Weather Forecast flonohiUy ololidy iiiul W<hI- iHMtduy: llttio flhiuiiri' III ponitiins Illjtli yoBtflnliiy 87; linv 20. l^iv thih inoriiltiK Six Irrljratod Oonntloii in Iiliiho Today’s News TODAY . VOli. XVII. XO. 210—r> Vl‘>N'TS. TWIN FAbliH. IDAHO, 'I'IJKSDAV, 1.^, l ‘i:!l FRENCH LEADERS ONARMSIRADE Dobato Devolops Into Blttor Denunciation of Private Manufaoturingf S, BRIl'Am OHARTS PROBE Pfpmior at Paris Says Nation . Affrooablo to Supnroasion Of. MiinitionB Evil ny T, W. COI'R rA U IS , Doc. 18 iUII)-—A cJwthi* l>rr of dopullc/i <Uw.iio on «uppIo- montnry wnr cmlll.? to* <lny Into u biltnr nttack on private >tinnufaotiiro'of nrin>inentii. "Wft Unow iKJHltlvoly,” anld former «lr mlnlnter IMorro Col, "tliitt whorruH any eohllnr who lind r/)lnlloni> with tlu; «nmny In war Alm/i wan i»hnl, corta'.> Fronch In- <liu4trJnll»ta Lhwnijrbout tlto World wiir mnjntnlnivl coru»ct with Oflr* ■iiinn IndufltrlnlistA." Waiit^i IrroJw ,Ar<lot>Uy iiialflllni; thiit thn urnmnnt ojton'nn Inquiry Into ao< HvlllrH of arnuuncni. manufnolur- ora. Cot AaUl; "Tho Nyo iiivViHtlRatlon In Waah- Inffton |)I'0(Iuc4 h1 JivuHutlonul fiicUi. L>oit))lIeK>i nn flX|>ojiuro of F rcnoh urmri maUnrn would Imi pfjunJly'Hon- Batlninil. "IVIvalo miinufaotiim of nnns and niiinltlonH cannot bu dofun<l<Hl clthnr morally or financially. Avnm •makcrji nnint bn pruvcntwl fmm {MkUianinK tho public .mind by ao> qa'.rlnir n«witp<»iwrft.' . Itritaln PlaiiH Qiilsr. Cot’H AtfarJt came an tho Ilrltlnh uovominnnt was pruparint; an In* VNitliratlon Into tho dritlnh truffio In arinfl. . Dobnto wan on a'orcdlt of HOO,- 000,000 franiiH ($&’J,HO0,O0O) for urmH and munitionu, nupplonmntlng tho crodit of 4.n74,04n,0fi0 'franca ($310,^04,073) votM uy Iho sanato yontenday. Pr«*mlor I ’lorro ICtlonno riandln. annwarinK Cot, uifrono readily that flijp p ro a iilo n of 'aimii .nialtlrtK throughout tho wurlo wus doalr*, abln, Kranci’, ho nnld,-liatl luUun SOLI TOUPHOieHUElf House, Senate Ready, to Put Approval on Bills for Long Maoblno HATON ROUQE. Ln„ Doc <lU!i—Bonator Hnoy I*. Lonji'iiwtato houHO nf roproHontatlvflJi will j;lvii final approval today, to a now biitch U1 Inglfilatlvo bllli Htreni;th' rnlnir thn powor of tho Lonff poUt' leal macblno. Thn- nnnato then will rncolvo tho blllH Immodtutoly and puflh thoin through to poHHai'u. Chief among tho S4 naw blllM In one that addn tho Jobs of jn.OOO Ktihool teachorH to tho Lonjr pa- tronage rol(H. Thl« bill will maUfl every toaohqr and ovory toaohiny candidate el^ondopt on tho yoorl will of tha Loni; orj^anlxatlon for iiinplovmont. U n d e r pi*«vlouH U<);iij|atlt>n the ntato govnrnmiMit h Iho controlii ninployrount of all pullcunwin and firemen. Another of tlio now lawn uotH up a Ntata Ixmnl to appoint dopitty Bhorlffs without rogani for tho pr«i!«5ntnco of oloot^d nhorlff*. Tho Khoriff may appoint' r|vo deputleti hImMolf. Ahovu that number, tho “ TitBTB"7Minrfl'nm«jmt»r-‘— ------— Another hill provldus for a radio ittatlun and tho "world'H laruoHt dental uchool" for Loulnlana Htato unlvorsity, , FAMILY AWAITS ACCIDENI WORD Krio^Klfl and reiatl\*«« awaltod additional vm ^ Whitehall. Mont., Vh' hoi'« hlt®hall. Moj^t., Svh»rMwo looal men, E:r(f»i|t Pou|r<i Ja«. brothom, were rep9 ^t«d m United Prem dlapatohe# to have be«n^lcUle<) truck overtuyC^. ; Thfllr father. Kimberly blaelumllh. , left for Montana after raatflnf thb. new* aooo/nt In the Bvwlng It ....................... JhyAfrV W, A and <tf Weaver of the men re; Alice, ro r^ aiii , Ifhe mM>' „ '~i betw^,< ... a®orge. ***’,r.broth#pi Mr*. •'■^^Ident lo«al . -ht ('oiifi'Hidnti iiy A lbert A. KIhIi, <).% , !-<‘Io\v, H'llvfsl ttif* >d\-ynti' niytiti'ry of thi* fuh* ut ilriirf Itndd, 10, nbovi*, N rw >’orl( Ulrl wito viinlHlii'd Iti 103». l-'lMh iu1mltt4<d hiring tho ohlld front homo and thi'ii ('hnkliig her to tlnath ilnd d(Hnionil>orlng hr^r hiHly.’ Ho’ l4'd polUvt to- hiirlal pliM'o of tho bmly hi rhrwlo^ rontily, N. V. “Torturo loltorH" u'rMt«<ii to (lio piin'iitH nI to Ii I h niptiin-. OSEE E DISPLAYS FnmiHhlntfH for Model House Will Bn Shown Tomorrow At Hoadquartors Altoridiintii ut tln« wmikly Wyd- nnmiuy mictJon of tho Twin KailH IGinpIrn oxpitiiitlon lomorrow will H«i< diiipiuyM of liouftnhold furniHb' IngH which nro to b« ‘pliicod in tho model home of tho nr|{iinlzatlon at ii iutitr datn, offiultilH ntated today, that nuntinnx tomnr* row would .tiiko placo at 11 ii. m. and III 2 p. m. In addition, murchandlud whioh Im to b(t rntailod later for oiuiy nio^ft/ will he displayed In lha v/i>ulown at liijfpouluon homlq\jar? toiM. M ethod to hn pufMUed In thifl plan itl, Haiti to ho itlmilar to that Afhero trailing HtamiMi are unad. \ DotalU of tonuJrrow'H auction, which nKpoiit«d to. attriiat a largo" rrowd, w<ire porfeotod at a joint meeting of tho board of dl* rectora of the Junior Chamber o(. Commurce and tiie alxpoHi^uin o^i- toutlji^e oommlttoo tt^tlay. Homo iurnlahinga which aro to bo lilanlayed will inolude bod- room and y living room huIIob. eleotric - - ^ W-- " _ v • . . . raftrt^'-waah aramr, lam; turM lanil *a ,'*wa«htng maohtne, rofrlg- i, rug*< chain, .pic* variety n f' hounenojd merbtuindltie. atatea Ifarold R. llarvwy, a< wy, aocretary;' Farmers Thirealen To SUrv« . C»tde PAUU Mlnnii llitBi ' fIT.‘fwuLu'Minnu u ect w iw rr —Mora Uum 80.000' »Mnn«»Ota a s. ORDERS WAR ON LA WYER AIDES TO LA W BREAKERS Woman Vivtim Suddenly Stops Constant Yawns «ieer li^nn«»ota :k . HT12KMNC3, III.. Doo. IH 'r i l ' (;nin|il>'l>^ rociivoiy of Mni. llnriilii Mclviici, liY-yi'Hi'-old farm wit'fl wild hiDi bt)<:ji ih(7 victim 1 )1 ' conaliint yav,’-'*'*l5’ (liiyii-''iit till) I'lilo oi 11! iir 15 yuwna a niliiiilt'-- v^au ann<>iinc' «xl today by Imr phyiilcliiii. Dr. II. L I’.iltit, imidfiiit nnnn- try (loclor, naid Mrn, MeKim ynwiuul lazily a Urtmii wlUMi (ihi\ awoU<.‘ today. io(d«i(i 111 him and amiiud and tlien iitopficd ynwiihi;; iia riilddimly nri idm iitartod im l^ric. ». "Or c;ourm», I t’Jt liijpiuiiiiljln til pritniiaii that thin rncovory will iaiil hut I am certain 11 will." Pr. roltli. iiaid. I'lxporiu ktafflod Tiio pIiy/iicuuiH und npccliiIinU In nnrviJini iilhiinnta wm> caiiio ht'Tit to coiiHuIl witli him ovrr tiio liiiffllnK afriintloii iiiiUl they wtim Htiil jiiixzhid by iUi ciiua*!, "Our coaHuhutlonii all have rraciiDil tho aiimu concIiiNlon,^' Dr. Pottit mild. "Wo bolli-vn tho yawna wdik caiiaod by it nrr- voiiii and ulaiiduiur dlHLnriiiin'co, liiit w« can't hi! auro." Mmi. broiii'ht to tin* |>liblic hoapllui from h'nr lining noar noiiml Orovc, III., will bo U«pl undnr tho onro of two iip«c> lal nurni’n uiiMl danjfi^- of r.»- ourr.Micii of tb« yaw na iiuii paiiii- tiil. Onu of Iho niiriii'ii wan fur- ninbori by llic Rod CruNji, liu! olhor Uy a family frl«;nd. Juslico Department Throws dFull Force Into Drive CREW ASKS FO RESCUE Mountainous Waves Balk All Effortfl to Take 30 from’ <Jrippled Ship NICW YOItli, Uoo.' lH iv.y.i - The crew of tho crlpplod Nor'X'c Uian frolghtor HIbIo a«Ued to bo Inkon (»rf.lij mid-Atlantic Today but tho aonn aro too hoavy to rink launching iifo ImiiUh, the H. H. Moiitlttt]. wlilch ill Htandlng by, roiKtrted Iti a Maclcay railio mw«- nauo lo .iill nblpM, > Tbit HIhIo had lout nil of her own Iifo »)oatB In a mivoro atorm and her bridgo had boon wa«hnd away neooKljng to earliflr r<» porlH. Tho latent nu'wuigio fr<un tho Mohilnli (ioclarcdThnL IIio.SI h' Ioh criiw of ;jO was In no Im- nuHllato danger. . Oil Hupply <ionr> 'I'lin XIohlloll aiiUHd ''W hat hi the 'arlioMt that any vritml with oil can arrlvo?” Tho Hhip'N oil aup' jilloH w«ro oxlianatwl dun to hav' lug )>oured moat nf her own fuol onio tho wator during Ih* night In an unauooeHHful altempt to calm tho tumii ao llfo boji^ could go to thu BUto. O ther ahips In the nelghl>orhoo<l of the aiflto In the mtd'Atlantic Hhip lanea will not go to the roMoue'unleBH another emergency rinvolo)iH. Thrno InclUdiS the linom Manhattiin and th I’rcHldont Hani- Uig. __ _ Naval Parley Will Adjourn Thursday I.ONDON, Boo.' Ill — Tho ’tonhnlcal" nuval • oonferoncfl, prci Hmlnary to <Aid not for 1D3&, will bo formnUy’ nrtjoumoJ-^nitii^ayv I wa^ announceil in Brltlah quart* orn totlay. , There will bo a final ■ boilneU meeting of the America^, Britllh and ilapanoio deleg:Atea totnorrow afternoon. * ismsfv": iittis.'.o*!.— t»« other-nUr^t over i^trM lQ /or tha Salvation Army, X; wm blathering A^ay about « at^rt pleoa T had re^d la .the pftpor that Very night, tailing Of a piM to give everyboay, wor)t VVaji; friend! J»ve t>ete-JiMM^r atnoa than. "WIU, wtowi' you'^waa taUIHg^'i Uv ITtl'^DKICK'K V. OTHMAN WAsnmrjTON. nc*?. iii Thii ilrparlini'iil nf ,|iiiilli;o llirow till I'liil forcc toilay lioliliid ji, im- lk>nai (Irlvo aj;iihuil. idiynlor law- yiTii, winuu it rnniililoi'ii an danjr<’r- miH aa Iho jirliiiliial Jiimvvn n|)nn wlilcii tiu’y r«rrl. AMiirni'y-(.lifn«Tiil MonuT H, Cum- niinj'u dirjHiriiwd un Ijiwyor-ci'iinln- abi atlornoya whn dofoiiii jiarijfiiloni for a idiarc i>i rr>libory cafdi or cmi- iilvo witii oiillawi) to )i>']|i thoni nviido arroiil, 11(1 cnmDiiaiilnnod .7. I'lb.'ur iiiKi* vor, chlof of Uio bmoiiu oC Invcjril- j-atlon, to inf,ulri! into Mm activltini of iincli Kotiry and iirliij' (dmrjroa ajfahuit tluMU wiiori'vor pimiilljlo. TltMH' ArroHlod ’I’liroit lawycra havo arrnil- i!il, Tiioy anj I-oiila I‘lf|Uotl, woit- known CliicH/ro imiTlator, chiin;«'il wiDi aldliu' tbo lalt; .Inhn Ullliniccr, ami Ron H. I.aalia and .laiiioa C. MallU’i'ii, aL-ciiiaiil of accoptliijf part ot till) CJIiarioii TTmciiol nintintii (Muih ail tbiUr fitr for rlrfondinj: tho iddnapora. Tho alliii-noy - jtonoral bollitVini lliat iiliyidirlana who aiil piibllu nii>- mli-.n aro alnioiiL aa <liiiit:<-i-iinir aa llin Ijiwycr-crUiiliialii, Ilo lian In- alitiitod pri)C('<‘)iinK'' ai;aliuit Hr. CiayUm May of Ht. I'aul, charKod with troatlnir Dllliuj.'-iir for jruiuilml wounrla Infllctod l>y forloral aifoiila anil aipilnat <lnctoni who iiorioiin* rd plaallc rairjfory on nilllMjr*’!'. <'riml«ui Ui'tianro "Connlvanoc ol llii' uiiii<'ni|iiil- Ilia lawyer In oiio of tho rhii’f ro' llancoa nf pn-dalory crlinlnala who would d«fy, tho law and lauirb at ita ajVi'Mta." Cumiiiinjrii aaiii. "Tida low praotllloiKnT baa liooii oncnuutorod nt ovory turn, nuuiy III diKiiard nvrry vi^aliKo of othini in eovur up Ida clloiil'ii aclN, to got him tiff In tlia coiirUi or actually to plot tlio carrylnji out of criminal pin'ixaa'ii. "'I'o rcacli Ihia ovil wo aro In touch with bar aiinoclatlnna <-vory w hrro ill Uiii coniiniin piii'piiiHi oi niakliig It inoro rlirfloult for niirli inon to practico law. Thin cnndt- lion Ih a niattor nf dooji poraonai cnnccrn to ovory ropiilniilc hiwyor In tbo llnltod Hlutoii." INehU "I'ulitlcal IMill" Tho drivfi agalnal iawyor-crlni Iniiln paraltrla rloiiniy offorla Of tho attorney-g^noral to olimlnalo "no- lIMrjiJ pull" from tho ■projmiMillon (Continund on I‘agn 3, Column 5} RUSSIA EXECDTES 28 SOVIET FOES Firing Squad« Kill Now Band' An Terroristn; Total of Slayings at 103 Hy .lOHKnr If. llAlltl) MOHCOW, Doc. IH m.Ki—A grim govornniopt campaign ngalnnt Ub political ouemioH accountcxi for iin- other 2H llvea U>day~a total of 103, including two wonion, alnco Sergei Kli'ov. a veteran loader, wiia aaAnnalnnto<l Doc. 1. In all, 1124 nrroAiM luivu boon an nouncfid. Only 21 of Uioho arroHtcd remain alive- All thoM oxocutcd havo boon trlMl in necrot l>y .»w ntilllnry r.ol* Inglum of tho uunrome court «>n chargoii of torrorimvi. None havo o r iiiiHppcl«'d, of pllclty In Kirov’n miu'der. Tho executlonft wmo to Intimi- date polltloiil onemloii an<l a t tho aame time to warn timt Micollov'i ®XBmplff'rur-nn-Ti»im«iln-Tnn>it-not bo foilowod. . Tho latoit oxflCutloiiH wore at Kiev. Tho 28 «hot by n firing iiquad Included a woman, Anna Ivanova Skrip Kojilocjiki. They were of a group of 37 ao-cnll«l White OuaMla arrested In the Uk- rainian republic Dec.’ 10. Tho oth- ers are held for lnvo«tlgatton. In tho flrnt.Borlea of exoeutiona after Klrov'a muwler, 37 political •hemloa were aljot wt I-enlngra<l and 30. at Moaoow. Tlieae Included a woman, ZlnaUla SulgJna. Nino more were hel<i- for Wveat)gatlon. On pec. 7,13 Whlta Ouarda were Cbd ti >rreitbd In the Wblt« Ruaaian r«* public. Of these 0 ■* ahot Dec. 11 and three’beld. l^qoaevelt Enter* lUtHUty Rate Figl»t WASBWOTON. Don. l i m ni— had Interested f%e>«8ldent fevoaled l^or.Sloreno’' 1 ^. ''' few-York Mlaiii hy i'liliK.'.o hiinditH who hud- tlornandcd S'.i(l,0()l> riinHoiii. (ho badioH of <lnlui K tain , V!7, and hlu w ifo I'in/ahi-lli, abiivo, woro foiiiiil olt'lil iiiIIoh from I'lioir lokNion In 'rHlii{{t;-ii. Till} I'. H. gin’oriiiuont Iiiih do- niandod imOifdialo' priiilidwiii iil of (ho l(lilor>4. Tho ‘!-inoii(ii-oid diiiii'bli’r of llio v i r d i i i ’i uioi found nnhariKod, ESS EYES USING flSTES POLICY H ooiiovo II' ii Ilcconiiuniiilalioiui V iew iid ii;; H iivom otcr to Now Doal Trend WILL OFFER ORITKIIION Form ol' Itnqneiita to Rcvi*al If Priviitu OiLi)ilali;itii W ill Sufftii- Uy iam ; W*A!-!1IINi :T O N , U 'C . ih cI1; i »f oKFU'IAIj COdKTV NI*;VVHl'AI’!-3U Crop Lowest 111(16 Years; Value Shows Ascent DROUTH CALLED CHIEF CA USE-^ FOR REDUCTION ToUxI Agricultural Output Smaller Than Any Year Since 1918, Federal ' ■ Department Reports rrojiidont Hoonovotrj1 r.'c.uiim.-n- <hillonii. to 0onjpr.-iil oj11 !>IUIU oli'iu;-, ani^o and ho iialiijr w:ll hv a V 'llal>lo baroinoli'i' 1 lif j;onora 1 Noa’ D rill jwillcy. Tho r r c n i n n i o n d a l h i m.‘i w ill inill- calo wholliH.r M r. Hoo;lovotl Inilon-l.'t to roatricl I't-drni 1 Ji:>f■iKllnjf 10 low profit floldii In w blrli }irivati ■ cap- Hal ban no p a rtlc n la i• Irrti-ro;‘it. doliaifii. Ia>iloud of drav or in<>ro fnan tlio th«' 1'<ai.'il m o tio n wa;i aiiiiitpiod Tlio bmmlnK aol chiwrn. Tlila ai-t J'o irr 111 j',iiiinuil.'< j onil/.;illon of hoi FLEE STAFFS OSA Y Anierioan .Olor/ryinon in Oliinu Trtko Rofujfo from Fury *' Of Bandif Army WDIIIJ, A N IIW |f:i,' l-KO- Vl.VCM. Chinn. i|.l-i — Tlio II. H. H. I'anay. iiador i'oininaiid of l.loiitooiiid <'11111 - inundor K. II. nrrivod lu'ro (oilay fnini lln'iihou’ (<i iiiii In proirotlmi of Amorii'an nilH- HUkgurit-M from (ho fury of Com- miiiilNt ('hhioMo liiiiidXM of lii- vtj’rlor Aiihuol rrovtiM-r. • HIIANGIIAT. IX'C. IK n\\'.> Xfany Ohri/ttian nilwtUm ataliona in tlio Interior of ^Aniuvid ITo- vinco ;wnro dtvan’to^. loday a.-i tlio rt'llKloiia woi'Urr.'i flinl from liu' fury <if a Cliiucj^j- b;^;ulit inniy ap- parontly hont oh (:xuu mtnat In;: roivjignorfl. ' A t ioaat :20 lAiaiiionary roru{;oi-n havo roachoti Wuliu, whlcli aff<irdii comparativo aafoty lor tho pi«- •ont frfnn tb« rod tnwipa who publicly nxoculi:<l Ibo llov. and Mrn. .John fltiim, Aniorlcan«. Orogon Tamlly Mavod ThoTlov. Ilowaio rlyitth. Waah- ‘inirUm, Pa., nilaidonary who waa kldriapod fnmi Irajjahnl. Hzotdi- tuin, early thla yoar. I'vaciiatod liia { kwt’ nt Nanltnjf in Anhwfl'and irought hiM wifo in' •v'libii. Tiioi'ti they Joined Mr< .ind Mra. Howard Van Uylie. nalivca of Kloridu, an«i other fugUtvcH fr .1 .: iho luindltn’ fury. Tho Itov. John Tsohfiold and family, formerly of Or<.«on. woro oi«y)rto<l tli«>ro from Tnnld. ■fho'Van DiTioJi vChUn lioro that m'any Chriallan and miNHlonary al* llaneo workor»‘havit ronclu'-i Wuhu aafely. Another Wtjhu rcHltiont )oiKirto<l that thoUHambi of g'tJvornmont t«-oopa. purauing tho Htam Hlayora. have paaitod throu^'h the rofugeo center within tho IiihI fow diiya l(0jlW'l<V4t IjlH t V y<-ar ajro ,\!r, Rrinnrvi-lt wa;i nf llir (tpiiilon lliat liirj'c .'icnh- alum olraraiici- or i;nn»tt'lii't Ion of laibiirhiM i d w o l l i i i K ’i ■<’ draw «liim ilw«-lli'i;i from <:on;;i'.‘ic«'d a ira ii w a;i not I'tnicLlcalili'. A iiiun of H^i.^o,- 000.0011 lia.I iKi.-n nltcicjiti-il for th a t ]ilir|io;iir. lint, tlio I ’I'l'.'ildciU li:id r'o- J<'rti><l jii-voi'al phiiiH for .‘iliini pro- Jocl.'i ninhliii; Into tlio Ij IIIIoiui «I' Iri-aiairy to pi'lnio tiidiiiitry. lin- Joli lirlvalo ca]ill!i!. Wild Uu- Mirtbod t iiiit Iwirl/.i'd i^iirtlal If Ifiatui fni- m od- ({nloli Httmiilant I .M<>.!ornl/.ullno i.-i a i|iiii:l( aclinjr [.•iliniulaiil. l'’or rnoro p.-rinaai'iil. ai- [ llimijrb alowor r»'i«iH.'i o th r r hoc- itlona of ttio bnuaiiiK act iii'ovldod Iparlliil KUiirantoo or rlalcti ua<ti'r- I talioii Ity Iiaiil<fi and prlvati^ oajiltal ! In rofinaiirlni; nxlallnjr lionio niorl- i I’tijroa iumI now nnndriu^lloii, Mr.'Vi-lfovUlrntly han h(^^•u onnvliiood tiy K<Tr.-liiiy of Ihlnrior llarol.l ]j. irUoa and nrbora timt tiibi lonj'-liino comdniotlon pro- jp-uai iialnj' privalo captlal iji t<wi Klow for rocovcry inirpnaia. Loft w ing Now DoiitiOH <>oinplaln. ul*o, lliat privalo capital novor will un- dorlalco Imualng - ivajK»nalblillloa whoro tho need ,ta iiin^iL ur)(ont: 1. Tn Hut alunia. L’. In jwMiror rural nriaui. Thoroforo, Mr. lUunavolt will I I'a 1:0 U. Coimiin I' JOHNSTON ORGES EVENUE SHARING A tlviiiiis Oouncihnoti to Prciiii For Portion of Sluli!’!;' Liquor Tux -f r,\ Dll' |i;ifl 111 I'ltir;- iiiid niliiT tmiiiii'l- palilii-.t .'111- . . I 1)\' .\tavoi- Kiiix’aa M ill. ' at liint nlj;liL'.-i ;ii;;;ijon <il llii' citv c'oiinoil, u-hiili ):riuil.d .fl,L.’li)‘ ’u ’c.illi III ImiiIiIiii); ]>('riiiiL.-i tn iUk ti])ptli;aat.'<, iillovvrri ili<. tii‘tiil-iiiotitlily liillii anil vutrd to I'ui.p.-iali- w llirih o cmin- ty and till' lIOItA In prov.ldinj' fa- i-llitli'M li>|- difip<>i<;ioii;ii'd fain lilt'li. Tlio iiriyni- |«anl<-d m it Ibal. low lax livi.ii mill i'llii:U -nl polirlni: iM iinot hr iniiinliiinod uiinor llir ;M illi:l|i;aod lici-n.-iliiK o f llcjiir.r af- t.T 111., iin.l i,r Ih.- y.-ar vvllhmit til., i'ilv .‘diarinjr la tin- liquor lax. II.' riTniiuarndod th:il nil rouncil- iiirn of thl.'i. ail wi'll aa othor cltlon, vadl. Ihi' li'i;iiilatino and alton<l tho l('i;liilatlvo iii-i.iaiin ol llio Idiilui M unicipal Oi’t'ioi'ni aiuiorlutlon noKt inoiiUi. Ill Iho iiili-roiil. Ilf taii:h a la\^ (Oonttniiod I BOM S TERIIIFy ! CUBA’S CAPITAL Salt Lake Woman Dies in Accident HALT r.AKlfl CiTy, D oc . Ifl Kleldinf? K. flmlth, 2H, well known Ball, Lake City woman, waa Inatantly kitlbd. late yetlerday wh«n' tn« automobile ahe wan driv- ing . tho hlffhway near St. aepr^,^;la euut}i«m Utah, and ovai ■ Four of Uovolt Increiifioa A h Torri>rifltn Roiiin City W ith Explouivott HAVANA. rW'c, IH ir.llt F«ar Hull tho'cloHinu Ilayii ol 111.11 would hrini; a (rroaooiiilo of vloluncn, <dl- inaxi-d by a rovolnllon, InuroiiNod today aftor a nlubt of lorror In Wbloh If) l«>r]iiiH worn oxpladod in tho cajittiil. Unldimtlfloii mon roanu'd tb« citv ca.’itlnjr bonihn wiillc iiidiiiorH and pnilrotiioii amn'iil political t»*r- rcrlHta. Ht'irttnK bi niid-«vonlnir and oivitUiiiIni;: tnU> llio oarly ho\n»j of Iho nuirniajj Uu* bomlui wrrc do- tonatoil in aV,rt*otH and boforo Hhopa. Qno bomb daiiiaj!‘'d tbo uiiiltown aifoncy nf tho IJalviTHiil Klim corporation. N o DoalhM U wjnr ividinit that llio loiroi* irtU did not aouk to Util, for la ull llio bonibiiiKH Ihoro Woro only flvo I aaualtloa. Throo womon and two men piiHHoraby woro Injun^d. It wan bollevoil that tbfl bomb- ingH Wftra iho al^nai for an lnt«m- iilflad wai^p of lorrorimn tloalt;nod 111 harnaa tho Kovornmont. Itohiiul tho IwnnblnuH and tho iiloltlni; Im roRentinunl <if nppoal- tlon partial, radloal and o<in»orva' live, iiKninnt' 'l*n‘»ident Curloa Mendieta. M^ndieta prominod to rovlde a nnctatltutionni diectUm _uforo I'ec. 31. He Hai<l ho would realgn If the elootlon waa not hold. Reocntiy tt wan announee«) • im hi! Iwhalf that It waa loiiKiiwlhJo to« arrange for^ hn elootlon »>flfore the deadline. Ui-ilor N'oihIh "Iiic:r>'a.'a'd roilel uooda ooniit nil! anotla-r faotnr of inouiillii{c > fdfi vvlilcli luii.'it bo borne to tiiano K toiil l>y all pai’ll(;l|>at Inir laxlni; inllH I'Xc-opUnn Iht? atalo," .loliufi- (111 a t a t i ' d t o i l i i y . "II. would 1)0 iinfalr for tlio iituli' Ui Uiku nil thu Ikpior tax., loavintr to oltloa tho policlnir problom. A'hilo a l Mu- aaiiio llnio doniandhif; >1 ' Dioai' Hinalior' taxing' unltii that for Ili^llA ju-iiJoctJi thoy lajjiiily Iho ooiita Ilf iiialoriala. of oqulpmonl and of coniivonaallon Iniuiranco. Ah far aa I know, tho nlato of Idaho ia not apondlni; any money on ro- llii. till' onliro liurilon Ix-uik plac - 'd on IndlvidualN. on tho fodorai ^ovornmotil and i>n aniallor taxlii{; nilla," ho Haid. .I^KplaliiH -IJbrury llo ox]ilalno(| to the council that tho .propinaul new llhrary would tn bo finanood fi-oni fundii dhoi- llian tlioHc nuppliod llir city, If tho profii'nt low lax-li'vy waa to hi; iiialntaliK'tl, pointing out tlial tho‘pri'aont Iwo-nilli lovy for tho Idaary cmild not ho lm:roa«o<l wllbfJid raitilnif tax comIh and dial Ihi- Iti.ndlni; ilmlC hail alroady boon ■achod. ' Tlio 1031 olty lovy loUilii nitllH. (-nmpar'od with nilllH (I Ihu yoar provlouHly, th>> roduclton luKIn^ iilaoe ' for tho moHl pai'l In tliu t'onoral fund, which waH roilured.under the pre- nt adiiilnlHtrallon from 10 to ulx nilllH. Htroot llKhlIni: waa Incrouii- oil OIIO mill. ' S i., ;h had been altematlnjr ) V with her buabiind. ,lC.>.«^ltb. well ‘k n o ^ In <invin| J.. , . kM»l Mmmeroial artlat and aon --------- -------------- IStH; ahook »Dd torn ' jirtwuld»r. , 1 Gbea Wet To«land. l>e&. i s VtMt* , Hw Small but PQWERgXJL TImea OlMaUlad Ad* aro w) amall thoy Mem lnortdlk»ly Inntpfltnalya aam« time whlon eou)d do < hemvier dmIi; lu>v«rtUlnff. . Oluilfl^ .>di FOUND IN' a OTO TVIdCH, T okum, Doc. 18 Uiiy UarrlHon. :i. mlmilnif all night and fourod kidnapud by a maniac, wail found today In the Rtolen auto- inohllo of,iilii father. Uaaao lArrl. non. farnior near here. , . Tite boy was Unharmed, but was l({htoned and aobbing when an offionr found him. Tbo car, itolan lat4< yuiitorday when tha elder Lar- rltion itopped into fi Btoro and M t the boy aleeplnjr In tho front aeat, had been parked al the courthouK Hquare. The child waa eo tHght> nnvft hn coukl.not tell police the clrounutanuea ol hla jibduoUon. nay, aon of ^ a a 9 LarriMn, « farmer, waa etaaplnf In hla fath* cr'n automobile at. mld*anemooa, yeelerday.. The father MX . him Home 16 mlnutea to roaka a pur* chaao. Boy and «ar were ffona when ho rettimed. ' > That the i^uetlon wm d*Ubw ata waii Indloatad'by the faet that the boy waa I n ^ a front -Mftt iOt the oar. plainly via^bla. .' ' ..... Comw^unUt P^ot 1 ,WA------------ W’ASi IINC.TON. Poi:. IH IK.I!! — Th<- total crop ylold nf thoJJnltod Hlatoa 111 ID.'I.l waa tlio iowont Iti 111 yoar;i, tbi- annual ro|iort of dy- piirtnioiil of a|:ricultur<i rovoulotl today, Tlio vahio of tho c:rop. iiowovor. dill' to Incroa.'iod ]irioofi and AAA. houoflt i)a.yinoi)ta, wait ahovn that ijf laal .yoar. tlio dopartniont'n .'/no,000 (;rop roporlora aaid, Tho loport. an Inventory oC ahnoal ovojythlnjf that riowh. Itlvoii t)io liarvoalod ncreui;o, pro- ilni'tion and valiio of ovory crop, fioni whojit and <rotton to primoa III |o)ipodo/a Hood. Iiotiillod production fli'uroa wern 1)0 roloanoii by tho liopurtmont nf aijriculturo lator todify. Mliiro KIIK N’ot ninco IIUH ban u nimilur re- port iihown Much u nmnll total yloUl from tlio nation'M fioldii, or- liarda, ^nrdona and vinnyiirda. ' 'h(^ droiitli and tho foderal -tirop odiKdloii prot;ram cut denply into tho inarUoi baaUot. Ylolila f)f .'J3 principal cropa :-n^ ahoiil SI |ier cent iioiow tho l(i-yoar avoraco of 1021-30. rop nf lesa than COO.- • 000,000 buHhola. loweat since 1RD3, 1 a corn crop Ixsiow 1,600 .000 .- 000 lainhola, loweiit alnco 1804, woro ropnrtod. Kkpori* Dwindle Wboat import* dwindled alm oat. nothing. A Hhlpment of Frenotfti. whout wan rocolvml at New, York»' probably tho fimt in hliitory, ' Haiioii on ]>ro<Uicllon reporta anti.' illKiati'a of miirkntlngH. tho bu« -au of uurlciiitiiral economldui. plaia-H the liuldx of not produotlotk''. of I'raimi nt only 3|i per cent o^ tho llilU-27 nvenijre. TIUh may mean nr^rut prtcea will- advnnco next year.' 'Pnrmom are noiilni.' onttin nt a reoord pace now^ and tho heuvy volume ol ln|.'».londfl to keep the price moat within roach deupKe thi prico (\f- fi'tula. nai ic In Iho nprlnft of 1035 the redud>' tiona In hordu will be felt at thf» butchor'a counter becaiv*c j f e ^ ' pricon will be . high and'anf^mal«. uoarco. . • , Oniiith Chlof Cmmo AAA acreage limitation* pro^ Krama retired about ■8^, 000 .006 ;^ acroa; but the drouth wai thechtaf';:; iiKcnt of reduction. Surpluaea ojf' vlrtuuliy every major crop. axcept?ii cotton havo , dhrunk to almcut: nothlHK- ' Thorn Ik no daneer of Khiirtnfre. but the AAA. Is takU no chance* if control pre for next year allow foria u- orubto return towiird nonnal t JUGOilLAVANl Rioting Mobi. BrW .. u n Daiv r- eign iAMnl^r Mlnlater.:Qf Jkgx^ultam A Kojio ofrerad'i^lr.ti^ day aftar « or tha akreeti the J'ur;^vL The oAblnel* accept, t^ ral At the bmL, U^Unovltd?! /‘nefoUat‘““- iettle tbe to imooth.oytf^ ip and-or .4h«jtt oth mlniatMiM . t h e Q«1)i tated .* of of ^


Page 1: FRENCH LEADERS a s. ORDERS WAR ESS EYES Crop"Our coaHuhutlonii all have rraciiDil tho aiimu concIiiNlon,^' Dr. Pottit mild.

