:-J•enejJlltl~ ·• . i · :; otiered~~-~>i...:-J•enejJlltl~ ·• . i · :; otiered~~-~>i ......

,:,,- ) - ·. .\. -{ •...::.-.-. .. { .... - .. r -.: .:;:~~.! .. : .. \ ··) ·_'_; , MKERSJJ.E,LlL. . :-J•enejJlltl~ ........ ·• . ... Gr'al)hiC}.clesi91"1 .. i ..... · _:; co_L_L_e·G_E~:; .. · .. · .. ·.--,-...~: ·. -~~-··.··-- '-- .. ·· -,·· ~'- __ : "~~·-· _coU~sE) .. otiered~~-~>i -·--~~KERN COUNTY'S. LARGEST WEEKLY ..... ,.,... ·. . . . . . . . . . . .. ·,' ., .. . .• . . . . . . . . f .·. · ·. · (Circul~tion ·s,OOO) · · · • ·. · · ·. ·.- · · · · · ·...;-.--'-·., .•" ·.BY.CAROL' JANEWAY,.. ·: . i I&' ·voLUNE:°xxxv._ .. FRIDAY, JANUARY 7; 1972 :,Gay·) miliiantS·· eYe .: recOgrtition . i ',. ... - .·· .. BY FERD LEWIS.,_ · Rip Editor-f~·chief ' . .---.•-: ' -T~e. chances .of ~he ,:homosexual •. What .. loes· -·she .. feel .. ·. will .·_be ·. minority on campus organizing _along . 'accomplished,- by.· a··· comfng. _•OU.I. _of: sid~ other a_ccepted groups may not be·· .Gays? ."I _h9p~_it will nel/other.'days: · too_ re~~-e. ·, . : ·. :. . : , to pe _able_ to-rela~:and re_aily be.happY. · ·. 'Just ask one. . . . :- _r 1nstead ·or: always worrying. a'mh,fver -<· ,:.c. :~::Susan (n~t_.;t'i~t'.real::narj{e),'_-a reallyb~ingh_appy.'' · . . · ·· N UMUElt 11 . Al.~ STAFF WAITER . .Ji . . An. entire p;ogram .buil(around. itie. · -·pho~graphy. , . !'Tl_lr ._; pho(?&f aphy . ;'.~ practical. at}d . aesihetic: ... aspects: .of classes are p~rticularJy relevant to' the . '. )j ·. gr~p,hic. design is being: offered ,at : grap~ics;jtl!_dents, ~c_e photographs_.>· :1~ Bakersfield . Collcg'e, according 'to. art . . . an_d 'pktori_al, ·lay-out ap_pear: in. ~II : ·. · · '-.~~ · professor Alberi Naso'. · . ·, .. . <. . _··· . pti._ases of the commercial art proc6s,'.' ,:[ -: : · Naso;, y,no'\pe~ds)_alf hiS)im/~1---he: said_ .. \ .. · ·. ·. -. ·.:: . - . . . ·: ·1 .. _hh dia'wi_rig.'.board _in_.:th(~C_gr.iphic_ Thed· _ p·rog 11 ram. h ;9ire~_~ed_ nobt_t o_ ntly __ ;,':."_.· >design department _uses the'remainder . to\llar c:o ege_-;_art · 111a1<>rs,: (! ... _ o - ' ' • ', , , , ·. •, : • J , , • , ,• ' , • • •,,, .. ', .' . • • • I _' . " ..:> •.. of his working hours to teach student~ .·.·'_members ,of )he. community :as well., . . . . :, --_,~ '(he tricks ofh i~ trade>< .. : < ' / · . . Naso : fttls ,the., cou,rses , wou__ld ·_tit! . ,}~ Arid that 's'.\vha( the. new graphf~s · ~specia(IY: ~~nefici~I. to b_u.si~ 7 ss_m~n,'._ . ; '/) i>rogr.i.m is a1J"abou1. c ~a-phics students·:· ·or. 10 peopl~ · en gated. in niarketing; ·. t .. _:,will.- learn .ihe too_ls'·a'nd iechnique's . advertijirig;'t-~gineering; ioucoali,stn,?.r : -~ ·~ :u ... ~iJ.:.~~ ;the··-~~\;~i°.p'incri~ Jr' pri!)te~ • .-~-ime~jo~_dcsign,tih~ mcii_e:backgr?un4 . "] . · · matenlh, Th~y wrll alse> study the, · P.~rson has in d1ffer~nt .fields, the ,:: . symbolic-~e'P,rcscnution of ideas ani· . ino'fe'.-:able. he,js __ ;_t?.'bri~g an ·,he. ;~_; . · , thcjntegrati~n-o(imag~ with-type·.>:. : ~clements_-: tpge_ther,'', sai~ · Na~o.- '.'The -~ ~, -c:-- ,;:>-The·'. graphic~- afts : .. p~~grain .. i~ .i ,: ~lllOre.:'.yo~;- _k_n9..w,jti(_b.etter, you:-~"·· . ~: . mixiurc· or ne\v ,1;ss~S" aricl 7 'ba-;1t'"': handle you~ busin~ss:·~<: ~: . >:-- i.) 'fre~liman a(sc; feels slrongl{t~at itie . . ''Wliai ends WC -~oilld or:co~ld USC i.· ; : ·. : . :_ time for many°''G~ys"•co~ing' into ihe . ·. : don'.t' _know;: btiJ we'd have to.go the : ~. ( . ..... -· :,~-~'open .7". "in--: thc'."".stra.ight-si:iciety''._t~ac· :-··..,-.roirfc'of.0thcr'minori1ic5 v~·';ant;,:i- ·~ . _'.' ,,_ ... ·_:y. .. ~-.. ~-: :.:..- -::· e:x.L~!S:1n the ~onimuriit{pr.obably isn't:· . '_10' gei.:an¥thing done,--c~~i~lly~h~r--:'. : ._._·. -c-~_..;:..:, · courses ;'ir~a-dy csiablishcd a["BC. The'. . • .·, N·aso; -ino .has· iaught'.par.t-ti~e- at... · - -. '_:~:~Of"! ~<;l_a 5~£5 ·,ir~;_c;;!,JP:--hic ..;S Y,ni boJpgy ,·~;_:. .. ke r$ficld ~--~oJicie :_ .f O( •.t hre~~years;., .:::<---'. ,,g · .. · ·. Arl4~hich will:be offcred.nQ(W~w.as.:.dic)sen,..to.:devefop,-:i''ifapn~e',-a,i;·'. ·--~.: ·. ·; --- .- ~-."'·. riphic·' Desig1,, 0 Art-4hhtcti-·-. -·-,·program:..o'rr_th~':ti.Bh ot._"Jl1s gripli!C :: . ~-i: ·.~ · : tO'h'_far Off.'.-~:-'.·.· -. ·--·-_.--·:.·'.·: ·_. , : -. : ~n- Ba~cifi~I~/' .:She-:·P.0.inis~·OUt;"~~ilh·:- ... . -one·_. path ·.to .. asceptance, ·. she· . • - .the Asessment ttiai the. communiiy _ ·. belJeve?;: 'jwo~ld . be·. ~rganiz\ng _like . . . lacks. the ~hderstandi"ng •found in ... . other mi_rio'ritics: J US( the fact tp~t we <many places. . . . . . . . - .could organize, I think,_'wotild be an. . . · .. Fo~ th·e -time b~i~g·s_usan. (~t- he~ .a~om~if5h·rr1ent. 'in. itself .f~r: G_ay . real n~mc):and many of her_ friends ·· . people/'.· .. ' . . ... : . · .. · • . . wil( con~inue:to·rrice(only privately, · ,_ · _. The:-: abstacles t~at_. corifron_t : ~er still wishing· for. the evcniuai · g~ar.· of· · ·. gro~p 'are. clcar!y individ~al 'orics in recognition; . . . . . .. . . -- . -~ny._ --~ases. -",Whethe~ WC: ·.coul~ . . Rccog_nition.· for what they arnnd ·.qrgani~~,''. sh·e Jainerits "I don't know. what they can be together·., , I · don't know: howi the· faculty.' and _ · . . . . . ·. .·. .·.· .·. . . administration. would.: ta(c ii, but Jt - ...• · .. : ' <-: . . <. -~ .·.: ·, . : ·. . .• . .·. ___ :~,~--~-:~-~~~t'~~d~~~o-~lot~~(~~~~~~i~~7-~·c,ara·i6~6lass:-·. :: ' • - JI, ' •. •' : a .' referring· to ttic f<1uighte(ement. - - . . ','Some' ofttie 'gays :wou!d _d,efinitely · . . · , . · . .... · . !i~f.fe~: because ,of i!, t,'ut,:_I kn?w_ for. ·: ·<t Q, . e · myself: I think· we'd :be able to do, .' · · soiricthing th~t' ~~uld niak~ it worih .. Nafo wi 11.frach' this spring.. . · . :, : _• .. <- ': design experience; He graduated Jroni ... ·. ,:". ~. Ar(4J .·i~· th/~<i°rc .prjctic~l -of itiri. - ... · Pratt lnsiitute f~ industrial design, and.... . ~:: two ·co~r'se~>says 'Naso, It deats:·~·ith . · worked fcir;a .d«ade· in:a :nunib~-r)i°f-~; t,z ,. ·_: . tlic. tbols; rnitc~i;i{' arid ·'techriiq~~ . N.cw .York firms. Rif ."'ork·°r~tli~se· '. ",\- · ./ ,; i~corp~raicd :.in~lh-~-'.devefopm~ni of. -. ~o~p~nie~ ... inciJd~d. ; ad;e,®hg; .. . . . '. - graptiics .:..iih 'pt~:ductio~ m~thod, ·in photographV, illustration, and building ·. mir:id. · · '- , · · · modelsfor_indumiai exhibit~.· · -.: 'ti.rt ·~o ·s,~~-cnls will. diic6vcr the. - .. · mc-1hod)9f maxtmun{com"inunjca·1fon · . · The i~sir~cior p'reviousr; ~orked as with visyaL~ymbots: "There arc subtle a freclancer,.-and taught adver:ti5ing psychol~gical a:nd. cultural m~ans. by 'and industrial _design for seven_ years at _which. people use ··and 'undcrftarid:. ··the· Ne~ark. ·.school'. of Fine . ind .·. ~visu.alimagcs:'.' gyi}Jaso.'Hes.lid this··. - Jndu~trialArts';~. . ·".~---·---'-- -:., coii'rse ,.;.'ould deal·· with the graphic, ... : Na~·,a'me to BC in ,·968: .;Myrole . , __ tran"staiions~~~Wide ·variety. ~f idea~>-; .is . part-ii~e '·pri:>fcsso(; o(· :art :·and··: . N.,u:g:i:11;~sii:c_<t.that rt~er.-~ou~s~s: · ·part-1irne designei ror the· cahlpus.-Mv : 10 th'cl;ifogram are:c_qtia!ly imporlant, duties include dcvdoping visual aides, ~~although pCOplc aren't always aw.\re of . brochures;·. and Olh~r .. O~-c~'mpUS · '. them::·-;1~€-:--mcritioried '.,lettering a·nd '-graphicmaierials_"~~---·· .•. ·-·.:.· .- . - . ·.. . ,•. - .... ' . .