l /7/ons -...

tu^t^m- "a"" •^ sf *»t* ~Q>s - jf •&• v" .').4&iinimn"iin' l "m-j^»'J"^'H" /7/ons j«* OMtfflfrq* Mlfrm|low, %Pf fto» XII <fecfca-*i h«# in w *4<trw to d»J««»t«« to the InUmatiotmi Con. •JMhiHar t :-:-;^^-v : . ; -.^ .^...-flhtwgh "tt-DW j&e,'.!«:,net tetaH . V»JH& Jr|#».j»^Bf# g* tar$en> It 4JN6 not forestall th* wwa*•'«! Vtogtjfom 3fl•$*"Wit|ntt(Ml«9• which, place* ootaMii* *T$ie3*iith-|uV; 3waWM»taS* Asap^'i)^ itm^uMr activity, fe-loftift -ft*, fgomr Mrfev | M **• pempffly to ***"iw*fe*«3Mte*-' ^pi|fMd% Mm. ttuota « m butriMM, Tnerwver, doee net «*» t^t <»fe^J* timtti&£: resolve: itself teto a -gam*.*** ^fftUT HfegMS^, ISNV 3S" s*14 ^edmHW functions <:der$na3eil ~^ n a8S3?*X^fiv^jji** 'ii^;«w«iw«t-;^. iiStt*^,M«v flat i« > ******«** , ' l » * -«*B&«*i tuttfiH"'" ' ^tfli' *W"tf ^ t ^ t r ^ . ^ y y ^ r J ^ ^ J*efiB6 M , jj-imftl alius to i ^ r *tUdv' f thav- fa^s warnatef «* aeipngmoB :*™g,|(gt.frtftrrffrfah# -*• fjB^tei Iht Mfc. takae . . _ •flfttHfr'* jBafft* ttws XU astoiwlifrae ti* ajrihustaatfa; yrbetiay „_.„,„ _ a*rta«r « as**)** U Aaterica* »n l ew- *«i ***r fvnttte* In Italy. Tlia awdknca w** *4- -mm +* mnt m Ola aManliU i e j & t jfigrft A t W t c Tr*ity ' Orr«nli«Oo« Comm«i4 h> j*^^PP*"' i B ^ ^ - ^ • P - - I f f l p ^ ^ _^p^WPP ^'W'lHpTjr IB!^iPPi^'*y JWBjfftoWR* lifcfcif Uhfrilitor Presidtnt -HTbat' ite Ciu«rh wkh«« in A t tft* «n4' of ^#»* «M Holy r«th«r JE*V« ttw dri4«»i« .>» wntlntui, -^B »wro «ft total ^iriiM' -^MML adM'W 'ittlil M' mvm^l ^^p^"^f ^™^*»5« ^w wn Mini•• •••« 4te 4tet JMf MMMtfy mllflitit' ••yp^.;«MW'»|i|tjL^gf-"" y w - " i; ^V^B* ^SBVjf- JPW?"^ ^•^^f »^" ? T t ^^^^B" U ''™U ^^^™l x ^ J ' l lf ^ys 4M>>mk- IbdbaBM^ Xrrivt In Loadoa JMIM limit j&tfai la rwfnmwihtf isi^wtt* iromtti««rlow-ywHr tan T laimffliit . 'iF-WHp M^^^^^^&^w ^w-^*^*W^PHL ^''W^pw^p^ ^j^l^p( **7 * " L ,J*w*™"*WIWr f*»w*> ipW Aiw*h*m lincola in hl« Ctvtt UMBWI ' ill ruMft te ^hk "taeratf ti«i«f lfc«rattlu . - •nwimwmiA* iwi « - w - * # --^W r^ ; * ^ ,*fr^V C5 .«»»-!.«!•'• iiii? 1 i 1 ^ j iiiti-yji)ii.O;ai|ji|inuyX.Wl'.jXK"u,' j-'I'llJUiiiuW}•• :nf '• awp HPi>ip» «W»' ^*^-"-*'i * By IRITIS miWPUNZ ..j,^. _,,_„_, .„„ State* !P«|. Wt»t^ «W #1^ united S t a t ^ > e r l e « t n The new €&ttHttut$i£ '$$&$?$ if* «n8nar«Jht United into further f|«giJ«*tfei«" witti Soviet Biwul* -tt .It rsiset iihsi^I^ Ior M of iw ^le ftflejsfcion: Will Th* proHBommunirt ptriodkal, Vdc« ol 3P9l«iA has Uimqhed A KOZAJUKWIC^ but, hw ne»t oIl*hExCom- dw^rted to ereafc %tf It" H "tt^acf«4 *».'«^w| Jrom experience? PreiJdent EiMnhwrer** |ir«W9|rt *wa«nw,o.,-Jt" ' e*ce lattiUitft h e r « H'ftlB^ii^^d •r.---ifl,; isi# fbt^t,' '*TM^ «B»' itetong tit jseyjul/; .; [ |p^e^ft' , ,|fj#r-,"#f « » " : i ptopl**, It,ftiKilea to the. shocte"-.. iiif "p«:ka«t d*iff : in the UilStef JKi^% #W5h* l»41* P»t th# . stamp ol *pp>roifBl, on. the entire '.Spyjel'iW^»y|tep. "'•', ' | »' "Geneve" Jiad «Uw_Iedl to the - Cteet ColmnuSftt \3efiay ""H"'"" Frence, wj*ei* »ow the efeiitl of > Moecow repreieiit the Urgeet - jMngl* j^^^lbttv-eot^a^. |fe :.