De invloed van de zielvorm op de gebruiksduur van spiraalboren · De invloed van de zielvorm op de...

De invloed van de zielvorm op de gebruiksduur van spiraalboren Citation for published version (APA): Vorst, van de, J. J. (1967). De invloed van de zielvorm op de gebruiksduur van spiraalboren. (TH Eindhoven. Afd. Werktuigbouwkunde, Laboratorium voor mechanische technologie en werkplaatstechniek : WT rapporten; Vol. WT0182). Eindhoven: Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven. Document status and date: Gepubliceerd: 01/01/1967 Document Version: Uitgevers PDF, ook bekend als Version of Record Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the “Taverne” license above, please follow below link for the End User Agreement: Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us at: [email protected] providing details and we will investigate your claim. Download date: 25. May. 2020

Transcript of De invloed van de zielvorm op de gebruiksduur van spiraalboren · De invloed van de zielvorm op de...

De invloed van de zielvorm op de gebruiksduur vanspiraalborenCitation for published version (APA):Vorst, van de, J. J. (1967). De invloed van de zielvorm op de gebruiksduur van spiraalboren. (TH Eindhoven.Afd. Werktuigbouwkunde, Laboratorium voor mechanische technologie en werkplaatstechniek : WT rapporten;Vol. WT0182). Eindhoven: Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven.

Document status and date:Gepubliceerd: 01/01/1967

Document Version:Uitgevers PDF, ook bekend als Version of Record

Please check the document version of this publication:

• A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can beimportant differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. Peopleinterested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit theDOI to the publisher's website.• The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review.• The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and pagenumbers.Link to publication

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technische hogeschool eindhoven laboratorium voor mechanische techno logie en werkplaatstechniek

rapport van de sectie: ~ e(e.e.d~chD\p~ ont w ; kkt.Lt'l~ -------

ti te l:

l I bi z. 1 van 9bl~ ~apport~ 01 8 2


P1 ~3 /

~----------------------~----------------------------~ auteur{s):

I . J. J \ Vorst.




De. ~e br""",,·. k.$ d t-<u.( V.>\ n een nOl"""""~ od -lIre boor- ~ bef'88lde..

v'er-sp~;ll"1 ·.n9$c:::onJ;rles word I: v'e("~ el(l ken /"VI et cle jebrlA-;/<.sd 14 l.41""" ,,~ ....

ee .... 000'-, d;e e.en Over de jehele '1utb ~e. boor IQ "" tt c.o"'d;a .... ie..

z;e d:d""cier {~" ..( /riM. be2:t .

!A ;hf'(,~ .;IL doe" o n..t re",i de ; ... lIjo~d v'dh de onder2 oC Ue

ooor"~fe.... of dQ. J(1b("(.A.·.~scl lA~r.



---~--------lll L---prognose datum: I

I I juni 1967 I

I aantal biz. -q-1 I gesch~voo ri I publicati e in:


rapport nr .. 0182 bl z, 2 van '3 bl z,


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-te ko~e", tor eel) "er~e\jk',,,,~ vJD1 betrett ~~ ~eb.-",·,k!>d~~I04'-

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iCA",t huek 1180

v(jbl~phoek c ~o I"\,.\Gl'lne.. -Hetthu' 1oorl""~ch:,,, ....

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ra pport nr. 01 8 2 biz. 3 van 'J biz.

mt~ ~acilt I')v.. \A.·,t '(a,n de ~.::V.)t ~est- J dc:\t d~ {.f' " ~.(', ct...

'.", de fY\~~t V!o',t k O""~~~" ver oo .... 2.olI.,.lt Wor-dt doo,.

~/ de. Vclr;~'t'le. 'I~ de. ve('r.~(\lnj~~D",(J.t:e<; : C 2./de ver~ch;lIen l.usse" cle be',de ~oor!Jpln .B

3/ +oe.v'OI\I;~'l. ~fwjk;n~e.." W ..... rtoe. kVl~"e,", behcrce.",

- ....... ~te,.'I_ ... llIer~ck·\ lIe" t(,4!.~e" bort" v'~~ e./e/" t jPL plc?~heljLt ~{l4j k~I'\~e..... Vel" het M!fk~'h4.k\l"\..,\t(2r;d.~ 1 versch 'llle", '.n kDor1t~""c-tr:e. ilA.s~e", bot'~1>"\ )1'0,",

eil->, f:JP~.1 veroo"2~~kt door niet llav..o.Jke..A.I"'j ,( ~·f'C""

toe"~tl:1e.. ;,," /oede"" I/G\~",,'.t de Oll-'l~aV;n" de. on2Clkerhe;d ;hhere~t ~'" het· tqe,ep_st~ ~<LLruI:1 k ftd ""-",,r k,..; ter;~ .... '