- . . .. - .. . . ; , -~- . - ·pr,~p_c,1·,,-~s.i:'°:'i·.,or·,:·:_f: __ pμrn,~JI . ii.': ' . . . .. '· : . . .. · . . . :'A;c~ronary' care nursin&-cras~ :wil(bc . ···Foi:''.Susa~"ft.ist ialking about her• offereci:by" 8akersfie!p.Col!cge beginning :oe_._ba_· f:_e_.: ··.:: -tea fY'J ·sfate-:.:.one· ihat she.term\''.G;yu ·_· · : January JO frorr\7.:,.,JQ P-~- Mci'nday -and · ''is' a kind'of militancy 'in itse_lf. _1·1 · .. We'dne"sday. '~·evenings. tAII ·-intcrcstcl' ·.'_ ... -\;;h.1.lc " . . . h.' b .... •. ·· ., .··11· f _,· . f: .h . ·o ·. -h '.th". h 'd h. •d .. b ' . .A· f.: . . _ h .. ·4·9·· ·._:I·.:·.. •· .h ·.· - ·. ,\ . ·:mea~/-~hes~y{-''coming/ight~ut i~ Licensed. Vocationai ._.· Nurses-_ and .... cc· so,rr1c .stuc!ents arc· h_,mng .. ·1 cy· c_1~1orrncu on-a acets o _t c ·: n:1. co ~r .~n, wen_ aters_· • . tcr t er. nvftatronal;'.t e: ., . :-.. . society, and-saying fo ~ometiod/that I ~- : R~gisiei~d: Nurses, a~e:c1igibl~ io ;ttc.nd,~; )~<,.~,b_l~co.fn_r.~l_i~g 190 !:'QlC-:- c·a:rdsJ~( : . •: t~pic, __ ·. . . . , :_'. · : .. ·/. _ . . - ._.inflict th_e:statlJS quo, lhey .irv t; show:.:··- .. _debale . ie,i'm" -plan's. :io '::.auend. the.-- ... .-:_~ .. -: · know' what 'i"_ am and accept 'it i~n·i ·. acc'ordfng .:tor-.1r;. Dore~ri Chan, -cti~irnian : lC(n:1 ,_pap,er~;_ -~-C'~: dc~a,~e_."s_quad ··'.s : ..• : ·' he ::'g_c_nr~lc . ~awe. ~;cd ._w.~n:··.: : •.. th~~ large num~ers Clf peop_leare-being·_ . - Riye'rside_· ~ity :_coi!ege ".. lrivitatioilaL .; ·_·; ,• . . . . - h 't 'd x t' b t . 't 's what :1 · .. _'.'of·_ t. h .... _Br. N ' ..... p'. . . ... ,, " .. · . ·.· - .. ·:. ·, ·.- con_st.antlv-: add mg ,to . ILS ,upply: of. . ckfcndmg tn_e_. st.a_ l_ us ·quo. is_ IC,. show- .-)iar_ mc __ d _ _ : _ _ by : ,·t1rr_ent_ ·. •. f!l_ cth'ods i:_ of_,_._-. ··.·.·.Tou_·rname,nt; F_ ebr_uary 18'a_n __ d_19; t_tie_'· -: .. · .. , .. , . .w a . you e pee,. u 1 : . •. . e . .._; ursing_ rograrn:_ : : .. : _.:: ·.: _- : ... : e·.. ._· ,: . _ .... ·· .. ·.·· . , . · .... ·. . .·. ... ·· ..:-. ; --: , 0 :·· . ·. •. . . _ . _. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . ': - . ' . f ,; .. , .. · . ' . . . - .. ·. - . . . ; Th.· : t' .. -_ .t.. ' ·. ·N·,· ·.-.,. ·10 A. : .' .what ·15 now. about. 5,000· evidence. I.hat: :no. _lwm exists.: ticcJUSC •.of· .... -.go~crn'mcnt- .:·informa!ion. :~at~erin~·~~acifkSou~tiwesLCollegiale.F.orensjcs-·~---~ --~·-PJ_e_er _. . . . e_ wo:-um _course,~ ur~ing .. · .- . . . . . . . . . ,. . . .. . . . . ... . . . . . f. . · . h. . · r 8 · -- · · · -- · · · · ·wh ._ .. h. '·sh · · ·· 1 ··. :_I· ··ff· · .. · 1 • :. :·· ·_.· 0 1 · 1 · ... b··_;. ,h .. ld . :·· -_· _·h ·· ·s·c .. ·, ·:· H• ., , · • ··,. car<J,._ . In -addru_on · t_ h_c·.squad .~.·· .wh1c_li_ - government · m ormat1on : ·gat ering, · -_ or inst~nc~. C's lw_o. most ~ucccssfu_l · . :A_ssociafion· Debate Champ_ionship, Cal ·. y • as e,-, no on y. o ering o . w1 e ·. e . in. l e. mat -science ... . · .· ·: : -: ' · . ·.. , . · · · ._ .. ·. _ · · · , ·· · . . · - ·. _ _ _ . . .. . , ·. · k.,_· ·r· ,., · 1 ·: 0 1 '· · · -: . -·b, ··t ·:: - 1 · · .·, , ·,.·b·'· 'Id.··· ·., · -·-· 26 d. · , 1 ·· ·, · ·H · · · . ·· .. · -now -co~sim · of ,Kin·i._M_iles an_d -T crry;. ·. due . to .. the Lief_- :tha_t t~crc _.·arc.,_: · _case~ ~u.n. las~ · scmeste~ .. were ___ ol}~>. . . ·_state; f uller~ori,' March 3_ and. 4;- the ··, spea_ .. or. pu -"~ 19n, ... u .a.so . \JI . rng, room . , an a_lo_er.cy osplta. , . . . ... · ,.·· .... 1 .. .·. . ..•.. _.. ,.;. ... _,_. • . . ... . . : . ·. .. . • - . . . . -.. , . , , •• ... . .... ··· ,: ··d·,,.··:·h·-·,;·f. ·d·. ta.·k· ·the- .: 1 - ·d, "··· ·. ·.·.:·.·· ·. 1 · 1 ••• h:··. , .. ,,·Savagc,.{p-artners)·.tarry·Ram_os and·.-.· .. -.r~r._ulatKln5' .Q'1 · .. <1gecies ... tt]at·.v.o_ul_J ·. c .wh,c_h-_deart \\_'llh_ thehar_ mtoc111zens .·, M~lmiut1onaJ·.ea1 Poly·.San .. ·.- . ·.in!prme ··-stra1g t -. rJeJ: ~. __ en ... ': .,._. n_t~reste ·persom.~ayenr.o in_t 1sc,ass ··:"•· :·~ . · ... '···. · ·.·.- ... ·- .. : : :·_ ... ·, -•:.- ... ·, :,·.· ... .• < ·,··., · .. _ ... ·:.-··. _,._ .. · :. , ._ ....... · .. ·.: -~- . · : ,._ - ... · . : , .... , __ , _ .. - · · b 1·d ·. : -,- d. · · 1 · ·- · ' h. · · ·d · · h fi- · · '.. ·' .. -. . · · · _-. . : Da_ v1d .' N_ euliamcr _ J crr_y :_ Dover, _and · ,_ · gath_cr:· t_rfu.. m forn __ iat1~_n_: Jnd,. c\cn <.c". due. to, Congrcss1_onal _1mmu_n_ ily; ~rc_h. J .. ,-_. · :,· .. ._ -: ... _, ;- .• : ... · . . _... .. _. '.·.· • . . . .'_:_ . o step_towar _lota openness t _at. ._ urmg t e irstmeetmg. --. , . . . . . ,, . . . . -- :: .. -.' .- ..•. - .... · -~ , , ~·. _. · .. ··. · .... - ..... - .···.· · .. ,. · · -.- -·· ·. (. , ... -.· _: · .·L · >o·bi ·. -·· ,,. · .... - · · · ··, .. · 0 ·, . ; ·1· . . ' '. has-'.-l~ng.:.bee~~~~ngeorif-- guilt~;~·-.- :: lrmruc[~rs~ie-sisters;~d-rr.D'lfr11~()aJ_~Ei;o}t,c,: an~:-~lt~_h_Jd ::-5;i~_rid : . ·, . : ~,hen_ ·.t~e.': .. agcn\l<'.i::.._-OVer<1s~.-:t.!:1~1r c. :~:' g1vc~_-;:J;'.opgrcss_l!len_- ;, _hk.: '. (-~~~-· I.ate:- :.-: ;: -ULS·:. .•• ~?P!' ~1a_r:c~ I4 }fl.d~_?S; .. '-:~.:.. .• :/~\ · ,. ·. .- d. · ·· ,.f h. · · - · · · :, : · :-.. · ::c·.: M·.· · · :. ·F ·' k" :"; s·h· 'b--.· · h. · :'- ·· d-' · ·: : · ·. ·:.',Kathi Krc_ .ss · :-=:·,.,, constantly _working:.·. ·:~u _ _ thorrty; ·t11cr~ ·.ire. lc 0 a1·reul1Lat1ofl').: _-· _9.scpl:l:~tcCar.thy}.almos~free-re1grt"t~l~fomia 0 .:....;..,State-dunior-:- College ·. ·,, '..:..~.-.;_ . -. repression an se -c astrsement. · ......... ,.,.. rs. ran ic-:- am aug -an .. va11ous-- -. __ .. · . -~--·· -----=-=· · - ·· · . .. .... ·. · ·· . · . · · · ,. · · ·. · . : · · ,,. · ·· · · C fi .. · . . . · · , .. .. · · · ,.. . . - .. i.::::did=ii. "ihe -~ayi-1{ec ;ro,e .. :local : pbysici~oci~~ching~ilr-:-~·on':'-:-dclivcrf; · rcfufatfon ·. ano ' -., . or I c,\mcricJn ''! ,,~nry I~1~aJor~g~ther ._and u11l1ze. <!'.'Y 111formau~>n . · . : a,m p 0 n Sh IP. _ .TotHrlarllent; _ .. , -~ . .., : pici<ing ~P. si;engrh; ~·~airih-' because' 1.- - ~oricentrat~ on s~1l ls of_C~!~nary._mir~ing; : _ _orga_nhatio~ :.rn.'. prcpar ai'.o~·:. for_: ~he _: ' ' _ the squ_~a is. now'-~~. l!lC' r;°:.css, ·o~ !' ... t~-c~· .. f~e_l ~ike;_ ~~?, ~~,c -"'.h.i~h. d~a~t .. : Bakc_fsfi_eld ·-~~!l~g~: ~pri} .1 ~: ~ro_u~~:_ · _ had to/at leas ti fefd' had :f~·.: Now~ 1 · paiient i-e'ac tions; and use of equipmc'nt. _firsnourn~meor . _ _of _the :ney; semester,· · · ,rc.c_.Jt<;~'.ng ·. ' ~on~t!l.~'.ionat._ . ca~e,·:· - .... ,.th _ /' SC'.J m rna n _ -~g_a 1 ~.st : ·._. 1 ?, }~d - th_e. National Phi ~ho}!. _only'h~pe !'can ai:coniplish._sornething" ::._. ifhis:course is' the.fir;! Sfa :sericsof • }hc,:.49_'cr ,i._nv(t~t(on,: ~n _F~i>_ruJry 4 . · .. ~cgulat1()n.s,__of t_he: U'SC ?f- \,1rcl~ppr~g- -, '~o'.11-~se~~,3[~ :. _du~: to< pol,_ce._ .. 'Ch~rnp1ont_•P, Lo~ ~ngele_s- B1ltmo_re . . ·. t - · i{ .c:d° · h : G - · ·1 .. · · · :- f · · .. •· .. d,- · · · (: · · · · : - 'Cl·· · · and 5 at Long Beach State (oll(1;e.". ·.: . .Jn.d ··other . :_forms · of · cfcc tronic-: - :. 1m·est,gat1C>ns., • . · · - . ·, . , Hotel, Aprrl 24 through 29. ·. , ._ .·· · . , · . , .. C..-~, . do'wn> but'Susa~ (nch '. her· reai n~inc) ·-,:, Nur~ing 70-B, ; Te~hri_iqucs of Car91j~:: ·. _ycir IS: R_csol._co:- Gre_aicr "con~rol~ . ,: _go\Cr~:-~g::.{:_~gf~~mJII01'.·, ~a_t~!'p~g: . :-.OIJ .$~le\ 11.C> w .. .·. -•. ·- ·.·. . · ·· · · ·· · · ·~ · .·· · · · ·. · · · • · · · · · · · · · · h Id b. .. ' d · h · · h · ·. · ·a 0 cnc1cs lrkc the. Fec!uJI Bur~au of · · · ·· · · - ·· .