-' jinj in<*Biwea;the, eSf^9 «>* <'Bei4ti'«U*« H «M hid BTOijght Inae ^finitely .w?ithih the oiwt ot Soviet InifitMffloe. It h»4 opejne4 :^|^»|^t!eei^*W.iniicJ»ie|' .; iiiiit&&mipm>-. ^y. * \, ;-•. •]SfWt' 'ifl^v#^et; f #i*(el &'.te.. •f&i J & •X the%* OnStr.. - - - ^(W^veJy t)uM« iwrftb^'W H*ve e**s ee*s'ffli nfti'* * *'KMi p*« fletBHMi «Mtt wie*»tB el thee* iuoile»t ittriNiii M M ; en tbefcf ifirWii" «<t leeR* - eaaeeif ti»e w& leritti -ettNi- - 4yjfHf t :OeH(ii mM .inn Nor* jnRT»iBi o»e enwepi IMMML t»* MWJWIII Ibew IK eeiitwst wteh 'tacit leirroim- JU' On* weett Alee. e«t"*ie ^H *"* *,'8W f(wi ^Htlliir A»t*}< «i Mewy." . - ffiti hUrmmjim ~ retheili N*wi "WW" it « pi«ee ol A»erictn hlttory glue*i4 over bjr aictt iOetsaeja lafeeFeb, there , ««««*&»«, . InfwKUtlpo, Ann« Tan»»y potau up UacoWi ipprfciitfoB ;ef the* 'is««M^c. tfeiii'te'iee ei^cte.jtiaia. «Lfak . . iMet iwortet, tftei* * e i e w tndned Ajnaay ntimf mem nor Ree" Croe, nurtlng u«H». To fill the MMMMtoA. niel* for comi^ W«*frti«Hl Ja th* Unh»d SUtei ^*^ ¥*we^(( ejpe»ej^^c^ epff^^p5rP™"9^Be '^**^^*p*'We ^, Ceihelie »utM -*»«*• %: the honireiic Jata Jwarttiy '*e«*truct- e4^«0Ki^f Iwiitoto, tre^tom. e4 ftelr tcheoie. tete teo«|>lttl w « V »Uif«d tbt ^fl^ttttg hot- ptteJa" - Btilf,, **4 rikft* plying we%Mdei Jr««e ti»i litttiiiiH. the itrtfele relttee. HWied ewJ iM^.^-ll^^vlpteiar.Boryneld,, •J.- ".'"-ifif.".i.r:j". |i ",h"'-^ r '''''J' f, "" t ' comforted the »fe* end vreaa^ed cf -both IMM diaring rJue war bt^. tween the J|t*tii*. '.•• AS A WSSWMt of ee^Bce^^^^Nareei^ ibt cava Wer wm'iUm h** * never ^§11 tteja^iM hewwer diet T}me aft** tfane when mm- ch»« end' lood r«l» ehorfc end offkielredttpt h«mi»ertd tfceir efforts ip obtiiln viteUy ne«4ed luppllee for the wouhfKd, the .Sister* eppetied directly the Preeident, th«ertWe etetee. H3i : t«3^^'li^ v |i)l^#Ai'.lR^ «he form of ojSen-ktter oommene* euch »»: 'To Whom II Woy Con- cern: On epplicetion of tht; tt»- tere of Mercy of Chteego, furrdeh euch provjiiont «s they deeto* to piircht*e end. charge thi e«rae to .the Wer Depertment. Sixnwl, Abrahem Ltecohv" ' . Uo*m - (mK») - Ntw i— iwimg.miiijiwuiimnmiM^ * ; '^* vnw ^^ «WWM»I. «te»eiagi |j^jitfati'Wi^ 49«Mit«t» '*jfe'.ftiit ".geJii*;. : ltotihaf"e*iflS'«MtT "' ' reWftnUP- oo«teii«see-.'<#^lw"iiBm'-^^ ^*twhe--# the »ei«.«id4they-tato fe W ^ ^fcg^'^ti 3 . §* ' f»m»*f the isy^Bioue 'dM Ra ^^***-- ®*3&W$ J««l •• *s« m '•»' %%««•' «t- *e *x- and br*«Jc 4o«*-.|£i **^eei,- ! '-Areaeit «SIMI ldrtsHir.Oem«« .cob' Daily Worker retee4:the beittiei'offtr*w Jrtage Ifr^ e#uggl« - :-et# i&#mfr Utt^ ,roer| ^iwMetf^^t' $e«elBl- .«$£$$«£* «nd lop theee. *^egotJatkioe , *-Hi w*cOe urates # i«*ok r^iod tntjor . !fegii|(#iwr«piidej»^^||!tt^ ^<pj»W»^fWt;«Wttl;r'^v, "?"• f i e n B ! ^ ^ eatutience that theee . The JfttematJor*l Red brfan, "major power ti»g!»^atfons w wtH ltteV;«{ 't^B^'tlttet.