Divine Reality Neem Karoli Baba

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  • 7/25/2019 Divine Reality Neem Karoli Baba


    Divine Reality: Shri Neeb Karori Ji Maharaj

    by Ravi Prakash Pande


    Sri Baba Neeb Karori Maharaj appeared to be an ordinary human, but he was actually divinity incarnate.He inspired people in unseen, intangible ways. No one could predict his behavior. His actions revealed anall-nowing, all-pervading, and all-power!ul being who had nature itsel! under his command. "ur rationalminds made it di!!icult to accept such power in a human being, but Baba#s divine love melted away our

    natural scepticism and submerged us in grace.

    $he accounts o! Baba#s lila, or his divine play, described in the main body o! this boo are devotees#personal e%periences o! Baba. Since he was averse to public acclaim, the accounts remained verbal duringhis li!etime and !or some time a!ter he le!t his physical body. &evotees rarely shared their e%periences

    with people they did not now, and no one could gather the courage to eep a record o! Baba#s lila whilethey were with him. $he renowned thiner and writer K.M. Munshi was impressed a!ter meeting Babaand published an article on him, but he !aced Baba#s disapproval !or his actions. $he late 'aja Bhadri,!ormer lieutenant governor o! Himachal (radesh, made a great e!!ort to collect many o! Baba#s lila, but

    when he sought Baba#s consent to get them published, Baba not only re!used but had the entire collectiondestroyed in his presence.

    )n *+* Baba#s merican devotee 'am &ass &r. 'ichard lpert/, !ormer pro!essor o! psychology at

    Harvard 0niversity, was success!ul in narrating the power!ul e!!ect o! Baba#s in!luence on him in hisbooBe Here Now. )n *++, si% years a!ter Baba le!t his body, 'am &ass published another booentitledMiracle of Love. )t was through this boo that more o! the western world came to now aboutMaharaj.

    "thers have also written about Baba in 1nglish, but there is a lac o! literature about him in the Hindilanguage. (rabhu &ayal Sharma composed two beauti!ul poems in Hindi, VinayaChalisaandPushpanjali, and a!ter *+2 3rindavan shram started publishingSmriti Sudha, an annualmaga4ine in which devotees write about their e%periences o! Baba.

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    )n preparation !or writing this boo, personal interviews were conducted with people !rom man nations,and all the literature available on Baba was researched. 1very e!!ort was made to give in!ormation aboutthe people related to the events included e%cept where individuals wished to remain anonymous.1n5uiries were made to veri!y the authenticity o! the accounts, and care was taen to reproduce them

    without e%aggeration. )n addition to incidents that too place be!ore *+2, peoples# e%periences o! Babaa!ter his Mahasamadhi are also described.

    $he accounts have been arranged according to their conte%t and re!lection o! divine attributes rather thanchronologically, !or some people related their e%periences based on the lasting impression they maderather than the e%act date the event occurred. Since the attributes are interdependent, some e%periencesmay re!lect more than one. $he word 66 pronounced 'aam/ closes every chapter because the name o!7ord 'am was most dear to Maharaj.

    Baba#s mystical lila inspires us to discover the essence o! truth and o!ten brings about a spontaneouschange in our perception o! this world. His divine ways are so e%ceedingly impressive and attractive thatcontemplation o! them encourages us to see improvement o! the inner sel!. s a conse5uence o! thisinner cleansing, people start e%periencing Baba#s grace and sometimes see him in dreams as well as in

    waing reality. $hus, by thoroughly contemplating and re!lecting on his character and divine lila, it isnatural that there will be changes in the thoughts and tendencies o! aspirants. $o !acilitate thistrans!ormation is the purpose o! this boo.

    ) had the opportunity to meet Baba !or the !irst time in *+88 in 7ucnow. !ter *+92 my association withhim increased, and ) was blessed to be with Baba in Kainchi shram !or some time every year !rom *+::to *+2. )n this way ) became more and more in touch with his devotees and their wonder!ul e%perienceso! Baba.

    ) bow to the revered !eet o! Sri Siddhi Ma, who inspired me to write this boo, and with whose blessingsthis great tas has been completed. ) also e%press my sincere gratitude to everyone who shared theire%periences and encouraged me, especially Shri Kehar Singh ji, who contributed so much !rom his many

    years o! close association with Baba. ) am also grate!ul to the Hanuman ;oundation, 0.S.., !or maingseveral photographs o! Baba available !or publication in this boo.

    ) acnowledge that ) have neither the intelligence nor the capability to describe the greatness o! Baba and

    so beg pardon o! the reader !or my inade5uacies. Baba concealed his true nature, but by his grace, )present to the reader the little ) new and saw. ) publish this boo with a sel!less prayer !or the wel!are o!all humanind. )! in the accomplishment o! this tas ) have inadvertently hurt the !eelings o! anyone, )humbly see their pardon.

    )n the end ) submit the boo to Sri Kainchi Hanuman Mandir and $rust.

    'avi (raash (ande 6'ajida6Sri Kainchi Hanuman Mandir < shramKainchi, &istrict Nainital=uru (urnima, ** >uly *+?

  • 7/25/2019 Divine Reality Neem Karoli Baba


    An Entreaty For Grace

    " Haven o! the shelterless, you are the compassionate one, the embodiment o! grace, the !orgiver. Somenow you by the name o! 7ashman &as, some as Neeb Karori Neem Karoli/, and a !ew others as$alaiyya Baba baba o! the lae/. Some address you as Maharaj great ing/, some as Sarar lord/, andsome as Baba beloved elder/. Baba is dearest to my heart.

    Maharaj, !or me, you are 'am, you are Krishna, you are Shiva, you are =oddess &urga, you are Hanuman.@our devotees were close to you, but you used your grace and humility as a curtain to hide your divinity.)n childlie innocence, we did not realise that =od had come to us as our guru. @ou said, 6) maedevotees, not disciples.6 $his was enough to alert us, but we did not wae up. " =od incarnateA (rotect the

    bond between us.

    BabaA )t is your nature to elevate the lowly and mae them worthy. @ou !ul!il even the simplest wishes o!your devotees. $his servant o! yours has nurtured a yearning. Knowing the innermost thoughts o! all, it isnot hidden !rom you. " 7ordA ) have a een desire to spread the story o! your divine play, but ) !eel 5uiteincompetent !or the great tas. 1!!orts to describe =od all end by saying neti, neti not this, not this/, yetone cannot help praising his glory. Similarly, words have not the power to e%press your divinity, !or thereis no end to you or your divine play. ny e!!ort to e%press who you are is lie trying to drain an ocean withcupped hands. No matter how much is said or how much is written, one cannot be satis!ied with it.

    ) am aware o! my own lac o! capability on one hand and a lac o! ade5uate nowledge o! language,literature, and style on the other. 0nder these circumstances it does not seem possible to sa!ely carry thenectar o! your divine li!e to others. )n the evening o! my li!e, as unsilled a sailor as ) am, it is my audacityto get into the tumultuous ocean in a worn-out boat with timeworn oars. @et leaning upon yoursupernatural powers, may ) persist in this stupendous tas.

    " KrishnaA @ou made it seem as i! your play in this human body was over. @our 6disappearance6 was adivine act in itsel!. @our compassion is still alive and giving support to those seeing your grace.

    " 7ordA May ) now i! your divine nature need still be concealed )! not, indly be seated in the heart o!this servant o! yours, enlighten his wisdom, and grati!y him by maing his pen write. @ou alone can maean impossible tas possible. By your grace all hurdles will be removed, and this wor will be completed. ""cean o! indnessA ) await the shower o! your loving grace.

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    $hese !lowers are o!!ered with love and placed at your !eet with care. (lease accept them, " Beloved=urudev.

    Humbly ) bow at your !eet,'avi (raash (ande 6'ajida6Sri Kainchi Hanuman Mandir < shram, NainitalBhadra-Shula, nant ChaturdashiD* September *+?2


    Sri Baba Neeb Karori Maharaj was born in a well-to-do Brahmin !amily !rom the village o! barpur in&istrict gra and was nown by the name 7a%mi Narian. He e%hibited spiritual powers !rom birth, andthough he did not show an inclination !or study as a child, he seemed to now everything. "ne night hetold his !amily that there would be burglars in the house. $aing it to be a child#s imagination, no oneheeded his warning, but his words turned out to be true. Burglars broe into the house the same night.

    t the tender age o! eleven, Baba le!t his home and went to =ujarat, where he lived !or seven years. Hestayed in the ashram o! a 3aishnav a worshipper o! 7ord 3ishnu/ saint who gave him the name7ashman &as and made him wear the clothes o! an ascetic. His hair grew long and matted, and he wore a

    loincloth tied around his waist with a rope made o! reed. His sole possession was a amandal a pot madeout o! a gourd/. He also stayed !or some time at an ashram in Babania, a village outside the town o! Morvi.$here he practiced spiritual austerities, which included immersing himsel! in a lae !or long periods.