- , · - , , ·estimates from the number; of,female_s · .Ca_theterizat_ion; '·Nursing 70-C, Hcaltn• -; _> OU. . e~cmpos~ on t ,c _gal cnng_·. -. '!,. -. · ·. ·:, .. ·. . : • _ ·. --. .·: .; . ·.·. · . , . · . . . · •. .' ~he' has knowfeoge. ~f, !'ther~c arc 'a·: ·. :Teaching ot Patien1.S.wl1n Cardio-Vascular, :;;ir:,d uiilirnion of information Jbout ln_..-est1g_a:r~m. th~ \\'cl fare Dcpartmcm,_. . ;_ .. \ . . . : . . , .· ' . c . . .. : dozen -or maybe a Jitire fe_wej .tljatJ ->Prob [e'riis;- ·-.-a-nd ; Nursing 70:0_. . us cit iz~_ns by government agc11cics .. ·. · .. 1he_ lntcmaJ .. R~~.cnu~ ,?c_r~15e ~nd .t.h,c.:. ·, 'R: :: :- ,, -~1,·· <i. ' .. _>--.. <-- f' . . . .- ~- ···.: . , . t' . . . · -kno~·:oi - •anl ihefe are probably . Caii:ro Vas,uJa/ -N r~·ng . •, .. er . i . Sine~ debater's. ~re: c~pmcd io· argue . Census Bure aμ; to. name only four of. . ·. . r..· .... s ': . . n.·e· · .. _w._ .. · ··, .. ·_.:_:.. r, m.. . CJ· .. · . . . . I •. · . ., U I . . lnlCJ . both pier. and C~~. i(i5.important that·· more ihan 8()_; .. · . . . . . ·. .. :. . ~= 0 . . , _: - some.I don'tkno-.,v;''.·, ·:.: Prd(._tice.-:, .. - . . . . . . . . . . . ·,.:.'.-: __ .::.--: -. : __ )-}':':\:~- :~/ ,_ ., ;_ :·: _ _ -. " .. -··-·. . .;,; ~' H :iW j . . . _ lt:S· al_l ~ere :.,the 'tall,.·J~i7t ~hJ~'i-ter"°ie.~p1u}~d ·in v.6rd~ ·a~d:pictures ln the:·. ; j .. ·. · .• - - ... Jhe !:'.11Ph~s!:·i~i_rJ~i0e trs.i~~!.l! .of -~_njp_us:eyent~,:;n te"xt·aMpfctures. Thii ~~·-,:.~-~¢ C-· -.(t:;·-:-:::.. C'=_:e_"_\_.~_~ApS~;, /_w_c_,_._;~_f_-_}_.~.-;\{:· ___ :_?_t_._._,_._-.-.-.... - .. - -- - - '.. ;: :1nc!u'cfos Jhc._o~~J()o~:·of:Hcime<:oming,.:CqM:oca1ion;,a behin·d-the·~nes'rook;at · . '": - -- . ., __ . .:. ih~ dr~~)eh!~cl 1/iE}',_11S~R;\-vie\~. of the ~mpu;·E:b.P.-pr_tig{am, a'iook·r~~m ; : _ . It .was ai·month ·an/a-half ago. that KBC,. B}kersfield · .. ·. · · · · thc)'_top'' '. of: lh~ __ st~~iuip p_~esi. bQ>,;;.:.a.n.opjnio~ · P.O)J<or, ,curt~rii ·questii;ns CoHege~s- CimP.'J~s-:ra·diO":is4tiO·n~ :halte~ · iis. br·oact,isHng:·to.'.--· --, •~;• . -~--.~~~vie~·.Ofj)f(~aryiJ)Us }isito"rs'fike p~y~h,O_logiSi -~funci 8Ctt~nleinl ln~fthe Saft'(i~e . Campus c::'eiiter j~' order to re~d~I its"studios. Except' for -. -. . -. .. : City_-~cpdto'ry bar\cc Grbup: c ; - ... ·__ . . . . . . ;, ' , . . - . . - sq~ finishing ~o~ciies·;1~e-woric'has tieeri coriipleted.-·:~< ·: - - ·_- A prev1.f~ ·a·r the. training ot. ~~p_u~: polf~ ~nd f vi~it:·to'..111~ 0 suc~essiu1 ... _ ":-;.· __ . ·. : T~e 'rrujor~ reasons [or the' re.modeling :W\!re m~ie.. .for\?i~d~ P~':i~~ ,·<>-_spoh~r~d_:'by.BC ~n1 ~~e· Ja.~\so~P~~~~s:N.ur"feiy i~.w~c?. : ~. . . e~no~: use _of.. ~he: spac..e_ a•r.tilable,' and° better :iCOlJStic ·, .. .. . arc' otlier '. f~iures_ ,_o ~the .. magazm~: The. frlln~. and __ b_aci.:: covers;:_ ca~ry_lng O{I '.! - . -__ . . . . ·- ic . .,· .. · . ..._. :,,,,:. propertie~i_n ~'e studi~·facii'itie·i;,;,-'.,."'"'::.:,~.;;~.::~:.,;;;~::i::.:.. .:..-,~ ;_._:;_~;, .•. :.c.... ~,l<:ing-~faii_ding-RA(..:tra_d_ition;=-ire· fu!l:co!o(sc!ne-; 9( famptisaciivitie'rancrrollege · :·- <_, -~ ·/ The old ~'tucfio }iad t;,;,,o .~ctions,·an ciffi~e space an;f the.-·. _ ' JJhotographer Al !'/oricga. ha·( ll~~duced. four· memorable in;ide color-· page5 to ... . . · pr~gram:siudio; separ~ted oMiy by a ~artiahiall. Thi ~c;.;;..: .. illustrate stories: . . --. .' - . : ·. . . . ·.·. .- ·- .. - .. : facilities -in-clue!~ itiree. rooms. There. wili be program.. Tfi.c RACONTEUR is -on ·sa_Ic ~ow. at ihc BC)!~_ines~ Of fie¢ for s t.50 per C:O~·y. itudio,: p~oductionJtu_dio, ·and·- an. office. Each··- ~ill be · -_,_ j, -~ere are a li'!lired nu'!lber·on public _sale, so early" reservations are advised. . . . . .·.separated compieteiy from· -the oilier, ac.oustic;itiy and - ' '. - - ,"C : '.'.- ' . physicaUy. '. · ·· - . '. ~-:·_ Much.-of.. the:old e<fuip~n( wiU:be.' w·d;: bfu it was . . ·neceswy to .pn~,uJe additional i:>i~ion ·a-liiniieci budget,· --___',. .. . - - .- --~- . - . - --- - -- . - - . . .-- . . -r -- . - - ·. ·_ . - - -- - · .. · . st.ati~n persoifoei ~re forced -.to buy rir aw1:it as donations .:.; ____ .. . ... .:..~~d-h.ind.~cquip~r:it~:They. h_~ye-~arly_~crythirig they,.; . . . need ; ~w. ·thanks to. l~ 'locai cori-{n,ercial_ radio stations: . i · · ~FY c~n~ibuted a ~(xer- pa'nel and KUZZ. donated turntables. · · ' . · - . . . . . · . · - · Building ~;eriai{ ~ref pu;chased entirely f rotn .station · funds;:. Walls.· and .ceilings WCfe. inade firesafe.. with. the :._: ::_·-~ ai:P.lication:oLft\·~Jightm:irich :-~ast~iboa(d.;T~e· room~--::~ . . were made virtually sound-proof with a~tic tiles on the . ~-~~._ --uiiings-ind .most of the w.ills. Wood .grain paneling ~s. - .. added for a beautifying touch.. ,.;. .. ' ... : . . . . .. ' _: !he station wasbuilt entirt!_y_ h r.~o st.al~ pcnormel; none of whom had any experience of that 5lll't. "Nobody w'ill be . .able to ·all this station 's<iuare'"• ~d, "Making windows is a 'pane' ., are [V,O ~f the quips that emuged from its coostrudi~n:' lngt!!ui{y -prMiTed: howtver ~- ,1,nd. most of the ~~fa.ilati~ h.a:..e bttn ·cqvered up by molding strips. - . ' A phone line Wiil used.to pro'fide a signal for carrier ,'urrent to the dorms, and of course, Campus. Ctnter' will again be furnished wiih music during school hours.. ··FM. broadc.asting to uble television suMCribers will be ·. ~Of'thwm!lg_when rno_ney is .av.iii.able.. \_ \ final t~dta. OD the. rernodclini of Ksc: the imUOtd. DJ's plah 10 haTr mu.sic pumping into e2mpa.t ndio station. are being nadr, with only . 1hr Campus Ccnltr Ji)in by rowy or urly nuc wiring conne.:tions acd carpeting Ide to. be w«l:.·' ... · · Rip Photo by Mik~ ~cn50n. -.- . The · ASS - Siucieot : .Goverr1inent .~: appeared. ·10 . be . thai of . As.sociate . elecii~n . for~ Spring si~~ter. officers' Justices. ~th 'ten candidaies ruMing (0 . ; c'oriducted: pri.or, lo the holiday . fi!I. four seais::Erec~ed were: Freddie •. brea~ · : _ . -. : . . . H[noj-Osa, jifn!riy ~anchez, - F. Stert f .. _.-_, __ Vo!!t-1.1.!~~l!.t,,as_μsual,._wa,s-.light ·- _Bro>"f!.'and David Phillip$..,_..:..__: __ :_: __ _ . - :althoug~ the.· election w.15 • well . . -.~nning unoppose{forASB officis . -:~·pubt_iciied_.;.. --·-----·- -:----:- ~::·-~--we're F2lt· fresideni-Terry ·vem~ fo[ . · All but two offices were decided by. Businru M.aruger, ·· Judy Garone f0< the baUoiing and two poiilK>nS h.ld rio . . Secreury ind Mirilee White.for Public: c.indidates, Fr~ma·n s«mary ~rid Relations: M.ike · Ellison ~.t out· - - Sophomore Representative. l ynne ·Hunzeker . foi the Student - _Presi~n1ial c.a~didates $ill Melton OirectOf of Actmtic\ position. - · and Larry Gali~do tied with 150 \-Ot~ : apiece.· Neither VKe Pr~idential E~cted ro .fill the Sop~e dm a;j,ir,mt~ Vernon V;!enz~a Robert leJdership Po~ttOOS wtre: Rich Holberg· received majority of w RichardS-On, President· Mike _-votes f,lll, thus a iufl-Off eltttioo ~s Btttolucc( VKe. Preside:1~· Jutie . held yesterday to ~e the top t'M'.I SL Clair; Secreury · and ··JoAnn leidership positions.. At press time the Benedict as Represttitativc. ..rcw!ts of the run-off weie unknown. "Fre1hl'tlln offkers e!ecttd wtre: Don Br.idnu w.s mu~ Oebn ~e, President; Ism.cl Gun· unopposed to his post as Orief Juwce. Vice President; Geofie Lopez and T~ most sought ;i,fw positions Judy Perkins .is Repmen.Utivn. ' J . _": - 'I -f I

