

m il ', p Jp o , K o lla w a y b e d , d o u !_____ ■___ 2 c h e s t s d r a w e r s

•F u ll s l i e m a t t r e s s .■ .'V i, b e d , s p r i n g s a n

CASH Day o f Sale

(UMPLE,P^iPhone 383 - E l m i r K night, i

F A L L S , I D A H O

engal Cagers rrTmn FallE“1C o f M airic V a l le y 's tu p a U ili 'i ic cvc I h i j t h s c h o o l K y m n n siu m . T h e Itla LliVivet'.sily o f l l i iw a i i n i i i n to t in a j: B ln k e . tcc iicra l c h u irm a ii f o r t h e «a [ilclccl f o r th e c o n te s t w h ic h w ill fc i • - ------- --■ rrr .r----------- — fc r c i ic c c

• i b o f R o d e o i i r t h e ^ 'h i

t l e r E a i ' i r e d —

f S h o u l d e r sSVER. Nov. 18 l.r — A inim igli-l'fi'vreii J ,r a r Isn't over, th f chMnplou- c id iih . kv.i ■h'ave~l>fcn' dfcWed in tUr i>m. lh e0 Cowbnvs a.vwl«ilon. u llli | <"rr ih f kI S liou lden of, Henryetfa. OVU.V'l'^IW-hiKh ing Uirce lltlr.i. ' 1 •t'lckrlsIs the-year's all-nroiind chnm- lloecnxiii

cowtsoy. jturceedJJiR Cnxey Tibbs) «rr'n phnr n r t Pierre, S. 0 ., w ith ^O.'iO: ciinniUcr - .s, one t>olnl tor each dollnr Hnwiui. riw~nicMicy—w oii_lji_IlCAiM li..i4,4„,_i,acl rct iod rosr~ ’n iild m won Ihr barebnck „ i th n si c crown wllh 22.:SS poliiUi nnrt f„rmnnce.i bull riding title with t8.U7. j,v n

■rr a r r atlU nonie rortros th a t .n .p ’n n n 't a rm In the ir oftlclnl rr- . nnd there will be a few nmnller ral.i held y tt this year but I h n r f i'i 'c crow

enough prlr-e money Invdlveil In the pn ffccl th r cliamplDnshlp.'," Bus- I ivoiy, RCA arcrelnry, snld a t , Denver hrndqnarlers Thursdnv.•her 1B58 chnniplona: Saddle «'»>• [trTtfllngrD tl“C"penhnvcri-POhl- — La»i-ya !i, Ida ..30,143; calf roping. Ray ko, th e B \rton . Brandern. Zexl .32.432; .nnferene r_wr?AtUnKj,I^rlryM„y.Demln{r,M.„ 17,065: team roping. Dale ' ’'®'III. Central. Arlt., 5/>30; steer Idaho Si nc. JIni Snivfly, I'awhuska. dm nig t t\,.-3.655j--------------^ ------------ .ucnls.acowns the sccond win m a row for _

enhavcr. ' i« «cnme tn an easy vleUir^'. Moving ^

1 f lrs l plMe In Uie atandlnss at- J . » X « J ' t as loon a* tha season started *

January , hr bulll iip a lead . wna nevery jurlouily ihreaiened. JLVCKA

a n d a l C a g e P l a )• . . . T T NEW ■!

• u i i i t e t H a sr t • grabbing

o S e m p r s , ,lOSCOW. NOV. 18 W—A b n s X ^ big leag i - team composea'entlrely o f Jijn-[#tnr~Tor- > and sophomores wlU take the ln ilgh ty I ivenity of Idaho through a tough the drafi •confcrence and Pacific Coaal pay off. ferenee sclitdule m is w inter. T h is yi e l l win some gainea we're n o l mlsslonet posed to win." coach H arlan draftab le IKCS said today. -Bench aUength F rank L «i good wlUi player* up front Ihc Jansen i t s l freshman team since I've been whom rarh in g hfT*i"_______ __ ________ t a t seve:daho graduated only two m en w m iF fT t m lUi 19C0 Uam. Back aa veWrans usually -junlor»-jim Branom r«-6 forward P ac i;ic C m L ew lalon :-capU ln-Jen> '-Jor- d rcu lta .. ison. O-B forward trom Idaho T h e tn U; Oary Simmons, high scoring e rs in U 1 guard from Tw in palls; G ary O , a n d < Ewen, «-5 center from Kimberly, « a » n li o t whom have earned sU rtlng d r a f t is

-ths i<j date, and Bren t Thomson, m a jo r t 1 . forward from T elon: M ark Cole, s tudy th . forward from O rangeville; C ary A ll for m er. six-foot guard from oenesee, excepUo: d Bill Wilson, six-foot guard from leag:ue. a ckland, III. ‘ th e miniAT h a l e n Coleman, sophomore year* v ard from Owensboro, Ky.. rounds league t; I m e first five and It considered by T h e prlc >dges as the team's playm aker.. sificatibi D th tr sophomores include Harold ers. *7,8 m iano , Kellogg forward, and B. J . down to a ffc r ot California and Lou Vese* = = ^ | = of IlllnoU a t guards. Jim Prestel,5-pound, fl-5 center, guard Bob - eslel and guard MonUe Bedford o t . I I .llfomla will Join m e .team , a fte r ■jtb au season.------ ' - j -

Jockie Eddie Arcaro has w on'>re m an. <00 sU ke races. -

m e |weo

miles north, Vj cast of P cf Star District.

/ . 19LUNCH on Grounds'

CHINERYA tractor


FEED B,atacked hay. All top

6 tons clover hay,J •V

iOLD GOODS Ihg machine ^double sizeTS- _ess • ' .t and mattress

iT ■ '

) w n e r Th t . C i t t k — r t o n i 1 1 2 -W , . g g .

^Will Meet | si®gfi“Sctioo; events o f the yc;ir has hern set fc Itlaho S lalc callcKc-l)»sk«tlm!l tfi

. a jinme sponsored by tlic Twin F c Kai\ic. niiiiounccd today thn l arm ,1 fciiiure the Helicals, ilefcndinp Icc champions, iiiid a Uii.-:.... .......... .team rated a.s the e history of the school, j A t / X t two tennis WlU piny i t I’nr.i- a- •

t aud~tlir ii*w ii|-trBvrl~tofl—|V T |1 Kall.> for lhe sccmul snme o f •* -''- ''“ *1

<r xnUI lhe c^<mr will a t n i i | S l H ) t ,i.m. wim a iirfliminiry-Cnme! I eu Jerome nml 'iv iii I'n lK , AUSTIN 1. Kviide le.iiiix s in rltn s .M 7ivcr.niv of I'lie hrtlfiimr -Hinu will-faa-jinc<^ 'a rt h r Klrls’ drlU lcn;u from Twin iDiimr foolhish-achool, ----- -- -------- Inpiwintjnek rls now a rr on m Ic n l th r h e ir wduli rsdii hoTtiL ccillcc *liii|i,'I'l'ollli- Cl.iiidf plinrmncySiini lhe T «ln Falls " 'p univtr lUcr of C on fe ree olltce. Ih rir I* nivitii. whiL-h \ n . i ' Mnrtliii:_Uack_ltoiu_UiL-icnr_ciii:aea V;,i ,V,il ■! r !? -f l« r in n h e - !53S--3ineii.ion- * 7 ^ , ^ .n sorlM ot Jfiianlional prr*^nce.i. liicUidlns a narrow de- J , b.i- Ihe lopnolfj) Uiah erctv, ' * ,,{„ e Brngala. Runnliis (nr nn -un- bodv ineli den ted fifth airnlclu confer- offlrinlly crown. Bvernce (I frr t, 5 liiche.n T h r rc) le probable «.irtinR lineup and * '"1 '''’ Na U.-e to make Coach Jnhn G ray- |n‘' ” niE,J', debut *( Idaho Stale a happy Lenity's a

' A'lihin 10 H -y fa r,J ind rr rnarh Sirvf J c j . , he Bciisala-had a B-l.i;ecord In rrence play aiid a scawn record athletic l-vlc to rlea-am l-el g h t-defeats. Uiat-s«l)o 0 S tate scored 1,1138 poInU - lg th e senaon while Its oppo* | y | a a s-acored-ljaa-poUiU __________

ajors Seek ar<;aius’in- ^

O DE3 ^layer Draft SB'*' wlUi proi

W VORK NOV. I« W -W njo r ng Che le executives icannrd the offl- chlse. w I9}0 d ra ft list lodny In hopes of U ln to li b lng a s ta r for a "sing." Dohcrta n era when tu.OOO bonuses a re m o ten Ic to un tried high school kids the cities nli

leagues can obtain a T r|ple-A ling Into -Tor-*-mere-iIOUW a_IL_to«!cs s s lt L Ity Inviting but the history of Tenn.; a d r a f t shows th a t few gambles been me off, m e Cololls yenrV lls t. released by com- w ranti iloner Ford Frick, conuina such U bie -names", as ch et Nichols.Ik Leja. sa tchel Paige. U r r y len and Mariy B jTd-ench o t m rated a « 6M 0 or more price ” * ,1 •** several years ago. The m ajors C- d rf irm jim n r^ lM jlflca tltm -b u t w «> 0-ta illy rtsu-ici rnemselves to m e “ Iw* ^ i;ic Coast teagus a n d lh s trlple-A blosL^e:i i t t i i __________ __________ ton . Seihe m ajors selected only id play- In la s t year's d raft a t Columbus, without a n d eight of them completed the son in the big leagues. T h is year's The f t is scheduled for Dec. 3 so m e won SI lo r t have more m an two weeks to a l leagi ly m e "Ifst of bargains." m ey wo11 former big leaguers, w ith a few ^ epUons. lo Uie Pnclflc c o as t nie. and players who have been in u i minors fo r a specified num ber of ”

rs without recelTlng a m ajor, lu e tria l a re eligible to bo drafted : p rice Is IIS,000 in the open clas- catibn. ttOMO for Triple-A p la y - ' M c . *7,800 In double-A and so on , UO « i vn to 13.000 for a class D player., 1 ^ —


CARSTRWhy put oU buying those needed- cor or truck, going comfortobly di weather . , . Save time, money a prepored.

'g o o d u s e d


^ t r o c k H FCHAINS

Both Single ond Triple - ^ Choin Duol

T ^ a t t e r ie TD o n 't b rook t h a t T u b e l e u m o |I

K « * p -y M r^ r* O u I» -iirM .rn < !u n te d .

WE HAVE NEW and- USED WHEELSFor y o u r m o w f i m .

REMEMBER: You can mot . . , and for leas, at—

T w i n F a l l s A uE a s ^ E d g a o f C i t y ; , H i - w a i

-------------------- -------------- -y----------

Hawaii j S ( O l '^ C o i i r F ®e t fo r Dcc. 8 a l t h e T w in f | l i p I t f a m will t n n g lo w i th in F a tis E x c h a n g e c lu b . a rru iiK c m c n ts h a v e b e e n .1 n p Rocky M o tin U iin c o n - l Ui ' * '

xas Denies I .][!■!; ahy hosen jp-: orts Qiief

STIN, T f j . Nov. Jff f l^-U nJ- ;■ '■ ;<V of T m j officlHs lodny de- i ‘ 'A rcpori Ihnl former N otre ' - i ' ; ' ”foolbnll lonch Frank L eahy's > s '; •

ntjnenl as nihlciic- d u -e o to r - -t .. ..i-wduld be amioiiiitea soon. i '.V, ':!.. iidf Vollfs, vice chnlrm an fcfnivtr.ilty board of rpKcnts. snld ;r I* nb.mlutcly nolhinp to It." '.Miiilnnd.Tom Staly, chnlrm an , •••' railed the report "nb- i , j

V '‘wan contncted by some of : i, himnl—nnd I cnn tell you th a t | -i ! nt nur aliimnl have contacted . ! ' proininrnt conches — but no- : i

. liicludlm: Mr, U ah y . has been ■ [I :< nlly cnniaclftl." ,.( • 1r rcporl oriRlnnlrvl w ith aports ' r Nnylor Slone oi tno B irm lna- . Ain.. Pou-Hernld, S tone snld I ) ' n lchl that an nniiouncemenl ot y's Appointment would be mnde t ; - ' In 10 da>'i nnd th a t his Infor- ! i ’ ; i' on cnme from "a hlgh*ranklng erilly 'ol TfXAI JTamTttU'* WttO— rrTTT" n "prominent part in selecting 1 '!tlc directors nnd cotches n t .v |i -school.::------------------^ -.

eet Slated I 'llf n Louisville | olonels’Fate |e a MOINES. la ., Nov., 18 ( IP - ' J I Tiean astoclatlon president W — , 'icrly todsr planned a m eeting :yxI promoters InUresled in obtain- iit*Che LoulivlHe Cotonels* frun - ; f|

e. which now seems alm ost c er- ' i|to leave the Ohio river ^Ity. I(;

oherty. met w ith Des Moines pro* iHe n last night bu t said two om er : Ft;s also were •'Interested In ga,t- i i■ into me league," - t Ut_Laka.Clty. U tah :-K n o rfW e r -n.; and Winnipeg. C anada, have \ilu\ menUontd In connecUon w llh [i'i Colonels.

leanwhlle' a Louisville d r c n l t } Ule orderad D oherty to show w hy Uihouldn't be held In contem pt o f ft? r t for preparing to take th e Colo*' ' rasji h e Colonels, who a t tn c t c d onlylon-fttni lu t iir.agQn and th e n O) recelvetshfp received a n o th S Ilj* BLJeaterflW-when. thp j??a ii^ ._B fK

S enstcn canceled a w orking Ora eemcnK lh u s leaving "DMlUvni«-8Whout a tnsjor league atflUatlon. D l|

rhe New Y ork Q laoU .of i m i ln SI games In ta k la t th e N ation* l i tleague ptnnanU Two y e a n i * t « l uy won tA« M a s ntim ber b u i lla * BBed third. _______ - •-» | |1