^. the w ^ ^ w r i r J n f U though-already eoearade* he#t ; ]Ni ; #ii poeltlon in Wejew *t .wl^ttest'hli* : h^- wmi in «rt«*aftc»* 'the- ierhe t o # f -there I* orily or«- iteesdif eopg. tiij|--'ieM(i ^ . g e t t l i i t ^j*e iet euch 4«*ittespi, ma 'that, I* United State* Into new dealings 'the unusual success which Mos- witS Soviet Russia and thereiore. cwrhts had, and its fifth column lBt« »e* d^iMteiaHbeceme the has enjoyed, in making America ' ciiefrltem o* the current Cc*n«| do i^it the Kfenilmwa^ ' Wmfc Vfa.4-' : . *:•/'"•'"' 'i;-*. r m 'C4W tt&* ; foir#erd to'' ' IK *rWM.3A3WAXtlurtm of, seeing .many .non-Corronunlst Political Affairs, this Red deter- 1 agendes of opinion come around minetloa -fa < ^ee»Btft ! te* 1 W -to-venr ehoSrttjf- to. favor' new- iheet* death becoajee a leading^direc-,ings with Premier Bulganln ar.d «y» lor pr^poeect- (^tnmtiirfet^th Mctatojr Bhrufhciey* 'em*nt'---ftMf' •$% year- il66,;aspect thla# even^thotigh. #49^ "Geneva'' had- ImMiight about a is«ce shouH have taugto us by totin of despair anong the I»O*;»BW that aH tuch 'meeth^fe wWi pie of the satellita reglmee aujd, the Soviet ^eadera vdll Jeed '!»" ' <ta> .afcuBoa eaM eftM nflsasi '•= 2a -^MAaikaBkB^ jisjiat-^elB^MIIiftBf—fall .4fe>' J^^aeX*fla«|. I^assassssas^ ^•assasss^R .^sas^ j^aa^a|B/sa^(t, ^saa. 4MLJ& ,~^^^|J1M JPP*aw ^^^^&w * e*™^Pj '^•iLgr'^mftsBB- -.^^MB*a|aft^kB^ t^aSisS.' ^aWt-iyaai-"" sabjaeM' to bratsl araatwtot by tiwlr gearia. thejr are »ot aaowe« :«e *ay Hsa* ef 'JlkT^filf O P N t f JMPW -^LgU •<•«•—• I1l1>ia> 4*i l^ptl Xjlilimus GtotAt Sioft t e * '.' | # w * « # ' ysN- $rt»cS*i ten|-_ tti th* : »r# »?Wt sf ihe- 0|"irch« tSii- j-Jle*' : v ' v' i*f fHe. **ir"'l^ ; 'he#ft -li^hiewrf 'frew tte Mpr&-«^ lejhmfl*'Tb^t ^i : '."' ••: -.*4sjprle«^^s»'itiiiiltfea> »e*>Hfy ti*AQv#M PN»Sc*,el'^thW^f|eJl '!••' ..' ^IfteW frta^^elllss^lolH^.^Wi^, WNe <»*wft«^,- ; i^''poe|y^ '- •;" i^j >! ^ieef- ceorWt wpRffilft 1»»' »«iBW;"-*bi6|e*-lw*»' *»»d['fj«fl!jj^^ ' ,1^. va-'Sfaannni' Taewoa>.-- - - ,• - . y-~ ^y „•• • • •- • - -~ ». t.: •OOKS ON THE MEANING OF LENT 4t «*» IKW^fi «>sal«C^iU-^Ul.' -_4JeJU^l«ayaias1^^ + THt lOtOeCHtt ?A»KW: l«-«rtd. $ 1 » ' + Wt fA»»OH * KATH^«H*K _^4JO )mwiiiiiMi«pm>iiinii)iH!nrrtimi» iniiiniiinnii|lft>iftlVniiii»tiiiiimi iiimtf 111 4 firifgfire LlUdLa^Mui. a 1 4 I (MM* oafty ei' «< «f lewat ^QejMHHcIt' 1 ' „ » lb aar tsitf imsl >•,^fl .»»-,r^i l . 1ll r^l ,^a;,w,^y ,*«,„,), AaaAKGg HOW FOR GRBOOMAK 3 S^mWW.Ti if r.^ifc. •!!»•»• .V f^f^I^I 1 '^^ 11 ^ to strengthen the t Soviet ltw%t«Ie.-^vie«f theet; ie^«ssietl- m goe^ ana much eytt iop thai United State*. •...•-. -; IIBW£ ' laMsai "alM ^•^fk*; " Bfl^tfatft tWaf^at ^|& -ja^^^a^l •- , ^~^i£~^^^^ aMa^A ^ ^ - ^ ^ ~^Jt |g^£^u_£g£ JSJL ^Mpa^h^Hk ^IsaXsa^ : JsaV^ati'''aU- abak ^b^ttft- | J | L | .'Ssaaf'MaBtBV'^Bi 'itt JR|ml||i* '•Mf', wWm iWPjH^,- P##» . | H W b ''JBf aWKawf^Msf JBIIF "'Sr^HsawS^' - * M J * . < a * M « . - . l ^ ^ u i l j *— -—^ "••-•—a-i-a ''.'.vjrwl^, "-'-"' WTaVli -«i IWal, JVWliiMI' M w -MN|M*' r WWT '•Wm • • "*rlaa J .*als^^T.jilA8dlf or SACWnCI WM 1 Ja^JKrHsa^L- ' V ^ i t t < « r ^ ^ ^ ' & -^^X^^~;^^B^^^^^^,> -f,;--- •' T7- -.-, 5 \ - - *™ <•?• sa^a^^B^Bi^ia/^ ^p^^ - >^ssaf- hSaei^Bsaaasjsaj^ ^Ki iSa^s^aa^aaaaasa ^n* ^P^^^a^sassssasaajsssaaj. eeaaac a H I j ataaai *a#eai - >e bam a aasuii -' - i^^^^M^^^J^^l^i'^*^^ aaatedMat. WB ya« aaaka M . ! * * shs Mate la MM kearta eg UMM »«*»te aaacariar farkU^aeertM. aCtt«C«OMr ««• i. a i*M»a aeyrtaatty »,^V'H^;;>adte%^H > ig1ffl«.