~ I e.llent~ele '\,,{er~c:..Le~ ~""<;~~"" df. f.-.c.tore", ,j:I c ... c. , bjll' " hcl l'.nQ, iYre ~oo,. ',:> beifl" ~e:x:.hi~t 1I00r

<oJ~ rc. "v"s F6)", ""'j ~ c.o ... cJ.;'t; tL~

~«..... rot ere le(e. ... ~alA. ..... r ~e J -ter~j! her d:"dertL i..'JP~

:z~t.'" BUtt bj j;c~tc.. <::o",d; b',es .

j)e '" .. ,,,[oed Vd", Jel-~ 1cO\c.tore", kDlJooo word.e. ... o"'d.~rzoc.k{ ,,,,

e..e.", ,,~,.;~"'tje.d"' ..... ~.Ie.. I w .. ~rk,j o\~ ~e ... ol~ VOl'" cle b:e("

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jebche;de .... koA"r)~n wordeJ-oo Q.i'\ {e~~mell voorko ..... "'''' el l!. <Ze ....

re!l·lcllA. I {Q. ;hte.rrre.te.t'~'" ~I~ toe'l~II;qt fOlA.t , JI7 dt Vcl(;~ntjedY'l~,lyst. Nordt at. ~ef)'l',dde.lde bvpQfdtel'l",o"" ks ~all ec.., tok6o(' ~Q.r;Dlnl:urd .;l\~ <2t..h r>"o~t Voo(' Je. 'In Vloe.d

f~~ c{f.U. tOlk~or Op de IIclr"e\tie 11-\ de. ln~et",,;t\..ot\'\Ste.. ...... In ee.r!.C<L \~~t~..,tie. ~erd Un v'Or"Ia,,,,1:'Ie..·~nOj'e.. ~,tjuoe rJ. I/on,. de lneehc.."LlI-lote~ 20 .... \~ c:t.e. '1", -iabel 1 lI'OorlDI>'\t.'"

1./00'" d.e. bereke~'Io'l'j So to.. d hode. Z-l e. tL~M"",ke I" -( cz." j30&J, e., f(d 1"'1 f'S 2. .


werkplaatstechn iek technische hogeschool eindhoven

rapport nr. 0182

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Tabe1 1

n a omw/min mm/omw

500 016

800 016

800 020

500 025

800 02 5

630 016 800' 016

630 025

800 02 5

500 020

500 020

800 020

800 016

500 016

630 025

500 025

500 016

500 025

500 016

630 020

500 020

werkplaatstec nn lek

norma Ie boor boor 1engte aanta1 nr. mm ga ten

A19 117, 5 504

A5 123 270

A4 116 4

A19 115, 5 52 7

A4 1

C11 88 308

C5 89 234

c6 87,5 391

c6 87 6

c6 85,5 396

C11 87,5 349 c6 78 5 C11 77, 5 346

c6 78 699

C3 83 414

C3 83 372

C3 391

C5 88 1499

C5 84,5 813

C5 83 424

C3 77 702

- - , biz. Lj van ~ biz.

boor zie1diam. 1 mm boor 1engte aanta1 nr. mm gaten

C44 125 993

C43 126 159

C42 127 34

C44 108 552

C42 122 32

C41 125 497

C40 125 70

C37 115,5 334

C37 111 8

C37 104 1585

C41 121,5 414

C37 102 4

C41 118 5

C37 99 1336

C36 123 187

C36 115 2168

C36 110 5

C40 123,5 396 . C40 89 1284

'C40 88 174

C36 103 5

technische hogeschool eindhoven

rapport nr.