    ;rom Babania, Baba set o!! on a journey around the country. Ehile traveling, he arrived at the village o!Neeb Karori, in the district o! ;arruhabad, and stopped to tae some rest. Baba#s speech was divine, andalthough he had little contact with the villagers, whatever he told them came true. $hey became attachedto him and beseeched him to stay. $hey built an underground cave !or him in which he immersed himsel!in spiritual practice all day. No one saw him coming out even to attend the call o! nature. He came outonly in the darness o! night. 7ater the cave gave in, and a new cave which still e%ists/ was dug out about

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    two hundred meters !rom the old one, on a neglected piece o! land owned by a Brahmin named=overdhan. Baba had a Hanuman temple built on the roo! o! this cave, and on the day o! consecration heshaved his long, matted hair and started wearing a long, cotton dhoti length o! cotton !abric/ instead o!the loincloth.

    !ter moving into the new cave, Baba started interacting more with the villagers. He developed a !riendlyassociation with the younger people o! his age group and o!ten participated in their sports. He mingled

    with them so !reely that it was not possible !or them to be over-awed by the peculiarities o! his astonishingdeeds. Ehile playing hide-and-see, he was able to locate any one o! them instantly, wherever they might

    be hidden in the !orest, but when his turn came, he became invisible and was not to be !ound anywhere.Ehile climbing trees in the !orest, his pursuers would !ollow him up one tree only to reach the top and seehim sitting on another. No one saw him leaping !rom tree to tree. Ehile swimming in the village pond,Baba would disappear under the water and come out a!ter a long time. )t was all a matter o! ama4ementand !un !or them.

    &uring this period a poor bird catcher named =opal became Baba#s ardent devotee and came to attend tohim every day. "ne day, !orgetting Baba#s instructions not to enter his cave, =opal made the mistae o!going in with a pot o! mil that he had brought !or him. He !ound Baba in deep meditation with serpents

    wrapped around his body. He was so horri!ied to see Baba in his Shiva-lie !orm that his legs gave wayand the pot o! mil slipped !rom his hands. He ran outside and !ainted. Baba came out and li!ted him up

    saying, 6@ou should not have entered the cave without permission.6 )t was by Baba#s touch alone that=opal regained consciousness.

    "ne time Baba did not get !ood !or several days. $his was more o! his lila. $he villagers said that heappeared agitated. He shouted at the holy image o! Hanuman an incarnation o! Shiva and beloveddevotee o! 7ord 'am, he is the reliever o! su!!ering, the embodiment o! blessings, and a bridge betweenpeople and =od/, 6Eill you starve me to death6 No sooner did he say these words than several peoplecame to the temple with plates !ull o! !ruits and sweets. Showing disrespect to the deity was anincomprehensible act, but the villagers believed that Maharaj could do such a thing because he was not adevotee o! Hanuman but Hanuman himsel!.

    "ne day Baba was on his way to the =anges, where he used to bathe on the auspicious days o! 1adashiand (urnima. He was waling with his devotee =opal and a Muslim companion when he saw a train

    traveling towards ;arruhabad on which he wished to travel. $he moving train, which was about twohundred meters away, suddenly stopped and did not move !urther until Baba and his attendants boarded.s soon as Baba sat down, the train continued its journey. 7ater on, at the re5uest o! villagers who wishedto eep the memory o! the event alive, the government o! )ndia set up a railway station at the place whereBaba boarded and named it Baba 7ashman &as (uri station a!ter Baba. Baba was called Baba7ashman &as by the villagers o! Neeb Karori./

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    "n another occasion Baba went to ;arruhabad !rom Neeb Karori in the !irst-class compartment o! atrain. Seeing his sadhu-lie appearance, an nglo-)ndian conductor told him to get o!! the train at thene%t station. Baba got down and too a seat on the plat!orm. &espite all e!!orts o! the station sta!!, thetrain did not moveF its departure was delayed !or two hours. $he conductor could not e%plain the problemsince no mechanical de!ect was !ound. )n !act, the engine was running, but the wheels would not turn. llthe compartments o! the train were checed thoroughly and no !ault was !ound anywhere.

    Ehile the authorities were deliberating over the problem, some railway employees ased Baba in jest to

    mae the train move. Baba said, 6) am turned out o! the train and you are asing me to let it goA6 nemployee replied, 6(erhaps you had no ticet.6 t this, Baba showed them several genuine !irst-classticets. ma4ed, they begged him to re-board the train and let it move. Baba willed it to be so, and thetrain moved instantly. ;rom then on Baba 7ashman &as became !amous as Baba Neeb Karori, the baba!rom Neeb Karori village.

    )n *+29 a rich man came to Neeb Karori and o!!ered Baba a silver plate !ull o! gold coins in the presence o!=overdhan and some other Brahmins. Baba did not accept the o!!ering. His rejection o! it antagoni4ed theBrahmins, !or they had wanted Baba to give them the money. 7ater another rich man came to Neeb Karori

    bringing thirty cans o! ghee clari!ied butter/ !or the !orthcoming yagna !ire ceremony/ on the !ull-moonday. Baba was in ;arruhabad at the time, taing a bath in the =anges. )n his absence the Brahmins spoeto the rich man in a derogatory way about Baba and persuaded him to go away with his cans o! ghee. Babacould see all that was happening at Neeb Karori !rom ;arruhabad, and on his return he reprimanded theBrahmins and gave up the idea o! per!orming the annual yagna. "ne day shortly therea!ter, he le!t the

    village. He had lived there !or eighteen years.

    !ter leaving Neeb Karori, Baba lived !or some time on the ban o! the =anges at Kilaghat in ;atehgarh.$here he associated with the local people and even reared some cows. $o the amusement o! his devotees,the cows obeyed Baba#s commands. &uring his stay he gave his blessings and darshan to many soldiers.He also changed the heart o! Colonel >.C. McKenna, his !irst western devotee, who had been averse to)ndian saints and mons.

    !ter leaving Kilaghat, Baba wandered !rom place to place. Nothing can be said !or certain about where he

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    went and what he did during this time. $here was, however, a steady growth o! reverence !or him amongpeople in the towns o! Bareilly, Haldwani, lmora, Nainital, Kanpur, 7ucnow, 3rindavan, and llahabad,and also in &elhi, Shimla, and even Madras Chennai/, a !ar-o!! city in the South.

    Eithout any publicity, urban and rural )ndians o! all ages, castes, and classes, as well as people !rom theEest became Baba#s devotees. Hindus, Muslims, Sihs, Christians, and even atheists were drawn to him.3.3. =iri, !ormer president o! )ndiaF =opal Swarup (atha, !ormer vice presidentF >ustice 3asudevMuherjeeF >ugal Kishore Birla, the !amous industrialistF Sumitra Nandan (ant, the poetF !ormer primeminister >awahar 7al Nehru, and many other well-nown and distinguished persons had Baba#s darshanand showed great respect !or him.

    &uring the *+8Gs Baba began spending more time in Nainital. great many o! the town#s inhabitantsbecame devoted to him. )! they saw Baba going anywhere, they would leave their business or chores andlie care!ree beings, !ollow him wherever he went. $here was an ine%plicable bliss in the households thatBaba visited. No e!!ort was needed to !ind out where he was in the town at any particular moment becausehis presence could be !elt by the spirit o! joy and !estivity pervading that place. He would occasionally stayin the houses o! his devotees, but he spent much o! his time on the secluded Manora hillside, about twoilometers outside o! the town. Sometimes he would pass the nights on the roadside parapets, andhouseholder devotees accustomed to domestic com!orts would remain awae with him all night, nighta!ter night, and still attend to their usual routine during the day. )nstead o! !eeling !atigued, they !elt a

    new spirit o! energy.

    )n the early *+9Gs Baba had his !irst temple, which he named Hanumangarh, constructed on the Manorahillside. "ver the ne%t two decades he also had temples, and in some places ashrams, constructed inBhumiadhar, Kainchi, Karighat, Kanpur, 7ucnow, 3rindavan, Shimla, &elhi, and other places. Baba

    valued the temples and ashrams, but he had no desire or attachment !or them. s soon as each temple wascompleted, he would turn its management over to a trust.

    Because o! the social limitations !aced by women in )ndia, Baba made special !acilities available to them inthe ashrams. Conse5uently the women devotees adored Baba as their guru, !ather, brother, or son,according to their !eelings. $hey participated in all the activities o! the ashrams and contributed greatly tothe spirit o! service that Maharaj encouraged.