WINTER'S CO M IN G t . f f l U t 0« S en te* t e a t . D R A D U 'roa NOW i • ^

M cR lU AUTO R IP A I* ,M «B dA T S.N . , «»0P»

pTECTIp*D u r I

RUCKi* d st/pp ll« s to keep your.[y during the cold w in te r 'By and patience by being^


ftMOSTATS---------B O N D E D v r r - ; ‘

Brake Linings 'AUo » M K £ S H O t ;

e x c h a n g e s ;

” 1' *H m " 3 ^ 0 ^ '

; i U = S E i B - - ;

'* MOTORS Ialto CARS fe r ' -


moat alicaya find^ i i ' '},

k L u t o j ^ a r t s I

* a y 3 0 — P i > . 1 3 7 |


Page 14: p = : - r T ± r _ TSffie Death Scorcboard TiTOB as« IM til a v tiie r .iw e - ^ At Soil M Better

! 7 , T O J D A Y r N p V B M B ^ 1(

ACItOSS- av.Snooped • I.ExDert— <O.Ple»d .

i .

j-; :? «.Ufclea

” 1 ’ ",V J j i j § -? A V M .M c M te rfv ’ M wStii #9.1rUhlik#± ! . I J iN S { p U * U i -M ^ u au n e r: ,

J S __ ' i,* JS £ L « w ___ ea^Prophet____rS ; « . Employee!/3 J - a a J o w o r S c o t - » P W N

, • 84.CblnM l.Enco 'uran ' '> , * ihrub 'a /H eadland:i I l8.Tba«um f 3.1re^Bd

1| :

B f


f Iti * n> tii^ *tD i EEP THe WAve/ f I \ti fM M lK A V i m i S j - - ^ I



( 1 ^


“This Is ou r triplc-threethreatens to flunk I’-*

3 THE GUMPS------- "I


i •, LOMO-— ■ - ‘ j ^



' "

® 1 6 .1 9 6 8

•«lirtlin of Y ttU fd ir 's P unI*

L .4 . I r u t i ( t U lO .M e U ld iib ' r. « b e llio n i l i . r i n U h

ImriVi' ‘'ilT,;” 'dliauit iw«nowS T - ’ ^ C & b y ’ ai.Mediev.1f** v o le money^ . . . a.P ayatten- . U .M e ih t i . ____i n ' tlo n (ibricDd 8 .?fiU v« 1 5 -C h lIU in d '

m eU l feveri ; n 2fl.Tistue

— ^ | . J — I '■ — iiopperi - m ' 2S.EnBai«

— ES 30. Indigo31. Fem ale ru ff

7 7 I ^ j f f j f 3S. C onlunetJos 38,W hlrlpooU

m T T l r -----------------39. " J o h n —-M - • 4l.Nottouah 77 SWjiV'' 77 <3. T u rm eric __ ^ M anufac-

47.T?reJble 7 7 ' I • 49. N ew ap ip er

73T— W W '^ ' " s^ B a lJo t% _ l _____________ S l.P a ra d iie7o ~ W B .7 t a2.E « r o re o ra— — R S • ~ 13,"Cone hy

“ W M lcwnpu*



^ X sT f? e fc e N T 5 JT ^ V txw je ^ esA T l^Js,, '’ ^ 'V a T a ^ io V M l NOT TWB, i


t h r e a t b a c k . . . h c r u n s , p a s s e s a n d


CK ” ,A—. I -.i:w tE N yC A I»O L O £S!T K

------- OUTtOURtWAY— "

I L t i l J / r e o K A \M N K v m i t ) u o . K C a UOJOMiORBVtM JhuA

N ^C L U ' SM ikse/ HB M uvr \ am ^ J J J 0 ^ h * 0 5 0 m « a w f u l ) s v i ;■■= i t\ iK AO StTyNMIS y t o

■I I - \ l.lP B O K A 6* t« r \ FBI / v iiA F n M T tA tt f r J API

I V »JL0V «,0«-0«l—1 WM--—— • - ------ w

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- — ‘Q u lc k r R u th , m y c o m p a c t i co m ln ff a n y m in u t e a n d y e s t e r to o f f o o d r


R : ■■-------

r l l l ^ PI =~ ~ ---------i ~jf


a n d '“ H e ’s n o t Kolnpf t o d o w t h i

__ ~ - l 'm s ta rU n g -a -b a U M n o n e y -*

~ T ^ s * y e W AT ooRM |M /jiusii38M ) Kt I IM cAse, >00 KweR i r s s o w s — r. / V ^ T T O « ON TV, ■ OWTW&-‘ T>

y SONW —OOPii iPS 4W 0 APtec ■A. nMB FOR MV

\ . LCSSOJS-V . r e A r - > e _

k m . - : I IBy W.

n P H r-.TH£N WHSN I S E T OLD > I f w

^ ~ I ~ CL g O R H E g A a e ^

A----- ^

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\-»W A U .TH »T‘* I TM «r»AU . < ’A.)CVS>eHA»FB«p] *rHATEVtR \/ t o h im v ^ k / h w s n b j ? ) T\ r a i.L O U T O t'A / IMMVUFK/ I ^I A PPLSTRBa ./SOM EPSOPLS \

a W W MS W ** \ MAXS A MV5T8(W'\ V S » / L r T T U l MAMCUTO^A I U

^ , >t dOVWfTMA J ^,, \ ^^ A . m 7 ~ & f l I


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m /M A U ___________ /

'■ ■ ■ s'B y^G ^R A IT H '

^ jI

? a c t i n t h n t - p u r s e ! - T h e d o c to r I s - i e s t e r d a y h e stvid m y c o lo r w a B n 't j

(By DICK T U B N ^ ‘

z z r r — ------------ I

^ i S P

- o 1

■ !' i

— ]


w t h o u t t h i n g s - t h e w a y I h a d t o - n e y - f t c c o u n f i o r h i m l ” — - = —

e -m ev t o s r J ♦ * » A vmv.APteCE.' y T -ruA T S ,


|_i^ _ ■

'WALT DISNEYK v h a t \ ( : iv iiNK :t? s e t t e r M

- . o o y o u J t ___ L lE J X n V N - ^ y _______; - THINKfT^fl M ^ O t f r Q ^ ^ ^ ----------- :

■ T O f a l l s ; ' I D A H O


N t r » a e e o T D ia v i loak MAM/HOWMfAa I- > MVn«MMM1H( y

• y o i o f i u m m j ^

■ IT V

[ n*I---------------------------------- 1 a

_______________ s„ n C iO O 'E E K S . I n

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S BUrXMSTAVtNS / y ' Q A«WWAV^«VW^ / (

V r 7 gt 5 T n e s A D ia . ^

' • MAWKIMS' ‘V ’L ; DrtlDANC£- / W

' THEMOSIC / ^------------------------is tT C W N E o - V r

A ; BYTHE.t * f CUOMPSOP l/X s feH • THELAOiE S" x S t ei ? SPIKED 2 j r t ^N SHOES 5 B - X

Ea n o t h e - j ^ j S AGONIZED



r A --------^ 5 ^ ^ J N H a N D - T H ^ V r

i fy m i j e c c M i^ e v o u R irn e C T A R e T w s

vou A ftotrr rr s e ih o '

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35WCni\.T) BE. 'm tsK fK S ts \XS1 G O CO VO STO ’ •REW>iVi><iG

T rsrft-V R O t*> sst

wesTOCif isxMttS tt e S n S l ^ A


'" ’" / " ^ ^ S B T P ’r i a r m l D E ^ o r ^ y ^ K B M iSM rmN-SKM NEo

C 5 ^ K / f L ^ KMCOME >=:^ NOHIEI ^ / / M K ( YO'HAIN'T S 1 T W -H E


.Ta &aii£ :v? y— k e t c h

y > W ^ S 7 ? t c 5 = v < . ^ OM.. W " !

W H E V .B S S S E .W H O S /■ I I.IK n 0 7 THIS LUNki? r V E _ / _ srp & M ftg p ^

F R I D /



iocjTi H Ifv-vwA'.. \X S T V O ^ '----- 1 ’ O W J E f ttK S T tT CZ M t T \ . V W . V^ER PiKC^Trt\>«b&r tS f t t r r — — ' r c w h j r r - w G w t w* r 7 « < _ • -^ViOUVViS f t GCX

t o P w»■-" W J

E K , i I »MA a r - J y U W f tI p s

NK£D A ^ THAJVSNObRUTALrTN'K^AH 7-H £S y i AMONGST UC^-AH ISA .1 MA >NNA / V REALG£NNULMAN,AN’V »"♦*>£ 1 j \ S H E ’SA R E A L O O lC V /V O N ;TCH y ^ i V u ' L L-AOV//-J—

“ fc - - M E S S ih ^ - W J O U N D ^ ^ r .^ ^ . Z , IN C U R

ilD A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 6 , , ^

rsA aw iA D f f M H 't.'L . >SfcROMS ABOUT I J *

i? n i ln o w ^ Y o y L i« mbto' tS i ^ y o u AKt> YOOR WOTHE*^


^ A I —. J/H k, \^i<!

5T^lTB5iR~‘ ^B P i t-T 0 . 1 CP>>Ci'BW p B B J ,>«bG ciftvyts. A vrv^ twtRACiCrf—GOOO T j M I J.OVitW rk.^■ V fT T V E W JP t'. )

■ '<-''6 [■

/ I t n o n t ba long,B lackW I 'iH \ j 9 e a 059 staOon a h ta d /J \


“ n W G E E , N O V v T '^ ^ H3 — -0UNNOv^ ^ 5 B

I s r O O ~ fSOTTA w M

i S.________ )

Page 15: p = : - r T ± r _ TSffie Death Scorcboard TiTOB as« IM til a v tiie r .iw e - ^ At Soil M Better

... , ..............

^ j ^ y / y O V E M B E R l S . 1S5S

( e w s - G l a m p 9 _ _

Slugged By Democrat

U Itity reto*e lo . of in ll iu jy

^trM -win nerdr be pe^-

^ s a s - ^ m - m z z i;.:

by ChirlM - A.

. . u he lu d “*erloui re*cr- U

S ^ S s r s z ; I

* '^ ^ .h . i A B J » » o tD e ( e n * 8 « - TI

^ S : S swS 'SuSSi J12

i X e d lo UU the lU b - -------*boul» reseirch and de- ^ oounell policy »nd w hat \ g

■ ? ? ? S t o n « d lh e n o i r o f K len- £fay _ I

WM lg«t<**-. ^ “- JIU

^Claimed by Death■ S 5T S - S U 1. I • ! t s . M a .lc coen

•.IW uSwrUl hoiplUl. Mnyew ? « S S b w « bom Ptb. M; dress

^ ' . f Bum City. !Ind„ »«d mar- will l S ' l i a D*Tl» m M«rcb, 19M. *t Mont “ £ l W .T h . ,» m = to M .h o , uirch. UIB. and I18 worked M » «"•

IM6 when he retired, t IfSi.m em ber ot the Plrst B *p- beelr tit cbu/etu

»re three m m . Max C. 000-« ^ John D. McNabb. bo lh 100.'

S S ,„ lU .a fldD 0M ldP .M cN abb . -n , julil. ao« broUier,- Ray McNabb, % en laU*. Ilx tmndehlidren «nd five heaK mt'CnndehlUren. ' /toon rnscnl terrlcef nrlll be conducted loadl t J r m . Monday a t the P in t B ap- yanti !rt Sitmh"wtlh •ttiB-nev.-John-N* —r h jUTibfandt. Jr.. o tlld a tln f. L a i t have ltd tID be held tn the B uhl city hand emaar.______ ;_______ . cient

f o r e s t e d L a n d s ,

^ p e n e d i o E n t r y _w a s h in o t6 n ..k o v . le m —The

oittu of Und ntanagement an- MDced today th a t about BOO acre*If loreeted Und tn Douglaa and Coca oooUa, O re, wUl be opened U> en- - - ry uader the publle land U n .TbilADd itu b«ea wJthdnw a alnce

m u a podilble poa-er alte reMrve.

M £ e (c o lo f f ie a ln r^ r ^ S t e d 'u lU no ralue fo r water power or iorife puiposee.A;)^Icatlona for entry by Teterana Bd Q thn haTlns prefcrenca rlsb ta

recaWed stiirUns Doc. M- Ap- a U o u from non-veterann will be

ttlTedflartlnE March 14.1957.

• nRM IS rOBMEO BorsB. Nav: Ifl tfl—ArtlcJM or tn-

orpomUon were filed ycaterduy for 'V(tte>BoEard BottUne company. I sc. caplUUted a( (is.OOO. by Wlt- itm E. and Oentvleve Bosard ot ‘m ue and Judith a . FoUer of Tn-inm t ____________ , - ■ )

A ucti'Aswe are quitting th auction the following ! Comer on the GoodinfMONISale Starts 12:45

44 Head Hoi-Bonnie— due-Nov7-26-wlth-4th 1

Dotsy—duo Nov. 2 7 w ith 3rd c Judy-<Juo Dec. 3 w ith 3rd coif Fred—due Dec. 19 w ith 3rd call

-Dolly— due Dec. 2 4 w ith 4 th ca Slim—d ue Jan. 7 w ith 3 rd ca lf Curly— milking, due Feb. 14’w

4th coif

I Shorty— m ilk in g now w ith 2 n d c

-® ly 5 = = m iik .(n a .w i th .2 n d .c o i f_ Betty— m ilk in g w ith l i t c o if

P o ro — m ilk ing w ith ] ,« c o if

5 H o lste in h e ife r s 18 to 20 v a cc rn o fcd a n d o p e n

;H o ls te rn -h e lfe r ;- r4 m o s . b ld 'a n

^ c o lv es . 4 <0 10oil h e ife r s o f o g c o ra 'v o c c ir to tto o ed .

