.... .. . . . 19€>0 .. . . .. ... ' '• ., . •• "' _____..... _ ....1. -...... ................ .... __ . .. . . .. ... ·. ' . ' AN EDUOATIONAL,- LITERARY AND NEWS . . - ........... _ _...__..,._..._...... _.... "'- . SDIToRIAL C. F. GUSTAFSGN, EDITOR IN H: C. SJl,IFEit •. NEWs KDno•: · EDWARD FRANTZ, . • .Q!A. LOEWEN,} Asaoouu SUE SAYLOR, LlTBJU.BY EDITOR. E. H. EBY, NBWI EDITOBI. FLO RAMAGE, • • ..htrKNI EtJtToa. ED. -GLATHART, ·• Souci'ToL . ANITA METZGER, • Exon. EDtToa. J: O. HANSON, :. BuatnSI MoL . .. . \ . Publlsbed by tbe Y.S OF UOHT Pu.,.., Co., Mcpbenoo,

Transcript of EDITOR IN NBWI EDITOBI. -GLATHART, ·• Pu.,..,




. . . APR~b,. 19€>0 . .

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' '• .,

. ~I •• "' _____....._ ....1. ,'~<'.. ~ -...... ................ ....__ ...

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FLO RAMAGE, • • ..htrKNI EtJtToa. ED. -GLATHART, ·• ~v. Souci'ToL . ANITA METZGER, • Exon. EDtToa. J : O. HANSON, • :. BuatnSI MoL .

.. . \ . Publlsbed by tbe ~ Y.S OF UOHT Pu.,.., Co., Mcpbenoo, Kaa~.


{ I : ~

E•tablithd 1890. ' :ass~;seockhotdm. . ~

Co-~ati~ .. :~ · · ' -r-· . ;~.

·. -wiTH NEw ooons. '" The Alli~nce·. E~ch.~oge Co· ' BEST OF VALUES. the plaoe f..OU always.get lbwest prieta oo . ' . ,. . ..

· . . . DRY GOODS, GRQC~,~i SHOES, i l • Arden B. Clarke, ~NW ARE, SHELF ~)?wAR~. : . 0 · ts,ooo paid to patronslR l~j9 .. ( .·Come

~ fDir l\ ·f 0 G b lA i p tl E b -ud_ iavestignte ~.,1 ~e~li~~ :tt~ ~ .. uai~~a. . . :': . . Y . . ·1\ ";~ 1\ • ·. ·We b'ave p,atd ~llr.ger,jll.~ld,nds than

·. ~ _E~tstde Sou~h Mat~ Street. · any' other co-operative etofil. in ~xia\.cl)ce: La~t~Style8'. Spectal Rates to Students H 'L t::.·LO~ t::.SON .,. , n . -____:~---------:-.. - .-- • • ~ v , ~~: ._. •11;11er •

. RICHARD MILLER, · -., D -P,' uNrox BLoCK _ • Frances Mamm:~~·..J.~~· ·! . , ·, ,

·: " JJeadqtrarters for BOO~S of all kiuds, Dlseasu of .Women ud Chlldrin:{ SpeclallJ~ .. ~ . ... a leo SOijOOL SUPPLIES, r~Mets, Ink, OFP'IOil AND ·n~irt£NC]J~ ) • t • l

. P,ooil8, P~ns, ~tc.. We also carry a full 'aos N. Mttple Street. '•llir Phoue 181. ~i~e of Watche~, ~~lverware ,and Clocks. ~ . ~ ·.- : , . · .

.. ~ . .. . ...

Dr. A. Eiurberg, MRS. DR. E. ·A·. cox, .. '-..1 • pr" PBOJI• 120. ~ '

PHYSICIAN DR. OF VITAL {MAGNE"DC) SOI:ENOE. • * Vllal ScMinU1c keatmenc. tor dlsea8CS, "1tbo.u.

d SURGEON drugs, me<ltctn~. IJUl'JJtcaf operaUon or bypnotll!m. . an • BaS cured wbere other methOds have faU«l{\. Oonsnl· • . tat.ion tree. .omoe boun t a, m. to • p.m. .

. ·McPBER ON, ... • - KANSAS. ~ , Nonb,.atn St.~t, MbPberB(_>n. K~as.

. , .·. '. ·G. H. Kl'l'TELL, . . CONN'S RESTAUiiAN1l, I

. DENTIST. . v . :

Artificial Teeth without plateR, known · ·For Icel~"'um und 1~. At}ltin!ls ae crown and bridge work~ a specialty. of <'old Drlnta. He lea.ds them all.

. Irrttgul~r Teeth Stratgb~ned. f · . ~ . · BlBns BLoo:t, - McPil.EllSON, Kurs.. Hot L~och alwuys rea~y. &" Ahnys Open. --------------~~-.-·~~~-----·~-- . . -

. '

J~. ~· ~all~ .M . . 0 · ROBB'S ·sTUDIO.-.. ·Pbystc1an : and : .Suraeon · .

', , · . ' 0 ~ Oheap, Good and U p;to-~ate. Photos 1n

·.1 · • · MoP,~R~O~, ~ANSAS. . : · all the ~te'Bt Styles. · . .. . ~

DR~ H·USBAND, _Oheap in Price, butuot in QnaJity.

DENTIST. . Jam Spaelal Rates to Taiollars aad Students. CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Gold and A1nQlinnmJ .plates and all kinds Gallery Firat s~~way _$0utb of Fanners f of dental work. · • · ' . x ..

••nf;'Bs-O••r llePb•ra.a .ftlen. Oo;luo'te.· and Merchants Bank, McFberson, . l • .



' Jrl~Y!~c~s~n. _{!t;Zzoic, . ' I •

McPherson, Kansas . .. . , . .. FACULTY • • ,... /. H~ay 4No 'Gaow-m . •

, ---- . . AlcPb;1":40U Collti~tto. ~hrn·t~roo 1~. 18/l?. h~~ G. E . ARNOLD. PH. B. : A. M~. grown to lncluth~ ten th~~toienta unclc-r

. , President. . • elgbt.een fuatrut!Jars. unrolht anuuull)' aoour; Pedag gy and ,Philosoplly. . rour ~nndffi! Ht\Jd~nt-14 trom at)ou't.. ~w~h·e

• stB«m an.d tet:PUorl• ... auil b.u bntlalfl~ ud ED.\V ARD FRANTZ. A. ~J,. equtpmen~ COAt.lng Blx>ltt· t."lll~~ •

·· •:Vice President: _ ancie~~ Lan~uages and Bible.

H. J. HARNLY. S. B .• A. M . • ,.Natural Science~. ·

. S. B~ FAHNESTOCK. A. B .. M. (:· .• • Secre~,!l ry and· T.,reasu rer . .

Supt. C()m: Departinent. Gen. Htstory and Drawing. ·

( t '\. # ;

. I<'. ·G: MUIR.-. ~ -D.iTector·of ~ uRical Department. .

Piano. Organ.· Harmony and Voice ~ . -cutt~re.

MRS: SUSIE SAYLOR. M.S. D .. A.B. Engl.ish:

.... 'o 4 t. . •

~Jt~N br: M. WIEAND. (Columbia S~hool of Ora~or,y.) Elocu-. t.ion and Physical Cu~ture.

..., '

S. J. ~ :U,LER • . A .. ~1.. · . Colleg~ Field \Vorker.

JOHN ·F. fHJERKSEN.: ("Central School:' South Russia.)

Principal. German Department.

C. F. GUSl'AFSON: A. B. t;hemistrv artd Latin.

A. C. \VIE AND. A. M .. Greek.


. ..,

PETER F ... DUERKSEN. M. S. D .. College German .. ~ .,

B,. S. HAUGH: ' IV oeal 't.fusic.

J. F. STUDEBAlGtR. Shorthand and Tj~writing. · G. J . GOODSHELLER.

Algebra ..

ANNA FAKES. Grammar.

MYRTA HOFF. Guitar and M~ndolin .


FLO RAMAGE. M.S. D.. ~"' Director Model School.

MARY E .' FRANTZ. Matron.


. .


. .

. nutLoutoe A.ltu EQUIPM&x

.... .. ' .. ' Dormltory. 40 by 100. ftmr storlruJ: Naln· €Ill·

leg& Butrdlllif. ~ bt 117. three '14to1'1M: JJbf.­'ry;".PbyslelJ Apparat.ttH. Museum and Obem• teal Laboratory. adequate ror t.be ~Wn1>4' M our departmanttc. ,,

•' .. J''A<fur,TV. • ·• •· .

; .

. . .., . c-..oMbns · ot eighteen hl . .'Urt\~t<l~. e l.r;bt _,, whom are ,QoUegla~ or Unl\·erslly ~u­ate.s, (r_ep~ntlng Hl\t'Vnrcl Unh'ersJt.y. Unlven~lt.v or Cblcago. Kan~ StA~ UnF

·ver&lty, Dltnols Wesley~ Unh·erslt.y. Ett• •• ) Bod elgbt ot.ben lU'e gnutuat~ of ~pedal ecboola .ott deparunen«J-oompr,_.n~t a va. .. rlet.y of talent an4 power not. u~aally round In st&oo18 of tblll class.

