CURRICULUM VITAE (C...CURRICULUM VITAE (C.V.) Name : Dr. Sunil Ganpatrao Pawar Present Designation :...

CURRICULUM VITAE (C.V.) Name : Dr. Sunil Ganpatrao Pawar Present Designation : Associate Professor, Department of Botany Contact : [email protected]; [email protected] Educational Qualifications : M.Sc.; M.Phil.; Ph.D. Exam Subject Ph.D. Botany- Physiological effects of Antitranspirants and long chain fatty Alcohols on water stressed crop plant Sorghum M.Phil. Botany- Physiological effects of Antitranspirants on water stressed crop Plants Sorghum and Groundnut Teaching Experience: A] Under-Graduate Level : 27 years B] Post-Graduate Level : 16 years (Recognition) ACADEMIC ODYSSEY India: Delhi, Mumbai, Bhopal, Nagpur. Awards and Honours: (07) 1. Member, Academic council, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune. 2016-2018 2. Seva Gaurav Puraskar of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune on April 2015. 3. Shikshak Gaurav Puraskar of Pune Municipal Corporation, Pune on 5 th September 2012. 4. Life Member, Indian Aerobiological Society. 5. Programme officer, NSS. 6. Member, Board of study, Solapur University Solapur, 2013-2014, 2014-2015. 7. Ex Chairman, Board of Study, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Science Faculty, 2014- 2016 Publications: i) Research Papers published: (22) 1. The research paper entitled Studies on Biodiversity of newly reported sacred groves (Devrais) From Pune District published in Conference on Recent advances in plant Microbial & Environmental Biotechnology’. ( 2003): pp. 181-192. 2. The research paper entitled Plant used by tribes of Northwest region of Maharashtra for the treatment of gastro intestinal disorders published in International Journal of Traditional Knowledge Volume 7, Issue 2, 2008, pp. 321-325. 3. The research paper entitled Ethnobotany of Thakar tribe of Maharashtra published in International Journal of Economic And Taxonomic Botany, Volume 33, 2009: pp. 95-122. (ISSN: 2050-9768). 4. The research paper entitled Studies on plant used in traditional medicine by Bhilla tribe of Maharashtra published in Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, Volume 9, Issue 3, 2010. (ISSN: 0972-5938) ( 5. The research paper entitled Preliminary survey of other aerobiocomponents at Pune Maharashtra published in International Journal of Life sciences, Special Issue A1, 2013: pp. 78-80. (ISSN:2320-7817) 6. The research paper entitled Effect of antitranspirants on the germinating seeds of Sorghum vulgare L published in Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Volume 2, Issue 9, 2014: pp. 174-177. (ISSN: 2321-8819).

Transcript of CURRICULUM VITAE (C...CURRICULUM VITAE (C.V.) Name : Dr. Sunil Ganpatrao Pawar Present Designation :...

Page 1: CURRICULUM VITAE (C...CURRICULUM VITAE (C.V.) Name : Dr. Sunil Ganpatrao Pawar Present Designation : Associate Professor, Department of Botany Contact :; sunil.g.pawar


Name : Dr. Sunil Ganpatrao Pawar

Present Designation : Associate Professor, Department of Botany

Contact : [email protected]; [email protected]

Educational Qualifications : M.Sc.; M.Phil.; Ph.D.

Exam Subject

Ph.D. BBoottaannyy-- PPhhyyssiioollooggiiccaall eeffffeeccttss ooff AAnnttiittrraannssppiirraannttss aanndd lloonngg cchhaaiinn ffaattttyy AAllccoohhoollss oonn wwaatteerr ssttrreesssseedd ccrroopp ppllaanntt SSoorrgghhuumm

M.Phil. BBoottaannyy-- PPhhyyssiioollooggiiccaall eeffffeeccttss ooff AAnnttiittrraannssppiirraannttss oonn wwaatteerr ssttrreesssseedd ccrroopp PPllaannttss SSoorrgghhuumm aanndd GGrroouunnddnnuutt

Teaching Experience: A] Under-Graduate Level : 27 years

B] Post-Graduate Level : 16 years (Recognition)

ACADEMIC ODYSSEY India: Delhi, Mumbai, Bhopal, Nagpur.