Abo.vo stock bclongt to RAY LO

350 Bales Straw, re

, . . . . . . , 1

RAY lOONtYg. Klgoi

956 . : J '

■______ Rii

. ’M f •- • ’- I

'W ; ' "

T belr bicycle loaded dawn w llh penoiu l trla . on I lunca rlan betder where entire tI dTlllan loppaK for the rtbtllien a ra ln il I ia H um ary . » i well am m' ftaertl slrlke.

Valley’s Newest Salt —QpeiiSiiiiday^EaL

RUPERT. No»._lfr-Rup^t'e ntw-| The.

5unday-aitcmoon,_Cccil Brtin. prwl. Inc.. ai dent of Uie VnUeyT,lve*tock Com- Vnlley mission compnny reporui. Vice pr

At 10'a , m. Mondny Uig gmnd fonncrl opening Mie will bcRin wlUj hos» hlle. T end ahcep on the block. A dtdlcaUon urrr, ccreniony wilt begin a t l p. m. with Tlie Mayor Glorer Acock RiVlns the nd* dnlly-{< drcM of welcome. OUier upenkcra He al#< win be Nominn Wamlnrte, BKKnpi. sicamej Mont.. publisher of Uie Weatem ley and Livestock neporler. end Cecil Wll* be on I ton. president of tlie Rupert Cliam* Roe. T ber of Oommeree. A catUe tale will nuctlorbesln ahortly after Uie eeremony. ----- ---

The modem *«fca ring aosi 4133.- Gl 000-and haa a aenUni; capacity o(100. The eales arena U all enclosed.

Tlie enure building, which hotuea 1 9 . a cnfe. offices and tlie acena is m b heated. The yarda luive Mncretelloora and ntllRMd loading and un- ____loadlns laclUUea are available a t the ' ^ 3

-The-lateet-Jdeaa-ln-atoek-yard*--------have been Incorporated to make the < handllnst of mlea apeedy and effl- cient. BrJm aald.___________________65Pf<

I A L L w o R K G u l i i

Now is the time tcPLOW SH

SHARPEDThanki, folka. for your past buslocsil attenUon to all your farm rtpalr wor want your farm ImptemeoCa fixed rl cojt, bring toetn to uti


1960 F loral Avenue

fion Sir t h e d a i r y b u s i n e s s , w e vr. n g ' l p c a t e d y 2 - m i l e n o r t h 0 : d i n g H i g h w a y , o n —


lolstein Cows and-4 th c o if- - --------------B obe— d u e -N o v .- 2J rd c o lf L o d v -d t/e Dee. Ist . - I f Mickey— d ue Dec.

' - B l a c k y - d u e J a n . <i c a l f Bess— m ilk in g witf-th c a l f — 1— Ruby— m llkJng -w itl

c a l f Trixy— m ilking w it• Jo n « U T ii lk ln g w itl

U w i t h M illie— m ilk in g w iP ee -W ee— m llK ing

2 n d c o if 2 H o lste in h b ife rs,,£ • o n d o p e n

------------------------------7 -H o ls re in -h e if« r-<>1 ' 'AM heifers o f age 0:olf tooed .

;0 m onths old; ^bov# stoclc b tlon j

Id a n d opVn’^ '^ 'T ^(0 10 mos. o ld , A ll COWS h a v -accinoied ond w i t h i n t h e la

f o u n d c l e a n . ! ir LOONEY, Jr. c o w s a n d b i g

. i n ;g ~ c h t [ t e - o y ■ire t i e t r u c k a v a i l a b

T E R k ^ : C A S H

EY,JR &RAYDl^loas ■ - • •

Riske_d Death___

monml b « le d |tB < l.-K -H tac * H an -fa n llr-arri tire TlllafCB rtekod d e a th te Ree from ulrlf a ln it RoM lan oecapatlon waa repnK rd wan Irilce. {NSA ielepiioto) ____________

ales Ring will b,'«“ ialeJSetMend^ i a d ^ c L

The aaJeyiird and fadUtlea nrepw ned-by-M flBC'^aller~Sttxk7«rds;DC., and Will be operated by Uie rnlley L lteelock-O om rolslon , Inc . ^ /lee pr«»Went Ja M. D . W itherspoon. f onncrly of T w in Palls, Claude WH- ^ llie. T»,'ln Pulls, U aecreUry-troaa-1

Tlie yard »kll be~ open 34 'hours < £ Inlly-for-j-cctdvlUTle also aU ted U iat livestock con- JcomenU /luiii ‘ A ey and aa fa r n o rtli aa Salm on wlU f i w on h and for th e openin* ta le , uoc

T w in Palls , will bo Uw weekly lUctJoneer. ________ .

G W t « > ■ h l i ^ b a l l .

’ " t W O T t o q u a lity ” '65 Pfoot-Sc h la tf »n «■ Co.. Hew Yatk ’

J A K A N T E E D l ^ I3 to have I

5HARES------------------ jIN E Diloesi I W e will give o u r expert .1ilr work In th e future. U you Ile d r ig h t fo r • m tninw m ot I


TwinFaUs •

i x n ] 'e w ill se ll a t pub lic ;h o f W en d e ll B an k

V , 1 9Lunch on Grounds

nd Heiferso v .-2 B -w ith -4 th -< Q lf--------------- | - 1 -rc. I s f w ith 3 r d c o i f ' j *-D ec. 6 w ith 4 th c o if

Jan . 6 w ith 4 th c o if I w ith 6 t h c o if g -w i th 1s t c a l fIfl w i f H 'l s f c o if • -3 w ith 1 s t c o if - i g w i th 2 n d c o ifIfclng w ith 1s t c o i f Life rs ,1 8 t o 2 0 m o n th s o l d ^

• i f e r - c a lv e f - o f - o g a ----------Ha g s o r« v a c c in o te d a n d to t-

•tiongi to RAY D’. LOONET M

h a v e b e e n t e s t e d ! e la s t -1 5 -d a y s a n d I , m. R ea lly som e n ice |b ig h e ife rs . L oad- ^ rO T T g reu sas“s n d -a ^ liab le .

D. lOOMEY LCLERK: Joh'n.DornalJ


_______ _ F u n e r


tees for Wa Held, were I ch urch We Undale Wo odist churc

by. Fmlrfleld.

cotnnanlus gu lU r. M n accompanii o rsa n whl theP ond and a lto aanc.

Active pt tenaen.,En

ar.. and W

i o H ' ThQmjM n.T tiu rber, ! Leek. Omi t n d Qcorc

Concludl HUI city <

ineeUng day In thi proposed I

1 nlH rt-inrn Hum «ry. A lthough deparuner 1 wanln<, th e (IthUng ragca on p reaen t to_____________ — _____ c‘fK soo.foot tunnel ha* been b u ilt q ^ m ^ w I

ttie atomic energy commission th e hlg It-i IlAnloi'd. Wasli., p U n l to W . Beck,

u iy ' mulpnieni. wtilch U ' to o jln g and M


■ ! ■ - — (LB--------- —

It's yours for or

UB I G , F ^


I We're Ju sM BI 6 DAYS A


. Autfiorlxet


L £ ! i1 " ' T .........

H l l s . i d a h q '

tieral Held f o r . . tliin in Fairliold „s'k»n3DING.N0V. IG-I-Mneral ,nA . j r Walf.T Radton! WoU. r^iiv- * '• ere held a t the Falrllrlil l.D s, h W etlnfiday, The Rev, m,,.-. , 7 e Wood*, jinslor of tlic M rih- church In Coodlns nftici;>iiit. , s f by Ihe Rrv. Roy IJunuun.

in iy TliomiiMin; ir.. »uiik, *\n lu s hlmsrtf on the elK inc *;r. Mr».Tom-'n»ompsou. 11., «!.« " ''o noui ipanicd her son on her m m —

which had been mo»-ed (o liu rch fer ihe »cr^'lcf^ Knv I l n K ^ and Mr*. Jlmmy_ Y am m nm oio .*^^*^* '

ive pnllbenrer* were Rlen I 'u n . B y ( n .,E nrl W ibon. Melvin RiooKa, . , f in n a iD w n tr - a r o i ie - f r rm s :" — * .'” '*■; nd Wes Jones. , by w ra ry pollbearer* w n r Kd bure »n»on. Harold Brooks. JiiWe, 1’''“ " '- ' '>*' ber. Henry BauK-hcr; W. w . c u ''^ 'n m :

O m ar MeeUs. Chsrle* h-osicr, Oiif coi aco rse A bbott... Palmprjre' leludlnK rites were held ai Uie ic « trom City cemeier>‘. ' dfp;irtmen

---------- --- ------- -- ■ " l iu h he IJewer Meet Set5NDKU..-i<ov,. m — ftn opc n ’?frnn.l cm lo g Blit be held a t 8:30 p.m. to- , mer. tlir In th e city hall to dlecu.« Uie prolesslon oaed sewer system for Wendell. ; Vern And

r tm e n t and the eiiElneer * ill be n tn f ^ t h ;•n t to answer qucsUons. Chnrlcs A. G R A N G rT 0"M F.E TJRTiMJGH. Nov. :&-M iirUiiRli 9 " ' ' ^ , , “ 'IRC will meet a t B p. m. Mondny Ile high school. Mr. and Mrs, J . fL.*Seek. Mr. and M n . Bob Breed-ind Mr. and Mra. W illiam P ra tt -aerve. Ir KAD TJ

H IS P R IC E w m


O R S IZ E !!!

, 4 0 - I N

I r a n



. • "F c Bro

• Ne'-----"W O I

' • Ene onc out coi

• Ro<

• Pu!

• 2A ■ • N o

• ' I t 'syoiro r


o n l ' y ^ ^ r ^ --------------------------

57:FAT TURKE ■UDED FREI' Blocks From City Ci i A WEEK YOU CAt

)U T 1\N D S

i U c eI - A PPU ANCE5 - TELEVISir lx e d G « n ir o l D tc tH c D a d i t r •

>20 South M ainI B T T S R - S h E e T R i e M t ^


............... ....... .. '■■■’ - ^s

RoundaboutRANAS. M ich . Nov. 16 u r - | ( J t t JSaranac lire departm ent ,•

I a more d l« e t fire alarm , LOUISVIL111. |no-v.'lsKle rr depnrunrn t learned ot a j placed on EIK .'lerday n tle r 11 tmd dc«- I , j, , , >1 nboul too a crts o t brxuU „•m e biflw apotwd by a Chi

'x h o radioed Uie newa lo ] t>ermlt "nny liiK alrporl. who called sU te lioi« Hint r. who -cniled lon la police, when the noUtled Uie fire deparim ent. slrummlng 1

sakl, "I Just

)t Cases Filed y Credit Bureau ^? ^b b * n ic ^p ro f« 8 lo M t^ ^bureau In tu o sctiorale com -. n r.1 filed in Tw in Falls probate r f'nm radny,-■ complaint alleges K enne tli'■r received S<S w orth oI .4tf>-'l . .r ^ the S u n 'V a l l e y W e d lc a t '------- -im en l on Ja n . 31. 1955. for . he sUll owes. Tlic bureau" aafci N per cent In terest from April 155. amounting to SVM.^ln a

islonal services rendered by Dr.Anderson, Bulil.

a-aecond-epm nlilnl Ih e .b u rra u .> U iat o i F m . 6. IBM. D r.'Ics A. Tcrhune. B urliy , jrcnder-; rofeMlonal aer>')ees' io D onaldi \ntueil a t JW.SO; T lie bureau'; th la am ount plus *8.01 In terest.'N. Jewell. Twin Polls, rep re - 'the biireail. .........................j '• - ........


m I IOR . 11 ';;



H uge M aste r O ven, _21 inches wide holds 1

-tIU»0UQC24____________ ; _______

"F ocused H e a t" 1Broiler |

New, fo ste r 260 0 -w a tt surfoce u n i t - -------- I

Enclosed Colrod-BokB. ' ond Broil units— lift o u t to c lean , n o o pen coils \Roomy divided to p j ^

Pushbutton controls

2 A ppliance o u tle ts

No-Stain O ven V en t

It 's th e b iggest v o lu« i , you con g e t in o new range

R4- - - ; - - Ih

7 7.. . • ' Rv


i ^

;ey [VS f‘ JCenter! • ^

A N ■' : I *SAVE! I

S i JiT I S lO N

5.^--------------- | _ 4


■ I■ ■■■■|' A ,

trictions Put In Elvis ConcertI Wl.aviLLE, Ky.. Nov. 16 l.n -A « W sle resirieilon l i . i t b e e n a ^ on EIvls Presley’s a jip tn rance^ SIe Chief lltu s lis snid he won't IS"nny lewd, lavclvlotu con tor-lu '. P n O lUnt would excite a crow d"|fithe long>aldeburned. culU r 5 / 4 qling singer comes ui lown. |gyou can surmise," the chief a * i_i 1I Just don 't haptien lo be o n e ) / *admirer*.”__________________Ifegocaogot

dise-Eoy ette^-R eco rc


1 1 I

--------- : C on tinues in

TWIN FA • • • •

- The Boss-has~gone~EMPLOYEES TAKI


' a El PAINT J

• H o u i e P o i n t 4• R o o f P o i n t

• S h a k V P d i n t |

' • Floor Paint ^

__P rese n t StocIC


P ric tt Sloshed


R t e . 2 4 .S 0 M r 1 0 0 i q . f r .- i w u l a t c e T s i d i H g - . : ---------—

N e w p t r 1 0 0 «q . f t .................

^ R efl. 29.95, S T O R M J V IN D O W S ..........................

R E D W O O D S ID IN GRuiUe E xterior Type (Texterior No. 1M plecei. Regvlar 13.76 per ahM tNOW. par a h « t -------------------------------

• • • • •

’ i S E K

O N E O N L Y T a p i^o n E le c tr ic

BUILT-IN R2 tH f ra c e U n its — G rid d l* o n d O v cn i R«a-,W55—C 0 A 4 P L m . . . . . . . . . .