. .... ·. DKPAanu:N:rS.

· Preparatory. Normal. ~Uegf.ate. ())mmer­clal, Mu.slcal.-OratorlCAI. BU,Ueal. German. Stenography. BUd Model ~boot. (for teacbtt" t!"lnlng.l,

STJt'l'" R1tCOGM1TlON.

Our Normal Course. two Prel)al&tory Cou~ ·~ ~· two ~i~~~· Countes, Depanmf!!_~ ot

Peda«<IY• and Model School 'ttor teaci'er t.-ratnlng) have been approved by tbe ~ State {&_ard orkctucatlen; and graduates or o~ Normal Co111116 and CoUest&te Oo11i'Mft get. State oeru~cates to ~b tn Kan&a8;

oua IA111. our &1m 1a io asrorct b&gb-:gnde educat.lollat opt~ttmJt.y 1n au. at.mospbere or BOCI&l eq ,,. anct C~!J'l~Uau. Ideal& We ba..-e no 1U'iatoeraCT but ~he~ of merit.

" OUr. mu.tratect eaJ&logue, Wblc:b ·mar bfl bad. fOI' ihe aaldng. wtlt t.ell t-Il~~



..... .. . t' • ...

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. . .. . .

Yor •. I~ ) APRu~, t-oop. .. No. 5 .

- -.. . ~ \ . . · · fin~ll y, n,t\.kc u e of: uJ I the good tllero it~ . ' • iu ymi , ltpun ~'rery occi\sion to irHi uence

... 'I UDE :.TS · · "l · d. t . b · thqsc wi t h whom you .. come i.u contact. n.re u1c 1ne . o· ecome · · . · .

· 'bl t tb 1. · The chances nre vou wtll never ugtun . . tnsen 1 e o e 1v1ng oppor- l - t"] • ~ . ~-. : . · · · · U\,Ve 1e opportttnlt y to gtva vo\Jr tn-

hl'nltles \\\htch su~tonnd ·them. - per- · ·fi , t.h;. d · · 'd f h. · ~ ' .l # ... · · . · · · · · ~ · lll(mce . e eep n.n n.r-reae rug r u t h:q>s mc>t O nohceablv so than any ot her tl ~ · 1. " • . · T.h · .· . · ., .. . u,v yon. 1ave now. e many young cluAs of peuple, ~ hocnuse the opportnru- d : · ' · ' t h h ·. . . · · lnoll n n . you ~g _wonten Wt w om. you

t IC 1\ 1.6 s .rent er. \ \Ve mny theu be pn.r- . . . t t d '1 . I l . , f .;. .. .. . . .. : . . . cot H~ 1n eou .ne a1 y w1 ll\ a ew • douod fc>r cn.lhng ntterttlon to the re- · · . ·b ~ . t te e<t· 1 d

· -1· · - 1 · ·1. · · . .1 • )re rs e scu. r ev-eryw 1ere o.u ttney, pomnht 1 tl~ff w uc t teat upon al. stu"~n t th d . · th · h l t · . . · · e. men a\.n \VOtne n wt sc oo ratn-

tlurtnglus$ehuolcareer. . · cr~ '-..... ' btl · · d ·· f · · .. · . . meil are \N e 10 men 1\ll women o \\ hatever \\'et nUlY thtuk -Of the possi- t. t tr · fl · h 1 .. 1 ... · T, h .. · ' ·· . . . - · • : . gr:e1... 111_ nonce ll\ t e ~pr ,_v ey"

)Js l ttJ~ ofufthepnst or~the futt\re .'\ 0 . tt. tl b ttl fl'f :tl h b t ·f ; . . · : . · .. ·. ... - · walbe 1e- a 1J! o... l e w t 1 t e .. as o should . keep O'lUAe lV()S tl-\\ft.Ke to the - -t d t) l t f k'}} n· · . . · . . . wm~pons an 1e · )es o -a r . o you· }I' ACTS of the preJ:Jeut, the respons~bth- 1. · ~ no tl . ,.. ' t ' b •. &)

t . f tl rnh • · 'fi d rea lZ6 W le OJ>P.OTullOl 198 yoti nvef tl~~ o . 1e NOW. J..' ~se are 1ntens1 e ., · · •