Awards and Honours: (07) 11.. MMeemmbbeerr,, AAccaaddeemmiicc ccoouunncciill,, BBhhaarraattii VViiddyyaappeeeetthh DDeeeemmeedd UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, PPuunnee.. 22001166--22001188 22.. SSeevvaa GGaauurraavv PPuurraasskkaarr ooff BBhhaarraattii VViiddyyaappeeeetthh DDeeeemmeedd UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, PPuunnee oonn AApprriill 22001155.. 33.. SShhiikksshhaakk GGaauurraavv PPuurraasskkaarr ooff PPuunnee MMuunniicciippaall CCoorrppoorraattiioonn,, PPuunnee oonn 55tthh SSeepptteemmbbeerr 22001122.. 44.. LLiiffee MMeemmbbeerr,, IInnddiiaann AAeerroobbiioollooggiiccaall SSoocciieettyy.. 55.. PPrrooggrraammmmee ooffffiicceerr,, NNSSSS.. 66.. MMeemmbbeerr,, BBooaarrdd ooff ssttuuddyy,, SSoollaappuurr UUnniivveerrssiittyy SSoollaappuurr,, 22001133--22001144,, 22001144--22001155.. 77.. EExx CChhaaiirrmmaann,, BBooaarrdd ooff SSttuuddyy,, BBhhaarraattii VViiddyyaappeeeetthh UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, SScciieennccee FFaaccuullttyy,, 22001144-- 22001166


i) Research Papers published: (22) 1. The research paper entitled Studies on Biodiversity of newly reported sacred groves

(Devrais) From Pune District published in Conference on Recent advances in plant Microbial & Environmental Biotechnology’. ( 2003): pp. 181-192.

2. The research paper entitled Plant used by tribes of Northwest region of Maharashtra for the treatment of gastro intestinal disorders published in International Journal of Traditional Knowledge Volume 7, Issue 2, 2008, pp. 321-325.

3. The research paper entitled Ethnobotany of Thakar tribe of Maharashtra published in International Journal of Economic And Taxonomic Botany, Volume 33, 2009: pp. 95-122. (ISSN: 2050-9768).

4. The research paper entitled Studies on plant used in traditional medicine by Bhilla tribe of Maharashtra published in Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, Volume 9, Issue 3, 2010. (ISSN: 0972-5938) (

5. The research paper entitled Preliminary survey of other aerobiocomponents at Pune Maharashtra published in International Journal of Life sciences, Special Issue A1, 2013: pp. 78-80. (ISSN:2320-7817)

6. The research paper entitled Effect of antitranspirants on the germinating seeds of Sorghum vulgare L published in Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Volume 2, Issue 9, 2014: pp. 174-177. (ISSN: 2321-8819).

Page 2: CURRICULUM VITAE (C...CURRICULUM VITAE (C.V.) Name : Dr. Sunil Ganpatrao Pawar Present Designation : Associate Professor, Department of Botany Contact :; sunil.g.pawar

Dr. Sunil Pawar, Associate Professor , Department of Botany, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, 2 Yashwantrao Mohite College, Pune – 411038, INDIA Email: [email protected] Phone: +9120-25433383. Cell: +91 9881798117.

Last Updated on 18/11/2017

7. The research paper entitled Noteworthy Ethnomedicinal plants used by the tribes of Maharashtra published in Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany, Volume 38, Issue 2, 2014: pp. 254-260.

8. The research paper entitled Influence of HICO-110R on water relations, photosynthetic pigments, stomatal regulation and yield of groundnut under water stress condition published in International Journal of Multifaceted and Multilingual Studies, Vol. 1 Issue 3, 2014: pp. 69-73. (2014). (ISSN 2350-0476) (

9. The research paper entitled Traditional herbal remedies practiced by the herbal healers in the tribal regions of Maharashtra-India published in International Journal of Life Sciences – Volume 2, Issue 4, 2014: pp. 334-340.

10. The research paper entitled Evaluation of chlorophyll content and chlorophyll stability index of some antiallergenic medicinal plants published in Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies - Vol.3 - No. 1, 2015: pp. 17-20.