Weather ForecastflonohiUy ololidy iiiul W<hI-

iHMtduy: llttio flhiuiiri' III p o n itiin s Illjtli yoBtflnliiy 87; linv 20. l^ iv thih inoriiltiK

Six Irr ljra to d Oonntloii in Iiliiho

Today’s News


. VOli. X V II. XO. 210—r> Vl‘>N'TS. TW IN F A bliH . ID A H O , 'I'IJKSDAV, 1. , l ‘i:!l


ONARMSIRADEDobato Devolops Into Blttor

Denunciation of Private Manufaoturingf


Pfpm ior a t P aris Says Nation . Affrooablo to Supnroasion

Of. MiinitionB Evil

n y T, W. C O I'RrA U IS , Doc. 18 iUII)-—A cJwthi*

l>rr o f dopullc/i <Uw.iio on «uppIo- m o n tn ry w n r cm lll.? to*<lny Into u b iltn r n tta c k on p riv a te > tinnufao tiiro 'o f nrin>inentii.

"Wft Unow iKJHltlvoly,” anld fo rm e r « lr m ln ln ter IMorro Col, " tliitt whorruH an y eohllnr w ho lind r/)lnlloni> w ith tlu; «nm ny In w a r Alm/i wan i»hnl, corta '.> F ronch In- <liu4trJnll»ta Lhwnijrbout tlto W orld w iir mnjntnlnivl co ru»ct w ith Oflr* ■iiinn IndufltrlnlistA."

Waiit i IrroJw ,Ar<lot>Uy iiialflllni; th iit thn

urnm nnt o jto n 'n n Inquiry Into ao< HvlllrH of arnuuncni. m anufno lu r- ora. C ot AaUl;

"Tho Nyo iiivViHtlRatlon In W aah- Inffton |)I'0(Iuc4h1 JivuHutlonul fiicUi. L>oit))lIeK>i nn flX|>ojiuro of F rcnoh urm ri maUnrn would Imi pfjunJly'Hon- Batlninil.

"IVIvalo m iinufaotiim o f n n n s a n d niiinltlonH ca n n o t bu dofun<l<Hl c lth n r m orally o r financially . Avnm •makcrji nn in t bn pruvcntw l fm m {MkUianinK tho public .mind by ao> qa'.rlnir n«witp<»iwrft.' .

I tr i ta ln PlaiiH Qiilsr.C ot’H AtfarJt cam e an tho Ilrltlnh

uovom innn t w as p ruparin t; an In* VNitliratlon Into tho d ritln h truffio In arinfl. .

Dobnto w an on a 'o r c d l t o f HOO,- 000,000 franiiH ($&’J,HO0,O0O) fo r urmH and m unitionu, nupplonm ntlng tho crodit o f 4.n74,04n,0fi0 'franca ($310,^04,073) vo tM uy Iho sana to yontenday.

Pr«*mlor I ’lorro ICtlonno r ia n d ln . annwarinK C o t, uifrono readily th a t f l i j p p r o a i i l o n o f 'a im ii .nialtlrtK th roughou t tho w urlo w us doalr* , abln,

Kranci’, ho n n ld ,-lia tl luUun


House, Senate Ready, to P u t Approval on Bills for

Long Maoblno

HATON R O U Q E. Ln„ Doc<lU!i—B onator H noy I*. Lonji'iiwtato houHO nf roproHontatlvflJi will j;lvii fin a l approval today, to a now biitch U1 Inglfilatlvo b llli H treni;th' rn ln ir thn pow or of tho Lonff poUt' leal m acblno. Thn- nnnato th en will rncolvo tho blllH Im m odtutoly and puflh thoin th ro u g h to poHHai'u.

C hief am o n g tho S4 naw blllM In one th a t addn tho Jobs of jn.OOO Ktihool teachorH to tho Lonjr p a ­tro n a g e rol(H. Thl« bill will maUfl ev e ry toaohqr and ovory toaohiny cand idate e l^ o n d o p t on tho yoorl will o f th a Loni; o rj^anlxatlon for iiinplovm ont.

U nder pi*«vlouH U<);iij|atlt>n the n ta to govnrnmiMit h Iho controlii n inployrount of a ll pullcunwin and firem en.

A no ther o f tlio now lawn uotH up a Ntata Ixm nl to appo in t dopitty Bhorlffs w ith o u t ro g a n i fo r tho pr«i!«5ntnco o f oloot^d nhorlff*. Tho Khoriff m ay a p p o in t ' r|vo deputleti hImMolf. Ahovu th a t num ber, tho

“ TitBTB"7Minrfl'nm«jmt»r-‘— ------— •A nother hill provldus for a radio

itta tlun and tho "world'H laruoHt d en ta l uchool" fo r Loulnlana Htato unlvorsity,


■ Krio^Klfl and reiatl\*«« awaltod additional v m

Whitehall. Mont., Vh'

hoi'«hlt®hall. Moj^t., Svh»rMwo

looal m en, E:r(f»i|t Pou|r<iJa« . brothom , w ere rep9 ^t«d m U nited P re m dlapatohe# to have be«n^lcUle<) tru c k o v e r tu y C ^ . ;

Thfllr fa th e r.K im berly b lae lu m llh . , le f t fo r M ontana a f te r ra a tf ln f th b . new* a o o o /n t In th e B v w ln g It

....................... JhyAfrV W , A

an d <tf W eaver o f th e m en re; A lice, r o r ^ aiii

, Ifhe mM>' „ '~i betw ,<...

a®orge. ***’,r.broth#pi

Mr*. •'■^^Ident


. -ht

('oiifi'Hidnti iiy A lb ert A. KIhIi, <).%, !-<‘Io\v, H'llvfsl ttif* >d\-ynti' n iy titi'ry of thi* fuh* u t i l r i ir f Itndd, 10, nbovi*, N rw >’orl(Ulrl wito viinlHlii'd Iti 103». l-'lMh iu1mltt4<d h irin g tho ohlld front hom o and thi'ii ('hnkliig h e r to tlna th ilnd d(Hnionil>orlng hr^r hiHly.’ Ho’ l4'd polUvt to- hiirlal pliM'o of tho bmly hi rhrwlo^ ron tily , N . V. “ T ortu ro loltorH" u'rMt«<ii to (lio piin'iitH I«nI to IiIh n ip tiin -.


FnmiHhlntfH for Model House W ill Bn Shown Tomorrow

A t HoadquartorsAltoridiintii u t tln« wmikly Wyd-

nnmiuy mictJon of tho T w in KailH IGinpIrn oxpitiiitlon lom orrow will H«i< diiipiuyM of liouftnhold furniH b' IngH w hich nro to b« ‘pliicod in tho m odel hom e of tho nr|{ iinlzatlon a t ii iu titr datn , offiultilH n ta ted today,

th a t nuntinnx tomnr*row w ould .tiiko placo a t 11 ii. m. a n d III 2 p. m.

In addition, m urchandlud whioh Im to b(t rntailod la te r fo r oiuiy n io ^ f t / w ill he d isp layed In lha v/i>ulown a t liijfpouluon homlq\jar? toiM. M ethod to hn pufMUed In thifl p lan itl, Haiti to ho itlm ilar to th a t Afhero tra ilin g HtamiMi are unad.\ D otalU of tonuJrrow'H auction , w hich nKpoiit«d to. a t t r i ia t a largo" rrow d , w<ire porfeotod a t a jo in t m ee ting of tho board o f dl* re c to ra of th e J u n io r C ham ber o(. C om m urce an d tiie alxpoHi^uin o^i- toutlji^e oom m lttoo tt^tlay.

Homo iu rn la h in g a w hich aro to bo lilanlayed will inolude bod- room an d y liv in g room huIIob. eleo tric- - W-- " _ v • • . . .raftrt '-waah a ra m r, lam ; turM lanil *a

,'*wa«htng m aohtne, rofrlg - i, rug*< c h a in , .pic* v a r ie ty n f ' hounenojd

m erbtuindltie. a ta te a Ifaro ld R. llarvw y, a<wy, aocretary;'

Farmers Thirealen To SUrv« . C»tde

P A U U M lnnii llitBi' fIT. ‘ f w u L u ' Min nu u ect w iw rr —Mora Uum 80.000' »Mnn«»Ota


Woman Vivtim Suddenly Stops Constant Yawns

« iee rli^nn«»ota


■ HT12KMNC3, III.. Doo. IH 'r i l ' (;nin|il>'l>^ rociivoiy of Mni.

lln riilii Mclviici, liY-yi'Hi'-old fa rm wit'fl wild hiDi bt)<:ji ih(7 victim 1)1' conaliin t yav,’-'*'*l5’(liiyii-''iit till) I'lilo oi 11! iir 15 yuw na a n iliiiilt '- - v^au ann<>iinc' «xl today by Imr phyiilcliiii.

Dr. II. L I’.i ltit , imidfiiit nnnn- t ry (loclor, naid Mrn, MeKim ynwiuul lazily a Urtmii wlUMi (ihi\ awoU<.‘ today. io(d«i(i 111 him and amiiud and tlien iitopficd ynw iihi;; iia riilddimly nri idm iitartod im l^ric. ».

"O r c;ourm», It’Jt liijpiuiiiiljln til pritniiaii th a t thin rncovory will iaiil hut I am ce rta in 11 w ill." P r . ro lt l i . iiaid.

I'lxporiu ktafflod Tiio pIiy/iicuuiH und npccliiIinU

In nnrviJini iilhiinnta wm> caiiio ht'Tit to coiiHuIl w itli him o v rr tiio liiiffllnK afriin tlo ii iiiiUl they w tim Htiil jiiixzhid by iUi ciiua*!,

"O u r coaHuhutlonii all have rraciiDil tho aiimu concIiiNlon,^' D r. P o ttit mild. "W o bolli-vn tho y aw n a w d ik caiiaod by it n rr - voiiii and u la iid u iu r dlHLnriiiin'co, liiit w« c a n 't hi! auro."

M mi. b ro iii 'h t to tin*|>liblic hoapllui from h'nr lining n o ar noiim l O rovc, III., will bo U«pl undnr tho onro o f tw o iip«c> lal nurni’n uiiMl danjfi^- of r.»- ourr.Micii o f tb« y aw n a iiuii paiiii- tiil.

Onu of Iho niiriii'ii wan fur- ninbori by llic Rod CruNji, liu! o lh o r Uy a fam ily frl«;nd.

Juslico Department Throws dFull Force

Into Drive


Mountainous Waves Balk All Effortfl to Take 30 from ’

<Jrippled Ship

NICW Y O Itli, Uoo.' lH iv.y.i - T he crew o f tho crlpplod Nor'X'c Uian fro lgh to r HIbIo a«Ued to bo Inkon (» rf.lij m id -A tlan tic Today b u t tho aonn aro too hoavy to rink la u n c h in g iifo ImiiUh, th e H. H. Moiitlttt]. wlilch ill Htandlng by, roiKtrted Iti a M aclcay railio mw«- nauo lo .iill nblpM, >

Tbit HIhIo had lout nil of her ow n Iifo »)oatB In a mivoro a to rm and h e r bridgo had boon wa«hnd aw a y neooKljng to earliflr r<» porlH. Tho laten t nu'wuigio fr<un tho Mohilnli (ioclarcdThnL IIio .S Ih' Io’h criiw o f ;jO w a s In no Im- nuHllato danger.

. Oil Hupply <ionr>'I'lin XIohlloll aiiUHd ''W h a t hi the

'arlioMt th a t an y vritm l w ith oil can a r r lv o ? ” Tho Hhip'N oil aup' jilloH w«ro oxlianatw l dun to hav ' lug )>oured moat n f h e r own fuol o n io tho w a to r d u rin g Ih* n ig h t In a n unauooeHHful a l te m p t to ca lm tho tumii ao llfo b o ji^ could go to thu BUto.

O th e r ahips In th e nelghl>orhoo<l of th e aiflto In th e m td 'A tla n tic Hhip lanea will n o t go to the roMoue'unleBH a n o th e r em ergency rinvolo)iH. Thrno InclUdiS th e linom M an h a ttiin and th I ’rcHldont H a n i- Uig. _ _ _

Naval Parley Will Adjourn Thursday

I.O N D O N , B o o .' Ill — Tho ’tonhnlcal" nuval • oonferoncfl, p rc i

H m lnary to <Aid not fo r 1D3&, will bo form nU y’ n rtjo u m o J -^ n iti i^ a y v I w a ^ announceil in B rltlah quart*

orn totlay. , ’T h ere will bo a final ■ b o iln eU

m ee tin g of the A m erica^ , B ritllh an d ilapanoio deleg:Atea to tno rrow a f te rn o o n . *

ismsfv" iittis.'.o*!.—t»«

o th e r-n U r^ t o v er i ^ t r M lQ / o r th a S alvation A rm y, X; w m b la th e r in g A ^ a y a b o u t « a t ^ r tpleoa T had re^d la .the pftpor that Very night, tailing Of a piM to give everyboay, wor)t VVaji; friend! J»ve t>ete-JiMM^r atnoa than. "WIU, wtowi'

you'^waa taUIHg 'i

Uv ITtl'^DKICK'K V. O TH M A NWAsnmrjTON. nc*?. iii

Thii ilrp arlin i'iil n f ,|iiiilli;o llirow till I'liil forcc to ilay lioliliid ji, im- lk>nai (Irlvo aj;iihuil. idiynlor law- yiTii, winuu it rnniililoi'ii an danjr<’r- miH aa Iho jirliiiliial Jiimvvn n|)nn wlilcii tiu ’y r«rrl.

AMiirni'y-(.lifn«Tiil MonuT H, Cum- niinj'u dirjHiriiwd un Ijiwyor-ci'iinln- abi atlo rnoya whn dofoiiii jiarijfiiloni fo r a idiarc i>i rr>libory cafdi o r cmi- iilvo witii oiillawi) to )i>']|i thoni nviido arroiil,

11(1 cnmDiiaiilnnod .7. I'lb.'ur iiiKi* vor, chlof of Uio bm oiiu oC Invcjril- j-atlon, to inf,ulri! into Mm a c tiv ltin i of iincli Kotiry and iirliij' (dmrjroa ajfahuit tluMU w iiori'vor pimiilljlo.

TltMH' ArroHlod ’I’liroit law ycra havo a r rn i l -

i!il, Tiioy an j I-oiila I‘lf|Uotl, woit- know n CliicH/ro imiTlator, chiin;«'il wiDi a ld liu ' tbo lalt; .Inhn Ullliniccr, am i Ron H. I.aalia and .laiiioa C. MallU’i'ii, aL-ciiiaiil o f accoptliijf p a rt ot till) CJIiarioii TTmciiol nintintii (Muih ail tbiUr fitr fo r rlrfondinj: tho iddnapora.

Tho alliii-noy - jtonoral bollitVini l lia t iiliyidirlana who aiil piibllu nii>- mli-.n aro alnioiiL aa <liiiit:<-i-iinir aa llin Ijiwycr-crUiiliialii, Ilo lian In - alitiitod pri)C('<‘)iinK'' ai;aliuit Hr. CiayU m M ay of Ht. I 'au l, charKod w ith troa tln ir Dllliuj.'-iir fo r jruiuilml wounrla Infllctod l>y forloral aifoiila an il aip ilnat <lnctoni who iiorioiin* rd p laa llc rairjfory on nilllMjr*’!'.

< 'rim l«ui Ui'tianro "Connlvanoc ol llii' uiiii<'ni|iiil-

■ Ilia law yer In oiio of tho rh ii’f ro ' llancoa nf pn -d a lo ry crlin lnala who would d«fy, tho law and lauirb at ita ajVi'Mta." Cumiiiinjrii aaiii.

"T ida low praotllloiK nT baa liooii oncnuutorod n t ovory tu rn , nuuiy III diKiiard n v rry vi^aliKo of o th in i in o rd o r .to eovur up Ida clloiil'ii aclN, to go t him tiff In tlia coiirUi o r ac tually to plot tlio carrylnji o u t of crim inal pin'ixaa'ii.

"'I'o rcacli Ihia ovil wo a ro In touch w ith b a r aiinoclatlnna <-vory w h rro ill Uiii coniiniin piii'piiiHi oi n iak liig It inoro rlirfloult fo r niirli inon to prac tico law. Thin cnndt- lion Ih a n ia t to r nf dooji poraonai cnnccrn to ovory ropiilniilc hiw yor In tbo lln lto d Hlutoii."

IN ehU "I'u litlc a l IMill"Tho drivfi a g a ln a l iaw yor-crln i

Iniiln p ara ltrla rloiiniy offorla Of tho a tto rn e y -g ^n o ra l to olim lnalo "no- lIMrjiJ pull" from tho ■ projmiMillon (C ontinund on I ‘agn 3, Colum n 5}


Firing Squad« Kill Now Band' An Terroristn; Total of

Slayings a t 103

Hy .lO H K nr If. llA lltl)MOHCOW, Doc. IH m.Ki—A grim

govornniopt cam paign n g a ln n t Ub po litical ouemioH accountcxi fo r iin- o th e r 2H llvea U>day~a to ta l of 103, including tw o wonion, alnco Serge i Kli'ov. a v e te ran loader, wiia aaAnnalnnto<l Doc. 1.

In all, 1124 nrroAiM luivu boon an nouncfid. Only 21 o f U io ho arroHtcd rem ain alive-

All thoM oxocutcd havo boon trlMl in necrot l>y .»w n tillln ry r.ol* Inglum o f tho uunrom e c o u r t «>n chargoii o f torrorimvi. N one havo

■ o r iiiiHppcl«'d, ofpllclty In K irov’n m iu'der.

Tho executlonft wmo to In tim i­d a te polltloiil onemloii an<l a t tho aam e tim e to w a rn tim t M icollov 'i ®XBmplff'rur-nn-Ti»im«iln-Tnn>it-not bo foilowod.. Tho la to it oxflCutloiiH w ore a t

Kiev. Tho 28 « h o t by n f ir in g iiquad Included a w om an, A nna Iv an o v a S k rip Kojilocjiki. T hey w e re o f a g ro u p o f 37 ao-cnll« l W h ite OuaMla a r re s te d In the U k ­ra in ia n republic Dec.’ 10. T h o o t h ­e r s a re held fo r lnvo«tlgatton.

In tho flrnt.B orlea of exoeutiona a f te r K lrov 'a m uw ler, 37 political •hem loa w ere aljo t wt I-enlngra<l an d 30. a t Moaoow. Tlieae Included a w om an, ZlnaUla Su lgJna . Nino m ore w ere hel<i- fo r W veat)gatlon.

O n pec . 7 ,1 3 W h lta O uarda w ere Cbd ti>rreitbd In th e W blt« R uaaian r«*

public. O f th ese 0 ■* ah o t Dec. 11 an d th ree ’ beld . ’ ’

l^qoaevelt Enter*l UtHUty Rate Figl»t

WASBWOTON. Don. l i m n i—

had Interested

f% e > « 8 ld e n t fevoaled l or.Sloreno’'1 . '''few-York

Mlaiii hy i'liliK.'.o hiinditH who hud- tlornandcd S'.i(l,0()l> riinHoiii. (ho badioH of <lnlui Ktain, V!7, and hlu w ifo I'in/ahi-lli, abiivo, woro foiiiiil o lt'lil iiiIIoh from I'lioir lokNion In 'rHlii{{t;-ii. Till} I '. H. g in ’oriiiuont Iiiih do- niandod im O ifdialo ' priiilidwiii iil of (ho l(lilor>4. Tho ‘!-inoii(ii-oid d iiiii'b li’r o f llio v ird ii i’i uioi found nnhariKod,


flSTES POLICYH o o iio v o I I ' ii I l c c o n i i u n i i i l a l i o i u i

V i e w i i d ii; ; H i i v o m o t c r t o N o w D o a l T r e n d


F o r m o l' I t n q n e i i t a t o R cv i* a l I f P r i v i i t u O iL i)ila li;itii

W i l l S u f f t i i -

Uy ia ’m ; w *A !-!1IIN i :T O N , U 'C . ih cI 1 ; i

»f o K F U 'IA Ij C O dK T V NI*;VVHl'AI’!-3U

CropLowest 111(16 Years; Value Shows Ascent


ToUxI Agricultural Output Smaller Than Any Year Since 1918, Federal

' ■ Department Reports

r r o j i i d o n t H o o n o v o t r j 1 r . 'c .u i im .- n -< h illo n ii. t o 0 o n jp r . - i i l o j11 !>IUIU o li 'iu ;- ,a n i^ o a n d ho iia l i i j r w :l l h v a V 'l lal> lob a r o i n o l i ' i ' 1lif j ; o n o r a 1 N o a ’ D r i l ljw illc y .

T h o r r c n i n n i o n d a l h i m.‘i w il l in i l l -c a l o w h o lliH .r M r . H o o ; lo v o tl Inilon-l.'tto r o a t r i c l I 't - d r n i 1 Ji:>f■iKllnjf 10 lo wp r o f i t f lo ld ii In w b l r l i } i r iv a t i ■ c a p -H a l b a n no p a r t l c n l a i • Irrti-ro ;‘it.

d o l i a i fii.Ia>i lo u d o f d r a v

o r in< >ro f n a n t l i oth « ' 1'<ai.'il m o t i o nw a ; i a i iiii tp io d t«T lio b m m ln K a o lc h iw r n . T l i l a a i- tJ ' o i r r 111 j ', i i i in u i l . '<

j o n i l / . ; i l l o n o f h o i


A n ie r io a n .O lo r/ry in o n in O liinu T rtko R o fu jfo f r o m F u ry

*' O f B a n d i f A r m y

W D IIIJ, A N I I W |f : i , ' l-KO- Vl.VCM. Chinn. i|.l-i —Tlio II. H. H. I 'a n ay . iiador i'o ininaiid of l.lo iitooiiid <'11111- inundor K. II . nrrivodlu 'ro (oilay fn in i lln 'iihou’ (<i iiiii In pro iro tlm i of A m orii'an nilH- HUkgurit-M from (ho fu ry of Com- miiiilNt ('hhioMo liiiiidXM of lii-

vtj’rlo r A iihuol rrovtiM -r. •

HIIANGIIAT. IX'C. IK n\\'.> Xfany O hri/ttian nilwtUm ata liona in tlio In terio r of ^Aniuvid IT o- vinco ;wnro dtvan’to^. lo d ay a.-i tlio rt'llKloiia woi'Urr.'i flinl from liu ' fu ry <if a Cliiucj^j- b;^;ulit inniy ap- paro n tly hont oh (:xuu m tnat In;: roivjignorfl.' A t ioaat :20 lAiaiiionary roru{;oi-n

havo roachoti Wuliu, w hlcli aff<irdii com parativo aafoty lo r tho pi«- •o n t frfnn tb« rod tnwipa w ho publicly nxoculi:<l Ibo llov. an d Mrn. .John fltiim , Aniorlcan«.

Orogon T am lly Mavod • T hoT lov . Ilo w a io rly itth . W aah-

‘inirUm, Pa., nilaidonary w ho w aa kldriapod fnm i Ira j ja h n l. Hzotdi- tuin, ea rly thla yoar. I'vaciiatod liia

{kw t’ n t N anltn jf in A n h w f l 'a n d irough t hiM wifo in' •v'libii. Tiioi'ti

th ey Joined Mr< .ind M ra. H ow ard V an Uylie. nalivca of Kloridu, an«i o th e r fugUtvcH fr .1.: iho luindltn’ fury . Tho Itov. John Tsohfiold and fam ily , form erly of Or<.«on. woro oi«y)rto<l tli«>ro from T nnld .

■fho'V an DiTioJi vChUn lioro th a t m'any C hriallan and miNHlonary al* llaneo w orkor»‘havit ronclu'-i W uhu aafely.

A n o th er W tjhu rcHltiont )oiKirto<l th a t thoUHambi of g'tJvornmont t«-oopa. pu rau ing tho H tam Hlayora. have paaitod throu^'h th e rofugeo ce n te r w ith in tho IiihI fow diiya

l(0jlW'l<V4t IjlH t V y<-ar a j r o , \ ! r , R r in n r v i- l t w a ; i

n f l l i r ( tp i i i lo n l l i a t l i i r j 'c . 'icnh- a lu m o l r a r a i i c i - o r i ;n n » t t 'l i i 't Ion o f la ib iirh iM i d w o l l i i iK ’i ■<’ d r a w « l i im ilw « -lli 'i;i f r o m <:on ;;i'.‘ic«'d a i r a i i w a ; i n o t I 'tn ic L lc a l i l i '. A i i i u n o f H^i.^o,- 000.0011 l ia .I iK i.-n n ltc ic jiti - il f o r t h a t ] il ir |io ;i ir . l in t , t l i o I ’I 'l '.'ild c iU li:id r'o- J<'rti><l jii -v o i 'a l ph iiiH f o r .‘i li in i p r o - Jo c l. 'i n i n h l i i i ; I n t o t l i o Ij IIIIo iu i «I'

I r i - a i a i r y to p i ' ln io t i i d i i i i t r y . l in - Jo li

l i r l v a l o c a ] i l l ! i ! . W ild U u- M ir tb o d

t i i i i t Iw irl/.i 'd i^ i i r t la l If I fia tu i fni- m o d -

({nloli H ttm iilantI .M<>.!ornl/.ullno i.-i a i|iiii:l( ac lin jr [.•iliniulaiil. l'’o r rnoro p.-rinaai'iil. ai- [ llim ijrb alowor r»'i«iH.'i o th r r h o c - itlo n a of ttio bnuaiiiK ac t iii'ovldod Ip a rlliil KUiirantoo or rlalcti ua<ti'r- I talioii Ity Iiaiil<fi and prlvati^ oajiltal ! In rofina iirln i; nxlallnjr lionio niorl- i I’tijroa iumI now nnndriu^lloii,

M r. lU K .in 'V i - l f o v U lr n t ly h a n h(^^•u onnvliiood tiy K < T r .- l i i iy o f I h l n r i o r l la ro l.l ]j. irU oa and nrbora tim t tiibi lonj'-liino com dnio tlon pro- j p - u a i i i a ln j ' p r i v a l o c a p t l a l iji t<wi Klow for rocovcry inirpnaia. Loft w ing Now DoiitiOH <>oinplaln. ul*o, l lia t privalo c a p ita l novor will un- dorlalco Im ualng - ivajK»nalblillloa w horo tho need ,ta iiin^iL ur)(ont:

1. Tn Hut alunia.L’. In jwMiror ru ra l nriaui. Thoroforo, M r. lU unavolt will

I I 'a 1:0 U. Coimiin I '


A tlv iii i is O o u n c ih n o t i t o P rc iiii F o r P o r t i o n o f S l u l i ! ’!;'

L i q u o r T u x


r,\D ll' | i ; i f l 111 I 'l t i r ; - ii i id n i l i i T tm i iiii 'l- p a l i l i i - . t .'111- . . I 1)\' .\ ta v o i-K i i i x ’a a M i l l . '.I . i lu i .s l . . i i a t liint n lj;liL '.-i ;ii ; ; ; i jo n <il l l i i ' c i t v c 'o iino il, u - h i i l i ) : r i u i l . d .fl,L.’ li)‘ ’u ’c . i l l i III Im iiIiIiii); ]>('riiiiL.-i tn iUk ti])p tli;aa t.'< , ii l lo v v rri ili<. tii‘t i i l - i i i o t i t l i l y lii llii a n il v u t r d t o I 'u i .p .- ia l i - w l l i r i h o c m in - t y a n d t i l l ' lIO ItA In p r o v . ld in j ' f a - i-llitli'M li>|- difip<>i<;ioii;ii'd f a in l i l t ' l i .■ T l io i i r iy n i - |« a n l< -d m i t I b a l . low l a x l i v i . i i m il l i 'l l i i :U -n l p o l i r ln i : iM i in o t h r in i i i n l i i i n o d u i in o r l l i r ;M i l l i : l |i ;a o d lici-n .-iliiK o f llc jii r .r a f - t . T 111., i i n . l i ,r Ih .- y . - a r v v llh m it ti l . , i ' i l v .‘d i a r i n j r la tin - l i q u o r la x . I I . ' r i T n i i u a r n d o d t h : i l n i l r o u n c i l - i i i r n o f th l.'i. a il w i 'l l a a o t h o r c ltlo n , v a d l . I h i ' l i ' i ; i i i l a t i n o a n d a l to n < l th o l ( 'i ; l i i l a t l v o iii-i.iaiin o l l l i o I d iilu i M u n i c i p a l O i’t ' io i 'n i a i u i o r l u t l o n noK t in o i iU i . Ill Ih o iii l i- ro i il . Ilf ta i i :h ala\

( O o n t tn i i o d I


Salt Lake Woman Dies in Accident

HALT r.AKlfl C iT y , D o c . IflKleldinf? K. flm lth , 2H, w ell

know n Ball, L ak e C ity w om an, w aa In a ta n tly kitlbd. la te y e tle rd a y w h«n' tn « au tom obile ahe wan d riv ­ing . tho hlffhw ay n ea r S t. a e p r ^ ,^ ; l a euut}i«m U ta h , an d ovai ■

Four o f Uovolt Increiifioa A h Torri>rifltn Roiiin City

W ith Explouivott

H AV A N A . rW'c, IH ir.llt F « ar H ull tho'cloHinu Ilayii ol 111.11 would h rin i; a (rroaooiiilo of vloluncn, <dl- inaxi-d by a rovoln llon , InuroiiNod to d ay af to r a n lu b t of lo rro r In Wbloh If) l«>r]iiiH worn oxpladod in tho cajittiil.

U nldimtlfloii mon roanu 'd tb« c itv ca.’itlnjr bonihn w iillc iiidiiiorH and pnilrotiioii am n 'iil political t»*r- rcrlHta.

H t'irttnK bi niid-«vonlnir and oivitUiiiIni;: tnU> llio oarly ho\n»j of Iho nuirn iajj Uu* bomlui w rrc do- tonato il in aV,rt*otH and boforo Hhopa. Qno bom b daiiiaj!‘'d tbo u iiiltow n aifoncy nf tho IJalviTHiil Klim corporation .

N o DoalhMU wjnr iv id in it th a t llio loiroi*

irtU did no t aouk to Util, for la ull llio bonibiiiKH Ihoro Woro only flvo

I aaualtloa. T hroo womon and two m en piiHHoraby woro Injun^d.

I t wan bollevoil th a t tbfl bomb- ingH Wftra iho a l^n ai fo r an lnt«m- iilflad wai^p of lo rrorim n tloalt;nod 111 harnaa tho Kovornmont.

Itohiiul tho IwnnblnuH and tho iilo ltln i; Im roRentinunl <if nppoal- tlon p a r tia l, rad loa l and o<in»orva' live, iiK ninnt' 'l* n ‘»ident Curloa M endieta. M ^nd ie ta prominod to

rovlde a nnctatltutionni diectUm _uforo I'ec. 31. H e Hai<l ho would realgn If the elootlon w aa n o t hold.

R eocntiy tt w an announee«) • im h i! Iw half t h a t It w aa loiiKiiwlhJo to« a r ra n g e for^ h n elootlon »>flfore th e deadline.

U i- ilo r N 'o ihIh" I i ic :r> 'a . 'a 'd r o i le l u o o d a o o n ii t

n i l ! a n o t l a - r f a o t n r o f in o u ii lli i{ c > fdfi v v lilc li lu ii . 'i t b o b o r n e t o tiian o K to i i l l>y a l l p a i ’ll( ;l |> a t I n ir l a x ln i ; in llH I'X c-opU nn Iht? a t a l o , " .lo liu fi- (111 a t a t i 'd to i l i iy .

" I I . w o u ld 1)0 i i n f a l r f o r t l i o i i t u l i ' U i U ik u n i l t h u I k p io r t a x . , lo a v in tr t o o l t l o a t h o p o l i c ln i r p r o b lo m . A 'h ilo a l Mu- a a i i i o l l n i o d o n ia n d h i f ; >1' D io a i ' H in a l io r ' t a x i n g ' u n l t i i t h a t

f o r I l i^ l lA ju -iiJoc tJ i t h o y l a j j i i i ly Iho o o ii ta I lf i i i a lo r i a l a . o f o q u lp m o n l a n d o f c o n i iv o n a a l lo n I n iu i r a n c o . A h f a r a a I k n o w , t h o n l a t o o f I d a h o ia n o t a p o n d ln i ; a n y m o n e y o n ro- l l i i . t i l l ' o n l i r o l iu r i l o n Ix -u ik p l a c ­'d o n I n d lv id u a lN . o n th o f o d o ra i ^ o v o r n m o t i l a n d i>n a n i a l l o r ta x lii{ ; n i l l a , " h o H aid.

.I^KplaliiH -IJb ru ry llo ox]ilalno(| to th e council that

tho .propinaul new llh ra ry would tn bo finanood fi-oni fundii

dhoi- llian tlioHc nuppliod llir city, If tho profii'nt low lax -li'vy waa to hi; iiialntaliK 'tl, po in ting o u t tlial th o ‘pri'aont Iwo-nilli lovy fo r tho Id a a ry cmild no t ho lm:roa«o<l wllbfJid raitilnif tax comIh and d ia l Ihi- Iti.ndlni; ilmlC hail a lro a d y boon

■achod. 'Tlio 1031 olty lovy loUilii

nitllH. (-nmpar'od w ith nilllH(I Ihu y oar provlouHly, th>>

roduclton luKIn^ iilaoe ' fo r tho moHl p ai'l In tliu t 'onora l fund, w hich waH ro ilu re d .u n d er th e pre-

n t adiiilnlH trallon from 10 to ulx nilllH. Htroot llKhlIni: w aa Incrouii- oil OIIO mill. '

S i . , ;h had been a lte m a tln jr ) V w ith h e r buabiind. ,lC .> .« ^ ltb . w e ll ‘k n o ^

In <invin|J.. , .kM»l Mmmeroial a rtla t and aon


IS tH ; ahook »Ddtorn ' jirtwuld»r. ,

1 Gbea WetTo«land. l>e&. i s

V tM t n if h t . r e * , H w

Small but P Q W E R g X J L

TImea OlMaUlad Ad* aro w) amall thoy Mem lnortdlk»ly Inntpfltnalya aam« time whlon eou)d do < hemvier dmIi; lu>v«rtUlnff.