.'·hy 1hr~ thul,ght ih_nt our. ft~tt)re i~lso ' <lcpt'mls on l.u>w "; a.r using the }?'i-es­

~~~t. .fvhn B . Da l\lotte S(lt~s, " .&iised. ·u,>im t lie most recent knowl~dgc of ~l)e .. hl'H in <ir\e ~,f t be most serious· thou gilts· r~u· nmhiti~ns young people ... is: '·\yhnt I um to he I a\m no~Y b.econiing. ' " Ope will lre nfta•· ~eaving college what he is . . . ... ... .. " . while there ; he n eve r changes his mode () f thinking. This thought should · 'be suflieicnt. ·t p spnr us ·on constantly to utn· lu~st. offo'rts O:nd to forbid ~s to .. -:11 low on r senso.s to be tl'nltad by t.he ron~ tin~ of tl'nily duties. ~fake the best use ... of nvm·~· moment, ·d,, your·:wot~ system-t\t icully nnd thorough I)~, . tntbn1it .. yot\r­"'el f to the iu fh1ence. of ~Hose better tbn.!l ynu t hnt y.int lll!lY. estnbli$h .better hn~-

• i ts n nd c hfi en •ter thnn \'ott .hn.ve,-~ ttlld

. . ... C8'QME coll~ge ~apera have reeently . :p been discussing the ~Ionclo..Y hol­iday. To .us who bn.ve beeo'1l1e aoous­torr.ted to ·this it seems strange ftlln.t it htlS not ~etl · generally aqopt.ed long bef re thi~: Thn reason is probably~ be found again in that conservatism which eli~gs · to .. Inng estabHsh~ usage. In thi$ school where the cha.hge was made about ej~ht years ag<1, there. is cel'ta.in~ ly r o detJh~e to .return ~o the Sa~urda.y holiday. . Aft~l' ' hie week's~ W<?rk the stndeu'i ·feels free to enjoy to the fuilest ext,nt the day of re~t.. On llonda.y he enters with n fresh vim upon the p'fep- · f\.r~~ion of bis leseops. ln~tend of tb~ ·P?orly prepared lessona which usually

I i


confront the teaoh~ on Monday, Tuea- years spent in learnipg to spell is good . da-y's lessons nqw are the b9at prepared disoipline. t Amazing! two or three YOOJ'8

of all. We feel eur~ t~at public scb·oole . wasted...._ time eno~~ to ~ICe· a·etit- · as well as colleges would be benefitted dent ha1f through college wherE! both by changlbg to the Monday holid., .~:v;. t)le aequisit~on a.nd di~.?ipline are in- .

~ " · comparably· mol'e, yea, ~lntost !nflnite­ly more than that obtai~ed in mnster· ing our anomalous anA ~bitrnry" spell- .

~ ing. T~chers may ~ns~f~ ,ns .the!' of· r.,.., , ten do in s\lch d.ases,. thftt tfn8 te the

. · /!~(HE following a~icle furnish&& its work of ... lawmakers, as~t~in .Ge.~mauy . . • %', own good reasons for occupying . yes, but • tis ·the, -wo~:[t ;~.teachers to ·

· · space in· .~his paper~ ·· I~wo.s written: by· educate the lawmn..kers to .~ee. the need · Geo. _W~ Hose, of the Western School of this reform. Law~a~er~ .are · not

· ot Oratory ,,.and was published in . the likely to give h~\\ tn• ~~fr~ matter .til~ .. ~ta~ ~orma.l MUnth~~ iu. an is~ue fol- . · it is pr~ss~d . uf4n~. t~e;!\l~·· .. Nn~!lfaHy :

· .' J?'Wzug c}oi)e up9n th~t lD '_Vh lCh tpe . and logically, they eayi :what i({o. teach· ptevioue article quotad in these col- era thitlK about thh? Iteiu~ t t-enchers ·

p innn~ )Vaa -p~bliehed. The w-riter ad- ... must lead in ·tqis work. ': ,Let ·~~e~olu· 1 ~ dres~ing the e<J.itor of the 1\fontltly, tiona Abe ~ pa~sedt at eVt}fJY •, instittite)·.-:.

says: . · · , .. ~ every assooiatinut countj, .tsrote ' t\nd' ~ "Allow· ~e ~ expres~ thro.ugh ·the uational; for the )l~xtr ~~l'e~rs ;, lo.t

•. , .. Mo~thl¥, :· my . BlUcere tban~a t<,> )[~. articles appear in every journal of edn· . ~. . W ~os~~ for ~1s ?l~hr an~ t~~ely art1-. cation . .. and pajlers ~e r~~ ·at ~very •. .

. . cle*on Reform &ll-lS~lhng. Twe~ty- gathering of tea'chers for tb~ J~ext-three . ... flve 1ea.rs ago I commenced talk1ng, · years and legislat-ors will' peg1n to eay

· writing and resolving before institutes ''What~& 'in the atr?' : ' · · '.and_ associations,. o.n this imp6rtn.nt ·,,But ~0 be brief; l hnstell to say ia~ su~Ject . . I ~et w1tn so ~uch couserv- I, cloait\g, that rwould ndd two rules to -.ttsm (fog ts~), that I eea~ed· effo~t . the ~xeellent ones given 9y l.fi'".- 'Voos· eeveml YEt.Bl81flnoe, but every new n.rt1- te · ~ . , . :, . · ; . ~ . . h r, Vl~o • · • <

ole I seed renews mybtntef restthln t .le t'l. , ·Have a character, i.e., n lett-er . cause (ln my sympat y or ,· e m1- . d Th'" . ', ld · ·ncrenee Hone that .~:te wasting ·years in trying ·for eve~y soun · 1-' )lou · 1 . to learn our lawle88 and unphilosophio our alphabet t9 fifty letters. or~hograpby: l- · , "~. ·Every letter sh_onld hnve but.

"When we s~p to. think thnt spell-. one .~~~Q.d. .. . · . : i11g is· not edu~oation, "only a tn~ns, . t!l holy Ao~rprs, you ei()tain, 'inve~t it is snrprisit1g, yea, incomprehensible twenty-four new letters t' Yes, nltt- · to m;, why' teaehers are so indifferent ma.telY., b.ut not 'now ... Un~il al~ the

· in this matter. Said a county superin; old fogies, o~structionists, ·have passed . tendent ·to .. me, '~he two or three e~trn to reaims wh~re Ellgli~h spelling is 'not


I .. •

' RAYS or 1nGHT .

l ..

needed, mtike the o~~nges ·g·r.ndun.lly as tbe$e n.re ~~e meu· alrendy rooognite4 u · follows: Firat, throw out a.ll silent men of.ability and as leaders in thoogbt. letters; ~econd, attach our present dia- 'By following :tb~ee discusttione · peo­critical mnr~ to th.e letters, thus des- ple have been·enabled to lenrn much of ~gnating _their'p~oper,.Hourld ae definite- the principles upon which ,newspapers ly as if by a n~~v. ch.aro.oter. .Thtts 'pa- atte c'9nduc~d and especially the }?r~tl· gent'; with circt!mflex over 'o.', tells us oiples by wbio~. particular editora . are

' clearly that 'tis not. 'pagenl.' a.s ue!Jally · g~verned in t he selection and a~raqge-, . pronounced. ~Datum', with abo.~ over . ment of material fp~ publication. Dee- .. 'n.' , tells us clearly that ' tie uot 'datum, pite .the o.bundauee of adverse critio~m n.s often · prononnced, and thn~ on to --·we feel sur~ fhat Sheldon"s work will re-

. tho end. ~ ·· sult in ntuch good: It has direeted the ' '\Vben will. educators wake up to. the attention of thoqsands of ~ditors . to

imperative' demand for this re~orm? 6their own papers and this attention will

\\' hen will they rea lite the solemn fact · ha.ve its etleot in both ~news and l¥lver· thnt thouettnds of ye.nrs are wasted by tisements. It hn~ attracted the ntten­cvery ·g~nern:tion of children io this tion.of t~e people, and they are scan­country and millions of dollars by ·niug t.he pal>ers thoy ;o.ke into their writers, t·YI esett~ra and bookmaker~? . honios with Jl more. critica! . eye tb~n ·.

• . ever bef~re. . .

.. _ , Concerning the lo.y sermons published · b'y the 'Topeka. Jo1'rnal during Sheldon

· HE recent experimen~ in journal- . week sOme com mente i)nve also lieen . ism ~was no· lees inter~sti~g in . mo:de~ It \vns .expeoted thnt they wo~ld ..

the comments wliich it. brought forth have been fair, manly, n.nd reileonable. th~n. it was ·~n 'its~lf. The var~ety of But they were· o.'nytbiog but fair or m-opmtons whtch have appeared tn tho · . 1 'Th ' t '· h AI · to · · • ttona : n some preao era v aun press seems remarkable even when we 'L a.. • b fitted b -~: tb

.. • ., • • • .1:10. ~e ueen ene y , reL'Uing em cons1der the- ~vanety· of thetr sources. d ..-4 t · t'f th · bl' t' It 'V · . . ocs no JU$ 1 y eu pu 1ca 100 ..

e !tnve been stnrtlecl by the mn.ntf~st must uecess~tily be true that 4 Jarge unfturnees of~ ve~y many of .them. Edtt- part of those who rend th&se "sermons"' ..~ o~ prenchors.~~d men of ?~her ~oupa- hav;e n~t .. .' the koO\yl~ge necet4sary to