11. The research paper entitled Biochemical Analysis of Primary metabolites from some selected Medicinal Plants published in Proceeding of Seminar on Recent Advances in Life Sciences, 2015, pp. 65 – 70.

12. The research paper entitled Quantitative Assessment of Mineral Composition of Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f. leaves by ICP-MS and CHNS Analyzer is published in International Journal of Science and Research -Vol. 4, No. 10, 2015, Pp. 1372 – 1376.

13. The research paper entitled Diversity of bioactive components of Cullen corylifolium (L.) Medik. published in Proceeding of National Conference on Biodiversity, Climatic Change and Sustainable Development, 2015, pp. 328-334.

14. The research paper entitled Biodiversity of mite founa in the intramural environment of rat house at Pune published in International Journal of Life Sciences -Special Issue A3 2015, pp. 11-17.

15. The research paper entitled Impact of Climate Change on Intramural Aerobiodiversity in the Bharati Printing Press at Pune (MS), India published in Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary studies- Vol.4 Issue 3: 2016, pp. 53-60.

16. The research paper entitled New Findings of Traditional Medicinal uses of Plants from Bhimashankar and Mulshi Areas of Pune, District, Maharashtra published in Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies - Vol.4 Issue 3: 2016, pp. 92-98.

17. The research paper entitled Diversity of Bioactive Components of Achyranthes aspera Linn leaves published in Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies - Vol.4 Issue 3: 2016, pp. 49-52.

18. The research paper entitled Preliminary Phytochemical Investigations of Three Species of Traditional Medicinal Plants of Tribal Regions of Maharashtra (India) International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research published in Vol. 8 Issue 5, 2016, pp. 742-745.

19. The research paper entitled Quantitative Evaluation of Plant Diversity from Newly reported Sacred Groves (Devrais ) in Pune District (Maharashtra) published in Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies -Vol.4, Issue-10, 2016, pp. 58-66.

20. The research paper entitled Elemental Analysis of Anti-Allergenic Indigenous Plants and their Possible Correlation with Therapeutic Activity published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research -Vol.8, Issue-9, 2016, pp. 1290-1295.

21. The research paper entitled Characterization of Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. Leaves by FTIR spectroscopy method, CHNS and ICP-MS analysis techniques published in International Research Journal of Biological Sciences.-Vol.6, Issue-2, 2017, pp. 30-35.

22. The research paper entitled Phytochemical screening, elemental and functional group analysis of Vitex negundo L. leaves published in International Research Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Volume 6, Issue 9, 2017, pp. 226-230.

ii) Research Papers presented: (22)

1. The research paper entitled IInnfflluueennccee OOff AAnnttiittrraannssppiirraannttss OOnn SSttoommaattaall RReegguullaattiioonn AAnndd PPhhoottoossyynntthheettiicc PPiiggmmeennttss IInn SSoorrgghhuumm,, VVaarr..MM--3355-- 11 UUnnddeerr WWaatteerr SSttrreessss CCoonnddiittiioonn..

Page 3: CURRICULUM VITAE (C...CURRICULUM VITAE (C.V.) Name : Dr. Sunil Ganpatrao Pawar Present Designation : Associate Professor, Department of Botany Contact :; sunil.g.pawar

Dr. Sunil Pawar, Associate Professor , Department of Botany, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, 3 Yashwantrao Mohite College, Pune – 411038, INDIA Email: [email protected] Phone: +9120-25433383. Cell: +91 9881798117.

Last Updated on 18/11/2017

presented in SSeemmiinnaarr oonn ““PPllaanntt RReessoouurrccee DDeevveellooppmmeenntt..”” held at DDrr.. BB..AA..MM.. UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, AAuurraannggaabbaadd oonn 99tthh DDeecc.. 22000000

2. The research paper entitled PPhhyyssiioollooggiiccaall EEffffeeccttss ooff aann AAnnttiittrraannssppiirraannttss oonn WWaatteerr SSttrreesssseedd CCrroopp PPllaannttss SSoorrgghhuumm AAnndd GGrroouunnddnnuutt.. presented in International Conference held at DDhhaarrwwaadd UUnniivveerrssiittyy KKaarrnnaattaakkaa oonn 55tthh && 77tthh DDeecc..22000011