. O lu ilf l^ .> d i

FOUND IN 'a OTOTVIdCH, T okum, D oc. 18

Uiiy UarrlHon. :i. mlmilnif a ll n igh t and fourod kidnapud by a m aniac, wail found today In th e Rtolen au to- inohllo o f,iilii fa th e r . U aaao lA rrl. non. fa rn io r n ea r here. , .

T ite boy w as U nharm ed, b u t was l({htoned and aobbing w h e n an

offionr found him . T b o c a r , ito lan lat4< yuiitorday w hen th a e ld e r Lar- rltion ito p p ed in to fi Btoro a n d M tth e boy aleeplnjr In th o f ro n t aeat, had been p a rk ed a l th e courthouK Hquare. T he child w aa eo tHght>nnvft hn coukl.not tell police the clrounutanuea ol hla jibduoUon.

nay , aon of ^ a a 9 LarriM n, « farm er, waa etaaplnf In hla fath* cr'n automobile at. mld*anemooa, yee le rd ay .. The fa th er MX . him Home 16 m lnutea to roaka a pur* chaao. Boy and «ar were ffona when ho rettimed. ' >

T hat th e i ^ u e t lo n w m d*Ubw ata waii Indloatad'by the fae t that the boy waa I n ^ a fron t -Mftt iOt the oar. plainly via^bla. • „

.' ■'.....Comw^unUt P^ot 1


W’ASi IINC.TON. Poi:. IH IK.I!! — Th<- to ta l c rop ylold nf th o J J n lto d Hlatoa 111 ID.'I.l waa tlio iowont Iti 111 yoar;i, tbi- annua l ro |io r t of dy- p iirtn io iil of a|:ricultur<i rovoulotl today,

Tlio vahio o f tho c:rop. iiowovor. dill' to Incroa.'iod ]irioofi and AAA. houoflt i)a.yinoi)ta, wait ahovn th a t ijf laa l .yoar. tlio d opartn ion t'n .'/no,0 0 0 (;rop roporlora aaid,

Tho loport. an Inventory oC ahnoa l ovojythlnjf t h a t riowh . Itlvoii t)io liarvoalod ncreui;o, p ro- ilni'tion and valiio of ovory crop , fioni w hojit and <rotton to prim oa

III |o)ipodo/a Hood.Iiotiillod production fli 'u ro a w ern

1)0 roloanoii by tho liopurtm on t n f a ijricu ltu ro la to r todify.

Mliiro KIIK N’ot ninco IIUH ban u nim ilur re ­

port iihown Much u nm n ll to ta l yloUl from tlio nation'M fioldii, o r-

liarda, ^nrdona and vinnyiirda. ' 'h( droiitli and tho fo d era l -tirop odiKdloii p ro t;ram cu t denply in to

tho inarU oi baaUot.Ylolila f)f .'J3 p rin c ip a l cropa :-n ahoiil SI |ie r ce n t iioiow tho

l(i-yoar avoraco of 1021-30.rop nf lesa th a n COO.- •

000,000 buHhola. loweat since 1RD3,1 a corn crop Ixsiow 1,600 .00 0 .-

000 lainhola, loweiit alnco 1804, woro ropnrtod.

K kpori* Dwindle W boa t im port* dw indled a lm o a t . no th ing . A Hhlpment o f Frenotfti.

w hout wan rocolvml a t N ew , York»' p robab ly tho fim t in h liito ry , '

Haiioii on ]>ro<Uicllon re p o rta a n t i . ' illK iati'a of miirkntlngH. tho bu« -au of uurlciiitiira l economldui.

plaia-H the liuldx of no t produotlotk''. o f I'raim i n t only 3|i p e r ce n t o^ tho llilU-27 nvenijre.

TIUh m a y m ean nr^rut prtcea w ill- advnnco n e x t year.' 'P n rm o m a r e noiilni.' on ttin n t a reoord pace now^and tho heuvy volum e ol ln |.'» .londfl to keep th e p rice m oat w ith in roach deupKe thi prico (\f- f i 'tu la .


In I h o nprlnft of 1035 th e re d u d > ' tiona In hordu will be f e l t a t thf» b u tch o r'a co u n te r becaiv*c j f e ^ ' pricon will be . high a n d 'a n f^ m a l« . uoarco. . • ,

Oniiith Chlof Cmmo A A A a c rea g e lim ita tio n * pro^

K ram a re tire d ab o u t ■ 8^ ,000 .0 0 6 ; acroa; b u t th e d ro u th w a i thech ta f';:; iiKcnt of reduction . S u rp lu aea o jf 'v lrtu u liy ev e ry m a jo r c ro p . axcept?iico tton havo , dh runk to a lm c u t : nothlHK-' T horn Ik no d a n e e r of Khiirtnfre. bu t th e AAA. Is takU no chance* if co n tro l pre fo r n e x t y e a r allow f o r i a u- orubto re tu rn tow iird n o n n a l t


Rioting M obi. B rW .. u n

Daiv r-eign iA M n l^rMlnlater.:Qf Jkgx^ultam A Kojio o f r e r a d ' i ^ l r . t i ^ day a fta r « or tha akreeti the J 'u r ; ^ v L The oAblnel* accept, t ^ r a l

A t the b m L ,UUnovltd?!/‘nefoU at‘““ - ie ttle tbe to im o o th .o y tf^

ip and-or .4h«jtt oth mlniatMiM

.th e Q«1)i tated .* of of

Page 2: FRENCH LEADERS a s. ORDERS WAR ESS EYES Crop"Our coaHuhutlonii all have rraciiDil tho aiimu concIiiNlon,^' Dr. Pottit mild.

PaKo IDAHO KVENmc,. tl'Mlj: y. TWlN'ffAlJ.S. IDAHO


B ookovoU 'h HonomiiUiiuluUoiiii Vlt)W(ul'iiM Barotiio tor to '

, . Now DniiJ Ti’ojul

< C o i i lJ n iu -( | K r o i n I ’a i rn O rW ') yi'roj))j))('j)(j to V.lJiJ (umiirfiiii u C<MlII*ll^-llllvi'ty loigl li (ili|-<i|>-rln tlo ii o f fodonil fiiii'T.-i lo jnovl<lf

■ d c c c i i l . I l v ln j ; c:<iyilUU ,n»i' fnV t h o lo w rr iiln ilti .if fiu iii iiinlSrlty f»iu-ni.-ii, .

'«’ln* IliZr ,

News in Brief>1 Ilf Mill Mvnnliitf ‘riin«M •o| l<> r o i i l r l t i u i r t Mil i<> th il l i l i 'im r l i i i i ' i i l kiM i- liy t» |i'|iliiu i< i.

iil>piviprln t Inn tmhJ Uic ox ti 'iil to w hlfli icil.'iMl

u p . f ,


fumlH w i l l Im! p i - n u U h i r r . . . w U h iiriviiii. in llii-J'w rU alili- ty p r i io r liiilldliu; ii w i l l h o n <if Mhi.t><>al'ji « ;h iu i , '« In n ufi-<uu, jMtllrli'ji o f iiijit .laniiiiry.

Tr**|. o f I N .i i r y I I f Min ff><|<triil n p i i r . i p r l i i M o n i;i

l l t n l lo < l to - M li i t i i r i ip liM ^ n iic n l u ’l l l i JT W xlorn h ii lk j ln u M »s<Titliiy. f o r !j;ri a JXMii'ii o r loim a n i l t<» l in p iM v ln jr ‘ < t - l i i l n . n i r a l .Iw o lU i ijfu . iJ i ,, o « m p i - | | . t i o n b i i lw m -n fi»d<H '-j a iu l p r l v a l c fu n < lH w i l l b o n i '^ r l l j r i ' '! " ’ i f M r . JV x jn o v f lll . o f fo r H t r c a i i i i r y Iru iiin f o r o o n n t r i i c l j o i i o f a p a r i n i i ' n l n l o n - i i t a t J I O o r !iwir«i a I'o^iti-. o r tv ir c o n a t r u c U o n o f l i o t i i f n f o r » in y h u t tlin lowfut w a f , '« (iliift/n'ii, llio inlvo- o n t i w Jn n n t] o u t o f tJu* fiil»»ilii1nt t i o n <it t h « iiHi) o f ] i r l v a t . t n a p l t a l i n r o v l v l n j f t lm c o m it r iK - l l . in Im lijH t r y w i l l b o H ij i i rp ly < lliiiip i 'o ln t< n l.

I t 1h C '0»> l< iinp la tn i| t l u i l f v d n M l f u m l i i ' t i h n l l ht< n v a l la h l .* f o r / t l m n r n p l n c r m c n t a n i l a m u l l b< inu t « R t r u c t l o n a t a n ln ti> rt‘iit n i t r t h r o o p e r r r t j t . P r l v n l r c a p i t a l o o u U I n o t coM ijii.'tir o i l t l i i i t l i i t r n - n L baiilfi.

E Jf ln t- ln fo rn w '* ! o |> in lo n Iji I b a l . b o t b p r l v a t o a n d l r - . i f u i r y f u i id f i c a n b ij iiHod f o r c '/ a u i tn m l lo t i j i i i r - ,p o a o fi w i t h o u t ( r l l i i i i r l a i r r o a c b l n j f o n t h n o t l i o r ' i i ri«l<l, p r< iv id i’<l M r . R o o n o v o l t r . ' i i l r l c t a f< '« li 'rn l h o iw tn j f

• lo n n tt t o Ib t i lo w t 'n t liic^ fn in n t r n U i o f f n n i l l l r n .

K i'fiiiiiln i' 'I'oitayl l i i l) iS 'lK dii, li.iii o f XV. M, N iX 'm ,

w iiii ..xi.i.< ;t.M t l o r .-L iirn l - u l a v f r o m f) . . U 'ii iT i ' III- liu it a |> o ii illa ii

w i t h II r u l i l i n r i im ) i u l i u ; lu r ln } ; <;un- rr rn .

I ’adilitrli .Vrf’DljiJifilC . I I , P i id i i .u - l( , . 'c l i a r K 't d w i l l i

b a t l o r y , w a n a t i i i l i ' i i c d l o d a v lie - r < 'n ' ,lufilli-M I I . M . I l i d l i 'r , n n . r t o n l i t i l l ' ! . ( J i l i i l i t r y l l n i i ' tn | i l i i i d . l l i - l;i l i r ln i : lii.’Id i iu i l i - r S7H 0 b o n d .*

Jld iu o fn in i K'«<hni>tUaMr. 'I'. L. C m ln ry . n hiriii'd to ­

day fri'iii .N'orfcdli, N ib r., I<i wlil-di place li.' ai'(u>nip.iiili-'d tin- body of

inn ri-.:t bi'iiilmr wim cili-d / rciMtnilv in ■tlvily '<>ri'i;mi,

N<'\v '(ioddti llditdy

Mrji, Iv .1, MnlKiiir ri'«|iiral;i all tJioHi' u ’tio lii'hL frn il o r v.rj:rtabli-ii lo till- I'arliili hall’ l:it(?li..n fo r can- iiliiii on a iibar.' h:ml!i. lo rom .i for tiiirlr pari <ii' tliM ci.nmnl |>rodiic;t ln'foiT It ill lojit o r Iitnli'n.

TIIU iRH K 'I'A TH A II)M WAaniNOTONi Ht'c. jk (imh — IpriMiliU'nt UooKi’Voll today tllH', ^ n tc h v d In ttrra lo tli« I'ovornorit

'!•( ntnti'n cnllinK f*'!* '>tuto Inula- jil(|tton t() help apmidy rncovory n rt> u |> h tlio hoiiMlnc p ro u ra in .

M r. Hooii<‘v«ilt iaii,'K()ati.'(l to titit MQCutlvoM anuaulmcntM to vx iat- .m j;. HtAlfl Iqwn In n rdor to m ak o i tU lo ii ''II am i i n of tho nutU m al j u n a l h f r a c t ' m oro rffdutlvo. T IH ji ^ c t l o n (Inalif w ith m ortfrnfro jfcynrontcfiH unil muv ronH triictlnn. | n o prcHlilont w roto lln*'j{ovornorH m rt roooinikHMKlatloi) of UoiiNltiK K ln U n lH tru lo r Jainnu A. M offett


Ih'jinrtiVn'iit <’alb»<|I'Ni-o lii'lwucn Iwo ilWi-llliijjfi a l

oO-l Mini! Ijilic.'i lM.iiU'%'iird a t (Ir.'lil p . ni. yoatnn lay hron,-.iil oul lln f lic <Ii'piii'tiii<-.nt to tin- p-vi-allilllty of till! Htnio.’iiri' bi-liiK do- ali\)yci!.

Ifniii.* Tor llidldityHiJa lb irln o r ta iM iii an<l Ulidt

llowtnniin, a liiilrn ia iil Du, .Junior ti'ilh-Kii a t - I ,o ji|' Hi'a.-li, rutiini-'H luiino today to ap,-nd Ihn Chrliit- nia» hollduya hnrr. lla v l"n ) OJi-rn, iiliio ft nliidi n t a t tlio colh-jro. will re tu rn 'n iu m d ay . ‘


M o f f n t t p o ln td i l o u t t h a t v n r i o u a Ini

natlnm i!

IVl ^ t t u i i t n t u t n r y llnU U ttloT iH oM InunM t e d in v .- » .tn n 'n l t i - 'n i r l o l a* * ^ n o f l t f u l l y f r o m th e ( o U H ln ^ p r o g r a m .

n ( io x lr tm t h a t t h f n t i i t i '■ fllo* ^ c l r Htatulcu HO th a t banka, lii<

.i?Ai}ranfl<> ('ompiu)l<';i, bulldinu: and jlcviti n iiiioclatlnna.'trunt I'onipaiilca,■ ptJutTlnri«'i» liiid all olhi r invrldora

B ta lu tory rf iitrlcliona In-« rm itt« d l(ij;nlly to niaUi- liiaiiri-d n o rtg n u o loanti anit l» Invm t in

Jrp iiirod iiiorrunKi'a and in national aHHoclutlon obll|;Htl<ina

ij M |)rt>v{dc(l by th e lioimiiii: net,

fL A N R lS FO ‘ LOCAL RESIDENT3: ,f TunfM-al Hdrvicnn fm' Misi, AdVi

• ^ I tz a b i 'th T ai;i.'iirt fibcttol, who .tllod bm t rv rn iiiii i‘t th r huiiplLal, uvhorn idio had been a pa tli'n t )dn>*i- Bcpt. 11. will bo hold III Ili;;i(i a . WnilncHday a t tho T w in l-’allii n s r- tu a r v rliiipi-l. Itiiv. !T. 1- W’liit.M oth 'xtbit niln ia tur, iiiiin.drd liv

4<VV. ^VilHani llanll Vnuiii,', jiii; l,cit o f th o 'rw in l-'albi M <■ t h o d i t

Kh u rc h . will offlrlnto,. 'nn- It iyal rtiiuhlKtrA' l o d i ' .

. w iJnlc, anri lodj-'i..................J \ tftiu! in a fiiidv.

Kollow.tuK th i‘ fi.rvic- h n tto l4 h i'r liunliand, n

Jlf TaKijai-t, it a l.itir.l u body In M111 IfirH 'ftn-nur bonj.- in 1'‘t

ir IntornHMit Hk' i i-.M r ^ Hb.iil.d

IN.yiil A rch MiiHiMi.i Ti» Mn-Ifvvlti l''tdlii Cha)tti-r No, ir> 11. A .

M.. wlJI iiu ’« t n t M a 'c la c k fonijjlit a t th<! MiiHonin hall. lOlirctlon *of offlci-ra t'or Ib r cniitiitijf y r a r will b n i 'l tint ro/ridiir onli r of b iu iln rm Uc-fri'iibincnta will In; !icrvi;d.

Mon A r r lv « «Mr. and Mm. I.,. L. iii'cclci'n-

rldK't drov.! to ilbonhono (hia a f t- oriuum to n i c 't th .t^ non. Jolm nnuil{(^iirUI»ri\ .‘iiim ifnt a t HwHi'tli- m ora coil.ijr... }3w..rlbiuor»*. I*a., who will ap rnd tl» ‘ lioll<iaya boro,

<'luh 1‘tirty Klat<>«l1‘y lh inn Hbitcru Pant C blefj/

cinh Will niL'flt ’I'iiurwJay »'v«-ninjr fo r a C hrl»tinnn p a r ty a t Ihn hnnm itf Mrn. .1. W. li'4»ii, ni-J Krcond Rvonuo WiiHt. ()ffici-r« annoinico th f tl; «1I m f f n b r r v / o ! V y th in u Htu- tu ra nr« InvitNl.

A t Tlio lf<MpU4llI>un Htufftti-d, K lnibi'rly. Mr/i, A.

J , n o rchor, Tw in l-’alla, anrj Mliiii U uth Mooro, IJnbl, havo cntorod tho boapiUiI If) iindnrKo fiporatlonii. U ohcrt LoKHdon. Twitt I'-albi, biui Iw m <U>iinlaiii-d fDlIowinK un opo tion.

lo Moot.Mtinilii'rH o f lUiyal N«'lj;hbor;i of

Am orloa aro rcfiiavitod lo nioj't a l Ih r 'IV'In Fallii w iortiiary a l 10 : l f i

t<i'nir>n-<)w to rtttond l»o<ly tb«i fiinitraT of Mni. A<lii li':iizab4’tli T jijrirarl Hlinttcl.

W rl ly iH jr f o r M iU 'iliif! .lOiirbi o'rlo>!lc la tbi> lloin- w hich

ba.'i bci-n iM‘t fo r a incolhi(r of Incal ('i<"ipH In ,lb(i probiit.- co u r tt Wi'diii.jiday ovitninjr. » t

wlilrli tlnii* propoaalii lotiUinc to n niiitilcipal lib rary will bn conNitb'r-

l.^iipiinjiiira announcn, All jrroupn Ml iriili'd ar.t aaUod to hiivo rnpru- •ntiiUvivi p i'rai'n l.

\ ' l ‘<lt llon« from lloUo.lobn D. O rr, iijunnlant nnuuiyor

ol tlio Idaho t-i\v n r com pany. l)olta>, acroinpanloil by MrA. O rr, anil tliplr d a u f 'h lc r M nry, w ore ov.- ornlirht vlHltorn hnro. T hoy urrlvm l yoiitiTday iiftn rnoon an«l roturni'^l to l^u‘ ca p ita l c ity toiluy. T ho O rra \vfi 0 a t ' tho homo of Mrx,N ora I'-rllchnr.

I f c h u r ^ unil lotlj^o w ork during b<' 7 1 D »oMloonri‘ In 1‘win r'.ill:/

wow ajiiK inliD r of tbi< M>'tlio- “■^IIWopul ohuri-h and ni tlu'

ih )o<lt;o. Mhc wan bnrii in county , lillnolu in IHVI*. th.-

o f Oapf. T a i 'ira r t imd lr0 . M H T a;;tru rl. Un S.'jM. i, JOOa. Nhft »imrrl«d \V. M. Mh-'t-

|« i . Shu i-oHldoiJ in M arrliitown. III.. giraiU.fihn tianin to Jdaho in Jiun.{ f./S u rv iv ln jf a ro hor linalntnd; an \u o p I d d ,« o n , ICarl Hhotli.1. Tw .u tlhillA; twt* biuUu'fN. J a n u ii ’!''»!'• J g ^ t , MI(!|(iiv11I<>, 'O hio., and .John n ^ C iP ir t . W*pr*m»»buri^ 111., two ’SlBlarii. Mrii. A lva Hniitli, Hbor- .w tw d. Ohio, (ind Xduti Atauda Tai;:-

^art. W i)rroi)«burif. Mi>u< T aK jin t ION Ixjon hero fo r Nonie tiino c a rln ; 'hff nJdUr. •

tEAOS SERVICE; MIJM ' Jk iu i tfy a i^ ' ’ I r f

_ . j|f0 ll«t, iw lll conllnuu mo«ttn)ni p ( th » 'F o u r Hqunro Ooapel ohurctt,

^ th mv«nuo on<l T h ird • iro o t »a»t, fch ow tiU tir th l* w w k . T b u m d ay

<i«Uvarlnir h » r rom i-

, l)«r nvanflrollNtlc

■ ■ ‘•,'OT.I

T o l* r n b a l i- K n tu toI 'l - t i t i o n o f M r a . M y r l l f L . M '^ r-

r lM in f o r a p p o l n t n i o n l o f h i ’r a o ti. !'■. V'. M orrlit^ > n a « a t h u i n l a t r n l o r o f I ' l . ' l a t a t - ' o f t h o l a i n W l l l i a iu M o r - r iM in , liaH bo<>n f l b 'd in p r o b a i t - c i i i i r l t l i r o i J i j h \S 'a l t , i 'n i . P a r r y 'I 'h o n u n i , a t t o r n o y a . M r . M < iiT iiin n d li-d U o i;. ta. I i ; l i v ln i ; p l 'n i o n a l a n d i . ' i i l p r o p i 'r t V o a t l n i a l r i l l o l i a v i ' u

i v a l u o o f l l o a r l n i r o n pi>>j p e l l l l i i n l ia a la ro n mi-I f u r iJc -f. U’d.

IciUK'lnilo V IhIII M r . » n i l M r /i . M • I ' l r '^ n . i n i . I w h o h a v n b i ' i 't i v i ii ll l i iK Jilno i' T I ia n U i 'K 'v ln j r i l a y a l Ib i- b o n io o f t h o J a l l o r 'a p a r o n t J i , M r . a n d M ra . A . V-. M i'K i'U o . K l n i b o r l y , b i t y<-a- li'i'ifuv i i a n i f o n iw h io h p o r t th> :y w i l l n a i l ’im iii ( o r t b i ' i r h o m o a t l l l l o , H a w a i i . 'I 'b o y a r o d r l v l n t f a n>tw c a r p i i n ’b io n -d a t n . d r o l t , a n d w i l l id i l p I t m i t lm b o a t i:p w h li^ li t h i ! y a a l l . M r.;r.iii bi aiiriI.NUiiit inanni,'i-r to r llio llr>:wi-j- Mui;ar com pany a l llllo.

Services Held for ■ Youlh of Heybut'n

JIK Y m iU N . f>i*o. )K (ilpoclall Il’m ioral h o r v i c o^t (o r ICf-bart .‘li'lirnUi Ib ’y im rn you th w ho ill»d T hursday a t u uan ltarlum al Illa(d(friiit, w ore Jjidd In tho Ciinii>'>'' I'litlnnal churoh of P au l Nunday afJi'nifitiit. 'I’lio JKifty Wa* burJ<‘<l (ri •l\vin Kalla (ii'iiintoiy.

'I 'h o y o u th 'H ( l o a t h v-'aH oaiiaod b y im t i im i o n ia , |li< Im h u i vI v o iI b y

Piilmtn DiivfilopH In to Bltlor IDftimiiciiitioji of Priviitb

Mimitiomi MiiUhi;f

(C iinllnui'd Ii’i'iiin 1‘atn* Onu) jioallliiJi favonihJc lo a t Uu' w<n'ld dl;i!irmjhiii'nl con* foroncc!,

A jfont. to CoiHnil"A ('oinm llfoo Idifj p fcparcd a ro-

IKirl on co n ln .l ol a n n a niahJni'r lo r pi-ivii'iitation to tho .laim ary miT.tliiif o f tho jitiu 'riiij' oom m ltloo of till- dliiarmiittii'td. ooniiiil.Hiiion." Ill' aald, "I am i;lad to nay thal Krannp upconil|llonally adlu-ron in advani'ii to any amOi «:oiivoiitlon.

••nnrorlium liily MmL iji ji n ia tto r for till! fu tu ri'. Toilay w r an - oon- orrni-d w ilb thi- fa c t flia l (b-r- m nny haa roarniod and F ninno <-/in di'pond on ly on luTarlf. Thm vforo arnifi ori'ditii ar>' in 'rr»;aary."

C ol Inalaird th a t nn ofil'-ial In- q iiiiy llllo (h(5 pr<illr« o f I-'ronf.h

niiilct-rii wa> HfO<-M/iary. oaai! o f war, Iboro n m JlO

lotijji'r h r a <|iii'NUon o f jioino jflv- itijr bl<M)d wbllo oUiora inaUn inon- _ ' V'landlii iiald. "indiiatrli'Jf In

vvartlino niiiat noi no allow<*<l t<i rnalio piYiflta.’,'

DopoiHlH on (lorim uiy Tjio jrovornniniii, h r addoil. fav-

«)i'(i bitornationril rrt;n ln llo n <if pri- vat4i nninltlon.'i fiMUo.-li-a bnl "11 doponda on Oorniiin;', w hich In a fow mont]ui liaa fab rlca ltal w a r nia- ti-rlal w m lh (lAO.iHin.OOO friiiicH,"

l‘'ranco la Plolrl, m ln la to r of Iho navy, apoiikinj; In ibo «onato on tiu' naval budi'iH, aald :

'‘Tim \Vaahlnj;toji nava l , tro a ly Iiiwi alw aya boui c<inirldiT<>4l a tr jMirjiry nooi'ji/illy b,v I'Tanco. l-’rai liaa no t anaarlalod horaolf w ith Japan , bi’ <»r<l«’r not lo annoy P.rl- ■ in ami lo avoid jIlMtoixl."

I‘[<itri aaUi PnMich i^ival <«m- alrucllon niiuit b« liin rh 'd , nfii i-M- ultalinK tho iipoiidliii' o f l,i!fl0 ,0 0 0 - onn franca fJ7»,'JOO,OCM)) a year, rom iiarnd to l»(lft,00(1,000 .In 10;i:i.

Hy ltONAI<l> a . VAN TIN KW A K niN C T O N , noc. IH Il’in - -

Tho lu 'nato muiiiitonfi I'omniittoo, la'okbi)' “to rliiicovor th o aoiiroo of (;aii};nlora' woaponit, luain l loali- mony by ono m finufacturor today llia t it w aa "poniilhlu” fo r Indlvltl* uala lo aaaoinblo laib-nincbino kh«" by aCf|Utrlnj: nocnmavy p a r la fro n i liifforont o<nniianio»i.

C hairm an <lorald I*. Nyn. U-, N. P.. on ion 'll tho \vinchoati«r Uypniit- Injr Armii cnm pany to proparo a llitl o f iialoM to "Indlvbiimln <»thcr Ihnn |;ov«rnini'iit ajfontJi,”

VMwin Piij'Hhiy. vi«;o proaldont, tiyrciKl w |tji Invo/itli{iitor llobiM't W bolforth tim t thi'io w oro "no rc - iHrb'tlonu" on aab'ii of atocloi anil barn 'l.‘i w hich mlRht bo ujuuI in m aobinn I'timi.

"V ou‘11 fuill tho barrohi," Wliol- fo rth iiald. "A nothor com pany will »u'U tin.' jiloclca. Hy uainK- pbt- till in i'chonbnu a norvlci'aVilo wi'iipon ml}(ht bo m ade w'hioh mljflit o flon i;nl into tho wron;r hinuia."


Mchunk, and tho /ollow lti); b ru thnm am) fiintorM: H otiry. lilHthor. V id o r and Jtufthvn ach«nU. ait o f Jloy-. bum , O thor mirvlvUiH rolatlvnn uro Mr,' BMii Mra. Jnrot> Mcht'nk and /Hmlly, Mm, UlU KloU<, U iiport, Mr, and MrH, I'bU lp HchonU and Mr. am i Mr*. OoltHob inulfni(iily, H upert.I A ohronio diMAMn of tho bruin

i t n«o«M ary to mwo th a boy. to,th« tettlUi-lum lAat

.IKItOMl':. D ie. IH (.Hpociah •• Fnnon il arranj;i>nirnta .won- bolnic mrnlo today fo r Mni .C arl S lriidli'y. who diod luMv liud ovoliliur a l tlin bnm«* of bor .nltilcr, Mra. N ina H tfw arl, a.'i the rcmill o f a iilroUo nf apiipli'xy !iui'ri'rod a woolc ajfo. Till’ body ri'al.'i a l tho .loi-omo fim-

oliaprl, pmidlni; funt^ral a r- rnnjrv'n<’”ta.. S tia ill '-y lii'TTa?>*4*low of Ibo

lato Carl H tradloy, fo rino r cbinf on- «lni-*r and aaalalan l mnimK'’'' “ f lliii n ii'jion S h o rt Line ra ilroad . Ha

i;i ilu' lociitlon onjrlnoi-r who l'riiui;lit Un- railroad in to Twin l'';lll!l

Mi;i. S trad lo y waH born In Mia- a.iuri, lint m oved In b r r oarI.V'ohiUb liiioil to Colonido. In IHDH Him waa n iarrbal In Donyol’, an d /dir jilo- niiit'i'il 111 Idaho w ith bo r hiDiband <loatb In i}>li>. H lnco 'thu t tliao alh) im d'tilarb* | n>r homo lii Jrl'onio. Snrvlvliii; a r c * fou r ala- loi-n: Mill. H tiw arl iUH»- Mra. Mlti;bcll M ayor, both of J rro n io ; Mrii. E . II. Di-imdh, l^>n|; liiuioli, . Calif., ami Mra. \v . A. H eott, Tu- m nuth, Colo,; Iwo brotlii'rii, H a rry H. Mllb-r, .Ji'ionii', and I»r. N. .1. MlllfJf, Katofi, Colo.; thn'<- iio- plii'Wfi, .1. Iv. .movvart and M alcolm M, MIowart, bo th of .Toronto, ami N orm an M illor, ICaton, an d a nioiio, Nfni. AlvIn Kriclmon, alao of ICat-

KXPIIKSSIO N O l‘ T irA N U Hw IhIi l o »i\j)ri!MJi o u r a p p r o ;

o l a t l o n f u r t l i o o o iir to n lo H a n d a y n i - p a t l^ y a l lo w n ui* in t h o lo ia t o f o u r w lf ii a n d m o t b n r , M rii. . l o b a i u i a A ln u p i la l . M tip o o liil u r a t l t i i d o la oK ' I m d i 'd t o t h o W a r M o th o r a , U o y n l N r l i 'h h o r a . a m i I ’y t h l a n U lH tiri H.'

• lo b n A ln u iu l a t ,W 'r i id id l A lin q i^ t i i t ,M r . a n d X fra . Iv .>orniril A ln u i u U t . M r. a n d M r* i. C- \V . U lc b a r d i io i ) , M r a n d M r a . M ; (5. M c U o n n o l . •

COfeH p i f Q f ^

. . . Roat T hroat reliert Medicated with inipradl- en ts of VIclcB V apoRub

Gas Wia*her. O n ^ IIM .U m M M in'a ,

H igh. School News

A j;.illv-dii('(>nitod (.:iirlMtmaa troo aiiuu la In tho co rrM or of iht! hi»;h -•i.biini 111 fron t of tho m ain on* tranci-. TbI.i I n o w aa ilnooralod and llj;lil(:d by tho HrulJi iitaff.

HuWband’s IllnessDelays Arn Rites

b’ntU'T tU Horvii oH I'or Mrn. A nun A rn wlio dliul yoalorday mornbiK: a l tlio Iwojpiliil, worn pnndlntf to ­day; wIiDi' ,h o r Inuilnnd, Bamuol ft. Arrr, lay a t tho fam ily homo a t (1‘JO M ain uvonuo north , «tonfijuij lo bill bi'd w ith a b o a r t a tla o k . 't'lio body of Mra, Arij bi a t tho hlvunn 'ind .loliiuioii nnirLimry.

Mrn. A rn w aa bo rn In Nowlmi. C anada, liho nnido bo r hom o.'ln T w in l''jill»i fo r Jft yoarn p rio r to b o r il<ail li-yo iili 'rday , Blin la iiur- v ivrd by- bur huabatu l: a iion^ H l- th o r A rn. an d a ifranckluiT^itor, Mr.'i. Krnm l.ljThtnor, Ht. Ij u i Im, Mo. , Him wan yoara of a |^ .

U S ; « F l G i . SfSTfRtAWYER

JuuUco Dopartmont Tlirowa Fiill Poroo Into W ar on

Oriminn] 'AirloiiIC o n tln m id 'F ro m riijfo Ono)

of cr im ln ah , -Ho foobi tha l In w/ino oomnii(n{Mo/( po{|l((7( and <!or* riipUon u ro no intnrw ovon ubd ^'anj'iitora and officlabi no intor* hnlixd th a t nomotlmon It In d lffl- (lull lo dl«tlnj{u|jih crim inal fro/n publifi official.

"I havo boon amiipind c n i ia ta n ^ ly a t tho ox ton t of thn commotlrffT nvnn notoriotiu rackntooni ^uivn

a aiicnoHiiful in kicklnjr up by uiilnji:‘<»r nnnkbifr to imo tbn Influ* oncn of tbn ir polltlcid friondii,” ho iiilid.

lonn niiirioN and V o ar lloakit aro nnw rn id y n t thn C1«m lIixiU Hlortv Ailv.

Services Scheduled 'For Infant at Buhl

l l id lL , Dill). IB , (H(.ooUll) — K unnral Morvlooii , for P a tr ic ia .ToHophimi nunhftiri,'. ono-yoar-old daiiK htor of<Mr.. umi Mrn. M arahall a . Di^nhum, will l>o hnbl a t 2 p. »Ti. Wrxlndfldiiy In tho Proahytorlan church . Ilov. C ordon C!.’ Goldtb* w u ltn .w lll offlclnti^. klurlal will bo In ^^vln Fiilln onmotnry, undor dt- roc tlon of tho ICvann and .Tohniion fm ionil h«>mn. CJravoHldn itnrvloiSH will tio hold a t 3;30 p. m. Tho ohiki diod H iii id a ru t t h n Iluhl );nn ' oral h i'iN p ltiil. Him . Ih H u rv lv o d liy hor p iin ’ntfl, ii, b ro thn r. M arflhall. jja rd o n Dunham, Jr.. nnil a NlHlor, Ib irb a ra Ann I3iinlmm, all of Huhl.

IK iA u C l.A V PJtKHinK.S0 /fliim' H.

ill IIK JIOJuilijo /fflam' H. J larc lay , .lor^i

nroiiidnd boro totiay on tho diH t r lc t co u rt bonch hourlnff toati> niuny In an , ac tion b ro u i;h t 'b y H. C Diinii atfnlnnt ChnHlnr lirao k u tt. O liiipman A C im pnian aro a tlo r- noyn fo r thn p la in tiff , and tho do- fo n d an t U rnproitontod ity W altorn, r n r r y .A Thoinan and b y Charloa A. N orth .


Bix L e tte r Mon Win P I h o o b On F irs t Squad; Now .