    Many visitors were !ed every day in Baba#s ashrams and given pacets o! prasad blessed !ood/ to carryhome !or their !amilies. $he visiting ascetics were o!!ered money and blanets as well as !ood. Baba wouldsay, 6)! you do not empty the stoc, how can it be replenished6 >ust as the sun never sees darness, Babanever !aced a shortage o! anything.

    ;rom the *+9Gs until his Mahasamadhi, Baba visited the temples and ashrams but never stayed in oneplace !or long. Eherever he stayed, he lived simply and was always concerned with the wel!are o! others.7ie a benevolent !ather, he shed his grace on all.

    He nurtured the concept o! 3asudhaiv utumbaam the world as one !amily/ and would say that lovebinds all together. His blood relations, along with countless others, merged within this worldwide !amily.&evotees only learned about Baba#s relatives when his last rites were per!ormed. Baba said, 6$he wholeuniverse is our home and all residing in it belong to our !amily. 1very woman is a mother or sister andevery man a !ather or brother. $his is all =od#s !amily. @ou can do service o! the highest order only i! your

    thoughts are centered on =od. )nstead o! trying to see =od in a particular appearance, it is better to seehim in everything.6

    "n ** September *+2 Maharaj ji le!t his physical body. Much remains a mystery about him and his lilabe!ore and a!ter this date. K.M. Munshi, !ormer governor o! 0ttar (radesh, wrote, 6Nobody nows wherehe came !rom or where he went away to, nor is his original name nown to anyone.6 Ehat we now abouthim is only by his grace. He is a per!ect e%ample o! how the eternal power assumes human !orm anddwells !or a time amidst the masses.

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    Baba's Divine Nature

    Sri Baba Neeb Karori Maharaj was the very embodiment o! grace and compassion. He showered a!!ection,!ed people, and made them laugh. He loved everyone without discrimination and could not bear to seeanyone in distress. He was so a!!able that each o! his devotees !elt that Baba had special a!!ection !or themand believed him to be their very own. 1ven simple words spoen by him always brought good, just as

    seeds, in whatever way they are sown, always sprout upright.

    He was lie a apataru a celestial wish-!ul!illing tree/ in satis!ying the bene!icial wishes o! people. Babawould o!ten call strangers by name and relieve them o! their su!!ering by advising them suitably. Hewould cure the diseases o! people without their nowledge. He alleviated a!!lictionswhether physical,spiritual, or mundanewith a mere glance or touch.

    Some people call Baba the greatest ascetic, some the supreme saint. "ne devotee said that Baba appearedaccording to one#s thoughts or as a re!lection o! one#s own !eelingso!ten as a beloved !amily member oras a revered teacher. Baba came to one man in the !orm o! Sri 'am, to another in the !orm o! =oddess&urga. Many believed him to be an incarnation o! the all-power!ul Hanuman. Swami Karpatri Maharajsaid, 6)n Kali-yuga, many learned saints have come into the world, but none is so enlightened as BabaNeeb Karori.6 Swami Chidananda, the president o! the &ivine 7i!e Society and Sri Shivananda ashram,called him 6a wonder mystic o! Northern )ndia.6 Baba himsel! said, 6)! people got to now the truth about

    me, they would even pinch o!! the hair on my body and mae talismans.6

    Baba, however, ept his divinity concealed. $he villages o! barpur and Neeb Karori in 0ttar (radeshwere the !ields o! his lila !or more than hal! a century. Nevertheless, the inhabitants o! his native barpurwere not aware that their own 7a%mi Narain Sharma was nown elsewhere as Baba Neeb Karori or Baba7ashman &as. Nor did the residents o! Neeb Karori now that the baba who became !amous all over the

    world by the name o! their village was none other than their own Baba 7ashman &as.

    Baba#s unassuming appearance caused common people as well as spiritual aspirants o! a high order to

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    mistae him !or a prosperous )ndian householder. He made no pretensions about being a saint in order togain respect. He did not mar his !orehead or wear a string o! beads around his nec, nor did he wear thesa!!ron clothing o! a sadhu. )nstead, he wore a white dhoti and a blanet. )n his own ashrams, i! a strangerased him where they could !ind Baba, he usually replied, 6$here is no baba here. =o and have darshan

    be!ore the murti o! Hanuman.6

    Baba o!ten created a misleading impression o! himsel! and bewildered people in order to divert theirattention. Many say he e%hibited human weanesses to this end. Baba credited other people with his owne%traordinary deeds, and i! any o! his devotees tried to spea highly o! him in public or loo !or moredetails about him, he did not allow them to stay in his company !or long. Baba disdained the !awning waysused to show esteem !or him, though sometimes he would accept ritual adoration puja/ when it waso!!ered with true love and simplicity. "utwardly, however, he would still be busy taling or lost in thought.

    $he opinions o! others, whether !avorable or un!avorable, did not a!!ect Baba. He would unhesitatingly actcontrary to e%pectation and at times even in ways that seemed humiliating in the eyes o! the world. Hisreasons were generally incomprehensible, yet he appealed to people so much that he always remained theobject o! their reverence and a!!ection. His parado%ical actions could o!ten be e%plained by the !act thatBaba, lie other saints, made use o! the subtle, unseen !orces o! the universe. )n this way rational logiccould not be applied to them.

    Swami 'amanand said that Baba#s state o! consciousness determined his behavior. Ehen Baba appearedto be asleep, it would be just as liely !or him to be in a state o! bliss or on another plane. More o!ten Babaappeared restless. 1ven while sitting or lying down, he was rarely still. Baba#s apparent mobility was o!tenattributed to the numerous benevolent wors he was doing elsewhere unnoticed. 1ven Baba#s physical!orm would sometimes re!lect his inner state. $he photographs in which Baba#s hand loos lie a

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    money#s paw suggest his absorption in the contemplation o! Hanuman.

    Baba never got tired o! moving about day or night. He would o!ten joy!ully pass the nights in solitaryplaces, on parapet walls by the roadside, or in jungles. Sometimes he roamed about without !ood.Sometimes, even a!ter eating meals in the many homes he was invited to, he would say he was hungry andas !or more !ood. I)t is believed that Baba was taing on negative arma by eating at people#s homes,thus saving them !rom adverse e!!ects.J t other times a piece o! dry bread !rom a pious soul satis!ied him.

    Swami 'ama #7iving Eith the Himalayan Masters#/ said that Baba was beyond the physical awareness o!his own sel! and so his behavior appeared childlie. He would occasionally !orget to eat or to tae his bath.His attendants would remind Baba, and then he would per!orm the daily chores.

    Sometimes Baba would be smiling at joes and those around him would be laughing. )n an instant hewould change the mood and people would start weeping. t times a !ew lines !rom the 'amayana theepic depicting 7ord 'am#s incarnation on earth/, a recollection o! Christ, or even an ordinary conversation

    would touch his heart, and his own tears would !low pro!usely. 1ven his picture was seen to shed tearswhen someone wept be!ore it.

    Baba led such a simple li!e that there was nothing one could give him. He did not accept money !rom!oreigners and discouraged others !rom doing so, but he would honor and accept humble o!!erings !rom

    the poor. He had a natural a!!inity !or the destitute and disadvantaged and would wal into their homesuninvited and as !or !ood. He o!ten said, 61veryone is poor be!ore =od.6

    t the same time Baba encouraged charity, generosity, and sacri!ice and e%horted the rich to spend moneyon the construction o! temples and ashrams, on bhandaras public !eedings/, and !or the wel!are o! others."n occasion he would put a devotee to the test by asing them !or something that they were very attachedto or !elt unable to part with. $his again was his lila. He told people that generosity was a result o! gooddeeds per!ormed in a previous birth and said, 6$o give or sacri!ice !or another at the cost o! hardship to

    yoursel! is very di!!icult. Such acts can only be per!ormed because o! sansaras predispositions orpositive tendencies/ o! previous births.6

    Baba#s nature to !orgive was unparalleled. He did not loo down on anyone !or their evil deeds or !ore%hibiting human weanesses such as desire, anger, pride, ignorance, or avarice. )t is said in the

    'amayana that i! =od too heed o! all o! man#s deeds, his redemption would become unthinable. 1venthough Baba new everything, he accepted everyone as they were. )ndeed, he would become unhappy i!someone mistreated a person who had committed an o!!ense. "nce, Baba ignored the tra!!ic rules at acrossing and was verbally abused and manhandled by the police o!!icer on duty. Baba did not mind, butsomeone else reported the incident to a higher authority. Ehen the police o!!icer was called to tas, Babahimsel! went to plead !or the man and saved him !rom punishment.

