The Elkin Tribune (Elkin, N.C.) 1940-12-26 [p ] · 2013. 12. 12. · »%pr«n o"i h

I*'?- i)o f Jl 3p4 m *W 1 . '.Jk~ _ " ?' --' - ? - \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 " -'*'- -- I H8» lattofo J&SSTJB «*»»> mtk : to rpend tbt j K»iiday - naif -wiUi :j Hfld» 0»-; BTt-PPi'.ai Mm, Black voot--. W t. Tj. Greer bird; an< ! JafssrK KLetiii Reece, Htorbw i Way'iiem f»nd fomm: Hteece, pSfai.-, lfity. . r* BMi o "aita*: Taylm who is a ifr? %L JXtkt lym-it***, JJurtjam. Hpt-'f Suuuay here 'frith Mrs. HM»< i ovt lact-. # §»< Mjto Magd»»ieo< Ala run is 11st- peu amon« the ' iek this sk. Lg, Mr ,&t .i'ojd w«r"'n f ol Boont, Spfwnt the week-enc here wiUi, (Pruends. , >., b Mi. -a' Mrt, ra« w, : an>> lp'UsMtei, Abbit spent Thursday; : -'ty^n ston-l? Uem. I Mrs r>< Brown 15lt Stinda" <*» speno t'ijfl hotidayfc lii ,prMQ , ville. S- C\. with mends and relit- fives., u. Rev. ami Mrf- Raymond Can- spar "leave W dju-sda to ! ,fipena tiie iiblidas's to Kanrtapolia !wm 1 Vela fives. j CtMh-.t'mt Car'ata l* rr«a*nte«l . 4,? S uuda tiveninf j a ChptefiWG eantate '"a h<l , ui old wsiiten sm<i ftrwuig- i <Hi b' 'viattk B. Shannon, with :misic uH»seU Of Normal lijfh ? | niiJ, was r ,r*>seaU a: Sunda ni<fhf .a-t 7;8(J b' a choir otf'Mxed voters oltfhe Baptis chute' I Mi*. Tommy Reeoe, student an i Mar* Hilt <?cil«fre, Mar* -Bin. was a charge of tjlf devotic r ik ( The cantata consisted n Q* folic.', ing ri'.jnbi r. c ;'Sii « Ai.*trs unto fciaa, Ctooirj Nation?; for n Pavioi . * .'.uMtfi. «ox«lstinp a Mis* Emm viUei, ?Mtisdair s Pafcgg iSftitor,, jsti . ami Ta' D&vU, "Ffe I pare Ye the Wv? px, <ttia jVhouj :-(*? st&i, Feai Hi# fwc#.' | baa. .solo bj Mr. Arthur Mfi.rUp afsflarraST jiai-ja-..' JULI. :.- fl Voli fi > $// / /) ri m if J if Wf 4'* Of* curstly»» cf opfc iuiyiy h »%pr«n o"i h <ntt 'oy»l fnona tnH cui \u2666ri»«ri for your P|ir<yf' w.TtM.oitwa wljh th« mot* i J«« «n<il W 'V» f oif '-out * L iiww® I , _ If &J%\ ©I gratitude to lhc< ec*r. \u25a0 \ r, >#, / i. tiunlfr »Wch wc ge c> >\y > i.', tfite. W#'<* erertefvtl for £-" I the pciror.oij'. rou hrry# -J* 4} 1 j, t i I ~,.«\u25a0»«»» JL* «»ri pledge . true-. mfyo- foiftMl- is A Kitin. N » - - I .fii/i n [ p T* vx\ a Beth err LfeCjfj&rg 'An*< Solir; Arc Kb* IMnB,"- f^pra?-.'. aio b;/ virgin f liintijiHiy; pttm Hea#orif ':X*rtfc * jifcl iSturHpht," Trio hv Mepdsrii A" % t «DU Mil EveVyr A rfloln; 1* St?.' it the Vest," by Me scf A tteiJ- Martin* Ii1 v ebt':' y ai ?Smv. -isyr rout Come' *rjd oljoi 'P/fivT'hJ ' by Leon Mz rht hi d nboif, "Ocu So Lov <L ti Vorld," by r'-oir: ar <1 the fin | ! (yiorii.-, Jnto God Bo Glory." V k rs Witt Hsirom* Fntsr'.vhv <n*vd'y lv£rs. W*Ti HolmoV ! eri rrpißfif' men bers of he; »'?U) d%y, «Ahc)i class W xtnesrf ?. ifro liU 6:Pfj at tier home, T*>J) ! rfcd i~>e»<efi nv* tr l cradle; we used. ??>\u25a0?'lrfe of tl Civ ifi >«Bm Chripttvas Xot were sf-.'.g 1 the dh'V.irp.ll arid ijames Wf l>jßyed T>e sej ed rjul OAke.s, id ice j-eam jWw io Ipwrap,: 3ett> J':ar I>j. ,Ny J m W gonei, "an M e Bt'UlSn, K' elyn fttflr oy, J? rj Hrtynes and c'laudpne Vest») 1 Xt- 1' hr d f : i!i> on<' p»t> make [ lifrw rid ft. an d< mby csu« |( Uitr i-ie mfttto io o<> one a t«v J . tKUj't viia' like PMHin s::lt on f | birds tail to catch 1'? «k» IMil - .se gr-yrg "-\u25a0\u25a0 I iUI Wis Hi A \u25a0 CMfltft* ji toitfc MX w *btt! ijatrpnagft and goodwill W wean' muck to ut dur- »»k W Past and we couldn't iel corns spin j>;o without exp« : r»)tijjf our and ,every ; f A frffldle i s«i '" ?"?"'? - CI \u25a0* > a i*ni I 1 * | 1 'fni 1 l£i% |i I <w* \u25a0'»T' f ?.???? >Vr(h Cwi>lina i; p f a, its part Ja Nfailonui dftiensj' -r-trartofr anu Ut racixiA or DiiiijUu" (iafvuse. For Ux» na« stv j'-ars 'pc Coj):<e Kalcosioi St na U and di» < jti"| Soil Ooosr Ast>o< latteW' a hjfli j>p«rjvi< to tor ace ' *nd aud roc rot equip |n. (it, tenaf their "and «"iyn juUfbvUiinK p*yn->en(r tb oo V*c AA\ progrfot Thus, wW the snldle: opt itinp. thr jUttks are m-Jieavers svhteh sirensrthea the N~tionV; A) i.ed defer e. ,T»r He« t i wrou*-* ar enroifi* on soil defense work bi moic than 70,000 acres ol ev ry year. ' ? M' GfcP M '.V IV Ns F§m Warn r<xw*af»j« g Ai*E OBF.PB * i*ON U? J The cond' .ct And attdfri'jcie of I ma 1 die -ate<3 and e'derty l*fcop!