3. The research paper entitled SSuurrvveeyy OOff AAeerroobbiiooppoolllluuttaannttss ((PPoolllleenn)) IInn TThhee GGaarrbbaaggee DDeeppoott,, presented in 55tthh NNaattiioonnaall CCoonnffeerreennccee OOff IInnddiiaann AAccaaddeemmyy OOff AAlllleerrggyy held at BBhhaarraattii VViiddyyaappeeeetthh DDeeeemmeedd UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, YY..MM..CCoolllleeggee,,3388 OOnn 2288tthh ttoo 3300tthh NNoovv..22000022

4. The research paper entitled AAlllleerrggeenniicc FFuunnggaall SSppoorreess ffrroomm GGaarrbbaaggee DDeeppoott,, presented in 55tthh NNaattiioonnaall CCoonnffeerreennccee ooff IInnddiiaann AAccaaddeemmyy ooff AAlllleerrggyy held at BBhhaarraattii VViiddyyaappeeeetthh DDeeeemmeedd UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, YY..MM..CCoolllleeggee,, PPuunnee--3388..OOnn 2288tthh ttoo 3300tthh NNoovv.. 22000022

5. The research paper entitled Studies on Biodiversity of newly reported sacred groves (Devrais) From Pune District presented in National Conference on Recent advances in plant Microbial & Environmental Biotechnology held at UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff PPuunnee,, 22000033..

6. The research paper entitled Impact of Environment on off ending Allergens like House Dust Mites presented in National Conference on Environmental Biotechnology held at Department of Zoology, Lal Bahadur Shastri College, Satara, Maharashtra., 29-30th Dec 2014.

7. The research paper entitled Biochemical Analysis of Primary metabolites from some selected Medicinal Plants presented in State level Seminar held at Department of Zoology, B.J.S. College, Wagholi, Pune. Feb 2015.

8. The research paper entitled Comparative study of photosynthetic pigments content in the leaves of some medicinally important plants of Pune District (MS) presented in International Conference on Validation of Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicines – Global Perspectives held at Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India., 20th – 22nd Feb 2015

9. The research paper entitled Diversity of Bio-Components of Cullen corylifolium (L) Medik presented in the National Conference on Biodiversity, Climatic Change and Sustainable Development held at Krantisinh Nana Patil College, Walwe, Sangli, 29th -30th Aug. 2015

10. The research paper entitled Biodiversity of Mite Fauna in the Intramural Environment of Rat House at Pune presented in National Conference on Advances in Biosciences and Environmental Science: Present and Future (ABES-2015) held at B.P. Arts, S.M.A. Science and K.K.C. Commerce College, Chalisgaon, Jalgaon, 22nd and 23rd Sept. 2015.

11. The research paper entitled Intramural Aerobiodiversity in the Bharati Printing Press at Pune presented in National Conference on Impact of Aerosols on Health, Heritage and Environment (NCIAHHE-2015) held at Tumkur University, Tumkuru, Karnataka, India, 28th – 30th Sept. 2015

12. The research paper entitled Phytochemical Screening of Vitex negundo L. Leaves by using various Extracts presented in Symposium on Ethanopharmacology- Validation of Traditional Medicine held at Bharati Vidyapeeth University- Poona College of Pharmacy., 4th January 2016.

13. The research paper entitled Preliminary Phytochemical Investigations of Three Species of Traditional Medicinal Plants of Tribal Regions of Maharashtra presented in Symposium on Ethanopharmacology- Validation of Traditional Medicine held at Bharati Vidyapeeth University- Poona College of Pharmacy., 4th January 2016

14. The research paper entitled Diversity of Bioactive Components of Achyranthes aspera Linn leaves presented in a National Seminar on Current Trends in Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change held at Department of Zoology, Yashwantrao Mohite College, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune, 24th-25th Feb 2016.

15. The research paper entitled Impact of Climate Change on Intramural Aerobiodiversity in the Bharati Printing Press at Pune (MS), India presented in National Seminar on Current Trends in Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change held at Department of

Page 4: CURRICULUM VITAE (C...CURRICULUM VITAE (C.V.) Name : Dr. Sunil Ganpatrao Pawar Present Designation : Associate Professor, Department of Botany Contact :; sunil.g.pawar

Dr. Sunil Pawar, Associate Professor , Department of Botany, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, 4 Yashwantrao Mohite College, Pune – 411038, INDIA Email: [email protected] Phone: +9120-25433383. Cell: +91 9881798117.