Syntoiti Bejiun

Klx of thii aovon rnnialnln); Ini- lo r mon from Inat y o ar 'a .tlcbato loam ofimcd a t^laco, on .th(» fir« t HQuad In tlio vn ra lty try o u ta hold M omlny niR ht a t tho hij;h school; Thin ycnl*‘« V arnity will bo I.,< on- a rd A irltiR ton, M. 0 .‘ H allonu'’!*. AmbrOHO JOvans, T rocy Olpwon, Mllo'Bnwy*’*'* S tephan ,

A tw o uqinut nyntom tn bolng ln> litiBuralod thiH y ea r. T.^>yal I. Por- ry., v(»rnlty dnbilt<> .coach, oxplaimi. "Vn o rdof to ex tend dohtitlnc: op­p o rtu n ity to u ffrea to r hum b o r of atmiontw. l„un» iminir thlH doubh' Hqnad Idoa, Tho woctmd nquRd will *■ rtroolotj by G erald WiiHUoo, Jun­

io r ,hlRli ooa(;li, nnd will p a rtio lp a ty In pratitlco Intvr-floholHHtfu dobntoa ftlonff w ith tlio f lra t toan i." Mom- horn nf thlfl flocond tea m uro fud- w nn l llo rtlo , 10<J liono lt, MorJo liol* W)n. CoorKo HiilliKlay, U ort T olhort and A abnr B. WllHon. Jr.

Milo B iiwyor w on bin ponitlon by nn oarllo r try o n t na bo in v laltln f' In C allforn lu u t pniHont.

T.ant nlfcht iiovontoon anp in in ta ilobaloil b u t thn tIoolBlon wan no t imitouncod. Tho quoatlon fo r tlo- bulo waHl "Uonolvcd; T h n t tho foil- oral K<'Vorninont »hould ad o n t u Byatom of i!(]Uali7.ln|; oducutlonal o p p o rtu n itlc a th ro iinhm it tho n a ­tion by annu id t;rantH to tho nnv- o ra l ntaloH," Judjfon woro P- .loj\<!ii, Jttnlor liljjh oonoh. CJnrald U'lillnrh,' HoconrI wquatl coach, and Mra. Pi.-rry.

■■■■■■■■■■■■■H A '/A A H A N D COOKKI>

FOt)I> HAI.K A t,T h o a W . * M. < o.,

i n c a J7, IH. 1». -!0 ,’ Ijid lou of Hnyonth, I>*«y

AdvoittiMi <Jhur«ihd a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ '

EASY J^IqNEY Has a jSejinine

In order to further spread the benefits‘wlliqh EASY- MONEY can bring to those elect to shopin Twin Falls, it has beeh ari^anmd^ iW EASY-MONEY may be used in straight p u ^ i» e * at Exposi­tion headquarters. Hereaftferj' EA^VMONEY is good not only Yor the W ednesday AUCXU^NS, but may be spent advantageously AN YDAY at headquarters.

-C i-

H u n d r e d s o f I t e m s t o b e p l a c e d


'Exposition HeadquartersI'ictured liere arc just ii few of tho hun­

dreds of items whicli may be purchased. The entire stock will be selected from the Christmas and holiday displays of Twin Falls'merchants. These will b6 plainly tagged arid priced and displayed ready for those persons who do not wisji to take part in-thc auctions. A wide price range will allow use' of any .amolint o f fiASY- MONEY. Komembor, there are 11 thorb weeks in which to save for large )5ur- , chases.

It. will lioiiooyo'ovcM'y pei'.son purclias- ing from Twin Fails merchants to ask I'cn’, and save, thc'h' KASYiMONlOY now it has a real, bona fide. i)ui'chasing

■ power.1‘iASYMONEY has other uses; ask

about them at E.xpo.sition Headquarters.


TAGG Ep AND m a r k e d AS



Page 3: FRENCH LEADERS a s. ORDERS WAR ESS EYES Crop"Our coaHuhutlonii all have rraciiDil tho aiimu concIiiNlon,^' Dr. Pottit mild.

Tliriiiliiy, ■nrcpciilior Ifl, ]03-( mAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Paso Throe s


Ponnan^ AQdUW^rMUi^ei^bs D Hva WmW Toto iPlabb'

F or Rod Birdfl

NICW YOKK, Dikj. 18 HU?> — « t. ' T.()uIh 4ji I'ltllnif on (i)u HliiMiUiorn of

lljfl VVo»-lU Cham pion Cunlliinlii l« prnmlnittxxi mi t)io of u th-lotto iinhlovoninnt In IDn'l.

'I'lio Oiirdlnnln' vJotory In tHo Nittloiinl ,l«u^iiu m en nn<i th« world Hi‘riiiH iilucncr thnin ou t In fi'o n l— rvi'ii iihoail.o f Mltuiomitii'H foolhull noplio>-«—1 n 1.0 u n i ' noopnjplisli-montji diirliiK lh« yimr, iiccionllnKto u Thiltiifi jioll o f uportfirdltorii. rirat riiioo

lly a votn nr. KIH to 7fl,tho C aril- hirtlfi w«i'c iflvtm firiil pliioo, of llto Ciophiirti iinit all, addlnji' fu r- th o r lionorii Itt th>* tcitm wIioho Di/.xy Doim 'wiin iioloclod lui ou t- Htiilulliif; In indivldiinl aulilrvom niit.

In )ilol<ln(r tho Ciir<lliiuln, Iho odl* lorH HtrotJHod f.h« n innnor In whlolt

, llin w on tho ponniinl— In acoiiraj'ooiiH .Hlrotol) drlvA wliich Hlni'tiul Hitpl. 7, w hnn tlioy trallod liy Kiivim KHmoH, and ondod on th« laHl day o f tlin imhiiuiii,

Tlu ' Car<HniilH tJmn nntorod n toilK'h iierlnii w ith lh« InMplrml tro lt TljjorH and lmttli»d ih o lf way throll^Il Hovcm KanioH to inavn no doub t of ihd ir biiHdbtill Hiipiomiiuy.

M liiiim otu ^oVond Aindntf ClioiKi w)to volnd fo r

Mliuiofiotn, (fcnuralty rACOifnlr-nd an .n a tio n a l foothiiU (:>)iiinpl(Jn. worv Hdvi'ral w ho hiu<o<l tlioh' pi'afvronco on thii toaut hnciiiuin It vlrtiiiiD y woii oiin \>t th« fow nloar-r.nt ohaiU ' pionHhlpn foothull linii Untiwn, Uiit hut C iinllnnl root ora oiitn iin ib iirrd Minnc'Holii hiinktirii liy tiO vot«iu In » loh il «)f 2im cuJit.

OlhorM votj'd Coliiinblii’fj Itniin ■ Howl v ic tiny ovur Hfanftird laa t

N ow Y i'ar'a <lay ancl H tnnford’»i p lay thill HcaHou into ii th ird pliif^n tin w ith ni^'ht bullolH oiiclt.

Tn fo u rth niaon w ith hIk tiullot.'i each, worn tin ' T5rlrolt T ip 'r i i fo r Wlnnlnit th« Ain«'rlnan loHKho i»m - n a n t and t)>u Chl(Mt|(o lUiiiru for thfllr iitrlnij of victoriiiH In tin? Nii- tinnal I'roroiadiinal ro o tb u ll liiaun<i.

Tho r«>iit o f tho votou w on t to tlu ‘ Niiw Y ork footbiill Glnntii, Yiih' fo r itii win. uvor P rlnonton, Itinn InHtltutft o f Toxnn, Aliihamii, N avy unit Collop'fl.Df tho I'acifio , hpcauti o f I’KcniiAnoo of Ihoir football.




Indians flurvoy Dixip Eleycn'a Stylo, Then S t^ rt rDriUs

On OWonaivo W ork

PA LO Ar^TO. Cnllf.. Dflc. 1« dMlt —T ho H tanford /o o tb all > aquud lookwl ovor Alabamu'H playfi today and found thorn ab o u t n s rnn illlu r iiK nn old shoe.

Dut: thu fa m ilia r ity . Conch T iny T hornhill w nrnod, lihould n o t brood con tem pt. Thu Htuitford toftm hdA }>;ono nKalnBt tho Hnmo N otru Dnmos ty lo of p lay throo tim es thlH full. B untn OInra, .wljloh uma It, th.M' U in\ b l(' r«d 'toartl. WftShlnKton,an d Ticlu, w h ich iilnytf n aom » w h u t H in iiln r A t y l o . 'w o r o b o t h b o a to n ,

HtreM M OffeniM)T hornhill d id nufc srtyo 'tho pla*^a

to tho ruse i^o 'squaiT nowCvor, b u t ntroMod offonftlvo p lay fo r tho com lnjr npiw Bowl game'. Spvj^rnJ noftt poatiing- ploy* w eto h anded out. InoiudiniT lAtoralii. w h ic h ' )iohopoN onn bo i^liced up judloloualy w ith tho pQwer playn.'-

W ord fro m ' P aw id ro a Indica ted ono o f tho b lggeitt advniicu ualna In yoarfl fo r tho K ow ' Y ear’s gam e. P ub lic Halo o f tlcketN oponod to> liny w ith 60,000 Mroo<ly Hold v |n tliu m oll o rd e r route- Th® bowl will HOtif a b o u t BR.OOO.


T liaC A L O O ffA . Ain,, D to . IS. tn.lii — Bad w o u th o r fo r h iioooiul conRi^nutlvo d ay han>peri>d thu 'A lU' bHmu Crlmmin Tldu. rb It n»(ir<id tho ehd of hom e praotloe fo r the i<uHo IJowl oontoHL Hgttlnat ’ Htiin-' ford.' A d rizz ling ra in w an ' aocpm -' pnnlfld by low tom poratu re , ad d in g to th e bnd .oold hiikard.

M o it of yeN terday 'a p ra c tice .wan conflnod to th e gym naalum , , a l ­th o u g h som o o f th e powrare nnd

Kimtarff—Dlslo Kowoll. Joo Rlloy, iiey B m lth on'd C harley 8tupp% r

bravod th a ra in dronohen f lb ld 'fo r o sh o r t w orkou t.

Coaoh IiVRnk Thonuia w u ok* peotAd to rlniilgnnto hl« Mqilad of a.1 fu r tho Itoao Howl fo ray wlUUn '4ij hi im.

Bowlhig Banter■ — b y —


-la<'l{ M cD auyal u im h a rk In liiu old utrld4i aft<>r u bad hki'Ihh lau t wiwik. .lat'k Mtiirt^d w ith tin o|M'M frUMU<, Imt a donlili' and tho r^Ht o f (ho franioM' rillotl Kiivo hint h ich Nin^lo i;am«, tltl . A 10) nnd IKH kuvo ii|iii hli(h tiitn l for hlu ttmni. I'I iiiI 'm (ho <;hl form , .Fa<<k,

R ay ]<*rt-lii, bovvilnjr hii< find tournanuirit. ^ o t off lo ii had iitai-l, b u t hla niTond I'unin wiim ,l)nUi-r an<l ho'wjui hii'ii niun foi- Iila U'uni la« t uanm . N o t IjuiI fo r a.H larli.T, l l a / .

Ai^i llnono'u t4>unnualoH Itaul* I’d liU flru t tw o triiinoM fo r him . and Kald A r t: “ U’h.v-illdn'l ytni howl tho hiHt ono. (iia?”

Ooortro Titlhlor hiul a had tlmn all thi-ol/jrh tho f in it gania. Imt nine upftnin nnil ono *pun frnnm wftJin't on biul tho n o x t itnmo. <3uorffo wan oortaln ly plrlilnir thmid iifn'Klo pInH th n t «nmo. Ton nuiny fiplll4t riilnod ItiH liiHt onti.

I lo rb B nydor and hiK nid<‘ w inder bnil en tho rod up a doiiblo in ,t)ir firn t ganio, b u t tlmno xinKh' woro on thn dodi^o too m uch In tho h u t two.


F lU 'g o C olloctK H Ijfh o n t T o ta l A a In tiu ra n n o M o n W in P a ir

P r o m O a fo B o w Iovh

Idaho M ntnal oamo o u t on tlm lonir »’i»'l oC two |ratni'« laid n ij 'h t to d i-fra t liuliloi-/* Crili Cafo In t ho C^uniiiiirclal iKiwlinff loaiifuo. Tliti M utualili'ii w(yti tho flrut Jinti th ird tutu, w ith tlio C-iifo lunntiiltUur tho

.Tnck V'crd triod hii< hnnd a t load- o ff anil ho d id n 't lio half hiul. Jafilc unoftkod ovor a tlouhln In tho koo- nnd g a m o ,.th o n plclo’d nt> a nloo Hpllt In tho noKt friimo -b ii t th a t w a s u))<>ut a ll ho ^ o t tha,t uamo. Hlfl luHt (mo w aa O. K. '

' T«1 Kmorlolc M iN 'iiltoiit tho , lMMle«t lim n on tho . T«mI h ad tJiro4> Hiillta (ho rirwi Raino, nU^klng IIP tw o of iliuiif. Auiiln h i Mturt th n Ni*o«Mid gintio ho Kot u Hpllti Whli'h ho idolcMl up: th n ir t» \('lnd up th a t Hi'<'iMid frnV ho i r^ ip lltM In (hi»'Uth and lOtli fn im i^ , . . . . H o ploU<Hl Uio. one In tlin lOUi. |j i ihn litHi g iune u u t -be . U 'e iil-.w Ith .U irou- atrtkcH In a row . Nald Todi *«Thlit oiiVht to Imi onoU|;h frtr mil* night.*’

Paul Lee KayoesMirabel in Sixth

C H I O A C K ) , D m . 18 Loo. JM . S n d la n ip o lld ,' iiloBped K ran k MIrabol, Hli (« ) tnddle BtjegiMlf ^00. ipbloABo; <lMW

rremma,. ifta, Ohl- U )mbel,vl9&/ A r-

‘UtmK lUohArda. Ri iy Stajmbsntf.

T o n y (.flon ard’n loam in atp ii how l ed for b im t)i» flru t gnmn.' T on v 'i HACond wuHn't ho good , but hla douhlo in th n t lant irnido niim o In v ery han d y , a’co o rd in g to T ony,

N . O. Jo h n so n dom im Htratiul how . n t t o bow l In th e Hvcund g u m e ^ hIx opoD fro itioa d o n 't m iiko inuoh o f a Hcoro. H it f lr flt'g n m o wan nil r ig h t, a iid th n t doub lo ,he g o t In th e Inat on e d id n ’t h u rt a n y .

(Inil -Fa^BO, a t ' unuhnr foi' M(ituul«. d « * m o h | | t r a to ( l It AiMwn't muJ(e any dlff<«n}noo M’hern 0 gCMHl bowler bowU. Iln

'iiOH » new wuy of wlmtlnir itp . taw li’ ganiA, going o u t with a

lit evor^ tim a lIU^Aoiihln In ■^onil gome helped to n t

h ' t o ^ for both t«ama. No nrrom In t*in>^ guiiiKa l»»i't ao bad. QiUL , , .

p o s t e r O u t p o i n t *

' U n k n o w n W i n i t o nNOW HAiVBN. 'Oonn;, Dm. ' i

IU R V -M i P o iU r , P h lladal.

l'’arj;o 'a‘ .' :i7 wJiuliljTh tiu'co •nfanut?icoro. .Iaci( )ili|ara llM waahi|;h idnj'li.r i;ani(*.

^jcinoii:l t |) in .K K S . CAI'>J

M;ci:>ouuat ..... IIM 'HU i;iMKrolH ................ rjM ir.y Hit •111IWwjuo ...... ...... u - j Hill U’H 4DdB iihlor .... ...... lad 1 *'» M l 4'l«Hnydor .... ...... iii« ,i:iK 4115H iuullcaji ........ 28 2H 'JH ' HI

TotalH ....... 7im Kin 7fiB 2i(inID AHO M in iJAJ.

.1. Koixl .... ..... lOfi in.'i I7.'l ■if)lI'hnorick ... ...... i.'i-l ir.d in i 4K1Ivoonaixl ... .......iflii i'lH ino 4dl.Tohniion ... .......I7ft IMT ilrg o ...... ...... 17fi l i l t 171 liUT

Totulii .......812 774 8;in 1*4 yf»


K id O u n n o n , J a c k B u r k o M ix I n M a in E v o n t o n L u(rioti

R in if ' O a rd H orn

A rinjr '* n a tu r» r’ tha t sliould /mo a w hirlw ind o f iihi/rKliijf, w ith an Intorm oiin taln tltlo liaiii'lii); In th<; balani-ij, tojiii Iln- Anm rlfiin L».- jrlon'it holiday <lj:ht card lonljrht a t UMfloa M oinorlul hull,

Tho iihiir-Ji'/it m alrlicii Kid Ciiii- iion, Itii:hrii.'l<l and Tw in l.'allii, ainiliud .luolc Hurh^-, nlii j;ni<l{'o I'nn from Oi;<h'U, iJtan . Camion, j»rt!- iiont holder of llio Iduhii au<i ImUU' nioiinliiiu woltorw>'lj;hl. I It Ira. Iji rlfdtlni; .liiii l»trnii<-.>ii;ailn nr<iwa 111 Ilia r in il tltn lai- laico wlu> nliiir IL 'from JJiirko on a di'Cliiinn (t.l 1‘ooulnlln.

KurlouMIn a p a ir <ir fitnoi,.-i ImttlnH hoM

provloiaily In 'I^vlll I'^nlla whllo Burlio imiua'fiH.-d tli> cham pion- i^hlp, liii'i jianu; iliio I'oiitilu tw o of Uio hn it fra.ViJ iirru in. iiovcriil y«'ai*i. Toiil};hfn witll'nnrl((r'ji ;ii|<li'd rL'iiriuoii 111 <ivor tlio I ’ocati'ilo iji^cjjilon llu'own In, ' l.‘i booUi'd an a Unoclur-i flKlit by Mio wlatt jtvuioy.

lio ttln tro ild ii ar<ain« tho i^lly thUi nftornoon hold approKlniiitoty ovon, Tho mutoli ill liat«Hl nu ' HI itmmlH.

Htolhir Hoilii-\Vii)dli|>TIu) ..nomt-windiip tonlt;ht uli^i

looniii aa a jit<diur aN acllon.. y» in- njy W nhl, b ij 'i 'o r .i;ii hnrtinr-lilL- Mnj' than ever, taiikioii Xiid I ’ll- num. fiuit you th froa) Ultfhy and a

■ no (avorlln aro iiad I'aiitorn Ida-. 'I'hla p a ir will niix In Ji alK

r<iundri' lliikt iiliDiild'ii.'-jiui Lhc- main tivoiit for inudom or mioroiit.

Oiiu of till' iin.'iliniiiar.v foiir- rouiidoi'ii will laiiid .Taol( McA<lani>* i t j ;J i in n l .llaim y nnrkliiii, accordlni!

Hill C lilld, I^o^lou iiuttohmitlcor. On* o th o r f<nir-roi;m:< r la liiilod I- u cu rta in riiljinr, v. illi tlir prln*

cipal.’i tn ho aniiouncud a t i'ln];iiiJo ’lonlghl,

A:i a ap o d a l ad<li-il atlrac;ti<jn. Child haa alj'n i'd i/.Mnpni-y aii'l Tunn<iy uiialMtlt, f^iobo-trolllnK yoiniiratora, in K Ixm.iijr ami wrttiil- llnjr I'Xhlljltlon. aro trxprrludo ip lto tiio lr yoiii:i, nntl l>olh havo apixairi'd aa an <’xhli>ui<iii t<uim In

:oroj( of U- H. and o.uiiullan cllicfi. ■i'hi! oponliiK o v o n t'o n tho caiil

today Ui uliitod fo r H;^10 p, in.


a o lf in f i : N o tn b lo o S t a r t P l a y I n $0,UUO B r i t l s l i O o jo n ia l

O p o tj T o n r n o y A


■KwW 1 vohVi 'i'.r*;}Cluu-ll«> Jlajrvoy.t nw\»iAu'v'»'Humh>i, hoavywoiiflll’ (’.ontnndor. htia cabli'<| auonplannco o f tprnlR fo r a IvMil hotwoun IltimaH and M ax flohm ollng In H nm hurg , Oer- nm ny, M uroh 10. Hhin>.i’ nnd of tho pur«e will ho ffyiiHmtoixll»y W nlto r ndthdlihUl7r', JlanibUl'g promol«^r.■ H aryoy Hi^nod fo r th^ bout ln«t n l);h t ovor th« 13 i'<mn(I route.

Ilnmufli fo rm er’ all-a»^und Athlo- tio Htar' a t 4>omi H tate, hae nvive<l up to nun ther l a n m n g contondorH in rocotit hionttjM. Tn hlH Inat NtArt >IP took a bloiie oQiniihm o v e r 'A r t r^Mky.

In Uiolr-pr<^v*“ U.'» mcotlnK- I punche<l Snhm ejlng full of l^oltUi,

haiKlIng him onu: ' tbiV' w om t Iw atlng o f hiii ca ree r. ‘ /,

, ' One-Da iB attery I

: Battery ipanyl*|u>n« OiB

NAJIHAU. II. W . T., r.loR. IH dU:i -A flold «)f )'<*lfhUf notahli'/i, hoad* I ,b y O lin D u ira , A nuirlan opon

ohan ip lon , n tnrtod N < y tod ay in th o $n,0()l» H rltl«h C olon ia l op en .

IDiitra, rooont wti-.nor<if tl\*i Jl'J ,- nOf)' M iami JJlltm oro otion, wau amon{f outJtUindlntf favorlton. In a -fouriunno yoHtonhiy, ho lonn icdw lth Qov. Kir(hi CllffotHi or tho P ahnm aa and fihot a dd, tw o undor p ar . ’

< jovnrnor C lifford will bo aiinm ir thofo r a cuj)

l l i i lU ln i : In t i l l ' iii 'c iiiici I'K iiiid III t h i ' K it i r - U 'l i l lx Ijiiiiliid . I ia l l l o u r n a - in i-iil. I’o n u t u t y a l i ' i n n a I'o ll a n d f ix i r n io r o a r t . a w a i i l i i j ; - t l i o M iln l lii 'tu l;- ut a n d till- t l i i i i l t i l t . .^ iiiu ih ,I t a y I 'n t / . i r r , A in b r o i io I 'lv a riii, h l | ; l i a o h o o l i i t u d u i i la , l i a v f Ix -un ttitn liil-. Inj;- I j i w i v n o o l . i j m l l i i . l i - a r in - r , w U li . l l u i . i i n ' i c l a l l n ) ^ ilo i tiil l . 'i n r y .M l . ' i - d a y ’a ' | , 'a i |H ’!i

Uoom lit I, iiwitiM/K'ii :!()(i, 17 !<• r>\ Oil lu-at M l, 11.10 7; <117 i:ani« >mtId 1‘f

. ' I t n l tia n i l 07 I'liri'i I 'lu y o i 'i i u 'l - r o :Hnnni)'<;nii, l-’a jo n , l- 'r a '/o l l i - ;H a m p t o n , W . i l a i i i p t n H a i 'i : r , l i n i ' i i t ; O i l , T i l T o n h a i n , 'I 'l i r i 'l l c i ' ld W n ll....... 111, A. M nlyiirux,M ti ly n r i u : , M n r t , M u lU y ; iiKo.’ H y iin , K d U i'ia . S a i i i i r lu 'iiz , .'•JahiiHTjr: j> .U o ii id i , l . ln iw iu ! , ( ) . ‘H r


U i({ h S c l io o l ' i i B q u a d A n c o r i lo d 1 0 3 4 H o n o r a D»iriuj>- P la y

I n to n n iiD iio n

Mi'C. IK (S p .'C la l)—' lA-at»inul hy i;<iod aiatnj*: and up- prnprh ito >iLai;o ticltliiKii, ilio iionlor claaii play, ".SIo|i, Thti^f," waa pro- iionti'd in tho .luroino h l|;ii iirlinol cud I Lori inn h't lilay ovt nlni; Ix'i'ort^ a pacKod huuiio. Tlio play wmi inoaontod undor tho d lroctloii ni Mina VlVi'lnla llaldo inan , .loronio hijrh acliool Ina tructor. '

PurlnK th'- liUi'rniliinion |jetw ii;n :1a, tho followliij,' foutball m en of 0 Jorttm o hi{;li acliuol lajiiad \'v- ivod th f l r football- iottortf, pi'o- n tod by C oach Karl Wllllamii:

D iivlii,. NImii, r>. P u rk h a ito r, M irJunkon. ' Hollowuy. Iwytbjjoo, llondornaon, O i i b o r n e , nurlco, TIumipiioii, NIcholiKin, Groon, Daviii, L’l loriuaoa. Kuulo, H albort, Kayii, Joiiklnii, Itrom or, nnricm un, and P urlth iilto r.

I’ho cunt of till! p lay wan mailo up >f Irono Htinlyvin, Italph Hlur- Ifon, h'lithor VVIliion, l<*iio OvorfU-ld, .loan Ovoiflold, Uobort lJrui:o, F.l- b o rt iJirHon, IV lbort Htirhhnltm* lloltui 1.00 , M ax U arkm nii, W ilbur Uox, W irt l*’alrn»*m. A hin H ruck-

, Donald O w o n ii 'a n d W arron Kayni C liarloa ]V1 loriiiiiuii, I'^llmrl Laiiion nnd W ilbur Uox woro n ian- aj:<!ra; 1!rtr(»ld .lonklTjH and J vn it u icko ltii, prom|)t«!ril; • Maj-Jnrio Ciirlaoii, Kvnlyn NiniM, Thoila Nol- »ion, Amiahollo Zui:, Clo<ir|;i) Uro-

or. und Viriill Ilu lbo rt, uahora. fi« 'voral'vocttl aolokt-vUy-Prof. T.

. . . H unt o f till) L incoln g rado iichool, .Toromo. and tw»» nuniborii by tln» Jorom o hiuli HtOiool nrchua- tfa , undnr tho <llro(;tlon of Quatuv h'lotciior, profoiaior nf mualc, • .lo- r/imo high iichool, woro jrlvon.

Petersen Retain*Crown in EnKland

L O N nO N , ;H ll'.lri—.llioUpolornnn, ICnuliflli hoavyw cl|'h t, vo- tJilticHl hlM HritlHh ICnipil'o ohani- plunnhlp li) A|lw)rL H all iaiit n ljrh t

an m tn u r • partloipuntJi p lay ln ji by w innlnji a doolaion o v er Ow>rj;o 11 cui> ho hail «lonatod. , 'O io k , A uutra lla . In in r-onndn.

Opening. ••Wo uro now bpon I’oi' business in

oiiv Now Location, 259 Second South, dii'cctly buck oj’.our ronnov location.

Come in and lookiuH ovei'.



£^mas Giftsi'STOGESlfONS;-'


TIBBOStWOB0f' ■ ' r~. . . ; —itmonAma jAOKu------ ^


! Insist Upbn Youjr pealeK Buying ' : e Froin ... ,'i’( '

i’<'< d I 'V a a h C . i r l d r o liiihi.vllh-, M.,„ T n liliii; 111 'JitThree-Act Comedy

Staged by Soniorr. _ ' _______J I K V U n i t N , U c c . Ui iS |) .- .v i;i li

" I l r i j i i i a in .My 11.'a r t , " u .. ......... a . im y t i l c r y i.- im nrdy , w a a p r i '; i i ; j i l r d \<\ j i l a y . - r a o f Ih i- .•i.-n ic r c la n a m ' H r v - l a i r n li l j r h n c lin ..! F r i d a y i i l | ; h ( . M ln ii A i 'i io n C i r a h a i i i d l r r c t m l l l i rp r n d u c U o i i .

C a ji t r ii- 'in liiT .'! \vi-i<- A l l : i I - . i n l , l - 'a y W il l ia m ! ! , I t o b r r t n - 'l l l j- - . V in ln U a m m i;ii (o n , (Iw i.-ii M a r a b a l l , C’ly .h ' n . ' i ’ClHT. P i i i i l U r n w .T , i , a \ ’a i i f W i lc o x a n d U n io n I 'a y n o ,

H old Exhibit.M II.W A l'K K l’: If I't .l.'.,i-|


L . B. U . S ln d o n iH F e a r O o a o li P o r n i i in o n t ly O u u to d A f t e r

L at(!fit B ta to n io n t

M A 'I'O .V I K H J r j l / ; , T j i „ I ,)o c . IB I <I I 'l . I ^ a i ih l a n i i H t a t o u n iv o r M lty i .•I iiidc iilif l )c l li;v o d 1,<K'rty t h a t t h o y . 1 b a d I 'a i t o d ii. r i n a i i c n t l y w i t h t h o i r [ lo D ib a l l <'..a< 'b , (‘.•aj> t. I j i w r o n c o .

I H i r n ■ . l < m i - a . ■T h c b - b f l l i ' f w a n b iiao< l o n a

id i i t i i n r i i t o f .4 c n . l l u o y 1*. I » n g w iiu c n i i i i u b i I .. H. x r. ik lon j^ w i t h

|i i l iu < i . |i i v . - i - y lb ln ir .'b a* in t h o n t a t o ,: Tb>- K liiK M air.'! a l a i c i n o n t WilM n o t:, ,'i|u 'ciM<-. b l i t li w a a id K n i f lo a n t ., " 'r i i i ' iT '' ; i ;n i i i i r Ui II*! a b i g im - ■ [ i j n V i i i i i n t II I a c c r t a j n d o p a r t i n o n t

a l L . I- '.," I ^ m i r 1‘u ld . H o i n t l - a u i t . - . l l l u i t w l i a l h o w j in to i l w iu i a i '( i .ic l) w b 'i w o u ld w in n i l u n m o H .

l'>m )c w i 'i u t n t h o l o n k i i r r o o m S a l m d a y t o in a lc tr a p . - |t t a l k t o t h o l „ .S, II t i ' i i i i i b c tw iiv -a l»Ji|V(‘H o f t h o i) r . '} ;o n ;;a i i i i r . J o n o a w o u l d n ' t ’ p o r - iMlI liin i. W o r d a w o r o o x o h a n g « i . .In iii 'i; i ; a \ ’c lii:i v e r b a l r o a l t i fn i i th m I c i i i i l v . ' i i i i l y n f r i c i a l a w iM i t b o n ii.s lcrd l i im trj rc c < m a l* lo r . J o n o H i» 111 a liah ia} -. t r l j ) .

MAUK KTA I’I 'I'O C A T IO M .O , I)c<!. IH ( a p o o la l ) .Mln.'i f ’ l i r n l l . a i i c l i l l n , i io p l jm n o r o

i l t h e I h i l v r i a i l y o f I< la l io , a o u t l t -iM-aI iii i ; :) . ' u r .M lh v iiiil; .-,. ; . r 1cil':i r.'-c■.'iil-ly m- f .: . i i i : -c ‘l I h c .M cti-a .Sk c l c bc lu b . a i i l i in w ill-,. i iu M m j; I b e ll-l l l ; , l c x 'i i l i i t a l til,- <* itv 1'lill>..M'l-.l '-1 I b c [ i .i i t .) ia / ; ; i an<l .<tc l i -111)::; - a i c v l i i t i i i ,. u n i l

1.1'In il1 i i a i n l c d h o ,i i : , i l b y Ih c

iiiU -Cl.I. 1a u y .T ; i . ,111.1 c.v,.i-i'invci':1 .iivinnlVa

a n d d i u i g b t o i ' o f M r . j j h l i n . U l m b o r l y ,and Mr; .

w aa r.'.a-nlly ii.'lrcicd fn r thn H)35 W ickiiiji aliifr, w hich Iti conipojiod ’ ni iii.iiirnilx'Di. hlliia L au^'hlln Ih In cliarj;c ni ll)t' oricanl7.atlonn, whli;li incbidi- p lctu roa and w rlto-upH of Ib r <incani:'.atlon actlvltioii.

hr. Itovortu-or. l^tot HiHM InlUt. Ov>. h r C . C . A m lo m o i i . »*li. S n B J .— A d v .

O O N ’ SPaint and Furniture

SALE!l o t o 2 5 % O F F F O R C A S H

On all our new and used furniture and paint. Now is your chance to get anythingr you nead at reduced prices.

10 TWO-PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITES Mohair qnd Velour coverings. Be sure to look these

oyer before you buy.


______ Th'' )e are real buys and worth the money


If you are interes.led in a new bedroom suite you can’t afford to pass these up. We have two m odem suites.

SO BEAUTIFUL 9x12 AXMINSTER and WILTON RUGS Many beautiful patterns to select from. You can ■aVe ohyour rugs here. Be sure and see them. ~ ‘


40 New-and Used Circulators and Heaters. ■ 25 Used .Coal lu n g e s .'flS New Coal Ranges.

1 2 New and t-lsed Electric Ranges.Be sur^.to get otir prices and terms.

MISCELLANEOUS ITEMSMirrors, Cedar Chests, Smoking SUnd*. Floor Foot Stools, Ei^d-Tables, Rockers. . Q c^ io n » l Chaiv*i Kitchen Clwirs,, Cabinets, Table*. Draifera, Diifoldii Sanitary ,CQt«,/Studio Coiiicljeii', ,Be^Sprint^s, Sewing Mfichines, 0ei)(te^ W^uiora, «K!n Warneir Electric iRefngerators, and many too numerous'to mentiofi. , , ' .....

- : PAINT AND WALbRARfiR Otfr Iw M 'itdck of M c M ^4-Hpur Enaniel. 4<Hj9ur; * ’ ' '


Page 4: FRENCH LEADERS a s. ORDERS WAR ESS EYES Crop"Our coaHuhutlonii all have rraciiDil tho aiimu concIiiNlon,^' Dr. Pottit mild.

I Four ^ inATTO EVRNTNG TIMF: S, TWIN FAU,3, IDAHO Tliwiln.v, Pcpi'liilicl', Ifl, Itl'l’l

The Best of Good Fortune’


from the

W E S T IN G H O U S E‘^Hotne

Tomorrow'’• Refrij'erators• Radios• Ranges

I • Washers: • Table -


Displayed at '

Soden Electric Appliance Co.“ TH fi W EBTINaHOUSE STORE”


i l | y a u t o m a t i c I

) b g a l l o n s p e r h o u r d l s p l a c e m e n t l

C s f n p h t o ' w M l l ^ a l o ^ p u m p , a u lo m n l le p r o i iu r o iw l l c h O fl^ S ^ a l . S ( | d l « n l l * d la n l i'connxNom M makfi.

r « a d y (o I n s la t l . O n iy 3 S a l f - a l i in g . Q u>ot. O u a r a n to o d .

a 4V T .IU 41 b e f o r o ^ ( l o m o w n l p r3 •yatigni of eqfual ooMClly i iuolily at n prfoe «• low an

' g tiiiranfyrovi'C rt l l in r i i l l r o n i i in t • iM iiim , i i io io r , la i iL , r v u r y l l i i i i^ . S«-rvln> fm iu o n n n o iim » — i f l l 4 invrV^jri'ih'il. < ’.cuno h i m>«! Rm i t(li'iiioitM iniii'iI. vVlrto othniT 'lu l ty|Mt*»of K -M wiihT*v**i«'nirt

./oiiii'K t W« jm ilU lllOriztill for 1‘‘»{rliiiiiL u. >)orno W iilt'r SyiiidiiiH. D o n 'tiiuy u n y u n ti l y o u i»«>« ut».'