< vitt tiiflko id: tiestrr the #outft &' ( chin j M4ny oifsr p i>jjK' 1 a 11 tolri tha< - Ja> '' :j jxrowsnt r"g'ht c ; , lh il 1? due lately tc J ;th e itviiff rern< 1 a_ ? J T»' 1 'Xh?-- s stiteF, ben?,us< 1 ' W of ' I i By-. jir : Jn raw whld 1 a at'g»- been a tyrud of pavers! "ear- 1 iH'fct'Cdmirig R nation of old pe-i J Many moan territortfs "re nr I nvodr- jr u enough nhiWrfit V jt 1 Oifuxs . deeUttinH pdptilstion re 1 >.tlt nK from uath The igr » life sp&t br.& beer? .trohw hi | advances ii) bmHP u flfclftn-p. Or j - the otixm ? law-., ycme people | \ have fount Mfe # cqMttevious in 4 £ tempwor ioi- tlie patt twenty 1 i five years At 11 ?> wife? oen »on( I oversea. ; ificea'.' of lv 'ng jlv.'iuta t>?., ® fandiie' I>>m;63Jor an' I uftr n- j I taint j< Jtttvv dogp<U the heel? of I j y>uth Mtunriaf,' s haw? reryjbed I a new ivw. '!> u aer orationP haVt E j b«T unublr to iuve the children I Uiev deflr id, Unto' , we vjafte tj> E| ?«h<w will b maun, mom gvnere Hon 1 h the same di l ficulty vie hi? inp n; r* t} average ap of our popu-qr i 'tor is te» year higher, fan 4 % f'.n -<U u ?>', ol ne i; iH'P'-t 1 itifjv #ii t# mors than *.£ 1 j y«"s o (V">, A'. p»-o ,: p . pur cent, ol these will be 65 p: J tvW . A'lKii has i«fh vr tfen about, jthe length of> out ia i, deprfftrinn fw pe* plf f leetsk why It liw 1 been < \u25a0 loni,. lUe answt t ta tb< 3 j r\Utic ( r-oEultion of orf l popula- a Won, p us economic at d iwlittcaJ 9 | iiO with a deerra«ing 1 birth rata. \$ the pro«ittof^f; '* ages decre. tt. Uie tot<a y< turtle ' 1 dwiease . Th' nation'? I (H'OnoKiw n aehinery Rets hard n- 1 1 top of flu artor'e> nad 'oscf, ih | ftlnfiMcixy. _ tylrt'i the av rrgte aft] 1 of the people /t»l - a oatir; Js y o.hg | 9 in ami ally 1 teropot ujj lor it Is qui' My vb-jl tsarbsfi. V heii a nation has ij? 1 aan\',' r <uiatiou, totuypf of | hUßuiea dccrear/if,, buidWlwi 4orj] twuMH sir A olher<cjiaatrue ,! oo creaee*, pAar^U,' become buyers' maxkotf. ruces d'cluie Upward' cot $ of j eduction rlt " tfianfc for profit, Utccfnes Oppor- ; r.uniti .?> tor economic advance- ?fqhi i ecoiß' fewer. , . . ?' \ rbfi..nwitt datwo#} tact wi- pix a*Ung |>oy<r ktlon V 'jhfif it iff a ! arloft e< il»nsor? * beaoZfK cv!ltwr<' Conf pttqll) m iOWtUfci' Moo of e er sort 4 i effort to its ,Mirsu , of 'He< > Ttierr are three groups at old- ' <r iwov lr. \u25a0 ftyt ithw wvtheit er rfl / who *ft* #AUr"d by \u2666ti" epr tf naecnrity Thte getifa» H kcfife 4a TOMf- 'll«r 'o ig lam* <rf: l -|jW Hd, without * triip of phat #iU wtU mean if impropei. r Th( iet \u25a0 !? s»n b# »fßn The money d>mxnti too ;iea%. 4 tfjjt j v \u25a0 . _<\u25a0;*, BtxOft, Oj&t >rfcy and o-sh fh ffce iwnfc. n >f«rifcs hi fhe gKr*7 'W ftch!c»e- nemtii, it knows *sol bou tftn toys of iBBx-'aKmi vm- m&wfl K) voa<b, vm 1;: too m. BBMB? "4 ' tine ut & Third, there is thai, graiuJ group m wM sa muel: m<w> ifewftn t* s«- wr, Hi api#*.. 9Ms' 'MMV s #f ite ar*» <w> fW~»« fine traM #* HB«w It. «? !thf»t. Tantt rr'TrW? < # - jtife* -rath mot!""-? and grand- vi# mw *hy<»i vomvr fhe*r eHlfftWß i3MmS| th»C tives witti the youngsters, i f* hop- ag lrw %*H» tW* pro ip r*>onfc 1 Of- flffen a eha> c«r. ftH>> ? *\u25ba?«??" Ibe flort* %j ti- if. to 1 the buitteo' >f f»»ey tn»» ' f lmp anri "inMer ? j3t»nrtittwr OHven 9 'lw Ica-r rriaVe th<f» *\ »w ffv4 I oiit: yulutts n. (M« OMMr \u25a0 peopi*. wr>o - . wbuß-, mrsi walk *a t>:<aDMl Uk uicl mt tht yasio»r «ota. wiM be Aanpte. *** " H * nv w fm '#row old more tS" 'I IfM | | ? I hi " - -\u25a0? >l.l mti% &?\u25a0 mMt&n W a «#*»*? <i# ««w* rp >te fo *ft» K& OU< )# : "»»» % W»*t Wip»#T the ABi*»-t(n'ti»)n ->mv< -- ?? ?-«*. JHt,' rrv&l f ton®- »asr ffrt<*r- H* « Td**r l»t fiv-'t one John Pmjti ?r- , ** 1 VtKiicv jirlwic'tMhid I \ Mm :! : rt-h&toMtk \fltVi \tyfr m«<* t».i* ?»_»«?* ? V A 'ttjL> *it «(\u25ba Jpw.i, .4|M ... wmprvr » i A.Vfiw «** » j&* .mTLi m -, .. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0i » i 1.1 \u25a0 Ml \u25a0 Mil I 111 1 --- WE tiUQQf NfW ¥ltf! I «H . ' it I Si'-'" »'r*W if 'Uv < f AJI ut 4a hero tLjfjfa v* Tji liTMMijQm Hi" ' ' f' \u25a0 l w? .w Nay khiMituus U< jpeny for you liw the New Year both