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    $here were times when Baba made a show o! angerscolding and shouting. His Shiva-lie wrath was noteasy to cope with. He did not hesitate to use a stream o! course swear words, and sometimes he wouldeven strie out with his hand or !oot. $he person who was the object o! his !ury, as well as anyone

    witnessing it, was shaen at these moments. Strangely enough, immediately a!ter such incidents, Babawould appear very calm and ind-hearted, as i! nothing had happened. 1ventually it was seen that hisanger averted the mis!ortunes o! people and acted as a blessing in disguise. 1ven nowing that his anger

    was never real, none dared to tae it lightly.

    No one new how or on whom Baba#s grace would !all. 1ven though people generally go to the hermitageso! saints and sages to have their darshan lie a thirsty man goes to a well, Baba would visit the houses o!his devotees and o!ten bless them by eating !ood prepared by them. He would e%tend this type o! blessingto anyone and eat vegetarian !ood without the slightest hesitation at the houses o! Hindus, Muslims,

    Sihs, or Christians. He o!ten brought other devotees along with him and e%pected them to be !ed as well.1ven when he arrived une%pectedly, there would always be plenty. By his grace the 5uantity o! !ood wouldincrease to the appropriate amount and save the hosts !rom embarrassment. (rosperity, peace, andcontentment !illed the house wherever he too a meal.

    Ehile staying at the homes o! his devotees, Baba would sit among them lie the head o! the !amily, taeinterest in and listen to their day-to-day problems, give his opinion, and help them. Many !amilies asedBaba !or advice on matrimonial alliances, and at times he would name a suitable bride or groom.

    Ehenever Baba suggested an alliance, it was bound to tae place whether it was agreed to at the time ornot. Having e%pressed his view in respect to marriage, Baba would indirectly get it per!ormed in asatis!actory manner and thus relieve the !amily members o! their an%iety. Certain people did not thin itproper !or a saint to be interested in the worldly activities o! householders, but these thiners betrayedtheir ignorance o! Baba#s divine nature. )t is said in the 'amayana that the illustrious saints are moved bythe su!!erings o! others. Baba was benevolence itsel!, and so it was natural !or him to shower his grace inso many !orms.

    )n addition to visiting his householder devotees, Baba would also go to the hermitages and caves o!spiritual aspirants sadhas/ and grace them by his presence. 'eal sadhas could not remain hidden !romBaba. He always helped them, directly or indirectly, in their spiritual practice.

    0nlie some sadhus who do not tolerate children or consider them worthy company, Baba, having achildlie temperament himsel!, loved their company and always !ed them his nectar-lie prasad. Heignored their prans and sometimes play!ully encouraged them by giving pre!erence to their wishes.

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    Baba#s only e%pectation !rom children and young people was that they respect their parents and teachers,which he insisted they demonstrate by bowing and putting their heads at the elders# !eet.

    He used to 5uote e%amples o! how one man carried his mother on his shoulders !or a bath in the =anges,or o! one who ate only a!ter he had o!!ered !ood to his parents. $hose who showed such devotion to theirparents were dear to Maharaj. )n one conte%t he said, 6)t is not necessary to see =od so long as theparents are alive. $he worship o! living parents is di!!icult, but it is the best sadhana spiritual practice/."

    Baba would bring people to a higher state o! awareness just through normal conversation. Sometimes heept people so absorbed all through the night that they were surprised to see the approach o! dawn.&uring discussions on spirituality, whatever he uttered touched the heart and had the e!!ect o! a greatmantra, or devotional incantation.

    He said, 6ll religions are basically the same and they all lead to =od. ll human beings are e5ual. $heblood that circulates in the body through the heart is the same in all.6 He went to Mecca at the re5uest o!)ndian mbassador Shri Kidwai, to church at the re5uest o! the merican devotees, and accompaniedSihs and others to temples. Baba, who was initiated as a 3aishnav, appreciated whoever !ollowed theirreligion conscientiously and respected all religions alie, but he himsel! was not constrained by any. )nmaing the rituals less cumbersome, he would disregard the precepts o! the scriptures when appropriate.

    Baba encouraged the devotees to recite the Hanuman Chalisa a !orty-verse prayer in praise o! Hanuman/and the Sundarand the chapter in the 'amayana that describes Hanuman#s e%ploits/. He also guidedthem in the prayers and annual religious !unctions at the ashram. @et he himsel! would not participate inthem and ept aloo! !rom !ormal ceremonies such as the consecration o! temples.

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    He would tell people, 6=od resides within every heart.6 Sometimes he said that !ood is =od. bout =od#sdarshan, he said, 6=od e%ists in all aspects o! nature, his creation. He is everywhere so is never out o! oursight. $he !ault is ours i! we are not able to see him or do not earnestly try to see him. Ee must not limitour vision. $he narrow tendencies o! the mind eep us so entangled in mundane activities that we are notaware o! him. "ur impure thoughts prevent us !rom achieving peace o! mind and divine love.6 He o!tensaid that love is the best means !or =od-reali4ation and would repeat again and again, 6$here is nothingdearer to 'am than love.6

    Baba was continuously uttering 6'am, 'am6 or sometimes 6'adha, 'adha6 names o! =od/. 1ven whiletaling, he could be seen moving his thumb continuously around his !inger, as i! repeating a mantra. ttimes he became so engrossed that he appeared to be lost in himsel!. His devotion was sublime. He o!tensaid, 6'am#s !orm le!t this world, Krishna#s !orm le!t this world, but the name stays. By reciting his nameeverything is achieved,6 and shaing his head, he reiterated, 61verything is achieved.6

    Someone ased, 6)sn#t it hypocritical to worship =od when you are not sincere in your devotion6 Babaanswered, 6)! you can#t do it with true !eeling and you don#t want to otherwise, what will you do thenSomething is better than nothing. $o begin with, one may not be entirely sincere, but in due course o!time, the thoughts get puri!ied and the honesty o! intention comes by itsel!. Can anyone have the vision o!=od with naed eyes "ne must have divine sight to visuali4e him and a person only gets it a!ter thepuri!ication o! thoughts. ;or this, a pious li!e, bhajan, and spiritual practice are essential. =o on reciting

    'am and one day the true call !or 'am will come out and you will be redeemed.6 ccording to Baba, onetrue recitation o! the name o! 'am !rom the heart was e5ual to countless recitations otherwise.

    He would also say, 6=o on worshipping =od in thought, word, and action. $hen you will be able toper!orm nishama arma deeds per!ormed without any attachment or desire/. $he ability o! nishamaarma can be achieved only by his grace and cannot be ac5uired by any other means. None can claim aright to his grace. )t is up to him to give it, to re!use it, or to tae it away.6

    Baba would say that attachment and ego are the greatest hindrances to the reali4ation o! =od and that 6alearned man and a !ool are alie as long as there is attachment and ego in the physical body.6 He wouldadvise people to surrender to =od#s will above everything else so that they might develop love and !aith inhim and thereby be !ree o! unnecessary worries in li!e.

    $o strengthen people#s !aith, he would repeat the lines, 6" 7ord o! the HelplessA $he strings o! my destinyare in they hand.6 nd, 67ie a !ish in deep water, everyone is secure and happy under the protection o!=od.6 He would tell people that prayers made in !ront o! his photographs were answered by him. He alsosaid, 6Have trust in =od and the most di!!icult tass become easy. ;or success, hard wor alone is notenough, =od#s grace is essential.6

    Baba was surrounded by people all the time and mingled with them !reely, but lie the wind he touchedeveryone and remained una!!ected. He listened to and inspired people, sometimes giving guidance indreams. He e%isted on many di!!erent planes. He would 5uote Kabir saying, 6"! this world ) am, desirouso! the world ) am not, passing through the ba4aar ) am, the buyer ) am not.6 )n some ways Baba remainedlie an open boo that everyone could read, but !ew had the capability o! understanding.

    )n truth, Baba cannot be !athomed. He was transcendent, all pervading, and beyond duality. His physical!orm per!ormed many miraculous deeds, but the real miracle was the love and concern !or human wel!are

    implicit within them. $o the seeer, Baba showed possibilities in human li!e that were beyondimagination. $o the man o! action, he showed the path o! righteousness. $o his devotees, Baba gave aglimpse o! =od in human !orm.