A d d i s o n A v a n u s W , a t t



warbeS ^ BM O V I N G I : I

S T O R A G E I i I

a U E D VAN U N E5 “ 1 ^—

■ i i i l

Drd-Smashing----- ^ Clearance '

..........H ' II ^ 4

in ■Alts» > > ______ ; ; i ; j

ie~Hunting!--------■ K E O V E R ! - _ - i | |

L . SHARP ■ : |i:|


SALE I2.50 I

G A L . “ J i

' 6 5 e Q U A R T '

c l C O n J y . ..............................I

• I


*10. i l l Bhadow W ood). i

______ .9.98

• • '


I E N S A T I O N A L - ;

irggih SpecialsI. 4 .9 5 Rural < ^ . 4 9 i l l B O X ____ 4

t r ie


w f 7 0

\ Y S A T . -

' - t w i n F A L L S 2

Page 16: p = : - r T ± r _ TSffie Death Scorcboard TiTOB as« IM til a v tiie r .iw e - ^ At Soil M Better

- ^ p a g b s d S e b n —

M ark e tStocks


W B w £-«ur. Oeck «inke tiw uo >»< ~ a^a tb . <lo n~ ^* ° 5 h » ^ y doirn -i 'uir ••'

e*au niirtiw;...... Ualfrn •M*dy: top «]

S*W TOldC. «cS® M* CAP)-MOf»_!»• lii ■UM abewM l0M«a m u i* ua d io i rn* li.'- «U7, iMTim uu •loek mukM bw*ijr m AAaad oa jrtnc*.Voltun* VM MtliBAUd M wound 1,- M ao^OM (E tra . t.

s 5 ! S " S o i a ' i ' f t ! « r e rpoint S»l& n u a * -jU »f UUt .VMk. . . ul

K eonjo^ *:

II » »V• Am Jl*{ K k ° O iS r^ Mi Jf


04th HtMl i n j ^ ’JJntr “ ?i

■ S « - i l 'j ' i i .V ;.'t jl0*n»d« Dtr 1*14 Pullm.ii M SC«n P»oKl« , MH Pur» OII

iiii 5

I-Sk i!’‘S a !!S.:CenUlMT IDU AU)II N 'J \Con 0(1 I t i Kttiitbmktr i>( >'* ^ " '/o a 3«J|| hSS"mi?'* "

!!§ ■X u tA Irl U U Timken «»S !

^■S? i i « .£ •'' ss (O ra rtwflt 4« J fl *

-------o 5 rtw T * w ____ 3J r - •

.c i■ » io a n u « i e o ^ WMi s:m u i, !&


Stock Averages"

Indu. I(«ll« UUL BiMlu

i ^ ;S si^ :afe= = siiTiinhel Idea Eyed

For Lookout PassX E U iO aO , Kov. 16 U t^ ld & lio '

sU U hUhwmj tD jinecr hM raliei • Uie posjlbUlty ot » tunne l unde

'ZiOQkOUt p u s .1 • — • O M r*e Bryce B e n n e lt u i d I

' m ight b o - leu ib le t o build such . tunne l In coonecUoi\ v l t h th e In

y f tem ra r * e ro u th» . PmH handle. « e u i d th e distance aare

a n d eUmlnatlon o f snow tem on proUem* m ight Juatlty th a expeiu

I ~ B ennett a n d m em bers a t th s cU' highw ay boanj. tourtaB n o r th Id ih

I m e t w ith membera of th e 'Wall*! and KeUogB O hambera o l Con m e n * yeatertay.

I lO O F T O MEET-BHOSHONB. N ov. 18 — A rw V

" lo d n a t 6 ? !& T U ^ y a t Uie lOC- halL

Twin Falls- Livestock Prices

■ U io rollowlng livestock pricea I fum lsbed by tho Tw in F a lls Ui atock O ommlnlon com pany based iU weekly aucUon aale Nov. 14; Oood to choice steera.418.00 to

- choice.

C w m crt a n d cutt«®L_s e.00t o » « M Commercial bulls — «ia.M to ll!n i Heavy feeder et«era— M 4,00 to il’ U L ' H eavy feeder heU o v U X aS to tl^ ^ - Bteer calves - — a ta -p o ta ir

I • Twin Fs4 uvB S T oac

I" — ::jI’ ■


( '{ f y J-C 4 ttSS l^ u i 'fwwr mUmU* — II I CoawM n d tloTOT ............ — I ?

^ts a n d F illivestock

' tOABO PAVLM cir. —lOAHO-rALLS.—K«r. .l<_U stc lU l= ftU-i

'] S';; 'ts-'!s. ISS „is' i”s;, ^ 4 .0 0 ; hf»»<lns »ww aP K» »■««

' iuu"."£•10 Dm |«.0»-U.Ui 1I0-:U Ita. Wt

’ MM-m! bo.r. i.«U*.00. .............. I i»„ C«iu« r« .lp u i <.«» cHoIr. »r.ln artd

s: Mil!?, U'.*siaii AS »s S u ’- r : a

1,. ,mI ««I»« |«,D0-1*-8»! Booi

S Cl' -■» ,w. sr-

______ . B!: sl;:;,4 nf iUKbm «b"Ut •u»-li': »U<U» ««■• * M! Hg,Vi v,nrt nark a lx ri U.on>l<I.Ons rdtnmnn 7V l!i B.HIS 1<; M ln t of marktl. <,I >lu«i 11: noi tnouih nlfir»<l ••fir «■> tj„ []t Oi« lu ik t ll «“pply l«r»*lr '<■' •“ «'* M>r

S s- Bi;; „« [it !t!S-‘S - ' . r a ' . £ t t v . . = r “ z

POnTLAND,’’No” ‘i*” UP)-C.111t f-rs;^ ? .7ii J i ‘k = « ? V r t^ .u r ; 'm n ..i ; jY o « r , . s

pt - ii-i ’ «n< lol IBMlly rholt* «« IH. f" ' CJu. o'hir *w l h«if»T»t e - V. « . ■ - % “ ,!t j.viKiH I•I ST;*',v.y.f.w ‘j? ."J! r IJi: i?saH?S; :rti W SJ <■;r ■SSfVVS'.ffi!: ;|ISh Mr •* « I.WM.M;_____

11^ ‘uEMVKR. "

•!,5f.ti.!'';s y . " , :

^ MtlT« ta r»Ui«r »lo». oUufhur «o»» ybouj •» 111. A

nw U nuIr oell**, »Uuibl«r •

»• J

’ " i “ r t . d S . r a S I; l i i , ' ” ■» «nd *».-.» on* w«<ii>«*dkr *nd T*>i«rdir.

i s c,nc»o..: iti! »,':ffli T."‘=y sb ;

- ” ■■• -N-JS i l f i « • ',■ .& . . • '! £ . i g

id Sl!! Kta.t(kU.l&l U w lou M0-M8 Ib. »0W.

> P*n- Im. 1oid> mli«l-«hole» *11(1 rrtm*

.’StSS-Ksf'Milld lhO . •r>77und»nl W n.r. lO.tMI.##! eomip.f

Com- 5 » ‘. Ulllilr bulh 11.0M J.00i mnilt f ' . T S . 'U S !W cboko lt« Jb. Uonunik r»«rlln> “ Mk

reeuUr Umllc<l «up|>1r ilausMri

________ **” '** **'~ | tOB

1 >XOS ANCia.rA No»iM tA>-(V8MNl-E;"K.K '

H «. « •lls U re - llort •»<> »•>” [. n«ii». .

omaiIaOHAIIA. Nw—I*»ur>-(VSD.<1-Il0«

itOWOiO butt^.r. «mn* l« mniHr : l hl.Stt•OWI OTVunil :} hlih«r: mlixl US No.

I t o t 9-00 CatUt l.«M; » lT n aooi no 4U0l>bItOtlSAO thint* en olxiKhur (U»m or •tockoi , to 117JO «I«I utimr «-«-i«.'> ,


CBAIH------|*-S» R-ri *b»4t. » f bu.h.i-------------11,:»-1.

...— ^■.... » li.|g (I quolodV

F t^ I - S O •> ouollnl n.iO i t ouotlnr tl-AO) t SJWO.OO P1bU>*. No. 1 ..... ... .IJ.5W.i 1.04.JJ.S0 , t au«iln« It.M : t suoUnr M.»“* , , lUdi. ........................ K.IM.S.M.tO.00 ll suollKK U.IS: t quotlnc ><■»>4 .r'jrs'.ftivtxi.s.v:

m .s i »orU t> MOU lower tor t<o. t (*<U.>. •IS so------ ••-- -------------------- rOTATOia---------------

No. J __ __________________ 11.1 1tT.oO % J»ol»r« (jnoiod)

i ' « i n > ' ' SCC9Su:5s? —"‘7T- .tPwtoa sot w to J l____ _

^ ^ “ I FIin an ce pGrain


. tn o ^ m n tie coMt umI Q u l f r t ^ x lc o . ClUUC r Th«r« WM »c«n« r f io t^ e o to th i m g s t; S"£.K-?tf M„i • ba M mdm on Uia olvort lUl* ot tti« man. t DitrtBi ecT»r«i P'>" Jf, Ina liF u S r s s - & w £ . ; ^ - - ^ M >: iiuiotion in ciwb «»«•« >t th* moment. Rjeetl : ' ‘ w ftw i >r>*> S 2 2 S 2 « vlo]

• presliI. a^ 'p aunS iT ^lw f . Docombaf I lS JI. ' ^ 1 ; ^ CAflll I5HAW " a . O 'B r

r. ss,.* f*“i i.s;;i;-,.“ :r.v.i2uVsa."-,'a S',;.M M rs.J fiRAiN r i m 'n r ji C 1 1 , C A « . . T om

n!T*'*“ I . a ---- J.S»'4 catlo^ M.r : .:;4 «]’.• I ‘*l> b rn r

: £ B:-i: S!: is;i£

•." ni"** . « ’i .■» Mrs.


a ilijSii i inr KASHAS CITY URAIS WOOtw KANSAil CITY. Nov. tV «■>—Wh»»«t 11 MrS. '<r #■>•! ntr le lo tin I’.ic: No. : hord Cral2j S ™»r» '"ccTrn* i l <»r»: uneh«tifH to^ilown g jnj '?« to’il*6»ljl^NnVs liiUrt II.JIW. ®*<*ill* Oolai I « r : vnchanifHl No. 1 vhlw MrS »«t IU lo McN: No. 1 s:« to »»«N. Seal

a SS

rj Potatoes-Onions ,nd> IDAHO rALUlItn IDAHO FALI.I, Nnv. II lUP)—PolMo^Iota (unnor vollv, Twin Kalli. Ilurlor Hlitrlct):■ nil orr«rinit ilteroiMl I llibt wira laqulrri

p t rd^ll^rai” i«ka''*»lirr.plni**^*nl* huU »ob mil •KiDpInt polnli :M 0 »>r c«nl 10 oi. 1a«»r "S0-l:<0| SO-*# ?»r com 10 ot. Unror l«Iu.ll'n« .U ra I’a M l-M #: bok.r. C

C-, 15.! s Ml

...I u ' . r l«ludTn.'..<r. 1'. 1.J1-I..0! b .l .r . wn

' r r k n l o Tradlor 7 ,7 " fb t: e riK«i «

K ■•-'•••- _____ ubout ClltCACn ch0 .*® CHtCACO, No*. 1» ( l in — ToUUwai

AtrlvaU M. trKk ISI. loUl U. B. .W(k1 IK "’euBpl'lM* modinUl d«oiU)4 aodoralai ^"¥f;i‘ai’-.i« u» lA—»-i Vwith 2 Inih mlnlnum unIn* aUttdl Idabo

■™'VSfw”"»r!i~. Si=Wm'™-'Si.Wi"a'?»“--S irI“ 'Js 'iTato ^Ofll «■ **'‘ «» riS.S.sV:* Mlnil»»ota*.Vof^“ *D»loU

rlvfr ruunil radt :.7&<9.:i. lair uualllr 2.9^ jf.:.«J. tQ'a 1.4}.I.(S] S lO'l mulor fonUln»r .,l.»i-l.U : riWMli. 3.11. lO'a l.«S: oarlir «■

)A)_ icnia 3.00.J.3J. » a l.tDi Wl*«on>ln rouml C<.ffi: ava;r 7siis".-.i‘.;v.‘‘; j^a'lal '°Onl«A>r'Siivvll'a Ulbl: drmand food: £

Ub«n Colorado Bpanlib * lorh larf»r : .» ; !-IH - Mlnnrwla-rallaw atobaa.lO pat-M aU Jnth j, nw' M “ 'm i^ io lM i Colorailo Spanlth S Inch anil 0 0 IU. U rrir :,S»-2.Mi aom. :.«P ; whIU Spanlih J

(0w< 3 fnch anri IttK'r Z.H-t.iO. 2 lo a Inch . l.I.VJ.SI: Mabo-Oroinn whlla Spanlih 1 '

ncluia Inrt. a i i la .i.r S.J«.«C. 2 >o *, Inch I •ft to !.7ki.tS : lllak Snanlth 1 Inch and Urtar araund 2.4n-:.M: Mltblaan >hllt *lo)»t 1 Ip-* » hcKtra Inrh S.M: mWwrtUfii jallowa mtdlum * haoA! l.l».l.3i. amall 1.10(^1.19. C

“acllftii r iiT un tfl *a ton- Tl.. tollowliir Chieaeo li.Uir*a auoUllnn. 'niurn: Inr lilahii Foiato** and nnlnnt a u pm- |r n>ota «l.W b, E. W. Metlnl-rta and tempanjr. jraSnut 0"l«M . ^prim* Illab Low CWa Can I roo.1 10 .....}■” {'J5 \ l l .\] !