Transcript of The Elkin Tribune (Elkin, N.C.) 1940-12-26 [p ] · 2013. 12. 12. · »%pr«n o"i h

  • I*'?- i)o f

    Jl 3p4 m *W 1. '.Jk~ _ " "« ?' --' - ? - \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 " -'*'- -- I

    H8» lattofo J&SSTJB«*»»> mtk

    : to rpend tbt jK»iiday - naif -wiUi:j Hfld» 0»-;

    BTt-PPi'.ai Mm, Black voot--.W t. Tj. Greer bird; an< !

    JafssrK KLetiii Reece, Htorbw iWay'iiem f»nd fomm: Hteece,

    pSfai.-, lfity. . r*BMi o "aita*: Taylm who is a

    ifr? %L JXtkt lym-it***, JJurtjam.Hpt-'f Suuuay here 'frith Mrs.HM»< i ovt lact-. #§»< Mjto Magd»»ieo< Ala run is 11st-peu amon« the ' iek this w» sk.Lg, Mr ,&t .i'ojd w«r"'n f ol Boont,Spfwnt the week-enc here wiUi,(Pruends. , >.,b Mi. -a' Mrt, ra« w, : an>>lp'UsMtei, Abbit spent Thursday;

    : -'ty^nston-l? Uem.I Mrs r>< Brown 15lt Stinda"