-Jsll« JIMRt . . . - •• ^ - —3 . _ ^i?^,^, .-^ ^ _ •lOOBUXlONAYEAk ' ec faatlUw.' -*!^'ilP"W^*eieew--jeeaaaffelHBaar-^^ '^ewaraev^... _. T •ye;aee'a1ffaiattal^^ : AM 1^^_sk ^ ^ a ^ a ^ M ^e *aWe_m~^^^Jf ^a>^* ^^a^^s^a^-jij^gw ^la I J L ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^JS a»aj aasaasa. aa^aaaaaasaaa assj^ ^ssaft-saax ^^'tBaaasa^ ^ --------- | - ~ ^ - a^sajsaaaaaasa^ --- BBBasjB/ , ^ajs^ aJsane' aaaSaaBaBalPle aW> faiaik JaTtae «e*rk •* taa aaeJe»t t*Ul*-, w aial . mm JutcKAiftittA aM TAUntTmc er iaetttaeen«r tka M^_^^, ^* j»v^_^_«^^^ a^. J^___^ j4fjhu^ ~4Mk>aa>r saliia a* T "ffj ,~!^HT i^ jWj, S»PPwa aytaaa^3awaaaii v a a * a "faaa_asae ^gBSS* p g l t . gfbJWWAggE.g.^y. * y»» iee we w"^^™ ^*^^^^aaaaljflf- ^^ap ^SSBaaa ISPv ^sasajsaaj -- ' Saaajk ^SaaaaaBaaai ^BaaaasasaaaaaaaaaSaaaaaaJBj|: ItsSJa^TIl , v 'J ^ P « E » » M09TTH ( * -< T ~»Tf ""•• -^saSyaw^^aiajar/^^M QKar^sjj . *^_ f i ^ j t i H t m in' 11 f ' ...^-^•^PF ***IP»^; ««p«^^»'wt i_, taair a* aabaMlaUa aaatt far < tSe^Jiaj^aer^Jieifte^^aia^ P T <fn..M»«i..^..iifii^ l »miaj„mii. J -, ' ' SfflSaSSMSS^<Sl SW?a-^S 4» «aa43*afe .Wy « f i ^ ^ i g * f t i e a | ^ & g k j *4,ee |*sA a •fjHpeajiai IMK2J X aaaaev a avlU'f.t'AlL Jsl -^ w^TSP^r W ^' | P T -waPMa«W"^r«a»(aai aaan *•&£-.>&* -*•*» -:***-#* - **• f*" 1 '^^ af ^^ea|is ^'aasassaaasaai i^ttaft^ar^l ^ f^P^V^Pn^ •^fflsaBBBaBBaaaf _ -~BaBBBBSj( fSBBSBBS^ p j ^ - f ^ m ^ HHi^t Wtf* 1 "9i^Maga^'IstABl J4Mt'Tafatla'il ajy^jai.^*^.---' -^i-••-'•-- "" e^»P»affWaaaag«a^^BBBas|BBS> ^P|lff|Pq|Tnr~~~Ba^ES|BsaBaasB^'-^SB^ *;»". ' * *. eft' { f * ~ , ^ •' ^ tfjT't ' <f£fmS " aft" , «V t^* 1 t ^r** t ,^ . ^ /* "% ^ jB^li^^-^gg^ * ^ ^ I j ^ ^ l ^ r Itaaakil^bi 1# JUF * ' T 4r* a*«Bfpp|(p ileiBlt-i-.isoiiaew has 'W- #,» * tioHt, h«* «Mie < eieeoisMaij*'^''' Qiie*nst>w?ryrttJ * ™w^*e*p .T?WeT took iu^ ««enal awtipaf* ^di reatioosl boxli *_' '••a'.aipH as^_ ^a^t^i^i. In l a Paieetra« •if iterafe-171 aaidthat tmlilte physlcti Iwrai He arguedl H vWateaj ll^aMja ij^JKh* iiathej that cor»aqueni least be tolertK -•In-tHti leepijv l^leab^ 3?«the 'tyto&qp.m re* ';^ : j»^iot.j-n ii^-tiiaj* dije fWcit ic* wMe MattTS .^f f -7hf feawm 3 fog is acciden 'fajw^*. __"__' -#tSf--|n«!lt another tiweough «jnten««d;**'ther Wiling «£ ionji Belt actioei-car 4?ri«UWBtJun ^|Htlir^-»0fe| -Wat in ©dMflj blow« cauae lrr ;&'iht:.^B%;-sit harm which cai 1^ reasooauof g aWT WATBB s)acfc:h3r'«ijtt^'i »raat boa=era rM> old and jto? good: sringitd o u t era »W!l^»Big*t C Dempsey «nd G two former Eun -— heavjTieeight amd lightweight Aside Uconi v: the IH»roiriican i ^t^ejlty fjatalitlee ' « S » m e r / rare. . the United SUta reduced to an a ten annually 01 «f fights, and-1 fitalitiaa » iii;iii»ij]i|^ipi M- , .w»yi. •* •*•.--. \. A:, <,' • • > • ' ; . - .-4i' . -'^jR-.('•'..- _. •-,t ..%•• *i .--•• . • • _.«•- -•;fvS>' .. : -('.'i - ) , : ,:-..'•. ,.r::.Vv.i, '" •' v: -;--',V-i;- •?.•:•?:• .^Vf» l '-^?f ,., •! .' ^ '-;", ^ r :.' i - T-'' **. .™ - ^' - ^ * * : *: ' -•' r-.'l.W ., . . »•••;-• '" « U'^ 4 >-: y-v fc;;';^- >»'. , ' -?^ ^S" •, v --' It, 1 ^ •M* 4 ( * < • -»* \ i v , ^ \ f \( i- <% a 1 ••A***- >f f H , f "t "