I aciu’i:i li) K c ii'd cn :;l o f■ Il.l t il '. ;

A I.IIILI-' h.'' '.iiK 'I li> -lw .u 'iiI f i n n •• n i il ; h i k v . u '- .* . , . • • m i l l i 'v ’ -j 111): I ' L j ; ' ’ l I ' l I <i i ' 111 ■ h i U ( ! r ., '|-h.' !<U'iV.' )i--i l ..:i,

,i;iicl 1 iiiPic;- I l-.iui i|mi;il ln-vi',1 01:1 ; .1 t ..!:iv la

■ t ; . , - u ' h . l : - . ; V i r l j - . K . . . r i i r i . ' . l u u i . i f r u i iIII, "'.iiii.n 1,'

STODyFIRSl-AIDia— t S 'Sl u l ti.u iilJ t i i l i l i i i , l o rI u i i i t '! ) w e i ’.t b iii l v iii ii’ii l id l i l in i r I 'nd

HtMnil r.iia.ion Glvii.: ' Orolni •.‘■ "Hilomi i;in'iil:i incliictai m™. , W .i,v« f,„- O iir ry il i ,! O u t lo

}ii;i( .■I i i j ;. . , J II V.’l l i c h

Ui ilil.- I:--

Ihi' r<! ■I'wlti 1 .jf tl.i


. ; . l l Ih .- j

111 'I’lin

IhnAiKii 111.' ajri'.'i. it- i.’f :i '.vlirii M ''"',-!. I

rll.'.'ili-.l l lii I) I'diii; c.irlJi 1.

'iiH;i, w ith Dll' 111';.!.'i.vii; HI t ' loiiict'.l f t nil .u .' .r iil .il h.’ilt,

l ’l''iily rti (;!ii l.ri'< n

I h.v.'ii, :i 1.1' m any nlr. u-ty.l,:'.|,l.ivi;i;r ;tiliiu :i.v . ly li fo ru l-

' .'ll li-i i :i, l-.i- llli' < V.. ;; Wllli-li til", I ..iilv oin-,v/i iik

, „i- l iv.' v.'umrii v.:;i) j. i;.;c I /i ' ■ I j;iv 11 p mil 111 Ill UMl.ii;,I' llii'l;i ti:i I oil • -,,.1 .iVi'i-iilKH'.'i

tjh nviiij; Itii-y v/iv.-lilclj In '

l li.'ir iiiipr'iintiic.

Joii Un.'iouuii

W haf w>:il I . h-M tlll'Olljr.'t H iiii.l It. ^ ’llll II)

M 'I:; !r ;i jii'i’Miii I n to <h)(iji

IihiIII- yni

Ji i r ll 'h i, \vh<

n , n . .MliKV/i'i'Ji., M r»i,I ) . \ \ ’il! i..i i, M il l . C . | [ . J 'liK , M r ii. C , I I . I 'M k, M i'll, CJ. T . l - i i r M iim m , M n i. t>. l ; I J . 'i i i u . 'r , M n i . (}. I I , K lim im - . M n i . M . I 'd r .f l . M m . .1. r i , U i- .in m -ii. M i'» . W lliifm r o c i ' l v . 'd lil jr li m u n 'i ',

l a n d M i'll, n u y i l . - r »ii!iNmil l il j j l i . ", , , , . , ! l fJi.-iiiHTH iir thi! Hi>iill»it. t'liiir>’>i1 I.. I I'lnu,'. r..n,liii!ln,i |„ ,|, | lui.l,, wm.ll IMIil

■JitottHi till) I'l.llnwlnjr (ifl’lcciIII . l l i r hlj^l) .^ u n d in , rn>uil.i-i‘ . iiri, c o id d iiji-

i't wliii ll liav.1 llir I’ iMl'.i'iC hll.'l f 'j l l .l

Will Ic. (lu 'ciii’.hi

Itllilr thn (;i>

I »IHl r .n iilo^ . Il.ii.h SIXI

' Ml

r.ii nil UK'-'-^ .^ ilv .

.p - 'r p : i

• n i l r l y (?iij icMiS-! uit.' y i ; i i t ( :n l i i y iiM .ji : !;t:li< .)! Iiy I , i iw r i ; i i i ’ i I «if !J (r:iu l T l-d K<I invc i- l i m t ip ic .'iU .on .

• r ii .-y »li;i ;ui:ii--!l Ic .i r i 'ju rii i 'ii , th i- ' l i i '. 'i i lC il i r f.:' l!.il:l;i 11 U j'^ .w n lliK p .T -

ID ( rl ,l:i(M i i i i n i i 1i!ji r.-.'ir;ii.>i', aii<l < lr lll’'i l 111 m :i l< ! ii |: i i i in d m i 'l f ii tK tT l ) , i : i . la . ' ; . ; i . IL w a y I tin h 'n -

u 'l i i c h w i l l

j*iT)il(li'ril, l.y li\ vlcu jirrjil-Ui'iil, 'O liidw yn 'l i r o m u iii'ci'iitiiry- (iv’uiiui'i'i', JiiiKi Vlnmnt.; iicrllns AU iii C'litiUoii.

Miiriiiti UiihDUlifi Ui(lip< vlrctcil iiflicttni liiiit w^ii-Ii, 'l'hi\v Mrii.liu rth ii Hlcriti'. ndl)li> I'l'ijiiil; >rni. Aliio nufl'iiiu ii, vlcd -Mill,n )i'l;i .‘llui-iir, ri'iriinltiifr w orn 'la ry ;

Silvcf Anriivei-'ias'y ; Honored by Fi-’end j!

II' ; , i I ' . r . IS la .) . illi'., i |i,,r;i ;• I.; llv- tx>'.-i;l,v-; n i l ./i-ild'..;",-;1 ^:im lv .'i;::-iy <■;’ Mr. hikI Mu ;, K.-JI,'I L'iiivdi';-, iri-'-iMi I"' ll- '.k;;. ", ! ’•- ;

t I 111 Hu ll- Ih.ii).' I ’riilav rvriiliii;, ; 1 W- M.'f^anMciiia r .c - lv i d liljjl

*i« I ])j-U-r and Mr. r i iy l . 'i ' n.a/MlM imi , I , 1. jii>,(ii 1«1.' ^ :r, iinil riiv .i. i-'v .-.ic pi'i i,.-nt«d w llli i;a iillriK'ltv-- I ' i;i |l '•! Iillv. r. U: :i . ;;:;i.i.'nt.: v.'i r ' :


Uu', lh« uS‘l 1 Mvn, Cnvu l-:i^»'Voi>Uni;hi-r,' flnii-.inliijinilniii); fur llw ir I'':ri.'-Maf{<'i'ir <ir ji. t-j-< tai-y; Mi'ii, «}('ldu I,iiiicj!.‘iti'r, ;ii-i-oad. I'liiilc, ail L.M iji Kirn iflrl/i. In um ij'rr, Tln.'fii* nfricci-n, w illi ilm

D ll'

p liii;ii.’;i <if i p - i i n a l d r i l l ' I \M il Ijc t ‘U ir'h i!d u p o n lii-fdn .'

iplid.i'd, hiindiu .yii, Mi-vj-ai ni.-ir*' » ,i.’"ii will hninilii<d<il u r tc r 111.: iici;liiiiliii; of

I'jiliT. All Ciiiiiji' ,;iil: Vll;;ll)l..' I.,r III.

Ii r jaiyji.

Tlirce Plead GuiltflriK ilnira ( if ip ii l ly In «dmrM<!ii nf

1 . 1', rv’ Irivi- 111-) 11 ii^MiIf In (lliitrict W alliT MuUiai, aH, Caiill

U r Tah.- In I 'a'.I \V;» .liri'H

Old r‘/I;-.clunoorn n ii l on Ui,\'.n l ’ny->’''ntM i< ■ni-v«rr \\ii-,:i»-,;. al .Mi.iiii’,,

'I 'l 'i ;ii- |ir.-,"< ii! I i'i-lu ih -c l M r . a m i I’c f t l ; ]■'. |.^ W il lc r i 'a i . i i , IJil, l l u l i l ;M t: i , r . . l i i iv ia , M r , I'.iid M r a . \V , , ,[ .,.1 l y K m n i ' l l i H u r U r y . •JJ, l i i i h l .

!M. •• .............................. - .I Mrhnllc-;

■II. Mr. I'nd Mrn. A. I-!. I, Mr, and .-Ti-i; P, I,.

Mt-. iiiKl Mrii, U, K, Dll- , .\Tr, luid Mi-.'i. .1. i:, 11-

nd .Mr. and Mra, IM-

\V, A. H;tlK'iinU ;'i.ill..ii ll* n.Tvc fn .n i t.u’o to -pi yi-iini In lln‘ iilalit p i'uitrntiiii-y. Hcnlrnc'c ii;;.ilii!(t llii- nll^-r lu ’ii will 1 priJianiiK .-ll \s'.-din'ndiiy iil lO

U ', v ^ . •r'& i, -.

\A n . ■



I FOR Y E A R S . . .

^ ^ ; ^ lr l ia i |k 8 - M o r s e

Here Are ELECTRICAL TS For Everyone

F r o m I d a h o P o t v c r C o m l x t n y ’s

Q r e a t S t o r e o j U s e f u l

E lectrical A pplia n c es

(lifl; iieoUorH will find Iho Irljilio Power Cunipuny woll'iiropavod w ith oxcollont iiHHort- _ , inont.s o f ^rad ica l,, iiaofui TCIcctvical Appli- ancujt t lin t a ro idea l f o r -Kift rnaUinjr. 'J'horo i s H o n i o t h i i i B ’ oloctricftl fo r ovcryono-T-jrirtn t h a t Iceop on givinjr-.Tho followinfi: IIbI will prov ide ample HUjrtfostioiiH fo r ap p ro in 'ia to jriftH fo r ovoryono ypu wIhIi to roniombor tluH C lirlH tm aa. • .

appiilnli'd xtafl' nii‘iiilii'rii. will In- Iniitalli'd a l ',tliir Mi-at. iiiri'tlii)' In Janu iiry , '

l-’il. r .-liaplcr No, -Ji),' Oi'di'i'- of lli<- IJaiitci'ii iiliir, will hiil<l a »ipi'- i;lal lOfi'lliiK \S'«-(ln»'mliiy (,‘V«-nni(r III Ihc Maiuiiili; hall, A lii.'KI u'rloi:|( no i<o,'i| dlniiiT will la> followi-d hy iiiatalliilliu) tif Ulu rolluwliii;- iiffi- t;cni: Mm. Liii-lH.> .Johiiiion, iiliap- iain ; Mni. C’lnni Alliln, iuar»iliall; Mill, llc lrii Hfi in. orj'.iijliil; Mi.-tii Il'cilr l-Vi:;, Aila; MiHii Maliid .loluj- lion, ftn lli; Mrn. I'Ji'n.- Irvin. h:ii-

Mra, Li'iiii I^civd, M avlha: ^fra. Marj[ai-i»t , Sfj-oiid, i ’.h-cla; M ia. Alai'lL' U n w U in / \Vard»-r; K ail W iiltiT, iiciUln. 1’. S

Mlnii lionntu U'llUnn Hi.' wrc-li-('nd III p.u.'atello.

I ip r n i

Mrg, Salmon Gives , Attractive Dinner

H l l l tu a v , Dnc. I.S (S lire lu ll - - M rn . h iK iN n n l H iilin /)!^ < 'n t* 'r l i i tn i 'i | u l. a d l n n n r p u r l y H u n d a y I 'v i 'iU n tr a l >ior h o n iK o n K i n i l l i ' O v i 'r l a i a l

v<‘iUK'.-'rii>> t i d i h ' \C aii > li'c iira t> -il in I'.I i i i a l ir i 'i ti 'i i III l ( i '. i |i in K w i l l r Ilir-

l io l l i l i iy H .'iiu o n . C . 'o v rra w n j i ' lu id f o r M r . i i j iil M m . in. N lc lio h i , M r . lu id M rji, K l in l t , M r . a n dM m . W l l l l i u n .I i ic k i io n , r .n d Mi*, a n i l M r*i. .M a lin o n . 'I 'vvo M ilihai d f h r i d p - r u l l o w r d d i n i i r i ' . M n i . N li- lm h i j- '- ir i 'lv i 'd liid li- ii' p |- |/< - a n d .I .i( ;h ;iiiii Ih i ' i i i i 'n 'i i prl:^i-,

l ’'liio K latlu iirry , m iiI I iiIi U' fur 'JIu'Utniiiu (kiriH luul KVrryilay iiuc t ttiit (.'lOH lliiak N toro^A ilv .


Oity'ii ■ Elootrlcii.1. IiHipoctor . AdvlsoH Oiiro Duriiif>‘


W arnlnjf rujfiirilliijf tlm danjp-rH '•1' firo (liiritiK llin ciu'InhniDi lioll- <lay a.iuion wnn liwijod U«lny by ,n . II. I’M't'odtiiiini, «ll> ith 'd lrlra l In- upocUir,' ,

IIl/i iitrtliniionl foliov.'w:"r.’lirl'it nuut Ih iindoiibP’dly roln*

hniloil 111(110 iinlvcriiully. nii’itt any o lh r r ouciialon — cntonrritod vyllh Jlioat joy and hiiiiplnoiiB. Yot lt« olwi’rviuHid III rriMurhl w llh diinjpa' lo lifo n|j<l pivijKtrlj- buculJHn of nUtny npi'oial liar.iiV'tM Mini <'oinn In to iiiic; a l tb iil tlnu!. A oiiroIniiH uci o r thi’ uu<l o f an iinHiiro arlloh '. m ay lilij'lil lh« (liij*, »«pl«(iln/' Joy w lU i

"M<iiit o f thii troublo ciili bi' Irm.'iKl to lacU.of iK rolinatlo iraliou l llkiiir apridJil liav,iiit|j|. If (‘»a'ro<;tly liirornicfl jaiopli' ..H;’. <-n>ilty iivoid t.lir diittK'n'ii. Iti vlow 'of tlilii, lit) N aliona l ItounI nf )‘'liv TJinli-iwrll I'l'K hiiJi UiiiKsr ll h iiilfiln iiuiiiiulnir up flc(!lrl(?a] biiiyu'dH,"

f.JiKitalloiiil fi'oiu t>)r liidl“tl>i, 111' lil<l<i Uk' rollowlii)':

l il i tM d r lr a l l l i i / i t n lM '"On<> of Iho li'iKji.'i^ itaiiiH'ii

fin- «liiVi‘l<ipa tln'<injrli, tin- uiut iiuli'iilandard iliK irli'iil iip|illiin<r(<ii aiul r(|i>l|inii'ut, thi> niliai/o) of Dial whicli I'l /iti.-a tan l.’Till' j)Ui'' cbiiii'M' iNUi b<! oin‘lJ..n 'H int tlti' p ro d u r l 111- buya In "Jit.iiridurd” th a t 111, ooniptli!/) wllU cortalti AiifO' ty ri'irnlaMonH--ir .il bonro llio labi-l if TJiidi*rwrU<!ra' l,.aTM>vnlorlo(i, IiJv- L'li tliii c o rd - lh a L “ moiuui to an L'lid" f<ir ciirri*iit—niiiiil biiiilan<liir<l and In liuotl roiullUou t<i h f 1-nlln.dy «afo. 'I'nlii liaii been rcc- o};iiii'.i'<i by thii Nalloniil }!'li;nt;ic!d M nnufiicLuroni luoinolutlon whoim “ M cllllfleil Coi'il" aiovi'iui'tll hilii ri'HUlttMl in Kl)pi>rm‘iit of Ibn (xmlii now iiolil Ixnn'hiK H ndnrw rltfm ' (.atv-aatorliiii' h ra c i'h t, cv)irn;iui hill lhri'<i yi'iirii iiK" <in‘y !»'''■ ‘•""t wan ;h) idrntlfliKl.

*‘I-’iiiiiii4, jilUKit. 'iJofhidii alH'i ithoiilil )io Mliuulard. I-^or iiufctyVi iiaU#, whw> you' buy iilrliiK'J lli;ht.‘i fo r Clu'liitiann irortt, o r any «'li-rlrl(’iil jflftii, iu;(a-pt <iiily Uuia*' Unit c a rry tlu ’ liHn-1 of I.lndi r- wrilin'.'i’ J.uboral-.a-i.-;i. -Alno i-j:»r-

irk'-il t:>yti-or aiiplli->;:.-.‘(. l,>.Mni;h WhiMi no'. In iific, r.-(<l <Ion'l hanj[i

H A N SENCojunuuilly c;buf(di nljfJit, Koolid

ivfui liitd I'.’rldiiy ovotlinu i»t thn chiirnb. l‘'ullawlni; tlio iinnpiir t|in K't'oiip lljit.i'iiitii to n .numlcul pro- ' I'ran i niiddr tho (Mi'onhon of Miiiu Uiiwla, 'riia ifhxi cdub itant,^ tbrna lunnbcrii. Jiiu i' (SritvcH (pivo ii n u i'I Iral i i'iHlInt', aiailHlKd by the <!<t«'<i i;liili, A lm a (Jllvnr, litimi Trutdtpy .and Mlii:i Uawlii aliio {'nv<' riiii(llni:n- 'I'hti jiroKrani cloiiod w llh nnolhnr i'liiit c;lub junidior.

him . U ah'li Ttiylor, ro rllitiiii, OjM,, 111 Hpiindlnir a wcaiU w llh her , aiufordn-law . Mm. Slmoaloy, hiifin-o

.Ijolntr on lo Ojrdi'ti, llliih , to n tlnnd tlin |{ol(hiii wtiiidlnjr luudvcrm iry nf bur pitrcnhi on C’brliiLinaii day. Ii’roin f >j!di‘U idio will k<> t<» Um An- jpd.'ij lo vliiH bur iilulitr and Uuin n J u rn to b r r bomu by w ay of thn • laiiuit. Mr. ■raytor.wlll Join b r r a l

.O jr ilo n .I/ir<.'n^<i Uiithhnn, honu! /ron i Iho

navy iil Han n|i'j;o . In iipondinjr a in -day fnrlou^rh u l hin bonio.


Ciilnniliir of d iutrlo l cou rt turnm for H»:iri hiui biM’ii or-nipU'to<l and III announc.t<l by .1nd|pj \V. A. Uni). ronlt. iianlor Jild^t' o f Iho <d«vc*uth JiK|i(:iiil dlatrli-t,

?l‘ provldi'.'i for thn followhiif liM'inii in tba four (.oiintliiit;

Twin P'alla; Jan . J'l. M nrch M ay 41, .yi'pt. \t, Nov. 1^, '

.Icronii': I>'<di. IH. Mny 13, Nov. IH.

Q aviln: Jan , M, Apr.'l a, Oct. 7. Miiildol{i\; Manrh U5. Jutut' :i.

.Sopl. 0.IP'arhiji; <in pL'tillomi fo r n a lu n d -

l /a tlo n will ho hold an followN;'l\v ln l-’alhi, fli'nt, 12; Jam nic.

M ay l.T; Ciuuila. A pril K; MlnldoUa, ■Hi'pt. I).

y iM ri’IN d rAKKNTMfliTi' fr;iin l']inpi"!«if, C aniida. to

vliilt hill panthln, Mr. and Mrw, Ilow iud J . Head, lit W llliuni M. Hoad.

wli-t'.-i <»vi!i' nnliuailah 'il iwilhi. Wbon l;!vlnir Ihi- rlilld r.’ii «'l.>ntrl(uil toys Iniili'iirt lh(nn ra rcriilly r^'jturdlntf U a tr i 'iii nnd thcn aUpin-vlm> Miom L'loia!ly until tluiy Unow Jiow lo > jijratf Ihii loyH pnipcrfy ." *


Page 5: FRENCH LEADERS a s. ORDERS WAR ESS EYES Crop"Our coaHuhutlonii all have rraciiDil tho aiimu concIiiNlon,^' Dr. Pottit mild.

Tubsaoy, DftoctmWr IQ, lOM IDAHO EVENmO ,TT¥ES. TWTN FAT.T.S,, TDATTO ,pa;rc Fivo.

C r o L

O A O D ance O pens G ay ■ ■ W e e k m T w in F a l l s

. O pi'JiitiK « H 't'c lcor Kii.v l i o l l f la y m t l iv U y , (Im < '1 i^ ( |h j ik ju ir ly o f O A () <>li)h lnnl 1‘Vj‘iiiiin ' a t K /u l lo l iu u l k<u ii tiiun'lc.f)\]ii-ii.i<tyiiif‘u l

iiwjik^iirc'it. W illi i i i i i s l i ’. riiriiiN lit'd liy tin? U liy i l in t ICiii«n lu id J o f l i t y . j)n iv jiilin K , lln* i» n - ly \v iw o in ‘ o f l)i(> moKf ol' i.ln i'^ “iii{iny i i lln x H iv o ovi^ntN uivM i liy 1li(*-A fliovor offoct In ro«l rh iI ifrocn

rninplftm nntcd tiy ii liny ChrlHtinnH wiiM u(i)>luvn(l 111 ruii-vliiK

tablo by ,M r« . It. J. V iilltnn, Mrw. !(• IC, Cutftq and Mrii, lihuittotl Hoixl, m om bnm ot,.Uio.i:nfrf«hmoiit rnniliilttnii.-O nffnn wnn Knrviwl hi llu'ouKhoiil Iho Mru.

’ J .. Pi'UvuVi Jf f wnn Koiipriii cliitir' \WM\. O th er wjin>Mix- 11. B. ToffioiDlri'. hull, iiiul M fif. ICtmnnlh Lii'iioli nrnl Mrii. Ktui- yiiii O m en. co«irl<*Hy.

J^r. and Mvh, K: A. J-'uU»>n on- tdi'ta lnod III an uU nicllvo dlniiitr lo r HI III Ihn l*arU Jmtoj bofon- tJm tinnod. Aliimi)!: M»' MliiiHtH w oni Mr. anil M i'M. .Iithii I>, Orr, DoIhd. .Miniill (Jlu'IfltmaH ni<l h iiioix -<itiilliiillv ninrl«r«l tho tiililo.

Olluu* Jntorrfitin t; nv«)iiLii o f Ihlji Wff'k'M riilondiir iirn ihi« I'IIUh' C htirily ban, whioh wlU b« liold In tlit> l(id|{n bull tniiiiirrdvv cviMiInt; and Ib r anniuti ( ‘rvHtal ball a t a itin iu i:)<dtii I'«d rb ib will on tp rtn in V A \^ \n \n ami U»(1 ICniKbU lUHl tho nlmtffll of nil lf>n>« oUibii a t Iliidloltind Tbiirm lay ovnninir.

UuHHidl MiJlor Ik uliulrtnan of ar> nin j'um rntH r<*r. t)in C h u rlty ball, (iiid ChticU Molin ami bla C onti-

wUt tbo Aniin imI(Ia<I fon turo MnHo Utinn llobn will prfinnnt n j.'i'oup of h<;r moro ndvanoMi danolntr piiplls In a rifioi- idiovi>'-

Tho CryBlftl bnll In ,lo bo procnd- od by a B tae 'd lnnor <!liibinoniburi) a t thn lioino of .llni W iilto. MiifllR fo r thin nvont will also bo fum U botl by jrolm 'ij Contl- iitm taln. ; /


MfH. II. W- Cloiiulicl( cnLos'ltiliind totliiy a t un attracllvi- 1 ij’cIooIc liinchoon iit hur lumio on M ftb Kvnttuu u»»l, flinidl d«M'«irutpd CbrlHtma'« trc**» ft'alunid tbit tablo uppolntm ontii, and 1 n t| 1 v I d ti a I plncoii wore* marUcd Vcith Hpriiya o f miHlloloo. Kollnwlni; tbn luncli>

tbr^fft tab le* of contrao t worn III p^uy durjn jr tbo ullornoon. Tldii wiiH thu flm t of a noilnii u f iilm llar affalrji Mr«. Clouc;bnl« In p lann ing

. for thfl w lntor. it . f^RIDOE CLUD ^)S E N T E R T A IN E D

l2rldgajH«rH m ot vocontly a t thn I'omo of Mliw Abbv An.lnmnn.I llftb Mcoro prlao wnnt to 'MIjih Ma r y iSlloti Annon and low to MIhh VIvlftH Koamfftor. Thd boat- «')iH Knrvud d a in ty rofrnHhrnnntii. I Mlnti Mnrlo Hodonbnmor will « n to rtn ln n t tbn n ex t mootint;-


lltinbu’tin and Prnf^iialoiuil W nni' »n‘K club liold itA' an iu la l Cbrlfil maii p a r ty laiit «iv<<ntn(; In tlio <lliuntr room of tho I'arU liotol. Holiday docorationii 'nm do un lULriicllvit bacl((;round for tho foHllvlty. Mlmi Iv.«tta McCoy, anHlxtiid by Mrii. I'HIa W bito, MIhn M yrtlu Andnrfuin find MbiH lOtti Ull«y, dlruclod piirty arranjronionl/i.

C arol idnf{lni' w ax lu(i by Xlliiii KItira Kow fr and accu inpanlcd by Mni; lim ilah OHborn. Mnt. Miir- i;ar«it I'mdi wanjr a jrroiip nf iioiijjii, and M ih . 11. W. CloiirbdU i;avo

M/nmliirf," a r.'brlidnuiji nldi v by Van Uyltn, DiirlHf; Ujd iiiii;lal hour, thi* nnbiial to y iixchani;<'w n;i condnctod, 'I'hi! to y a a m tn In- j;lvitn to tbt' lOinfirjff’ncy niuficry and oDior chnrltab lo orf;anU‘.atl(itiii.

l‘'o r a. Ulcycto W o rth WIdb*, liny, an lv<‘i' .lobiiuon. <iloVHt«'lii O'l'i* I'r.v, JiHH Main Avo. .Mo.

-- Calendar --Iil{:bluiid Vlow titiib will hMntt

Wioliii'Jidav a t tbn boniK nl! Mni. l.llllr, ,

M onlor flliih 'w u i moot w ith Alni. >1. lO, .lonlln W<«d>n>Jiday aflonuvin . '1‘bn Min'^nl j 'I f t ox- oban];« will bo o<uidiicto<l.•If » I «

lii'caiiHo itf llliiKtai thn inoul* Inir of C o in ni u n i t y c b u irh I.iidloK’ Aid tn ino rrow will Im hold In tbi) olnirch p iirlo ia In- iitoiul of a t tho lunno of Mrrt. Don H tii/ford, iiii provloiitily un* nonnoorl.

■W # ■ -H-IMclcol I*aiont-Tciu:h<tni' iiti-

jMniiatloa will tn<niL a t p. in. tom orrow a t th e iifdukol'. A' C hrU tnnui |iro /jran i will bo ijlv- on and a lai'i(>f nttonilniico lu donlrod. ■1* -n- »

Miiitlci-Y club win bold Itii C brU tinaii p a r ty a t « p. ni. to ­d ay lit tlui h^imn of Mhtii I-,ucl)lo I» n ]f on J1III41 I..jil(igi iMuilovard Inatoad o f a t tbn innno of Mni. M. J. Hwoolcy a/f pm vlouiily an* nouaood. ' ^u- ' u


IntiT iiational Itulutliiiin iitiidy {'I'oiip of tbo AnuA'l(%'in Aiaioclatlon of UnlvorHlty W oinon ,mi?t y^oilcr- iliiy nfl.ii nnnn* a t tbo bnnio of Mr.i. A. .1. I ’l-avt'y, »ir.. r>n .Htivcntb av«‘- nii>> Jinrtb. Mni. W. It. Kldrldi:*’ I'.avi’ an in lo n 'id ln i' n iport of (.ircnfoira worlc In l.a b ra d o r an told irfipeolally in bla la t ja t book. Mni. .1. H. Bfuv<-r r.-vl.-w.^d Hmu-- t a iy l l o n r y VVallacu'a biioli^ "'.iiinddp and ItoHi'loii." noxt nuu'tlnj; will be bulil Jan . L'l.


Wm. (!. A. Miiir/I <‘i;liTlalni'«j |||< M tar Hoolal cbil) a t Ih-r biiitii- (in N in th avoniio iiorlli yi'iit<Tday aftnrnoon'. A iihorl. I)ii)ilni‘iia iilon wan proiildtid ovor by Miii. I.. C. W U dinan. 'riii- p ro j-rain in- cludod a roailliif: by MIili iinrl.'i Lolj'btoi); a votnl niunV.-r liy M arx .lofilyn. uriMiln|iaiil<-d by Mr;i. O. f . Hijviill; ri'iitUnj;!! hy Jii-Hy Mooroboiiiio and Itarlx-I iHtl|i'ni;i^r.

iflfi oxcbanKtt ’wax aliin ductod, rtofrofibinoitla w ri'c ii<-i vi^l b y tho - aiiiilfiti'd by Mrx.A lborl I 't ilz b -r ,, Mni. C arl Ancli.r- iion< Mrii. Cbarlirii Diiwrii and Mr;>. lillln WblLo.

C brl/itnnia m ntif wan r'/irrind tbroiit'h iiU t t>u< di'i'onttiiinii wllli a lai'iTn ill.'htiMl Cbrl:ilnj:i:i tr<-r In Mu- Vn<nn and n iln ia tin i' Iri'cn cin tlx* m antid and piano,

itK ru K N H n c o H i r .A u r o K N MMliui t'^orn tiall, rijnij;iii«-i- .if Mr-

iiml Mra. O, C. Hull, r r tu rn . 'd liuit i-vi-nlnjr fr<iin Han .In.-ii-, whoro abo ba/i brcn itttc ix lln); th« a ta to toacborn' <'oll<‘i>‘', to apond tho liolldavi* lH>r«'. Acc(ji».;i.i.ili;<| liy lii-r alatri', Ml>a< Wjiyvi^ Hall, nhv. will I'tAiii'ii lb« fin d of tbn y i'u r to San

wb<-n> bntli w ill' atl>-n<l tho i l l r i ; . - .


) i '< ' |l i t i i f i i i i n id io w c r . 4 lo> w iT . ' i i i . r i a u j ; * - i . f VVal-

in d M li.'J 1/ i l i t a H i i r t o n ,

Tv,'i)t F iilli) t J i i ia Compotes I‘o ) in l in ily OoulciiJ, iil

aoutlioVn Bnmcli

1 C . I N l l l d . l t . ' S k . I t . I . ' l kI i i ; i n r ; i i i 1 );i I 1 ■

H i ; l l i v : y .'n I l i u - l . y .:, 'l l .v , .M< l l i h . M , ; I’ . r . I ' - i v n i - . - :1 ' i : i i ; i M , K n i . ' l i l r i i l ’ ’ i ’' : i y i . . • : t ; i T . i v i . i•Mi l l " . ’ I' U M i r . . 1 ( u n . i l i v Ai ; , o l i ; i i ' ; i . U < i h i i i : i ' ■11. . I - . . 11l . ' M l I I I i n I ' - , . ! ! . ; . \ l

I I - I ' I j ' r . I l l i ' l ; (•n i . i c l i l n td

. S o p l M • i i l i . K - r ; i n . l ' h i l r ; . .11 .i ; l i i l ; i . 1.;l l W l c - l l l ' c , i i i l . i i ........ I l l[ . H l t . T , ' I ' v . ' i n l ' \ i \\:<i l i o h . M . -

, u u u B ■ ■ ■ H B li u Id H u td n lj V u 10 u XIH iki 0 a d u ta a 0 a M ■ M1 hd . • *


i ' n ( . ' A ' n . : i . i . . o . i i n - . -.n ( ‘ i p i ' c i ’\'\u- K n lv i iv ii ly iil ' Id a lic i, | j;

n t l i n i i i c h , c a iiip i! ! ! .w n - l l i r : r r t . " I i ic . t r l i i i i i r M i i . l - , ’, . h c I II . ' !: . W l . d i i i i p w i l l ! r l i i i ; ; . - n K r ' - i , , , / v A I ' l - n l n i t n u ' . r b y p i i | i ; d ! i i - v t i l r m ’ i l n - i i i u . i i ' i s l . - i ‘ > ' th i n . l v. - l l ! I . - r r w , i n l . . ( l w i t h a f u l l - ^

p i i r l i - i i i l I n I b i - f a v n i i l i - n c i > j i . , l i ' n n -I n i l I I i . , i . , . i ' i i . n l i . , „ . i , . I I ....... I . . , I ’........ .. < ‘ ‘' n i i i M , I , i i . . . i i J ( i . ii . . n ; i 1 n i lo r t l i a l . l)oi)l(.- H .'. 'ild fii t h i ' (.r;i [)) ii;i .‘ i w f t . l b ( ,ir1 , l U o l l u ' i ' jv lrlii w lM [ h r j h ' l i i - l i ' . l , Ib i- m i l l ' n.->;t l i i | . 'h l u|)uiv<- thi>rr lu ll IrnKlli pIctniTM iiliio' lUid till- (itbi-r iii-v<‘ii ('liiii<--ii|i;i.

' I ' w n < ' a n c | l i l i i l < - ! i ; r i l i K l y i i I l i i n l n i i . I n r t . i . T l y f n i t n T w i n F i r l ' l i i a m i : k i w II r n i l d i - n t n f I > u n i l . - l l i > , a n d i ; i f i i n < - I / n v l a i u l , I ' l . c a l i ' t l o . w i ' i v v d l r . l l , b . i t . w n n u i l i t l n ' a i i l i l u l l i i i i t V f u r , I ' l i i - t r l i ' i i w h o L - . ' i ^ ' l v r d ) i l , i K . r ; i h l . - i n i ' n - t l i a j J i i J i l . y i ’a r w<- i - i - : . M a i l } ; i ' . S h u w - v . T , i n i i c ] ( i - . H - . t : r , i i i . . ' i i . ' i . : u i . - , w h o a t t . r n d r d a n < l I ’. i a f l i i a ; i d I n . i n ’I ' w l r i

I ' - I i l l a b l i . ' b i i n l i n i . l ; C a m l l . ' i i i i ; l i l i : i .

o l 1.1.i:M ;im , l l . i l i m l i l in .