Last Updated on 18/11/2017

Zoology, Yashwantrao Mohite College, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune, 24th-25th Feb 2016.

16. The research paper entitled Plant diversity at hilly desert area of Sangli District (Maharashtra) presented in a National Seminar on Current Trends in Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change held at by Department of Zoology, Yashwantrao Mohite College, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune, 24th-25th Feb 2016.

17. The research paper entitled New Findings of Traditional Medicinal uses of Plants from Bhimashankar and Mulshi Areas of Pune, District, Maharashtra presented in National Seminar on Current Trends in Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change held at Department of Zoology, Yashwantrao Mohite College, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune, 24th-25th Feb 2016.

18. The research paper entitled Characterization of Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. Leaves by FTIR spectroscopy method, CHNS and ICP-MS analysis techniques presented in International Science Congress on Digitalization in Research for Cultural, Commercial and Scientific Development held at Hutatma Rajguru Mahavidyalaya, Rajgurunagar, Pune, Maharashtra, India. 8th -9th December 2016.

19. The research paper entitled Studies on Qualitative Phytochemical Analysis and FTIR Characterization of Achyranthes aspera L. Leaves presented in National Workshop on Environmental Problems and Biodiversity held at Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, Ministry of Human Resource Development , Government of India, New Delhi at Lal Bahadurshashtri College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Satara. 24th and 25th January 2017.

20. The research paper entitled Quantitative Assessment of Mineral and Trace Elements in Ocimum tenuiflorum L. by ICP-MS presented in One Day National Conference on Emerging Trends and Classicals in Life Sciences (ETCLS-2017) held at Department of Botany and Zoology, Yashwantrao Chavan Warana Mahavidyalaya, Warananagar. Maharashtra, India, 28th January 2017.

21. The research paper entitled Estimation of Photosynthetic Pigments From Antiallergenic Plants and Their Possible Correlation with Therapeutic Activity presented in Innopharm2 | 2nd International Conference on Bridging Innovations in Pharma. Med. & Bio Sciences at Innovare Academic Sciences, Bhopal, (M.P.), India. 11th-12th Feb. 2017.

22. The research paper entitled Phytochemical Screening, Elemental and Functional Group Analysis of Vitex negundo L. Leaves presented in Innopharm2 | 2nd International Conference on Bridging Innovations in Pharma. Med. & Bio Sciences held at Innovare Academic Sciences, Bhopal, (M.P.), India. 11th-12th Feb. 2017.

Research Experience: i) Ph. D. Scholars registered the supervision and guidance: (06)

Sr. Name of the scholar Topic of the research

1. Miss Kamble Vanita Mohan Physiochemical Investigation of some Antiallergenic Indigenous Plants.

2. Mr. Patil Amol Mohan “Physiological and Phytochemical Investigations of Tridax procumbens L. as a Medicinal Plant.


Sr Project Title Duration From-To

Financial Outlay

Funding Agency

1 “Physiochemical investigations of some antiallergenic indigenous plants”.

May 2013 – April 2017


University Grants Commission, New Delhi

Page 5: CURRICULUM VITAE (C...CURRICULUM VITAE (C.V.) Name : Dr. Sunil Ganpatrao Pawar Present Designation : Associate Professor, Department of Botany Contact :; sunil.g.pawar

Dr. Sunil Pawar, Associate Professor , Department of Botany, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, 5 Yashwantrao Mohite College, Pune – 411038, INDIA Email: [email protected] Phone: +9120-25433383. Cell: +91 9881798117.

Last Updated on 18/11/2017

Special Academic Contribution: (06)

1. Chairman, Board of Studies in Life Science, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune 2014-2016. 2. Member, Faculty of Science, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune since 1996. 3. Member, Academic Council, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune since 2016. 4. Worked as Examiner at Under-graduate, B.Sc. examinations, in Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 5. Working as Paper-setter and examiner at Undergraduate B.Sc. (Botany) examinations in

Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune. 6. Working as Flying Squad Chairman in Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune since 2007.