'liVllari lur"h*7...~” I"!Vu» 'l . J l I.U >«“ ullllUr

? = B u t t e r a n d E g g s

’S ......C H .O A <;0-”LK aloek cmCAi:O.Ho». U lUPI—Cbaaoai Slnrla

daUiN JontfwrBi PTxc-latisMfr ^.».^^l.,af^ 1W7! H-I.a «r.4a- A «•*!; n--"'!?!; 11,....;, l^ t^ l^a lrailf!iautblcr n •f'to *i»ViI earlou: Vo aeoro ll*»:

J H . ‘:^ d ,•^ ;"^ .l^ ;c l^ ^ b T lV ^ ar;:f : r . ' L ; : i : t T ’« ‘>7: ™ . ‘.^^.rpS'-.Tdini’e;" ” hir =»'•>: cbreki i^\■,.

Jo.U.10^ NKW VOTIK. Not. U tulurrkcullfr* flMtd unfhii> In -‘.o f a cfol Jlsb 'r :

th done D«e. UU.C: March U l.t; Uar lH.«i Julr • “ tv’r'Iiflcalrd wool aoQt liI.ON.Wool tol<» f«lur« ciMtd unrhan«td lo .

.1—llo*» IK-Ollf^Mar IN.ID i uIt H U Ri !)««.*'v«rlifleal«l apot wool lora U0.7D.

^ 10^1 lll-Uld; N-Nomlnall

; p ; i : B u r e a u W o r k s o n

i S K R a n g e R e s e e d i n g_ _ _ SHOSHONE, Nov. 16 — Ito ee d ln s

pro jfcta iixe under ^\-ny by tho bu- ■ fT#u-«f-l«nd-n»ftnftB«ncnt-ln'Vtirtous

unlis o f lhe db trlc t. ofllc lab re* ■ port.

T liew havo been 1.4H0 ncrrs re* , . . sM dtd Just norUi of King Hill nnd

iiliv to o conU'octoM now nre « r k ln g ,o n U M lt.<io ftcrta north of T lie la tlc r will

b rrom pk ted -th isda llr iree tA er-per- m litlnc .

IS J0.1 «o Burcou crcwa arc dolnc some w-orV Ml n t W npl. nbout 20 mllea cast oi i< M lnldokn.Thcy hMc completed 3.001 i i ’ii .1 - i ncres tiiere. Rflncc u s m arc rtsccd ' i j ) Ins 1.200 ncrcs In the Schoddc ant « :s e a a u Lok(. C hannel tmlLs. dtaier ra- j,„vo b « n called on 8.001* Bcrca east of Wnpl. T h ia aectlon wll------------beuededbyiU rptancs.'0 (tle i> ibhopi**’«SL*ta? to s e t the w ork J>efore uintc:

sets In . .........................LEOION TO MEET

-------- **« SHOSHONE. Nov. 1 6 -T h e Amer-. lean Lfglon post here will hold :

socu l m feO ng 'arB 'J iiu rM oaday a tha Memorial- hall. •

. f l M E S - i p W S ,

PTA Studies C l Parties, Tags

For ChildrenB U n iE Y . Nov. 18— The MUlcrl * ®*,'a i

PTA W edneaday discussed sucsm*: . quirtlona for a ChrU tmas party lor tlie: |-„ch ild ren and studied pU ns to pur- — woncluue“ clvll defense identification ----------»ta g s for parenla and children. . ____ ij

M rs. W ilson Holt, council chnir-; ____ tom an . reported on the council meet*;Ing la st week a l Albion. She ursed: •m ore_p«JD le_ lo_Jillend ._cou iJc lL —m eetlnga. Mrs. Paul Zlllncr played A Violin solo, accompanied by AHene | Xi B achm an . '

Executive officers are Jack Keen., . suipresiden t: Mrs. Paul Zlllntr, vlc< -niind p rcs ld en trM m . Edwin- Brunei »<«-; retarj- nnd"T reasurrrr-M r» .-G '-C . O ’B ry a n ,- membership! U r. and zuoiM rs. W alU r Povlsen. budget nnd f -1nan ce ; M rs. A lbert Bunn, honpiui- _ j Uy; .M rs. ElUs Orton, publicity: , .4 M ra. Eugene Pelt. refreshmenU; [ .

r a ? nuin*’ ’w m " '. ~Tom m y Nielson, health ; Mr. and M rs. Oene Morton, congrrts pub ■ , , „ u cations, nnd Mr*. Chris Baker. 11- _r>2£» brary a n d paren t education.

Room m others' are Mrs. P rank — K earns. Mrs. F rank JoUey. M ».PhUlln H anks. Mrs. Hugo Dalsofllio. i ; , ^ M rs. Louise Talbert. Mrs. Jack Toi- j w iu , m an . Mr*. Billy Kidd. Mrs. Golden traeie

I W ood, Mrs. Joseph Funke. Mrs.• Porrca t Zemke. Mrs. Jake K n o p p ,---------; M rs. Russell Shockey. Mrs. Boyd p ”• Worwood. Mrs. K arl DetCon. Mrs.!. gwfi Xfifi. Vlvlnn T. War*|? W00drM rsrJamcs-OrSfcil«,-M rB.-R .n ‘l i f r l

H . Derto. Mrs, Olive Hollant. Mrs. i '^ » » E . T . Johnson. Mrs. Mel NleUon,? M rs. a a m e te Kidd. „ _____

Mrs. Preston Slocks, ^^^s. Auatln --------W oodworth. Mrs. Ross Mlnsliew. ,--------

I M rs. S.-»m Henderson, Mra. Ralph.■I C rane, Mrs. W yman Walker. S!rs.' p a i E lwin 'Cnrglll, Mrs. William Hnr*.

m on. Mr*. Oeorge Geen. Mrs. Henry ; 2*” ! Elmer. Mrs. Virgil Mort, Mrs. H ar-

i® old W olfe, Mrs. Thurm nn Burch.It Mrs. P rank Povlsen. Mrs. Elwln •

Searle, Mrs. Jay Mahoney. Mrs, T-ia G ra n t N c l a o n and Mra. Eldon L — Huber. __________________ . --------

■ Qub Chooses ^ . Officer Slate -ii n In Meet Here 1' ' M rs. J . W. Robertson m s ^ c le d1 BrcBdent o f 'th e Tw in-Palls-Toast---------

ob m ls trts s club Prldny momlng a t U ie ____’«• Rogeraon hotel dining room.•il o th e r olflceri elected for six- —t - m on th term s are Mrs. T h eo d o re____lb Sturo lll, vice president; M rs. Cecil cuu i 15. BrownV secrclury.''ftnd 'M rs.~C . H ; - p^;; Jl; MltcheU. treasurer. Mrs. O tto ^ l e r ^^51 « w as reta ined as club reprcsentatlye. l»i Speakers Included Mrs. SturBlll. dm

w h o ^ ^ n the blue pencil, Mrs. C nth- _=*; « : e rino Call and Mrs. Helen Shousc p —-}>? w ho (tavean lce -b rtakcr talk.JS Evaluators were'Mrs. Mac M itch- 1 t e ll. M rs. Reese Williams nnd Mrs.-

L avem Slrong. Table to p lu were In charge o t Mrs. Helen Dickinson.

«> M rs. Jam es P. Mills was a guest.lit*. - n

Chamber Unit L I Plans Electoii

OOODINO. Nov. 15----- The Good- m:.oo: Ing Cham ber of Commerce mnde ^

plana Tuesday to elect offlcera on i-u!; Dec. 18. • ^ ».

nr.1 President Leroy Oolble nam ed a »-ui nom inating committee to select 10 »i;

i",TI d irector nominees for election. T he .unri commlltee Includes Valdo G ray, jj ; : '.-‘4: chairm an: Al SmlUi. Myron H nr- h,• * bough, Mnn-ln Becker and John h. ood: Edinborough. Five dlreelors will be ' {.

c lee lcd .___________________— ----- =W llllam Pyle represented Oood-

ln r « t - t h o Idaho coniireis In .Bolse and on Tviesduy. Myron H arbqugh-and —

mi.h Roy Van Houten n lle n d ed . the ,, ,l"'5 Magle Valley Chnmbers of Com- s x Inch merce meeting recently In Buhl. 2 in a r G ray, who Is chalrm an-o f tho W.

highways and aviation committee > of tho Goodlng.C. of C. and Idnhoa representative on the Pacific N orlh jjrj

,i„„, w est Travel association, reported to b prt» the cluimbcr on Uie meeting of th e Ha

panjr. p ^ T A hB attended n t G lacier n a - t Car* Uonal park. Gray said Idnho haa *i‘'

raised ita (juota ot $3400 to promote - i : ; J Idaho and other stales belonging to »M UibPNTA. -

■ __________________ CA

s Services Held for k Rupert Resident J

RUPERT. Nov. 15-Funem l serv- Icps wcrp held Tluirsdny m om lng '

. , ' a l th<* Goodman chnpel for Mrs.a u s ie -K rtff ls tm rw ith -R e trn n r tew - -

•i*»: son. pa.Mor Of the CijrliUan church, p . officiating.laree T he preludo and p(v\Uude were J‘ S : played hy Mrs. Law^on. John N csb lt

i 'n in necompnnlfd .by Mrs. Dale T hom p- : .•on. and the Rev. Mr. and Mra.Lawson sang. ____ -

luiurrk ■Pallbcarcns wera Guy Ramsoy. '!*jr,u Oeorge Donaldson. George Brock.• ’ Br3-nn Stnnle>', Harry Sager and «-

Robert Pcrr^'.11'" s Flowers were under Uie direction I u i/! of Mrs. Ramsey. Mr*. Pcrr>'. Mrs. C

Jeb Lock and M n. Ouy BnlcJt. - Concluding rites were held a t th e "

Rui>crt cemetery'. ____________ j

Week Observed i At Rotary Meet -

10 b u - SHOSHONE. Nov. 16-EdUcaUon jirtous w c c r w “ o a x w a 'n C lh e ' 'K b ia n '

r e - jju b meeting Wednesday noon. M rtnbers of Ihe Slioahone lEA pre-

” scnled Uie program.V em R- n io .iiaa .'lE A president,

" *'30“ was Introduced by Mrs.-U M. H nt- tnakcr. cdurntlon week conimiUcc. He ouUiiifd the program

^ of the Week and dlneu.v'cd .school• , qufstlona and prolilem.i. E. L. d 3 0M 0 ° " '” '*■“ I" chaixc of th e prO-

Hownrd Arikms.and F rank Caro­the rs were appointed to m eet w llh

, 8 000 city officials and rrprej^nU llvea of on will various orsanlHtlons Monday eve- ish o o e n ing..10 discuss.thf_*e»age sj'stem w m u r for the clly.


Amer- street. New Mexico, wns sentenced hold a 10 1C dnys in Jnll in llcu.ot_& -t-Si id a y 'a t n 'ncn iereT hlirsd iV -on 'irchW gO 'o ti

public tnto^caUoB.


r f a l l s , IDAHO

HassifiedfeMWrit* IDara - *a per worn par u r aca. «•<

Oar< — ,' »a par word par daf ------------ (A inlatmlia «f 10 wsrdria r*. - < qulrtd la aar oaa (Uaalflad ad) lylfar aaa-pU. . . . UbU U U „ ■

----- 20~ ^ f .0 » n ^ s .* a ~s:«« ,_____

!r^Ijhrd caah Bsal aaeonpaar order. lalia

Uo'ndar'a* »"da — S P.B. Satsrdan L _ _ _ —Tuaadara thrwieb Trtitn — I______i P.BI. D»r Bafor* InaerUoa. .

. Sunday — S P.M. Saturdara. !|■nilnd Ada' ar« aUlatIr caBridentlal ' U()Cand ao Infpnaatlon, eaB._ka fl»*«.t«, ; -jwo arnard U tk . ada.rtlaar. ;

Cuora ibooW b. iwMrtri laoittllai.. —la. No allowaoea «HI U mad* Cm m o tf ' ' tkan on. iseorract luarUaa. r ~ ~ ~

Tkia paptr r«aar»«a ib . rl«ht la adit ! aod t«Ja«» aa» aUtalllad adTarUalai. 1

^ -T K X m -K N P -R g Q R T S — fo r nKAVINti for t-ort Kan>. KeolMkr. No IUlt*lrh!?t.» 411. J»foma. ------- J. 0 , 11-

PERSONALS \-------|Ai;a:iin k aubaerlplloBa. orilar now Jor |Cbrliimai. lloierMa Hotel Nawaund. _____£Hwiraa ' rnoai"— CII ' \ N

W ISH TO ADOPT-t.-aiil.Wa.bibT..thlM,_fflMt»t.,_Wo_'ild_ t o 2 S‘-tiIia-io"ina1[aThr«”«mWa- prarer eom»- —Blmw

tiur for Ohriilmaa. i:>r«om paH, «arr CTTiTu i^ d bona. Writ. Oox 11.31 e/o Tina..

— T u r---------- ---------------------------------------- 1 r iu Jo

PILTEX VA CtniM CLEANER r T u i•Tha oAlr Vaeuum Claaaet mada ^r.a! aI'AU Woraan.Kor-Women.” I'tM dtmontlra-linn. Wrlla er rbona rill»» Dlilrlbutlpr NTUf Co. f t t : b4 Avenv* Kuu Tbona ItlT,Twla. Of tl


SPECIAL NOTICES T r f |aPRNCCn Conatlora. M™.LT«UOardaar. _ o ^

CllAllia SOUNDATIONS. WhlU alMlla ___ fand nrlon. LaeUI. Dodaon. I’hona 1II«.