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    Baba's Durbar

    7ovingly addressed as Maharaj, Baba was a master o! the spiritual world. Some compared the gathering o!devotees around him to the court o! a ing surrounded by his courtiers. 0nlie a ing#s court, however, noone held a position in Baba#s durbar nor did it have a set venue, time, or duration. 1veryone could sit

    wherever they lied, and there was no obligation !or visitors to bow to Maharaj. $he durbar would

    assemble anywherein the ashram, by the side o! the road, under a tree in the !orest, or in the house o! adevotee. )t was always open to everyone. "ne o! the remarable !eatures o! Baba#s durbar was thatalthough it assembled and dispersed, its continuity was maintained. "ne durbar would end, but another

    would assemble in no time, wherever Baba went. His great love !or people and their love !or him assuredan unbroen se5uence o! visitors.

    $he subject o! conversation in Baba#s durbar arose spontaneously and was never prearranged. Babausually ased the new visitor three 5uestions Ehat is your name Ehere have you come !rom Ehat do

    you do )t was o!ten !rom these three 5uestions that a conversation would ensue. "nce, Baba put the third5uestion as !ollows, 6@ou, lawyer, what do you do6 1verybody burst into laughter, !or Baba had revealedhis omniscience. Maharaj just smiled.

    Many o! Baba#s lila too place in his durbar. Sometimes he answered the 5uestions o! !oreigners be!ore

    the interpreter had !inished translating them, and he would as about members o! their !amily by name.

    Ehile Baba did not preach or give religious discourses, he would o!ten turn the conversation towardsspiritual matters. 1ven when the topic o! conversation was common and worldly, which it o!ten was, theimplication o! Baba#s words always had a deeper meaning. Sometimes Baba constantly repeated anordinary word lie a child. $wo words, 6nan6 and 6thul,6 !rom the Kumaon dialect are synonyms !or6small6 and 6big6F Baba used these words lie a chant and would utter 6nan, nan6 and 6thul, thul6continuously. "ccasionally he would repeat these words in his durbar !or days on end. $he mystery lay inthe repetitionF hearing them again and again, the devotees lost the distinction between big and small orhigh and low. Conse5uently the vast community o! Baba#s devotees greeted and embraced each other

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    without discrimination o! caste and creed.

    $he purpose o! Baba#s advice or orders was always very deep. 1ven common words lie 6come6 and 6go6had special implications when spoen by him. $hose who were e%perienced with his way o! speaingalways thought it better to !ollow his commands verbatim. $he result o! non-compliance with his ordersor o! maing any change in them according to the dictates o! one#s own mental ability was alwaysdisappointing and sometimes damaging.

    Baba would o!ten say something simple to one person while another person would receive a power!ulmessage !rom the same words. Sometimes he would spea in a gathering and only the individual to whomhe directed his words would hear them. "thers would not hear anything. "n occasion Baba would accusean innocent person o! a misdeed when the guilty person was present. $he innocent person, althoughsurprised at the accusation, would consider this as part o! Baba#s lila, whereas the guilty person wouldunderstand that Baba new the truth and !eel remorse !or his deeds.

    Baba enjoyed solving people#s problems and happily gave answers to their 5uestions all day and night.(eople came to him with spiritual 5uestions as well as all types o! worldly desires and problems. Somecame to him to en5uire about their job prospects, some regarding their health or !amily problems.Businessmen came seeing advice, and others sought boons !or prosperity. Students and politicianscrowded around him hoping !or a glimpse into their !uture, and childless couples sought his blessings !or

    children. Baba would provide practical solutions to all inds o! matters. He would even spea on subjectssuch as child-care and suggest remedies !or various ailments. Luestions were ased on politics,philosophy, yoga, devotion, ethics, diverse personal subjects, conduct, and many other topics. Babaanswered even comple% 5uestions in a !ew clear and simple words, sometimes be!ore the person with the5uestions ased them.

    Baba openly admired virtues in his durbar so that people might be inspired to tae on good 5ualities.7iewise, he condemned wrongdoing, immorality, and deception so that people might renounce them.Baba showered a!!ection on a woman who was devoted to her husband in thought, word, and deed, andaddressing her as 6Sati the virtuous/,6 praised her pro!usely. "n the other hand, he was displeased withmen and women who argued a lot and disturbed the peace at home. Behind this apparent disapproval, hisgrace would still !low towards them indirectly. Baba would openly discuss and solve !amily problems, andin this way, he encouraged others to improve upon their own behavior. Baba said, 6 wi!e dedicated to her

    husband is greater than a yogi.6 nd, 6Mother is the image o! =od.6

    Baba#s devotees came !rom all wals o! li!e, and although some o! them led lives o! dissipation, he did notalways insist on maing them give up their bad habits. "n the contrary, he gave them opportunities tocarry on and spent time in their company. )n due course they gave up their bad habits on their own. Heo!ten told people, 6ll are born into this world with natural wisdom and =od is the great giver o! this

    wisdom.6 Ehenever Baba addressed an atheist or a wiced person as a devotee or saint, he sowed a seedo! goodness that o!ten brought about a change. Eith the passage o! time, the seed would sprout, grow,

    bloom, and !inally bear !ruit. )t was common !or such people to pass through a trans!ormation.

    Baba treated everyone e5ually. lthough saints generally maintain distance !rom women, Baba mingledwith them !reely. He could play!ully hold the hand o! any woman and without any hesitation, catch hold o!her nose and twea it !or !un. Nothing was seen as inappropriate in his behavior. Both male and !emaledevotees pressed and massaged his !eet. His presence and touch communicated such good thoughts and

    !eelings that everyone !elt upli!ted. Baba regarded all human beings as his own children and treated themaccordingly. He o!ten said, 6@ou !eel pestered with a !ew children, but ) have so many.6

    7ie parents with children, Baba was !amiliar with everyone. He addressed even eminent persons usingthe words 6tu6 and 6tum6 I)n the Hindi language, both 6tu6 and 6tum6 mean 6you,6 but they are used toaddress people o! in!erior status or as a term o! endearmentJ and he used 6hum6 we/ to re!er to himsel!.His use o! in!ormal language was soaed with love and a!!ection. His utterances, lie 6$um samajhtenahin, hamari ahi suno6 @ou do not understand, listen to what ) say/, and 6Hamein bawla mat banao,hum sab jante hein6 &on#t drive me mad, ) now everything/, delighted everyone. devotee said that

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    Maharaj once ased a group o! people who had gathered to see him, 6Ehy do you come to me6 Babaanswered himsel! saying, 6@ou come to me because o! my love !or you.6

    Sometimes Baba showed his !amiliarity by asing someone to shae hands with him on some matter.Ehen the person hesitated, he would 5uicly tae their hand in his own. (eople generally had noreluctance to tal to him, however, even when a visitor was at ease in Baba#s presence, sometimes theirthoughts and speech would ine%plicably change. (erhaps they would only say what Baba wanted them tosay or others to hear. )! Baba did not want a person to say anything, the person concerned either !orgot or

    with every e!!ort, could not say anything, even though they were per!ectly !ree to do so. Ehatever Babawilled to happen would happen, and what he did not want would never tae place. Sometimes aphotographer would come to tae Baba#s photo. Baba would smile and allow it. @et when the !ilm wasdeveloped, Baba#s image would not have been captured. $he same thing happened i! someone tried torecord Baba#s voice without his consent.

    )! a devotee convinced someone o! Baba#s greatness and too him to have darshan, Baba would presenthimsel! in such a way that all the eulogies about him appeared e%aggerated or embellished and thedevotee !elt embarrassed. )ncredible as it may sound, Baba#s darshan could only be had by his grace. Noone could come to him o! their own accord. Similarly, some people would become devoted to him a!terone visit. "thers could not understand his elevated spirituality even a!ter a long association with him. )nany case, all were blessed by his sight.

    $he attraction o! Baba#s presence cannot be e%pressed in words. His countenance !ascinated visitors.Hours spent with him !elt lie !leeting moments. $hose who came to him never wanted to go away.Nevertheless, Baba new o! people#s responsibilities and sent them o!! saying, 6Come again.6 )! Baba toldsomeone to go, they generally did not encounter di!!iculties on their way, and their wor at hand waso!ten accomplished without delay. "n the other hand, a person with pressing wor would be waiting to getBaba#s permission to leave the durbar, and Baba would turn to a person who wished to stay and sendthem away instead. 1ventually it was seen that whenever a person was ased to go, it was the appropriatetime !or him or her to leave. 1ither way, Baba#s durbar could be summari4ed as 6ao, hao, jao Come,eat, go/,6 and the !low o! grace as well as the coming and going never ceased.