Transcript of :-J•enejJlltl~ ·• . i · :; otiered~~-~>i...:-J•enejJlltl~ ·• . i · :; otiered~~-~>i ......

  • ,:,,-

    ) - .· ·. .\.

    -{ •...::.-.-.

    .. { .... - .. r -.:

    .:;:~~.! .. : .. \ ··) ·_'_;

    , MKERSJJ.E,LlL. . :-J•enejJlltl~ ........ ·• . ... Gr'al)hiC}.clesi91"1 .. i ..... · _:; co_L_L_e·G_E~:; .. · .. _· · .. ·.--,-...~: ·. -~~-··.··-- '-- .. ·· -,·· ~'- __ : "~~·-· _coU~sE) .. otiered~~-~>i

    -·--~~KERN COUNTY'S. LARGEST WEEKLY .· ..... ,.,... ·. . . . . . . . . . . .. ·,' ., .. . .• . . . . . . . . f .·. · ·. · (Circul~tion ·s,OOO) · · · • ·. ~ · · ·. ·.- · · · · ·

    ·...;-.--'-·., .•" ·.BY.CAROL' JANEWAY,.. ·: . • i I&'

    ·voLUNE:°xxxv._ .. FRIDAY, JANUARY 7; 1972

    :,Gay·) miliiantS·· eYe .: recOgrtition

    . • i ',. ... - .··

    .. BY FERD LEWIS.,_ · Rip Editor-f~·chief

    ' . .---.•-:

    ' -T~e. chances .of ~he ,:homosexual •. What .. loes· -·she .. feel .. ·. will .·_be ·. minority on campus organizing _along . 'accomplished,- by.· a··· comfng. _•OU.I. _of:

    sid~ other a_ccepted groups may not be·· .Gays? ."I _h9p~_it will nel/other.'days: · • too_ re~~-e. ·, . : ·. :. . : , to pe _able_ to-rela~:and re_aily be.happY. · ·. 'Just ask one. . . . :- _r • 1nstead ·or: always worrying. a'mh,fver -rogr.i.m is a1J"abou1. c ~a-phics students·:· ·or. 10 peopl~ · en gated. in niarketing; ·. t

    .. _:,will.- learn .ihe too_ls'·a'nd iechnique's . advertijirig;'t-~gineering; ioucoali,stn,?.r : -~ ·~ :u ... ~iJ.:.~~ ;the··-~~\;~i°.p'incri~ Jr' pri!)te~ • .-~-ime~jo~_dcsign,tih~ mcii_e:backgr?un4 . "] . · · matenlh, Th~y wrll alse> study the, · ~ ~ P.~rson has in d1ffer~nt .fields, the ,::

    . symbolic-~e'P,rcscnution of ideas ani· . ino'fe'.-:able. he,js __ ;_t?.'bri~g an ·,he. ;~_; . · , thcjntegrati~n-o(imag~ with-type·.>:. : ~clements_-: tpge_ther,'', sai~ · Na~o.- '.'The -~ ~, -c:-- ,;:>-The·'. graphic~- afts : .. p~~grain .. i~ .i ,: ~lllOre.:'.yo~;- _k_n9..w,jti(_b.etter, you:-~"·· . ~:

    . mixiurc· or ne\v ,1;ss~S" aricl7 'ba-;1t'"': handle you~ busin~ss:·~:-- i.) 'fre~liman a(sc; feels slrongl{t~at itie . . ''Wliai ends WC -~oilld or:co~ld USC i.· ; : ·. : . :_ time for many°''G~ys"•co~ing' into ihe . ·. : don'.t' _know;: btiJ we'd have to.go the : ~. ( . ~ ..... -· :,~-~'open .7". "in--: thc'."".stra.ight-si:iciety''._t~ac· :-··..,-.roirfc'of.0thcr'minori1ic5 v~·';ant;,:i- ·~ . _'.' ,,_ ... ·_:y. ..

    ~-.. ~-: :.:..- -::· e:x.L~!S:1n the ~onimuriit{pr.obably isn't:· . '_10' gei.:an¥thing done,--c~~i~lly~h~r--:'. : ._._·. -c-~_..;:..:,

    · courses ;'ir~a-dy csiablishcd a["BC. The'. . • .·, N·aso; -ino .has· iaught'.par.t-ti~e- at... · - -. '_:~:~Of"! ~. . . ·_state; f uller~ori,' March 3_ and. 4;- the ··, spea_ .. or. pu -"~ 19n, ... u .a.so . \JI . rng, room . , an a_lo_er.cy osplta. , . . . ... · ,.·· .... 1.. .·. . ..•.. _.. ,.;. ... _,_. • . . ... . . : . ·. .. • . • - . . . . -.. • , . , , •• ... . .... ··· ,: ··d·,,.··:·h·-·,;·f. ·d·. ta.·k· ·the- .: 1 ,· - ·d, "··· ·. ·.·.:·.·· ·. 1·1 ••• h:··. , .. ,,·Savagc,.{p-artners)·.tarry·Ram_ os and·.-.· .. -.r~r._ulatKln5' .Q'1 · .. _ruJry 4 . · .. ~cgulat1()n.s,__of t_he: U'SC ?f- \,1rcl~ppr~g- -, '~o'.11-~se~~,3[~ :. _du~: to< pol,_ce._ .. 'Ch~rnp1ont_•P, Lo~ ~ngele_s- B1ltmo_re . . ·. t - '· · i{ .c:d° · h : G - · ·1 • .. · · · :- f · · .. •· .. d,- · · · (: · · · · : - 'Cl·· · · and 5 at Long Beach State (oll(1;e.". ·.: . .Jn.d ··other . :_forms · of · cfcc tronic-: - :. 1m·est,gat1C>ns., • . · · - . ·, . , Hotel, Aprrl 24 through 29. ·. , ._ .·· · . , · . , ..

    C..-~, . do'wn> but'Susa~ (nch '. her· reai n~inc) ·-,:, Nur~ing 70-B, ; Te~hri_iqucs of Car91j~:: ·. _ycir IS: R_csol._co:- Gre_aicr "con~rol~ . ,: _go\Cr~:-~g::.{:_~gf~~mJII01'.·, ~a_t~!'p~g: . :-.OIJ .$~le\ 11.C> w .. '· .·. -•. ·- ·.·. . · ·· • · · ·· · · ·~ · .·· · · · ·. · · · • · · · · · · · · · · h Id b. .. ' d · h · · h · ·. · ·a 0 cnc1cs lrkc the. Fec!uJI Bur~au of · · .· · ·· · · - ·· .- , · - , , ·estimates from the number; of,female_s · .Ca_theterizat_ion; '·Nursing 70-C, Hcaltn• -; _> OU. . e~cmpos~ on t ,c _gal cnng_·. - . '!,. -. · ·. ·:, .. ·. . .· : • _ ·. --. .·: .; . ·.·. · ~ . , . · . . . · •.

    .' ~he' has knowfeoge. ~f, !'ther~c arc 'a·: ·. :Teaching ot Patien1.S.wl1n Cardio-Vascular, :;;ir:,d uiilirnion of information Jbout ln_..-est1g_a:r~m. th~ \\'cl fare Dcpartmcm,_. . ;_ .. \ . . . : . . , .· ' . c .· . . .. : dozen -or maybe a Jitire fe_wej .tljatJ ->Prob [e'riis;- ·-.-a-nd ; Nursing 70:0_. . us cit iz~_ns by government agc11cics .. ·. · .. 1he_ lntcmaJ .. R~~.cnu~ ,?c_r~15e ~nd .t.h,c.:. ·, 'R: :: :- ,, -~1,·· i~ion ·a-liiniieci budget,·

    --___',. .. . - - .- --~- . - . ---- - -- . - - . . .-- . . -r - - . - - ·. ·_ . - - -- .· - · ..

    · . st.ati~n persoifoei ~re forced -.to buy rir aw1:it as donations .:.; ____ .. . ... .:..~~d-h.ind.~cquip~r:it~:They. h_~ye-~arly_~crythirig they,.; .

    . . need ; ~w. ·thanks to. l~ 'locai cori-{n,ercial_ radio stations: . i · · ~FY c~n~ibuted a ~(xer- pa'nel and KUZZ. donated turntables. · · ' . · - . . . . . · . · -

    · Building ~;eriai{ ~ref pu;chased entirely f rotn .station · funds;:. Walls.· and . ceilings WCfe. inade firesafe .. with. the

    ~ -· ~ :._: ::_·-~ ai:P.lication:oLft\·~Jightm:irich :-~ast~iboa(d.;T~e· room~--::~ . . were made virtually sound-proof with a~tic tiles on the .