SCHOOLS & TRAININGWAN'l'l-U^Man.woDan te train (ur poat* Lee'

lion of CPA. AeeounUat or Dookkaeper Tllltt at home. Tnt> aalary. Diploma, it t* ,ioy Placemenl 8er«l<«. Preo t«julram»nU nl»> Infarmallon. KItlnw nuilnrM Inailtut*.V, O, Una m a , Kalt U ta Cllr. tllah.


na Main Nerth. Phona 8»«. milBEAUTY SHOPS ___

CUtll'L.>rrK modarn baautr aer>lea br j m -- pert "Operator*.—Maehliial«*-and^-«Id —

" S S TiS'*"S;iS“ST3wav,.. ».00. neamr Arl. A rad^r ^ ^

P E M U N E N T S 1 " ^H PRICE ___ j-TT

with Each I’urebaa. I-h Of - T'Tt:

'< A rermanent At IltiuUr r<lca Phan. <:t Tar Appolnunent **nu

IDAHO BARBER St B E A tm f _____________ SHOP . { * “n

LOST AND FOUND r4nL l-0»'r Verr email Tor JerrJer. black in

- ^‘iioT k'K^r''riISn?TUoS ’ Pl

y.'»^f'''Ka.rVr*ln»!~~i'lanil *a ruUNUi American Utah oil uealed 0 alack .I.Uvar«l lor lU .tJ par lon. al TAt ^ InUrmounUlB I'ual Compan/. Tboae ^

- — SITUATIONS WANTED—le l,A»V liuilnrai Collrei- ir^uale wltbM 1“J wotli. M a ceteoUoolil-. m n a 2WQ.M.

I- CAld'iaj'rKU work, anr kind. Phone j

le WOMAN wanU .11 t , i « hou.acl«.nlnx. R.0 l-hnn. » » or 4 t» . e.enloa.-_______ C;.g tilUNINU^anit wen'^laundrr done In m» “

io “ bli^ .S^na '^ji'fc ll. Twll **’ ---


to T>lar.*rha*ae J,

UAItPlUiTUt woik-au amoa. Hew co» * .1almellon or remodel Dr konr ot lab. ^Pbon. 1HS.W -

VUUMi martiFd man. riixrlrnrM (tt^rr T“ ^ anJ Irrlialo^^^wani. iir.<lr /ann^joK ,

■V- ^ ^^h ln rrjr. bull.llnn rn*. r.^ruWr aieani n e clranln*. M'airr. elrcirltllr tTOUlte»I. ^ ^ I'hon. M»l lla.rllon. ..rnlon. Phone .^ pnr'M* ■■■'•■'.■'V , - ^


) l t TniMHiNo—T0rnsr.-nEH 0VA t.IP- SkllM workman, enmplrlair etjolpp^,'1 Kullr Inrjrrd E"_ _ w e BEnVB SOiriHEIlN

r ^ r „ . K.»lmatr. ek. rhon. :'.!>< T-ln 3


■n" '• »"-■^'woman lor kllchrn w rk. ArpTr In* per*

wn. Cover'a*Colf« Sb.'t-.'

- X S ^ . f , Caf^_____________________HELP WANTED— m a l e L

^ RODTE S A L E S .^ ^ j"^r». I ^ a l Irrrllorr—(<•<'•1 <>rnitic>~tu.r.

,nte«- — IraninorlalUn .KkUr. lleadlM. Park lUl.l. al>r « r.m.

ent,i n t - _________________________________ i

I • Ie x c e l l e n t p o s i t i o n ' ;


.rt>.l T o p sa lary , completely new sa-" ,|C ' rage and.scrv lcc faciliuta. M m t .‘ ‘o t be fully quaUfled to m ain je en.e v ^ Ura service operations.Item I -----------C onU cl Mr....>xcs« . . - .

' ’ BOB REESE 5I0T0R CO.len-1 D O D O E - -PL V M O tT H " . 500 Blk. and Ave, S on* . ii-o f i ------- ------ -----------------------------------1-

UPLP W A H T E D -^ ^ -^ y C g ” r ______HCkkSKt^ciU «r«ery a^prw dajj is . s - T E U . a s : ‘« » " i 7 ’»"

riv. Bo» 0-:* »/• r'ra. aaama*. «ta»»a. »iP«rt»«f*- «“ • - - bCDROi

-------H E L P W A N T E D J‘, u i t»M A L E A N D F E M A L E _

U SIN ESS O P P O R T U N r T I ^ - 3 ^

r o i T i S r f 11 ** l i !

m i l L tiA H E------------ 1 h L r ,MODERN SERVICE STATION Watson

- 1 I tM B

SER V ICS STATION .. !ID Buhl I_______

re n e a M T -W lth - la m -b u W d la i- —

m lUbla for expanding buslne**.Oall-No.-a or K 3. T w in Palla. j ;

FU R NIS i H ED R O O m A I Nearlj

Anr.MKNT. iitKBl. ruoBt and bath, ona cant '

OOM*»«r__I.O»j_k».hen^anjl_lauodrT prlM- “ *

FURNisHED APABTMENTS■T.OO«^^^tn.o»u^rn.c. beat, adulla. Ml H,«»0

a;; ath A»enu> .S'nrlh.---- v-i-w.l> 'U'AUTMliMX lot rent. U ll kimberir baaemiJTlir; 1 room aiiarimeal. AdultaonlJ. 222

" U N F U R N IS H E D A P T S . L ------

i- 'u k iu o o M , s f ^ » „E

“ eiitilnrfc* iTeaU waurTurnilbed. ''phone ' 2M0.W. ' - “nicer**v.' “.v .s i : tS i : '’‘-Aduiti: ’N i 'r e i '“ ii: iro?v

eulr. 20« Writ n.rbum.__ ■________ pertF U R N IS H E D H O U SES

4.|IUl)M modern bou..- I'bona REMOUKIIN i nwm». Cloa. In. No children ot ^jq

n^ta. Phnn. .1<l«- ONK SToum modern, one 1-room aeml-mwl. ____

.m . innulro I'JB HIdncr._________U N F U R N IS H E D H O U SE S -------

2 lltOUOOM m^ern home. Cloea In.rhon. i«h;->i.________ ___________ _

........I ll»JJUOO^S tj^monV b«ln>ama. Mod- . ^

‘‘“ nuVl'l'r. l^^t'^u.L **‘l'^n.*V»«y- U n

= S S ’ - i 5 S S i K ' i i i S K ;aon. Phon.^lini-W. ____________

.l.v. .nTtlm. Hllmlar.MISCELLANEOUS FOR llEKlffiBW WAllEllOUiikrtP'.luo'. ln»de truck

■lotka. On track; Phone Uo.__________y : . r r'g^n:“. r r ‘' " ' * ^ ^

* 2i!d AVe niTa S u ^ . *"pb?na*SM.W ' *** I **y.:bo‘n^i!n^.!.Vrc^o*;n\y,"phany-.^."“ -

*” 4' e.^mnB.' ceinei;i‘'fk ir . Vhon. UU oi—3ait.U.a»ai»tBga.. — ---------------' Wa


MACKS U-DRIVE ^p icK D P -rL A T ^B ro-ruR N rruai te^


: W A N T ED T O R E N T . LEASE* ,I ’ll -fo" I6U aOuk farni ItfTrrn^ee fur*

■ ‘nl.hwl. elr. I’hnnr 3<lflT.W._________ 3; i:i>|2«u ' ' ‘’'„ '"[*n,ji'f'»’'nia*fhln.

' A^OU i 'i' k wT. 7o «n l I-----' nr tenent hnuaa' In eotinlrr. ^ I» do. °_________________' r “|t A Wf;i.L^known^Kinil>erlir man^wanii^lo b pIrnlT.lidn and machlnerr. WrlU lloi ha _ il.IK e/.. Tlmea.Newa..______________ do

H O M E S FO R SA LE S;!• J IIUOM m~lern h-m.e lo mow. UDMIJ

“ *Ai?!^U~A*M'??'v^L*intl."MDDKUN linu.e. llarruon achool .mincl.

KOi; SA Lt IIV OWNEU-OuplM. K«crl. * lenl location.-^^Oood rental pfopetlr.

8 « il UI<Kt:.N stamp. (Meo 00 local moi>. Tn'^ a 'lp f S a '^ i 'f o e 'S a tS 's i l J ^ : -5'

3 IIKI>IIOOM~homf. .1 >rari olil. mcl.I -I awnlns. alurm wimlowi. carport wllh- ;s:r,.ss- ^“* I LOOK WHAT YOU OCT I- ____________________________________ _

_ market. ra»«.l .Irert. oiil.i .r '. , (irenc from trafflr. I'rlro tll .:o ‘i. .I.on par- in. in.-nt II.SM. Ila. iriKNl |.uiri ^cr mw

1 "l-o' w n . ^ home .. h^ i ieo‘;fe!^cIoi"°ln. f u i T r " * C hrat. ami In io>«l comlliK.n. K»r In

* . heat, pleaaant and romI.,iial.le i :.:h

_ ] .M.iS(). furnltur. and e>iulpmrnt for I . _ | 'I '*"* jboarJlns and luomlnc j

......... !, I

2 IIlJ)llOOM^Iip>lK: K^l*'". Il'lK* ! J‘I - il^ll"'furnac» artT .l-ker. ' *

hot^p frnrnl In I'ark rai.l ^Wcll j [

LLOYD E. BYRNE ' 'Jl ■ AGENCY' • • '

i : t South Bro.'idway Buhl i __________ P H O N E jIM _____—'i ^ r r r r —------------------ ---------------- IjL-



U an‘S ^ m T j airo.1. I enir SS.SM. Tanaa. Pbona StS>W I VERY«l.oalMm.nt- 1-1 Mrooir- ll ^ a ^ ^

CDttOOW nOJIB PttJS « CASWa.tS«» foot lot en blsbwar SO. Twin . . . . .11*. TbU »ood Utome propertir U 1cod rlfbt. >UT Uk» r>od email bo»odown |>onnent aa owner li nUrtar. -ICDBOOKS. Nortbeaal location, aea.-tely Boders _____________lll .lo t | kxcU'JO SC H K E A L E S T A T E ” i j S . .ena 2(IS^ Maltlpla UaUr |

• S'p n - N 6

U get a wrrlfto^bu^yoB thla^l^^rtwm J palau

?alk.*n‘V lli ^TM"ft!” roM' on N™*h i| n^ih .mitloMtca and K l IL ea fllfr A m u r J tl.e09eaU. It 70U arr^looklnx -lor a toad ll a teteieaauaent m iKla ImseOlatalir. ~ ; Komei

H A JIL E rL R E A L T Y . . |t u Bboebone N. IClka Uulldlni) ? * / '

■ Phea. l t » Say . r X.ealBC 1 .auraiu u t t t t x vu L T tr is L iavsa ' h iA (

- —■ ■ * ar

Ilea lane bom. wlUi Ucoma-”^oori~|Kailon. loeeir janS. rrooerU Im In 1 ______icMleat-«0Baitl0n--litit lirve hbma - !»«■ •jKle^^rerfwijaMnr. r r l r . allowa^for j K U

learli new I Hedrriorn home, (a Ird I f an U addtd .a(llr). U ize lleint rea. prlma IoeaUon. nara«e, tlS.ldO. J «♦'

lladmom home, neat k clean. Var.l SiiS.i an t Oood loeallon M.OOO. iJ”!’"'

ROBINSON-FELDTMAN '— “DrIea-lB Beallora ---------

:iT Main Ave. We«t Tat SH I""Hember Multlpla I.Ullnl ^

IS GOOD ACnES near towa. Uodern wl'"* bome, sataie, barn. Thia la a top wlU . place for th. cuiten farnt.r or 11. ^ iiork draler. Se. at Sac*. Trie. tK.OOO.H,a« down. m ITHIS IS UMURUAtl A eoutilrr bom. _____to ttada fur one do., tn. Tbla beau. . bw m »t^ i«M V *lO O ''llO ?'l^ ‘ If“ » I hsvui locallon North of lown will ault rou eropi —rou batur ae. thi. new bome. Trlee | bead•ad ier>ni arallakla a t oor odlca. I .Prin


m ’ualB Ata. Norlb - rkoa* U tl | p ^ , UEUDER UULTirLB tlSTINO' ____

^ ^ I heut

1 SP.PROOU » p ) ^ . Ver^atlracthe. q” '),rM»^iri/jo” walI In w"all earpet. Ver* **nir. kitchen and dinette, olumbed for bom aulomalle wa.her, many b«llt.ln.. beau*tlful lawn and ahrubberr. aaraee. ha..- WAmem, furnace and .Inker. Ona nf the F.AInfcer oMer hdmM ln Twin ntU . N tw l f fn '!■lecoralW thtouibouL Triced at jint frorIIO.uo. Small dowa payment and | l i mval per month.