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    ;eeding the Children "n the (ath to =od &evotee#s Sentiments 7ie 0ne%pected &arshan EhatName 'upee ;rom a (oor Man Baba#s Blessings 'eplies to 0nased Luestions )t )s ll a Show ;uture )nthe Hills M.&. Not &.M. "n Meditation Son#s $rans!ormation ll Eill Be Set 'ight 'epayment o! a7oan $he Court#s &ecision His Body )s Eorn "ut Si%-month Eait (romotion ;oretold &arshan !ter$wenty @ears $rans!er Cancelled $wo More Children "rdinary (roblems Ehereabouts o! a Missing(erson $hree Sons ;ail-(ass She Eon#t Marry Baba#s B.&.". &aughter Hidden &evotion $he Magic o!Speech (roposal ccepted By the =overnment $he &estined (roposal )t Eill Not Be &one Speculation )n=old n 0ne%pressed &esire ;ul!illed )nterrupted Samadhi "ne ilment, &i!!erent $reatment @ou Eill Be).=. &esire ;or Halwa No &iscrimination Bhushan#s (romotion Not By $his Bus &esire ;ul!illed $wo!old Blessing ;reed ;rom Eorry n 0nusual Eay o! Showing =race n 0ne%pected 3isit (eace )n the;amily (eace to a 'estless Mind =rudge gainst Baba $he Signi!icance o! His Command His Eords Came$rue n "pportunity to Serve Seasonal ;ruit &isregarding Baba#s )nstructions Earning Not toMarry 'esisting Baba#s )n!luence $he Conse5uence o! &isobedience 'oadside &arshan Coo gain =iving a$est $esting Maharaj =o, the $est )s "ver He Knew 1veryone (eace and Com!ort Beyond )magination =oway ;rom Here (resent "n Call (rasad ;or $ewari 1%am 'esults $he 7ast 1%am waening )ndia &r.Bhonsle

    Maharaj ji#s appearance had a childlie innocence. He welcomed people openly, and they in turn taled!reely with him. )! someone re5uested Baba to spea, he would !eign ignorance and say he didn#t nowanythingF he directed his words to individuals rather than groups. 7iewise, displays o! nowledge ororatory did not impress Baba, who said that even the children in )ndia were pro!icient at this. He calledlectures or sermons the gymnastics o! words and said, 6Ehatever we e%perience through the mind and thesenses is not the truth.6

    Baba#s nowledge, lie the great prophets, Christ, Kabir, 'amarishna, Mohammed, and St. (eter,

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    encompassed universal truths !ar deeper than academic nowledge. 7iving in a simple manner amongordinary people, Baba taught by his own conduct and caused an awaening in them. $he past, present,and !uture were all within Baba#s vision, but it was only through his lila that one could catch a glimpse o!his vastness. s described in the accounts that !ollow, Maharaj would see into the minds and hearts o!people, and reading their innermost thoughts, use his power to relieve su!!ering, inspire !aith, and !ul!ildesires.

    Te !emova of Doubt

    )n May *+88 ) had Maharaj#s darshan !or the !irst time at a house in Blunt S5uare, 7ucnow. 0ponreturning !rom my o!!ice, ) !ound that members o! my !amily were getting ready to go and see Baba. Hehad just arrived in the neighborhood, and they ased me to accompany them. ) did not now Baba then,and while ) always secretly gave reverence to those wearing sadhu#s clothing, ) generally ept mysel! apart

    !rom them because ) could not tell the di!!erence between a real holy man and a !ae. ) did not agree to gowith them because ) would not be able to o!!er salutation openly to Maharaj, and since this meeting was ina neighbor#s home, ) !elt this would be disrespect!ul to all. Somehow ) also !elt bad that ) did not go oreven mae an e!!ort to !ind out who the baba was.

    Ehen everybody had gone, ) sat and meditated on Baba. ) told him about my inner con!lict and ased himto either send !or me or come to my house and give me darshan. ) told him ) new that he could do this i!he was a saint. t that very moment, in my neighbor#s house, Baba ased my sister, 6Ehere is your

    brother Ehy has he not come here6 She tact!ully replied that ) had just returned !rom my o!!ice and was

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    at home. Baba commanded her, 6=o and !etch him. Bring him here.6 ) was surprised when my sisterarrived and told me all that had happened. )t removed my doubt, and ) went at once and bowed at Baba#s!eet in reverence. He turned his eyes away !rom me immediately. He did not say anything to me. He gotup and went away with another neighbor, =argi &att Mishra, to his house. ll the others !ollowed him,and ) came bac home alone and upset.

    ) again meditated on Baba and prayed to him to come to my house and give me darshan. !ter a shortwhile ) saw Maharaj coming to our house with some other devotees. Ee welcomed him, and he lay on atahat wooden bed/, taling to everyone as ) massaged his !eet. $hough ) was 5uite eager to tal to him,he did not loo towards me. He then got into a car and le!t. Baba had !ul!illed all my preconditions, but )still could not get peace o! mind. How could ) My uneasiness was the ugly conse5uence o! testing asidhatma spiritually elevated soul/.

    1ight years later ) again had Baba#s darshan, this time in $agore $own, llahabad. ) !elt that the long waitwas my penance. Holding me by the hand this time, he too me outside, and in a secluded place he startedhumming, 6'amahi eval prem piyara.6 I$he only thing that is dear to 'am is love.J )ndeed, the onlyaccess to Baba is through love.

    Baba#s holding the hand o! someone had its own signi!icance. )t meant that he had accepted that person. )have been closely associated with my beloved and revered Baba ever since then, and sometimes he

    grati!ied us by coming to our home.


    Feedin# te $idren

    ;ewer visitors were coming to Kainchi ashram, !or it was "ctober and getting cold in the hills. "ne day atabout D p.m. Kundanlal Sah, an engineer, was going !rom 'anihet to his home in Bareilly. "n his way hestopped his car at the ashram and went in to have Maharaj ji#s darshan. $here were only !our people withBaba. !ter some time many elderly lady devotees arrived !rom Nainital, and Baba ased all o! them toprepare puris in the itchen. Sah said that he could not understand why so many ladies would bepreparing so much !ood when there were only !our people with Baba and all the inmates o! the ashramhad already taen prasad. )t came to his mind that there must be some other reason !or preparing large5uantities o! puris and vegetables. t about p.m. two buses !ull o! scouts !rom 'ajasthan arrivedune%pectedly at the gates o! the temple. $hey were touring the hills and arrived at the ashram via

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    &warahat and 'anihet. Baba was very happy to see the children and made them eat to their hearts#content.

    On te Pat to God

    7ate one evening Sri Ma and Sri >ivanti Ma and some other women devotees arrived in Kainchi !or Baba#sdarshan. Baba was not thereF he had gone to Bhumiadhar. $here were no buses at that time to return toNainital or to travel to Bhumiadhar. However, Sri Ma and Sri >ivanti Ma decided to go and see Baba.

    $hey did not tae prasad at Kainchi ashram because both Mothers ate only a!ter having Maharaj ji#sdarshan. $hey decided to wal the twelve ilometers to Bhumiadhar in the darness o! night on thatlonely deserted road. s they started on their way, a blac dog appeared out o! the darness andaccompanied them as i! he was there !or their protection. Ehen they arrived at Bhumiadhar at midnight,

    Sri Ma thought o! giving the dog some !ood. lmost in an instant the dog disappeared and could not be!ound anywhere.

    Be!ore Sri Ma and Sri >ivanti Ma arrived, Maharaj ji had ased Brahmachari ji to prepare !ood !or them.Brahmachari ji waited outside the temple to greet them, and as soon as they arrived, they had Maharaj ji#sdarshan. He praised them !or their devout !ervor and said, 6Ehen you have started on the path to =od,proceed, do not stop. He will tae care o! you.6 He then ased them to go and have prasad.

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    A Devotee's %entiments

    Bhuvan Chandra $ewari always too an o!!ering when he went !or Baba#s darshan. "ne day $ewari sawsome small pears in a shop in Bhowali and selected a ilogram o! good ones with the thought that

    whichever pear Baba chose to eat, it should be tasty. !ter washing them care!ully and with love, he putthem in a bag and went to the temple in Bhumiadhar.

    Maharaj was sitting on a roadside parapet a short distance !rom the temple. He was surrounded bydevotees who were o!!ering him good 5uality sweets and e%pensive dried !ruit. $ewari put his simple bago! pears be!ore Baba. Ehile taling to people, Baba ate all the pears one by one and smilingly handed theempty bag bac to $ewari. He distributed the o!!erings o! the other devotees among the people present.$ewari was touched by how Baba valued the sentiment behind the o!!ering.