    ~-~~._ --uiiings-ind .most of the w.ills. Wood .grain paneling ~s. -.. added for a beautifying touch.. ,.;. .. ' ... : . . . .


    ' _: !he station wasbuilt entirt!_y_ h r.~o st.al~ pcnormel; none of whom had any experience of that 5lll't. "Nobody w'ill be . .able to ·all this station 's"f!.'and David Phillip$..,_..:..__: __ :_: __ _

    . - :althoug~ the.· election w.15 • well . . -.~nning unoppose{forASB officis . -:~·pubt_iciied_.; .. --·-----·- -:----:- ~::·-~--we're F2lt· fresideni-Terry ·vem~ fo[ . · All but two offices were decided by. Businru M.aruger, ·· Judy Garone f0<

    the baUoiing and two poiilK>nS h.ld rio . . Secreury ind Mirilee White.for Public: c.indidates, Fr~ma·n s«mary ~rid Relations: M.ike · Ellison ~.t out·

    - - Sophomore Representative. l ynne ·Hunzeker . foi the Student - _Presi~n1ial c.a~didates $ill Melton OirectOf of Actmtic\ position. -

    · and Larry Gali~do tied with 150 \-Ot~ : apiece.· Neither VKe Pr~idential E~cted ro .fill the Sop~e dm a;j,ir,mt~ Vernon V;!enz~a ~ Robert leJdership Po~ttOOS wtre: Rich Holberg· received ~ majority of w RichardS-On, President· Mike

    _-votes f,lll, thus a iufl-Off eltttioo ~s Btttolucc( VKe. Preside:1~· Jutie . held yesterday to ~e the top t'M'.I SL Clair; Secreury · and ··JoAnn

    leidership positions.. At press time the Benedict as Represttitativc. ..rcw!ts of the run-off weie unknown. "Fre1hl'tlln offkers e!ecttd wtre:

    Don Br.idnu w.s mu~ Oebn ~e, President; Ism.cl Gun· unopposed to his post as Orief Juwce. Vice President; Geofie Lopez and

    T~ most sought ;i,fw positions Judy Perkins .is Repmen.Utivn. ' J

    . _": -

    'I - f


  • ! , .

    ··1···(.-F'· '> •. . i' , ' - . FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1972 . -

    .···sa t'ire:· ··-· --~----·· .,. -- ,. - _., -·--.... ·. · ·d·: .. ·- ·.· ·· 1· •· · P' •-op· osa1 .. :- .. -· ~::~::..,: .. :~-~IP EDiTORt~~~-B~AkO -;ik•~:~~n· •r.en-egade-

    Pclt D•Armond Atu11ir MtT1pu1 · ,

    ' . '• -.·.·-"----~-~---.: ··:- __ .. - .·· -·· --_··._ --- - - - - --~~--- ----- --- - . -- --i

    IVIO .. es . ', - .r. ·. :.·. . . . ~,.:.......---.,..:,.:.~c;_.,,__:.....__~~...,..,..._c_.~-'-'.c,..-;-',8._.-'-. ~~,-:--,-'--'C..1--·-" --

    ,.;hc~~vc; i st;}~ing Yictrianicsc . maiiufa~tl!r~'J:.into rfne b.iyori~ts ·.,. ____ Cr1it Mnivi,r. __ : - .... __ :_. _____ . .:..._::Robps keepi~g ,, .. · . .-,·.·. . . . . ·' . . . . . ·.· . e ....... ".'·"·"'~· . ·,. ' :; ····. attai~ab le \\>c can'i°·go a;ciund . . . .. . . . . . · . . . . .. . . · · · · · 11rst lct:us. define farmwwker. If .Mr. · · · · · · · f · · . permit th.c Cil.Y Council. 19 hear from ttic_ public ifs answer, ,No guesswork was involved a.t this hearing'." · .- · · · · · - · · · · .· relieve the dow.ntrnddc.n o.f 1.heir, · .. making .... · the cr·r· or .... a.. .. valuin. g,.

    · · · .. · · .. · .. · · · ·. ''. McFar.lan·d·. is' 1.alking" ... a. bo.ut .. t.he . .. · ·· . . . . · . · · . · . · . · . · · · , . . vicws_and _opinion. s' abo.u. t ·tti_c prop. as. cd el(i.ension . The Co_· uncJ1.·. di~n't wani_ tci be confused. Wc_don_'t·: · · - ·. ·. hardship.s by. [C_licying •• thcrii_of,.,.,;.C"· s:Cn ij in en I.a.I ity~c-.. ovcr .. ,. . . .. ·.·.· .... ·.· .. ·. . :• ·.· .· . .··. : . A~'wc see ,1; . .10 purchase tjie Fcd,yJy'building ' •·. ,(crc_~Jll_t~~atcd .. p,cit}:.Jriucl,';.cqu;l..:o~ ~~--,.....,.~Not0o~e~or.:o,e--'"progr?rns·biing,consider'edc(6r~: ~ forus~-'-;is:-'a::-satcllitc'--c~mplls:;-is-n,-curnrrifCilic ,· .. Like ·dirt: Th~ far inc,; 1,,j ihcii 0'--.,; · · · ..

    . . . the proposed new unit area'' is a111enatile t~_ock . , .· .· commJriity tb a r,n~~cial: b_tirdcn: t!i,iC: has. no.: . :1cudaj1yS(om g~irig :They had lifCJ~d _ . schcduHrig a~ the dciw_ntown campus. llnyon,e_-)vho :: redcrm!ngqtial ities.; At least Bal

  • '·· ~ . .-. .... .. . _.·, ~, ·-. ~~------~ : '. - , ... · - . ' .· '~-. . r; :. I .. . ,, 1.

    ' .. '

    PAGE 4 I

    RENEGADE RIP· Jt,NUARY. 7, 1972 .· .. ___;

    . '

    J. ··_...-;-•_·-..·-·•·J•,·----~. ··-. ._ : - . r

    ·, . '

    . . . .

    Wins· . ; ' .: : .i ' - -


    \· .. '

    ·, ' '


    -.--• I, I

    ______ 1 ---·~ _--. -- ··.· ·. - J .... ·BAKERSflE~D~-- -- -·~renegade-~ .·~r:=,-cl._. - . -----··· .; ... · COLLEGE.· .·. · .. -. ·.·. · ·, ·· .· . · ..... · .. ·.• · ·

    I. . I ,. Rose.-~.Bowl--·. R-ehearsal-~-- __ Cagers ·.here tonjght •. ----~--------~---~-·---~·--. -:· - -~-. . ·-·~·-.--

    KERN couNTY·s LARGEST WEEKLY ·· r. in.· .. ·.·· . ·--. · ... ----·~- ·_:· ·,

    ' '

    f'· J: . l,c-.,c-' - .. -: . .

    :: ..

    . ·~,li,:~.·.;; ... ;.· ·-, •ft

    . ~ ......

    . ,:·· ·,_ .

    ASB . . . ' .· pr~e$ident -~ .·. . . ,· . .· By RAQUEL CANTlJ

    . - : .- ~· ·. ' - .

    T~ny 'Bennett ,;;;;y have left his. has bec·n ori the.boards wheie "the 6::.6 •. •.,cari. in . San fianCiico, ·but. the . . . reach~d back f;om 17 'feet oui and forwar.d l"ill u,uatix lead the 'Gade; in .·. Oakcr,r.cid Coilegc basketball team ~an~ed ~ de,peraticin swisheifo[hii_ reboundingo .. · ..... · .. . . . . .. · lou~d its'inHiwaii: . ' . . . . . .·· ·. • only poini, of the gain-.' lO h.and BC a . In lhc ba,kcourt' Bt•rnay have one · The Renegadesdidn't do. much f~r 65'-63 io,, ini. its·. Metropolitan. of the: bctte,;taricfemiin the ~letro H~_;,aii . (winning four of . five games · . Conference debut. . . . . . . with: peppery· Mondo 'Gonzales and. ·. . The',e,ults cif ihe ASB mn:off eie~tion(laii fhtirsday gave Larry Galindo the played ·against island opposit.ion). but Tonight at 8 o;clock:in the BC gym •. · ,ieady· Duane Wiiliami; Gonzales; the_ ri~das the new ASB Presideni tor,the-Spring Semester·. . .. · .· .. ·. · · ....•

    "'1hC. trOp"fCaf '·paradise _ha~. ·a iettling . ~ :··c_Orllpie"te -~ilh·_ pr()fe~si00a1._ s1y1e .. · playrrut:"cr I. ~a;· pr0d6C'~d ;n ·. effc"cti.'ie. . . : .- _-.L,a~,y~::_a soPhO"m·o~e~ Sta_l~S- that he. Wi.ll s'tress bctlcr _club. COC?pc,_aii_on_ aITlClng t~-~ . cffc~t_oA ~.c. .. ·.· . . . ·. . -. - . scoreboard ::,: the , ''Gades, tickle . a. . ,hod r~m long.distance while \Vil li,i"m, . . . . . • ·;1· clubs in h is·admiri istration: ''The clubs should work. (ogethcr for tlic campus instead

    BC taskrnaitcr 8111 . Nelson said tough Pi~rc~ coniingent;"' in what. , . · ha\show~ ~ ,imilar talcnC . . : '.oflndividual\y'.'; he jUles. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . bcf·0·, 0·· 1·.·,·v_ iil.·g--'0~ th·C.Cight-:(iay s01;~.u'rn StiOuld -be -.inothei' of. the· bcttcr·carly : · · --The -cc·n1cr. PO.sitio. n. h.a.s _ b.een .... the.· · A' ih - · · · d · ·h·. · '.: · , h. -. · - · .- -- 11 · b. better. publ.,c.ty· for· AS.B ' · · · · · · · · · · - · · · · · · no .er attempts c .ange '.·or t e ,prrng w, , e . . . . • .. ·· · .•

    . O\·~i chr_isl~as th.ai -.• _.,.-_hoPe it, pUII~ us·. g.imCS:o.fthe·conrere_n·,e_·-~a:son:.- _:. . ; R~rlcga'd~. -~chi.l_l_c; __ au .xc.ir :' ~ i_ke_. ~_air; . -.I . fuOcticin~ . ..:.._··c_s-p"cc i~IIY ·e1_ectiOns:. ~'.Jhf-re_~_ha'i :betn. Some stipulation_-c?nctining who .. · ·,0·g· e' ·h·i·r .. ,.a·,' .:a··.~:. t.~a· m. _ ....... ··:rh· .. e· ·ge' n~r;I · : .. T.he:.-'G:ldes stan.d.· 9~7.· c,:Ve.r.al.1, b.ut ··-.:wit.ii .,.·.,_-r_iuit.1.1.y· n. o· Cxp· Cric-Occ.-=out·-··or.:- · · : · · - .· · - · -- · -. - : · ·'"· · , , ._ ·. ·d· · ', 0· ·-, · r. . · i .... ., - - ·cai.-.:i_nd··ca~ncit-.VotC. in _·c_lei:tLOns/'-Galindo.·e.".(pla1nst 'mo·~t-stu ents.. on~- ~no,.,._.