THE GEM. n c

REA L ESTATE "AGENCY' ^<30 M ain South Phone 100* r “

I ________ ______ J

~ - -6 YEARS OLD IVerr nica 2 hMJcootn bome with attaebed prI carat*. Utility room olf kluhen. } j- nil eellent NE location. DMutlful rard :j(ind UndjcaplDf. Bale price IlS.log.OO be<

P E E S ID E N T S T R E E T SU n . S b«lreog>. boai. wllb atUebed ^? « ' fi,“ ”‘L e ' r ^ l l ?n‘.'% /"S.'i ”Ulleat Prealdent ata. Oalr 111.700. ,




_______ ITWOUT LA8T1 p>Wa fe.1 Ibla properir repre.enU enanf th . beat Inveilmenta w. hare ll.led „In till. otTlcei Two homee.- both I S >1 .lory, one larse. exeellentlr bulli. i-bedroom frame home and one ^bednmn. >'both on'.ame IDOil» lot. Located eloM I"te downlown en SriJ arenue weat. Tbla aiPn«f?'i^><Ir"e^M“c£n.'/iV !he*l7m at

W ^ . * ^ ; a T ^ n r i ‘ " lt.‘1 : Ipoint nut th . poi.ltilUlIn tbla « ff.n bi te m ihrawd Inentorl

J . B. White Agency J. E.W hU.-n»'.ALTOI«-aS. Looner \ ] _

1J7 Ualn Arrnu. ^lajl—rbon. t$7 __MOI.TIPU: i.iRTr.n I r -


. ' HERE n S f • ' MHrand<ne» 1 Mroom home] Cleamlni fhar*lwood flonn. ma.let bedrwcn baa adouble wardrobe. Step aaeln* kluhen' i »tKtrrea fclreh rablnrf.. <;. I I oil fur- ; i1*5 600 ■'** *"•*•- Tolal prlea j tAf ARTMR.ST HOUSi:—Kxeetlenk r .. ; <turn on lnve.Wen(. Par out (n 14 , '' -i

FERTILE ACRE 1 11 Redmom brick home. lull ha.emenl I ■ t fireplace., .n eacepibnallir well built home. IrrlKatInn walrr, deep well and prea.ute ar.tcm. Ixxaled north ofl?no.nn'.Vh,r':»n Vh ;°“ ; a .^ "

T H E SECUIUTY AGENCY 1 1I1-IIKALT011S-:0»7 . .SM Ualn Arcnua Weat *-

„ noD^^T nANNiNG-nnoKKnU]:iiv JOM£,»—Svfldar. E rn. :UJ-J i” Uember Uojtlple Llilinx


-I ? ir.^ a 'J? .^ i;s trt .-tl‘a^rif:*l‘i.'w"rn‘d

? ^ " l V r ; . ? " r r : a'Swr"

: SELDOM -I 'f* ' Biarket at Iba

- I fam'll/homVon"'!iau*l'tIli ]a t T e™-j! a'riis . ' doI*

^ ! ’‘bsRir^on alce.iiiett, nrilu“un« liUironm

, I nalde and ouL Trm . convenient and' I ii:! .*** .*”• “ '<>'■: T W IN ¥ ia i^ " U E A L T Y ~ II A N D IN SU RA N CE"

113'Main A>enu. Eaat 'I ; rboaa ll( ( 4 111 I


AY. NOVEMBER 16,1553 ■ \

-^ O M E S -F O R -S A L E—

CK : b«lruom bome rn m >a.°.'U;;.v.;s:- •« K-SHY AirnACTiVE ,u „2C” pi«iy\hrd7^(toiVi“‘*'’i^ ',!“ ” ' SJS *' S..A & r=

- JIM VANDENBARK ~t BboahDM-SL So. Tb. :aj ^ '" t k

■■■ Z l T r c ^XCEl'TlONAU.S VIIOII K. \ , T ~ «S 2 Jean flvfcroooi homa im . rTSafclllmore. llaa .naclou, l|.ln» ir .,V ,'! '* >!»»«nln« room. Verr fonvrr.rri • lan. BeauUfullr landir.pH I , ', ''idroom. den and hath -lowni'aiM ji* ' ’“' J Ir /iS o :* * ' o»:-; 2 ^

‘wo^tloWtlY^.nTfmioox homi 1. ro’’oo‘:^d ^teleran with K.OUO inco,., ,;1. -' ri,aa:

(omei alteadr appttlie,]. « jK >!

p l H H l S i f f sIIAGIC VALLEY R|;..\lty S

and INSURANCE CO. t f ,


BY OWNER I1 Renlala In bu.Ineta dliirlM. r ,„ , , 0 K4S.».mnnU». lOO-fl. frunlaj.. Uu ,,^i ' a - . g ? ; »•-■ gi


» m -P .^ « -« lh .-U n lla .^ rn r iin ^ ^ T _ _will «l«e' ImmMllat. pOMe.iron'''lV5/!i pTe^ wUJ bandte. * n»«i-

HAROLD'S AOENCYlA* Ualn Ave. E. Phone lovl «r i: iu

Uu-AlJI<E".mp~“ ' la.m. M on .rD “*P

.prinkler .ntem. Priced lo . e l l - i : j ^ ____Karmer lolni Into butlnna. , -1 ACRE.<< ailaeent le new ai.Miri,!.,Modern S-bMmom home. .ulbulldlAii' I Owner will aell bulldlnc Iota. f

LUKE’S ’’.Vlrhone l» Hiu. T.«kei BI.J ' .1

----- _ — luil

I>a.u>n for 10 tn lk Mllklm ^ outbulldlni.. 111,000 down. * "M ACR1U1 GOOD LANI). t hedma. «oleow'jp.rn. 'i:».Oo"*’'lIO.V00 d"»n.*"* [jl[WANT TO BCRATCII IN TIIK fJOOD ■>*F.AUTIIT Wa have « arrejie ptopertM <» ifr^^W.OOO la JU.IOO. Bome tia^iu « l '

A. G. HOLLAND^'<11 Ualn Weat. Twin ratti _

Fbone :>la.U :» • W>rU ______UEMBEIt HCLTirLE US71.S-0._ ^

DO!---- nuHERE la Youn oFP onruK irr u l u , -pick UD a IktM bMroom bom. lociiri mH eloae to new crad« Kboel and ebm N toU ■center. Kona haa lart* klleben. «wi •« flnl.bed baaamrat wllh plenlr of ite». a ( . apace. ^Plum M /or awaou'A wa.ber and drrar.-" llaa In.ulated «iA H rM and eelllni and k wf«lber atrlnal nANCH‘ TYrE®'now CROP TAU.S:o acre. «nlll»al*d. « aerta aattt beeta. other «r«pe. bar. Itala. atl ■ » « bnna. U n a (laid., tre . trom twU. ■ i l l lari wfll for Irrlnttea. I Rmb mS> era boei. with part baaemenl aat I Ibedroom.. Stoker baal. T r ^ IIUM ■

" f . T BACON AGENCY 1 “Claude Briwb. Jr_L]rmaa Sebeak ■ _ Aetoe. Strwt r ru a Poat CKU« H _

Ueaber MalUpla LUUai 'W O

...SERVIOE.CTATION AND 1 ) ; ^ ilO T E L "- ■ t u

ITaea food Sarrlea StaiJoa and l-oK Molel oa throuib blibwar ^ lac net ■ , ( i

KiKiiE'lHSi" I"*eal?*WoaWMailderUade"fo»s^ I ” , property. H k ^

FARMS . lludeUon Artncr haa Mima toed f.raa (or aale lhat are priced rlibt. A ’cri ^ K " RTlhe” mchVleld. *Sh«e2o*J"‘’p i ^ K '

ale. kaea a cood dry farm Ib Iba f.!r neld eouBlrp for aale.W*-baT«-»wn. eery s«o4 0>A» H ' buy* In CoedlBi.



T IM BLOCK o r TAYLOn STBOT H , , ; Two bedroom, on main floorplu«»«b

finl.hed baaement with playroom. » aloker and he.1. Kullr In.ulal^L K« K - J

• I very lovelr abnihb^. Full prlce-e»»: li:.«90 wllh IJ.OM down. Owner r f H: carry balance, nn ouUlde rin.KSt nrerv.ary. Pot.ettlon In - weeka.I OVKIl ONK ACHE on Ileyburn A*«

-! S m -R cf fjfiig KI lo ll.e eounlrr atrle In tbe r i i r l j ^ B ! ' I Kenred paature. famllr ■rchird. 'w I cellar. Km thi. » 0R _A REAL SW H


" 1 « r ^ » u E f e V

ll'a dlfllcull lo undm U nd^ ^ t^ JJ^ ^W- low.'” !"5ritSrTia?'l'.ria

1, - K r S S S S i s llb. feature, you detlra In rour ^ homa ara ynura for lio.loo very low down payment te a

What* do you. want In a home! 1 ^ livint room—hu«. bedrom a^w !_ l^ad'on. *^l.'^m 2,bM i b ^

■ 1 L i r e f r F i f S t V t S i ^ f f g mromentmenl and aKUtliy (et-r* H


HR. nti.lneea f l

I Dl.atl.fled with your lnM"«’ ''y*U^ ■ „ 2 ouuundlni buya In ■2 j for homra jK, . f ld W. hava a few Ursa I,r tow. ean ba divided Inlo S f a r » * ^ .

rour nelfbbort. «"* * '■"K'^l.r »•_ .You UB Burtbae. 1 Ur«e taw ” . _ than 2 .amall one.


=! “ S iE £ k ^ -

Page 17: p = : - r T ± r _ TSffie Death Scorcboard TiTOB as« IM til a v tiie r .iw e - ^ At Soil M Better

3 5' l e m o v n e k e M ; 7 . ^ „ _ | g

■ “’i S ? s | i C ! #


r p j

i i B & P t !j p ! 5 § : ^ ^


- I ' l

^ | 5 E : l l

market place ^ magic valley =

..... 11___________________________________

."■fi.;".j s « « r t , ; S “ " l p =

K | e

S S j p p ” 5

REMOVAL -------ot Dead and DbeIm i j---------


----».J'*iU.XJ4-Ili]M»uUWtOI___ _____


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m m s m f iHARRY KOPPEL CO. !

FO B SA LE '■ • 1 , . - m D , . . . , . . . , » . . a n L .„ . . . . '

" S S * '* " I ’“'IC H R I S T M A ^ A R D S , 1 , „ j m

- • A •

T IM E S -N E W S . T ^ N FA L :


i i S s 5 « K l ! s £ ^ ^ __________H. r r . tn « r r .

, ' v.i;>s AND u p

“• ■-’■•i-'i.-.-.j.r* T-R-.i;OUK'S m icA D ii.

M ni.iic H o m r a • r r ; ;r A U » | ^

- r ~ ^ . ----------£ : ' . '

“ c o l u m b u THAILe S ! .I l l NASH______■• -■ > ° ° r _________ .‘ - - , ! i ; ;S "


E- - - ------------------------- " " SW W ! N O W I

.IjXL'UV LlNliH LIVING ~ T i c

. . Al IA,'X. Lo^K COKII ""^^Acnc

U ok nt All of T lirse L u s iiir '

i S S Z l f ef I S i i e r ' " ' ■ H s

f c r = i

s l H ~ '" 1TRADER HORN X ir


C H U R C H M A N ’S , SA -l USED CARS , '• , &

“i i i i i i " " I

'“h a m M :jKI-----------

J l

'■ - ' " ------ 1 N(



" i S $ P ■ :

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D I R E C T !


c u i ^ E n s o u rE iis » w ta tj

■. ■ ■ ■"■


A U TO S FO R SA L E ___ | ' A U T

-F . ^ B E I

-R -A -D -E I-N -S

: ”; ; S

S S S K 2 1 i £ l 2 2 r n w . : l iQ u i i ’


----- H fflO N ----------- T—^M OTORS, In^ ,^ ,. 1

nc 111 nnd__ 111iN D " 0 U T W H Y

Lot on ih# Terrncel

T H E IS E N ^M OTORS, In c .

, ; s : PS..,, w , i i rI A roN

A S H W O R T H ’S li10 2nd AVENUE EAST |

- loss D ESO TO I,

VERV l i i ° S S . K A O E ^ . (

N0W1'.3«5I I rO N


S r iA 1 - OWNER B E A t m r -

a s h w o r t 'h ' ‘" ‘ iMOTOR COMPANY L m ^ o

p h o n e 38 I s:. OFESSIONAL '

r O R Y j I ' l

^ A L L S , I D A H O




; S ' . S E i " f f V i r ‘ ‘......■ s r s s f ^ J t s . '■■■■■ ' ’" E J " :

.1 , 0 j

AND TRUCKS' • j ! « ! i.-TC!

i w a i S i f f * I ' ” " S w

T W IN FA L LS U ll’M E N T CO Sll^X N Y - I . M e N

■ " 1 ON

i S 3 k - ;______ 1 9 5 6 _______ Lt.o i.E in i

195(! I..... n o w


i i M ; - :::e m i ? - m'ALLEY MOTOR ..>■ vi.»»K MOOD JACK YOUNO — l i . .

Plione ^39 19tl ff.vM

■ , - ________ J i ■“ " K !S

“1957” '


& Pontiacs'0 Now nn Display a t our

for Late Model, Sharp, |

A t O ur U scd C ar L ot. j ' ' ^



. I < = =


, ■ " S '

~ s s _ _

s * — - S '

2 z



L g ;“ BOBREESE - [ M

1 g l e i


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4 ^ 0

lU TO S FOR S A L E _____

V O R K M A N ’S ' “ S ™

f r r e iH U - Y S ! - . •

‘1 1

iEFs&BWrS" TiiijS | s : ; s = i „ s ; : ^ s : ' ” " g

i c N o 'v . . .ANII TO.\1)E u rr .liT !

GMAC TEllMS . . i---- ^ '

)R K M A N BROS. HONTIAC COJII'ANY .EflT^DlALJIKm lock fi-3^70_ i ____

- .........= - j =

------------------------------ ----------- 1 I 'av

)W IS T H E T IM E ! „j,


i i

J l

- T R U C K S —



— O K — __ ■.USED CA R S..our Symbol o t Valuo!"

_ g g ^ __ US

EV RO Lur ^.Door—•

- s'" ‘ a

™oUTK v - t - '“ ' S I'

” ‘l

" “ s

s ? r “s ’s f f i —_ r o i ,

r a s ? -EVnOLFT coiipfl— _______ 1- _______

ra o tm , =.«»>»„. T I

3 S ^ 5 2 S r — —

Many Others

LEN G . JENKINS o."“ r .

. CHEVROLET .. ................... • — —

' . ■ . ■ a ;



5 C H EV R O L ET 1 1 1 1MuKic VaUey’a 3 U jADING DliALIJR |

i l l ? iIN TO W N ! j;


IS S f ' S i -PONTIAC. V «y cJean $ m ‘I}

I M s l .

f S ^ v T a r c S A V S ~ i

Y O U R E E .■ ' Motor Company

— I \

"S H O P ”


i r ; » £ K r a " : X “ s

K r i u f t J i r a ' . ' J s .

S S S ” ""

‘ ■

K . V i ' - s s s . - f t i s ' i r r ' ' . .

SSI- ,.:

-_ j^ 8 4 » x °™ 5 a:J._ . L :• T r im O '. K. »5’. - r ^

T H E - W I L L S — ,p _ |

T B D c i iA k E W E S T ■; .V *

S s s

Page 18: p = : - r T ± r _ TSffie Death Scorcboard TiTOB as« IM til a v tiie r .iw e - ^ At Soil M Better

— '-PAGB-mGHTEEK^— — -

News ofRTiss Brutality

“■ ~ WorldNotice.........w A a i^ O T O N . Not. 16 W -

H U B U rto . frcedOT

HeatUlne* Uke th li t r l s c tn d ■■will A m erican campatirn to t<ll thev o rld—Mpeelalljr the sov ie t Union —tha #uU a tc jy o f Bei-let a afyewJoa

' - t h a t drow ned t h a H u o n r ia n wtoI{ i n Wood. .