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    A &ie

    "ne day Karanvir Singh returned home late !rom school. Baba was at his house and ased him, 6Ehy didyou tae so long ) have been waiting !or you a long time.6 Karanvir Singh replied, 6) have come straight

    !rom college.6 Baba at once said, 6)t#s a lie. @ou are deceiving Baba. @ou were !ree at one o#cloc and it is!our o#cloc now. Ehy don#t you say that you were roaming around with your !riends6 Baba then gave thenames o! the !riends that he had been with. Karanvir was dumb!ounded. Baba laughed loudly and said,6@ou can lie to your !ather, he is a simple man. But you can#t deceive Baba.6

    ne()ected Darsan

    Mahavir Singh loved the company o! ascetics and saints, and he regularly attended to their needs. "ne dayin the early *+8Gs, while he was on his rounds at the gra Cantonment railway station, he came across a

    buly man o! about !orty-!ive years o! age. $he man was wearing hal! o! his dhoti around his waist and theremaining hal! covering the upper part o! his body. $he man spoe to Mahavir amiably, saying, 6MahavirSingh, how are you eeping now6 Mahavir replied, 6) am much better.6 $he man then ased, 6How is

    your liver pain6 Mahavir replied, 6)t is a little less.6 $he man said, 6)t will be alright.6 Both o! them beganwaling together. $hen Mahavir Singh said, 6) do not remember you.6 (utting his hand gently onMahavir#s shoulder, the man said, 6) am Baba Neeb Karori.6 Mahavir had heard about Baba, but at thatmoment he !elt bewildered by his closeness. )n the une%pected presence o! Baba, he could not thin o!

    what to say to him. Baba said, 67et us go to your house.6 $hey went, and since that time Mahavir Singhhas always had his grace. Baba gave him darshan every month !or about si% years, and Mahavir ept atahat and blanet ready !or him

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    *at Name+

    truc driver around the age o! twenty-eight !rom (ithoragarh came to see Baba at Kainchi !or the !irsttime in *+::. He o!!ered pranaam a respect!ul greeting made by joining the palms or bowing at the !eet/and Baba ased him, 6Ehat name6 He immediately replied, 67alit Mohan.6 Baba said, 6$hat#s a lie,7a%man Singh.6 $he man was surprised to hear his real name !rom Baba, and by way o! e%planation hesaid, 6Baba, you are right. My name is 7a%man Singh, and the members o! my !amily call me by this name.)n my childhood, when ) was !irst registered in school, my !amily wanted a better name to be written inthe school register, and they chose 7alit Mohan.6 $his incident impressed the man so much that he

    became Baba#s devotee, and later, the driver o! Baba#s jeep.

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    A !u)ee From a Poor ,an

    "ne day Baba arrived with some devotees at the house o! (rem 7al, the manager o! $itagarh (aper Millsin 7ucnow. (rem 7al had engaged a new servant to clean in the itchen who was een to have Baba#sdarshan. !ter !inishing his wor, he sat on the doorstep o! the room in which Baba was sitting. His upper

    body was bare, and he sat with his head bowed in reverence. Baba ased him, 6Ehenever you visited yourguru, you gave him one rupee6 $he servant con!irmed this by nodding his head. Baba then said, 6@ouhave brought a rupee tuced in your waistband !or me6 He nodded again. Baba then said, 6Come, whydon#t you give it.6 $he servant too out the rupee and gave it to him. Maharaj, who would re!use theo!!ering o! lahs hundreds o! thousands/ o! rupees, accepted a rupee !rom a poor man with greata!!ection that day. Sending him away, he told his devotees, 6 rupee !rom this poor man is more valuablethan your twenty thousand rupees.6

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    Baba's Bessin#s

    $he government o! 0ttar (radesh under Chandra Bhan =upta wanted to tae over the Barabani SugarMills because o! mismanagement. However, the cane growers got their way, and the government gave upits intent. $he government appointed &evamta &i%it ji, one o! the mill#s directors, as the mill#s receiver.&i%it ji had to collect a large sum o! money to run the mill.

    $he Central Ban o! Barabani turned down his application !or a loan but advised him to approach thechairman o! the ban in Bombay. &i%it ji came to now that the chairman was going abroad in two daystime but decided to hurry to &elhi and then tae a !light to Bombay to meet him. "n his way he thought o!receiving Baba#s blessings in 3rindavan !or success in his e!!orts.

    Ehen he arrived in 3rindavan, the watchman at the ashram told him that Baba had le!t two hours earlier.&i%it ji was perturbed at not being able to see him and thought that his e!!orts with the ban would be in

    vain. Seeing &i%it ji disappointed, the watchman ased i! he had come !rom Kanpur. $he astonished &i%itji said yes. $he watchman in!ormed him that be!ore leaving, Baba said to him, 6 devotee o! mine willcome !rom Kanpur. $ell him that his e!!orts will be success!ul. He should tae prasad !rom Bihari ji.6

    Bihari ji#s temple remains closed during the a!ternoon, and &i%it ji had to leave !or &elhi immediately.$here was no possibility o! getting prasad at that hour, but he decided to bow at the door o! Bihari ji#stemple and buy prasad !rom the maret. Ehile he was bowing at the gate o! the temple, a man opened thedoor a little and came out. &i%it ji at once gave some money as an o!!ering to Bihari ji and ased !or someprasad. $he man went inside. He came out bringing a baset!ul o! prasad and gave it to him. &i%it jireceived it happily and le!t !or Bombay.

    Ehen he arrived, &i%it ji called on the chairman at his house in the Malabar Hills, but he was not home."n an impulse he sent the baset o! prasad into the house with a message that it was !rom Bihari ji. "nreceiving the prasad, the chairman#s wi!e hersel! came out to meet him. $hey were a =ujarati !amily. $helady had been planning !or some time to go to 3rindavan to have Bihari ji#s darshan but had not been ableto. By getting the prasad at her home, she !elt blessed by Bihari ji#s grace. She ased &i%it ji to return the!ollowing morning. $he ne%t day &i%it ji met the chairman, who immediately issued orders to the ban inBarabani to mae !unds available to &i%it ji as re5uired. &i%it ji too a loan o! two million rupees andsaved the mill !rom total collapse.

    !e)ies to nas-ed uestions

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    ) met Baba at the home o! my colleague &i%it ji on *8 November *+88, while ) was posted to the heado!!ice o! the State Ban o! )ndia in Kanpur. Baba said to me, 6) shall come to your house,6 and then got upand le!t. ) could not understand what he meant at that moment, but my brie! meeting with him had such

    an e!!ect on me that ) !ollowed him in my car. Maharaj#s car traveled too !ast !or me to eep up, but a!terthat ) had a great desire to meet him again.

    !ter some time ) !ound out that Baba had come to 7ucnow and was at Suraj Narayan Mehrotra#s house.$he ne%t day ) went there with my wi!e and sister-in-law and !ound Baba sitting in a room with manydevotees. Ee stayed outside the room, and a!ter Baba sent all the devotees away one by one, he called usinside. ;irst Baba said to me, 6s what you want.6 ) ased !or his blessings, and ever since he has always

    bestowed his grace on me. $o my sister-in-law he said, 6@ou worry about your husband unnecessarily.7eave the worries aside and all will be well.6 7astly he spoe to my wi!e, 6@ou have come with somethingin your mind. Say what you want to as.6 Baba ased her twice to spea, but she ept 5uiet. Baba asedher once again, and when she did not spea that time, he said, 6lright, ) shall come to your house and see

    you. $ell me then.6 My wi!e remained silent because she had made up her mind not to e%press her5uestions in words and wanted to hear Baba#s answers in private.

    7ater Baba visited &i%it ji#s house in Kanpur, and !rom there ) brought him to my home. Ee had arranged!or his reception in the outer room o! the house, but instead o! going there he said, 6) shall sit in yoursmall prayer room.6 He went into the house as i! he were already !amiliar with it, and ) simply !ollowedhim. He sat in the prayer room and ased me to send !or my wi!e. Maharaj said to her, 6Ehat do you wantto as6 Still she did not say anything. Baba then spoe !or about ten minutes, answering all her 5uestionsin detail. )n the end he said, 6$ell me i! anything has been le!t out.6 s was her nature, she did not spea,

    but there was a loo o! joy and contentment on her !ace. Maharaj said, 6Never trouble a saint in this wayin the !uture.6 Baba le!t, and she told me that he gave replies to all her 5uestions. !ter this incident our

    whole !amily became his devotees.

    It Is A a %o/

    Kishan 7al Sah, a teacher !rom 'amgarh, Nainital, o!ten visited Kainchi to have Baba#s darshan. His

    devotion was such that Baba was both his guru and =od. )n spite o! his deep !aith, Kishan 7al was !eelingdepressed. He was disturbed by the evil seen in the world and by his own lac o! spiritual progress. "neday he went to Kainchi with the thought o! discussing the matter with Baba.