. . ttons n.t\d pos1t10ns have fllhks r~veal~d sepamte the s~attered truth from the nn· nstonishing disregard for the de- mass . of fafsehood, and to judge the · mnnds C?f justice in their critioisn~s. fairness or .. ~tter indifference to fairttese ~ans llns been unbridled i~ many un- of the postttons assumed.

• _ uxpected places·. ·Yet some 1niuisters · nnd editors have entered into an hn-. .

pnrt.ial analysis of the merits. and· de· merits of· the- t~ndortnk1ng, and their expreesiona hnve been received with in­terc t. It is n'e..edless to remark that

''"HE greatest ~~ppine8s of %" people consists 4n their

union." The. truth of this state~ent is evidently, l)eiqg realized more fully



~ .. :r. ., , . RAy OF 'LIGHT.

every ye~r. Pra<itical co-operation in the 'mn~ngement of public interesb is inorensing. Institntions }Vhose missiun is the welfare or 'uplifting o( humn.uity ·are-receiving more and &lore t he · e.up· \ •• fll6 . • .

·port o.f privn.te means. Alt the vn.ned

. : ~ • 1. .

~ ''churches"~ and ''schools'!; but tis in-dividuals, then e may h~v.~ ~ religio'oa . , respected even by the most intolerant,

:efforts jvhich }Jo.ve :nltimately the sa111e · ·goal- tho betterJ.J:Wnt ·of life and its

coii<Titioils- .are dra\vilig ~len.rer to ench othet, or at le~l\st · beginn~ng to recog: nize th~~ their- goal is o. comm~n . one, nnd that it ctul be reached only by dis- ... cerning aud ~Jimint\.ting differences due ·

and ·we ma.y li'nve pure politiQS and tem­pern.nQe without wn~tipg .. l5Jt t he mH­le~ihm. Tlien tlditors ~ill ·t}6t dare .to , publish ~ mass of ·false~0.411d~;,.: ll()T will · · ~ they need to comf>1a!n.' o,f,. 1fio~ ·of. sup- . . : port if they . try, ')to ~ pti;bl~ll: n. cfean · :

... . ...... ) ' .. paper, t.o ~ring corruption f? ~ lrglit ·or to institute reforms. : ... .\ • · ·

. . .. . • ........ .. . .. . . , ' a J ' I to bins nnd .bringing all fo·rces to work

· in hnrmolly.' Educators inust recog­t1ize this ~i! n. !net and thosfl who are he in~ educated ·~ usb lenr,l t~ realize it. Unfriendly ~ol1tention ·between schools willuot advance the cause of erlucn­tion. Friendly intercomtnunictition nnd .n et1lti'! ation of · the feeling of fellowship Wl 1. Religions lenders are looking fo~vnt"d fo 0. union of n11 the Christinfl ,forces of the world. The i 11-nn.ture and petty intolerance to which even prominent religious lanqers so of­ten stopp is one of t he so.dde'st misfor­tunes of the Christian church. " ' hen

· ministers will tfg too fuiJ of the true spirit of the religion t.hey n.re to teach

"'R. HEDLEY,S lecture·,Qn "The til:/ Sutlny Side of' Life, w4iltill of beautiful thoughts and vivid picturing expressed in a £- rCible .nnd. p"len~ing manner. The cen t ral tho~1gbt.«·ns tbn~ . " happiuess is a. within condition .'.' · It .' : .is no~'thEf 'product of 'surroundings, the · ~ . ~ . ~

possession of we~lth, positions of honor . ; or nuthor.ity. Opportunity .n.nd ~itl1n- _!

tjon may. have· thei~ influence Q\lt are'~ n ot essentials. Ench of us ca~n : nnd therefore ·~t is our duty to, cultivate that sunny a is position whic'b is · nn cs- ·: sential part of n complete character.


to allow. t heir · judgment to be iufiu­enced by ·their jealousies or otl1er pre- 1 •

judice as was ev:ident1y t he cn.se during .. t.he · t~cent ..., ' ''Sh~ldon experiment' '; when church members will have n.b­sorb~ en.oitg~of the spirit of t heir re­ligion to .work· in .harmony in their c-httroh; w ben church n1em bere, ed uca­tors and' educated men ~itd· women will stand together with n feeliug of fel low­ship nnp woax- toget.her for the cause which is n common one, not as

.The · Sheldon Capital had n str!)ng . c~.mmendator.y nunlysis of Dr. F. M·.

Gunsanlus' "?tfn.n of G01lilee. ' ' . ' .

Julia A. lfo.gruder and Mary E. \ViJ- · kins, two of our noted . wornen writers, have eaeh produced a .book lat~ly.





Tho I~ife . of Dwight. L. Moody" ·is being prepared by his son,. yr. R:Moody.

Olive Schreiner wrote " The S~ory of an Africn.n Farm'' w bile she was em­-ployed ae gf)verness in- a Bo~r fil.~ily in South Africa . . Her .attitude is decid­edly one· of s~mpathy t~ward those people in their present diffi.culties. · . _,.

A small volume contains some &elect-. ed letter~ of l'hos. Q-ray to men of note.

They are cheerful, p~en~ant lett;E,ra of friendship, and were originally P.ub­lished in Edmund Gosse's large work on (Hny. ·- "

- Arrn.ngements are .bei'bg .ma~e for nn nnthorized . .Piograpfi.y of John Ruskin . Mr. \Vedderb"nrn, Ruskin's ptipil,' will probably undertake the tn~k . A long series of letters from ~lr. RusJdn to his

.. pnrAnts has r:tot yet beeu drn,vn upon. ­Pul>lic Opinii»t.

A mwn is usually jttdged by his friend,s, but he can be judged· more trnly by t he . books he iq~e9. In too mnny cases our triends are the result of the accident of oircu~st.dnces, but our choice of books is deliberate. There. is no t rner expressi<?n pf n man's heart nnd mind tbau the kind of hook£t he Joyes.-M. C. Dowell.

, '

Among r~c.eut text books; there is none more intere~t.ing than .a "History

, of English Lite~atureP by Dr. Painter of Rot\noke College ·It is. historical, biogrn.}>hieal, and ori~eal; .written in nn ndmirnbly nttmctive and clear stylo. The lnrge number of nnthontio por­t raits is n valuable feature of the book. \Ve hope for it 0. wide. adoption in - col­leges.

\ .

' ' .


Standing off the rook-bound harbor "' ' of New England is, a lighthouse tall o.n<l

n1n.jestic. :rhere it s~nds calm arid ste.~n among the seething turmoil of the sea. The angry · wa.ves dash their foamy crests agu.ips't its solid str\toturo

~ in vain. The wind' and the storm only make it seem more stn.~y ·and ... strong. High in th:e tower a beaeon light sends 'its ray a far out over the ,surging deep;


ships from af!\r see itr, an'd guide their courses -safely landward. · Not far n\my, some great black rocks lift their rugged heads above the waters as if to

. mennce ' any t hat would approach. But .lo I their ·. pt~rpose: is b)nsted by the · gleLUning rays of. the beacon light; they lift their orag~y 'forms no longer as a horror ·to the near sailing vessels. The kee~er of this lighthouse, a man of per­hap~ sixty years, is the only occupant. His grizzled hend and well-worn fea­tures betoken n life of aQtive service ... \V~ may·. see him .almost cont inually poiishing and Snrn ishiog the lenses and reflectors, nnd doing everything po88i- · ble to make the light a-ppear ·more bright. \Vhenever asked why he spends so m~tch time in polishing, when it , would seem that be was working n1ore thart need be, he always answers, "1 polieh all-these so ~ucli that• my ligHt will brighten the rocks out yonder(" He says ~t aff" the' blots and stains gather the light becomes more dim, and that it is only by cnnstant and dil­igent effort in erasing every tai'nt of dust or smoke, that the light shines · out always bright overcoming all dan· ger of destruction and death.




•72 RAYS OF LtGHT. ).

.. ·I know-:{)f another lighthou~e, .,:e!r. .~~n. ~N9 one can expe~.t. his light~

many of t hem sit uated iu tumults jus~ · . 11lume t he rocks of w1ckedoess and. ' · · avert frofu t hem the con" es of liumau as lond, nod perils just as vivid. Every :-.