Memberships of Learned Academic Organizations: (01)

1. Life Member, Indian Aerobiological Society. The Workshops/ Conferences/ Seminars and Refresher/ Orientation

courses attended/ participated: (43)

Sr. Particulars Place Date

1. NNaattiioonnaall SSeemmiinnaarr oonn ““EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall PPrrootteeccttiioonn””

BBhhaarraattii VViiddyyaappeeeetthh’’ss AA..SS..CC.. CCoolllleeggee,, SSaannggllii,, ((MMaahhaarraasshhttrraa))

2277tthh --2299tthh NNoovv..11999922

2. OOnnee ddaayy SSeemmiinnaarr oonn ““CCaarreeeerr OOppppoorrttuunniittiieess ttoo BBoottaanniissttss..””

DDeepptt.. ooff BBoottaannyy,, UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff PPuunnee

44tthh FFeebb.. 11999966

3. NNaattiioonnaall CCoonnffeerreennccee oonn ““IImmppaacctt ooff AAiirrbboorrnnee mmiiccrroobbeess

YY..MM..CCoolllleeggee,, PPuunnee 77tthh -- 99tthh MMaarrcchh 11999966

4. 17th National Conference of “Reproductive Biology & Comparative Endocrinology.”

Surat (Gujrat) 24th to 26th Jan 1999

5. SSeemmiinnaarr oonn ““VVeessaannmmuukkttii SSaannddeesshh YYaattrraa”” MMaahhaarraasshhttrraa

PPuunnee,, SShhaanniivvaarrwwaaddaa 22nndd OOcctt..11999999

6. SSeemmiinnaarr oonn ““IImmppaacctt ooff PPoolllluuttiioonn oonn BBiioosspphheerree””

BBhhaarraattii VViiddyyaappeeeetthh DDeeeemmeedd UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, YY..MM..CCoolllleeggee,, PPuunnee..

1111tthh aanndd 1122tthh FFeebb.. 22000000

7. SSeemmiinnaarr oonn ““PPllaanntt RReessoouurrccee DDeevveellooppmmeenntt..””

DDrr.. BB..AA..MM.. UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, AAuurraannggaabbaadd

99tthh DDeecc.. 22000000

8. CCaammppaaiiggnn OOnn UUnniivveerrssiittyy RReesseeaarrcchh AAnndd TTrraaiinniinngg..

SShhiivvaajjii UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, KKoollhhaappuurr 1111tthh MMaarrcchh 22000011

9. CCaammppaaiiggnn oonn UUnniivveerrssiittyy RReesseeaarrcchh AAnndd TTrraaiinniinngg..

SShhiivvaajjii UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, KKoollhhaappuurr 1100tthh aanndd 1111tthh MMaarrcchh 22000022

10. NNaattiioonnaall SSeemmiinnaarr oonn ccuurrrreenntt ttrreennddss iinn ppllaanntt sscciieennccee

DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff BBoottaannyy,, UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff PPuunnee,, PPuunnee--0077

2266tthh ttoo 2288tthh MMaarrcchh 22000022

11. NNaattiioonnaall sseemmiinnaarr oonn EEtthhnnoobboottaannyy,,““RRoollee IInn CCoonnsseerrvvaattiioonn ooff PPllaanntt SScciieennccee,, SSttrraatteeggyy ooff IInnddiiaa

BBoottaannyy GGrroouupp,, DDiivviissiioonn ooff AAnndd SSaaccrreedd GGrroovveess:: MMAACCSS-- AAgghhaarrkkaarr RReesseeaarrcchh IInnssttiittuuttee,, PPuunnee ..

1177--1199 AApprriill 22000022

12. SSeemmiinnaarr oonn ““RReecceenntt ttrreennddss iinn BBiiooiinnffoorrmmaattiiccss””

BB..VV..DD..UU.. YYaasshhwwaannttrraaoo MMoohhiittee CCoolllleeggee,, PPuunnee--3388..