Transcript of l /7/ons -...

Page 1: l /7/ons - lib.catholiccourier.comlib.catholiccourier.com/1956-catholic-courier-journal/catholic-courier... · tu^t^m- "a"" •^ sf *»t* ~Q>s - jf •&• v" .').4&iinimn"iin'l"m-j^»'J"^'H"

tu^t^m- "a"" • sf *»t*

~Q>s -

j f •&• v "


/7/ons j « * OMtfflfrq* M l frm * » |low, %Pf fto» XII <fecfca-*i h « # in w *4<trw to d»J««»t«« to the InUmatiotmi Con.

•JMhiHart:-:-;^^-v:. ;-.^ .^...-flhtwgh "tt-DW j&e,'.!«:,net tetaH

. V » J H & Jr |#» . j»^Bf# g * tar$en> It 4JN6 not forestall th* wwa*•'«! Vtogtjfom 3fl•$*"Wit|ntt(Ml«9• which, place* ootaMii* *T$ie3*iith-|uV; 3waWM»taS* Asap^'i)^ itm^uMr activity, fe-loftift -ft*, f g o m r Mrfev | M **• pempffly to ***"iw*fe*«3Mte*-' ^pi|fMd% Mm. ttuota « * » | « m butriMM, Tnerwver, doee net « * » t^t <»fe^J* timtti&£: resolve: itself teto a -gam*.*** ^fftUT HfegMS^, ISNV 3S" s*14 edmHW functions <:der$na3eil

~^na8S3?* X^fiv^jji** 'ii ;«w«iw«t-; . i iStt*^,M«v flat i « > * * * * * * « * * , ' l » * -«*B&«*i

tuttfiH"'" ' tfli' *W"tf ^ t ^ t r ^ . ^ y y ^ r J ^ ^ J*efiB6 M

, jj-imftl alius to i^r*tUdv'f thav- fa s

warnatef « * aeipngmoB :*™g,|(gt. frtftrrffrf ah# -*• fjB^tei Iht


takae . . _ •flfttHfr'* jBafft* ttws XU astoiwlifrae t i * ajrihustaatfa; yrbetiay „ „_.„,„ _

a*rta«r « as**)** U Aaterica* • »n l e w - *«i ***r fvnttte* In Italy. Tlia awdknca w** *4--mm +* mnt m Ola aManliU ie j&t jfigrft A t W t c Tr*ity ' Orr«nli«Oo« Comm«i4 h>

j *^^PP*"' i B ^ ^ - ^ • P - - I f f l p ^ ^ _^p^WPP 'W'lHpTjr IB!^iPPi^'*y JWBjfftoWR*

lifcfcif Uhfrilitor Presidtnt

-HTbat' i te Ciu«rh wkh«« in At tft* «n4' of 5 « # » * « M Holy r«th«r JE*V« ttw dri4«»i«

.>» wntlntui, -^B »wro «ft total

^iriiM' - MML adM'W 'ittlil M' m v m ^ l ^^p^"^f ^™ *»5« ^ w w n Mini•• •••«

4te 4tet JMf M M M t f y ml l f l i t i t ' ••yp^.;«MW'»|i|tjL^gf-"" y w - " i;

^V^B* ^SBVjf- JPW?" ^•^^f »^"?Tt ^^^^B" U''™U ^^^™lx ^ J ' l l f

^ys 4M>>mk- I b d b a B M ^

Xrrivt In Loadoa

JMIM limit j&tfai la rwfnmwihtf

isi^wtt* irom tti««r low-ywHr tan T laimffliit .

'iF-WHp M^^^^^^&^w ^w-^*^*W^PHL ^''W^pw^p^ ^j^l^p(

* * 7 * " L ,J*w*™"*WIWr f*»w*> i p W

Aiw*h*m lincola in hl« Ctvtt

UMBWI ' ill ruMft te hk "taeratf

ti«i«f lfc«rattlu . -

•nwimwmiA* iwi

« - w - * # -- W • r ^ ; * ^ , * f r ^ V


.«»»-!.«!•'• iiii?1i1 jiiiti-yji)ii.O;ai|ji|inuyX.Wl'.jXK"u,' j-'I'llJUiiiuW}••

:nf '•

awp HPi>ip» «W»' ^*^-"-*'i



. . j , ^ . — _ , , _ „ _ , .„„ State*

!P«|. W t » t ^ «W • # 1 ^ united Sta t^>er le«tn

The new €&ttHttut$i£ '$$&$?$ if* «n8nar«Jht United into further f|«giJ«*tfei«" witti Soviet Biwul* -tt . I t rsiset iihsi^I^ Ior M of iw ^le ftflejsfcion: Will

Th* proHBommunirt ptriodkal, Vdc« ol 3P9l«iA has Uimqhed A

KOZAJUKWIC but, hw ne»t oIl*hExCom-

dw^rted to ereafc

%tf It" H "tt acf«4 *».'«^w|

Jrom experience? PreiJdent EiMnhwrer** |ir«W9|rt

*wa«nw,o.,-Jt" '


lattiUitft h e r «

H'ftlB^ii^^d •r.---ifl,; isi# fbt^t,' '*TM^ «B»'

itetong t i t

jseyjul/; .;[|p^e ft', ,|fj#r-,"#f « » ":i

ptopl**, It, ftiKi lea to the. shocte"-.. iiif "p«:ka«t d*iff:in the UilStef JKi^% #W5h* l»41* P»t th# . stamp ol *pp>roifBl, on. the entire '.Spyjel'iW^»y|tep. "'•', ' | »'

"Geneve" Jiad «Uw_Iedl to the -Cteet ColmnuSftt \3efiay ""H"'"" Frence, wj*ei* »ow the efeiitl of > Moecow repreieiit the Urgeet -jMngl* j ^ ^ ^ l b t t v - e o t ^ a ^ . |fe :.-' jinj in<*Biwea;the, eSf^9 «>* <'Bei4ti'«U*«H «M hid BTOijght Inae ^finitely .w?ithih the oiwt ot Soviet InifitMffloe. It h»4 opejne4 :^ |^» |^t!eei^*W.ini icJ»ie | ' .; iiiiit&&mipm>-. ^y. * \, ;-•.