    : .·.:-·,o.nCensu~·- a'ffiOng'_ · pla·ye,S·: 'afterward , the·. rc,Ord·:. is -nii~te3di0l When _.·you .-.hi"g~ ··schob1;·-on1y has" l°a- ·fir~t unit. ha> been - · · 1 • • · -.:::'..""--~ --------~-.- -----~ -- - - -,--Lcc-of-t-1LS,-\C_v.hilc-\J.n\'forth is. __ ~-- mo\l.ing down ·1hc oppositior:i Hand 'n · - , ·- h R d 1, f ·

    - ~- ;;1··,,~·-~:'ti4-I,-: ... ~: !·· campus.· .. wilt·_. be: · ·by. 0.bav1ng;· ,,.:r: .. m~n.datOrY~1ype·· asSCmblles a·r ·,a1iies·"· . ·

    'shop aro_und. The. Padre Hotel has on'c ... light bulos would :turn .. the cocktail big advantage over the .Fedway ._;_·· it . lo~ngec into.·a. suitable library - Gc;,d

    . . . l . '-. . .· .--

    _ BY JOHN:BRYAN '· RiP,_~PQrl$ _Ed1i(?,- ·

    .·. ·.·. . . ...... ,,·.. ·.· iced away' ·•(,vhlch'h ... a.s ye. t to.happ'c. n) _o_r we arc so . '.'Attcniion Dcpart,;.,c11C~f ,Fish and Game:.1.t·

    . has come to oiir allention that yet another spe'cies . . ·.far. behind 'that ~cyrn the•. Los. Angeles. L~kers • . . .. . .. . . . . . . ···,o'~\dn.'twin i_l. . ofanimals.is in··dangcr,ofcxtincti,in. That aniri1al is ' · ·· ···. ·

    · · · · . 1 t is no1 my op moon that the Renegade bench .is the Si(tis on Glutius Maximus, or the Bakersficlil · · · · · · ·

    · · · · · · · · · · · · . the bii,.t .iri ... thc -~1ct.,orolfta. n Conferc11q:.-.But. it is· .. '· ·. CoH.cge. bis.kctba II SU bsl iti.Jlc.:· .·. . . . f · · .·.·. . 'nbl1hc .. worsi c,ih'c.L As a rria(tc( or fact, 1hree: o .. ···.

    s. u .. ch .. might·.·.,.rcad_ .a .. le. t_t.c.r. very. soo_ n .. •.a.s it :'is: ~ ,. ·· · - · · · - ·· ·f ,.· .· '_ ."if,:c, Loggers·;. as .they,are:'tal\ed" ,,.c.r~c::stars, rom·

    . -.- ·=~·

    ...... -·. bci:oriing a widely accepted iipiniqn.that Renegade: .

    '-'---'-"-....-·-----.·· B.;sk~ll,.ilH:'ojch'Bili;cNclsoii'is"uneduc:ited-in'lhe '. . iJieii11revious basketb•tll exp,erience. '• ·c..· =·-=·-· ~-----',--. finirr

    .. · .. ·· · · · · · · · · · · ·· · · . _":Foothill iri tiolh his junior and s.crnor yea.rs._..... . .. . . ..... •. · .i bail_.co,1d1 · iri :all ·other respects: As·.a matter. of. .. · .. ·. . · · · · · · · · .. · · · · · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ~/ ~.·~·.:.... .. r ... al~townscn.\1:c average .. d ·:36. -P~int.s_per ga.'!'.~·.·-/_'· •. :.;_·"··.·' .

    -._- ·.·'· .. ~ .. :. ""f;.a'cr·hc\i,;,-o.'i,c-of.niy . .iJl'"'tln1.c'.·.ra,. 'oriu!s. ::1-:teCrates .:--- ··.·-:: · .... · · · ·" · · • ·d· I · · d · · · · · · .. ·· · · · ·. · ... .. ·· · · ·· ·, -. · · · · · · · • ... · ... • .'•while. :t,(.the Army aiid;it is a .. ,\\''. c.y ac_cc .. p,~~ -,..e1ther r.ouled out or._gctshurL .. , : . ·.· cl. ·,: . ·,, f.·• .· · ·1· h' ·. ·' hard\y·sta.na up· .. · .. · · ·· · · · · · · · ... ·· ' · d · woul play a ,ve .untr . l cy can. . . . . . . · .. ·.·:Aild .. in. thc·cvcnt a:. P.layer ·gets m uncr ·,· · · .·.: : .. h· · .. •· .. ·· .. f.· -1 ·h·a·t .. C:oachN. ·c.\so.·n .· .-: ·· ·. -~ - · · · - ··· · --- · - ,-·, · - -- ... --. .-And· 1t.·1s-.rat er-a-curious ac, ~ .. _ .

    C11 cum,1.incc, 01her th_Jn the above mentioned, II .: •. · .. - . I • .. - , •. ·.· ·1""' f the facl'i.hat he has . . . .· ... , . ·' . .· '. ·.. . . w,l\.\cave.a p ayer..m m sp, c.o . . .. . . .· • i'> 111·.the IJSt .l_\~'O n11nu1cs y.•hcn the g.amc 1s. either . · -. -_ _ -_. ·k· . h - ··- n·-do·,ng ·c·alculus . · · · - - · made more·m,sta est an a.moro. . . ___ . __ .. - . -,· - - . ; . - . . .

    · ·--d~·ring··_.·t.he ... ~c1iction:· .. ·T~_Ci:ti~~ · s)ot:~ __ .._ alread_y has an on-sale liquor l1_cen,e. ·.k~ows'it's.quiet.·enough:· Even Spartacus · would be . similar ;.J.a._!J,at ·. of:'·'i >'. · ·• . • LA RR.Y .GALIN DO_· .

    . - -,O;~~cZl.t"io!)_-sct~-up_:'.:· . -. . _ ; ·. AS0}i;e_~id.c-nt_-- ,-~- _--: 'stUdcrils c.i~· bC -sde·~-·c~·~i~·-5-;turd~}'.· ·: ncm $tofi;s.->· . - - .

    :-: ··_( (v~nt ·w- ·be-1.hOUihl .: of ·:as. th"e_ p_i'esid~nt- who ·.brOught: things_·- ioic~hCr/: _.hC· :-~-~ ~ ~(2_p,rj,~ ~n -~h~nrl~1'.2.9}\V\tt:t. the_·~-~~- _ _ · Thc~·progr:ar.i_ -~?·.-s_tari~d->"h~~~ ·:th.e:: -. . . . . ~Xpla~inS': With an.·iri.xlo_~s.·."1~ok.:=A-gr~d~it~~or- i:aS_t_-Hi&t .. .-. L~i-r~ ... h.a_i ... b~·cri· alt_iy.c._~_in-. ''C:_ of 11ikC. to"ie\·~·~nc·'h~·-.·(oITlmCnfatO_r:ror·_.,.·:_.~_-.' f cdtral · Communi_cations CommissiOn- :- -

    ~---- --;_--~ -- -·· ·\-{Lfde"rlt_'g!?v·c·r~rne~lSiO~c-&,arrlhiir:SJllo01 ··a-rid-ho'pC~_-l9~-~~ ari~.refi:o-.~~~J;cc~ _J·nd :lf:icn. - ; ,: _ J ourn-.iii,:~-~ ·0~p;~1~,c~l,:- :ab_~~t"~.:. ieO: . ~:.bro"adcaStirig ti me ·.-tO. uit";~-3f their own· ~.: .... · tf'y iO a_CC~~pli~h ii}t - . '(.. . ··_ . --~ - .-_.. . :/ -- .: .;. ·: -~··StUdC.ntS- fr~ffi ·rhc·jou_~n?11Sm .. 3';clasf·~·- -~--d.ic-fs.o.n.i·- FOi~·y,': . ....;hci':. hid /;i1w.iY.s -~

    .. ~ -· - .- .. -. :.- ... ,.-:.-._.. . _.:: _._.~~--: -,i"a~t1~:= '~'.:p·r~~~.i~'-_.Si.mi1J_r·-:lo:_-.1~i-~.,:-:· ~ . . _ _ ... - .-.-·--.. . , ---_·rcccl,,cd:.a"Pproval ·.from._Gcne-Dc11a~1,,~-- .--· --- ·· ---- ·- -~~~- Fae: u It y---:a·s so~ i at i.'o r,:_-~s a·.L .rea I it·y· ... _~:~~-1:g~~~ m~-~a-~~: a~~:_w~~~~~ ;·~w~~ _:

    ·. ·- :.The Journalism·-} Sll!Ocnts .v.'Ork1ng · . _ ·With .. ' ~·tht. ·::: ;tµde~1:· -~- p~hducC~/. ---_ErtC.

    .· .. · t:iY RICHARD HUTTON - ~Srieu,,;;,n, choose news iiorie"s ttiey :: -~~ i,;p-~tari. Wri1e~:. ~ t.liiOk_ bes·t .... 'iOd _-·co-~Pi1c:-,oo-r:'~~- (itc

    . _ · .· · .:;· . - ::~ ,~day-;_:.or·_·n_e-~·-rc·p-6ris)'n"to··a· 0·_1:i~ui .. -~\3riy·~: ,StUden1s·: a1 - _BakersliCid .. 1hr:o·ugh.Out:·-· 1 hC ~ si"at-e _:have .. bCco'~c .-. . .;1 lic-'ni:&oti,rlion· .-~r· ;alJ.iics· ·ari(r the . -show;· :Alo-~&_ -~~iih_. br~JdC2-st\ng :'the_·-~· ·_

    . '.: 9='~e;e~:~-~~~ f~:s~rR~js~~. t,~-.. !e~.r~,. 1_~:a1 :-~~_-' -... _.-q~itC_ ~tfo.ng_ _ . -_ , - - ., ~~~~lizaI j~~- o·f·~ {e~~-hi~g·_l~~ds -.~rh~IPs : . -~C·.vS, _ ihe "Sluderis herp'-· in- .:t~c!Tli~lg, -- :-_ ·t _-- ·-. the_r~-.1s.f~uch ~a, t~iflg:,a_s_: a-;-f.a.7ulty-:- :..-=.- = , A rctcvaot example of- this ma Y be - - -~ -are the-: gr.c-.itest functional Concerns of-=--- -. reWTit(n"g;:···Jnd ·:~s.h_oc1enirlg-:'1h-e:·i~tua_l,

    · the Fcd\vay? Why not the Federal·. Buildin·g? The County Couit House? The .. buildinis tbat houses the Cuc. Ball.? ...