lives, unless he be coustl.ntl)~ erasing .. ~nr~an'.sonl ia.a ,1ighthouse.' wh.ose b~~- with tb~ . hand or ·: t ruth . OVery

: ~ eon. light needs to gleam w1t h fill JlOBSl- speck of vice and ·temp~nltOll~ , hat eet­ble lust re to brighten the dark surges t les upon ·~i& clinra~ter.' Kvery e\·il

. of sin ,around it. Every person· born thought fuust be ~n.nisn~jrom our · · · into t his world ie plnced, in cho:rge of mi~1ds, ev~ry evil de~,..d"' inti~t . b~ rubbed

l ' • "'· fron1 our lives, t&.nd every tuit~t.o( ·wrong ~ one of these ligbt.honses; every person . , .. --. .... . must he buruiahQd from h~!P "Qhnrncter.a,

·. is fi; lighthou~e-k~~pot: ; and· every p~r- .if we would r.efi~okJilla~t~to~ ligl!t for . · ..s,o~e responsible. f or 'the mnnner jn ·which we were intendea ;·--- · ~. ~ ., · · . .

'~·hioh h.e keep~ it: I t re.sts with each Wlu~i~ ·difference betwe~6 .\hnt · por­one, whether. his bencon light send out ... son from whose soul the m~rics of siil tn.ys. tli~t penetrate t.he dark billows of. have been car~fglly and J.djligentl)• ,·r. .

. wic,kedness,.so t hat the un.certnin bnr~s araaed, .whoso oharncter is sp~tless, and · ·tnay diteet their courses · toward ·the '~hose life is pure, n.t}d ·that o e · w ~w

has permitted sinful t }longhts nnd · · ~ harbor. of righ t, or whether he permits deeds nnd habits W'ntar ·t.he, purity of

t he stains of vice nn..d t he .rn~_t of \\Toug his character , to-disgrace h is- iJo.mo:ond t o· obscure. every rny that does flicker to enda~ger his soul. '

fron1 his already ne~lected light. \Vhen we t hink 'of t he darkness yet . What is t he need of t his light Jtnd in the world , of t he innny ,humnn souls

· of t he lnbor f<' make it shine? J net 0eing wrecked eontinunJ ly on the shonls 'look out. over the sea of humanity nnd of igoorance npd vice, when we !·hiok -

< of the light yet neeired to .direct the( hehold h<>\V ntn.ny sin-laden bnrks are many uncertain passages of hnmnn Jife,

being driven by the storms of vice dO\\·n Inn.y we not ·with granter effort. t ry to t hrough t he rocks and barriers of e\·er- 1nake our light shine brightly on the lasting dest.nl<?tion . There is no hope r-ocks out .yonder? Ought not our mnn· Cot t~em un lee~. some light J'eveala i1er and beL1avior in life, the . deeds we •

- those snares and makes viaible t hf' wnJ~s do, nnd the words we speak, · be n wor· of safety. , ... , . , • . t hy exnn1ple for ot~ers to follow? And

Then ~ it cle~olves U})Oll evoryono to ought \vo not then wish such pmver nnd '~ ' spend ii life polishing nud making influence- truly to be n. sbiuing . light

bright all the l~1see nnd rcflecfurs of .. W'hich will ]end ·men safely tluough the his soul, t hat- th~ psrity nnd goodness ' doubtful dark nee~ of this world, and

· and helpfulness therein may glenn\ ~pur on their minds and efforts to gain forth na n Hghs undimmed by any t hnt pJace where no more night ubr wrong, ll})OU the wnv·ering pnthwQys· of s in shnll he? · F. G. KAUFF:UAt\.



I lt.A\'!4 ..... IIW H1'. ....,

I •l


. On all eubja~ thor~ nrft extreme \'iews . . ~be pet. !1leme of Qne person is likely~ to "be whtllly ·objeutiona.ble to another. In .. 'iew of" 1 h.ie le.t me say that we- should be · unobtrusive yet t tulfast and true to nnr home ties~ I

believe thnt. this feeling for the old folks is, very ,oft an, too ~oon forgotten. I will endeavor to give. reasons \\·by some of us ehouhl'remeiuber them more nnd better thnn we do.

The storing. up of knowledge is-t,ime ~ost unless we hn.ve strength of ohnruc­ter· to use it to n.dvn.b~ge. Sn.ys Farrar, ' It. is by J!loral qualities that the young mnu who nime nt n. high ideal in bn iness must n1n.ke his mark .. " Any-

~ 'th~ug that tenas· to broaden and. deapen t.tus moral foundntion mnkee us more

. sure of o~u h: ~ goal:__ma~es-onr super­structure of know ledge more useful. Aside from tho ser-vi~ of tho ~[osttHigh I think of nothing better to .develop t.hie morn) character thnn ·remem bran co of the love and· trust of the home folks.

\~'ill we forget. when we are in . school and hnvo o~tr chums, tJ1nt t.hese

chums O:re the. friends of our prelent f<.,~t~ne, while our fRthers a~t·d mot.hers . stood by us when _ we were weak. and hnd no for.tune except ·God nnd their cure? ~Ve don't know, per.haps, just how goed they were ·or ·what, n burden w! w_~~e, but we surmise enough to ~n., swer No, ~ve will not forget1" . ~ooks nnd school life ·tthall not be the mists thnt obs~ure those .of our c!"·n bl~od nnd put 1n place n.f t.hein the favor' of ob~tms ·wno give ·ua f~~endehip only when we have smiles to give in return .

\~e -cans nnr · pnrt}nls pain ~y uur neglect. Did yon ever notice that liv­ing things in nn.tnre tend .to bent? The lu\.rk grows nreund the nxe-cttt; tho

. hQ.nds ~o.y eerve:i.n plnce of eyes. Even tl:fe soul forgets its blow. \Vhen we move from one place to another we ge·t homesick for awhile, then the feeling W'eare nwny fl1ld we grow strong in our • new surr!)unrliugs. · Dut. you cannot transplaut an old tr~e from the valley to the plain ns yon can n young ·one: So a young sotil transplanted recovers tnor.e quickly n.t1d lives easiest · in t.he changed cc>ndition;. Hore is t.he thonght. When we leave for school we ., ~ I

become absorb~ in tho new life and nre· linble to' forget th~ pnat , - to neg· lect our pnrents - while they remnin in changed conditions t.o which . they cannot easily ndjust tbet,nsel ves; ancl c>or .carele8ehes!l ndds to their sorrow for the ·sepo.rn.tion: · · Som~thiug iom'ebody enid a , loug ti!lle ago is ijtill wort.h remembering. It · ist ''Honor t hy fa thor nnd thv mother." J. G. LAw. •


\Ve a(e glad to· learn that ?tfiss Orpha \Vindle of ~~ t. Morris anticipates re­turning to McPherson Collese next year to complete her Normal Coul'Be.

Hattie Flipkin.mr Potter of W.i18ey, Kans. is no~ieiting her parenta and friends on College PJace.



• .Mrif. Sue Ht\.rnly H~fi,stO 1 hns) aoome o: subscriber to .RAYs ~ ·,I.~to-aT. ' he

. . aouds her kind·est greetings to n.ll ita COl:{trihlltOI'& nn<l [efiQ0r8. ,

~ ' ·. ' "' , .. , 11ts: Lela Whitehead Beighley wt·ites ·

• + • -

. from Elk "pornt~ South. Dakota t hn.t f ·~ ·$he is ~t pr~s~ent hook~eA1>1r in~.tl~o 111ill ... · . ~ of \vh1ch her husbnud 1 mn.nngel'. H er

. photo~ nntl biography wii l t\>ppenr ih· i-.• • • J

· . the noxt issno·of RAYS o~ l1IGRT. .. -. I ' •

' • f

:·'\ .... ill. ; . .


1/ttJ tic.·Fiicki nge1·· Potlc1·. ' ' • t . • Ol4A~~· o·· ·na . .

' . ; • tvromoonAPTIY.} .

''~ \ . ,~ . ': :

~nt.tie .~lj~kinger Pot ter wns bot·n. in • Illin . .bJ~~ · 'At thQ n.ge .of eleven yenrs . . Fnrnci~ A. l'c£?tinum.' . . she' carne with her po.ren~ to: the un- . "

• Ot.ASS OJ!I 'OJ . .... : ·~. flower stnto ·where· she has since . lived. ..

• (AUTOf!.lOGHA'PliY.) · \Vhen .McPhe~on College · sprang intq . , ..,) existence she hecnme O,l)e of the flrst . F. A. V.n.nimu.n was born . 'ill MnC()U- . year's ' stndents,grnduati~g . with " t ho pin. Qonnty, . IUi11~i~,. :\lay 15tit, i 65. Columb~a \)~~s~. She continued 1n He , ,~ns xeared on the Jnr.n1 t\ncl ·lon,rncd school -work several yenr:J. to dig like otqer boys. . . ....