•]SfWt' 'ifl^v#^et;f#i*(el &'.te..


•X the%* OnStr.. - - -^ ( W ^ v e J y t)uM« iwrftb^'W

H*ve e**s ee*s'ffli nfti'* * *'KMi p*« fletBHMi «Mtt wie*»tB el thee* iuoile»t ittriNiii M M ; en tbefcf ifirWii" «<t leeR*- eaaeeif ti»e w& leritti -ettNi- - 4yjfHft :OeH(ii mM .inn Nor* jnRT»iBi o»e enwepi

IMMML t»* MWJWIII Ibew I K eeiitwst wteh 'tacit leirroim- JU' On* weett Alee. e«t"*ie ^H *"* *,'8W f(wi ^Htl l i i r A»t*}< « i Mewy." . -

ffiti hUrmmjim ~ retheili N*wi


it « pi«ee • ol A»erictn hlttory glue*i4 over bjr aictt iOetsaeja l a fee Feb,

there , ««««*&»«, . InfwKUtlpo, Ann« Tan»»y potau up UacoWi ipprfciitfoB ;ef the* 'is««M^c. tfeiii'te'iee ei^cte.jtiaia. «Lfak

. . iMet iwortet, tftei* * e i e w tndned Ajnaay ntimf mem nor Ree" Croe, nurtlng u«H». To fill the MMMMtoA. niel* for comi^

W«*frti«Hl Ja th* Unh»d SUtei ^ * ^ ¥*we^(( ejpe»ej ^c^ epff^^p5rP™"9^Be '^**^^*p*'We ,

Ceihelie »utM -*»«*• %: the honireiic Jata Jwarttiy '*e«*truct-e4^«0Ki^f Iwiitoto, t re^tom. e4 ftelr tcheoie. tete teo«|>lttl w « V »Uif«d tbt ^fl^ttttg hot-ptteJa" - Btilf,, **4 rikft* plying

we%Mdei Jr««e ti»i litttiiiiH. the

itrtfele relttee. HWied ewJ


•J.- • ".'"-ifif.".i.r:j".|i",h"'-^r'''''J'f,""t '

comforted the »fe* end vreaa ed cf -both IMM diaring rJue war bt . tween the J|t*tii*. '.•• • AS A WSSWMt of e e ^ B c e ^ ^ ^ ^ N a r e e i ^ ibt cava Wer wm'iUm h** * never §11 tteja^iM h e w w e r diet T}me aft** tfane when mm-ch»« end' lood r«l» ehorfc end offkiel red ttpt h«mi»ertd tfceir efforts ip obtiiln viteUy ne«4ed luppllee for the wouhfKd, the .Sister* eppetied directly t© the Preeident, th«ertWe etetee. H3i :t«3^^'li^v|i)l^#Ai'.lR^ «he form of ojSen-ktter oommene* euch »»: 'To Whom II Woy Con­cern: On epplicetion of tht; tt»-tere of Mercy of Chteego, furrdeh euch provjiiont «s they deeto* to piircht*e end. charge thi e«rae to .the Wer Depertment. Sixnwl, Abrahem Ltecohv" '

. Uo*m - (mK») - Ntw

i— iwimg.miiijiwuiimnmiM^

* ; ' ^ *

v n w ^ « W W M » I . «te»eiagi |j^jitfati'Wi^ 49«Mit«t» '*jfe'.ftiit ".geJii*;. :ltotihaf"e*iflS'«MtT "' ' reWftnUP- oo«teii«see-.'<#^lw"iiBm'-^^ ^*twhe--# the

»ei«.«id4they-tato fe W ^ ^ f c g ^ ' ^ t i 3 . § *

' f»m»*f the isy^Bioue 'dMR a^^***-- ®*3&W$ J « « l •• *s« m '•»' %%««•' «t- *e *x-

and br*«Jc 4o«*-.|£i **^eei,-! '-Areaeit «SIMI ldrtsHir.Oem«« .cob'

Daily Worker retee4:the beittiei'of ft r*w Jrtage I f r ^ e#uggl« -:-et# i&#mfr Utt^ ,roer| iwMetf^^t' $e«elBl- .«$£$$«£* «nd lop

theee. *^egotJatkioe,*-Hi w*cOe urates # i«*ok r^iod o£ tntjor . !fegii|(#iwr«piidej»^^||!tt^

^<pj»W»^fWt;«Wttl;r'^v, "?"• f i enB!^^ eatutience that theee . The JfttematJor*l Red brfan, "major power ti»g!»^atfonsw wtH

ltteV;«{ ' t ^ B ^ ' t l t t e t . ^ . the w^^wrirJnfU though-already eoearade* he#t; ]Ni ;#ii poeltlon in Wejew *t .wl^ttest'hli* :

h^- wmi in «rt«*aftc»* 'the- ierhe t o # f -there I* orily or«- iteesdif eopg. tiij|--'ieM(i ^.gett l i i t j*e iet euch 4«*ittespi, ma 'that, I* United State* Into new dealings 'the unusual success which Mos-witS Soviet Russia and thereiore. cwrhts had, and its fifth column lBt« »e* d^iMteiaHbeceme the has enjoyed, in making America ' ciiefrltem o* the current Cc*n«| do i^ i t the Kfenilmwa^ ' Wmfc Vfa.4-':. *:•/'"•'"' 'i;-*. r m 'C4W tt&* ;foir#erd to'' ' IK *rWM.3A3WAXtlurtm of, seeing .many .non-Corronunlst Political Affairs, this Red deter-1 agendes of opinion come around minetloa -fa < ee»Btft!te*1 W - to -venr ehoSrttjf- to. favor' new- iheet* death becoajee a leading^direc-,ings with Premier Bulganln ar.d «y» lor pr^poeect- (^tnmtiirfet^th Mctatojr Bhrufhciey* W«