    IZ. ""1' _· ;. . -·- .... _ -- .. ·_ .·_---- - d'. sure tomcc1 up~.,.H - u y_ 1uert_a._o._ ... ,_·· , _____ _ t __ , f90t~: _ }~~~_r1~d _. u:~1.~ ~-~_s .. ~!en?&~ . a·_ · ,mp~~i~11~Va11~~~n~_Tor{l ~Yi~t~~ ~f ~ ~~~--~;::-;:· ;.,·-:~·~: ·-" ... ' .. ·~··.,.....-~-~~~-~-~~~-..;.,...._. ...... - ...... --~--~---,

    · ·· · ~ a~s_oCi_ 1he ;--~ PfOd.~c:rior{:-~ -a~r:id- · : _ - . - _ - . - ~; . - h I lb. · 8·c - · ..... & - --· •• ~:!~· - · . . _':_i reCe.i're·· ... ··~·hCn~- ..... ;~·u . .::_ ask-.'.":~.si a.ny~ _._. -tJCC .arc·unbc-a.tcn ~n.d_.un_ll~d: · - -'.. ~{c:i··cfln~_:1~·c =Jc}~g.i'tiO:~: r~_ c.i'1;f01y. _.-. : .-. t\i_~l~·'.it';~ · al°! '.~~:ei, ·.· ~PrutLcnccut~i':. ctrc· -Ro,;·_--Hc:..iih. -( 118) .- ·,..T olly.--·Scr(os ----


    -Mini, Fligh_t~ tO _Chooie J:ro._m , . .·'· SAMRLE FARES:·.,·• · ..

    ·LO~DoN· ~ '$269 · - _ _.-.: : . .:_< •· .. -'._ R_oun-dUip:

    .. LONDON\;~;.;-$129 ·· - , .., .... -, _---one WiY

    - : .- --~-Colle&~ - F3.c'u_1i·Y. -·.A.-S50CiJtiOn --an Cr 'its·"- ... ~~lle_X(\·Car ~- Of :co·u--rse:·:·r'1~- ~s~o_C~~19·n.: iOii ~Of "1hc ~ BoJ.rd. o_r: ·. . _'- -'will. :- .l!IJ~e.~ ... ~·c_~;-· _tO "'.~ s_~_y_-~· .th~ -~ (i~~I . . .·' thf! .: ~9py_-_ _. ~qµ_J.lly _·;· btl\l.:een .. ~ tti~-~ •. ~ : ·~:,_·.:,: ·-.· .·· -·-,· .•.... P, .•. :.·:. ._:.,--_Yes,· it';_.:~~-~; ~ .~.:2un 8s. on. iSsu~t.b.~~ .. JjjjD)l9~rc:~.-~-~..:.- ,-__.~.n~r"~.f~(t~z_!P_Pcii .. ~ ... 1~~.Jte'-'~1~~~-~~..;__c ;.,.::..·.:. .. ~c-~rry[l~~ iii£!t.i2~ :;{ ~r-~! Q!t }o_o, _:~QQ_· .. ~~: .:,.,. a_·rruiid1e.-ma'n.. bc-t~cCn~ F_O!~~·;_ar\d ~~~~e ;;__~~~j-'_£1~0 Jit_~.,._..~l?~m.£ ~-~2.!fl.!i-C ,.-~_..,_d_tl~ ~ ~L~P~l·.fu-_ POJ..~~: ()~~-~; ~r ·-- . -- --~.

    · - ~i~s--~y Pi~Lic~li.r_l_y 1cC_ep_1i,;e ·fic1:Jlty ~·.: _: ·.T~_e ._:,~r~lliz~tio_n'. . ,a.l_SO: .- in_cl~.d~-·-_ . ' .. f:OOper~ti~n:· Concci~ably; -.-~i·t could .-: . colle'ge '!i~uderits, hclpi~g- to sn,"ooth _. .· --: b_uit_9ing be~~ a_rl :e_:~.'1~~si~1_1 o_f ·th_c_· ·. · ·- ~~-) 22 ~1u1ents·'!_"'~iTe_9_4._fe.lt av~~l~b_le _4 - • j_·: ·we've go,t'o-go 10.gc1-th.cie--in,1hc . M:,yboi!S (_167);.

    · ~t..a1C toUf~.iincnL" . - - .- -~1iiu-cl _>A~itiJ f_l7/} .' aod JO~n_ - < PrutlCmcuter ,;ill bc"-.~~d)ri~ 'J:.~~ . 0(JmPbcll a'E hcJ.V)'.\lr--Cigh1.

    . . ·' ~ - -

    . ,: :_._~-,~~--

    ' .


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    · Ferd Lewis··:_· .: · · ·-· · ··· - ' ·AwtalrMcTaggarf: ' · Pete Ilt'Mmond Ri,beri Kirsch

    ..:- .. . . Craig Medvigy . . . . Debbie Ftrgu5?n . .:,..;......._ ____ _ ·--· _·_Ken McGee...:_~~~-· _· -----·'----·-Alison Mundy·--- . ____ · -- .. .. ~-. --· -. · John Bry~n . . . . ,.,p v..

    .· ..... · ..... ·. . . I ... . . ·.. . ... : ; .·. . ... . Unsigned opinions e~pressed in this column represent a majority view of the Rip. . •. {; -

    . .. •.

    We're the boss• ·'

    Our owh ·boss . I

    '-': - .

    , . . ·we u~detsiand .that one of our ·local ra' .-'unarmed 'in ~he sen'se. thai.we .have l)een givenno advertise on ou.r pages. .. . . . . -

    reason to· 'p'i:ibl.iciz_ .. e th. ·e • Pistof·.Club o·t. her_thaq rn .. ·• .. -\'Je:·are not· i{ih_c_· : . .tu,si.n~\~ .. o .. r .. _c_rcat.ing •. an .ima. i:,e ... : .. _. · _ . . . ... . . :.. . ... ·. di,,;:>'·'.'.:=' ~, ..... > :. ,-:. · .. ,,',~; . prih.i the ri~ws rclca-scs \hat~ifasks u·s to_priin: The ~·...,>: ,for ,-th~: col leg~. : The. college- has . a .• PuliJ1c': . . '"THE: NEXr 1)1~:,~g:a= D\.t1IJJESS:fS·Ra'AW.S' ' .- ..

    i: rcaii~c ~cwip'a~m)lirive on _ihe · ,peclacuiar and th·c >,, ". h'.,c·h · 'rJrm"n·ofkCrs · .. ari·d - had· "any JctUal · .- · · · · · · ·· ..... ,· d.

    '-' n I J .. ' ' - - • pattern_. of - "thrcatCn_ing" word~ -:an , · . \Vas to.catcd O~ --the: fr"o;{r page Of._'9ur ·. knO\' .. ~lc~gc ~ . .-0 f -thC ·.UF\VOc-,.. the~. f1C- ·. acrfOns-- by larg~ grouPs of pick.cts ~~r-y -·

    --11t,-;..,.:,papl't, ;. ~d~ ~ ffi~ ."· ·..,_n_d· t ·m · ;sure . ,\;o-ufd _ riot' con fin.Uc 10~.-dCf c'nd .. Cc Sar f c\.,, of ~ ~·hon1 "·ere :f rOm-: th.C area. rn.any··.o.1h_"cr~ .. studcn'i.s.:~t~k. c;1·0.u"ih:10 .·· · .. EtiJv~l·_·-~Hicl·,_his

  • . :bi .. ______ _;__ ---· . - :..

    . -·~ ·-.---.

    . . . . ..

    . --·---~ ~-· ----- .--~ ·---·--·-. RENEGADE RII'

    ' I

    '..JANUARY 14, 1_9i2 ·-. ~.--·· _- .- . -: ,. __ · _ _c_ _______ .. __ _


    . ' ·'.,.

    ., . .1.

    .·, . . . ,. .. . - . . -. _______ ____,_ ______ _ I~\:_• {


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    ·- ... '·~:.--. -~·i·/ __ (-~_-;i:::_:.~~.-;i:..:., ... _/' ·- ·-

    ; ' ""_ .. ,. . "'I . . ... . ..... _. .. ;

    - --~. . .. -


    - ·---, . ..... . • ......:~ ..

    . . --,(

    Popcorn a'nd 'pop porn' go·

    . ---· .. . . • '• .' ~-; L ..,.:, ':· ,•" •~• •; .... • • • • • • • • •. ' ·· .. •· ·. --._~·.r- •··-0.·~·---..-- ..

    ~-~--- -- :·c~:-:·:_~----· _· '. - __ -._-_-_ .--'. --~_-··-.. -: ·--·i-· _;..;;_·;. _ ___,__· .. _·_-. RIP PHOTQ$--7'B'{ -BEN ·. OUR HAM : .

    Storyby·FE_RD -·LEWIS_

    ·. · .. -- ' :-_;~:::· "(_ .. ·' . -·_-: .. . ·.· . .. . . . . - ··. -. .

    ·:.:....;c._, "lei rily_ ·next·_ moYlc:'y..-e -Won··t·

    h~\-C .1nY. ·yi~l~~,-c.- p·cirii_Jg,,·i°ph-,/ or-:-_:-.·Pcr-~-c-r~ton: ·"~·hich mc.!ns~We·11 ·tiaVt"':·-...

    . . ; . -· •. . . . . . . . -. ,~ -t6.~cH a lot of popcorn"·-'·:~_,;.,·:;;.f·,.-

    . . . BOB HOPE._· '


    -~... _ _ __ . _ _. _ _ • Some people say -it's ··.easier ,to' find ''pop . . companies;· E_lscwh:c,e he has io. cope . with _

    -' -~--'",~:,t~~-~--::::~;~~-' -:s~~i?;i'~:~ ~--- --, __ -., ___ :. '.p0T;:~:~~~::~o~llit~J-~~~t:v.'.:J h~sc.days. ___ :_~-,~.-. _ ;{~~~g0,;,~ :1:;,-c~~m~~1i1cy: _i_n. ih_e. ray·_ of __ .:, ___ c.:-~---. . ~-:{? :,cVl. . ~eccntly here_ in Bakersfield; ·on[yJ,vo-of . . . '".I won'_t run the skinJlicks\and ihe movie . -


    - .-. ---------- ,.

    -.-. -::-· ____ .,.- - .

    . ,_._,_ .. _

    0 --

    . . :..,.,t1hoo t )'xef tocrs'R~ ~ a tutr_cp c foi I ms_ \hvh i cl i1A iddn 't b ~ ar . . 'fc .• ol m.lllsf!ansfae~) hteh coynes t,hl_ la thal na le nios t oL the . --~ __ · _·. '.;::.j_.-.~.:-··_.:'._;_·-:r:·· __ '_'_·_;:_:·:;·-·._.·_·:·.·· _·, >.-. ·. _r ._ ra_.1ng. · net ea_er,/_: rlV~:111;,' . i;: . __ :- ( _' ..... : "W0I_,._· paCC;'· US. 1_0_ an :.

    . switched o_ver the following-week.· ·s: : ... _ ,_ ·. _.-_.uncoppcrat,v_e ·niche, and that· can hurt: ,,-",,· ..