The Sutnmer of '97 she spent. in Tex- ,. ·At the , al>ge~ of ·eit§hteen years. he nst visiting .fri~ndi! t\nd enjoying the · entereci .Mt. 1\Ior,ris college,' Illinois, bnlmy Gulf breer,e .. On ret~trning home n.nd attended school there dhring part s e resumed her work as apprentice in of threo.yetws; After• t4is .. be ''as em­a · printing-office. ln the Spring flnnn- ployed as cashier of.the Fn..rmer s State ain.l interests called her to '\\1 ilsey, Baukfl,t Cerro. Gordo, Ill. In the yen.r Kansas. Bo.ttfing nlo:ne \vith life's of '87 lie was· n1n.rried to a ?-liss Kuns. s~rn .realiti~s, she· thought to follow Having spent some time in tho vVest the example of' most of her classmates, he was t'ignin ~employed as oashiec in the' and entered the ma~ri'monial a~te. · o.Qove named bat~k. After. two· years

.ffier.friends . may now find her pleas-' ·service in this capo.cicy he entered ~[c· ~ • a ' tly located on a f~tit farm four nliles. Pherson C~llege and cotnpleted the

squt.h of " 'flsey fKnnsns. · .. acnd~mic and·commeroiQ.l Qourses. . .



H"A y (\1<' L 'IHWl'.

f • "'• ...

Ju 1805 ln ngniu onteft\d tho h!l~lJting " l'ruf ~ of L:ttiu tUHl' ui~tm:.\· in dw Il itl­bnsines in thqei ty of )Ic Phe r :m. H o wn.thta- Academ,,·, whi9h. po~hion lu~ Hl>W . i tH)w presld 'lt. of the Poupl~~ Stal<tn hold. . Ho 'twnt th Snman ,~ ot' ·o~J' ih B:ink of t hi. ph1.ee. lie h:v~ for ~t~ ,·~m.l .;;study ~tt. thh ·~;nh•r!r it.y ·of . hicugo .

. ynurs heGil n: ~rnt tea_ n.nd T(ot\.~ft .to t· ,;·r Mt:. \rnHacn <'xpocts to ' <1tH;finue hi~ . )(ePht r~on €() lJcgG~ in . \\•hich in !·itu- ' . tud~; nn4 pl'E!]>a.rt~ him )lf tiwre tho-

t1ou IH t.nko~ t~ dcr~ p intrn•ost~ . r·ongl ly · f(H }1is cho!i(!r ' prt)ftJ~1'4i1Hl iu . .. • wh i~t.l hP i. ~n .:uf·~·n:l.~ fu I. · . .

.... .: - .. ('r,A!-~ <H" 'It t

< ••

C. ~~·. \V:dhu~o · wn~· Jm rl t .;;n 1l fttn·n · •

EXC~ANOES. tw;u· ~Hum r; n, Brow 11 ·cout~ t )': K:HlSttS,

~l:lr '-h 20, 1 7».· ln his < ig ht h yt'tn h cmtorcd the 'clistri<!t schonl which he :.- -~.. " n.ttenped regulnl'ly uuth the .Fnll of ~00, • . '·I hny l gt;thct·(-}d m~ n. posy of\ ;t il'•,r when h en-tor~d. whnt. wns then tho Jnau'a flower , nnd 1\()thing buts thu Mo!·rill ,_ K~t;s. · Nohn~l OolJH~e, whr ro tlll'e~~~ thn.t .J~inds t.Jl.()ql ia mint" uwu . -luf did t~\·n · yent~'s work. Ft·onl. 9.2 tu Month igne: · f. ;

'0-! hn ttttr.ful ~d :\lc l?hc r·a~>t:l OpiJeg ~, · · · . '" .. · · u ·· · · · As :nit -)n~ ~tnwn t. •t\. t'olit)~ · ochH1n-

'''n<htn.tina f rtun t ho t\cn.(}()niie det>art- t.iml i · profltnl1le :' 'ns ,.n fMStim~ i t is / h1~n.t. in 9~. On lofi,·i t~g 1\l(~Pher-s<ln · pttst.~-E.~·rlt:cwyc>. , ·

hn ~nter~d tho Sfntp t niv~)l'sity ot. fJtl.W·

. .. r~ncQ, Knns. nnd reccixcd his A. 13. ·in Tlut pu()r ,I,, t:sbcutPcl jointist. oa·l) got 0(}. • ·'- ·. nlOL'e.·, hrrJ'ity.ly·ing t hn,n aa,ny l lltHl' lthdOt'

On .funo 9th '97 :\t 1.,:\.wrorico, K:tn~ .... t ho fn~a of t he · blazing. Kallstls ann.- . ~p,·os: C. E. Arnold of ~IeP,h#rson· ·col- Jf'ctsLe1JMt. .Ad1•muc.

loge performeq· tho ccr monf ,,.h ich A mJt:n ,~ smn of enjoy men'\ d~pen<ls · • nnitcq him in mnrri"ge to ~lisa Gn.rrie upon 1whn-t~ he l.lns'in himself. --E~:. B. Knt.hermnn, · t"\ niece o·f Prof. :nnd ~Ira. ·Fahnestock. The n1orning of Jtt llO gth Wll8 n)so COtn~"6·ncement DlOtl\·

- .. ' .. ·ing a~ t he University, n;ncl n.t t his t ime Mr. \Vnllnce received his deg ree. A. M; nnrl Mrs. \\ n.llnce rec~ived t.he degree of A. B. D~iring t he ~ehrs '97 an(f '98

~ • t ....

}fr. and Mrs. 'Vn.llnce-- lived n.t Fnir-\·iow Knns. , ~{r. '\' n.llace being s.tiper­i.ntcndent of public schools · in tha,t · phlce: • rn t-~0 Spring of '98 b·e wi\s I electe<l

. - . ':A.little~y W'a\s in t ho hn.hit of cut- ..

t ing the·gronnd ~ith his hatcbeb. Ot'le day he wns cu.tting as· usuo.l when tho hn.tch~t struck a stone n.nd made sparks fly. He ran to pis mother exclO-iming, "Oh, p\iinitnn., I hit the bnd·mn.n on the bend. " -Cu.rrent. T.At~ral:ure. • ' . .... .

Dnre not L~ ratter when the. wave rolls in That ~kons yon to lkjlf~n s~rong'and grand • .For tuna.y pa&S and le1we upon "he .sand A shit)\vt:ecked ute tbnt 41\1'00 Mli to begJn.

' - t)(}nahoe's.


He who is-.;,oth ednc~tedl and tr~i!l ~ .:r.. . . Tff:E f~)'£-~A~H TO n~:~E· ~~~ .: , knows the fttllneee o( hfe.--:Exc1~anf16. ' · · · To be g~ad of li!e, becnu:~e it g.ives ..

· ' , . When you're foolin' in the library,· you t}te ·cnu.nce to ,l~ve npd ~~ wo.rk ~tld .. ,._. And liaving .lots of fun, . to pla! and to. ~ook up .. ~t. tl!~ ~tars ; to ,

· A 1 h' d A 'abbering 1- be sat1sfled \Vtth yont posse~stOns,. but· • ang mg an " J~· d . h . fr , . , '1

As if you're den.f and dumb, not conte~te . w~t ,yot\_re~ :·~nt~ Y?tt . you'd. better watch yon·r corners,. hn ve :ma~e fhe:..beet .of t her'f? ; . )o 4es~1se . And keep always watching ant· nothtng tn the world,.~x"Q~]?~l~eh~od .' For the Iibrarinn'll get yo\t. an<} -meanness! and .to_ fe~ :nothm~

.u. on don't wntch out. _ Ex. except co~ar~1ce ; . to b? .. io~.wn~d ?Y . . ·. ·. y ~. t · . • : yo,ur adm~rntions. ~p.t;he~ tfi~ >:onr dts-. . . . ... ~~ is no better t ho.n a leaf dr1ven ~1sts ; to cove~ not1t1ng:)h~tt)s your

. .. by tb~ winds until he has 9onquered neiglibor's except liis kindnees ~fJ:it!tnt· his .. ]on ely dutie8. This makes o. man- and gentieness .of manners ~ ~ t~ think -

· tbj) habit~of confronting great things in seldom of your enemies, · ofh~ll bf y~pr · solitude; and chiefly the habit oi con- . friends, and every ·day of C~rjs~; li.f!d : v~rsiug with Sod alone nn(l of filling to spel)d as mnch time aa' ~yon -enn, tlie soul {vitti His strength.-Ptt'lsford. . with body and with .s pirit, i·u • ..God's

A broad upright man may get wrong . . once in a while, but Jf you qnly give

·. him time enough he will get right .again.

There is nothing that inspires confi­dence in the Efincerity of a person more than hie con i~ncy. The one who "practices wno.t he preaches" wields the gren-test influence among his fel-, . 1ows.-The Phoenix.

Yet. Jtm te most. t.hrougb 90lltg&-gl'adu!ltes n&)tt. year he wrtte.J.

Wanta mother an· myself t.o cotne au• see the clua-cJay stgb\1: .

Be says bls eddlCJ'~ton iiJ pro81'1)8stn• ' llke a dream: • ..., · •

t:rez ric t.o be a QUut~rbook upon t.he. • roo~ball ~am. •

Now I alA'i small on money, <an' I don't. , propoRe t.o t.brow

Oo14 wa~r on t.bls college·Ute t.hat. Jtm Is . pratsln' eo; • ' I · ·

#Sut. 1 can't. belp a wl8tfin· every t.tme 1 bear trom Jlm

Tbafl I conl4 get. a quart-er baok uv wbat. I 've spent. on btm.-Wea~ t~oUege Magazine. . ~



out-of-doors- these aie ljttle~gnide­posts on the foot-p~tbJ? peac,e.~ - ·. .

HENR'Y VAN DYkE, in'.the .Quljpol':· ~ -



First: Contests al'\\~ays create rivnl­ry, strife ., and coutentjon . ._ ~hese uon· ' ditions beget jealousy and envy, nAith·er of which Cfl.n in any. way raise th~ mo.rnl. intellectual and spiritual s~lt'ndard. ·.

; Second :. Those who are naturally strong in tfie particular line on . which the coutest·is t.o be made are· selected and tr!l-ined ~ their. greatest co.paci~t · tQ the. neglect ·and expe'n'ae of th,en weaknesses. · , · • .

This liind <if development can , n~v~r ·be · conducive to . ~he highest eth1~al . standard. It makes proud, se.lfish, am· .

) ·bitio.us .spec~alists, instead of. strong, · broad-·minded; *'ltruistic men. .

it has 'been said that ''C:.Notbin_g' ·is stronger than it.s weo.k~st~point. ''


• ~~~HT:

• . ' . 0 cn-r){anson ha. go!lO ()tl the ro.-hl for the PJu.nq_ Co. J!e bn."S contracted

t Oe~·: Sc~la~ter .bns ,gone to GrtJYes- for s ix tnonths ttt a gooli salary. -~AYa ton Texns: · · · ~ ·. . Ot' LIGHT Jo es- Hs business n1~nng~r.