'em*nt'---ftMf' •$% year- il66,;aspect thla# even^thotigh. # 4 9 ^ "Geneva'' had- ImMiight about a is«ce shouH have taugto us by totin of despair anong the I»O*;»BW that aH tuch 'meeth^fe wWi pie of the satellita reglmee aujd, the Soviet ^eadera vdll Jeed '!»"

' <ta> .afcuBoa eaM eftM nflsasi

' • = 2 a -^MAaikaBkB^ jisjiat-^elB^MIIiftBf—fall .4fe>'

J^^aeX*fla«|. I assassssas •assasss^R . sas^ j^aa^a|B/sa^(t, saa.

4MLJ& , ~ ^ ^ ^ | J 1 M JPP*aw ^^^^&w * e*™^Pj

'^•iLgr'^mftsBB- - . ^ ^ M B * a | a f t ^ k B ^ t ^ a S i s S . ' ^ a W t - i y a a i - " "

sabjaeM' to bratsl araatwtot by tiwlr gearia. thejr are »ot aaowe« :«e *ay Hsa* ef

'JlkT^filf O P N t f JMPW - ^ L g U

•<•«•—• I1 l1> ia>

4*i l^ptl Xjlilimus GtotAt Sioft

t e *

'.' | # w *«#' ysN- $rt»cS*i ten|-_ tti th* :»r# »?Wt s f ihe- 0|"irch« tSii- j-Jle*' • :v

' v' i*f fHe. **ir"'l^;'he#ft -li hiewrf 'frew tte Mpr&-«^ lejhmfl*'Tb t ^i:'."'

••: -.*4sjprle« s»'itiiiiltfea> »e*>Hfy ti*AQv#M PN»Sc*,el'^thW^f|eJl '!••' ..' ^IfteW frta^^elllss^lolH^.^Wi^, WNe <»*wft«^,-;i^''poe|y^ '- • •;" i^j >!^ieef- ceorWt wpRffilft 1»»' »«iBW;"-*bi6|e*-lw*»' *»»d['fj«fl!jj^^ ' ,1^. va-'Sfaannni' Taewoa>.-- - - ,• - . y-~ y „•• • • •- • - -~

». • t.:

• O O K S O N THE M E A N I N G O F LENT 4t «*» IKW^fi « > s a l « C ^ i U - ^ U l . ' - _ 4 J e J U ^ l « a y a i a s 1 ^ ^ + THt lOtOeCHtt ?A»KW: l«-«rtd. $1» ' + Wt fA»»OH * KATH^«H*K _^4JO

)mwiiiiiMi«pm>iiinii)iH!nrrtimi» iniiiniiinnii|lft>iftlVniiii»tiiiiimi

iiimtf 1114firifgfire LlUdLa^Mui . a 1

4 I (MM* oafty ei' «< «f lewat QejMHHcIt' 1 ' „ » lb aar tsitf imsl

>•,^ f l .»»- ,r^i l . 1 l lr^ l ,^a;,w,^y ,*«,„,),

AaaAKGg HOW FOR GRBOOMAK 3 S mWW.Ti if r.^ifc. •!!»•»• .V


to strengthen thet Soviet ltw%t«Ie.-^vie«f theet; ie^«ssietl-

m goe^ ana much eytt iop thai United State*. • . . . • - . -;

I I B W £ ' l a M s a i " a l M

^ • ^ f k * ; " Bfl^tfatft t W a f ^ a t ^ | & - j a ^ ^ ^ a ^ l •-

, ^~^i£~^^^^ aMa^A ^ ^ - ^ ^ ~^Jt |g^£^u_£g£ JSJL ^Mpa h Hk IsaXsa

: JsaV^at i ' ' 'aU- a b a k ^ b ^ t t f t - | J | L | .'Ssaaf'MaBtBV'^Bi ' i t t

JR|ml | | i * '•Mf', wWm • iWPjH^,- P##» . | H W b ''JBf aWKawf^Msf J B I I F "'Sr HsawS ' -*MJ*.<a*M« . - . l ^ ^ u i l j * — -— "••-•—a-i-a ''.'.vjrwl^, "- ' -" '

WTaVli - « i IWal, JVWliiMI' M w -MN|M*'r WWT '•Wm • • "*rlaaJ .*als^^T.jilA8dlf o r SACWnCI WM

1 Ja^JKrHsa^L- ' V ^ i t t < « r ^ ^ ^ ' & - ^ ^ X ^ ^ ~ ; ^ ^ B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , > -f,;--- •' T7- -.-, 5 \ - -*™ <•?• sa a ^B^Bi ia/ ^p^^->^ssaf- hSaei Bsaaasjsaj ^Ki iSa s aa aaaaasa n* P ^ a sassssasaajsssaaj.

eeaaac a H I j ataaai *a#eai - >e bam a aasuii -' -i^^^^M^^^J^^l^i'^*^^ aaatedMat. WB ya« aaaka M . ! * * shs Mate la MM kearta eg UMM »«*»te aaacariar farkU^aeertM. aC tt« C«OMr « « • i . a i*M»a aeyrtaatty » ,^V'H^; ;>adte%^H > ig1f f l« . -Js l l« J I M R t