C. E. Holds Par1 ! I M ! I J :V , H r .- , | . '

'Clilrly-livi- iiiri;i1).r;i l l i i n i : i i ( l r : i v i i f ; : ( . r | r 1 }M : i n c l i i i i i ' l i n . l iKlay <v.I : b i i ; H i i u : ; i p i i r l v i n i '

i-lyI ' I' , : l:;< 'h; 1..- h">. h

nil, di.'lll'ici .I.nii;iir| .\I;uK;u- cl

' ■■ To Taxpayersproperty laxes become

cli'linqueiii on four.tli M onday of D<.:comher and if not p,»\! before that lime, disti-nint warrantii must lie ir.Mied and iienalty and interest added. •

.1. D; BARNHART S ■ f'crsonnl Tax Collector'jrIE3rtviI':u nwuouu HMesuftawcitsHCiunntaMKUHMtiaa


onK T F I




7:30 P. M.--------2fc-

D S RWith Safety-

Conveyor Feed

A v e r y p o p u ’u r Dc j i £t4 ’ i‘ n o w I m p n i v o d 1 « ’ t l n * l * n r i i i l N h t t i i r t r o j p U t t r l y e q i i l p i > « a w l l l i t h o h n n d l P i t v v r l n g ^ f - i i o -

■ r « » n i o r y o v e r » h o w n o n a W M h - l n j ( m u o h i n ® — t h f i “ S a f e t y O o n - v o y o r T b l » d e v l c f l M p e c d *

up th e xfrln jpng op«rotlo» an d Wftkf# It tn'Uflh eaiUi^. T h e f« r -

d r a p ^ on thn ('itnvpynr. It d<W» thfl n*itt.

Doxtnr U trim nliU biwii-tlfiil In uppoftronofl. I t h tu re- m n r l f o h l e w m IiIdc e f r i c i e n o y uml lt*i» very (MUiy.onthBWJothen.I t w in ilo yowr- wiwkly' wMthhuf fo r ynan t tuid yeaM a n d MM>n Iwvn I ts oont In M ved'j:»raM hU ^.t nfid tavM I lau n d ry bill*.

W«dnMd»y [Uid Itotunlay to H u h L iid ; Wliit a^ P < to '


REAL BARGAINS- Ait Real Prices

For Christinas


RADIOS from $ 1 5 up

^ PIANOS from 8 5 5 up


A ll K inds of Miscellaneous Musical Merchandise; in

every price ra?ige

SUGGESTIONS: kViolins, Gufflars,.Banjos,'' Ukes, Sax-

dphones, C larinets, Comets, Trum­pets, Sheet Musip, Strings',, ftcks. Mutest InstiTiment Cases, and* oth-ers too numerous :fo meritiijn.

Page 6: FRENCH LEADERS a s. ORDERS WAR ESS EYES Crop"Our coaHuhutlonii all have rraciiDil tho aiimu concIiiNlon,^' Dr. Pottit mild.

PafTo Six IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN. FALLS, tPAHO TiH'Hiliiy, ftvocinVt'vTfl^JfW,

WANT ADS News of RecordM urriii(^o LiootiBOB

1 tij T E h l i l l ’lin N IO MH


lUttch Inflortlon, jiflr lino .08 (fo r fJr«t 3 Inm.rHoiiM)

' hftr |(no ......... .......TVolvo miittlhn’

In ia t, nvory l*niio,

. .oav4

iitHorlln;i, nor llri Ni) ndii tiifcnn for h.HH

Ihnn a jlru'ii. MJnJmnmnlmi'Krt ..................................

All ikIh miiHl h.. imU-nu! fo r a HluliKl l.uurlli o f tltnn.

BIIAU TY SCHOOLS' a 'Ui’I.. U'oJ.uty h iho 'pm .^

»f \U-.M \ly CuUuvi!- HiUM Uum Hlilir- I ’hiuii) 411. Mi'H. n . R

M ia O p u T A N E O u ir~ H A S' lO.M H KC.CW 11 1 (A N d ” !•*

' N.'W 111 Vui

New Todayr I-’OIl HA1.I1 l in y . UuT\.\i Ww

•iO Ic.tiii Imy. rti'» Uvllll.l'.

WICWIN^J U 'A N TK U . pH c.ii r- HOiiiitilo. Mni. Jii.-i. I'. Ilop rt'. iU. KiillH.

' CUUIt: VOU U MltJAT tliH M( p rn w ay. Ilm- Olil in<^lcurv Mtiin

,«rl a m i. Kor Kill.! hy D JN C IJ': :S M IT II HKKH m „ T a'lii l-\.l Idiilio,

ly, rKOU 1{E-’N T

riihnlHhi'il. 17MI.

i x m r Hi'own j.lllfold JnK eiiir>-('iH!V "II HiriTlKiillit, und iiloutirU-iiUnii I N o tify Itox iia, MolliHlrr.

T .08T — Diirlt yellow i aJjoop, 'Injr. N ujue '■Hlu p ' F ronU ClarK, Phono m n,

F 0 H HAM-: - Tiirlciyn, iiliv.t <>i J'hono BOH.

I.O H T -L i 'f l hiiiiil, rm -lliii!il driv Inu Klfv*’. Mutiii'.lay, Nr>liry A. C ajill.'fonl, <*r l.ii.Tinn-M offhM-. ,

W’MI-J.M MHIM.KM I'nm pii r.'(.nliT.t, I 'r.I,. II. lluxliliKi, l>nti l-h.m.- I7i:i. ■

CAllH UIUriOUM . imrtti and ai'i vlco li.trvlr.i, HlitVi>* l'''nlln.

ri^novnt.-d, and r.'ow . rnd. Clean woid .tninlril. ‘JOo ll>. Wiuih.'d and nanli'd :Kln. F tin il- ‘.un* »»pU(vUvli-vl«\j;. T w I h V'uUh ,\la |tr..m i Kacdnry. lMn»ini Rl-VV.

• If'Q ll B A L K -M iH R o lliim jo m t

... m - aJiallo\v'w<-lt iiilidn piinip and •J .'iO KHKNOlCIVy

T o d a y ’ s M a r k e t s a n d F m a n e i a l N e w i ^Li v e s t o c k

KOIl HALK Ne w' li’alrbimltn Kiid (diifrril •:< iiri'iDinro nnltii HA>iI.>\VAItIi:.

A iri 'O DOOU fU.AHM, wind' iihlxldN aiKl w indow I'lafix. N( \Harjj(i (o r ii'-llinjr irliniii. Hrlnjr In Vdiir ji.iHh nr drive y o u r n i r In P rn l f f l y o n r ln 'allh . Muvo nn yotu fu rl >)llln. Pit. r,. Monn'H. _

K O n H A M '- I 'n la t.. floH or/i- Rli-ctrlf! n r k*'-» '•ni.'liin typ'», all- ntiM-l rnn>itni(!l!iin. lirarlnj'ii tliroiiKlKHit, m any iinw Imprtivi*- 111. n ta on liVM niodrlH,

IVANTED M ISO ELL A N EO U SHAY d.'i r.l. CallW A N T K H - l'*iiriilhir« r<ipalrin|f

iiriii<diitt>rin}'. wliuiiiw nhadi* w ork, [ nreiui A - HriiN-y K iirnlturfl Co,

Kady-.i j; Kill

' F (J t lN l) KIumhi'H nra Cull u l Tin

U J M t- O n n Jlay und M urn unn inlln Kaat Sm ooth moulJj.'.l, W a rt oi (XJuy. W. II. Child.•rii, Kt.

KOR HAIJC -Hullc III H li^ Han.i and CiiUirhon

R inllh Oo,

r O n H A M ' Hpr yo<nl8. Dinglo * Hnilth H

•hi • rliiiinn l

(!n iyClly.

' C l a s s i f i e dSltU A TlO N B WANTED

' MAN. -in SINtJM fi. wljihi'M work Of uny kind. W rito J l o x \W C TImoH.

H P U ^ ^ A W T f iD' rifiM ALW IIK L P w a n tr il, Kxp.-r-

!imcrt<! Rlrl to ii««int w ltlj fri*m-ral hotiii<tW4)rk. Ma))li< Av<!.

L O S T A N D FO U N DLOHT — lIolHlolii

fi4-.T2. K im berly.Itiill. 1‘liono

A U T 0 M 0 B H .E 6

W A N T E D i r o n CASH — U^<m1 tnm anti tru c k s . Jn o . Ji. VVhlto.

• iron flAMC.~ l>Hlj{<' roiij. triillor, P riced .jiilrlt ttal HkVney Ht., H ow ih ^ a lh ^

an<l , in s

. W A N TK D TO n U Y — 1000 earn ,W> w rock. Karm fim ’ A u to Htipply

; Use VartM D ep t. Phniio 22S-W.

H A IB D R B gS E R flHl'W CfAI. O IL perm anen t.

MntAirnl.S2.00, 2H0 m h Av« Phoni* IMIO. Mru.

\N’A N 'I'l';ii SLl(»,(lim,(lll, u flrnL in.ulKi*l,'‘- "O live y . i r liT.'iit d'.; iiuarl.'fly . I.oaii prdd U ral t l lr . i ' y .a n i ^n.dUD.dO )i year- I.riaL two yearn $r.,riU(),00 p Vt’ar. I'Mi|).-rly will aliii)il a hai appraliial «f yiOl),1)0 0 ,0 (1, l ‘. O. Hnx lO.Mi.


Uflo, r»i>K an .l \i\i. whlh* th»’iliiat. U rliif' contatnerN. John \V llnrUliJ; K lm W rly, Ida .,

A P P L E S !l-'Iriii. n«'Hl t^imlMy fr.iiii ru ld - NtiiruKi’* HiiNht’l o r TriK’U I^»U4|

H .B .L O N Glo t W'eHl

1‘h.iiM. yiti


KOIl P O P OOllN. Alan wlnmf. oaU . and t>n,rl«y, Olol>o R.xtd & l<”«*od Co.. 2 24-lth Avo. So, Phono 401.

. W A N T E D TO . R E N TWANTWr> TO HIONT UO o r -<0

;r«'H, v'oo.i farm , Caiih r»>nt. Cnii flniinco own op.)rallon. f x p r r l tru c k I‘‘runU B. ICuw«l,Ut, 1 K hnhcrly.


KOU HICNT Hoorn w ith >xmr<l, loi- Iar|,'« b<Mlr<v>ni, ilotviuitaim . ex t lo hath , lailtahh! fo r two,

Hth AVo, Kiiiit,

M O N E Y TO l o a n

n O U D A Y KPI.'lCrAL.'^ o n perm onent w avo Sl.r.O and up. rteuU'

j tor S4.00 untl $5.00 heaterle/ui p.>r- m nnont wuvfii and j i ,7 n . Mnln Avo. N. • n .T • U’lntl ■ IJeau.

— 1‘honci OfiT.H O U D A Y HPMClAI. — A froa

Ihnmpt*'* w ith ev.'i-y <lry flnK*’r (I'avo a t nOt*. O ur Jil H cotlla HUik-

, Iflt Ht »a.7H. r;uiirant<'«id pnr- : mannntH $2 am) up. Phono :2411.

VhflT3miuty Hox. uv.-r H chram ni- lohrtiion'n.


' P aln tln ir. ICa laoiiilnliiif. p%?por Hhiiffor. Phono

Classified DirectoryRmipotwlbl* B iuhiN U llrn M

Profoulpn*! Ofrior« of Tw in l^alU '

B H O * B E P A IR IN O■7 'e ^ v o ~ tW o u ijrT in ch liu i In thia

tu r r . lo ry to S T lT O Jl all klndii of nhoM , Inc luding «ho««. N o e ittro churjrt-ii.. 'iVlii

. ra llA . Bbd* B apulrin ir.• h o A ' W<#t. X^boofl S0«.

AUTO TO P — BODY WORKB» «ALB<-<W iN 6am urrD a n d

d o o r r l a w . ' A u to U>p« luul citr- ‘ tain wpiklis cttflVM h»»1

- ilpinf,' l l w j t a T op A Body


i S outh .

-^ I S C iS

NKKD MONICY J'O U C im iR T - AfAKV W f loan mon<iy on <lhi- monrtn. w a trh e ji,- .h'Wolrv. nnini(Nil lnfitriimt<ntH. raUhm uml i>vi>rythlni: (it vuluo. Snr IMh u t th« td ah o Loan Offloo, 120 Hhoahona N o . ' P him a 1542.


Ultiioi.-H,V\\ »»ul <H<

Itiivter. Hhlrloy Tenipl< lOviiiiM, Janieu Diinii

S t.p iH I'V .hll, »»»l nnniy olheiH c'.inilnir !«Iahi» t(»niorio»' u l V\'ediH«i|ay'ThurH(h»y prirei- Adih-d ( lu llin '..... 1 run ur<- a DIm


1. ( ’.iiiiJnifm piy M illi. iial niovh<- .•it WttiulHV. e on ni«

IXmiviTl la v iv .........Hol.ina . ICnllripell Kan.'ia,. (Miy Mllen C ltv . N<".v V..rU Pociilollo . Portland Hult I.alu‘- .Ran Kraneha

T W IN l-’AI.I Willliiton .

PUSH NAZI DRIVEOainpftign A fiubint A lttiorm ality

PfunBod DriL'itioally by H il lo r 'a OrOorg

lly ru K I> |i:i(U 'K O K CIl^S’IHtHHIIM N, ]}flc

jijiriitji <tl’ t)JO Troop iir/'iinlzntl throii(;huU|t t h . ueaklnu' lint, lormiil --Na'/iM


r. tSH Htorm

ntlm i.'d rahiM Ujitry today H.’Xlitilly ah-

/..II iiH non-

V M M () N HIn thft ftiH trlnt C o u rt of th<' lOlPV-

onlh .Tutlli'lal DlHlrli'.l nf the R ta to 'o f TiluhA, In and fo r lW ln KallM Counly, l.’|,’.UN K, IIKM.S, P la in tiff .

V K IIM N MKHH. Il.-f.-n.lant,T II K H T A T.M- O I** I D A !I O


- You a r . ' hereby DoIJfled th a t, ii . eriniplalnt ha>t be.ui ril.'d a f 'a ln a t 11 |,|t! v»u in th i' n iK lrk t ^ a i i ' t of Dial i:iMV.'ntli .ludh 'la i D n u rlc t nf tli .s ia le o f litnho, In nn.l fo r Twin l-'iilhi C oun ty , by th a abovi> nani.'il p la ln tu f an .l yon u r« hi‘r.d)y dli.«!il tr) iippour a n d jtlead to ladd eom plain t w ith in tw ou ty days t»f the ia>rvl(!f <>f thhi Mtininiona, itiid you a re fu r lh o r notlfl.<d th a t un iriiH yi>ii urt a))j)»|ir nnil ph'Hil (i aald n u n id a ln t w ith in the tlm . h.nvln apiu'iriad tho plulntU f wit) taUo .iu.l>;m«nt aifa lnat you t prav<d In xald cuniplitlnt. Thin w (Ion lii ln iitltu l.‘d to idituhi a d.^croo of ,|iv(t»r.i.

W llnoau niv haiiil.;im l Uu< Heaj

iiathinu) (h'lvii wan an at- tei'nnt to rl>| the ro u n try , but par- lliuilarly thn N a /I p a r ty of a tdaiui w h ld i a l l |;m a tl/ .‘d Ih.' foryeara hi OiM inahy and w aa reveaP ed to the w<n ld in thij "purL'Inif" o'" .June :ii). •

li(Mtrlii(f 'I'nlu'w' Ivi-iul Italda w.ira oiui.luidd.l In (-'Ioiil'

rooixiratloh w ith T lonnanii <.3ocr- Inir, inlnlHtor of uv l(itkm -uu4-prn- jiili'r o r PnniJthi, Who waa Ihu ■Iron flHt" of tho Ju n e no drlv«'. T liay w»ri) niado lit tho porflonitl o r .k r of Adolf M lth .r

A n fMUninto pf. urn>itfl niiido i»p to 24 JjourH uuo p u t tho to tal ut hi-twepii noo iirKl 700, Inolutllnir mcu-o Ihnn 100 m om b«rn 'o f th« N aal p u rty S to rm ' Tro(»por«, UlUar you th , jw lillcal funntlonnrlen uji'l loniwr loadi'rH woro Involvml. -

1 t WIIN rn v ra ln i alNo th a t ' tha vo-.a t luvNtnrlnuy dopnaltlyn of ircll-

n m th lirucknor, p ra fec t of Hlhmln. liiia lo'uuDplulon th a t ho-w aa If thu chiHii w hich H ltlor >ln-

l.'i-oilnwl t.) auppraaa, 'P fK un Ti^rxnu IVohuliliN '

iJctppllofj In prlyonn o r eont^cn* tnit|o;> <;iinuvi. an^l poBMlhly‘ffiriiiiil tr ia l, facccl thou.« u rreated un<li-r Ih .. .Ilctu turia l pow er w tdch UltU-r

:arc|ia>H.In tho «Jayn hnfor.t l)iidr nocm - m lo pow rr, mmio N«>:1 lend.>ni

t.^leratc.l aexuul uberratli.n , ami uhtl.'aii m any abnornuil men ncd the m ov.'iut'u l. In thoa.i daya

Iho piirly. pL'iHorutiul. naoiled all t)te iuipi)ort-it could }f"t. Miiny <ii ih*' Nazi jairty 'fl onrlleat momhMa /.•rti draw n from thn *'froo corpa’.' .'hofjct Iclciila of «uiWMilUiHy w cro i.>tahly umphnnlziid an.l whoao ••x- lta.tloii or frlonOfihlp waM r.'iiard- il an aiirpaaalmr, nom ull luunida.

It waa o.uicludeil th a t llitlf-r. urvi i’hi/f thn liltna tlo ji ■ ufti»r hla .m aulldatlon In offlet. an proaldoi mt I'liaiirellor com bined, «li‘cl.le hat lu rth .-r tolonoia* of nbnni ihhty w>iuld cout miu-4 In preatlt;

'o r th In Htrenjfth,

Tuneful Hit Ends Show ing' Tonight

’> tth v th n i," llia l lun.'ful roin.Hl.vl tb u t haa benn tlidC'

*' fiinny-boiio of Orjili.-um palinii'i u lnre Muiiday, iil.iii' eniraK-'iri.tnt ton igh t. Jo.-

P. niiiM- w ith bln famoiiii «iiiak. .hinU O aklr, I.anny Uojiu, M aw llrlan, Il.d.'n M ack and I.yda Hoh.<rll all tu rn In m .r iy (hatm ake til.' alu.w jri'i'nd fu lc r lu ln - m i'ul. h’iv.i hit Inn.m by ( and Hevi-l arc- an ununiial num her lo be h.ianl In nnu p lch irn hiit cv.'ry o.'ie l/i' a h it w ith "Tald! a N undiur Krom fhiit T.. T en" and

y Aa Hwi-at Ah Vou A ro” b.i- liur Ih f niotd p i.i .u la r 'o f lli.- live. Thi. A ll-A m .'ricnn C.i-ljMii adil Ihe lr h ra iity |o tho prodiiirll„n. .

'r.aiM.ii'ow the O fphauui will of- fur Ih .'.a .T o iid ia-ri:en vcn lunr of Cforjro M- CDban. fam oiia play- v /rlj/bt, criinpn.'K-r and atai-.II.I will b.- tu-rn.ln a naw ro inantlc myfd.rry h it w ith VVyntio (illuton an.l iJ .in jthy .H iirj'.um In Miipport- lh(( rol.-.i. The /Itory Im m itltli'd '(huiiblloK" iwid piumlticn niucli

aw lft notl.jn and aflvonturti. C har­lie Cliaao will alao b.i ai,.,n on tha O rph.aim 'a piviffrani In ti new. rt.m .'.jy , ".SomethlnK fllmpl.!.”

Ex-Racer Has Role In New Roxy Film

fill,Ml clniiiOl.T. wliii i»ll] ho « lU) lb .1 roinh! rarfl/i oro^mor l|i “ 1 'artV n Ov**!-*' u t Joo-K 'h Hoxy aiiirtlii): lo jiiorrow , (pill a u to i bi|i:, hh4 hobby an d piiNlimn, ii))<;ut. Iwo yearn ajfi* wh.Hi hn irtiii’J lied. p'.ill.ivvlMir an a rg u m e n t the id\idlo, Chiu b<-| h« eould covnr Ihw y\ja;ol .Sjxi.tdway hi I.,oh An /rol.iH lij n n ar-r.'fo rd tlm«,

"N o you don'l.'* aald. liln Wlfu You;ro j|f)t Kulnjr to drive* anotlwi acu c a r iia InnK uh I 'm m nrrlod t(

you." Alul jiiut to tuuphiuiho thi p .ilnt 'ahii p rr.ia iiw l'a no u rt .InJunC' iloii tb -p ro v a n t hh n from «inlerlnB

C lIU M C O IJV I:M K )CUC U u ;a (;(J . bea. IH (I'.l!)- llo jfs:

•’: niod.trat.ily ac tive , abwut Hleady u’llh Mon.; tup jptodiind (fhol.:.- kliuia: lltlh t llfihta 140- JIIO Urn, Illlht w oijiht Hill'2(10 llm, ¥4.«IO-S5.Hb; nu’illum w eichta 200-2110 Iba. $r>.(m-Sil.llU; h.'iivy 2W>-UW> »>n. $a.20-Sll.aO; |.at;kln |! la.wa 270-0[i0 Iba.$I).!M): ;daii|rht.'i; pit;ii IU(l-i;iil JbH. 52,ftO-jfl.

i;au j.j: 11,1)00 comm.Tidal, 100 jiov.-rnnii'iit; calvca 2 ,liO(l eomni.'i'- ..i.i, Jli) i.dv.'i-min-nl: fed ui.-era

.uut y.iM'liiijra ra th u r alow b u t . m ojdly at.iiidy; ea rly toj> jli.Oft; j marUat uood anil (dude.I klixla, Mlani[ht.-r iijeut ti c a ttle and v.ailaro: atcim i niiO-dllO ihn. $i5,nu-$i»,no; im o-iiim Iha, W.7n-$Hi; iiu o -ia o o ii/H. s ju n -jio .a r) ;i;i0()-15()0 Iba. hiiirenirj;>0-vr)0 • iba, sn.f.O-JH,ttO; s:i,r.()-sn.2r.; hullk (yearlln«a „ii.c:bide<r ix-.u'} Jl7ri-j:i,7 riVealera .Vl.V.V?ft.7 5 ; a to c k er and f.^.ider ca ltio : a lte ra ftno-iono Iba. j;;i.7b-si7h.

Hhi..'ji; 11,001); f a t hiinliii under- loui- lidly al.iady to alrouK ; iiak- Jiijr hli'h.u-; a)ie.ij> anri feadln); lauib/i lILtl.! chaiiirnd; alaiiKhter cw ca $2,2.'i-:>.'l; ir»o(l nnd choie<Iclnda, alauK hler alterp und laiuha luml»i 11(1 Iba. ' down' :^il,7n-$7.(l()..Wi'.i iio-ino ibM, :>2-.' :i-2r.; le.'iihur lambJt rill-7ri Ih.i.

r)A I,\llA |.|V|f)KTOf:KOM AHA, Dae. IH (P.i:i • IIokh:

10,mil); ia a rk .it alro iii ' lo H).; hiKh- or. Top VO.tO; hulk ^il 0</ $il.Hi.

C aU la: n.OOO; m a rk e t atronjr U 2Ai: hli;hor. Hulk atenra U

'ji.'ii’cra to .td.Tfi; v.-ii


C IirC A nO , n6c..'il8,'iiLI?t-. W hoat flrm.-«l <’«>ly Holllnir todaynnd oh)»ied I t \{, tmnl » >;uM\ial hljjhor. Corn rulllad from dmdln.'H of abou t a cen t a hunhol to flnlali ■■H. o n t to co n t lower, wlilbt raitu oloaed ',t oont h igher to

ccn t lower.C(umiiliialon houa.i buyhif; flrme.I

up w hoat art«>r loculH Hviit ' thn ■ ‘ .lown-.ln a Hailing inova-

r lh c l to faar/t o f Incroaaod vnaiin; .oj' naw «r<ij> Houthrtrn itnb:|>b.>re w)i*mt on Hi<' Llvarpoid ark el. .Some bnylnj; ahio wiia on- u ia j'ed by th.i fac t tha m iirk i't

iwa naually haa n rnllvlnk tandoncy pi'ior lo the Cbrlatiniui holldaya,

I'reanurc on corn HUbaldad lain in Ih.i ii.'aalon and tha n ia rk a t roaa

bidl.-r coninilaalon houao i^nd unt.u-- ■ly dip

h.'ei 2fic

Hmita.l ly bldii


>: 2 .0 0 0 , hlirh.T laipply

an.l aal.lied li

Id hUrhar; iVd Live ,VH.7r.; .jw.'ii 1*1 loii.l m .’d. iiradi

l.iituba n ther

iih.ait ate II xort.'d I la ,?V lo $'

■llpp.i.l li

ipcniiij; ir.


.•.dm ,:


anothn'Ami ra r car.H outhrrn an d H tuurt ICrwln u> I.-ad rolea In "Th.j P a rty '

D y C E l L L S f l M M IA L POWER

M tin iio liili:. QU'OHBoa ^Itiiljin i M ilita ry S tronR tli

An EiiKontiul

M r f 'o n iA . itiiiy , doc. ia (piiP rem ier il.'n lto Muamdliil. In |).'iT liJiu*n(;uratlu ,r ‘th.i now p 'inc.- o f L liio r ia lo.lay. cinphai

necemiity lo r mllltai-y • riKhtlnir KaaitlHn:

iitl/renjilh I

Aildroaalnir coloMlHti ilid-madi' cl!y 6n tho im^Uiii P ontlna fnarnhmid;


ul.l n iidv lc t c .n n t (hlM 24tli or 0.'t.<b.>r. MI.'M

niA N I . HMi r ir .ClorU.

O. UAMv.A tto rn ey fo r P la in tiff , IV h i l-'allH, Iduho.

M u r t a u f i h , ____

Thou.* fi'oni M nrfuui-h «U»-ndlnj{ tho ijoy ^o.m t lainuu^t h( tho n«irar>uin U T w W y u lU F rl- <i«y Inidudo Mr, < iind MrK. M uyd Davlii, M r. and Mm. QlnrK Kloin- koph. Mr. oncl Mr**. L ..T , H attarcon oniJ Mr- <ind Mrs. Bronson.IfUtAilatlun of offlcom t(M>k placit a t tiiu t tlmn.

D olbori , llnnkn . nnil Ocnova 9»nrn' »P««t <ho WMk-onii wiUi

an d m o n o * h o rn


'iH|?htV A in ,. 'iW ;. IH |>lpodul>

lihul Or'aniKjV.m.'t T luirallrty f o r th i^a n n u a l elccthm of offli Th(iH«' chn»a-n w<Te; imiMter. C. ( ’. N.daon; oveia..,'r. I.’nnj Hi’ho.lilo; loijturory l.uh i (Jortenfc; Hlnwurd. Wlllliini Hitbaeu; i^Hlulanl atcw- n rd , .lohn l<:ir.>r: |iuly->oui|utant iil«*wilid, T helm a P .dvnam ; imcrc- la ry , ttoy fJiUm*; tW»«ur.>r. liM- w ln Aiur’fl; c h n p j u l ^ n . Apnn Mclunl.l.‘; |;ut.> k r.ip .'r. Joe* Hclukl* dc; C*tri)H. Aihdlnc Viin illaa;- Po- hiomi. Thcrewa H.dioi'nfohl; Hlora. Motii lillfer. nnd ojtucullvo o fflb rr lo r • a thVoo-y«mr torn i, fJeOrj-o <IO(0MUiUr.

1'ha pruK’>'' »* '*hirlnu' tin* li*c- Lui'crJii huiir A vm i-ulvcn tjy- tU« C larem ont ClnuiRo iiiiil Iniduih'd:' tw o violin vdou, Miun Uohhimm, iu>oohipnnlo<l I w M r a . KurnhlMnlk’; oiio-aot plAy. "Tlitf . Sflwlnir C lub

u t John'H ilom0|'* J . U. TAyl* rp, Oeui'ga , Lyle, a a y lo rd -P lkf

an dkhUaUir t v o v p l a n F ra n k Ker«bl«nlk.

J»ylor< . . ^ rn n k , Kfr-.

M rni'O harlM Cofor, Mr*. Jam oa JloughlBy an d ■" ------

h o u r,;;

■Mr«. W llUam Hftn- Ca o t a '] f tt«

n ation m iiat ho Hie m ilita ry vh‘W|iolnt Ih 'it the Dlow en ia Tie iioll. H ut It ia th e « itefen.hi t h e pk<w, li.dli

or i'uin i.'ii arte .if I ho a, XIUHitolIn)

friiniitroiijr fr It l,n ti

P into tb.>r.l whicii th e plow i>r aharp-

ened alm llar to the fa llh th a t biirna In o u r haarta ."

. ThiiinlKi.iiN UVIcouH*'I’b.* wporrh w aa Wi-h^mnod w ith

Ibun .b ' chei'ia an.l w avlnjr (*f riauH. MnaHolhil w aa ohIlUKii to ra- appear «m the balctm y of th» K«v- . Mun.ait palaaa •cvvral tlfttcii. I j i l- IM- he rtivlnwail fa rm rra . loe.ilm llljlii u m r KaAulaL yiaiUi oi'tranl-v-all.mii. All irave lha I ’aa ila t uahitu u m l' the furim ua wiivfid ubnvelii,. Mpadea imij pll.dif-u ka.

The pr.ivliloa la n m oim nit.'n t'lo Miai.'a.lhd. Hafoiit he pu t lnli> op- hla plana to rf-idahn the a n a . only 127 pi^ra.iua w .hm livinu' In the inar.^h bmda. TodaV oa.ooii, Hum all Ihe country , call It hoitu'. Thi<r»* ai'o Uin.dOO la thu juovlnci*.

S ta ^ Timber Sale ■. Reveals Big Boost

noIM t'l. Ho.*, IH tP.lii T im ber aal.ia oii 'ldahb'.u u tato liuid hnvt* Ihrrenflcd In thia hlentihm t nmr« Hian f.(U)' tlnifX oVi<4' (tiu (laloM rtf Hte bl.iuniiln) )irec4i<|ln^, ' U Wuh aii.ted In lh a reiMu t o f tho liimi d.*.- p a r tm e n t. A lo ln l of 11.444,71 auiwM JiHV«<-Jn*fn-i*<*W,-tirtttn»r-t}ie

»2Ufi,ini 2.S aw t'om purctl w ith till) Hiih* of nurcH (tl $0-l.fi5U.2n In iB:u-n2. ’ .

Tho oollnftlon* by Iho d ep a rt- niont fo r tho blomilum rfmllnff thl« m pnth w r t r o |pS4,a07.P l With llll),«f!T-of thlH om otin t bo tng 'lnn .l •n lna,'Ijoana ro tiln U ' tptnled t283.> 004.30, " • .

DlWVIi:!^.„ I.Vc. IH i|',l!) - C atth i: ],22ri; u ia rk .ta ateady;b.aif Hlfl.'ia 54 to Jfft; cowa an.l belft-iH ?jl to S(J,7f»; ra lvea to ?7; fi..aM-a an d atonk .<J2 to 5t.2ft: IWllM 12 to w ,in ,

UoKii: l.T'OO; nuirUola a teady to c Jiij'hiu-; top JU.4r>; bidk SO to

$0.40; p iick in j' Jiowa .Siri.TO'pl»:a $1.2ft to -5 l.n o . ^


11. lira: lo iil; law ea rly aakui uteady lOi! hljrtior, bulk V H t kind'a

around jn .oo. f.,w $(l,I(l. nUxwl \m . ilorweltfhta nnd . halfi.ra »n,IO to

jmcUlnir aown ,|4.2fl,C a tt lr : l,0i»4; lafo ^ton, and to-

day nt. ndy; bulk mnd. and uood hi- nal iite.tra and helforn *.1,75 to J4.K5, fno' (m t a t j:j,2n to J4.00- c u n . H(.;e|-a and helfura 5:1,25 tlown, M ixad .load U tah IfolaHdn cowa 52 .00:\la ilk m od ..and jrOoil drlv«lnc.iwa to 5:t.2.*>; lower j'ra.I.'a $2.25 down lo 51 um l m«U*r: IhjUh $1.75 to 52.75: KO'XI and choice vohU.i-ii 54.50 to 55,00. lowiir irrndiui 5!l.Rt> down.

Whoop; 581; Int.* M onday tn ic lc ixt In flit lanihH idoady u t S5,no to $0 ,0 0 , Hljtabl*' lotH truckod-ln la>ef.

il klndHani $4,25; o m . lb;li S:M)0. i,niul M ont

ait u t $.1,50 fla t.

Many Attend Annual Ag Ball at Burleyiilim.KY, d™. jh (api.ciiiii i'’u tiiri' l)’arnuu-»i i‘nf« rla lnnd u t th e ir iinmial Air hall K rkluy «v«- lilnjr lU the hlKh acliool jrym tuinlum ' w ith 200 . ntudentN und faculty niitmbfirH n ttand ln t;. A hirii'c, dnco* ra te d (^hrlatm aa treo centerm l thn hall and rixl and ({rL'un ll}:hta woro atriin ir iiround tli.i ditn<'.i floor. rroHhnit*iUa w oro Horvod ihirlnK th« <tvonlnir. I tlc h a n l Chuinhora, pr«iah dent, .wnii III churutf of thu danco. Com!nltti?«<M wnr.i Ufi follmvic Pro- Ifrani, Uiil^ort lironxon. NIel Ohion. CaUi llln irham i • tIckolH, ICuijana aibhonn. Lo.i IlunltH, tllc h a rd Ciiiinihf'rfl; d.rcoratlonn, Li-on Addy.

nlc M anning, Charlen \V arr; ad- vdrtlHlnir. Ivan n o rtz , Loon, Hill C hiuoh; rerreNliinenta. l.aon A ddy, Noldoh O um ey, Iv a n llorta

nd Johrt Jonon.