~ • ~. • • .. • i ' 1:

•' . Christian . Hope of l:leringtoi1 was . Mr. Klnss n is t~Jlcbing n Ooru\nn here a fe,; dn.ys visiting hia sister,' 1\fiss sch~~l at Pr~tt.y .. pru irie, . Kttusns. .He

. Hannah.· · .... will be a gra<l\mte of .t!he Gerrnan De-Prof. Fnbnestoek .. is 'hn.ving n, '' brick parhnent and 'dil he .. with Wl dnring

Wt\.lk mo.de .a.lo lg f1is · lola opposite ... his 601nmencement we.ek. . . residence. r . Prof .. Duerltset) ' pubJie~tions aro w~ll ·

Our for01er stndent, Air: Fred- On.ks ·::edit.ed aud we feel nssttred ·they ~re .· is now } n 'tpe Philippines \~n · guard meQting '~itb ~avor. In ~ne · of . then~

. dnt,v a·t Camp Dapnsitn'. ~ ap~tlf8 ~\good· half tone· engrav1ug of "' ·r.r r ; a.ud ?Yf r~ .. }Ijabett. t ho m iesionn.ries

. 'Another }!ic.t ure man wna n.round anp · · · · · - in I~1dia. . · · · ·': · took the faces of tl1e fncnlty tlnd stu~ . J

dents ussembled in :the oho.pel. OJl last ){ot~day eve~)ing the rending .. .:.- · · ~·. " . ciJ"cle concluded to disccmtinne t.heH· . . .

, _ Rev . . Job ll :F .. Hn.t·ms pttid ·_the Col- meeting$. · 'I' hey yery . nn1.eh enjoyed . lego··a · visit. recently and · gave .o. very ·' 'A-[~tldn~; '. ~y: EU,~ \V~ee)er· \Vileox, •

g·ooa ohapel-11talk t<rstudent~s. · ~ · an<} H'oilnd ·t . .be· atu.dy of. Eugene Field,

A mole c.hortie bus l:leen orgnni~ed ·\~are and Ril~y fnseinatit1g. .-: ~. · composed of " nbout · twent.j lvoices: A •. Wib.o.will help 'to improve our libro.·

}ndies phorus is also heing conducted. · ry? Tbi~ is an age of ,books and our · ~Ir. Loewen \vne ·ngre~at)Iy ·surprised shelves nee<! some of them. \Ve can

lnst week' by a visit fro'm his mothe~ ue.e them. · '\Vhile other libraries nre and.sistef who~ d!9Ve over frc1m . Hills- b,eing endowed why cannot~ .McP4erson ") boro.. ~ , .~ · .. College be·.includl3d with them? ·~ . ~ .. .. " .... ~

· .Ed. Glathn.rt h~s ta~en .a P.i~t\ire 0 { N. N. Neller of 'St<Jckton, KAnsne has the pbysicn.l geogr~phy class, which po.tentea a device to prevent chic~et•a nnmbors niore than three dozen mem: from flying on't over fences.and cliioken bers. · • · . , yard~ . . .,It-is said· t here is a fortune· in

. _ G . . :.... it for 4iril. The device consists. of ~ . eo. M: Lauver .an~ P · F: Duerk_s~n · ·clamp~ and cbQoh) \vhich prevents· the

have.recetved tbatr hfe. certdlcnrte~ nud. fowl · from flight. ~ · · . R. \V. Powers. ~and Flo Rn.mnge three · A · · th· j{ 'b ' · h b · · ven,rs certificates · .· mol?g .. ~. . · · 8 w ~ a.ve . re-. - . . . . . . turn~ froni·ttie several medicalsohooJa

·. · l>r(jfe~$o~~ ~rno19· ·aua· ~~nly :ad- at-e 'n. c .. ~th~~· \V .. Van Blarlount ~re~~d a te~)?erence mee~ing ~t Inman· apd Wm •. Little front ·Kansas City; a. ~~w W~ek~ ago. , They reported n.a·en:. Emmett Kasey and Albert lSAaoson thnsinstic lneeti'ng. · . .from' St: Louis. \V. D. Vicker grndu-


.. ... . alted from tho .Knusns City 1\[edicnl • ohonl Jnst mouth. All bttt one ~have l)P.en st.u<ientA of McPhersQJl O<lllege.

Tho \Vab~ter debnting c lnh hns held .l ~tomo interesting sessionSJ · ~mong ome · uf ~he que t ic1ns disonssed recantly by

. ' · this club hn~p be~n: .The "Present !.i· : . .. !lntrotr Bill i Protectiv.e To.rift' · 'rhe ~ Pn&rto Riot> 1'nr1fl' Bill·; ~he Eft'ect ou

eom mea·ce Ah·ould Chinn be Partitioned • •1\tllOllJ.f J.,an(ling Nationa or 'Enrope;

The 'Eight ngn'inet. the Ten-Honr S~·s­. · ·. tQm ; ~nd . That no U ndf)r-grnd nnte oT . n Primary Sehoul be AlJowed to Enter

a Secondary School. It ie t.o be hoped however that o.ll speeches nre n ot to ho published in full . " · ·

Prnf. Fahnestock recently received . from the Fleming H. Revel PnbliAhing

. Oompnny, ~vo very helpful bonka t() be l)laced in t.l\e workin~ teachers' librnr¥. The one~ ''PiGt.nred Trut h '\ by R nbe.rt Pierce, is-- n' hand-hook of blnckbonrd


ana o~ect· lessc:>na. Tho book ie n .new idea~ yet t.he author pr~sents no untried theories. It. is unique, nsefril and henu­t.ifnl. The other. "Snndnv School Success" ~ by ':Amos R . 'W ells, ·is n hook 1

of praot,ical methods f<fr Sunday School teachers Bnd workers. No tea~h;r can nffol:il t.o miss rending eit her of t heRe books.

The societies have been <loin~ 'good work this year. o Each gav·e n s~cin-1 progralll· rflcently. 'fhe OQe ~iven lly the Eli~s was meritorious.\. The Jap­anese wedding wae a novol and interes-ting tenture. Ml". Widiger's trombone solo was so we11 liked that he bad t.o

• respond to a hearty encore. One sel­dom witnesses more skill than · wns

. . .. shown by Prof1 • Gbst-Afei>n'a . I n<linn-' . . cl n b display . T~e selec.i{or!s by- tho chorus, and mandolin· chtb, nnd t he soh) by lvlre. :.Miller ·'were -Jll.l_!,Ch .on joyed. Th~ receipts were '1lh~•ut\-~hteen dol­larB. The progrnnt~ render~d by the Irving :Memoria.l ·Sooiet ... ,~ Ja$.t .Saturday

. ·avenin·~ wus al!to :!ligh.ii' .... :~l}precio.t ed. · The exeruiaes · . )pei~e•} ~!'~'\'.it h "''I' he Fairy Sr~ng' and closOd >witll- ' "~Zion A" n ke~'- hy the ehc)rlls~ aJ,\~s . ' l\fiss

"' E ffn- Kons. Mr. }4~by nild Rufh Arnold gn vo plnnsing · ' •recitat ion~.' Gaurge · Kun~ gave n.n orntion on '~iabn.ls : " nnl ... nn essay wns rencl .hy . H .• C. $}ifer-. 1'wo • piano selections ~era plnyed hy Fred Good . . ltlisses H'n'nn.n- nnd Emnin Mil-. ~ . ler anng n ben ati!ul clo&t. ·1U,.r .. Berkey- :· bile sn·ng ' 'The ~[nth nn'd · the Flnmc" nnd Mr: Hupg~od piaye4 one. en Fnn-

". tnsins' clarion at sQlos. The ,societies t.hnnk those who n·re not. n1embers who so nblJ assist ed. -. . ~ ,

J\1 rs. J.,illinn· ~{n t.t hews has· closed • • • t

her sohool nt ~cnndia. She hns taught ~ it four successive t erms and bns been nsked tn nccept it for t;ext yen~. Her pnpilA t>resented her with n nice bnn· quet lamp. ....,

~Jiss Lena ?ornert llns gone to Okln·· homn. where h.er ·parents Jive. Her brother \\' alter will remain for the Spt•ing t erm. . ·-

Elder A. · HutclrlnsoJ~ is expected hoble this \Vook frum · 1\lanvel, Texns. Ho hae been in· California since lnst FnJ.l.

The nrt.icle entith:d '''Some Objections to Inter-Co11egiaf-e Contests" which n~ pears on another page of this p~per · wns contributed by ?t!. 0. Kilmer.


\ . ·The ~ first , edition o.f the Aclvl!-nc~d Our obliging libra-rian, Frnnk Kaqft'-

Tablet has already been sold. · · Anot~.er man, ba.s gone· to his home 'in Ohio. edition is in press. Mr. Eby will .. as8ume his dutiea in the

Mitchel SoJ.o.nas wr~tes from ~Ionte- rending Mom. ray, ~[~pcico that hls work is t . satisfac.. Amoi1g o\tr ·tiew stndenh enrolled are tory o.ud that he ha~ the good will nf the following: ~largaret Bishop, Min11ie

I ' •

the New York Mutual ~ife people. 8h.etfer, \Vnlter Gernert. ~f. J. Mill$r, MarthtL Masterson Brtlbn.ker who ·is Nellie Ptntz; Mn~fe and ~te Bedford,

living· at Temecula, Cnl., is plensed to . Gertrude and Irene Abel, May Robert· . rend· of her mn.ny' friends through RAYS son, G. H ... Oook, s. C. lt'iller, Orville oF LIGHT', ns a 1 rooont Jetter from her Thornburg, Geo. Edgeco~th, Helen Bol-tostiflf;\9 . lem,. Lou~s Bradbury, an~ )linnie Hntt- .

Tho contesting at thA recent eleotion ronf~ . was ·n little.. excitjug... It only nroused E. K. Masterson, treasurer of RAY&

lntont pntriotisn1. . · · · OF LIGHT Publishing Co., has retu'rned · · John A. Clement n.nd· his twin broth- home, and )1. 9· Kilmer ''as b.een np-