11sstt OOcctt 22000022

13. 55tthh NNaattiioonnaall CCoonnffeerreennccee oonn IInnddiiaann AAccaaddeemmyy ooff AAlllleerrggyy AAnndd AApppplliieedd AAeerroobbiioollooggyy..””

BB..VV..DD..UU..,, YY..MM..CCoolllleeggee,, PPuunnee--3388

2288tthh ttoo 3300tthh NNoovv.. 22000022

14. SSeemmiinnaarr oonn ““MMaatteerriiaallss ffoorr eenneerrggyy CCoonnvveerrssiioonn..

BB..VV..DD..UU..,, YY..MM..CCoolllleeggee.. 2200tthh SSeepptteemmbbeerr 22000033

15. RReecceenntt eexxppeerriimmeennttaall tteecchhnniiqquueess iinn sscciieennccee YY..MM..CCoolllleeggee PPuunnee--3388..

2277tthh AAuugguusstt 0055

16. OOnnee ddaayy SSeemmiinnaarr oonn BBiiooddiivveerrssiittyy BB..VV..DD..UU.. YY..MM..CCoolllleeggee,, PPuunnee-- 1111tthh SSeepptteemmbbeerr

Page 6: CURRICULUM VITAE (C...CURRICULUM VITAE (C.V.) Name : Dr. Sunil Ganpatrao Pawar Present Designation : Associate Professor, Department of Botany Contact :; sunil.g.pawar

Dr. Sunil Pawar, Associate Professor , Department of Botany, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, 6 Yashwantrao Mohite College, Pune – 411038, INDIA Email: [email protected] Phone: +9120-25433383. Cell: +91 9881798117.

Last Updated on 18/11/2017

PPeerrssppeeccttiivvee aanndd CChhaalllleennggeess iinn 2211sstt CCeennttuurryy 3388 22000066

17. OOnnee ddaayy sseemmiinnaarr oonn ““RRaasshhttrriiyyaa GGrraammiinn RRoojjggaarr HHaammii AAddhhiinniiyyaamm 22000055””

VViibbhhaaggiiyy aayyuukktt aayyoojjiitt,, PPuunnee ddiivviissiioonn,, PPuunnee..

22nndd OOccttoommbbeerr 0088

18. OOnnee ddaayy wwoorrkksshhoopp oonn ““BBiioo--ddiivveerrssiittyy CCoonnsseerrvvaattiioonn aanndd MMaannaaggeemmeenntt””

MMaahhaarraasshhttrraa AAccaaddeemmyy ooff SScciieenncceess aatt NNCCLL.. PPuunnee..

2233rrdd OOcctt..22000088

19. OOnnee ddaayy sseemmiinnaarr oonn CCoonnssoorrttiiuumm ooff IInndduussttrryy aanndd AAccaaddeemmiiaa iinn BBiiootteecchhnnoollooggyy-- ““BBiiootteecchhnnoollooggyy -- AA nneeeedd ooff tthhee hhoouurr..””

RRaajjiivv GGaannddhhii IInnssttiittuuttee ooff IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn TTeecchhnnoollooggyy aatt KKaattrraajj,, PPuunnee..

2222nndd DDeecceemmbbeerr 22000088

20. IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall CCoonnffeerreennccee oonn BBiiooddiivveerrssiittyy aanndd iittss CCoonnsseerrvvaattiioonn

MMooddeerrnn ccoolllleeggee,, SShhiivvaajjii NNaaggaarr PPuunnee

2288tthh ttoo 3300tthh JJaannuuaarryy 22001111


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SS..GG..MM.. ccoolllleeggee KKaarraadd,, SSaattaarraa ((MMaahhaarraasshhttrraa))

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22. International conference on Prospective of Computer confluence with Sciences.

Nowrojee Wadia College, Pune

10th to 12th Dec., 2012


17th National Conference of Indian Aerobiological Society Pune on Impact of Airborne Microbes & presented a Research paper by oral presentation.

MAEER’s Art’s, Commerce & Science College, Pune & Maharashtra Institute of Pharmacy, Pune.

13th to 15th Dec. 2012.