MARCH BY VEISW A H iiiN a ro N , iJoc, IH (ini)

An uppeni ' to A m arlcan l.ejrlon im iubi'ra to do ‘'evarytlilnir lei;«lly p ro p e r ' to Htoj. n piop.)«.ul veter- anii inin-ch on Wimhtnjrton. wiui mndt* to.lay by Knink N. li.d ('rano Jr., nnti.m td conunnndor Of tho I..4*. Hlon. ♦

U«lj;nvno HlilU ho hiul be.m nilvhi I'd |)oraona w llh Com m unlat amiocl atio m u w ero plahnlni,' a m arch of va ten ina , " l io n ’t Join It. d on’t t r ib u te fundii, If iiny niarch.uiiIhrouifh ....... te rr r iiu y urKcir- U p.'aceatilo way OC(turn back hiunii." hit Hiild. )

ImluatHul d.umind. Oata «.III a K"o.l ihunand on all <<ai and held atoaily thor.-after.

fiU A IN KAN(}I':C lflC A -rK Y D i-r, IH IP.1!) - O r i lh i

ra n j;- ' < r lo a c :O p e n I l lU h l.(m’ f . ia w i

U 'h le a t— N iD e c . :.llO.-)i ,0 0 'l i •I 'H ?;M a y ...lillT,, 1 0 0 . l l » ' n r ' ' jJ u l y .0 3 ! ;, . l '2 %

W’hle a l— O ld :D ec . ...OHt;,

T o i •n— N . 'm ■tD iu:, . l l l ' i . ■ .IH ' i .H(K;f, ,110%M a y -..H7-^„ .HH<^ ,H(J.r,J u l y ...H5 ,K 5 ij .HJ.’iiM a r , ..,!K)N

( W n — O ld :D.-.:, ...O JU , ■111% .11(1 .00<)J.7-

<hi1 « ~ N e w-,.’l4 i. j *.54 ^ .51 .n \ %

M a y ...52 '} ; .52-11 .52 .5 2 I .J -S ,J u l y ...'IH li, •■IH’i. .-17^,'.

Ky*D .c - ...V H ii . 7 0 ’ i .7HI.;, •7w-'„May ■r/>u .7 7 -V. .711W. ■77 :ju -',i.i i i lv ...7 0 .77 .77

i h . ^ M d :D .'c . ..,7H '/. .7H.-I; .IHUj ■7H-1j ■

Hat•l.*y— .vj. '\V lDec. ...WINMay - ,7 H i , lv ...72


N. Y.



HAN'KIIANCIHCO. !>«'«. IH ‘dU!) - n u t te r : P2 Hcoro aOi.i; 01 ncor .•m; 00 ai-ore JIO. ICi-ua: larij.* 2(H^ nutd. 2l»i,; anuill 20i{,.

t.OHLOH ANdKIJfiH. Dec, IH (|U;) -

l lu tle r ; P lx tra ril'.'j. lip 1; p rinu tlra ta 30, up ' j ; alandunhi 2H!!, iindi+ ijradea 2H.

JCjripi; Unchunjftid.

CIIICAUOC inC A O O , Drtc. IM (I’,1I1--1i:kj'(

najiy; cu«.'h, K x tra firaiiH ; fntdh ifiadc.l fira|H 2il; c u r riM U v* 'C eip tn UJl.

n u t te r iiteiuly; 0,717 tuba. IfiX'II fira la 27',y2H : oxtran 2Hi)>i;

flrata 20'.,-427; laiconda 20-25*-j;leclahi 2[)',i-2().'Ji: aluM'hiivbi 28.


« u j;a r fu tiin 'a nioiiod unchanji.«d to2 polnta hljfher. Hpol 2-lH 'i,. Oco. 1.U5N, Jun . 1.71. Manrh 1.7H-.70, M ay Ju ly 1.HH-H7. Hept, 1,00- ,IU. Hal.-H 4..100 tonu. .

PAULMr. anil Mr/(. H uhnrt l!(*Ilowoll,

IlU(ho)) und MrM. D avU OTeon. nnd M i’n, (U llhft-t‘Rnntirord. J . .U . H lockinu iliul Mm, Johna. Ilu p ert. nlliui(lt*d III*! IfJmornon Itollof d o ty hnaaur o»»l '«Hnnor KrIUuy rilffht; --------------

O brU tnitw ' C^artla. T iiM . ntmi*mi|a^'Wiygtiititp« a t V>« ^ a «

. Iilah( )|i I r a V. 'S tinrt n l Iho Itiiv «rHoh l«- cunflncd to ' hlxl\«nw w ith (m aU aok o f qvilnwy,

A dano« tponso rod by tho Amor* lc t tu .,W lh ti, WOM j lv o n T huraday n ltfhl i ^ r th a b ^ f l t of th e poy

Rinoraon'lReUQf "'*>Afuiiiw i ■uiiWMk a t thji' li C arver. dM ra,' duot<Kl


Ira. V arna . Corlewi con* w o rk . D uring

m em bar«

-- '

REPORT REFOIEDm CRLIN. Dtn, \H ((iH»—Itive»iH.

j;atUm of a report p rin ted ' In u IJn?!, A uatrki. tuiwajaijiur, r()poat- Inir ru inora th a t t>ic d au g h te r of HehDuth, fo rm er proaU ilent of .SItoiilu. h(«l "rocontly '' idiot Ueichafuehrflr Ailolf H itler, coin- ptei.dy dl!icr.Hlltu.l thi! ato ry today.

Th.* LIjv/.m- VolklihhiU \iiul de- clan 'll th a t n im ora worii wUla* apread hi Hil.;iila th a t Kraulnin Hruccknt-r. nrr.*iited whot» hor Jath.T wan r.uuov.'d from offlco. allot and woundnd Hui Uelclmfunl^r-

Tlie reporta wholly untrue.

'cro found to hu'

Ruth Rebekah Lodge Picks Officer Staff

HUUI.IiJY, Dec. IH (Hpoc^lul) - - Mrit. (ic r tru d .i UobhliiM wuh ch*ot< fd noble uvand of tha U ulli Hobek- all lodKe Thuratlny ovi*nli»R' a t tho annua l oleotlon muetljiff. O ther of- fk 'ora (di'OteO woro: IJHthof achol- or, vlc.i Krandj jQlvoru Olorfkild, vcco|-dlii,i: a c c ro ta ry ; Mnhlo Hiilu, rhuuiclul Hock-otar^';. BuaUi K oIUb, trea ia ircr; Annii N elm ni.' N ottlu n irdw cll and U ttta Danlohion, trm iteea; nnil I,omi P aarl Htonlum- Non, dci'roo Htuif oantiUo. Planti w.*r.i mad.i fp r Iho OhWHtinitfl p n rty lo bn u lv m tliw chll^iroiv of (ho nu niborii o f Uahokah nnd Odd Iowa loduea. Tho p a r ty will hi* irivr (in n t th(» M ifo hnjl, ft/itnr'lity.22. ,Mortjl)el-il wlion.* birthday* nr.i- In iJccwmber w ill wnlortaln tho (dhur niomhorH nf thii lodifo on Thuraduy, Doo. 37.

Bl-ahma Cia^tle MayRoam Texas Plains

— UHleC>UI!M llt.Haii.-T.»—lOUJ—I'hQ Mrnhmn, anured cow Of India, ■DOQ m ay bo roamlnRf tho oatU a rangoa alonv w ith tt\e w h ita (ac^ ab'd thA lonBhorn utoop

Cap Yatoa. ranq^or llvlnff n e a r 5aokaboro. has. suoooodod In aooll> m atlnff tb a B rah m a ca ttle to tb e ran(r«a h o rt, AltbouKtfjUft Intro*

NinVV • YORK. Dec.Thn m ark o t . c)o»od dull,AhiMkn J im e n i i . ............AJllod Cboml(--“> .AlilA C haim om .............Amorlpan Can .....AnutrTtthn K ndlator ... Aniorham Rinultlntr ... An)urlcan 'I'olophono .. Aniorlcnn Tohiuico HA naconda Coppor .....A rm our ............................Alchlmai, T.>peka X, HA tlantiu UofinhiK .....A uburn M o t^ n ii............Halthnoro iU Ohio ........IJi ikUx A vlati(ai Hothlohcm vStoiil .IkiivUn Co........................f. 1, Cano C o..................Chi,, Mil.. Ht. Paul A

■Chryidcr C orp.......Cotui Cola ..............Conimorclul Solvunta (.^oinmoii Ac Southern C ontlnonlal OH o f D elaw are. C^irn ProtluolH ....Du P o n t da N<'n»iura ...........J''a/drnan K odak ii:i«ctrl(; A ulo -M t ii;i.>otrlc Pow er icI'Vix Klim ...........(lonrirat inioctrlciJimiiral 1-’<wm1h ..........t'MUieral Molorii ....(J.K)dyoar Tire .....In t.trna tlona l H arv^atcr •Intonujllopal TLlophonc jo h n a ManvllU'K.innocott. CopperU)ew-H In c...............M(jntip)inm-y W ard .........Nanh M otoia .....................N ational D airy Prodia:ta N ational Diatlllera New Y.u-k C cptnil P(U)kar.l«u-a ... P a ra m o u n t Publix Penna. It. It.

18 d'.pi - Irn iuu la rly

.......10............i:i2'>{,..........:• 15............107^4............ 15H........... a?.........:.,io5'»i....... ..H2%

........11%............ 5»

I-'........54............ .Z.lTi.

........... 14

........... l«ao>(, a.'i'K, a2%!!«')!

no Halc.H........... I '. iIT'.U iia

IKi'Ji lottsy*•uav. i:i’, 34-ii..aiit 24%JIH

5 2!, M7

302H% 17'); 10 'il 27 21 4%

.1, C . PiItadioKadioH.yncMafcw

ii.-y c ,

Corri,K«*lth Orpheiini ..»

ildii Tobacco n ...........ay y to rea .................

Meai-a Hoobiick ...................Hhcll Union Oil .................Bimmonu CoHocony Vacuum ......... ......H nutheni P acific ..............a tiuu liird nrtuu lu ...............S tam ia rd Oil o f C alif.........s ta n d a rd Oil o f Now JoraeToxaa C orp ..............'J’rana-A inurlcn .....Union Ciu-bldo & CarbonUnion P acific .....................U nited A irc ra f t .................D iiltod CorpU. H. Htwil, uoinnum ........VVarrinr IJr.ja.........................W e a lm i U nion .............VVnHtinKlKUifai lO lcdrlc ..., r . VV. W oolw orth Co...........

,. 50 .. -iHVj .. :io'ji .... Hii... \T .. 1«%- IU% .. 5%

40>h, .,107 .. 1 3 ^ .. 2Ti. .. 37 Vj .. 4 Ml.. 33 l i .. 51

N. V. I IKCIIANOKau p o r P ow er .

CUlcn Borvlco, common . IiJInctrIc llond & Hhare' .I-’(u-(l M otor Ltd; .............Himahlno M lnea ................Sw ift and Co.....................United V'tmndi rH ...........

I'4- IVj 7>U


NJ‘:\V YORK, Doc. IH <IUM — H andy Xt H nrinnn rjuoto b n r hII- v«r (p a r oun co l: Now Y ork, 53'Si ci'ntH, off \i, cent. N iiwly-ndnod olli'lbla fo r trouHury puj-chano 04 '/t contH, ounce, i^ n d o n 23 15-1(1 ponce, off 5-HI penny.

SPECIAL WIREC ourtony of

• Hiidlor. Woitoiifir A C«ni|MUiy KJku IlldjT. -l»honn ,9 ip

I N \ ’ICNTMKNT T |U J .m ^l*’uhd. Inv ...................................... 5^.04l-’und. T ru s t, A .................... $4.00C orp. T n m l ............................ i j .p gQim r. Inc ...................................... 5 1 ,3^

rOTAl'OWW.Inn. dollv(*ry ................ $1.45.$1,00itoNimIIO LC 2!)i P e t ........... »1»J,I125-50«.7BI'T M C 3 P e t ............. -.Sl»D.ll2B-5t>n.'J'B

M ININ d.H TO CK MIdaho M other Lodo .............. 25U*27M tn. C ity C oppor ..................... (1J .70

4 ■


ID AHO V'ALUS. Doc. IH (U SD A )— M onday quo tations! Idaho iip- p(*r valloy, ^ v tn Fulln -nurloy ItohitM IluMOM bulk outw oltfh t caiih t<» u>'«wori« jM>r owf. U. fl. r * 45o

52V ,c. U. a . 2 'a tBc l<» 20c.

NWW V(>UK(4>Q74TOKMDo^SiiJvwp — InmwHWci

NIOVV YORK.IV>tato(<a—at<>udy; Ut.iif to i i .s f t box: r iu r ic .l « 2 ,n(> to $3 tii-Ato; M aino 8 fta 10 s i.7 0 ]>or IHO IbM.; Idaho 51.7» to ja .lf l box.

o ii iO A D o p o t A t o h h CHIOACIO, Dfid. 1« ilU!t —P ota-

tohii iitjppiy Uborul; dBinnjid ami trndlnw alow: m a rk e t dull, tondlnfi' woukor. WlnoonHhi R ound W hltna HOC, imoUwiirind 70 cnnla; Idaho UiniMoU S].ft3|{| to 51.55, ootauiior' clnl KTado $1,35, V . H. No. 2 , 5MI).

Strike Peace Hope ■ • ■FadStf in Deadlock1.08 ANOKuoa, »«o. n mm—

A 4hron(^ned a trlk o ovor .w aro s th u i m ay dem om llxu trnnaporln - tlon faQllUUia fo r 300«0<Ml cotamut> orti o f tho PoolfiG Blootrlo rtillw ay netfTW a. to d ay w llh on»*ployora an d union w orkora up- PBMDtly d»udlookod.— ttn tim -IWidara a liioT lhr«ftf5i,p ir to onllat tj-{\jnm?ij «i* thrt>^ ri^ l- rb a d i In a ayn ipath i- -ir lk a . L o d w ohaln^ioh o f tho U nkin Paotffc. S o u thern Paolflo», an d S a n ta fV linos ,war« .to 'd ia o u a i aotk>n i)A t

^ iC lC S :! lU .S .* B O iS T O P E m N G E D E A lS

■! I ■Ninw; TOIUC..',D«c. iU# o w

A ctiv ity nnd *tr»*n{rth ht U nited ata li'n 'K ovortu iion t iwmdfl foa tured dealhiK" on fho N ow Y o rk .S to c k .lOxchaiijrn t<Klay. Oth««r lx)ndnw ore dull tuul IrroRUhi,', w hile /itookH nu»v«-J In a niirj-ow r>»a;'o w ith o u t foa tnro :

Hakia today apjiroxiniiitod 82 0 .- 000 iiharea c(unpar«'d w ith 000.000 ahiir.-a yeaturihiy.

Dow Jonoi! pvollm lnary cloahuc Nhownd IndUHlrlal 101,01.(ivor

up O.OIt. rnllrnad 30.40,u tility If l.n . o ff 0 ,0 7 .

up 0 .0 0 .

Loc^l MarketsT he followinjf in n n to t q u o ln tlo n t

n ro florroctad «|a|ly ,by tho Idaho Mvonlnir TiWop an'V reprf-aont tUe nvornifo p rln ra pnld, nocordU){f to tho iH'nt nvullhbia Inform ation . Tho prluon nro nubjcot to ohoneo with* o u t notluo by tho dnulora, nnwovor, Roudora a ro uri;ed to w a ta h th« nntlonnl mnrki^ta w ith wbloh thoHA local ninrkotfl will rlaa nnd fnll.

1(i;y in o n tiC R flWbCMtwhltn ........................ (I7fiKiUinn

M nrkct u'tichanuod.U. n . a . N. No. I'H......U. B. a . N. No. 2’B......Hniall Reda No. 1' h......Hmall Roda No. 2'*i.....P lntoi

.. . |3 .’in53,00$3,00,$3,50.$5,50

Mill Tt'OdMHran. 100 Iba. ... 51.30Hran, 500 Iba. . . 512 5MIock fo-id, 100 IbH................r...5l,5»SUick foo.1, 500 Iba.................... $1,4N

P m dlryCnlore.l h»nn, over 4 Iba................. HeColornd hnna, und*r 4 Ibn............. 7oI-.oi'hnrn honn. 4 lb«. . 7flC olornl rfiaatcirjj. ovor 4 lh « ^ . C olon'll lirollora, I 14-3 Ibii. ., L cf'horn brollorH, IX', lh«. up Colored fryera, (»vnr 2 lhnOld CockB .............................>=>taDucUn ....Ooeao

No. I'M ...Modlumii . Old honn , Okl tom a . Nn. 3’H ,.,

,11c. l i e..l ie

,. ,.l lc;......3c


T nrkoya

rro d iico






.12.140.1 1 -130<t

........2 0 c.......... 23C..........23(1........HJu..........2*JU





Hut^lerfttt ICKKii. ex tra WhltOH,Standar<l,n BakorH ,..Kt'KH. unijradod ..... ...............

- HO.Mll!Common a lfa lfa ....................Uml C lover ................................CSrImm

I'utut«>eM ■RunBota, N o. \ bu lk lo .

ffi'owora .................. .............UBHota. No. 3 bu lk toyrow oru ......................................... IRf

OnlnnaSw oot SpoQlah, 2-8 ina,, bulk,. ow l...................................................:80f.Sw oot Spanlah, 3 la. up . bulk,

cw t, i......................... ^ .................SOaIJvM tonk

Cholao Uirht- hutohora. 180 to 210 pounderfl ..........................,.W.nO

Ovorwoltrht biltohDra, 310 to250 jvoimdor/l ........ .................... |f l .00

Ovnrw olirht butohorn. 200 toBOO poundora.,,......,-...............$4.50

tlndorw olifht butohora, 125 to160 poundara ............................ 14.00

P a o k l 'U iC 0 0 w a , good 8fiO 'poundora u p .............................. 53.M"

Stoora ............................... 52.50-I8.60Holf.)r« ........... .................... *3.00-58,00F a t . cowa ............................n .R 0-*^ 00Vonl .....................................|3 .00 -5 i.00Bprlnjr in m b a ............

Try boforo you bUy,)yop will /ind Ifpoya Ui nu your F^rd duttlisr tirlt Wf- roWbl^'-ooo- nomloal trunaportutton..

lt»2« Chovrolot C o u p o»2H IJ'ord Coupo, irood ..1620 P \u d Coupd ...............11130 Kord T u d o r aodw i..1030 li’o H Coupo ................10.10 Ford Ti)wn So<lan...„1031 Iforfl, Tow n B w lan....J03a I'orttiao Coa6h ........4027 IJilldk Sodan .............

i i S r W p a1 0 )0 Kord pioRbp .......'iU 3l T ord r io U l ip ....... -

. , 5 'S n,.«150..lien..9345..iaiti,.»375.1335.l in o.yisnnso.IJ60.»iSn.910091769160

,1020 O np iom a .io ntruo)(, new: .84x7 Urea

how rubber rront;*' •

. . i - 7 y ' .. '-i '■ I<'ord P » 'V ^ M ,a o o d na th e


Page 7: FRENCH LEADERS a s. ORDERS WAR ESS EYES Crop"Our coaHuhutlonii all have rraciiDil tho aiimu concIiiNlon,^' Dr. Pottit mild.

yiicHilii.v, Dni'AiiIii'r 1f>, 1!I;M ■tllAnO b'lVKNlNC; TlMI’,S>rWlN FAI,I,S. rDAnn Piiljo Sovon ,

TH IS OURIOU8 WORLD B y W U Iia m ForgU B on O U R ^ O A R D I N O H O U S E By A h.m i OOT OUjI W AY By Onmit



H O O K E D B A R B S o / a e T E A S G L . P iy V M T

ARE USED I N 'M a c h i n e s , e o n RAISING THE N A P ON CLOTW /






. i

' (


\ WANTE'D TO .C itT T lM i , N ' '/AA.DA,M. I \ T a n O P iENNEl-'P.V

T O P, CHP,\■ST^A^.C-SO^^fc■T^A\MC3 ) IN ■PGA,R\.-S,OVs/GN-'TftUT 61A& j ■ P R O T E S 'r E r i V W L & N T L Y —V A S - i AND Wl-lKT T 3 0 VOU S U P P O S E S H E \ N a i * T S THK-V t t iE T VAER, ■FOR X V U L E

A •BK’R -R & L O P - 'F l6 u - R - E 6 / \T > , IM A ,61N & T H W - - A -E iK K U t\ ,

OT= T L O U -R 'y -A N O J H A s f S ' A .I-L S H E

W A N T S / ,

DON T SKY ) NCfrWHC-;, 11 A M ' c h E T % H E R A ’Ft.v; j C /^ .K C S o v / '

VFrA-ST, J jl ■TOO / i ’/ l '

v >

Thn ll^tryplloiin n>}!iirii(xl th e Hcitrith boitllo kh ii nynihol of ra»iii'- roctlon luul liriiiu)rt.iillty, tho InHiuit oumrKlnir iiml flylnjr-iioftvoii- wii'nl, iiH Lhn bouI nnui'i'ini frm n tlm nu im m y. KcHnibn fn tq ium tly vvnrn htirhiil will) IJio xlntid.

BIDE OLANOKS B y Cfeorflfo O U rk ’

Ob A S T VEA-R H E•S A V E H E R A 1 7 . ' - 3 H A t v \ =

'1 mj«


i<UOULO PO . ^6u T riN i.y '

i i - mH E f . u /

‘‘ l-\r: V JO IJl- 'llN 'i e , I V H v u - .p . A

L A U N \:iW Vs o a ;p —

1-\E C O U L ’D N I'T E A T THAVy

/ ■•■I'vn-''’ . v j i i i j - I t . ' \/ J A c . u r i ; , r M ’ t_( \

' Vji I II 1 l U • -1 u:u».-.. oM— 1(-■•.'xcoi j w i r u ' . ' t u 'I I l■ n AU-: r_>N J

11U,:K'- . I..,;, f^ a i i" 1 M u . r c jA iu :! /

!• I V

i r w o u l q m 't 'N i i u n r ^ /o o „VI- -n uv>/ WA.S>, WOm'L) TUU-IV , /

\ r v r s jw\rs\TA\i.\.c; /

- ....A'-------------



\ w d h - p .o o n d .


/ h u m ' w h (\t yr:.\r2 JN / vlil*, vq d u m t »;m g w ^ I. wi-iRi; Tiitoi;- MACiE^J . ( nyAr.ri-Y. p r y va-:^^ ------------ ---------------'v ,CApruDi:D rf.'OM

lUMMr.L, n o ! MiT r o rAt-r - t MAcnii-jr ) LHAkv ^:oo^-,CAl>rAl^•l,

ounl.^ / vi: rAMT i '.'(.n ^i r n nci^.


B y O ranp

/ 1 cr-cuoM , JACV\, wr: p.rTTr;R. pinu



I tU O ili A M J UUUUlliiti B y M a r t l n

OV\. BAVAN BOS y\\ 1 OOKO ovAoeastNMO KOW, CQO\.P VOI#-© e s o cnutL"?

CViVP THAT STU l‘t-, *>AONfv\ IT VJOM T DO XOU 6 0 0 0 \ t

WOU.KiOUJ'- WjMNt A KOOU rv t. O L tt'i.'T O UNSJC UWC.R.

©eLVCVC.0 NOU.....

f r.ow sou'Qi’. cm \C3 d ' Rc-A^cy. o ld chaj^....Ur. Oli M P .T r,' NOl,» CAWO DO o \o .



OV\, V y t ■x'AU.QN CA.RV-.or-*ruAr.-ooKj'T wjobuv)

\ ACRANGEP,NLSTi;tiUAV, »-Ol/, CiOfAt Tl-AtA'j 10 \< UU VOU ou r • r-:--------

I •:,LH!,UO,.)r: I HAti VOLl OO UAM(.,VOU DlO..’.W()vi

Ct-upur^r^o«r,oorji.Y viopuu ...

t U1\N, (.CCtNVAl Wou Miei i'V OOUD LNOU&U to l O P li^ - tO • v\D or‘ii —

I on c o s t oo.aODM , HID

TOCtQO buOOA Vltocto, e.UACE

• Oh.w C*'Ci'.■ / ‘.-HHH

OA':? ) uoM. y

4 i't

“ Now, r^nnnmbnr w h a t happened to y o u r n toniach thb laMt timo ,w« w/ir«* on iho poiwpetiy’fl i’Hponflo account,**’ ' ‘

Air Derby. W inner,




l lo n iZ O N T A I i 1, 7 3P’amoui«

KhrHhIi flyor In (lio pIcliifA.

11 Oriioinx. la T o 'b r ln i f Into

llnA.HYoHowlnh gray 18 Toon)-ITKtntl of Bnow>

nho«. • isdrnlrik 20. S ic k . 'ai You.33 To Hanlon.3i lUBono.5 ? ? 0 p “ in.^TAH^38 Bun. n tft rlvor30 P«e»n.


82 F o r («ar tlia t. 4D%nn lod.A . r ....................................... ..

ttirKlnKiford^ ‘ r4oord to ■

A iutm ia, VRRTICAI# .

1 8lcn»l ■yat«m. Pam m inK ’t? 6lM»rln«r. j tla rten 'to o l?pb lidn ;.'' Q8 H»ir^«n em. 3 l>ald 'M lloity .

39 To II* Id 64 Oodd«M. 4 nody p t wfkter. wftrmJH. '5 « C I » n ^ / S fro p b e t.

SR^t no tlm«. ' &7 BxiMrt flytr. < Hplirb«l not«.40 Not* in icalo. 69 To *runt. 7 8utor«. •,

« l Twlfl*. I NatunU " fl2 m > o n th« . » ^ w e r , •, , ,

L o W bnto— *-Th^M. ; ‘ lOHIifti. •

03 In 1031 h« b « * tn H# WM A , /

418tMeU S H in K .

■e^apinii^.'441*iroiK)altion 48TraQflposo


kpemb«r nf tho A lr'Forco.

13 Nay.IS H li d«rby

' 'O»n^pbon>------17To iMirchV • ISTj IrHI brown. .32 Cabin,83 H « .w ni K .

2 ltT attam <h 3?ilona. . SSlIym na,3.9 DUck and btno, SiV tii^^us liquid. 38 t t f M M Ptur*.38 Yialdi.37 Ocean.39 Toll". / . - 41 R iver. < 8 W th « r,.4^T<i M a t 'o u t

ir^ ln . .48 BxouM.)SO Plant.K t^ th 'Q O tlee .84.^roa* 'b«»


w <

B y H a m lfh

> Uww-t, >HC. t *»

BALIBflMAK BAM*vieR,*y ro f J D OF f ^ t L s o n T o o f w u T s - J W e - G a i f i l a m '

V l ^ ^ c c , tiJl^L, WJCKOfiy #».W' I )T n ifr.X ^ WMA.T’W ikik . T L L G -eT M U T iin A C K eia .) \ c a . u l usiiM '

c M f t i ^ T n p s s — c»l’ w t.iT |

B v W m di:';UilrH \ O o T Cs MUMCH H P -S

F f i o n MeA — e»T:V4cft. p e a f i e p o a e -

OMA.T P ^ C 6 SAtV M w k s o ?

I s o l d R O L U ltt*^^•.,Y P IM S t ’& TttR.OA Y t

.T)«e W T H B M -T ' H aw iK IH ii j

w « M ) ¥ A m a a v > w n H y t t i j i V ■■ i r l s j r i w e K y i e ' . :

I'M * T O p P IN S -' ■ r'X B TBAJM, .''M A C A M .....VWITH


Page 8: FRENCH LEADERS a s. ORDERS WAR ESS EYES Crop"Our coaHuhutlonii all have rraciiDil tho aiimu concIiiNlon,^' Dr. Pottit mild.

' Pago Eliriil tDAITO KVKNINf! TIMKS, TWIN. FAT.T.S, TDATTO Tin-fi(lji.v, ProfjiilH'r IB, in n i '

I KMU’llnM-:»uli Lu<4»>»i Wilt 111! 'n \C ■ nd

rubllHhlMl KU IlMVKliV ID A llll I'CIII.IMII.N

Twill I'-ullH, lilxiKl. II J . .


All iiollao* rnnnlrail >>y I to >!• tIU I1l.ll^.l w.i-Ufy, I» (« r iiiirMUHiil 111 Hriitlu

will I..*I (.W-lOHman n..i

Ilf (iOIII|i-lfll ■riiiiiHilHy

i..i<i»ii 1I1..1.

, umi lltiHli lllr>

N A T IO N A L PUBlwICITY ■ T w in F a lls la d u e fu r sonio nn tiom il |)iil)Iiclty a s the r t s u l t o f th e pi-cBont ciMt*)Jaip;n .uniUii- w ay liy lliu B e t te r H o u s in g a n d H om o M o d en ii '/a tio n eonn iiit teoa.:• A n n o u n c e m e n t in ye .storday’s KveninK T in ies th a t th e B 'lv o m m en t is to ])i'int a in illion copieH o f a |jam- p h lo t o u tlin in g th e oi-fjim ization o f the cainiiaiK n here th e c o -o p e ra tio n le n t th e pro (rran i by th e local civ ic o rganizatinnH , a n d OHpecially by th e T w in F a lls Fm p ire (ix p o a itio n w ith Its d isp lay o f huildinp; a n d hom e acobsso rles, w ill hrinp;. m erited p u b lic ity to th e Map;ic C ity a n d its fo rces.

T h e fu ll re su lt o f the cam paif?n is n o t a v a ilab le a n d w ill n o t bo f(vi' som e tim e to com e, fo i’ m uch b u ild in g a i t iv i ty possib ly w ill he d e la y ed u n til sp rin j;, b u t it,is enouR h to say th a t s in ce A u g u st f ir s t mnrc! th a n .$80, 0 0 0 in bulld incr p e rm its hiive b een a p p lie d fo r by resi d e n ts w ith in th e in c o rp o ra te lim its.

B 'u ild in j; c a r r ie d on o u ts id e th e c ity lim its , in neiRh borinK to w n s a n d a ll o v e r so u th c en tra l Id a h o is n o t c o u n t6 d , fo r th e re a so n tl ia t w.hilo it m in 'ht be s tim u - a te tl b y th e loca l p ro jiic t, o th e r to w n s a re u n itin g ri th e p ro jirn n i a n d a re c re d ite d w ith aehievinf,'' re ­

su lts c o m iia ra b le w ith llioae liore._I t is u fa c t th a t th e im jiro v em en t ijf one hom e, rc-

FultB In iieiifhhor.s ta k in g s im ila r ac tio n . T h e in s ta lla ­t io n 'p f a fu rn ac e , a n a n to n ia tic coal feoiTer o r e lec ­tr ic a l ro frlR ora tion 'r e s u l ts in o th e rs-d o iiin - likew ise. pnovihK th a t a c am p a ig n aueh u s th a t in a u jru ra ted h e re a n d beinjr fo s te re d bv th e m e rc h a n ts cf)-oiierat- fnfr in th e ex p o sitio n is lim itless in its p ossib ilities.' . T h e brinKinff in o f a to be re m o d e le d an d la te r g lvon aw ay is y i‘t to be c a p i ta liz e d u |io n . T iio r e ­su lts b f th is p h ase o f th e p ro i;ran i a re n o t y e t d e te r ­m in ab le fo r th e re iiaon th a t th e house s till ren u iin s in its o r jg tn a r s ta te . I .a te r on. it w ill be th e in cen tiv e fo r in n u m e ra b le in i|> rovem ents in a c tu a l lionu^s.

A n d now th a t th e p ro m im h e re is to be u sed as a m o d a l fo r o th e r c itie s in th e U n ite d S ta te s , th e e ffe c t o f th e m o d e rn iz a tio n p ro g ram in T w in F a lls a c tu a lly >vill be n a tio n -w id e , som i'lhinn- in w h ich a ll local! peop le c an ta k e p a rd o n a b le p rid e a n d , w h a t i.s nfnre, I ra n sh a re in th e ach iev em en t. |

C onK ratu Ia tions . th en , a re due those ' b ack o f th e j iiiDRram. an d th e y shou til have a d d e d en c i.u raK em en t to pl-e.'is fo rw ard w ith Ihe ir nian.'i, ,‘io D iat th e re su lls locally w ill be a s w in th v o f n a tio n a l reeu i;iiition a s: the m e th o d o f p re s e n ta tio n ad o jite d by T w in Falls.

iiic iin TouAV :N iioM .iiiT tan . »r«iiy

t ln d a w o r k !■ •• l i b r a r y , hhi I In lo*« w U b T O N V H M K I . i : iK k M iiv av d h im Inv n n n i-M U t* . V A IIA II ICICNT.

■ M V«t« I ’lfiTICIt UlCN' llll ■KBnard

»■■■ 4»e«lv#d him.I U ■! ■■inm * t l a r A mm b r t n k a

la I■•ha bvr f« mmrwr him

T h ar MarrUdII for irlarlda.

karria«4 hrMnch >itrMPi*i

«|r{«*a h«r

HSrvaa. 1' u k.riaj*-.<alvi


l^ABT ilrlvliiB brought r a t e r and * Ann to tli« v icinity of tho .lH ilo I'lorJiln hotrio nn lha nftornoon of ilifl th ird clny. For honm I’otor‘» nnu'orOil onr hni) boon o iitttn s Uh WH)' ninnc i» ronil Irnillnu thro iiah » laiujlo of irop io il Browlli. A foront «o lltlru with shndowB th n t U nni'iiioil Into nfloriinon nItlioiiRh tlio fliin wnn mm Itlch.

T ill! pInnN. .|iiiin ir i. h iiR o w a to r ot»U». r in m liiK lilltlHCiiH n n il thn m ciro ilo licn tc ily htio il n in n n d n r brn n k ln tt th o d r o p c r o u a w it h c o lo r . A nd oyiir n i l tUo In to iino . h r o o d ln e •utlhiflnfl. brol«n» o n ly by t b o riiHtIo n f n lon f o r O io c r y o f n Wrc!.

An th o H h nilow s lo n R tlicn o il th o u r « y niotiii. o w n y h iu In t h o w lin l, w H uJlU fl R hon tly w h it e t r m n r«mch liiB m u tn w iir il th n n i.

A n n m n vn d d o n o r t o P o tor . •■W ..lrd, lim ‘t .1 1 7 ’*

* T r l« li to n o ( l? “ U o In iiK licd iimJ rtmrhi>d o v o r t o u lv o h e r b u n d ci rom iB iir inu im l.

N'o, n lio c o iililn 't bo fr lu h lo n iid w it h I’oJcr. l*«ili*r’a n lro n i! . sp lo ii- d lit ly in iin clo d uhoiildorQ , b ln (Itfhr

(■binlit blni •mtib

iijuil ndorinnto (irotn^ thoro WBi iioinflllilric nititrl rrnin hU nisand

nnd htunenn, ihnt ua« linu of ■ornrliy. li wn« >ti(or lonhnd ni Hfo.I nroiiMd Ihn Imiid n( tlili •r mild. And then, "nn ri

• Mil) of iliH nlo|Mi, Alinont ininiiu iruon. wns n Bnuill <iliiinlrli typo. A lUtlc- -«-d iiy (Inwrirs rnn from (I ilKi c‘dun of l>io liiki’

■•I.Ill •Tin

I f


. nrnild I Dhnll lova U nnil iinv.*r Kr*l nin uwny.*' r u<il (iiK, o|itin<id tbit nldn iIkI (lio lliu cnr clhnlioij criiHblbs th irk Ernint undor

t ;;,;

all«<l. ■'Poopic I'lvod hor

■iiUi- i«.'lUi floan nnd fn-»li\x-bi>i \n n won.Inrn

linv cniiip oiilHldfa»: hlH (iiirj.rliin.