0 -

5 -


15 --

20 -

25 -

30 -

3S ~

50 -

, ,

0 182 bl z. Ij van 0; bl z. I

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U;t ck Vol'-:~l"\t;e-c:'In.,)~ft.. \J~t'I "L,~bel Z I~ 6Icd\t> ' t~ c O l1 cl ~dere.n d~~ de ',n vlod ~n de fdoktor-eh 3/ e", 0/ Of de ()'IQ.e..trt:sCA.lt_t~.... '70 ~roo1 ',~ I cl~t hoel de 1elA."2.~ ~" het boo("~pe, noel.. de. VcH-:~tie... "0 .... dt. versp0t'l/r"r.-COl"d;t ie ~ v'C\", S'I~n'l f; C~hf.~ 'Ih .,Ioed ',~ op deoze. ('es;!.ll toke. ..... .

-------werkp laatstec:hn jek t chnische hogeschool eindhoven

rapport nr.

0 -

5 ~

10 -


20 ~

25 r-

30 '-

35 ~

50 -

0182 biz. 6 van ~ biz.

Om een be~a('"' bee\ ct -le k('"'j1e", Ja.", de V\;tl o "",d,~,",

2j n cle. r-~'S"", ! taJ e ..... ol1dC!r1cb('"'~c.hi. 11"\ e~"", .,nole.'"l2. '101- "'"

(tol bel; 3 ) ,Wo~rbj de d:df\'\<!t:~. d~", oie ptA. .... i ~11

~e Ie.n~ te. {cin de boor I~ danqI!1~lIen.

'Rdf'ro d WT __ . __ lIer rne lctt \"e.t verschjnse/ .Jon hat

c on;s,ch ..Jorden Vet " de. boor pIA.'" t

'J); \: , veQch1nsel bljlt co" d; t; (! sop ie -t.r-e.d e l'"l

Voor-el l b ~ de I~~e lie rs f'~ n ~ n~ S -

:D e resV\.ltolt~"" \Ian prQ:!lI'e"" '4<!nof"\C"" Y""1et cO .... ·I~d,L

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ber-Qke .... "" lIerwjderd.

j)e. beoord~I;""j h:erllon kOl">"\t dV\~ tot ~tOl"'o( of ~ r-ond I/d.... de. vol ~el1de. 2. ke"" "

A. voor_f~_C\"'de.. ve..srd.; ..... ,scol'ld:t;e~ zj'" leilaj

2- le .... ~te.v'e.rl"'~"1Jf?t'; .... j \fa", de .boor .bj 1.\,C.sse"tjcl5.!.

slj p; rJ~ IS kle·'''- . ~ d;c:ilI"ht?ter .d-'", de. he.V\\rlJ\. ... :t IS \leel kle·l .... e,.-

dCl" \~,oo /'1'1/)-0 .

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de d~d,~eter n,oe; Ij~' tc2 Mc:d.en /)

E> j~ep~tf"oo~ n:et c.;/:hd';sc.h I~

..door !'/ol~ ~ elle~de

door het reA dC\,.-d ,oMdot

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20 ~I

2.1 J)

2.2. ~~

werkplaatstechn lek technische hogeschool eindhoven , -

biz. 7 van ~ biz.

i-o ~ Tabel 3

norma1e boor boor me t z1 e ldiam. 1 mm

procee n a boor 1engte D aantal boor 1engte D aant a l nr . omwjlli n mmjomw nr mm mm ga ten nr IJlII mm gaten

1 500 016 A19 117,5 13, 96 504 C44 125 14, 00 993 2 800 016 A5 123

10 ~ 14 ,01 270 C43 126 14 ,00 159

3 800 020 A4 116 13, 89 . 4 C42 . 127 13, 99 311

4 500 025 A19 11 5, 5 13,90 527 C44 108 13, 92 552 5 800 025 A4 13, 82 1 C42 122 13,91 32

15 ~ 27 630 016 Cll 88 13, 93 308 C41 125 14, 00 497 26 800 016 C5 89 14 , 00 234 .C40 125 1~, 00 70