    Ehen he arrived, Kishan 7al saw Baba sitting on one end o! the wooden bridge over the river. He went tohim and bowed reverently. Be!ore he could as anything, Baba said, 6@ou see others trapped by mayaIillusionJ. Narada and Bharata were entrapped by maya. $hese great sages were trapped by it, so what isthere to say about others6 Kishan 7al !elt that there was no need to 5uestion Baba !urther.

    "n a di!!erent occasion Sah went to Baba with innumerable 5uestions on spirituality. He greeted Baba,who was lying in his uti room/, but he could not thin o! which 5uestion to as !irst. Baba selected oneimportant 5uestion !rom the une%pressed ones and answered it without being ased. Baba said, 6$histemple and whatever is seen by the human eye are illusion. Ehat can you do about it6 $his led to other

    doubts and 5uestions in Kishan 7al#s mind. Baba again answered them without being ased. Baba said,6&elusion maes everything loo real.6 Kishan 7al thought that there should be a way out. Baba answered,6ttachment is only dispelled by his grace.6 How can one obtain grace came to Sah#s mind. Baba said,6Constant repetition o! =od#s name, even without !eelings o! devotion, in anger or lethargy, brings out hisgrace. "nce this is reali4ed, there is no room !or any misgivings.6

    )n this way Baba satis!ied the seeer by giving him simple answers to his important, une%pressed5uestions. s it says in the 'amayana, 6'am, the embodiment o! truth, consciousness, and bliss dispelsattachment as the sun dissipates darness.6

    A Future In te 0is

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    &r. .>. 3entrov, a !amous physician !rom ;rance, was interested in the spiritual li!e and came to )ndia viaSri 7ana in *+9G. He was initiated by a guru at 3aranasi and renouncing the world, he became nown bythe name 3iyajananda. )n his booIn the Steps of the o!is, he wrote about his own e%periences o!Maharaj ji and narrated this lila

    6Ehile ) was watering plants one day, ) saw Baba coming into the ashram with someone. He was tellinghim about me, saying that ) was 1nglish. By 61nglish6 he meant a !oreigner, the word used !or !oreignersin common parlance in the Hindi language. ) had heard o! Baba, as his name was o!ten mentioned in theashram, but ) had never had his darshan. Hence, ) could not recogni4e him.

    6Baba was well received, and all the swamis in the ashram were called to have his darshan in nnapurna#stemple. 7ooing at me, Baba said, 6He is a saint. He !eels at home here now, but he will go to the hills.6Baba repeated, 6He will go to the hills.6 t that time ) had no intention o! going to the hills. ) wanted tocomplete my sadhana in that ashram. $wo years a!ter this event, in *+9+, ) had a desire to visit the hilltown o! lmora. !ter roaming about in the hills !or many months, ) returned to Kashi ashram, but theunpolluted mountain environment attracted me. )n the beginning o! the ne%t year ) went bac to thosehills and stayed there. ) was greatly impressed at the truth o! Baba#s words about me at our !irst meeting.

    ,.D. Not D.,.

    &r. nup Kumar Sa%ena o! Bareilly, the son o! Kailash Chandra Sa%ena o! Kiccha !arm, was a student o!Standard 3)) when Maharaj visited his !amily#s house and ased him, 6Ehat do you want to be6 Hereplied, 6&.M. Idistrict magistrateJ,6 !or his grand!ather was an ).C.S. )ndian Civil Service/ o!!icer. Babasaid, 6@ou might become &.M. o! Bombay or Calcutta, but what is the use o! it @ou will get a telegram!rom home and will not be able to reach there by the time o! your parent#s death. @ou will become adoctor. @ou are born to be a doctor. @ou will serve your parents at home and the people in general outside.

    @ou will be educated at Meerut.6 $he !amily was not at all interested in the medical pro!ession. However,nup Kumar succeeded in his e%ams and applied to go to Meerut Medical College. He did not become a&.M., but contrary to his own childhood aspirations and those o! the !amily, he became an M.&., doctor o!medicine. He opened his own clinic as prophesied by Baba and looed a!ter his parents

    On ,editation

    Baba o!ten taled about the importance o! meditation, but strangely enough, he would disturb somepeople when they tried to meditate in !ront o! him. "n several occasions, while Baba was busy taling topeople, ) too his !eet in my hands and tried to meditate. Sometimes he moved his !eet away, sometimeshe started moving his toe in my palm, and at times, nowing ) was unable to reply, he would as me5uestions on the topic being discussed.

    Baba understood all states o! meditation and was aware o! every individual#s limited capacity !orconcentration. )n this conte%t he once said, 6$he mind, bound by the physical body, has its ownlimitations. meditative state o! mind must be ac5uired gradually or else there is a ris o! becominginsane. )t is true that concentration imparts an insight that can lead to sel!-reali4ation, but !or those whoremember =od and serve living beings, meditation and other inds o! ritual worship are not necessary.

    'emembering =od and cultivating the seva bhav Ispirit o! serviceJ are easy methods to progress on thespiritual path.

    A %on's Transformation

    "ne day $haur Mahavir Singh o! gra told Maharaj, 6@ou love Karanvir so much, yet he calls you a madbaba.6 )t made Baba laugh heartily, and he said, 6$his is the reason that ) lie him most. (eople come tome with some motive. He only comes to me with love.6 $hereupon $haur said, 6Ehy don#t you re!orm

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    Karanvir when you lie him so much See, his elder brother neither chews betel nor smoes. He alwaysoccupies himsel! by doing well !or others. But Karanvir is !ond o! all sorts o! nonsense and his health isalways impaired. Ehy don#t you mae him reali4e it6 Baba une%pectedly became serious and said,6Mahavir, you should not count on your elder son. Karanvir will improve with time and !ul!il all youre%pectations.6

    Mahavir Singh did not tae Maharaj#s words seriously at that time. $wo years later his elder son died.Karanvir was so touched by the pitiable condition o! his grie!-stricen !ather that he decided not to doanything that would hurt his !eelings. Baba#s words proved true. s !ar as he could, Karanvir Singh!ul!illed all his !ather#s e%pectations.

    A *i Be %et !i#t

    $he &.).=. &eputy )nspector =eneral/ o! police came to ligarh !or an inspection. He was unhappy withthe local police because a gang o! wire thieves had not been caught. He told them to mae an arrest soon.Baba arrived in ligarh the same day. $he &.).=., who was a devotee o! Baba#s, sent &urga (rasad $ewariin a jeep to get Baba. Ehile escorting him, $ewari was thining o! how to arrest the wire thieves, !or it was

    weighing heavily on his mind. Baba une%pectedly spoe out, 6$he order to mae an arrest has caused youan%iety.6 $ewari did not understand what Baba was taling about. Ehen Baba repeated his words, heunderstood that it concerned him. He replied, 6Maharaj, being in service, ) have got to worry about my

    job.6 Baba said, 6&on#t worry. 1verything will be set right within three days,6 and repeated, 61verythingwill be set right within three days.6

    $he ne%t day a head constable and two constables woe $ewari up. $hey had the three thieves who hadcut the wire with them. $he police got in!ormation about the other wire thieves !rom them and recoveredabout !i!ty ilograms o! wire. "n the third day the man who had bought the stolen wire was also arrested.1verything was set right in three days.

    !e)ayment of a &oan

    )n *+2 'avi Kumar, an army contractor in llahabad, came to Kainchi !or Baba#s darshan. He wanted too!!er some items that could be used in the ashram, but he did not have enough money. He contractedNandlal ji, a ghee merchant in Haldwani, and told him o! his problem. He ased Nandlal ji to help himand promised to repay all the costs incurred on his return to llahabad. Nandlal ji did not now him nordid he as him his address, but he assured the contractor that he would soon buy everything re5uestedand send it all to Kainchi ashram. He spent a lot o! money buying the things re5uired.

    "ne day Baba une%pectedly sent !or Nandlal ji !rom Haldwani and ased him why he had sent all theprovisions. Nandlal ji told Baba all that had happened. Baba ased, 6&o you now that man6 EhenNandlal ji replied in the negative, Baba ased him, 6How will the money be collected6 Nandlal ji replied,6) have sent all the goods on the word o! that gentleman. )! he doesn#t send the money to me, it will not

    banrupt me.6 Baba was pleased with his reply and said, 6@ou did right. $hat man is a thorough

    gentleman. Had he ased you to send things costing even ten times more, he would have paid in !ull.6Baba#s words !ully assured Nandlal ji o! the payment. month a!ter Baba#s Mahasamadhi, Nandlal jireceived a ban dra!t !rom that person repaying the amount in !ull.

    Te $ourt's Decision

    Many cases o! a political nature were pending in the co