IJFI'^.S r,R IM H U M O I!In a re c en t nnvel, “ L ifih tsh ip ,” th e re is a c h a ra c ­

te r w ho sp en d s h 's sp a re tim e co llec tin ir n ew sp a p e r c l i p p i n R S to p rove th a t the h u m an race is, a f te r a ll, p re tty co u rag eo u s a n d uin-iKht. .

I t .w o u ld be in fiu ite lv less edifyinK ', b u t nu ieh e a s ie r a n d fu n n ie r, to co llect e lin p in n s show iuK th a t life is fu ll o f .a ra th e r Klim a n d illoirical hinnoi', w itli h um an c o n trad ie tio n .i and, lu 'i-versities enoiiKll to m'alOif one w o n d e r if the w orld be no t m ild ly in san e a t tim es.

A ra th e r casual g la n c e a t re c en t n e w sp a p e rs , fo r in ­s tance , show s a lun ib le o f item s like, th e fo llow inR ;

' H u e y .I.onR- ihm ies th a t lie tr ie d to c e u .so ra s tu d e n t p a p e r a t Iioiii.iiiana S ta te U n ive i's itv . a n d fo u r niori s tu d en ts a re ex p e lled fo r say in g he d id . A S e a ttle m an

. confcs-ses to a m u rd e r lie eo n im itte d 121 yeai;s an'O: on th e c ro u n d th a t he w ould like to hecom e an Aiiier- iciin c iti/.en an d w a n ts to j;e t th e c rin i( '"o i'r liis cim- science . JuRO slavia an iio u n ees th a t it e.xpecls lo n e t ■justice from Hiin.crary th ro u g h th e I.eaA'ue o f N ations, u nd e x p e ls 27,II(I0 H im e a ria n s ju s t to m ak e sure.

* * ♦Ijily I’ons r e lu in s to N ew '\ 'o rk to fin d th a t h e r pe t

ja jru a r h a s co m p le te ly fo rg o tte n her. liro o k ly n (lif;s up r t '7 -y o a r-o ld hoy w ho is s m a r te r Ilian K iiiste in a n d the fe d e ra l iru v e rn m en t 's ta rts bom hinK d u c k s in Skaf?-

. it c o u n ty , W .'w iiinuton, to p ro te c t th e cab b a ire c ro p ,A ,jo b le s s N e.W .York th e a te r nslu>r a d m its s e tt in j;

1 0 - f i r e s in th(|"' la s t tw o niontli.i just fo r th e fun o f w a ^ h in ^ th e ' fire tru c k s i;o b (’, - a n d a stra|ipin(> ' A m a z o n ian la d y fu rn ish e s Hiwton w ith fo o d fo r con-

■-voitatlon by roaininpr d a rk e n e d s tre e ts , seizinp; lon< metal k ig a in '' th em a n d runn ing ' aw ay .

T h o S o v ie t ({ovenim eiit p u ts on a n a tio n -w id e cam - 'pa ig ti to fte t fa c to rv w o rk e rs lo w asli th e ir h a n d s a n d

' c le a n th e i r fi'nK enu iils; m ean w h ile . U nc le S am h ires : 5 0 w H e t w o rk e rs in W ash iiif 'to n to keep th e s tiirlin i;s

aw alcd .'.the id e a bein^^ th a t the b ird s w ill e v en tu a lly ‘ T g rd w tire d o f I t u ll a n d flv aw H y r

V A r e s id e n t o f E vansv illo , In d ., is as.sessod a n am use , m e n t 'ta x ' o f one d o lla r a n d costs , th e p;roundH bein(! " f tlra t-h e 'i io f 't l tu ir lrH n il anniscd-h im sclf-by-co!> tiri(r+ ifi

“w ife w ith | a r an rt to ssin tt li(»htod m a tc h es a t her. T h u P b ly .C o u W y ’Poteium C lub ()f A rk a n sa s tu rn s dow n a

,;hlo'tWn tp jn v i te H u o v L ouk to its a n n u a l d in n o h on h^it th e n o b le ’possum m i(fht bo c o n tam - [nip,lihzee in th e St. l / in is zoo Ceta m m eh

" J i a fe llo w e h im p a h z e e a n d h a s

ilCllI I'd v 'o n r-" I

woildlMU irit).“ 1 cxiieriud you to lu 'lp.- nhc

contlniiod. ••Hiinili n inlil 1«I1 »«»1*111 not nm rb icood In. it Ulirhnn Unt I'm liMtriiInt:. Wliut iibout tbo fa ii i l ly r

'•Aflor I hoiii'.bi tbo plnro I ronllzad ll M’oiild tin it w bllu oltv- |k>m»t on my itnmlH. Iliit 1 biinK On to 11 for noinn roiiiion. nnd ilnnlly I Bot thiir fntnity to ntny boro. 1 k1*o thoin tbo procoodH frout t)>o ornnEsos and a Bninll-MJonlJily wqko to kbop thln'Bs uik** ’

ITo bad oponod a door an d now ttirnod on tho IlK ht Ann Btood, lost In adm ira tion , Tbo liv ing rooni w a i ’ tyi>1colly fipnnlsb. wUb 1ti tniiojtlrloB, I ta " ImhintnidOB, dark , orim to fn rn ltiiro nnpplomontod by big; winR obnlro oovorod w ith brisb t orolonno. Tbo ourtalna x*oro croam w itb rich draporloa of bliio bro- cndo. A Btair w ith a w rounbt Iroo brtliJMlrndn wonnd upw ard Hi ono nido o f' tho room. A b r l e h t . Oro Slowod In tlio flroplaoa . “Ob, wbnt ' a dnrllnB placol**

b'rontbftd Ann.“Tlio b^idrooniB nnd bnt.b nro np-

ntiilra,*' I ’otor iinbi. " I^ t'f l Lave a Innk a t tbo k ltcbon.-

Tbo kltcljon floor wns covorod w ith lipolniim In In r c o 'c r a y and black biockn, o^pylnR an old flaBRod fitono floorlnjc. Tbo room had roiiRb plantor walla and dn ln ty rufflod Bwlnn cnrtninn a t tb ir windows.

Upntntra tbo aurvoy lod from A nn's bndroom to P otor’n. Tbo fur' n itiiro in bor room wa« palntod cm nm nnd dooorntod In ronon. Soft nllk Hhadofl covorod tho llcbts. Tboro woro plllowe on tho wli dow •o n t^ ^ T ty rblntx-covorod obair undor J ^ r o n d l n i i Inmp.

room* wan fiirnlnbcd lih w nlniit nnd tboro wnn n prncllcnl. crooii-nhndod llub t n e a r hin bod for

adlnc^Ann poopod In a t tbo bliio and

w hite tllod bnlb. A t»l> nnd aliowor. li^lonirla M cht “Biir.h liixiiryl I tboim bt from whnl you nnid wo'd Iwj cftnipliiir-“

•■r»o run down a fow tlnion, nc 1 fiirnUbnd tbo pinro. Hui iborti nro dofortn, an yon will rind out. {ioinotlnien Ihn wnior riinn low. II It dnoB, wo'M do Inlu of onr biitlilnc In tho Inko."

~In Jnniinryl**“ Lotn of mild dnyii. I 'll w alk ovoi

and tail Knm nnil btii wifa wo'n

told Ann. **A llttlo patcb a t. tb> bnck. Wo'ro g o ln s to hnvo IoIr of vosotalilon.

W hile Ann wan abnttlntt w ith hor I'otflr wan InlklnK. w ith Hn^n. mnn-fntiblon, abou t bllchtn and tiproys nnd sinudgo pota. Up wtm Rind thoy bad dono no wnll wlih thn ornnRoa Inst yoor. W bnt woro tho tironpocta th ia aonnonT > '

. I'ronontly Ann and Pator wora on tb o lr wny bnok to tho huiiKnlow. tho llRhlod wIndowB of thn bnufit Klonmliiir cboorfully In tbo dnrU niiBii.

fvona. flntn'a wlfo, bnd voliinlporpd to do tbo' cnoklnR for .ynuno conplo. 8nm bad ntocWnd tbi) pnniry with provlnlona and would co lo m nrkot ovory o thor day for vogo UibloB.

-A nd ao. Mm. K endall,- Pnlor nnld. “ wo boiiln bounokonplnR.**

Aftor aho bnd gono to hnr room Ann heard Potor In bla room, noftly wblaillnR. Polor w bU tllnnI Tho wblBtlInK atoppnd abn ip ily . a t thouRb h« hnd rnntlBOd how llRbt boartod bo aoiin<l(Hl.

Ann. lylnn In hnr Rmnll bnd. cnilod to him. “ Potor, I fool ntuch tmfor with thoflo ItnrRlnr itnrH."

Polor'a donp lf»«Rh. “ Ann., yi'U Idiot. Ilnvon’t yon nny Irnnclnn IhMT Yon'ro n proily annnrllii looklnR throuRb a nrlll.”

f yjNOnwiil(o, ^ t h o crlll.

I nnld

I bnbliid In th is qulot llttb

U ifinlte v a rio ty a n d it' takep

lUI.-il U'l-ll liu a t |iic»r k l i i i l of

>!<1“ I'm Rolnt' w ith you.

N n t^ C ^ r wnrhin would nho bnrn iHiniTOft hn

'’plIlOY alnrtod otit th rouub tbo crovo. Tbo path woii rouRh and

lh« Krovo wn^ dark, with black ahnilowa alo n s the path. Aim illppod hor arm th ro u sh Potor'a

id trudcod along by bla aldo wh1li> ho piiahnd aHbltf brancboa and Risldcd hor tbroiiBh th« trea t.

A llubt ntronmliiR frnn) tho npnn >nr of tho frnmo cottnco mndn « tmlh rhm r nnd nho allpitod hor m from bla."Il.illo. Riiml” PcI.T cnilod. riic fninlly trooiiod to tho porch KTfl worit 8am and hla wlfo. .a

youiicor womnn and bor biiHhnnd llttlo c irl nhoui thrnn. and a t>oy nn hMlRod thni the b%y. who bnd

iirliilit dnrb oyoa. wnn around 10.••Ilowdy. Mr. Kondnll." Bnm Bnld.

'W<> t r lfd to nx nvnrytbhiR right. Ir."

••|':vi»ryllilnB'tt flno,""Tlip hniiBO lookn nlro dull llkffn Ibn llowora.'*

■*\Vo hnvo n gnrdon.'

Polor nnld. Mr«. Km-

A n n lo n k r d th r o n n h W n tr h n d a n llv n r y

m o o n t n o v ln g ncroBB th o n k y . to u c h In g t h o lon voB w it h a tr n n n o «n o h n n tm o n t . B h o t h o iiR b l o f T onir W na I t p on nlb lo t h a t o n ly n w do U ORO n h o a n d T o n y -b a d b oon d n n r ln ;i on th n r o o fr l in d It o n ly hcnn n fo w w o o k n n a o Ih nt T o n y hnd c n n fih t h n r In b la n r m s . nnylnK . • 'Y o n ’ro m y n lr l . . " Hho burU 'd h o r fn c o m :n ln n t bor p H lnw n* th o iiR h nhn c o u ld n b iil nut lt»> n io m o r y o f T o n y ’n d n rk . on u rr fnrr n n d b la Mpii n R iilnn l hnrn.

Hhr trlod to th ink or I'cior V'Ih iiiilliliiR bln tniiiiod fnco. Iiln lirn w n hnlr. bln nrny oy(tn. hla iitnutu. rrhiv lillo rliln Pnlor bnd bncn wnndrr- fill. ■ Hhn conid ncvnr, nnvri Hf i;rntnfiil nnouRb. Ibii nli<> «v-iip toiinty. loiiolyl A Boh wiih In l uu thrnnt.

In b ln r o o m . Pcitcir w nn p n ih n h lt Ih h ik h iB o f V u lo r ln floiin»«ti. in x i nn Bho w nn t h ln k l n u o f T o n y A n n w im d o r n il . v iin u o ly ir o i it ) l fd tiy iJi^ t h o u u h l . If V n lc r ln .n n d bnr m in i hn d b oon biioiiIb h i r n In rni«T '» r io i- ld u h om n

r i n n l l y a im d r o p p n d nfT lo n lfn [i d rn n m o f T o n y .n i^ d P o ic r . | i

w n a n m ix o d -u p <1rpnm In M blrli T o n y n n d P o lo r . dnrU forunti* itnil i l l lR n io r n l la u r o d p r n m ln o n t ly

t h o a im w n a a b ln ln i: ih r o n b li th< w ln c jo w n e n r h o r bnd. ; m n k litu b r ig h t p a tc b o a o n tb p iip ron d . w iir n A n n o p o n o d h o r o y o a . T b o a ir w n* m ild a n d BWfroi, a i lr r l h g hor plcn*- a n i ly . U ho r a m o n ih « r « d P o to r ’* la k o , w h ic h w o u ld bo «pnrkM ni( jo w (in d or t h o a g n . r lp p lln B „u i' iCnliiHt th o w h it o . a n iiily linncli

It w n a a lo m iit n t lo i i to o u n u i i (o eu lu t. A n n r>tiiiniul>»r<'d K nrnb bnd

t n c k o d h n r b n lb h iB »n li l i i io n n e nt IhiB cnnoR Sim h n d ron ton

B trntod . h ill B iirn b luid aiild ibn<0 o n o o* o r w o n t t o I’ln r ld n w it it lit a b n tb ln u tiulL

T b o h o iu o w nn v o r y m il l iiu A n n . rotiHod In th o w h itr f b i ill i ln t i tiu il sr b r o n x o h n lr u n d o r o w h iii* <'iip

a llp p o d o u t tb o fro ttt «lonr_nn«l d<»vn 0 lou R , llo w o r -b o r d o r o ( (~ p a ih Hint It B a y ly . llU o n b r t c h i r lhb ittt. m

thu(To He CoMlIn i><l)

P A U L M A L L O N ' S


A n lOxcliiHlvo ICvonlnt; Tlinnn Dully Ho|t<>rt nn tho P-aat-Movinjr mvtmlH In tho N n lln n ’a Capllwl by an K xjiort . In to rp ro lo r (in«l

C nm m ontiilo r (C opyrlK bt.’ 10.14, by Paul M ullon)

UOW LINGW A J^llIN O TO N '” bf iM inrnl

\Vhltr> lloiitto |ir(unt)Uon Id tuUo th e |>r<iniN nu t of wni- In hollar ticnrod by all ixillllcliinn u;i iino lho r ten ntHko for Pro^ihlciit R.mHiwolt

l-'ilcnd und foo ulllu) a i;rt‘<> it provoM th a t tbo proHiiliint hmi nn {•nod lilt oyo iih nny hovvh-r who n v rr lifiod u ball o ff thn polltlrnl i-ark. If vnu w nnt tb<> in»l<li< <m thin, nnk H onulnr Kyo. T he ntrlUn wnii r lu b t clown bin ulbty-

TUo poaco.lovim t i.nuiitor frr.m N o rth DiiUotii bn<l bi-on kni.dd iu : tho miinllbinH maU«‘ni rlK bt ami Inft. Iln had Jiuit Nlopi.rd ImcH to a im » t tb.» w a r p roflla pliiii. Tli.‘y woro to bavo boon not up boforo bin Honali* invoiitlu'Hllim com inlltot T burn tlay . lliit <in W oiIiioikIiiv hr -a w th.. W blto IIim»io ball rolllnj: ilov'ii tht« alloy fo r anothor mw.h-|..

Th.-io wa*i notblntr l-'ft fo r Nvf til bll <-xco|il Ibo rclllnji:, nud bo •ll.l tb a t Immn.tlutoly,

punpoBLtt Tho Inablo factn m'<’in Id lu' tbat

M r, Uootmvoll K‘>L iiitn thin wai' I’roflln vaiiio ra th . 'r liiin lodly four ilaya Imforo ho ntado htn annttunon- jDont. lutul Hiiutliiy, Ib u iin n l Ha- riK'h anil <*lom'riil .lohiiurm hII])|)oiI Into tbo W hito Ifitutio nv- orotlN^ fo r a bnidboou' L'onfortuioo on tho uiihjocl., Tbo baro nowH iiboui ,lo|inMon’u proflt'iioo Itinkod ou t Intor. l in t tho nutnro of blu vlult wuu kopt out of tho paporH, IIH WUM partic ip a tio n of H uriirh.

Homn uay that thn prot^ldonl

ballvboi) Ntiii'tod for aovorul moro Im poi'tnn t »-.*nMona thnn tbff *mor»* fa c t tb a t Ibo Udnnlo ooinm lttoo wa*i golnjr Into tbo *ubJo<!t.

h'or ono tblnir. th a pandiiifr ln< iJtallm ont of hla7lt-«falde IuIVa raillu norlal baa b««n p u t o ff from lime to tim e. H« ffxpaolod lo dQllver 11 i(iim » lla t0 Ly a f ta r 'h la re tu rn from W a rm ' Sprinir*. b u t Ihe W arm

rnnva. oonfiiri

Ho iixrclcd xomotblnt;: to fill tbi

A n.ilhor «•onaldora til tn wan Ibof a ( / th a t til ,«ro l-‘. 1)0nun Irouldnninilnj! up w ilii Ibo A lean Lo-Kioii, an il lb •• w ar 1 >fila bloa latlH> l.i-i;ion'a ow n I>ri m ar y litmio.Tin. I.oyinn .:llacovoni-d It iu yoaraai:o, bm t: In*foro ovi 'n Ny

l.oKion nfficlalH niii«y bo In moroconcilia tory mooil ( till1' homirjnnyv tb u t 11!.• W bit Ifo uiio ha.-iliiUoii Ull tl

. iirojoct.tolr |u 'l r.rofltn

in izA L IT lU BT o - p b .a .110. "ItiU tbo pi'ofUfi

•^.iit of w ar," lif .-001:1'..IrMl L(1 bo ono

S prlnva. . . . .fn lM to iron ou t U etalla ' o f Im |K )r t a n t

app«ir«ntly illa^of

If tho bont alouiinii o f Ibla iilvor-ij;o. IviUi' •many idi)f'ann. It

1-1 not (‘Kiu!tly aiMiiirnlv.W hal tbo Now !>oabu> now ar<>

roallv Irv ln if to <ltt In to ciirtiill w ar p iofitoorbnr.

'I'hi'i'o will Hlill bo p lon tv of nt*ifll left In w ar. liooauno ll ran - nut o n tlrr ly \m tnkon out.' Yiiii ('lilt uot un onllK btonln^ In- iilubt Into th a t nltuall<in by i IIk - Uln)' Into tho rnpoH flloil by tho •».>r piiMrloH coiniulBHion. Tt wont in to I ho Niibjoct thoU.niubly for Mr. Ih x tv o r.h i IDH:!. iiml Um r rp o it han b.M'ii u n lou rhod (n tb<i fIloH iivor Mllico.. ThiH oopiniluninn pi-opouod th a t

coi-pornHonM and •.i<idivi<lunlM bo (axod 115 itoi- ooiit 'itf ull w ur-tln io Inoomo uitovo a proviouH throo* youf avorano "w ilh p ro p e r ad jiiat- inonl fo r CHpltuI exiiumlltuvoa ftti w ur purpoMoH by •okIi

<• «ll«UOMlO(lahoubi Im

roaoniniondod fo r llio Nohol ponco prlxo bocninio 'of blt( wo)U In tho munlllonH boarinun’"

Tbo co u n try >n»iHt Iw wuri'KoJ up roniiUioruhly on Ibo inunitinnH biNtio. A ndw npnpor boro I tbo HtiiC), w hich aponnorod u m u n i' tlona Ivik by K onulor Nyo aovoral luonUtM ugo, la Htlll rooalvlnir »ome- llmoH 100 Ip ttora a tlay aakln ir for iioplon of tbo apoocb.

H 1 S T OaII Y Of Twin Falls City & County

All Uloitnoil from KIIoh nf Tho 'Vinu'M

I S Y e a r s A g o

KIMCIt, Doit. 1H Ti»<> l''ili'i’ Ci n icrolal tilul) whm p rin ium tn lly r a n l/n d n t an onihiinlaHlu: im ,„ |i hold in tbo oily ball Mon-lay iiviinlnnf, •w ith tiio (ib’otlon of J. M Mailt'.Ti, proHblont; Ju n o an Hhinn m icf.itiuy. nn*l A. O. MlHllaiul, Iron- auriT, TIioho. tijj 'v m er wUli (iooi'i’,' L.tonai'(l nnd U. IC Dillinifham, will cnnnUtiito tiic boiir<i nf <iirocj toni,

■ MliiJi HoUtrt lloim rtn. T w in Kiillii, a iroiiitinnn a t tlio Unlvor/iity ol M aiio, huH boon appoln tod nhair- m an o|' iho Tw in I-alia on-oponi- tlvo connnlttoo lo a c t w ith tlu; woinon of th«i un lvond ty in thoir oam palun fo r ii Hpooliil nonnirtn ol tho Idaho loKiHlaturo to ra tify tho I'otbMiii iiuffiaKo nm ondttu 'ill. Minn Hoitorhi b| a prom inon t n tudnnt n t Ll)o unlvi^rnity and ban lakm i at Im p o rta n t p u rl in ciinipita actIV' Itbn.

2 7 Y e a r s A b o

P y th ia n n ra n ia tic nhil) pr.Kiontii .t»i Inlliai po rfonnanco In Lbn ciuit, "Hofiiiuao I . U»vo You," tonlj;iit. Ualo fjf /inatn hiui boon larffo, and tho Im llcatlonn poin t to u UU'ko cHiw/d, T b o 'fo llo w in ir a ro tnldnjr itai'l in JlH' p lay ; Mrn. Htolla Rtiii- lonon, minn KaLo M cM anl'i, Mlnii Dullio Hnod^'niiiii, Mra. Cltarbm Mull. Cbiirlon Mlili, , Chnrlon Mac- aiili-y, I-. M. Mioy, ChJirloa Coin, .1. W. Vftorbooi, Clmrb'H H m row n, J. A, W atorn, M orjpin Iloaj), Tho,piny will bfl pi'.Micnted In f<iur nc ta willi llio ticiinoH taUhiir pb tcr in a coun-. try lav«Tii In o|ti »/lrjrlnla.

Don M oKuy and d a u l' 1> I « L aura , Alanica, arrivoil In thiii oily laiil Kriflay and will niaUo llndr iiotoii w ltii MclCay’H <lauKbtor, Mrii. I. H. Pi-rrino.


OctavineKor pornotiN w Imi Itollovo th a t

bn inan d<<Mllny Im gu ldod by tbo pluniitM, thiH .dally horoMoopo la outliniMl by u nuto4l iw trologor. In add ition t(» in fo rm a tio n of gnnoriil InloroHt. It o ittllnea In* io n n u tlo n of aixwlal In tertta i to ptirMonM Itorn nn thn dnaiffnated datoM,

could bar^ ''y r i - . * "in : i:n^ profitH ou t of w a r. ’ * * '

TOE TM EAO INGTito m oat ubUHod m an In Wfiah-

imclon ii};ht now In Intorlov Kooro- ta ry IcUoii. I Iln toon noom to o ffor tho‘ niofd pop u b tr ca rpo t in tow n. F.vcryono In onJoylnK u “ Iroll on

Tbo Utoiil unpul)lbihod inclib 'n t contora nroum i ii rooont ru lin g by C om ptro llor Q onoral M cCarl.

Mr. ItiliOH cu t Ib rouuh tho ro»l lapo In h la P W A to itot u fow m il­lion <b.lbira nllooHtnd fo r bi« own HOW In lorlor iaiiUllnj:. Mo th o u i'h t im iihoiihl c tn t ro l Ibo ro u a lr i io llojt o f bin ow n buliillnir, no bo m l hininoir to tho lUHlni. H ut tbo troiiMury docldod th a t it nhould mui woiiUl NunorvlHo llto conH tructlon of ull foJioral bulblinifn. includim f tlKOKi of Mr. Iclcon. W hon Mr. ji:U«i.'i docllnod to a jtro .\ tho trouH- n ry tmtlt tbo nano lo Mr. McCurl.

L«lto^.of*lbo-biW M oCarl w rolo a lo llo r lo M r h'.Uv» laylnjc down Iho law nnil iilillni; w itit Ih o lro an -

'"^^’ho roHijIt l»i th a t, wblio M r IrUmi can loll ovory I‘WA iKtrrow- nr w bu t Ulnd of a butl(lln)( Ic Itnlld iin<1 w boro to bnnK tbo pU?- tn rrn . Iho conH lnuttlon o f Ibo In- tn rlo r iloparln ton t iiiilblinu in novv In tbo bandn o f A dm iral J . C Pt'oploii o f tbo Lroaniiry'H procuro- ntonl Hocilon.

N OTESHomo nonatoi'^i hiiv

p i'lvalo ly tb u t Nyo

D KCEM ilKH 10Ono Hboiikl fool optiiniH llc l(»'

lay and rig h tly bu, I’o r wo hav« Lwo blur IpfluoncoH fo r Iftho u o v t-rn m in l lonijn U bolplnif baiHl lo tbo n tany «lo n o t be aur- prliifld fo r jron«l lo rtu iio la liidlcat-

' tbroijKb powni'M in au tb o rlly . :rcim Ol liidicatod I'or'^vontiiroa

bcjTun today.I tlrtb d a to

'o il nboiihl bavo HoniotblnK to wILh ^laiJH III jionio fornw You

ni'^y I'Kpi’rionco favorablo itiit un- .• >v p 0 c 1 nhanci-fi from n«iw th rouj;h K«>i). 11!. IMft. Thin porliid la p ilitlou lu rly oonMlnictlvo from Ja n . 12 tbrouK h an. 1D35.

I':iuiri;r O ct. j;i tltro n i'ii .1!U, uian.

M o d a l l y fiivnrabhi .July' .'I, tiu'uujrh (I. iii:ir..

W rllo lotti-ra or ilo cle rica l .work on 1X‘C. r j . 153 anil I!!, 1031.

Itniulnm dnalrlns' addltlnim l Infonim tlQn n^giinling t h e i r borjiBooima urn Invllod to com - n n in lra to w ith OoUivIno In m rn of thlM nov\-Mpu|Mir. Kncloao a S ' ooiit Htaiii|M>d, Moir^iublnwKNl onvnlo|to.

K iM iiK K i.v i i o vKIMHICJU.V. DfO. IH IKpoclai) Cbarloji I,iilhnni. mm o f Mr. und

M rs. Fr«^d LiiLham, K lnjborly, Imti roccntly boott plcdmul lo Tii.da T au . Iirm orary f ru to rn ity a t tho U nivornlty of Idaho, niiutliorn im inoh, a t Pocalollo.

Tito nornuil tb o rc f i ,wogUI l>o uniliaturlK«<i. I<og.~« (;orfim nndor O 'NalirtoHllfbMi u fa ir n<irniul p ro fit w ould Im T p o r o o n t In w a r, then , a firm couici oarA 7 p«r cont n o rm al p ro f it unit n per cont oxouaa “w a r pr<^rit, o r n lotoil o f 13 p e r nont. w ith o u t cottnldor' Inv -^ h o num ^roua “capU^iI * ex> p on tfllu ra" loopholuii.

Till* roNult w in b«. m uoh./tM ttur Iha ti. tb o iOO p o r ' C 4nt''«n(t «voo

mw* <»«a.

Know That—hInlio’K in

Ihf Hull o f Pfltna i»t ,tl»« _ nn(ioii'» oapilol .in W aali- ' iMKioii, Im Ch«orni> U.Hhotip. >vitn ««rv<*(l ihiriiW , llm



lOK-K t^AVHi- r th in k th ill It w aa CidorldKo

w bona lil; "Tbo bapplnoaa of lifo In m n^^^ lp of nilnuto rrnotlonn, Mio liltlo*• loo noon fo rno tlon ohai'itlrn nf a kbm o r u Hinllo, a kind liHik, a hnartfo lt compll- m ont lit tho playful ra ilb iry , and tbo countloiw inflnltoionalH (If ploaHuiuitlo thousblH und gon­ial fiiollnn." Wh wliiiK --------- i m o i j c a o K -K 'H -----------


\VHDNli»IDAy-TIIIIItSDA V1 i iA i ia A iN P A V r n t tS K B

AOUI.TM — .— ----- K in D lH S15 c , „„4 10c

ACTRESSES-FACEi l l i l C I l i

Oivll S uit ProvoB BoonioTft^ij; A n Plarwritrht.Ohargoii

“ Bliiilcodown”

(< 'opyrlglt(, IDHI, I ’nMod P n Mu)IIO IJA W O O I.), ,l>o<i, IH ilUli

lU inilfloalion of a IliriO.UOd broncli o f pixtmlao Aiilt ontanKle<l Vllnm A ldiay jiml S a ti l-:o<lu« moro «b?op- ly t/Kluy w ith tboi^ ind io tn iont on cimrjfoM o f "conHplraoy to imtvo and m ain ta in u fabu) civil no tion ."

Chari;oR aifitinal .Iho llu n irarlan aoti'oRMon woro coniulnw L In lwo lrii««l>llln volml liy IhQ ooimiy KruiHl jiu-y Ui /nii»p1omonl u pro- vlouH indio lm ont banod on tho wimo ohiirKo.

Tito ulloB/Uionn «alo<i on tho broaob o f pixtitUo nu lt Minn A knay flloil ««voral m ontba uko ICrn n t Vnjdfi. JlunK iirlan plny- wrljjhL n<w In Hollywood. Tho null, lu lo r • wllh<lruwn, u«oujm <I Viijdii o f ln<lucinK Mina Al<nay to c<imo lo Hollyw<MKl, w ith him an'tl tbon Jlltinjr hor.-

V ajdn , donylnic tho ohnrj'oii; tokl ti>o c rn n d Jury t h a t film notaiilon w ty n not tip 'perlo<llaally lui UirffotH fo r "nbuko^rowh" lltiffutlon.'

Tho now Rrnnd Ju ry notion flxo« ludl lit 510.000 oach. N olthor of Ibo iKJtroniioH b u n . boon looalod nlnco thn o rig in al Indiolm ont wji>i ro- InrniKl Init IL wuii undoriitootl tho ir n ttorim yn would a iirrondor thom on tho d a to o f u rra ig n m o n t. .

KNULLI Knidl'M 1 i(hIoii nooloty m ot a t tho lioniii of Mrn. Jiiff Andornon T hurn -

'(lay, willi Mi'ii. L. Holloway' an iiH- nlti'lrint hoiitcKii. Min. W illiam Hliio.

i.Mlini Ini'X CodrrbiirK' nnd M ra. O. .K rv a n jn'«.'Ht'nl«td a ChriHtmiin pro-; frrnm.

K'null Homo nolto rn iA n l c|nnA r.inl riT rtilly iit tho homo of Mrn. K .n m lh Kali, n irry ...M rH . G uy Krtll wan nno|»it,nnt ho/ilc«fl. Tho iiftcinoon w aa npoht in iilnKlifjr (.'hi intniari oaro la and uramon. und n j:l('l oxcha.njio w aa con«liuilod. Uut Iri'HliiniinlH. c a rry in g tn il a co lor Hcbonni of rod nnd jfroon. wore** iiorvvd lo '27 niom bora am i tw o ' I'liontn.

P lm w innt, Vliiw ncboid cbllilri’n will profiont u. proi,'rani T b nraduy a t H ]). 111.

Thn Knull Haptliit (ihuroh (Jbrlnt- m aa p rogram will bn j'lvon n l l l Ik. ni. Hiinilay.

llom anco dlod w bon KriinU J<i- Moph GUI, Jr., nconurlo w rilo r, ou lt ca llln i: bln wlfo "S Ioobo.''

I t w an hin pot nitmo fo r bor nn<l wlion It wiifl dropp«>d fr<im Hiolr da lly lallc It algnall*c«l'U n ond of m a rita l hupjtlnonn, V orna HIlHtf,


lOo••5Iurd.. .

I.yio Tjillm t

Enda Today 1 -i( h o </iondH


A nn I)v

A WwL-’rtnir.' ito iiirn ‘J i l t I

Tomnrn»tv-IADU LTHI



(u!r<irtn 'aclwKJi, .donlared .in filintc nult fo r dlvoroo. s

T<t m ako m alto rn worno, Mins Illllio com pbilnod, Glr* Mlarto^l onll- Injr bl« <lojf "Hlo<tKO,’'

Tho m a tto r o f Jiolocllnjf ii nam o fo r tbo lr baby non rom ainod O'tr dlniMJiial to d ay fo r C la ra iUnv an<l JtOK Koll.

Tbo floUl uppnnm U y wan n a r- j-owftd to How Holdon o r Ilox How Holdon. Hnldon Im IIio fa lh o r 'n fa m ­ily luim o w blcb ho iihortcno<l fo r film w ork.

Tho form or Jicrcon " I t " u lrl iiro- forri^l JUHt ]}ow Holdon; Uoll llkod llto Idoa o f loiullng' o f f w ith lloJC.

Hchwinn inndn bicyolcH iit u bljf diMO(nint (w ith no tra<ii\-ln) fo r ciiMb. (lloyMtolM Cyolxry, .'lUH M ain Avo. Ho.—tulv.

t ^ r a m r mr>TDS TOMIUlCTt "CI O ’l . I . Vj <i V.u ir V T ;ii M"

withoroo roM trsK J A O I t O A X X S

i O th tr ravorit**and tha -


a o m n a t i u o a yON T H S s T A a s



<Jct Hmuiy I'o r Tbo Kun F rn tJ , .E Jd le ^In ' 'K i l l CAN TO H M IU .1 0 N H ”

Sparkling Rock Ciystal Cut Glass

N oihluff nddu bo m uch oloffun^ to d a y 's U blo iiorvioo, 08 doos, i)cau tifiil o u t gltujB, I t p ro v id es t h a t s m a r t flniuh- Inif toi^oh so d esired by ovory housow ifo an d so ad m lro d b y ) u r ' guostB, ; . . . '<

is your Qpportunity to aoqulro nuqh a Borvioo a t ' "a very modorato OOst. Oheok tnls list of pUoM and bring H with you for a reminder ofjtho: oitaot n^ed.

R o c k C r y s t a l G o b i e U , d o z e n - j '-;- $ 8 . 5 1 )

» 8 . 5 0

$ 8 . 5 0

R o c l i , ’' C r y a t a l 3 l i e r b e i ; t s , . d o z e ^

R o c k C r y s t a l _ P l a t e » , d o ^ e n .........

K o c k ^ r y e t c ( l ‘ ‘ O l d F i i B h i o n e d ’

id o z e lp , , . ' . , , . ] . $^50

C J m ^ S h o p ^