25 630 02 5 c6 87,5 13 ,95 391 C37 115, 5 13 , 97 33 4

20 - 24 800 02 5 c6 87 13,43 6 C37 111 13, 98 8

23 500 0 20 c6 85 , 5 13, 22

I 396 C3 7 104 13,96 1585

22 500 020 ell 87, 5 13 , 98 349 C41 121,5 13,99 414 i I

21 800 25 ~

0 20 c6 78 13, 92 5 C37 102 13, 89 4

20 800 016 Cll 77,5 13,98 346 C41 118 14 , 01 4

19 50 0 016 c6 18 1 3 , 9~ 699 C37 99 13,90 13 36

28 630 025 C3 83 13 , 96 414 C36 123 +4, 00 787 30 ~ 29 500 02 ~ C3 83 13, 96 372 C36 115 13,45 2768 OpE

30 500 016 c3 13, 95 391 C36 1110 1 13 , 35 5

31 500 025 C5 88 13, 97 1499 C40 1123, 5 396 13, 96

35 - 32 500 0 16 c5 84 , 5 13, 8<1 873 c40 89 13, 95 1284

33 630 020 C5 83 13, 72 424 C40 88 13,88 174

34 500 020 C3 71 13, 82 702 C36 103 13 ,36 5

~o -

opm. ge 1eiderand van C36 opnieuw ges1epen.

~5 ~

SO f-

r----- - - -

, werkplaatstec hn iek L--_ _

technische hogeschool eindhoven

rapport nr. 01 8 biz. cg van ~ biz.

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19be\ 4 lI~r'""c:'n te - ~flc::illJs e J Oil., d" ...)oa'neM·\", ~ e"" d: e.

n;et dl~ LA:b(.h',e~C!f' bt!~Ghou""d wo('d~n .


fakto<" h J J k5 F F


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t-e~iollA. 2 . ~ bY.?7~ I l'l 2I.q .02.8

~o~.s ~ I ~ . 31 0 .::3Q4 O<'a~o~.

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'i~ n; f.' C~ ..... t~ Ife ("sc.h: \1 e"" .

25 -

30 -


40 -

45 -

50 f-

werkplaatstechn iek technische hogeschool eindhoven

I I ra pport nr.

I o -

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Q -

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5 •



10 ~

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50 >-

0182 bi z, ~ van q biz,

-1 . 1:. .... ,S 0(':> jr-o""d .,Jo", hd bescl)r-e"e~ ol'"\de.-.zo£k

~eeh lA.;tspr~ak -te doeh olY'ltr-e",i. de ',,,,'1/ o ecl

va....... de Ond/lr-~oc..h te boor- t)'p£'" Of> de ~abr-<A."I.c-s.­

dlo4V\.r 11(\", de. bo,-e",

2. .De e>l\~ toeidoll',c:1 1~k'-l",L fcee .... dc.. ·.n vloeds f- Ie t.o.-e""

lIeroo,2..,;lI L.e", u.... der-F"-_te ~rot... v'."lr-;ot",e I.... de..

~eehes(.(.1 bo te .... J dOlt .zetf> d~ ',,,, v/ oed II~.... v'e('~"d.e"'·IVI'

'1C1.., cie ve.r"S p~ .... '. ",,' C o",d', 1:: e ~ ~ee", S:9 ",', f ; CCl~t~ ·, .... "loe.d blec."k 1c2 t,eGhe.., or de. ~ebn,,:,b.dl.A.l.i.l' ,,~ ....

Je o,.,c:!e.-.zochte.. bor-e", l t_!"~ I z)

Ee..... "e.t'"del'"'j~"'c* o .... oIer'l.oek < .... ~ ~'"

~n "ee"- d.e '.n" \oe..ol \.WI",- ~ ,,:,et 1:e.

of n. e.t ~e:tb- reo 'II"''' l~e.J, ~_.:::.torG,,", .-a .... n..e .... kelj 1..,

"""I,d t ·

--Hd uerol:e. .... :t ~ ..... ook·, ...... ~ de ellel,,;tlo4f!&.l

1:oe1ot»\s~:~~ /,verJe~ke .... de. proeve",

0/ I", eeh froe.fof2.e.t 'd .... e"" -te -h .... e"'je ....

V rntt ~elke,,~ h·.ejll.loJe. bore...... ~,I: te.. "oe .... e"' , 2oJ .. t ole 'I~ vloed. Va.~ de jele : d~ro..-.o!.dj t-j '- "[0 ole

("e$£Alt~teV\ n:I,,',l ~~

V cloor' ;.~.... exper:/>'\e .... i.c:iltol- l.4~t ie l~tl2." Voere .....

"n lIerbc:l.,d f)-oet bet ~b>r£A.·,k>d ..... lA.r k .... ~te(":(.A."'"' .

werkplaotstechn lek technische hogeschool eindhoven

I i~~~~ T~i~;~m~[lii ij~llillr tli1 1 Telefoon (040) 47 22 24 9413221