S p tcla l m p h a a la «a« placed on ■ ettlnc th e a tory to fcnee-slUlng neattmla v h lc h h a re tten i unirUllni

I to claaa (he R u ie la u aa.vUUln*.r r ie r i ly OUen

1 ..... T h * drive waa handled b r th«I V . a. InformaUoQ agener vhlchi____;* U m p « d j: to p ,p r lo rl ir on th e p ro j-

e c t a n d QtUcklr m anhalled a ll JU ' l o r u a to h and le It.

I . O ne top otflc lat explained:. ‘‘T ^ WM a c lear case of Soviet Bcsreaalan. And we wanlMl lh<

-------w o S a - t r S n i and u n d e ra U n a -rr------— — ------- i r i a p o n s - t M —

, T h e tJSIA tued a varie ty ef prop­aganda weapon*—Voice o ( America rad io broadcaita: in tem a llona l wire

; aervlce. th e agency’a private wlrele»i - nelvorlc. a n d lU picture aervlce.

T he voice, th e principal arm of th t; - ..... o » w l * n . i a th e only-oDe U>aVc<jtiiti

' penetrate th e I ro n ' curta in . H ; booatad from M t® 87 th e num ber ol

I ' p ro tra o a beam ed ‘’live'* to aatelllU I'SUdlencea.

t broadeaata were In lUmlan,

; meiUan. 01cralnlan,-£alvirnrP6TBn: > B tilta rlan , Kuncarlani. Czech, Slovak

Homa n lan a n d Albanian.• . M b i1« T r la n e d

I I Uaua] fea tures like m uile and •J •> special eveota were trim m ed to the- I - - - - - - --m lnlaiUD ao the-roIce.couId.cQncen:

I tra te on a t r a i |h t newa o( the Hun*• t> r la n crlala.! T h e voice denounced the Sovlel

, • bru tality , b u t made no e tro rt u i ' Incite Hungarian* to rebellion. I u

' Intanded to keep alive th e breath of ; treedom fo r eventual lUxraUon.1 ‘ W hile th e rad io waa pou^lns out ’ (he atory. th e wlreleat p rtas aervlce « waa aendtng thouaanda o( worda dally• to Ita approxim ately 300 potU , abroad. T h e Id /onnatlon waa then ■< diatrtbutad to local newapapcra.■ ' P iet a rta Veedt *nia CSIA aUo managed- to get■ picture* o f th e rebellloa from H un . v Km Ub refugeei who fltd to freedom.

T heae photo|Taph*. ihow lng Hun- ^ ta r la a ils a ltU n ia g iln it 'S o v ltt ia n k f ; t also w er* m ad* avtUabla' t a newa*• papers a round th * wortd for uae u

i ; th ey aaw IIL( ■ Ofllclala sa id th* p ictures w e e

; particu larly valuable in neu tra l a a re as beeaua* they ahewed b«yond• a n y doub t how bn ita t th * Rusalani l e an b* l a keepliic i u liteU lU *

• ; ■ iB llo * . , • .

S.w cA D T O O S -w ra rB w A t r r APa>

r a


tn —

-ed a!ll the Dnlon etaJoa

(d on iiuingi^uung A-

Mrv. BUnehe aeeaatf f ^Tcgan. reeeBUy-eletted Jnn lw e h a lr

L u J analllary. Id a praellea fa r i n* * * *

"'■S Junior Legion A Installation^ In

i ^ a n , K or. ^^6~Iti*tallatlon of

’OTBJC in em 6 « 7 rT fn rM “ h e a t* w t-9 -p :-m . ilovak. Sunday a t the D le r American lie -

ston hall by the n i e r American L«> glon Junior auxiliary,

and M n . Blanche B nunet. rItualUUc « the chairm an for the aenlor a u x llla p . n c ea i w ill-conduct hnth-cefem onlta.-T ne H un- Junior auxiliary, composed of achool-

age daughters of Filer Legion mem- 9(ivlet ber*. 1» one of th e few organliaU ona irt to o f Its kind In the aUte. .. I « All auxlliarle* have ju n to r mem- were ber*. reporta Mm. Max Dwyer, aux -

i lh of Illary prealdent, b u t “very few have R. aet up a aepa'rate organlzaUon for g ou t the ir younger membera.”

Meeting one', afternoon a m onth .I dally tha junior auxiliary carrle# ou t th e Po*“ aame baalc program aaM U older then cotm t«T«rt. pirtJcJpaUng in public

». »ervlee projecta and charity work.■ , All l*« lon and auxiliary membera

o *et i r e invited to the Ir^lUallon and In - aUUatlon ceremonlw. Mra. Pvryer

^ -H«lpiJViiu.O>.frftorai_^FA LSE TEE T H

la'iisrsSteEisESSE-e s a s s S s l w S ^

ir Girls Practice for

5 5 ( 5 ^c h a l r o u n 'a f the Filer American Legla* b ta r JbstallaUoD and lolUaUea ceremenlea ai

* * Hr *

I Aiixiliary Plans ? Initiation Sunday

lo n r e p o r l e d . A tea will be held a lte r

- Mr*. J fthn- B ^ U i n i _ i O d _ M t t . E lie - Lydia Y oder, ar* advisera for the

I L e- group. h;

X-Ray on Girl, 2, S S !^ F in d s-“Jackpot” »

PO N TIAC.M lch..Nov.lBW >-They S h it a Jackpot when they X -rayed a - !;, year-old Sylvia M cKinnon. H e r P'

lem - m other, kfr*. & tna McfClonon <rf aux - nearby Rochester,- though t th e child ” have had am-allowed a Uny plaaUc toy. «

fo r T h e X -ray *howed th e toy. a ll v< r lg h t^ a t io - ln c h plaaUc doll. I t a b o ~

in th , ahowed a penny in Sylvia'* atom - s , th e next to the doll, and an open bi }lder safe ty pin In h e r th r o a t *lubllc PhyslcU tu q u i c k l y persuaded pi




i s

- \ . . . Yes, cl \ freight fc

\ m erchantJ Store FRI

\ OVER 100,000 ITEito choose FRO

FROM in Sears• Fall - WinterCatalog

, * Foil Sal* Cotajog* ChTistmos Catoloj



Tlffl:S-N EW S. TWIN I

:or Sunday Installati

M B oaday aftemM O. UMklag on ar* Kab< *m, U ry . a»d. Ffayllia G ardner, f1gh^ JonJer le* aagravlfls)

Leaf Cktllection Is , “ ~ Set H w e"N o06 "

F inal leaf pickup will be sU rUd f t l - by the city atreet departm ent Nov.

28. reWJrts H. K. Ballenger. *uper- j . , in lendent oi *ueeu . r t e “ H * n e H |* r -u w - T rT n r « r t -w r - t a —

hauling leavea from In front of hornet nffw. but ss /d most ol the crew U being kep t on atreet rtpalr aa lonig as weather perm it*.,

t» T h e entire a tree t crew a long Vkilh ■ trucks fr6m the aanltaU on depift-

m ent will begin th e llna l moptip f 'V Nov. 26 and ahould hav* I t com- [ *■ pleted w ithin a few dayi.o f Hemeo*-nfrt wbo have th e ir Ifave*

, 1M raked and-p iled a t the curb* are r. advUed to wet them down to pre-»ll vent *catterinB\ ---------

nbo ~xn - Sylvia U> e a t aome heavily buttered pen bread. T h a t brought th e p in Into the

atomach where it. the doU and the ded penny were removed by surgery.

r o E L i V E ^ ^

O 'l -

)NE 957-' I31L CO.. Inc. 1R ead, Twin Fstli g

i g i

I J i Y I

i, as an ex tra spec for Saturday, Nc

indise* ordered REIGHT PREPAi

eoMPuSave Even More


:: Sale5 l J ~ W P I i o n (


■ f lW U ilL i i i f l i


lation ‘I1





F n

' Oh


, KaberU Lorain, left. Jnnlar 'a«eT** ren lunler vie* ’ ehalrman. <8Uf{ phote> X____________________1.__________ ___ St4

ld«BiyiD T W E S -N E W a W ANT ADS. y,,

) “ - — .........

“ Hurry on over

^ ----------------w e h ' 6 -------------------- —

' waiting for you

! at our...


1 . ------^ItESfNT THis AO FOX YOI

A Y■ ' I/'- . '

tecial offering oi Movember 1 7 th . by phone or in | MDl

dRE Tlre Than W ith Ti

Shop In Peles Departm>ne~2860 oF435

•AT Tl


‘Rock .'n’ RolP T[Rliythm Helps rangt

-Mentally Sick fKDAVENPORT, l a , Nov. 16 fcfl-The B ollt

“rock ■n' roll” mu*Je of Elvis Prea- BapC ley la'good therapy for m e o u l pa - mon. Uenta. a *peeUllaf reported yester- a rrar d a j.

D r. Florence Chamber*, mualc theraplgt a t the In d e^ n d en c e S tate SH H B ti rn ia i tn in s t i tu t r r te ld - K - s te tf ^ n « meeting a t Clear View aanltarlum hall

" I can t stand the boy rprealeyl «»*• myaelf, bu t hto mualc la very good fo r the paUenU..

"The mentally ill. according to gSOC F m id . have lost Uielr rhy thm and 8 u i r e out of step w lth-the »T3fU.“ D r. g CThamberr aald. "We u*e mualo to 8 i gtve-Uiem back-thelr rhythm.'T----- 2 . :

She aald church hymna ara bad O . ^ for 'rehablllUUon work. K

•T iifv »fe nice aongs In them - 8 selves bu t U>ey have no rfiyUun and

. tbs-lyrlca .a re-b id for thc -pa tlen ts . -----reminding them of Uie paatT a

Dr. Chamber* formerly waa a t \ s u t e H o^ ita l South .^n Btackfoot.i

* Ida., bu t resigned In a dbput* wlU>[*• Uie admtnUtraUon. -______________

Yau'ra n e x t . . . t o l i t r ig h t dow n a t o u r H a m m o n d C h o r d |

__________ m m plfta t u n e ^ b y | ___

time >ou tiy l „ ' yes>t>ucart...becau»e U t h i s n .w k i n d o f__________ H am m nnd jO rganJi______| ___

the raaieat of a ll in* I strum ents to p ls y . . .•n d the m ost (un too. j

I We have a free priza rreording to give you ' when you've played I your f ira t lune . So . I • . com e on o v e r a n d *| join tbe fun. '

And s a y . . . bring th«> fam ily. L e t -'em s ll find out w bat a ball it would be to have a H a m m o n d C h o rd Organ (or Christmas.H urry, we're waiting!

— M u«c-...Fun--------- 1 _ ^

t v 221 MAIN AVE. EAST

H T g P » h n n * 2 0 4 4 _ j ___

VOU* r t f i IF IIC O IO IN G 1

of our Catalog D 1 . . . ONE DAY C I person will be s|

PHE SHTheHegurarLoM

erson At Ov ment On Oi153 R em ein i^


iin Avenue W est


^ o i n t S C T ^ c e S e t - ^. WEMDELU Nov. IS — A special Roy

Thankw lvng Mrvicc has been w.- beial ranged for Uie eo.-nmunlty for 10 a. = s = m. -niursday a t U>e MeUjodlst church.-T h e -R e v .-JU .z _ G l lb e r t.w m .give Uie InvocaUon, Uie Rev. Chad B. Bollek. pastor of th e Presbyterian. Baptist chureh. will deliver the K r- mon. Thanka»ivlng music haa been | arranged, ■■ . I

GAME FEED SLATeA - , ' * SHOSHOKE, Nov. 1* -A pheasant

d fa in e f-w U i-b s-a ao sd .a t-lh f lOOF- — h a i r Monday e v e n ln r for member* . of tbe Odd Fellows and Rebekah | lodge* and the ir families. T he pheas­a n ts are lo be furnished by Odd Fel- lows. Rebekshs will coo t th e dinner,

Q We Have A -C om ptelciline of

I Glidden Poiiir |K Painting S u p p t i^ - W a llp a p e r 'Sg ARTISTIC D istributor! g l ___


_ - -t w i n - f a l l s J B U S I ^J U N E G R A D U A T E S N


, U n* Sldwell » * r t SllveJerom e J«rom«

There arc ahva.vK plenty .of Twin Fall.«i and Magic Valley : traininjr. These June Jiraduat- for work—tttie poiiitions were We offer Job Placement Servi

I ENROLL~ —Winter-Term-St

TWIN FAllS B l l^



D epartm ent, we O N L Y . . . all

I shipped to the ’

HVINGiwHCotolog Pricc

lur Catalog )ur Main f\^ O N E D A Y O I


st Ph


-------— Z B iC L tt8 -? fA S te -= ^COLUMBIA. S. C . Ner i . .

Roy J . Moose has »ppi;e;j , ^ b tiah ip-ln th e Columbu

N O T lS ^T O

Horse-Shu-----------r ^ S --------------

PASSENGERS- O ur N ew Buj Slop

is now locofed ot

415 SECOND AVE. SOUTH «(B ehind Firestone’s)- ^

rSWAFf ^ lisiNESS TRAINEDS I N E S S C O L L E O E _ _ 3 N O W E M P L O Y K D F T H E I R C H O I C E

silver Joan 'ilnslcjome Burley

.of o ffice opporlunitics In ley fo r th o s e w ith biisinc** luatc.^ d id n o t have to look •ere a lre a d y aw n itinp them, crvice to a l l s tu d e n ts . '

L NOW 1 - S t a r t s - D e c r - 3 —

SIKESS COLLEGEttke a bualnew ew»r**~.


ve pay the

3 Twin Falls

S S !cesr^~ ~ ~

9FloorOHLY.. . ^

I !

Phone 2860:

' T '