·~r of Smithville," Ohio, ~' ill be here next . poin~ ~o .. tn.k~ his place. . . . · · year nnd take up collegiate work. •- '.Nw~ were nbont ~ pupllR who took

F k K · ff . 't ·· . · the examiil"at1on in the countv sohoole rnn nu man wrt es s1nce g()lng . :..- Ph ·. Ab ~ t 200 f ·

· k' · d Jn ~uc erson county. ou o home that. the whent.1s nenrlv nil aile tb · •11 t 1. 1 Tb " ~ ese wt · ge . · cap omne. . e · in Ohio .. -, .

· &cbools htlve done better work thte yeur . Nollie Slosson htt.s cotnpletod·the oom- . t han lMt yenr. The reason ie that the

·morcinl course. · Miss G\lyman nnd ·Mr. Wintet was no~ so · ae~er~ and 'the at·· Fea·~is wil .soon get th.e~r:dipla~ns: tenda.riee more J&gular, nnd the Spring

Henry Walker who finislied.the busi- ~arm work not beginning so soon, older iless· course tw{) yenrs ngo left for Ore- pupils were a.llo":ed to remain 'in. sohool.. gon .a f~w days l\go where he expectR to J. Wi.iliatn Miller, ft .former resident secure a position.

• 6f Colrege Place, visited us lnst week. · .. Over eighty of onr students attended .lle gave a short t~lk in chapel saying

~ ~he Choral U:nion. concer~' last wook. . . th~t the intellectual e}ectrioity .. of t&e The $pring term opened \Vitb a good sohool is'all right and thaj.the battery

n.ttendanoe · of tenohers. Classes were is in gOOd order. He is pleased to see organized in the bmnobea'in '~hi~h they tlie \lrogfesti the school bas made einoe nre pnrtionlar\y interested. A latge loov1ng.i-- •

. class is' stlidying ·Roa~k's uMethod in _._ __ ....;.__--:-.+---------Educntion.'·' At1oth&r olasa of about . ... John B.: .illikao • . two dozen are diseussiug W.ickeraham's ATTORNEY-AT-L:A:V'l, "S~bo?l Economy." Quite. ~ few !'re rev1ew1ng for the. prdfesaional "qntz., which will be held about the middle of next month.


· :~ra~tic~ \n all the Coons. ~ ' Refereoce::-Any piJblie man in ~naaa. .. .


NEW T~N·~ ~J:i{~)?~ · . ": . . . . I am prepared to do allt,klnaft.ot~'rin and

. .' · ~JUJ.,EJt •~ - "' . · · · , Sheet M.etal Wor_lt~ ·Jtso -iltt''t Trough· . . J 1 S · ta · and Spouting·. Ga~ lmt; StQve ·and gen-

. ~ .,Vatcl1es, OlookR, e:w~ ry, PeQ. -. eral repairing. Prompt att'entian' giv--· oles. }takes a specu\lt.y of repalf- en .to an. - • · {

ing au kinds of .Jewelry. 4 ... • • F • . n."~.~fre~l . .

lo. t08, lorth laiD St., loPherson, Kans •. Opp. Dick's Stor~ . . '. ·i . ~ . . . . / r

• ~ , ~ 1 • .

\v'.AJJLAOE GI.EASON; " VIR.EI!it .• II.J, · . .. ·Proprietor o.f --:- -· HE

. . · . : Star Livel'y Barn, 1'' P~.O~OG,ll~P· .. ' ~·

Not b Cheap.· · · But bow good and uP:to-Oatc

Ea t KausaA A \'enue,

¥oPherson, l{ansas.

· :~. D. ~arber,. D. D. S. ' (Grad\UU4} or Untverstt.r ~r PenntJyh•ant~]

Practices d nti'Stry in all forma. includ- ~EROAo~VT/lE CO. . : ing filling and treating of teeth; sup- · .. -

plying a-rtificial teeth: crowp and . Speci·ai ·Line of Carpets, t

bridge work; correction of ir- -regularities and extrac~ion. Rurrs a_nd Lace Curtains. LADEBER's STORE, \1CPBERSON. ,_,

In Canton on Mondays. ·


. . - 1 If you want Good Shoes G. ·H. M~tche~re; M. D.f. For the J .. e14sr Mon~y, can at .. . ...... .

PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ~'t.,awson'~ .Shoe Store.~ ~ Spooiaf attention given to diseases pecu- A Complete Line bf all kinds of Foot'Year

Jia~ to women. LAWSON'S SHOE ~ORE, -"


Qffice ove~ Scofield's Dru1 Store. ··1 The Pearl Milling Co.,

tlltOBLOliM & ROSEBERG. · · tl· . manufaeturers of .

T.be· ; ... Leading .:: Grocers. HIGH GRADE FLOUR, . · Also Qigars, Tobacco. Etc.

~ Highest M~rket Price paid for Prqduce. P:HPN'3D .a.... . '

~.foRherson, Kansas.

; ·· McPherson, Kansas. ·


BIXBY: J & LINDSAY ' . .._, , ' A't'e \tu; ·\teaciin~· Druggis'tis :· ; . • . of McPherson County. .. , . .J. ;


•• •. .. . ... l # ' .. • ••

· FirRt door Soulh of Post Office. · ·

Fit~t . Qlass. s.~oeinaker. · · ' R~pairi~g N eat.ly Done. . ·

• •• f ......

• . Y o~!r .f.rade Solicited. SHPP AT.~A:WeON'S ~HOE STORE .

· · · ·-H!£;·'·Ri ·t.ARSON, ~lcPherson, (....- · Kan~a11.



~~E~-~C~ET -~::~ tb.: m~~ which ih tlie' aggrog~te ~present a large sum. Do yon ttide there? ·Thou..Uda do. We uk your blllin·eas o~ the plai!l .. gro"nds of mouey·saving. . · , ...

THE RACKET D&rABTH'£NT 8ToBB, McPheraot'i, ICanRu. . ~

# . ' ' • . ....

. · MI~LERS MEAT l{~RKET, ~ Everything Flrst-'class:. "' . r ·Just Olve us a 'can. . ./

.Phone 86. South ~fain .Street. . .

. . ·: DON'T FORGJi~T· tha~ 1· a.ot rl)aking 4'

·Io\v p.rices ori Watchc~ ·Clocks, Je,velry, Kodaks an.d·.cameras to .reduce stock. J:. E. GUSTAFS.ON, · First DOC?rSou~h of l'ost Office.

· McPherson Meat ·:Market, . . . . . F: D. ENTRIKEN; Pn(}Pct R"l'Otl,. . . . Fresh ~n·d ~alt~d M~ats. Ice in~ ~\lay Quantity.~

CORnF;.~ro:sD~'lCE SOLICIT_J\D. :

. .

. -



; '• made ~y THE HYGEIAN SUPPLY CO., of MoPhe~n, Kansas, is as Us name.

implifs, a. real heal~ drinli, made~of Cl!reals tha,t ~upply _muscle and n~e .force.

It bas a pleasant flavor p.eculiar)Y.. ~itb . OWD that most persoDa., . ":~0 continue Ita

use for a week o'r ~D day~. l~am to relish f•r more than• common tea 'Or ooJfee. Children and delicate penous may u'se it three tim~ a day, ~ •.pan of tbolr .

•ceded food suppiy. Both Profes8ors and. Students of MoPhenon College uee it, because· it is healthful, n~uriebing, palatable and cheap. .

Ask your. ~r f~r ~t, or se~d s two-oent stamps to pay 1191tage on,a~free sample package, with price per ~ ~~veresl at your atatioa;

Printed directi~n's on each pack~ ..- Sold by dle Leading Gro08n.

>~~~~~~~~~~~~W\J~\JI' IRa ~-~~~·········--


. ~ -~r-- . \ . . VANIJIAN, ~· .. . .


OHA.UNCEY VAN1MAN, e-M.:' .. .

··.";'_: -~-PEOP.lES· _S1tATE B~,.~, . . i , McPHERSON, KANSAS. ··;

• • .... . - :'f • '

CAPIT A.t, STOCK, $t8!000.Q0..! :· . ·~ . : . . . Collections Receiye Prompt Attention. .,. r' • ~. .

. ~ · ;.·uoney 'to Loan on Real Estate on ~!fora~~e .Termt. .. , :DDUIIc::Jfi.WO--• . - ~ . . . . Dr. J. C ... :Ball\1. . Joho A. Moo~aw, B .• Parker, .: Qalttel:.~"lchtnalzried,

__.. · Chauncey .Vaniman. \Vf\I: ·Md·ar~y. ·p; ~A.. .vap!mail: · . '1 · • . " 1 • • ' • . • I . , _ • . ... •

, . . . .,.... f ( '

' . ' . .• HEITHECK:ER'~ ·B·~QK' S~08'E~::. For Books, Stationery, Miscellaneous Books. Tablets and.Flne · ..

..Stationery, Fanc1 Goods. Albums. Toys. Wa1l .Paper. Et~..,. ~11 . · .· • ' · · · klnda of Muaih;at Instruments and mual~t merchandise. l~nt- '

. . ·for Harwood Guitars and J/andoline. ' .... . . · ..

. '.

("' ' . : .. t. ·: McPhers~n, . .r: ._ .. · ~~nsas.

A!LLISON & WRIGHT~ . . . ~ : . . . ' .. . , . . (OFFICJIJ OVEn SAM D1CJt9S &TORE.] : •

1 .

LAW . REAL ESTATE, AND LOAN AGENTS. We h'aYe some very choice FARMS for SAl.£ cheap·. Also MONEY

· LOAN at LOWEST rate of intereAt. ; ' · ·: . ' " NcPHERBOK, .. KA.A'SA8. .

. ~ R 1 SK. . .1-7., 000


l : o Agents wanted tor unoecupitd~territorv. ~: F. TALB01T, Pnelcleat.· ' C. F. MtNOENBA~K. SocnWJ.

Per S&Jte!· . • · I offer lor aale my home on Oollege Plaee, MoPhenon, Kaneu, consisting o~ .

a good two-etOry, frame, eight-room bolll8, all8nithoo oomplet$ with atone tound- · ation and good cellar, brick caYe, good ciatcrn and well, fair oui ·buildings aud about one S91'e of ground. · . .

. For. prloe and terms, write tlie undersigned at McPherson, Kan•aa.

j . HOFF. ~--~~~~t{ ·~-