24. U.G.C. Sponsored National Seminar as a convener on “Recent trends in Life Sciences”

Department of Botany B.V.D.U, Yashwantrao Mohite college Pune, 38

21st and 22nd Dec. 2012

25. UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Future prospectus of Bioscience’

Department of Botany B.V.D.U, Yashwantrao Mohite college Pune, 38

17th and 18th January 2014.

26. National Conference on Innovative ideas and research in life sciences for sustainable development

Department of Zoology, Nowrosjee Wadia College of Arts and Science

1166tthh --1177tthh JJaann..22001155

27. U.G.C. Sponsored State Level Seminar on Recent Advances in Life Sciences

Savitribai Phule Pune University and Department of Zoology, Bhartiya Jain Sanghatana’s Arts, Science and Commerce College, Wagholi, Pune- 412 207

4th & 5th Feb. 2015.Kolhapur

28. International Conference on Validation of Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine-Global Perspectives

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University Nagpur, Maharashtra

20 – 22 Feb. 2015.

29. International Conference on Contemporary Research in Chemical and Life Sciences

Sadguru Gadage Maharaj College, Karad, Satara- 415 124

22nd & 23rd April 2015.

30. National Conference on Biodiversity, Climatic Change and Sustainable Development

Krantisinh Nana Patil College, Walwe- 416 313

29th & 30th August 2015.

31. National Conference on Advances in Biosciences and Environmental Sciences : Present and Future (ABES-2015)

Department of Zoology, B.P.Arts, S.M.A. Science and K.K.C. Commerce College, Chalisgaon, Jalgaon.

22nd & 23rd Sept. 2015

32. National Conference on Impact of Aerosols on Health, Heritage and Environment (NCIAHHE-2015)

Tumkur University, Tumkuru, Karnataka, India,

28th – 30th Sept. 2015

33. National Workshop on ‘Insights in National Chemical 29th Oct. 2015

Page 7: CURRICULUM VITAE (C...CURRICULUM VITAE (C.V.) Name : Dr. Sunil Ganpatrao Pawar Present Designation : Associate Professor, Department of Botany Contact :; sunil.g.pawar

Dr. Sunil Pawar, Associate Professor , Department of Botany, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, 7 Yashwantrao Mohite College, Pune – 411038, INDIA Email: [email protected] Phone: +9120-25433383. Cell: +91 9881798117.

Last Updated on 18/11/2017

Biology 2015’ Laboratory, Pune

34. Symposium on Ethanopharmacology- Validation of Traditional Medicine

Bharati Vidyapeeth University- Poona College of Pharmacy. Orchid Hotel, Pune

4th January 2016

35. National Seminar on Current Trends in Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change

Department of Zoology, Yashwantrao Mohite College, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune

24th-25th Feb 2016.

36. National Workshop on Recent Advances in Cell Biology and Molecular Biology

Department of Botany and Zoology, Sir Parashurambhau College, Pune.

5th and 6th February, 2016

37. National Conference on Climate Change: Assessment, Impact and its relevance to India.

Sir Parashurambhau College, Pune 30.

4th -5th March 2016

38. National Seminar on Human Rights

Yashwantrao Chavan Institute of Social Sciences Studies and Research, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune.

12th January 2016

39. International Science Congress on Digitalization in Research for Cultural, Commercial and Scientific Development.

Hutatma Rajguru Mahavidyalaya, Rajgurunagar, Pune, Maharashtra, India.

8th -9th December 2016.

40. National Workshop on Environmental Problems and Biodiversity

Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, Ministry of Human Resource Development , Government of India, New Delhi at Lal Bahadurshashtri College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Satara.

24th and 25th January 2017.

41. National Training Programme on Marathi Terminology and Scientific Writing in Marathi of Zoology

Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, Ministry of Human Resource Development , Government of India, New Delhi at Lal Bahadurshashtri College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Satara.

24th and 25th January 2017.

42. One Day National Conference on Emerging Trends and Classicals in Life Sciences (ETCLS-2017).

Department of Botany and Zoology, Yashwantrao Chavan Warana Mahavidyalaya, Warananagar. Maharashtra, India

28th January 2017.

43. Innopharm2 | 2nd International Conference on Bridging Innovations in Pharma. Med. & Bio Sciences

Innovare Academic Sciences, Bhopal, M.P., India.

11th-12th Feb. 2017.