. . . - •• ^ - — 3 . _ ^ i ? ^ , ^ , . - ^ ^ _


ec faatlUw.' -*! 'ilP"W *eieew--jeeaaaffelHBaar- ^ ' ewaraev ... _.T

•ye;aee'a1ffaiattal^^ : AM 1^^_sk ^ ^ a ^ a ^ M ^ e * a W e _ m ~ ^ ^ ^ J f ^ a > ^ * ^ ^ a ^ ^ s ^ a ^ - j i j ^ g w ^ l a I J L ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^JS a»aj aasaasa. aa aaaaaasaaa assj ^ssaft-saax ^ 'tBaaasa ^---------|-~ ^-a sajsaaaaaasa ---BBBasjB/, ajs aJsane' aaaSaaBaBalPle aW>

faiaik JaTtae «e*rk •* taa aaeJe»t t*Ul*-, w aial

. mm JutcKAiftittA aM TAUntTmc er iae tttaeen «r t k a M ^ _ ^ ^ , ^ * j » v ^ _ ^ _ « ^ ^ ^ a ^ . J ^ _ _ _ ^ j 4 f j h u ^ ~4Mk>aa>r saliia

a* T " f f j ,~!^HT i ^ jWj, S»PPwa aytaaa^3awaaaii vaa*a "faaa_asae

^ g B S S * p g l t . gfbJWWAggE.g.^y. * y»» iee we w " ^ ^ ™ ^*^^^^aaaaljflf- ^^ap SSBaaa ISPv ^sasajsaaj--' Saaajk SaaaaaBaaai BaaaasasaaaaaaaaaSaaaaaaJBj|:

ItsSJa^TIl , v ' J ^ P « E » » M09TTH ( *

-< T ~»Tf " " • • -^saSyaw^^aiajar/^^M QKar^sjj . * ^ _ f i ^ j t i H t m in' 11 f '

...^-^•^PF * * * I P » ^ ; ««p«^^»'wt i_,

taair a* aabaMlaUa aaatt far <

t S e ^ J i a j ^ a e r ^ J i e i f t e ^ ^ a i a ^ P T <fn..M»«i.. ..iifii l»miaj„mii. J -, ' ' SfflSaSSMSS^<Sl SW?a- S

4» «aa43*afe .Wy « f i ^ ^ i g * f t i e a | ^ & g k j *4,ee |*sA a •fjHpeajiai IMK2J X aaaaev a avlU'f.t'AlL Jsl - ^ w ^ T S P ^ r W ^'|PT-waPMa«W"^r«a»(aai aaan

*•&£-.>&* - * • * » -:***-#* - **• f*" 1

' ^ ^ af ^^ea|is 'aasassaaasaai

i ^ t t a f t ^ a r ^ l ™ ^

f ^ P ^ V ^ P n ^ • fflsaBBBaBBaaaf _ -~BaBBBBSj( fSBBSBBS^ p j ^ - f ^ m ^ H H i ^ t Wtf* 1

"9i^Maga^'IstABl J4Mt'Tafatla'il a j y ^ j a i . ^ * ^ . - - - ' -^i-••-'•--"" e^»P»affWaaaag«a^^BBBas|BBS> ^P|lff|Pq|Tnr~~~Ba^ES|BsaBaasB^'-^SB^

*;»". ' * *. eft' { f * ~ , ^ •' ^ tfjT't ' <f£fmS " aft" , « V

t ^ * 1 t ^ r * * t ,^ . ^ / * "% ^

j B ^ l i ^ ^ - ^ g g ^ * ^ ^ I j ^ ^ l ^ r Itaaakil^bi 1 # JUF *

' T


a * « B f p p | ( p

ileiBlt-i-.isoiiaew has 'W- # , » * tioHt, h«* «Mie < eieeoisMaij*'^''' Qiie*nst>w?ryrttJ

* ™w^*e*p . T ? W e T

took iu^ ««enal awtipaf* di reatioosl boxli

*_' '••a' .aipH as _ ^a^t^i^i.

In la Paieetra« •if iterafe-171 aaidthat tmlilte

physlcti Iwrai He arguedl H vWateaj l l ^ a M j a

• ij^JKh* iiathej

that cor»aqueni least be tolertK -•In-tHti leepijv l^leab^ 3?«the

'tyto&qp.m re* ';^:j»^iot.j-n

i i^- t i ia j* dije fWcit ic* wMe

MattTS .^ff-7hf feawm 3 fog is accident 'fajw^*. __"__' - # t S f - - | n « ! l t another tiweough «jnten««d;**'ther Wiling «£ ionji Belt actioei-car


^|Htlir^-»0fe| -Wat in ©dMflj blow« cauae lrr ;&'iht:.^B%;-sit harm which cai 1^ reasooauof g

aWT WATBB s)acfc:h3r'«ijtt 'i »raat boa=era rM> old and jto? good: sringitd out era »W!l^»Big*t C Dempsey «nd G two former Eun -— heavjTieeight amd lightweight

Aside Uconi v: the IH»roiriican i

^t^ejlty fjatalitlee ' «S»mer/ rare. . the United SUta

reduced t o an a ten annually 01 «f fights, and-1

fitalitiaa »


M- ,

. w » y i . •* • * • . - - . \ .


<,' • •> • ' ; . - . - 4 i '

. - '^ jR- . ( ' • ' . . -_. • - , t ..%•• * i .--•• . • • _.«•-

-•;fvS>' .. • : - ( ' . ' i - • ) , :

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