    .. . . -·-·---··

    _ .. Ti,;:otncrrthe.Tejoo; continued its policy ·_ \yhen:it comes time to-buy movies ttie'y(the · fr;,-.,£:-,c:,c ,. · \,f ''no *orR raicci'films." - . ' _ 'c'ompinfes) can say _'unless ·you co_oper.ite _.

    Why? ; then vie can't. sell you pick:'n ctioosc movie;•.. · .. "Well," •reasons, thiatcr -'o>Vncrs ' j~seph . }hey dqn't b-othef ·10 go and pui -it i11.writing, ..

    . . Lemucchi, "it's hard for. some pehplc•to !>~tit\stillthcsam('-'- : · .. ·_ · :' _- < . under'stan.d;.but j run my th.eater like I . r~n · . i "It's pressure' , : . pressure _ :: pressure and -my qwn-hoiisc, Fdon'(stiow-:anyihing tllaiT . · it's getting worse." ... ·. __ -_ . - - ~ . -__ would_ri't shC>w.niy ;hildren, and tl)ai lnclud-~s :; . \ "They a~k rrie ho'w 2ornc I don;t ,want'to Xand Rratecl movies.'; : ___ :;, . - , - •. _·_· ,'.' show 1h:~ir moyie{ andTII tell 'emit'.; like , .-The· manager of another moVic:hoilse who · fii[i'og a p,;;stifiifcto oal>y sir y,iih._kiiK"~- .· · ·

    . ·wished tiJ r.emain tinnarnccl, ass~rted;IL;ok; if >': .-. ''Su_rn.it 's tough; darn'~ tciugk for us to stay the peopte,didn't want to .sec what''.-we'rc: .····- ,.'. _,in,busine~s and keep from losing our ~ear:'.Just _.·

    '.: ciffcrinf Jii"riJ_" a theater iri Frcs~o : . _ .. _. _ __ · -· .' -- ·;__·__: •. We'r:e just giving them· what _thci _1vant, And,_.:;_--:_-:· / ?Pcncd"c~u_p ~ fan1ily,-styJ(- 1~ilt,. ~atµrcii'y~~- .• -~ -·

    · ·.. - , if' thatc includCS_c ~C-and, X ~fated fifms·: tlicn cc-c •. ---~-":at ~necs·l_or.chddr_Cl\=:JUSt..iik'c::µs .;:_: bu.t,th · . ·. ~ :-.:.._: -~ths1t!f:. whit-·wc'.II -gi,c-c'em.·:Wc'ie -~-jus't ':in. ·. -:~·,: >guywas_only' taking· in,$ lO_arid:$_(fdollars a_•~--~-.· · business like cverybody_;clsc._-,-c t6cmake .. ,. _day·s,ci.he wenrx--::-:m-d--:R.a~d-,s;st,11--.-~

    -mOhcy~" _ · ··.· -, · ·.·.:~ __ · .. -.'.. bu.siriesS."···' . . .. - Leinu_i:c_hi_~ocsn't see itfh.it ,v;iy /;: .. .. "- - -(Nandilism . to the c tun~ :;;-r·:.$2 000 .. :,__.

    : •• :.. • ,:::-__. 0.:..~_::~_S_ure,...._\vC:re;.;likC:01heC.:,6i.tsi~'cssfocn;(-;c--·- -,-cc .• ~)c1.00~;a__y~j~st 'ti, s~~is, mak'es· ,c;,e feel .like'-

    . .. , - : _ _- ·_trying td make _a' living,-"·Leniucchi_'.retcirt_s; . . I_ h~ve -to .)]it_ the .bottle on: f'riday night -,o -. -,. ''but :ie aren'Latiout to. showianything that:._ relax._ I calt'Friday my ulcer 'night.'.' . . ·.- .·

    , we wouldn't feel proud o(sho,.;ing.''. . : : , ._·· · ·. - ';8ci§wc 'are trying to giv~ kids sdmepfac~

    ._._-. ___ --.-· ~-,·_·pi:'a'_·,l __ cen'mt ____ su.· __ '_I_·1hoin's __ c-~_rosl·.-.· .• c_.nY __ -_'t.~ho_S'_--K"se:,"ni_n_-'c __ iioaurtn;:try;;:o __ ._·_mmo_vh ___ 1ie;c_'.-.: . i_o go in; tbwn for deceni-ent~jiairinien·t ai a • . . ~ c c reai~na,blc"-pricc where t'tieir parents cin fee(

    _ ' - business. From a $ 75 doll a{ investmcni his' ihc: 1Yelfare of tn,ccchild is' befog.witched ·~~t / parents started in 1923 with little more th·a~ i{ · .for, arid. we hav( to Ju(.up_ with: .iJI this f _ -,-- P[Ojcctor:: and some scats and latcr(~wnetn, top ldt, mal ~-

    . . - . . - . . --- . -. '- - .

    . . . PIIASI IHJlli-llTli .' , ---- - --- -------'------------


    •, . .

    · ·; JAN U,-\RY M, 1972 RENF.GADF. RIP- PAGE 5. I. !

    . - . .. . ·, ·-··- ..

    -·--·-----·-----·-------· -----ns \\'(i1ei .;·_· =--"-~-'----'-~-~ --::----,..;-~-

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    C_alifornia Blood Bank foundation 2014 L- Street

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    ' I

    325-5834 Call for appointment

    ·----~---------- --------

    ·.-, -

    :--.:-.-.:. ·-

    · __ BC gu~rd Mondo Go~les; hidden by a Pierce playe~; comes up about· two · · feet short trying to b[ock this shoL Mondo did manage·i\, lead the 'Gades. past Pierce with his playmaking"ability an

    . ·. iv~tchi~g Bob Pa,{ergo i.n


    Giap:plers a1one ·:·-·· .. -:t" :··. a·-;__;:. __ -~~ -.


    - - ....

    ·- RipSporis \Vriter ·,:·'.· ~:·· : ..

    i John . Wooden;.· you _ -__ ha'!e .. a near~st -:.competitor( Diablo • Valley, - .--a.lth.ou&h: he pi_nii'cct'°+faz~) ,·cariier \1 :_ ·_ - ,>ympathis.;r:.:in __ :Bakcrsf.ield: Br~ce" .which gatherc·d so.: -. - '.:: : : -.. ·.·. . : 2:08 .. - .. ~; :.· _·, ~ .· _·. -,·--- - . - . . .

    - : Pftitzcrirc:utcr;· .· wrestling : coach: ·_at . : :~c~d? i~~.c~;ir~- li~e; did1·cil ~~ - · ·Padilla; who. along ·w.iih Little; was·· . . Bakersfield·· College,: ha, thjt :same .. "i=!c;no.:LJ;ry_: Li[tle_.(i42)\1nd ~ta;k one· of itieAO unbeaten iri,:J:unii~d-·

    ~--·-·_. p~9_i,laii yo_iJ have; . . . - Padilla : ,{f 9Q) . claimed. •-i~dividu~I - -- ·rhatmc~· in .the ·state,: dcc.ision~d 'P~ul.

    .. ; :_: .: . '_.: ·. :· ·:.,~}..:. I•· 1, •:

    . .. •.

    · It's open to)ebate who h~d th~ most moves, i~~:Dn~:~~;~; ~;~:waii, ;~;,~~L~1:~;er-s:~~~e baske·t~al; t~m. TI!~~ is. i. : . howe\·er. debate c~"nceming ~h~se rilo,es were the most appreciated. Hilo cheerleaders put on a' iiair:hour hula perfonn~nce .

    . - . • . . . ~ . . . , I ...._ . . . . .

    . at ~alfrime of Wednesday's BC-Hilo basketball game. . : --c----1_' ··. ·_ . : . . .. · · ·' · • _ .

    _- p~ 0 t OS l:f f~A N:Nv·,~s:V;-A.-R Ts'-.

    ·. - ,

    : Hh .. team is No. 1 ,vith 'no where" to ... championships; while :Bill .V.1n Worth ·:. Friiz "or'Footh.ili to ,'.,,in .. thc FSC ti tie: __ 89 b_uruo\~n.:, j :· i . _ ... ., sc·u,ca for s.ccond i~, tnc: untfmitcd:- :.Lii11c tool_ro-ur:ctctisio.ns en r~utc-1_··~;.!.., ... ~:-;._·'._:__ .-· --~· '--;·- ..-: ..-:_,-;::-~·-2:.~(!1>;:~~~~··t~:---

    i ; .

    . ... -- ' - .

    , ; ''.~~t1~~,~~i·Ji~~s~~~~:1±c: '.; , ·Da\·e Fairington(l4),:1im.Thomas{13) -~- • _ _

    ----arid-Jim cSwa rbrick-(-13,)· lool(-:"(ln:" Be..:.·--~ -~--woti; 87.:.. 68.i . - ·.· - - ;· -·- ·.:.. ·.


    ·-. . ... . . . . -- ... _..,.... ~ -:--~~-··---~-'"""~----- ...:--:- _,,

    "The Advent 20leasily met its speci· -· es~iaiJy/.;.,ith .. the !in~t .playback. ! -ficatio~ and· established itself-at arnpfifiers ·and speakers,. was lite.rally.

    . -Jeast !cir now-as the best cassette awesome, as 'li\"aS the .total absence of -----~r~er;.,;e know Qf.;.--:-·..:.:-·--f---"~ oiothcr.~ac}cg~und.~o;~--:.:.-::. .::.~

    ult is d:ifficult to remain our enthu· . ·:s rizmg, ilie Advent 201 is a -----~ -,~r the .Advent 201.-Toe urut--~pc d -fofsuperliiiveciuaJiiy~ltls--:-

    ~ came,wiilia ~ti6n tapethat.. .. dime lt to,imagine how its~onic: . had 6ee.n dubbed onto Crolyn tape by -perfC>rmance could be substantially that specific machine from a Dolby . improved .. ; !his is the one that seta . uA_" masf:er tape. The sound.qua]ity, . the standard for--cassette recorders."-_-.

    We d~'t u,ually get ~i.ed away tcilh equ}pment reviews, but this on.e's as -differtn.t a.s it sounds.· We urge you lo C01711! in an.d put Advent)_ am.c;zing _~ . oa..sU! tte machine ·to your own ml ica1 w ten in tat: -

    ~ BARERSPigLD ~AUDIO_'. · -a.h 2530FSf -~ BAKERSFIELD

    _______ 327-2125 ·-·--·-

    -- .... - ·---_-...


    - . ·. . . . _· - -.:-_. --·. ·-- -.. ·. ; ... - .

    - -:- . . -.

    -·------- -·- -...... -...-... ~ ----- - .. -

    ~- ....

    - - . -...-~ :_ -.~-;;~ :. .. :~~---~-~~ ;~-:.--:..._~;~:".:;..:;.t,; ,:2 ; :,;,.,:.:.J~~-i£;;-~( ,, -~ ·. ~- i ~.-/: ~~ ~ ~··;:{-"" :~- ;-; :.:~ -~ -. ', ~-i;~~~~;:.£~:;,,._~J .. ,M•